#there's like. y-cola to the rescue (or whatever it's called)
oh-meow-swirls · 1 year
i like how chapter 3 of 1 is like. "here's like twenty quests for you to do-"
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bubblyani · 5 years
(Freddie Jackson x Reader)
A Freddie Jackson One Shot
Request by: @97freaknik
Rating: Mature (NSFW)
Warnings: May-December Relationship, Swearing, Sexual Content.
Author’s Note: This was one unexpected sort of fic. And so the same applies to the ending. Hope y’all enjoy!!
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The chilled cola managed to moisten your tongue and cool your throat with each sip you took. Summer had finally announced it’s arrival in London, and all seemed to have noticed it. “So...what did he say?” asked Kim Jackson, your best friend as she folded her legs on the settee. 
Upon your first meeting, you made a great friend out of Kim in the very first year at University. The two of you grew so close, winning you the privilege of becoming a usual visitor at her home during the first summer break.
Shrugging your shoulders casually, you replied, “Well he said he liked me...” you continued, a confident aura surrounding you as you sat on the armchair across from her, “...he wanted to get a drink with me or...whatever”
The excitement in Kim’s eyes did reflect in yours. And she was surprised. “And...?” She asked. You curled your lip with squinted eyes. “Well.. what do you think?” You scoffed in an unimpressed tone. Kim laughed, shaking her head, “Y/N...you’re mental!” She exclaimed, “Harry is such a great bloke..”
You clicked your tongue, taking another sip, “...maybe ...but meh! Not my type...” “Oh yeah?” Your friend began, moving forward, “Then what is your type?” “I don’t know...” you laughed in a carefree manner, only to have that laughter die down slow. Especially the moment you saw him enter the kitchen.
Liar liar! you knew your type, you thought. 
Suddenly, you cleared your throat, “What about you? What’s your type?” You asked her in kind.
Kim may have started talking at that moment. She may be going on about her type in detail. But it seemed quite difficult to keep your eyes on her when he was around.
The tattoos inked in his chiseled body managed to get it’s spotlight with the help of his wife beater and jeans. Plus, the chained necklace that adorned his neck and the bracelet that accompanied his wrist completed his ensemble. As the bottle cap flew out of the chilled beer, Freddie Jackson closed the refrigerator door. And there you were, staring at him from across the room, unable to control the heat that emitted strongly from your cheeks. For a second you realized his eyes caught yours. Your eyes widened.
Were you dreaming?
“Y/N?” You felt the coke can slip from your grasp the moment Kim’s loud voice brought you back. Gasps exited out of both of you as the remaining soda from the can spilt all over your top.
“Ah! Uhhh....” Struggling. You were struggling with words, bending down to pick up the now-emptied can.
Where did that confident aura run off to?
“What happened? You okay?” Kim asked, catching Freddie’s attention. As you saw him walk towards the settee from the corner of your eye, you really did not know how to answer that.
You merely laughed, nervously, for you left to do nothing but. The cheeks grew warmer the moment Freddie stood by the settee.
“Kim, What’s wrong ?” He asked.
“Y/N spilled her coke...”
“Aww...that’s too fucking bad, love..let me get ya another” he said gently, looking at you before moving towards the fridge.
Kim smiled at him,“Thanks dad”
Forcing a tight smile, You exhaled silently yet deeply. For reality struck you again with a bitter reminder.
You were desiring for your best friend’s father.
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You knew it. From the very first encounter a few weeks ago, it was sealed in your body, mind and soul.
If it weren’t for his heroic rescue that one night at dinner, you surely would have been responsible for the damage of several plates dropped out of your hands. But in your defense, the slightest touch against his body turned you in to the clumsy self you longed to hide away.
“Easy there love, wouldn’t want to get hurt now, yeah?” Completely and unexpectedly mute, you swore you have made a fool out of yourself. But given the expression, it seemed he was quite amused to meet his eldest daughter’s best friend.
Ever since then, forming a fascination for him was out of your control. It was unbelievable how he fathered three children, including one your own age.
Fascination did not last. For it turned  into undeniable attraction as time passed. He was handsome, You couldn’t help it. In fact,  he was the most handsome man you’ve ever laid eyes on. At least it seemed that way for you. 
With eyes like those, he had perfected his gaze to be something unforgettable. With lips so beautiful, they managed to haunt you even in your dreams. So much so you’d long to feel them on yours. Yes, you were fantasizing about them. 
Kissing him would be an instant response the moment you’d see him in the midst of your sleep. And when you do, you would even find yourself waking up feeling satisfied, yet hungrier at the same time.
There would be some nights so daring, your hand would go so far as to explore yourself with nothing but him in mind. It was that sinful, and you knew it. Sometimes that hand would retract, but sometimes it will not. Because honestly, nobody needed to know.
The number of times you found yourself involuntarily longing to see him , could be countless. Silly excuses to meet your best friend, things suddenly forgotten or left behind. Butterflies suddenly would exist in your stomach every time you set foot at her place.
But somehow, those butterflies suddenly evolve into small earth shattering quakes in the heart when you realized he was not there at times. But whenever he was, whenever he conversed with you in short, whenever he smiled, and shared jokes, or even took your side when Kim teases you, you felt attraction progress into complete infatuation.
In your defense, you felt he treated you differently. Sometimes you found yourself wondering if he knew your little secret. For those gazes would turn intense in a flash as if. That was when you knew, how far your feelings have gone.
All this was unrequited of course, you knew it was never a possibility. After all, he was Kim’s father. And this was a secret you could never share with her. And being her father meant something else as well. Kim’s mother, Jackie Jackson, always had been less welcoming towards you and you could never figure out why. But you could tell there was not much love between her and him. Even if there was, it was forced.
I could do better, you’d find yourself thinking.
I could love him better. And still you knew, this was never possible. 
But even with the bitter truth staring right at you in the face, your desire for him grew stronger by the day. Which included the longing to win him over somehow. It was silent, secretive, and deadly.
Even when you dug deeper, and heard stories about him, you were not frightened easy. Even with the guns, the drugs, the women, the money, you did not flinch.He was indeed  Freddie Jackson, the notorious gangster.
And you were still infatuated by him.
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“Kim! Kim!!!!”
With no answer from the bell, you knocked on the door frantically. Another day, and another silly excuse.
Finally, you heard footsteps approaching the door. The pacing made your heart skip a beat. You knew those steps, you had it carved in your mind with such detail.
“Well Hello Y/N...” Freddie Jackson greeted you softly, flashing his naughty smile as he opened the door. Wearing a printed short sleeved shirt, he appeared to look more handsome than ever before. You felt your mouth turn dry.
“Uh Hi...” you began, “...Mr. Jackson ...” involuntarily smiling back, you suddenly were short of breath “is um..Kim at home?”
“Ah! yeah sure, come in. I’ll go fetch her”
The living room was filled with his scent, mixed with a hint of tobacco. It made you feel at home. The record player called out for you, begging you to admire it, and the music it played. The music soothed you. It aroused you. Pressing your thighs together, you gingerly proceeded to roll up the waistband of your pleated short skirt, making it shorter than it was before.
“Ah...sorry love but...” you jumped by the sound of Freddie’s voice from afar, “...it looks like the family is out” his voice echoed ,“...sorry about that”   “Oh no...” you blurt out,”it’s alright” chuckling, you added, “I can wait...” As if by chance, there you were, alone with him. Finally.
“Brilliant...” he replied with a cheery tone. The desperation in you thrived, tempting you to roll up your skirt higher until the hem almost covered your buttocks. You knew exactly what you were doing.
The moment you heard him approach the living room, you turned back to the record player. “Wow...” you began, confidence taking center stage as you bent forward to examine the record player “..this sounds so familiar” The humid air caressed your inner thighs. You knew he stood there, quite noticeably as you heard him exhale deeply with a chuckle of satisfaction by the sight of your curiosity and ‘unintended’ exposure. With a gleeful gasp, your eyes widened.
 “Pink Floyd?” You asked, turning to him the moment ‘Hey You’ began to play. “Yeah yeah...not bad, love” he chuckled, settling himself on the settee, “Pink Floyd man I am, you know” 
“That’s great...I love them too” you said excitedly, clearly stemming from the discovery of a mutual interest. For a moment, he was not Freddie Jackson, your best friend’s father. For a moment he was Freddie Jackson, the man you longed to impress. The man you wished you could seduce.
But suddenly, you didn’t know what to say anymore. There never was a moment with just the two of you alone before. Freddie did not utter a word. Truthfully, he seemed more occupied watching you with complete fascination instead. The way he stared, thoughts may have racing wild. Still you felt powerless, you didn’t want to come off as boring.
“Tattoos!”You accidentally blurted out, making him raise his eyebrows, “Uh your tattoos...they are pretty wicked” you said, clearing your throat.
“Oh yeah?” He said, sitting upright, “You’ve seen them?”
“Well, only a bit..” you replied nonchalantly, hands tied behind your back, “not...all” with a hint of shyness, walking over to him.
Forming his mischievous grin, Freddie began unbuttoning the rest of his shirt buttons, while forming a whisper, “Fancy a closer look?-”
“Yeah!” You paused, surprised at your over  enthusiasm. “Well...go on then...” he purred, gesturing you to come sit, patting his thigh as an invitation.
Normally, if any other older man would suggest this, you’d furrow you’re brows with disgust. But this was no ordinary man.
Carefully, as he sat back, you settled across his lap. With buttocks and upper thighs brushing against his lap , you were secretly gleeful. You held your breath, as he took your hand in his, guiding your fingers over his exposed chest. Pulling his vest down, he watched you observe the intricate ink imprinted on his skin.
This was a dream, you thought.
“Wow...it’s beautiful” you breathed, for it was true. “Yeah it is...” he said, his eyes washing all over you. “Rock n Roll...” he continued, resting his other hand on your bare thigh, “...tattoos...” he added, voice booming to send tremors through your body, “...bad boys certainly tickle your fancy, innit?”
“I suppose...that’s my type” you said, grasping courage to look at him. And his face was merely a few centimeters away. “Oh yeah?” He asked, leaning in. His nose brushing against yours. “Yeah...” you replied, feeling that familiar heat emit from your cheeks in contrast to the chill his rings provided to your bare thighs.
So so close, it was your deepest, darkest fantasy come to life. And you asked yourself, what would you do?
Before you could answer, you felt him move forward, permitting you to freely do the same as both of your lips found each other.
It was not a dream anymore, You really were kissing Freddie Jackson. With the intense weight of his lips, you could tell he hungered for this. He knew. He certainly knew. It excited you. It motivated you. Taking his hand from your thigh, you felt brave. With no hesitation, you placed it over your right breast.
Except he took it away in an instant.
Slightly alarmed, you continued kissing him, yet with concern in mind. Was he playing with you? But when you felt that hand hurriedly pull your sweatshirt out of your skirt, you knew all was well. When that hand dug inside to unhook your bra, it got much better. Especially when that clever hand slithered under the loose undergarment to palm your bare breast with ease, sending new waves of pleasure through you.
The way he savored it showed in his hums on your lips. And it drove you insane. You longed to hear more. Wrapping your arms tightly around his neck, you pulled him closer, moaning into the kiss.
There were so many things you wanted to ask him. So many things you wanted to hear from him. But at the same time, the last thing you wanted to do, was to part your lips from his luscious ones.
It came as a surprise as his hand left your breast, taking a firm hold of your knee, spreading your legs wide open. He did not take this lightly, and it was confirmed the moment his fingers began to stroke you. All the way from your pubic area right downwards, over the thin material of your panties. His fingers tickled you, they aroused you. Lifting yourself up with impatience, your lips parted his just so he could pull your panties down until it bunched around your knees.
“Fuck...” he inhaled pleasingly, peeping down at the sight of your exposed womanhood, “Look how wet you are...” he said, looking back at you. You blushed, unable to contain yourself  by his glance. But when you felt him insert two digits into your dampened slit, the blushing indeed seemed like child’s play.
  Hungry for your lips once more, Freddie resumed kissing you. All the while his fingers continued to enter and exit out of you in steady rhythm. You may be moaning, you may have been wincing in response. But you did not fail to cling on to him as it was your dear life.
Few minutes have passed, and still his lips felt fresh on yours. The feeling of a climax felt close, you were almost there. However, you groaned in desperation when his fingers suddenly left your opening. Pulling away, you wanted to beg. But his words stopped you.
“Come on...” Freddie breathed, his face looking serious as he frantically unbuckled his pants. A loud gasp left you the moment his manhood sprung out free from all constrains of clothing. You always thought  a man like him should be well endowed. And he was, indeed. Strong, firm and thick. With your eyes fully indulging it, you were reminded of your inner walls drenched with need. Clearly, you were impatient to feel him inside you. 
Whimpers, soft whimpers overflowed your lips as you sunk into his erect shaft. But like a perfect piece of a puzzle, it fitted in so well. And like one perfect unit, you held on to him as you began to move. The pleasure was simply indescribable. It was unbelievable. It was better than you imagined. In your dreams. In your fantasies.
Overwhelmed with arousal, you were at a trance; Grabbing his hands, you guided them back inside your shirt, placing them over your bare breasts once again. For you wanted to give nothing but your all. No holding back.
Freddie growled, pinching and pulling your nipples in response before he kissed you again. This time with much fervor. Pain infused with pleasure in equal measure, you moved faster. Connected by lips and bodies, You moved and you moved. Until your body gave in, until he pulled himself out and release was finally met.
All so quietly, and discreetly. Just as this sudden but eventual union was.
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(Few days later)
You may have been walking, taking strides across  the pavement, but your head was off somewhere else.
As if a record was on repeat, you couldn’t help but relive that wonderful moment with him. Nothing else occupied your thoughts. Nothing except for this. So much that you wondered whether you had to attend confession. You longed for your body to remember every minute. Every minute Freddie Jackson claimed you his on that settee.
“You alright lass?”
You blinked. Your father’s voice brought you back to reality. For a moment you really did forget he was there, accompanying you over to the convenient store on his way to work.
