#these gayboys are like ocs to me
blvrrykat · 1 year
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i think yearning is an integral part of any queer college experience but idk.
ANYWAYZ this is my piece for @hxhbigbang23 !!! i had the absolute HONOR of reading @ov-rwhelmed's fic, full count! this fic has quickly become one of my favs and a comfort that i will probably be returning to time and time again <3 if ur a fan of coming-of-age college aus about the biggest fucking losers ever, PLEASE go check it out!! ive seriously never read a fic that nails my thoughts on modern au hxh characters so well hehe
LINK TO THE FIC GO GO GO -> https://archiveofourown.org/works/48603775/chapters/122598541
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avephelis · 11 months
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doodle dump since i'm back from getting milk
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gay-caesar-truther · 24 days
Would it be weird to ship Gabriel with a random ass NPC Instead of a compainion or significant character? I'm looking at Alex Richards (the gay doctor at Camp forlorn hope) like... yes... you can fix my boy and he can bring you some peace and joy in return.
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eorzeashan · 2 years
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“Nine won't kneel,” Eight says, the sickly sterile glass-bottle green of the interrogation room casting them in a garish light. 
Keeper frowns, all hard lines and age. The lamp swinging overhead casts his sharp features in angular shadows, deepening the discomfort meant for detainees. Currently, the room was empty: it was just an old man and his spy. “They will, if they know what is good for them.”
“They won't. You taught them to be that way,”  Eight points out with the needle-thin end of his pipe, sitting daintily atop the durasteel table as if it were a chaise lounge, “like a good little Imperial. But not enough to bow to the Sith. They have their pride. Their independence. That is why they are,” He pauses. “the best".
Keeper arches a fine brow.
His weekly talks with the Cipher before him were something he secretly looked forward to, though the subject themselves varied from political headaches to anything as mundane as the weather. It was perhaps the only time he was allowed to parse the mystery of the man who called himself Eight- an agent who wore the moniker of a dead woman, and all that the title carried.
Very few were afforded such instances. Fewer still could keep up with his machinations or his mind. His method bred more enemies than friends, and Keeper often found himself assigning the minimum personnel to Eight on account of his difficult behavior.
Insights like these were a gift.
“If I didn't know any better, I would call you envious, Agent. Why the sudden interest?”
“Is it considered strange to be interested in our counterparts now?” Eight smiles at him.
Keeper finds it reminds him of the false face of a poisonous insect: permanently at ease, painted on, artificial, yet a warning and an invitation all at once. The smoke curls from his pipe, accentuating the silence in the air. 
“No. Perhaps not.” Keeper replies, his hands still clasped behind his back. 
“I'm not going to interfere, if that's what you're asking.” 
Keeper pinches his thin nose bridge, the inflection in Eight’s voice alerting him prematurely to what was heading into unpleasant conversational territory of the migraine kind. Eight always did know how to read between the lines, and years of dancing around one another had made him adept at knowing the old man’s silence better than his words. “Not directly. We wouldn't be having this conversation at all if you weren't. In fact, I’m ordering you as of right now to do nothing.” He locks eyes with him, leaving no room for argument in the steeliness of his gaze. They stare at each other until the younger gives in.
“Bah, you're no fun,” Eight whines, turning away from him like a petulant child. 
Keeper shakes his head. Eight was a handful and liked to make it everyone else's problem; it was how he was. Yet beneath that slacking attitude was a blade more sharply honed than any other, and woe befall those who failed to recognize its glint before it was too late. It made him effective. Impersonal. His instincts were good, if not better than any other in their division, and this made him as destructive as a precision-guided missile yet as accurate to his goals as a dart striking center. 
Something to do with his ecology, Keeper recalled, though the specifics escaped him; Eight was Near-Human, yet found the Empire's distaste for aliens a “waste of time” and so waved the human-passing card more often than not. 
His appearance was once again, a falsehood. His identity, a convenient lie. They spoke of him in dead-end rumors and baseless whispers that made him more of a ghost story inside Intelligence than a service member, the most prominent of these stories being that he had once been a Chiss woman who surgically altered her appearance to escape her previous life. 
Eight did nothing to discourage it.
