#there's some stuff that is generally true with an asterisk for the AU where it isn't
elysia-nsimp · 2 years
Welcome to my blog!
My name is Elysia (Eel for short), but Comet and Dove both work just as well! I’m 18 years old and go by she/her pronouns.
I’m an aspiring author, an artist, and chronically online /hj. I mean, I’m a lot more than just those but whatever works.
I have social and general anxiety, ADHD, anemia, and autism. There’s more but those are the big ones. I’m very open about that kinda stuff lol
I’m big into fandoms, I do a lot of work for whatever my biggest hyperfixation is. So anyone who also likes my current hyperfixation, please come chat with me! I love conversating with people! My current hyperfixation is Cookie Run: Kingdom
#eely rambles — me just saying shit that I’m thinking about (happens a lot, too much in my brain)
#eely draws stuff — some of my drawings and stuff. Some earlier drawings aren’t in here but oh well
#eely asks — for anything you leave in my inbox!
#eely’s writing — any writing projects, request or not
#eel’s moots!!! — posts regarding or including my friends!!!
#elysia has too many ocs — it’s true. Over 300. Anyway here’s where I talk about them. Please please plsase ask questions, oc questions fuel my existance
#cometyuusonya — specific tag for one of my ocs; she’s a Twisted Wonderland Yuusona
#Twst Alius Academy AU — an AU spinoff that resides within the Twisted Wonderland universe!
#Charles Duras — Tag for one of my absolute FAV Asterial ocs!!!
#Elysia’s Asterial — Tag for all things from my fantasy universe, Asterial!
Here’s a list of all the fandoms I’m relatively active in and will gladly take requests for!
Twisted Wonderland
Obey Me!
Cookie Run: Kingdom
Spooky’s Jumpscare Mansion
RBLX Doors
RBLX Bear (both Alpha and Asterisk)
Hollow Knight
Five Nights at Freddy’s
Slay the Princess
Trust me, this list will grow.
Twisted Wonderland Masterlist
OC Intro Masterlist
Comprehensive OC Masterlist (WIP)
My requests are open!
They pretty much always will be. Feel free to ask away, whether it’s about me, a request for writing, or if you just want someone to talk to!! I’m usually really nervous to send asks to people because of anxiety, so just in case anyone reading this is like me: I’m never gonna judge you for sending me an ask! I love interacting with people and it never bothers me. Feel free to ask anonymously if you’re nervous ^^ /gen
Rules for asks are pretty simple. I’ll go more in depth later but basically just be nice and respectful and that’s it lol
Check out my other blogs!
Uhh yeah I have some other blogs! Most are RP blogs. Some are canon characters some are OCs
@floydleechrp @minigloomurai @starcrossedmoonlet-rp @g0th1c-han4h4k1 @cherrypieola @snakewh1sperer @gloomyronin (I’m 🦋 Admin) @boatlover3000
Nice to meet you! Hope to see you again!
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victorluvsalice · 2 years
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And we complete Ship Meme February with this “Understand My Ship In 5 Minutes” meme, made by GibSlyThe -- this one’s actually from twitter, and you can find the original tweet here! As usual, some stuff has been covered in previous memes (height and age seem to be constants, and this one also has “gender” and “sexuality” like the previous one -- though you’ll see here for “sexuality” I went “okay, for readability Alice’s is just going outside the box” XD), but the newer stuff is explained in more detail under the “read more!”
The “Mark On The Line” Bars: This was a bit tricky, as I always wonder about the placement of my Xs on these kinds of lines and graphs, but I’m pretty happy with these. To take them one-by-one:
Big/Little Spoon: Despite Victor being the taller one, he prefers being the little spoon, as he likes to be held and snuggled like that. Similarly, Alice likes being the big spoon as she likes feeling like the “protector” of the little spoon. They can and do switch, but that’s their preferred set-up.
Lends/Borrows Clothes: I put these close to the middle as I don’t think there’s much clothes-sharing just on the basis of “I’m not sure they’d FIT each other’s clothes” -- though in a more modern setting, I can see Alice occasionally stealing a baggy hoodie from Victor’s closet, so she gets closer to the Borrows Clothes side.
Doesn’t Use/Uses Pet Names: Again, close to the middle as it isn’t too common with them, but they’re not opposed. I feel like Victor would be prone to it more often than Alice (usually “darling” or “love”).
Introverted/Extroverted: They are both introverts who don’t like being around lots of people if they can help it. XD Victor scores higher than Alice thanks to being generally socially anxious too.
Affection Through Words/Affection Through Actions: I put Alice a little closer to the “words” side, as she’s fairly open about saying how much she loves Victor, while Victor’s a little closer to the “actions” side thanks to the whole “his two main love languages are ‘acts of service’ and ‘gifts’“ thing I established in the very first ship meme. Obviously Victor can use his words and Alice can do things for Victor (”acts of service” is one of her love languages too), but this felt like their usual dynamic.
Confesses First/Waits For Confession: This one was a little tricky, because there’s not a lot of traditional confessions in my Valice stuff. . .but looking at the evidence, Victor is both generally the one to figure out his feelings first, and the one to express them first, however accidentally. While Alice, who has less experience with love and is demiromantic anyway. . .yeah. Victor gets the “blurted out without meaning to” confession, Alice the “holy shit so THAT’S how I feel about you” moment. XD
Screams About The Bugs/Squashes Bugs w/a Shoe: Victor only screams about bugs in an enthusiastic sense 99% of the time, so he goes closer to the middle -- Alice goes closer to the squashing side as she is not really a bug fan, and besides, she’s killed a LOT of Army Ants, Mechanical Ladybugs, Nightmare Spiders, and Samurai Wasps in Wonderland. (Yes, I know spiders are arachnids, but they can still be lumped in under the “bug” label.)