“Yeah...I’m fine” you said, stopping by the shop. Of course you were. But it was a state of mind you dared not share. How could you?
“Alright...” your father began, “I’ll see you in the evening then...”
Your eyes automatically caught the sight of a familiar face a few feet away. It almost managed to distract you.
Clearing your throat, you smiled. “Yes dad”
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Entering the store, you suddenly forgot what you needed to buy. For your breathing grew fast, for that face that was oh-so-familiar felt quite nearby.
Fixing your hair casually, you greeted the store clerk before strutting out. You heard footsteps behind you as you heading into the abandoned alleyway. And for the first time you were not afraid. Quite the opposite to be frank.
The sudden tug of your hand made you turn with a happy gasp as Freddie Jackson pushed you against the brick wall, kissing you with immense passion.
When he pinned your hands above your head, when his desperate hands roamed about to fondle your breasts generously; when they lastly moved lower to pull you up from your  buttocks, you felt as if you were being rewarded. Rewarded for keeping this secret.
“Fucking hell Y/N...” Freddie breathed, “I missed you...”
You could not believe your ears. It was only a few days.  You were in bliss. He was your infatuation, and here he was in full reciprocation. It was heavenly.
You smiled into his lips, “Me too Mr. Jackson...ah!“ you cried softly, as he gently nibbled your earlobe. 
“Uh huh...wrong answer” he chuckled.
“Sorry...Freddie” you corrected yourself, giving a shy smile. Calling him by his first name seemed arousing enough. Giggles followed soon after as he kissed you once again. Escaping into pleasure in secret was the challenge, but you certainly enjoyed it.
“Wait...” You said, pulling him away. You swore you felt someone watch you.
“What is it?”
“Mmm...nothing I just...never mind” shaking your head, you casually pulled him back to you, never tired of his lips on yours. Moaning into the kiss, Freddie kept his gaze affixed on you.
“Tonight ...” he reminded.
“Can’t wait....” you consented.
Hands finally parting, you excitedly made your way out of the alleyway as Freddie headed to the opposite direction. Your head was up on the clouds, anything felt possible.
Till you felt a tug on your hand once again. You chuckled, throwing your head back as you turned back.
“Ah..again? Fred-”
Except you felt a lump in your throat,  the moment you realized it was not Freddie.
But it was your father instead. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(The next morning) 
“Right...later Jimmy!”
“Right Fred...” With a small wave to his cousin, Freddie started the engine and began driving.
Morning had dawned, and Freddie was out and about driving. Although he could not help but involuntarily furrow his brows. And he knew why. He just did not want to let it get to him.
Except the reason just passed him by in a flash.
Hitting the brakes with a screech, Freddie looked out from his window.
“Y/N!...” He called out to you, “What the f-“
Pausing in an instant. Standing in the bus stop, you suddenly looked up to find his car parked in front. Your eyes were red, not to mention your nose. You did not respond nor were you least surprised. Instead of bombarding you with questions, Freddie decided to take a different approach.
“Get in, I’ll drop you home...” he said, “Come on...” insisting with a soft tone, he waited until you finally did.
Even though you lived close by, the drive felt like eternity. Freddie could not comprehend your behavior, unable to read as you kept staring at the car window.
“Y/N...babe...” he uttered softly. Yet you did not respond. He felt helpless.
Distance did not lie, as the car finally arrived at the destination. He heard you take in a deep breath, with hands tightly clenching on your dress.
“Y/N...don’t fuck with me babe...what’s wrong?” The concern arose in Freddie’s voice. When finally he saw your turn your head towards him. Eyes almost watering, you smiled warmly: “I love you Freddie” - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“I love you Freddie”
You never thought those words would leave your lips before you kissed him so passionately. It was so spontaneous but it felt right. You weren’t embarrassed to the slightest to climb up and straddle him in the car. As a matter of fact, You wished there was nothing called public decency. You wished he’d take you then and there. You wished you could stay with him wrapped around him naked.
All because you loved him.
Pulling away, you finally moved back to your seat.
“Feeling better?” You heard him ask. Looking at him, you saw genuine concern filled in his eyes. Something you never saw before.
“Yeah...I am” you replied, aware of how swollen your lips have become. Giving his hand a tight squeeze, you smiled to your fullest.
“Bye Freddie...”
As you got out of his car, you just wished he knew what you really went through. With every kiss you kissed in there, you wished he knew of your demise that occurred yesterday. With every touch, you wished he sensed your pain. The pain you had to endure when forced to be dealt with by your father; the harsh reality, reminding you of the gravity of your situation. With your sudden confession of love, you wished he knew the choice you were given. You badly wished he could give you the answers. And save you like a white knight.
But you had no regrets. Not even one.  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(Few days later)
The chilly wind that exited out of the refrigerator cooled Freddie as he reached in to grab a beer. With the first gulp, his eyes caught the sight of his daughter. Sitting alone on the settee, she sipped on her coke. Closing the refrigerator door, he realized what was wrong here.
She sat there alone.
“Kim! Babe...what’s wrong?”  He asked from across the room.
“Nothing Dad” Kim  replied, head unturned, body unmoved as she stared down into the can. Freddie knew denial when he saw it. Especially with his daughter.
“Come on babe...” he said, setting the beer down on the pantry before walking up to her...”...don’t lie”
Sighing, Kim turned to him.
“I miss Y/N...”
“Yeah?” He asked, slumping down on the settee next to her, ”Well why isn’t she here then? Shall we give her a ring?”
To be quite honest, Freddie wanted to , for he did not see you for a few days.
Kim looked at him.  “She’s gone, Dad”
His eyes widened slightly. “What? What do you mean?”
“She had to move ...”Kim replied, her tone growing  sadder “...but why so suddenly? I don’t understand...It’s not fair” putting her head down, her tone grew softer. Freddie clicked his tongue.Suddenly those red eyes of yours, the silence you bore made complete sense.  
“Awww c’mere...” he said, slowly pulling his daughter in to an embrace. “I miss her dad” he heard her mumble into his shirt. “I know you do, babe” he said.  holding her tighter, hoping he could cover the little wound that involuntarily formed in his heart.
For it was evident that lustful Temptation had progressed into something more. But to the misfortune of two specific people, hope had slipped out of their hands.
With all that what happened, all Freddie wanted to say in return was one thing:
I miss her too. ———————————————————————
Check my MASTERLIST for more.
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Damsel in Distress (Part 9/Finale) - Jason Todd
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Gif: Dxnninja on Tenor
Tagging: @n-o-e-l-12  @oneshots-dc-marvel  @my-only-friend-is-the-moon@perturbacja @calcatss @attackonnat @batferma @seasidecrowbar @gaeck-o
Word Count: 3.6K
Paring: Jason Todd (Titans) x (f)Reader
Summary: Jason proves to Y/N how much she means to him, regardless of her choice.
Warnings: N/A
A/N: This is a little series I am doing about Jason Todd in Titans. I don’t know Comic!Jason very well so I’m taking all of this from the show, and at the moment he hasn’t been in very often, so please forgive any mischaracterizations.
Damsel in Distress Part 8 | Masterlist |
Y/N walked out the door of her building and onto the street. It was cold and dark, except for the street lights providing a warm orange glow. She had wrapped a shawl around herself to keep warm and pulled on a pair of UGG’s because even if they were cliché, they were cosy, convenient and comfortable. Y/N looked up and down the street, trying to find Jason. A low whistle caught her attention, and Y/N looked to the other side of the street, on the corner where Y/N and Jason parted the first night they met with Jason as Robin. Jason stood at that corner, holding a box in his arms, wearing his casual clothing. He looked at Y/N softly and gestured for her to come over. Quickly glancing left and right to make sure the road was clear, Y/N ran across, arms folded across her chest to keep the shawl in place.
“Hey…” she breathed as she met up with Jason.
“Hey,” Jason smiled at her.
“Why all this?” Y/N asked, “I mean, you can easily get on my balcony, you did it for over a year.”
“Yeah…” Jason nodded, still holding the box. “I didn’t want to be Robin tonight, I wanted to be Jason Todd.” He nodded to Y/N to sit on the wall near them. They sat there and Jason put the box between them, “and I wanted to give you this, but I want to say something first.”
“I love you, Y/N, and I want to apologise again for everything I have put you through – you didn’t deserve that,” Jason said, “I never, ever wanted to hurt you, and I hope that even if you don’t want to be with me, romantically, that you and I can still be friends because I would hate to lose you from my life, but I can fully understand if you wouldn’t want that. I do.” Jason sighed and looked at her, “But I want you to know… I will always be mad at myself to hurting you and betraying your trust like I did.”
“Don’t kick yourself like that, Jason,” Y/N told him, “I know you never meant to, and I tell myself that… I guess I was hurt because I felt like you couldn’t trust me enough to tell me yourself.”
“I trust you with my life, Damsel,” Jason stroked her hair, “don’t ever think I wouldn’t trust you.”
“Thank you, Jason, that means a lot to me,” Y/N smiled and looked at the floor, “so, what’d you bring me?”
Jason picked up the box and put it in Y/N’s lap, gesturing for her to take it.
“Go on then, open it,” he said.
Y/N smiled and took the lid off the box to look inside. There was an array of things in the box. Two packets of Oreos, a small bottle of Cola, a first aid kit, as well as pepper spray, a small remote with a button and the necklace he gave her. Y/N sorted through the items, studying each one.
“The Oreos and Cola are about the times spent on the balcony. The first aid kit to replace the one you used patching me up after I was stabbed.” Jason explained, “The pepper spray is in case you’re lost in a bad part of town – like when I saved you. The remote… well… in case, god forbid, you get in trouble and need to contact me – it will send an alert directly to my phone and your location and I’ll come to rescue you. The necklace…” Jason sighed, “I still want you to have it,” he said, “to remind you that, whatever you need, whenever you need it… I’ll always come for you…”
“Thank you, Jason,” Y/N said quietly as she looked through all the things he had given her, memories of the past, things to protect her, all items which whispered to Y/N that Jason loved her and would protect her, that showed her how much she meant to him, and how that would never change. Jason smiled, leaned over and kissed her forehead, sighing deeply.
“Goodbye Damsel,” he said, “you call me when you’ve made your decision, yeah?”
Jason hopped down from the wall, looked at Y/N one last time as he shoved his hands in his jeans and walked away. Y/N put the box on the wall and ran after him.
“JASON!” She called. Jason stopped and turned to face Y/N. She threw herself in his arms, wrapped her arms around her neck and gave him a big kiss; Y/N pressed her lips against Jason’s, causing him to immediately kiss her back. He wrapped his arms around Y/N’s waist and pulled her close to him. They pulled back for a second, looking into each other’s eyes and laughing gleefully before kissing again. Jason moved one hand to cup Y/N’s face as her hands moved into his tousled black hair, his other hand moved to her back, pressing her chest against his own. When they finally pulled away and rested their foreheads together, Jason made quick on pecking Y/N’s nose with a little kiss, making her giggle.
“So… we’re doing this?” He asked breathlessly.
“Hundred percent.”
“Good!” He grinned. They broke apart and walked back to the wall they were sitting on, holding hands. “I really should’ve listened to Alfred and told you sooner…
“Alfred knows you’re Robin?” Y/N asked, cocking her head to the side, “does Bruce know?” Jason turned and gave Y/N a smile, a smile which told her everything, “NO FUCKNG WAY!” She gasped, “Bruce Wayne is Batman?”
“You can’t tell anyone!”
“Who’d believe me anyway?” Y/N scoffed as they sat on the wall again. “Guess what, Bruce-fucking-Wayne is the Dark Night – I’d be thrown in a psych evaluation.”
“Good point,” Jason laughed, lifting her hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to the back of it.
“I suppose we ought to tell Bruce about this…” Y/N mumbled, “tell him I know your identity and that we’re a couple now… unless you’ve told him?”
“He knows that you and I have been seeing each other a lot. He doesn’t know about the… break, or the fact you know my identity,” Jason explained, “I suppose for safety reasons we should tell him, but not yet – the last thing we need is Bruce on our asses.”
“When you say so, we’ll tell him,” Y/N held Jason’s hand tightly.
“Okay,” Jason smiled before looking through the box of items he brought Y/N, pulling out the necklace, “should we put this back on you?” He asked, dangling it on his finger.
“I’d love to,” Y/N smiled, nodding, “it feels weird not wearing it,” she said standing in front of Jason. He placed the necklace on Y/N and clasped it up. Y/N turned to face Jason, smiling, and leaned in to kiss him, placing her hands on his shoulders.
“I love you, Damsel.”
“I love you, Jason.”
Their friends weren’t at all surprised when Jason and Y/N revealed that they were in a relationship. They all cooed and awed over them as Jason and Y/N sat next to each other at lunch, Jason draping his arm over Y/N’s shoulder.
“I missed hearing you call me ‘Damsel’,” Y/N confessed into his ear as they sat, surrounded by their friends.
“I missed calling you ‘Damsel’,” Jason grinned. They spoke so quietly so only each other could hear, but their friends all could see them whispering to each other, smiling, lightly kissing, and they all glanced at each other and smiled at their friends’ happiness.
“God, you’re so corny,” Sandy playfully teased.
“I can’t believe you two were secret for about a year and we didn’t know,” Kacey said.
“I suspected,” Jessica rose her hand “Y/N wasn’t so sly.”
“Oh my God!” Kacey started giggling, “Do you remember when we first saw Jason?”
“I don’t think I know this story,” Jason looked at Y/N curiously.
“Kacey said you had a great ass,” Y/N stated.
“And Y/N thought you were a total ass,” Kacey said. Jason rose his eyebrows and looked at Y/N
“A total ass you’re now dating,” Jason grinned.
“I was presumptive, so sue me,” Y/N shrugged, “you proved me wrong though. You do have a great ass though.”
“I stand by it!” Kacey toasted her can of Cola before drinking.
“I also remember what you said about Jason – do you?” Y/N teased. Kacey choked on her drink.
