#hence why I spend some time explaining my choices
YOI-meta: Viktor's apparent insensitive reaction to Yuuri's love confession & what it might mean
There are several ways to read Viktor's comment on Yuuri's love confession depending on the level of his knowledge of the Japanese language and culture at this point in the series. While his words seem insensitive and blunt at first glance, plausible explanations for the choice the creators made here align rather with Viktor's character and the concept of the show than Viktor only caring about Yuuri's appearance in one of the most significant moments of their relationship.
So let's break this down!
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1. Language barriers
The press conference of the Japanese Skating Federation, where the skaters participating in the Grand Prix Series present their season theme, is broadcasted on Japanese TV for a Japanese audience. Hence, Yuuri speaks Japanese in this scene. By now, Viktor has been living in Japan for about 5-6 months, and while he possibly knows enough Japanese to get along on his own and communicate with Yuuri's family about basics like food or the weather, complex speeches are probably still beyond his abilities.
Besides Russian, Viktor speaks English and French, so we can assume he has a knack for languages. But whereas Cyrillic and Latin characters have some resemblances, Japanese has three different types of characters (hiragana, katakana, and kanji), and these differ vastly from Western scripts. Beginners spend a hell lot of time learning these in addition to vocabulary and grammar. It's not a stretch to assume that Viktor understood parts of Yuuri's speech but not enough to connect the dots. Like "here, Yuuri presents his season theme which is about love... Oh, I heard my name! He's talking about me now! ... Was that something about a gold medal and Grand Prix Final? That's my Yuuri! He's so fierce! I love this! But ugh, he really needs a new tie! That hideous thing doesn't fit his new image at all!"
2. Utter shock
That face...
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Looking at this scene, Viktor is either completely shocked because he didn't see this coming or trying hard to understand Yuuri's speech. While in my personal headcanon, language barriers keep him from understanding the speech, a person who is described as a genius and already speaks three languages might be able to follow the speech after living in the country for several months (I'm not sure about this though, but some people learn at lightspeed once they start obsessing over a subject). In this case, his reaction is a coping mechanism due to overwhelm. So far, Yuuri has said a few sweet things that showed Viktor how much he matters to Yuuri, but this is a whole new dimension of expressing affection, especially coming from someone so reluctant to voice their feelings. And while Viktor undeniably has been hoping for Yuuri to love him back, seeing his love confessing his feelings live on national TV is quite something to process.
Which leads me to...
3. Viktor doesn't take Yuuri's love confession seriously
This interpretation falls into the category of "Did we watch the same anime?" and I will briefly explain why using some past instances of Viktor's reaction to Yuuri using love language:
Episode 2 "I want to eat katsudon with you!":
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Episode 3 "I'm going to become a super tasty katsudon. Please watch me!":
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Episode 4 "I want you to stay who you are":
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We see the occasional confusion, which is attributed to the fact that Viktoir is still familiarising himself with Yuuri's unique way of expressing his feelings and desires. However, in all these scenes, Viktor is genuinely happy that he means so much to Yuuri. Although Viktor can be insensitive at times, he never mocks Yuuri, which speaks volumes about his character. Not even when Yuuri says things like "Katsudon is my eros!" It's not in his personality. So far, throughout the series, Viktor has helped Yuuri become more confident and express his feelings. As soon as he understands Yuuri's speech and has processed the meaning, he would burst with happiness because Yuuri loves him back and pride because of how confident Yuuri became. But mocking Yuuri for his necktie when he just expressed the full dimension of his feelings? Just nope. He's not JJ.
Bonus: Viktor's reactions after episode 5 (the pattern continues)
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4. The necktie is a metaphor
This interpretation came up in a Twitter discussion with @maetae2288 (kudos to her for bringing this up!) and it can coexist with interpretations 1 and 2. If you tell a story that needed to be condensed to 12 short episodes, you don't waste precious air time on throwaway lines.
For this interpretation, I would like to refer to Tumbleweed's translation errors master post. It's a super long post, so I quote the relevant part:
「 初めて自分から繋ぎとめたいと思った人、それがヴィクトルです 」 [...]'For the first time in my life, there’s a person I want to hold on to. That person is Victor.’ Also, while I think this word choice is the best choice, 'hold on to’ doesn’t quite get all the connotations of 繋ぎとめたい across. Tsunagi tomeru is composed of two words, tsunagi = bind and tomeru = stop. It means tying the subject to something and stopping it from going away. Since he added 自分から, 'from/by himself’ in front of it, it infers Victor being the first person Yuuri wants to reach out to and bond with, and with those bonds, bind them together so that they would never part.
I highly recommend reading the full post if you're interested in the linguistic nuances of translations from Japanese to English regarding Yuri!!!.
In his speech, Yuuri voices his desire to form an inseparable bond with Viktor (it's quite a lot like "stay by my side and never leave" if you think about it, although he uses a different vocabulary). Bonds are often symbolised by a knot. In this sense, the necktie comment would refer to the new bond Yuuri and Viktor will form henceforth.
It's unclear when Viktor learns Japanese love language and dating culture (you can read my post on Japanese dating culture in YOI here). In episode 9, Viktor correctly identifies Yuuri's (accidental) marriage proposal, but when did he brief himself on these things? In fact, he uses love language as early as episode 3 ("I love katsudon"), but was he aware of this? Whether or not he is, it's beyond doubt that the creators knew what they were doing when they gave him this line. In this light, his necktie comment suggests that he understood Yuuri's kokuhaku very well and gave a unique response that refers to their future bond and is true to his character. This is top-notch storytelling.
To sum this up, whether Viktor understood Yuuri at once and responded accordingly, or this line foreshadows that he will understand somewhere between episodes 5 and 6, his comment implies that they will start dating soon after. And we see the result in episode 6.
If you enjoy my meta posts, please consider giving my blog a follow or checking out my works on AO3(link in bio). You will find the results of my meta musings in there!
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Hello my love!! For the mistake prompts:
Miracle Baby by Nothing but Thieves + Dealers choice!
This is such a fun idea😮‍💨 Happy drabbles!
Wasting My Time
This drabble is part of JJ’s Mixtape - a mini series based on my followers’ favourite songs and characters. You can read more of them here!
Song Prompt: Miracle Baby
Pairing: Matt Murdock x reader (romantic, no pronouns used but disclaimer that this one feels more female-implied than others)
Word Count: ~1450
CW: Swearing, mentions of drugs, explicitly implied sex
Note: First, I love the subtle roast calling this a “mistake prompt” thank you Ella 😂 this song is so cool and gave me hazy dive bar feelings, and going-home-with-hot-stranger feelings. Hope you enjoy!
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Matt hated things like this.
His fingers idly tapped against the cool condensation blanketing the beer bottle on the bar in front of him, halfway torn between thinking about his trial in the morning and debating whether to go out tonight. Either way, he was itching to leave.
It was loud. The obnoxious kind of loud, not the kind where you could feel the appreciation for life and joy and merriment. Being dragged along to these stupid law school alumni mixers was the worst way to spend a Sunday evening. Yeah, you hated things like this.
But you’d just spotted the perfect distraction.
At your 10 o’clock. Tall, dark, handsome, sitting alone at the bar. Better yet, he looked like he’d rather be anywhere else but here, so, common ground.
You made your way through the masses, through the thick and clogged atmosphere saturated with terrible work-related jokes and the desperation to impress. Everyone else was in a sea of familiar faces but not you. You didn’t go to Columbia for law school. You only came because your roommate was too shy to come alone and promised she wouldn’t abandon you the exact way she did about five minutes ago.
Besides, you’d only lived in New York for three months and you’d spent so much energy settling into your dream law job that you hadn’t given much attention to making friends. Or to sex. But that was about to change.
Hence, the lone wolf at the bar.
After ordering some kind of sour cherry and lime cocktail with an over-the-top name, you settled on the stool next to the man. He didn’t acknowledge you and a quick glance at his walking stick gave you an indication as to why not.
“Let me guess,” you turned your head towards him and he looked your way. “Criminal law?”
He nodded, smiling with half his mouth. “What gave it away: the cheap suit, or the air of constant dread?”
You laughed, and the sound of it made Matt’s smile crack open. “You didn’t hand me a business card the second I sat down. And the lack of white powder around your nose.”
He laughed back, and you were successfully distracted.
His name was Matt, you soon learned. Past knowing he practised criminal law and that he graduated from Columbia you learned nothing more about his law career. You told him you were new in town, he told you he’d lived here his whole life, you told him you were grateful to meet someone so normal who’s been around forever and still thinks this city is worth staying in. He asked you why you chose New York and you said it just seemed like the right place to be. You couldn’t explain in. You blushed when you admitted it and your heartbeat picked up, so maybe you were doubting that decision.
He asked you about your hometown and turned his body completely towards you. You told him about it, about escaping on scholarship to Princeton, and your knees were soon gently resting against his. Somewhere throughout the course of the conversation, he rolled the sleeves of his white dress shirt up to just below his elbows. He took his time, made a subtle show of it.
You sipped slowly, Matt noticed; you weren’t here to get drunk. The citrus of your drink complimented the lavender in your shampoo, body wash, whatever the fuck it was that was the calmest thing in this place. It was clear you two were getting on well. So much so, no one bothered you.
Finally, he asked: “Where do you practise?”
“Nuh-uh,” you shook your head and pulled a knotted cherry stem from your teeth. “You and I are having a nice conversation here, Matt,” you chuckled. “All I do, all fucking day, is talk about law, think about law, breathe the fucking law-”
He grinned and held up an apologetic hand. “Message received.”
“Let’s talk about anything else.”
“Okay,” he held up that same hand towards you, putting the ball squarely in your court. “Shoot.”
You narrowed your eyes and twirled the stem between your fingertips. After a moment of contemplation, knowing very well where this may lead, you decided that this tall, dark and handsome distraction was worth the risky line.
“Do you think you could beat a grizzly bear in a fight?”
His eyebrows shot up but he didn’t stutter. “Excuse me?”
“No weapons. Pure brawn. One-on-one. Who wins, you or the bear?”
“The bear,” he waved his hand decisively. “No question.”
“Thank god,” you breathed in relief, nursing a smirk behind the stem in your fingers. His puzzled look was his question, so you answered. “Six percent of American men think they could beat a grizzly bear in a fight. Which means, there are about…” you looked around in a estimate head count, “four men in this bar who vastly overestimate their abilities.”
Matt bumped his eyebrows. Another question.
“I’m just making sure you’re not one of the four,” you said after another sip. Your glass was almost empty.
“Oh?” Matt cocked his head and found himself drawn in closer. “And why is that?”
You placed your now-empty glass down, letting it hit with a finality against the wooden bar. “Forgive me if I read you wrong, just seemed like you were searching for a reason to get the hell outta here too.”
Matt let your comment linger, and lifted the bottle to his lips to take another swig. He drained the last little bit and placed it on the counter next to yours. Your heart was beating pretty fast and you tried to calm your cherry-stained breathing, tried to look cool and collected. You wanted him, and you were the perfect distraction.
“You didn’t answer the question.”
Your breath in was shaky. Risky. No one else would’ve heard it.
“I’m just making sure I’m not wasting my time,” you said. “It’s not usually that fun, going home with a man who thinks they’re more capable than they actually are.”
He laughed once through his nose and pulled his beaten leather wallet from his coat pocket, placing thirty on the table to cover his beer, your cocktail and a tip for the bartender. “Trust me, sweetheart,” he stood and held his open palm out to you. You took his hand and left your stool with your coat and bag over your other arm. He leaned down, leaned in, so you could hear his husky promise over the sound of the bar. “You have no idea what I’m capable of.”
Sufficed to say, you had never met a more capable man.
His place was nice, his sheets were clean, he was strong and generous and attentive and that was a big problem. Because this was supposed to just be a distraction. A one-night thing. But it was hard to leave his bed at two thirty in the morning, it felt like tearing yourself away. And that was a problem.
Stay, he’d said. He had fresh towels, a toothbrush, he’d call you a cab in the morning after he’d made you coffee. I can’t, you said. On any other night you would have, but tomorrow was a big day. He understood, didn’t press the matter, and he called you a cab after wishing you a twenty-minute goodbye.
It was only at quarter to nine that same morning, when you were walking up the front steps with a takeaway coffee in hand, that you realised you didn’t have any way to contact him other than through your roommate, who might have his information. You didn’t even know Matt’s last name.
Matt thought about you as Foggy prepped the client in hushed whispers from the defence table. As he straightened files and pens and his personal voice recorder, he wondered when he’d run into you again. You’d been a good distraction. Too good. It was like you were still next to him, like he could still smell the cherry and lime, the lavender and honey and-… wait.
You settled next to your boss and put thoughts of last night out of your head, ready and focused to take on the day. It was a big one. For the first time since moving to New York, you were the lead on a case.
Matt’s mind raced as he listened to every whisper in the courtroom, and as he listened to them hush as the judge kicked off proceedings from the bench.
“Are we ready to begin?” Judge Wallace asked in a deadpan, looking straight to the defence’s table. Foggy stood.
“Defence is ready, Your Honour.”
From fifteen feet away, Matt heard the prosecutor stand. He closed his eyes behind his glasses and held in a sigh when he heard your voice say:
“Thank you, Your Honour. The State is ready to proceed.”
Oh… fuck.
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sonicboomseason3 · 2 years
Boom episode where Sonic needs to pay rent or something (idk he just needs money fairly quickly). He spends the first few minutes of the episode going to every single business in town, only to find that none of them are hiring. EXCEPT Eggman actually has a (paid!) internship opening. Queue Sonic getting the job, and barely restraining himself from punching Eggman every time he makes up some menial, tedious task for Sonic to do (Count every grain of sand on this beach! Paint the lair! Watch it dry, then paint it a different color! Go door to door handing out flyers promoting Eggman Industries!)
Eventually Eggman gets bored of this and attacks Sonic. Sonic destroys the robots, and it turns out that trying to kill your intern is a breach of contract. Eggman has to pay Sonic, and the episode ends with a return to the status quo
HELP? i can picture this actually happening like this is pretty much their dynamic in the boomverse
lemme add onto this and say that sonic probably owes money to meh burger because shadow overcharged him AGAIN and he'll be damned if he gets the money by washing their dishes so he has no choice but to work for eggman. then shadow shows up in the middle of this plot again and asks whats going on and when he has it explained to him, he very sincerely goes, "my condolences." its unclear if hes talking to sonic or eggman considering how much he fucking hates both of them separately. he does nothing to lift sonics debt either
oh and eggmans also annoyed because he really thinks sonics useless in the lab setting and wishes he got tails instead (again), hence why he keeps giving him nothing but menial tasks. the rest of the plot goes exactly as you said and sonic successfully pays for his fast food. no one knows where the money goes after that. omega probably shredded it all for funsies.
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grimescum · 6 months
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how to download canva elements without pro (2 methods)!!
made this for a variety of reasons. mostly because i hate using any program that isnt ibispaint 😭 i'm pretty sure the first one will work with any editing/art program, though!
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★ editing method
1. open a blank design from the "custom size" option. the size i used in both examples was 5000 x 5000
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that's WAY bigger than you'd ever need. a better size is probably somewhere in the 1000-3000 range, but i was just testing it out here
2. start fitting elements onto your canvas. be smart about it and try to fit in as many as possible! don't be scared to resize elements, the quality won't be affected
working with monochrome elements
1A. what you need for this method are pure black and white elements. not all of them are by default, but you can easily recolor some of them by using the color tab here
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the ones that aren't recolorable require using the effects/adjust/filter tools instead. i'll explain that in the "working with colored elements" portion since a good chunk of elements are already recolorable
either way, when you're finished, export it as a png!
