#there's a fanart idea for me (because I think I'm the only overlap):
fierykitten2 · 11 months
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This honestly feels like a joint (successful) effort between the F-Zero and Star Fox fandoms to get the best sunglasses fox pilot father(s) above transphobic, anti-Semitic, pro-slavery etc father. And just to make me even happier it put James Hetfield at the top (I don't actually know if this is supposed to correspond to the stuff I post/like. I'm sure it's not because I feel like the Star Fox fandom holds on to dead parents better than the Harry Potter fandom but given how the name James McCloud is familiar to two fandoms rather than one... okay two abandoned video game fandoms with a lot of fandom overlap aren't gonna be larger than the most popular fandom to write fanfic on)
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warm-bees · 2 months
Miraculous Pinterest Pen-Pals
My favorite online interaction that I've ever had was when I was in highschool (2017-ish) I started getting really regular DMs from a person I didn't know on pinterest. They had a pfp that was Ladybug from Miraculous Ladybug and would send me posts from pinterest about the show while they excitedly talked about how cute the fanart they would send was- they did this completely in spanish.
Important context...I don't speak spanish. I took a couple school required spanish courses in middle and high school but I wasn't incredibly adept at it.
I popped their message into google translate and their excitement over a piece of fanart of the Miraculous Jewelry Box was so joyous that (despite being incredibly confused) I wanted to respond. I looked at their account and didn't recognize the name, their bio said they were 13 and I was 15 turning 16 so I didn't think I actually knew them irl but I felt bad leaving them hanging so I pulled out my old Spanish class notebooks and using my (luckily well recorded) grammar and sentence structure note guides as well as a digital Spanish dictionary (I didn't trust google translate to NOT make me sound like a fool- the Disney songs that were put through google translate many times were very popular back then, especially the song "Let It Go" so I was incredibly skeptical of Google Translate at the time.) I wrote back a response. It took me about half an hour to write a two sentence reply that essentially boiled down to "Yes I think the drawing is pretty too! I like how the artist really showed the Kwami's personalities!"
Until 2019 the two of us continued to send fan art back and forth, always adding our thoughts in Spanish. Their screen name was just a bunch of emojis and I never ended up learning their name or finding a way to contact them off of Pinterest- we had been chatting back and forth for so long I got embarrassed at the idea of admitting that I actually knew next to nothing about them and admitting that I didn't actually speak Spanish irl- for some reason it felt a little like lying that I never told them I was an English speaker and I cared enough about their opinion of me that I didn't want to disappoint them.
In 2019 though they stopped sending posts, all activity on their Pinterest stopped and a few weeks after they went silent their whole account got taken down.
I panicked, thinking something bad might've happened but the fact was that I knew nothing about them except for what you could see on their Pinterest boards. They liked miraculous ladybug, their favorite colors were blue and orange, they were likely a girl because they referred to themselves as la hija menor de mi madre once when talking about their relationship with their siblings and their fights over who got to use the TV. They liked lolita fashion and dogs and those DIY Decoden phone case/card decoration things, but other than that I knew nothing about them.
I think about them pretty often, especially when I see Miraculous Ladybug content- honestly the memories they gave me might be the only real reason I'm still active in Miraculous Fandom despite not having watched past the Chat Blanc episode.
While I miss them, or at least regret that out interactions got cut off so harshly, being their Pinterest Pal, being their friend made me really hopeful about creating connections with others- especially people with overlapping interests. Being their friend really let me know that being loud about your likes was important because it could lead to the most unlikely of bridges.
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rileyclaw · 2 years
Lovely pumpkin patch fanart! (All of your art is awesome, actually.)
Any advice for someone who struggles with backgrounds? Cause, dang, that's a lot of pumpkins.
firstly thank you so much!!
And secondly-- I can offer a few tips and tricks I use in backgrounds to help? I luckily have some screenshots of the pumpkin piece in the basic stages I made it in- and ill kinda go over my thought process for it??
