4everswtor · 10 months
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Mother and son Now and then
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geirahood · 2 years
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A commission finished and just fresh from the oven!
I love them! I love theron Shan!! *bounces*
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tracerleo · 7 months
Letter from Theron:
I love those in game messages we get and I use a lot of them for reference and to enhance the story dialogue.
Excerpt from “I do it for you.”
3630bby Umbara
Imperial Space
I really wish that I could come back, but I have too much that needs to be done. I would love to take that vacation that I always talked about, go somewhere far away from all this war and death. Just the two of us. It's a great fantasy, but the reality is much harder to swallow.
It feels like iv'e fought for peace all of my life, but for as long as I can remember, no matter what, nothing has turned out as I planned. Everyone always lets me down in the end. The Jedi, the Republic, my parents, even the Alliance. This endless war for power....it needs to stop. I'm so tired of fighting, and Iv'e finally found a way to stop it. Please know that everything iv'e done has been for the good of us all.
I don't expect you to understand. In fact, i'm sure this will really upset you. But I really need you to know, no matter how this all turns out, I LOVE YOU. I always have, and always will, Ever since the moment I first saw you on that halo in Manaan. You stole my heart and I will never forget you.
Always, forever
Theron sat on his bed on the shuttle. He put the data-pad down.
Tears rolled down his brown cheeks. He had finally lost it. He was glad that Borias couldn't see him cry.
He had to hold himself together, he thought. This mission has to be completed and I need to stay strong.
Borias had his emotions all mixed up. It had been that way right from the start.
His stomach was tied in knots, he had trouble sleeping, and he couldn't stop thinking about Borias.
He was never good with relationships, but Borias had changed him and his way of looking at things. He had always been an optimist and a fool in matters of love.
He sighed. He really did love Borias. The Sith Lord had left a serious mark on him and changed his life. But now, he needed to concentrate on the task at hand.
He needed to focus, and the Commander of the Alliance, the Sith Lord and former Emperor's wrath was a big distraction for him.
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He couldn't know what I was about to do, he thought. He would have tried to talk me out of it, for sure.
This was like his old S.I.S. days when he had to lie and deceive people constantly. Keeping secrets, hiding from everyone, even those he cared about. But it had to be done, the Alliance needed to die.
His data pad rang. He reached for it to answer the message.
It read:
Agent Shan,
We have discussed it in detail, and we have decided that it would be beneficial for you to join us. We weren't sure, given your current affinity with the Alliance, but with everything that has conspired thus far, we figured that having you work with us would fix your current chaotic situation within your ranks. We hope to speak with you further as soon as you are able. Welcome to the fold.
Grand Master Treveyr, Order of the six
He let out a hard sigh, then flicked the switch on the console of the flight panel.
Moments later , a bone masked figure appeared on the holo-communicator.
“ I held up my end of the bargain..” Theron said firmly, looking at the bone, masked figure in front of him. “now it’s your turn .”
The hooded figure on the halo glared at him under his bone mask.
“Trust in us agent Shan. all will be well. the order of Zildrog will prevail.”
It better, Theron thought, as he cut off the transmission with the priest of Zildrog.
Theron stared out into space. it better work. too much is at stake. it’s killing me that I had to lie to everyone and betray their trust, but I didn’t see any other way. he let out another heavy sigh.
I really wish that there was a way I could have done this better, he thought. damn it! he pounded his fist on the console of the shuttle. he covered his face with the other hand. at least I got to say goodbye to Borias. Sadly, we couldn’t speak on Copero, but I had to keep up appearances for all this to work out. I don’t know how long this will take, and I am not sure if I’ll be successful. Vlass was a big help. I hope he’s okay...
he grumbled. I’m not sure how long I can do this though. Borias must think the worst after Copero. He sobbed softly, tears slipping down his tanned cheeks. his hands shook, his breath coming short bursts. this just makes it harder, he thought. if Borias had killed me on Umbara, or stayed angry with me, I might have an easier time doing what I need to do, but I know he forgives me. I saw it in his eyes when I left Copero. He knows the truth.
he let out a heavy sigh, then punched the controls to head out into imperial space...
