#theres enough space UwU
skelekins · 1 year
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Sans x You Week Day 4 - Free Space
he's got TWO thighs
snaps x u x kelek ;o they both think youre cute
snaps belongs to @didderd
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lilcowzia · 10 months
theres this shadow i make on the wall when i waddle out of our room, and it makes my legs look huge. i think its just the light distorting things, but, the rolls on my legs just look so much bigger in the shadow. my legs dont even look like theyre functional lol strangely bowed with fat and pushed away from eachother, but still fighting for space because there's more than enough lard between my legs to close the gap. anyway, everytime i see the shadow, it surprises me, cause like, when did shadows get so detailed anyway? and surely i dont really look thaaat big... i think its just playing tricks on me uwu
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betasuppe · 10 months
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There was simply not enough old timey space / high fantasy nonsense in Flint & Rinn's adventures in space [LIES, theres actually so much fantasy shit I just wanted more heheheh], so I needed to dump even MORE on which resulted in the idea of Flint having a dragon form & he's
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just a lil guy!!!!!!!🥹🥺😭💕💕💕💕💕💕
Rinn also really can't deal with the fact that his already significantly smaller partner can turn even tinier & just crawl up on his shoulders. He can only watch in shame [& adorableness] as Flint puts on the performance of the year for pets & snacks from anyone nearby because dragon brain demands food & attention above all else uwu
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astarionancuntnin · 28 days
✨Writing Interview Tag Game✨
Thank you for the tag @nyx-knox!! <33
When did you start writing?
Like wayyyyyyyyy back, I technically wrote my first story when i was 11. I didn't write again until i was 15 (original pieces + fanfics), then i stopped and Im back at it again at 26 ayoooo
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
if i really need to search further into my favorite books, i would definitely say psychological horror and dramas
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
I don't know writers enough to really get an idea of how to compare myself to any of them, but I do know that i tend to emulate what i'm exposed to, so if I read an entire series from an author, and they used a certain syntax, i'll tend to also do it by force of habit. (i also consider it a flaw cause i see it as hindering my writing creativity ;-;)
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
its my personal pc that doubles as my work space, so its a bit all over the place ngl haha, theres a lot of astarion stickers and posters, all the furniture (keyboard, mouse, desk, etc) is pastel purple (my favorite colour), i have three screens (mostly for work but its also useful in day to day life) and my three wallpapers are astarion, of course. sometimes when i feel a writers block, i found out that writing on my laptop does unblock me! in that case, youll find me typing away on my couch in my living room uwu
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
MUSIC. What I write will be highly dependent on what I listen at the moment, like I was really into boywithuke when i wrote my angsty fics, and then i moved to a dark romance playlist and that got me going for die for you but then i was unable to continue my other fic cause i wasnt in an angsty mood anymore ._. (i swear i didnt abandon it, it just isnt the playlists turn to play on repeat) and rn im a lot into sleep token and ari abdul
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
So. Much. Smut. And angst. not surprising! my writing will also often depict my current state of mind. dw im in therapy, im working on it
What is your reason for writing?
It's my favorite creative output/the one im most experienced in! i wanna start drawing but i never find the time to really get into it and also terrified of failure which brings me to my second reason, its all i think i can do and i get dopanine reading nice comments teehee
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
when people tell me about a favourite part, when they liked the tension i managed to create, how i convey some characters, and most of all when i get told they loved a character i created!! this is so encouraging and pushes me to continue <3
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
i dont know how to answer to that .-. uh, i guess i want to be liked? seen as a good writer if anything? idk man ;-;
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Definitely descriptions, and creating a build up in a scene. I feel like it comes naturally to me and people have often told me that they are never lost when reading my scenes which reassures me so much LMAO I feel validated I also think I make really fun dialogue, especially banter with my ocs/tavs
How do you feel about your own writing?
i often self criticise my own work a lot, and i get that imposter syndrome where ill reread my work before posting and go "what the hell" in those moments, im grateful im not writing on paper cause that sheet would find its way to the trash real quick ^^ ' im sincerely truly blessed that my partner offers himself to read my pieces and beta read them, and tell me his honest opinion (there are things i wrote i wish i could forget and yall better be thankful he was there to stop me from posting first versions)
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
mix of both definitely. initially i wrote my own ideas and if people do end up liking them hell yeah!!! glad im able to find people that vibe the same way i do! then again, when i write for people, even if most of it comes from my silly little imagination, it was initially influenced by the request itself and is going to guide the writing specific to this piece, which honestly makes sense imo
Tagging 🏷️: @marlowethebard @roguishcat @anacdoce @charmandabear @marimosalad
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kinda wish i had the space to make a youtube channel about sewing vintage mens clothes for myself. theres too many ~corsetry uwu~ channels and not enough ones taking advantage of the LUDICROUS curves on old timey naval uniform pants serving looks for historically minded butches. the reason im not already doing that is that i literally have nowhere to set up the sewing machine at the moment, even for regular sewing, nevermind having to take into account a camera.
the best i can do right now is to keep reminding everyone where all the free sewing patterns are, and how to adjust them for your size.
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ok so...we all saw the flurry of Bandom Racism discussion happening. and i have...thoughts.
i know this is late, in theory because i wanted to get my thoughts together, but honestly mainly because i didnt know what to say, so part of me was annoyed that i felt obligated to say anything at all. bc im not nearly as active in bandom as my blog probably makes it look, i didnt learn 90% of the Lore until september and all of that i learned from mcrblr. im new! i dont know about any of this! much less about the racism. so...why am i expected to talk about it? what is there for me to say?
...and over the past few days, its slowly sunk in for me that thats exactly the point.
of COURSE i dont see the racism in the fandom, or know what to say about it. because either none of the other white liberal fans in my circle do, or we just... dont talk about it. and i think when we do know, we dont talk about it, because we feel like its not our place. we dont know what to say, and especially if we feel like we had any hand in it, we're... embarassed? i know i am. and like...i hesitate to list examples, because i dont want to come across as self flagellating. one, because its got to be annoying for people of color, and two, because...i dunno. i dont want to make other white people think thats whats required, to be anti racist? because i think thats one of the assumptions we're laboring under, like...we've created this environment of really aggressive Discourse, so when it comes to racism, and unpacking our own...we talk in really vague terms, we never get past the "UwU!!! Dont Be Racist!!!!" PSAs because naming our own transgressions means admitting to wrongdoing, which is embarassing at the best of times, but in the very spaces we've created, generally being found out as Doing Something Wrong means getting jumped on by other white people for the purpose of their own moral preening so no one will suspect them of the same. so...why willingly subject yourself to that? especially if whatever you have to say, whatever it is in your behaviour you want to discuss, may be triggering to people of color. simply not mentioning it feels like the better - and safer - option.
but...thats what leads to us not knowing enough about all this to feel confident talking about it in the first place.
