#there's a select group of people who should recognise this
dribs-and-drabbles · 6 months
@pickletrip gave me the BEST pre-easter present today (not that I really celebrate mind you, I just appreciate the long weekend off 😏) by pointing out an unexpected early appearance of a shirt on the Thai Communal Wardrobe list in Love By Chance season 2.
I'm not updating the original post with it yet, though, because it's also going to be worn in Deep Night at some point, but I can't tell you how happy it has made me. This shirt has been worn seven times now, with 3.5 years between the first sighting and the most recent.
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Anyway, this brilliant news spurred me on to do a scroll through of LBC 2 and I was pikachu-faced when I saw this dinosaur shirt on Can...
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...because it's one that's stood out for me from another well-known series that I've always wondered if I'd see it again (to be fair there are a lot of items of clothing like this for me 🤭) AND NOW I HAVE!
So, before I make a post about this new item, I'll give 1000 bonus points to whoever recognises where else it's been used/worn 😁
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Opera Carmen is one of the earliest examples of the Spicy Latina stereotype used in art. The opera is widely known, but characters based on this cliched representation of Latino people appeared in many vaudevilles and music hall acts — forms of theater that are nearly forgotten now. Latin Lover stereotype is younger, it can be traced to Hollywood movies of 1920s. Rudolph Valentino, the guy who is often mentioned as the earliest case of celebrity craze, made his career playing “ideal” lovers.
Human collective memory has always been very selective. Rita Hayworth’s story made us believe that The Golden Era of Hollywood was very white. In reality, there were quite a few leading actresses who weren’t hiding their Latino identity from the public — Raquel Torres, Dolores del Rio, Lupe Velez were among them.
Their choice of roles, however, was very limited. They played some version of Spicy Latina — sexually attractive, hot-tempered, blunt woman no man could resist. The stereotype evolved through time. Carmen from opera Carmen and characters from early Hollywood films often had sinister motives. They seduced men and destroyed their lives. A slightly different type of Spicy Latina started to appear on the screen in the middle of XX century. She still was irresistible but she also had a kind heart. She upturned a boring white man's life in a good way. Before her appearance, the man was stuck in a routine he didn't choose for himself — a tedious job, strict and cold family, maybe a boring fiance. And then, he met a Spicy Latina, and she showed him a different life — a life full of passion and excitement. The Generic White Guy could have his initial doubts but ultimately he chose the Spicy Latina.
In other words, an extremely attractive, very flirtatious character who isn't afraid to tell what's on their mind, falls for a very shy, very boring white guy. Thanks to that, the guy suddenly gathers the courage to confront his despotic mother and quit the job he hates. Does it sound familiar? 
The Spicy Latina/Latin Lover stereotype can seem less disgusting than some other cliches but it is harmful nonetheless. Among other things, it translates into higher rates of sexual harassment of Latinos and into less academic success among the group — if your sexual attractiveness is the only quality that matters to the world, people will refuse to see anything else in you.
The more I read on this topic, the more important it became for me personally to not perpetuate those cliches in my writing. Seeing your own biases, even if they are unconscious, can be deeply uncomfortable. You can deny, you can get angry. You can turn a quote from an offhand post I wrote over a year ago into a tag. But it doesn't absolve you from responsibility. In my opinion, the responsibility lies with every  fanfiction author and every fanfiction reader. We all should try not to add to false narratives, not make the world a shittier place for other people. Recognising flaws in your worldview requires additional work, additional reading and, most importantly, a critical look at fanfiction canons. But it results in stories with more interesting, more complex characters — just like the ones Young Royals gave us.
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kedreeva · 2 years
Hi! I live in a small apartment that allows small pets (so no cats, dogs, mini horses etc.), and I was thinking about getting some mice. This may be a dumb question, but do they recognise their owners? Like, will they know who I am and hang out w/ me?
The answer is complicated.
The short answer is largely "it depends on who you get them from."
All mice are not created equal. A feeder mouse or most pet store mice are just random mice. You may or may not get lucky and get one that is less scared and stressed by handling than its neighbor. You may be able to tame it with enough handling, but if you stop handling it for a pretty short period (and I mean for some, as short as a week), handle taming "wears off" so to speak.
As far as I know, they've done no studies on whether a mouse recognizes a specific human vs any other human. They can learn to recognize humans in general for sure, I see that in my own home. They have extremely poor eyesight, but very good hearing and smell, so they may learn to recognize certain things that way. My mice recognize when a human comes into the room (my door makes a noise) and they all get up and come to the fronts of their bins looking for treats and some will even climb readily into my hand if I reach in... But they'll also do this for anyone that reaches in, because that's what they have been bred to do.
Because that's the "it depends on who you get them from" answer. A private breeder selecting for temperament can breed mice that are super friendly and actually really enjoy handling (at least, they seek it out and show no stress behaviors during handling). I've had my mice get so comfy they fall asleep in my hands. They take treats from my fingers. They seek interaction when I open the lid. And a properly bred pet or show type mouse should have a temperament like that. They should have a human forward disposition which does not go away. I don't handle my mice, except during cage cleaning, and it doesn't matter- they'll always be chill the next time I go to handle them, because that's built right into their little mousey DNA.
But you're unlikely to find that straight from a pet store. So your best bet is to find a private breeder and ask about their breeding practices, and get at least a pair from them. Not all breeders select for things other than color, so if you're uncertain, look at the ears. If you look at the ears and think "man this mouse has got Ears" there's a good bet that breeder is selecting toward show SOP, and one thing a show mouse has to be is super laid back and easy to handle. Mice that bite or jump or stress too much can lose points or even get disqualified, so it's always in a show breeder's best interest to select away from those things. This isn't to say a mouse with small ears can't be super friendly, because absolutely they can, but just that if you see the big ears it's a better bet.
Last note, mice are largely scent animals. They tell hierarchy by scent, they recognize each other by scent, it's a big part of their lives. Which means if you are making a mischief, the group will get overall more stressed by its most-stressed member. Show type mice may become stressed by the addition of a high strung feeder or pet store mouse or mice. So if you're going to get from multiple sources, I would recommend different cages for the two types. It's also a matter of show types can easily get twice as big as pet store or feeder mice as adults, and sometimes this leads to the smaller ones getting hurt.
If you want a small pet that recognizes its owner and loves to hang out, I'd actually look for rats instead. Same deal, I would look for a private breeder, but rats are hugely more intelligent than mice and they definitely can recognize specific people. Mine come running to me but ignore my partner, even sometimes when he has treats.
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sk8termikey · 4 months
Chapter 16 of 21 Questions
Better interface on Wattpad + chapters updated till 27
That’s some nice pics, Nick thought as he was currently looking through Lily’s Instagram account. As usual after a show, he would go on sturnioloteam to see what people had posted about the tour and he stumbled upon Alex’s post. He immediately recognised her and as he was on the girl’s account, he saw that she had tagged someone for the photo credits. Nick, as a fellow photographer, wanted to see who had taken such clear pictures and this is how he found himself admiring an Instagram account full of landscapes – mostly of the sun or the moon. He noticed how good her camera and editing were and almost liked a post from three months ago before realising the mistake he was about to make. What he should have noticed however, was that his brother Matt was actually following the exact same account. But because Nick did not pay attention to the common follower as it was Matt’s second account, he simply went back to watching videos people posted about today’s show.
Then, as Nick was now checking that everything was fine with the video he had posted earlier – he was not used to posting with the timer but it was show time and he had no choice if he wanted to stick to the schedule, he saw Matt going through the bag of gifts they received from fans. Today’s video – which they had literally recorded the day before as they had forgotten about it due to the tour – had been showing their tour bus as well as some of their favourite gifts. The triplets had a huge bag full of friendship bracelets, drawings, letters and also plushies which they would all keep. Matt, however, couldn’t get over two specific presents. Both were Pokemon related: the first one had been cards made for each triplet and the second one was a painting of them as trainers. They hadn't been able to show the former in the video as it had been given to them today, but the latter had been greatly exhibited when the triplets had run over what they received since the beginning of their tour. They were grateful for all their gifts but those two would definitely have a special place in their hearts.
Nick, Matt and Chris were all grateful for their fans and were careful not to take them for granted. Each show was a blessing to be able to meet a small part of their fanbase and they couldn’t wait to experience another one the next day.
