#these are the dynamics of uni christian groups
“does Jesus have a political agenda” i see the sexist theobros are going to be insufferable this week
#maybe it’s just one guy i’m sorta friends with but he and i. have some theological differences.#he doesn’t know i’m queer and i think if he did he’d dismiss everything i say#this is an arts thing and he has a friend in science who i have a crush on#who like. i don’t know if they agree on certain issues because sure they’re friends but also we’re friends and i believe women should preac#actually#these are the dynamics of uni christian groups#guess i have to be vocal about being an egalitarian and learn more about it#which like yeah i should but it’s annoying and my brain never functions#it’s just. if you’re taking the Bible as true (which both of us are) and you thus believe the Spirit gives different spiritual gifts -#all are needed they’re given by God none is worthless etc#- and women are given gifts of preaching. then SURELY women should preach using the spiritual gifts given to them#there’s also in-home complementarianism vs egalitarianism (‘Biblical womanhood’ BIBLICAL WOMANHOOD IS KILLING A WARRIOR WITH A TENT PEG BC#GOD TOLD YOU TO HAROLD)#but we (mercifully) haven’t gotten that far#obviously this is biased by me being a woman. and also me being queer.#and today i said ‘i honestly don’t think anyone can interpret ALL OF THE BIBLE correctly it’s just too infinite’#and he disagreed and. idk. i think assuming that you can fully interpret the Bible correctly can easily lead to arrogance especially since#there is so much debate (eg creation). and like. if you *can* be right what’s stopping you from saying you *arent*#like the Bible is BIG. also God is infinite so shouldn’t it track that His Word is also infinite??#and yeah i know i’m wrong about things but to act as though one church (eg denomination) has it All Right is dangerous#us conservatism hello#(we aren’t in the us but anyway)#and like i know i’m wrong about things. i just don’t know what. and that doesn’t mean i shouldn’t *try* to be right - of course i should!!#it just means that i can’t learn it all on earth. in 21st century australia.
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rebellum · 1 month
How do you know youre upper middle class? Isn't class related to race so like only white people are truly considered to be middle class to upper class. Intersectionality or whateva. We can be billionaires but since were POC we will never be seen as one of them because of our bloodline/descent/color etc
That's not really how that works. While someone who is white (or, of the most privileged race of the culture) has more social power than someone of colour who makes the same income, they still make enough money that they count as that class.
Intergenerational wealth also counts for something, which is why there are eg more white rich people than rich poc in the west.
Class relates to race in that different factors of oppression or privilege affect individuals differently, but class terminology is a useful tool for understanding how social power relates to wealth.
For example, I, a mixed race black person living in canada, absolutely have more power than a poor white person in certain situations. Other upper middle class people subconsciously recognise me as being of the same class, because of the way I dress (I have cool glasses, I wear gold jewelery with precious (semi-precious?) gems, the way I speak (which I would describe as "upper middle class canadian academic English"), and more. That class connection of "ah yes, we are both upper middle class and therefore are similar", that in-group affiliation, benefits me in many situations. It also doesn't benefit me...enough, I guess? in many situations.
I'm thinking now of the "cowboy church" incident. I won't get into the whole details, but this story includes me, my brother (mixed black), my friend (black), my dad (black), and my dad's girlfriend (white) walking into a small rural Texan church full of only white people. EVERYONE turned and stared. It was honestly so unnerving. You ever see the look in someone's eyes and just KNOW they're thinking the n word? It was like that.
In that case, people saw my skin colour. These were not upper middle class city folk, there was no group affiliation except for assumed Christianity. They did not see my outfit, and the way I spoke and carried myself. They saw my skin colour.
But could you imagine how horribly that would have gone had we appeared to be low income? If we walked in with idk sweat pants and a hoodie and no jewelery and speaking in AAVE? We would have absolutely been received in a much harsher way. So while there was not the benefit of in-group affiliation, my class still benefitted me because they saw my class as "neutral" kind of, rather than "poor person".
You're totally correct in that there will always be the dynamics of racism within same group class dynamics, that never goes away.
As for how I know I'm actually upper middle class, if that was a real question and not just a lead up for your ask that really meant "but are you really upper middle class if you aren't white?" Well, I haven't looked at class income demographics in canada recently, but I just kinda... know?
Guessing based on parental income (I have no income)(also yes that complicates class! I'm applying for welfare despite being upper middle class.)
Not the first generation to attend university
My parents and grandparents paid for my entire undergrad (to be fair, keep in mind I'm canadian, it was like $2000 a semester. We aren't talking american uni costs.)
We live in a house we own that has 3 floors, a front yard, a backyard, and a pool
I travel every year at least to other parts of Canada
My various family members and I have all been on international trips
I say things like "one must question the validity of their own argument" or whatever. Like, I use the pronoun "one". I also use more words of French and latin origin in everyday speech, like "ameliorate" or.. idk, other ones, it's like midnight here.
Almost all of my clothes I buy new, thrift shopping is a fun activity for me and not a necessity
My glasses are designed in France and the frames alone cost $300
Idk, I just know man. Insert Japanese shrug emoji here.
I hope this makes sense, it's late here and my brain has been a little funky today, so feel free to ask for clarification if needed
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heartstopperfics · 2 years
Coming Out Masterlist (1)
Acceptance (Ao3) - mothmansmilk
Summary: Nick tapped the screen of his phone, the slowly fading screen popping back to life. There were about twelve notifications from various messaging sites and games, including a message from his mum about the grocery list she left at home. She needed him to go take a picture of it before she forgets anything.
Harry was pestering him with an apology that he really didn’t care about, two other rugby boys were calling him a plethora of names for acting as he was, a group chat with Otis, Simon, and Christian was booming with new messages as well as the one with Charlie, Darcy, and Tara—
But none of them were what he was looking at.
Be My Baby (And I'll Look After You) (Ao3) - Elisabeth13
Summary: Nick can't wait to finally kiss his boyfriend in front of the whole school. Of course, that's when things go wrong.
Coming to terms with coming out. (Ao3) - Lonelylittleloser
Summary: When Nick 'The Rugby King' Nelson comes out as bi, Charlie, who's still in the closet, is pushed by Elle to speak to the boy everyone around the school knows. But when their first meeting goes wrong, can they still gain a friendship from this? 