Drives The Car/Can’t Drive lol: Victor goes in the middle simply because I imagine he learns to drive in modern settings (hell, he’s Victoria’s ride to the Giovanni Mansion in “Londerland Bloodlines”). Alice, meanwhile, is generally out of commission during the time most people normally learn how to drive, and I’ve yet to picture her learning. Honestly, she probably doesn’t because she does NOT want to risk a Wonderland episode behind the wheel. Too much risk!
Can’t Cook For Shit/Makes Dinner: As I have stated previously, Alice does much of the regular cooking (when applicable -- aka when she eats and they’re not living with June), but Victor likes to bake. And he does help out in the kitchen with regular meals, so they’re kind of a dinner-making team. :)
Dislikes PDA/Loves PDA: They don’t torture people with it, but they have indulged (notably in “Fixing You” where Alice scandalized some ladies by daring to kiss Victor on the sidewalk), so closer to the “yes” side. Victor I imagine is generally somewhat more open than Alice about it (hell, him suddenly NOT being okay with it is basically a plot point early in “Fixing You”).
Overprotective/Chill Going: While they’re both independent people, they also both have some abandonment issues, along with those they love being threatened in front of them, so they tend toward overprotective. Alice more than Victor, as -- well, I believe I’ve mentioned what the Liddell fire did to her head. She’s NOT losing someone she loves again if she can help it.
Has more relationship experience/Has NO relationship experience: Alice has been in an asylum most of her life, and generally found the people who tried to hit on her in Whitechapel pretty repulsive. Romance to her is a foreign land! Victor generally isn’t much better, but he at least has the short amount of time he spent with Victoria and Emily (and sometimes more, like “Fallout of Darkness’s” Victor being married and in a secret poly relationship with them). It’s something!
[Blank] Levels: By contrast, these were pretty easy to fill in --
Horny Level: Yeah, neither of them are the horniest people. Alice gets a tiny bit because she’s grey asexual and thus under the exact right circumstances can want to get it on; Victor gets a little more as he’s allosexual, but he’s not a very horny guy by nature -- and growing up in Burtonsville with his parents and the looming presence of Pastor Galswells probably didn’t help!
Awkwardness Level: Okay, yeah, I think we can all agree that Victor, being socially anxious and not good with words, is pretty much made of awkward. XD Alice also gets a pretty high awkwardness level because spending most of your life in supervised hospitalization doesn’t give you that much in the way of social skills. She’s better than Victor, but she finds it hard to socialize with others, and her snarky sense of humor isn’t often appreciated.
Jealousy Level: And right back to low, as neither of them tend to be the jealous type (hell, they’re both poly if given the chance). Alice gets a higher level than Victor thanks to the green-eyed monster rearing its head a couple of times around Victoria in the Forgotten Vows Verse, while Victor never really gets jealous of anyone -- he’s more prone to slipping into self-loathing. Aw.
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babblydrabbly · 2 years
These Pages Burn Bright | A Bookstore/Mob AU | Three
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[ Graphic by reysorigins ❤️ ]
Pairing: Hitman!Takeshi Kovacs x f!Reader Characters: Takeshi Kovacs. Quellcrist Falconer. Alice. Miriam Bancroft. Elliot. De Soto. Mentions of Dimi the Twin and Konrad Harlan. Warnings: Language. Smoking. Wordcount: 4k [ A/N: Thank you to everyone reading this au :) ] Rating: General
Prev | These Pages Summary & Masterlist | My Masterlist | Next
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You get a bitter taste of Takeshi’s world whilst he’s away.
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There’s plenty to do around the shop, but never enough to truly distract you from looking up at the door every time the soft bell above it chimes.
It’s only been a week since you last spoke to Tak. You wrap up your experimental menu with a few asterisks beside some undecided choices. Alice isn’t a huge fan of coffee. She shrugs when you try to pick her brain about what she’d like to see in a cafe.
“You’re the boss.”
A charming sentiment. Her cool manner delights you, but you already miss having someone to play devil’s advocate. Someone devilishly handsome maybe. Someone who knows just what to say to irritate- generate- some new ideas.
You’re watering the plants around the store like you do every Sunday when you think of Takeshi for the millionth time. Think about his lips on yours. His careful but sure touch at the small of your back. You’re not sure if his sudden departure is what makes you keep replaying the way he said goodbye over and over again. But it’s certainly encouraging.
“Kit?” Alice calls from the register.
“I think that monstera’s getting enough water.”
Oh shit- You yank the watering can away from your poor plant, stepping back as a trickle carries some of the soil over the lip and onto the floor.
You suppose you don’t have to make any big decisions without a second opinion in the meantime. Tomorrow the store will remain closed, and you and Alice can enjoy a day off. Perhaps that will give you some respite from all the hot flashes you’ve seemed to be nursing  these last few days. You’re quickly grabbing a towel from the cafe area and coming back to mop up the puddle you’ve made when another customer enters.
A few gruff looking people wander in with their hands in their pockets once or twice a day, their interest in any new titles at the front clearly secondary.
One of them you’ve seen more than once. The tall man with a beard and a big coat is thumbing through a magazine by the gifts. You pause when he glances up right at you. When he gives you a knowing nod, he waits until you nod back at him slowly to return the magazine to the rack and take his casual exit from the store.
“Thanks, Elliot.” Alice calls after him dryly, not glancing up from the inventory list in front of her. You blink and hurry over.
“You know that man?”
She hums. “Yeah. Vernon Elliot. I’m friends with his daughter. Lives around here.”
“Have you been seeing him in here a lot?”
Alice shrugs, avoiding your gaze. “Lots of people wander in.”
“Right…” You drop the dirtied towel into the trash can under the counter absently.
Tak had promised you hadn’t he? You didn’t know what he meant at the time, but now it seemed there really were eyes on your store in his absence. You suppose you feel relief knowing his word’s been true. But a part of you really wished you knew more.
