#there’s not enough weed in the world for me to last an hour vs a couple of days
nuthin-up-my-sleeve · 7 months
Wife is going to the beach for a few days and asked if I wanted to come down too. Oh no fucking way! Her parents and her sister cooped up in a condo. Hard pass. Nope!
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barkingangelbaby · 4 months
fuck it, sad boy hours
I often think about how my parents lived in a mostly analogue world and how much things have changed since they passed. (also the connotation of "passed" vs "died". died is so much harder for me to type). like. they didn't see technology with touch screens. the other day I realized they never had a dab (god I wish I could smoke a dab for them rn. someone please smoke weed for my mom and dad). would they be vaping now or still smoking their marlboros? (and how mad would dad be if he knew I bit my nails every day, just like him?)
2003 and 2008 are so foreign now. how has it been two entire decades since I last saw my mom? how has it been fifteen years since I kissed my dad goodbye? (I miss you I miss you I miss you i miss you i miss you i miss you i miss you i miss you I miss you I miss uoj I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you)
I wish I could show you my new favorite music. I wish you could listen to your favorites. I wish I had been old enough to remember more of you. I wish I knew you. I wish you knew me. I wish I could be more like you. I hope I have the good parts of you. I hope the bad parts of me were also part of you. I really hope we're able to be together again. I desperately want to be with you again. it's an empty and hopeless thought, though. I hope you're with me right now, listening to PUP while I shed some tears for you. I visited your grave in november. I'm sorry it had been so long. I sang 311 to you and played some of their newer music. I wonder what you'd think of it. I have a feeling you wouldn't like it much.
I wish I could sing with you. I wish I remembered your voices. I wish I remembered what your hugs felt like. it's been a very hard life without you. it feels so empty sometimes. it feels so dark sometimes. but I will keep breathing, if not for me, for the two of you. I haven't relapsed since I was 23. can you believe that? I'm almost 27 now. it's scary to be so close to outliving you, mom. it's scary to be the age you were when you got sick. I have a really nice dermatologist, though. all my biopsies have been benign so far. I think I look more like you every year. I hope so, at least.
I'm trying my best. I want to be better for you. I want to live life because you're not able to. I'm sorry that I'm not better. I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you i love you i love you I love you
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thelastchair · 3 years
Powder Magazine
(Written by Sam Cox - December 28, 2020)
Growing up in Montana, my winter free time was consumed by skiing. Big Sky was the destination when I was barely old enough to walk. Eventually we made the move to Bozeman and Bridger Bowl became my second home. During the early years, my family made the trek to a handful of Warren Miller movies when they were on tour in the fall and Snow Country was the magazine subscription that landed on the coffee table. I was vaguely aware of Jackson Hole, Snowbird and Squaw Valley and my father would occasionally regale me with tales of skiing (read Après) in Germany when he was in the Army. At some level, I already understood that there was something special about Bridger, but realistically, my sphere of outside influence was quite small. Christmas of 1989 turned my entire world upside down. My aunt and uncle are longtime Salt Lake City residents and Brighton skiers. Typically they would send a package each year with the customary cookies, toffee and a card. However, this year they sent two VHS tapes and a magazine - Ski Time, Blizzard of Aahhh’s and a copy of Powder. Things would never be the same for me. Scot Schmidt became my hero, Greg Stump was taking skiing into uncharted territory and above it all, Powder created an eloquent voice for our sport and was the fabric that held things together. Even at my young age, everything that I’d intuitively sensed before was distilled into a potent desire to devote myself to the simple pursuit of being a skier.
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Johan Jonsson, Engelberg, Switzerland - Photo: Mattias Fredriksson/POWDER
Powder was founded in Sun Valley by the Moe brothers in 1972 as an annual portfolio of The Other Ski Experience. After several years of running the magazine, Jake and David Moe sold Powder to the owner of Surfer Magazine. A repurposed aircraft hangar in San Juan Capistrano became the new home of skiing’s most prestigious publication. Over time, there was an ebb and flow to the size of staff and cast of characters, each person leaving their unique mark. For decades Powder weathered corporate acquisitions, office relocations and the constant metamorphosis of the ski industry - never losing its voice, Powder remained the benchmark. It was a source of creativity, inspiration and a defacto annal of history. For many it was also a shining beacon, a glimpse into a world filled with deep turns and iconic destinations - even if this world could only be inhabited inside the constructs of your imagination.
My story and the impact Powder had on the direction I would take is hardly unique. The magazine left an indelible impression on countless skiers. When the news broke this fall that operations were being suspended indefinitely, a heartbroken community took to social media to pay homage to the magazine and how it changed their lives and in some cases, careers. This is my version of a tribute and it’s definitely not perfect. In order to gain some perspective, I reached out to former staff members - a collective I admire and respect. It’s an attempt to articulate the essence of Powder, capture its influence on the skiing landscape and give credit to the people who made it come to life. 
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Bernie Rosow, Mammoth Mountain, CA - Photo: Christian Pondella/POWDER
HANS LUDWIG - The Jaded Local
“Skiing has always been really tribal and one of the last vestiges of having an oral history. Powder was a unique concept, because they weren’t really concerned with the family market. They were just concerned about being really into skiing. Growing up in Colorado and skiing moguls, my coaches Robert and Roger were featured in the early Greg Stump films. Being in their orbit, I knew a little bit about skiing culture and what was going on out there, but didn’t have the whole picture. The Stump films resonated with me, but Ski/Skiing Magazines didn’t really do it for me. Powder was the door that opened things culturally, it was the only entry point before Blizzard of Aahhh’s.”
“Something that nobody gives Powder credit for, is sponsoring the Greg Stump, TGR and MSP movies and giving them full support right from their inception. It legitimized those companies and helped them become one of the catalysts for change and evolution in skiing. Ultimately this change would have happened, but at a much slower pace without the support of Powder. Getting support from Powder meant they’d weeded out the posers and kooks and what they were backing wasn’t something or someone that was “aspiring” they were a cut above.”
“Powder brought a lot of things into the mainstream, raised awareness and helped to legitimize them: Jean-Marc Boivin, Patrick Vallencant, Pierre Tardivel, telemarking, monoskiing, snowboarding, the JHAF, Chamonix, La Grave, Mikaela Shiffrin, fat skis pre McConkey, skiing in South America….the list goes on.”
“I had some rowdy trips with Powder. Writing “Lost In America,” I went Utah-Montana-Fernie-Banff-Revelstoke via pickup truck, only backcountry skiing and camping in the mud. It was a month plus. I did another month plus in Nevada, which was after back to back Jackson and Silverton. Total time was two plus months. That was fucked up, I was super loose after that whole thing. So many sketchy days with total strangers”
“People forget that Powder was around long before the advent of the fucking pro skier. Starting in 1996, the magazine was in the impact zone of the ski industrial complex. There is limited space for content each season. It was a challenge to balance the pressure coming from the athletes and brands to cover something that was going to make them money vs. staying true to the Moe brothers original intent and profiling an eccentric skier, a unique location or even fucking ski racing.”
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Full Circle - Photo: MJ Carroll
“When I was young, Ski/Skiing didn’t do anything for my spirit, but Powder lit me up. It ignited a passion in diehard skiers and gave them a voice and community. It was focused on the counter culture - the type of people who rearrange their lives to ski. This was in direct opposition to other magazines that were targeting rich people, trying to explain technique, sell condos or highlight the amenities at a ski area.”
“Skiing has always been my outlet and mechanism to get away from things in life. My two talents are writing and photography, so I enrolled at Western State with the direct goal of landing an internship at Powder. Even at 19, I had complete focus on the direction I wanted to take. If it didn’t work out, my backup plan was to be a ski bum. 48 hours after graduating, I was headed to southern California to live in my van and start my position at Powder. When the decision was made to close the magazine, it was really personal for me. Powder had provided me direction in life for the last 30 years and I needed some time to process it. In a way, it was almost like going to a funeral for a good friend - even though it’s gone, the magazine lives on in all of us and can never be taken away.”
“It was, and will always remain, one of my life’s greatest honors to serve as the editor-in-chief for Powder Magazine. It was literally a dream that came true. I’m so grateful for everyone who came before me and everyone who served after me. That opportunity opened literally hundreds of doors for me and continues to do so today. I owe the magazine a massive debt of gratitude. Every single editor was a warrior and fought for the title with their lives. They were doing double duty - not only from competition with other publications, but the internal struggle of budget cuts, staff reductions and trying to do more with less. Powder never belonged in the hands of a corporation. The magazine spoke to an impassioned community and never made sense to an accountant or on a ledger.”
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Trevor Petersen, Mt. Serratus, BC - Photo: Scott Markewitz/POWDER
SIERRA SHAFER - Editor In Chief
“Powder celebrated everything that is good and pure in skiing. It highlighted the old school, the new and the irreverent. The magazine also called bullshit when they saw it. It was a checkpoint, a cultural barometer and an honest reflection on where skiing has been and where it’s going.”
“My involvement with Powder came completely out of left field. I was never an intern or established in the ski industry. My background was strictly in journalism, I was a skier living in Southern California and editing a newspaper. I knew that I wanted to get the fuck out of LA and Powder was that opportunity. It was a huge shift going from my job and life being completely separate to work becoming my life. Literally overnight, Powder became everything - friends, connections and part of my identity. It derailed my trajectory in the best possible way.”
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Brad Holmes, Donner Pass, CA - Photo: Dave Norehad/POWDER
MATT HANSEN - Executive Editor
“Keith Carlsen was a man of ideas, he had tremendous vision and influence. He came up with the ideas for Powder Week and the Powder Awards in 2001. In some respects those two events saved the magazine.”
“Powder was the soul of skiing and kept the vibe, it changed people’s lives and inspired them to move to a ski town. As a writer I always wanted to think it was the stories that did that, but in truth it was the photography. Images of skiing truly became an art form, 100% thanks to Powder Magazine and Dave Reddick. Dave cultivated and mentored photographers, he was always searching for the unpredictable image from around the world and pressed the photographers to look at things from a different angle.”
“It sounds cliche, but writing a feature about Chamonix was the highlight for me. Sitting on the plane, things were absolutely unreal. I linked up with Nate Wallace and the whole experience from start to finish was out of my comfort zone. Ducking ropes to ski overhead pow on the Pas De Chèvre, walking out of the ice tunnel on a deserted Aiguille du Midi right as the clouds parted, late nights in town that were too fuzzy to recall. The energy of the place taught me a lot. I didn’t have a smartphone and there was no Instagram - I had time to write, observe, take notes and be present with who I was and with the experience. As a writer it didn’t get any better.”
“The true gift of working for Powder, was the once in a lifetime adventures that I wish I could have shared with my family, I was so lucky to have had those opportunities. It almost brought tears to me eyes.”
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Peter Romaine, Jackson Hole, WY - Photo: Wade McKoy/POWDER
DAVE REDDICK - Director of Photography
“Just ski down there and take a photo of something, for cryin’ out loud!”  “I’ve found that channeling McConkey has been keeping it in perspective. Powder’s been shuttered. That sucks. What doesn’t suck is the good times and the people that have shared the ride thus far and I’m just thankful to be one of them. There’s been some really kind sentiments from friends and colleagues, but this must be said - Every editor (especially the editors), every art director (I’ve driven them nuts), every publisher and sales associate, every photographer, writer, and intern, and all the others behind the scenes who’ve ever contributed their talents get equal share of acknowledgment for carrying the torch that is Powder Mag. There’s hundreds of us! No decision has ever been made in a vacuum. Always a collective. At our best, we’ve been a reflection of skiers everywhere and of one of the greatest experiences in the world. It’s that community, and that feeling, that is Powder. I’m not sure what’s next and I’m not afraid of change but”  “There’s something really cool about being scared. I don’t know what!”
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Scot Schmidt, Alaska - Photo: Chris Noble/POWDER
“Powder was the first magazine dedicated to the experience and not trying to teach people how to ski. It was enthusiast media focused on the soul and culture. It’s also important to highlight the impact Powder had outside of skiing - today you have the Surfer’s Journal effect where every sport wants that type of publication. However, prior to their inception, everybody wanted a version of Powder.”
“Neil Stebbins and Steve Casimiro deserve a lot of credit for the magazine retaining its voice and staying true to the core group of skiers it represented.”
“Keith Carlsen is responsible for the idea behind Super Park. This was a time when skiing had just gone through a stale phase. There was a newfound energy in park skiing and younger generations, this event helped to rebrand Powder and solidify its goal of being all inclusive. Racing, powder, park, touring - it’s all just skiing.”
