#there's like twenty maybe sixty more fics i can add guys
ladykailitha · 1 month
Permanent Tagging List Take Two!
Hey, guys it's that lovely time again when I go through my permanent tag list and remove people that haven't interacted with my stories in awhile to clear the way for new people.
So here's the deal, you'll have one week to respond to this post. I will post it again every week so that hopefully if you don't see it the first time, maybe one of the others will.
NO JUDGMENT! I swear it. I just want to know if you're still interested so that if you're not, people who are can take your spot.
I love all the requests I'm getting to be added to it. But I am at 44 on my permanent list and if it hits 50 then there is no way to add people to a story's tag list. Something I really don't want to do.
You can tell me if you want to be:
Removed from my permanent tag and all my stories
Removed from my permanent tag list but keep you on all my stories
Removed from my permanent tag list but only some of the stories (let me know which ones)
Stay on my permanent tag list but be removed from all my WIPs
Stay on my permanent tag list but be removed from some of my WIPs (let me know which ones)
Stay on my permanent tag list and all my WIPs.
My current WIPs so that you know what I'm currently working on:
Well Met By Moonlight: Steve is a werewolf, Eddie is a vampire and there are strange and horrible things going on in Hawkins. No Upside Down supernatural creatures AU.
Never Hold Back Your Step...: Boy With a Bat book 2. Sequel to Can Anybody See Me? Season 2 Au where Eddie picks up Steve as one of his lost sheep and him and Steve get together. Set immediately after book one, Steve has to get through high school and his new summer job. Only this is Hawkins and danger is always lurking around the corner. Featuring season 3 AU.
Icarus: Eddie makes it big with Corroded Coffin as Steve and Robin seemingly struggle with menial jobs. Only there is more than meets the eye with the up and coming metal band The Fallen as Eddie learns that the lead singer and Steve is one and the same. Now they have to manage three private lives with super stardom. The path to love never was smooth.
Sweet Home Indiana: Sweet Home Alabama fusion. Eddie and Steve get married when the first state makes gay marriage legal. But soon a rift forms between them and Eddie leaves. Now almost a decade later, Eddie's back in Hawkins looking for a divorce so he can marry his fiancee, Chrissy. But when he arrives, Hawkins starts feeling like home in a way he thought he lost long ago. Now he has to chose between his new life in Seattle and his old life in Hawkins. But not everything is as it seems and that makes things harder. For everyone.
Paper Hearts: Post Season 2 Valentine's day AU. Hawkins is doing a fund raiser for senior ball, people can buy paper hearts to give to their friends and lovers. Pink for friends and red for lovers. Steve doesn't have a girlfriend this year so he decides to get twenty pink hearts to give to girls that wouldn't normally get any. Cue Eddie finding that adorable and to do the same for Steve so he doesn't feel so lonely on Valentine's. They fall in love.
So here is the list of people that haven't liked, commented, or reblogged my stuff in about two months.
@danili666 @chaoticlovingdreamer @genderless-spoon @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @emly03
Some additional info!
I remove people who haven't interacted with any of my posts in more than 60 days. This is anything I post: chaptered fics, one-shots, and rants, whether or not they've been tagged.
What does interact mean? Comment, like, OR reblog. It doesn't have to be all three. Hell it doesn't even have go beyond a like. Though, really reblogs are the best because it means more people beyond the tag list can see it.
If you've done any of those things in less than sixty days, or have said that you're going through a rough patch and interaction will be down for awhile, you are still on the list.
I put up the option to be removed from certain stories because @maya-custodios-dionach said that they didn't like a couple of the stories (omegaverse and metal band Steve) and I thought oh, why don't ask people what they want to be tagged IN?
And in the last couple of days I've had about half of my tag list chiming in and tell me what they want. It's fantastic! Open communication for the win!!! It makes me giggle that no one has asked be from Boy With a Bat book 2, though. Literally everything else has.
Most of my regular permanent listers have made themselves known on what they want to be tagged on, but if you just like the post without commenting, I will take that as option 6 and move on. These people don't HAVE to comment or like, you'll stay on the list regardless.
But if you have stories you would much rather not be tagged in, I'd like to know, you know. ;)
@itsall-taken @spectrum-spectre @chaosgremlinmunson @i-must-potato @carlyv
@vecnuthy @irregular-child @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @scheodingers-muppet
@disrespectedgoatman @tinyplanet95
51 notes · View notes
pixel-creates · 7 years
The Tomarry Fic Rec Post That No One Asked For
 You are all welcome, by the way.
BYR: Some fics contain questionable and just wtf material. I try to mark down warnings as best as I can, but for longer stories, I have forgotten exact details. Please heed whatever warnings I did remember and if you have further questions about specific stories, please feel free to ask. Especially since some stories often have circumstances surrounding a certain material that could use more clarification than a warning phrase.
The Glass Serpent and the Dark Horse by KaedeRavensdale
In which Tom Riddle Senior never could fully put Merope’s claims of being pregnant out of his mind and set out to bring his child home, unwittingly changing the fate of both the Wizarding and Muggle worlds and laying waste to the machinations of a certain scheming old man.
Warnings: Currently WIP, AU, Tom is growing up in Harry’s time, Tom Riddle Senior is fucking badass my guys, slow-moving, incomplete
Also Rec:  In the Heart of the Sea (Merpeople/Siren AU, Mpreg)
(Currently reading this and enjoying the hell out of it. It’s one of the few fics I’ve read where TR Sr. isn’t abusive or completely apathetic to Tom. The plotline of him having magic kind of makes me go ._. at times, but I’m putting faith in the author!!)
A Fundamental Ingredient by Stellanti Nocte
Voldemort, always in search of immortality, uses a ritual to transform himself into an immortal hybrid creature. One of the two creatures is a Veela. He expects to find Bellatrix as his mate, but soon finds that it's Harry Potter.
Warnings: Creature!Voldemort, underage sex, one-shot, complete
(I was still in my Drarry/Tomarry phase, and while constantly reading Drarry, I’d practically eat creature stories. Thus, I of course found and read this story. While it eventually ends with smut, the story is pretty lengthy before it.)
Bleeding Love by Tango Dancer
15 years ago, they sealed him away never to see the light again. Now that his innocence has been proven, they want him back, but what they find is a broken man. Will they manage to get over the secrets and get his trust back after all the pain?
Warnings: LV/HP/LM Threesome, MPreg, referenced sexual and physical abuse, scarring, mental trauma, complete
(Goodness, it has been a while since I’ve last read it, but just seeing the title makes me want to read it again. This was also the fic that introduced me to LM/HP, though I have no love or much care for the pairing since I was already heavily shipping JP/LM. Regardless, this is a fun fic to read and re-read. Some concepts brought up in the last parts are kind of weird because they make references to fics the author has yet to write, however.)
A Knight's Love by Nillen
Once upon a time, in a far away kingdom, there lived a King.
Warnings: AU, Sexual Assault (not between Tomarry), Character Death, OOCness, complete
(This story makes me wonder why we don’t have more Healer!Harry in Tomarry stories.)
Bonded One by Stephke23
As a last resort to believe in love, Tom calls for his bonded one and pulls Harry through time, to him.
Warnings: Time Travel AU, one instance of rape, 250k+ words, manipulations, torture, physical assault, incomplete, ect...
(YOOOO, this is literally one of the first fics I read when starting Tomarry and possibly the main reason why I’m still hooked. I was reading this baby back when it still had 22 chapters. It’s long as fuck, but so worth it. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)
Figments Forever by nat rulz
Love, the most powerful force on earth. Voldemort, the most powerful Dark Lord ever. Vendo Diligo, the most potent love potion that exists. Harry Potter, the unfortunate victim subjected to all three. Emotions are wicked things.
Warnings: love potions, character death, tears are not included, complete
(It’s been a while since I read this, but goodness if this still doesn’t make my heart hurt)
Full Circle by tetsurashian 
Harry and Tom's souls are tied together. Which is why they're in this endless loop of rebirth. At some point, they stopped caring and just started fucking with people.
Warnings: Rebirth AU, Incomplete
(Please read this. I can’t say much about it because it’s a comedy story, but my goodness, you will not regret opening your mind to the BS Harry puts the world through. RECOMMENDED)
The Dark Lord’s Children Series by CrazyJanaCat
Warnings: Dead Dove Don’t Eat, Mpreg, Rape, Stockholm Syndrome, Miscarriage, Sexual Slavery, Humiliation, complete
Also rec: Harrymort One-Shots (similar warnings apply),  How to prevent a War (Time Travel AU)
(This author writes more on the darker side for those are inclined to it. However, How to Prevent a War is a lot more light-hearted and was a lot of fun to read.)
Literally anything by Watermelonsmellinfellon/Mister-Tom-A-Dildo-Lover
Various warnings can apply so I advise reading the warning tags on AO3 before reading them on their FFN account
Notable Mentions:  Σίγμα Τρία, The Consort Tournament,  All it Takes is a Star,  Strive,  Matchmaker, Matchmaker,  I Will Always Come Back To You,  It Was a Joke: The Foretold Note
(I could go on for days about how much I love their writing. My goodness, they are up there with RenderedReverse for my fav Tomarry/Harrymort writers)
47 Days to Change (a translation) by snow_owl01
Harry Potter and Tom Riddle are enemies, born adversaries, prophesied leaders of opposite factions.
2001 to 1932, forty-seven days to change the fate of the Dark Lord.
This is a 'Harry travels back in time to raise Tom' story. An unfortunate tale of one man's failed attempt to mold young Tom into a decent, law-abiding citizen. Instead, as Fate will have it, young Tom grows up to become the same twisted psychopath, who is hell-bent on winning the love of his adoptive father. Harry's consent be damned.
Warnings: Time Travel AU, English translation from Chinese, Harry is fucked, did you fucking see that summary, HARRY IS FUCKED, incomplete
One-shot that’s not connected to canon story aside from setting: Here (Mpreg, Rape, Explicit Sex)
(*softly to myself* f u c k. Aside from that, this is probably the fic that started my kink for Tomarry Time Travel AUs. RECOMMENDED)
Kisses Cursed by The_Fictionist
Some said he was once a man, cursed, and some that he sold his soul to demons and became one in turn. Others said that such evil as he could never have been human. That he was instead a nightmare, left lingering upon the earth a very long time ago.
Harry just knew it wasn't safe to walk near the Riddle House after dark.
Warnings: Loosely inspired by Beauty and the Beast, Character Death, complete
Also Rec: Solace in Shadows (Incomplete, AU) , Impressing Professor Potter (sexual innuendos)
(This falls into the category of: I really love this fic but it put them through such a state that I don’t want to read it again anytime soon. RECOMMENDED)
The Dysfuctional Riddle Family by teecup_angel
Warnings: (post) Mpreg, Baby Daddy Drama, AU, Harry Potter is Tom’s “Mother”, Reincarnation, Rebirth, complete
(This series is a dramatic comedy, and boy can you tell from the first story. I wish and wish with all my might that the author will one day continue with a third part of the series.)
Ineluctability by BeatDobby
As their connection strengthens, Potter falls into Riddle's possesion. However, the obvious isn't exactly truth in this case.
Warnings: Uhh... I think this story is rather plotty, AU, complete
(I... honestly don’t remember much about this story. I remember enjoying it, but it also fell into the “Put me through a moment and now I’m not sure if I’ll reread it” category.)
An echo of the past by TosMichiyo
Messing with time is dangerous. Every Wizard and Witch knows that. However Tom Riddle wasn’t going to let that stop him. He wanted and needed to know what the future would bring. He just didn’t know that some things are better left unknown.
When Harry faces someone who resembles Tom Riddle and the male claims to be to be Voldemort’s son, Marvolo Slytherin, he instantly grows wary of the other. Marvolo however proves him wrong every time and Harry can’t help but feel a growing connection between them.
Warnings: Maniplations, Sane Tom Riddle, Time Travel, past child abuse, Dimension Hopping, AU, incomplete
(I just really like this author’s writing style in general)
Inheritance by MidnightEmber
Salazar Slytherin bound Earth, Air, Fire and Water to himself and through him to his descendants. Now that Voldemort has been resurrected he shall assume his inheritance. But who are his elementals?
Warnings: Mentor!Snape, Possible underage relationship?? The story is still incomplete/slow moving so I can’t be sure. Torture and death happens, though.
(Similar to Bonded One, this is a story I recall reading when I first started getting into Tomarry. I rec it mostly because I enjoyed the story a lot and I think others would too, keeping in mind it’s still incomplete.)
Little Seer by HuskyWalker
Voldemort won the first war. Harry is happy to live as an unnoticed squib at Hogwarts. Unfortunately, visions and rebels don't allow that and Harry soon catch the attention of the dark lord.
Warnings: Seer/Squib!Harry, Mentor/Father-figure!Snape, fights occur, complete
Also rec: The Sanctuary (Time Travel AU, Creature Inheritance, Post-War!Harry, incomplete)
(I read this back when I was only on FFN, and it’s been a while. However, I really enjoyed just about everything this story had to offer. There is supposed to be a sequel in the works as well, but the author has not been present for some time. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)
Meant To Be by phoenixmaiden13
One Night of passion leads to drastic consequences that changes the war completely. Harry must go into hiding to protect himself and his most guarded secret. But will that secret bring Harry and Tom together? Only if it is Meant to Be.
Warnings: Rape, Mpreg, OOC, incomplete
Also Rec: Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Where is Your Hair? (One-shot, AU, Complete)
(I really enjoyed the first twentyish chapters. After that, the story becomes aimless. I’m not sure if the author is trying to build up to something, but it has been slow moving for the last six chapters. I still rec it, but keep in mind the slow period.)
New Divide by Aisling-Siobhan (AO3)
Harry Potter is the BWL and by some twist of Fate he was also the reincarnation of Voldemort's murdered lover. Plagued by memories of his past life and smarter than before everything is about to change. And then Voldemort finds out who Harry really is.
Warnings: Reincarnation AU, Mpreg, Drama, Character Death, Complete
(I have so many good things to say about this fic, that I don’t know what to say at all. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)
Teaching History (is Old News) by You_Light_The_Sky
In which Tom is the DADA professor at Hogwarts, secretly recruiting followers for his future army, and Harry is the worst Divination professor ever, accidentally messing up Tom’s plans.
Warnings: AU, Humor, Incomplete
(In the portion of the story available, it’s a lot of fun to read the shenanigans Harry and Tom get into. RECOMMENDED)
Second chances by slayer of destiny (AO3)
Fate decides to play with Harry's life again, giving him a chance at a family but with the most shocking father. After the Order lock him up Harry flees to the father where they both may get a second chance.
Warnings: Mpreg, AU, Teeters on being domestic at times
(Once more, I blame my internet for giving out before I could finish, but I do rec it.)
Penpals by nekoanima
What if Harry had a pen pal as a child another boy who was all alone? Harry makes friends with the young Tom Riddle as their letters bounce through time to the one they needed the most.
Warnings: Fluffy af, Tom thinks Harry is a girl, AU, Incomplete
(This is a really cute story. I really like young!Harry and young!Tom being friends; because I really believe that in another life, they’d mesh pretty well together. RECOMMENDED)
Rebuilt by Terrific Lunacy
After society as we know it collapsed, humanity struggled for survival. Slowly a new society begins to establish. Groups led by lords battle for territory. Young Harry Potter has no interest in joining local politics, but when a new lord with unconventional ideas sees the potential in his unique talents, can Harry remain neutral?