You wave goodbye to Alice that evening as she drives off when you swear, halting in front of your car door. You told yourself you’d take a stack of new books to start tomorrow on your day off, didn’t you? Already picturing where you left them by the register, you turn the key into the front door and hurry inside, the stack in sight just a few feet away.
You stuff them into your tote bag with some excitement, knowing you’re in for a treat soon. One of your favorite authors has a new book out. You have a date with a glass of wine, a warm bath, and the next in your favorite series tonight. Your mind is already on your lavender scented bubble bar at home when you turn abruptly and freeze.
“How quaint.” Says a figure in the doorway. You can tell from where you stand that it’s a tall, lithe woman, her voice carrying over to you with haute grace. She steps inside as a large man behind her closes the door. He remains outside, standing square with his back to both of you.
Miriam Bancroft smiles.
You can tell her long white raincoat and matching scarf are worth more than your entire wardrobe combined. She glances around the store some more before her light eyes fall on you.
“You’ve made quite a few renovations.” She notes.
“What do you want?” You can’t help it. Your voice comes out with a tremble, despite how much you wish you were calm. Your mind flashes back to the group of men that had intended to hurt you, just outside that door. The street is dark outside now; you wonder how many more people are out there. If they’re there to hurt you or help you.
Miriam runs a gloved finger over one of the display tables before bringing it up to her face. She examines it idly before speaking. “I was curious. The last time there was so much buzz about this building, it was because there’d been a massacre.”
She says it so easily and cheerfully. Your stomach drops.
“I know that.” You say.
“No.” Miriam tuts. “I don’t think you do. Not unless you know who Konrad Harlan was. And I’m quite sure you don’t.”
When you say nothing, the woman happily continues. “The Harlan family used to own this half of the city, you know. This block was the last spot he ever controlled, before another group came and took it from him. Quell Falconer. I believe you’re well-acquainted with her second in command.”
You scrunch your face in confusion. “Fine, I don’t know about anything you’re talking about. And it’s none of my business. I’m just trying to run my store. I’m not here to pick sides, or whatever it is you people want from me.”
That seems to amuse her.
“The last owner of this property said the same thing. You’re going to have to align yourself with someone, I’m afraid. Or you may just end up cutting your lease short. Falconer’s brazen disregard for how things work in Bay City have truly rocked its lower rungs. I can’t imagine how many ambitious gangs have their eyes on all this freed territory. My own interests could use a new neighborhood, if you ever feel inclined.”
You watch as she slips a small card from her purse and sets it down atop the table beside her.
“When you call me, I’ll be sure to compensate you generously for all your trouble. Don’t you worry. And I’d ask Mr. Kovacs a little more about his boss. Before the current carries your little book shop away.”
She couldn’t have been in your store for more than five minutes. When the bell chimes behind her, you wait until she and the man’s car drive away before releasing the bag of books in your hand. They drop from your white knuckles to the floor.
You stumble on shaking legs over to the front door and turn the key, locking it. You yank on it several times rashly with a whimper. Locked. Make sure it’s locked. Anything to put a barrier between you and the dark street outside as your heart pounds in your ears.
Takeshi Kovacs doesn’t rush jobs. He’s been patient these last few days, tailing this group of idiots who think they’re the epitome of stealth. They’ve been moving at night, and in the day, Tak waits. And reads.
His mind is never on much else during these lulls. In fact, it’s much easier to not think of anything else at all when lying in wait. But he finds himself thinking of other things as Dimi’s men fuck around and give up their location with relative ease this time.
He’s burned through a lot of stories in these last few weeks. But what nudges at his mind the most unexpectedly is how they seem to stick with him long after he’s finished. He resonates with all the darker parts of every story- of course he does. He saw himself in the men on many pages, their internal struggles often his own. But it’s also much of the pastoral, mundane spaces in between the words his mind lingers on. Of romance, in both senses of the word.
He thinks of open fields, like the ones he grew up running through. Of good food and warm drinks- but not with the kind of opulence he tended to detest. What did the concept of comfort seem to invoke now? It’s been so long since he gave a shit. Tak let’s his attention drift willingly. And with a flitting game of word association he seems to keep playing as he stakes out- the results keep turning up the same.
Comfort. Warmth. Warm eyes. You. Open fields. Open smiles. Ease. You. Your street. Your store. Your face. You.
Takeshi doesn’t rush jobs, but tonight is certainly an exercise in ruthless efficiency. Years of training lets him pause his distracted musings. He tucks away the swell of thoughts he can hardly carry in his arms without spilling lately, for now. He leaves one Dimi brother alive as Quell has instructed him to do without question and cleans up. It’s nearly dawn when Tak returns to Bay City. He’s already messaged her, giving him some time before he has to return to her office.
And the moment he senses he’s near to a piece of you, Tak finds his hands guiding the steering wheel toward Songspire rather than home first.
He’ll just check on the front and make sure everything is as quiet as it should be, he thinks. You won’t be opening today regardless, and Tak has to push down the disappointment that he won’t be seeing you for another day or so.
The thought crosses his mind that perhaps the two of you were at a point he didn’t need an excuse to see you. He often wonders what you do on your one day off; he could have access to a lot of your personal information because of Quell’s growing dossier on you. But rather than take it, rather than risk affecting your trust, Tak has abstained from prying this time. One day soon you might think to tell him just how your neighborhood looks- how it makes you feel. Another little story you could share with him first hand. One day you might give him your personal number freely, trusting him to connect with you even when you don’t need something from him.
Tak shifts in the driver’s seat of his car as he waits for the light to turn green. His mind once again flashes to kissing you in the rain- how he wants to do so much more to you. With you. Your slow growing affection was like the books you were prescribing him. Before you, their lengths and wordy descriptions were like the opposite of Takeshi. Where he was quick, efficient, thoughtless in so many of his daily actions- you were making him slow down. Not a punishing stop and go, but the fluid weaving of a story between him and you.