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Joe Sagona, Mt. Baldy, CA - Photo: Dave Reddick/POWDER
JOHNNY STIFTER - Editor In Chief
“What did Powder mean to me... Well, everything. As a reader and staffer, it inspired me and made me laugh. I learned about local cultures that felt far away and learned about far away cultures that didn’t feel foreign, if that makes sense.”
“But I cherished those late nights the most, making magazines with the small staff. Despite the deadline stress, I always felt so grateful to be working for this sacred institution and writing and editing for true skiers. We all just had so much damn fun. And it didn’t hurt meeting such passionate locals at hallowed places, like Aspen and Austria, that I once dreamed of visiting and skiing. The Powder culture is so inclusive and so fun, I never felt more alive.”
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Doug Coombs, All Hail The King - Photo: Ace Kvale/POWDER
“Powder is a lifestyle and an interconnected circle of people. It’s about getting a job offer at Alta, opening your home to random strangers, locking your keys in your car and getting rescued by a friend you made on a trip years ago. Through the selfish activity of skiing, you can create a community of people you cherish and can depend on through highs and lows.”
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Ashley Otte, Mike Wiegele Heli, BC - Photo: Dave Reddick/POWDER
The contributions of so many talented individuals made the magazine possible. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who shared their experience at Powder with me. Also, I want to thank Porter Fox and David Page for crafting inspiring feature stories that I enjoyed immensely over the years.
After the reality set in that the final issue had arrived, a void was created for generations of skiers. I’ve been focused on being thankful for what we had, rather than sad it’s gone. It’s a challenging time for print media and I wholeheartedly advocate supporting the remaining titles in anyway you can. In a culture driven by a voracious appetite for mass media consumption and instant gratification - I cherish the ritual of waiting for a magazine to arrive, appreciating the effort that went into creating the content and being able to have that physical substance in my hand. Thanks for everything Powder, you are missed, but your spirit lives on.  
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Captain Powder - Photo: Gary Bigham/POWDER
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cadreformed · 3 years
Things Ive said at work: Meme Addition
In this world its YEET or be yeeted
Bears are corgis of the woods Nah nah hear me out! Hear me out!
It is possible i have acquired a vast knowledge of information on weed without actually consuming it myself
I remember one time i interrupted a neighbor harvesting road kill. That was awkward.
Yes by proxy experience is still experience.
How much weed is a normal amount?
Hey boss do you know how much weed is like an average amount? For a person?
Amoung us was sent by aliens as our first test. We must prove we are ready for space mutiny.
What is 'consumes weed recreationally and in the evenings'?? Is that like a joint a night? How do joints work?
You are currently the cow in the tornado. Im sorry its a mooving experience i know.
Yeah i lose an eyebrow sometimes.
What would you say is your average standard for performance?
Oh this ones my favorite: 'family history of mental illness, answer: Yes'
I mean technically if you believe in ghosts we can just write that off.
Can i buy an adjective for 500$?
Would you consider say a giant monty python gaping gash- comically large- to be enough to call off work??
If you forget what an animal is called it is perfectly acceptable to call them old lady names
Wait how much did you pay for weed? That sounds like a lot for weed.
Find the broken basement toilet in your life and plunge it!
I promise to come in so you dont loom in the windows like a victorian widow
Listen,dude,when you have to buy your own potatoes you're gonna take this seriously.
Smashed potatoes are a big kid problem, okay!!
Are you old enough to remember Myspace?
Homohabilus vs homophobia FIGHT
Dysphoria cannot find you if youre wearing a tiger face mask and hydrating your skin.
You know what i smell? Capitalism.
Oh god i know exactly what type of Catholic youre talking about.
I get into yelling matches with soap box preachers, its my character flaw.
Youre on the create a sim menu right now, what do you choose?
Put on a shirt BAM youre wearing a girl shirt!
Youve entered Stealth Femme style.
Bears and humans: both love mcdonalds, repurposing old furniture, and sleeping.
Your homework is to play an hour of video games a night.
*talking at length in outrageously bad German accent*
That sucks, lets take a moment to acknowledge and validate this shit.
Whats the flavor of the day?
Who washes baseboards?? I didnt know what a baseboard was until like last year!
Lets listen to this suggested laundromat sound track.
Hey kid, you want a plant?
I have a licensure exam to study for but instead im hyperfocused on learning *language 1* and * language 2* at the same time.
New growth craves old roots.
Listen everyone can appreciate a marker that smells like fake fruits.
Hey you can smell it through the mask
* sits smelling mr sketch markers for 15 minutes*
You pay me 25$ to set up your wifi AND program your thermostat??
How did we have ANOTHER toilet seat crack in half?
Whoa whoa whoa whoaaaaa did i hear the sound of FUN happening?!
A moltov cocktail solves everything in fiction otherwise you gotta plan that shit out you need like the fucking rag and the bottle and-
Guaranteed everyone has coping skills and communication as goals like its literally everyone.
Im so glad your husband is continuing to turn into a sitcom character
* saying 'no' in progressively longer and more dramatic ways*
You are correct, llamas are NOT cats.
Im hiding my girlfriends present in the attic so dont steal it.
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isrustandstardust · 3 years
1: Full name: Selena.
2: Zodiac sign: Scorpio.
3: 3 Fears: Abandonment. Not being good enough. Being lied to.
4: 3 things I love: Bones. Corpses. Books.
5: 4 turns on: Intelligence. Perversions. Sarcasm. Violence.
6: 4 turns off: Stupidity. Ignorance. Lack of hygiene. High pitched voices.
7: My best friend: Is the best bitch ever.
8: Sexual orientation: Bisex.
9: My best first date: A dinner and a walk by the lake.
10: How tall am I: 165 cm.
11: What do I miss: Woland, sometimes.
12: What time were I born: 3.45 a.m.
13: Favourite color: Teal.
14: Do I have a crush: Yup.
15: Favourite quote: So it goes.
16: Favourite place: Como.
17: Favourite food: Red meat, raw.
18: Do I use sarcasm: Way too much.
19: What am I listening to right now: I’m watching ‘my 600lb life’ on tv.
20: First thing I notice in new person: If he looks me in the eyes or not.
21: Shoe size: 38/39.
22: Eye color: Reddish brown.
23: Hair color: Chocolate.
24: Favourite style of clothing: Urban/edgy/grunge.
25: Ever done a prank call? When I was little.
26: What colour of underwear I'm wearing now? Black.
27: Meaning behind my URL: It’s a Nabokov’s quote.
28: Favourite movies: The Fountain, In the mood for love, Bin Jip, The pillow book, Only lovers left alive, Stoker.
29: Favourite song: Too hard to say.
30: Favourite band: Same. Maybe Tool.
31: How I feel right now: Relaxed.
32: Someone I love: My hubby.
33: My current relationship status: Happily married.
34: My relationship with my parents: No relationship with my mother, a distant one with my father.
35: Favourite holiday: Christmas.
36: Tattoos and piercing I have: 15 tattoos, no piercings atm.
37: Tattoos and piercing I want: I want to do some surfaces again and I want to ink both my arms. Full sleeves.
38: The reason I joined Tumblr: I wanted a safe space to write.
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? No, we just have no relationship whatsoever.
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? When my husband is on tour.
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? Yup.
42: When did I last hold hands? A few hours ago.
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? 20 minutes.
44: Have I shaved your legs in the past three days? Nope, I don’t need it.
45: Where am I right now? On the couch.
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? My husband, my friends.
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? Way too loud!
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? No. I live by myself since I was 18.
49: Am I excited for anything? In a few days I’ll begin renovating my home!
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? Sure.
51: How often do I wear a fake smile? Daily.
52: When was the last time I hugged someone? Today.
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? That could be a problem.
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? No, I’m very careful when it comes to trust people.
55: What is something I disliked about today? My stomach aching like crazy.
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? I’d love to have a chat with Jodorowsky.
57: What do I think about most? Work, work, work.
58: What’s my strangest talent? I can fit my whole fist in my mouth.
59: Do I have any strange phobias? Deep water, strange fishes.
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Behind, I’m a director, not an actress.
61: What was the last lie I told? I’m not hungry.
62: Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online? Texting.
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? I believe in aliens, I’m fairly sure that something similar to ghost actually exist.
64: Do I believe in magic? Kinda.
65: Do I believe in luck? Yup.
66: What's the weather like right now? Fucking cold.
67: What was the last book I've read? A criminology book.
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? A lot.
69: Do I have any nicknames? MissFortune, Sally.
70: What was the worst injury I've ever had? Never had one.
71: Do I spend money or save it? Save it. I know what it means to have nothing. At all. I don’t want to find myself in that situation ever again.
72: Can I touch my nose with a tounge? Nope.
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me? Nope. I don’t like pink very much.
74: Favourite animal? Snakes, moths.
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? Still working.
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? I know his name is Woland.
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? Do you realize - the flaming lips.
78: How can you win my heart? Be kind, be honest.
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? I don’t want a tombstone, I want to be cremated.
80: What is my favorite word? Weltschmerz.
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr. No idea tbh.
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? Read a book, study something, stop being stupid.
83: Do I have any relatives in jail? Nope.
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? Mind control.
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? When was the last time you ate?
86: What is my current desktop picture? Mass Effect’s reapers attacking earth.
87: Had sex? Two days ago.
88: Bought condoms? A few years ago.
89: Gotten pregnant? Never.
90: Failed a class? Never.
91: Kissed a boy? A man. A few minutes ago.
92: Kissed a girl? Cannot recall.
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? Yup.
94: Had job? Of course.
95: Left the house without my wallet? Maybe.
96: Bullied someone on the internet? Nope, been bullied tho.
97: Had sex in public? Yep.
98: Played on a sports team? Nope.
99: Smoked weed? Yes.
100: Did drugs? Three times.
101: Smoked cigarettes? Yup.
102: Drank alcohol? Of course.
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? Nope, been vegan for a year but my health went to hell.
104: Been overweight? I was a little chubby when I was little.
105: Been underweight? Almost all my adult life.
106: Been to a wedding? Sure.
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? Daily.
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? Yup. I love binge watching things.
109: Been outside my home country? Sure.
110: Gotten my heart broken? Once.
111: Been to a professional sports game? No.
112: Broken a bone? Never.
113: Cut myself? I self harmed for years. Been clean for the past four and a half.
114: Been to prom? No.
115: Been in airplane? Yup.
116: Fly by helicopter? No, but I’d love to.
117: What concerts have I been to? Slayeeeeeeer! This is the first that comes to mind.
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? Of course.
119: Learned another language? Yup.
120: Wore make up? Daily.
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? Nope.
122: Had oral sex? Sure.
123: Dyed my hair? The last time I went blonde for my wedding, almost three years ago.
124: Voted in a presidential election? I voted, here in Italy, for every election.
125: Rode in an ambulance? Sadly, yes.
126: Had a surgery? Nope.
127: Met someone famous? More or less.
128: Stalked someone on a social network? A few times.
129: Peed outside? Yup.
130: Been fishing? I actually enjoy it a lot.
131: Helped with charity? Not that I recall.
132: Been rejected by a crush? Not in a while.
133: Broken a mirror? Nope.
134: What do I want for birthday? Being spoiled.
135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names? One. Nero if he’s a boy, Alya if she’s a girl.
136: Was I named after anyone? After a book character.
137: Do I like my handwriting? It’s not bad.
138: What was my favourite toy as a child? I didn’t have one. Maybe my art supplies.
139: Favourite Tv Show? Atm: Supersized vs Superskinny.
140: Where do I want to live when older? Iceland.
141: Play any musical instrument? I’m learning to play drums.
142: One of my scars, how did I get it? Almost all my scars are from self harming.
143: Favourite pizza toping? Cheeeeeeeeeese!
144: Am I afraid of the dark? Nope. I feel at home in it.
145: Am I afraid of heights? A lot.
146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? Doing something bad, surely.
147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? Sometimes.
148: What I'm really bad at: Bowling.
149: What my greatest achievments are: I earn my own living since I was 18.
150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: That I should never been born, I guess.
151: What I'd do if I won in a lottery: Sell my house and go live abroad.
152: What do I like about myself: My willpower.
153: My closest Tumblr friend: I don’t have one.
154: Something I fantasise about: My future.
155: Any question I’d like: I have no preferences, ask away.
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rivet-ing-titanic · 4 years
May 25th, 1912 - American Inquiry Day 18
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Day 18: The last day. You would think that it being the last day and being off of work, I could get this one done on time. But life gets in the way. SO, here we are, to cover the final day of witness testimony, submitted affidavits, letters and “process-verbal” entered into record. Are you tired of these posts? Did you read or like them or find them interesting? Well if you are tired of them, it is just this and a Final Report summary post left to go. Jury is out on whether I will be back next year to do the British inquiry, day by day. (Maybe I should just do it now so each day will be on the correct day, protect me from my own laziness, personal issues and procrastination.) Enough about me, let’s dive in.