2A. load it into an editing program of your choice. i personally use ibispaint, but i'm sure most art/editing programs have a similar feature
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press "clear white (color)" from the three dots near the bottom, and then you're done! all you have to do from here is save as a transparent png
working with colored elements
1B. you'll want to wait until the page is full before you start changing the colors this time. once you're done, save this version as a png, you'll need it later.
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2B. now, recolor what you're able to by using the aforementioned color tool. canva already speeds up the process if you have several elements of the same color. in my case, the 6 on the lower left could not be recolored. this is where the effects/adjust/filter tools come into play!
first and foremost: if you don't see the "adjust" option at first, tap "effects" and select duotone. you'll want the select the "mono" palette near the end to make this easier. once you've done that, unselect and reselect the element again. you should be able to see the adjust option now!
change the brightness, contrast, highlights, shadows, whites, vibrance, saturation, and clarity values to -100, change the blacks value to 100. this should work with most elements, but sometimes they're still too light, as pictured here:
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this is easy to fix by going back into the effects tab, then duotone, then "custom". change both the highlights and shadows to pure black (remember to make sure of this, btw! you can always edit this in post if you forget), and then you're done! export this as a png and open your editing program of choice.
3B. import both of the finished versions onto the same canvas. select the "clear white (color)" option for the black and white one, then "select opacity", then select the colored version and copy that layer.
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then you're done! note that the smaller the canvas, the more white artifacts you'll see around your pngs, hence why i made mine so big.
★ google docs method
this one kind of sucks to do. its good for getting the individual pngs in high quality, but its tedious, and some files will randomly corrupt for reasons i'm unsure of. i wont be spending much time explaining it as a result.
1. open a blank design. use the docs template. place in all of the elements you want (try to keep it at a relatively small amount— i usually had around 10-25 at once), and after you've done so, hit save. save it as a docx file!!!
2. open google docs and load in the docx file. you'll be able to view it without being able to download anything at this stage- that's okay!google docs should have an option to convert the file into a doc.
3. once you've done that (it took forever on mobile, i had to do it on computer instead), go to "save as" and choose the option that says "web page (html, zipped)". it'll save as a zip file with two folders inside. all you need is to unzip the one labeled "images", and you're done!
for more information (and pictures), check out this guide on how to extract pictures from different file types
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ginevra11 · 1 year
I don’t get why you getting all this hate. JK said Romione was a mistake she didn’t say Hinny was. She said Hinny were basically soul mates who understood each other, and Romione would have a lot of problems in their marriage because of their personalities. If people are still arguing over Hinny being right for each other they obviously didn’t comprehend the book properly. Harry doesn’t value being a coward or being a narcissist as appealing personality traits, therefore Draco and Snape are out. “But Snape did everything for Harry” No he did it for Lily not Harry. “Harry was obsessed with Draco, especially in the 6th book” No, he was suspicious of him and was annoyed no one was listening to him. The kid just lost his godfather the only family he knew. His freaken teammate/friend and best friend were hurt by Draco, and that’s not something Harry would forget. He was determined to not let anyone he loved get hurt again. He tried to inform the adults this time but no one listened to him and it annoyed the fuck out of him because he knew he was right. And guess what he was right! “Hermione was better suited for him” No she wasn’t. Harry was just too nice to tell her off at times. Hermione was always a sister and if you can’t understand that maybe read the book instead of watching the movies. They didn’t talk to each other for days when Ron left. When Harry and Ron fought or when he was dating Lavender he was annoyed because he had to spend more time with Hermione, which entailed studying. He was never able to open up to her and talk to her. If you read between the lines you’ll notice that. Ginny understood him and defended him. Even when he broke up with her she knew it was coming and understood why. When they were on the hunt she tried to steal the sword of Gryffindor for Harry, she was still loyal to a fault after he broke her heart. Don’t even get me started on how fucken adorable it was that Harry would search for Ginny’s name on the Marauders map and his last thought before his sacrifice was of Ginny, no one else but Ginny. He was willing to die for her so yeah sleep on that mate. She’s a “bully” umm she basically led the rebellion in DH to stop people of from being bullied/hurt by the Carrows and Slytherins. She put herself in danger to help others. After her brother died where was she? Outside helping a girl who was scared and hurt and comforting her. Oh yeah, that sounds like a big old bully to me. A bully who went with Neville to the dance even though everyone made fun of him she said yes, and basically told Ron she already had a date so she wouldn’t going with Harry (whom she had a huge crush on). Did she possibly do things when she shouldn’t have? Absolutely. She is hot headed, not going to deny that but she would never maliciously bully people like Draco or Snape EVER.
For all the Hinny haters let me explain it in a language you can comprehend:
It’s official. It’s locked, sealed and printed. And you can makeup whatever ending you want but guess what it’ll all be in your head because that’s not canon. Harry likes strong women with a fierce personality who are loyal so deal with it he chose Ginny and she was the right choice. Sorry for the rant, some of those comments just had my blood boiling.
I am terribly sorry for the late reply. I was packed with exams and a rough transition to an adult life.
Thank you so much for the wholesale ask. And the heartfelt rant is greatly appreciated. I pretty much agree with everything you said.
However, I have come to realise that Harry Potter is a treasured memory for a great number of people. People like it for its characters, for its story, for its message, for friendship and family but largely because it was a part of their growing up, their childhood. It is hence, very easy to relate one's personal life with the characters and experiences in the book. The variety of characters, shipping choices, analysis and theories about anything HP is a part of the people and their personal attachment to the series. The glorification of characters, of a ship or plotline, I believe, roots from personalized perception of the canon.
I try to 'ship and let ship' but not everyone is comfortable with the idea. Even within the hinny shippers we come accross a variety of opinions and perceptions. But sometimes people just don't want to understand or even acknowledge that not everyone has to share your beliefs. Mostly, the hate messages and bashing comments are a meh attempt to accomplish God knows what but sometimes it gets out of hand. The only way to harmony in this fandom is to stick to your characters and your ships. The others can be ignored and blocked. But the fandom is toxic and its methods are cruel.
Thanks for the excellent Hinny and Ginny defence. You have said all that I have wanted to shout at the top of my lungs. Hope to see the fandom being more mature in future.
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somewhatofablog · 1 year
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29/09/2023 - morning refresh
This morning, we had two sessions before we had our collaborative research workshop later that day. Since there's four small groups in our year group (only because there's so many of us lol), half of the groups were split up into two pairs. Which meant two groups would be in a class different to the other two groups. This just makes it easier for the tutors, I think.
I'm in group D, which meant I was in a class with other members of groups C and D. In this first hour session, our tutor went over the assessment framework for unit 5 and quickly went over what was expected of us when it came to creating the process book. Because unit 5 is such a short unit, I was already well aware of just how much time I'll need to spend on reviewing sessions, workshops, lecture notes and generally just starting on that process pdf.
Hence why this blog's been revived - I want to essentially almost blog daily on whatever it is I am working on for uni. So that when it comes to creating those process books, I can just come back to this blog and plop them straight into the books. My memory's also terrible, so I really need to stay on top of this whole documenting thing. Hopefully, I'll get used to this because sometimes it's weird writing up what happened and like, figuring out the writing style is a bit confusing at times. Anyways, I wrote some notes down as you can see above.
After quickly going through the assessment criteria, we all then joined up in pairs and basically criticised and analysed some of last year’s process books for this unit. We were all given A3 sheets that had about two pages from a 2nd year process book. We then had to look at it in depth and figure out why the presentation/composition/layout of the images and text worked well/didn’t work well and how these sheets could’ve been improved in our opinions. We had to consider colour palettes, font choice, compositions etc when criticising last years work. All four process books got the top grade (which is an A), yet they all presented their work in very different ways from each other. This portion of the session was useful for me in the sense that I can look at another person’s work and think ‘yeah, I could perhaps lay out my images like that too’. But it is hard to know how to properly present your work more clearly to others, when you’re more focused on trying to explain your experimentation processes and reflection to your peers and tutors(if that makes sense). Anyways, I know presentation is a weakness of mine and that’s definitely something I want to tackle this year within my work. I’ll have to play around with compositional layouts/designs and see what works well with certain projects etc.
The second half of the morning was spent taking pics of ourselves in colourful lights. I'm not actually sure why we took the pictures - I personally think we might use these photos for our next mini brief (can’t remember what it’s called lol). Other than that, was it to have a go at photography??? I’m not honestly too sure lmao.
The photography ‘studio’ was behind a screen/black curtains. Each table would go behind the screen and take photos. When it was our table’s turn, we got up and took photos of ourselves on someone’s phone, which was placed in a tripod (??? not sure if that’s what it’s called). We played with the HSI and CCT buttons on the LED lights and we got some cool colour combos out of it.
That was it for the morning. The afternoon was spent collaborating on our text analyses with each other, which I’ll write about in a separate post.
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ladystormcrow · 1 year
Oh wow, okay!
Years before I got into The Dark Crystal, Megamind, and most recently Phantom of the Opera, my online fandom of choice was SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron. I had a whole fan continuation series planned out that never got past the first chapter of the first fic, but one particular ongoing plot would have gone like this:
OC Carmen Cascabel, an ambitious and misanthropic biochemistry grad student, gets captured by Dr. Viper while out collecting field samples (and her fellow student gets killed by Viper's monsters). She manages to impress Viper with her scientific knowledge, and he decides to make her a henchperson rather than a test subject. She develops an infatuation with him (think Harley Quinn, but much less perky and without the fun costumes), and he has her convinced that when his plan to take over Megakat City finally succeeds, he'll turn her into a snake mutant as well and she'll rule by his side.
After one attempt to take over the city ends with Viper arrested and Carmen in the hospital (the Enforcers thinking she was an innocent bystander), she reconnects with some of her estranged family, and starts to consider being no-longer-evil. But in the end, she decies to help Viper escape from prison -- partly because during this time, she finds out she's pregnant by him.
Carmen spends the next couple of years torn between her devotion to Viper and the power he can offer her, versus wanting to keep her family safe from his plans, as well as trying to keep her baby daughter Reyna's mutant features hidden (she told her family the pregnancy was the result of a one-night stand with a married tom kat, hence why she won't contact the father). Eventually, she helps Viper with one last attempt to take over the city (it involves taking over the citizens' minds with mutated Cordyceps spores, TLOU-style), but they get thwarted by the SWAT Kats, and in the final battle, Viper gets killed once and for all.
Since Carmen was seen helping Viper during this plan, the Enforcers are now hunting for her, and her family turns against her -- there would have been a scene where she sneaks into her stepmother's apartment late at night, planning to take little Reyna with her when she flees the city, and her stepmother tells her things like "give me one good reason I shouldn't call the Enforcers right now", "what did you think would happen when you threw your lot in with monsters?", and when Carmen says she can't go to prison, telling her that that's where she belongs. The stepmother does let Carmen escape, out of love for Carmen's late father, but she also convinces her to leave Reyna behind in the stepmother's care, so the child can have a stable life instead of being on the run.
Carmen then disappears from the story, and the focus switches to Reyna growing up. Her snake mutant features become more obvious as she gets older, and she's fearful and ashamed of them, as well as for the things her parents did (Reyna herself is a sweet kid). As a teenager, she starts seeking a way to cure her mutation so she can be normal, and she manages to track down Dr. Zyme -- he survived the bacteria attack, but has been paralyzed and wheelchair-bound ever since.
Between his injuries and his guilt over the part he played in Viper coming into existence, Zyme has become reclusive and bitter in the last 20-some years. He doesn't want to meet with Reyna at first, but she's persistent, and eventually he explains that he can't cure her -- he destroyed all his notes related to the creation of the Viper Mutagen formula, so he couldn't come up with a cure even if it was possible.
Reyna realizes that, like Viper, she carries the mutagen in her blood. Zyme, now starting to warm up to her, accepts a sample, and together they're able to reverse-engineer the serum and get rid of the flaws that caused the snake mutations in the original formula. He uses the new, revised formula to cure his paralysis, and with a new, happier outlook on life, he takes Reyna as a student and assistant. Reyna's no longer ashamed of her mutation after seeing the good it can do, and she and Zyme form a father-daughter relationship (he's definitley more of a father to her than Viper ever was) and embark on a happy future of making the world better through science.
(Reyna also eventually forms a romantic relationship with Skyler, Chance and Callie's son, which causes a whole bunch of other awkwardness, but that's another story.)
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asachuu · 1 year
Part 1: is there a “perfect” ship?
[List of all parts]
To truly get to the bottom of everything in a sufficient manner, I have to start from the absolute beginning, a bit further from highly specific pairings for the time being.
This is a question you might ask yourself upon simply thinking about this topic and subsequently the BSD fandom as a whole, though it is not limited to any particular piece of media at all. I will give you a short answer: no. In fact, most of the time, you could find criticisms in any ship if you tried, and many of those could be completely reasonable.
Now then, if that’s the case, why have I chosen to point Rimlaine out as a topic of discussion? The answer will be much, much longer than a single word, and you might be surprised to find out that my personal interests in the subject aren’t the only reason, although it goes without saying I certainly know a bit more in this area than other parts of BSD-related content.
For me, the distinction between something I would overlook and something I would rather speak out against is entirely dependent on two factors— the actions of any characters involved in a ship, both when they’re together and standalone, and their canonical interactions. There will almost never be a pairing free of anything we would deem at least slightly unhealthy or simply a bad sign, action or behavior if applied to the real world, especially in media such as Bungou Stray Dogs, the main focus of which is most certainly not on depicting a tale of some pure, untainted romance. However, even so, a vast majority of ships will not be directly labeled as “unhealthy”, no matter who you ask. Whilst I do not speak for everyone here, if someone were to have me explain my own reasoning behind it, it would be the aforementioned— the way the characters spend time with each other throughout the story and the actions they carry out. There is a vast difference between two or more people talking to each other in front of the reader’s eyes, knowing from their words and behaviors they do not mean genuine harm to the other(s) nor is some greater issue at play, and in Rimlaine’s particular case, two people who could only possibly reconcile on shaky terms after one of them had died. Even here, I should be using the word “reconcile” in heavy quotation marks, but I will elaborate on all this later on.
I will provide an example, which, albeit heavily outdated at the time of posting this, will still help me envision this better in one way or another. I’m sure anyone who has joined the BSD fandom has heard of Soukoku— a pairing between Dazai and Chuuya. I would say it’s the most popular ship of the fandom, hence why I’m choosing it in case less involved readers may be here, but I have seen it receive some criticisms over time too. Now, let’s take a look at those for a little while, shall we?
(Important note for the next part: I personally don’t ship SKK and am not trying to “defend” it because of my own personal enjoyment, nor do I believe it’s anyhow healthy myself. Due to this, the following section is NOT going to be taking anything beyond manga chapter 65 into consideration, as the claims originated many years before it, and I would have to make a separate essay if I were to truly shine the spotlight on today’s SKK from my point of view. The main reason I have chosen this very shaky example is listed above— its popularity making it easy to see even without much involvement, and there was a point in time during which it would have made for the best choice to mention, that to which I’m returning for a handful of paragraphs.)