I always look for at least a few pics for reference, even if all I do is just nab colour from it or an idea for layout- and I lay out this super simple sketch. (If it was architecture or an interior, I might do a box model in Blender or Maya, depending on complexity! Cuz hard edges in perspective make me wanna cry fr)
Most of this layout was from my brain but I definitely needed help with all those pumpkins so I stared at a field of pumpkins and kinda mimicked how they all.. overlapped. Lots of circles that I'm pretty sure kept turning into ovals but I didn't care enough to fix because hey!! Im not going for perfect, Im going for what makes me go "yeah this looks SICK and it WORKS who cares about the small stuff"
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For me this is all I need to get begun colouring - it's different when I'm doing flat colour with linework, since that needs more intricacy (for me at least!) - but I go in and block in my basic colours and values with usually only a lasso tool, paint buckets, and maybe a mixy-painty brush or two for adding more variation in colour. (sorry I was taking screenshots in Clip to send to friends FHSJD so they're all wonky)
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Keep in mind your fore, middle, and backgrounds!! - and how those values will contrast with one another! I marked the far back with the yellow trees, the middle with a more saturated orange, and the foreground with the more 'darkened' pumpkins. That'll help you imply depth in a 2d image.
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From that point on for me it was all refinement! My cake is there, now it needs the "frosting". I usually add in characters after laying out a scene because I find it easier perspective-wise but it's different for everyone! I go in and fix weird colours that don't work, add things like atmospheric perspective (when things farther away appear "lighter/less saturated" bc of the atmosphere between you and it) and tiny details until,, eventually this happens??
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This is just the way I've found I normally go about backgrounds!! I was kinda self taught on environments so maybe my process is wacky but it's mine and it works most of the time!! at least, for what I want to make .
(and with all the pumpkins, if you look closely you notice I barely rendered most of them at all! I just gave them the contour of their sides-- tedious, sure, but I think it only took maybe 20 minutes and was easier than me going in and making each one perfectly rendered because haha! n o )
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viveela · 11 months
your art is ❤ I wanna squeeze them to death (affectionate) also do you read sp fanfiction? if so do you have recs? 🙈
Ah thank you sm!! I'm so glad people enjoy my fanarts, I honestly didn't think my whole shift to south park posting would go this well lol I'm very glad to be proven otherwise!!
As for sp fics ...this is gonna be a long post lol.
So I have been reading some, buuut I guess I'm kinda picky...I am kind of particular about fics in general honestly. If I love something I want to see it portrayed authentically, that goes for every fandom I've been in. I know aus are fun but I want to be able to mainly consume canon compliant content, rarely do I read anything else oops. Unfortunately I've found that to be kinda hard since aging them up and doing all sorts of aus is heavily the vast majority with the sp fandom so I don't really have too many fics I personally have to recommend; just a handful that stood out to me, but I will happily share some!! They're all style and creek tho as I haven't found any I like that aren't yet, but I hope to find some for other pairs or nonromantic ones soon.
Stan x Kyle: A Ballad of True Hearts It's ongoing but really good so far! I really enjoy it, I'm a huge sucker for the fantasy look from the show/game and when it comes to aus this is like the only one I really indulge in. I really like how they're characterized and the tense dynamic they have that reflects the one seen in the current state of the series. The underlying plot has me very intrigued too! Sign of Devotion Adorable canon feeling story where their fantasy world is rarely portrayed as in the show with them simply playing pretend (which is my fav way to see it done). I loved this one to pieces and idk I just really like the idea of some feelings arising between them from trying to stay in character!! To Be More Than My Daydream I really enjoyed this one because it really nailed down how comfortable the two boys have gotten with each other's presence. I enjoy the idea of Stan taking a while to realize how his feelings changed over time and the way awareness of this slowly comes to light. It's written so tenderly and sweet it's really cute, I love the way they are here. Say it and mean it (for both our sakes) Such an awesome fic covering the distance that has grown between the two and how they're both happier when close to one another. They are both wanting and missing what they once had before but so bad at communicating this to each other until now. It was just perfect, loved it. Tweek x Craig:
Signs Point to Yes Incredibly fun fic, super in character, felt like an actual episode. The call back to the fortune teller is great. It was just such an enjoyable fic that really captured their dynamic and the struggle to save a relationship they didn't even ask for but now want. Super cute!
A Stripe of Love This fic was made before there was that much info on Stripe I believe, but it is very cute and I enjoyed it a lot. I am also always a fan for people bringing in Tweek's unofficial/official parrot into the mix, even if briefly. Overall, it's just a really sweet read.
Baby steps
Really cute exploration of how the two would feel about the awkward transition from faking to actually putting real feelings into their actions and being a little more vocal about it. Tweek's nerves are captured really nicely too.
That's all of them, hopefully my tastes in fics overlap at least a little with yours and you gain a nice read out of this!
I also plan to write some fics myself so maybe keep an eye out for that...?