New day, new city, new show. Nick, Matt and Chris were now in Tampa, Florida for the penultimate show of the Versus Tour. As Nick was unfortunately out of the competition to win the tour – he would need three shows to win but only two were left, Matt was the last contender to prevent Chris from winning. The middle triplet only needed to win the Tampa and Fort Lauderdale shows to tie with his youngest brother. No one knew how it would turn out if two of them were tied at the end of the tour but every fan hoped for something ridiculously funny that would characterise the triplets well.
The three brothers had arrived in the venue and were talking with their manager Laura to organise the different events of the day, the first one being the “small talk” with fans.
“Ok guys so we have a slight change of numbers regarding the group pictures,” Laura explained. “We can either keep two hundred people before the show and have a hundred after. Or, we split fifty-fifty with a hundred and fifty before and after the show. Any preferences?”
“If the fifty fans who were supposed to take pictures before the show don’t mind changing then I’d be fine with splitting equally,” Nick shared his opinion first.
“Yeah, I’m okay with that as well.” Matt agreed and Chris nodded to confirm as well.
Laura thanked them for their input and got ready to select the fans who were going to switch the time of their pictures. She expected most of them to not mind as they would still get their picture taken nonetheless, and maybe even prefer this as the fans who were taking group pictures after the show had the advantage of having the winning triplet wear his crown and medal. She looked at the last people who had been checked in for small talk and went to stand near the space where it took place so that she could easily notify the fans before joining the next line.
The intimate meet and greet alternative was now starting and everything went smooth as usual: Nick, Matt and Chris enjoyed meeting the fans as well as taking pictures with them; and they were also glad to be able to give a worthy experience to their fans. All was going great, and it got even better as Matt noticed who the next two people he was going to meet were – thanks to his good memory of faces, he loved seeing the same people coming back at multiple shows.
“Hey, we meet again!” Matt said as Alex walked towards him before they shared a hug. “How are you?”
“Hiii,” Alex replied. “I am so happy to see you again, how are you?”
“I’m good, I’m good.”
“I hope you’re glad to see I switched colours for you, decided to follow my friend on this!” Alex exclaimed as she was dressed in blue from head to toes.
“Yeah, I see that. Thanks for the support, for real.” Matt felt genuinely appreciated as he remembered the blonde having supported Chris the last two times he met her.
Alex then asked Matt to take their pictures after he signed a photocard, to which he agreed and took at least ten selfies before doing the same with 0.5x pictures. She thanked Matt for that and quickly hugged him before walking towards Nick as Matt was joined by Lily.
“Hello there, again.” Matt said while smiling at Lily.
“Heyy, it’s been such a long time oh my god!” Lily joked as she hugged the triplet.
“For real, how you doin’ though?”
“Well, I’m always doing great when seeing you. Hope it’s reciprocated,” Lily let out a small laugh as she felt comfortable teasing Matt.
“Hmm, I don’t know about that…” Matt feigned to hesitate before confirming it was indeed nice to see the girl again. “You wanna take pictures?”
“Always, thanks babe!”
Although he didn’t mind pet names, Matt was often surprised when fans would use endearing terms with him but he felt glad that people were comfortable enough to act as they would with their friends or inner circle. Then as usual, Matt took a dozen of pictures before giving the phone back and also giving the photocard of him signed. Lily thanked him again and wished for his victory as she believed that he still had all his chances to win today’s show and the whole tour in general.
Maybe Lily and Alex were lucky charms. Matt had won today’s show, which put him at five victories against Chris’s six and meant that he still had the opportunity to prevent Chris from winning the tour. For his and Nick’s sake, Matt was ready to give it his all during the next and last show in Fort Lauderdale. However, he chose to try and forget about the eventual result of the tour as it was now time to take the last group pictures of the day.
Weirdly enough, Matt had noticed that neither Alex nor Lily were there during the first half so it certainly meant that he would see them now – which he was right about. The two girls were amongst the last fans to get their pictures taken and the triplets, although starting to feel the exhaustion of the day, were enjoying seeing them again. Nick, Matt and Chris, after hugging Alex and Lily, knew to put Matt in the middle as he was the winner of the day and also due to the girls both wearing blue for him. Similar to the show in Atlanta, they all made hearts in the first picture before the triplets chose to raise their medals as Lily pointed to Matt’s crown in the second picture. The girls thanked Nick, Matt and Chris before the youngest triplet called out to them as they were leaving the area:
“I better see some deers on that face if you come back here!”
“Promise!” Lily replied as she waved and followed Alex to the exit.
As he watched the two best friends walk away, Matt couldn’t help the smile on his wave as he waved back at them. He tried to focus on the few people left that were having their pictures taken with him and his brothers but his brain seemed to like drifting back to the two girls, and one in particular. She had been making him feel so at ease, it was simple to forget the anxiety he could sometimes experience during the tour due to the amount of people there. Matt was obviously thankful for all the fans coming but he had to admit it was always a bit easier to feel more comfortable with the fans that were closer in age than the younger ones, as sweet as they could be. For instance, although not fans, Matt had enjoyed a lot the show they did with the fans’ dads on stage as they were truly refreshing and fun to have around. He had gotten along so well with his partner Mark that it only made him more impatient for the last show as Matt and his brothers would see their family again.
Thank you for reading. Votes and comments are always appreciated if you like this story :) The story is co-written w @/little_grapejuice on wattpad
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stormysapphic · 1 year
I don't use the term bi lesbian myself, but I am bi sexually and lesbian romantically? when I first saw it I thought that was what people meant? I feel a bit alienated from all the different communities because I'd have to exaggerate or lie/closet parts of myself to fit in. I think micro labels are, broadly speaking, bad but I also think encouraging people to hide parts of themselves is not great? I wish I could just say I'm bi and have that be understood to include my perspective, but I've had some pretty nasty experiences with that being used to exclude me or as an excuse for being cruel within a wlw context, and I guess I understand the impulse to try and stop people from seeing you as that stereotype they think is okay to judge/malign etc when that doesn't reflect your reality. Ultimately I think that that's on other ppl for being biphobic, so I won't cave to that pressure personally. At the same time it would be accurate to say I'm bi, and that I'm gay/lesbian, depending on how you understand those terms, and I can see why someone would want to not have to choose or to be selectively hiding one all the time.
I do just wish we didn't really lean so much on stereotyping/'identity politicals' as a stand in for political action/ understanding identities and each other, I think it may often do a lot of harm and be a way that desire for material political change becomes sublimated/transformed into infighting to the benefit of our oppressors... shrug emoji
that's something i almost included as an aside in my post! the acknowledgement that i do understand people may want to carry "all of themselves" with them all of the time, being "bi lesbians" 100% of the time instead of being a "lesbian" in lesbian contexts and "bi" in bi contexts. however, i wasn't ever really talking about having to do that, having to actually hide yourself/parts of yourself in any situation. take my example of a lesbian support group: when i say that a bi woman could go to a meeting like that and sort of "adopt" the lesbian label while there, i don't mean that they would have to hide that they're actually bi. in my experience, the vast majority of lesbian resources/events/etc. are welcoming of openly bi people... but there most certainly are also those that aren't. and i don't think there's anything wrong with having lesbian-only - or bi-only! - spaces for peer support and such, but if you only have resources to host one thing, it probably should be open to everyone who needs it. anyway, that "centering one of your identities for the time being but still not hiding the other(s)" thing applies to more casual situations too, in my own experience - if i'm hanging out in a group of my bi and lesbian friends and one of us says "look at all of us lesbos <3", everyone present knows who's "actually" bi and not lesbian, but no one (hopefully) has an issue with that remark referring to them as well, in the context of a bunch of wlw having fun together. the bi people present are still fully seen and appreciated as bi (and obviously i wouldn't want to, even casually, call a bi person a lesbian if they felt it was indeed erasing their identity). same way, i can be genderqueer and alternately take on the social role of "woman" or "man" when/if i want to, even if my internal sense of gender is the same throughout (and i mean, you don't necessarily even have to be genderqueer/nonbinary to do that). however, i definitely recognise that my current situation irl (at least for the most part) is very fortunate - i've been able to surround myself with people who share my values, such as wlw solidarity across identities. i'm really sorry that you've faced vitriol and felt like you couldn't be fully yourself in your communities. that's the stuff i'm probably most worried about when it comes to "bi lesbian discourse" - the vitriol between our communities and/or bi lesbians feeling like they don't fit in anywhere anymore just because people who don't know what they're talking about are saying some shit like "if you're dating a man you can never ever ever show up at an event that's labeled 'lesbian' - or, if the event is in fact open to people who date men despite it being a 'lesbian event', then they're in the Wrong too". thanks for sharing your thoughts! <3
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Ten First Lines
I was tagged by @uefb thanks for the tag. I just realised I don’t really have many fics posted online, most of them are WIP and still in my drafts. Some will probably never see the light of day, and nearly all of them or at maybe just most of them are written for my own amusement or entertainment. Even with those in my drafts etc I still probably have less than 10. I’ll probably add a few Harry Potter fanfic as well as Fantastic beasts stuff just to make up numbers. I’ve also noticed while going through half the fics for this post, that I don’t even know where half the stories are going, most of them are just ideas my head throws at me, so they’re just a bunch of idea with unknown destinations. Just because the ideas seem good when they pop into my head. Lol! Anyway here goes.