One specific claim I have seen go around a long time ago, far before Stormbringer had even been announced, was that this particular ship isn’t healthy due to Dazai leaving/abandoning the Port Mafia, which could have potentially worsened Chuuya’s mental state after everything that has happened to him in the events of Fifteen (and subsequently the following novel as well, yet that one didn’t exist here), and additionally their current situation being nothing but constant “rudeness” to each other. If you’re someone who has heard me talk about the entire topic of fictional ships before, you may think this is pretty much the reason I claim Rimlaine to be unhealthy. To an extent, it is somewhat true, but once again— there is a vast difference, one that does not require me to go into details about both ships’ situations. Dazai and Chuuya, even back then, were seen to interact in canonical events again, long since that has happened. While I do have a lot of reservations towards them today, especially in light of more recent manga chapters/story developments, I’ve always had at least some of those, but they still had one thing Rimlaine did not— the actual ability to speak to each other in the story again. Seeing as this was circulating around far over three years ago, it was also at a time this was all we had, but back then, we saw that the pair was able to work with one another from the time they spent together without any heavy, deeper issues, and this canonical time between them showed us more than any speculation actually did.
Now, a sliver of my personal opinion is that I see nothing healthy between two characters who constantly go on about how much they hate each other regardless of how genuine it is and how many times they are shown to supposedly “care”, with the majority of their onscreen appearances together being argument after argument, no matter how humorous it may appear to a certain audience— however, I am only mentioning this on a side note as it’s not something that seems almost hidden in the public eye, it’s practically the very core of the SKK dynamic, and due to how extremely obvious it is, there would be no merit in me attempting to highlight those actions themselves. Even so, this brings me to another point, which I believe explains why I’m using a ship with interactions like that as an example of something that differs from Rimlaine, and why I cannot take as much issue with it despite my own thoughts on it.
This is an aspect related to not only these two ships, but also any other works of fiction, which I do feel is a little bit harder to explain in words and could cause quite a lot of disagreement as is, however it is something which goes without saying for the vast majority of people who engage in such content at the same time. This being what we view as “wrong”, and from that point, what I meant by “deeper issues” above.
For many people, perhaps even yourself, it’s not a dealbreaker to see violence in fiction, whether that be movies, books, shows, etc. Now, I am not qualified to claim this as anything beyond personal speculation, given I am in no way a psychology major or anything of the sort, but I do believe it’s because we already know it’s absolutely wrong from our entire lives, which is a lot more emphasized upon. None of us would ever condone the actions of these characters, but seeing as they’re not real and their worlds or lives usually operate under much different, often highly unrealistic circumstances, that fact simply goes without saying and we are still able to appreciate their individual selves— additionally, we will not be the ones to go and carry out the same things as them for a multitude of reasons, be it basic morality, lack of any realistic circumstance in which it would ever be justified or expected, and so on. If that sounds rather strange to you when I put it in such a way, ask yourself this: how many people have you seen enjoy a character such as Dazai or Chuuya, respectively? Now, with that amount in mind, how many of those people explicitly talk about not supporting their actions whatsoever each time they make a post about them? The amount is significantly smaller, right? It’s not because they don’t think those actions would be wrong in our world or they’re outright excusing them, it’s because it’s already established from the place of common sense, and due to the characters’ fictional nature, there are many other interesting things to focus on rather than their crimes and transgressions, which are also often a part, if not the full narrative of the given story, being fully guaranteed to be a feature of their lives from the start. This, however, gets far more complicated in other issues, which will be relevant down the line.
Just as with everything in the world, there are some instances which are deemed more “controversial”. As many will have vastly different opinions on where to draw the line, myself included, with this point being an extremely nuanced one that is simply impossible to properly condense, the following is my shortened perspective only.
Nevertheless, the term I used can apply to far more subtle things which many may not even notice the first time, but they mainly come in the form of content which perpetuates already prevalent harmful thoughts or behavior that is not deemed “straightforward” or “significant enough” by quite a large number of people. I’m positive many folks have seen such things centered around social issues online, for example, and I’m sure almost everyone has encountered it in some way, shape or form, be they aware of it or not. Even if my next words will sound quite far-fetched on paper, I assure you, it’s not something uncommon amongst fandoms of any kind— I assume you’ll certainly be more inclined to like a fictional character who has committed a lot of violence and criminal activity over a character who, let’s say, would be actively bigoted and/or predatory, with those just being two selected examples. I see this in many fandoms which feature both character types at once, and one always has a significantly larger fanbase than the other. Why is it so? Because, while the former lies within all the reasons stated above, the latter is something which, to many of us, seems entirely wrong for obvious reasons too, yet many people engage in and firmly believe they’re correct and in the right, even receiving support and zero consequences or proper attention far more often than the former— not to mention the large groups of victims with personal experience revolving around such behavior, of which many are taken far less seriously than ones of the former kind. If a perpetrator, or anyone else who might happen to be completely uninformed about whatever type of content is being showcased, is exposed to such things which aren’t painted in any explicitly negative light in the media itself, it may create or reinforce particular views in them, depending on what it is, and on the other side, if it’s the victims themselves or any other person who happens to understand the harm of such issues, many will most likely either not wish to be reminded of their experiences or simply like a character who is in any way linked to them, especially if there is no repercussion for them.
This point, however, doesn’t only revolve around issues of in/direct harm caused to people or various types of prejudice, as one may think. It also encompasses and shapes what others view as “normal” and “acceptable”, which extends to personal dynamics and relationships between people, too. This may look like a very obvious concept already, but for the sake of this essay, I will use another example to fully get this thought across. Let’s say you grew up surrounded by media concerning relationships in which one partner is constantly belittling the other. In every such instance, it is depicted as entirely normal and “the way things are”, not even people around you have much to say about it. You’ll very likely get used to it, begin thinking that’s the way it is for everybody, and if you do wish to pursue a relationship in the future, you might end up in a similar situation. Due to the influence all that media had on you with nobody to truly deny it or go against it, there is quite a high chance you’ll simply believe this is what everyone goes through and the way it’ll always be. You might not even begin to think that something may be wrong with it, even if it potentially makes you feel unhappy, unsafe and whatnot— after all, this is what has been presented to you so many times. If you do realize it, however, there is also a chance you’ll be an outlier amongst many people who will not treat your concerns with any amount of seriousness, having also been exposed to the same things and arriving at a much different conclusion, no matter if they’re personally satisfied with it or not. To some, this concept of influence seems apparent from the start, yet we cannot deny that there are many who would disagree entirely, precisely due to things like this.
On a side note, I must add that this does not mean one cannot create explicit content about unhealthy, violent or otherwise harmful, triggering and provocative matters, and if we are to look at another side of it, a lot of it can even bring awareness to these issues instead of promoting them or normalizing them. Most of it comes down to how it’s portrayed, if anything is said about it by the creators themselves and how they view their creations, but also the thoughts and takeaways of the viewers themselves— those will naturally never be a single monolith, yet if only a small minority come out of your work thinking the content was about anything I listed above, not acceptable, everyday things that one can easily overlook, perhaps this work should be assessed once more.
Anyhow, this brings me back to the “deeper issues” phrase I have used before. In the case of Soukoku, not only are they not meant to be portrayed as any kind of romantic relationship in canonical events at the time of me writing this, but their arguments and violence are both heavily out in the open for anyone to see and understand that this is not supposed to be a depiction of a healthy friendship/partnership at all, yet simultaneously leaning more into the fictional, chaotic and dramatized aspect of things that leads many to believe this is simply not how it should look in real life— but this is not real life, it’s fiction, and additionally, neither of the two characters seem affected by it on a level that would start raising many questions about whether it is acceptable to show support for, or what such a thing implies.
As for Rimlaine, however…that’s a much different story, one which requires its own set of details.
[Part 2]
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
This is not a question but i just saw the previous ask with that one rude anon and just felt like I had to do something about it because there is 2 things I genuinely despise in this world ,the first one being rude , inconsiderate and dishonest people and yes I’m talking about you Anon if you by any chance see this and the second being unfair accusations or situations now I will explain myself with diplomacy and actual facts to prove my point , you should take some exemple anon ,on how to bring a situation that bothers you to someone ,while still being polite and respectful.
You accuse chelle of being neglectful and no having enough time for her followers right ? I’m gonna reveal something to you , not everybody spend their entire day on the internet , mind blowing right ? It’s funny because if you would have looked further and was really interested not only about the author work but the author herself as well you would have known she has a little girl of a young age to take care of , hence why she can’t spend a whole day on the internet like a person with “no responsibility” such as a child could.
To continue , I would like for you to explain to me how is she being neglectful when she answers to asks literally everyday , I kid you not when I’m telling she is by far the author that interact the most with her community on here and I follow more than 50 authors/writers , she do asks , little games with emojis that allow us to ask her stuff and know more about her when she is not obliged at all and could stay completely private like some author i know do, she listens to everyone and I could continue like that all day long but still you couldn’t notice it since you were to focused on making false accusation and attacking her.
You keep on insisting about her taking to much time to answer to ask and more , do you have any idea of the amount of authors/writers that don’t even respond to comments or anything on here or even wattpad and don’t interact with their community at all ? And those who post maybe 3 times a month ? Im NOT saying everybody as to be quick at all or post everyday I’m nobody to exige anything to anyone but I’m juste showing you some reality chelle post maybe 1 or twice a week at least ,please be for real .And i will go further on this by saying so many authors give us amazing stories /fics etc ,to have little to no feedback in exchange or shitty ones and critics , when they put so much work on their posts , they are people to with feelings and lives.
To finish you said you weren’t attacking her right ? I kindly I vite you to reread you previous ask because you were clearly hostile even tho you claimed than you weren’t and word choices weren’t the nicest nor the smartest.
Learn to be better , to be nicer more respectful and have consideration for others you don’t know what’s going on on somebody’s life so don’t assume nor demand anything when you don’t have all the pieces of a story in you hands it’s just rude and unfair.
Have a nice evening and I truly hope my “ask” will make you think about the way you treat people because being behind the screen doesn’t allow everything nor excuse every behavior.
Hello Kay!
Wow, i'm speechless. This is amazing. I cant thank u enough for taking some of ur time to write this n to show ur support on my side. I almost cried reading this.
All the sweet amazing supporting things u write here really got me. I know we dont talk that much but i appreicate u a.lot for every reactions u gave me on my fic updates, ask games or just any ask / message u sent me. This means a lot to me.
I hope we can be friends 😊 u r very sweet and awesome! Im grateful for u and other friends i met here.
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victorluvsalice · 3 years
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And we complete Ship Meme February with this “Understand My Ship In 5 Minutes” meme, made by GibSlyThe -- this one’s actually from twitter, and you can find the original tweet here! As usual, some stuff has been covered in previous memes (height and age seem to be constants, and this one also has “gender” and “sexuality” like the previous one -- though you’ll see here for “sexuality” I went “okay, for readability Alice’s is just going outside the box” XD), but the newer stuff is explained in more detail under the “read more!”
The “Mark On The Line” Bars: This was a bit tricky, as I always wonder about the placement of my Xs on these kinds of lines and graphs, but I’m pretty happy with these. To take them one-by-one:
Big/Little Spoon: Despite Victor being the taller one, he prefers being the little spoon, as he likes to be held and snuggled like that. Similarly, Alice likes being the big spoon as she likes feeling like the “protector” of the little spoon. They can and do switch, but that’s their preferred set-up.
Lends/Borrows Clothes: I put these close to the middle as I don’t think there’s much clothes-sharing just on the basis of “I’m not sure they’d FIT each other’s clothes” -- though in a more modern setting, I can see Alice occasionally stealing a baggy hoodie from Victor’s closet, so she gets closer to the Borrows Clothes side.
Doesn’t Use/Uses Pet Names: Again, close to the middle as it isn’t too common with them, but they’re not opposed. I feel like Victor would be prone to it more often than Alice (usually “darling” or “love”).
Introverted/Extroverted: They are both introverts who don’t like being around lots of people if they can help it. XD Victor scores higher than Alice thanks to being generally socially anxious too.
Affection Through Words/Affection Through Actions: I put Alice a little closer to the “words” side, as she’s fairly open about saying how much she loves Victor, while Victor’s a little closer to the “actions” side thanks to the whole “his two main love languages are ‘acts of service’ and ‘gifts’“ thing I established in the very first ship meme. Obviously Victor can use his words and Alice can do things for Victor (”acts of service” is one of her love languages too), but this felt like their usual dynamic.
Confesses First/Waits For Confession: This one was a little tricky, because there’s not a lot of traditional confessions in my Valice stuff. . .but looking at the evidence, Victor is both generally the one to figure out his feelings first, and the one to express them first, however accidentally. While Alice, who has less experience with love and is demiromantic anyway. . .yeah. Victor gets the “blurted out without meaning to” confession, Alice the “holy shit so THAT’S how I feel about you” moment. XD
Screams About The Bugs/Squashes Bugs w/a Shoe: Victor only screams about bugs in an enthusiastic sense 99% of the time, so he goes closer to the middle -- Alice goes closer to the squashing side as she is not really a bug fan, and besides, she’s killed a LOT of Army Ants, Mechanical Ladybugs, Nightmare Spiders, and Samurai Wasps in Wonderland. (Yes, I know spiders are arachnids, but they can still be lumped in under the “bug” label.)
Drives The Car/Can’t Drive lol: Victor goes in the middle simply because I imagine he learns to drive in modern settings (hell, he’s Victoria’s ride to the Giovanni Mansion in “Londerland Bloodlines”). Alice, meanwhile, is generally out of commission during the time most people normally learn how to drive, and I’ve yet to picture her learning. Honestly, she probably doesn’t because she does NOT want to risk a Wonderland episode behind the wheel. Too much risk!
Can’t Cook For Shit/Makes Dinner: As I have stated previously, Alice does much of the regular cooking (when applicable -- aka when she eats and they’re not living with June), but Victor likes to bake. And he does help out in the kitchen with regular meals, so they’re kind of a dinner-making team. :)
Dislikes PDA/Loves PDA: They don’t torture people with it, but they have indulged (notably in “Fixing You” where Alice scandalized some ladies by daring to kiss Victor on the sidewalk), so closer to the “yes” side. Victor I imagine is generally somewhat more open than Alice about it (hell, him suddenly NOT being okay with it is basically a plot point early in “Fixing You”).
Overprotective/Chill Going: While they’re both independent people, they also both have some abandonment issues, along with those they love being threatened in front of them, so they tend toward overprotective. Alice more than Victor, as -- well, I believe I’ve mentioned what the Liddell fire did to her head. She’s NOT losing someone she loves again if she can help it.
Has more relationship experience/Has NO relationship experience: Alice has been in an asylum most of her life, and generally found the people who tried to hit on her in Whitechapel pretty repulsive. Romance to her is a foreign land! Victor generally isn’t much better, but he at least has the short amount of time he spent with Victoria and Emily (and sometimes more, like “Fallout of Darkness’s” Victor being married and in a secret poly relationship with them). It’s something!
[Blank] Levels: By contrast, these were pretty easy to fill in --
Horny Level: Yeah, neither of them are the horniest people. Alice gets a tiny bit because she’s grey asexual and thus under the exact right circumstances can want to get it on; Victor gets a little more as he’s allosexual, but he’s not a very horny guy by nature -- and growing up in Burtonsville with his parents and the looming presence of Pastor Galswells probably didn’t help!
Awkwardness Level: Okay, yeah, I think we can all agree that Victor, being socially anxious and not good with words, is pretty much made of awkward. XD Alice also gets a pretty high awkwardness level because spending most of your life in supervised hospitalization doesn’t give you that much in the way of social skills. She’s better than Victor, but she finds it hard to socialize with others, and her snarky sense of humor isn’t often appreciated.