Warnings: Post-apocalyptic, Inventor!Harry, AU, Incomplete
(I ended up not reading past ch 24 because I lost internet and never picked it up again, but this story was just so great. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)
Schooled by WyrdSmith (AO3)
7th Year Gryffindors learn why it is never a good idea to piss off Ravenclaw Hadrian Morgan. His payback during Professor Slytherin's class is BEAUTIFUL. In carrying it out, orphaned pureblood Hadrian catches the interest and libido of the present Lord Marvolo Slytherin, who -- with the assistance of the entire Slytherin student body as well as a few other surprising characters -- tries to lure Morgan into his life and his bed. But just how naive is Hadrian Morgan, really?
Warnings: AU, LV is a professor, Explicit, Takes place in 1945, Incomplete
Red Hood, Red Blood by Fairygirl34 
War between Man and Wolf had gone on long before Harry became a Wolf Slayer. With his two rifles, he slaughters the monsters who took everything from him and the villagers. No wolf has been able to defeat him but Harry just might meet his match.
Warnings: Blood, Violence, Werewolf!Tom, Slayer!Harry, Harry has bloodlust, Incomplete
Also rec: Nursery Rhyme AU Series (Can be bloody/dark), Baby, You’re Mine Series (Office Boss!Tom, Character Death)
(Just about any time this updates, I’m there devouring the next chapter.)
Running Up That Hill by rightonthelimit
When Harry witnesses a deaf boy named Tom getting harassed, he’s quick to stand up for him. At that moment he doesn’t know Tom is going to be the love of his life, and he doesn’t know what’s going on inside Tom’s mind. He never will.
Warnings: Deaf!Tom, High School AU, Sexual Content, One-shot, Complete
(It’s been a while, but I do remember enjoying this fic a lot)
Divine by ObsidianPen
Voldemort, the God of the Underworld and Master of the Dead, most feared of all the Gods by the mortals of the world...was lonely.
Warnings: God AU, Greek mythology inspired. Hades!Voldemort, Persephone!Harry. Dark, Explicit, Rape, Incomplete
Also Rec: No Glory (Voldemort Wins AU, torture, character death) 
(I was seriously craving a mythology fic right around this fic was first published. It fills that quota very well though I sometimes wish it had went along the “Persephone wanted dat ass” route.)
More Precious than Rubies by Strange_Soulmates
Harry Potter has recently escaped from his dragon-guarded tower. So has his fellow prisoner - the dragon who was enchanted to guard him. Harry's friend is missing, however, and so he sets off to assure himself of his well-being before he finds the person responsible for imprisoning them both. Accompanied by a stranger with a familiar name, Harry finds himself with more questions than answers as he slowly learns about the customs of dragons and the history of the dragon he befriended, the fearsome Voldemort.
Warnings: Fairytale AU, Dragon!Tom, Possessive Behavior, Complete
(I have never been so upset that a story isn’t updated when all that’s left is the very last chapter. Heart = Broken. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)
Eros by leontina (Leontina)
Tom is the newly appointed Headmaster at Hogwarts, which means it's up to him to deal with the trouble-making Potter twins. When he meets their father, Harry, Tom is instantly drawn to him and plans on making Harry his.
Warnings: Referenced Past!Har/Gin, Headmaster!Tom, Child OCs, One-shot, Complete
(If you like single-dad Harry and Headmaster Tom, then please just click that link already. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)
Betrayal of A Different Kind by vampiric_mcd
The war did not end with a magical battle, but by a contract of convenience. And now, Harry Potter has to live with the consequences of a choice he made several years ago. Not everyone supports the conditions of their brave new world and that might threathen to destroy everything the Light and Dark have worked together to achieve.
Warnings: Arranged Marriage AU, Politics, Infidelity, Possessive Behavior, Guerrilla Warfare, Incomplete
(the one fic about arranged marriage that is multi chap and not stolen - and it hasn’t been updated in months)
Solamen Miseris by Paimpont
A year after the final battle, select death eaters are given the chance to complete a "redemption program" where they must live without magic for six months under supervision. Harry is assigned to watch over a mysterious dark wizard who has been locked up in a secret cell at the Ministry since the battle.
Warnings: One-shot, complete
Also Rec: To the Waters and the Wild (honestly one of the funniest stories I’ve read)
(Uh.... It’s been a really long time...)
Some Other Beginning's End by BelovedShadow
Harry reveals the fact that he is a horcrux to Voldemort during the final battle, and Voldemort decides to keep Harry safe and protected. Knowing that he and Voldemort are the only two people who will live forever, Harry distances himself from everyone but Voldemort, and develops a growing fascination with the man and his dark, peculiar, ways
Warnings: Mpreg, Non-Deathly Hallows Compliant, complete
(I remember liking it, but I also don’t remember it.)
Your Name on My Heart by whitedandelions (AO3)
Bearing the Dark Lord's soul mark on his chest certainly isn't easy when his family is firmly on the Light Side.
Warnings: Soulmate AU, Twins!Harry and James, twists, dark at times, set in past, incomplete
Also Rec: Una Animarum (Soulmate AU, Harry can see magic)
(I am at the edge of my seat after the latest chapter, holy crap this story is getting better and better. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)
Through your black hair, my hands, Alt Translation by tinanl
Harry lost the war and died but ended up in the past, first meeting six year old Tom Riddle, then attending Hogwarts where Prof. Riddle was teaching DADA, love moves in mysterious ways
Warnings: English Translation from Chinese, Time Travel AU
Latest translation by Marcell13
(Some parts don’t make much sense, but I’m chalking it up to it being a translation. Tinanl actually got really far with the translation. You’ll see it as the one chapter actually contains several chapters. It’s a lot of fun to read, though I will warn of MPreg, but I don’t recall the chapters getting to that point the last time I read. I also have not read CrownedPhoenix’s translation nor Marcell13′s, but Marcell13 is the currently updating translation. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.)
The Snake and His Lion by iWannaPetYourPetPeacock
Harrison Evans is the Slytherin's 'pet lion.' But what happens when one Slytherin forgets that only person Harry belongs to, is Tom Riddle?
Warnings: Sexual Assault (not between Tomarry) Possessive Behavior, complete
(I read this about a year ago? I don’t think it aged particularly well, but there are bits that I still like)
The Artifice of Eternity by Lomonaaeren
Strange events lead to the resurrection of Tom Riddle- not quite a Horcrux, not quite a Veela.
Warnings: Post-war, Veela!Tom, Mating, Sexual Content, One-shot, complete
Also Rec: His Twenty-Eighth Life (Time Travel/Dimension Hopping AU, Master of Death!Harry)
(Really nice take on the creature inheritance plotline. I often come back to read this story when on long trips. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)
BigJellyMonster, just BigJellyMonster
Notable Mentions: The Diary of Tom Riddle, Shared, Moments
Work can include: Possessive Behavior, Sexual Content
Not Strong Enough by Sayon_170
He was going to give Tom the one thing he never had: Love.
After months of preparation, Harry was ready to go back in time and meet the source of all his pain and misery: Tom Riddle. Harry would give him his unconditional love, and that would change everything— he would make a new future, one that ended with his eternal rest and a content, complete soul. Harry never thought of failure as a possibility. He would realize too late that Life and Fate were fickle, ancient beings that answered to no one. And so Harry left to the past, a time where Tom Riddle was still redeemable, to love and change Tom for the better and create a newer, happier future— nary a thought to what Fate had in store for him.
Warnings: Possessive Behavior, Time Travel AU, OCs, Power Play/Imbalance, Politics, Underage sex, Incomplete
(You will see that I am a huge lover of the fix-it AUs. RECOMMENDED)
of demons and mortals by rayfelle
Harry is a mage. Tom is a demon Prince sealed in an ugly doll.
Warnings: Modern AU, One-shot, Complete
(Beautiful. RECOMMENDED)
Frozen Coffee by Rhodium
Harry was sure his mind must have short-circuited for a second, because it sounded like Riddle, his megalomaniac micromanaging boss who had a stick permanently stuck up his ass, had just asked him out on a date.
"What, like a date?" He blurted out, his mind-to-mouth filter as degraded as the one in the coffee machine. Harry immediately clapped his hands over his mouth, failing to hold back in the words that had already fallen from his lips.
Then, to his surprise, his uptight cold-hearted boss fidgeted.
What the…
Or, the story where Harry believes that his boss, Tom Riddle, is a heartless robot...and then they go ice skating
Warnings: Sassiness, Modern AU, Boss!Tom, Worker!Harry, Harry on Ice, One-shot, complete
(I don’t read a lot of non-magic AUs because I feel like magic is a core part of the series/characters and needs to be a part of the story in some form, but damn if this isn’t a story I wouldn’t mind making an exception of.)
Home by Acnara
“Are you lonely?”
Always the same conversation.
“Maybe. Sometimes.”
“Sometimes I am, too. I think.”
Six years after the battle of Hogwarts and the death of the Dark Lord, Harry Potter dreams of a little girl in a forest. Because it was never really over.
Warnings: Delphini, one-shot, complete
The 'L' Word by eaivalefay
Well. Potter was his husband. Voldemort was vaguely certain there was some unwritten Code out there dictating that spouses were allowed to do such things.
Warnings: Fluff, one-shot, short, complete
(I just realized that I don’t read much fluff!Tomarry, whereas with SNS or SoRiku, I’m all about huge mixes of fluff and angst.)
Definitions and cages by Clarisse (transnymphtaire)
You can't help but get emotionally attached to someone after 14 years connected to their soul.
Voldemort only wants to keep Harry safe, from the war and from the impostor.
Warnings: Rapunzel AU in canon, definitions everywhere
(As I remembered this story, a cackle left my mouth. Take that as you will.)
Demons of The Past by leontina (Leontina)
Harry and Tom were childhood sweethearts who broke up in their final year of Hogwarts when Tom's fascination with the Dark Arts became too much for Harry. Five years later Tom is slowly taking over the Ministry, and meets Harry again when he is arrested for rioting against the Ministry--and neither of them ever quite got over the other.
Also Rec:  I Will Possess Your Heart (Modern AU)
Warnings: AU, Friends to Lovers to Enemies to Lovers, Possessive Behavior, Dom/Sub Undertones, incomplete
(It may be incomplete, but my life became a little bit more whole while reading it.)
Badgers and Snakes by partofforever (edvic)
“And he’s a Hufflepuff,” Orion added with a grimace. “No way we can stick with him.” “I will.”
Harry Potter and Tom Riddle are childhood friends. When Harry gets sorted to Hufflepuff, their relationship is put under pressure.
Warnings: Hufflepuff!Harry, 1940s/Tom’s Hogwarts time, Childhood friends, complete
(I don’t remember this one as well, but I remember a lot of cheeky!Harry and fluff.)
yebisu by slexenskee (Sambomaster)
For the record, Harry is only here for his time-travelling kids.
Voldemort can fuck off.
Warnings: God!Harry, Divorce, Master of Death!Harry, MPreg, Time Travel AU, incomplete
Also Rec: Cheap (Bad) Dance Moves (God!Harry, OCs, Lots of mature material), yebisu: solid dance (mpreg, Voldemort Wins AU)
(With that summary, how can you not want to to read? I mean, that was my thought process when I first saw it. RECOMMENDED)
Hem of Your Garment by adVENTitiious 
How much can one person change another?
Warnings: Time Travel AU, Amnesiac!Harry
(Between the growing relationship between Harry and Tom and Avery being Best Friend™, I am in love. RECOMMENDED)  
Dinner of Deception by XxXxDarkVampirexXxX
A dinner party gone wrong. A group of Light and Dark members gather for a celebratory dinner, which is cut short when one of them turns up dead. How did this happen? Who did this? Are they dining with a murderer? Well...yes, but would the Dark really be so eager to break the peace treaty? Would anyone?
Warnings: Character Death, Mystery, Post-War AU, Incomplete
Also Rec: Easy Fear (not really a Tomarry as it’s currently General, but still a fun read)
(I plan to re-read when it’s finished because the suspense was killing me back when it had 11 chapters. xD)
Dark Adrenaline by Katsitting (Nekositting)
He was a snake—definitely. A conniving man that forced people into corners simply because he wanted to see if he could. He cared little for the feelings of others, using them just as he was using Harry to attract the attention of the political socialites in the Gala. Harry had suspected there was a far more hidden game at play when he had been in the hotel with him earlier, having caught that Riddle had set his machinations on him rather than on prominent figures in the hall.
But how the bloody hell was he supposed to know it would end up like this?
Warnings: Dub-Con, Power Dynamics, No Lube/Painful Sex, Escort!Harry, Politician!Tom, No Magic, One-shot, Complete
Also Rec: Speaking in Tongues (series of one-shots of various plotlines),  I'll Eat Your Heart Out, Sir (Professor AU in which Tom gets splashed with a lust/love potion)
(Looking at those warnings, you can just feel the ‘ouch’. I still insist a cursory look considering this is 8k+ words of plot. RECOMMENDED)
in death we seek devotion by flat_teeth (onetrickpony)
Voldemort lives, Harry does not. In which Tom Riddle has been purposefully killing his soulmate every time they reincarnate. Kill an individual enough times, when all they want is to be cared for and loved, to be accepted—of course they will come back different. They become someone else.
Warnings: Soulmate AU, Implied Underage Sex, Tom Keeps Killing Harry
(Damn it, Tom.)
A Lesson in Defense by thecrimsonmonarch
Maybe they were destined to always be obsessed with each other.
Warnings: Time Travel/Fix It AU, Professor!Harry, One-shot, Complete
(A short, but funny fic for those who want something a little light.)
House of Snakes by flitterflutterfly (Will be updated eventually under skylarjaye)
At 30 years old, divorced, and headmaster of Hogwarts, Harry Potter doesn't have the life he'd always dreamed would come after defeating Voldemort. A chance discovery in the Chamber of Secrets allows him an opportunity to go back in time and change some things. Wherein Harry—now Hadrian—raises his younger self, dances the political dance with Death Eaters and a resurrected Tom Marvolo Riddle, and searches for a way to stop the destruction of the magical world.
Warnings: Harry Raises Harry, Time Travel AU, Courtship, Manipulative!Dumbledore, Politics, Incomplete
(I’ve always been a little iffy by the ‘x raises themself’ plot, but reading one for the first time, I found myself enjoying it a lot. RECOMMENDED)
Animus, Anima: English version by Maiathoustra
In limbo, Harry doesn't choose to go back to the Forbidden Forest to face Voldemort. He makes another decision and finds himself in a baby's body: little Tom Riddle.
Years pass and intimately bind the orphan and his imaginary friend, in an hopeless incestuous relationship. Indeed, all the odd events of Tom Riddle's life happen in spite of Harry's presence: could it be the one who provokes them?
This is Tom Riddle's entire life, as close to canon as possible, if he shared his body with Harry Potter (and fell in love with him).
Warnings: Time Travel AU (kind of), English Translation from French, Harry is stuck in Tom’s head, Mature content, Protective Behavior (from Harry)
(So the author is translating their own fic into English. I will definitely be checking out the French version because this fic is just soo goood. I will admit that their are some phrases and words that don’t make a lot of sense, but I chalk it up to English not being the author’s first language. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)
Only The Good by RepentingSirens
It's late at night, and Harry decides to text his ex-boyfriend/ex-best friend. It doesn't turn out as well as expected.
