theladyofdeath · 2 years
I don’t know if you still want fluffy prompts, but the fluffiest Fensterin ever where they’ve both had shit days and they just cuddle on the couch for a movie night to cheer up
I love u. Enjoy the fluff.
Warnings: language, liquor, mentions of sex.
Ships that we wish could have been: Fenrys x Asterin
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Fenrys stormed through the door fired up, pissed off, wanting to throw a punch but thinking better of it, which is why he came straight home instead of joining his work friends at the bar.
If he came home with a black eye, his girlfriend would have his ass.
Working in customer service was a shit show. After all these years, Fenrys could not believe he went to university for five years just to end up managing a clothing store that middle-aged, bitchy women shopped in for their husbands that made triple digits a year while they sat at home all day in the pool sipping gin. Not that he would hate that life. He wondered if after they got married, Asterin would let him be a stay at home dog-dad, so that he could day drink in a pool all day and call it classy.
Not that he ever would. He would spend one day at home alone and his ADHD would have him ready to combust. No, he liked being a working man....just not when he spends hours on end getting belittled by people that don't even know him.
Bitter. He was bitter.
Yet, the second he crossed the threshold into he and Asterin's house, he stilled. Soft music played from the living room and he instantly knew what that meant: her day had been shit, too.
Asterin was a pure soul. She was more in tune with herself than anyone Fenrys had ever known. Every morning, she awoke and did yoga and meditated before doing anything else. It was how she started off each day.
She only did it at night when she needed to recall her calm.
After slipping off his shoes, Fenrys came around the corner of the living room on silent feet and saw her sitting in the middle of the rug, legs crossed, back straight, eyes closed. Her palms rested facing up on her knees and she was taking deep breaths in and out, in and out, in and out.
She looked so peaceful that he smiled to himself before slowly backing up and walking into the kitchen. While Asterin meditated and channeled her inner self, Fenrys had other ways of winding down after a shitty day.
He grabbed his good whiskey out of the cabinet above the stove and took a shot before mixing another with a glass of Coke. It didn't burn going down. No, this heavenly shit felt like water going down. It was dangerous, but oh so good.
In the living room, the relaxing music came to a stop, the river - or rainforest or whatever it had been - sounds slowly trickled into nothingness and then he heard Asterin sigh. When she came around the corner of the kitchen, she yelped, jumping back, upon the sight of Fenrys leaning back against the island, drinking from his glass.
He grinned. "Hi."
"You scared me!" she said, hand over her chest, and Fenrys felt like he had just reversed every second of meditation she had just endured. "When did you get home? I didn't hear you come in."
"I've only been here for about five minutes." He nodded to the living room. "I didn't want to interrupt. Bad day?"
She snorted. "Let's just say that I thought about setting the office on fire at least twenty times an hour." She gestured to his glass. "You?"
"I hate karens," he replied, simply. "My day was filled with them."
Asterin laughed quietly as she approached him and wrapped her arms around his middle. "Well, you have tomorrow off, so drink as much of that as you'd like," she said, and leaned up on her toes to press her mouth softly to his.
Fenrys hummed in agreement. "Wanna order take-out and watch a movie?"
Her eyes lit up. "I'm surprised you even have to ask."
Fenrys ordered from The Starlight Diner because they delivered, and thirty minutes later they had their food and the opening credits of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows up. Part two, of course, considering part one put Fenrys to sleep every damn time. With a full glass in front of him, Fenrys pressed play and leaned back against the couch, putting his arm around his girlfriend, his future wife, and eating his sandwich and fries.
Halfway through the movie, when his second glass was empty, it all became background noise as he laid Asterin down and worshiped her, slowly. Her cries of pleasure were all he needed to meditate on.
As the rolling credits came, they laid together gloriously nude on the couch wrapped in a heap of blankets. Asterin's cheek was against his chest and she was sleeping, soundly. He didn't want to wake her, didn't want to move an inch. So he played the movie again until he fell asleep with her, feeling perfectly calm.
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