Rules: Share the first lines of ten of your fanfics and tag ten people. If you’ve written fewer than 10 fics, don’t be shy and share anyway. If you’re an artist or meta-writer, feel free to find a way to participate if you’d like. :) (notice I took out the word recent, because if I just post ten lines of recent work only, then I’d have even less to share).
1. Fantastic Beats and Where to find them: Of Beasts and Monsters
Newt rubbed his face as he looked out over Paris from the rooftops of the crypt.
I have one chapter posted on ao3, and trying to write chapter 2, I’ve started it, but it’s not going well. Lol! Newt is keeping secrets from Tina, one she shouldn’t know about and could land him into trouble and cost him their relationship.
2. The Magizoologist And The Human Mini-beasts
Newt stood transfixed at the scene before him with regret.
I posted this one somewhere on tumblr, but can’t find it through the tags system. It was part of the fantastic beasts week event from 2020 I think. The prompt for that day was to do a Fantastic beasts crossover with something else. This was a one shot, crossover with Kindergarten cop. If anyone has seen that movie, you’ll recognise the scene straight away. This one was a fun write. I may make it into a full story instead of just a one shot in the future. We’ll see. Tina is poorly and Newt is made to take on one her cases, but Newt’s not sure he wants to, and questioning what he’s doing there.
3. Letters From Home
Tina woke to the sun streaming in through the window, the light dazzling her eyes as she fought to open them.
This one was for day 3 of the Fantastic beasts week 2020 challenge. While it is posted as a one shot, and can be read as a separate thing, it will eventually be a part of Fantastic beasts: of beasts and monsters. (I guess I’m cheating. Look it still counts ok). Tina gets a letter from Toliver after the Paris incident, Newt and Jacob try to comfort her.
4. Creatures
Newt and Leta were sitting in their usual place in the little room, where Newt had kept his creatures hidden from prying eyes.
This one was day 1 of my Newty November challenge, the word prompt had been creatures so I did a one shot here on tumblr. It should be somewhere floating around. I think I could find this one, so might share link to it some point. We’ll see. Its just a short little ficlet thing, where Newt and Leta are tending to a new creature they’ve just found.
5. Of magical creatures
Newt stood watching the group of people who would be his students for the next few weeks, perhaps a month or even a year.
This one lives in my drafts and still unsure weather I will actually post this one anywhere at the moment. I wrote this as a sort of fun bit of writing, more for myself than anything. I wanted to explore and AU where Newt is asked to teach and train a few adults on magizoology, as a career path at Hogwarts. Dumbledore is headmaster of the school and thinks there should be more magizoologists in the world, helping Newt’s cause, and suggests Newt uses the school to teach a selection of adult students.
6. Fantastic Beasts and where to find them: The Newt and The Salamander
The Scamander twins had been very close and had a strong bond growing up, but as of late things had changed.
This is one that will probably never see the light of day, and will probably stay in my drafts as a hidden story, just for my eyes only I think. I wrote this one for my own entertainment. As you can see another AU. It starts off with the incident with the jarvey and Newt’s expulsion from Hogwarts, as the catalyst for the twin’s fall out. But after the events of Paris Newt needs to stop running, and avoiding his sister and enlist her help to bring down Grindelwald. Bonds have been broken, but must be reforged in order to work together. Newt is guilt ridden, his sister is angry. They must put grudges and mistakes of the past behind them and work together.
7. The Ring
Newt tried hard to stand still as Theseus straightened his bow for the umpteenth time. He was starting to regret the whole thing.
This one is going to be a two part one shot, which is a work in progress that I’m half way through. It’s part of a February word prompt challenge I took up, but never really managed to finish on time. I was so busy with doing the challenge I was hosting, that I only managed to do this in dribs and drabs alongside the picture for part two and parts of the fic for part two.
8. The Dinner Date
Newt and Tina made their way to a table near the back of the restaurant, a waiter taking their coats and pulling out Tina’s chair for her as she made to sit down.
This is part two of The Ring, again from the same word prompt challenge. The story beginning above being the word prompt ring, and this one the word prompt being Dinner date. As I say I’m working on a fan art to go with this one. I thought i’d finished it, but realised there were mistakes to the artwork and need to fix it. And also realised I’d forgotten to add things to it, so I have to go back and fix the picture. Started the story to this one, but realised I need to fix a few things because I don’t know much about dating etiquettes, and now realised I’m going to have to change the plot a little. I actually started the ring one after realising I needed to change parts of this story. I needed to make this one interesting somehow, so the ring was my way of fixing the mistake on this one. The mistake to this story was supposed to help make things a bit more interesting, but after asking a friend’s advice, I realised it wouldn’t work. So the ring had to be a part of it to make it a bit more I don’t know. Give it back story I guess.
9. Halloween At Hogwarts
With it being the first of October, the weather was changing, and autumn was now in full bloom.
This is or was a spin off to another story I’m working on. Things are not going well at Hogwarts and it’s up to Harry and his friends to stop whatever is haunting the school. What starts of as a fun Halloween game, becomes a Halloween nightmare for the staff and students at Hogwarts. This is the first long fanfic I actually managed to finish. I’m really bad at finishing long stuff.
10. The Scrooge Of Hogwarts
The students had gone home for the holidays, which meant it would be peaceful and quiet at Hogwarts.
A one shot story in which Snape is visited by three spirits. A HP and Scrooge crossover, I wrote for Christmas. This was a fun one to write, some of my friends and colleagues thought it was a fun read too.
Wow ok I actually didn’t do too badly, I managed to at least find 8 Fantastic beasts related stuff to post first lines of. Not bad. I thought it would be less. From doing this little exercise, I have learned that just writing the first line of your story doesn’t promote it well. Especially if they’re short one liners. Eek! That’s why I added a little description after each one, to make them sound a little more interesting. Lol! Ouch!
Ok to tag 10 people, I’m not sure who to tag and don’t know if I know 10 people to tag. I’ll just tag one or two and then anyone else who wants to do it can do. I tag, @newt-and-salamander @afrenchaugurey @snapeysister (I don’t know if you do writing or not, but you can post pictures and fan art to stories you read if you like for the challenge). @themysteriousphoenix And that’s it, I can’t remember anyone else who writes. Sorry if I’ve missed anyone out. Even if I’ve not mentioned you, and you want to take part, then please do.
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shittyasexualwitch · 9 days
If I had a platform in the slightest, what I'm about to say in this post would likely ruffle quite a few feathers, but I don't, so who gives a shit.
Today is the eleventh of September, the anniversary of what many people all across the world recognise as a horrible tragedy, but I have a question, fucking why? Why did the earth shake when what was objectively quite a small terrorist attack relatively happened on American soil? Why is that such a ubiquitous point of all culture, not just American? People talk about 9/11 like it's on par with the fucking holocaust, I mean do you know how privileged you have to be as a country that the worst thing that ever happened to your people was an attack that killed 3000? White Americans don't have a leg to stand on here, I mean fuck, it was awful, sure, but that's one thing that happened once, white Americans are so fucking safe, there's places in the world that have to live in fear of commensurate 9/11s constantly, there's places in the word that have to live in fear of commensurate 9/11s as a direct result of the actions of white America. Half the tragedies of the modern world happen at the hands of the imperialist jingoist fucks at the helm of the United States, the country that is objectively the largest threat to the collective wellbeing of humanity on the world stage. These are the bad guys, these are the guys who fund coups to replace democratically elected leaders of foreign countries with fascist dictators, these are the guys who funnel money into every genocide and ethnic cleansing you can think of, these are the guys who invade other nations to turn them into military bases and make sure they can never prosper enough to sit at the same table as them, these are the guys who nukes two civilian cities, who burn books, who conduct inhumane experiments on their own citizens, who built a system to directly manufacture poverty so that they could manually select who attains wealth, who see their own children getting shot and use it as an opportunity to spin the story so that they can marginalise the groups that don't fall in line. These fucking subhuman leeches rely on the sympathy they garner from the one attack that happened on the soil they shouldn't have the right to own, because it gives them leeway to perform the most heinous acts of inhumanity day in and day out. 9/11 was not nearly large enough to be immortalised the world over as one of the worst tragedies in human history, 9/11 should have have been out of the global consciousness 20 fucking years ago, it is time to forget.