In a world where Nick comes out as Bi before Charlie comes out as gay. Nick needs someone to help and understand the world being out.
Feminine Boys and Boys Who are Feminine (Ao3) - sktswriter
Summary: Charlie and Nick go through a pronoun journey
i don't want to look at anything else (now that i saw you) (Ao3) - somantic
Summary: Nick would consider his life at university rather unremarkable. That is, until Charlie moves in, with his fairy lights and his silly friends and his ridiculous, lovely heart.
Not Broken (Ao3) - asexual_enjolras
Summary: When Isaac goes missing after Sex Education, Tao and Charlie think the worst. Later, Nick finds Isaac researching 'aroace' and helps him come to terms with it a little more.
Sex (Un)Education (Ao3) - asexual_enjolras
Summary: Nick Nelson thought he had finally come to terms with his sexuality, that is, until the whole school is talking about sex. Then, he must come to terms with the prospect that he may well not feel sexual attraction at all. Meanwhile, Charlie Spring is having his own issues with sex. While in Sex Education class, he makes the realisation that he isn't comfortable enough to have sex with Nick because he's too insecure about how he looks.
something is on my mind (Ao3) - solarialunar21
Summary: Nick is excited for uni, sure he's going to miss Charlie like crazy, but he's looking forward to this next adventure. The only part he's nervous about is coming out all over again.
That's Charlie (Ao3) - 13th_heather_of_tomorrow
Summary: Nick accidently comes out to his class and it leads to an important conversation with one of his students.
The World's Worst Hidden Secret (Ao3) - appletensai
Summary: It's Nick's birthday and he has invited all of their friends. And because everyone's around he thinks that this would be the best time to come out to them and tell them about Charlie's and his relationship that they have kept a secret until now. He is nervous about it and has no clue how the other's will react. He just hopes that everything will be fine. And probably it will be. Because after all, Charlie is with him. And how can anything go wrong when the two of them are together?
Vella i Bella (Ao3) - OneBlueUmbrells (bigblueboxat221b)
Summary: When Charlie's too socially anxious to go to Harry's party with Nick, everything changes...and nothing changes.
The following year, Charlie's invited on the summer holiday to Menorca with Nick and Sarah. He's excited, sure, but hesitant. Things have been increasingly strange between him and Nick for a while now, and he's not sure they're ever going to be able to talk about things in the same way they used to.
Is this trip what they need to find the dynamic that brought them together that first term...and maybe push them further?
Warm hands, Warm hearts. (Ao3) - etheral_queer
Summary: Nick and Charlie were never close at Truham, but when Nick visits home and bumps into Charlie at a local cafe, they both realize that maybe, just maybe, there's something there...
Wisdom Teeth (Ao3) - nicknelsons
Summary: Set in an alternate universe where Nick and Charlie met at university and quickly became best friends, deciding to move in together for Charlie's second/Nick's third year. A one-shot about what happens when Nick gets his wisdom teeth removed.
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bi-and-happy · 5 years
i dare u to answer all the questions on the pride ask game ☺️☺️
Oh boy, here we go!
1. I am bisexual and I use she/her pronouns
2. I first realised I like girls when I was about ten years old, when I started secondary school. Because I also liked boys, I did some classic Repression^TM and convinced myself I was straight, which included a lot of internal homophobia, biphobia and bi erasure. It wasn’t until my second year of uni when I had my first boyfriend that I realised I was never going to have a good and healthy relationship with anyone, let along myself, if I didn’t come to terms with my sexuality and eventually come out
3. I am cisgender and I don’t look particularly androgynous so I have never been misgendered (except one time by a very embarrassed pizza delivery man)
4. The first person I told was my ex-boyfriend (see answer 2!) We had actually been broken up for about 8 months by that point but we were still friends at the time and he’s pansexual, so I knew he’d understand. He was annoyingly nonchalant about it and immediately made inappropriate comments but that actually worked out because we were in an airport so I couldn’t really have an emotional breakdown!
5. When I first came out (and then when I came out to my parents six months later) it was like I’d spent all this time and effort trying to hide this side of myself, and the effort of hiding just got too much. When I told my best friend (who’s a lesbian) it was super chill - I didn’t want it to be a massive deal so I found a time to slip it in, she was very excited that I’d finally told her (she’d known for about two years longer than I did!) and we immediately started talking about all the girls we had crushes on
6. I’ve kind of brushed on some people, but there were two main reactions: “That does not surprise me, I’ve suspected/known for a while” and “Wait? You like men?! I thought you were gay?” The only person who was surprised was my mum. She was very very quiet for a long time (although she gave me a hug so I knew she wasn’t mad) and let my dad do the talking (she did have some not-so-great things to say but it was nothing I hadn’t heard her say before so I had answers prepared). The next day, we had another chat, and she was a bit more positive then. It’s also worth mentioning that this is an ongoing process. I came out to them two and a half years ago now, and we’re still working some things out but we’re in the right direction!
7. Honestly this doesn’t come up very much, mostly because the vast majority of my friends are also bi, and I study performing arts so everyone’s at least a little bit queer. The question I get asked more often is how I can be an openly LGBT+ Christian (which is a whole other conversation which I would be happy to have if anyone is interested!)
8. Flannel. So much flannel. Also birkenstocks in the summer and combat boots (with rainbow laces) in the winter. I sometimes wear dresses (especially in autumn), and I do like pretty dresses/ballgowns when the occasion calls for it (which again, performing arts - sometimes I feel like I live in concert dresses). But my everyday look is fairly semi-butch. I’m working on my top butch energy
9. WHERE TO START. Okay, Jack/Bitty from Check Please; Jack/Ianto from Torchwood; Patsy/Delia from Call the Midwife; Callie/Aaron from the Fosters; Merlin/Arthur from Merlin; Lena/Kara from Supergirl; and my guilty pleasure, Harry/Cedric from Harry Potter (don’t judge me!!)
10. I very rarely leave the house without eyeliner and mascara on, but I rarely wear anything else unless it’s a special occasion. I’m generally of the opinion that if I can start the day with some killer eyeliner wings, you can make that day your bitch
11. Nope! Never experienced dysphoria
12. This isn’t the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard, but it is stupid because it was said by a gay men. “All these kids these days, in their LGBTQWXYZ community... [goes on to deliberately misgender people]”. Again, I have lots of thoughts on the dynamics of this which I will not unpack unless someone asks me to.