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alright ! there's a bit of an elephant in the room when it comes to preserving dynaswap content that I've been putting off for a little while ! I didn't even find it on purpose, as I had no idea it existed when I started this project.
considering the nature of it I'd almost decided not to acknowledge it at all, but ! if the goal of this project is preserving Everything dynaswap related then this would be included.
that said ! I've decided to do a compromise. there will be discussions of (and links too) not safe for work content below the cut
so This blog [Link], schlongkongaton, is an official dynaswap not-sfw blog. judging from the artstyle and several interactions that happened in the tags my guess is that it Specifically belonged to parvamine, instead of paleimitatorz.
it wasn't active for very long, and really only had a handful of posts, but it Does have official dynaswap not-sfw on it. as well as interacted with a few blogs that created not-sfw fanart for it.
from what I've gathered, this blog was supposed to be a secret to some extent. they never talked about it publicly and never mentioned it on the official dynaswap blog. but it Also wasn't particularly hidden.
I personally found it Through the official dynaswap blog, just indirectly. they frequently reblogged fanart and accepted submissions for it, which is part of what I've been trying to document! and something I'd noticed is that they would reblog (sfw) art from blogs that were otherwise not-sfw. they were even specifically asked about it
I was curious so I did a bit of digging and found that these blogs not only interacted with the dynaswap creators' personal blogs fairly frequently, but also seemed to be in their discords. and then, of course, I found these blogs interacting with schlongkongaton and referring to the owner of it as "Al" in the tags. al, of course, being parvamine's name (or at least it was at the time, who's to say now).
which is when my brain broke a little and I started digging through that blog with a fine toothed comb jklfsadkjlfasd
I Did start collecting evidence that lead to this conclusion (such as the things schlongkongaton said in their Own tags), but since then I've spoken to someone who was around while dynaswap was still going who confirmed that this blog was official fkajlsdkjlsfad
so ! that leaves me with this conundrum. because the dynaswap creators didn't speak about this blog openly, but they Also weren't particularly being secretive about it either.
in the end, I figured if it was parvamine's blog I wouldn't exactly be able to ask them permission to mention it, as they've been Inactive for years now. but I also figured they wouldn't mind, since they vanished from the internet a long time ago. nobody would be able to bother them about it.
so ! I'm giving you all the link to this blog to do what you will with it. I've also gone ahead and given it it's own isolated folder in my dynaswap google drive, though only featuring it's own art and not any of the fan art it interacted with [Link]
though there Is one thing I'd like to discuss specifically, not because it's necessary but because I've been thinking about it for months
there is a particular image that appeared on the official dynaswap blog [Link] that Also appeared on the schlongkongaton blog [Link] (be mindful of the not-sfw)
Except Well. Different
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and what gets me the most about it, is that when you study them side-by-side it's clear To Me that the not-sfw version came First.
the Pants Area was obviously edited, but when you look at it both of them share lines on the pants, but the version that was posted to the official blog is filled in More, overlapping with those lines they both share. you can even see a spot on his sleeve where it's missing line art because they erased a text bubble that overlapped with it a little bit. you can See some of that text bubble still there.
and I don't know why I'm so obsessed with that. that they had to edit his pants so they could post it to the official dynaswap blog. it's beautiful really.
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meatcatt · 2 years
Some Important Things
So I have a few... boundaries(???)/ thoughts I want to put down real quick because I feel as if their important!
I do not own cult of the lamb modern AUs!! A lot of people (Mostly young people) have come to me asking for permission to make a modern cult of the lamb au. And I just wanna make it very clear that I'm not the arbiter of who and who doesn't get to make a modern au. I'm not sure if Redo AU was the first modern AU(??) but modern AUs are not some fantastical thing only one person can make! It's such a broad concept! Do what you want I want to see all of your cool modern AUs flourish!! You can even feel inspired or borrow my ideas! Want them to forget their memories of their past godhood- go for it! Have them be reincarnated- Hell yeah! Have Lamb be a god in their stead, why the fuck not! AUs should be fun, having neat concepts should be fun, not restricted by "oh so and so did it first" I don't own these concepts!! The only thing I "own" is the redo au designs, OCs I made for the world, and maybe how the plot points are linked together! Everything else is anyone's for the taking to take their own spin on it!! And hey if redo AU inspired you in anyway, show me your AU!!! I'd love to see it :) On that topic though- 2. Don't police other AUs because that seem similar to mine. I had someone come to me recently claiming an AU (that I actually follow pretty closely and have drawn fanart for) is a "copy of mine". Redo and the au in question had a few similar plot points, but the way we wrote the bishops, had the story set up, etc etc, where completely different. I think I made it very clear that I HATE policing ideas or concepts. Currently artists as a whole, especially on tiktok, love policing each other. Everything has to be original etc etc. Personally, fuck that!! Art is always inspired by other art! And again I don't own the concept of reincarnation! Just let people have fun pretty please!! Lasty! 3. Please don't send asks that have not been answered by Bishops-of-the-old-faith to my personal ask box in the hopes I'll draw them! So a lil bit of backstory, I'm a mod for the popular ask blog stated above, and that's all fine and cool. Their is a lot of overlap of the followers of that blog and mine, so I understand maybe people feeling like their being ignored by the bigger ask blog would come to my personal ask box in the hopes of getting their question answered. And technically theirs nothing wrong with that it's just a personal annoyance. I have access to the Bishops-of-the-old-faith's ask box, I do see all of your guys' asks over there. I don't need them repeated in my personal ask box. If I wanted to answer them on the ask blog I would! And I might actually be, or one of the other mods might be! Their are so many asks in that box that it gets a bit hard to get to all of them,,,,!