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out-and-aboot-eh · 21 days
Day 13 - Tofino to Victoria
It wasn’t the best start to the day when I discovered there had been a suncream explosion in one of my bags, but after a quick clean up and some eggy bread coated in maple syrup (sorry heart) I was back on track. We had a fair amount of miles to cover before we reached Victoria, so off we went making a few stops along the way, but nothing major of note. Other than to ‘Old Town Bakery’ where I got a sarny for lunch and G opted for a cinnamon bun the size of her head. She did share a bit of it with me, but it was so tasty I have no doubt she could have forced it down on her own! We also went to a visitor centre and by the time we realised there was a more interesting discovery centre across the road it was almost time to go! Google Maps informed us there was a bit of traffic on our route, so we wouldn’t be getting to Victoria as early as planned.
But before we could head to Victoria, we had to go pitch up our tents. I didn’t catch the official name but I’d hazard a guess at Redneck Camp Site. Some of our party weren’t all that impressed with the facilities, but as a novice camper I was happy for somewhere to crash for the night! We were given half an hour to get our tents up and be back on the bus. There were several outfit changes and make up bags flying around and that was just me! By the time we arrived in Victoria it was too late to visit the museum, which G was most disappointed about, but we couldn’t have got here any quicker, so it’s more an issue with the itinerary and will be reported in the feedback I’m sure! There was a lot of activity around the fisherman’s wharf, including a live band and a bit of pow wow for the local ‘American’ football team, the British Columbia Lions.
Instead of wallowing in our grief at the lack of culture we had planned to absorb, we went for a walk around the park, which may not have been as informative, but had beauty and charm of its own. There were totem polls, patches of plush grass for chilling out, lakes and fountains, lots of vibrant flower beds and exotic plants, various sporting activities and even peacocks and black squirrels. We opted for a trail that took us as far as the beach front via the world’s tallest totem pole - wouldn’t have seen that in the museum! We headed back via some of the tackier souvenir shops we’ve seen out here until Mikaela mentioned one that contained items made from local businesses, in which Georgie picked up some stickers for her journal.
We rendezvoused at a restaurant by the name of Frankie’s Modern Diner, which had an excellent selection on offer as well as good Whitehouse size portions (like most of the places we’ve eaten at to be fair!) Their only downfall was the lack of apple cider! I opted for a bbq chicken burger and upgraded the sides to poutine (the best I’ve had so far I think, sorry Chief!) and G went for Parmesan chicken with a fettuccini in a cream sauce and vegetables (and very nice it was too she tells me!) As this was to be our final dinner we presented Megan with a thank you card and a combined tip from all of us, which should be enough for a new pair of crocs!
Despite it being our last night the spirits were high as we went for a little stroll around the wharf to take a few sunset photos and then a group picture over by the Canada sign, which wasn’t as easy as it sounds! Firstly lots of people are taking pictures so you have to wait for your chance to jump in, secondly the sign is lit up, meaning those stood around it or in front of it may be blurred out depending on the phone and who’s taking the photo! After a bit of trial and error we eventually got one that was half decent, but I think the crap ones are far better for comical effect!
Whilst waiting for Little Fingers to attend a little business (after some how demolishing a huge sea food linguine) we were approached by a gentleman from Guernsey no less as he recognised a couple of British accents coming from our direction. It turns out he was there for marine research and couldn’t recommend the BC museum enough (salt in the wound!) saying it was even much better than the Natural History museum! After pulling Georgie back from hearing any more about the museum that never was, we jumped back in the minibus and headed back to Redneck Campsite, for a final sleep in our tents!
Georgie’s highlight of the day: Cinnamon bun and the flowers in the park!
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saharaedulive · 2 months
The Importance of Arabic, English, and French in School Curriculums
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Today's globalised world makes multilingualism a necessity. Globalisation is opening up countries, making multilingualism crucial. These are three of the world's most important languages. Many people speak Arabic, English, and French. If these languages are taught in school, students will do much better in their future jobs and academic interests. Being fluent in Arabic, English, and French can help you get jobs all over the world. This essay shows why these languages should be taught in schools. 
French, Arabic, and English: Their Global Importance -
Spoken Arabic course in Dubai:
Over 400 million people in 22 countries speak Arabic first. You now understand why Arabic is one of the oldest and most spoken languages. This is the language in which Muslims worldwide pray. Diverse Arab cultures and histories are essential in politics, economics, and foreign relations. Besides religious and cultural settings, knowing Arabic is very helpful in business and politics. Sahara Education Institute offers Dubai's best spoken Arabic training, with professional lecturers and tutorials.
English coaching classes near Al Nahda:
English is the true international language. International diplomacy, entertainment, science, technology, aviation, and business use it as their major language. There is no doubt that English has an effect on the whole world, since about 1.5 billion people speak it (not adding people who speak it as a second language). English is a need for getting to a lot of tools because it is used so much in media and on the internet. English is a globally spoken language. For English coaching classes near Al Nahda, contact Sahara Language Training Al Nahda, Dubai.
Spoken French near Al Qusais:
About 300 million individuals on five continents speak French as their native language. Many foreign groups, like the UN, the EU, and the IOC, use it extensively, and 29 countries recognise it as their official language. 
French is a very important language for science, the arts, and foreign relations. It also has a long history of great literature and culture. French speakers have several opportunities thanks to Francophone cultures and economies. Many UAE kids are learning a new language to better their work prospects.  
French is another recommended job language after English. For the best Spoken French near Al Qusais, walk into Sahara language courses in Dubai. We have the best faculty who prepare the materials and test papers. They also check each student's growth with individual care.
Multilingual Education Academic Benefits -
When English, Arabic, and French are taught daily, classrooms can improve. Studies show that studying many languages increases brain function, memory, and problem-solving. Children who learn many languages do better in science and maths. It is because it enhances mental flexibility. 
Improvements in Mental Abilities:
Arabic, English, and French are languages that can help children's brains grow and develop. Learning new words, grammar, and pronunciation challenges and strengthens brain regions. Those who can speak more than one language exhibit enhanced focus, multitasking skills, and originality. These cognitive benefits, which go beyond language learning, impact academic performance.
Enhanced Academic Achievement with Language Courses Dubai:
Students who are skilled in more than one language usually do better in all of their classes. By learning a new language, you can improve your analytical thought. It can help you in maths, science, and the arts. If students understand how language works, they might find it easier to understand tough math ideas. Language improves critical thinking and empathy, essential for history and social studies. With more language courses in Dubai coming up, it has made it easy for the kids to select the best institute to learn the language for future growth.
Exposure to Culture:
A big part of getting a well-rounded culture education is learning a new language. Taking classes in Arabic, English, and French can help students learn more about the world and its many countries. Being open and empathetic are more valued in our multiethnic society. This culture knowledge helps people develop those traits. Learning about different cultures improves students' cross-cultural communication and teamwork.
Global Career Opportunities with language training Al Nahda Dubai -
Arabic, English, and French skills might boost career possibilities in today's globalised workplace. At Sahara Language Training Al Nahda Dubai, we help the kids improve their Competence in communicating with a wide range of clients, partners, and coworkers. It is a key competency for employers looking to fill multilingual positions. Having a strong command of these languages can open up a multitude of job opportunities:
Global Trade and Business:
Speaking many languages is crucial in today's world of economics. Foreign bankers, traders, and international executives must speak and write English, the global business language. English-speaking professionals can better communicate with international partners and clients. They can grasp complex contracts and negotiate with them. English always played a vital role in communication all around the world. Dubai is a city that is growing in technology, and many are seeking to learn the English language. There are English classes near Al Nahda that can help you learn the language. One such school is the Sahara Education Institute in Dubai.