He never was one to follow the rules amidst Imperial rigidity, bending them every chance he was given and otherwise. Keeper suspected this was why the higher-ups kept him most cycles on Dromund Kaas- fearing he’d stray far out of bounds the minute they gave him any length of leash. For that, he and Keeper came to know one another very well.
By the time he’d returned to the present outside of the quagmire of his mental dossier on the agent, Eight had ditched all decorum to lie flat on his back atop the durasteel table with his folded hands cushioning the back of his head. Getting bored, it seemed.
“Credit for your thoughts?” Keeper asks, surprised by his own pleasant tone amidst the emptiness. 
Eight exhales lungs full of smoke in reply. He removes one hand from behind his shock of white hair to hold his pipe between two fingers- “like a Red Light District whore,” some of the more…derogatory members of their branch had said. Said members had since been disciplined and lectured on their poor choice of verbage, but Keeper was inclined to agree that even the smallest of his habits were quite suggestive- no doubt intentional on his part. He made no effort to hide it. What was taught had become second nature, and in Eight’s case, he saw no division between his personal self and that of a Cipher.
He taps the ash from the thin pipe on the side of the table, extinguishing the thin trail of smoke that indicated their time was up.
“Let's make a deal,” Eight says, propping himself up on his elbows to twist around and look at Keeper with a heady light in his fawn eyes. It was routine. He’d propose a game, and they’d play accordingly. It was easier than arguing over mission specifics where Keeper knew Eight would force his own way regardless, and so he appealed to his penchant for gambling and let chance decide what path the agent chose to follow. 
“Go ahead.”
“If Nine doesn't kneel, transfer the investigation of Jadus to me.”
Keeper pauses, the words dying on his tongue as he looks at his agent with nothing short of bewilderment. “What are you asking of me, Eight?” What could you possibly want from a man like that? goes unsaid between them, but Eight hears it in the stressed twitch of his lower lip, and smiles still. 
His current fascination with Jadus was nothing new, but ever since he’d missed the debacle of the elusive Sith arriving at headquarters he’d been quiet. Moody, even. Planning something was an understatement- whatever was brewing in his head had been for weeks. Keeper almost didn't want to know.
Eight doesn't elaborate. That was how the game was played. Rules and rewards. No questions.
“If Nine doesn't kneel,” He repeats slowly, “I won't lift a finger.”
Keeper sticks him with a look that could wither water. “You are making me bet against the house.” 
Eight shrugs. “It was your call.”
Keeper sighs- a deep one that comes from the depths of his diaphragm. Loathe as he was to admit it, Eight was right: Nine shone as a figure free from the manipulative claws of the Sith. Officers respected them for keeping their head unbowed- their quiet dignity made them the pride of Intelligence and that of the Imperial military. Those who stood up to their superiors were few and far in-between, and Keeper made it a point that Nine’s autonomy was to be protected. He had made it his life’s work to keep them free of their influence, in the hopes that their Empire could grow beyond their reach. 
So why was Eight asking this of him?
“I don't want you anywhere near him.” Keeper shoots him down, the risk too great to be worth considering. He would not lose two Ciphers to a megalomaniac. 
“Keeper.” Eight’s tone takes on a deadly gravity, one that Keeper recognizes as the calm before the storm. 
“No, Eight.” Keeper holds his ground, his eyes stormy. He jabs an accusatory finger at the younger operative. “I bit my tongue when he came. I let him into our operations. He took our best- I will not give him more.”
Eight goes nonverbal. When he meets his unchallenged gaze again, there is darkness dawning in his eyes.
“A warrior protects his people from those who come from beyond the stars,” He speaks in the familiar purr of Cheunh, alien from the throat of one who lacked their blue skin, and Keeper sucks in a sharp intake of breath at the horror that overtakes him.
“Do not bring her into this!”
“To fight those who mean our way of life harm,” He continues, steady, like a mantra. His eyes bore into Keeper, seeing beyond him, digging beneath his skin and gently cutting him open layer by excruciating layer with all that they see in the twist of his aged features- all that he does not say. 
“Keeper.” He repeats, sitting upright with his legs dangling. One hand grips the edge of the table, the other- to Keeper’s surprise and dismay, is extending his pipe to him in an offering for peace. He lets it swivel on the balance of his finger around, the mouthpiece facing Keeper. All the while, the set resolution of his gaze never leaves him, and Keeper glares at the item as if it offends him grossly.