Anyways that's all I wanted to say!! Sorry for the long post ;;!
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pumpkinpyre · 1 year
Hiya! Thanks for responding to my DDDNE poll! You’re not the first person to flag that “so don’t complain” reads as snarky or derogatory or rude, but (fascinatingly) this comment has only been present over the last couple of days of reblogs, which I find super interesting! (I was hella constrained by the character limit on this option, obvs.) I have a couple follow up questions for you, if you are willing to answer: what fandom(s) do you tend to encounter DDDNE in? How long have you been involved in internet-based fandom spaces? Also if you have any more thoughts on the poll structure or the nature of DDDNE as a tag, I would love to hear them! Have a great day!
Oh, hello! I appreciate your receptiveness to feedback, even if being contacted has caught me completely off guard LOL
Yeah, character limits are a pain, but that is pretty interesting that people have only said anything about that after a certain amount of time. I wonder if that's because it reached a certain circle of fandom? Which probably explains your next couple questions actually :V
Honestly I'm not sure how much info you can get from me because it's been quite awhile since I've gone looking for fics. I can get pretty picky about the writing I want to read and give up scrolling through AO3 pages pretty quickly 😅
I've been in and out of various fandom spaces since I was like. In middle school. And I don't want to do the math but I graduated high school in 2007 so that gives you a rough idea. Interestingly enough, DDDNE wasn't really much of a thing; I honestly didn't really encounter it as a use for a tagging system until after I joined tumblr in around 2015-16 (because Undertale). Though largely I've been more involved in the role play side of things instead of the fanfic/fanart, so there's not a whole lot of tagging done to begin with. Last time I was big into the fic/art was.. I don't remember the years but whenever tf2chan was seeing some of its higher activity. Early 2010s, maybe? The stuff I was Huge into before that predates Arrested Development, with only a little bit of overlap. Oh there's also MLP:FiM but I read most of that on their own websites, not AO3. Different categorization systems.
You know, now that I'm sitting down and really trying to remember, I feel like I've encountered DDDNE as more of a descriptor than as use as a tag itself. That might be coloring my thoughts on it. I've read plenty of fics that sure fit DDDNE criteria, but weren't tagged with the phrase. A couple I can remember would be from Team Fortress 2, Undertale, My Little Pony, and Jak and Daxter. Like I'd call the Cupcakes MLP fic DDDNE but I don't think it was ever tagged as such.
hmu if you'd like to know anything else! And you have a good day, too!
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erensproudsimp · 3 years
Armin Arlert x reader
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⚠ Sexual Content Ahead ⚠
Content Warnings: sort of public sex?, Cunnilingus, vanilla sex, masturbation, a lil bit of fluff too
Summary: A date with Armin at his family owned theater, Armin makes you feel like the luckiest girl alive. *cough*y'all bang too*cough*
word count:3.4k
Also, fanart is by atosaido on insta.
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Gazing at the sunset at the horizon spreading its rich hues of red blended with orange, purple and cimsons into the grateful sky when you heard your phone chime. The name on the notification itself was enough to pull the corners of your mouth into a smile. Gently you placed the book that you were reading on the table to grab your phone and unlocked it to see the message. It was from your boyfriend, Armin. Your heart swelled reading the contents. Armin requested you to get ready for a date that he was coming to fetch you in like an hour, however he didn't mention where he'd be taking you. Not giving yourself a chance to try to assume the location, you looked at the time. It was currently six in the afternoon, plenty of time to dress up until seven.