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ccrisan · 2 years
Poor Theron
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sainamoonshine · 6 months
One thing that never ceases to amuse me in swtor is like. Every time a npc sends an email to tell my alliance commander some secret stuff and makes him promise not to tell anyone else
And my commander is like « oh yeah sure no prob, this super secret information will remain just between us (CCI: LanaBeniko@alliancemail CCI: TheronShan@alliancemail) »
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ulavii · 3 years
Theron Shan Week : Day 3 (Trust)
Prompt : Trust Warnings : SWTOR spoilers : Kotfe Characters : Theron Shan, Cipher Nine Word count : 586 Read on Ao3 here - Full work below
Theron checked his bag one last time. At least that's what he told himself. It was the same thing he told himself an hour ago, when he was rummaging through his things, cataloguing the gear he needed for his mission. If he tried so hard, it was because he was nervous. So nervous, in fact, he had been doing his checking since he departed for the mission. Since they departed, he was brutally reminded when the Chiss spoke to him.
“Think you have everything? Seriously, agent Shan, it's the tenth time now.”
Theron hesitated to ignore him. It wasn't very nice of him, but he couldn't be fully happy of the situation. He had always worked best alone, he always said it. And, in a general manner, trusting people wasn't his thing. Never had been. He had trust issues, he knew it, and it wasn't new. It had been the case since his childhood.
“I just want to make sure we have everything, is it that bad?” he asked, a little more aggressive than he intended to.
Theron knew the former Imperial agent didn't deserve that. But that's also because of what he was, an Imp, that he couldn't trust him. Of course, technically, he was like him, a member of the Alliance. But that guy had a reputation, and not the brightest one. The SIS knew enough of Cipher Nine for Theron to have learned a lot of him. And he just couldn't trust a former enemy.
“Look,” the Chiss said after a few seconds of silence, “I know you don't trust me because we used to be on opposite sides, but...”
“It's not like that.” interrupted Theron. “I mean... yeah, there is that. But I don't trust people on a mission, I prefer to go solo. I used to, most of the time, at the SIS. I don't like having a partner. That's all.”
It took a lot of efforts for Shan to place his trust in anyone during a mission. Having an associate was just... the worst thing possible, for him. But right now, he didn't have a choice. Well, he could just make sure to “lose” in comrade for a day somewhere in the forest, and at the time of the SIS, he would probably have done it, but now... it was different.
“But I'll make do...” he continued. “The Commander asked for the both of us to go on with this, so I'll do it. But don't think I fully trust you.”
“I understand.” Cipher Nine simply said.
Theron had been betrayed before, and he was convinced it will happen to him again, someday. Having an ex-Imp wasn't helping at all. Plus, it was also, just like him, a former spy. Just one on the wrong side. And even if the Chiss had been a Pub... well, Theron wasn't the type to trust even his own people at the time, so... But he couldn't disobey the Commander. He wouldn't. It had only been a few weeks since Astaroth was rescued and “revived” from his carbonite prison, he couldn't let him down now. He was his commander, his friend, his lover. So he will execute the mission the best he could, trying to put his fears aside. He could be betrayed, of course, just like this time with Lana of Rishi -he was still bitter for that- but he just had to be careful. And think of the mission first, always the mission first. Trust will come with the time... or not.
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Lightsabers - Up. Photo credit Keyaroscuro Cosplay & Photography
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lyristano · 7 years
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Theron knows everytime what to say 😂
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mediastark24-blog · 7 years
Old habits die hard
The darkness was swelling inside her. The darkness she fought so long to contain…for him. Emmeryld sat in the corner of her room, clutching her legs to her chest. A room less than 24 hours ago, she shared with him.
A ray of light shined through the window, framing a picture of them together on her dresser. Without looking, she hand up her left hand, and shocked it to the floor. The glass shattered as the picture landed on the ground.
“Careful Em,” she said to herself. “You’ve come too far to go back now.”
The Sith inside her was dying to be unleashed. For so long,she had suppressed those primal urges because HE made her want to be a better person. His heart was pure, and his smile had a way of making her do anything. But, without him as her anchor, she feared the darkness inside her would resurface.
“Pull yourself together. You are a Sith Lord,” she repeated to herself. “You are the Commander of the Eternal Alliance. They cannot see you like this,”
Em thought back to the last time she was overcome with uncontrollable emotions. Before she met HIM. Back when she ruled the Empire with an iron fist with her husband, Andronikos, beside her. It was after his assumed death she swore never to love again.
“I should have been more guarded,” she said to herself. “Now look at me. I’m weak. How did I get here?”
Scenes replayed in her mind, as she tried to make sense of everything that happened.
“You know I love you, but this is bigger than us….you’ve become a symbol of oppression. So much for your dreams of peace.”