Warnings: Sad, and not in the usual way, Texting, Modern AU. One-shot, Complete
(Briefly re-read it to remember warnings, and wow, I wasn’t expecting for some scars to be prodded at. RECOMMENDED)
To Be Set Free by Merrinpippy
Harry Potter, raised and abused by the Dursleys ever since his parents died, lives in the cupboard under the stairs. He has no friends or family who love him and his life is dull until one day a letter arrives arrives for him, written in green ink, that promises freedom. Sounds familiar, right?
King Thomas Riddle's illness combined with his political paranoia pushes him to arrange three royal balls, after which his son, Prince Tom Riddle, must choose a guest to marry, thereby securing the kingdom's future and solidifying their strength in the eyes of their allies/enemies. Tom is convinced that he will be able to defy his father and choose no-one, or at least he is until at the first ball he meets an attractive stranger with dark hair and glasses who won't tell anyone his name...
Warnings: Cinderella AU, Complete
Also Rec: Kings of Flowers and Skulls (Fairytale AU, Implied Child Abuse), We Are Gods (Blood, Death),  Ignoring the Issue (Jealous!Tom),  Three Things (Possessive Behavior), Jealousy (Time Travel AU)
(Honestly, their characterization of Harry and Tom resonates really well with me. I rec a good chunk of their stories; the ones I haven’t are ones I haven’t read yet. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)
Fears by amortentia_on_her_lips
Warnings: The very first chapter includes a table of contents with warnings for each one-shot.
(In this series, each chapter is a one-shot with little to not correlation with one another. They’re each based off of a fear.)
He who Loves Death by brizo
The teen across from him wore a wild grin. Grey eyes widened in lust and excitement with his normally immaculate dark brown hair in disarray. The teens hands were covered in the blood of the body he was standing in front of. “Welcome home darling. I have a present for you.” He grinned sharply.'
In which even as a muggle Tom Riddle is still a murdering lunatic except he does it to summon Death. Who he courts.
Harry is kinda flattered.
Warnings: Master of Death!Harry, Blood, Killing, Serial Killer!Tom
(I don’t even know who to say ‘Damn it, character’ about. RECOMMENDED)
White Innocence by emriel
Harry is given another chance to live but there is a catch. He wakes up in the past. Thinking it was all a mistake, Harry plots to get back but has the misfortune of attracting the attention of Tom Riddle. They become friends and Tom starts to feel things that are foreign to him. So he keeps Harry close. What starts as curiosity turns into an obsession.
Warnings: Time Travel AU, Possessive Behavior, Manipulation, Drama, Incomplete
(I honestly need to revisit this one. I had read through the available chapters not too long ago, but I forgot some specific details about what it’s about.)
The Closing Of The Year by kcstories 
After his divorce, Harry Potter moves in with Tom Riddle. So does his ten-year-old son Albus Severus, who tries his utmost to get used to his new surroundings and to the strange, sinister man his dad has fallen in love with.
Warnings: Post-War AU, Referenced Past!Har/Gin, Fluff
(Honestly, this is fluff among all the dramatic and angst stories. A nice feel-good fluff at that.)
If Them's the Rules by MayMarlow
Unable to accept the aftermath of the war, Harry decides to travel back in time to become the parent Tom Riddle obviously should have had. Except that things don't go as planned and Harry finds himself part of a game with hidden rules, trying to survive while raising a boy whose understanding of family has nothing to do with love. 
Warnings: Time Travel/Fix-It AU, Non-Con (not between Tomarry), Politics, slow moving, incomplete
Also Rec: Don't Fuck With Florists (They'll Fuck You Up) (Time Travel AU, A good mix of funny and plot)
(The biggest thing that I appreciate about this story is that it takes its time to develop more on the childhood Tom has with Harry. It’s also one of the biggest auuughhhh because it sometimes feels that it took too long or that some of the chapters could be combined. Nevertheless, this a read I think a lot of people would enjoy. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)
Their Verdict of Vagaries by Angstier
"All who fall under your gaze become accused of a silent crime… and I am yet to understand why." -Riddle.
Warnings: Time Travel AU, Gray!Harry, Harry gets fucked, Complete
(How do I even describe this story. Okay, so I read this story right after I read New Divide, and got this double whammy of angst. I even wrote a small college essay on it because it’s so freaking good. This story is on a certain level of fuckititude and rec everyone to at least try it. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED) 
The Love of a Good Wizard by SweetSorcery
History of Magic has something to teach after all, and two resourceful students decide that the key to having any future at all lies in the past, and in Tom Riddle's heart. Assuming he has one.
Warnings: Time Travel AU, PansyxMinverva, Complete
(Despite my initial hesitance when the idea of Pansy and Minerva getting together was introduced, I actually ended up enjoying the entirety of this story, them included. It’s a mix of humor, drama, and fluffy getting-togetherness as well as some sexual moments.)
The Fragrance of a Moon Orchid by nuttyasafruitcake
She had smiled warmly at him. At his ignorance, he later discovered. "Harry, lovely," A soft, warm breath on his skin. He still wondered what scent it must have had. "The ability to experience the fragrances of our world doesn't come at a certain age. It's not connected to you. It's an ability, a small piece of a puzzle, that only can be discovered by meeting a special person."
Warnings: Soulmate AU, Complete
(I’ve read a lot of soulmate identifying plots, but reading one regarding one’s sense of smell is a new one.)
Summoning Series by aroundloafofbread
Warnings: Slow Burn, Summoner!Harry, James and Lily are Alive, Creatures
(Just by reading the first chapter of the main story, you can tell that the world the author is going for is going to be huge and expansive. RECOMMENDED)
Simple Request by AnOrcaLullaby
Sure friends helped each other out when they had problems. Harry just wished Tom’s problems weren’t so damned complicated. Why couldn’t the other get some other poor soul to play the part of his fiancé?
Warnings: Harry’s Era, Childhood Friends, Fake Engagement, One-sided Har/Gin, Yule
(Now this is some holiday fluff that this fandom needs among the (well-written, might I say) angst/drama. I’m looking straight at you, Their Verdict of Vagaries. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)
The Root of All Evil Is Love by Crystia
Tom Riddle is certain that Harry Potter loved him before the potion's fiasco
Warnings: Harry is accidentally under love potion, feels, Slytherin!Harry, Time Travel AU, Incomplete
(So, I read two stories right after the other regarding Harry being put under a love potion. This was the more engaging and consistent out of the two. It’s also a good mix of ‘stop hurting my feels’ and humor. RECOMMENDED)
In a World Gone Astray by ValloryRussups
An "ordinary" Death Eater, Harry hides his true self to survive in this world ruled by the murderer of his parents. On his way to revenge, he schemes, kills, uses unwitting people, plays games with people far superior in social standing. He doesn't have anything to lose, and the path he is walking looks clear and uncomplicated.
Until the Dark Lord himself takes an interest in him.
Warnings: Revenge, Dark!Harry, Manipulation, Dom/Sob Undertones, Torture, Voldemort Wins First War AU, Incomplete 
Also Rec: From Azkaban with Love (Harry’s Time, Curse Breaker!Harry), The Librarian (Headmaster!Tom, Time Travel AU) (With Dark!Harry stories, I tend to approach with a large amount of skepticism. It’s just really hard for me to envision a Dark!Harry. However, if there has to be one, I’m glad it’s ValloryRussup’s. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)
The Explosion by AmyTheAuthor
Usually, in other Fics, Harry goes to the past, meets an older or same age Tom in Hogwarts, and is sorted into Slytherin. Harry is usually there to change Tom and Tom is a “teenage Dark Lord.” In THIS Fic, Tom is a bullied 3rd year, believed to be a Mud-blood, and has his first ever crush on Henry Peverell, the 6th year Gryffindor, who is not there to change Tom, but rather...
Warnings: Time Travel AU (kind of),    Incomplete
(Honestly, with that summary, I avoided reading this story for the longest. When I eventually came to read it after reading their other stories, this turned out to be my favorite out of them all. RECOMMENDED)
the fault of boredom by tomrian (transnymphtaire) 
Tick tock says the clock, until Harry gets an insane idea that might kill him and that involves stealing pinned butterflies from a museum for a ritual that might not even work. Oh, and a fire.
Harry Potter travels back in time, and fucks shit up by pretending to be a) Voldie's son from the future b) Voldie's half-brother and c) the lovechild of Dumbledore, Ollivander and Fortescue. Because he was, is, bored.
Warnings: Time Travel AU, Crack with Plot, Incomplete, Master of Death!Harry
(A crack fic needed to be on here at one point.)
The Night He Left by VanillaGhost
After waking up in a forest to discover he’s been missing for twelve days, Harry must recover his memory if he’s to believe an old enemy and the little girl who show up the next day claiming to be his husband and daughter of nine years.
Warnings: OC child, kind of Time Travel, incomplete 
Also Rec:  My Name Is Tom (Future/Robot AU)
(As a currently updating fic, it’s likely to be completed soon as it’s written for the Tomarry Big Bang 2017. It’s so. Good. Every time it updates, I am so ready to read and so upset for the chapter to end. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)
On the Matter of Obedience Series by blueshadows
Warnings: Slave fic, Sexual Content, Brainwashing, Suicide Attempt
(There had to be one of those fics on here somewhere.)
Dance with the Devil by Driverpicksthemooseic (Ratkinzluver33)
"I'm not here to hurt you, Harry. Quite the opposite, in fact. I wish to help you." 
Warnings: Horcrux!Tom, Quest to Restore Voldemort’s sanity, Incomplete
(A lot of the story at the moment is dedicated to the Horcrux’s teasing and flirting with Harry. It’s great. RECOMMENDED)
the deepest secret nobody knows by Strange_Soulmates
After he is taken from Diagon Alley, Harry Potter's parents become determined to shield their child from anything and everything. While Harry is still shaken by his brief kidnapping, he finds the loneliness of his new situation far worse. When he sees a shooting star, Harry Potter wishes for two things. He wishes for a friend, and for someone who will keep him safe.
Harry is immediately surrounded by a glow, and when he opens his eyes, he finds himself in Wool's Orphanage, face-to-face with Tom Riddle, a boy two years his senior. A boy who made a similar wish.
Their time in Wool's Orphanage builds an unbreakable bond, a friendship that deepens into something more at Hogwarts. Just as the two are beginning their life together, Harry disappears just as quickly as he arrived ten years earlier.
Warnings: Kidnapping, Time Travel AU, Childhood Friends, Protective Behavior, Possessive Behavior, Complete
(The first 8-9 chapters were really great, however, the last one feels rushed and some of it didn’t seem well-explained...)
I SET ASIDE DAYS JUST TO RE-READ THEIR SHIT. THEY ARE ON POINT WITH EVERY SINGLE THING AND I CAN’T WITH THEM OR OR THEIR STORIES. If I was honest, I would make a completely separate post about their fics just to wank about how much I love them, but I won’t. I’ll do it here instead. Each notable notable mention gets some fanscreaming commentary from me because RR is just that good.
Notable Notable Mentions:
Pokémon AUs Series Plushies and Phone Charms by StalkerOfStories (was inspired by the above AU) (RR PLEASE. You can’t just mix these two series together and expect for a wild fan to not appear.)
Here There Be Dragons  (One of the first fics I read from them and the primary reason why I can’t survive without their fics in my life. Harry messing with Voldemort and then it getting somewhat sad and lighthearted ftw.)
The Harvest God Series (*softly to myself but gets loud anyway* fuCKKKK)
Nature versus Nurture Series (You would be right to assume that the main story fucking destroyed me. Because it did. I could not stop reading and read the entire main story in almost four hours and just looking at the title makes me want to read it all again.)
Thomas Riddle and the Lamb of Dreams (This is the very first fic I ever read from RR and it was back on FFN, at first. It had always been enthralling for me to read, but I never looked up the author because I didn’t have internet. Now that I know who it is I am screeching.)
Until Death Do Us Part (I will get on the ground and beg for the last chapter if that’s what I need to. I am already aiming to make shit for this fic, what’s left for me to do. But seriously, this fic is on a level I didn’t expect from a good chunk of Tomarry fics.)
Notable Mentions:
Underneath the Boughs of an Elder Tree,  Vernal Equinox, Equilibrium Series, this ain't no fairytale Series, #mfw,  Kaleidoscope,  50 Heartbeats Away From Romance, Reading the Signs, Want You Back
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atlafan · 4 years
Lake House Tattoo - One Shot
a/n: so my birthday is in a couple of days, and I think a lot of you know I write about piercings a lot, but don’t have any major ones of my own...or at least I didn’t UNTIL TODAY! Finally got my belly button pierced yall! I wanted my nose done, but it’s not safe to do so yet, so I got the next best thing. Anyways...the guy that took care of me was really nice, and made me want to write a little piercer!Harry fic. Hope you enjoy! 
Warnings: FLUFF!
Words: 2.3K
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Y/N was a simple woman. She worked a 9-5, regular old office job, and she liked it enough. She had a great group of friends, and a relatively normal family. There wasn’t too much to complain about. She was well past her wild college days, but as her twenty-fifth birthday was approaching, she wanted to do something that she felt was a little out there for herself.
A lot of her friends had different types of piercings. She only had her ears pierced. She had two sets in her lobes, and a simple stud in her cartilage. But her friends has some of the cooler ones, some had their noses pierced, and others had their belly buttons done. Bingo. A belly button piercing would be perfect. It was the little bit of defiance she was looking for, but it was also discrete. Maybe for any other person it wouldn’t be such a big deal, but it was something her mother was adamant about not allowing her to have as she was growing up, which was annoying because it seemed like everyone had it.
“Will you please come with me? I’ll need someone to hold my hand…” She asked her best friend, Maggie.
“Of course! But I promise, it won’t hurt that much. Where are you getting it done?”
“Lake House Tattoo, the piercer came really recommended from some friends at work. I wish I could have my nose pierced, but it’s frowned upon.” She sighs. “And another ear piercing isn’t outrageous enough.”
“Plus it’s discrete like you wanted. Are you going to tell your mom?” She giggles.
“Maybe some night if I get drunk enough and work up the courage. I’m about to be twenty-five, I’m an adult, I don’t live at home, she can’t say anything.”
A couple of days before her birthday, Y/N and Maggie drive out to the tattoo shop. It was on the top of a hill on the coast. The piercer, Harry Styles, came recommended by just about everyone she spoke to, so it was worth the almost hour long drive. Plus, it was a beautiful day out so the girls didn’t mind.
They both walk in, and step up to the counter. There were a couple of people sitting behind the desk. One of them had sleeves on both of his arms and those really large gages. His hair was buzzed short and bleached blond. The other man behind the counter had brown hair with soft curls. It was pulled back by a red bandana and a small clip. His left arm had a ton of tattoos, and his right only had a few. He had a small hoop in his left nostril, and that was all Y/N could see for piercings.
“Hello, I have an appointment at two…I’m Y/N.”
“Ah, the belly button, right?” The man with the bandana says. “I’m Harry, you’ll be with me.” He smiles and then squints at Maggie. “Are you getting anything done?”
“Um…no.” She says.
“Alright, you’ll have to out here, I don’t allow more than one person in the room.”