Clothes thrown all over your room, scavenging the closet you were having trouble settling on an aesthetic for your outfit. Since Armin was the type of person to take you to places that could be either cosy or extravagant or both, you made up your mind to a dark academia getup. A brown checkered mini skirt complimented with a beige sweater seemed to be quite perfect for the date. Your hair straightener was heating up while you were doing a light make up. Ten minutes later you were ready. It was almost seven as you went outside to wait for Armin's car to pull up to your apartment.
A fresh chilly wind brushed against your face pickling your nostrils but it brought you out of your daydreams to your senses as you felt alive and connected to reality. You rubbed your nose for warmth with your sleeve when right at that moment a white BMW. You swore your heart leaped in your chest upon seeing him. Like a happy puppy running to its owner, that's how Armin saw you when you were running in your boots to him. Throwing your arms around his neck, you jumped for a hug. Armin being quite well-built was able to handle your weight as he lifted you up to spin you around.
"Ahaha y/n I'm so glad to see you," Armin's voice muffled against your hair.
"Me too Armin, me too," you replied pulling back to make eye contact with him.
You had no idea how Armin liked you saying his name, especially when you were screaming it.
"Let's get in the car shall we? It's getting a little chilly," Armin said opening your door to let you in. You gave him a light smile for his chivalry. Closing it after you sat, he went to take his place in the driver's seat.
"So, are you going to tell me where you're taking me?" you asked him.
"Hmmm, nope," Armin answered bopping your nose with his index finger, "I'm keeping as a surprise till we reach it, besides I think you'd probably guess it with the route we're taking."
"Well then, let's see if I guess it right. Let's go!" you excitedly shouted.
Analysing the passing buildings and blocks, a light bulb went off in your head.
"Wait, are we going to your family owned theater?" crossing your fingers you questioned.
"Heh, you've got a good memory," Armin smiled over to you one hand on the steering wheel, the other on your thigh rubbing small circles.
Shrieking in happiness, you couldn't help it as that theater was nothing but a comfort place for you. Pressing the button to pull down the transparent glass, you let the cold wind hit your face making your hair fly, a smile stretching your mouth aware that this was going to be a good night well spent. Across the seat, Armin admired you for a while before pulling into the parking. How he wished he could keep looking at you forever. You were like drugs to him, no matter how much he consumed of your presence or just you in general, he's never satisfied.
Before you could get out, Armin came to your door to open it, extending his hand. Taking it, he pulled you closer to him, faces millimeters away. Smiling against his mouth but you didn't kiss him. Instead, you placed your finger between your lips, "Quite a gentleman, aren't you?"
"Only for you my love," Armin replied dragging you to the theater's entrance.
Hand in hand, you both ran to the magnificent creation that was the building. Nobody was in sight signaling you that you two were the only beings present in that place. The only sounds that could be heard were you and Armin's giggling and the rustling of the trees with the wind. The moon was shining so bright in the sky lit up by thousands of stars. It's brightness was the same as the one Armin brought in your life. He was your sole source of joy alongside the reason why you adored being alive so much.
"You really like the night sky, don't you?" Armin asked as he looked at you staring at the moon.
"A lot. The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"
"Yeah, I could die happy."
Your heart felt lighter than air at his answer.
"Before we go inside, mind if I blindfold you? I don't want to ruin the surprise," Armin requested holding up a black cloth.
"Sure thing," you replied as he tied it lightly so as not to hurt you.
Rather than taking your hands to guide you inside, Armin choose an easier method which was to carry you in his arms. At first you were bewildered but then when it hit you, it didn't really faze you as he was always doing sweet unexpected actions like this. He treated you as though you were the most precious thing to him, which you in all honesty were.
While he was walking to take you to the destined spot, he couldn't stop himself to gaze at you. You gave so much meaning to his life and to every little thing to him. From the feeling of the first sunlight hitting his skin, he was reminded of your warm smile to the moonlight illuminating the dark sky, he thinks of the way you bring him positivity even in the toughest of situations. He couldn't be in anymore bliss as this was the definition of heaven to him. Your arms wrapped around his neck for support, he was carrying his literal embodiment of happiness.
Gently putting you down, he asked, "Are you ready?"
"I'm more than ready!" mirthfully you exclaimed.
"Okay then", Armin said removing your blindfold, "Ta-dah."
At that moment, you couldn't decide whether you were more likely to smile because of what you were seeing or more likely to cry because of what you were seeing. Your mind chose the later as tears started to run down your cheeks.