Not out of anger towards his agent, but towards these Force-damned circumstances and the games they must play.
Keeper bites back a swear, taking the pipe from Eight’s outstretched fingers and stuffing it hastily into his thinly pressed lips. He inhales with all the professionalism of one exposed to far too many questionable substances in his youth and the desperation of a man who needs it for the days to come.
“I will use him, as he will use me. But if we do not take this chance to earn his trust, we risk losing the most powerful of allies we could gain.” Eight speaks smooth and low, his voice as delicate as garrote wire and twice as cutting to Keeper. “I will join him. It matters not whether he cares to have me by his side- only if I can turn his power into ours. Nine will not have to give themselves up.”
Keeper ruminates, though he hardly needs to. When it comes to risk and beings of immense danger, no one is better suited. He saw the way Nine stiffened at Jadus’ selection, the way the pain and suffering of the rest of Intelligence affected them. Jadus would break them. 
Eight on the other hand, had nothing left inside to break. 
He spits out a stream of smoke through the corner of his mouth- quick and unpleasant, to show his dissatisfaction. Keeper turns the pipe back over to Eight. His eyes speak of regret. “Damn you. Damn you and him.”
“Curse me later,” Eight says, lighting a weak flame beneath his pipe, “you haven't even seen how the dice rolls.”
Nine limps out of Jadus’ office smelling of burnt fabric and ozone. Their pride is in tatters, for what good they did to preserve it. 
Eight watches from afar, hidden as blue collar personnel melted into the backdrop of the Sith sanctuary. 
He touches a finger to his private comm.
“It’s my win, Keeper.”
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solcarow · 7 months
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vampiregeese · 1 year
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i need to redo his ref sheet soo bad it's not even funny
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sillyboysinc · 1 year
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more... my output is crazy recently its WILD. uhmm.... i can’t think of a title for this right now so Please humor me by listening to glorious by the breeders and pretend i choose a line from that to title this.
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clockvenn · 23 days
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Picked up my oc Sav again after a year !!!
Redesigned him and everything [I still have to rewrite his story though] and omg he has replaced Rubix for me .. he's now my favorite... I'm so sorry Rubix...
For more basic info about her, he's pretty much a surface level kind of guy, never seemed to go too deep into things despite the stories he tells about his own experiences throughout his ageless life. Despite this, she's a really upbeat silly dude that doesn't really take things seriously lmao but he can lock in if the situation demands it
A total degenerate and a huge closeted gayboy. He already has a boyfriend, named Kaos, living inside him like a parasite. Anything Sav consumes goes through Kaos first, hence why Sav continuously grows, ageless and can't seem to die unless Kaos is killed
Also Sav drinks for the fun of it and he does it healthily, never seemed to overdo it. As for Kaos, he absolutely hates drinking
Little silly comic ↓↓↓
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wrestler-smash-or-pass · 10 months
Weekly Wrapup 12/10/23
Top five smashable wrestlers this week:
Kenny Omega - 82.1% smash, 375 total votes
The Golden Lovers (Kenny Omega and Kota Ibushi) - 80.4% smash, 367 total votes
El Desperado - 80.3% smash, 279 total votes
Drew McIntyre - 79.3% smash, 270 total votes
Chyna - 78.2% smash, 239 total votes
More stats under the cut, along with my observations, commentary, and some of my favorite tags...
Bottom five smashable wrestlers this week:
Kane (Corporate variant) - 10.1% smash, 237 total votes
Triple H (Terra Ryzing variant) - 18.6% smash, 231 total votes
Ranjin Singh - 24.7% smash, 158 total votes
Sinn Bodhi - 27.3% smash, 161 total votes
Tony D'Angelo - 41.5% smash, 193 total votes
Most total votes this week (most enthusiasm)
Kenny Omega - 375 votes
The Golden Lovers - 367 votes
Jeff Hardy - 314 votes
Wheeler Yuta - 310 votes
Christian Cage (Brood variant) - 288 votes
And least total votes this week (least enthusiasm)
Ranjin Singh - 158 votes
Sinn Bodhi - 161 votes
Ravenous Randy Myers - 186 votes
Tony D'Angelo - 193 votes
Triple H (Terra Ryzing variant) - 231 votes
The closest match was Ravenous Randy Myers, who won 95-91.