“But she-“
“Sorry, thems the rules.” He says as he stands up to place some papers on the counter. “Need your license and for you to sign some things.”
Y/N swallows and hands him her license and then signs the forms. She slides the papers over to him and he puts them in a folder. He hands her back her license and comes around from the counter.
“I’ll be right out here when you get back.” Maggie gives her a reassuring smile.
“Ready?” Harry asks.
“Yeah.” Y/N says nervously. She knew it wasn’t going to be that bad, but she didn’t do well with needles, and she knew she was going to be a little bit exposed to a stranger so her nerves were shot.
She follows him down the hall to a staircase, and up they go.
“So, a little birthday present to yourself, huh?”
“That’s nice, hope I can add the special experience.” He smiles and gestures for her to head into the private room. It was small so she understood now why Maggie couldn’t join.
“Alright, sweetheart.” He says to her softly. He must be able to tell she was nervous. “I’m gonna take really good care of you, okay? I like my customers to be happy.” He goes into a closet and pulls out a container of different piercings. “Pick your favorite.” He pulls on some gloves. “Just make sure to look, not touch.”
Y/N nods and peers into the container.
“I like this one, the darker clear jewel.” She points to it.
“Ah, so the electric pink isn’t your thing?” He jokes and grabs the piercings she wants. She laughs nervously as he sterilizes it. “So…” He looks her up and down. “You’re not going to want to wear anything high waisted for a while, and you can’t go swimming either.”
“Okay.” She looks down at herself, now feeling stupid for wearing a tucked in short sleeve shirt with high waisted shorts. “I’ll be able to wear these low, it’s no problem.”
“It’s a popular trend right now.”
“They’re just flattering.” She laughs nervously again and he smiles. She watches as he puts something on a q-tip and he looks at her.
“Are you wearing a bra with that?”
“Um…yes?” She had to be blushing by now.
“Could you just tuck your shirt up in it?”
“Oh! Sure.”
She pulls her shirt up and does what he says, and then she lowers her shorts a little. He moves to stand in front of her and then he dips down to his knees, swabbing whatever is on the q-tip in and around her belly button. Y/N was sweating. She knew he must do this a million times a day, but it certainly wasn’t every day Y/N had a cute guy get on his knees in front of her.
“Just cleaning you up, sweetheart.” He must have notice her flinch when the q-tip hit her. “There we go.” He smiles up at her and stands to her feet again.
He sets the bed down so it doesn’t look like a chair anymore for her to lay on.
“Okay, hop on up and lay down for me.”
She nods and does as he says.
“How are you feeling?”
“I’m excited, but I’m really nervous.”
“Nothing to be nervous about, sweetheart. Like I said, I’m gonna take really good care of you.”
Y/N was screaming internally. She wanted to tell him to keep calling her pet names. For whatever reason it was relaxing her. His was voice was also deep and he had a nice British accent, so it was all just very soothing.
“I’m just going to squeeze here for a second to get the area ready.” He pinches down right at the top her belly button.
She flinches involuntarily when he first touches her. Y/N’s stomach was sensitive, it always had been. She takes a deep breath once he’s done. She looks away when she sees him grab the needle.
“Alright, now you’re going to feel the needle.” He says as he presses it through her.
She gasps, biting her bottom lip and pinching her eyes closed. It was over before she knew it, but shit she hated needles.
“Dis great sweetheart, all done. Just need to crew the top of the jewel on and clean it up.” He smiles at her.
“Thanks.” She lets out a breath.
She flinched every time he touched her stomach. He gets the top of the jewel on and cleans the area up. He explains how long it’ll take to heal, and since it was summer it was fine to go in the water, and he touches her lower stomach at about where she could go up to.
“Just don’t be in there along, especially if it’s a lake.”
“Yeah, stagnant water is pretty gross.” She giggles.
“Exactly! No baths either, just as gross. If you’re in the shower it’s okay to get it wet, just don’t let it get beat under the water, yeah?”
“Okay.” She smiles up at him.
“I’m just going to put my hand on your shoulder so I can lift this back up, and I just want you to sit a moment.”
She nods and her eyes flutter closed a moment as his hand reaches her shoulder, and she slowly sits up. She feels the pinch of the jewel as she does so and winces. She can see it in the mirror before her and she smiles.
“Like it so far? You’ll be able to see it closer in a moment.”
“Yeah! Thank you so much.”
“Oh, my pleasure.” He grabs his card and hands it to her. “Okay, now for the aftercare, this is really important.” He goes into the closet and grabs a can of saltwater spray. “You’ll want to get some little paper cups and q-tips, first thing in the morning and before you go to bed you’ll clean it out. Then a few times a day just spritz it with the spray. The less you touch it the better. These heal from the outside in, so it actually takes six months to a year for it to heal altogether, and then you can change the jewel all you want. You’ve got my card, so please, call me anytime if you have questions. The only stupid question you could have is the one you don’t ask.” She giggles at that and he smiles. “Take my hand, I’ll help you hop down.”
She does so and slowly gets off the chair. She blinks a few times, but she’s alright.
“Lightheaded at all? That can happen afterwards.” He gives her hand a squeeze.
“I think I’m okay.”
He nods and lets go of her hand. She steps closer to the mirror so she can inspect her new piercing, and she beams at herself.
“It looks so good, thank you so much. I’m so happy with it. I’ve wanted this for a long time, and it feels great to have it done.”
“I’m so glad you like it. I like when my customers are happy. Come back and see me anytime.”
“I will.”
He leads her back down the stairs with her to ring her up.
“Do you live around here?” He asks as he gets the order together on the computer.
“About an hour away, why?”
“Well, that’s the only aftercare spray I trust and they sell it locally here.” He gets up and grabs a couple of more cans for her. “Take these on the house.” He winks at her. “But promise to come back for more when you run out.”
“I promise.” She smiles and puts them in her bag with the other can. “Thank you.”
“That’s be sixty altogether.” He slides her the receipt. “Gotta fill that out before I run your card, sweetheart.”
She leaves him a twenty dollar tip and gives him his card. He smiles big when he sees the tip and runs the card. She takes it back and puts it in her wallet.
“All set, Y/N?” Maggie asks, coming up to her. “I was just looking around at the shop.” She points towards the room where people could buy piercings and studs.
“Yeah, take a look.” She lifts her shirt slightly so her friend could see.
“It’s so cute! Love the jewel you chose.”
“Thanks.” Y/N looks at Harry. “Well, if I ever need anything else pierced, I’ll certainly be back. This was a great experience.”
“I’m glad to hear it. I also do tattoos if you feel like being especially brave.” He smirks.
“Definitely won’t be coming in for that, but another piercing for sure.”
“Fair enough. Remember, if you have questions, my number’s on the card.”
“Thanks, I’ll definitely reach out if I need to.”
He nods and watches her leave. She hands Maggie her keys, not feeling up to driving.
“Oh god.” She says as she sits down. “Definitely going to take some getting used to.”
“It’s an adjustment for sure. So, was he as short with you upstairs as he was when we first walked in?”
“Not at all! He was super nice, he kept calling me sweetheart. Oh my god, Maggie…”
“What?” She chuckles.
“I got so nervous, before we got started he, like, knelt in front of me to clean me up…”
“Oh, that’s hot.”
“I wasn’t expecting it at all. I know it’s just part of the job so it’s no big deal on his end, but-“
“How often does a guy get on his knees?”
“Exactly! It was…intimate. He made me feel really comfortable. I nearly lost it when he started talking about aftercare.”
“You’ve read one too many erotic novels, Y/N.” She laughs. “He seemed pretty adamant about you calling him, maybe you should find an excuse.”
“He did ask if I lived around here…but that was just to make sure I had plenty of the cleaning spray. He gave me two extra cans for free.”
“You should ask him if you’re cleaning it right, like, explain to him what you’re doing, and then just see where the conversation goes.”
“It’s probably just the shop number…” She looks down at the card and her eyes grow wide. “Oh my god…he wrote in pen and put his cell number on it!” Her and Maggie squeal. “Okay…maybe I’ll call him. He’s really cute.”
“Plus…it’s kind of hot that he works at a tattoo place.”
“Super hot, I don’t know what it is about it. I wouldn’t mind hearing him call me sweetheart again. I wonder how often he does that.”
“Guess you won’t know until you call him.”
“I guess so.” She smiles and bites her bottom lip as she looks out the window. Best start to a birthday ever.
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*sweats* I'm excited to offer a gift fic for @imthatpeculiarone in this round of the Profound Bond Gift Exchange: Reunion. 
Title: This Wheel's on Fire 
Word Count: 3,419 
Fluff, Rated Gen
An old Lincoln Continental with faded paint nearly hits Baby in the supermarket parking lot. Dean slams the brakes. His untasted coffee takes a dive, and Dean is quickly slapping take-out napkins from the glove box stash even as he slides into an open parking spot. He takes a minute of the limited time he has for this errand to get himself calmed down.
His temper flares up again when he sees that he’s parked next to the gold Continental. He doesn’t have time to move the Impala to another spot, so he slides over the bench seat. The Fiat on that side is crookedly parked but still leaves enough space for Dean to open the door more than four inches.
Phone in hand,  he scrolls through Jody’s text messages for the list. While he was driving to the store, she’s added more. He grabs a shopping cart on the way in, notes where the freezer with the ice is, and speeds up an aisle toward the bakery section, where he almost collides with a guy striding through the T-intersection.
“Shit! By bad,” Dean says, stopping short of running the startled man down.
The man squints. His blue eyes burn brighter. “That would be the second time today,” he accuses.
“What?” Dean asks.
The man rolls his eyes. “I don’t have time for this,” he gripes as he beelines for another section of the store.
Dean doesn’t have time either. The cake is ready when he gets to the bakery counter, but they’ve written “Congratulations Kelsy” instead of “Kelly.” To fix it, Dean would have to wait for the only person on staff with the rare skill of being able to write with decorator gel to get back from a break of unknown duration. He takes the cake as-is and a tube of Cake Mate. He rattles through the aisles for the rest of the supplies, eyes the coffee cart, but opts to get in the shortest of the long checkout lines instead.
The cranky guy gets in line behind him.
Their eyes meet and lock. For a second it looks like the guy might yield and move to another line, but as Dean is starting to unload his items onto the belt, the guys interrupts.
“Can I go ahead of you? I only have three things.”
“Sorry, buddy,” Dean says. “I’m on a clock.”
“I’m not your buddy,” Blue Eyes snipes. He eyes Dean’s purchases, expression a mix of irritation and confusion.
“Man, what is your issue with me?” Dean protests. “Look, I haven’t had my coffee yet, so maybe I’m missing something. But I’ve gotta finish shopping and be gone in sixty seconds, OK? There’s a pregnant lady waiting for her cake and baby shower games. I’ll be out of your life in five minutes.”
The man’s face suddenly brightens. “You’re going to a baby shower.” The brilliance of his smile is like white sparks. Dean feels his body respond to the warmth of that smile even though the sudden transformation from pissy to friendly throws him.
The checker has started scanning Dean’s purchases. He gives her the sticker with the barcode for the cake. “And six bags of ice,” he tells her.
Blue Eyes asks, “Is the party for your partner?”
That startles a laugh out of Dean. “No,” he answers, a drawn out negation. “My friend is hosting. The mom-to-be is from her church.” He adds, “I’m not seeing anyone currently.” He gives the guys his own friendly smile.
Dean’s lure lands, because the man extends a hand. “I’m Cas. By the way.”
“Dean.” They shake hands. Cas has a strong grip. In the fleeting skin to skin contact notes the slight callous and Cas’s long fingers. He has good hands.
“It's a happy occasion.” Cas sets down his purchases: a guinea pig plushie, pack of gold gift wrapping tissue, and a glossy white bag decorated with rainbows and unicorns. A tween must be having a birthday. 
Dean reaches for his wallet to pay. It’s not in his pocket. “Crap.” This grocery store isn’t set up to take pay apps.
Cas catches on. “Dean, I’ve got this,” he says. “It’s just,” he gestures at the bags, “diapers and candy bars.” 
“It’s a lot,” Dean objects. “I’ll Venmo you the money right now.”
“I don’t know Venmo,” Cas says. He tells the cashier, “I’ll pay for mine with his.” To Dean he says, “Let’s exchange phone numbers and we can settle up later when we’re not holding up a checkout line.”
“Are you sure?” Dean asks.
“I believe in trusting people.” Cas nearly bumps Dean’s hip putting his card into the payment terminal. When the path is clear, Dean pushes the shopping cart past the checkstand, but for a long moment Cas and Dean are crowded into each other’s personal space. 
“You said you haven’t had coffee yet. Can I buy you a cup?” Cas points to the coffee cart. “I know you’re short on time, but we can get each other’s contact info while they make our drinks.”
They both order drip coffee, black. The barista doesn’t have any brewed, and offers a choice between Americanos or a five minute wait.
“We can blame our delay on traffic,” Cas suggests.
They opt for the wait.
“OK, give me your number,” Dean says after they take a table in the tiny dining area. “If you want I can bring you cash after I drop off the party stuff.”
The cart is too big, so Dean takes out the bags and sets them on the table, leaving the cart parked out of the way. He’ll need it when he gets the ice on the way out. They start out chatting about movies and end up in an oddly intense discussion about social justice and the existence of a benevolent God in the minutes until the barista calls out that their coffees are ready.
Dean takes the lid off and slugs the coffee. He can’t help the sound that comes out of him, even though it is borderline inappropriate for a grocery store. “That’s scalding,” he says, eyes watering, “but so good.” Cas is smiling at him. “My friend woke me up with the shopping emergency,” Dean explains. He gestures to his coffee-splattered clothes. “And then some dick in a crappy Continental makes a illegal left on the way in here — “
“Excuse me ,” Cas interrupts with flashpoint ire. “That turn was both legal and clear , and if your boat hadn’t been taking up two lanes we would not have had that near miss!”
Dean takes a long swallow of hot coffee before he gets in a fight over Baby’s honor. He takes a mental half-step back as he realizes that Cas was the driver earlier. Dean has a bad temper, he knows it, and he’s learned to be better about it than he was in his twenties. Cas had saved his bacon with the money thing, and he had done it in spite of thinking Dean was in the wrong.
“Look. Thanks for the help,” he says. He’s sincere but somehow it comes out sounding aggressive. “I mean it. Thanks.” Without saying anything more, he grabs his bags and stalks out. He makes it all the way to Baby before he realizes. He gets the shopping bags in the trunk and goes back for the forgotten ice.
Cas is walking directly toward him. For a solid three strides across the asphalt it is a game of chicken. They stare daggers at each other, oblivious to any traffic around. Nearly simultaneously, they both realize that Cas is walking to his car, which is parked right next to the Impala, and Dean is walking back into the grocery store. They pass each other; the absence of acknowledgement is an acknowledgement in itself.
Dean makes it back into the store, loads up a shopping cart with the ice Cas paid for, and pushes the rattling cart out the door and across the lot to his car. The Continental is still in its spot. Cas hasn’t left yet; he is sitting in the driver seat. Dean can’t get into his driver’s seat until Cas leaves, so he loads the ice into the trunk slowly. He finishes his coffee.
When Cas still hasn’t left, Dean walks around the Lincoln’s large ass end and raps a knuckle on the back window to get Cas’s attention. He waits for Cas to roll down the window a few inches, before pitching his voice to him. “I can’t get in my car until you pull out,” he tells him.