Jealousy Level: And right back to low, as neither of them tend to be the jealous type (hell, they’re both poly if given the chance). Alice gets a higher level than Victor thanks to the green-eyed monster rearing its head a couple of times around Victoria in the Forgotten Vows Verse, while Victor never really gets jealous of anyone -- he’s more prone to slipping into self-loathing. Aw.
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realcube · 4 years
haikyuu!! boys with a s/o that becomes clingy/affectionate while drunk
characters: kyōtani, kenma, iwaizumi, matsukawa and bokuto
thank you anon for this marvellous request mwah
tw// drinking, suggestive themes, sexual references, swearing
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Kentarō Kyōtani
kyōtani was used to having a cool, laid-back s/o who was just as awkward about physical touch as he was 
i mean, that’s kinda a part of the reason he liked you so much - so y’all could get over your awkwardness together
so imagine his surprise when his usually level-headed, calm s/o came stumbling out of the club, a blubbering mess and threw themselves into his arms, wailing something about a maths test
he was like ‘omg why are they touching me? i kinda like it- wait are they crying? tf? i ain’t ever seen them cry before- should i help them? lord everyone is looking at us now. so what the fuck do i do- AYE DON’T TOUCH ME THERE’
so he had no choice but to dip with you flung over his shoulder lol
he took you back to your shared apartment and forced you to drink some water and instead of ordering a take-out, he just gave you his leftover burrito which he took to the club smh
it was probably cold 
but that was the best he could think of at the time bc he simply needed to shut you up with food bc the alcohol in your system was causing you to become especially touchy, hence resulting in kyōtani getting especially aroused
but the last thing he’d do is fuck you while you’re drunk and i firmly believe that despite the fact kyōtani is a bit of a lout - he still has like a basic moral compass
but i mean if you kept being so damn suggestive then it was gonna be a lot harder for him to resist his urges
you were rubbing him up and shit, calling him every pet name in the book so ofc he just stuck a burrito in your mouth and went ‘stfu 😡’
the painful part was that he was silently enjoying it too (┬┬﹏┬┬)
(though, he was red from blushing lol, not anger) 
and he wasn’t used to it either so obviously he was gonna get flustered, i mean, everything was happening all at once
oh and you told him ‘i love you’ and he literally combusted like lord have mercy on this man 
just that morning you were calling him your ‘annoying rat boyfriend’ (jokingly, ofc) and now you love him?-
that wasn’t the first time you told him that you loved him but he was still blushing none the less 
and he stammered out a ‘love you too’ PRAYING that you wouldn’t remember any of this the following day
anyway, he cuddled you to sleep and railed you as soon as you sobered up - the end ❤
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Kenma Kozume
pov: you’re kenma happily being a wallflower in the club then your s/o approaches you, demanding for you to fuck them 
- ok, end of POV - 
anyway, your speech was slurred so kenma wasn’t really sure if that was what you were asking him to do but if it was, he would’ve happily obliged if it wasn’t for the fact you were clearly drunk
mans was blushing though
bc y’all hardly ever do it but now - all of a sudden - you were tightly wrapped around him, garbling erotic threats into his ear
kenma was worried at first but you were like..really weak
so it wasn’t hard to get you off his torso, usher you out of the club and grip your hand as he ordered a taxi 
also kenma had read enough wattpad fanfictions to know how to deal with someone while they’re drunk 
but none of those fanfictions ever mentioned a single thing about how to deal with yourself while your partner is drunk
like seriously..he was in pain
both from the throbbing erection he had and the aching embarrassment he felt - both stemming from the fact you tried to give him a lap dance in taxi ✋ please oml
anyway, he took you back to his apartment and insisted that you have a few slices of the left-over pizza in the fridge along with a glass of water
after you changed into your pyjamas, you had clearly sobered up slightly as you could now compose coherent sentences
but that wasn’t any better for him bc now you were draped over him, whimpering into his ear about how much you love him
‘i’m so lucky to have you, kenma. i love you so much. you remind me of my first cat - you’re such a cat- i mean, blessing..you’re such a blessing.’ 
ngl, at that point he would be at a loss for words, just deciding to hug you until you fall asleep
like he finds it so cute that you’re finally opening up to him about how you feel as you’re usually quite composed and restrained 
but also- what does he do now? 
you eventually fell asleep in his arms and the next day, you woke up to kenma having made breakfast and telling you how much he adores you which was..confusing, to say the least
he told you about how you acted when you were drunk and to say you were embarrassed would be an understatement 
also, he’ll tease you about it for the rest of your life ;)
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Hajime Iwaizumi
literally all you had to do was send him a text like ‘iwa...,,.,...ily so mycj ❤’’ and he’s already waiting in the line to get into the club lol
he marches in there, finds you, grabs your hand and drags you home 
let’s hope that your friends know what iwaizumi looks like so they don’t have to just watch a random guy haul you out the club-
and tries to act all like angry iwaizumi >:( but when you are trailing behind him, muttering about how amazing he is, he becomes more like angy iwa grrr (*  ̄︿ ̄)
by that, i mean that angry iwaizumi would bring you home and lecture on how irresponsible it is to get so intoxicated 
but angy iwa just takes care of you but with a disapproving scowl 
and angry iwaizumi would make nasty, bitchy remarks about how inappropriate your outfit is 
while angy iwa would be like ‘babe, your outfit is lovely but maybe wear something different next time, idk....’
either way, he takes good care of you 
he makes sure you eat (and he cooks good food btw - he doesn’t make you eat leftovers lmao) 
he lets you change into more comfortable clothes
he ensures that you don’t die in the shower 
and he forces you to go to bed
but all of that is rather difficult when you’re clinging to him like your life depends on it, raving on about how sweet of a boyfriend he is and covering his face sloppy kisses
his original plan was to go train some more in his gym (yes, there is a gym in y’alls house-) but when you were peppering his cheek in kisses, begging him to stay with you for whatever reason, of course he didn’t have the balls to leave
 so he ended up laying like a log in bed as you cuddled up to him like koala, resting your head in his chest and allowing him to run his hand through your hair as you slept
in that moment - as he stared down at your tranquil figure - he realised how grateful he was for moments like these, as he finally got see a side of you that he knew you’d almost never exhibit when you’re sober
like yeah, you often tell him how much you love him but he can always tell that it’s as if you’re setting aside your pride to say such a thing but now, you’re gushing on about it with the most genuine look in your eyes, he can tell that you’re being completely sincere 
and to say that he adores it would be an understatement 
so yeah, you were kind of a pain while drunk but you were also the most adorable thing that iwaizumi had ever laid his eyes on (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
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Issei Matsukawa
ok so the only reason matsukawa wasn’t getting drunk with you was bc the first time y’all got drunk together he got fined for public indecency and you got done for public intoxication
so you decided that it was best (for your wallets) if you took turns getting tipsy
emphasis on ‘tipsy’ bc you both went to the bar together (along with a few friends) and you promised matsukawa that you’d only have a few drinks 
so please explain to him why he is now having to carry you bridal style out of the bar because you are too hammered to walk properly 
and he was kinda grumpy bc he had to leave his friends mid-conversation bc not only were you pestering him but also, the erotic things you were whispering in his ear caused him to get a boner
and he was getting weird looks from people as he carried you home but that was the least of his problems tbh- he didn’t even notice lol
the biggest issue on his mind rn was the fact that you made him hard yet you can’t help him bc you’re drunk smh 
like he was tempted at first bc you seemed down to do it but he quickly came back to reality and realised how morally incorrect that’d be 
so he was mumbling curses the whole way home just to tune you out bc if he paid any more attention to the racy promises you were muttering in his ear- he’d explode
he’s alright at taking care of you like he isn’t iwaizumi’s level of caring but he’s a close second, i mean he’s gotten drunk plenty of times so he knows the basics
he was like ‘drink water idk lol ’
anyway, once he handled himself he wasn’t too fazed by your lustful advances
and he was so smug about it too deadass like ‘keep talkin’ me up, (y/n), you ain’t getting shit until you’re sober.’
smh ANYWAY he thinks you’re so charming when you’re like lovey-dovey drunk but SO annoying when you’re horny drunk bc like- he can’t get some (T_T)
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Kōtarō Bokuto 
best for last 👌
ok anyway he’s an athlete and he doesn’t need alcohol to have a good time- he’s forever drunk tbh- drunk on life :)
so while you’re getting hammered with your pals, he’s doing stupid shit while sober lol
once you both rendezvous outside the club to head home and you’re absolutely steamin- he’s just like ‘hi, babe! how’s your night been?’
anyway, he drives back to y’alls house and since you’re fatigued at first, you spent 90% of the car ride sleeping
but when you get home, more awake, you’re all up on him
but you’re not like sensual drunk- more like..emotional drunk but with love 🥺
so basically you are sobbing into his chest about whatever and bc he is an such empath he will start crying too, or at least get a bit emotional 
you could say something like, ‘omg, bo. i hardly get to see you because you’re at work so often- i wish i could spend more time with you. i miss you so much’  ╯︿╰
and he would deadass reply whole-heartedly while weeping into your shoulder, ‘I’M QUITTING VOLLEYBALL, (Y/N)!!’
(ok, so maybe he was a bit tipsy too- but like..definitely not has drunk as you)
he has no idea where to start when it comes to taking care of you but he tries (´◡` ‘) 
at the very least, he ensures that you don’t having any more alcohol and that you don’t die somehow 
he’s v overprotective though 
you could be getting a fork to eat your instant-noodles with and he’ll be like 
‘apologies ✋ but i cannot allow you to handle such a dangerous weapon while intoxicated. maybe eat with a spoon instead, idk.’ /h
other than that, he just cuddles you to sleep and deals with you in your badly hungover state the next day
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true-blue-megamind · 3 years
FAN THEORY THURSDAY – Megamind’s Anatomy
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Yes, yes, I know… You’re probably getting tired of hearing me say it, but here it is anyway: SPOILER WARNING!
It’s not secret that Megamind is physically different from humans.  Anyone who has ever seen the film—or merely seen an imagine of the title character—knows that obvious fact.  There have, however, been a great many intriguing discussions within the fandom about exactly how different he is, and about possible biological reasons for those differences.  Luckily for all of us, this has led to a plethora of interesting theories; so many, in fact, that I will only be able to touch upon a few of the most popular ones here.  Even then, this post will likely be long enough that, benevolent soul that I am, I’ll have mercy upon my readers and adopt a slightly different format, including sub-headers for easier perusal. After all, despite its expansiveness, this promises to be a deeply fascinating subject.
A quick note before we dive into this post: I will not be discussing Megamind’s strength as I already wrote about that in another blog article, How Strong is Megamind, nor will I be going much into courtship instincts, and that was covered in Why Kidnap Roxanne.  If I may say so, both posts are well worth reading, so please feel free to check them out.  Now, without further ado, let’s get started.
Megamind is Semi-Aquatic
Oh, yes, when I said we would “dive in,” I really meant it.  A large portion of the Megamind fandom seems to have agreed that our favorite alien is just as comfortable in water as on land.  In fact, one very popular theory suggests that he may even have gills, and that his awareness of how different this makes him may be part of the reason he keeps his body covered from the chin down.  As odd as that concept may sound to some, it’s not nearly as far fetched as it may appear. There’s actually some evidence to support it.
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Firstly, near the beginning of the film, as infant Megamind’s escape pod is leaving his doomed solar system, we see that his planet is blue. Some fans have suggested that this could indicate it is largely covered by water.  Secondly, there is the fact that his mother and father chose a fish to be his caretaker.  There is some discussion in the fandom about whether Minion hails from a sentient and intelligent species that had a symbiotic relationship with Megamind’s people, or whether he was genetically and biotechnologically modified for his job as surrogate parent.  Either way, a fully-aquatic being would seem an illogical choice of babysitter if Megamind’s parents expected them to live largely on land, and we know that, given the spaceship they hurriedly constructed for their son and their offspring’s incredible intellect, they must have been highly intelligent.  That makes it seem likely that Megamind’s parents must have expected him to spend significant time in water, which indicates that they must have been accustomed to living that way themselves.  After all, we all tend to base our decisions on what we perceive as normal.
Some have also pointed to one of Minion’s lines near the beginning of the film, when he states that he has kept the Lair “cold and damp” for his boss.  Of course, this was likely simply a joke drawing on evil stereotypes, but we are the Megamind fandom; we are creative and intelligent enough to turn any small detail into a half-credible theory.  In this case, that specific theory involves Megamind’s semi-aquatic nature meaning his skin (or the supposed gills) can hurt or even crack if allowed to become too hot and dry for too long.  Hence why he would need a cool, damp environment.  Fans have even suggested that the undersuit we see him donning the Black Mamba uniform over may be designed, among other things, to hold moisture close to his skin.  This could also explain why Megamind’s Lair is located on an inlet of Lake Michigan, as can be seen in the film.  Perhaps he and Minion enjoy an occasional dip in the cold depths.
Finally, Megamind’s body also seems well adapted for water.  Indeed, the blue man seems especially well-suited for a semi-aquatic lifestyle.  The bald heads of both males and females of his species mean there would be no hair to create drag underwater.  The former villain’s lithe, slim frame and sleek musculature would likely help him move quickly and agilely beneath the waves.  (It is, after all, called a swimmers’ build for a reason.)  Some fans have suggested that, while Megamind’s brain is certainly much bigger than a human’s, his large skull may also contain an air sac, similar to that of dolphins and other Cetaceans, which is used, among other things, to control buoyancy.  Then there is the blue skin tones of Megamind’s people to consider. It’s a color that naturally stands out on land—hardly an evolutionary advantage—but it might make sense if they spent a lot of time in water.  Aquatic animals often tend to have blue, gray, and green colorations.
Megamind’s Skin Tone is More Realistic Than You Think
Megamind’s possible semi-aquatic nature may not be the only reason for the color of his skin.  While, in popular culture, we usually think of extraterrestrials as “little green men,” the creators of the film chose to make Megamind blue instead. That’s certainly not something you see every day, but there may actually be good reason for it.  In fact, it’s not as strange as many may believe.  In fact, there are real people who actually have blue skin—a condition called cyanosis—and one fan theory states that Megamind’s complexion occurs for reasons similar to those of blue skin in humans.
Perhaps the most common (if I may call it that) cause of cyanosis is Methemoglobinemia, which results from hemoglobins in the blood transferring oxygen differently or less effectively.  This can be caused by medical conditions, but it can also be the result of genetics, specifically the met-H gene, which itself is the result of an enzyme deficiency paired with lower iron levels in the blood.
The best known example of this among humans is the Fugate family of Troublesome Creek, Kentucky, better known as the Blue Fugates, who came to the medical world’s attention in the mid-twentieth century. Until treatments using an (ironically named) substance called methylene blue became available to the secluded clan, many of their children were born with varying shades of blue skin tones.  Thanks in part to the aforementioned medical help, there are no longer any known descendants of the Blue Fugates with cyanosis.
Such cases of Congenital Methemoglobinemia often lack most of the far more negative side effects seen in Acquired Methemoglobinemia, such as dizziness and shortness of breath, so that, even before treatment was available, persons who inherited the met-H gene (and resulting methemoglobinemia) were usually able to lead full and active lives.  (Many of the Blue Fugates were reported to be extremely healthy, with some living into their nineties.)