i dunno. last week, im one of the people who looked right at that piece of art with franks rising sun tattoo, and went... "huh. hey, theres that tattoo he got covered up because it was offensive. i should look into that. ...anyway, cool art!" and hit reblog.
and like...once people started talking about it, (theres one specific post, forget who its by, someone talking about mcrs history with anti asian racism, great post thank you for making it) i felt...bad? but i also felt kinda defensive. in thinking back on it, i was like..."well, im glad to know that now. but dude im not familiar with his tattoos. i kind of assumed what i was looking at was the covered up version where its sort of peeking through. idk it was a watercolor it was kinda garbled. i wont blame myself for not thinking any harder than that."
and then i was like... okay but. if im honest with myself, thats still bad. because it doesnt matter, since i probably wouldve reblogged it anyway, just assuming it was for the sake of photo accuracy or what have you...because i still didnt fucking know or care what the rising sun flag was.
which was the whole point.
because if i HAD. if i HAD done my research when id first heard about it, months ago, i would have recognized that art for what it was and treated it with the wide berth it deserved and avoided it regardless of my knowledge of his stupid fucking tattoo. but i didnt, for a host of reasons. mainly executive dysfunction, general stress in my personal life (nunya bidness) and...if im being honest? i just didnt want to, because...i hate self teaching. i have adhd. i was homeschooled, it was really traumatic, i flunked all of highschool and had to get a GED. my reading comprehension and attention span are piss poor. so i didn't feel like looking into it. i didnt feel like giving myself a whole impromptu history lesson. i opened one wiki page and instantly got overwhelmed.
but thats also the point. because all those reasons for not doing my due diligence and reading up on why asian fans are so pressed about the rising sun tattoo? or why black fans want nothing to do with 21p? the same shit probably applies to them! they don't feel like doing it either, we just give them no choice until eventually they make giant ass posts, comprehensive, easy to digest, step by step posts, for the express purpose of doing what we all refuse to do.
and, again, theres that feeling of guilt. guilt and shame, because im admitting to this, and because i know how reading this is gonna make other white fans feel, because i just went through the exact same set of feelings, and its uncomfortable as hell. so i can only imagine how fans of color have felt.
im not making this to browbeat white fans, or to self flagellate to fans of color. this isnt a soap box or a confession booth. im just.. talking. so lets talk. im gonna be honest, i still havent done real research into the rising sun flag. im literally just now looking at the wikipedia page for imperial japan, which i just now opened, and i still feel just as overwhelmed. (does anyone have good material on learning about this? if i find any, ill post it in reblogs.)
but...yeah. this isnt an UwU!!! Dont Be Racist!!!! PSA. this is uhhhh...We're All A Little Racist, Lets Talk About It So We Wont Be. an open letter, i guess. cause we're doing and saying racist shit, intentionally or unintentionally, whether we realize it or admit it or not, and i think the majority of you who have read this far are, like me, mainly doing so through inaction. and i think the more we ignore that, the worse this feeling will get. so...lets stop ignoring it. i know we all just did exactly that, i saw it happen, i was part of it, i get the reasons why. but its delaying the inevitable, and more importantly, we're hurting other people because of it. so...lets just get it over with, it cant be any more embarassing than burying our heads in the sand.
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imustbenuts · 1 year
ff7r thoughts so far on the narrative between it and og (am also slightly drunk plus at wall market before the crossdressing scene so make of this what you will. also typos and all that lol this suntory STRONG ZERO is no joke)
im. super vibing with this so far
tifa's motivation in R makes sense and is less ambiguous than her PSX version. theres def restrictions in animation holding certain aspects of story telling back but she was always meant to be this supporting almost waifu like character to her. but in remake this is fucking chef kiss bc of how much they focused on how cloud is essentially a dumbass chuuni with a very uwu core that it makes every chemistry flow better
cloud is the mother fuckin otome protag and he doesnt even know it lmao
aerith too!! her cuckoo tendencies of being cute yet somewhat violent has always been there but here its just buffed and pushed forward. and i cannot stress enough that aerith is legitimately naturally cute AND airheaded enough shes so good ooogh people who like her have excellent taste. mad respect
and the turks get extra screen time that now suddenly makes sense why they were big in FF7AC. before that they've always looked like the random assassin class characters who pop up for no reason so im actually super happy for Reno and Rude.
too bad about what will happen in the temple bc HAHAHAHAAA lets see theres some fuckery going on with the ghostly owos that its hard to tell.
but most importantly
they're all funny and entertaining. they know despite the seriousness its important to laugh at shit and celebrate the flair of artistic fun and bursts and thats reflected in Wall Market. just amazed. so happy for the team for creating this. so much respect. wowe. i think in a way ff7 came from a very personal place to the og team who made this and thats just helping this remake team in fleshing things out. fuck capitalism, and yeah slums are still ultimately populated by people who also want to have fun. good.
anyway uh its kinda giving me gintama vibes. the whole underdog uprising and red light district disenfranchisement, plus the extra peppering of how capitalism and patriotism takes advantage of those passionate to serve the whims of the ultra rich to gain ever more profit
(the word patriot was surprisingly used and dropped in that one segment in sector 5 and heidegger. despite midgar being ultra capitalistic lol. and the upper plate going down to enjoy Wall Market reminded me of the real life place known as Piss Alley. the staples of alcohol and street food are in both too, except with waaay more yakitoris and less shumais + xiao long baos. good shit.)
i wish jp devs have more space to openly criticize their systems, their politicians and capitalism bc japan's politics and history are a goldmine of wild shit, and is far removed enough to many anglo speaking audiences that it can be introspective
11/10 so far choo choo
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
@starsandsavages : If Raphael has a weak spot, Traximus is bound to find out about it. As he's sitting there close beside the smaller terrapin, a hand is slow to lift. Reaching over to rest upon their shell. It begins slowly, Trax using his fingertips to steadily draw small circles upon his shell, very steadily moving down. He pauses, so very close to their tail. Then the hand continues to move, two fingers gently gripping their tail in a slow, stroking manner. All the while, he's keeping a straight face, like he's not doing anything at all. ( 2k3 TraxRaph cause he has to tease uwu )
Movie night was sort of unspoken tradition in their home, something they had done since Raphael and his brothers were just kids. Splinter would find old tapes and late them stay up a little later to watch a movie together before going to bed. As they got older they kept that tradition it wasn't every Friday but still Fridays were those days. Raphael was a bit nervous this night though.
It wasn't one of those night where one of them picked a movie and they had a ton of snacks to go around and sometimes snuck out like ice cream after. No tonight was a two person night only, it was more of a date. Raphael hadn't really openly said him and Trax were boyfriends or anything but well? That is what they were right? The kissing, the pet names, how often he found time to just be with Trax? How Trax made the usually strong willed turtle weak in the knees with one word alone? Far as he was concurred they were then right? So, well that's what you do you go on dates right? Not that they had many options but a movie night seemed decent enough right?