“Your shopping cart is in the way. I’ve been waiting until it’s safe,” Cas informs him.
Dean just shakes his head and walks away, dragging his cart to the corral at the end of the parking row. He lobs his empty paper cup into the same trash can he dropped the mess from his spilled coffee into. He watches Cas back out of the space, smooth and easy, the engine of the Continental bumbling like a contented bee as he drives away. Dean jogs back to the Impala and slides into the driver seat before a car can take the newly empty spot, not that anything would fill the space like that late ‘70s Lincoln Continental Mark V. 
He gets a weird feeling looking at the empty space. It feels like a missed opportunity. He wishes he’d kept his mouth shut about the left turn. How many times had someone cut him off in traffic or made a bad lane change, and how many of those times mattered after? None. He and Cas had been having a good conversation, connecting.
Dean tunes the radio to the classic rock station, relaxes with the comfortable and familiar, and heads out. Kelly’s address is less than five minutes away, but too many of the residential streets dead end, and by the time he finds the right path through, it’s been a quarter hour. there is space for him in the driveway, though, and he pulls in so that he can unload the ice bags. He tosses one on his shoulder and knocks on the unfamiliar door.
* * *
“I should have handled that better,” Cas says to the stuffed animal, his last minute gift for Kelly’s baby-on-the-way. Her house is close by and he knows the way, so he finds himself thinking about Dean, feelings a mix of irritation and deep attraction. Dean, who he will probably never see again.
Because he knows that quite a few guests will be attending her party, he parks the Lincoln around the block to leave space along the street in front of her home. Kelly Kline-Rooney and her husband Jefferson have a newly remodeled, two-story Craftsman home with a large yard and back garden. Cas drew the plans for the remodel, and over some difficulty with the contractor, he and Kelly became friends.
He’s arrived early to help with set up, but Jody, the organizer — who he meets for the first time — shoos him out of the kitchen, so he gets to spend the time with Kelly. “How are you,” he asks her, “and how’s the baby?”
“I’m good,” she says, “we’re both good.” She heaves a little sigh and fidgets in her armchair. “Actually, I’m a little wound up. I haven’t finished painting the mural in the nursery, and all of a sudden I feel like there won’t be enough time to get anything finished before my baby gets here.” She smooths a hand over her belly. Her expression changes and she gasps, “Oh! Give me your hand.” She takes him by the wrist and pulls his hand toward her baby bump.
He feels her baby kick, all that life, gearing up to meet the world. Cas has to admit, because Kelly has enthusiastically roped him into the experience of her pregnancy, he has become more interested in the idea of having children. It has broadened his outlook.
“Kelly,” he finds himself saying, “I met someone today.”
Her eyes sparkle with interest. “It’s not even ten o’clock yet!” she laughs.
“I met him at the grocery store,” Cas says, shrugging. He smiles, thinking about Dean. His smile breaks as he recalls how it played out. “Unfortunately,” he confesses, “we didn’t part on good terms.”
“Cas,” Kelly mourns. “What happened? Tell me all about it?”
“This beautiful man,” he starts, thinking of Dean, his deep voice and the way he spoke with conviction and certainty. The way he made direct eye contact. The sexy freckles and the shape of his lips.
“Yes?” Kelly prompts when Cas gets lost in thought.
He laughs. “He is… very attractive,” Cas emphasizes. “You know I’m not overly focused on appearances, but Dean.” He shakes his head and looks heavenward. His eyes fall to his hands. He picks at his fingernails. “We almost got into a car accident, and that’s what we ended up fighting about. But before that, we got coffee together and talked, and we exchanged numbers.”
“Well that’s good!” Kelly encourages. “Something sparked between you. You can call him and smooth things out.”
“I wasn’t in the wrong,” Cas grumps.
“No, sweetie. I’m not saying you have to apologize or anything. But you can talk. You only just met. Sometimes first meetings don’t go all that well because of sparks.” She gives him a robust pat on the knee. “I’m rooting for you.” Inching forward in her chair to get up, she sighs, “I miss drinks with booze in them. How about we get some fancy lemonade and pretend it’s rosé?”
“I’ll get it,” Cas says so that Kelly doesn’t have to rise. He enters the kitchen with a hello for Jodi and gets introduced to Patience a moment before she leaves to answer the front door. Cas can hear her greeting the newcomer, and he stops mid-pour when he hears the deep timbre that answers. He finishes pouring Kelly’s sparkling pink lemonade before he musters the question for Jodi, “Is that Dean?”
“You know each other?” Jodi responds with cheerful curiosity.
Patience comes back in, holding up a grocery bag. “Dean came through. I’m going to help him bring in the bags of ice — “
“I can help with that,” Cas interrupts.
“Would you? Thanks!”
The look on Dean’s face when he sees Cas is… not what Cas expected. Dean’s eyes light up, and there is a genuine wonder in his surprise.
  * * *
Missouri’s granddaughter, Patience Turner, waves for Dean to come inside. “Hi Dean! Jody’s in the kitchen.”
“Hiya, Patience. Where can I put the ice? I’ve got five more bags like this.”
“There’s a big cooler out on the barbecue patio,” she says. “Through the living room. I’ll get you some help unloading the car.”
The living room already has a dozen people in it. Dean exchanges salutations with the people he knows and exudes charm at the rest. He shakes out the bag of ice into the cooler, which looks big enough, and scopes out the landing spot for the cake. There is a long table already stocked with plates and plastic cutlery; it has some gifts on it that will need to be moved to join the pile of gifts on the coffee table. Dean registers that one is a white gift bag with unicorns and rainbows on it, stuffed with gold tissue.
Patience is in the entry with Cas.
For a solid beat, Dean doesn’t know what to think, because something in his chest turns over like a big engine revving up. Once the wheels of his mind get going, he still continues standing there like an idiot. “Hey, Cas,” he says.
“Hello, Dean.”
Cas turns and goes out the door. When they reach the Impala, they are alone together, and it is awkward. It is definitely awkward. Cas stands by the trunk, expectantly.
“Here, let me get that,” Dean says. As he unlocks and lifts the heavy lid of the trunk, they are standing too close again. Dean should mind that Cas’s keeps getting into his personal space, but he doesn’t. He wants to get closer. This level of attraction makes him stupid, and he feels the urge to make an offhand comment to sabotage himself.
But then Cas says, “I’m sorry we parted on a bad note.”
“Yeah, um,” Dean answers, “me too.” He knows it’s not enough, not when he’s gotten a second chance. “I mean, I’m sorry, too.” It’s hard to believe it can be that simple, but Cas’s face lights up with hope, so maybe it is. 
“Between the two of us, I’m sure we can get all of this in one trip,” Cas says, and now they have to get moving. Apparently, he is also a pro at self-sabotage. It’s weirdly comforting.
They don’t get much of a chance to talk alone after that. Dean fixes the writing on Kelly’s cake and catches up with Jody, while Cas makes party talk with the people he knows. They chat, but not alone, not until Dean is volunteered to fire up the barbecue and Cas escapes outside with him.
It’s a gas barbecue, and clean. There isn’t much to do while it heats up. “How do you like your burger?” Dean asks, because food is an easy topic.
Cas shrugs. “Well done?”
Dean shakes his head. “A good cut of grass-fed beef, medium rare — that’s a burger to sink your teeth into. Juicy, fresh.”
“I don’t eat much red meat anymore,” Cas says. “I sneak a trip to White Castle once in a rare while.”
“White Castle? You’ve gotta let me make you a real burger, Cas.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Trust the Meat Man,” Dean says, pointing both thumbs back at himself.
Cas squints at him. “You’re very confident in your opinions,” he says.
Dean’s not sure how to take that. “Shouldn’t I be?”
“There’s more than one side to things,” Cas answers.
“A right side and a wrong side?” Dean teases.
“Dean.” Cas gives him an eye roll and a look, a real cut the crap look that delights Dean. He knows he likes arguing with someone who can hold his ground.
“You’re easy to get riled up, y’know that?”
“Am I.” Cas’s tone is flirty.
“Or maybe it’s just easy for me to get your wheels burning,” Dean flirts back.
“How, by disparaging my car?” Cas asks.
Dean blinks. “Your car?”
“You called it ‘crappy’.” He does the air quotes. “It’s not. There’s a lot to love about an old car. As I would think you would know, since you have one yourself.”
“Did you just compare my Impala to your land yacht? How does a guy like you even have a car like that?”
“I like it,” Cas defends.
“It’s still not a Chevy,” Dean says.
“I have never understood the Ford - Chevrolet rivalry,” Cas comments. “They’re not sports teams. It’s bizarre.” He’s serious.
“OK, OK,” Dean responds. “I’m not trying to be an asshole,” he says. He adds on, “It just comes easy to me.”
“So we should just kiss and make up?” Cas asks, making eye contact.
Dean licks his lips. Damn, if that isn’t an invitation.
They both glance at the sliding glass doors and the potential audience inside. “Ah, the garden shed,” Cas starts. “There might be some needed equipment.”
“Yeah, barbecue stuff or,” Dean agrees.
As soon as they are inside the painted shed, they are in each other’s personal space again. There is nothing accidental about the kiss that follows. Cas’s hands grip Dean at the hip. Dean puts his hands on Cas’s jaw. He holds his head and kisses him deeply, eager to feel him. He gets Cas’s lower lip between his own and gently lingers as they explore each other’s mouths.
They make out for as long as they think they can get away with. But the barbecue is unattended, and they know someone will wonder where they’ve disappeared to if they are gone too long.
Dean makes the moment they have last as long as he can. “I guess we should get back,” he murmurs, nuzzling at Cas’s neck.
“Mmh,” Cas makes a noise that could be agreement.
“What are you doing after the party?” Dean asks.
“Probably helping clean up,” answers Cas.
“Funny, me too. What about tomorrow?”
“Well, tomorrow I have to run some errands after work. Grocery store shopping.” Cas’s eyes are twinkling.
“Oh. I see. How about I do the shopping, and cook you a nice dinner? My place?”
“You’re on, Meat Man,” Cas agrees.
* * *
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ghostmartyr · 7 years
Fic: untitled prologue of a thing
Usually I post fic segments with what amounts to a list of ingredients up top, but I don’t want too much formality getting in the way of the first post of this project (which is why that title for the post is allowed to exist).
This story is a long time coming, and I’m really excited about it. It’s a For Want of a Nail AU doubling as a Bodyguard AU, featuring Queen Ymir and Historia as the captain of her royal guard. Shippiness ensues. ...Eventually.
For the prologue, only one part of that description comes close to mattering, but hopefully it’s still its own kind of fun.
Ymir’s not really the complaining type.
On the streets, the louder you whined about how much life sucked for you, the louder the screams when a bunch of helpful people got to making it suck a lot more. That was before they started asking about your blood. If uniforms were involved, there wasn’t much of an after.
With the old man, it was even simpler. There was no way in hell she was going to complain about having a decent pair of shoes instead of counting on last week’s layer of mud to keep her feet from getting scraped up.
A few months ago, she wasn’t awake enough to consider the option.
Now is a bit different from any of those times. Locked up under a few tons of rock and dirt, hidden away from everything she never cared about, and passing the hours counting the same cracks in the stone under her feet, she’s starting to think a bit on the value of telling people where to shove it. Goddesses can’t say things like that, but maybe whatever she is now can. Maybe whatever she now wants to, even if that doesn’t make a lick of good sense. She’s had worse. Been worse, too. All it takes is closing her eyes the wrong second and the rampaging monster comes back, hunger and heaving breaths bearing down on anything stupid enough to get near her.
A real prison isn’t so bad after all that. The only people down here she has to worry about killing are the tools outside her cell who look at her like those days never really ended. She gets a fresh blanket every once in a while, and they’re good about keeping her fed. Back in her first life, the cuffs around her hands would have slipped right off by now.
Maybe that’s the point, but she’s definitely not getting on their case over that. Add a few windows, and it’s about as cozy as any home she dreamt up as a kid. Especially now that no one cares what’s inside her head. Interrogators haven’t bothered with her in a while. The weirdos who kept dragging her off for experiments haven’t, either, and it’s a bit pathetic that she’s disappointed over that. The air outside her cage isn’t any fresher, and the cuffs are even tighter.
She needed a break. She’s too young to have sixty years of problems, and every second people talk to her down here, she can feel more years piling on. Hiding away from everything isn’t the worst thing for her. Even if it means no more stars.
Or grass.
Anything interesting at all.
The point is, complaining isn’t going to change any of it. She doesn’t know what will, and maybe she doesn’t want to care about that right now, but mouthing off could get her into a place where she doesn’t ever get a new blanket.
But it’s been months. A few weeks now with no guards. Once a day someone runs down and skids her food under the bars, then runs back to whatever more important things they’ve got going with a look like the old Ymir’s chasing down their tail.
Months and weeks and years, and now there’s this.
She can smell it, wafting down the spooky corridor. Smoked and heavy, the stench curls through the air, teasing the chance for each breath to catch the heavenly scent. Meat. Hunger has her mouth watering, and each swallow wrestles with the bile fighting its way up. Her hands are damp and limp, and her chains jangle loudly when she tries to wipe them off on her shirt.
They’re still normal hands, which is cool. Small enough that cracking a few heads open would take some work. She’s probably a bad person for thinking of which few heads she’d go for first, but they did throw her in prison.
Not that she’d usually complain about that.
Ymir rips herself up off her cot and marches the few steps she can walk over to the bars.
“Hey!” she shouts down the creepy hall with its creepy mood smells. “You want to deal with something your size, get on over here before I go for the raw food instead!”
Her teeth clack together in the echo. Because she’s pissed and gritting them. That’s rage her tiny hands are shaking with, too. She’s graduated from goddess to unholy terror, and if someone wants to mess with her, they should think twice and take their stupid cooking out of her hole.
She counts her heartbeats waiting for some sign of life outside her cell. The flicker of torchlight doesn’t count today. She gets to about twenty before her ears catch something new.
Footsteps. The same tromping kind that show up whenever the guards are around to check on her instead of sort of looking nearby the cell and running back the way they came before she gets so much as a hello. Goody.
Smoke’s following them. Ymir used up all her luck not dying when she was killed, so that’s not really a surprise. Her inconsolable rage tightens her jaw a bit more. The shadow of a person hits the bit of wall leading up to her cell. Definitely carrying something.
When color enters the scene, Ymir allows that some of the gnawing in her stomach might have something to do with dread. If the tall blond soldier notices anything, and he does, because she’s been down here long enough to know things like that about these people, he doesn’t make a noise. The platter he’s carrying hisses a little, tiny pops crackling invitingly right outside her bars. Ymir goes with ignoring it until her teeth ache.
The tromping footsteps stop in front of her cell, and the stalwart soldier spares her a brief nod before placing the stupidly shiny dish on the floor and skidding it into arm’s reach. It’s a little funny, watching him crouch down in the dirt. He almost reaches undignified, but that’s ruined when he stands back up.
Ymir doesn’t move.
He does that thing with his eyes where he’s pretending to smile without any of the muscle effort. “I thought you could use some food.”
His hands stay clasped behind his back. Ymir keeps her eyes off the plate while her nose itches. “I get food every day. You were pretty clear about that. Sir,” she adds. Because she can. The old man wouldn’t call the tone anything to do with manners, but the guy in front of her is so full of soldierly righteousness that he demands some kind of title.