Top Five Overall
Kris Statlander - 91% smash
Rhea Ripley - 84.2% smash
Eddie Kingston - 82.8% smash
Kenny Omega - 82.1% smash
Julia Hart (Spooky Variant) - 81.9% smash
Bottom Five Overall
Vince McMahon - 3.9% smash
Kane (Corporate variant) - 10.1% smash
Triple H (Terra Ryzing variant) - 18.6% smash
The Boogeyman - 22.6% smash
Brock Lesnar - 23.2% smash
Top Women Overall
Kris Statlander - 91% smash
Rhea Ripley - 84.2% smash
Julia Hart (Spooky Variant) - 81.9% smash
Chyna - 78.2% smash
Penelope Ford - 72.9% smash
Top Men Overall
Eddie Kingston - 82.8% smash
Kenny Omega - 82.1% smash
El Desperado - 80.3% smash
Drew McIntyre - 79.3% smash
Orange Cassidy - 77.1% smash
Top Tag Teams
The Golden Lovers - 80.4% smash
Best Friends - 66.7% smash
Young Bucks - 43.8% smash
Average Smash Rating
Week 1: 52.7% Week 2: 57.7% Week 3: 54.4%
First things first, thank you so much for voting, reblogging, liking, following, and sending in requests. This blog passed 250 followers this week, which is very cool. It is so fun to see how you guys vote, and going through your requests has been a great way to learn a little more about wrestlers that I'm often not super familiar with. My pinned post has been updated with links to the results table and a CSV for my fellow spreadsheet nerds.
Thank you also for being cool about my request regarding violent tags. I haven't had to block anyone yet, and I hope it stays that way.
As for this week's polls, it is VERY amusing to me that you all prefer regular Kane to Corporate Kane by 31 points. That is a LOT. Corporate Kane scored lower than The Boogeyman, who will probably always be my yardstick for smashability. Are you doing better than The Boogeyman? Then you can't be doing too badly.
Around 1/4 of you are clown fuckers! Sinn Bodhi scored 27.3% smash, while a couple weeks ago, Doink the Clown scored 28.3% smash.
Wheeler Yuta tied Orange Cassidy, with both of them getting 77.1% smash. OC received more votes overall (and therefore more smash votes). Looks like Best Friends truly is the most fuckable faction.
Max Caster got 59.2% smash to Anthony Bowens' 74.8%. I'm curious to see how they do as a pair, and what happens when Billy Gunn enters the arena.
And now for some of my favorite tags and comments
@booboo-eyedbambi on Christian Cage (Brood variant): #he looks like the fakest realest vampire#like he looked at the trends at the time and went bet#anyway im kissing him on the mouth with tongue#stumble ur way through a conversation talking about how ur just playing vampire while i stare at ur real fangs
@booboo-eyedbambi on Max Caster: #he has to rap about getting in my pants before i smash him tho
@mancewarner on Christian Cage (Brood variant): #outta the way gayboy im about to see what else he can suc- [i am carried away by bats]
@mancewarner on Tony D'Angelo: #my beautiful mob husband he gives me $300 for my nails every week and we have matching his and hers velvet tracksuits
@bratchristiancage on Dave Bautista: #that's my dad#still smash tho i have eyes
@sequentialprophet on El Desperado: #I wanna know why ZSJ is always yanking on his lil ears 😏
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codorcraft · 3 months
I wanna get back into the oc infodump zone. in the mean time, if this blog doesn't come back to activity, you can look at my other oc blogs for my current stories @gayboy-convention and @laineverse which is the revamped version of codorverse
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avephelis · 9 months
Now that we're entering into 2024, I'm asking some artists and writers that I follow:
1) What is the one piece you're most proud of from this past year?
2) What are some pieces that you would have liked more people to see? If you can include links, I'd love to go check them out!
3) What were your top three favorite pieces (art, comics, fics, etc) that someone else has made this past year?
(As always, no pressure to respond! Feel free to just ignore, or let me know if you'd rather I not send you these kinds of asks in the future.)
ermmm don'tknow... maybe the ghibli study i did with tamper? really proud of that one (lots of detail and very different from my usual style with the thin lineart!). but ALSO doing a two for one because i finally posted one of my stupid shitpost animations this year and i think i peaked with hate criming leonardo ninja turtle.