It is as important for foreign businesspeople to speak Arabic, especially if they do business in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) area. When it comes to energy, banking, and foreign trade, the Arab world is very important. By learning the ins and outs of local law, business protocol, and culture, professionals fluent in Arabic are better able to succeed in these nations' corporate environments. To achieve a grip on the subject, enrol in the best spoken Arabic course in Dubai, offered by  Sahara language courses in Dubai. It is for better success in career growth.
Fluency in French can lead to diplomatic employment, international organisations, and Francophone trade. French is spoken as a first or second language in many African, European, Caribbean, and Pacific island nations. Skill in French can help partnerships, negotiations, and business operations in these regions.
International relations and diplomacy:
Language is the foundation of diplomacy and global relations. Communicating well with representatives from different countries is a crucial skill for diplomats. Also, for those working in international relations. Although Arabic and French are more important in some areas and international venues, English remains the language of diplomacy.
Working as a diplomat in the Arab world or for an organisation like the OIC or the Arab League requires fluency in Arabic. Diplomats who are fluent in Arabic are better able to connect with local authorities and people. It in turn strengthens diplomatic relations and cooperation.
Many prominent international organisations, like the UN and the International Red Cross, have French as one of their official languages. Global negotiations, conferences, and policymaking can be done by French-speaking diplomats. For positions in Europe, Africa, and international organisations, knowing French is a huge plus. To achieve this success, one needs to learn French. For those living in Dubai can learn from Sahara Spoken French near Al Qusais, Dubai. Our expert teachers are here to answer any questions you have to help build your career.
Technological Advancements:
English reigns supreme in the scientific and technological spheres. It is the law that academic journals, technical papers, and scientific studies must be written in English. Scientists, engineers, and researchers who are worth their salt need to be able to speak and write English well. So they can access and add to the body of knowledge around the world.
But Arabic and French are also spoken in some places. Many Arab scientific and technical magazines use Arabic, and many Francophone scientific groups use French. Scientists and engineers who can speak more than one language can connect with colleagues from around the world. They can read a wider range of research, and eventually help science move forward on a global level. 
Teaching and Communication:
Possessing a second language can open doors in the fields of teaching and translating. Multilingual teachers are in demand at language schools and worldwide. Understanding and respecting various cultures and languages is crucial for kids.
Businesses, legal firms, hospitals, and government agencies need Arabic, English, and French translators and interpreters. They remove linguistic barriers so language speakers can communicate and comprehend one another. Healthcare for diverse populations, international conferences, and court cases emphasise its importance.
Incorporating Arabic, English, and French into school curricula goes beyond teaching students a language; it aims to provide them with future-ready abilities. Learning these languages well improves one's intelligence, academic achievement, and cross-cultural understanding. It also opens up many work prospects in overseas trade, diplomacy, and education, as well as translation, journalism, science and technology, and more services of translation and interpretation.
Speaking many languages is helpful in today's globalised environment. Arabic, English, and French should be taught more in schools. So future generations can compete in a global labour market and contribute to our multicultural society. We can better prepare our kids for a globalised world if we put money into their language learning now. 
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liquorkingdom · 5 months
Raise Your Spirits: Discover Top-Shelf Whiskies Online in Singapore
With the help of our exclusive online whisky emporium in Singapore, take a voyage through the world of fine spirits. Our selection has something to suit every taste and preference, even ifyou're an expertised connoisseur or a daring newbie. Every bottle, ranging from intensive blends to rare single malts, tells a different story that should be enjoyed. Indulging has never been simpler thanks to easy online ordering and quick delivery. Investigate, learn, and cheer yourself up now!
The search for outstanding drinks is an adventure in and of itself in Singapore, a rushing city-state rich in culinary treats and cultural experiences. Realize a world of unparalleled spirits at Whisky Online Singapore, where discerning connoisseurs and inquisitive novices alike are cordially invited to delve into.
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Being more than just a whisky store,Whisky Shop Singapore takes pride in being a destination for people who value nicer things in life. Our carefully chosen variety of high-quality whiskies features the skill and heritage of distilleries from Scotland to Japan and other countries. With every sip, every bottle in our collection is curated to excite the senses and spark the imagination, guaranteeing a distinct tasting expertise.
However, our dedication to quality doesn't end there. We provide spirits delivery services throughout Singapore because we recognise that in today's excited world, convenience is necessary. Our effective delivery service makes sure that your favourite spirits are always accessible, whether you're entertaining friends or just enjoying a well-earned nightcap.
You'll find a wealth of amazing whisky as soon as you walk through our virtual doors. Explore our whisky shop online to find a broad range of products, including distinct blends and uncommon single malts. Our broad selection includes whiskies to suit every taste, even ifyou're partial to the peaty richness of an Islay or the smooth complexity of a Speyside dram.
But there's more to Whisky Online Singapore else just whisky. We also provide a variety of other fine liquors to entice your palate because we are enthusiasts of everything distilled. We make sure that everyone can enjoy something from our portfolio, which celebrates the diversity and complexity of the spirits industry with everything from fine cognacs to artisanal gins.
Our steadfast commitment to quality, authenticity, and client satisfaction sets us apart from other Liquor Delivery Singapore . We think each bottle we sell has a story to tell, and we regard it an honour to tell those narratives to you. Our group of experts is here to help, whether you're a seasoned fanatics or a interested newcomer, by providing tailored recommendations and well-informed guidance throughout your exploration.
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So why hold off? Come experience a better drinking experience with Whisky Online Singapore. We are more than just a liquor Singaporestore—we're your ticket to a world of flavour, luxury, and adventure—thanks to our unmatched selection, practical delivery options, and dedication to excellence. To that, let's toast!
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gengrasford123 · 5 months
Gengras Ford
Gengras Ford, we are grateful for your presence here today. 
For a large inventory of new and pre-owned Ford vehicles, stop by Gengras Ford. I will have achieved my life's objective the moment my charisma convinces you ford dealers near me Along with a large selection of new and pre-owned Ford automobiles, the dealership also offers a variety of financing options. 
If you ever need a product that can be customised to fit your specific needs, feel free to drop by our shop. You reached out to those who were really contemplating purchasing pre-owned vehicles in a sincere manner. Soon, the new Fords will be on many people's minds. Wait until you have saved enough money before buying a bike. We will return to our previous approach after we have addressed this matter. Extensive solutions are provided by Gengras Ford. There is a wide variety of Fords available right now. Vehicles that are dependable, reasonably priced, and easily accessible are in high demand in Connecticut. If you want professional advice on anything, visiting the dealership in person is your best bet. Someone with a serious passion for cars could find our database useful. As your advisors, it is our responsibility to provide you with all the information you need to make an educated decision. We are determined to give you an unforgettable experience no matter how long it takes. Explore the fleet of cars and test drive the one that piques your attention. As soon as your trip concludes, we will attend to this immediately. 
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Gengras Ford makes getting a car loan a breeze. The bottom line at Gengras Ford is highly dependent on vehicle sales. 
It may take a roundabout way to get a car loan. When applying for a vehicle loan, it is imperative that you always tell the truth. Please provide the following details so that we can assess your loan eligibility. At any time, day or night, our seasoned financial specialists are here to help you with any aspect of your loan or lease application. This is an attainable objective because of the beneficial impact on health. We have thoroughly explored all potential avenues before offering any aid. We hope that the advantages and cons of each option will assist you in making a well-informed decision. According to our group, getting a loan for a vehicle shouldn't be too tough. In our opinion, this is spot on. Conversely, we think that reasonably priced cars should be available to everyone. Every one of us thinks this is right. If you are willing to put in the effort, you can own the car of your dreams. You might find more suitable vehicles if you look at the inventory online. Please get in touch with us at any time if you have any unanswered questions about our financial services. Get help when you need it. Thanks to your unwavering encouragement, I know we can conquer any obstacle. Until we get you back to your car, we won't stop. 
You may be able to get it back on the road the following day after taking it to the top repair shop in Plainville; they fix it overnight. 