“Yes, I am a little embarrassed about that now, considering you and Jason are now dating.”
“Okay,” Jason leaned forward, “now I gotta know what you said.”
“I believe Kacey said, and correct me if I’m wrong,” Y/N grinned, “As long as he keeps his mouth shut, I’ll be fine spending hours with him.”
“Flattered,” Jason chuckled, “but taken. No offence”
“Understand,” Kacey nodded, “not offended. Don’t worry.” Kacey then smiled, “Jason Todd and Y/N Y/L/N makes more sense – you two work together, soul mates, I’d say.”
Jason and Y/N walked hand in hand down through the park where Jason had planned to introduce Y/N to Alfred and Dick Grayson. Surprisingly, Y/N hadn’t met either Alfred or Dick, although she had heard a great deal about them.
“So… Dick used to be Robin before you came along?” Y/N asked as they swung their hands as they walked.
“Actually, Dick left the mantle and then Bruce found me trying to steal the hubcaps of the Bat Mobile, and one thing led to another and I became Robin,” Jason explained.
“Okay,” Y/N nodded, making mental notes, “and both of them know that I know you’re Robin.”
“Jason, over here,” called a voice. The couple turned to see a tall, brown-haired man wearing a tan leather jacket waving them over with a smaller, older, white-haired man next to him in a suit.
“That’s them,” Jason said, gently guiding Y/N over to the two men. “Dick, Alfred, this is Y/N Y/N/N,”
Jason didn’t really look at the men, his attention was completely held by Y/N, just gazing at her was pleasure enough for him. Alfred and Dick glanced at each other smiling over how in love Jason and Y/N were before offering their hands to Y/N for shaking, which she took, one by one, still using her other hand to hold onto Jason’s hand. They didn’t like to be apart now they were officially together. After shaking hands, Jason pulled Y/N into him, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and kissing her cheek.
“Pleasure to meet the both of you,” Y/N nodded at Dick and Alfred.
“Likewise,” Dick nodded back.
“Nice to finally meet the young woman who has completely overridden his common sense,” Alfred chuckled.
“I was really that much of an influence?” Y/N looked at Jason who blushed sheepishly.
“Oh, the arguments he and Bruce had…” Alfred said, trailing off as he stopped himself from talking, probably thinking it was best not to. “Anyway, I’m so glad that it all worked out for the both of you – I honestly cannot imagine the pair of you with anyone else.”
“Yeah,” Dick nodded, “you fit well together – a perfect match.”
“Shhh, Bruce can’t know we’ve come down here,” Jason said quietly as he snuck Y/N into the Batcave, where there was training equipment for Bruce and Jason, work stations with their tech and weapons on to improve them. He had told Y/N to wear loose-fitting comfortable clothing, and she complied. Jason himself was wearing sweat-pants and a top while she wore leggings and a tank.
“Then why did you bring me here?” Y/N asked with a giggle as she watched Jason look around to check if they were alone. Once he was satisfied they were alone, Jason walked up to Y/N and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her in close to him and kissing her gently.
“First, I wanna show off to you where I work to save Gotham,” Jason said, nuzzling into her neck, “second, I wanna teach you a little thing or two about fighting and self-defence,” he said.
“Are you trying to find an excuse to get handsy with me?”
“Yes and no.”
“Huh?” Y/N cocked her eyebrow. Jason pulled back and led Y/N by her hand to the training floor, walking backwards as he knew the layout perfectly at this point. He looked Y/N up and down with a small smile.
“While I’m always up for a groping session, Damsel,” Jason grinned, “I will sleep a lot better at night knowing you can protect yourself.” Y/N shifted a little, not liking the idea of getting in a fight, “You don’t have to kick ass if you don’t want to, you just gotta be able to get away, yeah?”
“Okay,” Y/N smiled a little before coughing, “anyway, it’s an excuse to be all handsy, as you said.”
Y/N let Jason help her into a stance before taking the same stance opposite her. Feet shoulder width apart, hands into fists and risen into a defence action.
“Okay, so, if I come at you from this side,” Jason said, slowly moving and demonstrating, “you go for this,” Jason took your hand and placed it against his side, “and you go for it hard – not a tap, Damsel, you put all the fucking weight you have into every swing, got it?”
“Now, remember when I saved you?” Jason said slowly walking behind you, “the attacker came from behind, I’m going to show you what to do when you’re grabbed from behind – we’ll cover what to do if they have a gun later.”
“Okay,” Y/N nodded as Jason pressed his chest against her back and grabbed her wrists before wrapping his arms around her, securing her in place. Y/N shifted a little as his grip tightened.
“So,” Jason said in a low voice, directly into her ear, “what you wanna do here is turn your hands so your palms are facing the ground,” Y/N nodded, breathing deeply as she felt his breath against her neck, following his instructions, “and then you have to throw your hips back.”
“Really? I have to throw my hips back?” Y/N tried to turn her head to look at Jason, but he tightened his grip.
“You wanna comment about it more or get out of this grip hold?” Jason teased. Y/N smiled as she repeated the actions with her hands and then threw her hips back, using all the might she could muster. Y/N fell down onto the padded floor, breaking out of the grip from Jason; she turned onto her back and looked up at Jason with a proud grin.
“How do I fair, Robin?”
“You got a little kick-ass in you, Damsel,” Jason chuckled, offering his hand to help Y/N up. She took his hand, but instead of getting to her feet, Y/N pulled Jason down, and he landed on top of her with a groan. Y/N then flipped them over so she was on top and Jason was trapped underneath her. Jason looked at Y/N with admiration before pinning her down and holding her in place. “Come on, Damsel, I ain’t going to go easy on ya – I hate losing.”
“And here I thought you were wrapped around my little finger, Knight!” Y/N teased, leaning up and kissing him gently. Jason kissed back quickly, moving his hands to cup her face and pressed his body against hers. One of his hands moved to slide underneath her tank top. Y/N quickly pulled back.
“As much as I want to continue,” she spoke in a strained voice, using all her strength to stop this progressing any further, “I have a feeling that if Alfred or anyone else were to come down here, the worst position they could catch us in is screwing on the training mats in the Batcave.”
“Yeah… yeah…” Jason breathed, “You’re probably right…” Jason climbed off of Y/N and helped her to her feet. “Hey, want me to show you around the Batcave?”
“I’d love that,” she nodded as Jason grabbed two bottles of water, one for himself and one for Y/N, handing one to her. They opened their bottles and each took a gulp before walking from the training area, Jason wrapping an arm around Y/N’s waist and explaining everything to her as they inspected it.
“And this,” he said, walking in front of Y/N, turning to face her, “is the Batmoblie!” Jason leapt to the side and revealed the infamous vehicle to Y/N. Y/N’s jaw dropped and she gasped loudly, nearly running at the car.
“Oh my god, this is incredible!” Y/N said inspecting the car. It was a sleek car of a matte black. She traced her fingers along the shape. Jason opened the door to the driver’s side and gestured for her to peer inside, which she did. There were so many buttons and leavers and screens to touch that it was overwhelming, but Y/N didn’t touch any, just in case.
“What’d you think?” Jason asked as Y/N stood up and leaned against the car, the door still open.
“Jason, this is incredible, I’m so grateful for you showing me this.”
“I’m glad,” Jason said stepping closer to Y/N. “God, I’m so lucky for having you in my life,” he sighed as he stroked her cheek and leaned in to kiss her. His other hand was placed firmly on her waist as her hands were resting against his chest. As their lips locked, Y/N closed her eyes and smiled, savouring the moment. She never thought that this is what her life would become when she and Jason were paired together on that Physics project. They leaned back further against the Batmoblie, the hand Jason had on Y/N’s waist slipped and hit a button inside the car, causing them to jump backwards. Jason grabbed Y/N and pulled her away as he realised he had hit the button which released a small missile – luckily the Batcave was very secure and built for accidents such as a small missile explosion and nothing bad happened. Jason, who had pushed Y/N against the wall and thrown his body against her in protection pulled back and sighed as he looked at the impact mark from missile.
“What the hell?” Y/N gasped, catching her breath.
“Bruce built this place to withstand a nuclear explosion, it can handle a small missile hitting its wall,” Jason said as they walked back over to the Batmoblie, hand in hand, where Jason closed the door.
“Yes, but that was for modification of the Batmoblie, not for make-out sessions against it which accidentally set off a missile.”
The couple leapt ten foot in the air and turned to see Bruce standing there. His posture was perfect with his hands behind his back, staring at Y/N and Jason with narrow, accusing eyes. Y/N glanced at Jason to see him gulp and stand in front of Y/N.
“How long have to been there?”
“Long enough, Jason, long enough.”
“Look, I can explain…”
“I warned you, Jason,” Bruce said, “not to tell anyone.”
“He didn’t tell me,” Y/N spoke up, stepping in front of Jason, “I figured it out. Don’t be mad at Jason,” she pleaded. Bruce frowned and looked at Y/N, but didn’t stop her from talking, “and I know it is dangerous knowing about Robin, and about you, but I swear, Mr Wayne, I will never let another soul know about this. I love Jason more than anything, I can handle this, being with Jason and keeping these secrets, I know I can, and while I know it won’t always be easy, I know I’m up for the challenge.”
Bruce only nodded in response as he stepped forward to the pair. Jason and Y/N grabbed each other’s hand and stared at each other before looking at Bruce.
“Fine,” Bruce nodded, “something tells me I couldn’t stop Jason anyway, so I may as well make my peace with this, but if you even hint to anyone that you know, there will be hell to pay, understand?”
“Yes, Mr Wayne.”
“And call me Bruce,” He smiled a little, “formalities are no longer needed, Y/N.”
“Thank you, Bruce, for trusting me.”
“Well, Jason has good instincts,” Bruce said, looking at his side-kick with approval. Jason smiled and sighed in relief, gazing at Y/N, “Although he needs some fine-tuning. Anyway, I already knew you knew.”
“How long have you known she knew?” Jason asked curiously.
“Since she figured it out,” Bruce explained, “you aren’t as subtle as you believe yourself to be, Jason.”
Y/N started to giggle widely as Jason looked down sheepishly. He had truly believed himself to be good at hiding the events from his mentor, but alas he hadn’t even hidden it for a second.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”
“I understand why you didn’t,” Bruce nodded before turning to Y/N, “why don’t you go to the kitchen? Alfred is preparing dinner and would be delighted to have you there. He is quite fond of you, Y/N, as am I and Jason.”
“I’d love to,” Y/N smiled and nodded, trying to walk with Jason, but Bruce stopped them.
“Jason and I have to have a refresher about the risks of bringing unauthorised people into the Batcave,” Bruce said. “But do not worry, you’re authorised now.” Jason gulped and looked down again, knowing he was in for an earful, but Y/N smiled and kissed Jason’s cheek.
“I’ll see you up there,” Y/N grinned, “Good luck.”
“I’ll need it,” he called after Y/N as she skipped away.
Yeah, Jason was about to get an earful alright, but it was all worth it. He had his Y/N, his Damsel, the love of his life. Jason Todd would handle all the earful’s Bruce Wayne threw at him if it meant he could just look at Y/N. It was all worth it.
“Love you, Knight,” Y/N called over her shoulder, giving a playful wave which caused Jason to bit his lip and grin wildly.
“Love you too, Damsel.”
Yeah, totally worth it.
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antiquechampagne · 5 years
Antique Champagne - CH 36 - Vale
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The three of them made their way stealthfully through the city and Commonwealth wastes, avoiding as many obstacles as possible on their way to Milton General. Payne was thankful for the lack of the normal banter between everyone as they focused all their energy on the task at hand. She found herself reflexively stretching her shoulders, trying without success to release the tension that had built up in them as they neared their target. The path was a bit dicey as they quietly snuck behind a super mutant filled department store, but eventually they found themselves standing inside the large dark lobby. Flesh-stripped skeletons on dusty benches still waited to be called back.
Quietly, Nate pulled out the Shroud’s signature long dark trench coat, hat and silver scarf. Nate’s oddly stoic voice answered Hancock’s chuckling smirk.
“Sinjin expects The Shroud. Who am I to disappoint him?”
Payne hardly noticed them as she stood in the eerily silent lobby. Her could almost hear her heartbeat in her ears. Even though the room was open and airy by design, Payne felt as if every wall inched closer to her with every breath. The unerring feeling that she should not be here pressed in on her. Suddenly, she felt a drip of sweat roll down her forehead, her helmet was growing stuffy and suffocating. She nearly jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder.
“You ready for this?” Hancock’s eyes were steadily looking at her, but the small twist in the corner of his mouth told her he was concerned.
Rapidly, Payne pulled her offending helmet off. “Kent needs us. I’m fine.” She fastened it to her belt. “Guess I won’t be need this in here,” and readied her side arm.
Nate took the lead and headed into the dark inner hospital. They started to systematically clear the dank hallways and dilapidated rooms, disarming traps and small groups of raiders loyal to Sinjin.
It all became a blur to Payne. She focused only on the weapons pointed at her or her companions. By the time they fought their way to the second floor, she had stopped responding to her friends. Every shred of her concentration was centered only on keeping them alive, and not on the decaying hospital around them.
The trio walked slowly down a long red hallway, turning into a room that had obviously been another waiting area. There were rows of scattered chairs, crumbling magazines stacked on low tables and a reception desk complete with decayed flowers in an ornamental vase. A skeleton still sat in a rusted wheelchair tucked in a corner, the patients dress nothing but rags after the centuries interred here.
Payne froze when she looked above the receptionist’s desk at the faded sign behind.
The scent of roses hit Payne full in the face, overwhelming her. ROSES. A common scent used in prewar perfume. Her grandmother’s perfume. She looked down at the vase, the wilted brown twigs twisting upwards, somehow growing into blood red flowers. Polite chatter drifted to her ears, the polite chit chat of the long dead patients passing the time until their name was called. Adrenaline flooded through her veins. Sweat poured from her. None of this made sense.