Erwin Smith. He who thought up throwing her in a dungeon instead of killing her. The man who now brings secret prisoners freshly cooked food.
Once upon a time, she knew someone like that. He held out a hand to a starving street urchin, and the brat became a goddess. All because he fed her, and he asked.
Ymir can’t say she likes where this is going.
Erwin’s got a shiny new wing symbol tied around his neck, and something about him has always been a little crazy when he looks at her, but the manic light in his eyes has a power behind it that even his nutso scientist doesn’t have. He’s always walked taller than her, being about twice her size, but right now Ymir finds herself believing that he makes his living out of killing giants.
It doesn’t feel right. Not when everyone she’s seen down here for the last few weeks has looked like they’re going to hurl any second.
Ymir knows the feeling. She glances down at the plate. Her eyes skitter over the steak to the buttered bread. Hunger that belongs to her, not some shadow, drags her down to the floor, and she stuffs a roll in her mouth before bad daydreams talk her out of it.
It’s one of the best things she’s ever tasted, and if she could run, she’d be sprinting out the nearest door. Seeing as she can’t, might as well make the most of it. Warmth soothes the building nausea, and the bread is so soft that her teeth tear it apart with a gentle nudge. Despite herself, her roving eyes go back to the plate instead of watching the silent soldier.
“Aren’t you people having some kind of food crisis?” she says around the next roll. “You must really want something out of me to set yourself back like this.”
Erwin smiles with his mouth this time. “I’m glad you’re keeping some consideration of our circumstances in mind. It cost less than you might think, though.”
Ymir licks a drop of butter off her finger. “Wow. You really know how to sell a bribe.”
Erwin continues talking like he doesn’t hear her. Forget that they could probably save some time if he just went about this honestly. She’s a kid, not stupid. “You see, twenty percent of our population is now dead,” he says calmly. “Leaving the survivors to celebrate the spoils of war.”
Ymir stops in the middle of reaching for one of the berries littering the bribery spread. She looks up and stares. “Twenty—sorry, what?”
“Twenty percent of our population,” he repeats. Like he’s reciting a school lecture. “We sit here reaping the benefits of their… sacrifice.” He nods at her stilled hands. “Eat up. It would be remiss of us not to appreciate what they’ve left for us.”
Ymir rolls her eyes and takes a sip from the waterskin. There’s a hole opening up in her stomach, and that’s a feeling that’s dropped her straight into a living hell several times now.
She didn’t spend that much time inside the walls before hitting underground. She can remember enough, though. People crying. Monsters chewing off heads. Children tinier than her screaming for their parents.
She saw enough of the walls to know she didn’t even see one percent of the people trapped in them.
“You still haven’t said what you want out of me. And don’t say nothing.” Ymir plops a berry in her mouth. “People don’t share sob stories with prisoners unless they’re after something.”
“It’s hardly a sob story. Simply the facts.” Erwin takes a step closer to the cell. “Our leadership chose to send out thousands of untrained citizens to their deaths so that the rest of the population might live. That was all that was in their power to do in the current situation: encouraging the catastrophic loss of life to happen in an environment where no one would have to care.”
The dark enemy Ymir recognizes as her conscience twists into knots in her chest. She puts her next roll down. “Still nothing to do with me.”
“You said,” Erwin says, “that when our people retreated to this island, it was the king’s power that protected them.”
“I said a lot of things.” She did. Interrogations brought that out of her, apparently. Along with the absurd fun of watching the world these people thought they knew falling to pieces in a few short minutes. Fun is the last thing on her mind right now. Hitting herself for her big mouth is a frontrunner, but she’s in enough psychic torment to give herself a pass on that.
“That for generations, that power has stood between us and destruction.”
“Yeah, looks like it’s really helped you guys out.”
“No. It hasn’t,” Erwin says.
Ymir examines one of the cracks in her cell wall. “Does this place not have sarcasm, or…”
“It hasn’t,” Erwin continues, dropping the bland school teacher tone for something entirely more frightening, “because it’s missing. Our true King, as well as his Titan.” Not good. Not good at all. The whole corridor is silent, but Ymir’s own heartbeat is too deafening to care. “It is a vacancy that has cost thousands of lives.”
The crack on the wall actually starts in the floor, right next to one of the cot’s legs. Someone did a crappy job installing the thing. They’re probably dead now. Luck isn’t really a thing she sees following around someone who designs underground prisons.
Berry juice is still dripping off her teeth. With the smell right there, it doesn’t take much to imagine something thicker, with a little more tang, and the sound of crunching bones is too loud to be a real memory, but she knows it happened. Her second chance didn’t come free. It picked up with as much violence as the first left off with.
Swallowing takes a sickening effort, and she grins at Erwin.
“So what, this where you string me up for massacring the royal family?”
Erwin smiles back, and going with the rest of the terror is the sure knowledge that whatever the hell he’s selling, he believes in it. He believes in it like no one should believe in anything. That’s how you get stoned to death and turned into monsters.
“Anything you did or didn’t do is past the point, Ymir.” She never should have told them her name. “Our world is missing its key player. We need a replacement.”
Ymir closes her eyes.
She never got this conversation before.
“What do I care about your problems?”
She never got a balcony seat to how stupid she’s capable of being. She even felt smart. Food and a warm bed. You’d have to be crazy to turn all that down.
This time, she already has that.
Erwin’s voice comes at her like the last bell toll before the public gets to pick their ammunition up from the ground. “I don’t know,” he says softly. “What I do know is that you came into our custody because your refusal to take our lives left you at a disadvantage.”
She has a blanket. Food and water.
She’s not a rampaging monster.
Things have been worse.
Better, too.
“Twenty percent of our population is gone, Ymir. What I am offering you is a chance to save the other eighty.”
For that one moment, staring up at the starry sky and breathing free air, she was the happiest she’d ever been. There was a joy that nothing could touch bursting to life in her soul, and everything that had gone on, as bad as it was, had felt worth it for that perfect set of seconds.
Then she threw it all away trying to save some dumb kids from botching their exit plan.
Ymir opens her eyes.
“You’ll get me out of here?”
She sucks at second chances.
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write me that good fwen fic tho
Guys I don’t care I’m so committed to this idea (that I have invented honestly with very little actual real-life support because that’s how I roll) that Dove Cameron is playing Gwen Stacy and man I am here for it. I am here for Gwen Stacy and Fitz joining forces to bring the team back from space and so…
True friendship is sending prompts for a ship/character that doesn’t exist. 
He starts keeping a countdown after a week, something he addsto every morning when he wakes up and walks into the motel’s bathroom to brushhis teeth and splash some water on his face. He studies his reflection and addsanother tick with dry-erase marker in the corner of the mirror: day eightwithout the team. Day ten. Day fifteen. Day twenty.
Every mark makes Fitz’s mouth go dry and a heaviness settleover his shoulders that he isn’t sure that he’s ever going to be able to shake.
Of course, that’s not entirely true, he reasons. He will beable to shake that heaviness when he stops being such a disappointment andfigures out how to bring the team back from…wherever they’ve gone to.
The problem, Fitz knows, is that he has literally no idea ofwhere they could have gone. And the universe, as large and multi-layered as itis, is a very large place to search. A needle in a haystack that stretches outinfinitely.
Fitz adds another mark to his calendar, tries to make himselflook presentable, and goes out into the world, marveling over the way it’schanged in the past twenty-three days. No one seems to realize it but him, ofcourse. Everyone he passes is going on with life as he assumes they alwayshave, unaware that his entire world has disappeared. His team, his friends. Allof them gone.
Every morning, he goes to the diner where he last saw them.Fitz plays the scene out endlessly in his head, over and over, searching forsomething he might have missed. First: breakfast, the plates spread out beforethem on the counter, the first hot meal he’d had in days. Second: the lightsgoing out, the place swarming with black-clothed figures with guns. Heremembers putting his hands up and then…
And then he was alone. When he opened his eyes again, when helooked around, when he tensed, ready to take on the threat, it was only him atthe counter and a handful of confused restaurant patrons and employees whocouldn’t seem to quite remember that there had been other people there at thecounter with Fitz.
The team had vanished into thin air. And he can’t figure outhow to get them back.
Fitz shakes his head at himself as he pushes the door open tothe diner, stepping inside, trying to swallow down the disappointment. Someoneelse should have been left behind; the team’s return and survival should dependon someone else. Someone better. Someone who can actually figure out what todo.
Fitz sits in his usual booth, always empty by chance, thoughit seems more and more like fate, and pulls his laptop out, watching as thescreen brightens with life.
“You again,” the waitress says when she sidles up to thebooth, sliding over an empty mug and filling it with a flourish. “You mightwant to try the Starbucks down the street. Better coffee.”
She’s been his waitress for the past several times he’s comein; Fitz figures that her shift lines up perfectly with the start of hisendlessly disappointing day. Her nametag says Gwen and she always wears herblonde hair back in a messy ponytail that always looks one good shake away fromcoming loose.
Fitz grunts a sort of thank you, a smile on his face as hetakes the coffee. “I like this place,” he tells her, though that’s pretty farfrom the truth. “Can I have-”
“The usual,” Gwen supplies for him without taking the pad outof her apron pocket. “Enrique is already on it.” She jabs her thumb over hershoulder in the direction of the kitchen. “You’re pretty predictable, you know.”
Fitz shrugs, sipping his coffee. It takes like tar mixed withdishwater, the way it always does. Gwen, or someone, leaves the pot on theburner for too long. Maybe he shouldtry the Starbucks.
Except the Starbucks isn’t where his friends up and vanishedfrom.
Gwen disappears to wipe the counters and talk to the handfulof other customers in the diner –there are never many- and reappears only todrop off his food and to fill his coffee mug. And all the while, Fitz searchesfor something he’s missed before.
He scours the news reports of mention of Quake, of mysteriousstrangers, of unexplained occurrences.
He checks hospital and prison intake records, looking forpeople making the team’s description, for patients or prisoners with memoryissues and unexplained backstories.
Fitz messages Jemma’s parents, a causal query so they won’tworry. He reaches out to Mack’s brother, tries to contact May’s father…whichdoesn’t work, of course. He even searches through the lowest bowels of theInternet, trying to see if people are talking about…anything.
There’s nothing.
There’s never anything at all.
Because if there’s one thing Fitz has been good at recently,it’s disappointing his friends.
Finally, Fitz looks away from his computer, rubbing hisblurry eyes with the heel of his hand, glancing around the diner. The world isstuck in the weird window of time between breakfast and lunch and he’s the onlyperson in the diner aside from an older man, another regular, who sips coffeeand studies the newspaper every morning.
Across the diner, Fitz can see Gwen sitting in one of thebooths, headphones in, bobbing her head in time to whatever music she’slistening to. There are books spread open before her, science and chemistrytexts by the look of them, and she has her feet propped up on the bench seatacross from her.
She looks, for the first time, like someone that people wouldlook twice at.
Gwen lifts her head, meeting his gaze, lifting her hand tohim in a brief wave of acknowledgement. Fitz nods, turning his attention backto his laptop. It’s just as useless now as it was sixty seconds ago.
It’s almost a welcome relief when Gwen steps up to his booth,sliding into the seat opposite of where he’s sitting. Fitz sits up straighter,staring at her. It’s strange: she and the people who work at this diner are theonly people he’s interacted with in the past twenty-three days.
“So what are you always working on?” Gwen ask, tapping hislaptop. “Whatever it is, it always leaves you looking incredibly depressed.Though,” she reasons, “that could be the coffee.”
Fitz smiles, a half-smile, but it’s the best he can do. “Whatare you studying?” He asks rather than try to invent a way to respond to herquestion.
Gwen glances down at the bag sitting in the seat beside her,strap slipping off her shoulder. “Oh, Selvig and Foster’s theory onmulti-dimensional travel.” She flips her hand. “I’m working as a TA for Dr.Boothby this semester.”
Fitz sits up straighter in his seat, eyes widening. “Multi-dimensionaltravel,” he repeats, barely above a whisper.
Something he hasn’t considered before.
Now that Gwen has any idea the switch she’s just clicked intoplace. “We can’t exactly ignore the facts anymore,” she says, “not with whathappened in New York and with Thor and with-”
“I don’t know why I didn’t think about that before,” Fitzsays with a shake of his head.
Gwen’s brow furrows slightly. “Are you the type of person whousually thinks about multiple dimensions?”
“Gwen,” Fitz says, his smile genuine for the first time in twenty-threedays, “you’re a genius.”
“I’m sorry you’re only just now figuring this out,” Gwen sayswith a sigh. “That’s a little disappointing, honestly. I thought you would bemore impressed by my coffee-pouring abilities.”
Fitz pulls a notepad out of his bag, flipping it open to ablank page. He heads the page possiblemethods of travel and begins making notations underneath.
“Hypothetically, of course,” Gwen says, leaning forward, “youcould use a vehicle. Like the DeLorean.”
Without thinking, Fitz adds the word vehicle to the paper, his mind spinning too quickly to possiblyfilter through the idea at the moment.
“Or,” Gwen continues, “a doorway of some kind. You know, it’sopen on both sides so you can just step through and be somewhere else.”
Fitz’s hand stills and he swallows around the sudden lump inhis throat. A doorway.
The Monolith.
On the paper, he makes himself write portal instead.
“Are you writing a book or something?” Gwen asks him, tiltingher head so that her hair spills a little more out of her ponytail. “Orconsidering some multi-dimensional travel?”
Fitz looks up at her. “You’ve never noticed anything strangeabout this place, have you? Unexplained…objects? Or people?”
Gwen barks out a laugh, shaking her head. “Yeah, of course.Everything about this place is strange. Have you seen the bathrooms?”
A pause. Both of them are silent. Gwen’s expression slowlybecomes more serious as her smile fades away. “You’re serious,” she decidesfinally. She studies him with renewed interest, brow furrowing. “What are youworking on?”
Fitz scoffs, shaking his head. “It would sound entirelyridiculous, I can assure you.”
“You know what’s ridiculous? Genetically engineered spidersgiving someone super powers,” Gwen tells him. “But the world is a crazy place. Trustme, I can handle ridiculous.”
Fitz hesitates, uncertain. He knows so little about Gwen; hisonly interactions with her have been at this diner, when she’s bringing himcoffee or his check. And yet…maybe what he’s been missing for thesetwenty-three days is another brain to pick, another head to put to the problem.
He’s always had Jemma, after all. Maybe he works better witha partner.
Fitz sighs, leaning back in his seat. “It’s a long story.”
Gwen shrugs. “I’ve got plenty of time.”
She reaches for his half-empty cup of coffee and takes a sip,fixing him with a stare as if to say well,what are you waiting for?
“Okay,” Fitz says with another sigh, “have you ever heard ofSHIELD?”
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scootsaboot · 7 years
i had plans to write this terrible rhack college au fic where rhys seduced his gross professor for an A in his class. I never finished it or even got to anything remotely rhack-y but ? i liked what I had and maybe i’ll write a piece for it in the future who knows. 
no warnings really apply except that jack is literally the worst kind of professor and i hate him
The screeching sound of his alarm clock forcefully tugs Rhys out of the warm embrace of sleep suddenly enough to send his heart racing. His eyes snap open, wide and tired, and when his brain connects the sound with the clock, he groans. He throws his arm out from under the cocoon of blankets and slams his hand down on the device.