13. My friends!! I only have about two straight friends. I love all my friends, and I love my queer friends, and I love how we’re always there for each other and we always support each other. Even if everyone needs to stop dating within the friendship group.
14. See answer 12! The politics about different identities really annoy me. Non-binary people exist! Ace and aro people are part of the LGBT+ community! Bi and pan are different but overlapping identities and neither is better or worse than the other! So much infighting! Bi girls will not leave lesbians for a man! So much infighting.
15. I have never been and I’m out of town this year as well and I’m absolutely heartbroken!! I usually spend my summers working on various week-long projects around the country, and they always manage to bugger up any pride plans I had!
16. Ooooh absolute favourite? Probably Stephanie Beatriz. Followed by Kristen Stewart. And Tom Daley.
17. I had a boyfriend for a short time in my second year, we met at uni. Otherwise, I’ve been a single pringle!
18. I HAVE SO MANY. Absolute, complete, 100% favourite? The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller. YOU ALL HAVE TO READ THIS OH MY GOODNESS. 
19. I’ve experienced more discrimination as a woman than as a member of the LGBT+ community! That being said, I was bullied in years 7-9 which included lots of calling me a lesbian, because children aren’t creative in their bullying and this was 2006. That definitely taught me to be ashamed of my feelings for girls.
20. Pride!! I love that film. Also Torchwood!
21. I’ll admit I don’t follow that many LGBT+ bloggers/vloggers... sorry!!
22. Queer!!! (And whether or not it should be defined primarily as a slur is also up for debate; again, I’ll expand if anyone wants me to.)
23. Yes yes yes! I have been to a grand total of three gay bars and loved all of them. Especially that last one. Because that was the one where I got drunk and snogged a girl which was great.
24. I’m a cisgender woman, and most of my thoughts about my gender link with my reading into feminist reading and my constant striving to become a better intersectional feminist!
25. I like the thought of having children. I do not like the idea of being pregnant and giving birth. For me, children is always something that comes as part of a relationship and probably marriage (spot the Christian upbringing!). I’m not definite either way; it’s a decision I would want to make with a future partner, as we created a family.
26. Bi people exist! You’re one of them! Stop hating yourself! Stop using your Christian upbringing as an excuse to ignore anything relating to your sexuality!
27. Gender roles are complete bullshit. Every couple is different, the strengths each member of the couple brings will be different, and it’s up to them to find their dynamic, regardless of how closely it resembles traditional gender roles.
28. Not really! Only that since coming out I’ve felt less pressure to be feminine
29. It’s bloody hard. Even if we’re loud and proud and yelling about it and having a good time, each and every one of us has been through shit to get here.
30. Because it’s who I am! I’m proud to be LGBT+ because it’s who I am, and it’s a community that has come so far and is still making incredible strives forward but is subjected to so much pain and yet we keep going. Much love to you all!
Wow, I’m exhausted after that. Feel free to ask any questions about anything I said there! I touched on a lot of stuff. Much love!! xxx
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dillydedalus · 5 years
what i read in march
several antigones & some other stuff
call me zebra, azareen van der vliet oloomi
oh boy. i really wanted to like this one, but uh. nah. so this book is about zebra, a young iranian-american from a lineage of ‘autodidacts, anarchists and atheists’, still traumatised by her childhood experience as a refugee (incl. her mother’s death on route). when her father dies years later, zebra decides to retrace the route of her exile thru barcelona, turkey, and back to iran. this sounds great! the beginning is good! but zebra is a quixotic figure (don quixote is unsubtly flagged as THE intertext several times), delusional about her own importance, obsessed with some kind of great literary mission and obnoxious & condescending & egotistic as all fuck (she looks down on students but treats her realisation that like, intertextuality is a thing, as this grand revelation when like..... we been knew since Lit. Theory 101) - and this is intentional & part of the quixotic thing & in general i approve of abrasive & bristly & difficult female characters BUT i expected there to be a gradual process of realisation where she sees that a) maybe her entirely male lineage of geniuses ain’t all that, c) her mission is uh.... incomprehensible. instead, once she reaches spain, she gets bogged down in endless pretentious bullshit and a #toxic relationship that takes up way too much space. knowing that all of that is likely intentional doesn’t.... make it good. also the writing is pretty overwrought for the most part & not even your narrator’s voice being Like That excuses plain bad writing, like the  absurd overuse of ‘intone’ and ‘pose’ as dialogue tags. i see the potential and i see the point & i liked some of it but uh. not good. 2/5, regretfully, generously
in the distance, hernan diaz
i don’t really go for westerns or man vs wilderness stories but damn i’m impressed. despite the violence & deprivation and sheer amount of gross shit, this story of a swedish immigrant getting lost in the american west for decades remains at its core so human, so tender, so sad (honestly this book is SO SAD, yet sometimes oddly hopeful), so evocative of isolation, loneliness, and the desire for human connection. 4/5
notes on a thesis, tiphaine rivière (tr. from french)
god, if i ever considered doing a phd i sure don’t anymore. this is a short graphic novel about a young woman’s descent into academic hell while writing her dissertation about labyrinths in kafka. it’s funny, the art is expressive and fanciful, and it is incredibly relateable if you’ve ever tried to actually write your brilliant, glorious, intricately constructed argument down, battled uni administration or had a panic attack over how to phrase a harmless email to a prof. Academia: Not Even Once. 3.5/5
red mars, kim stanley robinson
this is a very long hard sci-fi novel about mars colonisation & terraforming, discussing the ethics of terraforming, the potentials of a truly ‘martian’ culture, and how capitalism will inevitably fuck everything up, including outer space. all of this is up my alley and i did really like the first half (early colonisation efforts), but the 2nd half (beginning of terraforming, lots of politicking) was a slog - i liked reading about how terraforming was going, but the rest was just bloated, scattered and confusing. also there’s a tedious love triangle the whole time. 2/5
dragon keeper (rain wild chronicles #1), robin hobb
i love robin hobb she really can write a whole 500+ page book of set-up, characterisation and politicking and make it WORK. anyway, this has disabled dragons, a quest for mystical city, lots of rain wilds weirdness, a dragon scholar in an unhappy marriage, liveships, a sweet dummy romance, and uh... a lil penpalship between two messenger bird keepers? not much happens but it’s so NICE & so much is going to happen. also althea & brashen & malta turned up & i screamed. 3.5/5