All of this means two things for our favorite blue hero: firstly, given that Megamind was born on another planet, it is quite possible that his people were adapted to a different atmosphere.  According to one fan theory, this evolution involved a form of Congenital Methemoglobinemia that, somehow, allowed them to make the best use of the air on their home world as well as making their skin blue. Secondly, Megamind, like the Blue Fugates, would be able to live a full and healthy life on Earth despite differences in the was his blood transferred oxygen.
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On an interesting side note, before we move on, some of the first relatives of the Blue Fugates to try methylene blue treatment in the early 1960’s were a couple named Rachel and Patrick Ritchie.  I can’t wait to see what fan theories spring up out of that one.
Megamind Has Different Dietary Needs
Alright, yes, I know, this is probably a pretty obvious statement where a character who is literally a space alien is involved, but discussions on the subject have spawned some truly fascinating suppositions.  The first and most popular is that Megamind craves a lot of sugar.  This is supported by the movie as, aside from his sipping a little champagne, the only foods we see associated with Megamind are sweets: doughnuts and churros.  One fan theory has built upon this, saying that this is not only due to the blue man’s high energy levels—think about the way he leaps and dashes around—but also to his large and highly-functioning brain.  It makes sense; according to NeuroTray, brains need a certain amount of glucose to fuel them, help produce amino acids, and even maintain neuronal health.  So it seems logical that an alien super-genius with a much larger and more active brain might need more sugar.
Further expanding on this idea, fans have theorized that Megamind’s dietary requirements also include other “brain foods” such as: carbohydrate-rich grains, fish, nuts, and eggs.  The eggs have developed a special significance thanks to one supposition that began as a sort of joke of the Megamind fan Discord known as The Evil Lair, and is quickly growing into a popular theory.  Megamind, according to many fans, not only craves eggs, but raw eggs, which he consumes shell and all.  Although this was, as I’ve said, started as a lark, the idea actually has some validity.  Raw eggs not only contain a lot of nutrients, including energy-increasing B12, but also aid in breaking down and digesting large amounts of carbohydrates.  Egg shells, meanwhile, are an excellent source of many other essential vitamins and minerals.
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Art: Midnight Snack by Ejga-Ostja.  I absolutely love this image, and had to use it here!  Please check out the rest of their amazing Megamind fanart!
Megamind’s Neck is Extremely Sensitive
This will be a short section, I promise.  I touched on this particular concept before in the post Why Kidnap Roxanne.  Of course, we all know Megamind wears large, high collars, but there may be more reason for this than a desire for a suitably villainous look.  When he is incarcerated, the blue man pops up the collar of his prison uniform, and, at the beginning of the movie, we see that his parents also wear high collars.  Even Megamind’s briefly-worn white hero uniform in The Button of Doom covers his everything from the head down except for a small opening at the front of his throat.  It’s almost as if, for Megamind’s people, showing one’s neck in public is indecent.
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A popular fan theory explains this by suggesting that Megamind’s neck is very sensitive; so much so, in fact, that it is an erogenous zone. If merely touching the blue alien there is enough to cause arousal and pleasure, then his species’ apparently universal instinct to keep that part of the body covered makes sense.  Showing it would be akin to a woman walking around topless.  It’s also quite possible that the neck is also hidden for protection, as extreme sensitivity would mean it could be easily hurt.  This casts Megamind’s large collars in an entirely different light: he is wearing clothing that draws the eye both to his large head (and the impressive brain within it) and to a pleasure point on his body.  Many fans suppose that this could be a form of “peacocking,” and is part of an instinctual courtship display meant to attract Roxanne.  Again, for more about that theory, you can read the aforementioned post.
I could, of course, go on and on.  There are numerous other theories concerning Megamind’s anatomy, ranging from reflective eyes for low-light vision to alien vocal cords that allow a wider range of sounds and tone, but I will stop here for now.  If you’ve enjoyed this particular post, however, and would like to read another on the same subject, please let me know.  In the meantime, I’ll close by saying that the amazing physical attributes already discussed hint, as always, that far more thought and care may have been put into Megamind’s creation than most people realize.  It’s no wonder this movie and its protagonist have so many dedicated fans.
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Ml theory - Lila in the 2nd half of the season and the total escalation in the finale
I know this comes completely out if nowhere because Lila hardly played a part in s4 yet and the new episodes are hyped as hell but I recently rewatched two of my favorite episodes "Oni-Chan" and "Lies and I just fell down the rabbit hole because real life is just driving me NUTS recently.
I haven't seen anyone really talk about this before, but I was utterly obsessed with this little loophole ever since "Lies" aired and maybe, just maybe, I've got it now.
What I'm talking about is a small but JARRING loose end of the Adrigami break up and how LILA will use it to make Adrien seem like he cheated on Kagami and will weasel herself into the status as his girlfriend, figure out his secret identitiy to basically blackmail him and ALOT MORE (lol Fandom is currently loosing its shit because of the upcoming ladynoir fallout and I'm just here thinking: "yeah, let's make it WORSE!")
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My last 3 days down the rabbit hole were just as wild as this sounds like so make yourself comfortable, because this is probably going to be another essay and I hope all of this ended up comprehensive enough explained because I didn't have alot of time for editing and rewriting this time again.
The idea of Lila making people believe Adrien is in a relationship with her and cheated on Kagami immediately plopped into my head once I saw how the reason Kagami thinks Adrien stands her up for is framed.
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Quite alot of people in the Fandom catched on the underlying tone of "girlfriend holding her cheating boyfriend accountable" (some even to the extent of just taking that tone and running with it as if that's anywhere close to what actually happened in Canon. But you know, salters gotta proof they have no comprenion skill.) And I don't think this choice was random by any means. It's forshadowing and setting up later plot development if I'd ever seen it, because Adrigamis break up was done in a way that PICTURE PERFECTLY gives Lila later on the chance to take advantage of it. Ho-ly SHIT!
Let me break this entire situation down.
First if all, the idea of Lila as Adriens girlfriend is anything but new in the show. Right from the first episode she was introduced in ("Volpina") she made moves on Adrien and wanted him as her boyfriend because of the fame and opportunities he can bring her.
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In "Catalyst" we see her lying to her mother that she is in a relationship with Adrien.
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And in "Oni Chan" she was also treated by every character (besides Adrien himself lol) as a potential love interest.
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Literally, this has been built up since the very beginning. And now "Lies" has given us the Catalyst event Lila will take advantage of (how fitting that the episode is called LIES huh?)
"But what exactly will she take advantage of?" you ask and let me tell you how messes up that situation is.
Just for record I wanna remind everyone that Kagami actually DIDN'T accuse Adrien of cheating on him, even if the scene is framed that way. All Kagami is saying is that she thinks that Adrien continuesly stood her up so he can spend time with his other friends. Marinette in particular.
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Hence why she gave them her blessing in "Mr Pigeon 72". Again, she isn't saying he cheated on her with Marinette but Kagami thinks she recognized that Adrien has feelings for Marinette (and she knows Marinette DEFINITELY has feelings for him lol) so she set her feelings aside (PROPS TO HER!) and cleared the way for her former boyfriend who she thinks finally sorted out his confused feelings. And in her eyes his heart wants Marinette.
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Btw, her saying this line is a call back to "Oni-Chan" as well where her akumatized form said just that about herself and Adrien.
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Now there is a problem though, can you tell what it is? I'll give you a hint: Adrien DIDN'T stand Kagami up to spend more time with his other friends/Marinette, he was busy being his secret identitiy. A persona NOBODY KNOWS IS HIM.
So what do you think is gonna happen if Kagami ever mentions towards Marinette or any other of their friends that she thinks Adrien was with them? In "Lies" we saw Kagamis secret passion of art, something she is OBVIOUSLY going to bond over with Marinette who she is building a solid friendship with now.
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In “Mr Pideon 72″ Marinette never really let Kagami explain why she broke up with Adrien, already assuming that they just had some kind of missunderstanding (they DID but you get it) and its more of a pride problem from Kagami. Marinette doesnt even concider that reason for the breakup might have been something BIG and cant be solved by pushing them back together (im getting flashbacks from “Bakerix” where Marinette may have gotten her grandfather to come back into his sons life after- what was it? 20 years? But in NO WAY is the emotional issue solved, but this is going to be something Adrien will help Tom with at a later point.)
Well, we all know what show we are watching so don't tell me its unlikely that this wrong assumption of Marinette is gonna be set right at some point. Literally all it takes is Marinette getting Kagami to talk about the break up and she will find out that Adrien apparently stood Kagami up to spend time with her, MARINETTE.
And Marinette of course is very well aware that Adrien wasn't with her (I mean, HE WAS, obviously, but you get what I'm saying here).
Which will get the stone rolling.
Marinette knows Adrien "wasn't" with her and he wasn't with any of their other friends either, then WHERE WAS HE?
Unfortunately for Adrien now he never broke the secret identitiy rule, so now nobody can help him out with an alibi the way Alya could for Marinette (would you look at that, Adrien once again getting harshly punished for behaving RIGHT). Even MORE unfortunate for him is that he can't explain where he actually was since that would reveal his identity and we all know deep down that Adrien is NOT going to break the identity rule and THAT leaves all of Adriens friends with a BIG uncertainty about him.
Of course this uncertainty wouldn't automatically mean that they'd believe that Adrien would do such a thing. The show would have had to somehow set up that the class doesn't trust Adrien entirely yet...
... and would you look at THAT, that's exactly what was shown in "Félix":
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When Félix prentended to be Adrien and insulted all of his friends in his place not everybody of the Miraculous class reacted like Marinette and Nino.
Be careful to not misinterpret this though, they aren't behaving as if they just waited for him to reveal himself as an asshole (that's what salter do). All they are saying is that because of the limited time they get to spend with Adrien and him having 500 walls up per minute, they feel like they simply can't say that this isn't something Adrien would do under certain circumstances. They just don't know him that well yet, which is... fair. Plain and simple. So with this being said-
We already know from the synopsis of the s4 finale that Lila will become the new face of Gabriels brand
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I don't think it'll be Lila replacing Adrien but her ALONGSIDE Adrien becoming the new face of the brand. Them a "couple" and she managed to get there because of 2 reasons:
1) This very opportunity open for her through the Adrigami break up in "Lies" and 2)
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This partnership of two fucking devils.
"Oni Chan" is SUCH an important episode for this theory/plot development, it literally sets up almost everything. I will go more in depth about it here (especially Adrien) because I think it's important for me to try to give you the big picture I work with, so I can refer back to this post in future.
First of all, Kagami was the akuma victim "Oni Chan" and her akumatization happened because Lila saw her as a threat.
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Lila only pays attention to people who she can either use or wants to get rid of and THIS here is the moment where Lila decided she wants to get rid of her, which paved the way to use Kagami now in s4 because Lilas plan in "Oni Chan" failed spectacularly! She wanted to get rid of Kagami so she doesn't get in the way of taking Adrien for herself and yet in the end she accomplished the exact opposite.
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Like, she deadass even got them CLOSER lol
And the reason for that is quite easy. Adrien spend the entire episode watching and learning Lilas ways because Lila arrogantly thought Adrien is too gullible and naive to not only lay solid judgment upon her but also stand up against her. Saying she didn't think he would figure her out is wrong though, because that's what she wanted him to do. Both came together with the intention to open themselves up a bit more than usual and learn about each other so they can figure the most effective way to approach the other one. Just that in Adriens case he did it to help Lila whereas Lila wanted to wrap Adrien around her little finger making him more like HER.
That's what's so interesting about "Oni-Chan", its that we see two characters in it (Adrien and Lila) who we expect to be in bad faith in for each other right from the get go just because the general narrative says so, but that is not the case. And on top of that it doesn't even END in the traditional sense, because for all it is neither of them "won".
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Adrien in the end is just straight up frustrated and annoyed because not only wasn't he able to figure out Lilas core problem because she keeps on deflecting from her true nature but he also learned that Lila is willing to use her... alarming behavior deliberately to hurt people.
Sure, Adrien saw more than enough cases of Lila being a problematic and definitely experienced some of those with her himself, dude is NOT oblivious to bad behavior and it's impact.
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But we all know Adrien, this is not where he draws the line. Adrien is a person who sees people for who they are and what they do without initially laying down judgment, but he chooses to see the good in people and rationalize the bad through their given circumstances. Our words and actions to not always accurately reflect our intentions and Adriens knows this by heart. Hence why Adrien was so open and enthusiastic towards Marinette since the beginning even though that girl couldn't get out one cohesive sentence with him. Marinette put a ton of work into her dynamic with Adrien but it didn't take only her actions to form the Adrinette friendship/romance, if Adrien didn't had the patience of a saint with Marinette they wouldn't have gotten anywhere either. 
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And why, despite everything, those rare sweet and truly GENUINE bonding moments between Adrien and Gabriel were even possible.
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Adrien is well aware of his fathers bad behavior and that Gabriel often just legitimately doesn't know how to properly put his emotions into words or actions, which more often than not ends up with Gabriel being an asshole (which is where the important difference lies. Adrien is well aware that his father is one hell of a dick but the way Gabriel does it is more... casual and born from a feeling of superiority and indifference. For Adrien Gabriel doesn't cross the line because there is just no malice to witness when Gabriel pulls a Gabriel.
Which is... honestly fair, I guess? I actually never really noticed that Gabriel never shows actual villainous behavior or tendencies when he's his civilian self (in public and around Adrien. The only person where we see more of Gabriels Hawkmoth side is LILA but more on that in a bit.), he's just... an entiteled jerk and a bad father but that shouldn't automatically mean that Gabriel is a fucking power-hungry supervillain who wants to annihilate actual children. I mean he IS but I'm saying that I'm not blaming Adrien or anyone really to not make that connection til now (Marinette only really suspected him because of the Grimoire and because Fu brought up the possibility).
Adrien himself says so to Lila this very episode:
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This episode truly EXCELS at showing how Adrien is outright AMAZING at breaking down people's personality to the core and understands how the good and the bad in them works. In this regard Adrien is very much like his father, he understands the concept of how human emotions work and how those can result in several outcomes of taken action in specific circumstances. As you can see, it's all VERY theoretically, which of course steems from 1) Adriens isolation/ lack of experience with other people especially his age and 2) an entire life of emotional abuse from a father whose own emotional state and moral code of right and wrong is a chaotic mess of self-entitlement (Chloe as only friend doesn't help in this regard, Felix I can't imagine having been an angel and Emilie seems to have had her own behavior/ emotional issues concidering what Adrien sometimes sees as normal in a romantic relationship)
This of course resulted in Adrien not being able to properly use this emotional intelligence so he can judge accordingly and actually ACT upon it. Which is the problem Adrien mostly had in s1-s3 and had/has to learn to properly overcome. Which is ALSO something we get to see starting to get resolved in the end of the episode.
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Because not only did Lilas plan to get rid of Kagami not work out, basically EVRY manipulation Lila pulled on Adrien in the entire episode just straight up FAILED in the end.
And Lila is left standing dumbfounded because the entire end conversation between them Adrien is looking right true her bullshit and keeps shit real. Non of her methods worked out on him and she is getting nowhere. In fact, she made negative progress with Adrien that day she just doesn't quite know WHY (since she doesn't know yet that he's Chat Noir. As I already said neither of them really won this episode, they pretty much canceled out each other's attempts quite nicely. Adrien just came out on top because he had the secret identitiy advantage, so take a guess what advantage he's gonna loose soon?).
This was the first time Lilas lies truly lead her to a dead end with someone and it could have had a legitimately strong affect on her for the better if this is were the episode ended. But it didn't.