Your trust was becoming a real priority to Takeshi, he suddenly realizes. It’s a warning and a thrill all at once.
Tak turns the corner onto Quell’s block and for the second time in a couple of months, the sight of your car parked outside your own shop fills him with unease. He pulls over onto the deserted street and gets out; the unease growing into alarm as he approaches your vehicle and notes the condensation collected on all the windows. He places a hand on the hood and removes it right away. Ice cold. It’s been parked here overnight.
Tak moves to the darkened front door of Songspire swiftly. He yanks on the handle and swears when it’s locked. Why? Who let you leave here on foot? And where were you now?
He’s pulled from his dozens of macabre scenarios when your head suddenly pops up from one of the sofas inside. The clatter he’s made has startled you awake, and you peak groggily from the back of the chair against the harsh white light now coming through the windows. You shield your eyes.
Takeshi’s hard stare dissolves in an instant. You spent the night? He huffs.
Tak wonders if you’d lost track of time down in the used stacks and decided to rest your head by the fireplace. He’d always joked about it; if you’re in charge of how long the store stays open, why not just make it a 24/7 hour bookstore? You practically live here.
He offers you a smirk as he watches you sit up and waits for you to pad over.
When you don’t, Takeshi’s brow furrows in confusion.
You get up to stand slowly, crossing your arms over your chest. He notes the timid posture and realizes you’re not even looking him in the eye.
Then you glance up. And something about the way you just stand there makes his blood run cold. You’ve never looked at him that way. Not even when he’d violently pummeled several men in front of you.
Tak’s jaw clenches. He stays calm as he stares back at you and knuckles on the glass softly a few times. A silent question. Why aren’t you letting him in?
Eventually, you seem to make the decision and make your way to the door. Every slow step fills the hitman with an unfurling ill ease. You lift your hands to the lock, and Tak can see you miss the keyhole, your fingers are trembling so visibly. You unlock it and draw your hands away again, tucking them against your sides as you revert to your defensive pose.
It takes every bit of composure Takeshi has to not throw the door open. To not barrel inside and demand what’s wrong. If you were hurt. If someone tried to hurt you. But also to demand why you were looking at him like that.
You flinch away, even when he enters soundlessly. Tak thinks his teeth might crack from the pressure of his own jaw, the way you take a wary step back. You stare down at the floor.
“Kit,” He finally says. As gently as he can muster. When he steps up to you again you remain planted. And when you still refuse to say anything, to just look at him, that something cold in his blood runs even icier.
Dread, he realizes. Dread that your face will never change back to the way you normally looked at him these last few weeks. That his truth has set your tender face in stone. How could he have been so fucking stupid? You were always going to find out about Quell and the envoys. You were always going to find out about him.
He can’t help it. Tak reaches for your chin tentatively, pressing his forefinger beneath it until your eyes draw up to meet his. His voice is so quiet you almost have to read his lips. “What happened?”
You look at a loss for words. Tak lets you pull away and swallow thickly.
“I just… couldn’t go back outside.”
“What happened, Kit.” He says more firmly, but still carefully.
“There was a woman.” You try to explain.
Fuck. Tak thinks. Quell. She said she’d wait. She gave him her word. Tak’s mind races as he tries to gather as many reasons- as many excuses- as he can to explain himself, but you continue instead.
“She said her name was Miriam.”
You turn and take the business card you left sitting on the display table all night and hand it to him carefully. Tak sees red as he crushes the familiar Bancroft family emblem in his palm with a sneer.
“She came here?”
“She said-”
“Who else was here? There should have been someone here.” He grits.
“There was… a man with her? I don’t know.” You reply dazedly. “She told me a lot of things.”
To say Takeshi wanted to hit something was an understatement. The frigid feeling coursing through him soon melts away to something white hot. He takes a step back from you with agitation, his hands on his hips as he tries putting a cap on it in front of you. He anticipated plenty of people poking their heads where they didn't belong. But a Bancroft on Quell’s block? In your store?
“What did she say?”
But you’re not looking at him. Tak’s pacing has left you standing in view of the front door again. The distress that takes over your features, bordering on terror, makes him whip around immediately.
Quell Falconer is waiting outside, several more cars and their matching lieutenants now lining her block. She’s arching a brow at Takeshi’s unexpected presence, her silent curiosity palpable.
Alice stands beside her nervously, looking apologetic to both Tak and you, her copy of the store key in her hands.
Elliot and Poe watch with interest as Tak shifts from the sofa, to beside the hearth, to the register- all as he pulls one impatient drag of his cigarette after the other. He’s already had about four in your store in the last thirty minutes, and why not? Takeshi scowls down at a pink porcelain unicorn figure poised beside the cash register, an innocent sign saying ‘Thank U for Reading’ hanging from it’s neck.
She was clearly punishing him, Tak thinks vehemently. He had interrupted Quell’s little impromptu meeting with you and now she was making him wait outside your basement office. When he should be in there, mediating, like he had asked of her.
Takeshi exhales slowly, loudly. Poe and Elliot exchange glances.
“Would you like anything, Kovacs?” Poe pipes up, almost cheerfully. His go-to when the tension was high. He was their supply officer, after all.
“Yeah, I’d like for everyone to just shut the fuck up. I don’t want to hear how any of you let a fucking Bancroft into this fucking store.” He all but snarls. He glances over at the fireplace, baring his teeth. “Don’t fucking touch that.”
De Soto pulls his curious gaze away from the mirror atop the mantle, his fingertips centimeters from its gold leafed frame.
“Would you calm down?” Elliot finally asks. He’s unshaken when Takeshi instantly moves toward his spot on the couch.
“Calm down.” Tak repeats. His breath, laced with smoke, puffs in the other man’s face. Elliot rolls his eyes and waves it all away.
“Bancroft’s guy had our shift changes clocked. He put Miriam Bancroft in the store and pulled her back out before any of us-”
“Is that an excuse?” Tak spits. “We’re falling asleep during the changing of the guard now?”