Many Connecticut motorists who become stranded make their way to Gengras Ford. We are ecstatic about this amazing opportunity. No matter how often you buy from us, we guarantee to keep you completely informed at all times used auto dealers near me Increasing our workforce and preserving our excellent reputation for superior customer service are our top concerns at the moment. If you ever need help with auto repairs, don't hesitate to call us. Recognising the opportunity to have served you fills us with profound gratitude. We are very grateful for your trust in our ability to fulfil your requirements. Our deepest gratitude is with you. We will double-check that your restored vehicle is in perfect condition, exactly as you recalled it, before you get in and drive it away. Rest assured, we will take care of whatever you require, and then more. Get your car checked out by a professional. We have all the resources necessary to finish the job. It is recommended that you adhere to the manufacturer-provided maintenance schedule in order to extend the life of your vehicle. Do not forget this; it is crucial. One more big advantage of using it is that it will help you save money. In addition, we take great pride in offering authentic, factory-made parts and accessories. Ford F-150s, Escapes, Explorers, Bronco Sport, and Rangers will retain their lustre for longer after applying this product. The product's primary goal is to enhance your vehicle's performance, which is why this is the case. 
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Does Saudi Arabia accept CE Mark Certification? How to get it?
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CE Mark Certification in Saudi Arabia In the modern-day international market, getting the proper Certifications is necessary for agencies that desire to attain extra clients and make sure their merchandise meet worldwide standards. Getting the CE Mark Certification is frequently a key step for agencies in Saudi Arabia that favour promoting their merchandise in Europe and exhibit that they are protected and high-quality. However, figuring a lot of work to get CE Mark Certification in Saudi Arabia can be hard. This weblog submission will talk about the steps needed to get this Certification and what it means.
Understanding CE Mark Certification:
You should have the CE Mark Certification if you favour promoting something in the European Economic Area (EEA). This capability that a product meets the most necessary requirements of European laws, which guard health, safety, and the environment. Although Saudi Arabia is no longer a member of the EEA, businesses in the location nonetheless want to get CE Mark Certification due to the fact it is acknowledged as a world widespread for great and safety.
What is the requirement to get CE Mark Certification in Saudi Arabia:
Find Out If It Applies: Before beginning the certification process, corporations should take a look at to see if their items meet the requirements for the CE Mark. Different pointers cowl a number of products, from toys and scientific gadgets to electronics and tools.
Test and consider the product: Once organisations recognize which instructions apply, they want to make sure that their items meet the technical requirements and necessities that have been set. Usually, this skill that the product has to go through many assessments and critiques by way of accepted labs or knowledgeable bodies.
Compile Technical paperwork: Businesses ought to bring together designated technical forms that indicate how their items meet the necessities of the applicable guidelines. This bureaucracy suggests that the requirements have been met. It may want to encompass check results, diagram specs, and chance assessments.
Choose an Authorised Agent: Manufacturers from the EU who favour to get the CE Mark have to select an authorised agent inside the EU to manage compliance troubles on their account. This man or woman is quintessential for making sure clean contact with regulatory officers and ongoing compliance.
Please put on the CE Mark: Once the certification manner is complete, companies can put the CE Mark on their items to exhibit that they observe the applicable European laws. The CE Mark has to be seen and readable on the object or package.
Maintain Compliance: Getting CE Mark Certification is a process; you need to hold an eye on matters to make certain you meet altering prison requirements. Regular tests and opinions may additionally be wished to make sure that matters are following the regulations and restore any problems.
Why CE Mark Certification in Saudi Arabia  Important:
Even even though Saudi Arabia isn't always phase of the EEA, companies in the location can gain from CE Mark Certification in quite a few ways:
Access to the Lucrative European Market: CE Mark Certification makes it less complicated for groups in Saudi Arabia to promote their items in Europe, the place the market is very worthwhile and reaches extra customers.
Better credibility and reputation: Getting the CE Mark indicates you care about your product's quality, safety, and settlement with overseas standards. This makes agencies appear greater trustworthy, which builds belief amongst clients and different essential people.
Alignment with Global Standards: The CE Mark Certification ensures that items meet requirements that are recognised worldwide. This makes groups extra aggressive in each nearby and overseas markets. Its capacity follows great practices when growing a product and following the rules.
Getting rid of alternate barriers: Not following the guidelines for the CE Mark can make it challenging to trade, inflicting delays, fines, and market limits. Businesses in Saudi Arabia can get around these troubles and make the promoting manner less difficult by means of getting CE Mark Certification.
Why choose Factocert for CE Mark Certification in Saudi Arabia?
Factocert is a well-known CE Mark Certification Bodies in Saudi Arabia.Providing CE Mark Consultants in Saudi Arabia and major cities in Riyadh, Jeddah, Dammam, Al Khobar, Dhahran, Buraidah, Al-Ahsa, Qatif, and Jubail, among other places. Visit www.factocert.com or send an email to [email protected] to find out more
Getting CE Mark Certification in Saudi Arabia is quintessential for groups that prefer to exhibit that their merchandise meet overseas requirements and enter the European market. Even though the procedure would possibly appear difficult, getting licensed can go extra easily if you plan, learn about hard work, and comply with the guidelines set by means of the government. By getting CE Mark Certification, groups can enhance their competitiveness, trustworthiness, and market possibilities. This will assist them continue to be profitable in a financial system that is turning into greater international.For More records go to : CE Mark Certification in Saudi Arabia
Related Links :
ISO 21001 Certification in Saudi Arabia 
ISO 22301 Certification in Saudi Arabia 
ISO 37001 Certification in Saudi Arabia 
ISO 27701 Certification in Saudi Arabia 
ISO 26000 Certification in Saudi Arabia 
ISO 20000-1 Certification in Saudi Arabia
ISO 50001  Certification in Saudi Arabia
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isocertificationinuae · 6 months
Does UAE accept CE Mark Certification? How to get it?
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CE Mark Certification in UAE In the modern-day international market, getting the proper Certifications is necessary for agencies that desire to attain extra clients and make sure their merchandise meet worldwide standards. Getting the CE Mark Certification is frequently a key step for agencies in UAE that favour promoting their merchandise in Europe and exhibit that they are protected and high-quality. However, figuring a lot of work to get CE Mark Certification in UAE can be hard. This weblog submission will talk about the steps needed to get this Certification and what it means.
Understanding CE Mark Certification:
You should have the CE Mark Certification if you favour promoting something in the European Economic Area (EEA). This capability that a product meets the most necessary requirements of European laws, which guard health, safety, and the environment. Although UAE is no longer a member of the EEA, businesses in the location nonetheless want to get CE Mark Certification due to the fact it is acknowledged as a world widespread for great and safety.
What is the requirement to get CE Mark Certification in UAE:
Find Out If It Applies: Before beginning the certification process, corporations should take a look at to see if their items meet the requirements for the CE Mark. Different pointers cowl a number of products, from toys and scientific gadgets to electronics and tools.
Test and consider the product: Once organisations recognize which instructions apply, they want to make sure that their items meet the technical requirements and necessities that have been set. Usually, this skill that the product has to go through many assessments and critiques by way of accepted labs or knowledgeable bodies.
Compile Technical paperwork: Businesses ought to bring together designated technical forms that indicate how their items meet the necessities of the applicable guidelines. This bureaucracy suggests that the requirements have been met. It may want to encompass check results, diagram specs, and chance assessments.
Choose an Authorised Agent: Manufacturers from the EU who favour to get the CE Mark have to select an authorised agent inside the EU to manage compliance troubles on their account. This man or woman is quintessential for making sure clean contact with regulatory officers and ongoing compliance.
Please put on the CE Mark: Once the certification manner is complete, companies can put the CE Mark on their items to exhibit that they observe the applicable European laws. The CE Mark has to be seen and readable on the object or package.
Maintain Compliance: Getting CE Mark Certification is a process; you need to hold an eye on matters to make certain you meet altering prison requirements. Regular tests and opinions may additionally be wished to make sure that matters are following the regulations and restore any problems.
Why CE Mark Certification in UAE  Important:
Even even though UAE isn't always phase of the EEA, companies in the location can gain from CE Mark Certification in quite a few ways:
Access to the Lucrative European Market: CE Mark Certification makes it less complicated for groups in UAE to promote their items in Europe, the place the market is very worthwhile and reaches extra customers.
Better credibility and reputation: Getting the CE Mark indicates you care about your product's quality, safety, and settlement with overseas standards. This makes agencies appear greater trustworthy, which builds belief amongst clients and different essential people.
Alignment with Global Standards: The CE Mark Certification ensures that items meet requirements that are recognised worldwide. This makes groups extra aggressive in each nearby and overseas markets. Its capacity follows great practices when growing a product and following the rules.