Trax seemed to like the idea at least, so the night was off to a good start right? Shell he managed to get the lair to himself. And trust him that wasn't an easy thing to make happen. Having to come clean about why he wanted his brothers out for some time tonight. But it was worth it in the end once he sat down next to Trax on the couch and let the movie start. Raph had slouched a little in his spot and spread his legs. Taking up space, which was sort of on purpose. He had well asked Casey about ways to flirt. This was a normal casual way to sit clearly. Just so happened that his entire thigh was up against on of Trax's own. Raph tried to say to himself to make no big deal on what he was doing, didn't even turn. But he was able to shift his gaze to the side to least peek over to the triceraton. He seemed to take noticed of the sudden closeness between them now.
Even seemed a bit flustered, now that's adorable. Not that Raph's one to talk he can feel his own heart working in his shell. Guess Raph wasn't the only one trying to make a move though. Even with hos tough his shell was he was able to feel how Trax's finger tips were drawing small circles to his carapace. It felt nice actually. Maybe cause of the claws on the end of Trax's fingers made the feeling more? So context in soaking in the feeling and suppressing the need to let a churr bubble out from him he nearly misses how Trax hand makes it's way further down. Not tillt Raph jolts a little.
Eyes widen for a beif moment as he needs to take in the fact Trax is stroking over his tail. Now his heart was working like a jackhammer over the touch. Raph normally kept his tail curl away in his shell so it wasn't out in the open often for a reason! Looking to Trax as they kept their gaze straight on the TV acting as if they didn't know what they doing. Raphael couldn't even focus on the movie anymore as Trax kept stroking over his tail, making his face grow hot. He swears theres a stir inside his shell from his tail getting simulated like this. It felt good.
Didn't mean Raph was just going to take this sitting still as he had been. Raph moved suddenly from his spot on the couch, it was easy to get the better of Trax when he wasn't on his guard after all. Pushing them over till they were on their back on the couch as Raph took perch on top of them.
"Traxy" He lets a churr work out when saying their name, hands on their shoulders as he leans down "ya playin' wit' fire here." Raphael simply warns before letting his beak meat their mouth.
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feralmoonlight · 2 years
Do the HOE DAs (rkrnksnwkwms wow that sounds funny) ever want to just hold the reader so so badly? Like they feel so so restless and there not nearly enough contact, they need it to be overwhelming and dizzying. Too much not enough and burning with it. Does that ever happen?
IN THE BEGINNING no. After a while, this is just their existence but they can't because there are children present uwu. Theres something just comforting to them to be able to get away with scooping Reader up and just... Touching them. Feeling the heat from their body, their soft human self. Couple that with knowing that Reader is OK with it? And will just LET them (most of the time). it's like... I don't wanna say a stress ball, but like that XD. Especially when the kids are having A DAY where they just won't chill (coming soon) or on one of the rare days there are no kids(or a day where they're only there shortly. Big holidays and stuff like that when it's just the quiet and the music and nothing else going on at all). They do not like 'alone time' so when there's no kids on the schedule and YN shows up anyway, just in case of an emergency drop off? Oh lord, they flip their shit internally like OH. OH A WHOLE DAY JUST FOR US? And you better believe that the physical contact is gonna be almost unbroken the whole time. Walking togeher? Holding hands, hand on the shoulder, arms looped. YN gets piggy back rides, princess carried, twirled around. Sitting and doodling? Gonna be leaning against them, or sitting behind them to help with craft stuff. Sun tells a story? Gonna pull YN right into his lap. On the chance they play a game where they shouldn't touch, like tag or hide and seek, He'll give them the chance to get away, but beyond that? He's gonna be on them like GLUE. In a perfect world, they'd be attached at the hip. But he understands that they like their space as well and they TRY not to smother them. Too much. Usually. There are points though, when things get a little too tightly strung, that they might need just a moment and end up behind reader, then scoop them up into a quick tight hug, then settle them down again. Just gotta get that fix. Doesn't happen often, but sometimes ya just gotta. Scoop.
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Everywhere else seems too shameful to share(though I did anyway) & elaborate on, because those places are full of legitimate knowledgeable pros/artists, but uhhhh,
so I think I want to become a tattoo artist?
But seeing as I am the person that I am, living in the place that I am, knowing the language as badly as I do and having the anxiety that I do that makes it appear even more basic, I don't think I really can go the traditional route of studio apprenticeships.
And the loud majority of studio tattooers will of course tell you to never ever how even dare you try to do ANY tattooing on your own!!!! To the point of actively discouraging even buying a machine at all, even just for practice skins. Just draw a lot and go spend 1-3 years in an unpaid grueling apprenticeship where maybe they'll let u do something in a year or so uwu (tho there are also ppl fighting the gatekeeping) ( n some apprentices Ive seen whove started doing serious practice within a few months)
But yea so,,, thats why tbh it feels embarrassing to even mention me wanting to, even though on the other hand thats also.... the way to put any sort of attention on you, to garner interest from prospective mentors and amass future clients....... but also god its nerve wrecking thinking some local pro is looking at my stuff with disdain and mockery.
It just sucks how much language is a barrier for me. I'm not confident enough to just barge in talking in english even if they prob know the language fine enough.
Ontop of that its kinda sad I had all this sustained motivation for several days in a row but then I made the mistake of posting some little designs online. Because I was excited about it I of course expected excitement back. A response! A showering of praise and acceptance!
But the need for social validation is a poisonous pit and it never gives back quite what you give it. I knew it would not give me the validation and would ruin things and make me doubt myself and still I was hopeful and wanted it to be different and maybe a little bit more like the old times,,,
Its so hard to keep up my own confidence, as essential as it is to human psychology. I cant even create those little wins to sustain any real growth in myself. I just keep regressing and becoming worse. Im a hermit but one that doesnt even have any real community to turn to even online..........ughhhhhhh.
This is a very unstructured ramble, but its felt so fruitless having all these thoughts clogging my brain and nobody to talk to about them.
I dont know. Now I suddenly got back into writing and making more significant progress on my story/possibly novella.
and inbetween I thought more and more of how tattoo artist is the antithesis of me. I cannot pull my own clients, I cannot talk to people and make them want to keep coming back for my company, I could not do the receptionist duties for an apprenticeship, I do not even have an appropriate space to tattoo if it ever came to that AND renting even v small offices is stupid expensive at first glance. So I could not start doing that without already having a steady stream of clients.
Tattooing feels like a level of responsibility I could handle, it feels like it would be an interesting new craft to explore, w techniques to master, a different kind of self expression........ but thats all idyllic theory. No career path really fits me and it comes back down again to me being so unable to change my social ineptitude. Its such a waste how I had some modicum of comfort and progress in that sphere my last few years in Latvia,, and it fell apart just because it was so unsustainable financially......... N now that Ive been comfortably settled for a while in austria, just being financially stable and comfortable isnt enough...
Insanely Ive been wondering if the economy has evened out some in LV that I could come back.......but theres no way I would even physically *survive* through some unpaid apprenticeship there.....