Today, testimony was taken on board the RMS Olympic, in the New York Harbor.
Herbert James Haddock, Captain, RMS Olympic;
E.J. Moore, Wireless Operator, RMS Olympic;
Frederick Barrett, Leading Fireman, RMS Titanic;
Submitted: (All submissions are linked)
Proces-Verbal – E.J. Moore, Wireless Operator, RMS Olympic; 
Affidavit – James McGough, First Class Passenger, RMS Titanic; 
Affidavit – Catherine Crosby, First Class Passenger, RMS Titanic; 
Affidavit – Imanita Shelley, Second Class Passenger, RMS Titanic; 
Affidavit – Eleanor Widener, First Class Passenger, RMS Titanic; 
Correspondence – Letter from Stanley Lord, Captain, SS Californian;
Correspondence – C.C. Adams, Vice President, Postal Telegraph-Cable Company;
Correspondence – H.C. Wolfe, New York World; 
Correspondence – P.A.S. Franklin, Vice President, IMM; 
Correspondence – B. Brooks, GM, Western Union Telegraph Co.; 
Statement – Mrs. Lucian P. Smith, First Class Passenger, RMS Titanic; 
Notable Quotes/Lines of Questioning or Summarized Testimony:
Smith starts by questioning Captain Haddock, about where they were, when and how he heard of the Titanic situation, and what his actions were. He is also questioned about any notifications of ice sightings they received, of which the first they heard was from the Asian on Saturday morning.
“Fear absolutely no hope searching Titanic's position. Left Leyland S. S. Californian searching around. All boats accounted for. About 675 souls saved, crew and passengers, latter nearly all women and children. Titanic foundered about 2.20 a. m., 5.47. GMT in 41.16 north. 50.14 west; not certain of having got through. Please forward to White Star - also to Cunard. Liverpool and New York - that I am returning to New York. Consider this most advisable for many considerations.” – Rostron (read from the record by Haddock)
Haddock then reads for the record, the exchange of messages between himself and Captain Rostron of Carpathia. They discuss location, ice, particulars of letting the appropriate channels know what has happened, Ismay and that they believe it best that survivors do not see Olympic, that no transfer take place.
Haddock continues to read from Moore’s report, detailing how the names of passengers were passed on by a “half-asleep” Cottam, who asked to be excused for his sending. Moore wrote in his report, “during the transmission of names it was evident the operator on Carpathia was tired out”. Cottam had testified earlier in the inquiry that once he heard Titanic’s distress call on the night of the 14th, he got about a handful hours of sleep over the next few days until they reached New York. He was working the wireless non-stop, with and without assistance from an immobile, frost bitten Bride.
Moore relates to Smith that he received seven or eight messages to the effect of a request for compensation for the story of Titanic. Moore makes note of these in his report, however did not reply to any requests from papers such as the New York Herald, the Sun and the World. He also indicates that he was never told not to give out any information, however he and the captain held information back in a desire that it be more accurate.
In addition to answering Smith’s questions, Moore submitted his wireless report (listed above as process-verbal) that both he and Haddock referred to during their testimony.
The correspondence from Stanley Lord that was submitted into record is a letter to Smith in which Captain Lord corrected a statement he made while testifying, which ultimately is inconsequential in my opinion, and probably more of a formality correction than anything.
As you all know, I love a passenger story or affidavit. So instead of pulling a whole bunch of quotes, as I am so wont to do, I now have just linked all submissions above, for you to peruse at your leisure. Is it being lazy? Maybe a bit, but I wanted to end this day, with a sprinkling of quotes, (of which I hope to have not included any similar before) a few thoughts in regards to any submissions or quotes, and my conclusions prior to the final report.
McGough asked a dining-room steward whether there was any danger, shortly after he left his stateroom. At that time the steward told him “not in the least” and suggested he return to bed. Fortunately for McGough, he did not. This seems a theme throughout this inquiry, where immediately after or even some time after, Titanic crew members, such as stewards, were not totally sure of what was going on or, if they were aware, the severity of it. Personally, I believe part of this to be due to the inability to inform due to technology limitations of the time, solved by walkie-talkies and earpieces today. Additionally, if a steward were on watch, and had not heard anything yet, he or she would have no reason to say anything other than everything is fine. I would also consider the desire to not cause panic had some impact as well. Clearly, it would have been helpful if some sort of light or alarm or notification had been in place, for passengers and crew alike, but word of mouth, on an incredibly large ship, with over 900 crew members, some of whom are sleeping, would be time consuming. Time, unfortunately the Titanic and the souls on board did not have. This does not even take into account the time that would have been necessary to figure out the extent of the damage. So while I personally feel, there should have been some better systems in place, criticism of stewards who only passed on what they knew at the time, or what a higher up told them, should be discouraged. (As you might know, I am currently learning more about crew hierarchy and things of this nature in my new book)
“It was reported on the Carpathia by passengers, whose names I do not recollect, that the lookout who was on duty at the time the Titanic struck the iceberg had said: ‘I know they will blame me for it, because I was on duty, but it was not my fault; I had warned the officers three or four times before striking the iceberg that we were in the vicinity of icebergs, but the officer on the bridge paid no attention to my signals.’ I can not give the name of any passenger who made that statement, but it was common talk on the Carpathia that that is what the lookout said.” – Crosby (hearsay)
Imanita Shelley has an interesting story about her accommodations and slight mishap of rooms that happened upon the start of her journey. See above for a link to her affidavit. I would be interested to see the rooms which were referred to. It does not seem in her affidavit that she makes any mention of actual room numbers. This is also the first, I have read, mention of issues with the heat onboard Titanic.
“Afterwards, on board the Carpathia, a first-cabin passenger a Mme. Baxter, of Montreal, Canada, told Mrs. Shelley that she had sent her son to the captain at the time of the collision to find out what to do. That her son had found the captain in a card game, and he had laughingly assured him that there was no danger and to advise his mother to go back to bed.”- Shelley (a very strong accusation that if true is concerning, however others have testified that this was not the case)
 “I borrowed money from a gentleman and took this Marconigram myself and asked the operator to send it for me… it was not received… This is the only complaint I have to make against the Carpathia… He also said it was not necessary to pay him, because the White Star Line was responsible. I insisted, however, because I thought that probably the money might have some weight with them, as the whole thing seemed to have been a monied accident.” – Mrs. Smith
“On the night of Sunday, the 14th of April, 1912, my husband and I gave a dinner at which Capt. Smith was present. Capt. Smith drank absolutely no wine or intoxicating liquor of any kind whatever at the dinner.” - Widener
 Conclusions prior to the Final Report: 
You could really get into the weeds with the last 18 days of testimony, what people/boats had drinking water, saw her go down and thought she broke in half vs. went down in one piece, who was afraid of suction, who heard explosions, I could go on. Part of me wants to do this, I think it would be quite interesting, especially diving into the distant light/boat testimonies. However, I do not have the time for that these days, and you probably don’t either (if you do please share what you find). What I will say, on my last day-by-day summary post is this: If you are a Titanic crazed person like I am, and love the history, the nuances of what went wrong, what went right, specific passenger experiences directly from their hand or mouth, do yourself a favor, and dive into this. The Titanic Inquiry Project is the most complete, well organized, and informative Titanic site I may have ever had the pleasure of using. They link out to passenger and crew and witness bios, they have the particulars on every ship mentioned, and it continues to add more and more. I am not done with this site now that I am done with this inquiry, I still have the British, and if you remember my post about liability, they now have those hearings. I cannot sing the praises of this enough. So if you have a rainy day, and an inquisitive mind, check out titanicinquiry.org . You will not be disappointed. And, if you like, you can use my American Inquiry posts, all under one link on my page, to help navigate, or pick and choose what you want to read.
SEE American Inquiry Day 17 post HERE.
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magstorrn · 4 years
BBC The War of the Worlds (2019) review with spoilers to follow.
I binged the whole series last night on a whim after already reading the scathing reviews on IMDB etc and having told myself I wouldn’t get into it. But I’ve been a sucker for the book and the concept album for like six years now so I couldn’t tell myself no and honestly? It was bad but it wasn’t irredeemably bad.
-          No matter how much time passes, no matter that I’m gay, I still find Rupert Graves attractive so immediate tick.
-          Machines looked great, with that super futuristic vibe that would be unsettling, but they weren’t as menacing/spooky as they could be.
-          People complained a lot about the flashforwards but they’re really not that bad and the clear differences in the landscape made it easy enough to differentiate the timelines. It is a shame though that they couldn’t opt for at least six episodes in order to flesh out the content far more and make it seem more natural and suspenseful.
-          I thought Amy was compelling, and definitely one of the best parts of the latter episodes for me was seeing how she coped with the changed world, her interactions with her son, and Real Science Hours with Ogilvy.
-          The artilleryman was really well cast and I loved watching him for like, the fifteen minutes he was on screen.
-          Using the homemade bombs to fight back was clever and interesting.
-          I liked the emphasis on how things like typhoid (being water-borne/exacerbated by poor sanitation) outbreaks would be one of the most immediate threats once the water mains are wrecked/people are drinking whatever water they can find.
-          The message behind the story has ongoing relevance to any period that an adaption is released in and the fact it was also quite self-aware wasn’t a bad thing.
-          The ending was nice and I think they did something interesting in considering what effect things like the red weed would have after the Martians were gone.
-          The costumes were gorgeous! And massive tick for actually setting the adaption in the right period! It’s something I’ve been wanting for ages so to have that was brilliant. 
-          I genuinely liked this take on the story but it made no sense to me to take the whole curate siege subplot from the book – which is definitely one of the most dragging parts – and then drag it out further by removing most of the tension (that is, somebody threatening to give you away and who’s eating all the food and going mad) and making it into like 80% of the running time.
-          The romantic subplot/divorce stuff was definitely shoved in there but that had a lot of relevance for Wells in his own life so it’s not too terrible. But it did seem to occupy a lot of screentime early on considering that there was a massacre happening simultaneously.
-          The actual Martians looked super odd ngl – like knife spider things. How did they build anything when the most they can do is sort of stab people? The eating human flesh bit was also way less creepy than the thing in the book where they’re literally harvesting people.
-          Would’ve been cool to see other types of machines or to see more of the Martians and their technological prowess in general.
-          George’s best characteristic in the show in my view was his kindness/self-sacrificing nature but on the whole he wasn’t that interesting and I thought he was making the same face for the vast majority of the time he was onscreen.
-          One of the best aspects of the book for me is the way it contrasts different kinds of human behaviour and mentalities during a crisis, here with extreme religion vs party hard like it’s 1348 and everyone is going to die of plague vs lofty dreams/a kind of ‘survival of the fittest’ mentality. They gave those ideas (and some of, for instance, the artilleryman’s lines) to other characters, so that for example Frederick reflected similar views, but I think the extremism of those perspectives is more compelling.
-          No ‘Dead London’ sequence - the melancholy aftermath with all the deserted London streets and the eerie distant cries of the Martians was always so spooky to me and I wish it was included.
-          Nobody really seemed all that rattled by what was going on until the Martians came to London, and by that I mean there wasn’t enough build up to see Amy and George actually worrying over what was happening or talking much about what to do or showing much signs of trauma after what happened at the Common.
-          The artilleryman was completely wasted. I was totally won over by his portrayal and thought it was shaping up to be really interesting and then they set him on fire and that was it.
-          Frederick’s death was extremely abrupt/didn’t amount to a whole lot. Also with that young girl, maybe I wasn’t following things very closely but I didn’t see the main characters making much of an effort to find the girl’s family nor did she complain in the slightest about being basically kidnapped. It was just a bit weird.
-          The slow-mo sequence during the first use of the heat-ray was so funny and such an isolated example that I won’t even really complain about it.
-          A lot of the tension between George, Frederick and Amy fizzled out really quickly even though I know they were under a ton of stress/their circumstances had totally changed. I thought it would at least be referenced again but it sort of just wasn’t.
-          Amy seemed to be able to jump between locations without much of an explanation of how she was getting around (especially at the end).
-          Despite all the talk of starvation/having no food there wasn’t any signs that the characters were in pain from that, and they all seemed pretty healthy except for the people who actually had explicit illnesses. It was more interesting in the curate chapter in the book when they had to ration their supplies/debate resulted from that.