He straightens and glances over at Alice, who sits behind the information counter. “And what about you? All you had to do was make sure she got into her goddamn car every night.”
“I did.” Alice snaps back. “Her hand was on the door handle when I drove away. You know she always wants to make sure I get home first. What do you want me to do? Shove her in the driver’s seat?”
“I want to know when Quell’s top brass got so sloppy.” He retorts, turning back to Elliot. The soldier stands, crossing his arms over his chest. He’s one of the few who ever square up to Takeshi. But there’s a quiet understanding in his face that at the very least gets Tak to lower his hackles for a moment.
“I get it. You don’t want this woman getting hurt.” He murmurs. He takes a step further, his next words for Tak’s ears only. “Between you and me, I have a feeling Quell wanted to see how far Bancroft was willing to step foot inside her territory, Kovacs. We were told to just watch most nights.”
Tak’s nostrils flare faintly, his Adam’s apple bobbing. He pushes his cigarette between his lips again without another word, his temper at the other envoys quieting. For now.
You remain in your office with Quell for another thirty minutes or so. When She leads you back up the basement steps, your stiff figure trailing behind her, Takeshi stands up from the sofa immediately. Quell’s eyes flicker to his with a small smirk. Alice bids you a quiet goodbye as all the other soldiers file out of your store.
Quell stops beside her hitman.
“She’s all signed.” She informs him with pleasure. Tak’s face stays neutral in her close proximity. Still, her gaze searches him. There was very little he could hide from her. “Now you don’t have to sneak off just for a visit.”
“What are you going to do with her?” He grates out. She chuckles at that.
“Takeshi. Look at me.”
He acquiesces, throwing his glare at her.
“It’s just a protection fee contract. She’s promised me nothing else.” Quell assures him. And Tak knows better than to take comfort in her tone- not when there was so much more to gain.
“I’m sure she’ll be more willing to work with me in the future, though.” She adds with a knowing look. “Patience, patience.”
“She’s not cut out for this.”
“Give her some credit, Takeshi. I know you like them with a little bite.”
You linger by the fireplace as Takeshi sees Quell out, finally leaving the two of you alone together. He locks the door, but stands there at the front with his hands in his pockets until the street empties of his colleagues once again.
His movements are slow and careful as he takes a seat beside you on the sofa.
Should he start with the truth? Would it make a difference if you heard it from him? Between Bancroft and Quell, he can’t imagine the picture they’ve already painted of him. He knows Quell has broken down her operation to you, like she has for all the other store owners on the block. You were one of them now. So why doesn’t the bile in Tak’s stomach want to subside?
The relentless buzz of dread suddenly quiets in Takeshi’s mind when he feels your soft grasp curl around his hand.
You look up at him. And the weight on his chest lifts somehow.
“I missed you.” You say with a small smile. Takeshi freezes when you lean toward him, meeting his lips chastely. Your kiss is as gentle as your hand on his, lingering for a few moments before receding. Takeshi pulls both his lips into his mouth, chasing the taste of you before it disappears again. His eyes open a moment later with mild surprise.
You give his hand a squeeze and exhale, a little embarrassed now. “You were only gone, what? A few days?”
“A week.” He replies without missing a beat. He returns your grasp. “Felt a little longer, though.”
You snort softly as you roll your eyes. The tilt of his smirk makes your heart flutter as always. “Very funny.”
Takeshi takes his time as he starts a fire in the hearth. He rolls up his sleeves, uncaring about the soot on his knees as he brushes out the old ash. You wander off as he stokes the new flame, and when you return you place two mugs of hot coffee onto the low table.
It all happens without explanation. As much as you coveted prose and dialogue, there was no need for it for now. Everyone around you had been talking at you all morning, and all you really needed at the moment was a little comfort. When he returns to your side on the sofa, you hold your arms out for him with a tired smile, and Takeshi lowers himself into your embrace without needing to say a thing.
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Grace, i really enjoyed/still enjoy reading your fic feat. britney spears LOL --- this fic is a treasure...! but i'll save my rants for comment section on ao3. why i'm here: i'm about to start on your western au, but i'm not familiar with the genre so my question is, do you have any list of movies/shows that might help me visualize while reading it? also, check your kofi page >:D
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Oh my goodness YOU ARE TOO KIND AHHHHH !!!!!!!!Thank you from the bottom of my heart !!! Omfg I was in shock when I saw this message I am in such gratitude and I’m kissing you as we speak 🗣
I’m so so glad you enjoyed the fic and I hope you like RNR too !!! Western films are all over the spectrum and they’re often about revenge, community, and fighting corruption (those are the best ones IMO) Classic spaghetti westerns are still considered some of the best films ever made for a reason but they can also be super long, with little dialogue, very dramatic, very gripping and violent. The land around the character is always a character itself in these stories, def one of the tenets of the western genre, BUT…… it’s a nonsensical white myth that the ‘frontier’ was untamed and uncivilized, and it really functions as revisionist history in the worst way sometimes. As usual, media affects and reflects our reality and history, but people have to create that media, and most of the people creating these, Wild West, empty frontier, battling with ‘scary tribes’ films were white men (or Italians..) who wanted and needed people to think the west was empty, uncivilized, and needed to be protected and claimed by white people.