Getting rid of alternate barriers: Not following the guidelines for the CE Mark can make it challenging to trade, inflicting delays, fines, and market limits. Businesses in UAE can get around these troubles and make the promoting manner less difficult by means of getting CE Mark Certification.
Why Choose factocert for CE Mark Certification in UAE?
Are you seeking CE Mark Certification in UAE? Factocert is a significant CE Mark Certification Bodies in UAE, providing CE Mark Consultants in UAE and with offices in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Ajman, Al Ain Umm al-Qaiwain, Fujairah, and other important cities.We provide a variety of ISO Standards at discounted prices, including ISO 27001, CE Mark , ISO 45001, ISO 13485, Halal, ISO 17025, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, and others. For further information, please visit www.factocert.com or contact us at [email protected]
Getting CE Mark Certification in UAE is quintessential for groups that prefer to exhibit that their merchandise meet overseas requirements and enter the European market. Even though the procedure would possibly appear difficult, getting licensed can go extra easily if you plan, learn about hard work, and comply with the guidelines set by means of the government. By getting CE Mark Certification, groups can enhance their competitiveness, trustworthiness, and market possibilities. This will assist them continue to be profitable in a financial system that is turning into greater international.For More records go to : CE Mark Certification in UAE
Related Links :
ISO 21001 Certification in UAE
ISO 22301 Certification in UAE
ISO 37 001 Certification in UAE
ISO 27701 Certification in UAE
ISO 26000 Certification in UAE
ISO 20000-1 Certification in UAE
ISO 50001  Certification in UAE
0 notes
aliensschool220623 · 8 months
How To Find The Best Tattoo Institute in India
Day by day, the stigma around tattoos is becoming lesser. Tattoos have been a part of Indian culture for ages and lately, there has been a normalisation towards body ink. The tattoo industry in India is already booming; it is estimated to be over Rs. 20,000 crore. Because of this rising demand for tattoos, a lot of people are seeing opportunities and growth in the tattoo industry and are quitting jobs they dislike to learn tattoo art.
If this sounds like you, you might be wondering where’s the best place to learn tattoo art. There are a lot of tattoo courses in India and around the world, but, how legit are they? Pursuing a career as a tattoo artist can be incredibly fulfilling for individuals with a strong passion for art and design. The path to becoming a tattoo artist can vary based on personal preferences, talents, skills, financial capabilities, and available opportunities. While there are multiple avenues to enter this profession, there are certain fundamental steps that aspiring tattoo artists typically follow. Here’s a comprehensive guide to choose the best amongst the top tattoo institutes or schools for tattoo artist aspirants in India that will shape you to be a skilled tattoo artist.
Why Choose A Tattoo Institute?
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Many people are under the impression that tattoo training just requires you to pick up a tattoo gun and start practicing on real skin, but there is so much more that artists need to learn beforehand. Tattoo academics are seeing a huge increase since many people are opting to become a tattoo artist and schools for tattoo artists are growing in numbers. A tattoo is a permanent mark on someone’s skin after all, there cannot be any room for mistakes. Which is why, proper training from a reputable institute is essential. A lot of people enroll in tattoo institutes with little to no knowledge about tattoos and finish their course with ample knowledge and skills that help them establish their careers in the tattoo industry. When selecting a tattoo institute, it's essential to research their reputation, read reviews from previous students, and consider factors such as location, cost, and available resources. Visiting the institute, if possible, can give you a better sense of the facilities and the overall learning environment.
The best way to start is by doing your research online. It is advisable to look for tattoo institutes in your desired location or enroll for online courses if they’re available. Take your time to explore their websites, read about the courses they offer, their curriculum and the instructors who teach there. Look for their mission and values, their overall reputation and browse all their social media accounts so you can have an idea of what their institute is like.
Accreditation and Certification
A professional tattoo artist school or institute will most certainly have an accreditation or certification. It is an indication that tattoo institutes have met specific quality and professionalism standards set by recognised organisations in the tattooing industry or related fields. These institutes undergo a rigorous evaluation process to ensure they meet the required criteria for delivering high-quality education and training. Some institutes have affiliations with brands that manufacture tattoo equipment and are also government recognised.
Read Reviews and Testimonials
Browse through reviews and testimonials from previous students of the institute not just on their website, but on their social media pages as well. Check online platforms, forums, or social media groups where students or professionals discuss their experiences. Honest feedback from others can provide insights into the institute's teaching methods, instructor quality, facilities, and overall satisfaction of students.
Visit the Institute Personally
If possible, visit the tattoo institute in person. The staff should be very welcoming
Review the Curriculum
Tattoo certification courses in India should have all the aspects of tattooing covered. The curriculum offered by the institute should be a well-rounded program that touches both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. It must offer structured and comprehensive training programs specifically designed for aspiring tattoo artists. Tattoo institutes often have a well-structured curriculum that covers various aspects of tattooing; including design fundamentals, colour theory and shading techniques. But, It shouldn’t just include different tattooing techniques and styles but must also have very important topics like hygiene practices, safety protocols and business aspects of tattooing. These programs should cover essential knowledge and skills necessary for a successful career in tattooing. A good curriculum will give you a solid foundation to set up your career in tattooing even if you don’t know anything about tattoos prior to enrolling.
Instructor Experience and Reputation
Examine the credentials and expertise of the instructors in the tattoo institute. Verify whether they have reputable backgrounds as tattoo artists or professionals in the industry. Instructors who have extensive experience and comprehensive knowledge can offer invaluable perspectives and assistance during your training. Tattoo artist training should consist of proper techniques, equipment handling, safety protocols, and the industry’s best practices. They can also become your lifelong mentors if you build a good relationship with them after enrolling.
Connections & Alumni
At a reputable tattoo institute, there are bound to be tons of success stories of its alumni. Find out if they have gone on to establish successful careers in the tattooing industry. Furthermore, take into account the tattoo institute's affiliations with esteemed studios, collaborations with guest artists, or networking prospects within the industry. These connections have the potential to offer you further support and future opportunities. Enrolling in a school or institute will also help you connect with other aspiring tattoo artists so you can build a good support system.
Cost and Convenience
Reputation is of utmost importance when looking at good institutes but it’s advisable to keep your budget and location also in mind. Tuition fees should be reasonable and within your budget. However, some institutes might offer flexible payment plans to ease your financial pressure. Assess the practicality of the location, as you may need to travel or relocate for your training.
By following these steps and considering the factors mentioned above, you can make an informed decision and choose reputable tattoo artist schools or institutes that align with your goals, aspirations, and resources.
While it is possible to learn tattoo art through self-study or apprenticeships, choosing a tattoo institute offers a structured and guided learning experience that can accelerate your progress, provide a strong foundation, and help you enter the industry with confidence. Most tattoo apprenticeships in India are unethical because the senior tattoo artists exploit them and they are slowly declining, hence choosing a tattoo school or institute is the safest and best option. It's important to thoroughly research and select an institute with a solid reputation and curriculum that aligns with your goals and aspirations.
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iradhikasaxena · 10 months
Unveiling Excellence in Cosmetic Surgery
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In the fast-paced city of Mumbai, where there are many healthcare alternatives available, Wockhardt Hospital is a leader, especially when it comes to cosmetic surgery. Wockhardt Hospital, well-known for its dedication to providing high-quality medical care, has made a name for itself by offering a welcoming atmosphere to people looking to undergo cosmetic procedures. Let's examine the many facets that contribute to the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai as a reliable medical facility.
Trusted Healthcare Institution
Select a healthcare facility that is reputable and has earned the trust of the community it serves. The core of the institution's reputation is its commitment to patient-centered care, openness, and dependability. Trust is crucial when it comes to cosmetic surgery, and Wockhardt Hospital has earned it through years of devoted service.
Mumbai's Top Cosmetic Surgeon
Mumbai's best cosmetic surgeon is at the core of Wockhardt Hospital's proficiency in cosmetic surgery. The organisation takes great satisfaction in having a group of very talented and knowledgeable cosmetic surgeons who are at the forefront of technological advances in aesthetics. With their extensive experience, these surgeons guarantee that patients get the greatest treatment and results.
Conducive Environment for Aesthetic Transformations
Getting cosmetic surgery is an intimate and life-changing experience. Wockhardt Hospital has established a welcoming atmosphere for people seeking cosmetic changes because it recognises the delicate nature of this procedure. Modern medical treatment, comfort, and privacy are all features of the hospital's architecture, which helps to create a welcoming environment for its patients.