-          It felt like a showcase of all the dullest things that could be happening during a Martian invasion, 
-          They left it super ambiguous just how much of the world was affected by the invasion when it could’ve been interesting to learn of the effects elsewhere/if there was any possibility of actual aid (although they mentioned some kind of fake news about grain and stuff coming from other places, and losing the telegraph lines across the Atlantic).
-          On that note there wasn’t much of a sense of scale – this comes back to the thing where everybody timeskipped between locations in a flash. London seemed super tiny, and there wasn’t nearly as much carnage or signs of human struggle anywhere as you’d expect to see.
-          Was anybody even that traumatised?
-          Overall the Martian stuff that the story is meant to centre around and that is meant to be the core threat was reduced to a couple Martians (outside of their machines) that had taken up residence in the orphanage and it was such an anticlimactic way to tell the story. The Martians shouldn’t be in the backdrop of any adaption.
-          The love story took up far more time than it warranted and it would’ve been cool to see both leads instead have stories entirely of their own and then to meet at the end. The writer/George has a self-sacrifice/suicide moment at the end of the book anyway so they could’ve done the same thing except stopped him once he realised all the Martians had died off.
-          I feel like with this kind of story you shouldn’t be feeling bored for the second half, but I was wanting to skip ahead because it got so repetitive.
-          There just wasn’t any tension at all. We didn’t even get the whole twist ending with the common cold as they decided to make it more about the consumption of rotting flesh and to introduce it much earlier.
Overall – 2.5 stars out of 5, I still enjoyed it on some level but I was really disappointed because I expected a lot more.
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canna-base · 6 years
Honest Review of the Pax 3 Handheld Portable Vaporizer by a Chronic Pain Patient
As a fairly recent convert to MMJ, it took me almost a year to lose my love affair with rolling a blunt and suffering the noxious smoke to medicate. Trying to subtly partake of much needed sweet leaf relief was a chore, dodging into the alley next to my home and trying to avoid the gaze of curious kids was proving stressful. It was more the image of their dad smoking than the substance itself, of giving them a bad mental image that allowed them to “smoke” was not good parenting. Plus I don’t want to feel like taking herbal medication is something to be ashamed of.
But a whole 12 months past before I got together the resources (saved!) to afford a decent pocket vape. My requirements were;
Easy to use
Didn’t look too “druggy”
Did the job efficiently
Had accurate temperature control
I used to be a cigarette smoker, many moons ago but having never ‘vaped’ I was not sure what to expect.  I knew the device had to heat the dry herb to hit the off button on my considerable knee pain and I knew that three light-ish puffs on a ‘joint’ got the job done, albeit with that smokey aftertaste, aroma and fear that a neighbour may smell the err, medication.
So I did some research and decided that a Pax 3 was the ticket, I almost purchased an entry level eBay special but figured that £80+  could be totally wasted (ha!) and I should go with a reputable brand. After reviewing our various recommendations I went and bought a Pax 3 from a local supplier.
Shopping For a Dry Herb Vaporizer
Evapo is a vape shop in Guildford mostly given over to liquid non-MMJ vape-ware, vaporisers, liquids and accessories but there was one cabinet market “CBD” which, given this is the UK, was a subtle clue as to what the cabinet held. The choice was limited to a Pax 2 or a Pax 3. Given that I am an inveterate tech-head I opted for the app controlled Pax 3.
The salesman was a cheerful upbeat sort who talked discreetly but knowledgeably of the features/benefits and what a dry herb vaporizer did. Plus, Evapo had a 15% off deal that weekend which reduced the ticket price from £219.99 to £186.99. Seemed a bit steep for a first time vape purchase, I mean, what if I didn’t like it? What if I didn’t get the relief I am seeking? Hey ho, figured in the name of research it was worth the spend. Five minutes later I exited the proud owner of one spanking brand new Pax 3, and instructions on how to pair it up with the app, more on that in a moment.
Unboxing the Pax 3 Herb Vape
When I got home I opened the box, which is as stylish as the Pax 3 itself, very Apple design led. You slide the box out a sleeve, and it opens with a satisfying resistance provided by hidden magnets. I can see why they get the price they charge.
It contains charger & USB charge cable, cleaning materials (pipe cleaners and pipe brush), a keyring that doubles up as a scraper, an oven like compartment with a holder for concentrates and waxes, a second half-charge oven lid, raised silicon mouthpiece and a stitched material sleeve and of course the device itself. The enclosed documentation is quite slim on any actual operating instructions, but does give you the limited instructions in many different languages. Plus a safety booklet, again, bereft of any instructions but telling you of the many dangers a device like this can inflict.
Once released from its plastic coffin the device is pleasingly heavy in the hand. The heft gives it a solidity, again the comparison to Apple cannot be overstated. It’s solidly built up to a standard not down to a price.
I choose a matt black finish and thus with one click on the top of the mouthpiece, the LEDs stood out like runway landing lights. I set up the device to charge, it already had 3 of the 4 lights lit, and within 20 minutes the remaining light blinked on and we were good to go.
Pairing the Pax 3 With The App
By the time the charge had finished I was ready to pair the Android version of the app with the device and had gotten to the point where you shake it to pair it. Try as I might my Google Pixel 2 XL running Android Pie (9.0) was just not having any of it, tried different settings on the phone and despite the phone stating it was paired, the app itself refused to play ball. I am guessing this is a Android Pie bug, maybe? I had only installed Pie on the phone a few days earlier so I am guessing app bugs are a distinct possibility. Many of the reviews however also noted pairing difficulties, so perhaps not? Later I downloaded the iPhone iOS app onto my iPad and that not only paired without trouble it also controlled the device well.
First Use and Impressions
Anyway, to the first trial, my ‘herb’ was ground and packed into the oven chamber, it took a relatively little amount, I would say half a single skin joint. I thought this seemed like a very minor amount given that the device allowed for several hits on one fill, but I went along with it. Within a couple of minutes I was ready to go, with a fully charged Pax 3 that was now also fully charged with bud I hesitantly hit the ‘on’ button. The device heats quickly 20 – 30 seconds and the flashing purple LEDs turned green notifying me that the Pax 3 was ready to dose me.
I’d opted for the highest heat setting, I just felt that if I was going to try it then I should really give the Pax 3 a run for its money. I took a tentative first pull. The taste was not what I expected, a floral, greenery taste with a slightly timber smoke edge to it, not burning but that kind of smell you get in a wood on a hot day. I guess that’s the oils and the waxes boiling off their terpenes which give the bud its flavour profile. As the flavour died back and I exhaled it suddenly gave me a taste of coffee grinds, not full on coffee in your mouth but that half smell of roasting you get as you walk past a coffee house.
Very pleasant, very smooth and much nicer than a pull on a ‘Fatty-Boom-Batty’. The specific stock I was smoking is not overpoweringly strong, but does do the job for my pain. As an example I can take a single pull on a one-skinner and have it hit the off button on my knee pain for a couple of hours but leave me focused enough to answer calls, write code and function without the distraction of grinding bone on bone action. I took a second tentative pull, and then thought, screw it, and took two much longer, deeper pulls.
The Pax 3 vs Knee Pain
It was Saturday night and I was feeling like kicking back a bit so wasn’t concerned if I overshot the runway when it came to switching off the red flashing pain klaxon. As per usual the hits took time to kick in, with my usual method of ingestion it takes around 10 minutes for the meds to make their way into my brain and do what it does. Oh-so much better than the mechanised approach that codeine seems to take. Wrapping everything in cling film and preventing you from feeling pretty much anything but the ‘ready break’ glow (US readers Google it, you’ll see how accurate that actually is) that Codeine gives you.
I usually then go make a cuppa, and settle into the sofa with my better half and wait for the pain to roll back and relief to roll in. Well, the Pax 3 definitely delivers, I was starting to feel the effects inside the ten minutes, and all was good. Everything suddenly felt very good with the world, in a way that pain seems to rob you of. Pain adds jagged pixelations to your every move, thought and sensation. It’s like you’re dealing with low resolution images and trying to pass them as 4K cinemascope.
Codeine always took away the ‘jaggies’ but delivered a vaseline smeared lens perspective of the world. All soft focused and fuzzy edged, you felt like the world was a bouncy castle made of marshmallow. However the Pax 3, not only delivered the usual relief but somehow it felt less punchy, like the difference between a $20 bottle of bourbon vs $120 bottle of premium single malt scotch. You can see why the Pax 3 gets the reviews it does.
Controlling Dose with My Second Use
Lets just say 30 minutes later as I am lying on the sofa, totally baked, I tried to have a chat with my other half and ended up giggling away as she laughed at me, not with me. I remained quite lucid, but was just very relaxed by the whole body sedation which is not how my current supply usually hits. The effect lasted at least 4 hours, in fact I went to bed and slept soundly, I usually wake early, 6:30 or 7am, woken by the knee pain, but I overshot that by at least 2 hours. Woke feeling fresh although a little fuzzy but coffee and breakfast sorted that for me.
Therefore I wanted to avoid this with my second use, which was much more controlled, after a little bit of reading online. Just 2 short pulls and the device turned down to a less intense heat at 3 LED lights. I think this might be the sweet spot as the effects again took 5-10 mins to become very noticeable but there was much less of a body sedation, in fact I felt a clarity in my thinking and it just neutralised my pain.
Not a trace.
Before medicating I would put the pain at a 3 on our pain chart, far from unbearable but definitely ’nagging’ and niggling at me. So the two hits were a good amount to kill the pain but not dull my entire brain. In fact I would now consider a single pull at 3 lights during a working day. Maybe.
Final Impressions and Overall View
I would give the Pax 3, 5 stars, but I have no other benchmark other than self-rolled all-weed blunts, joints and the occasional bong rip. I feel like I did when I upgraded to my first smart phone. Suddenly I had a computer in my hand and felt like I was ahead of the curve. The Pax 3 is very similar, having previously burnt a tube of rolled up dry herb I now have control and can set the temperature to the exact setting I want and get much more measured doses from my choice of pain meds. The only remaining variable of course is the plant material itself.
I suddenly see that devices like the Pax 3 are invaluable in allowing pain patients to get closer to a proper dosing regimen and if they feel like having a little more fun on a Saturday night, then at least it is a choice. That, for me, is what Cannabis should be about, the choice, the choice of your medication, the choice to choose your own safe pain meds. That it is your body and therefore making a choice of herbal remedy vs the output of an industrialised process, is your right.
I wish I had tried a vaporiser earlier, the Pax 3 is a very good product that does the job without fanfare, but does it stylishly and without announcing to the world you partake. The only small downside was that after I had fiddled about with it, trying to get it to sync with my Android phone, and then using it to heat my herb it got a little warm. Not uncomfortably, or dangerously, but it did warm noticeably, which given its function is not unreasonable, but it got a touch warmer than I thought it would. Put that down to user expectations perhaps, but one to consider. I am exploring a silicon sleeve for it, just to make it the perfect portable medical device.
The Pax 3 is a total winner and I am very pleased with the value for money and recommend it to you if you are considering using a vape. If you have pain, don’t leave home without it.
Click Here to Order The Pax 3 
The post Honest Review of the Pax 3 Handheld Portable Vaporizer by a Chronic Pain Patient appeared first on Cannabis for Chronic Pain.
source https://canna-base.com/pax-3-handheld-portable-vaporizer-review/
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goblin-phannie · 6 years
someone has gotta teach y’all about weed ‘cause god knows i never got taught anything about it
 so tumblr has a massive number of people on it, so the responses to this post will probably be anything from “i can’t believe you missed out [x]” to “i can’t believe you’re even talking about weed so openly!!!! it’s illegal!!! stop encouraging kids to do drugs!!!” well, disclaimer. i’m not encouraging anyone to do drugs - this post is to educate and inform people as to what exactly goes on with the different types of weed and how they affect your body and mind. i am immensely respectful of people who chose not to smoke etc. - weirdly enough the smell of weed massively triggers my dad, and so this respect is mandatory as far as i can see. with that said, let’s teach y’all about it.
to start, weed is probably the safest drug out there. it is almost impossible to overdose to the extent of being hospitalised, and recorded ‘deaths’ from weed are usually when people do things like drive after smoking - which is VERY DANGEROUS, because the speed at which you register things happening slows down quite a bit when you’re high. a hundred times more deaths happen from drinking, and a thousand times more from smoking. that being said, the way you take the drug can change the likelihood of either overdosing or long-term negative effects.