season of migration to the north, tayeb salih (tr. from arabic)
this is a seminal work of post-colonial arabic literature, a haunting tale of the impact of colonialisation, especially of cultural hegemony in the education system, the disturbing dynamics of orientalism and sex, and village life in a modernising post-colonial sudan. it’s important, it’s well-written, it’ll make you think, but fair warning, there is a lot of violence against women - it has a point but still uh... wow. 3.5/5
dune, frank herbert
SOMETIMES.... BOOKS THAT ARE CONSIDERED MASTERWORKS OF THEIR GENRE.... ARE WORSE. so much worse. the writing in this is atrocious (”his voice was charged with unspeakable adjectives”), herbert somehow manages to make court intrigue and plotting UNBELIEVABLY DULL and sure, it was the 60s, but i’m p sure people knew imperialism was bad in the 60s! the main character, the eugenically-engineered chosen one or whatever, literally spends years among the oppressed & resisting natives of a planet ruled by a space!empire and at the end he’s like ‘i own this planet bc imperialism is Good Actually’. emotionally neglecting/abusing your wife, who you (!!!) decided (!!!) to marry for political reasons bc you’d rather marry your gf is also Good Actually (cosigned by the protag’s mother....) the worldbuilding is influential for the genre, sure w/e, but mainly notable for there just.... being a lot of it, the whole mythology-science makes No Goddamn Sense, all around this is just Bad. Bad. 0.5/5 i hope the Really Big Worms eat everyone 
dragon haven (rain wild chronicles #2), robin hobb
this healed my soul after toxic exposure to dune. anyway w/o spoilers: everyone is very much In Their Feelings (including me) and there’s a lot of Romance and Internal Conflict and Feelings Drama and Complicated Relationships and Group Dynamics and also dragons, which are really like very big, very haughty cats who can speak, and a flood and a living river barge with a mind of his own (love u tarman!). it’s still slow and languid but so so good. also: several people in this have to be told that People Are Gay, Steven, including Sedric, who is himself Gay People. 4/5
an unkindness of ghosts, solomon rivers
super interesting scifi story set on a generation ship with a radically stratified society in which the predominantly black lowerdeckers are oppressed and exploited by the predominantly white upperdeckers, mixed in with a lot of Gender Stuff (the lowerdeckers seem to have a much less stable and binary gender system than the upperdeckers) and neuroatypicality. it’s conceptually rich and full of potential, but just doesn’t quite stick the landing when it comes to the plot. 3/5
sanatorium under the sign of the hourglass, bruno schulz (tr. from polish)
more dreamy surreal short stories (ish?). i didn’t like this collection quite as much as the amazing street of crocodiles, but they are still really good, even tho you never quite know what is going on. featuring flights of birds, people turning into insects, thoughts about seasons and time, fireman pupae stuck in the chimney, and the continuing weird fixation on adela the maid. 3.5/5
angela merkel ist hitlers tocher, christian alt & christian schiffer
a fun & accessible guide to conspiracy theories, focusing on the current situation in germany and the current boom in conspiracy theories, but also including some historical notes. i wish it had been a bit less fun & flippant and more in-depth and detailed bc it really is quite shallow at points, but oh well. also yes the title does indeed translate to ‘angela merkel is hitler’s daughter’ so. yes. 2.5/5
the midwich cuckoos, john wyndham
fun lil scifi story in which almost all women in sleepy village midwich are suddenly pregnant, all at the same time. the resulting children, predictably, are strange, creepy, and possibly a threat to humanity. i get that it was written in the 50s but it is strange to read a book where almost all women, and only women, are affected by A Thing, but all the main characters are men & no one tells the women ‘hey we think it’s xenogenesis’ -  like realistically 80% of women affected went to the Neighbourhood Lady Who Takes Care of These Things like ‘hello, one (1) abortion please’ and the plot just ended there. i still liked it tho! 3/5
antigone project
antigone, the original bitch, by sophocles (tr. by fagles)
god antigone really is That Bitch. that’s all i have to say. 4.5/5
antigone, That Bitch but in french, jean anouilh
the Nazi-occupied france antigone. loved the meta commentary on what tragedy is and how antigone has to step into the Role of Antigone, which will kill her “but there’s nothing she can do. her name is antigone and she will have to play her part through to the end”. i didn’t really like (esp. given the ~historical context) the choice to make creon much more sympathetic, trying to save antigone’s life from the beginning. hmm. 3.5/5
antigonick, anne carson
look, antigone really is That Bitch and you know what? so is anne carson. best thing i’ve read so far this year, don’t ask me about it or i’ll yell the task of the translator of antigone at you. 5/5
home fire, kamila shamsie
honestly i really wanted to like this bc politically it’s on point and an anti-islamophobia antigone sounds amazing, but it just doesn’t succeed as a book/adaption. it spends way too much time in build-up/backstory (the play’s plot only starts in the second half of the book!), waaayyy to much time on the weirdly fetishistic antigone/haimon romance, and even the most interesting characters (ismene & creon) don’t fully work out. sad. 2/5
currently reading: the magic mountain by thomas mann, but i should be done in a week or so! also: the paper menagerie by ken liu, a collection of sff short stories
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evoldir · 4 years
Fwd: Graduate position: OsnabrueckU.SoilBacteriaEvolution
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Graduate position: OsnabrueckU.SoilBacteriaEvolution > Date: 18 August 2020 at 06:52:04 BST > To: [email protected] > Reply-To: [email protected] > > > *** Two Research Assistants (m/f/d) (Pay scale E 13 TV-L, 65%) *** > > The Department of Ecology at the School of Biology/Chemistry at the > University of Osnabrück (Germany) is seeking to appoint 2 Research > Assistants to commence work at the earliest possible date. > > This is a temporary, three-year position. > > Your Duties: > > -- Participate in the DFG-funded research project: > > "Testing the black queen hypothesis in communities of soil-living > bacteria" > > -- Perform large-scale coculture experiments to test hypotheses regarding > the ecology and evolution of metabolic cross-feeding interactions in > soil microbial communities > > -- Use state-of-the-art microscopic techniques and microfluidic devices > > -- Characterize and analyze the exo-metabolome of bacterial cells using > LC/MS/MS > > -- Generate and characterize bacterial mutants > > -- Handle and analyze large data sets (16S rRNA, genome sequences, > statistics) > > -- Work together with other group members and collaboration partners > > (e.g. metabolic modelling, population dynamics models, individual-based > models) > > -- Opportunity to work towards a PhD > > Requirements: > > -- Completed degree (M.Sc.) in biology or a related field > > -- Practical experience in microbiological techniques and molecular > biological methods > > -- Excellent command in written and spoken English > > -- Strong motivation and curiosity > > -- Ability to work in an interdisciplinary team > > -- Structured and independent way of working > > Additional Qualifications: > > -- An excellent university degree > > -- Creative way of working > > -- Sound knowledge of ecological and evolutionary theory > > -- Practical experience in the application of microscopic techniques > (microfluidics, FISH-labelling) > > -- Practical experience in the generation, analysis, and handling of > large data sets > > (16S rRNA sequencing, whole genome sequencing) > > -- In-depth knowledge of quantitative methods (qPCR) and tools of > statistical analysis > > -- Ability to develop and analyze theoretical models (metabolic modelling, > population dynamics, individual-based models) is an asset > > -- Scientific publication(s) in peer-reviewed international journal(s) > > We offer: > > -- An exciting and highly topical research project > > -- Collaboration in an interdisciplinary and international research team > > -- Participation in the excellent graduate education programs at the > University of Osnabrück (ZePrOS, EvoCell graduate school) > > -- Use of the state-of-the-art research infrastructure at the School of > Biology/ Chemistry (e.g. CellNanOs) > > -- Live and work in the vibrant city of Osnabrück > > Osnabrück University is a certified family-friendly university and is > committed to helping working/studying parents balance their family and > working lives. > > Osnabrück University seeks to guarantee equality of opportunity for > women and men and strives to correct any gender imbalance in its schools > and departments. > > If two candidates are equally qualified, preference will be given to > the candidate with disability status. > > Please submit your application (including a letter of motivation, CV, > publication list, copies of certificates, as well as names and contact > details of 3 referees) to arrive by September 9, 2020 as one PDF file via > email (Code: "ÜBH" to the Dean of the School of Biology/ Chemistry > (Email: [email protected]). We are very much looking forward > to receiving your application. > > For further information regarding this vacancy, please contact Prof. Dr. > Christian Kost: > > Email: [email protected] > > Homepage: www.kostlab.com > > > Christian Kost > via IFTTT
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usaadmission · 4 years
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If you want to study abroad then Missouri can be your next destination. Study in the top universities of Missouri can open a totally new world in front of you.
Missouri, the state of the USA is the 18th most populous state of the country.  Located in the Midwest region, it is the meeting point of cultures from east, west, and south of the country. Missouri is a mixture of rural and urban areas.  The humid continental climate with cold winter and hot humid summer along with 6 million residents are really welcoming to international students.
According to the Institute of International Education in the 2020-21 academic year, the number of international students in Missouri increased by 11 percent. Now Missouri is in the 12th position for its popularity among international students. Day by day Missouri is becoming more popular among students from different countries and cultures because of its education system, variety of degrees, programs, and specialized training. Missouri Department of Higher Education (MDHE) is now serving more than 500,000 students attending 2014 institutions.
Why choose Missouri?
The number of educational Institutions: The higher education system of Missouri is composed of 13 public four years universities, 13 public two years universities, 24 independent colleges, 11 specialized/technical colleges, 17 theological institutions, more than 150 proprietary and private career schools.
Diversified culture:
Study in the top universities of Missouri will give them opportunities to know the diversified culture of this state.  St Louis and Kansas- the two largest cities from the east and west side of the state are places of history, dynamic culture, and diverse residents. History says these cities were built by immigrants 200 years ago where you will find the influence of French, Spanish, and German. With the cultural touches of Bosnians, Latinos, Asians, and many other international groups, Missouri has become the land of arts and civilization.
Low cost, academic facilities, and friendly environment:
Educational institutes of Missouri are offering excellent academic programs, safe environments, spacious campus, and personal privacy. In Missouri, living cost is also low compared to another state. The friendly atmosphere and different programs organized by different cultural groups will give you at-home feelings.
Just like the people the geography of Missouri is also diversified. The north side of the state is fertile but the south is covered with mountains. The average highest temperature is 19 degrees Celsius and the lowest is 4 degrees Celsius. The average rainfall is 97 cm while snowfall is 37 cm. if you are an adventure lover then Missouri is your dream destination. The opportunities for hiking, biking, running trail, spring-fed streams, and comfortable climate make Missouri an ideal place for athletes and enthusiasts.
Top 10 Universities In Missouri
Recently Uni Rank published “2020 Missouri University Ranking” where 51 institutions were included. Uni Rank does the selection based on certain criteria. According to the list, these are some of the institutions:
Washington University in St Louis:
Washington University in St Louis is one of the top-ranked private institutions in Missouri. It was founded in 1853 in the suburban of St Louis.
Its total campus size is 169 acres. This university holds the 19th position in the 2020 edition of Best Colleges. 
It follows the semester-based academic calendar and tuition fees of this institute are$55,292. Total undergraduate enrollment- 7,751.
Wash U’s top-ranked graduate programs are George Warren Brown School of Social Work, Olin Business School, School of Law, School of Medicine, Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts, School of Engineering and Applied Science, etc. 
University of Missouri:
The University of Missouri is the largest public institution of the state. It was founded in 1839 in Columbia and offers more than 280 programs.
The University of Missouri popularly known as Mizzou has a diverse enrollment of 22503 undergraduate students from a different state of US and more than 115 countries of the world.
The 1262 acres campus has more than 40,000 plants in it. This public university allows the students to participate in faculty le projects from the first semester.
Like the other universities, it also follows a semester-based calendar. In 2020 edition it holds position 130.
Tuition fees of this institution are $10,477 for the in-state students and $28, 348 for out-state students.  
Apart from the campus in Columbia, it has three more campuses in St. Louis, Kansas City, and Rolla.