Her breath got caught in her throat. “No,” was all she could manage.
Hancock turned from inspecting the Nuka-Cola machine in the corner. “Payne?”
Hearing her name, Payne turned. Flustered, she looked around. She couldn’t tell if she heard Hancock or an orderly calling her. It couldn’t possibly be her turn to go. She wouldn’t go. Not again.
The blare of warning klaxon was the last straw. She lost hold of whatever last thread of stability she had be desperately clinging to.
“NO! NO! NOT AGAIN!” she shrieked before dropping her gun and bolting back down the hallway, nothing but a blur.
  Hancock let out a frustrated sigh. “Well, shit.”
He had noticed Payne freeze up. Turning to see if she was alright, his foot caught on leg of a wooden table, dragging it loudly across the tile. The sound sent her bolting out of the room.
Nate stood next to him, clearly baffled at Payne’s sudden departure. “What was that all about?” he asked.
Hancock shook his head. There was a bit too much to go into with Nate right now, even if it was his story to tell, which it wasn’t. “Payne has issues with doctors and stuff.” He motioned to the waiting room before stooping down and picking up her weapon. He supposed he should be glad Payne didn’t accidentally open fire on either of them. “Give me a moment, will ya?”
Hancock backtracked through the halls of hospital. He was starting to get worried Payne had run all the way back outside when he noticed a small custodial closet door cocked at an odd angle. He approached slowly but made sure to make enough noise with his steps that Payne would hear him.
He rapped cautiously on the metal door. “You in there, Payne?” He didn’t expect an answer. “It’s just me out here. Mind if I come in?” Still nothing. He slowly opened the door, ready to retreat quickly if he spooked her.
Tucked in the far corner, Payne sat, balled up as small as she could be, rocking slightly. She hands buried in her hair, her face covered by her trembling arms. He wasn’t sure if she even looked up as he slowly sat down across from her. The closet was so small that he had to take pains to not accidentally make contact with her boots for fear of startling her in the state she was in.
She did not react. She seemed frozen in whatever nightmare her mind created around her, trapping her. Hancock tried a different tactic.
“Dahlia?” Her chin lifted slightly, but still hid her face. “I’m right here.” He moved his hand along the floor, stretching it out close to her curled up legs where she could easily see. Her head moved, following. Her breath still came in quick ragged gasps.
“Do you know who I am?”
She slowly nodded ‘yes’
“Can I touch your knee?” he asked.
Payne frantically shook her head no, reflexively pulling back.
“That’s fine. I’ll just stay right here.” He studied her cowering frame. “What are you seeing, Payne? Can you tell me?”
She rocked side to side slowly, her face barely peaking at him from behind her bent knees. Hancock was unsure if she didn’t want to answer him or if she was following some phantom, but at least he could see her eyes.
“I don’t know if I can do this, John.” Her voice seemed to creep from her, so low Hancock nearly missed what she said. “I can’t do this again.”
“We can take a little breather. Just sit here for a minute until you feel better. Kent is counting on us.”
The look of pain on her face broke his heart.
“I…” she stammered, shaking her head. “I know Kent needs help, but I just can’t. It’s like walking through my own personal nightmare.” She stifled a sob. “I’m not good to anyone like this.”
Suddenly, Nate stuck his head in the door, interrupting Payne. “Hey, guys, do y-“
Faster than Hancock could follow, Payne grabbed a near by screwdriver from a lop-sided shelf and threw it with such force, that it protruded through the door mere inches from Nate’s shocked face. Cursing, Nate retreated from view.
Looking back to Payne, he found her avoiding his eyes, shame and embarrassment written painfully all over her face.
“I’m going to go have a quick chat with Nate… I’ll be right back, okay?” As he moved to get up, he was surprised to feel her hand against his. This time when he looked at her, Payne looked almost fearful. He gave her hand a squeeze, reassuring her as much as he could. “I promise. I’ll only be on the other side of the door. We’ll figure something out.” He gave her a slight smile. “The show must go one, right?”
 Payne watched Hancock leave, his voice mixing with Nate’s behind the wooden door. The demons in her mind nipped at the corners of her sanity, feeding on the familiar smells and shapes of the prewar institution even here. She wasn’t sure he understood how absolutely powerless she was. Fear flooded all her senses, washing over her in waves, overwhelming her.
Her head fell forward, heaps of her disheveled hair falling into her face. Determined to reestablish dominion over some part of her, she reached back, untying the veil in anticipation on taming the tangles.
The show must go on, right?
As she stared at the ivory lace, a wild idea blossomed in her addled brain. The Silver Shroud was going on a rescue. What was to say the Mistress of Mystery couldn’t join him? If that was the case, then all this was just a show… the whole hospital was just a set made of cheap painted plywood. She wasn’t in any real danger; she could just play the part.
Her hands seemed to move on their own. She tied the veil not around her hair, but over her face. Payne no longer felt inside herself, but almost like she floated behind her body. She watched silently as this strong woman stood up before her, her posture transformed. She straightened into something confident and powerful. The person who emerged from the janitor closet was the mirror opposite of the one who had ran into it, trembling and terrified.
“Those craven killers will pay dearly for kidnapping our kindly Kent.”
Hancock and Nate stopped mid conversation and stared. Nate blinked, his jaw attempting to move, but Hancock beat him to the punch.
“You’ve got that right, Mistress…” he glanced hard back at Nate. “Doesn’t she, Shroud?”
“Um… yes, of course, Mistress.” It sounded more like a question than a statement.
“Well, now that we have all that settled, it’s time we moved on, don’t you think?”
The Mistress held out her hand. “My pistol, please.”
They made their way through the danger strewn offices. Payne could hear the men conversing in hushed whispers between fire fights when the Mistresses back was turned. She ignored them. She wasn’t ready to break character.
Soon they found themselves in front of a freight elevator. They had cleared the entire facility. This was the last place the villains could be hiding. The door opened slowly when Nate tried the button.
As soon they stepped inside, the Mistress spoke. “Sinjin expects the Shroud…” She reached up and quickly smashed the single exposed bulb. The car was swallowed by shadows, leaving the only illumination lingering from the previous room and a single down button. “Not a silent slayer.” She drew her blade.
Nate looked to Hancock.
Hancock thought for a second and nodded. “That might actually work. We’ll do our best to keep Sinjin and his goons looking in our direction. Give’em a good show.”
Now it was Nate’s turn to nod. “And you’ll thin the herd.” A thin smile creeped over his face. “Nice plan, Mistress.”
Nate pressed the blinking button, standing shoulder to shoulder with Hancock. The elevator door creaked shut behind them, the car nearly pitch-black save the nervously shorting elevator buttons.
The Mistress pressed herself into the furthest corner, readying herself. The car came to jittery halt. Time felt like it stood still as they waited for the doors to finally creep open, the light spilling in.
Nate and Hancock stood before her, stepping up to their cue in the spotlight.
As The Shroud and Hancock stepped forward Sinjin shouted “Shroud! I wanna talk with you.” Peering through the two silhouettes in front of her, The Mistress could see Kent on his knees, a barrel pressed against the back of his head. The man holding the gun was obscured, but his voice marked him as a ghoul. “Hold, assholes. Anyone turns heel and I’m coming for you and your family. And you, Shroud, you step any closer and we get to see what’s inside Kent’s head.” The Mistress took the opportunity to use their movement drawing everyone’s attention to dash impossibly fast into the shadows between the rotting stacks of supplies in the corner to her right.
The Shroud smartly pulled his fedora down on his brow. “You shield yourself behind an innocent. You are craven, Sinjin. And you shall fall before me.”
Her knife drawn, The Mistress easily slipped behind a distracted raider. Every eye and weapon was on The Shroud. It was a simple task to slip her blade between the raider’s ribs, hand over their mouth, while dragging them back into the darkness. Not an eye blinked in her direction.
“Don’t talk to me like that,” roared Sinjin. “Some of these losers think you’re some sort of legend. Like you walked straight out of a comic book.”
The fresh blood clung to her clothes. As she pressed herself between the narrow opening between the shelf and the wall, Payne started to slowly come back to herself, the smell grounding her. The hunger, it seemed, reminded her of what it felt to be herself.
Sinjin raged on. “But you and I know, you’re human. And you’re weak. You came here and for what? Your little sidekick?”
The Shroud answered him, bravado and confidence dripping from every word. “I have cut a path through all your thugs. Who can truly say I’m not the Shroud.”
This time, as Payne pulled the next raider into the shadows, she quietly drug the edge of her knife across their dirty throat. When the warmth slid down her throat, her body reveled in it. The Mistress vanished from her like vapor blown by the wind.
“Don’t listen men. He’s a phony. So what’s going to happen is this.” Sinjin voice lowered, the pure lethality of it chilling to hear. “I’m going to kill Kent. Then we’re going to shoot the hell out of you. Nothing’s going to be left but paste. Then I’m going to go to Goodneighbor and kill every last worthless bastard there. And burn the whole thing down. No one screws with Sinjin.”
By this time, Payne had stealthfully maneuvered herself onto the platform where Sinjin stood over Kent. To his left stood another raider, her armor in better condition than the rest, probably his second in command by the looks of things. She continually looked to Sinjin as the tension in the room grew dangerously hostile.
Payne was only a few steps away when Nate spoke again. Not as the confident Shroud, but as himself. “You know what would really get to Kent?” he teased, provoking Sinjin’s ire. Payne steeled herself. “Killing his friend, his hero, right in front of him.”
Sinjin let out a low laugh. “Enjoy the show, Kent.” He raised his rifle from Kent’s back. The rest of the raiders shifted, quickly take the hint from their leader. “After I’m done with the Shroud, you’re next.”
Before the second in command could pop off a shot, she found a combat knife buried in her neck. Payne didn’t even see where she fell, focusing solely on grabbing Kent out from under Sinjin’s legs and dragging him to safety.
“Payne?” Kent gasped.
She ignored him, concentrating on drawing her side arm and taking as many pot shots as she could at every raider in range. Payne heard the blast of Hancock’s shotgun and Nate’s laser gun. Tucked in the corner covering Kent she couldn’t see what damage the raiders were inflicted. She let herself feel a small measure of relief when half of Sinjin’s head burned away from a deftly landed laser bolt and he dropped to the ground.
After a few more tense moments of gunfire, Nate called the all clear and Payne could finally look down at Kent to see how he was fairing.
Kent rubbed his wrists after Payne untied them.
“I’ve never been so happy to see anyone in my entire life!” He gave her a quick hug.
“Are you alright?”
“My leg is killing me.”
“We’re lucky it wasn’t worse. Let’s get you sitting down.” Payne helped him hobble over to a sturdy container and eased him down. He hissed in pain as Payne probed it gently. It needed some proper medical attention before a stim would be any good.
Hancock put his hand firmly on Kent’s shoulder and squeezed. “So down goes the big bad Sinjin. We get to walk that tight rope of freedom one more day.” Glancing over, he looked no worse for wear. Nate, on the other hand, had a hastily tied bandage wrapped around his thigh.
“You okay?” Payne asked him with a slight nod.
“Yeah,” he answered. “Just a graze.”
“I knew it was bad out there…” Kent stammered. “but this… I don’t even think the Silver Shroud himself could fix this disaster area.”
“I know, right? Costumed crusading is really a shitty gig.” He gave Kent another pat. “But Kent, my man. Why the long face? You got what you wanted.”
Kent looked up at the Mayor, aghast. “I was t-tortured. Almost died. It’s not like the radio plays at all.” He was almost on the edge of tears.
“Hey, who hasn’t been tortured from time-to-time? The price of throwing down with the Man is always a few scars. Pick yourself up. Goodneighbor’s just a bit safer now.”
Payne nearly slapped her boss for his flippant attitude when Nate spoke up, again with his Shroud voice.
“What would the Shroud be without his faithful friend Rhett Reinhart?” he spouted with a wry smile.
Kent, though exhausted and in pain, returned a sad smile of his own. “This. This means a lot to me.” His eyes turned towards the floor. Weakly, he added, “But I’m tired. I just want to go home.”
Payne looked at Hancock, then turned to Nate. “Hey, do you think you can help Kent home by yourself?” Hancock cocked a naked brow. “I need a minute, but Amari should look at this knee as soon as possible.” She offered her arm for Kent to hobble to his feet. “I’m worried you might need some surgery before this can get healed up right.”
Nate nodded his approval. “We’ll be fine.”
The two of them slowly made their way to the elevator. Once they were gone, it was Payne’s turn to sit down. She wasn’t lying, she did need some time. She was exhausted, both physically and emotionally. But what she really wanted privacy for was to call Hancock out on his bullshit.
Before she could speak, Hancock cut her off. “You got a little something…” He waved a finger over his own face.
Confused, Payne started to feel her face, but ran into her veil. “Shit!” she muttered, pulling it off. Splattered over the delicate lace was bright red blood. Embarrassment blooming in her chest, she stuffed the vail in her pocket. “You think anyone noticed?”
“Honestly,” Hancock reclined on the rusty railing. “I don’t think anyone cared.” He looked at her, lowering his voice in concern. “Are you doing okay now?”
“Yeah,” The embarrassment now mixed with shame. “I’m… sorry for freaking out there. I… I…”
“Don’t worry about it. You did what you had to do to push through it and help poor old Kent.” A glint returned to his eyes, “You make one fine Mistress of Mystery, though.”
She ignored his flirty compliment, returning to the issue with Kent. “It was you feeding that info to Kent, the stuff you knew Nate would follow up on?” It was more of a statement than a question.
“You bet.”
“All with the intent of calling out Sinjin?”
“And it worked like a charm!”
“Did Kent know?”
“Did Kent know that he could be dragged into the cross hairs?”
“No… what does that have to do with anything?” Hancock propped himself up a little more, growing defensive. “Sinjin was muscling in Goodneighbor’s territory. He was a threat and now he’s not.”
“That’s not what I’m on about. Nate can handle himself but Kent… you didn’t give him a chance to say ‘no’, to stay out of the bloody game you were playing, did you?”