BUT FIRST, the different types!
weed can be broken down into two main strains: indica and sativa. indica is the sort of ‘stoned’ you’d usually see on tv (or buzzfeed) - tired, chilled out, it acts as a very good anti-inflammatory and anxiety-reducing drug. on the other hand, sativa tends to make you more giggly, more likely to talk to those around you, and makes the world feel like a beautiful piece of artwork. from these strains you also get sub-divisions, but there are so many i might make another post instead of including it here. for reference - this is what the two strains look like:
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note the larger ‘flowers’ on the indica, and the more triangle shape! this is useful to identify them if you find yourself in a situation where that is needed!
also, side note: weed tends to be stronger the drier it is, so if you’re wanting to smoke pot for the first time, definitely try one that looks ‘fresher’ - the more pebble-like it feels, the higher its going to get you, and you wanna learn your tolerance level before you start messing around with intensity!
this brings us on to the different ways you can ingest the weed! this list is by no means extensive, but it covers the basics, and should you be offered a spliff vs a blunt in a dorm room in college, you should be able to tell the difference.
• blunt - marijuana rolled with (brown) tobacco leaf paper, and looks like a skinny cigar. it has no tobacco in it, unlike a spliff, and will therefore often be harsher. would not recommend for first timers.
• unless you’re super against tobacco smoking, i would say that spliffs are the go-to method of getting high. spliffs mix the tobacco and marijuana, giving a smoother, and slightly less intense high. the smell of the tobacco also helps mask the otherwise very strong smell of the weed.
• joint - this is pure marijuana rolled in lighter, partially translucent papers. because its pure weed, it gets you more stoned than spliffs, but because it does not contain tobacco, it is healthier. that being said, if you’re rolling your own joint, this can be very hard to do without the aid of the tobacco.
(left to right: joint, spliff, blunt)
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there are also other methods that don’t involve smoking! 
• bong - these can be made with literally anything if you try hard enough. the key thing about a bong is that the smoke passes through bong WATER before you breathe it in  - this gets rid of most (but by no means all) of the nasty additives found in the weed and/or tobacco. useful for a group, as they are easy to pass round, and you get a greater high per person than you would from a simple blunt/joint etc.
• pipe - you don’t get any filtration of the smoke, so i would not advise trying this as a young padawan smoker! that being said, they are very easy to store, and very quick to get out and puff up when you’re in the mood
• vaporising, or vaping weed is the latest trend that everyone’s crazy about. it doesn’t involve smoke, just vapour, which while being easier on your lungs, is MUCH more effective than pretty much any other method of inhaling pot, and will get you as high as smoking a full spliff in around 6 drags. make sure you have a friend with you if you do this!
• edibles - i saved this one til last because while it seems the best (mmm, food), it can actually be pretty scary. weed brownies are obviously the most common form, but they can be whipped up into pretty much any form - and the kicker here is that you WILL NOT FEEL HIGH until around 3 hours after you’ve eaten one. do NOT eat more before that time limit because you think they’ve not worked - it’s a rookie error, and even if they weren’t that effective, waiting three hours to stay safe wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.
finally -  a warning. ‘whitey-ing’ is the most common way people are seen to overdose, and this involves feeling dizzy, faint, and finally throwing up. if you feel like you should stop smoking, stop there and then. don’t wait until you’re on the bathroom floor (trust me). also, weed can sometimes make people paranoid - this is only because it affects the perception of ‘self’ and your own abilities.
a lot of the time though, marijuana is a gentle and fun high where you get super hungry and giggle with your mates while watching spongebob.
so i hope this helps all of you young things who learned ‘don’t do drugs’ in school to understand what that really means, and how to stay safe if you do decide to experiment! ABSOLUTELY stay away from the bad end of the drug spectrum, but for many people marijuana can act as a pain medication as much as a drug. and even if you decide not to smoke yourself, this information may be useful to someone who never learnt about weed and its effects!
tl;dr: smoke a spliff and fall asleep eating cookies. life’s too short.
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my-footprints · 6 years
Tue, 02. October 2018 - Day 0
Expectations vs. Reality 
Day 0 was not starting off as planned, expected, hoped, whished for, imagined or any other word you can think of... I woke up remembering what happened the day before. Because the last evening in Germany was definately not one anyone would wish for...
I was happy before that evening, because I met someone, I was hoping to become someone special, to say goodbye for two and a half months. Turned out we had different expectations of that night and about quite some things in general. On my way home, already thinking about what to pack into the almost filled up suitcase and in my mind already on the highway, I had a terrible car accident, when I crashed into another car, leaving both cars broken, entirely damaged spread across the whole street. Lucky me - and thank god or whom ever protected me that night in that awful situation - no one was hurt. It was really “Glück im Unglück” like we Germans call it. The police handled everything amazing. So I left the scene without my car - which had to wait there for two more days, entirely broken and damaged on the side of the street - with a huge fine instead and with two hurting knees which would turn first violet, then blue and later nearly black - keeping me from wearing anything short in Spain where it was still very warm and almost everyone wore something short.
But first things first...
So the last day at home I spent with talking to my insurance and packing the rest of my suitcase, crying every now and then and feeling like everything that could have gone wrong, literally went wrong. I tried to think more positive, when my Mom brought me to the airport, tears in her eyes when she hugged me goodbye and waved a few last times before I was out of sight. 
Like I hadn’t been punished enough already, my flight had an hour delay. So instead of half past 9 I arrived at half past 10 in Barcelona. Bad? Wait for it, it will get much worse...
Call me naive, but I live in a modern society which trusts in technology and believes in the bottom of their heart, that there will always be a solution (and there will always be one. You might just suffer until you arrive there, and I was not prepared for that. Especially not after the stuff I had already gone through in the last 24 hours).
Surprise, surprise: when I turned off the flightmode back on the ground, my phone definitely wasn’t grounded for some reason. It did not find any signal, neither for wifi, mobile data nor connection to call anyone or anything.
Being born shortly before 2000, I am one of the many people who uses Google Maps to find my way in case I don’t already know it. Terrible mistake since Google Maps only works if the technology that it comes with works as well. That one didn’t so Google Maps was worthless. 
Trying to think clearly, I walked to the next metro which felt like kilometers away pushing my two suitcases and carrying two bags. I am not exaggerating here, I had at least 40 kilos with me, which is almost as much as I weigh myself.
Arriving at the metro, nothing was comprehensible. Maybe it was just me, being already to confused, panicked and troubled, but the other Germans I met also didn’t understand it. 
Anyway, being the confused me that I always am, I got out at the wrong station. Lucky me there was another girl getting out whom I could ask desperately for help. Also lucky me, I knew how to communicate in Spanish, because she didn’t speak any English nor German at all. She was really kind, explaining me everything and helping me out even though she was a little weird, being very enthusiastic with her joint in the hand - which was the only reason why she had left the train in the first place. So I guess I owe a lot to that joint...
So now I finally was on my way to the right train station, where I would take the right metro hopefully arriving home soon.
No, unfortunately not... I got out of the train and there was no metro. I asked a guy working at the train station - obviously also not speaking any English (why?!) - who first told me there was no metro, then told me there was one, but it was not the right one for me, then telling me it actually was the right one for me and explaining me how to get there, emphasizing like ten times how careful I should be in the metro, taking care of me and my stuff. The weird thing was, that the girl with the weed had said the same thing before, so I started feeling kind of uncomfortable in this city, not really trusting anyone, anxious to ask anyone for help.
Since Google Maps was not of use and my company phone battery was almost dead, I had no choice but to ask people for help. So I did. And three really nice women tried to explain me how to get to my home which was still unknown. I felt as if I was close to a mental breakdown, so I just asked them to call me a taxi, because I was sure I would never arrive by myself, I was way too confused and desperate at that time already.
The taxi brought me home. Home - which was really not far from the spot where I took the taxi and which turned out to feel less like home than I had hoped for. The landlady was already wondering where I had been. And since it was almost midnight and I had to work the next day, I went straight to bed, leaving my suitcases in the middle of the room, feeling lost in this strange city in a foreign country. Spain had always felt like my second home to me before when I was living in Valencia, but that night I felt betrayed by life and as if the whole world and fate itself were working against me. 
Maybe I was just dramatically overreacting, right? But at that point I really couldn’t and didn’t want to take any sh*t anymore.
I was just hoping Day 1 would turn out much better than Day 0. Because worse - I couldn’t even imagine what that would be like...
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comradecowplant · 3 years
WELL it was an easy read and I finished the book already. I gotta do a classic Dani Vents About a Story post that will include significant spoilers, so be careful if you are reading/want to read The Mercies by Kiran Millwood Hargraves. I’m about to bitch about it a lot, but overall it was an interesting book that I’d still (mostly) recommend if you have an interest in historical fiction surrounding the Norwegian witch trials.
Most of it was really good, although a few theme threads and character arcs completely fell apart in the final act. I knew it was going to be dark-- again, 17th century witch trial shit-- but the actual “murder my favorite characters” bit thankfully didn’t begin until pretty late in the story, which lets the focus remain more on the lives of the women vs their horrific deaths. The author does a (mostly) great job at creating interesting characters you fall in love with, and succeeded immensely at bringing the landscape and village of Vardo to life.
IN THE LAST LITERAL FOUR PAGES, THE NARRATIVE TOOK ALL THE MEANING THAT THE PROTAGANISTS HAD CREATED OUT OF THEIR HARDSHIPS AND THREW IT OVER A CLIFF (LITERALLY! & EACH USE OF THIS WORD HERE HAS BEEN THE PROPER USE. although i guess a fictional event cannot be truly ‘literal’ BUT WHATEVER I AM NOT GETTING LOST IN THE WEEDS WITH PEDANTICS). I am so fucking mad, and it serves as a reminder to why I typically don’t read/watch many period pieces these days, unless it is a period setting in a fantasy/sci fi world. So many people think that in order to bE rEaLiStIc when writing about periods in history, you simply MUST be as grimdark as possible, especially with conclusions, but I find that perspective boring and uncreative as hell. Bitch it’s already fiction! it’s already lies! you are god in the universe you write, have some courage and don’t concede to established tropes that center on garish suffering to define the experiences of historically (& contemporaneously) marginalized people! At least in a medieval-set fantasy story, you get the vibes of the historical setting, but also your friends can swoop by on a dragon and rescue the innocent pants-wearing fisherwoman who is about to be burned alive by the racist woman-hating church.
Now don’t get me wrong, I love a story with a messy & unhappy ending. I even love an occasional grimdark story! But as I get older, I see & feel more the evils which inspired these historical events and how they still burden our world today, and I do not enjoy spending my free time reading/watching movies that are centered on suffering for suffering’s sake-- if I want a story about senseless violence & the underdogs who never win, I will just turn on the fucking news. SO, for me, the dark stories I do enjoy cannot just be traumaporn in a difference shell, the darkness has. to. make. sense. You can’t spend 300 pages on a woman overcoming her grief of losing her brother/father/fiancé/half her village & learning how to be a #StrongIndependantWoman, then have her just kill herself on the last page. It just isn’t narratively good, it just isn’t! And to be clear, the author could have gone WAYYYYYYYY darker in many places throughout the book & did not even come close to going full grimdark. I think overall she greatly succeeded at balancing hope & hopelessness. It was done so well in fact that I was lulled into a false sense of security that maybe just maybe there might be a way out for our ladies, a conclusion that didn’t end with the kind of complete misery that historic fiction tends to skew towards. But there is this overwhelming sense in the final few pages that, probably due to the aforementioned loyalty to perceived “historical accuracy”, she hadn’t included enough suffering (even though there is PLENTY of tragedy to go around by that point) & she didn’t know how to finish the story. So when in doubt, kill 👏 those 👏 gays 👏 (although we don’t know the fate of the other woman, who has entire chapters given from her perspective, but Meren just says bye & we never hear about Ursa again 😤)
Which brings us to, yeah, it did have gay shit like I thought, and up until the garbage of the last four pages, it was a very touching romance. But it too concluded in a way that is only satisfying if you squint, and adds to the inconsistencies that I mentioned above. I’ve never in my life said this before, and it makes me ill to even type this, but, *sob* it probably would have been a better story if the two women had remained platonic friends and no touch-a the booba. I know a lot of people think I’m One of Those cringe queers who will read/watch absolute garbage just if there is a queer person (which tbf I definitely also do sometimes, & it’s actually very valid of me, thank u very much), but if that were true I would have finished that awful Warming Trend book that I blogged about like 2 years go, or read any of the hundreds of stupid “subtext” trash that folks like to recommend, or ship Supercorp (no offense to anyone who ships them, I get it, Katie McGrath is hot, but come on, there is a perfectly good lesbian already on the show), or watched Glee. No, I do actually have some standards--  Are they super high, as a love-starved reader/viewer who uses romantic fiction as a primary means of escapism/coping with my shitty life? No, lmao. But as a writer, and as a queermo, nothing grinds my gears more than a badly executed lgbtq+ storyline.