Writing RNR has led me to learn so many new things and I think once you get interested in the time period and keep digging, you will learn so much you might have never been taught in school or seen in a movie. But I also keep in mind this time period was not that long ago and what I can research for fun is real shit that still affects people today. When you start thinking about the horrible genocide, displacement, murder, and slavery that America was founded on, the western genre starts looking pretty… out of touch, honestly. The experiences of both enslaved and free Black people, Mexican people whose land we were taking, and Chinese immigrants who basically built the railroad system that allowed more travel to the west- they’re pretty much completely ignored in this genre, and Indigenous tribes are very cruelly represented, if they are at all, despite the objectively horrible way white Americans treated (and treat) them. And forget about gay or trans people! I would love to see WAY more films/media in general that really centers the people who weren’t lone gun slinging womanizing white cis cowboys (also a myth, most cowboys were Black or Mexican, and they were frequently, secretly fond of each other) so if anyone ever has any recs….. please drop them to meeeee!!! I heard The Good The Bad and The Weird is a really good non-American western, that’s next on me list. That being said here are a bunch of movies I’ve watched that influenced me in some kinda way. They’re not all ‘great’ or historically accurate but….. neither is RNR LOL. Posse for example is pretty infamous for that but it’s totally worth a watch for its story about Black cowboys! And you’ll also notice a trend of like, the white savior and ‘noble savage’ stereotype if you start watching westerns. Hostiles is a good example of this, I think they wanted the story to be inclusive of the Cheyenne Nation POV/history but then they should have actually centered those characters instead of the white people trauma but I digress……I put an asterisk next to the ones I personally think are most accessible as far as plot/general vibes. I’m not like endorsing these all as Amazing Historical Films obviously but here they are!
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(I put Seven Samurai on there as it is formative in general if you haven’t seen it yet. I think I was also watching a lot of Westworld when I first started writing RNR, and that has some beautiful settings and costumes, [I deleted a long rant about westworld here lol], and True Grit was actually the film that set off my whole RNR writing experience.)
Many western films or what we think of as the ‘wild west’ time period overlaps with the American Civil War. A lot of people point to the Ken Burns doc as the definitive place to start and I certainly watched it in school but again, it’s a very white man-centric doc and even actively sympathetic at times to the Confederacy so.. don’t bother with that. This article discussing it is worth a read.
Honestly, scrap this entire list and just watch Blazing Saddles. It will explain everything.
Some other good resources to start with
Read about BASS REEVES!! The legend - the Lone Ranger!
Western Violence, Law, and Order
What Wild West saloons were really like
How did westward expansion impact the Native Americans?
Black Cowboys: the overlooked heroes of the west
The true origin of country music
We Shall Remain
The Forgotten Trans History of the Wild West
Ok this is getting super long but I hope that is a good place to start!!! Also here is my huge 350+ song playlist I listen to when I write, has a large mix of different genres and artists. You can also check out my rnr stuff tag or just the rivers and roads tag, I’m working on consolidating them into one but that’s where I sequester the vibes as I find them. ENJOY I LOVE YALL SOOOOOO MUCH
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incarnateirony · 4 years
Another DM oriented question.
So I’m continuing the path of, once I answer DMs, posting the results of the question for the room. I will continue to maintain askers as anonymous unless they choose to “DAT ME” again, like the last one, but sometimes these questions help other people have things “click.”
Here was the central question:
So about that, I saw you saying more than once that your DMs are open for people with questions, and I actually have one about a thing you wrote a few days ago. You were answering an anon who was comparing the "TFW splitting" ending to that of Fast & Furious 7, and a couple times you mentioned the philosopher's stones in relation to some of the characters getting them. I have absolutely no recollection of the philosopher's stones ever appearing in SPN, and I don't think I've ever read one of your previous posts where you talked about them in connection to the series. I tried googling it but came up short, probably because I'm very new to these things and didn't really know what to search for (mostly just found a bunch of Hogwarts!AU fics lol). So, am I missing something here? Could you please point me to some sources of information, maybe one/some of your older posts I might have missed? Thank you so much in advance! ^^
Okay so, if you track through my #pagan life tag, I've been breaking down the esoteric symbolism through the season; some of it is very overt--like using the Occultum verse from the Art arcana in the Thoth deck -- "loosely translated" as Castiel put it, in a way that removes a number of asterisks; others are somewhat more obscure, such as the putrefaction of the leviathan in purgatory (reduction, The Blackening, parallel to the shadow) that leaves room for growth into new (The Whitening, represented variably by the blossom or the moon). Some of these pathworks are told in quite literal forms, such as in my 15.11 post I had been talking about the next step being the moon leading us to the inner sanctuary of the soul and the sun -- and the son as Jack -- and a direct ray of light from the so/un being what saves the heart of the family, for example -- all of which became very visible in 15.13.
We even have Rubedo, the final stage and process before gold, in Rowena who threw herself into the red to take what she wants, and was reborn in red, telling them to fix it and claim what they desire.
(here’s that damn chart again, but I need you to look at this and recognize these are literally the process to making ones’ own gold, even if Chuck keeps beating on them that nothing gold can stay:)
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FUCKIN FAMILIAR? RINGING SOME BELLS? I mean hell if the Shadow and Blossom or whatever else don’t do it, I point to Rubedo and remind you that Rowena was literally unbirthing hell while throwing herself into it to take what she wanted.
This may be a roundabout way to begin answering, but absolutely crucial, as understanding these formative steps--Amara in Citrinitas, the Yellowing, the often lost and forgotten step leaving in identical frame to castiel walking out and taking the warm family light from the bunker with him -- on the processes the characters have been waxing and waning through. These processes are what make the philosopher's stone. Does other media cover it, yes. But honestly I feel SPN is doing it the most justice.
While some alchemists sought literal gold (as above, so below, if you can do it in involution you can do it externally too if you learn how to exert the right parts--see: the large hadron collider turning lead into gold before), the general essence of it is the growth from the Shadow (*hits the bell gong noise*) into the purest and independent self, but how even as the independent self, that self interacts with others to form their truest and greatest selves (such as the path of the Empress I speak of with Cas, she who carries the blossom, who feeds young from her own heart, who looks to the moon as a reflection of the sun that her emperor also represents even if in truth they birth the new aeon of Horus together).