“Could he be right?” she asked herself. “Have I really become that which he hates?”
“I’ve fought so hard to be a better person. Why wouldn’t he tell me?”
She sat there in silence, trying to decipher the lies from the truth. On the floor beside her was a piece of paper: his last transmission.
“I don’t expect you to understand,” he writes. “…I loved you from the moment I saw you. And I always will.”
Her green eyes turned misty, and a single tear fell from her face.
“Damnit, Theron!” She slammed her glowing first into the floor. “I want to understand.”
Theron always spoke of peace; always going out of his way to save innocents. It was his genuine heart that softened hers, causing her primal Sith responses to slowly disappear. Theron’s boyish charm and piercing golden eyes made all her hatred disappear.
But now, he’s willing to kill millions for peace? That’s not the Theron she knew. Nor the Theron she loved.
“You mean a lot to me. I’d do anything to protect you,” Theron’s words echoed inside her head.
“You mean a lot to me. I’d do ANYTHING to protect you.”
Emmeryld’s eyes grew wide, as she unclutched her knees from her chest. Theron was the best spy she knew, and his skills constantly surprised her. Could this be another one of his missions? Is this all an act to protect her?
“…I’ve finally figured out how to end the destruction,” he said. Trust that everything I do is for the good of the galaxy.”
Theron had never let her down before. NEVER.
Emmeryld wiped the tears from her eyes and stood up. She slowly made her way over to the bed, where one of Theron’s iconic red jackets hung on the bed post. As she slowly wrapped herself in his jacket, she whispered, “I believe in you, Theron. Come home soon. I love you.”
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4everswtor · 10 months
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Vanilla Shan!
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bornangelauthor · 5 years
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Just finished the Expansion of SWTOR (the one just before Malgus return) and I am giddy. Yes, I was so giddy that after playing until 3:30 I drew this in an hour to commemorate it. I sort of predicted this when I started plotting out the Wrath’s Trilogy (which I’m writing), but I would not have thought to thrown that twist right before this. I had a feeling, but man, that was a great set. Even if I got frustrated on Copero. (Those of you who play #SWTOR might know what I’m talking about, but for those that don’t, I’ll simply say: It was a Hard boss. #StarWars #TheWrathOfTheGalaxy #TheronShan #Couple #Kissing #DigitalDrawing #SpeedDraw #Adorable #Perfection https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwl5SOFgkv8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ko6p8mpjzc0m
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tracerleo · 7 months
I may be in trouble. It must be Theron Thursday
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@theronshan-fanclub replied to your post “I realized very belatedly last night that a big part of the reason I’m...”
THIS! omg I thought I was the only one who had such a hard time connecting to my Jedi characters and I swear this is part of it. I paid cartel coins for pretty hair so let me see it dammit
I’m just sort of embarrassed it took me so long to figure out--I finished my Jedi Knight’s storyline and I think she’s at level 55, so I spent enough time with her that you’d think I would have realized, but...apparently not. it didn’t click for me until I got far enough with my Jedi Consular that she ended up with a hooded robe, and I immediately disliked it and started losing interest in her as a character, and then I kind of went...wait. wait. hold the fuck up. THIS EXPLAINS EVERYTHING.
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siriusordo · 4 years
Taking Down a Fortress--Chp 15
Amazing I know! A post on Tumblr AND an update to Fortress!!! Yay! I'm still working on this. It's been slow but I haven't given it up yet! Hope you enjoy this chapter!
He allowed me to guide him for a few steps before he stopped and pulled out of my hold. He took a step away and asked again, "Theron," his breathing growing more rapid and shallow as his anxiety skyrocketed. "If you're here," he managed between ragged breaths, "then is he... ," Zane trailed off, shaking his head. He took another step back and tried to sit down on the edge of the bed but missed, sliding to the floor instead, dazed and devastated. He finally reached the only conclusion that he could with the information that he had. Theron wasn't here, I was and no one would tell him what was going on. .
"Oh god. Dead—Theron's dead."
Taking Down a Fortress
Chapter 15
Jace’s POV
“Oh god. Dead—Theron’s dead.”
Zane bowed his head and covered his face with his free hand, and finally his shoulders silently started to shake as his grief overwhelmed him.  
For a moment everyone was frozen in shock at the sudden turn in the situation as the emotions in the room swung from one extreme to the other. 