“You saw him! He loved every minute of it!” Hancock lowered his eyes a bit when Payne glared at him.
“I’m not saying he wouldn’t have chosen any different if you had told him the danger, but it’s a pretty shitty thing to use his own naiveté against him. That’s not fair.”
Hancock tugged at the brim of his hat, pulling down his forehead. Payne got up and crossed over to him, putting a hand on his arm.
“Let’s just hope he doesn’t take it too badly. He spends enough time in that pod of his, we don’t need him living in it.”
They both paused. A light flickered noisily on the ceiling.
With a small huff, Hancock asked, “You ready to hit the road, sister?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
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Bucky x fem!Reader
Content: SMUT. Pure, smutty smut. Do not read if you are below 18. Please.
A/N: Happy birthday @tarithenurse !!!
I know this isn’t even half as decent as what you write but I wanted to do something special (and hopefully naughty) for you. hehehe.
Masterlist and Taglist in bio, doll
"Aw! Fuck me!" Awkward silence. "Fuck Thor!" "...I don't think he has anything to do with this." You look at Bucky with a glare of disapproval.
"The God of Thunder is out there having fun with the Llamas at Macchu Pichu while you and I are stuck here in the Facility, not able to step outside because of this fucking thunderstorm. Right when I finally make plans with you to go out for drinks! I can curse whoever I want!" Bucky parts his lips to say something sensible but finds nothing. "I really was looking forward to going out," you nearly cry. "Oh!" Bucky's beard hides the smile when he bubbles with joy at the thought that you were looking forward to the night out with him. Just him and no one else. You barely would join other Avengers on their nights out, choosing to sit in the lounge and binge watch whatever stirred your fancy at that particular moment. Last week had been a Hannibal marathon and this poor soldier thought to join you because it sounded like a detective series with a new-age love. It had taken you a few minutes to realise he was talking about the tinge of romance between the protagonist and antagonist before bursting out into controllable laughter fits every time that poor sod found out what the show was actually about. So much for trying to find your taste, he thought, feeling it was better to just ask you out to a nice place for drinks and a game of pool. Half of his existence had been anxious at the thought of being rejected. The other half was already planning the menu as per your liking, your favourite karaoke songs and stop for dessert on your way back. But this cursed downpour had literally soiled all his plans. "Your expression just changed," your voice brings him out of his personal internal rant. "I...uh..." Bucky tries to make it sound as non-creepy as possible, "I was also looking forward to the drinks. They had a special discount on beer tonight." He watches your eyes flicker wide for a seconds before melting into a smile and moving away from the window. Special discount?!! he shouts at himself, nice one Buck. "We can drink here." Bucky turns to find you already out of your heels, your perfect legs hanging as you sit down on the sofa's headrest. Bucky questions his eyes as he notices the flowing blue dress rest over your knees, spread about the side of your thighs like wings resting. Your shoulders rise up a little, suggesting a shrug, and he feels his lungs pause for a moment. What? is all his brain can come up with. "Y-Yeah, we can drink here," he manages to respond. You feel a flutter inside your stomach. Observant as you are, Bucky's usually wavering gaze coming to rest on you at times he thinks you aren't looking has become your subject of adoration and his undoing lately. From the time he watches you change your expressions during meetings to when he is completely lost in thought of what's going on in your mind when you don't cry during a Disney movie. So much entertaining is his gaping blue glistening in the mystery that is you that you often try to act as if he's invisible to you, going about the things you usually do with just a dash of some sensual suggestiveness, though it just didn't work when Bucky choked on the water he was drinking and Steve and Sam had to come to his rescue to get this man to breathe. Tonight, with all the Avengers out of your way, searching for some new trouble to throw hands at, your mind was already working on how to bring this flustered cinnamon roll out of his twisted shell, laughing ominously at the thought of the things brewing up at that very instant. Thunderstorms might be good sometimes. "We're playing what?" Pressing away the smirk and trying to ignore the heat building up in your ears, you poured out the cola in the two tall glasses of a classic Long Island Iced Tea. "Never have I ever," you repeat before taking the glasses and strutting towards the break room on the floor above that is lit up only by the lights outside. Bucky follows you with bowls of nachos and garlic chips in either hand. "Never have you ever what?" he questions your seemingly incomplete sentence, making you laugh. "No, you goose, never have I ever is the name of the game." Setting the glasses down on the coffee table you push out the makeshift sofa to turn it into a comfy settee for two. "But considering it's just the two of us, I've customised it." Bucky sets down the bowls, mimicking your movement before sitting down next to you under the skylight pattering with raindrops over it, sliding down the glass to one side, making his skin look like he is standing under a waterfall, waiting to be devoured by the subtle waves. How openly bold you are with your mind, while Bucky is struggling not to let such thoughts infiltrate his conscience and do something stupid. The thing is, stupid was what you were craving tonight. "So," you begin, bringing one leg up to sit comfortably while facing Bucky, "here are the rules. I will tell you something about myself that may or may not be true. You have to figure out what it is. If you guess it correctly, you win, if you don't, I do." Bucky's brows crinkle a bit as he tries to understand the walkthrough. "For example," you continue, trying to make things easier for him, "I say 'never have I ever eaten Sam's doughnuts behind his back'." "That's false," Bucky blurts out immediately, "I saw you having death by chocolate just this morning," before realising what he's done. "I ...uh-" "Perfect!" You cannot help but smirk at the colour in his cheeks. "Now as you won, I will," you bring your fingers to lightly rest on your lips in some thought before you eyes catch his, "take a piece of my clothing off." For the second time this month, you're glad Bucky was not drinking anything when you laid down your carefully designed words for him. He forgets how to breathe, the air around him turning heavy as he feels his ears heat up while his belly does a little flip. Your eyes do not miss the tongue that darts out to lick his lips as you bring your glass forward to hide a miniature sense of victory bursting inside you. Bucky runs his hand through his hair in some nervous thought. "Not comfy playing?" The purr in your voice tickles his core and he knows now that he has walked into a brilliantly woven threadwork of your liking. Natasha did warn him about how people who are publicly shy are the boldest in person. He just didn't realise this was the bold she'd meant. Not that he was complaining. "Shall we?" Clinking glasses, both of you take one good swig of the cold brew for reasons known only to your bodies before letting the game begin. "Let's start simple," you go off, smacking your lips and tasting the mint you had added for your own liking in there, "never have I ever lied to Nat." Bucky cocks a brow at you. "You call that simple?" You nod matter of factly before shrugging your shoulders. "Okay. Um...true. Nat is very good at catching liars." You tilted your head in wonderment before tucking your hair back, watching Bucky's eyes run over your neck, his Adam's apple feeling a jerk as he gulped in the sight of you. "Am I making you nervous, Sargeant?" Bucky blinks, buying himself time to gather his thoughts. "N-ahem-no." "Hm-" you nod before tilting head up in a little nod, "time to take off your jacket." "What?" "I said 'never have I ever lied to Nat'. That was false. Just because Nat is good at catching lies doesn't imply it stopped me from lying to her." A smirk plays on your lips as you watch his surprised features take in a cold hard fact before his arms slide off his jacket, revealing a black henley, exposing his chest under that red muffler just enough to make you shift where you sit. "Your turn," you state, taking a tortilla chip topped with all the spicey cheesiness before putting the whole thing inside your mouth, letting the sauces drip a little over your lips, allowing yourself lick it all off without breaking eye contact with the man who was slowly getting a hang of your play. Bucky faced you this time, looking down at his metal hand before his eyes landed back on you. "Never have I ever kissed a woman." You cannot help but chuckle, impressed at how fast he catches on to you, forcing your core to twitch in anticipation as you two start to play the game. "False," you speak softly, your index pressed tightly under your teeth, anchoring your already swirling mind in between your jaw, wondering what would it be like to kiss those red lips. "Steve has told everyone stories about you, Sarge. Quite the player you have been in the old days." Bucky smirks just enough to let you know you're not wrong. He groans a little before removing the muffler around his neck. You hear your insides growl at that red piece of fabric. Good. Get off that perfect chest. About time it was exposed for some blissful sins. "My turn," you snap at your own thoughts as the ache between your legs begins to take control of you. "Hmm...never have I ever kissed a girl," you state, biting your lips before allowing the smirk to escape not only your lips but your eyes too. Bucky shifts this time, the heat coursing through him being felt where you sit. "False." Nothing but the sound of raindrops. A heavy inhale follows as you remove your jacket, revealing the peeking shoulders and the plunging neckline reaching down further than either of you anticipate at that moment. Bucky wonders if you had planned to kill him with just that tonight. Only if he knew. "Never have I ever made out in someone's workplace." You almost snort out your drink. "Did it involve belts and ties?" The question throws Bucky off, making him struggle for words. "No? How about rulers?" And the image that crosses his mind creates a prick inside him. A delicious thirst-filled prick. "False," you say confidently, "you seem the type who knows how to use them all. Especially the ruler." The lick of his lips followed by the strong dig his teeth take on them makes you want to do the same to them. You watch him sit back as he casually rests his arm over the back of the sofa. Oops. "Now what would you like to take off?" You narrow your eyes at him before throwing your head back in defeat. "Guess I deserve that," you mumble before getting up. Bucky's eyes follow your movements as your hands reach under your dress, lifting it up further above your thighs, making his lips part, his heart beat fasten, his eyes blink at the scene where his imagination runs to before averting his gaze. Oh, my sweet Brooklyn boy. "These stockings weren't letting me breathe anyways." He comes back to look at the pair of stretched fabric you hold in your hand before throwing over to the lone chair sitting at the opposite end. "My turn," you announce before sitting back down, this time a bit closer to him. "Never have I ever... slapped the person I was making out with." You can almost feel the devil cackling over your shoulder as you hear the tempting whir of his metal arm, clearly gripping at the words being so flawlessly painted in his imagination. The heat building inside him was working as a perfect catalyst to vaporise his sensual thoughts in the air around, making you inhale the burning aroma plum and woody spice lingering all around him, making your belly ache. "That's um..." "Take your time," you assure him, resting your head on the settee's headrest, watching the liquid ceiling over you run over his features like a visual note. Bucky looks at you with careful consideration. At least that's what you think till his glittering oceans seem more like they are playing with your most innate strings without your knowledge. "False," he finally speaks. Finally. Taking your drink in your hand, you bring your other leg over the settee as well, watching him suggestively. "Really?" "Guess we both don't know about each other as much. There really is a need to...explore more." The breath he draws in creates a spark in the air that travels down your limbs. "If you're not comfortable, we can stop," you assure him on the outside but deep down your ovaries are smacking you hard at even suggesting such an outrageous thing. "The only one getting uncomfortable tonight is whoever watches the facility footage," he speculated before his arms to grab the shirt on his back, causing you to bite down on your thumb a little too hard as you watched his muscles flex as the curtains drew up from the poetry that was his exposed skin feeling the goosebumps by just your mere stare. The threads holding the animal inside you start to feel the stretch; one even snaps. His chest glistens with a blue hue from the lights outside before he settles back into the seat, pushing his back with both his hands. The metal lets the lights dance upon it before reflecting it on your skin, touching you without touching you, leaving you breathless for one torturous moment. Not wasting time now, are we? "Never have I ever-" the husk in Bucky's voice brings your attention back to his blue eyes, dilated to let the wolf inside glare its teeth at you- "dreamed about kissing the woman sitting in front of me." Every breath you take in now aches, your chest wanting to explode. "False," you say without breaking eye contact, "now get out of those pants." Throats run dry. Breaths hitch. Lips get wet. Legs shift to hide the arousal even in the heated darkness. Seconds later the pants are gone and he stands in front of you in just his boxers. "My turn," you declare as you stand up, trying your best not to tremble now. "Never have I ever wanted to know what it would be like to be loved by you," you speak softly, close to him, "hard." You raise your hand to touch his bare skin, feel it under your fingers and stop as soon as the word leaves him. "False." Lightning lights up the room for a second, breathing in the intensity of the room before thunder follows. His fingers run up your hand, creating a storm as the hot flesh and cold metal create a vacuum inside you, wandering up your arm till they find the slim strings holding the fabric up, skillfully moving them down your shoulders and leaving them halfway for gravity to do the rest. "Let's find out," he whispers before his lips find yours. You smell the saltiness over his lips, increasing your hunger more while his beard lights up the neurons inside you with the faintest touch. Your already pooling core feels the heat radiating off him as his metal wraps around your waist to bring you closer to his body. Your lips take a taste of his lips, giving him an open invitation to let his tongue run inside your mouth, gulping in the moan that pulsates inside you. Your hands find their own path on his skin, travelling down his front and back before finding a path down the lone fabric wrapped around him. A breathless moan escapes him as your hands wrap around his manhood, causing his fingers to dig into your ass. His hands leave your skin, producing a growl in your throat at the loss of his touch before they remove yours from his and gently push you back into the seat near the window. Your chuckle echoes through the glass walls around you. "What?" Bucky's confusion is visibly carved by the shades coming from outside. "You should've asked me out sooner," you purr as you watch him get down on his knees. "You should've played the game sooner," he throws back before grabbing your thighs and pulling you towards him with a jerk, forcing your upper body to fall back into the soft cushions. "You should've shown interest in psychological thrillers sooner," you chortle before gasping as you feel his hands yank away your pantyhose, almost ripping them apart, feeling him growl between your legs as he puts them over his shoulders. "You should've forced Thor to make it rain sooner." Your brows crinkle for a second at his words. "Wait wha-hol-" The words break into a breathless gasp as you feel his tongue find its way through your soaking folds. Every perfect stroke makes a ruthless moan escape through you, every skilful caress of the bundle of nerves forcing you to arch into him again and again till has to hold you in place with his flesh hand. His name escapes in a hurried whisper from your lips, making his length twitch, wanting to feel your heat all around it. He comes back up from the delicious pool, glistening in your liquor as he licks his lips. "Never have I ever craved for something so devastatingly beautiful," he whispers less and roars more as his metal digit enters you, the coldness creating a sensational storm inside your trembling walls. The cold digits move in out of you, caressing your walls right at the spots where Bucky feels you squirm before his tongue plays your nerves like a personal favourite string. Your hands go into his hair trying to find an anchor to the mini fireworks that his beard is creating on scratching in your slickness. The tides from the tsunami initiated inside you go back from the shore before beginning to rise up. Bucky can sense that from the gradual shudder his shoulders feel vibrating from your legs, working his fingers inside your most sensitive spots to let the waves crash and crumble everything that comes in the way. And oh, what a chaos it is! Breathless and smeared with sweat, he lets you take a breath before gently displacing your legs. Your arms almost feel numb as you get up to face him, watching the blue dilated to the maximum with the hunger watching right from the edges. "That was-" He doesn't let you complete your mushed up thoughts as his finger lands on your lips while his own shush you. Not what I was expecting, you hear your brain call out from somewhere before lighting up with the fury of a thousand suns as his tongue finds it way up your neck to the back of your ear, pushing you back down as he weight lands over you along with the bulge working its way to your core. Satisfying as the high was, you feel your restless core grinding against his erection as soon as his thighs part your legs. He plays with you first, never entering you, drinking in every grunt and agitated moan leaving your lungs until your fingers dig into the skin on his back, forcing his beast to lurch forward and allow you to resonate with the sparkles dancing inside him. Both of you shudder audibly on feeling each other. Your walls flutter in his presence while he soaks in the heat you are radiating in its prime. Moving his hips away, he comes back hard, his tongue already inside you, ready to swallow every vibration leaving you that was the result of his movements. Second thrust, you feel your teeth bite his lips and your fingers drag down to the small over his back before generously feeling his buttcheeks in your hands. Another thrust comes harder than before, the cry escaping your lungs in the air while he sucks and nibs your shoulders, accelerating the high. Your hips rise up further into his, creating a rhythm of their own, allowing Bucky to increase his pace, drawing clandestine groans from you. The tides rise again this time further as you heard him grunt and call out your name in unadulterated pleasure. "Yes, doll," his panting voice urges you further to the cliff where the rocks wait for the foaming waters to wash over them, rocking his hips into your without any restraints. Your walls begin to clench around him, feeling yourself close to the edge with every ferocious stroke. Your breaths become shallow, your grip hard. Your cries become fervent driving Bucky further inside you till you feel yourself crumble once again under him. He doesn't slow down as your legs shudder under him, elongating the already fueled up orgasm. His own groans turn shallow as he feels his high coming up, making his movements sloppier, faster, dirtier. You feel his length swell up inside you, driving you down into the depths of the storm before filling you up inside with final thrusts eroding under his own high. Neither of you moves in the movements that watch you catch your breaths and let the pleasure work through every part of your body. Bucky carefully pulls out of you and lies down beside you. You raise your head to bring his cold, soothing metal under your overheated neck. "People usually kiss on first dates," you wondered out loud before turning to look at his amused blues and bursting into light laughter that Bucky joined in. "I don't think those people strip on their first date," he chimes in. "Touché." His metal folds around your shoulder to bring you closer for him to plant one long, soft kiss on your forehead. "By the way," he whispers right into your ear, "happy birthday." Your grin knows no boundaries as the happiness flows out of your stretched lips even as you rest your head on his chest and try to hide under his hair. "I guess thunderstorms are not that bad after all."
