#these kinds of peopel feel way too comfortable going up to a person in public and going I SEE YOU EVEN THO U THOUGHT U WERE PASSING
hungry-hobbits · 2 years
i'm saying this as an almost 30yr old person who has kinda come to terms w the fact that i'll probably never be properly gendered in public and am at peace with it: BUT i think a lot of trans people are too hyped up over the idea that you have to be gendered correctly by everyone you ever meet, no matter how briefly, or they automatically have bad intentions - which isn't always the case because unfortunately you're not the main character and people are gonna make mistakes (yes that includes people close to you because everyone slips-up)
people get so hung up over casual, unintentional, and well-meaning misgendering, and are so quick to categorize it with the purposeful, blatant, bigoted type of misgendering when its really like - the old lady scooting past you in the grocery store calling you ma'am/sir out of politeness towards a stranger while she says 'excuse me' is probably not doing a microaggression towards you believe it or not
if theyre doing it maliciously then yes obviously you can feel bad about it, i'm not saying that at all, but its like when sam smith talked about how they were gonna be misgendered til the day they died; it's a hard thing to accept but you gotta accept it if you literally wanna get through any interaction with strangers ever
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twinflameshardcore · 7 years
Masculine and Feminine hearts are fired up - pushing new love into the old methodical world
My higher self wants me to write about a few things which I’ve experienced lately so I’m sharing. The first part is about incoming astrological events since I’m feeling them already (love!), the other on how we - angelics can steal 3D humans into the 5D zone using the heart’s love only :)
Firstly, do use the incoming days’ energies to share love from the heart to heart between the goddess in you and the divine masculine. Between you and the Twin. Between you within yourself, your yin and yang as well. The choice is yours how you want to use it but obviously two hearts will be glued in absolute, open love during this transit because one has something which the other needs to rise their vibration and shift into 5D and up. We need to leave 3D (energetically); let’s face it, 3D is decaying and evil beings rooted there who cannot rise their vibration are screaming for food! Thus we need to pull as many people as we are guided towards out of 3D and into the new, the reality of Love. Or just that one special stranger who then could pull others, led by the heart fired up by our heart’s energy. This time now is about souls again and they do not apply to human rules.
The new Earth (the joyful, light place) has been replacing the old Earth (the wounded, dense place). Visualize it as if one transparent planet Earth presses onto another Earth and pushes away everything which do not match the new ‘blueprint’ (I hate this word) it brings. This filtering applies to everything which is a vibration = the light, colors, sounds, energy, temperature, living beings etc.
The fire is up because the full Moon will be in the fire element and the zodiac conditioned for releasing accumulated energies fast  - anger, passion, hate, revenge, love, sexuality - a powerful yet ego driven Aries on 10/5, opposing the Sun in balancing, fair but undecided Libra. At the same time there have been amazing aspects in a disciplined, well organized and traditional Virgo -  Venus trine Pluto (today 10/3), Mars trine Pluto (10/1) then Venus and Mars (I believe they’ll conjunct on 10/5; the next such an event will be in 2019, previous was in 11/2015, check out your diaries ;) ) This time is especially important for the Seraphim and all other fire angelics (incl. ex-angels of war), fire beings, fire elementals like dragons, also healed Draconians, and Reptilians and other races who constantly operate and balance the fire element yet feel frustrated, restrained and limited in the human bodies.
I always through that it will be me to be rescued from the old world but my plasma (also called light) body activated itself permanently and unexpectedly from the back of the heart chakra (between shoulder blades) on 09/27/2017 and it was a blasting follow up of the first Draconian/Seraph wake up experience I had in 02/2016. This had made me a helper rather than someone to be helped ;) More below.