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wondipity · 5 months
ehem, heard u were in aussie. mind taking me in ur pocket?? uwu 🥺👉👈
lemme just stuff u into my pocket dw theres enough space i'll just tell shua to move a little
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razs-archetype · 1 year
[slams fat tankard on the bar table] Violence ask game. 1. 7. 24
Here we go !! Apologies for th weight I reblogged this and passed out.
1. Hhouuughh. I could say a lot of things here. But I’ll stick to my routes and go with misinterpretations that piss me off th most. Minecraft story mode villains. Specifically the latter half of season 1, ones [aiden, Cassie, PAMA, Hadrien]. Understand that that’s probably an underwhelming answer seeing as you aren’t into Minecraft: story mode (understandable, most people arnt) but my god.
The number of rancid Takes I’ve seen ppl have for these characters. The number of blatant misinterpretations I’ve seen. There are maybe two people I know (outside of the friends I infected) who have takes I like. If that’s anything. And it makes me sooo upset as a villain enjoyer. Like! I won’t get into it but ahh. Aiden gets done dirty, Cassie gets ignored, PAMA gets brushed aside and used as a background character to push shipping agenda Constantly. There’s little enough mcsm fic as in, and out of the few PAMA fics theres only One I enjoy.
7. Oh god. Okay. This is where my own horrors are gonna show. 👍.
Vanessa (ahit), Belos, Pale King, ect. Big villains in fandoms that people tend to latch onto and either woobify, or demand you write paragraphs defending yourself if you like them. I used to LOVE Vanessa and now that love has faded because every time I wanted to talk about her immediately I had people going like. Ohh Vanessa. I like her as a character, but I can’t excuse her actions… on and on and on the same thing Over and Over. Which made me just. It’s tiring. And I still feel the compulsive need to justify fucking. Liking a character who does awful shit. It feels wrong to say just I like a morally reprehensible villain now. It’s compulsively I enjoy [villain]’s character and it pisses me off. And now I just tend to. Avoid talking villains in bigger fandom spaces. And liking them.
And that doesn’t even get into the misinterpretations for either shipping agenda or just UwU smoll perfect cinnamon rolls
24. I honestly do not know what to put here so I’ll just kinda have this play into the above. Liking villains in a larger fandom space full of people who decide liking a character decides what you thinks okay in real life.
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spicytrashthe1st · 3 years
When the Obey Me boys use the title of "Master"
Most of the time he uses it to be a bitch. Like you'll ask him to do something and he'll be like "of course, Master" or "if that would please you, Master."
Other times, if you're lucky and u fuck him hard enough itll slip past his lips either in a whine or a plea.
Okay tbh u gotta force it outta him. Like when u ordered him to use ur name sort of situation. Dont get me wrong, baby boy loves to refer to u as Master, loves feelin owned by u, he just needs a lil push is all.
It slips out. Is he embarrassed, yes, will u take advantage of his flustered state, also yes.
If hes sleep deprived n u carry him to bed itll slip out n if ur lucky he'll snuggle into u.
Uses it as a joke but loves to scream it, and loves when u make him scream it.
Maybe will use it during soft times, like when hes curled up in ur lap reading.
Constantly uses it to tease u. He'll do the whole fluttering eyelashes n innocently bashful look at u too.
It slips out most of the time like when u give him snacks.
Brat only uses it when he wants something. Like at cat, iv fed u, cuddled u, given u love n attention, why are u screamin at me?
Sometimes sleeps w his ass in the air, wakin up for a moment to wiggle it at u before moaning out "Master, i need u."
Gotta be honest, i considered change this mans status from baby boy to brat thinkin about this. I still might change it bc Dia is a cheeky lil bitch most of if not all of the time, will this reflect in ur pact? absolutely.
He'll use it in public spaces, like when u have a student counsel meetin he'll be like "and what do you like, Master?" Or "could u pass me a pen, Master?". Lucifer has to leave the room at one point which gets a laugh outta everyone.
Otherwise he'll use it in soft uwu times, like when he's resting on ur chest n ur threading ur fingers through his hair. He's happy to have found someone who loves n looks after him.
Uses it all the fuckin time, and whats frustrating is that he does so bc its ur title, however, theres always that twinkle in his eyes when he does so. Bastard.
Sweet bean. Ray of sunshine. Uses ur title when he's bein mischievous and/or a little shit. Does shit like bites his bottom lip, places a hand under his chin n looks up at u w those big eyes. Epitome of Britney Spears Oops I Did It Again and u love every second of it.
Colossal prick. How u managed to get into a pack w him is a mystery to all. Will he use it to his advantage? yes. Do u care? no not really. Another cat be to be sure.
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monarchisms · 3 years
a large chunk of writers in the ah community (hell a large chunk of the ah community full stop) are white and it shows in how a good sum of them write non-white characters. its an issue in all fanfiction about non-white characters/people written by white people. often theyre reduced make them one-note, one joke, one purpose narrative tools that often rely on weird racist fanon that interprets them as uwu smol beans or total evil bad!!! no matter what role said character might play in the story. theres no development or character study, no room for complex ideas and concepts. its something white writers (myself included) need to unlearn because from learning about this from bipoc whp are creators that i know, ive learnt just how blatant it is (especially when it comes to black people in fandom and the treatment of black characters. thats a WHOLE connected and massive issue).
I'm glad you've pointed this out in the AH fandom because the way people choose still to focus on ryans character instead of the many new personalities and members that have been added in the recent year is incredibly telling about where the focus lies. Racism isn't just the blatant stuff we see on reddit. It's ingrained and needs active work to unlearn and it should be recognised and rectified if spaces like these are going to be made safe for BIPOC who are fans and/or creators.
:) <3
i have a bad habit of putting the most important stuff i want to say in the tags, especially in regards to subjects like racism in fandom, and part of that is due to the fear of being harassed. going forward, i'm going to try to kill that habit, because i've truly been through a lot of shit; from everything with haywood since last october, to the constant, rampant attacks towards mica, fiona, ky, bk, and every other member, guest, and fan of color since i first joined the fandom back in early 2014, and much longer before i even joined. hell, i rarely mention that i'm black because of all this shit. i'm still scared of being harassed, but at this point, i truly have nothing to lose.
frankly, a reason why a decent chunk of the AH fandom, and any fandom in general, are white is because fans of color just don't feel safe. either that, or they're ran out of what they thought was an inclusive, welcoming community due to the harassment they received. in the worst case scenario, that harassment can lead to someone taking their own life, but that's considered too taboo to talk about in a white-dominated fandom space.
the beef i personally have with fanfiction writers in this community is, along with everything you've said, that they treat the real people they're writing about as purely fictional ocs. this is why i believe that people are still writing the vagabond or the mad king or whatever fucking character ryan came up with as if it were their own. they use the bullshit "separate the art from the artist" excuse because they know what they're doing is wrong, but they don't care enough to stop. they just want to find some lame justification to get away with it. it's the same thing when general fans, especially white fans, pretend the blatantly racist comments they spew are totally fine because, in their words, "it's just criticism."
they're too stubborn to change. and i guess, so am i, in a way? despite everything, i'm still here, because no matter what, i'm too stubborn to leave.