The alarm persists, and Rhys hits it two more times before it finally goes blissfully silent.
He closes his eyes again and lets his arm hang over the edge of his small bed, fingers resting against the scratchy carpeting. There’s a dull ache resting just behind his eyes, pounding in time with his heartbeat, reminding him of the drinks he’d had last night.
He can practically hear Vaughn chiding him for his poor decisions.
Speaking of.
Rhys forces his eyes open again and squints at the bed against the wall opposite of his. It’s perfectly pristine, the sheets all tucked in and pillow fluffed like it’s never been used. The blinds are open and sunlight filters into the room, casting rectangular slats of light onto the carpet. It makes their dorm even warmer, blanketing Rhys in a haze of comfort and he sighs into his pillow, more than happy to sleep the day away.
He doesn’t even realize he’s fallen asleep until his alarm goes off again. Rhys grumbles and turns it off a second time, narrowing his eyes at the device. The numbers read 8:40 AM, bright and red and mocking, and Rhys glares until the zero ticks and it becomes 8:41.  
What a horrible time to be awake on a Saturday. Why was it even set to go off anyway? Was Vaughn being needlessly cruel, trying to torture Rhys even if he wasn’t in the room to enjoy it?
That’s when Rhys notices the tall glass of water set just beside the clock, wet with condensation. He swallows, suddenly aware of how dry his mouth feels, his tongue sticking to the roof of it. With some effort, he pushes himself up to sit and takes a drink. There are two ibuprofen pills on the bedside table as well, taken out of the foil and everything.
Rhys downs them and thinks, I’m so sorry for doubting you bro.
He sets the glass aside once it’s empty and looks around the room again. Okay, Vaughn is the greatest friend in the history of like, ever, but where the hell is he? Rhys knows he’s part of a bunch of extracurricular stuff like…math club? Or was it chess club? Both? Either way, Rhys didn’t think any club could be fun enough to warrant getting up before eight AM on a Saturday. Maybe he went to breakfast with Yvette or something (but still. Why. It’s so early.)
His phone goes off. Rhys groans as his head throbs; why is everything so loud today? He grabs it from where it’s plugged into the wall and goes to turn off the alarm. His thumb hesitates over the ‘dismiss’ button though, and he stares down at the message that accompanies the alarm.
‘Get the fuck up, don’t be late you shitlord’
Late? Late for wh…
Oh. Rhys’ eyes widen and his heart lurches in his chest with sudden panic.
His software programming exam.
It’s today. At nine AM.
“Fuck!” he curses, throwing the covers off. He stumbles out of bed, flailing when his leg gets wrapped up in the sheets. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Rhys grabs a pair of sweatpants and a thin sweater from the pile of dirty clothes at the foot of his bed and tugs them on. As he pulls his head through the hole of his shirt, he eyes his prosthetic arm, lying across the dresser. He glances at the clock, back to his arm, back to the clock. He doesn’t have time to put it on.
He slips his feet into a too-large pair of sandals, grabs his bag and sprints out the door.
Rhys books it across campus, narrowly avoiding running into other students, shouting back apologies as he races past them. He takes the stairs that lead up to the engineering building two at a time, tripping twice on his way up. By the time he reaches his classroom on the second floor, his chest is heaving as he pants, his lungs on fire.
Maybe he should start hitting up the gym.
He very nearly cries in relief when he sees that the door is still wide open. Thank god his legs are so long; if he was Vaughn-sized, he doubts he would have made it.  Rhys adjusts his bag strap on his shoulder and strolls into class, forcing his breathing to slow. He can still feel himself shaking as he steps inside and makes his way to his seat, avoiding making eye contact with anyone.
“Right under the wire, kiddo!” a voice startles him as he sits down, and Rhys sees the professor standing beside the door, hand on the knob. “Heard you puffing and wheezing outside,” Professor Lawrence laughs.
Rhys sinks lower in his chair, feeling his face warm under the attention.
Luckily, just as Lawrence moves to shut the door, another student nearly slams into it from the outside. Rhys recognizes the look of terror on the poor kid’s face as he stares up at the professor. Lawrence shuts the door as the guy begins to beg him to let him inside.
“Oh man, uh, this is awkward,” Lawrence says, turning the lock on the door. “My class starts at 9 AM,” he says loudly, enunciating his words slowly to the student outside the door. “Not…” he makes a show of checking his watch, “9:01 AM. Haha, better luck next time, champ.”
He pulls the window cover down to hide the student’s face, and turns back toward the class, clapping his hands together.
“Now, for all the people who actually matter,” he makes his way to his desk and takes a seat, leaning back and putting his feet up. “Exams are already on your desks. Flip ‘em over and get started. You’ve got till 11:30.”
There’s a rush of sound as students flip their exams over, accompanied by the quiet tapping of pencils and pens. Rhys sighs and glances at the professor, who’s already pulled out his phone.
The guy is downright terrifying when he wants to be, and Rhys feels a pang of sympathy for the poor kid Lawrence had locked out of class. It very easily could have been him.
Tearing his eyes off the man, Rhys takes a breath and flips his exam over. He reads the first question, and a weight forms in his gut, sinking lower and lower as he completely blanks out, unable to make heads or tails of the problem.
Oh god, he thinks. He tries to swallow his panic and lifts his eyes again to glance around the class. Everyone’s writing furiously, heads bent in concentration. Rhys hasn’t even written his name.
He should’ve studied with Vaughn the other night. Why didn’t he study with Vaughn?!
An image flashes across his mind—him, at some frat party, grinding against a senior, who passed out before they even got to the fun stuff. He curses. Rhys had ended up jerking off in the bathroom after the guy had started snoring. What a waste. He’d been so cute too…
Rhys shakes his head. Now is not the time to think about that!
He writes his name at the top of the exam and re-reads the first question. It still doesn’t make any sense, and he moves on to the next one.
Rhys works through the rest of the exam slowly, stopping to double and even triple check his answers when he can’t remember if he’s gotten the terms mixed up. At question twenty-nine, he racks his brain for the answer. He knows he read about it in the textbook, but what, exactly, he’d read, he can’t say.
He doesn’t realize that he’s lifted his head and is staring off into space until someone loudly clears their throat. Rhys blinks his vision back into focus and he freezes when he locks eyes with Lawrence. At least, he’s pretty sure they’ve locked eyes; the professor is looking right at him, but from this far back it’s hard to tell exactly where he’s looking, and—oh my god stop staring Rhys, you fucking weirdo.
Rhys quickly drops his head, eyes wide as his cheeks heat up again.
He shoves all thoughts of parties and seniors out of his head and tries for the third time to get through his exam. Time passes, and Rhys manages to answer every question on the exam packet, even if some of them were more bullshit than anything. He gives himself a mental pat on the back and leans back in his seat with a grin.
It falls right off his face when he realizes he’s the only still left in class. Only Lawrence is still here with him, in the exact same spot he’d been in since the exam started.
“Are you finally done?” the professor asks, startling him. “God, thought I was gonna have to push my lunch back.”
“…You are done, right? Don’t tell me you’re gonna make me babysit you for another friggin’ half hour.”
“I’m done!” Rhys says, standing quickly. “I’m—yeah,” he adds lamely, grabbing his test. He makes his way to the front and sets his exam on the pile at Lawrence’s desk.
“Great. Now beat it,” Lawrence waves him off, “I got a date with a BLT.”
“I got…a D. A D, Vaughn!” Rhys shouts, throwing his graded exam across the table toward his friend. “Not even a good D. Like, not even a respectable almost C. I got a sixty-four percent! That’s practically an F!” He lays his head down on the smooth surface and groans. “I’m going to have to drop out and go live in the bar basement. Sasha and August will whore me out for pocket change, Vaughn!”
“Oh my god, Rhys,” Vaughn shakes his head as he flips through the exam. “Don’t you think you’re being a little overdramatic?”
“Come on, man, it’s only one test,” Vaughn says, voice lowering in what Rhys assumes is supposed to be a sympathetic tone. It just makes him want to complain more. “You can totally bring your grade up before the end of the semester.”
Rhys groans again and leans back in his chair with a frown, “dude you don’t understand. The exams are worth like eighty-percent, and I kind of…already got a C on the first one.”
“Yeah, yikes. If my GPA falls below a 3.5, I’m going to lose my scholarship,” Rhys whines, reaching over to take his exam back. He pouts at it, as if doing so will erase the ugly, red 64% scrawled across the top.
“Well…I did invite you to study with me,” Vaughn says, his voice taking on that condescending edge Rhys is very familiar with, “but you ditched me to—“
“I know! Okay, I’m aware, mom, thanks,” Rhys huffs, crossing his arms. He already knows he doesn’t spend enough time on schoolwork; he’s a full-blooded procrastinator through and through, and studying has never been his strong suit. All through middle and high school, Rhys never had to study. He was just good at things, got top marks on all his assignments and tests, and glowing report cards from his teachers.
College is a whole other beast.
“Alright, jackass, I’m just saying,” Vaughn grumbles, and Rhys sighs, long and unbidden.
“Sorry, dude, it’s just really stressing me out.”
“You don’t say.”
Rhys fixes him with his best puppydog look, eyes wide and bottom lip jutting out.
“God, stop already,” Vaughn laughs, shaking his head. “Is there any extra credit you can do? Maybe in another class to make up the points?”
“No way, no one offers that much extra credit,” Rhys sighs.
“Well, I guess you could always suck up to the professor. Maybe if you bring him enough apples, he’ll give you an A.”
“I’m sure you’ll be fine, bro. I can help you study for the next test if you want?” Vaughn offers.
It’s not a bad idea, Rhys thinks, but Vaughn’s offered to help him study a million times. It’s always Rhys who ends up cancelling on him.
Great, now he feels guilty.
“Yeah, maybe,” he says noncommittally, resting his chin on his hand, mind racing as he tries to work out a way to fix this.
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youngerdrgrey · 7 years
anything Blip can do, Mike can do (teammates) // a pitch fic, part four
or, how Ginny and Mike find a loophole to slow-burn their way into a different sort of teammates [also on ao3, read part one, two, or three] -- (written for day 6 of 30 x 31, prompt: decades)
part four
Ginny tends to check out a bit during dinner. It's not a comment on the meal or anything; she just gets lost sometimes in how stuff makes her feel. Like, being able to sit down with her best friends and eat something home cooked after days of being trapped in the hospital? That's... that's like the rush inside once everyone stopped saying what she was pitching, once everyone scooted forward in their seats and the guys wouldn't sit next to her, and it started to feel real. Like, something amazing's right here, almost out of reach, but everyone can see it coming. Everyone can feel it.
So, maybe she checks out a bit and tries to put it into other words. She sips at her third and final beer and lets her eyes follow Gabe and Marcus as they dart off upstairs. Lets herself tune out of the conversation around her and starts to prep how she'll explain this to her therapist. What it's like to be a part of something bigger than herself that doesn't feel ridiculously overwhelming.
"I'm just saying, Evie, back me up. Black people don't do that." Blip laughs when he says it, and Ginny breaks out of her head long enough to turn back towards him for this one. Her eyebrows pitch up a little higher. He grins her way. "See, Ginny gets it. If anything, I'm going to the future.”
Ginny sips at her beer again. "Going to the future for what?"
Evelyn rolls her eyes, which isn't a drinking rule but it might happen enough to become one. "Pay attention, Ginny. Time travel. You can go to any decade. I was thinking the sixties, nothing too bad, and I get to see some really amazing people in their primes."
Blip nods. "Right, right, civil rights and the moon landing."
Evelyn stays focused on Ginny. "I want to see some of the work that went into changing this country, first hand. And maybe hear some stories from family members who won't tell them to me now."
Ginny gets that. "Experiencing history rather than just hoping someone will share it with you."
"Exactly! But Blip's over here saying that black people don't time travel." Evelyn sips her drink. "As if we don't want to experience good parts of our history."
Blip shakes his head. "I'm just not trying to get beat up, killed, imprisoned, or anything else. I just want to play ball and come home to you and the boys."
"Suck up." But she has that pink to her cheeks that only a lot of alcohol, or a good line, can do to a girl. "Ginny, what do you do?"
"Me?" Ginny glances around for help, but Blip and Mike don't seem to have any answers for her. Actually, Mike's been pretty quiet while he drinks for now. What's up with him? "What about him?" She points to Mike, who quirks a brow at her. "What'd you choose, Lawson?"
He tips his beer away from him. "Haven't picked yet. We're doing everything else before beauty." Then, to Evelyn, he adds, "No offense."
"None taken." She knows she's cute. Everyone's cute here. It's an epidemic, honestly.
Cute and petty and wholly unhelpful when Ginny needs to make a hypothetical decision on time travel. Because, yeah, bad things could happen in another time period, but also great things did happen and she could witness them. But there's also the fact that this decade has been really good to her. She's playing for the Padres, has great friends, and she's kind of living the dream that she and her dad set out for.
"Fine, I choose now."
Blip snorts. "See, no time travel."
Mike shakes his head though. "That doesn't prove anything. It's an easy choice for her. She's only lived through two decades."
Again with this? She corrects him, "Three. I'm--"
"Twenty-four, I know." He drinks.
She rolls her eyes. "You sound so bitter."
"I'm always bitter," he says. But not always, not with her. Maybe Ginny's eyes say that because his eyes crinkle in the edges the longer they hold this new stare, and her chest gets all warm even if it's covered by her shirt and her sling, and when she does look away from Mike, it's straight into Evelyn's beaming face.
Ginny gulps down her emotion with the last of her drink. "Whatever." Maybe she should've followed the boys upstairs instead of sticking around for grown folk talks. She could kick their asses in Mario Kart instead of debating the strengths of different decades. "It's not like it matters anyway. But, now is a good time. Now, we have a lot of opportunities and more happening every day as people fight for their rights and a chance to live their dreams. A woman is playing in the Majors."
Evelyn hums. "A black woman."
Ginny nods. "Exactly. So our biggest limitations are the ones we put on ourselves."
Mike sighs. It's not even a big one, but the empty bottle magnifies it. Draws them all over to his face as it freezes. He clears his throat a bit at their stares. "Just, yeah, you know. Our own expectations tend to hold us back. Sometimes they help, and other times..."
He meets her eyes again, and there are a few limitations that she's set for them, aren't there? The insistence that they're teammates, but that they have to be the same type of teammates that she and Blip are rather than the sort of partners that she and Mike were beginning to be. That's something holding them back. But it has a purpose. It keeps her safe, keeps her career grounded and her heart firmly in her chest instead of flying at him like a curveball. He might be a great catcher, but even the greats mess up sometimes.
Then Mike blinks, and his gaze goes to Evelyn and Blip rather than just Ginny. He says, "Now's pretty good, but maybe the future wouldn't be a bad place to be either. Got a lot of hopes for it. Big dreams."
"I want another house." Evelyn smiles down into her glass. "Not just because of the space, but one that has something for everyone. An extra guest room would be nice too. Since Ginny never seems to want her own place, and it wouldn't be the worst to have another girl around."
That comment does something to Blip. Sends him somewhere in his mind that brings out a gruffness. He pushes up from his seat with his empty bottle. "I'm getting a refill." His shoulders stay tense on his march to the fridge, and Evelyn's eyes go skyward before she blinks her own emotion away.