@lokis-lady-death  @lokixme @l0kisbitch @tarithenurse @joyofbebbanburg @itheoneofmanyfandomsi @nalokoniloki @fuckidontknow @qualitynerdwasteland @literalangels @meganlikesfandoms @kcd15 @confessionsofastrugglingteen @lost-and-wandering-alone @imsunnysu @vxidnik @sebbies  @unknownuserhasjoined  @cauraphernelia @queen-of-elves @doitfortwitter @ladywintersoldat @introvertfangirl @alt-er-love-er-alt @klmpun @loving-life-my-way @picapicapicassobaby @gotta-get-back-to-johnlock @moonlightprime @keepingupwiththelaufeysons @henloamkitty @alexakeyloveloki  @buckysclub  
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aaron-rdr2 · 4 years
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Stay with me
Pairing: Elon Musk & Female OC
Rating: Teen and up audience
Tags: Angst, smut, comfort and hurt
Chapter: 1/?
I drive with my black Tesla Model Y trough a desertet part of Fremont in California. As I suddenly see a black bunch of something sitting next to the road. As I come closer, I notice that the bunch is a man. With bright read head because if the sun, and he's sweating like hell. He has no hope that someone will finde him. I notice that because he dosen't even seem to search for someone to rescue him. I pull over. Then I turn of the engine? and get out if the car. And then I get shocked. The man isn't any man, it's freaking Elon Musk himself!!!
,,Mr. Musk?" I ask.
And suddenly he looks up.
,,What happend? Why are you out here? If I may ask." I say.
,,I had another argument with my now ex-girlfriend. She just threw me out of her car here. Luckily, I haven't let her live with me yet in my house." He says.
His deep voice sounds week, and he seems so weak, that the accent I love so much about him, and the stutters wich I also find cute and love are nearly gone completely.
,,Oh. Come i can drive you home. I also have something to drink." I say.
I help him up. Then we go to my car, and get in. Ohh this is bad. He surely is sunburned in the face and on the neck. I give him the small bottle of Cola which I have with me. He opens it, and take a big sip. I start the car, and make it nice and cool here. But not to cool. I don't want him to get a cold from that.
,,Thank you. You saved my life." He says.
I start to drive.
,,No worries. I'm Jacky by the way."
,,Nice name." He says.
,,You want some Sun cream? Even if it is too late now."
I reach into the small storage area in the left door, and give it the sun cream. He creams his face and neck. It seems like it hurts him. But it looks pretty bad too.
,,Damn that looks bad. How long were you out there Mr. Musk?" I say, while I put the sun cream back where it was.
Then I reach him a fresh handkerchief for his hands to clean.
,,Pleas call me Elon. And I don't know. Hours for sure." He says.
His stomach starts to growl a little bit.
,,Are you hungry? We can stop somewhere. Just tell me wich store or place. And maybe how we get there. I'm actually from Germany." I giggle.
He let out a small laugh too. I think his laugh is weird sometimes. But somehow cute.
,,I would say McDonald's." Then he tells me where to go.
After a while we're in the McDonald's drive trough. I order what he want, and then I order my stuff. Then I pay it, and take it. I hand it to Elon. Then I drive to the Burgerking on the other side, and get me two boxes of Mac N' Cheetos.
,,Sorry but I always wanted to try those. Here in America are so many foods and snacks we don't have in Germany. That was one of the biggest reasons I came here two months ago." I giggle.
He tells me where to go.
,,Really? Is the food and snacks so bad in Germany?" He giggles.
,,Compared to America.... yes." I say.
Suddenly someone brakes in front of me at a green light.
,,Ach man. Fahr doch du inkompetentes Stück scheiße." I Growl.
Elon looks at me confused but amused. Then I honk at him. Luckily we made it in time trough the green light.
,,Sorry Elon. Sometimes I get agressiv if people are to stupid to drive. I don't have the cash to get a new Tesla if I wreck it because some moron buyed there liscence in Africa or Russia instead of actually make it. At least by some people you can think that they never visited a driving school." I say amused."
Oops. Elon is from Africa. I hope he isn't mad at me now. But he start to laugh.
,,True." He says.
,,Where do you work?" He asks.
,,Here I don't have a job yet. That's the problem. In Germany I worked as an Allrounder at a car workshop. I can do whatever you want. Build cars from nothing, if I have the right parts and something to build a frame. I can draw everything. Cars too. I can paint them, I can put tuning parts on them. I can handle a cars electronics well. And so on. But every application interview here was a fail. I have not been taken so far." I explain.
,,But I don't get why. I mean Allrounder are verry rare. Specially verry good ones." He says.
And then we are at his big house. Or better said mansion. It looks like a thunder storm coming soon.
,,You want to come in?"
,,If I don't bother you." I say.
,,You don't. Park under that roof there." I do as I was told.
Than he takes the food, and I the drinks, and I follow him inside after I locked my car. Wow it's huge. And modern. We walk to his big table. Then he spread out the food. He gets some bottle of ranch sauce too. I love ranch.
,,Enjoy your meal."
,,Thanks. You too." I grin.
Then we start to eat. We eat in silence. Wow the cheetos are so good! Then he gets some whisky and two glasses.
,,I need to drive!" I giggle.
But suddenly it starts to rain heavily, and thunder start.
,,Maybe not. You can sleep here. I have two guest rooms." He says.
And so we drink a bit, and talk a lot about different things.
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eloarei · 4 years
Reaper, ch... I dunno, 7?
I was tired of not-writing, so I started what is probably roughly chapter 7 of the Reaper novel I haven’t actually properly started or plotted out yet.  words: 2,169 (T-rated, f/m, gen) chapters: ??? I dunno fandom: original characters: Vanessa Mattock, Theocritus, Mr. Mattock  ship: Vessa&Theo, Vessa/Theo (implied) tags: some supernatural nonsense, the difficulty of just living, adjusting to humanity, alcohol,   notes: hey I wrote this in like 2 hours maybe? That’s the charm of not having to follow any rules I guess. Even though it takes place in the middle of the story (so I guess technically it’s chock full of spoilers?), it probably reads just fine if you have no idea what’s going on.  x So there was a reaper living on her couch. Well, he wasn’t a reaper anymore, she guessed, but what was she supposed to think of him as? Theo. Theo was living on her couch, after he’d outstayed his welcome at Sid’s place. They’d had a nice, self-pitying afternoon together when she’d found him there, borrowing some of Sid’s bottom-shelf whiskey in the hopes of dulling their respective traumas. But in the end, Sid had grouched at them that his place wasn’t a goddam hostel and Vanessa needed to find a new place for her boss to slump in half-drunken misery-- he’d already put up with enough weird shit the past day, what with Camille straight disappearing on them after summoning a horde of demons and zombies to his door. (Theo later explained that that was an exaggeration; it was only one demon and the zombies hadn’t even made it anywhere close to the antique shop. Still, as Sid was mortal and mostly normal, it wasn’t a surprise that that was a bit much for him.) 
Vanessa’s dad wasn’t going to be super pleased that she brought a ‘strange man’ into their house (boy, he didn’t know the half it-- like the fact that that strange man had saved his life), but he definitely wouldn’t stand the two of them getting drunk in the living room with all the shades drawn and the TV set to some trashy reality show, which was what she really sort of wanted to do. So instead of taking Theo back to her place right away, she’d walked them through the outskirts of town, off toward the seaside. 