"He-Hey, don't cry, why are you crying?" Armin confoundedly wiped your tears with his thumbs as he cupped your face.
"Did you do all of this... for me?" sniffing you looked at him.
"For who else did I do this stupid? Of course it's for you y/n", he beamed.
Apart from the usual dark room with a dark vibe like a traditional theater has, for this date, Armin had set up projections on the ceiling. And it wasn't any type of projection, it was the space scattered all across the white roof.
In awe, your eyes widen at the celestial beauty in front of you. Stars twinkling like little fairy lights, even a nebula in vivid details. It doesn't stop at that as there were loads of other spatial phenomenons occurring. Not only did Armin set up a picnic on the stage but beside it was also a mattress big enough to accommodate both of you to 'stargaze'. The fabric set with Ratatouille in a bowl, a bottle of red wine glimmering under the light and various pastries sat in soliditary splendor in the middle of the wide open space which was the stage.
"I feel like I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have you Armin", you said sitting on the cloth spread on the wooden floor.
"No, I feel like the luckiest man to have the most perfect woman," he corrected you as he was pouring some wine into your glass.
Red tinted your cheeks.
"Cheers ?"
"Cheers," you raised your glass to clink with his.
This night couldn't be any more flawless.
A nice dinner in your favorite place with your favorite person, what else could you ask more?
As soft as clouds, the mattress sunk in with both of your weights. The wine coursing through your veins served as intoxication transporting you into this realm of abstractional interstellar.
Still mesmerised by the exquisite visual that resembled as though some heavenly artist had crushed crystals into his paint and then colored the cosmos with the finest of brushes, it didn't even compare to the beautiful man on whom you were laying on. Your hand on his chest, head on his shoulder, Armin held you so close to him as though you were going to disappear if he looked away. The blues and purples of the projection caressed his face.
Moving strands of your hair away with his finger, Armin asked, "What's the matter y/n?"
"Nothing, I was just wondering how pretty you are."
"I-I thank you," Armin blushed.
Gosh he was so cute.
Lifting yourself up, a frown on Armin's face at your action but then replaced by a astonishing look when he realised that you were straddling him. You had no clue of what you were doing, maybe it's was the wine or maybe it was just your desire for him, nonetheless, you craved his touch.
Your soft skin reflecting the light of the led made his fingers curl with the urge to stroke it. To his surprise, you grabbed his hands and placed it on your thighs revealed with your skirt lifted up. A light squeeze was given to them as Armin began stroking with his thumb waiting for your next move. The light illuminating from your behind aligned your figure making you appear as an angel in Armin's sight. Running your index finger from his cheekbones to his lips, you neared your bodies to press your boobs on his chest as you kissed him. His left hand dragged up your flesh to grab your ass while the right one entangled itself in your hair pulling your faces closer. Lips overlapping each other as you fought for dominance with him. Though Armin seems like a very sweet guy but looks may deceive, well, not completely. In bed he's like a cocktail, a combination of gentleness like flavored syrup or juice and of roughness like the alcohol in the drink.
Pushing your hips to his pelvis area, a groan leaving his lips cued you to further tease him. Up and down you grinded on him. Breaking the kiss to pull back, Armin went lower to your neck to pepper small kisses all over your sensitive skin, all the way to your jaw, your cheeks, the corner of your mouth to back on your neck to suck on your sweet spot. A light pain accompanied with pleasure made a tiny 'ah' leave your lips as he was marking your body. This only turned Armin more than he already was the moment he saw you.
Bringing his face back up , you collided your lips to his, more passionate than before. Sloppily you unbuttoned his shirt.
Abruptly he grabbed your back to switch positions with you. His chest now exposed was in front of your eyes. Removing the fabric off his body, his muscles shined in the light. This man was built like an art piece, his chest sculptured like the Greek soldiers.
"Allow me to be the one to please you," Armin's breath tickled your ear.
Feather like touches brushed your throat down to between your breasts to your stomach through your clothes. He took all the time in the world to appreciate the fact that you were with him and for him. You've probably never experienced such tenderness before meeting Armin. While making out with you, he his hands underneath your sweater to cup your boobs unaware of the dampness pooling between your legs.
With a swift motion, Armin took off your sweater and threw it across the stage. Black laced bra covering your breasts made you look more lustful. Armin's breath hitched in his throat.
"I don't think I'd ever get enough on beautiful you are y/n, everytime I undress you, it always feel as though it's the first time", he breathed.
You tugged at his belt, unbuckling it.
