#there's some good in this world mr frodo and it's worth fighting for
sunflowerbloomss · 1 year
in all seriousness the last march of the ents & the whole ending of the two towers is like. truly in my top 5 cinema moments. it's about the love it's hope it's taking grief and not letting in drown you it's trust in other people like the last 15-30 minutes of the movie are what lord of the rings is all about return of the king is the conclusion of love and hope but the two towers is to have these even at the lowest, hardest point in the journey. this sequence is truly the best this franchise has to offer
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damnprecious · 3 months
don't cry over samwise gamgee challenge failed spectacularly
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plutoniumpossum · 8 months
reminder for current events
Despite all that is terrible happening right now, i'd like to take a moment to remind myself that since my eyes are open to witnessing all the horrors in the world right now, that they might as well take a moment to look at all that is still good too.
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peppermint-rat · 6 months
I feel like I pushed through some barrier at some point because last year I wanted to die because of overwhelming empathy for the world's suffering and it does not hurt less now, in fact I let it hurt more, but it does not make me wanna die, it makes me feel alive
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random-jot · 2 years
People who watch Sam’s speech at the end of Two Towers and don’t tear up, or as I like to call them LIARS
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bubblesandpages · 2 years
Artemisia at multiple points throughout the book: People don’t hate me? People are nice? They share bread and pea mush??
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vosquitransitis · 1 year
it is beyond me how people will honestly compare the witcher and game of thrones/a skng of ice and fire to lord of the rings. no offence to the other two, they're not bad, they're good even, i enjoy them as well but. they'll never be her (lord of the rings).
and it's just not that lotr is objectively better, they feel so different from lotr to me. imo you can't even really compare them.
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im-no-jedi · 1 year
had a really really good session with my therapist today. life is a lot of things rn, and it has the potential to change significantly for me, and she was very encouraging about all it. she kept telling me how proud she was of the progress I’ve made and the steps I’m going to be taking in the near future. I needed that validation so badly.
I’m not gonna go into too many details, but I might be getting my first real job soon. it’ll be a work from home position with my own hours and working directly with my dad. it’s a dream honestly.
also, I asked my therapist about getting tested for my neurodiversity. she was very encouraging and told me about the process and even recommended me to one of the doctors at the place I’d be going to. I even told her the reason why I decided to finally take this step (thank you Tech 💙), and she thought that was wonderful.
I’m nervous but excited. I need this. I want this. I’m ready for it. bring it on \o/
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I'm not crying because my local bagel shop that closed during covid is reopening right around the corner from my house — you're crying!
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halfelven · 1 year
baby in front of me at store smiled and waved and then started wiggling with delight when i waved back 🥺💜💖💕💖💕💖💕💞💜
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curemoonliite · 2 years
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Just thinking about this antique violin I found at this shop in my hometown because it's from the 1870s and somehow it ended up here. We don't know how, but it doesn't matter because it's in one piece, half of its strings are still attached, and somehow after all these years, it's still fixable. Someone in a far-off time probably handcrafted this (look at the flower at the bottom, the way the wood is dark in the middle and light on the ends) with the intention of making their family or their customer's family happy through music, and it can still do that! All it needs are a few more strings, some tuning, and a bow, and someone can make it good as new. It just makes me think of that line from The Lunar Chronicles: "Broken doesn't mean unfixable."
Humans can suck sometimes, a lot of times, but they really went off with music, and antiquing, and preserving memories of the past for the future.
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butchboromir · 2 years
Oh God The Fucking. samwise
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aidenlove · 2 months
CW: suicidal ideation in relation to chronic pain and disability
Some days I don't want to be alive. That is not something I am ashamed of. I'm in pain all the time. Every minute, of every day. When I'm smiling, when I'm working, when I'm happy, I'm still in pain. It is completely reasonable, when it's so bad I can't move or hold a conversation, to not want that anymore. I used to beat myself up for that, but I don't anymore. Not for a long time.
However, I also don't talk about it. And I've come to feel that is a mistake. I see others going through it too and feeling alone. You're not alone. We're not alone. It is okay to feel this way. It's okay to want it to stop, to want out.
There are times I feel it wouldn't matter if I died, because in a way I already have. I was a young adult who played sports, who did martial arts, who studied the sword, who went hiking and swimming, who could play wrestle with friends and hold my own in a fight any day. That person is dead. That person is gone. And what is left...sometimes leaves me feeling empty and helpless and lost. It is common, when mourning the person lost, to feel there is little point in continuing as a shell, as a burden, as an inconvenience. There are endless posts and articles and friends and family who tell me that is not what I am. As though perhaps telling a fish it is a bird long enough will allow it to fly. It is okay to be angry about that. I love the people who offer me comfort and validation. It is okay to love them and be grateful, and also be angry that their comfort doesn't find purchase in my heart. That's okay.
I know that part of my hopelessness is the result of the society I live in. I live in a world where doctors do not take me seriously because to them I am a woman. I live in a world where my worth is counted by my productivity. We are taught if we do not contribute we are a burden. "Hand-out" is a dirty term. "Charity" is an act of benevolent shame bestowed on the less worthy. I live in a world where disabily is invalid no matter what your condition. If you are happy you are faking. If you are depressed or angry you are ungrateful. I live in a world where the bare minimum is seen as too much if it isn't "earned."
I'm allowed to be angry and disappointed and sad about that. I'm allowed to hate it. So are you. I'm allowed despair. I'm allowed to fear the system won't change before it kills me. To want to escape it.
I am frequently what is know as passively suicidal. If you're not familiar with that term, it basically means I am not actively making or planning any attempt on my own life, but if a truck was bearing down on me I'm not sure I'd move out of the way.
I have my own ways of coping. As evidenced by the fact that I'm not dead. They may not work for everyone, but they work for me.
When I am in so much pain I don't want to live anymore, don't want to go through it anymore, I spend some time talking to myself about the better moments. The person I was is dead, yes. But it wasn't a trade, it was a metamorphosis. My intelligence survived, my sense of humor, my love of reading and nature, everything that makes me the person I am survived. The ability to act on a lot of it is no longer there. But I can still make my partners laugh. I can still write. I can still make my children light up with wonder when I teach them about the ocean and the stars and the miracles only seen through a microscope. I still have that. I have the person I have built, not the one who was born. I have the moments I have made and those given. Giggles and sunsets. And that keeps me going. That keeps me alive.
I bear the pain, because I choose to live for giggles and sunsets. And I will never judge those who choose not to continue. But I truly hope you do. I hope you find your own moments, and hold them close so they bear you through. When things are darkest, I hope there is some person, or hobby, or passion, or pet, or dream that is enough to be your light.
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queer-boo-radley · 7 months
Lord of the rings two towers sam's speech
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samwwise · 1 year
when you watch the two towers and you get to the part where sam says “there’s some good in this world mr. frodo, and it’s worth fighting for” and you feel that rush of hope and you’re just like. you’re right sam. there is. there really is.
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