The nativeness of gnosticism to SPN modernly is similar to christianity in S4-5, they are fundamental truths driving the show, but this involution of the characters is actually the true driving plot rather than an external revelations plot that the characters navigate through for their growth. Be that things as blunt as the occultum verse or the good ol "What Jack did wasn't evil, it was the absence of good" with the soul as the One True Good and One True Thing in this entire mindset, with life itself only a commentary on how to expand it, and its true place as god--with the demiurge and logos, or Chuck in our instance, being the often bungling antagonist who fancies himself lord because he made the playbox. Like. All of this.
So these fundamental steps and processes coming in and out across the many posts are actually stages towards the philosopher's stone or gold. These come in several forms: such as the cancelled union of 15.09 that Sam failed to carry out, or later the Occultum itself in 15.13. Both of these passed from our Emperor, to Empress, and then to the Aeonchild -- first Sam, then Jack, essentially united in this position together. The "Promethean Era", as Chuck even called it, prefaces the age of Horus, but it fundamentally aligns them one after the other. In this, Jack is our Young Horus, our sun, and the son.
There is a reason my meta is soul-centric. That is to say, since I keep drawing the connection of the soul and the sun (as gnostic stuff does unto itself), think of it as reminding people: The world revolves around the sun, the sun does not revolve around the earth. This also was once a hard mindset for people to grok, but if you take the fundamental reminder that he who has the most souls is god, collect the many things from my soul and heaven metas, and come to realize: Chuck's world actually orbits around the soul, not the other way around. In its fundamental structure, his world is nothing without souls. And I point to the many times I’ve pointed out the occultum meaning, with the earth being symbolic of both the physical world and the body--the body is just a vessel orbiting around the soul, but so too is the world.
But specifically in regards to the philosopher's stone question, the two instances visible are in 15.09 and 15.13, though I suspect we will have one further one. Also along the way I've banged on about the foreshadowing of our fusion of the elixer, which the Art Arcana itself that 15.13 quoted for the occultum itself represents--soul and grace if you will, or some representative mixture (heart of a man, blood of an angel, etc) -- these are our two halves for the union, called the union by which life exists, which also can be seen by the framing IN 15.13 of how Dean and Castiel stand in the shadow of Joseph and Mary as they pass the stone, where Jack is essentially immaculately reconceived.
The true verse of the Occultum is "Visit the interior parts of the earth, so as to find the hidden stone." But this needs a bunch of asterisks on it, because "earth" is symbolic of the body (again, as above so below) and the hidden stone is, essentially, the perfected soul. However, "hidden" in the latin verse is where the very name Occultum comes from, so Castiel's "Loosely translated, in order to be the occultum, the occultum must be in you," was a very succinct synopsis of this without having to take two minutes in asides explaining advanced gnostic thought on screen. But it was quite literally a passing of the philosopher's stone, the second in the season, and final attainment waits for us closer to the end with a truly perfected formula.
Hope that helps.
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Various plugin give-aways when buying hardware? Not knocking UAD but they’re not the only company that have deals for their users!
https://adventuretree611.tumblr.com/post/655962541203308544/download-auto-tune-evo-vst-for-fl-studio. Has Apple ever given away anything? Chris With all due respect I don’t think you’ll convince me that digi is exactly generous to their customers. I bought a 25k system and then paid for mp3 and OMF support My original point about TDM, was that it is a proprietary format that is tied to outdated hardware and is more likely to become extinct long before AU or VST. To try their plugs or just to know if it’s compatible with my system I have to buy a card.
UAD is not the “angel” company some would like us to believe it is. As (bleep)(bleep)(bleep)(bleep)ty as that is and I do sympathize , being TDM that kind of illustrates my original point. Amp farm anybody? I don’t disagree, but when it comes to marketing and customer relations, I much prefer UAD to digi. Not that they’re perfect, but UAD strives to be as compatible as they can.
Digi on the other hand strives for exclusivity. Mikey MTC , I mean why is Dave working with those guys and not a TDM developer? Maybe because TDM has a date with destiny? According to the UA video this is a pretty intensive model that might be too much for the current TDM cards. These complaints are all about TDM.
Wait a year or so and see if UA is the only company you have these complaints about then. WHERE are you getting your “facts” from????? Why wouldn’t they?? Then how do you explain waves’ netshell stuff being RTAS compatible Why ALL of them would rather have to work through bugs in the fxPansion wrapper and put asterisks on their marketing materials. Digi has never, not once, gone on the record as to why they are refusing these licenses.
The Waves accelerator thing I think goes through the WaveShell which is in effect its own wrapper. I don’t think Digi can block it, and Waves has quite a bit of muscle for historical reasons.
Aha, you are hot on the trail! Denying the RTAS license digi is trying to do what now? Get them on the record. I never was able to.
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fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
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FIRST: Alternia or Beforus or some type of AU?
Name (preferably include how you came up with it and why):
Arimus Psyurb. Arimus is from maritimus the species name for polar bears and Psyurb is P—-B for polar bear/lead Pb and the –yurb for herb (pronunciation wise). The last name needs work maybe.
I feel like…the bear part tracks but I’m not sure I follow about the lead/herb part? I fffeel like the lead part is doable but I reserve judgement on the plants thing.
8 sweeps(17 human years)
Strife Specibus:
bat-kind. I was thinking claw, but a bat works because she’s a sylph of void and bats can be used to give people amnesia (just like a sylph of void can remove peoples memories). And the symbol kinda looks like a baseball diamond.
…is it important that it’s a baseball diamond because of the bad news bears? I would really like it if that’s the case.
Fetch Modus:
Tangram Modus
The cards are stored like normal until want to remove an item. When you go to remove an item, it spits out a tangram puzzle based on the item you want (ex. the item you want is an apple, the puzzle is shaped like an apple). When you solve the puzzle the item appears. It starts with 10 cards. I chose this modus because it relates back to the void aspect of her title.
Also tracks bc there’s a pretty well-known Bear Pattern to make with tangrams. If you want something to do with the lead theme, you can use an X-Ray Modus based off lead being used as radiation shielding, which would show the “skeleton” of an object on a captcha card for her to select.