For More Click read more or: https://archiveofourown.org/works/5660230/chapters/58260721 https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11718919/14/Taking-Down-the-Fortress
Jayd came out of it first and cleared the room of onlookers. “Everyone out,” his tone left no room for argument. No one need to see their Commander break down, even if it was understandable. 
I nodded my thanks to the doctor as we knelt down next to my son’s grief stricken partner, one on each side of him.
“Commander.” Jayd tried as he gently laid a hand on the man’s shoulder. “Listen to me.”
Zane just shook his head and refused to look up, as his shoulders continued to shake with sobs.  He was drowning in his grief. 
When that failed, I tried to get the younger man’s attention. “Zane,” I called from his other side, a note of command still in my voice. 
After a moment, his shoulders quit shaking and he took a deep breath before looking up and meeting my gaze. His eyes were filled with pain and grief for my son's, his mate’s, supposed death. 
I made a motion to the doctor on his other side, “Hear Jayd out.”
Without a word, he turned and looked to the man on his other side. As he waited silently for the doctor’s explanation, Zane took short, shallow breaths almost panting for air. The pain was close to the surface and threatened to overwhelm him.
“Theron isn’t dead.” 
“He isn’t here,” Zane argued softly “nothing else would keep him away.” He inclined his head towards me. “And Jace is.”
“Just listen,” I said.
“Theron is alive,” Jayd met Zane’s gaze, his eyes hard and determined, “I swear it.”
With Jayd’s words of reassurance, the tension drained from Zane’s body and he sagged back against the bed. He looked up and seemed to struggle with tears before he mumbled, “Thank the gods.” He took a breath, looked back at the doctor, and asked, “Where is he then?”
When Jayd didn’t answer right away, I could see the muscles in Zane’s body tense, readying for another fight. None of us need another brawl, so I answered the younger man. “He’s been badly injured. I don’t know all the details,” I looked to Jayd, “...yet...but I do know he’s alive and fighting.”
“What happened?” Zane asked, adjusting his position a bit and holding on to his arm that was in the sling, “The last I saw him on the shuttle he was fine.”
“What do you remember of the mission?” I asked, readying to tell him what I knew.
He wrinkled his nose and made a disgusted face. “Successful but it went fubar.” (Fubar is Military slang meaning=Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition)
Before I could say anything, Jayd raised his hand and interrupted us. “Let’s get you back up on the bed and I can take a look at your head and shoulder while Jace fills you in.” He offered Zane his free hand, “After that I’ll fill in any missing details.” 
Zane took the proffered hand and with a grimace of pain, Jayd helped him to his feet and on to the bed behind him. He sat on the edge of the bed while the doctor got to work, checking him over. He ignored Jayd’s ministrations and looked at me. “Go on.”
I stood up and stepped back from the bed, giving the doctor some space to work. I crossed my arms across my chest and leaned against a nearby dresser. I took a breath and collected my thoughts. “It definitely went fubar,” my face darkened at the thought of Samgir, “but you made it back to the shuttle and escaped before the explosion.”
“We did,” Zane agreed, voice laced with pain as the doctor took his injured arm out of the sling. “But you still haven’t explained how Theron was hurt. There weren't any other other missions planned and he’s safe here on the base.”
“He should've been,” I agreed.
Zane had been watching the doctor and looked up sharply at my words. I could see something dark and angry in his eyes. It promised swift and painful retribution to anyone that harmed his mate. For less than a split second I felt bad for Samgir and Lana but it was ended by the remembered sound of Theron’s heart rate monitor flat-lining. “Go on,” he said low, tone full of danger.
My own body language reflected Zane’s mood and he nodded sharply, acknowledging it. As Jayd continued to work on him, I launched into the story, giving him as many details as I knew about Samgir and the unfair fight, which made Zane growl low in his chest. I went on to explain how Vortena stepped in to try and break it up. 
“Sounds like Koth and his crew,” Zane said as Jayd carefully moved his arm, checking range of motion and his shoulder.
“That’s not the worst part,” I informed him, echoing Nico’s earlier words to me.
“With no warning, a strong Force wave was used, supposedly in an attempt to end the brawling,” my tone was colored by my growing anger. 
“Theron was already badly injured from the fist fight,” Jayd took over the story as he looked over the injuries to the back of Zane’s head. “From what I understand, he wasn’t ready when the force wave hit him and it knocked him off his feet.” He stepped around and sat down on the bed next to Zane. “When he fell, Theron fell on to a broken metal table.” 