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ppersonna · 4 years
the landlord - myg | m
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↳ summary- your air conditioner breaks right at the height of a recordbreaking heat wave.  good thing your hot landlord, yoongi, knows how to attend to any needs you may have.
↳ rating- explicit / 18+
↳ word count- 4.3k
↳ pairing- yoongi x reader
↳ genre- smut, light crack, PWP
↳ warnings- basically the plot of a porn, theres no plot, the plot doesn’t make sense, seduction, oral sex (m/f receiving), penetrative sex, dirty talk, fun laughing giggly time during sex, honestly yoongi is great and i love him, maybe exhibitionism if u squint ???, cum sharing, finger sucking, motorboating
↳ a/n- did i just write basically the plotline of a bad porno? yes.  did i love it? also yes.  this was lowkey inspired by my own landlord coming over to my place (that i DIDNT SLEEP WITH) and i answered the door in a state of undress :/ i hate myself lol.  anywwayyss! enjoy yoongi the landlord!  pls feel free to interact with me because i need constant attention uwu
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The inside of your apartment feels hotter than the blazing sun outside.  Your air conditioner chose the worst week to fritz on you. A record-breaking heat wave.
Nothing helps.  You open windows, blow fans, sit in front of your fridge, take cold showers. All just momentary bliss that ends too soon.
It finally breaks you and you muster up the courage to text your landlord, Yoongi.  
You inhale a deep breath as you click on the name. Min Yoongi, landlord.  Your eyes flutter shut for a moment without realizing.
Your landlord who lives in the same building as you is likely the hottest and most attractive man you’ve ever met. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t have a crush on the man. Every month, paying rent was torture. You wanted to fling your legs open to him and request he takes his payment another way.
But you never did. He always remained cool and expressionless and it was hard to get a read on the man, let alone see if he’s interested.
Your fingers slide across the keys, nibbling at your lip as you decide what to say.
[to: yoongi] hi! sorry to bother you but my ac appears to have died and im afraid ill be next at the rate of his heat wave 😩 no rush but id appreciate help!
Perfect. Simple, slightly cutesy. Emoji to express how chill you are.
Your phone vibrates almost instantly and a smile curves on your face.
[to: me] oh no, we can’t have that. haunted apartments are hard to rent out 😉 im out until late tonight but i can stop by first thing in the morning if that’s cool?
A flirty line? Is this… working?
[to: yoongi] tomorrow is great! and don’t worry, if i die i won’t haunt this apartment, i’ll haunt yours 😌
[to: me] see you tomorrow, poltergeist 👻
You’re leaping through the air at the idea of the hot landlord semi-flirting with you over text when you notice your apartment. It’s disgusting. Your face burns red and you instantly work on the space before Yoongi comes over. He can't see you like this.
Sleep is out of the question. After your ravage cleaning and polishing and organizing, you’ve worked up more than a sweat.  A cold shower helps for a moment but you end up lying in bed feeling slightly wet and very, very hot. The humidity is draining.
You change into an outfit of a crop top and g-string panties. You aim the 3 fans in your room to point around your bed for direct wind contact. It helps, somewhat.
Sleep finally comes as dawn breaks. It’s cooled off enough that the ambient air around you is finally tolerable.  Exhaustion overwhelms you, and you pass out, hard. Finally.
You’re broken from your exquisite dream of being nailed by your landlord when a loud knock wakes you up. It’s disorienting. You’re so tired you’re not even sure where you are at the moment, let alone who is at the door.  The knock sounds again and you scurry to turn off the loud fans and book it to the door.
The door swings open and reveals your landlord, Yoongi.
“Oh, hi!” You’re excited to see him, for reasons beyond fixing your air conditioning.
Yoongi steps in and looks like he’s about to speak but opens his mouth and remains silent. His cheeks tingle a light shade of pink and he’s staring at your body.  Did you drool all over yourself all night or something? What was he staring—
Oh god.
You glance down at your body.  The crop top you hastily changed into in the middle of the night hits you a little lower than where your breasts end. The G string is non-existent. It covers almost nothing, which is why you opted for it last night in your desire to get cooled off.
You take a step back from the sexy landlord still gaping at you and shyly cross your arms over your chest.
“I’m sorry, I—it was hot,” you mutter. “I’ll go change.”
Yoongi licks his lips, then snaps his eyes up to you and finds his voice. “It’s fine. It’s your home,” he swallows. “It’s hot in here, so stay comfortable. Don’t want to overheat you.”
His eyes stare down yours intensely. It feels like your veins sizzle, and it’s not related to the scorching temperature of your studio apartment.
He breaks the contact first and heads towards the panel in the wall where the inner workings of the air conditioner hide.
You wait in your kitchen, enjoying the natural shadow and shade from no windows and a spot to hide from Yoongi.
What if he thought badly about you?  What if he doesn’t find you attractive and thinks of this as a ploy to get him to lower your rent or something?  How could you recover from this?  Would it ever go back to being the same?
You’re anxiously tapping your fingers on the kitchen countertop, listening intently as the landlord fiddles with pipes and belts and mutters under his breath every so often.  Eventually, you hear a soft ‘aha’ and your air con kicks right on.   You think it’s the most beautiful sound you’ve ever heard.   Instantly you feel the machine push out air. It’s lukewarm now from disuse, but soon it will be frigid cold.  You stand in front of the breeze and bask, arms open to let the wind blow through you.
Yoongi clears his throat, and it startles you, making you realize you’re standing in your house nearly naked, ass cheeks out on display, under-boob surely peeking out to say hi. Your face burns and it makes him chuckle as you jump and attempt to cover yourself somehow.
“How long was I standing there?” You ask quietly.
Yoongi can’t wipe the amused smirk on his face. “A few minutes,” he shrugs. “Glad it’s working now for you.”
The air rapidly cools as the machine continuously pumps out colder and colder air.
“Thank god. I owe you,” you sigh.
“Nah, that’s what rent pays for,” he smiles.
He makes his move to leave you alone, and you recognize this is it. This is your chance. You can ask him to fuck the shit out of you now. If he declines, well, the first of the month would start being more awkward. But if he accepts… it’s too blissful to imagine.
You grab at his arm as he walks past you.  He stops in his tracks, and his eyes travel to where your hands meet his skin.
“I’m serious,” you attempt to sound as confident as you can. “I owe you.”
He arches a brow at you and turns completely to face you. Your hands hover at the hem of your tiny shirt, lifting a sliver to give him a glance of the bottom of a rounded globe.
“Let me repay you somehow?” you ask.
A smirk lifts at one side of his lips. “You think that will cover the cost?”