MY DND NPC GAYBOY i'm super fond of that piece (but understandably my oc art doesn't get as many notes lol). also technically scottie's post but embryo magical girl lives in my head forever... OH! and the spidersona mass attack i did for artfight i spent forever on that.
GYAHH I DUNNO THERE'S SO MANY... @sodaquail's to your joy i tether comes to mind that fic changed my brain chemistry i think. umm jaime @routeriver's fucking everything (LOOK AT THIS SHIT. LOOK AT IT.) and jay @oh-lordy-lord-save-me's everything (amazing times a million billion). AND! scottie @wiiwarechronicles always forever but also the drawing he did of my ocs is soo.. aaugh.. AND @cpunkhobie's RONIN PLURAL AU FUCKING IN MY BRAIN FOREVER. there's way more than that but this is getting super long lmao
i think 2023 was a great year with art for me. super excited about 2024!! all the best for everyone reading this too!!
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courfeyracs-swordcane · 7 months
for alonzo -
alone: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
betrayal: Has your OC ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust? Has your OC ever betrayed someone who trusted them?
failure: What's your OC's greatest failure? Have they been able to move past it? Does anyone else know about it?
guilt: What is your OC guilty about? How do they handle their guilt? Do they try to avoid guilt, or do they accept it?
heartbreak: Have they ever had a relationship that ended badly? Experienced some other kind of heartbreak? What happened?
mask: Does your OC wear a mask, literally or figuratively? What goes on beneath it? Is there anyone in their life who gets to see who they are under the mask?
alone: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
Lonely is kind of his base state of being— he’s convinced himself that he just Does Better Doing His Own Thing but like. He was never really given a choice in that? He’s been on his own since he was 14 and he doesn’t know how to hang out with people or initiate conversations. His ass goes to work and goes home and he does NOT have friends at work. He hangs out with his boss (on the job) and his sister (on the clock)(when he’s supposed to be doing his job) and That’s It. (Ari is an outlier and an exception he was drunk and wanted to try something new)
Which is kind of sending me bc when he’s alone alone in his apartment he loops back through his. Bitchass little gayboy liar who you do NOT have a handle on the way you think you do mode that he becomes with his Guys back around to being a Model Employee and generally Really Boring Guy who lives for work. Contributed to by the fact that his work owns his apartment and his groceries and the clothes on his back, and also this is technically a hostage situation, so he doesn’t have so much of a choice, but like damn he really gets all of his rebellion out on the clock and then just. Goes home to clean his uniform and sit in his room in silence before going to bed at like 9:30 so he can get a good start in the morning. Maybe gets ahead on his paperwork if he’s got any to do.
He’s fundamentally just Not A Very Rebellious Guy?? Not that he doesn’t have a pretty big streak of it in him, but if he’s left to his own devices he’ll literally just follow whatever orders he has and do very little else.
betrayal: Has your OC ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust? Has your OC ever betrayed someone who trusted them?
BOY HOWDY!!!! Okay so not so much betrayal but hot damn this guy sure can abandonment issues!!!
Incident/betrayal #1: he’s 14 years old and his big sister who’s been looking out for him since he three, who he looks up to more than anyone, turns 18 and immediately dips to go join the metaphorical army, figuring he’s old enough to look after himself now and doesn’t need her anymore. Forgets to say goodbye or give any indication of where she’s going besides the fact that she’d been talking about doing this for months. (Alonzo does not see this as a problem for another ~ten years. That’s Kyrie! whatever she does is Right and more importantly Cool!)(<— top ten guys who needs therapy)
Incident/betrayal #2 (other direction): uh. So his chest cavity gets exploded on the job and he goes back to work three days after being brought back to life, and within a week his direct supervisor (and also mentor)(but they don’t know that part), the only person he talks to on anything approaching a daily basis, guy who’s been covering his back for the last ~5 years puts in their two week notice and fucks off to go hang out with his sister and try to bring down the government.