Blood color:
#2F5EC6 Cerulean/Cobalt
Thaaaat looks just a little bright to me, so I’m gonna bump it down so it’s a little more in line with the ceruleanbloods we’ve seen.
Symbol and meaning:
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Ursa minor, the little bear. This symbol contains the northern star polaris which I relate to polar bears being in the north.
customAperture. She loves photography and the aperture is the hole that light travels through in a camera. She also creates a lot of crafts and loves to modify things she owns. Her symbol also kind of looks like an aperture on a camera.
I kinda feel like this one is a stretch. Photography doesn’t have much to do with lead or with polar bears or even with herbs. If I may suggest another hobby for her, how about painting, especially given that until recently lead was commonly used in paint for so long? Her new trolltag could be customAcrylics, because she mixes her own paint!
if a letter is useless or isn’t enunciated when spoken, it’s replaced with an apostrophe. Capitalization for the first letter of a new sentence after the initial sentence, certain full words for EMPHASIS. Fixes any grammar mistakes by using an asterisk + the misspelled word corrected. If I use an ’!’ or ’?’, I use it 4 times,
ex. “oh fuckin’ fuckity duck!!!!” “*fuck”
asterisks look like snowflakes and the 4 repetition comes from 4 legs and the love of the number 4.
Special Abilities (if any):
Heightened strength, but nothing too grandiose.
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Polar Bear (bigger than normal). PBD (polar bear dad) he hunts for food most of the day and sleeps for the rest. He’s protective of me if I’m in danger, but lets me stay independent/do my own thing the rest of the time.
Since you’ve made Arimus a girl PBD will have to become PBM for reasons I still do not fully understand. Also I still prefer lusii that have something going for them besides “him big,” so maybe give her tiger stripes as a nod to the origin story of the “Ungnyeo,” which further cements her as a mother polar bear.
A large cave in the middle of a tundra that’s far from most other trolls. It has rooms and other regular home things like lights and furniture, it’s just built in a large cave.
lazy, sarcastic, and awkward. Optimistic, but harbors some cynicism. Extremely loyal when bond is formed. Helps even when she really isn’t needed. She falls into the background and goes unnoticed a lot. Introverted and needs time to herself to recharge. Gets irritated if she’s asked too many questions. Gets angry when people don’t trust her when she says that she knows what she’s doing.
I think this needs to be a little stronger, and I was drawn to the phrase “Helps even when she really isn’t needed.” This is a little bit of what goes into “mama bear” types, and you can possibly have this play out with Arimus in the form of constantly meddling in her friends’ affairs for the sake of making them “better” (sound a little Vriska? It should!) You can keep most of the bio you’ve written with the exception of fading into the background! She can even be an introvert with all these characteristics, who nonetheless chooses to push herself for the sake of what she sees as an indispensable service to her friends.
She’s an amateur photographer. She loves botany, she has a herb garden right outside her hive (it grows well because of the sunlight where she is). Her love of botany stems from her love of chemicals and that her lusus catches enough meat and she wants to balance her diet.
I ssssstill don’t really see how herbs fit into all this. Like the Polar Bear ==> PB ==> Lead track is an easy one to follow, but the only way I can maybe make the herb part work is…peanut…butter? Peanuts are a legume and that’s a plant and herbs are also plants??? Furthermore, we have no reason to believe Alternian gardening works like Earth gardening, especially given trolls’ aversion to sunlight.
In addition to my earlier suggested painting, I can suggest a couple interests that line up both with the lead part and with her lusus! She could be a hunter who uses lead shot to hunt (and then needs to clean the corpse so her lusus can eat it). Lead is also used in modern day to weigh down diving belts, which she could use to dive along with her lusus (since polar bears primary hunt in the water).
sleep, her herb garden, video games, puzzles, polar bears, her close friends, and puns. 
I feel like video games is kind of generic here, especially since it seems like a lot of Alternia is into the hobby. What kind? Perhaps point and click, since it involves creating random stuff out of fusing it together.
work, high pitched noises, being alone, and getting too hot (being sweaty).
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(not sure what the rules on gt wings are)
Sylph of Void. She loves to help and fix problems. She’s often overlooked or ignored. She is an introvert and keeps a lot of secrets. A Sylph of Void would be one who both heals Void and heals through Void. They would be great at helping someone heal themselves by keeping secrets. Also, they would be able to heal through deception by telling someone what they want to hear.
Land of Luminescence and Fissures (LOLAF). I originally had the land of light and silence, but I felt it was too generic so I found words with a similar feel but a more specific meaning. The land is made of dark volcanic rock, and from a distance appears cracked and ready to shatter. From these cracks in the surface emanates a blinding blue UV-like light. The quest is still the same, which is that they can either seal the cracks for good, saving the consorts and trapping Nix in the planet’s core, or they can work to widen the cracks, face down the agonizing light, and confront the denizen themselves. (spoiler, they do both by working their way down and bargaining with their denizen to seal the cracks and warp back up).
OH I LOVE this
Dream Planet:
Prospit. I know most void players dream on derse, but I feel that her sylph side puts her on prospit.
I hope that covers everything, thanks in advance!
Yeah I like this character! I don’t know that you needed the herb part but between polar bears and lead I think you have a strong theme going!
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My redesign here is very minimal since she’s pretty well-sprited, so any changes are just minor suggestions.
Hair - I gave her a colorful stripe because until recently lead was used in hair dye to better seal it in!
Eyes - we’ve got a guide that says all female trolls have eyelash definition, which still seems to hold true with the troll call, so I added some. I kept 4 to go with your quirk!
Mouth - Give my gorls TEEF!!!! Give them big teeth she’s a BEAR SHE DESERVES TEETH.
Shoes - White still isn’t very common among trolls so I changed the colors around a little and added and accent under the laces
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