"Then show me how much you want me," you swiped your thumb over his lips.
Armin smirked. If looks could kill, you'd probably be dead by that.
"As you wish my lady."
Armin's big hands stroke your curves, brushing his lips from your collarbones slowly down your bellybutton but he didn't kiss your skin until he pulled down your skirt for your damp fabric to come in view to him. His soft lips didn't hesitate to press against your core.
"Ah- Armin-"
"You look so hot making that face, baby," Armin replied mouth still on you, you felt the vibrations of his voice through your underwear giving you goosebumps.
Armin dragged his tongue from the buttom to your clitoris, sucking on it making your underwear even wetter.
"Does this feel good?"
"Hmmm yes~," you reached out to grab his hair.
He chuckled at your reaction and proceeded to remove your last piece of garment. Your entrance dripping with anticipation, Armin gulped hard.
Like a wild animal out of cage, Armin attacked your pussy with his mouth. You leaped at his rough action and gripped on his hair for dear life as it seemed like this man wasn't going to leave you until he's had every part of you. Out of nowhere, Armin stuck his tongue into you making you arch your back. Thrusting it in and out of you, he gripped your hips in place so that you wouldn't squirm away.
"Gosh you have no idea how good you taste y/n," Armin panted sending chills down your spine.
Your tiny little pants and moans only fueled him to gain speed as he flicked your pearl in his mouth with the tip of his tongue.
"Oh-ah-Armin- Don't stop I'm close ~"
Taking your words into command, Armin didn't cease until you gasped and released everything in his mouth.
He swallowed every single drop of you as though it was his last time drinking any sort of liquid. While he was licking his lips to consumed everything he removed his pants as you were catching your breath. His dick sprung free from his cage, tip leaking with precum.
"May I?"lining his dick in front of your cunt he asked for consent.
"Just fuck me already Armin."
Slowly, Armin stoked it on your wet folds to lubricate it for it to enter more smoothly. Wet sounds of both of your excrements mixing filled the theater.
"Fuck you're so tight,"Armin groaned in his first thrust into you,"Are you okay baby? Do you want time to adjust? "
Still panting over his big size you nodded your head, your arm covering your eyes.
"It's okay love, take your time," Armin gently moved your hand away from your face to stroke your cheeks.
"Okay, you can move now," a minute later you told him.
Intertwining your fingers, Armin held your hand while the other held for support on the bed, Armin began to move.
With the projector in the background, this moment seemed so magical.
"You feel so good y/n arg-"
You hummed still doused in this dreamy state. The world around you blurred as the only thing visible in your peripheral vision was paradise. You could feel him moving so slowly between your walls, each of his popping veins so clearly. With time passing, your need for him grew bigger.
"Please go faster Armin."
"Anything for you," he replied as he picked up speed, this time more rougher on you.
Skin slapping, you arched your back, this time Armin slipping his hand on your back to make your bodies touch each other. Chests rising and falling rapidly, you brushed Armin's hair from his face to see his expressions better.Face twisted with pleasure, this man was so attractive.
It wasn't long until you felt the knot building up in your stomach.
"Y/n I'm-I'm close"
"Me too Armin, please cum with me"
Eyes boring into yours, Armin didn't hesitate to go even more rough with you.
Bending down Armin kissed you as he released his hot fluids into you.
"Are you okay? I hope I didn't hurt you my lady," Armin moved your hair away from your sweaty forehead.
"No Armin, I know you could never hurt me, that's why I love you."
"I love you too y/n," Armin kissed your nose.
Helping you to get up, he took some tissues from the straw bag in which he carried all the food in. While you were tying your hair into a ponytail, Armin wiped his cum from your body.
"I'm sorry I made such a mess on your beautiful skin y/n."
"Armin, why are you even appologising for this, please don't ," you giggled then grabbed his hands and kissed them.
Inhaling a deep breath, Armin got up to fetch your clothes and helped you wear them.
"Let me drop you home okay?" he carried you in bridal style to the car due to your legs shaking and being unstable. Throughout the whole voyage back, you just wished this night could last forever but alas reality is a bitch. His hands warming your thighs till his car reached your house and he took you to your bathroom to help you get into the bathtub.
Not wanting to hold him any longer, you reassured him that you were now okay and that he could take care of the theater to clean it for business the next day. The thought of people coming to a place where you and Armin banged without them being aware of it brought all the blood to rise up in your cheeks.