Saint Louis University:
Saint Louis University is a private institution which was founded in 1818. The total size of the campus is 282 acres.
In the urban setting of the campus, the university accommodates 7167 undergraduate students.
The institution follows a semester-based academic calendar and tuition fees are $45,424. In 2020 edition of Best Colleges it is ranked 97.
Although this is a   Catholic, Jesuit school this is open for students of all faith. The campus ministry organizes mission trips throughout the year but there are other students’ organizations also.
In the institution, there are more than 150 active student organizations including more than 20 fraternities and sororities.  In addition to the main campus in Missouri, it also has campuses in Madrid, Spain.
Webster University:
Minutes from downtown St Louis, Webster University is standing in Webster Groves, a charming and historical residential suburb. This private institution was founded in 1915 has 47 acres suburban setting campus. 2496 undergraduate students got admission to the university and its tuition fees are $28,700. In 2020 edition of Best College its rank is Regional Universities Midwest, #17.
According to U.S. News and World Report magazine Webster’s Study, Abroad programs rank in the top 2 among 1500 surveyed college and universities in the 2018 edition.  Apart from the campus in St Louis, Webster University has campuses in different states of the US and abroad like Switzerland, the Netherlands, Austria, Greece, Ghana, China, and Thailand. IN St Louis there are more than 80 students club.
This institution allows students to meet students not only from different corners of the US but also from different parts of the world. It builds up its network and helps them to know more about a different culture and social aspect.
Missouri State University:
Missouri State University, formerly known as Southwest Missouri State University was established in the year 1905. The public non-profitable higher educational institution is located in the urban setting of Springfield town. According to the official record, 23,450 students enrolled in spring 2019.
This coeducational higher education institute is offering courses and programs like bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, and doctorate degrees in different areas of study.  This 114 years old educational institution is following a semester-based academic calendar.
Admission in this institution depends on students’ entrance exams and past academic records and grades but acceptances may vary depending on areas of study, degree level, nationality, and some other criteria. With an 80% to 90% admission rate, it holds the rank 253 in the US and 709 in the world (Uni Rank).
Tuition fees for local undergraduate students- 5,000-7,500 US$ and local postgraduate students- 5,000-7,500 US$; while international students have to pay 12,500-15,000 US$ for undergraduate programs and 10,000-12,500 US$ for postgraduate programs.  Apart from campus in Springfield, it has branch campuses in West Plains and Dalian.
Missouri University of Science and Technology
This non-profitable public institution was established in 1870 in medium-sized towns- Rolla. Located in a rural setting the university has a campus of 284 acres. This 150 years old medium-sized university is a coeducational institution with the enrollment range of 8,000-8,999 students.
As the name suggested the university focuses mainly on science, technology, math, computing, technology, and engineering-related degrees. The university is offering a wide variety of engineering majors for undergraduate including aerospace engineering, mining engineering, petroleum engineering, and engineering management, which are a specialty of the university.  
Although the university is dedicated to science and technology, it also offers some humanities and liberal arts-related degrees and programs like philosophy, history, etc. the first technological learning institution follows a semester-based academic year.
Tuition fees for local undergraduate student 7,500-10,000 US$ and for local postgraduate students- 10,000-12,500 US$; for international undergraduate and postgraduate students tuition fees are over 20,000 US$. This technology dedicated institution rank in the US is 305 and world rank is 886 (uni rank). 
There are some student fraternities and sororities and all the students’ communities together celebrate annual programs like Snowball Semiformal, Fall Fest, and St. Patrick’s Day. Alumni from this university are now working in different important places including NASA.         
Maryville University:
This private higher educational institution was established in 1872 with 130 acres campus in the suburban setting of small city St Louis. The 148 years old university is a coeducational institution that was formerly affiliated with Christian-Catholic religion.
Maryville University was is a medium-sized university with an enrollment range of 7,000-7,999 students. Here student and faculty ratio is 14:1. The most popular majors of the university are Health Professions and Related Programs, Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Psychology, Biological, and Biomedical Sciences, and Visual and Performing Arts.
Like the others, this university also follows a semester-based academic calendar. Getting admission students to have to go through the selective admission policy of the university which includes entrance exams and past academic records and grades. Tuition-free for undergraduate is over 20,000 US$ and for postgraduate, the fee is 10,000-12,500 US$. In the country, its rank is 394 and world rank is 1125 (Uni Rank).
Southeast Missouri State University:
The public higher education institution – Southeast Missouri State University is located in the rural setting of a medium-sized town Cape Girardeau. With 400 acres of campus, the University was established in the year of 1873.
The enrollment range of the university is 10,000-14,999 students where student and faculty ratio is 20:1. The most popular majors of the university are Business, Management, Marketing, and related programs, Education, Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Health Professions and related programs, Communication, Journalism, and related programs.
Besides these degrees, the university is also offering pre-bachelor degrees and certificates, diplomas, and foundation degrees. This 147 years old institution is following a semester-based academic calendar. Its selective admission process includes entrance exams and students’ past records and grades.
Tuition fees for an in-state undergraduate student are 5,000-7,500 US$ and for in-state postgraduate students, the fees are 2,500-5,000 US$ while for undergraduate degrees international students have to pay 10,000-12,500 US$ and for postgraduate degrees, international students have to pay 7,500-10,000 US$. In the country, the university rank is 482 and the world rank is 1340 (Uni Rank).
Columbia College:
Columbia College was established in 1851 in the large city of Columbia. Located in the urban setting of Columbia the college follows a semester-based academic system. Its enrollment range is 40,000-44,999 students.
This big co-educational institution offers degrees in several study areas. Tuition fee for undergraduate is 10,000-12,500 US$ and for postgraduate 2,500-5,000 US$. The college rank in the country is 494 and the world rank is 1373 (Uni rank).
Park University:
The non-profitable private institution Park University was established in 1875 in the beautiful small town Parkville. With the suburban setting, the university has a huge campus of 700 acres.
This co-educational institute enrollment range is 15,000-19,999 students with a student and faculty ratio of 15:1. Park University is offering bachelor degrees, master’s degrees, doctorate degrees in several areas of study. The most popular major of the university is Business Administration and Management, Social Psychology, Computer and Information Sciences, Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration, Human Resources Management/Personnel Administration, etc.