There was… a lot to say. Primarily she wanted to berate him for not being there for her when she really needed him, but now that she knew he’d been having a rough time of his own her sense of betrayal had mostly faded off. It wasn’t like he’d been ignoring her on purpose (though what was she supposed to think at the time? He always came when she called him, and sometimes when she hadn’t called him and he’d just fucking sensed she was thinking about him or whatever). And yeah, she was still pretty shook about realizing that her mother was probably still alive (and maybe even in the city), but becoming human again after at least a couple hundred years of weird immortality was… possibly even harder, she admitted to herself. So she tried to be supportive of what her boss (or maybe former boss?) was going through. “You, um… doin’ ok?” she’d asked, as they’d strolled down the street, staggering slightly on the occasion. He looked the long way down at her, probably hurting his neck in the process. He was a little bit draped over her, arm slung over her shoulders like an old pal, but even with his current slouch they didn’t even nearly match up in height. Back when he’d been his usual reaper-y self (the last time Vanessa had seen him before Tawney helped her track him down at the antique shop), he’d seemed to absolutely tower over her and everyone else, almost lost in shadow. Now he was just plain tall-- although it was still pretty freaking tall. “I… will probably survive,” he’d replied, sounding all the more pitiful in his proper English accent. “Well I fucking hope so,” Vanessa had said, at a loss for anything more substantial or kind. Be kind of dumb if he just died after all of this, she thought. Especially when there was still so much she was just starting to understand about this shadow world he’d dragged her into. (Well, ‘dragged’ was not totally fair; she did kind of offer, after all.) They hadn’t really talked much after that, until they’d ended up in front of her house, and Theo had cocked his head at her and said, “Why are we here?” Vanessa gave him a deadpan look. “You got kicked out of Camille’s friend’s place, remember? What, were you gonna sleep on the street?” “Sleep…” he’d said softly, like he was testing the word out, or the idea. “I hadn’t thought…” “Yeah, obviously.” And on purpose, too. Why else would the first thing he asked for have been alcohol, other than that he didn’t want to have to think about his new lowly position in life? But he was obviously tired-- eyes shadowed in a way that had nothing to do with the mystical and everything to do with physical and emotional exhaustion. She’d seen herself looking like that on more than one occasion, especially before he’d rescued her from the hellscape universe where her father was dead and there was nothing she could do about it. They’d gone inside, just walking like normal people instead of that vaguely-irritating appearing thing Theo had used to do before. (It was like he just hated doors or something, she sometimes thought.) Her father wasn’t home yet, and wouldn’t be for another few hours at least, Wednesdays being his longest work shifts. She took advantage of his absence by not sneaking around the house, guiding Theo to the living room couch and sitting him down. He sat there in the dusky darkness while she rummaged around in the kitchen for snacks. They didn’t have any alcohol in the house, but junk food could be just as good a balm. Sitting down next to him in the dark, Vanessa handed him a package of Oreos and a cola, while she dug into a fresh bag of cheese puffs and a Sprite. Theo looked down at the junk food in his hands. “What do I do with this?” he asked, apparently perturbed for some reason. She pulled the cola out of his hand with little resistance and popped it open, replacing it in his grip. “Drink,” she said. “You know how to do that.” Diligently, he took a swig of the chilly can, but his face morphed into a vague distaste as he swallowed. (Vague only because he was hardly emoting at all right now, she knew. At his normal rate of emotion, it would definitely be at least a scowl.) “This is far too sweet,” he said, and he set it aside on the end table. “Yeah, well,” Vanessa responded, grabbing the Oreos and ripping the package open. “You’re living now, okay, so you need calories and junk.” She pulled a cookie out and jammed it into his mouth. He seemed a little surprised, but he chewed on it anyway, and the tenseness in his shoulders faded a little. She didn’t know if that was because he liked it, or just because it was something to do. After a minute, she turned on the TV, keeping the volume low and just letting the colors wash over them. Theo was staring in the right direction, but she’d have bet he wasn’t really seeing the reality-TV shenanigans. (Probably a good thing, in this case, because it would have just annoyed him if he realized how stupid it was.) An episode or two passed, and she was starting to feel pretty drained. “Hey,” she started quietly, not wanting to shock Theo out of his trance too badly. “I think I’m gonna go crash. You should sleep too.” She got up to go find a blanket for him, but his gaze followed her, a little lazy, a little lost. “I don’t know how,” he said. “You don’t--” Vanessa blinked, and she blinked again. God, why was it her responsibility to teach him how to be a human? Shouldn’t it be Camille’s job since he was the one that took Theo’s powers? (Not that she thought Camille was great at being human either, but still.) She took a deep breath. “You just… Just close your eyes and don’t do anything. I dunno, pretend you’re dead.” A flicker of emotion crossed his face, probably unrelated to her suggestion. It was something she’d describe as ‘confused and annoyed about it’; maybe consternation. “I don’t know if I can do this, Vessa,” he said, and she knew he wasn’t talking about sleeping. Not exactly, anyway. “I mean, that’s…” She shrugged. “That’s life, right? You just have to take it a day at a time. A minute at a time.” He was zoning out a bit, staring at a spot on the wall, but she managed to catch his eyes and noted that they didn’t glow like they did before, that pale white-gold that always seemed to loom out of the shadows of her room. They were just light brown now, and tired. “Hey look… You know I’ll be here to help, okay? I’ve gotten through like ten thousand days. I’m sure I can help you through a few.” “Seventy-two hundred and sixty-three,” he said. “The days you’ve been through.” She scoffed and turned away to hide her smile. “Ok well that’s still a lot more than you.” She walked off to go find a blanket, wondering for a minute if Theo was going to be hot or cold natured, before she decided on an old course hand-woven thing her mom had picked up from somewhere, ages ago. She didn’t know if it’d be too hot or too cold, but if she was feeling as bad as she thought he was, that was the one she’d pick for herself. Ironically, he was out like a light by the time she got back. “Hey,” she said, draping the blanket over him. “Old man?” There wasn’t even the slightest downward twitch of lips, so she knew he was really finally asleep. Maybe his first sleep in a thousand years. She hoped it was a good one. She couldn’t say what exactly possessed her (maybe it was just that he couldn’t shy away or judge her), but she reached down and smoothed back that little piece of hair that always fell forward onto his forehead, and followed it up by pressing her lips to the empty space it left. She took a deep breath and inhaled his new, living smell. It wasn’t anything really specific. Just… warm. Smelled like hair and body oils and a little bit of lingering whiskey. Compared to the too-clean nothingness she’d whiffed before, when he pulled her close enough to teleport them someplace, it was just… better, more real. Smelled like a man who was living some kind of life, step after step, not… two feet on the wrong side of a grave. “Sleep well,” she said, even though he wouldn’t hear her. Then she tottered up the stairs and fell into bed, with just enough energy and presence of mind to kick off her shoes. Of course she didn’t hear the front door open, or her father cautiously step around the strange man sleeping on the couch and up the stairs in the desperate hope his daughter would have some explanation. “Nessie,” he said softly, settling his hand on his shoulder and just barely rousing her. She turned and glanced over her shoulder at her father, miles too tired to remember anything other than the fact that she was stupid tired, but there wasn’t a moment in her life where she ever thought of brushing off her dad, so of course she shook herself awake. “Dad. What’s up?” “Do you know why there’s someone sleeping on the couch?” Vanessa sighed. “Uhh, yeah. That’s my friend. Theo.” “Theo doesn’t have his own place?” her dad asked, raising an eyebrow just a little bit, just enough to show he was skeptical, but not mad. She tried to get her brain back in order and remember the excuse she came up with earlier. “Uh, well, his place had a f- flood, like a bad one, and they made everybody get out, but he’s kind of new to the area. I mean, he just moved from England, so he doesn’t have any family or friends to stay with.” Mr. Mattock’s face wasn’t hard to begin with (it never was), but it softened to hear his daughter trying to help a friend in his time of need. “That’s nice of you,” he said, and Vanessa knew he was being genuine, though he still seemed just the slightest bit uneasy. “He doesn’t really look your age though. He’s not… your professor, is he?” Vanessa grimaced, and she could tell her face was turning a little red. “No! No, he’s, um, he works at the library on campus.” Her father hummed, but he didn’t seem to be really criticising her story. “Well, alright. I’ll let you get back to sleep and then maybe we can talk more in the morning. G’night, sweetie.” “Night, dad,” she responded, and she managed to hold back her heavy sigh until he was out of the room. And then she fell back to sleep. She wanted to stay up and think about all the stupid little details she was going to have to probably remember for his cover story, but she was too tired to think anything other than ‘screw it’. xXx
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sefuckstianstan · 6 years
My sanctuary
Últimamente, he estado recordando el pasado mientras juego Kingom Hearts 3. Específicamente, recordando dónde estaba hace 14 años que salió KH2. Iba en la secundaria y no tenía amigos (y no lo digo por ser dramático, en verdad no tenía amigos). Fue de las últimas cosas que me recuerdan a Texas y la vida que tuve. Era un chico solitario al cual le gustaban otros chicos y los videojuegos. Lo primero, nunca lo dije abiertamente hasta años después. Lo segundo, siempre estuvo ahí para mí. Yo sabia que era diferente, que era un chico extraño que prefería estar solo en casa a salir al cine. Prefería inundar mi imaginación con personajes de Disney que van de aventuras a mundos fantásticos yet homely. Pasaba las horas que restaban del día nadando junto a Ariel o haciéndome amigo de Jack Skellington. Incluso recuerdo que bajé en la computadora la canción de Sanctuary. Y en cierto modo, Kingdom Hearts se volvió mi santuario. Ahí tenía amigos y nadie me veía raro porque tenía cola de pescado o porque me gustaban mucho las historias bizarras. No es sorpresa que 10 años después haya encontrado en la literatura gótica un espacio donde me siento muy tranquilo. Quizás más de lo debido, claro. Y ciertamente, Kingdom Hearts 2 tiene muchos elementos góticos que amo. Pero esto va más allá. En una especie de prólogo, se narra la historia de Roxas, un jovencito que no pertenece al mundo donde vive. Un chico que, en realidad, solo existió (y existe= en el corazón de alguien más. Pero mientras iba avanzando en la historia, mas me iba identificando y encariñando con Roxas. Sentía que era como si Roxas reflejara una parte de mí. Una parte de mi que tenía miedo a enunciar o a experimentar. Como si todas esas palabras que él enunciaba, las hubiera dicho yo también. En el juego, Roxas tenía amigos, y cada día que pasaba con ellos, se sentía más y más solo. Más y más temeroso del futuro y de lo que éste podría traer. La incertidumbre lo inundaba. Pero fue cuando llegó a final ese breve prólogo (y con éste, la existencia de Roxas) que mi corazón se rompió un poco. Se rompió porque yo, como Roxas, pensaba que todos aquellos que estaban alrededor mío, me iban a olvidar. Que no iba a estar presente en la memoria de los demás. Ni siquiera en la de mi familia. En ese entonces, nunca pensé que alguien podría llegar a quererme, que nadie iba a querer compartir su corazón conmigo. Simplemente porque era yo; y los únicos para los que existía era mi familia. Muy pero muy lejos estaba la idea de tener un corazón junto al mío con el cual podría volverme uno mismo. Pero es precisamente eso lo que me enseño Kingdom Hearts 2. Me enseño que, cuando el amor une a dos personas aparentemente diferentes y distantes, no hay nada que separe sus corazones. Y en general, Kingom Hearts me enseñó a conocer el amor cuando no tenía a nadie. Me enseñó sobre la luz y la obscuridad que yacen dentro de cada uno. Que una no puede vivir sin la otra. 
Pero hay veces en las que me siento tan mal como ese chico de 15 años que no podía asir la idea de que alguien lo pudiera amar. Pero a veces, uno tiene que caer dentro de la parte mas obscura de la noche y de las sombras para poder vislumbrar ese pequeño rayo de luz que apenas es visible para el corazón humano. Hay una línea en la canción que siempre me gustó, dice: “wonk ouy naht niotceffa erom den I”. (Incluso la ponía como estado de Messenger) pero ahora lo sé. Y no me da miedo decirlo. “I need more affection tan you know” So, yeah, if there was anything else to say, it’s that. Love requires to be fought for. I need you to fight for it. To fight for me. I need you to think about us and think and think and think. Now I have friends who love me, and I love them back. Now I don’t feel as lonely as I was when I was 15. Now I feel I belong. But still, I don’t feel loved. Still there is a part of me that longs for someone that isn’t here with me anymore. I wonder if he was ever mine. If I was ever his. Time passes, and my heart keeps on breaking. Breaking and breaking and going deeper on the shadows that surround this deep black beach. I’m alone. I was lied to. I was pushed away like a dog a boy doesn’t love anymore because it doesn’t know any new tricks. I was played with. Bounce bounce, rebounce. 
My God, how I wish you had fight for me, you had at least tried to rescue me. I’m a complete human being but being with you brought me the greatest joy I had never felt. I will ever feel again. I wish you had tried as much as you said you did. But deep inside me, I know you didn’t. You didn’t try to fight for me. I wish you were my Axel, my Ventus, my Sora. But you told me once “I don’t say ‘te quiero’ to many people”… so what can I get from that other than you don’t love me. You said, “I’m not ready for a relationship” when all you wanted to say was ‘I’m not ready for a relationship with you’. You said, “I’m not ready to be with you”, when all you wanted to say was ‘I rather have sex with other guys rather than you’. Am I that ugly, am I that undesirable. Was one person not enough for you? You used me for a lot of time, getting from me all the love you wanted, you needed, you desired. But then, when I was finally in love with you, you disposed me like broken glass. You pushed me aside without caring about what I had to say. You took the call over my own choice and chose for me. You decided I shouldn’t love you anymore. You decided I wasn’t worthy of your love. You decided over me. For many months, I was mad, sad, feeling blue. I was mad because a day before you broke up with me, you were with your “friend” hooking up with some strangers. And that’s not why I’m mad, you can do whatever you want with your body; but what stabbed my heart was that, just a week before that, you told me you weren’t ready to have sex with me. And I understood. But you sure were ready to hook up with some other fucker you don’t know. Time has passed, and I’m pass that point. I don’t even care about that any more. 
Still, what haunts me is your proudness. You know you feel something for me, you know you feel comfortable with me, you know you have been vulnerable with me, but still you chose not to acknowledge it. You choose not to show me that you care about me. You choose not to show any feeling towards me. But you still cherish the past. You still cherish the past. I do not care about the past. Not in a way that I don’t care about what happened, but in the sense that I’m not old enough to be thinking about the past. I need you now. I need you right here with me, right this moment. I don’t need to remembrance on the good times. I want to make new memories with you, every day, every week. I want to experience my present with you. Me duele que pienses que no me importas, porque me importas más que los demás. Me duele que pienses que no me importa. Me duele que tengas a alguien más. Me duele que me hayas olvidado tan pronto. Y me duele que te mientas diciendo que no sientes nada por mí. Me duele que no hables de mí como lo haces sobre tus crush. Porque yo sé, que muy dentro de tu corazón, te importo. Yo sé lo que sentimos. Y yo sé que tienes miedo. Y sé que te ha faltado mucho amor en tu vida. Y sé que cuando estábamos en tu cuarto, eres uno. Y cuando estas con tus amigos, eres otro. Y cuando estas con los demás, eres otro. Y aun así, amo cada uno de ellos. Te amo completamente. Te amo aun sabiendo lo que me has hecho. Lo que nos has hecho. Te amo porque eres tú. Te amo porque sé que eres valiente, pero también muy vulnerable y que buscas amor. Y te amo porque cuando estamos juntos, puedo sentir ese amor. Pero me duele como me has tratado. Me duele que pienses que no me importas. Me duele que pienses que no me importa como me tratas. Pero aun así te amo. Y quiero estar contigo para ser felices los dos. Porque sé que cuando estábamos los dos juntos, eras feliz. Y sé que quizás estas buscando experimentar en estas fechas. Pero me duele pensar que estas con alguien más. Me duele que no estés conmigo. Yo quiero que seas mi primero. Y mi único. Quiero que tu seas quien me haga sentir humano hoy y mañana. Quiero que seas tu quien me haga sentir como un hombre. Quiero ser uno contigo. Quiero tener tus hijos y que me hagas gritar tu nombre tan fuerte como lo susurraba a tus oídos cuando te besaba el cuello. Dios, tu cuello. Quiero besarte tanto que no tengas que ir a nadie mas por besos. Quiero besar tus manos como siempre lo hice. Como siempre lo hago. Quiero besar cada centímetro de tu cuerpo. Y quiero hacerte sentir el amor que siento cuando estoy contigo. Y yo no sé si te dio miedo que pensaras que te quería penetrar, porque eso no lo he hecho con nadie. Y ciertamente, contigo, no sería yo quien haría la penetración. A menos que así me lo pidieras. You have a cute butt. Pero yo solo te quiero para mí. Y cada vez que te recargas en mi me da una felicidad impresionante, porque para eso estoy, para eso estoy aquí contigo, para sostenerte cuando te caigas, para ayudarte a componer cualquier cosa que requieras, para ser fuerte por los dos cuando tu no puedas con tu alma. Porque sé que necesitas a un hombre que te entienda, y a un hombre que pueda decirte “te quiero”. 