Your cheeks heat and you pull the shirt up higher, determined to get him in your bed or die trying.
“I’m hoping.”
Yoongi’s eyes zero in on your tits. Rounded and full, nipples prickling in the fresh and rapidly cooling air.  He contemplates for a moment as he lets his eyes get their nice, long drink of you.
“Yeah, now that I think of it, that should be exact change.” He drops his bag of tools and approaches you quickly, hands cupping your head as he kisses you intensely.
He kisses you with all the fire of the heatwave outside, melting you from the inside out. You’re sure to be sweaty and clammy after you’re finished with him. He swipes his tongue over your lips, and there’s no hesitation to let him in. Your hands grip at his sides, pulling his shirt up as much as you can while trying to focus on making out with the hottest guy you’ve ever met.
He chuckles against your lips at your weak attempt to disrobe him and he reluctantly pulls a step away from you to take the shirt off. He stands there and allows you a quick look before he’s back on to you. His skin presses against your chilled nipples and the fire and ice sensation makes you shiver.
Yoongi kisses you passionately, you notice. Like a lover. It’s laced with deeper intention and you hope you’re not overthinking it. You will your brain to just shut up and enjoy. Emotions can come later.
Now, you’re the one to remove your lips from his and he pouts slightly at the loss. You smile and slide down to your knees, hands undoing the button of his tight jeans and tugging them down.
“Shit, babe, I think you may be overpaying me,” he admits. “Wasn’t that hard to fix.”
As a finger pulls down the front of his boxers to let his cock spring free, you flick a smirk up to his face.
“Then consider this my repayment for being late on rent all those months,” you state before shifting your gaze back to his hardened cock. It’s gathered pre-cum at the head and you wonder if he’s been hard and wanting since he got here and first saw you. The thought is intoxicating and spurs you on.
Your tongue licks up the slick at the tip that threatens to drip off, before it swirls around the bulbous head. Yoongi isn’t afraid to be loud, it seems. You supposed you wouldn’t be afraid if you owned the building too. Who will complain? And to who?
“Hoooooly fuck,” he gasps. “Sh—shit I might let you pay rent like this for the rest of your lease.”
You pop your mouth off and lick your lips, allowing your hand to grip his shaft and begin stroking him.
“I don’t want to pay rent this way. How about we consider it a perk?” You smile, pressing forward to kiss his tip teasingly.
“God, a girl who doesn’t want to fuck me just to take advantage of me? And she’s hot as fuck and wants to blow me for fun?” he quirks his head. “Shit, be careful or I’ll end up falling in love.”  
It makes your head spin a little and you suckle at the tip a little longer, making him keen, before you pull away again.
“Maybe that was the plan all along,” you simper, then take him in fully, letting his tip glide down your mouth to the back of your throat.  He groans loudly, and it’s the most satisfying sound. It makes you want to do this more. Every day if you could.
You get to work, sucking him in, allowing him passage to your throat, vacuuming your cheeks to add additional pressure, gliding your hands up and down the slick shaft to assist you in touching every single bit. Yoongi is thriving. He can’t believe his luck. The hottest girl in the complex, the girl he’s secretly pined over, is sucking his cock as if her life depends on it.
You’re salivating at the act now, saliva spilling out your mouth as you continue to envelop his cock quickly. You slip it out of your mouth to lean down and lick and suck at his balls, which makes him hum in absolute pleasure.  You don’t remain long—his cock is nearly pulsating with desire.  Your mouth returns to its rightful place and as you’re licking and sucking and pumping and stroking him, you maintain even and sensual eye contact with him.
You want him to know this isn’t a chore, a means to an end. You want him to know you’ve dreamt of him fucking your throat raw every night since you moved in.
Yoongi got the picture pretty quickly. His mouth drops open as he openly gapes at your work, giving him probably the best and hottest blowjob of his life.  
Your tongue swirls at the ridge of his head and Yoongi feels it snap—the tightness that holds everything back.  He fucks desperately into your throat, relishing in the feel of your gagging and moaning.  It didn’t take long until he was seeing it through to the end, pumping hot white ropes down your throat while he moaned out your name with a string of expletives.
The immoral pop noise your mouth made as you pull off his cock makes the blue-haired landlord standing above you moan.
“Fucking hell—where the fuck have you been all my life?” he sighs as he cups his hand under your chin. He beckons you back up, desperate to kiss you.  You oblige and return to standing, pressing against his body to pull him in to a dirty kiss.
“Upstairs, apparently,” you murmur.
He swipes his tongue on yours, tastes himself there, and decides he wants to taste himself on you all the time.  His hands slide down to your ass, the g string still curving down the line.  He snaps at the straps as you kiss, making you puff a laugh against his lips before pulling away.
“I’d be willing to fix your leaky faucet in the bathroom if you let me eat you out,” he offers.  
You’re tugging him towards your bed, knocking over multiple fans in the process, and flopping onto the mattress, landing on your back.
“Throw in fixing the squeaky wheel on my closet, and you’ve got yourself a deal,” you joke, spreading your legs to give him the tiniest clue of what lays between.
He sighs dramatically with a smile, “Needy tenant,” before he slips down to hover over you. He intends to kiss and lick every part of your body, starting with the tits that hypnotized him.
“Can’t believe you opened the door like that,” he chuckled as he plucked a nipple between his fingers and lightly rolled it.  “I thought I was dreaming.”
The feeling is instant, electricity sparking at the tips of your nipples and warming its way around your body, directly to your cunt.  You’re absolutely certain that by the time Min Yoongi reaches his mouth to your core, he’ll drown in it.
He moves forward and wraps his lips around the bud, allowing his hands to travel to the neglected one and to squeeze and pinch and prod.  He’s rewarded with your beautiful sighs and gasps—it’s sweeter than any song he’s ever heard.
He presses your tits together and rubs his face in the cleavage there, making you gasp and laugh at the same time.  He gazes up at you and flashes his gummy smile.
“I’ve really wanted to do that,” he admits, which makes you giggle again.
“Be my guest,” you approve.  He takes your reply and does it again for just a moment, before he’s kissing and sucking at the flesh of your breasts.  He wants to mark you, leave a piece of him for you to remember every time you see yourself.  You moan in appreciation and rub your thighs together, desperate at the ache that grows with every nip and nibble of Yoongi’s lips and teeth.
He seems to understand and trails down, kissing and sucking at your long torso, abdomen, hips.  He leaves little bruises everywhere and you want them to last forever.  You want him to mark you and claim you as his own.
His fingers slip around the thin straps of your underwear, and he tugs them right off.  He’s unable to stop the loud moan when he notices the slick that strings between them and your folds.  You’re drenched, and he marveled at how excited you were about him.
“Fuck, babe—” he sighs as he lowers his chest down to lie in front of your spread thighs.  Your center is weeping, slicked with your arousal and he can tell you’re desperate for friction, for anything.  “Look at this perfect fucking pussy.”