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Let me explain to you just how much Gabriel made things worse here by getting in contact with Lila.
Adrien told Lila "Lila you can count on me, unless you hurt the people I love", without Gabriels interférence this made Lila realize that not only is she unable to manipulate Adrien anymore with her lies but he also won't tolerate manipulating the people around him so she can get him for herself. She would have needed to be extra careful with his friends to not affect them negatively in ways Adrien would notice, which is a task pretty much impossible since she straight up wants to isolate him.
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Unfortunately though, Gabriel literally gave her everything she wanted in their deal. Like literally EVERYTHING and he KNOWS IT that bastard.
Which is even worse when you remember that initially it was Gabriels plan to get Lila tf AWAY FROM ADRIEN (that man actually had a normal fatherly reaction for once... )
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But because of Lilas using her manipulation skills to turn Oni-Chan against Ladybug Gabriel had a 180 degrees change of mind which resulted in him making Lila his personal eye on Adrien in school etc because Gabriel knows he can keep Lila around and use her when he "gives her" time and space with Adrien (.... AND HE FUCKED IT UP! GABRIEL YOU HAD ONE SOLID PARENTAL INSTINCT AND YOU BASTARDIZED IT TO HELL AND BACK!)
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And yet, it's interesting that in this absolutely disgusting parenting decision to use his own son as bargain for the person he saw as the shitty creeper they are earlier, SOMEHOW Adrien ISN'T the Agreste involved in this I'm 100% sure is gonna end up completely screwed over by her and at her mercy (don't get me wrong, this is going to be fucking AWFUL for Adrien but at least HE knows Lila is his enemy, Gabriel doesn't)
Gabriel let's Lila have time and space with Adrien so he can use her to his advantage against Ladybug and yet Lila is fully intending on using HIM to get to Adrien. Gabriel is literally 100% unaware that Adrien is deadass the only person in the show now who can actually properly handle Lila which means SHE needs to get creative.
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Like BRUH, this man is comically underestimating his son here and Lila is COUNTING ON IT. She knows she can't isolate Adrien anymore on her own because he is protective of his loved ones, so what better way to get Adrien than to have one of his loved one do it?
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Gabriel is basically the dark mirror of Adrien in this scene. He, just like his son, can easily see through Lilas charade and is fully aware that Lila is twisting and turning Adriens situation to ridiculous degrees just so she can get what she wants while telling him exactly what she thinks he wants to hear. And she thought right...she just didnt know WHY this worked so well on him.
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Both of them have the same goal: isolate Adrien from influences they don't like. As if Gabriel isn't aware that he is stopping Adrien from spending time with his friends, it's no secret that Gabriel thinks the Miraculous class is mostly a bad influence on Adrien (especially Nino) because he can't control how their behavior influences him, which means Adrien becomes less controllable to him. Nothing too drastic has happened at this point but it quickly followed in episodes like "Party Crasher" for example.
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So having Lila actively try to seperate Adrien from the others so SHE is mostly around him is exactly to Gabriels liking, because he approves of her since she is useful to him and knows she wants to stay on his good side so he believes she won't try to influence Adrien to go against his rules but to comply to them.
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To the audience it is obvious but Gabriel has honestly no fucking idea who he just let into his life and it will bite him in his ass in the future. He just assumes she is satisfied when he "gives her Adrien" because he sees Adrien as uncomplicated bargain. She won't make him any trouble since she already has what she wants, right?
Yeaaah, nah Gabe, you've got a huge storm coming buddy. Getting Adrien is still her destination and YOU are her ticket, in more ways than you would ever expect.
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Okay with all of this looming information being said let's talk about a topic I'm outright eagerly waiting for in Canon: the wrong people finding out about Adrien being Chat Noir.
Season 4 pulls up alot of completely new stuff and story directions so predicting how things will play out is most of the time not possible. Still for season 4 there were always 3 people I expected to find out about Adriens secret: Gabriel, Nathalie and Lila (not gonna lie I still kinda expect the Gorilla to just straight up always having known ever since "Copycat" in season 1, but let's not talk about that.)
Since this post is mostly about Lilas upcoming role with Adrien forgive me for not elaborating much on how I think Gabriel and Nathalie will find out. Both of these need their own posts for me to talk about. Important is that I think that this time around Nathalie isn't going to tell Gabriel about Adriens secret the way she did in "Chat Blanc"
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instead Lila is gonna fill in that role now, as Gabriel makes her keep an eye on Adrien for him. So its either Nathalie or Lila who will find out first but Gabriel definitely last.
The way Lila finds out about Adriens secret identitiy is forshadowed in "Oni Chan" as well. Besides setting up the episodes conflict by merely BEING IN ADRIENS ROOM and reacting to Adrigamis fencing photo by taking her own photo with Adrien, there seems to be a confusing variety of actual purpose for Lilas actions there when you look at it only from the episodes perspective. But in the grand scheme? Now that's something else.
There are 4 major things Lila takes interest/finds in Adriens room:
1) The picture of Adriens mother Emilie
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2) the loads of cheese for Plagg
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3) the hidden pictures of Ladybug
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And 4) Adriens fencing picture of him and Kagami.
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Obviously some of these things directly influence Lilas actions in the episode. Her seeing the fencing picture is only there for plot purposes so she has a reason to prey on Kagami here and in the future "make Adrien seem like a cheater" plot-line. The Ladybug picture influences her motivation to use Oni-Chan against Ladybug, as Lila sees both girls as threat (Ladybug now more than ever).
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But Emilies picture and Plaggs cheese have basically no reason to be focused on here, so their inclusion is set up for future events. And if Lila becomes suspicious of these two aspects then the other two will follow quickly, because Chat Noir having feelings for Ladybug isn't exactly a secret and Lila was THERE when Chat gave Kagami Adriens rose back and picked her up to bring her home instead of pounding it with Ladybug (This sounds so wrong, do we have another phrase for this? xD).
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I'm not saying all of this makes it totally obvious that Adrien is Chat Noir and Lila is just gonna wake up one day and has it figured out. Of course it isn't. But what I mean is that through these informations she gathered here it really only takes ONE incident of Bad luck and she's got it. We already saw in "Mr pigeon 72" that Adrien takes the loads of cheese for Plagg with him outside (and remember that episode had the Adrigami break up as one of its themes)
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Lila wasn't in that episode, but she will be in future ones. Who says she won't find another bag of Adrien at one point and in the same episode she happens to overhear Chat Noir giving Plagg cheese while being detransformed somewhere close to the bag but before she can face him she is stopped by Ladybug who saw her sneeking around, reminding her that Adrien has a fondness for LB as well. That's literally all it would take and if you wanna do it properly then make it another episode about Kagami and Marinette bonding over the Adrigami breakup and you've got the jackpot (this is just an example, I'm not saying this is what's going to happen)
Besides that PLAGG is the one pointing out to Adrien that Lila is going through his stuff and does so in a tone that makes it crystal clear to the audience that her doing so is not only respectless but DANGEROUS as well.
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Because when Adrien responds that he isn't bothered by it because Plagg does it as well Plagg answers that he only does it to find his cheese, an answer that tells us that Plagg DOES respect Adriens privacy and doesn't abuse his privilege to be allowed to go through Adriens stuff. 
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In direct parallel Plagg points out that HE may only be after his cheese but they have no idea what the hell Lila is looking for, which is why she shouldn't be allowed to have the same privilege.
Which leads to the directly implied point that it's okay for Plagg because he already KNOWS what he is looking for. It's the cheese of which he knows it's only there because Adrien brings it along for HIM. So Adrien can transform into CHAT NOIR. Lila may have ignored the cheese here and would do so in favor of finding something else in Adriens bag one or two times again, but at some point the cheese (and the AMOUNTS) in particular is just SUSPICIOUS, especially when you have no idea what it's purpose is. Her reaction to the cheese shows it perfectly actually:
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She was immediately negatively taken back by the odd amount of cheese but choose to ignore it, which is immediately followed by Plagg being VERY serious. Direct visual connection that the cheese isn't just a joke in this scenes context but it's relation to Plagg and why Adrien HAS IT in the first place is important as well. There is no way it'll stay without pay off (I can't believe how much I just talked about the fucking CHEESE out of all things).
For Emilies picture im honestly not sure yet why exactly Lila needed to see it regarding ADRIEN, but what I am VERY sure of is that there is a solid, SOLID chance that Lila will not only figure out Adriens identity but Gabriels as well, since she is in my opinien the future evil butterfly holder
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which means that OBVIOUSLY Lila is gonna need a way to turn the tables in her favor in Gabriels and her deal to overthrow him later on (in season 5 though not now). How she will do it could possibly happen through Emilies photo in Hawkmoths miraculous
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Thought I forgot about that huh?
(Oh fuck it im calling it yall. There will be an upcoming episode where Kagami is akumatized again because she and Marinette realized that Adrien didn't stood her up for his friends and Lila took her chance to make it "known" that Adrien was with HER. In the same episode Lila will find out that Adrien is Chat Noir and Gabriel is Hawkmoth. For Adrien something will happen like I proposed above and then confronts him at the end starting to blackmail him and for Gabriel she will find it out in the akuma battle. "Sentibubbler" made a point by saying that Ladybug could have taken ShadowMoths miraculous in battle, so in the episode im proposing Ladybug takes this issue to heart and manages to knock off ShadowMoths butterfly miraculous, leaving him only with the peacock.
The butterfly falls down, Lila finds it and sees Emilies picture inside. She recognizes Adriens mother from his computer screen and knows now that Gabriel is Hawkmoth. She pockets the miraculous and brings it to Gabriel after he looses another battle, making it known that she is aware of his identity but let's him believe that she won't use this knowledge against him. She rises up becoming his partner and gets the fox Miraculous for herself at one point (because that situation is gonna escalate as well, but since everyone is only keeping an eye out for Shadowmoth to not find out about Alya, it makes her incredibly vunerable to being discovered and tricked in their civilian life. Lila for example, still has the fake fox necklace. It would be a SHAME if these two were EVER to get mixed up huh?) making Lila a direct Alya parallel where the fox has replaced the main partner on both sides of the war, making Chat Noir and Mayura once again parallels as well (because no fucking way in hell is the Gabenath situation gonna end well. Gabriel has become way to power-hungry and detached from reality to NOT let the bedridden and a-bit-too-motherly-towards-Adrien Nathalie/Mayura fall like a hot potato in favor of Lila who is just IMMENSELY useful to him (I'm sorry to everyone who legitimately ships Gabenath but I just don't see them having a positive fate. This topic DEFINITELY needs its own post).
.... I'm legitimately concerned rn because what I'm saying here is honestly not far-fetched at all. God damnit...)
What the HELL was I talking about before I got sidetracked with the plot idea?
Ah yes, Lila figuring out that Adrien is Chat Noir with which she will then be able to blackmail him to play along as her boyfriend to a certain degree.
This would stop Adrien effectively from letting the others know that Lila is saying BULLSHIT and that he ISN'T a cheater. Especially when Lila threatens to tell GABRIEL, not because he is Hawkmoth (that's just the absolutely terrifying cherry on top), but because Gabriel, just as Adriens father alone, can make his sons life HELL for having accepted the ring and basically going against Gabriels orders each and every day. I mean it, Gabriel could and would punish Adrien HARSHLY in so. many. ways. No need to be a magical terrorist to be a horrifying villain in this show (I could easily see this being the incident where we see Gabriel hit Adrien for the first time for real, normally we only see it in Miraculous mode so it "doesn't count". But where it DID count was in "Chat Blanc" where both Father and Son knew about each others secret and Gabriel just straight up hit him. People rightfully call this moment kinda out of nowhere, because even though Gabriel one day escalating with Adrien like that has very much already been set up since at least "the collector" (more to this on THIS POST) but I agree that we never got to see the actual transition phase in Blanc's case where Gabriel became "comfortable" with hitting his own son. That's because "Chat Blanc" was an episode set in the future so this change in Gabriel happened in the time skip, but now we actively witness the time skip in real time (just with slightly changed events) which means there is a solid chance that we will see another scene of Gabriel crossing one more line of no return (my Jackady post explaining when Gabriel crossed the first line of no return).)
Combine this with the very fact that Lila has it out for Marinette/Ladybug in particular because of Adriens special fondness for the "two" girls and you've got a LEGITIMATELY fucked up blackmail situation. In "Ladybug" for example Lila straight up managed to get Marinette EXPELLED FROM SCHOOL and Adrien made it clear to her that this was where she crossed the last line. He won't let Lila hurt Marinette like this. Naturally the expelling was taken back by the end of the episode, thanks to ADRIEN making Lila undo her own harm.
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I mean, it would have been odd right? Marinette just being out of school is an idea that was never even brought up before, the closest we got to this is her struggling with balancing school and hero work in "Jackady" where she gets grounded. But besides the balancing struggles every here and there (which she is effectively solving over time) we get nothing indicating the up coming threat of loosing her place in school. Especially because she is class president and continuesly becomes better at this job as well, so it would completely disrupt the grand picture the show has built up for her in a really ineffective and badly written way. So yeah... is not gonna happen.
Yall know where I'm getting at with all of this, so let's just call it out as it is: Lila getting Marinette expelled for a short time in "Ladybug" is hardcore Forshadowing for her getting ADRIEN expelled in s4 for real.
Do I.. even have to explain how Adrien being taken out of school has been built up since forever?
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Nathalies is once again from “Oni-Chan” itself. Or how it just PERFECTLY fits into Adriens isolation arc in season 4, a goal both Gabriel and Lila are after and Ladybug unknowingly helps in? I think we are all on the same page here, because Fandom is actually doing a REALLY good job pointing all of this out. So I'm calling it, Adrien will take the fall for Marinette near the end of the season and will be taken out of school for it. Because of these two assholes and their pact in "Oni-Chan":
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But that's not all. Don't forget about Nino who Lila already often preys on as well to get to Adrien, which once again was included in "Oni-Chan" (which nicely aligns with Gabriels dislike of Nino)
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Or Ninos little brother Chris straight up being the future akuma victim she gained trust of in "TimeTagger"
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And Kagami, of whom I already explained how Lila will hurt to take advantage of Adrien.
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And just in general we know from several, SEVERAL incidents that Lila is able to manipulate large masses now, including most everyone in the Miraculous class. It's a fucking disaster just waiting to escalate in all its messed up glory and I'm kinda here for it tbh
"But what about Marinette?", I hear you ask. "Surely she would NEVER believe that Adrien would fall for Lila, she would do anything to find out the truth and help the others see it as well!"
And yes, you are right. Under the normal status quo the show run on in s1-s3 that's definitely what she would have done, but now we are in season 4 and we reap what has been planted for 3 seasons to have it escalate this very finale (im so excited yall! It's actually happening the way I thought it would, more on that in the future!).
It all comes down to her really one-sided moral role in "Oni Chan", where unlike her Chaton she didn't learn anything new about Lila that episode which left her in a solid disadvantage in "Ladybug". She was merely validated in her belief that Lila is evil and a liar through and through, that she simply projected the lesson Chat Noir "learned" that day onto Adrien even though she had no actual reason to make that assumption about her crush.
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Meaning plain and simple that, when Lila is gonna make Adrien look like he cheated on Kagami with her, Marinette is gonna realize that the reason why she thought he would NEVER get tricked by Lila is actually completely baseless. She just assumed it because of her experience with Chat Noir in that Akuma fight.