Y así es Jorge Iván Negrete. Te quiero y no me da pena decirlo. Te quiero como nunca he querido a nadie. Te quiero como nunca lo haré con nadie más. Te quiero hoy, ayer y mañana. Te quiero en mis sueños, en mi cama y en mis brazos. 
Te quiero, te quiero, te quiero, te quiero, te quiero, te quiero, te quiero. 
Ojalá pudieras sentir cuánto es que te quiero. Te adoro. Te amo. Perdón si alguna vez te hice sentir mal. Sé que no soy perfecto, igual que tú. Pero eres ideal, para mí. Y sé que tu sientes esto entre los dos. Y si te molesto a veces, es por juego, porque eso hago con los que quiero. Pero te necesito aquí conmigo. ¿Qué hago yo con todo esto que siento? ¿Olvidarme como lo hiciste tú conmigo? ¿Hacerlos a un lado como lo hiciste tú conmigo? Eres libre de hacer lo que quieras, incluso si estuviéramos juntos. Pero necesito que pienses bien las cosas que quieres. Porque yo no puedo seguir tratando de descifrarte o de saber qué piensas. Abre tu corazón a las personas, así como lo hiciste conmigo, y piensa muy bien lo que quieres. Seamos los mejores amigos, seamos los mejores amantes. Yo siempre te he visto como ese hombre tan tierno y tan hambriento de amor pero que le cuesta trabajo abrirse a la vulnerabilidad. Pero he visto tu lado vulnerable (and i love you even more because you opened up for me, with me) y lo único que puedo darte ahora es mi corazón y mi cuerpo y mi tiempo. Aquí estoy esperándote. Si así lo decides. Ya hice todo lo que podía para demostrar que te quiero bien, incluso me quedé esperando el viernes pasado una respuesta para el cine y no hubo tal. Luché por nosotros incluso aún más estos últimos dos meses, pero si de verdad te afecta lo que yo tenga que decir de ti o de pensar de ti, entonces ponte las pilas y resuelve los asuntos que tienes contigo mismo. Porque una parte de mi siente que aun note quieres despedir de mí, y otra parte me dice que sí. Algo me dice que no te quieres ir. Y aquí estoy. Pero primero haz las pases contigo para que podamos estar juntos como dice Steven: “if you change your mind, if you change your mind, if you change your mind…” Fight for me if that’s what you want, cause I sure want you to fight for me. @tsukasalink 
En fin, no sé si vayas a ver esto, ni siquiera si te percates de su existencia. Pasará un mes, tres meses ¿¿Who knows?? Pero no pierdo nada. Ya casi será un año de que te conocí y yo sigo contigo. No sé si yo siga contigo, pero, aquí estoy. “Sé que te gusto a ti todavía por mucho que digas. Además puedo ver en tus ojos que no sólo quieres quedar como amigos. Tienes mi corazón, eres mi obsesión. Soy tuyo pa' siempre” <3 
Tu Alejin (God how I loved when u said that to me, you punk)
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fanfic-collection · 7 years
In Love With The God of Mischief // One Shot
Author: sigridlaufeyson   Summary: Thor and Loki are fighting over you.  A/N: Minn kœrr means ‘my dear’ in Old Norse. 
Another one of Stark’s extravaganza parties. You are standing in a corner, like usually, watching everything silently. You don’t like mingling with people, making small talk, flashing fake smiles at everyone just to appear polite. No, you’d rather be alone in your rooms, but Stark had insisted that you come. From the corner of your eye, you see Thor approaching and you turn to face him.
“Lady Y/N, I am glad to see you here. You look very nice,” he says as he stops in front of you. He is dressed in Midgardian clothes that fit him very well.
“Hi, Thor,” you greet him, “Thank you!”
“Can I get you a drink?” he offers, looking overly excited. 
“No, thank you, I’m good.” You smile politely and look away. Your gaze lands on Tony, dancing in the middle of the room, his arms around Pepper’s waist as he swirls her on the dance floor. He is clearly drunk, but Pepper doesn’t seem to mind.
Thor notices, where your eyes are and misread the look in your eyes.
“Would you like to dance, lady Y/N?” he asks you with a big smile, confident in himself that you are going to say yes. You can see the excitement in his eyes when you turn to look at him again. You’ve never been good at saying ‘no’ to people and with the way Thor looks at you affectionately, you cannot possibly say ‘no’ to him. At that moment you wish someone would come and save you. Natasha perhaps. She’s a good friend of yours; she could tell Thor that you have matters to discuss.
Your eyes dart around in the room, trying to find her, but she’s nowhere around.
“Thor, I was hoping I could find you here,” Loki suddenly interrupts as he joins you. “Are you trying to woo lady Y/N?” Loki is wearing Midgardian clothes as well – all black suit that fits him perfectly. Just the sight of him makes you weak in the knees.
“I was just asking her for a dance, brother,” Thor replies and winks at you.
“Well then, you should have been quicker, Thor,” Loki smirks.
“What do you mean, Loki?” Thor furrows his brows.
“She’s already taken.” After saying this, Loki steps over to you, hooks his arm with yours and pulls you to the dance floor, leaving Thor dumbfounded, standing by the wall.
Once on the dance floor, Loki guides your hands behind his neck as he places his on your waist and pulls you closer to his body. He smirks at the shocked look on your face. It makes you blush and you look down.
“Thank you!” you mutter under your breath. “Why did you do it?” You look up at him again. “Come on, even a fool would have noticed that you did not want to dance with that oaf. He didn’t seem to get the message. So I came to your rescue.” Loki winks at you, making you blush even more and you lower your eyes again. However this time his fingers grip your chin lightly and raise your face to make you look at him.
“You look so lovely when you blush. Don’t hide it.” A gentle, genuine smile touches his lips as he gazes down at you. You are so captivated by his eyes that you don’t even remember Thor anymore. Nor do you notice, when his fingers let go of your chin and he places his hand back on your waist. Loki is amused by how bewitched you are by him. He slides his hand a bit lower and pinches your ass playfully, making you squeal and laugh.
A bit later, when he senses that you are getting tired from the dancing, he offers to get you both drinks. You agree to this without a second thought.
“What would you like, minn kœrr?” Loki asks. You feel slightly confused for a moment at the nickname, but decide to ignore it at the moment and remember to ask him about it later.
“Just a cola, I don’t drink alcohol.”
“Good choice.” He orders your drinks- cola for you and something a little stronger for himself. Although no Midgardian alcoholic drink is strong enough to make a god drunk.
You chat and sip your drinks. He stands very close to you, but not too close. His scent invades your nostrils and he smells divine. He listens to you when you speak.
After a while though, you start feeling tired and you want to leave the party. You are about to tell Loki, but before you can say anything, he senses it himself.
“Would you like to leave the party?” he asks politely. It is no secret that besides sensing lies, Loki can also read people well, but it still always surprises and impresses you.
“Yes,” you reply shortly.
“I will escort you to your chambers then,” Loki offers and you agree. He wraps his hand around your waist as he leads you out of the room and away from the party.
When you get to the door of the room, you thank him and stand on your tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek. Loki smiles down at you and bids you good night before leaving.
The next day you wake up early since you were the only one at the party, who didn’t drink. You knew that everybody else would be sleeping until noon because of the hangover. Everyone except Thor and Loki perhaps, because Midgardian alcohol couldn’t even make them tipsy.
You are lounging in the living room when you hear Thor’s heavy steps in the corridor. Not wanting to talk with him about last night, you get up from the couch to leave before he gets there, but you are too slow.
“Lady Y/N, what a pleasure to see you in this fine morning,” Thor greets as he approaches you. He takes your hand and places a gentle kiss to your knuckles.   “Thank you, Thor!” You blush slightly. “Have you seen Loki?"  "He should be in his room. Why?” he asks, furrowing his brows.  “Nothing, he is just usually an early bird. Is he alright?" It was already 11:30 and Loki was usually up before 7. "Yeah, he’s fine,” Thor dismisses. “Have you got any plans for tonight?"  Now it is your turn to furrow your brows. Is the God of thunder about to ask you out?  "Why?" you ask uncertainly. "I was hoping we could spend a nice evening together, lady Y/N. What do you say?" There is that hopeful gleam in his eyes again. You avert your eyes so it would be easier to say ‘no’. "Uh… wow, I don’t know, what to say."  "Say yes, Lady Y/N.” He almost pleads. You don’t know what to say. You clearly enjoyed dancing with his brother last night, didn’t he see this? Is he really that blind? "Actually… I am not sure I have time tonight, I’m busy. I have to ..uh … finish… something. A project.” You stutter so badly, you are afraid Thor will call your bluff, but he does not. He is no master of lies after all.  Thor smiles at you and nods.  “I understand. Some other time then, lady Y/N!" He winks at you again before leaving. As he walks away, you let out a breath you don’t realize you are holding. You are glad he didn’t get offended.  "Your little lie was so obvious, I am actually surprised Thor didn’t see it."  You jump at the voice, then turn around to see Loki entering the room.  "You frightened me!"  "Forgive me, minn kœrr.” You furrow your brows. You have noticed that Loki uses that word often, when speaking with you, but you don’t know its meaning.  “Have you eaten anything today?” he asks then. It is nearly noon. You shake your head.  “Well then, what do you say about getting brunch? I haven’t eaten either."  "Sounds good,” you agree and Loki leads you to the kitchen. 
With all the other Avengers still asleep, you can enjoy the silence and each other’s company. You and Loki make waffles together. He flirts with you occasionally and is otherwise just playful. Out of all the residents in the Avengers tower, you enjoy his company the most.
Unbeknownst to you, Thor saw you, when you were in the middle of the cooking. He saw you flirting, he noticed Loki’s hands resting on your hips. He heard your giggles and Loki’s laughter. But instead of feeling happy for his brother, he felt jealous. 
A few days later, you are standing on the balcony of the Avengers tower, when the sky gets suddenly very dark and it starts raining heavily. Just as you run inside, lightning strikes.  Thor, you realize. You start hearing his booming voice. The Asgardian brothers are arguing again, nothing unusual. But something is different this time, you hear your name in their conversation a lot. You go closer to where their voices are coming from and stop a few feet away from Loki’s door.  “Loki, whatever games you are playing, stop them now! I understand your dislike towards me but do not drag lady Y/N into this,” Thor yells so loudly you can hear it clearly behind the door. "What makes you think I am playing games, Thor?” Loki snarls, “Do you think me incapable of love?"  "Stop this madness, Loki. I care about lady Y/N!"  "So do I!” Loki roars angrily, causing you to flinch, though you could hear the desperation in his voice, something Thor fails to notice, you assume.  “You get everything, Thor! You got the throne, you have your friends - the Warrior’s Three and Lady Sif, you got all the girls in Asgard and here …” By this time Loki’s voice has lowered so much that you could barely hear, what he says. He feels defeated like there’s no point in arguing anymore.  “Do you really think a maiden so innocent and sweet like her would ever consider dating a criminal like you?” Thor says harshly. You gasp at the coldness in Thor’s voice. How could he say something like this to his own brother? “Get out!” Loki bellows in rage.  Realizing that Thor is about to exit Loki’s rooms, you quickly hide behind a pillar.  A second later Thor storms out. You don’t hear the door close and figure that Loki must close it any time now. You wait for the bang of Loki closing his door angrily, holding your breath, but it never comes.  “There’s no need to hide, Y/N. I know you’re there,” Loki says, surprisingly calmly. You let out the breath you are holding and step out from behind the pillar. Loki’s face is blank of any emotions, but his eyes hold sadness that he couldn’t hide. 
“How much of it did you hear?” he asks. He knows that you heard the conversation he had with Thor. There’s no point in denying it.
“Plenty.” “Thor went to the training room if you wish to speak with him,” he says before turning to go back to his room.  “Loki, wait!” You blurt out. You don’t know, why you said that. You didn’t think. He stops and looks at you.  “I don’t want to speak with Thor…” you mumble, hoping he’d get the hint. Loki furrows his brows at you. He doesn’t get the hint.  “I don’t care, where Thor went,” you continue, taking small, shy steps towards Loki now. Your heart is beating fast, threatening to break out of your chest. 
“I don’t like Thor,” you admit shyly when you stop in front of Loki. But he still doesn’t understand. He only looks at you confused. It becomes harder and harder for him to hide his sadness from you.
You sigh and pull him down to kiss him on the lips. Your hands are holding tightly onto his shirt. At first, he is surprised, but he soon kisses you back, deepening it as his tongue licks your bottom lip. You grant him access and moan into his mouth when his tongue invades your mouth. His lips are soft and they move skillfully against yours. Finally, you pull away, breathless from the kiss, but still, hold onto his shirt. You blush deeply as you stare at his shirt, not daring to meet his eyes. He grips your chin gently with his long fingers and makes you look at him. He looks at you affectionately and smiles at you. It makes you feel warm inside.
“So it’s me you like?” he asks.
“I have always liked you, Loki,” you confirm. “I mean, you must be blind not to notice, how I look at you,” you tease him. Loki smirks at you.
“Oh, I have noticed! I just …” he pauses and his expression turns solemn again. You know exactly, what he is thinking about.
„Forget, what Thor said. If any of us is unworthy of the other, it is me. I mean look at you! And look at me.” 
“I am looking at you and I am rather enjoying the view,” Loki smirks, eyeing you up and down. You blush profusely.
“Oh, how I love, when you blush, minn kœrr,” he purrs and kisses you again.
“Are you going to tell me, what ‘minn kœrr’ means?” you ask when he pulls away.
“It means ‘my dear.” He smiles at you and cups your cheek. You feel warmed by the term of endearment, but instead of kissing him, you wrap your hands around his body and hug him. You feel Loki pulling his fingers through your hair and kissing the top of your head. It feels good to be in his arms.
For a moment your mind goes back to Thor, he would find out sooner or later and he’d be heartbroken. But you don’t really care.
All you care about is Loki. It has always been so. And now you know that he cares about you too. 
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