You whimper as you can feel his breath so close to where you need him.  
“Yoongi, please,” you whine.  “I’m so fucking horny.”
“I can tell,” he hums.  “Keep moaning my name like that and I’ll make sure you’re always horny and ready for me.”
He lowers his lips, hovering millimeters from your slit.  He holds it there as he watches your anguished face nearly burst at how close and yet how far he is, before he obliges you and presses into you.  
You gasp at the first swipe of his tongue on your clit.  He maintains a soft up and down motion on the nub and you’re already seeing stars.  He steadily increases the pressure and the speed, then spices it up by swirling his tongue around in different shapes, spelling out his name on your cunt with his tongue to remind you just who got you this fucking soaked.
Your legs falter and quiver as he slips his tongue deeper inside you, licking into your hole and nearly drinking you up.  He pulls back and devotes his attention to your clit and your moans turn from soft gasps and pleas to loud whines as he slips his fingers into your cunt and slowly fucks you, spreading you out.  He’s not small by any means, he feels he can get you ready to go.
“I want you to cum for me on my tongue,” he states, matter-of-factly.  “I want to feel you on my fingers.”
You nod, plucking at your own nipples with one hand as the other seeks purchase in his hair.  
“Can you do that for me, babe? Can you cum for me and get my hand nice and drenched?  I want to lick it off my fingers.”
His fingers get frantic and he splits his time between suckling and laving at your clit and encouraging you with illicit requests and praises.  
Yoongi continues, never letting up or even giving an inkling of a hint he’s tiring.  His hand works like a machine and he slips yet another finger inside your heat, making you arch off the bed.  He licks at your clit with just the right pressure, and he picks up the speed and it sends you tumbling towards your orgasm.  You feel the breath leave your lungs as it hits you, core and channel muscles squeezing him tight and legs shaking around his body.   Your moans echo off the small apartment walls, only drowned out by the sound of the fresh air-con still running.  
“Oh, my god Yoongi—” you pant.  “I’ve never cum so hard from oral in my life.”
He pulls his fingers from inside you as you come back down from your high and chuckles at your words.  True to his promise, he lets the slick glisten on his finger and marvels at it, before he’s popping the fingers into his mouth and sucking them clean.
“You taste so fucking good,” he compliments, and it makes your chest tighten and tips of your ears turn red.  “Fuck, I could eat you every fucking day.”
You smirk, still sensitive but feeling the desperate ache inside you needy for him and his thick cock.  Your legs spread open as he lays between them and you’re wiggling your hips to get his attention.
“I’m sure we could arrange something in my lease for that,” you tease.  “I could suck your cock hourly, honestly.”
He groans as he sits up between your legs, cock resting heavily on top of your mound.  It’s so close, so close to where you need it to be.  You appreciate the thick member as it rests and as Yoongi catches his breath.  It’s thick and long, on top of your mound the tip reaches to the tiny swell of your stomach.  You know you will not be able to walk tomorrow, that’s for sure.
“You’re telling me I could have been going down on you and been getting my dick sucked by the hottest girl on the planet this whole time and all I’ve done is give you shit about rent?”  
You stifle a laugh and spread your legs open wider.  “Looks like it.  We better make up for all that lost time, don’t you think?”
His cock is rigid, almost stone, and he agrees heartily.
“Fuck yeah, we should.  I’ve been dreaming about being inside you.”
He sounds so dirty, looks so sinful—it’s all so much and you’re almost begging for him to take you.
He reaches down to the pants on the floor that dropped and shimmies a condom out of his wallet.  You send him a look that he silences with a roll of his eyes.
“Every dude has one, chill,” he mumbles. “I haven’t gotten laid in like a year and a half.”  He pales as he realizes what he just said. “Not that it matters.  Or that I care. Or that you care—christ can we fuck now please?” He asks as he rolls the rubber onto his stiff cock.
You’re laughing a bit, not at him but with him, and you lean up on your elbows to kiss his lips.  “If it makes it better, I haven’t gotten laid in 3 years so I’m the loser by comparison,” you assure.
He wants to ask you how the fuck you haven’t gotten laid in that long because you’re the hottest god damn person he thinks he’s ever seen, but he realizes he doesn’t care and that it works out in his favor because Yoongi doesn’t like competition.
“Looks like the landlord needs to fix yet another problem of yours,” he winks as he lines himself up.  You lean back onto the pillows and sigh as you feel the touch of his head right at the opening of your slit.
In one slow motion, he slides himself to the hilt. It’s tight, so fucking tight even after one orgasm, and Yoongi nearly hollers at the feel.  He’s sure his eyes are rolling back in his head.  It’s warm and tight and wet and even through a condom he’s in absolute bliss.  He’s hoping one day he can try it without—fuck you raw and stuff you full of his cum.  
He’s still inside you, and after a moment to breathe and adjust to the thick girth of him, you’re whining.  “Yoongi, fuck me, I need you so fucking bad.”
A feral groan leaves his lips, and he’s off, beginning a pace that has him hoarse from moaning in no time.  He’s never felt so good inside a cunt before, never understood how some men could do crazy shit for ‘magic pussy’, but now he gets it—he realizes he’d probably do some dumb things for a chance to be inside you again.
“Oh, yeah—” you whine. “S-shit, you’re so fucking big, Yoongi.  Fuck me nice and deep.”
“Mmm, yeah? You want me to bruise your cervix? Want me to make this cunt remember my fucking cock?”  He thrusts harder, pushing into you with diligent speed and intensity.  “Gonna make sure you can never cum from another cock again, only mine.”
You’re losing your breath with how hard he’s fucking into you, both your moans and pants coming out in quick little bursts between his thrusts.
“Y-y-yes! Yo-o-ongi! Right there!”  He hits a spot that feels so good, and you feel the pull towards orgasm tighten.
“God—you feel so. fucking. good.” he emphasizes with a thrust. “Need to feed your tiny pussy my dick every day, hm?  Needy little cunt needs my thick cock.”
Tears form in your eyes.  The depths he reaches inside you nearly scrambles your brains—you forget everything that isn’t Yoongi and his perfect thickness spearing inside you.
“Yoongi! Gonna c-cum!”
He goes harder, becomes rabid for your second orgasm and wants to feel the way you squeezed his fingers on his cock, knowing the channel will feel even impossibly tighter.
“That’s right, good girl,” he praises while he maintains a punishing pace.  “Let me see you cum on this cock, baby, wanna see that pretty little pussy all creamy for me.”
His thumb rubs at your clit, moving it in circular motions, and diverts his eyesight between watching your full tits bounce and your lips open and close in pure bliss.  You’re the definition of fucked out and Yoongi feels a surge of testosterone at the sight—knowing he was responsible.
“O-oh! Th-there!” You’re frantic and he can tell you’re right on the edge.  He goes even faster, deeper and harder, and it’s the final straw.  You’re catapulted off the edge and thrown headfirst into your orgasm.   As he suspected, your perfect cunt pulsates around him like a fist and he’s groaning and stuttering as it triggers his own release.  