Thus if you’re one of these fire beings, whether in TF relationships or not, you got awakened by somebody else a few years ago, and are now on the ‘mission’ to share love and rise vibration of other humans, your heart may find certain individuals, often strangers who you occasionally meet exactly in the first part of October 2017. They may be people who share the same skills as you have, thus this makes opportunities to get introduced. You will feel attracted to each other mostly on a spiritual level. This is how we of the 5D communicate with others - via the direct heart connection. There are individuals who still sit in 3D and need to have their vibration risen up to feel that having love in the hearts is the most comfortable feeling ever and so they would like to hold it there, to spread further, even if they do not understand what in fact they’re doing and how much it helps everybody to escape the old Earth. If you spot such a person, they will recognize your heart too. It’s because their heart informed them to expect somebody with such a heart like yours to come their way, connect and make a hole in their well structured reality so they could receive love and joy they’ve been craving for, but couldn’t reach out for it on their own. At some point, people who show up may be members of your galactic family to be rescued, but somehow they are not yet aware who they are or what they need to rise their vibration and leave the 3D Earth. They will recognize you based on your vibration, eyes and the heart. It’s the best time to help them because they might have saved your ass in a galaxy millions of years ago, so now you can do them a favor and offer your purified love, without engaging physically and mentally. This is crucial, otherwise the balance will be disturbed and the task will be failed.
So when this connection is made with a stranger, there are a few procedures to follow, especially if you are in a TF relationship. We twins were given the right to share love amongst the people but we must not engage physically with others, to avoid creating an unwanted reality though a mental visualization (thought=energy=creation) and sexual desires too (wanting=pulling). We can only belong to another angelic, the twin and them to us. When you ‘come down’ into the human realm and find such an individual who works hard in the area related to the old world, has his/her heart guarded yet dreams of having a partner to share safety, love and a good conversation, ditch your human programming and give them love in spirit, from the heart to the heart. How to do this? At first it may be tricky because our old human behaviors will be triggered - if we feel a spiritual connection with somebody, the mind and the body will naturally want to tune in, to take action in the physical, to ask for that person’s phone number or email then contact them, to see them again, to go for temptations and rising obsessions of the body and heart all together. The human role will be triggered to be a mother/father, lover and best friend to such a person. Resist that, otherwise you’ll stretch and imbalance the task.
Another feeling which will come from the human is guilt that if I am with the TF I should not share my love with others. Partly correct, because you must not leave your Twin or remove him/her from your personal ‘bubble’/reality/universe. You don’t want to hurt your own heart but you don’t want to think too much about love either. When a connection is established between the hearts, another human reaction will show up to release all boundaries and let the other’s energy interact with you on all levels, also sexually. This is very unwanted, otherwise it leads to addictions as the bottom chakras are prone to 'rooting’ into vibrations they feel pleased or safe with. If you live in a TF relationship where the twin is out of touch solving his own issues and purging, or he/she doesn’t complement you often, then any complement coming from another sex - considering it comes from somebody of your kind - feels like a fresh air in the heart, and it pulls. And this is where it starts and where the balance and boundaries can be shaken and where you can be taken off your Path. Our Path is to return to the Oneness state of being (with the twin), to the Source, to realize and accept that the only comfortable energy in the Universe is love to share it further. But again, we cannot attach to other human beings.
These days, you have a chance to let your higher self teach you how much easier it is to just give love from the heart without engaging physically or even staying in touch with someone new. The fire element like engaging totally, so this is a new, need lesson. As a fiery being, I’m new to this but I’ve learnt fast so I’m sharing the story because the final results amazed me :)