Anyway, I just finished the book an hour ago so my crankiness & disappointment is raw and thus I am all over the place with this rant. I hope I’m not coming off as being too hard on the author, because despite it’s flaws, I am very glad to have serendipitously found The Mercies, and I look forward to checking out KMH’s other works. It’s been a long time since I’ve dug into a book and read it in just a few sittings like I did this, repeating “just one more chapter” for hours until it’s suddenly 3 am, and despite the fuckery to my sleep schedule it contributes to, the feeling is good-- it brings me back to simpler times when I actually was able to experience an ease from the constant uneasiness I always carry in my chest. Idk, moral of the story is that reading is fun, & when I get stuck in my Bad Turns & don’t read for months, it becomes easy to forget how much solace can come from a mid-quality but seductive (not in a horny way. but sometimes also in a horny way, lol) novel. Like, most of my reading these days is miserable 20th century theory or other academic/non-fiction writing related to our depressing capitalist hellscape & impending climate disaster, and The Mercies helped me remember that my roots lie in fiction. It also has me inspired to revisit a couple of historical fictions projects I have laying around, aND MAKE A WOMAN-EMPOWERMENT, ANTI-RACIST, QUEER AS HELL PERIOD FICTION PEICE THAT DOES NOT END IN COMPLETE GARBAGE! And in the meantime, I shall be revisiting the works of Sarah Waters, the only bad bitch I know of who writes queer historical fiction without relinquishing her characters solely to the suffering they experience ✌ 
If anyone has read this far and has any books/authors to recommend (wlw focused preferably, historical fiction or any genre as long as the story itself doesn’t rely on the tropes I touched on, recently published also preferably bc I have a long list of older books/authors but i don’t keep up with new releases like I should, & a lot of the ones I know are white & cis so PLEASE send reccs for more diverse stories/authors if you have them) 
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littlebabycrybtch · 3 years
ok ik bitches are still going to complain but i gotta rant to keep my shit together;;; ngl after being stuck co-raising two babies now i really feel genuinely Disgusted by unnecessary parent critique. like it actually makes me feel so viscerally upset and depressed when i remember nobody gets this or cares to and probably just wants to call out what im doing wrong, instead of lend me a hand to do it better. man im not treading lightly here the ‘no excuses’ mentality is literally Inhumane to parents and dehumanizes them as these superhumans, they arent, they are people trying to take care of themselves Plus One. there Are ‘excuses’ for not being perfect. just bc every child deserves perfect doesnt mean it can be given and that fucking SUCKS but that is one of the only times im comfortable saying; ‘thats just life’. you cant magically make life better for kids the way you think, you’re not a protector, you’re their Rock to teach them How to DEAL with what life brings, that means you’re allowed to struggle with it too. childcare is like this cosmic design to work you physically and mentally to the brink, fucking forget the normalization of how many people you think you’ve seen raise kids and done fine, it is harder than you can even fathom. they probably did not do fine behind closed doors. the parents with the best behaved and most obedient kids probably did harmful things to make them that way that will eventually come back to them, the parents with the happiest most well adjusted kids probably had the money to provide the extra care for that. there are ‘excuses’. idc if it fucking annoys you or w/e, i dont like being the bitch that says stuff nobody wants to hear, but you truly deeply cannot 100% understand unless you are raising kids, i dont say that to hurt your feewings or exclude you, i used to think that way, i say it bc when you see me passed out on the couch while my nephew gets into something dangerous, its because i got one hour of sleep that night while he kicked me in our bed for 4 hours. he cant help not knowing how that affects both of us, but i cant help being affected by it just cuz im supposed to be ~the big strong adult~, bc i am not a fucking xman. i CANT pretend it all away. while im sitting there napping im also waiting for my mental health meds to start working. im also dizzy from not eating. it sucks that he gets into shit sometimes. hes still gonna get into shit sometimes, and i can do my best, but if i sit here worrying that karens are gonna get pissed abt that and work myself even harder im gonna straight up explode. who does that help. who does me falling apart help. come babysit my kid for free if you wanna help me bitch!
parents are doing twice the work of a normal person while also teaching one of these people theyre caring for, how to BE a person. i used to be SO pro judging parents and im literally nauseated by the judgments now. “i cant believe this parent looked away and their kid got hurt, i cant beleive they just leave them there with a tablet or a snack or a toy while they nap, i cant believe they let them do that, i cant believe--” btich you literally have no idea how lucky you are that they are not both already dead. you are so lucky tehy are both alive and the parent isnt hospitalized for mental health or even physical exhaustion, or addicted to a stimulant (which includes caffeine), or using smth to relax like weed or alcohol (hello wine mom culture), or the kid isnt traumatized from watching their parent have repeatd breakdowns. that is literally better than most situations already. no matter how impossibly perfect the family could be in your mind, kids fuckin get hurt and they make mistakes and the PARENTS make mistakes bc theyre PEOPLE and yall this blows my mind that ppl dont realize this but,,,,, Little kids??? THEY DO NOT LISTEN TO THEIR PARENTS bc they essentially CANT..... for like YEARS there is a period they WILL NOT LISTEN TO YOU at ALL while they have the full autonomy and smarts and strength to cause horrible consequential problems, they are capable of learning how to circumnavigate your ‘babyproofing’ in new ways every single day, but they have ZEROOOOO MORALS OR CAUSE AND EFFECT SKILLS to understand RIGHT FROM WRONG, NO MATTER HOW OFTEN YOU TELL THEM!!!!! IT WONT CHANGE, ITS LITERALLY A PHYSICAL BRAIN THING THAT THEY CANT LEARN WHAT ‘NO’ MEANS FOR A WHILE YET!!! THIS CAN LAST FROM AGE 1 TO 4, SOMETIMES LONGER! THATS GENUINELY INSANITY INDUCING FOR THE ADULT WHOS KEEPING THEM IN LINE HUNDREDS OF TIMES A DAY, KNOWING ITS AMOUNTING TO ALMOST NOTHING UNTIL YEARS LATER!!!! IT DOESNT HELP WHEN PPL JUDGE YOU AND DONT BELEIVE YOU AND THINK YOU JUST ARENT ~TRYING HARD ENOUGH~! holy FUCK dude, idc if you wanna judge, im losing it bc i am being forced to keep my cool while a child whos pinching me and genuinely HURTING and BRUISING me laughs in my face bc he truly DOES NOT KNOW this, and there is NO WAY for me to convey it to make him stop at the moment!!!! thats maddening!!!
listen to me, neither of you dying or experiencing lasting damage is literally the goal every day, not just ‘raising them’, but that you both survive to the end of it. im appalled by how different the lifestyle is and the way ppl just... dont know that/REJECT that information so they get to judge. ofc tiny vulnerable innocent kids deserve the best, parents cannot always provide that if they want to Survive, bc they also deserve , basic understanding and humanity. you call out abuse all you want, theres a difference between the 'lesser of two evils’ choices, or even the genuinely Bad choices you can Accidentally make when at your wits end (which you should immediately correct anyways), and ever causing intentional physical or mental harm to the child, but the secodn yall start nitpicking or blatantly being ignorant to a struggle just so you get your blame validation in i literally cannot AFFORD to give you the time of day, im busy running on minutes of sleep, so if you think i have enough free time to entertain ur whining that my kids got a messy face and has been on his tablet in a highchair for an hour or w/e, idc, im using that time to shower for the first time in 2 weeks bc nobody else is gonna be there for me to let me do that shit :) so frankly put your money where your mouth is and help struggling parents whenever you can. i cant make shit better out of thin air.
“oh, but i dont have the money to help you.” YOU THINK IM AFFORDING CHILDCARE?? YOU CAN COME OVER AND HELP DIRECTLY WHILE I DO CHORES. “oh, but i dont wanna babysit for my friends, i dont like kids.” OH REALLY?????? OH YOU DONT LIKE KIDS??? BC THEYRE DIFFICULT MAYBE ??? SO MAYBE YOU SHOULDNT JUDGE WHEN ITS HARD THEN????? LIKE YOU RLY THINK JUST ‘LIKING THEM’ SUDDENLY MAKES IT EASY FOR ME?? YOU THINK ME FINDING MY NEPHEW CUTE AND LOVING HIM AND HIS LAUGHTER GIVES ME FUCKING SUPERMAN POWERS TO DEAL WITH THIS???????? “but You chose to have kids” rt in my case i literally didnt and would be homeless if not offering to help care for them but HEY COOL CONCEPT PRO CHOICE KINDA FUCKIN INCLUDES WHEN PEOPLE ‘CHOOSE’ TO HAVE KIDS EVEN WHEN THEY STRUGGLE AFTER, TOO LATE TO FUCKIN COMPLAIN NOW, JUST HELP A BITCH OUT. LIke... bro BRO b R O im losing it stop giving parents the inspiration porn treatment while disrespecting the actual struggles they go thru any time the child actually suffers bc they are unable to shield them from their struggle. can i be real, life literally will not go without struggle. you cannot raise them to have a life better than what the world is, you can do your best but you really cant MAKE it fair. once again this is not a ‘raise the perfect child’ contest you are just . trying to raise them at all. its messy. every single day you will have successes and failures, and you’ll be running on empty, and you’ll be doing that just to make it through to do it again tomorrow, while it slowly (AGONIZINGLY SLOWLY) gets easier each day. im tired of pretending lmao i dont wanna hear you bitches judge parents anymore, i dont wanna hear the stupid ass ‘im allowed to’ shit anymore dude!!!!! for gods sake i can agree with you when some shits just plain wrong but ill never apologize for standing up for myself or other struggling parents even if it makes you uncomfy, i can care about Both the child and the parent at the same time, ig i wont ask you why you seemingly cant. 😶 ESPECIALLY when things like classism and ableism tie in so often with these situations. not to mention racism like im white but hoooo if i hear one more story about a black parents ‘negligence’ in efforts of just trying to help their family, like leaving their kids somewhere during a job interview or w/e, vs the white parents that LET THEIR 10 YR OLDS WANDER AROUND MALLS BY THEMSELVES... im gonna scream. im gonna fuckin scream. its so unfair. fuck off, stop the spiteful ignorance, change this shitty hateful culture.
tldr; you Can care about kids while respecting parents, even when they arent perfect. you can advocate for children while also advocating for parents, and in fact, you should fucking try.
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seokjins · 7 years
"jungkook gave nothing during performance" that's a fucking lie and you know it. why are you hyung line stans so bitter and so fucking petty? bad mouthing jungkook for the number of fucking hearts in a vlive??????? are you serious??????? WHO THE FUCK CARES ABOUT THAT. why can't you appreciate all of bts equally??? and what i mean is STOP BLAMING MEMBERS FOR WHAT FANS DO. there shouldn't even be "hyung line stans" and "maknae line stans", that's so stupid. jfc grow up
first, have u even been in my dance tag ??this isn’t me hating on jungkook. i’ve been dancing for thirteen years and i know what i’m talking about when i say that he gave nothing during that performance.
he was tired and it was a bad run which is fine by my standards bc bts relies heavily on him during tour, but he shoudln’t have that many people fawning over him instead of hobi and gushing about his dancing like they KNOW what they’re talking about. he missed a huge eight count during his solo that both jimin and hoseok DE👏LI👏VE👏RED👏 jungkook looked like he didn’t know the choreo at times !!!! his dancing was all internal !!!!! no stage presence!!!