I watched as every muscle in Zane’s body was tensed, his breathing rapid and shallow as he worked to contain his emotions. Concerned for his health, I watched Zane closely as Jayd finished our tale. Zane’s emotions seemed to swing madly like a pendulum from one extreme to the other. I knew this last part wouldn’t be easy for the younger man. People he trusted had caused mortal harm to Theron, accidental or not. 
Jayd was silent for a moment, watching his patient. I’m not sure what he was looking for but he finished, “He was run through by a broken table leg. It tore through his lower back muscles and came out just under his belly button.”
All of the blood drained from Zane’s face, he was white as a sheet. “How bad?”
“If not for the quick thinking of Ash'dani, a medic who happened to be in the cafeteria, Theron would’ve bled out before he ever made it to the medical bay,” Jayd rested a comforting hand on his shoulder.
Unable to contain his emotions, Zane closed his eyes and hung his head as silent tears streaked down his face. 
“But he made it,” I reassured the grieving man, “And Jayd was there.”
“I was,” the doctor agreed. “My team worked to stabilize him as I contacted Jace. We rushed him to surgery after that.” 
Zane took a deep breath and let it out slowly, visibly steadying himself. He wiped at his face with the back of his free hand before looking up again. “And?” his voice was rough and grief filled, “How did it go?”
“Between the damage to Theron’s body and massive blood loss, I didn’t expect him to pull through,” Jayd admitted, “And we lost him more than once while he was on the table.” 
Anger flared and burned through me. I’d nearly lost my son again...and still may...due to someone else’s negligence and stupidity.  “Frack,” I growled as I turned and pulled back my fist, the need to hit  was overwhelming. I needed to feel something, anything other than anger, worry and grief.
“Jace!” Jayd shouted but he was too late.
My fist collided with the metal wall, once and twice. Pain surged through my hand and washed away some of the dark emotions weighing me down. Ever since Jayd's fateful holocall, I’ve had no time or privacy to deal with my pent up feelings about Theron’s injuries. This was just the last straw. I punched the wall again. White hot agony burned out the rest of my rage. I rested my undamaged hand against the wall and leaned into it. My chest was heaving and my injured hand throbbed with my heart beat. 
“Damn it Malcolm.”
I ignored him for now. I slowly breathed in through my nose and out through my mouth, in and out until I could think clearly again. Theron did not die. He was still with us, still fighting. 
“Come over here and sit down with Zane, so I can take a look at your hand,” Jayd interrupted my thoughts. 
 I opened an eyes and glanced down at my damaged hand. The skin on the back of it was already turning some vivid colors. There were at least two large lumps already forming under the skin and it was badly swollen. The worst, I was unable to move a few of my fingers. After a last deep breath, I straightened up, walked to the bed, and sat down next to the younger trooper. 
“So that’s where Theron gets his temper,” Zane said as he looked at my hand. “Doc’s gonna have your head.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time,” I shrugged.
Zane just shook his head.
Jayd leaned out the door and called to someone I couldn’t see. “Genna can you bring me a wrist splint, a wrap, and a sling.” 
“Right away,” a feminine voice answered.
“Thanks,” Jayd let the door slide shut as he grabbed a stool, dragged over next to the bed, and sat down on it. He carefully took my injured hand into both of his, making me hiss in pain. “Now where we before Jace decided to go off the rails and mangle his hand again,” he said as he continued to examine my hand.
“You lost Theron more than once during surgery,” Zane whispered, his voice breaking.
“Right,” Jayd reluctantly agreed as he looked up, “but the important part, we got him back each time. He’s a fighter and he hasn’t given up yet,” he held Zane’s gaze, “And we won’t give up either.”
The moment ended when the nurse brought in the requested items. “Here you go doctor.”
“Thanks Geena,” she handed the supplies to him. “I’ve got this. Can you see if x-ray has time to take a look at Commander Malcom’s hand.” 
She acknowledged him with a sharp nod before leaving the room again.
“Theron really was incredibly lucky,” the doctor continued as he carefully placed the splint against my wrist. 
“How do you figure that?” I asked, my tone laced with pain both physical and emotional..
“There was a medic on-scene in the cafeteria to keep anyone from removing the table leg from Theron’s back,” he started, “And the placement couldn’t have been better.” The doctor started wrapping the bandage around my wrist to hold the splint in place. “While it nicked a few veins and caused severe internal bleeding, it missed his spine, most major organs, and his bowels.” He slipped my injured arm into the sling and secured it around my neck. “Theron ruptured his spleen but that was caused by the fight, not the table leg and that caused most of the blood loss.” The doctor sat back on the stool,  “I removed it. We regrew him another. When Theron’s stronger, it will be a quick surgery to replace it.” 