Parking the car, Armin entered the building with the scent of sex still lingering in the air. Taking care of all the stuff on the stage and cleaning it, he went to remove the projectors. Out of the blue it clicked in his head. Security cameras. Heaving a sigh of relief that he recalled this crucial detail, he rushed into the surveillance room to discard of the recordings for the night. However, before he did that, he did in fact consider to watch it. Debating in his head like attorneys in a courtroom he finally yielded to looking at them. He didn't even play the video that he was already blushing redder than his blood. Pressing the play button, he sat down on the wheelchair.
Holy shit did he not regret watching it. Even in bad lighting, you looked so hot on camera. It felt illegal for Armin to be doing whatever he was doing then.
"Ah-ah Armin-" you moaned his name and that awakened something in him or more like that hardened something in him.
"Fuck," he whispered under his breath.
From his pants, he could see the lining of his growing erection but he tried to ignore it. Eventually it began to feel a little painful from the restriction of release. Giving in into his urges, he unzipped his pants to let his dick breath from its suffocation.
He hissed as he spread the oozing precum across the tip looking himself eating you out. With his face buried between your legs, at that moment he couldn't clearly see your facial expressions compared to now.
The way your breath got stuck in your throat, your mouth made an 'o' when you tried to control your moans. The next time he was going to make love to you, he's keeping in mind to prevent you from holding back the sounds you make as he wants to hear each and every one of them.
Stroking his shaft up and down just like he's thrusting in and out of you, his motions rhythmic, he threw his head back on the chair hearing your sweet voice resonating the room.
To his shock, he came at the exact timing he came within you in the recording. Letting his actions absorb, still drown into the cloudiness of his mind, Armin couldn't wait for the day he could at last marry you.
Without further ado, he deleted the clips after he sent them to his phone as a token.
Thank you for reading this. :)
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zhansww · 4 years
Hi! I have a question I hope you don't mind me asking: What do you consider to be the difference between shippers and believers/supporters? The reason I'm asking is because I thought I knew what constitutes real person shipping, and this distinction is new to me (re: your pinned post). Does it have to do with stuff like fan fiction and fan art? Is that what "treat them as if they were fictional" refers to?
Hey! Of course I don’t mind you asking~
I think shippers are those who ship real people exactly as they would fictional pairings. Having “headcanons”, making AUs, writing ff and, in the case of an mlm rp “ship”, even forcing het roles on them and fetishizing them exactly the way gay pairings so often get fetishized in BLs. Like, just recently I saw a video of a body language expert who analyzed V/JK and said that V has the dominant personality between the two of them and good God... the comment section was filled with nasty shippers, being upset at the idea that V is the top and not JK and I just ????? Dafuq. I see this kind of shit so much among yi/zhan and tae/kook fans - which are the only tags of the kind that I usually look at - and it... evokes a very negative reaction in me. I already kinda stopped looking at those tags but I still saw some stuff in my notes which I would rather not see; hence my pinned post. When you’re writing fiction, you know every detail you need, you know any characters’ thoughts, feelings, personality traits and relationships. But in the case of real people, obviously none of us know what they are like in private, so you can only make things up, i.e. imagine/fantasize about what they think/feel/act like when they are alone or with a certain someone. I can’t even put into words how uncomfortable it makes me to see fans use their imagination on real people to such an extent. Not to mention the why... like, why is the reality that those two people are close and the speculation that they might be in love not good enough? Why are they thirsting so badly over what others might have that they feel the need to fantasize about it? I don’t get it. I don’t mind fanart, for the most part at least. And to be clear, I’m not saying writing rpf is inherently morally wrong. I’m just saying that it’s not for me, I don’t like it and I don’t want to see it in my notes. I do think there can be an “overlap” here, so to say; s/o can support them but also read/write rpf so long as they don’t fetishize their relationship and are well aware of the line between their imagination of a person/relationship vs the reality. Supporters, I think, are those who don’t need or want e.g. xz and wyb to be together so badly that they just convince themselves they are. I see a lot of their cp fans who don’t believe in them cuz it makes sense but literally only because they want to. They also get weirdly upset at anyone who “gets between” their cp, not to mention they make any and every little thing about those two but don’t even realize they’re reaching. It’s weird... And again, I don’t get why. Whether I’m actually right or wrong about yz makes no difference on my love/support for them and I think that’s how it should be for anyone who believes in and supports them. Basically, I don’t consider it supporting when all they do is fetishize or when they believe just because. Appreciate them as individuals and support them together. That’s it.
Getting this ask makes me wonder if my pinned post is too vague... I’ll change it if I come up with something better xD
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