But let's take this a bit further, shall we? Because no way Marinette would believe Adrien to be a cheater if she'd get to talk to him, since Adrien would try his HARDEST to let Marinette understand that this entire situation is messed up and did he mean for any this to happen he just can't explain because his hands are tied! And even if he wouldn't be able to 100% convince Marinette she still would hold onto his side of the story because Marinette wouldn't only seek him out for Kagamis sake but also because she herself would feel betrayed since she thought that even if Lila can manipulate everyone else against her she would always have Adrien on her side (that's literally the take away from "Chameleon").
Imagine how confused, heartbroken and betrayed Marinette is gonna feel when she realizes that her having lost Adrien to Lila in such an AWFUL way (him cheating on her dear friend Kagami) might actually be reality now.
And now remember another interesting part of the synopsis of the s4 finale, because the worst parts of this I've yet to tell you!
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I believe every aspect of this entire mess is gonna come together in the finale leaving Marinette and Adrien as desperate and defeated as never before. Every time til now when Marinette tried to confess her love to Adrien either she ended up being to afraid to do it or something else nullified her attempts. But not this time, shes actually gonna confess and it's gonna end in a fucking disaster.
As the synopsis says, the bravery to confess her love Marinette will get because she thinks Adrien will leave Paris with Lila, which BTW was already forshadowed once with Lila herself in “Volpina” and then again in "Animaestro" only there she feared Adrien would leave with Kagami instead of Lila (its almost like all of this was planned by the writers lol).
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This fear of him disappearing combined with her feelings of confusion and betrayal is 100% going to have her confess to Adrien. Well, how unfortunate that I don't think Adrien is actually going to be ADRIEN in this situation. You see, there is another piece of shit in Adriens life out to get him (at this point one could almost believe that Adrien is CURSED huh? ;D Like a certain Felix Chat Noir in the Pv Miraculous, which is also incorporated into our current show. I'm just sayiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing) and this particular piece of shit is not only the reason why Adriens friends doubted him in the Shits introduction episode, he is also well aware that Marinette is in love with Adrien.
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I’m SO convinced that Lila and Felix are gonna team up this season and that Felix posing as Adrien and stealing his life is gonna come back big time. He has the same character model for hells sake! Besides that its still unclear how much Felix knows about their family, obviously Amilie knows about Gabriel being Hawkmoth but “Felix” neither comfirmed nor denied Felix knowing it as well. You can make solid arguments for both sides and depending on what will turn out to be true Felix will accordingly be dangerous as well. Then there is the simple fact that Felix was straight up the original Chat Noir before he was replaced with Adrien in 2012 and Felix is shown to be a great “magician” in his introduction even managing to steal Gabriels ring right of his damn finger! I’m just saying, this might happen again with a different ring lol.
But now back to Felix teaming up with Lila to hurt both Adrien and Marinette.
Look me into my damn non-existent virtual eyes and tell me, if given the chance, Felix WOULDN'T utterly break Marinettes heart while posing as Adrien. If it means he can completely WRECK his cousins remaining friendships and reputation he would gleefully make Marinettes nightmare come true.
Speaking of NIGHTMARE! :D
Say, what was Marinettes nightmare in "Sandboy" again, regarding Adrien?
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(Gif from @miraculousgifs​)
Ah yeeeeeeees, there we are. I'm gonna quote @pari5-in-the-rain​ post about this because they NAILED IT.
“Chat Noir was afraid that Ladybug hated him all along and would never love him, a sign of his insecurity.
Marinette was afraid Adrien would fall in love with Chloe and start acting like Chloe, who is someone Marinette cant be, nor ever wants to be, which is a conflict of being true to yourself and values vs. being with the one you love. Marinette was afraid of Adrien becoming the person she hates the most, and as a result, not being able to love him anymore”
Felix posing as Adrien breaking Marinettes heart in the finale would DEFINITELY turn Adrien into her nightmare in her eyes. He would become a person SHE HATES and while this is already heartbreaking and horrible enough for Marinette (as Lila and Felix would want it) the synopsis mentions one more thing:
Marinette revealing herself to be Ladybug to Adrien.
Now in season 4 “Adrien” turning out to be against her and a horrible traitor after she had revealed her Ladybug secret to him in her love confession would completely put her over the edge because of ONE reason in particular:
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"Sentibubbler" confirmed to us that Chat Blanc is one of Marinettes greatest nightmares and while her methods unknowingly hurt him more than do him good right now, she is LEGITIMATELY scared that this could happen again to Chat Noir. Now remember, what was the event which Marinette thinks caused Chat akumatization to be set in motion?
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Thats right, Marinette is convinced that ADRIEN figured out her identity and told someone else which started a domino effect until everybody knew her secret (especially Chat Noir) and Hawkmoth was able to akumatize Chat because of their love.
In "Chat Blanc" she said this without any kind of malice or hard feelings against Adrien, because Marinette has a strong habit of not wanting Adrien to be at fault for anything bad, so in her eyes Adrien only spilled her secret identitiy because he got overwhelmed with that knowledge and just couldn't keep it to himself because SHE wasn't there to talk and explain everything to him. This is also why Marinette concidered revealing herself to Adrien in "Optigami", even though Chat Blanc is still not letting her go. Because in that case she would have been right with him and prevented him from telling anyone.
But all of this would take a horrible, HORRIBLE turn with Félix in the finale. Because Marinette would have revealed herself to "Adrien" just to find out that he played and tricked her all along. He was always on Lilas side, only pretended to be friendly and forgiving and everything that makes Adrien ADRIEN. And then and there “Adrien” taunts her for giving up this information for him and that he bets that his girlfriend Lila would certainly LOVE to know this. And who knows where her secret could "accidentally" end up with, concidering his popularity? (If Felix truly knows that Gabriel is Hawkmoth than he could just straight up imply this here CAN YOU IMAGINE?? Marinette thinking Adrien was working for Hawkmoth all along??? After everything that happened??? And that he DELIBERATLY made her secret public in “Chat Blanc” and would do so again here?????) But it shouldn't matter right? Cause the Miraculous Ladybug will always win in the end, no matter how big the disadvantage. So he doesn't have to be careful, now does he? What's the worst that could happen?
Marinettes brain:
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(Gif from @dailymlgifs​)
Aaaaaaaaaah everything just fit together so god damn well, it's a disastrous angsty FEAST! And I'm DIGGING IT! 
Félix making Marinettes Nightmadrien become reality completes the Ladynoir fallout which is more and more turning Ladybug into Nightmarebug for Adrien. And just like him Ladybug will NOT get a chance to set things right with her Chaton before everything goes to hell in the finale.
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It's just like Hawkmoth said in his epilog line in "Oblivio", the episode where we, for a short time, were able to see how easy and wonderful reality could be without the secret identities. A reality sadly not meant to be our star-crossed lovers destiny:
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You don't have to read further, I'm just gonna do some real talk about this in my native language.
Können wir jetzt ENDLICH darüber reden, dass der Segen des Marienkäfers und der Fluch der schwarzen Katze (offiziell bestätigt, schon seit mindestens 2017, als grundlegende Basis der PV Miraculous Show) OFFENSICHTLICH immer noch die Spielregeln unsere jetzigen Serie sind? Das Marinette und Adrien im ewigen Teufelskreis des Schicksals stecken, welcher die Ladybug und den Chat Noir als Seelenverwandte immer zu Feiden macht? Deswegen sind diese zwei Miraculous die Mächtigsten, weil sie das Schicksal bestimmen und das müssen unsere beiden armen Helden überwinden? Oder sind wir IMMER NOCH nicht bereit für dieses Gespräch? Ich guck Miraculous jetzt schon seit fast 4 Jahren so, Leute macht mal HIN. Es passiert endlich!
278 notes · View notes
nadisabug · 4 years
How They React To You Gaining Weight
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Pairing: Bokuto Kotaro/Iwaizumi Hajime/Tsukishima Kei x fem! reader
Requested: @animexwonderland
Genre: Angst, Hurt/comfort
Warnings: okay so there is A LOT of self hate in this one, lots of insecure thoughts and overall sad times BUT comfort at the end, cursing, and suggestive themes 
Word Count: 2k
A/N: ofc if you give me the choice I’ll pick tsukki bby
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Haikyuu Masterlist // Part 2
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Bokuto K.
"Baby come here," Kotaro whined.
"No!" You darted away from him again.
"Please just let me pick you up!"
For some reason, your boyfriend got it into his head that it would be cute for you two to do the classic end-of-Hallmark-movie spin together. The one where the two run towards each other and the boy picks up the girl and spins her around.
Adorable right? And oh so very Kotaro. But only one problem.
You didn't want him to notice how heavy you were.
Recently you had put on some weight and now none of your jeans fit. So, you had resorted to wearing sweatpants and baggy sweatshirts everyday out of necessity and to hide the weight. You had been feeling so insecure about it and you didn't want your fit, toned, athletic, sexy boyfriend to notice.
Thinking about all your weight and the shame behind it, you snapped.
"Just quit it!"
Kotaro stopped chasing you and adopted one of his rare serious looks. "Baby, what's wrong?"
He waited for you to answer but you couldn't say anything.
"This isn't about me picking you up, is it?"
"Yes it is!" You shot back. You folded your arms and looked away. "I just don't want to be picked up."
Kotaro took a couple steps forward and reached out to cup your cheek. He held it softly, but firmly turned it so that you were looking at him. "Baby, just tell me what's really wrong."
"Fine," you snapped. "I gained weight and I didn't want you to notice. Happy?"
"Why didn't you want me to notice?" Kotaro asked genuinely.
You blinked at him dumbfoundedly. How could he not know?
"Because..." you started slowly. "I was afraid you'd leave me..."
Kotaro smiled ruefully. "Baby, do you really think I am that vain?"
"No of course not," you answered quickly. "I just... you're so athletic and goodlooking and perfect and-"
"And you're gorgeous and sexy and stunning and beautiful and-"
"Baby stop," you flushed and covered his mouth. He continued to mumble more compliments until he seemed to run out of words. Then he gently took your hands off of his mouth.
"Skinny does not equal pretty, baby. I love you and everything about you and nothing will change that okay." Kotaro adopted a sly look on his face. "Besides it sounds like you're doubting my absolute, super-human strength."
“Oh shove off,” you rolled your eyes. 
“You don’t know how much I can bench,” he winked. 
“Do you even lift,” you paused. “Bro?”
Kotaro gasped dramatically. “My own dearest lover, doubting me?” He sobered up for a second. “If it bothers you, I won’t do it. But just know that I love you, despite whatever you may weigh.”
You nodded with a smile. “C’mon, let’s go back to my place.” Kotaro’s eyebrows shot up and his cheeks reddened. You slapped him on the arm. “Not like that, we had a study date remember?” His mouth formed an o and he nodded. 
“Let’s go.” You took his hand and couldn’t help but feel just a little bit better.
Iwaizumi H.
You felt your heart sink as soon as you stepped on the scale. You already had been feeling it, but this just confirmed it. You had gained weight.
You felt tears start to prickle at your eyes. Sure your live-in boyfriend told you you were pretty, but did he really mean it? Would he think that forever?
It had all started when your clothes felt just a little tighter. It was likely due to the fact that your school was all online now (thank you covid) so you got out less and weren't as active. Even though you knew there was a reasonable explanation, it didn't help the sorrow at the pit of your stomach. You felt nauseous.
And then the tears began to fall. You felt so helpless, so much useless hate directed nowhere but yourself. You couldn't help it. You silently cried as you stared at the number.
Too high, too high.
You watched it until the digital scale when black, but you didn't hop off. You couldn't move. All you could do was stand there and just cry. You were so absorbed in your anguish that you didn't hear you boyfriend's footsteps.
He pushed open the half closed door and peeked in. "Babe, where are th- oh shit babe!" He rushed to your side quickly and looked you up and down. "Are you hurt? What's wrong?"
You tried to answer him, but the lump in your throat was too thick. All you could do was look back down at the scale and cry more.
Hajime quizzically followed your eyes down to the scale and slowly the pieces clicked together in his mind. Without asking, he grabbed your hand and pulled you off the scale and into his arms.
At that motion, you completely lost it. Large hiccuping sobs racked your body as Hajime held you close. You fisted your hands into his shirt and buried your face into his chest and just cried. He rubbed comforting circles into your back and squeezed you tight. He didn't say a word, just held you as you cried.
You weren't sure for how long you cried, but you knew it was a while. You didn't stop crying until your body felt drained and your head hurt slightly from the dehydration.
Once you stopped sniffling, you pushed against Hajime's chest.
"I... I'm okay now..." You whispered softly, voice nasal from your stuffy nose.
"I'm not," Hajime whispered back.
You squirmed until you could see his face. Surprisingly, he was crying too.
"What, babe why are you crying?" You reached up and wiped the tears off of his face. "Everything's all right now."
Hajime shook his head. "You're not supposed to be comforting me, I'm supposed to be comforting you," he chuckled softly. "Besides everything is not alright. Why did that number upset you so much?"
At this, you broke eye-contact. "I... I was worried..." You paused, but Hajime waited for you to finish. "I was just so upset because you're so perfect you deserve bett-"
"Don't you finish that sentence," Hajime warned in a low voice. You closed you mouth slowly. "Look at me." You bit your lip. "Babe, look at me," Hajime ordered once more.
At that you raised your watery eyes to meet his stern ones. They were hard, but they held so much love and adoration in the you almost wanted to cry. Again.
"I love you. I want to spend every moment I have left with you and a few pounds will never change that."
"It's not just a few pounds, it's a lot-"
"Don't. I don't care. You are beautiful and nothing will ever change that. Don't you ever think you don't deserve me because that's bullshit and I don't want to hear it. I don't want anyone else and nothing, you hear me, nothing will change that."
A few years escaped from your eyes. "Are you sure?" You asked in a fragile voice.
"Deadly," he confirmed with an unwavering gaze. "Now, let's go cuddle outside the bathroom please?"
You giggled and nodded, letting him drag you away.
Tsukishima K.
“Do I smell like shit?”
The question was blunt and straight to the point, just like your boyfriend was. 
You blinked, pausing to collect your thoughts. You were at the table in the library, studying together. But Kei was doing anything but studying. It looked like he had been staring at you for a while before popping his question. His text book was off to the side, closed, and he was leaning his head on the palm of his hand as his eyes bore into you. 
“Wh-uh, what the fuck?” You finally stammered. Kei just kept looking at you. 
You sighed and marked the page you were on and closed the book. You shifted uncomfortably in your seat and looked back up at him. “I’m going to need more information than that, love.”
“Its a simple question.”
“Yes, but why are you asking?”
“Answer mine first.”
You sighed. “No, of course you don’t smell like shit. What’s gotten into you?”
He hummed but his blank expression did not change. “Interesting.”
“You need to start explaining now bec-”
“You told me a couple months back that you borrowed my sweatshirts because you liked the way that I smelled. However, recently, you haven’t been asking for them. Hence the question, do I smell like shit.” Kei folded his hands in front of him and leaned forward. “But you just said I don’t. So now I am confused, because that was the only reason I could come up with.”
You felt your heartbeat in your head, pulsing to the rhythm of your anxiety. It was obvious that Kei knew something was up. Curse you for picking a fucking genius for a boyfriend. 
You swallowed the lump in your throat and thought of what to say. It was going to be hard to lie to him, but you didn’t want to tell him the truth. The scary truth that you were afraid they wouldn’t fit. 