“And his prognosis?” I asked.
“Guarded,” Jayd answered as he looked at both of us. “He’s in serious condition and it’s still touch and go.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “He’s still in the kolto tank and we plan on removing him tomorrow, if everything goes to plan.” 
“I want to see him,” Zane said in a tone that left no room for argument. 
“Me too,” I added.
“I’m not sure that’s...” Jayd started with a frown.
“Doc,” Zane cut him off, face hard, “It wasn’t a request. I will see Theron. You can cooperate or not...your choice.”
I sat silently next to the Commander and watched the stand off between the two men. Zane Starwarrior was  the Alliance Commander in charge of leading this faction in the battle against the Eternal Empire and Arcann. Doctor Jayd was the lead physician for the Alliance faction and the final authority in all medical matters. Neither man was used to having his orders questioned and I couldn’t help but be curious about who would win this battle of wills.
The pair stared at each other for a few long seconds until Jayd finally sighed, “On a few conditions.”
“Which are?” Zane’s body relaxed a bit.
“You quit fighting the medical staff,” the doctor directed at Zane, “And you let me double check your injuries, make sure you didn’t do yourself some unseen damage.”
Zane nodded his agreement, so Jayd turned his attention to me. “You’ve broken that hand in multiple places...again.” I could hear the irritation in my friend’s tone. “You let a doctor treat your broken hand before you see your son.”
“It will be fine…,” I tried but the hard look in Jayd’s eyes had me rethinking my words. I rolled my eyes and sighed, “Fine, a doctor you trust while you check over Zane.” 
“Dr. Belman,” Jayd said immediately before sliding the stool back, “And last but not least, you wait until I check on Theron’s condition and get an update first.”
We started to argue but Jayd raised a hand to stop us. Both Zane and I started to argue with the doctor but he raised a hand and stopped us. “It’s non negotiable. I don’t want any more surprises.” 
Zane seemed to think it over. He looked from the doctor to me and back again. “We’ll wait,” he reluctantly agreed, “But not for long, so let’s get this done.”
The doctor pulled a holo communicator from his jacket pocket. “Dr. Belman.”
After a few moments there was an answer. “Yes doctor?”
“Can I see you in the Commander’s room?”
“I was just finishing up some paperwork. I can be there in a few minutes,” she answered, “Is there a problem with the Commander?”
“Commander Starwarrior’s awake.”
“Wasn’t that the plan? So he’d be awake when Agent Shan’s father arrived?” It sounded like she was walking down a passageway.
“Yes it was, though he woke a bit earlier than planned,” Jayd agreed, “But he’s not your patient.”
The room door whooshed open. “Then who is?”
“Supreme Commander Malcolm,” surprise evident in the new doctor’s tone. “When did you get here?”
“We docked just a short time ago.”
She seemed to shake away her shock at my arrival and her professionalism took over. “I’m Doctor Belman,” she took in the splint and sling, “What happened?”
Jayd answered her before I could. “Jace has a bad habit of punching walls.”
“Sometimes, it’s either punch a wall or someone’s face.” After finding my son dying of alcohol poisoning on the floor of his own apartment, I’d put my fist through a plexiglass in frustration. Later, I broke it a second time after the callousness of a young doctor got to me. It was either strike the wall or him. I took the wall but it hadn’t made Jayd happy to have to reset the breaks a second time or the new one in my wrist.  
“Maybe,” Jayd allowed, “But I’d prefer to never again need to reset your broken bones.” 
“Probably a fool’s hope,” I told him with a grin.
“Probably,” Jayd admitted with a laugh and a shake of his head. “Malcolm men will be the death of me.”
That reminded me. “Speaking of Malcolm men,” I glanced at Dr. Belman, “Give me a minute.” 
She nodded and motioned toward a computer on the far wall. “I’ll be over there.” She stepped away and gave us some privacy.
I wasn’t sure how to tell Zane that his son was on the planet, so better just to say it. “Shane’s with me.”
Zane looked up sharply, his eyes quickly surveying the room as if he’d somehow missed the boy earlier. “He’s here? My boy is here?”
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Cosplayers of the Old Republic at the SWTOR cantina.
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eviltwinlil-la · 7 years
I want. 2 change my URL but like. Hmmm
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