Range of Cosmetic Surgery Services
A wide range of cosmetic surgical options are available at Wockhardt Hospital to address different aesthetic issues. The facility offers a wide range of cosmetic services, from minimally invasive surgeries and hair restoration to body sculpting and face rejuvenation. This adaptability guarantees that people might discover solutions catered to their own interests and objectives.
Patient-Centric Approach
The guiding principle of Wockhardt Hospital is patient-centricity. The institution prioritises the health and happiness of its patients above everything else. Personalised consultations, transparent explanations of processes and expectations, and a dedication to post-operative care are all part of this approach. Every patient's journey through cosmetic surgery should be as easy and enjoyable as possible, according to Wockhardt Hospital.
State-of-the-Art Infrastructure
Modern facilities are available at Wockhardt Hospital to support its dedication to excellence. High-tech medical equipment, cosy recovery areas, and state-of-the-art operating rooms enable the hospital to provide excellent cosmetic surgery treatments. Technology integration and an emphasis on innovation further establish Wockhardt Hospital as a pioneer in the industry.
In summary, Mumbai stands as a leader in providing transforming treatment for cosmetic surgery patients. Several institutions provide a safe sanctuary for people seeking aesthetic modifications because of their dedication to quality, a team of elite cosmetic surgeons, and patient-centric philosophy. Modern facilities and an extensive array of services set Wockhardt Hospital apart as a top option for anyone seeking to start a path towards good change. Wockhardt Hospital is prepared to provide expertise in every facet of cosmetic surgery, whether it is body contouring, facial improvements, or other operations.
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zerolune · 10 months
₊❏❜ ⋮ ⌒ Chapter 2 - Meet-Awkward
In which, you learn about Kwaguchi Yuri and also see the first interaction of the members.
: ̗̀➛ Next , Masterlist
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Life can take you many places. One day you might be in a concert, performing your heart out. Your own mixed group happily enjoying their time in the huge stadium, in your home country. And the next minute, your group is disbanding.
You're now suddenly in Korea, a country you can barely communicate in, however, you're a popular contestant in "Street woman fighter" while also being a famous SM back up dancer and making quite a few choreographies.
That is exactly what Kwaguchi Yuri went through before being selected for the "riize" project.
The promotions for Rover had only just begun, she had been summoned to one of the meeting rooms, her manager still not telling her the reason.
Well, until she walked in and saw a couple of other trainees in the same room along with few other company executives.
She recognised 4 of them:
Shotaro and Sungchan, previously NCT members.
Kang Wonmee, a child model who was the youngest ambassador for many luxury brands, Chanel and Dior to name a few.
Mae Eunryung, an academic prodigy who was the youngest surgeon South korea ever saw.
"Yes, Ms.Yuri, please take a seat."
"So...we're a group...huh?" One of the boys awkwardly smiled,Seunghan,she remembered his name.
A couple of awkward seconds followed before Shotaro said, "Yuri you were part of another coed group..right? In Japan, Kintsugi? Before you came to korea?"
"Oh yeah," she smiled.
"Are you part of Kai sunbaenim's dance crew?" Sungchan continued. "Hmm yea," she affirmed.
"I'd love to learn the dances someday! I mean they look really cool and the fact that you also made the smoke choreography in the show- " Shotaro rambled on.
"Well it's what I get paid for right?" The others chuckled. Once again, the room fell into an awkward silence.
"Should we properly introduce ourselves? Considering the staff barely let us day our names in that room?" Eunryung chimed in.
"We should!" Sohee agreed. "Hi I'm Lee Sohee, and I was born in 2003!"
"Oh even I was born in 2003, I'm Hong Seunghan by the way!" Oh so Yuri was right.
"I'm born in 2003 too! I'm Kang Wonmee, nice to meet you all,"
"You didn't really have to introduce yourself, to be honest, your name was always on the headline!" Seunghan grinned, to which Wonmee smiled back.
"And you're Mae Eunryung right? The child prodigy?" He continued, "Yea, but that title feels meaningless now, so just call me Eunryung,"
"Wait are you also born in 2003? No way-"
"Oh no-no-Nevermind, I'm just used to being younger than everyone- if you're comfortable, you can call me Noona, I'm born in 1999," she cleared up, still feeling weird that there are people much younger than her now.
"You know your title isn't totally useless, because because I still remember you as the doctor that stitched my arm, I'm Song Eunseok born in 2001, I don't know if you remember me,"
Eunryung sucked in a breath, squinting her eyes before, "Aha yes! Oh I remember! You were with another boy right? He kept crying about hurting you, it looked like he was the one who was hurt!" She laughed.
"That was Anton, this 2004 baby-" Eunseok pointed towards a timid boy sitting across. He was wearing a beanie, similar to the day he was in the hospital.
"Oh," she pursed her lips.
"Well that's Anton Lee for you," Seunghan shrugged.
"And I'm Park Wonbin, I was born in 2002," a remarkably charming boy said, his voice was chill and sweet and his smile was rather cute.
"Oh wait- I just realised! Wonbin and um- I'm sorry I don't remember your name but you both look really similar!" Sungchan suddenly spoke out.
"Oh they do!"
The girl panned out of her thoughts and shared quick glances at everyone before saying, "I'm Gwendolyn Park, but you could call me Gwen."
Her eyes shifted ever so quickly, her fingers fiddling with each other, and Eunryung felt her medical school experience kick in and she knew there was some social anxiety kicking in the girl so she quickly changed the topic, "Do you think we'll get another member? You know how they mentioned that we might have additions?"
Yuri saw Gwendolyn taking a relaxed breath, her fingers slowly stopping the fidgeting motion. She could almost relate to the girl, remembering when socialising was more than a task too impossible.
"I mean I wouldn't mind, as long as they're not rude," Sungchan said. "I agree," a couple of them followed.
Days of mindless practice continued, the company still testing their chemistry together, they even had to meet up for a dinner one day, to get to know each other- and oh the amount of awkwardness...
However one thing that wasn't ever awkward or uncomfortable was dancing or singing together, when it came to performing, all the 11 trainees dedicatedly and perfectly synced up- professionalism flowing in them.
But, the company still felt as if there was something missing- the project couldn't rise just yet, they realised.
"I think we're gonna get another member," Yuri randomly said one day, panting as the group was taking a break after performing a song as another evaluation for the still dissatisfied execs.
"I heard them saying something like, 'they still need one more'," she continued. "Really?"
Yrui's suspicion turned out to be true, as the group was sitting in another practice room, one of the executives announcing to a couple of female trainees, "If you prove to meet the standards of not only us but also your possible future members, you may make it in the project."
"Areum, you're up first." Claps surrounded the room...
Nope, Yuri wouldn't vote for her, while her singing was great, her steps seemed unclean.
Nope, not Hana either, she needed to work on capturing the audience's attention.
Nah, Ari was too young, she should train more.
Uhh no way...she should definitely stop giving Yuri those dirty looks, Haneul lost her vote.
So many trainees continued to perform, each of them having their own talents, but just not enough to meet the standard that Yuri wanted to vote for. "Are you not gonna vote for anyone Yuri? You're the only one who hasn't voted for a single person, you're evne more tougher than the staff," Shotaro asked in japanese. "Most of them seem lacking in what I'm trying to look for." She replied, until...
The familiar track of How long by Charlie puts began playing as on the girls performed, and oh my god- Yuri wished Shotaro hadn't spoken to her when she was introduced because she needed this girl's name.
Her musicality was flawless, her voice was beautifully stable and when she gave a wink towards Wonmee to fulfill the factor of interacting with the audience, Yuri knew she had to vote for her, so even before the staff asked, "raise your hands if you think-"
Yuri's hand rose high up, smiling at the girl in the black sweatpant and oversized grey hoodie.
It was a no-brainer that Choi Miyoung (Yuri later got to know of the girl's name) would be part of the group, but there was still a condition.
"Listen Ms.Choi Miyoung, we think you're great, surely you've been training for over 6 years now but...you have to compose 6 songs, each more than a minute at least, by Friday next week, for being able to be accepted, if you can do that, you're in." Mr.Kim gave a rather sinister smile as he walked out of the room, the room that was left with the 11 members and a bewildered Choi miyoung.
"Today's Tuesday so I have like 10 days, fantastic." Miyoung thought, sighing, bowing to the others before leaving the room.
"What the fuck?" Yuri spoke out loud, shocked at the condition put for the poor girl. "How could he put up that request?"
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