Apart from these the university is also offering pre-bachelor courses and certificates, diplomas, and foundation degrees. Tuition fees for undergrad- 10,000-12,500 US$; and for postgraduate courses- 5,000-7,500 US$. This 145 years old institution follows a selective admission policy (entrance exam and past records, grade) and semester-based academic calendar. Its country rank is 409 and the world rank 1160 (Uni Rank). Apart from the campus in Parkville, it has another campus in Kansas City.    
The well-designed programs and degrees, and availability of institutions for higher education make Missouri the study destination for international students. If you want to achieve a globally recognized degree then study in Missouri is the right decision for you. The top universities in Missouri are waiting for you with a variety of professional degrees that can enhance your knowledge and make you prepare to face the competitive world.  
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evoldir · 4 years
Fwd: Graduate position: OsnabrueckU.SoilBacteriaEvolution
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Graduate position: OsnabrueckU.SoilBacteriaEvolution > Date: 18 August 2020 at 06:52:04 BST > To: [email protected] > > > *** Two Research Assistants (m/f/d) (Pay scale E 13 TV-L, 65%) *** > > The Department of Ecology at the School of Biology/Chemistry at the > University of Osnabrück (Germany) is seeking to appoint 2 Research > Assistants to commence work at the earliest possible date. > > This is a temporary, three-year position. > > Your Duties: > > -- Participate in the DFG-funded research project: > > "Testing the black queen hypothesis in communities of soil-living > bacteria" > > -- Perform large-scale coculture experiments to test hypotheses regarding > the ecology and evolution of metabolic cross-feeding interactions in > soil microbial communities > > -- Use state-of-the-art microscopic techniques and microfluidic devices > > -- Characterize and analyze the exo-metabolome of bacterial cells using > LC/MS/MS > > -- Generate and characterize bacterial mutants > > -- Handle and analyze large data sets (16S rRNA, genome sequences, > statistics) > > -- Work together with other group members and collaboration partners > > (e.g. metabolic modelling, population dynamics models, individual-based > models) > > -- Opportunity to work towards a PhD > > Requirements: > > -- Completed degree (M.Sc.) in biology or a related field > > -- Practical experience in microbiological techniques and molecular > biological methods > > -- Excellent command in written and spoken English > > -- Strong motivation and curiosity > > -- Ability to work in an interdisciplinary team > > -- Structured and independent way of working > > Additional Qualifications: > > -- An excellent university degree > > -- Creative way of working > > -- Sound knowledge of ecological and evolutionary theory > > -- Practical experience in the application of microscopic techniques > (microfluidics, FISH-labelling) > > -- Practical experience in the generation, analysis, and handling of > large data sets > > (16S rRNA sequencing, whole genome sequencing) > > -- In-depth knowledge of quantitative methods (qPCR) and tools of > statistical analysis > > -- Ability to develop and analyze theoretical models (metabolic modelling, > population dynamics, individual-based models) is an asset > > -- Scientific publication(s) in peer-reviewed international journal(s) > > We offer: > > -- An exciting and highly topical research project > > -- Collaboration in an interdisciplinary and international research team > > -- Participation in the excellent graduate education programs at the > University of Osnabrück (ZePrOS, EvoCell graduate school) > > -- Use of the state-of-the-art research infrastructure at the School of > Biology/ Chemistry (e.g. CellNanOs) > > -- Live and work in the vibrant city of Osnabrück > > Osnabrück University is a certified family-friendly university and is > committed to helping working/studying parents balance their family and > working lives. > > Osnabrück University seeks to guarantee equality of opportunity for > women and men and strives to correct any gender imbalance in its schools > and departments. > > If two candidates are equally qualified, preference will be given to > the candidate with disability status. > > Please submit your application (including a letter of motivation, CV, > publication list, copies of certificates, as well as names and contact > details of 3 referees) to arrive by September 9, 2020 as one PDF file via > email (Code: "ÜBH" to the Dean of the School of Biology/ Chemistry > (Email: [email protected]). We are very much looking forward > to receiving your application. > > For further information regarding this vacancy, please contact Prof. Dr. > Christian Kost: > > Email: [email protected] > > Homepage: www.kostlab.com > > > Christian Kost > via IFTTT
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evoldir · 4 years
Fwd: Graduate position: UKonstanz.DaphniaAdaptationGenetics
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Graduate position: UKonstanz.DaphniaAdaptationGenetics > Date: 23 April 2020 at 06:32:33 BST > To: [email protected] > > > > DAAD Graduate School Scholarship Program - Call for applications for a > Doctoral Scholarship integrated in the DFG Research Training Group R3 > > The Research Training Group R3 - Resilience of Lake Ecosystems at the > University of Konstanz studies the response of aquatic ecosystems, > and their resilience and reversibility to changing abiotic and biotic > conditions, using Lake Constance as model system. More information can > be found at https://ift.tt/2qTfPxL > > A 4-year doctoral scholarship funded by the DAAD is available for the > following research topic: "Changing baselines" Egg banks as a tool to > assess genetic diversity and phenotypic response of Daphnia populations > from Lake Constance to nutrient differences over time" > > Project Description: Daphnia resting eggs can be resurrected and provide > a tool to assess the genetic diversity of past and current populations > to respond to changing environmental conditions. Here we will test how > the genetic and phenotypic diversity of standing Daphnia populations > from lake Constance from different time periods determine the Response > of Daphnia to experimental eutrophication/oligotrophication conditions, > the Resilience (i.e., changes in diversity) of Daphnia populations > to such changes, and whether or not genetic and phenotypic diversity > will Reverse to the genetic and phenotypic diversity state of sampled > reference populations. Briefly, we plan to expose Daphnia populations > from different time periods to eutrophic and oligotrophic conditions. We > will measure genotype/allele frequencies using whole genome pool > sequencing, determine juvenile growth rates under standardized > conditions as a means to assess fitness differences, and collect > samples for phytoplankton dynamics. Further, to allow assessment of > a putative role of associated bacteria to aid ecological adaptation, > we will determine microbial community composition using 16S marker > gene sequencing. The project is collaborative effort between the Becks, > Meyer, Martin-Creuzburg, and Voolstra labs, integrated in the doctoral > program of University of Konstanz & the Research Training Group R3 > (https://ift.tt/2XZKdai), and funded by the German Academic > Exchange Service DAAD. > > Application: We search for a highly motivated doctoral researcher with > a MSc degree in Molecular Biology, Genetics/Genomics, Microbiology, > Limnology, or