It takes a few moments for both of you to come down, before he pulls his softening cock from within you and disposes of the condom.  You’re breathing hard, and he’s smiling at the sheen of sweat on your body.
“Good thing I got that AC fixed today, hm?” He asks as he leans over to kiss at your lips.
You grin and pull him down to lay next to you, snuggling into his body.  He holds onto you and kisses your head.  He feels a level of contentment he’s never felt before.
You break the silence. “Now, as the landlord’s girlfriend, do I get any special perks? Like you’ll throw the utilities into my rent? Free cable?”
He chuckles against your forehead. “Not a fucking chance, babe.”
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© ppersonna - 2020 - do not repost on any site, or translate without express permission from author.
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creatorofclay · 3 years
Welcome back to observations with your favorite Kamski obsessed roleplayer. Last time, we talked about the actual location of Elijah's villa (boy was that a pain to dig back up too), the exact location of it on Belle Island. Today, it's time to discuss inside.
So, credit where credit is due, I want to thank @nock-and-bolt for their post about it that caused me to dig myself because, wow. I actually bought the game on PC and paid for the freecam (from otis_inf on Patr.eon) to dig because I am absolutely desperate. Hope you enjoy!
For my research purposes, I will be focusing on the parts of the rooms you don’t get to see normally, since the pool room and waiting room are explored enough in game... As well as a bunch of other things, wow this post got long LOL woops.
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Okay, so, first off, I have said this before and I will say it again. This place is UGLY. But, I don’t get modern design, so we will move on from that. Second, the place is literally aesthetic only, I swear to you. There are at least 20+ different chairs/couches that you can see just in the main parts of the house. There’s no reason to have that much sitting space unless you either host people a lot, which I highly doubt he does, or its for design and nothing else. It doesn’t even include what we can’t see on the other side of the house, its just the rooms we CAN see. 
Its not a place you live, this is like a museum. Or office or some showroom.
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The left side (facing the building) is the only part that I believe is the living space and it seems to be very small. But, knowing that Kamski has an appreciation for Japanese culture, and that I personally believe he’s absolutely a minimalist, this would make sense. He doesn’t need more than this small corner of the house for the kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom. 
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Roughly this size which, like I said, is probably enough for him. It would be the size of basically a studio apartment except more utilized because the living room and dining room are the other side of the house. 
But, moving on from the outside. Now, nock-and-bolt showed us what was behind the door that Chloe walks through in the pool room, but what I am curious about now is the farthest right door in the waiting area.
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I think I remember seeing concept art that made it out to be what looked like it could have been a room, there was a bookshelf behind the door. I always assumed it was a home office or something, and its what I personally have worked with in my headcanons. But, nope. Thats actually wrong. 
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Its just another hallway into this main living room. Which makes sense, sort of, if the kitchen and other things are on the other side of the waiting area. So you don’t always have to walk through the pool room to get to the other side of the house. But, whats super neat, that I love about this, is the stuff on the shelf here. Its just a few things but boy are they interesting. 
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A floral vase and a couple weird, modern art pieces. I really don’t like Elijah’s style, I can’t stress that enough here, but its again clear how much of a minimalist he is. But, there is also one more thing:
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What looks like some sort of Greek inspired vase the highest on the shelves. I did a bit of research to figure out what its supposed to be and what I could find seems to be referring to a nostos, which is “is a theme used in Ancient Greek literature, which includes an epic hero returning home by sea.” Which I only found from reading about Odysseus who was most known for his own nostos that took his 10 “eventful” years after the decade long trojan war, the subject of the Odyssey, one of two major ancient Greek epic poems attributed to Homer.
Crucial themes in the poem include the ideas of nostos (νόστος; "return"), wandering, xenia (ξενία; "guest-friendship"), testing, and omens. Scholars still reflect on the narrative significance of certain groups in the poem, such as women and slaves, who have a more prominent role in the epic than in many other works of ancient literature. This focus is especially remarkable when considered beside the Iliad, which centres the exploits of soldiers and kings during the Trojan War.
I am pretty sure the symbolism in the game is pretty obvious by this point, but this is just interesting because the vase is not something anyone would EVER see in the game. Its behind a door you can’t open, that never opens, and tucked away in the corner you would never see. But, it is still important for Elijah Kamski as a character. Assumed trials and tribulations, as well as the 10 year gap? Its just too coincidental. But, thats a whole other story honestly, and I don’t really know the most about Greek Mythos to be talking about it right now. 
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Some other small things from this weird house that I thought were interesting. Just textures really, but detail. The marks on the cellos may be my favorite because it means they’re being used. Probably played in that chair sitting beside them. 
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ALSO THIS? Theres one chair that isn’t pushed in equal with the others. ONE. Its literally like an inch out further than the other 7 chairs. Someone was sitting there recently. 
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Now, these are interesting. because they--
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--are literal tubes. I’m assuming these are for the androids. Maybe where they go when they aren’t in use or doing something. Or just. Charging? Stations? I don’t know, it could literally be a spawn point for them, but I think they are purposely placed and its interesting to me that they are placed like pedestals in front of the tv. Like he just likes to look at them standing there. Like a weirdo. 
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Now we have this door. This door that I thought went somewhere because I didn’t notice it from the outside before but. Nope. It just goes outside. 
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So I watched a video recently that was someone looking at $40 million NYC apartments and I realize what this door must be. Its the only way to get fresh air in this bitch. None of the other windows are made to be opened, anywhere in this villa. So, there has to be one. Its just weird to me that its at the far end overlooking the pier. 
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I just have a love hate relationship with this place. Its aesthetic, but the aesthetic is modern and weird. This place, what we can see of it, is not a living space. This is an office. What you show off to show how much money you have. I’m curious what this place looks like during the Kamski ending. All dark even though I think all these lights he has on are NEVER turned off. We shall see...
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Also when Chloe goes to talk to Elijah she stands at this door and doesn’t move until shes ready again. He’s spawned in the pool by this point. Sure, when she goes to open the door again, she appears a few steps back so she can walk up to it, but my heart wants to believe she was told to just stand there and make them wait LOL. 
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There was also a very human reaction from Chloe when Connor appeared to be standing in her way. I had stepped in so Kamski would start swimming and went behind the door to see where Chloe got the robe from (im sure she just pops it out of thin air because its just floating under the house) but she didn’t force him to step aside for some reason, like she has done before. She just... Waited there behind him.  She reached behind her head, rubbed at her neck, motioned like she was impatient like... “God is this guy really going to just stand there and play with a quarter or is he going to move?” She even tapped her hand a couple times against her thigh. It was.... Strange to see.
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In conclusion... Is there a conclusion? This is just a collection of things I discovered. If I find something else interesting, I will share. For now, thats all. uwu I went overboard and this is really long but.... I don’t call myself obsessed for nothing........
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