Ginny gives her a look -- a raised brow and a head tilt to ask what's wrong. Ev shakes her head. Not the time then. Ginny glances to her phone, flipped over on the table as per house rules. Ev shakes her head again. No texting about it either. Fine. She could wait.
Mike must pick up on something since he offers his own dreams out to the table. "I really want that ring. With the right team. Our team."
Blip shuts the fridge. "Not the Cubs?"
Mike stares over. He probably has some smart response stored, but he just sighs and says, "I didn't put in sixteen years here for nothing. After I get that ring, they'll be begging me to be mayor. Couldn't deny the fans that."
Blip mulls it over, then reaches back into the fridge to grab another beer. He holds it out to Mike once he has it, and Mike nods. It's not much, but it's something. Blip pops the lids and brings both drinks back to the table.
"Yeah, what would they do without you, man?"
A week ago, that was the question, wasn't it? What would they do without Mike? Now that's the one they've got to wonder about with Ginny. What'll they do if she can't play the way she used to? What will she do? All she's ever known is this game. All of her friends come from this game. So if she can't play, what does she have to look forward to in the future?
She can watch her friends get championship rings. She can run around with Gabe and Marcus hanging off of her arms. She can drink with Evelyn over whatever little problem of the week has popped up in an otherwise perfect marriage. But what will she do?
Mike sips from his new drink. "Eh, they'd figure it out."
From Ginny Baker to Evelyn Sanders, 11:23pm // Back. Mom's hovering but we're in, safe and sound
From Evelyn Sanders to Ginny Baker, 11:24pm // Glad to hear it. Sleep tight xx
From Ginny Baker to Evelyn Sanders, 11:25pm // hey, what was that tonight? with Blip?
From Evelyn Sanders to Ginny Baker, 11:26pm // ???? // + surprised you noticed anything with your little drinking game
From Ginny Baker to Evelyn Sanders, 11:28pm // You saw that? // of course you saw it // I thought it'd help keep him calm
From Evelyn Sanders to Ginny Baker, 11:30pm // It calmed him down alright // They actually talked, Ginny. Finally. // I mean it's no kiss and make up moment but it's something, right? no more constant awkwardness?
From Ginny Baker to Evelyn Sanders, 11:32pm // Nope, we fixed it // yeswecan.gif
From Evelyn Sanders to Ginny Baker, 11:33pm // What thing with Blip?
From Ginny Baker to Evelyn Sanders, 11:34pm // Oh. He got weird when you mentioned having another girl around // Everything okay?
From Evelyn Sanders to Ginny Baker, 11:37pm // You know Blip, he wants us to do what he wants us to do and anything outside of that is just... totally unheard of. He wants his perfect wife and his perfect sons and a perfect third kid, and I just want this. I want more than just this. I want my restaurant. I want a future of my own that's not just a house to decorate or a mini-me to go to the spa with. I can go to the spa with you
From Ginny Baker to Evelyn Sanders, 11:39pm // whoa. And you told him that?
From Evelyn Sanders to Ginny Baker, 11:42pm // Along with telling him that I need the same level of support I've been giving him since we met. We're not at Lawson level freeze outs, but he's not happy with it. dk when he will be. dk if he can be. // but at least we fixed him and Mike. they can bitch about me together
From Ginny Baker to Evelyn Sanders, 11:43pm // I should've stayed
From Evelyn Sanders to Ginny Baker, 11:45pm // No, he'd know something was up then // I'm fine. Me and Blip are fine. He needs time, and then we'll be right back to strong as ever // but thank you for the offer // get some sleep okay
From Ginny Baker to Evelyn Sanders, 11:48pm // okay // love you, Ev
From Evelyn Sanders to Ginny Baker, 11:49pm // love you too // tell your mom night for me
From Ginny Baker to Evelyn Sanders, 11:51pm // She says night
// Ev?
From Evelyn Sanders to Ginny Baker, 11:52pm // ?
From Ginny Baker to Evelyn Sanders, 11:53pm // I can't wait to see your restaurant // #TeamFuture
From Evelyn Sanders to Ginny Baker, 11:53pm // lol #TeamFuture
From Ginny Baker to Mike Lawson, [DRAFT] // I wanted now as my decade because this is the happiest I’ve ever been and I don’t really care about seeing something new, or experiencing something I haven’t felt before
From Ginny Baker to Mike Lawson, [DRAFT] // Who’s to say the future’s gonna be great anyway? What if it’s awful? What do we do then?
From Ginny Baker to Mike Lawson, 12:00am // You better not have driven yourself home. You didn’t have your glasses and you had too much to be sober
From Mike Lawson to Ginny Baker, 12:01am // Got an Uber // Go to sleep, rookie
From Ginny Baker to Mike Lawson, 12:02am // I’m going. I’m going // Night old man
From Mike Lawson to Ginny Baker, 12:03am // I’m really not that old
From Ginny Baker to Mike Lawson, 12:04am // Fine. Night cap
From Mike Lawson to Ginny Baker, 12:05am // You sure good night texts are okay?
From Ginny Baker to Mike Lawson, 12:06am // Me and Blip swap bedtime stories all the time // cross my heart
From Mike Lawson to Ginny Baker, 12:07am // Night, Baker
[more can be found here, written four months and one cancellation announcement later]
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punkkris · 7 years
ZombieTale Chapter Three - Reflections
Hey guys! Quick note here before the read. This chapter includes swearing, and torture. It gets a tad graphic, so if you're not into that, then I'm sorry to say that this fic series is not for you. I'm going to start getting more graphic as time goes on. So long story short, trigger warning. Without further ado, let us get started! _________ "C'mon Chara, we're gonna be late!" I yelled upstairs. I was already on edge since today was the day that we start the 6th grade. Over the last couple of years, the other monsters have started to find out who I really am on the inside—a wimpy little crybaby. Understandably, I didn't want to go today. Chara came sauntering down with a dull expression on her face. "There's no need to yell Asriel, I'm right here." she replied. She stared straight into my eyes for a good fifteen seconds before she shot me with a smile that made me slightly uncomfortable. "Y-you ready to go?" I asked in a futile attempt to calm my nerves. "Ooh you bet I am, fluffbutt. You have no idea." she replied slyly. "What do you mean?" I asked, slightly off-put by Chara’s mysterious demeanor. "I mean that I'm gonna make a statement. No one's gonna mess with me this year." Before I could once again ask her what she meant, she slipped past me and squeezed out the door. Our walk to school was unnaturally silent. Every now and then Chara would chuckle to herself, which was doing nothing for my nerves. We turned a corner and walked up to the school's front steps. As soon as we did, I turned to Chara. "So are you rea... Chara?!" The knife was in my gut faster than I could react. Chara was wearing a face that gave off a terrifying mixture of demonic and overjoyed. I screamed as loud as possible, but stood fast. Everyone immediately ran to us. At first I thought they were coming to help, but I soon realized that they all had knives. Similar to succumbing to a million mosquitoes, they all were on me in an instant, plunging their weapons into various spots on my body. It was a horrifying mess of blood, tears, screams, and devilish laughs. It took me a while to realize that it didn't hurt, which naturally freaked me out. I was screaming out of fear, not out of pain. When they all finished, Chara kicked me to my knees. She smiled at me with her shining blood red eyes, then stepped aside to reveal a face that brought me more pain than any amount of daggers could muster. "F-Frisk...help me..." Her eyes were cold. Her eyes were gleaming with the threat of tears. Her eyes were full of hatred. "No one can help you now," she whispered. "Your soul is hers now. And honestly," she leaned closer, her lips mere inches away from my ear. "You look pathetic, you little idiot." "B-but...I thought you loved me..." I asked. "Oh please," she responded. "That ship sailed ages ago." With that, her dagger found its way into my heart. As if that wasn't enough, Frisk proceeded to grab each knife that was affixed in my body, and turned them; it was like she was turning twenty different keys, each one unlocking more anguish from me, and betrayal from her. "I'm not sorry. And yes, my little Azzy, I do have something better to do. Anything is better than you," she concluded. Instant darkness. No feeling. No sound. No real discernable proof that I even exist at all. "Oh no...not this. Not the void. Not again," I thought. I've had this feeling before. "I-is anyone there? Didn't think so. Oh well it was worth a shot anyway." I couldn't seem to find any reason as to why I was here again. "Why am I here," I thought aloud. "Why am—wait...I remember...I remember the sun. And Frisk. Yes that's right. We were free. I was so happy. Then there was that stupid machine. The hole in my gut. The pain—oh the pain! And then...Wait a second. I'm dead. I'm dead again. But I can't be. Things were finally good again! After sixty-six damn years my life was finally fucking bearable!" I shouted, cursed, screamed, yelled, thrashed, did all I could to show my frustration and anger. All of a sudden, I was blinded by light. I try to shield my eyes from the light, but it seems to pass through my hands. Polar opposites. It's like I'm on the other side of the world. Everything was so white. I was sitting in a chair that slightly resembled one for dentist operations. That thought made me instantly nervous, but I couldn't move. There were no physical restraints, so I deduced that I was being held by magic. "Why am I here, Chara?" I asked to the seemingly empty room. At the mention of her name, Chara apparated into view. "You know why you're here, brother. You're dead, don't you remember?" She replied, a hint of hostility scratching the surface of her tone. "But why here? Why not the void? It's where I went last time," I looked down at my feet. Chara gave a full-hearted smile. "Maybe you should be asking yourself. After all, you're the one in control of you. Right?" Her smile grew wicked. "Well, until now, that is." As I saw Chara’s arm snap towards me I felt instant and colossal pain. It was like I could feel my heart taking itself apart and single-handedly destroying my sea of organs. "How does it feel, you pathetic little wretch?" I heard her ask in between my cries. "Does it feel like punishment? Madness? Maybe you're finally learning your place." She stopped and leaned in close to more intimate boundaries. "Or just maybe, I am your salvation." She left that theory hanging in the air before returning to the torturous pain. Every instant was that of a millennia. Every intake of air was fire, and every exhale, needles and knives. Speaking of fire, the next thing I noticed was the Jerry can of gasoline that Chara was toting. "Oh we'll get to that in a second. Something else to do first," she said, evidently noticing my worried glances. She then brought out her ever-present knife. Walking up to me, her grin grew more sinister, not unlike the smile of a demon. "You always did like flowers, right? Well let's make sure you always remember that shall we?" She rhetorically asked me before raising up her knife. "Wait—" I tried to beg. But my pleas fell on deaf ears. Deaf, devilish, hate-fueled ears. Faster than the blink of an eye, the knife was in my stomach and moving, carving the shape of a golden flower. "Oh," she said add she finished her drawing. "Sorry does that hurt? Here, let me fix that for you." She dropped the knife and closes her eyes, clearly focusing on something. Then, as if it were even possible, the pain mutated into something even more agonizing. I looked down and saw the formation of curves and lines morph together to make one long slanted cut across my belly. This apparently came as an opportunity for Chara. She continued to toy with me. "Now what have we got here? A nice little hand warmer? Let's try it out shall we?" I've seen some horrible things. Hell, I've done half of them. But this…this took it way too far. Chara shoved her hands through my stomach, enjoying every second of my torment. And if it wasn't enough hell to go through, she started to part the red sea that was my body. There was a visible hole all through my abdomen. She paused for a brief moment. Chara needed to chortle away her insanity, which sucks because it gave me a false sense of hope. For a moment I thought she was done. I wanted her to walk away and let me be. That's when she did what I was waiting for. Gasoline can in hand, she doused me all over in the flammable liquid, then took out a box of matches. With what little power I had left, I kicked the box out of her hand, but not before she retrieved a single match. One is all it takes. "That's only fair considering what I'm about to do to you!" She responded. ~"Asriel!”~ Striking the match, she threw it onto the ground in front of me; all in one fluid motion. It made me wonder if she'd done this a lot. ~"Can you hear me? Fight back!"~ It didn't take long for the flame to reach my fur. I tried to flinch away from the fire, but to no avail. I sat in misery is the pyre engulfed my body. It was easily the worst thing I've felt in my whole existence. "Hahaha! How does it feel Asriel? Huh? Tell me, Asriel!” "Tell me! Come on! Asriel!" ~"Asriel”~ "Asriel!" ~"ASRIEL!"~ "ASRIEL!" —————————— I need to find him. That's all that matters right now. Not the blood all over my shirt. Not the fact that my ulna is sticking out in an alarming angle. Only him. How did this even happen? We were standing in a row, watching the sunset. It was perfect; not a cloud in the sky. We told each other how much we loved the view, then Asgore asked me to be the ambassador between humans and monsters. After I agreed to it, I glanced over to Asriel to see how he was holding up. He seemed to be the kind of guy that would get overwhelmed by new sights. Then the blast came. I woke up in clearing with everyone else save Asriel. I looked around and got a check on my surroundings. I checked myself first and noticed that my arm was broken. It hurt like hell, so I tried to summon a little determination to ease the pain. But I couldn’t find it in me so I just moved on. My shirt was covered in blood, and my shorts were torn, but that was about it. Sans and Papyrus were enveloped in a translucent blue ball, and seemingly unharmed. Alphys was covered in cuts, and Undyne was wrapping a torn piece of her shirt around her calf. Toriel was hovering over Asgore, healing him from the looks of it. Everyone was alive and accounted for except for Asriel. I ran of to go find him. “ASRIEL!” I shouted for what felt like the hundredth time. If my body would allow it I'd be running right now. But I gotta work with the hand I'm dealt. All I have to do is find him and take him back to Toriel. She’ll do the rest, and will probably make me feel a tad better, physically and mentally. But finding the goat monster was proving to be a fairly taxing challenge. That didn’t make me even think about abandoning my search in the slightest, though. Asriel means way too much to me. I'm close to passing out from pain alone. Edging on the brink of consciousness, I catch glimpse of a white foot behind a bush. “Asriel!” I exclaim as I run to the foot. “I'm so glad I found yo-” I'm stopped dead in my tracks. What I was expecting to see was broken bones, maybe a gash or two. But not this… It's not even Asriel. It's a human. On another human. And at first I thought the moving one was giving CPR. But he wasn't. He was eating...something. Very loudly. I inched closer to find out what was so damn tasty that he wasn't saving the poor man. That's when my life changed for the remainder of my days. The moment that was way past the point of no return. The only point in my life I wish never happened. I ran away from the bush and continued my search for my dear friend. After shouting his name a couple more times, I heard some mumbling. I stumble towards the source of the noise and fall to my knees in relief. I've found him! Unconscious but alive. I pick him up and fireman’s carry him for a couple of yards. After I lose a bit more energy, reposition him to better suit my comfort. Now to get back to the group. Taking a different path so as to avoid my previous encounter, I carried Asriel back to the clearing we were stationed at. Toriel used her magic and healed me up and sealed the gaping hole in Asriel’s center. And then we waited in anxious, painful silence. After several minutes I grew too nervous. I broke down and clutched Asriel as tight as I could. “Asriel,” I cried. “Can you hear me? Fight back.” it was getting harder to control my sobs and outbursts. “Asriel!” I saw his foot twitch. He was coming back. “ASRIEL!” I screamed through my tears. He opened his eyes and closed them again. After coughing and shaking for a hot moment, he reopened his eyes. “Asriel, I'm here. Can you speak?” I asked. His lips parted, and alongside the blood and spit that came out, he muttered one single word...A name… “Chara…”
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