a related discipline. Experience in molecular work and > bioinformatics analysis is a plus. High proficiency in English is > expected. > > At the time when DAAD receives the nomination letter, the last final exam > (Master Degree or equivalent) must have taken place no longer than six > years ago and applicants must not have resided in Germany for more than > 15 months prior to the nomination. > > For more information on this project contact Professor Dr. Christian R > Voolstra ([email protected]), group leader: Adaptation > Genetics in Aquatic Systems. > > To apply, please send the following documents as a single PDF file to > Dr. Tina Romer, [email protected], coordinator of the > Research Training Group R3 until 30th of June 2020. > > - Letter of Motivation (1 page) > - Overview of your ideas on experimental strategies and methods for >  addressing the research question (1 page). > - Curriculum vitae (including list of publications) > - Certificates of education. > - Two letters of recommendation from faculty > members of your home university (using the forms > https://ift.tt/1mk19RG > or > https://ift.tt/2Ji9Qdn). > > Details on the DAAD Graduate School Scholarship > Program, the application procedure and eligibility > criteria: https://ift.tt/2zoHOeV and > https://ift.tt/2Jim5qm > > [email protected] > via IFTTT
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evoldir · 6 years
Graduate position: UPotsdam.EvolutionaryRescue
PhD student position at the University of Potsdam: Evolutionary Rescue in Complex Communities A PhD student position is available in the Ecology and Ecosystem Modelling group headed by Prof. Ursula Gaedke at the University of Potsdam. This project will be under the supervision of Dr. Ellen van Velzen, in collaboration with Dr. Christian Guill. Project description: Environmental change may drive species extinct; but evolutionary rescue (ER) of a species may occur if it can adapt rapidly enough to the new conditions. ER has been extensively studied in single-species contexts; however, very little is known on ER when species are embedded in a larger community such as a food web, and is interacting with prey, predators and competitors. In this project we will develop new theory on ER in such complex communities, comprising the incidence of, mechanisms for, and effects of ER in food webs ranging in size from small (4 species) to large (20-50 species). This new theory will be based on well-established theory of eco-evolutionary feedbacks, where rapid trait changes affect ecological dynamics in real time, and vice versa. The focus will here be on traits mediating predator-prey interactions: defensive traits in prey and offensive traits in predators. Such traits directly affect community dynamics, and therefore provide a rich potential for aiding ER that has gone essentially unexplored by existing theory. The location: The Ecology and Ecosystem Modelling Group is an established centre for both theoretical and experimental study on eco-evolutionary dynamics. It is located in the middle of beautiful Park Sanssouci in Potsdam, a Cultural World Heritage site centrally located in Potsdam, and about 30 minutes away from Berlin. Further information on current group research can be found at http://bit.ly/2Hl1VfI To apply: For this project we are looking for candidates with a MSc degree in ecology, evolutionary biology, or physics. Applicants should have a strong theoretical background, not be scared by mathematical modelling, and have some experience with models using differential equations. Experience with modelling population dynamics is particularly welcome. Knowledge of German is not required. Interested applicants should send one PDF containing the following: - CV - letter of motivation - contact details of 2 references to Ellen van Velzen ([email protected]). Applications will be reviewed starting March 18, and reviewing will continue until the position is filled. via Gmail
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evoldir · 6 years
Graduate positions: UOsnabrueck.6.CellularEvolution
The Research Training Group "EvoCell: Cellular Mechanisms of Evolutionary Innovation" at the University of Osnabrueck invites applications for 6 Positions for PhD Candidates (salary grade E 13 TV-L, 65 %) starting October 1st, 2018 for a duration of three years. The international research training group "EvoCell: Cellular mechanisms of evolutionary innovation" aims at bridging the current gap between evolution and cell biology that is highly relevant to many fields. An interdisciplinary approach with complementary expertise in organismic, cell, theoretical and computational biology will take advantage of different model systems ranging from membrane vesicles (P1) over bacteria (P2, P3) and yeast cells (P4) to multicellular animal and plant eukaryotic systems (P5, P6). The participating groups provide a collaborative research environment including access to the state-of-the-art research equipment of the Center for Cellular Nanoanalytics Osnabruck (CellNanOS) and an association with the SFB 944 - Physiology and dynamics of cellular microcompartments. Successful candidates will participate in a structured training program offering scientific courses, training in transferable and outreach skills and participation in research symposia. Description of Responsibilities: - Cooperation in the research activities of the Research Training Group - The position offers the possibility to pursue a doctorate degree - Teaching duties Required Qualifications: - An excellent master degree/diploma in biology or related fields including modelling Desirable qualifications: -A strong interest for research at the intersection between evolution and cell biology - Good English language skills (the training group language is English) Projects offered: P1 Evolution of complexity of cell membrane (A. Mulkidjanian/Physics) P2 The evolution of multicellular clusters in bacteria: causes and consequences (C. Kost/ Biology) P3 Modelling the interplay between metabolic evolution on a cell-level and community dynamics in microbial systems (K. Frank/ Environmental Systems Research) P4 Evolution of TORC1 signaling in the control of serine homeostasis (F. Frohlich/ Biology) P5 Evolution of regulatory networks controlling sexual reproduction in land plants (S. Zachgo/ Biology) P6 The evolution of cytoskeletal regulation and neuronal complexity (R. Brandt/ Biology) For more information on the projects, visit: http://bit.ly/2HjYYIE or the homepages of the participating groups. Osnabruck University has been certified as a family-friendly university committed to helping working/studying parents and careers balance their family and work life. The university aspires to ensure equal opportunities for men and women and strives to work towards a gender balance in schools or departments where new appointments are made. If equally qualified candidates apply, preference will be given to those with special needs. Applications should include a curriculum vitae, list of publications, certificates of academic qualifications, and addresses of two referees together with a short statement describing your research interest and motivation to join the research training group. Deadline for application is June 16th, 2018. Application documents should be sent via email as one single PDF to: [email protected]. Further information about the graduate school or the application procedure is available from the speaker Prof. Dr. C. Kost: [email protected] Christian Kost via Gmail
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