#these are my jam
friendship-ditch · 8 months
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(Katniss Everdeen x Fem Reader) ❀
Summary: After the mutt attack, Katniss takes care of your broken bone.
Warnings/Notes: A few graphic descriptions of a wound/pain but that’s it.
Word Count: 1873
  It was quiet, uneasily quiet.  Nobody wanted to speak, and if they did, they wouldn’t know what to say, not to mention the exhaustion.
  Your group had grown much smaller than it was before.  There were only six of you left: Cressida, Pollux, Gale, Peeta, Katniss, and yourself.  Nobody wanted to mention the lost but it was weighing heavily on all.
  After being ushered into the safety of her basement, Tigris provided what medical supplies she had and then returned upstairs.
  Everyone was mostly taken care of.  
  Deep wounds had been stitched, blood had been cleaned, and grief had been consoled as best as it could’ve been in this moment.
  Now, you lay on a bed of old fabric and furs, curled up in the corner by yourself.  You’d let Cressida wrap the wound on your leg but you didn’t tell anybody that you couldn't move your arm.
  The mutts had grabbed you by the leg, hence the deep claw marks, and launched you into the wall.  The pain was too excruciating to relive so you pushed the memory away, but the fiery ache in your useless limb wouldn’t stop.
  You weren’t really sure why you didn’t tell anyone of the wound.   
  Everyone was weak right now, and another injury wouldn’t cause a difference but you didn’t want to create more problems then you already had.  
  Nobody else had broken a bone and you’d just have to fight through it, at least for a while.
  When you finally figured everybody else was asleep, you wandered over to the leftovers from Tigris’ medicine stash.  You scooped them up with your good arm and returned to your corner in the shadows.
  There, you took your shirt off and looked at the wound.
  It wasn’t too bad on the surface, just some minor bruising across the skin and swelling but it hurt like hell on the inside.
  You tried to touch the limb but when your finger hovered centimeters above the skin you nearly burst into tears.
  Your soft cry was quickly muffled by you biting the fabric of your shirt.  You tried to touch your arm again but you couldn’t handle it and just hung your head.
  “Y/n?”  It was Katniss’s soft voice from on the other side of the room.  Her voice was laced with exhaustion but you could tell she wasn’t sleeping either.
  “I’m okay.”  You managed to croak out through gritted teeth, waiting for the fire to burn out in your arm.
  You were never quite good at lying. 
  Katniss was at your side a few moments later, eyebrows furrowed with confusion.  Her eyes had this glassy film over them now but beneath them you saw worry.  
  She quickly scanned your body.  She didn’t really care that you were only in your bra, that was the least of her worries.  It was the unshed tears in your eyes and the pain written on her face that really concerned her.
  “What happened?”  Katniss slowly bent beside you.  Her shaky hand slowly reached to touch your arm but you pushed it away with a hiss.
  “Nothing.”  You mumbled.  She let out a huff and you sighed, shoulders and head dipping.  “I hurt my arm… back with the mutts.”
  Katniss nodded quietly.  “Can I take a look?”  
  “Not without me crying.”
  “Then we’ll go upstairs, come on.”  She murmured, picking the bandages up for you and helping you to your feet.
  Tigris was still awake and sitting at a desk when you came up.  She said nothing but directed you to an extravagant bathroom tucked to the side.
  In the bright light, you could really see the damage.  Your arm looked even more swollen and the bruises were turning purple.
  Katniss sat you down on the large counter and looked at your arm, then back at your face.  “How bad does it hurt?”
  “Like it’s burning from the inside out.”
  “Can you move it?”
  Hearing those words from somebody else, and then trying to move your arm with no avail really set the sense of reality in your head and you let out a broken sob, shaking your head.  “N-no…  I can’t.”
   “Can I touch it first?  To make sure it’s broken?”
  You couldn’t find a voice to muster a reply, but you let out a loud cry when she touched your arm.  It felt like the world was spinning and somebody was trying to tear your arm off.  You yanked away from her and curled into a ball on the counter.
  “If you didn’t hide this, we could’ve gotten this over with earlier.”  Katniss suddenly snapped at you.
  You stared wide eyed at her and she did the same.  
  Then she broke.
  “I’m sorry.”  Katniss murmured quickly, feeling awful for only putting you in more agony.  Seeing you in pain hurt her too and after everything she was as fragile as glass.  “I.. probably would’ve done the same as you.”
  You slowly relaxed and leaned into the wall with a heavy sigh.  “I know…  And I’d be the one taking care of you instead of this.”  You mumbled.  “I’m sorry you have to deal with me.”
  Katniss’s hand rested gently on your knee and you looked back up at her.  You thought she’d be upset for having to take care of you, but in her eyes was a look of gratitude.  You were giving her something to focus on, something to do and feel useful, life saving, even, not life wasting.