2) we’re bitter and petty bc we have a right to be. i’m not hating on any members, but i’ve been around in stan culture for a longass time and i’ve experienced stuff like this across all fandoms and ur weed aunt is tired of this. maknae line stans are easily three times the size of hyung line fandom. most of them are immature and only have eyes for their bias, and while i definitely agree that there shouldn’t be a split in the fandom, it must be noted that hyung line stans are trying to make up for the disparity, not dig the trenchlines deeper
maknae line doesn’t need more support. the hyungs do. how many birthday projects does taehyung have? how many fansites? how many people screaming for maknae performances compared to the others? the WINGS tour sold out of solo maknae merch while seokjin and namjoon had the most left over. people routinely ask hoseok during his vlives where the other members are, even to the point where he doesn’t broadcast by himself anymore and also gets these comments while he’s in the bts+ chatroom. it isn’t about “supporting bts as a whole” anymore, it’s about delivering the respect that the hyungs deserve bc they routinely get pushed aside for the more popular members. 
the reason i’m so vocal about these issues is beacuse i know what it’s like to be pushed into the back. i know what it’s like to dance in the last row, farthest from the audience, do your best but get stunted for people who are prettier and younger and more popular. it’s awful when people say they love your ballet company….just not YOU, but rather some other girl in the front
hoseok is CONSISTENTLY shortsighted for his dancing abilities and namjin are always called out. as someone who’s been pre-professional for six years, it annoys me to no fucking end when fans who have NO DANCE EXPERIENCE or ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY experience try to speak over me! like fuck you! you don’t know anything except saying negative stuff about hyung line and trying to pass it off like you know what you’re talking about! newsflash! you don’t!
stop trying to parade around with your “chest pumps” and “isolations” and your 1 hour hiphop class you take on saturday nights or the 1MILLION dance studio videos you binge on during the weekends and expect that to make up for over a decade of experience. that’s just rude to 1) professional dancers 2) me, a bitch 3) hyung line, who are already too good for u
i can only imagine how it feels to be in a fansign and have dedicated “ARMYs” who manage to purchase enough albums to attend, but then ignore a member bc they aren’t their bias. namjoon has even said “now that you’ve talked to me, you can go talk to [your favorite] in the group” …. isn’t that one of the saddest things you’ve heard? what the fuck? how is that even ok? 
hyung line, hoseok/namjoon/seokjin, in particular are fucking AWARE that they have the least amount of fans. they can see it in the crowd. you can hear it during concerts. during the hyyh epilogue tour, people should’ve been chanting seokjin’s name, but instead it was mixed in with a ton of fans screaming for yoongi and taehyung. namjoon has about 2 fansites compared to maknaes’ 200. people are DISAPPOINTED when they get their photocards and namjoon apologized to fans who received his when they opened their albums
hoseok watches youtube videos: reactions, their own M/Vs, stages, performances, etc. he knows, for sure, that his solo stuff isn’t as popular. he’s seen the view counts and all the comments. maybe he’s not fluent in english, but he seems to understand most of what people are saying, and it’s not like you need translations to read the comments that are literally just “JIMIN 😍😍😍” or “OMG TAETAE” or “KOOKIE 💞💞”
i can’t believe it’s a struggle to get BME to 10m (we didn’t make it in time for hoseok’s birthday) and kim namjoon, who gained international recognition for his mixtape by renowned rappers in america during a period of time where bts was barely even peaking in the charts & finally put his foot out their in the music industry on his own & is a lyrical n musical genuis & set the bar That Much Higher in an industrialized music world where krappers aren’t ever rappers before they become trainees & take the mocking that he got from both korean fans and underground rappers for joining bighit and debuting & wrote/performed lyrics in eng..a language he taught himself….. rhyming them w KOREAN and hasn’t even gotten his M/Vs to 10m either??
the problem isn’t hyung line stans who don’t appreciate the whole group (they, in fact, are more likely to be ot7 supportive compared to maknae stans, let’s not forget), but it’s “fans” who don’t bother respecting the other members. hobi and namjin all know they’re unpopular compared to the rest. why can’t you be nice enough to give them something special bc maknaes have an overabundance of this treatment?
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geekyzelda · 7 years
Let’s college AU
Cuz why the hell not. And @annieisyourfavourite ‘s Beetle art inspired me (US based, hence the “college” not uni, cuz im american & too lazy to figure out my own school system let alone other countries)
Septimus is in his first year training to be a pilot and takes as many science courses as he can. He is especially interested in astrophysics and aeronautics and, ironically, chemistry.
Jenna is in her first year but has enough credits to be in her second year. She’s studying political science. She’s aiming for governor but, of course, her big dream would be to be president one day. Or maybe just a congresswoman, who knows.
Beetle is in his last year & finishing his degree in English with an emphasis in Literature. He hopes to get into grad school to get his Library Science degree and become a librarian at the public level.
Marwick is in natural sciences. He wants to become a national or state park ranger. He loves the outdoors and wants to spend every working hour outside, teaching others.
Sep and Marwick have known each other since kindergarten, they got stuck in time out with each other.
Beetle and Jenna met in a general statistics class. Beetle put it off because he despises math. Jenna took it immediately to get it out of the way. It took them almost a year to start dating tho, Beetle felt weird about dating someone so much younger than him (18 to 21 is a big jump) and Jenna was convinced she only saw him as a friend for a while. The pair meets for coffee before class every Tuesday and Thursday. They’re that couple that is always together but don’t make you sick to look at. Everyone assumed they were dating much earlier than they were just because they were around each other so much.
Marcia is the head of the flight program at the university. She takes a special liking to Septimus as he tends to involve himself in EVERYTHING, head of social media, in with the competition planning, picking up random jobs at the airport, at every fundraiser helping out. You name it, he’s there.
(Alther is dean of the college the aviation program is apart of? Or he’s the old head of the aviation program & just comes around to fly planes once in a while.)
Sep TA’d for prof. Marcellus’s chem class & loved it.
Miss Marcia Overstrand is in a dead end relationship with a local shop owner, Milo Banda. They know each other from their own time in college and Marcia convinced herself he was going to propose when they graduated. Well it’s been a few years (try 10) and there’s still no ring on her finger and that chemistry professor on south campus is looking mighty fine.
Septimus invites Jenna to an aviation banquet as his date, because when in doubt, ask your siblings. Milo is there as Marcia’s date and he can’t help but think Jenna’s eyes look a lot like an ex girlfriends of his who died in childbirth. But the kid was a stillborn, right?
The gang hangs out at Beetle’s apartment (he’s the only one with a private room & is relativly close to campus. Plus he owns a TV!)
Sep and Beetle met when they ran into each other in the library. Sep was lost looking for a research book and Beetle helped him before asking about the Zelda shirt Sep wore. Beetle owns a switch and Sep hadn’t had time to even touch a controller since he got to college. Beetle invited him over to play Breath of the Wild and they became good friends after. It just so happened Jenna was Sep’s sister.
Mar smokes weed/makes edibles on the weekends but he does it SMARTLY so he wouldn’t get kicked out. He ain’t no dumbass. Sep tried it once, decided it wasn’t for him. (He takes a hit off of Marwick’s blunt when he’s feeling super stressed about stuff)
Simon is working as a chemist for a local pharmaceutical company. His and Sep’s fight came from 10 the normal dichotomy of oldest kid vs youngest. But 2) Sep got accepted to a better college than Simon ever had the opportunity to attend. Simon is over it now but he avoided coming home for a good few months when he heard. “He’s petty as hell” Jenna declared one night at dinner. No one disagreed
Sam is part of the states local fishing and wildlife board. Marwick walked in one day (when he was done with college) asking about a job application. Sam handed it to him with his phone number on the back.
Jojo still lives at home and works at the local Hot Topic and/or Spencer’s.
Idk what the twins do they have too little personality. They do go to fucking furry cons and you and I both know it.
Nicko went to trade school for boat repair and is loving every single minute of it. Hey, small world! He happens to work with his sister-in-law’s brother!
The Heaps ended up adopting Jenna through a roundabout way. Silas & Sarah were accidentally given the wrong baby in the hospital, never mind the darker skin & the fact that she was a girl while their baby was a boy. Silas notified a nurse & when they got Septimus back they asked to meet the mother of that charming baby girl. When they heard her mom had passed and her dad was out of the picture, they felt an immediate concern for the baby. After some serious deliberation, and a bit of prompting from the boys about wanting a sister, they decided to adopt her.
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spiritcc · 7 years
Sherlock Holmes in Russia
For a country that the rest of the world completely overlooks when it comes to cinematography, Russia has contributed surprisingly quite a few adaptations to the Sherlock Holmes franchise, much to ACD’s dismay. Since you guise like lists with links and I’m very conveniently blogging about all kinds of Russian SH exclusively, I thought hey, why not make a comprehensive guide to Sherlock Holmes in Russia. 
Russians grasped the concept of the hot British detective back when the stories were still fresh and funky, so the hysteria had a pretty early start already. The every-man, the smartest boy in town, the Sasuke to 2010′s tumblr: Sherlock Golmes
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As per the fantabulous tradition, Holmes in the early translations fell under the H=G train just like Garry Potter and sir Genry, but well, they recovered soon, although the early history still remembers this weird phenomenon of Sherlock Golmes (or Golmts) in pre-revolution Russia. 
Contains: pre-revolution grammar, Golmts, Vhatson 
Theater soon caught up with the obsession, which resulted in Boris Glagolin securing his place as the first Russian Holmes on stage
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Which in return, gave birth to the first still existing content:
Sherlock Holmes stage adaptations
Badly translated by yours truly. 
You’d think they would just adapt the canon like normal people do, but jesus christ, in every story Holmes, that very same dude with no social life and couch as his best friend, keeps going all the way to freaking Russia to search for rich people’s missing jewelry. I am not joking in the slightest right now, the read will be wild. Interestingly enough, there is a strong sense of revolution already lingering in those plays, granted it’s 1906 onwards, if you follow me on this adaptational adventure you’ll see that Russians are really influenced by the mood of the country when creating new Holmes content. But it’s here already: some British detective suddenly involved in Russian drama of diamonds and freedom.
Contains: Holmes’ wife, MARIANI, explosions, first femlock, jewelry kinks, MOTHER RUSSIA
After this there was quite a long silence with lots of theater adaptations passing by without much notice. One of those highlights must be Vasily Lanovoy, THIS freaking man:
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saying that yes he probably did play Holmes at some point, but he forgot when and how. Fuckin fantastic, Lanovoy, thnx for the input.     
This continued up to 1971 even, when a few plays turned out to be so good they were honoured to get filmed for national television. This is how the earliest tv-adaptation has reached us, avocado millennials:
The Hound of the Baskervilles (1971): 1 | 2
No subtitles and never will be while I remain a proud man with standards. 
This play is interesting because it’s the forbidden content tumblr craves for: all three plays were put on a shelf after one actor who played Watson in the Hound escaped abroad, and were never shown since. Decades later the Hound was miraculously discovered intact, restored and made available once again. That’s the sole interesting thing about this adaptation. 
It is what you expect it to be: a two and a half hours tedious exactest motherfucking adaptation ever, you don’t even need subtitles for this, you only need to whip out your book, because every single freaking line is 100% according to text, but in Russian. It is what it is, what can I say, although it still has its own weird things like Frankland missing completely. 
Contains: Henry and Watson sharing a bed, Mortimer touching Holmes’ skull, 2h30min of peaceful sleep while it plays 
Everything went quiet until 1979 when things just decided to explode all at once, but I’ll start with what I at least think came first. In the span of the same year, Hound ‘71 got shelved, a Christmas Holmes musical came out, and as the final kick into the grave - that very Soviet Holmes series.
So, The Blue Carbuncle (1979) YT | Drive    
I think this is the best adaptation on this pitiful planet because no other Holmes movie can inhale weed into your eyes right through the screen just as hard as this vid can. It’s fantastic how little it cares about canon and everything holy about Sherlock Holmes in general. Moreover, it’s a freaking Christmas musical shot for a country that doesn’t celebrate Christmas. It’s truly a gift for the mankind and has the lowest rating among all Russian SH adaptations because after finishing it, your eyes are so cloudy with weed you’re very likely to miss that deserved 10/10 with your trembling hands. Also, sneaky Igor Dmitriev somehow managed to star both in this shite, and the unholy Soviet series simultaneously as a villain and Inspector Gregson respectively. I have two sides indeed. 
Contains: the least Holmes-looking Holmes you’ll ever see, off-key singing, the canon story with a twist, Shakespeare banter. 
And here comes the blissful times of what is considered the best adaptation produced in Russia: 
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson (1979 - 1986)
Subtitled poorly and uploaded in ever poorer quality by our beloved Lenfilm. Lenfilm: we hate the content we produce. 
The last video in the playlist is both Hound episodes in bluray tho
This series is distinct by how very warm, healthy and snuggly it is, as they wanted to tell a story about friendship and better people. It is pretty close to canon, but granted it’s five movies in two parts mostly (as the majority of Soviet television adaptations went), they do combine, twist and turn things a bit. If you’re looking for faithful canon with no toxic sociopathic bs, lots of fun, heart-clutching and incredible music - that’s the series you will go to. This series is the sole GIANT Holmes thing in Russia and its influence is as big as ever, which sure has its ups and downs. 
If you want to continue your course along the *Russians influenced by their times* theme, do pay attention to how English people and their interactions are represented, and especially note the sudden shift in mood of the last two episodes that were made right when Perestroika hit. People having no idea what life beyond the curtain looked like making up a dignified fantasy vs confronting worrying change. It’s subtle, but it’s there, pretty interesting as well. 