Incident/betrayal #3 (Alonzo’s turn this time!): To cope with that, (and also to avoid confronting the fact that when he died It Had Way More Of An Effect On People Than He Thought It Would), his stupid ass throws himself ENTIRELY into his job at the Hunt His Sister And Co (which now includes both his boyfriend and his mentor) For Sport Company, and he gets himself transferred from the hunt those guys for sport department (position which he had been using as an excuse to go hang out) to the Personal Security For His Boyfriend’s Dad (Who Those Guys Are Actively Trying To Assassinate) department, which. Hoo boy howdy. Hits Kyrie pretty god damn hard in her Massive Well Of Alonzo-Related Guilt, both bc they had finally managed to get close enough that he went to her house (!!) when he had a problem (very small delayed action grenade between his ribs) instead of anywhere else (his job) AND because now that means if they do wind up somehow in a position to go through with assassinating that guy she’s gonna have to choose between her revenge and her baby brother. (She’s not the one who winds up there— his mentor is the one who winds up kicking his ass)(as related to the next question, there’s a reason Alonzo never got promoted to being the organization’s special little mascot guy/diversity hire when Kyrie quit and the position opened up. Part of it is they’re not putting any more Ballad brothers into any more important positions after the KyrieAleidis Ballad Incident but the other part of it is that he’s just straight up not really good enough at the job for that. An can kick his ass without even breaking a sweat.)
failure: What's your OC's greatest failure? Have they been able to move past it? Does anyone else know about it?
I mean one of the other defining things about him is his failure to live up to the example Kyrie set in literally any way shape or form (this is a good thing) despite his best efforts due to them being VERY different people. Alonzo was NOT cut out for this shit he would be so much happier doing literally anything else. He’s kind of the only one who does not see it that way and his ass is probably not gonna able to move past it without quitting his job and trying something else which he can’t do because his job owns his apartment and his groceries and the clothes on his back. So he’s just kind of fucked 👍
guilt: What is your OC guilty about? How do they handle their guilt? Do they try to avoid guilt, or do they accept it?
OH BOY!!! He actually doesn’t have that much guilt, especially compared to some of these other guys? He’s like. Aware that he is NOT on the right side of history here, that the company/arm of gov’t he works for is Not Good and is Not Doing Good Things for the people of the citystate and is in fact generally doing a lot of Bad. But also like that’s not his problem he just works there. He’s got bigger issues. He’s in the individual murders department not the police brutality department what do you want him to do?
heartbreak: Have they ever had a relationship that ended badly? Experienced some other kind of heartbreak? What happened?
WELL! Not a romantic relationship, bc he’s had one (1) of those ever, but again the bit where Kyrie dipped on him when he was 14 to go join the metaphorical army I think counts pretty solidly as heartbreaking for him. Also scifantasy 9/11 did not go well for him but that’s a whole other can of worms
mask: Does your OC wear a mask, literally or figuratively? What goes on beneath it? Is there anyone in their life who gets to see who they are under the mask?
YEAH BABEYYYYYY!!! Top ten guys who does a lot to avoid being perceived EVER. Hang on wait I can make a meme
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transhitman · 6 months
I have voice claims for a good amount of my OCs but my voice claim for Ticky is literally just myself doing a slightly nasally voice with an annoying inflection. None of my other characters sound like me in my head, even the ones I RP with. Placing an evil curse on them. Curse of gayboy voice.
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youkah · 1 year
heyo names cal or dorian, this is my blog where I put things on a queue and go
about me can be found on my carrd
warnings before following: I am pro recovery and may talk down anti recovery rhetoric, I draw a lot and may talk about it, I am very autistic over certain things that merge and create insanity (i.e. I have psychology autism and Seinfeld autism and buddy they're planning a coup together), I don't care for the anti/proship argument but I don't want proshippers following me
more below
I am currently in the recovery process with mental health and may talk about it sometimes. I'm not gonna be open about everything but feel free to chat me up on advice if you need any :) I never thought I'd make it to 18 and I'm 22 and loving being alive and I would like to help others get to that place as well :3 I am also disabled and in my diagnosis journey, I may talk about that as well. Currently I use a walker, and if anyone wants advice on if they need one I am happy to help!