Part of the allure and aesthetic of wearing your boyfriend’s sweatshirts were that they were big on the girl. However, you had recently put on some weight so you were very sure that they would be anything but big on you. The image of your belly stretching the fabric was poison in your mind. 
“Y/n?” Kei called, startling you from your thoughts. 
“Uh, yeah, um, I have my own sweaters?”
“That never stopped you before,” he replied dryly. 
“Well, I just don’t feel like bothering you to-”
Kei sighed loudly, cutting you off. He leaned into his hand and pinched his temple, squeezing his eyes tight. “Why are you lying to me? What is the real reason?”
You closed your mouth and looked down at your hands. You felt the lump in your throat rising and you fought to keep it down. 
“I just...” You sighed. There was no point in lying to him. He would find out eventually. “I’m afraid they won’t fit.”
“What?” Kei responded, seemingly surprised. 
“I am not repeating myself,” you frowned and looked up at him. 
“No, no, it’s just that’s so stupid.”
“Thanks for validating my feelings,” you rolled your eyes. Typical Kei. 
“How am I supposed to validate that when its absurd? Y/n I am 190 centimetres, I wear a double XL, how would that not fit you?”
“I gained weight oka-”
“Fine. If you’re going to be like this, be like this.” He started packing up his stuff. 
“W-wait Kei-” Images of the worst case scenario flashed through your mind.
“We’re going to my to try on my sweatshirt. If it doesn’t fit, I’ll get a bigger one so you can wear it.” 
You were dumbstruck. This was possibly the nicest thing Kei had ever done for you. Whether it was the built up emotions or the actual act, you felt tears welling at your eyes. 
“Pack up, or are you just gonna stare at me?” Kei snapped. 
You smiled and nodded, then turned to start packing up. You knew his anger wasn’t directed at you, it was just his frustration peeking out. He always had a terrible time managing his emotions. You were thankful for him, though. No matter how rough he was around the edges, he really did love you. 
Once you were done packing, you stood up and slipped your hand into his. “I love you.”
“Yeah, even though you’re frustrating as fuck I kinda like you too.”
You smiled and couldn’t help but feel just a little better. 
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bestworstcase · 2 years
That's some compelling meta WRT choice and 'hey, wait, does Cinder *really* need or want the arm gone (again)?' I'll admit to swallowing the 'it's eating her like Grimm mold and has to be Dealt With sometime' premise for a while, but even if Cinder does (try to) break with Salem that'll be some time coming yet. As for a big cup of Optic De-Grimmer solving anything about Salem herself...Summer Rose probably tried just that and got nowhere 'cause Salem's had *eons* to think about All This.
hdkfbd on the subject of summer rose my favorite theory on what went down between her and salem during that initial confrontation is basically: summer hit her with the silver glare, and salem—who may or may not have ever personally been glared before but is of course intimately and painfully familiar with what GOL’s magic feels like on account of it being what makes her immortal—promptly went “ohhh that’s not *his* power, i… need to reconsider some things.” and summer was like. what.
because, yanno, if salem made the same assumption that maria did, killing SEWs was most likely motivated by a desire to eradicate or at least diminish GOL’s influence in the world… and if, upon experiencing it herself, she realized that that assumption was incorrect, the obvious response is to put a moratorium on hunting them down at least until she figured out where that power actually originated from and, well, here’s a VERY CONVENIENT silver-eyed huntress who ozpin VERY CONVENIENTLY broke to the point of taking off on rogue suicide missions and oh you have children? i’m so very sorry would you like to join me so we can stop ozpin from doing to your girls what he’s done to you?
i have several theories on the grimm arm and why it’s growing; the main three i keep toggling between are:
1. “it can sense your trepidation; you must make it dread you” = the more afraid cinder feels of the grimm arm (and perhaps salem by extension), the less control she has over it, because after all it *is* a grimm, and the grimm feed on fear. hence why it starts to grow only after cinder disgraces herself and spends months with this worry in the back of her mind that she’s not going to be able to earn back her spot in the inner circle. if that’s the case, then cinder being on this trajectory of losing fear / getting bolder and more defiant is the best possible thing she could do for herself, because refusing to be cowed might measurably diminish the degree of control salem has over the arm and thus of her. (the symbolic appeal of this interpretation is…obvious gjdndjsk)
2. the growth and visual blending of grimm and human flesh coincides with cinder’s growing acclimatization to the grimm arm after the battle of haven. v4-5 establishes that cinder is having some trouble with the arm (apparently multiple sessions with salem trying to get it to take, the tremendous and exhausting effort of using it during training sessions, the habit she has of just letting it dangle stiffly at her side), and after her sleeve is ripped off at haven we see that the graft site is still very clean. after this point, cinder becomes gradually more at ease with the arm, hiding it less with every outfit change/adjustment, and her range of motion with it likewise becomes steadily more natural. by the time we see the growth up to her shoulder, the way cinder uses her grimm arm is indistinguishable from how she uses her human arm. thus: its growth might be a direct result of this physical and emotional integration; as cinder gets comfortable with it and masters it, it becomes more genuinely a part of her. (possibly this would explain why cinder seems so unconcerned, if she’s experiencing the growth as the arm feeling more and more natural, more like it *belongs* to her.)
3. …both…?
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becomingbts · 3 years
Time heals (sometimes) - Teaser 1
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Summary: 6 years ago, (Y/N) thought that she was finally taking her life into her hands, leaving behind a toxic and abusive relationship with a man who taught her she’d never be worthy of love. However, it became hard to ignore his words when she met her seven soulmates who rejected her without even giving her a chance to prove herself. It took (Y/N) 3 years to realize that it wouldn’t be her end. She would live on to prove them all wrong; she would become what they all thought she wasn’t: someone worthy of love. And as she stands proudly on the stage, under the burning spotlights and the applause and the cries of the delirious crowd, she feels alive. Alive, just like the bond she believed to be broken.
Pairings: Y/N x OT7
GENRE: Soulmate AU!, Idol Y/NAU!, semi social-media AU!, ANGST (mainly), fluff, romance, maybe smut in the series.
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Warnings: The series is going to be heavy with a lot of personal experiences mixed into the fiction, so this is going to be kind of therapeutic for me. Please, consider not reading the series if you are not comfortable with: abandonment issues, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, self-harm (not descriptive and only part of MC’s past), suicide thoughts (in the past), toxic behavior, toxic and abusive relationship (in the past), depreciating self-talk and low self-esteem, a lot of curse, physical and mental pain, near death experience situation (in the past), and maybe smut scenes (happy ending though, but it will probably be quite the ride).
NOTE: I was thinking of “Moonchild” and for some reasons, some memories I’d prefer to have forgotten came back to my mind and instead of making a full-blown panic attack like I used to, I thought that it would make a great plot if I mingled that with a soulmate and idol verse and that’s how I started going into it. This is going to be loaded with personal experiences, even if they’ll probably be a bit differently explained compared to what I experienced. Despite the heavy themes and many warnings, I hope you guys will like it. I think I really needed to write it. It will be a semisocial media AU!, because I like the idea of being to write some of their conversations through texts. However, I do plan on fully writing most of it. Though, you’ll have some updates about their social medias as I will update their profiles soon after you see this. I will probably mix a lot of different media for this story such as songs written and produced by myself. I’ll upload for real MC’s EP. So expect a lot for this story. Please take well care, feedback is always very warmly welcomed, it helps me to write for real. If you need to talk to someone, my dms are always opened and if you really don’t feel well, please call urgency numbers.
Thank you for reading,
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"And we will close our night show with the most awaited segment! The audience jumped during the commercial break, it's amazing how many people just joined us! Welcome to our interview segment and especially, welcome and thank you so much for being with us Moon!”
"Of course, thank you for having me on your radio show." 
"Thank you for coming! I have to mention that this is your very first interview with another media than your usual personal platforms like Vlive, YouTube, or Instagram, so we are honored to be the first ones to greet you! Do you plan on making more activities outside your personal schedule for the promotion of your new album?" 
"If I may be honest, not really. I'm the most comfortable in my own safe zone and I tend to try not to get out of it too often. It might close some doors to me but I'm comfortable with my fans that way. However, I often listen to this radio show and a lot of my fans were enthusiastic about that so I thought: why not."
"Ah, thank you so much, it means a lot! Your fans are indeed a strong community and they support you whether you go to TV shows or not. Besides, you've been a very active artist on social media and your whole career started on YouTube and SoundCloud before you signed to your current agency. We have to congratulate you on your journey! It's barely been two years but here you are, with your second EP 'People'! Congratulations on the release!" 
"Thank you very much."
“For our listeners who might not know who Moon is, I’m going to introduce her to you: Moon, your real name is (Y/N), you were born on August 4th, 1998, Incheon and your mother was American so you pursued your studies in America. You have been taking online classes since the start of your career at the HULT, university of Florida, and even recently got your Business Bachelor, now aiming for a Ph.D. You started your journey on Youtube, uploading covers and vlogs until you finally started producing your own songs, releasing them on Soundcloud. You started gaining a lot of followers; thus, you started on other social media such as Twitter or Instagram. One year ago, you release your first EP called ‘BALANCE’  which is the reason why the music label BigHit reached to you and asked you if you wanted to sign with them. Did I get everything right?”
“You are. It feels like you know my life better than I do.”
"Ah not at all, but thank you, I am glad that I didn’t say something wrong! Would you mind sharing the concept of this EP? Many of your fans probably already know but maybe some of our daily listeners might not!" 
"Of course. As you said, 'People' is my second EP, yet the first to be studio recorded. Signing with BigHit is a big step in my career and it created a lot of changes, hence I decided to focus on the people I have met, stayed with, became close to, or detached myself from… This is dedicated to the people who changed my life, whether they intended to or not. It could be interpreted as my social life diary in a way." 
"I see, many of your fans have said that the album held a very distinct duality, with a bright and a much darker side that made quite the storm on social media. ‘Y/N our Moon’ and ‘MOONISBACK’ trended for a few nights on Twitter. Do you have anything you'd like to say about that?" 
"I guess it was a surprise because this mini-album is really raw and uncensored. I didn't try to sugarcoat it nor to romanticize my experiences. I hope it brings comfort to people who haven't been feeling well. Because I think that it’s always easy to say that it's going to be okay to someone who’s not feeling well. Everything doesn’t suddenly become okay. And it's fine to be hurting, you can learn to live with this pain and move on while still hoping for better days. There is no end to hopes, and this is why my EP has a brighter side to it. Not everything is always a vast cold ocean. Sometimes, there are small or big waves that come crashing into our universe and they form something that we couldn't have imagined. They bring a little piece of sunshine in life and it helps to move on. So I hope that people who are struggling know that, despite how insignificant I might be, there is a person that understands and can relate to their struggles. I hope it can comfort them, even just slightly, to know that they are not alone." 
"That's a beautiful way to put it."
"Ah, thank you." 
"I have to ask because I'm really curious and I’m definitely not the only one: a lot of your fans have been theorizing about who could your title track ‘TIME’ be about? I have to ask you on the behalf of everyone. Is it okay for me to break the mystery?" 
"Time is a track that shouldn’t have made it to the EP. It’s a bit like a fit of personal anger that I didn’t know I needed to let out.”
“Your anger was definitely heard and understood. People have been curious about the addressee of the song especially because of the line ‘maybe it’s time I finally let go of you’. So can you tell us who is it about?” 
“Uh...Time was written for my seven soulmates who rejected me years ago." 
"Yeah, it's a lot I know.”
“Is that why you have covered your soul mark with this tattoo on your arm? Netizens talked about it a lot; normally idols tend to cover their arm from the public eyes to avoid for their soulmates’ names to be known, but instead, you were proudly showing your tattooed arm, fully covering what might be under the ink. Many people assumed that it meant that you didn’t have a soulmate at all.” 
“Well, I decided to cover the mark because there was no reason for me to keep it without hurting myself. I decided that I have been hurt enough to let myself take a rest. I didn’t see the point in hiding my arm either, I’m proud of my tattoo, I mean; it’s really a beautiful piece in my opinion. But to answer the assumptions, I don’t consider that I have soulmates anymore, hence why the tattoo as well." 
"This is really a heartbreaking story, it must have been extremely hard. Breaking a soul bond is immensely dangerous, my link with my husband already itches when I spend the day away from him, so seven soul bonds? It must have been terrible." 
"It was, but the most important is where I am now. I'm not lingering on that anymore because they made their choices and I thus made mine. I just hope that they all are healthy and happy where they are." 
"I have to say I'm really impressed (Y/N)-shi, you really have a delicate and caring soul. I probably wouldn't be able to have such soft words about your soulmates had I been in your shoes."
"I think living the actual experience made me reflect on myself a lot. I'm comfortable where I am now, I'm able to do music and make what I love. I have nothing to complain about, I'm surrounded by lovely and supportive fans, I have the best manager I could have ever hoped for and a warm and healthy family. I don't need more on my side." 
"I'm glad you are happy then. Many of your fans have pointed out it's really hard to make you smile and some wonder if you are happy, especially after the release of ‘TIME’, I don’t blame some of your fans for being worried." 
"Ahhh, is smiling the only way to prove that we are happy? I believe my words are usually a bit more impactful than my facial expressions. I have to admit that I don't often smile, it's not a bad thing, at least I don't think so, but I just don't feel the need to smile when I don’t feel like it. Besides, I get shy easily when I expose my emotions too much." 
"It's hard to imagine you being shy but at the same time now that I have you in front of me, our listeners cannot see you, but I definitely feel that you have a very shy and reserved aura despite the energy you give off when you are on stage. It’s not unfriendly either, but you’re just very soft-spoken and quiet in everything you do. Like when you came in, I barely heard you entering at all; you’re just silently making your way without a fuss, it’s really endearing, to be honest."
"Ah... I’ve been told that my stage persona and the ‘me’ in real life were two different entities but I don’t really think it’s true. I'm extremely introverted and it doesn't really mix well with the stage. So I just put it on the side for the people who came to see me and deserve to see more than a 24 years old woman who has troubles speaking without stuttering in front of other people." 
"You stutter when you have to speak in front of other people?" 
"Sometimes it happens when I’m nervous, and I’m very often nervous. Like right now, I’m extremely nervous. But it's something I'm working on." 
"Well it's definitely paying off because I couldn't sense that you were nervous at all, just very calm and soft, but I wouldn’t be able to imagine you being nervous enough to stutter."
"A lot of artists actually have stage fright, most of them just don't want to admit it because it doesn't sound sexy when you tell your fans you're actually shaking before going up there for the show." 
"This is very true, but it's refreshing to hear it from someone who actually lives through that rather than fan theories." 
"That's understandable." 
"Our time is coming to the end, do you have anything you would like to add before we sadly get our mics taken away?" 
"Oh uhm, everyone, my new mini-album 'People' came out very recently and yet it already received a lot of love so I want to thank you for that. This EP was a very personal project and I was worried about how it would be welcomed but you all made me realize that I have nothing to fear because we'll always find someone who can relate to our stories. As long as I can help even one person with my songs, then it's enough for me. Thank you for listening to me and my voice. I hope we'll be able to meet soon. Love you my fans and non-fans as well, please take well care of yourselves in those times. Be careful and stay safe. Wear your mask!" 
“Thank you so much Moon for being with us tonight. Our time was short but I really enjoyed it, I hope our listeners were able to feel that very warm presence of yours through the mic. ‘Give Me A Song’ of Moon’s EP ‘People’ will now be playing and we will see each other tomorrow night with IU for the release of her new album LILAC. Take care!”
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