Contains: lots of hugs, dead dogs, killer jams, Mycroft under a table, sir Henry and Watson getting smashed 
*it might be worth noting that the same director decided to re-release the series weirdly in 2000 as a show about ACD hating life, Holmes and everything around him. The show mixed heartwarming series with the new hate, was aired like twice in its lifetime and is more remembered for all the lawsuits more than anything. But I respect Alexey Petrenko way too much to keep quiet about it.
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After that we suddenly dipped into animation, resulting in 
Sherlock Holmes and I (1986) short with Livanov as Holmes, subs provided. 
A quick nonsensical story about Holmes and his best friend dog Tom. Yes. Has pretty killer electronic music and surprisingly famous actors on voicing for something this tiny. 
Contains: a universe where Watson was never born, crocodile eating a banana, a dog having a mansion and Holmes still searching for pennies under his couch to afford a shitflat on 221Bitch Broke street. 
After this new times hit big time, resulting in one of the first femlocks in the world:
My Dearly Beloved Detective (1986): YT | Drive
Youtube blocked the youtube vid hard recently, so it’s resting on google docs, subs provided. 
I personally very love this movie as again it’s very healthy and non-toxic, very warm, all around the place, and yes, Holmes and Watson are women. Consider this movie the Soviet series’ little sister as it’s fully acknowledging Livanov, imitates its camera tricks and uses the same score granted the same composer is involved once again. Actually, that composer worked on all three adaptations, aka this movie, the series and the carbuncle. Wild stuff. 
The movie is obviously not that fantastic and is safely forgotten in Russia, but I love it dearly nonetheless, and love it even more for how healthy it shows relationships getting sorted.
Contains: best Lestrade ever, crossdressing, bubble games, reused locations. 
That was the last Soviet contribution as the next adaptation wouldn’t come out until 2005. Rest in pieces USSR, you were the golden age of Russian movies. 
The next two dip us back into animation once again and are technically Ukrainian, but anyways. It’s the 
Murder of Lord Waterbrook (2005) time, subs provided.
The short bases its characters on the Soviet series and slays them ruthlessly in the most hilarious fashion. Everyone is a fun idiot, everyone is a murder suspect, occasionally gay stomps in. Also, the short, save for the female roles, was voiced by one single guy. Tumblr will love the fact that this guy is the voice of Shrek in the Russian dub, so the cartoon was always in safe hands. 
Contains: the origin of the gloryhole gif, tasty steak, 360p
Flash forward to 2013 and the same guys made this cartoon into a mini-series that we have also translated: 
Sherlock Holmes and the Little Black Men (2013).  
Six episodes add up to about 40min of overall watch time and follow a story with lots of canon and Soviet series references, more cool artstyle, music and jokes. Such a pity it’s so grossly overlooked as the cartoon is great fun and was made with love. Also, Shrek is back. 
Contains: stupid Watson, cliffhangers, Totoro cameo 
And here comes the last contribution to date, the very awesome
Sherlock Holmes (2013) series, subtitled with love. 
This series, in my opinion, is a peak adaptation on topic *what if everything written in canon stories is bs*: it rewrites all the characters and the narrative from scratch, toys brilliantly with canon, references and easter eggs most of the previous Russian adaptations and a few Western ones, it’s incredibly well thought out and rewatching it at least once is a must because the plot is so ace and required double checking to understand it fully. It contains incredible acting, very consistent character traits, the bestest Watson to date and very entertaining stories. 
Also, concluding so far the *big Russian Mood(tm)* arc, this series is blatantly, as confirmed by the director, about modern Russian social and political issues: bribery, racism, law meaning nothing, you name it. It’s a very good series and it deserves all the attention in the world. 
Contains: british trump, bimbom bramsel, loser holmes, basil rathbone 
And the last but not least: 
this hilarious parody on classic, RDJ and BBC Holmes made by the parody show that knew it all too much. Don’t consider yourself a true Holmes fan if you’ve never seen it.
Contains: Lady Gaga, special subtitled gaze, “deduction”.
So here it is, the more or less comprehensive guide on all Russian Sherlock Holmes stuff I know, or at least consider important enough to mention. If you want to do some good old piracy, I always have the page ready with all the subs and best torrents.    
It is indeed quite a few adaptations for a country so far away and wild, isn’t it. 
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thesportssoundoff · 6 years
“There’s five fucking fights announced, the fuck you people want from me?” A salty TUF Finale Preview
The famed/dreaded/beloved/villanious UFC doubleheader is upon us this week as we've got a TUF Finale on Friday leading into a genuinely loaded and stacked UFC  218 on the back end. The beginning of our focus is on said Finale from Las Vegas, Nevada aaaaaaaaaand I got nothin'. Honestly! I have not much to really say. As of right now, the card has five fights on it. There's two genuinely awesome bantamweight fights (Joe Soto/Brett Johns plus Shawn O'Malley/Terrion Ware), a middleweight fight of middling import (Andew Sanchez/Ryan Janes) and another one that should be amusing if nothing else (Eric Spicely/Gerald Meeschaert). The focus for this show is on the TUF flyweight championships and like the usual TUF affair, we're looking at a lot of this card being filled up with cast members for the show. Going back to the last women's TUF which crowned a champion, we had 8 fights featuring fighters off the show and I'm figuring guessing that the number will be close to the same. You assume a finale fight, the failed semi finalists fighting and then filler will get you to about 7 or 8. It is worth remembering they're trying to start a division here so everyone is gonna get a shot. The lack of fights announced and the general meh of the fights that ARE announced allow me to use the preview space a bit differently. No wacky factoids, no pondersings and no stats to keep (although for record keeping purposes, Sean O'Malley will be remembered for debuts and Terrion Ware for second fights) and instead we can just do some talking about this division and where it stands.
This Ultimate Fighter has not been the record smash success other seasons have been although not entirely of its own fault. They ran up against the World Series with a dated formula that some people are tired of and with two coaches who will make for an amazing fight but not amazing talking television. Compared to TUF 20, this isn't new anymore. WMMA is not a new thing; it's established now and people are either for it or against it with the understanding that they're shouting at a wall. It's empty space, it's noise in a vaccum, it's...it's just nothing. It's yelling at clouds now. A new TUF tournament is cool because it'll get this division going but it's not destination programming. I watch ALASKA FIGHTING CHAMPIONSHIPS and I've seen about three episodes of this TUF. The formula lives on its coaches and the talent involved with it. We've discussed Eddie Alvarez and Justin Gaethje as coaches and they're not engaging talkers. Their fight SHOULD be amazing but I think it speaks to where these two stand that their fight is FOURTH on the main card. It's an amazing fight on paper but neither is going to get you all worked up, it's just another fantastic fight in the shark tank of 155. Not their fault.
And what about the talent at 125 lbs? In a way, this is not anybody's fault either. The best 125ers in the world are basically already in the UFC. They're starving strawweights or bloated up 135ers. They're Valentina Shevchenko, Joanna Challenger, Paige Van Zant, Katlyn Chookagian, Joanne Calderwood and in all likelihood a Claudia Gadelha or Jessica Andrade. Then for a reality show, remove every fighter who doesn't speak English or lives across the planet away from Nevada. From there, the remaining members of the field are all fine fighters in their own right but none of them scream "MUST SIGN!" or superstar. 115 lbs was fresh, new and unique. 125 lbs is just a room with a view at this point. The future of flyweight is bright in time since it'll be like the lightweight of WMMA----but we're aways away from that. One day sure, right now? Not even close. It doesn't help I guess that for people going INTO the show, the best of the best were fighters they've already seen and seen lose. I know there's plenty of people who like Roxanne Modafferi but to UFC fans, she's the woman who lost on TUF then lost to Rocky Pennington way before that became a good thing for your career. Lauren Murphy has lost every UFC fight she's had against someone who remains gainfully employed by the organization. Those are the two biggest names with Barb Honchak trailing way way way way behind in third place and it is of course a fine reminder that Barb went into the show with the reputation of being the most boring female fighter in the history of drab and boring. The rest of the field featured fighters who wouldn't headline an Invicta card or stand out if they were announced on a card. TUF 18 got the best fighters not signed by Strikeforce; a crop that included plenty of elite talent and some surprises who popped out as well. Hell, Tonya Evinger, Val Letourneau and Gina Mazany all didn't make the show which shows their depth. TUF 20 was legitimately just a "Bring me every 115er who can talk english and is over 21" from invicta and other parts of the US which made it stand out. This show is by design/bad luck an amassing of fine fighters who will fill ranks but not seats.
That doesn't mean the division is doomed. Hell it doesn't even mean that this CAST is doomed either. TUF 18 was an attempt to find the next/eventual Ronda Rousey. It didn't do that but it did give us some good fighters who fill ranks across the UFC's multiple women's weight classes. TUF 20 was an attempt to start a new division off with a popular champion and weeks of hype. It wasn't successful but it gave the division some notoriety and 115 lbs is a solid weight class with plenty of name fighters inside of it. The future of this division, it's EVENTUAL star, will not be from this class immediately but who knows? Rose Namajunas went onto TUF at 2-1, got blown out in the finals and then matured and developed into a fighter who dethroned the unbeatable. Felice Herrig has morphed into a whole new woman off TUF. Strange shit happens sometimes in MMA and 125 lbs will almost certainly be no different. TUF is like weed; it's a gateway to some. Rocky Pennington was 3-3 prior to TUF and now she's kind of a big deal at 135 lbs. Some fighters will use the experience and grow, others won't really. I bet you a few years from now, some of us will look back and be shocked at who got off the show and developed and who just stayed where they were. It's the start of a long play for a new weight class which will hopefully give us fighting riches beyond our imaginations as it develops.
The importance of 125 lbs really can't be lost on folks. The UFC does not need another 135 lbs. That division is pretty much dead at this point as Amanda Nunes is the champion nobody cares about facing a dried up pool of contenders. The shelves were never restocked properly after Ronda and Miesha left and the next generation is already thinned. Pena is pregnant which is amazing for her life but not for her weight class. Shevchenko is going to 125 lbs where she'll probably prosper and win plenty of titles. Holly Holm's value seems to be as a fighter who can dance around weight classes depending on the time of year. After that you have fighters with obvious ceilings on their potential (Marion Reneau, Bethe Corriea, Sara McMann), a promising fighter in Ketlein Vieira and the ultimate unknown in Cat Zingano. The landscape is bleak. 115 lbs seems to have a steady supply of newbies filtering in plus a bunch of fresh exciting new fights with Rose as champion. It seems to be doing alright with room to grow as the UFC expands into more markets. 145 lbs is laughable, a mess and a half. You can carry ONE dead division, you're going to see holes with two but three? That's a serious step back for WMMA.
There are zero fights currently announced featuring the cast ALTHOUGH Lauren Murphy is RUMORED (there's that dirty word!) to be facing Priscila Cachoeira so you can cross her out. If I had to guess, something I'm pretty shitty at normally. Here's what I think we MIGHT see:
Roxy/Sijara Eubanks winner vs Nicole Montano " loser vs Barb Honchak Rachael Ostovich vs Maia Stevenson Deanna Bennett vs Emily Whitmire Montana Stewart vs Melinda Fabian Lauren Murphy vs Priscila Cachoeira Maia Stevenson vs Gillian Robertson
Don't be surprised if losers of those fights stick around in the UFC given that this division needs depth behind it as well.
And before I send thee to bed, I want to take a brief second of your time to discuss those two bantamweight fights. We can begin with Joe Soto who finally is starting to make some waves after being "the guy TJ Dillashaw iced back in the day on 24 hours notice." Soto's always been UFC caliber and he's starting to show it, complete with a fucking war and a half vs Rani Yahya. He's not perfect but against Brent Johns, we're going to see a fight that could headline any regional promotion ever. Johns has been a stud although the finishing power still isn't there. He's a guy who has shown an improved skillset and a lot of the problems that plagued him on the regional scene (constantly hurt/struggles with weight) haven't popped back up. The other fight is a really, really interesting clash between a raw as fuck prospect and a proven regional veteran. Terrion Ware has been a good fighter on the regional circuit and the whole "you go places if you beat him" mantra is more true than false. Of his five losses, 3 are in the UFC (Luke Sanders, Cody Stamman and Joe Soto) and 1 is in Bellator (Leandro Higo). He's the guy who basically checks if you're good enough or not. Sean O'Malley is one of the genuine stars of the DWTCS formula. If anything he's THE guy who makes the whole concept work. He was an unknown guy who in one performance had the MMA world (for a night at least) popping for him, Snoop Dogg marking out and shouting his name plus a contract from Dana White. Ware is going to test if he's all flash and bluster or if he's got something more than hype to his name.
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