  “Don’t be.”  She whispered, then something crossed into her mind and she left the bathroom.
  A few minutes later she came back with some more supplies and set them down.  She took your hand, being careful not to touch your arm and carefully held it out.
  “I broke my arm falling out of a tree when I was younger.”  Her voice was soft, wistful even for a time where although there was still pain, life was simpler, loss this deep was unknown.  “My mother set it for me.  I think I can still do it, but it’s going to hurt.”
  Katniss dumped a few Capitol painkillers into her hand and gave you a glass of water.  “Take these.”
  You took them without question, almost immediately feeling the pain fade.  It almost felt like cheating but you said nothing as the warm Capitol drugs began to take effect on your wounded body.
  As Katniss washed her hands and got ready to set your arm back into place, you suddenly felt a rush of panic even though there was no pain.  You reached out with your good hand and grabbed hers.
  “Just… just talk, please.”  You begged softly.  
  Katniss hesitated.  She was never the talkative type, that was your role.  You were the one that dragged her outside for long walks and held her hand while you told her about the latest book you read, or told her silly made up stories until the pictures from her nightmares were gone and she could return to sleep.
  You were always there for her and even though it was hard, she knew she had to be there for you too.
  “Of course.”  Her smile was futile but it made you feel better anyway.  “Any.. requests?”
  “Something happy.”
  “That’ll be hard.”
  “Just look at me, I’m sure you can come up with something.”  Your voice was a little higher in pitch now, the drugs making you feel woozy, but good, and a bit bold.  
  That response actually drew the softest chuckle out of Katniss which made you feel even better.
  “Okay, something happy.”  Katniss stared at you for a few seconds to increase the effect, then she nodded.  “Well… once upon a time, I knew this girl.  She was tall, but I still towered over her by a few inches.  We were neighbors back in District 12.”
  Katniss’s hands rested on either side of your arm but you couldn’t even feel it now.  Your eyes were closed but you were awake, listening to her soft, almost raspy voice. 
  “We didn’t speak a lot when we were younger, but one day she found me in the woods with a horrible thorn in my foot, and she pulled it out for me.”  Katniss continued.  “She wasn’t afraid of anything.”
  Her hands started to find the broken spot on your arm and she began to apply pressure.
  “And we’ve been friends ever since then.  I taught her how to hunt and she taught me all kinds of things in return.  She’s the kindest, sweetest person I’ve ever met.  She’s the kind of person that I’d want to spend the rest of my life with…  She’s always there for me and I’m trying to be there for her.”
  You listened to her speak dreamily.  This person sounded–wait…
  “And… we’re both going through some really tough times, and the moment isn’t exactly appropriate, but I just want to tell her how much I love her.  How happy she makes me, how she makes me feel like everything is going to be okay.  How she fills my stomach with butterflies and she’s just… the last light I have in my life.  I was broken and she put me back together.”
  A small, ditzy smile spread across your lips.  You looked up at her.
  Her eyes were still dark and dim but there was clear affection shining in them.  
  “That’s not… something happy.”  You whined with a silly grin.  “You’re just describing me.”
  “You make me happy.”
  “I do?”
  “Did you not hear everything I said?”  Katniss chuckled.  Her warm hands were now gently cupping your face and you leaned into the touch yearningly.
  “I did but…” you paused.  “Weren’t you supposed to fix my arm?”
  Katniss nodded.  “I already did.  Can you try moving it for me?”  She asked gently.
  To your amazement, you could actually move your arm now.  Sure, even with the painkillers it was aggressively painful, but you could move it.  You smiled thankfully at her and she kissed your forehead gently in reply.
  Afterwards, Katniss wrapped your arm up in the best sling she could make, then she slowly helped you off the counter.  You were still pretty woozy from the hefty dose of painkillers so she practically carried you back downstairs.
  She quietly laid you back down in your bed, tracing your facial features with her thumb as you got settled.  
  “You know..  what would make me happy?”  You said softly.
  “If you… laid here with… me.”  You were slowly falling asleep but you wanted her presence, you needed it.  You scooted over a little.
  Katniss knew better than to argue.  
  Once she laid down beside you and wrapped her arm around you in a way that wouldn’t mess with your sling, she kissed the top of your head.
  “I love you too.”  You murmured in a slurred voice, head on her chest.  “You put me back together.. and and everythings going.. to be okay…”
  Katniss smiled softly once more, her heart swelling as she realized you were reciting everything she’d said before.  “Only because I have you.”  She whispered back as you fell asleep in your embrace.  
  She laid there for a few minutes and then finally felt safe enough to drift off as well. 
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androgynosaurus · 2 years
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