Art blog @psychedex
Reference blog @pegasa
Music blog @callieloid
Oc blogs @gayboy-convention @laineverse
Interests include Project Sekai, Vocaloid, Seinfeld, Miitopia, art, music, Persona 4, weather/natural disasters, psychology/therapy, math, random trivia, and other various things I may talk about. I'm critical of all of my interests and am not afraid to talk about flaws, and in regards to my disaster and psychology interests, I try to tread carefully and speak respectfully about them and the people affected. If I ever say something insensitive please let me know.
As mentioned I'm mentally ill, I won't talk much about what I'm diagnosed with but I am open about my bipolar and OCD, as well as my possible autism. I try my best to not use them as an excuse and I'm actively working to cope with them. If I ever talk about it, it most likely will be in a positive light.
Other blog info:
The Rowan I tag is my beloved; my fave tag is full of sillies if you ever want to brighten up your day; I may tag some of my posts with my ocs; feel free to reblog/like spam; I'm always open to asks; if you send anon hate make it unique so I can grade it
Most of my blorbos are my ocs but my notable fandom blorbos are the following
George Costanza (Seinfeld)- I'm not attracted to him, he just makes me feel better about myself and I am rooting for his downfall
Tsukasa Tenma (PRJSK)- he is my idiot son who thinks he's normal
Yosuke Hanamura (P4)- the original Cal kinbait
Michael (The Good Place)- he's like a puppy. I'm not attracted to him I just want to show him the human world
Anyway that's all. Thanks
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onomatopiya · 2 years
13 for halcyon, 22 for astor, 8 for lahar, and 3 for anthony (sorry king)
3. Ask them to describe their love interest.
okay this is the funniest question in the world to ask him . considering. sdfjnjsks
"Lahar... he doesn't butter me up, see. He doesn't want anything from me when he's talking to me, you know? It's--It's funny, he's so serious about everything. Even me. Especially me. And he's--well he's beautiful, obviously, anyone could have told you that much. Too beautiful for the place he lives in. Too smart for it. But I'll get him out of there. I want to give him a life he deserves."
8. Do complex puzzles intrigue or frustrate them?
oh lahar LOVES puzzles. if you give him a rubik's cube he'll go ham. he loves learning How things tick (like. he definitely took pens apart in school) and likes getting to the bottom of things when it comes to a puzzle. my guy :)
13. Name one thing their parents taught them.
NOTTTT THIS QUESTION. teresa is soo. worst mom of the year award . girl . i think primarily she taught halcyon that love = violence and also that he is sooo special and perfect like any good weapon. it's lovebombing city in here. and halcyon fully believes that he can't love anyone without it hurting him or the other person. agonies and agonies
22. Do they like being called pet names? Do they call other people pet names? What’s their go-to?
i think astor likes being called pet names :] but only by halcyon because he's #DownBad . i think "love" is his favorite thing to be called but he probably calls halcyon every cheesy pet name under the sun (albeit like. a good while after the story is over . i do want them to have their silly little cottage far away from the church someday) . his go-to nickname though has always been "hal." okay gayboy
[oc ask game!]
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bifairywife · 1 year
thank you for the tag @hollie47!!
People You'd Like To Get To Know Better
last song: me gustas tu by manu chao
favourite colour: lavenderrrr at the moment
currently watching: star trek lower decks (s3), one piece live action (ep6), & gen v (ep2)
last movie: flora and son (2023) - musical and a comedy-drama, a good 7.5/10 for me, def a breath of fresh air for me when it comes to musicals (brings me back to anna and the apocalypse)
last reading: managing diversity at workplace - a case study of hp - it was for my elective class, it's a very good read tho and i love all the diagrams drawn
sweet/spicy/savoury: all baybehhhh, love when you combine em too <33
last thing i googled: "ghost girl in old buzz lighyear movie" - her name was mira nova and she's one of my inspo for my star trek oc :3
current obsession: my star trek oc and her homeplanet - i have tons of notes on the homeplanet, as for my oc's bio i'll get on that hahajsdfhafaha
currently working on: (1) surviving prelim exams week, (2) working up the will to continue any of my invincible fic wips before s2 comes, (3) hyping myself up for my vampire lore au fic for jaysteph halloween eventtt
tag timeeee: @spellbook-gayboy @automatonkisser @lesbian-birdhouse @pendragora @ixorahh and anyone else that wanna join in!!
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