I’ve had this situation exactly on 10/1 (Mars trine Pluto which is an instant connection between ‘old masculine energies’, in both sexes who prefer power, control, discipline, order and strength which unite them under such an aspect). I’ve been to a ‘gun picnic’. A right wing party in my country wants to push a new law to let citizens have an easier access to guns. I’m against anything right wing tries to force on people because they’re fearful and narrow-minded, they represent the decaying 3D reality which brought wounding, sexism, racism, and separation so they need to go. I’m against giving weapons to citizens too, because it’s a Christian country and all wars were started in the name of their god and have had continued for centuries. I do not wish some Christian zealot killed me because I refuse to sell my soul to one god or another. But I understood that since I’m well awakened and angelic, I had to go there to bring my energy so others could pick it up and change their lives forever. Vibration needs no words or action, it’s enough to spread it around the people. An invitation came totally unexpectedly a day earlier so I was convinced it’s the Universe tapping me to move my ass and check it out as there must be something for me to participate in. An application form had 2 questions - whether one wished to participate in a shooting lesson, or just be a listener of the politicians’ speeches. I tapped the shooting. Basically, I’ve no interest in both killing but also shooting to a static point, it’s just a waste of time (and bullets). As a Draconian war master however so I have ‘flying, aiming, locking on a target and shooting’ activity written in my spirit in a way. That’s why I knew that this was a ‘mission for an awakened Draconian, to bring my opened, healed heart amongst the right wing gun nuts. Thus I walked there to see how it’s organized since the shooting place isn’t far from my home, and noisy as you can imagine. I told myself to expect nothing and I only wanted to be guided by my heart without making any judgment. I was hanging out, alone amongst strangers, have seen many ego maniacs, fashion followers, but also people who looked very 'normal’ and who came to eat and drink free food rather then discuss an easier or tighter access to guns :)
When we were asked to form the first team of 15 folks and walk to the shooting site, I joined them at once. I then instantly paid attention to the gun instructor, a man physically not in my type. I loved how he followed safety procedures and was giving commands to keep discipline in the group and acted like a military, oh boy, he was all discipline and order, very Mars and Pluto all together. I always love it, this is very Draconian :) We were taught to follow orders but also to give orders because there’s equality in the race. Dracos have been taught to respect one another because we’re well trained and we cannot spare or lose specialists, and masters. And since we were trained to use vibration to command, either the voice, or heart, or mind, then we resonate with it strongly whenever we sense it. I haven’t seen the instructor’s eyes (eyes = an access to one’s heart) until the moment I asked him to take his dark protective eyeglasses off when we ended the training. But we’ll get to this later. I sensed that he also felt, saw and loved how I was applying to commands at once (like attracts like!), while other people were kind of laid-back, relaxed, ignorant just because it was a picnic for the public. One needs to realize however, that the picnic is over when you cross the line of a shooting range where they use real guns and bullets - there are strict rules to apply to and you must listen to the instructors without hesitation or argumentation because they’re trained to keep you safe. When they told us the rules, and asked if anyone had questions, again, I was the only who had :) The angelic awareness gives me now this sort of ‘primacy’ over unawakened humans that when people are too shy or blocked to ask questions, I then come out and trigger the energy of questions by formulating one, simple, intelligent Q so that instructors have some entertainment too. This is just boring when nobody digs further just to let teachers teach more :) And I again earnt a point from the the gun instructor my heart had chosen ;)
I shot a few times, then left, then I came back for another round even if I was not asked because it was a contest and a participant could only shoot one series then record the results. I liked it even the machine gun was to heavy though I earnt a few points. The instructor recognized me instantly and informed that I was already shooting. I didn’t lie so I said openly that I came again to learn further but not to participate in the contest anymore as I was aware it would be unfair. Military world likes honesty, fast answers and right decisions so the guy invited me to join again :) I came twice to the gun stand operated by the same instructor eventhough there were 4 more instructors at the site and 3 of us 15 were assigned to a trainer. My heart (not my brain) wanted me to go to him, even if my brain/logic told me to go to the female instructor the 2nd time, just for a difference, the guns were the same at each stand. Then after the 2nd shooting and before the 3rd group formed in a booth behind us, I knew I couldn’t try again because it was the contest to win a Colt. So I then stood next to the instructor because people left to feed, nobody had questions, and I felt he was very open to talk further. I asked him to teach me the right position to stand with the Kalashnikov again so we trained it amongst a few watchers. Then I asked him what other guns they had there and that I would enjoy a lighter pistol. This was the moment when my heart said - ‘ask him to take his eyeglasses off, force the eye contact’. The eye contact gives an access to one’s heart and vice versa. This was known by poets, criminals but is true to the spiritual community specifically. Once our hearts are purged and filled with divine love, we open other hearts to share love through looking into people’s eyes. Then the pure love energy of the heart anchors in their hearts, our spirit makes a direct contact with their spirit, and remains memorable as it is, triggers a research, questions, self-analysis, and a return to the Source in the end. So I was looking at him as if I wanted to spit out that question yet he noticed I was searching for something in his face and encouraged me by asking ‘What..?’ Then I asked him for taking those eyeglasses off ‘because I like the eye contact when I talk to people’. Again, my direct approach was what he loved. So he took them off and then looked at me with this guarded face and  daring eyes. I know the power of the eyes and how they can be read by those who know how. I always look into strangers’ eyes with a message that I accept who they are and whoever they are, but I bring the fire, independent opinions, honesty, I hide nothing and I want to be equally respected. This was the exchange - a warrior looking at another warrior. And he knew this. His eyes were narrow, light green but we looked at each other like provocateurs :) This is always an indicator that there is either air or fire element in action. To keep the conversation going and still ‘official’, I asked about gun models and prices. Turned out he had some Glocks but also Beretta 92F which was delightful news because I used to have a BB gun replica made by a respected well manufacturer so I admitted I was familiar with this model very well. (I actually gained an interest of my Twin in the beginning when I sent him a picture where I was posing with that gun because weapons match my look very well ;)) The instructor was pleased and said he had another BB Gun model from the same producer. So this was the moment we could hook into the conversation but... we had no time to talk further considering the 3rd group waiting behind. Yet I didn’t want to give him a chance to think that I was interested in him because in fact I wasn’t - it was only my heart which wanted me to approach to rise his vibration and so he could shift into the new reality with time.
The goal had been achieved, the spirits were put in touch, and so the love exchange on a distance could begin. My heart told me he was one of my soul group, guarded, tough face of a warrior but wanting love as everybody, He  really knew much about people, by observing them, learning, seeing details, behaviors, cause and effect. Shooters must have a good eye for a detail. I haven’t yet known that he was also spiritually skilled which came later that day. Now it gets more interesting. When I learnt about prices of a personal coaching I could not accept such a deal as I couldn’t afford it but it’s a cheap training ovrall if you make a good salary. That’s why most of the clients of the shooting range are rich folks. He instantly understood a negative, yet unspoken answer of my eyes and then he said something crucial - ‘It looks like the only way to teach you cheaper or even for free is to find a boyfriend at the shooting range’ :))) I knew he meant himself even if he was joking. I so smiled and said honestly - ‘I have one already. I don’t need two boyfriends’. He and the other instructor who was listening, pretended to be disappointed and smiled too. The honesty and direct conversation are always a big turn on for the fire carriers. Yet there was no sexuality between the lines, otherwise I would recognize it and my heart would tell me to detach. So in this moment an open connection and acceptance was established between hearts, spirits, energies, and I also got a confirmation that he found me attractive on may levels. He also asked if I lived here in the city as many people came from other towns. I then said I lived in the neighborhood and he looked delighted. We exchanged no details, no address, no names either. Then I said I was heading home, eventhough I could have waited until they finish the training after a few hours and join the public near bonfires and music, in the evening. Then we could sit together and talk. I didn’t want that because he could have had wrong ideas and my human could have been triggered too which obviously could push the boundaries I set to be faithful to the Twin. So I decided to leave and my heart was pleased that I opened his - the task I little knew about could continue.
Spirits stayed hooked together. I was walking home smiling to myself. I felt pleased, and he felt pleased because I knew he was looking for acceptance of who he was and how guarded he was too. In turn, I as a human woman needed a direct masculine interest. He must have felt I read into people’s vibration the same as he was. This heart to heart energy was rising in the evening. It was light, that kind of love to be loved for how it is, a smiling, soft yet passionate love which needs no heaviness, promises or loyalty. Love which comes and goes just to put you in  a good mood. This is what it wanted me to remember and embrace, to hold in my heart and send the same. Light and smiling. I knew he was thinking of me when I felt him so strongly, maybe he was even looking for me in the picnic site later while I was already home. He was very skilled spiritually which is something I wouldn’t expect from the gun instructor who apparently operates on the 3D zone! Again, expect nothing. Because he’s skilled, his energy came to me as much as my twin’s and it was easier because I was less a kilometer away from the site me and him met. It was buzzing with interest, pulling me to come back, to gaze more into my Draconian eyes and receive that what was in my heart.
So I was asking the Universe - ‘What’s next? What’s the purpose?’ My heart was filled with love and joy even the guy wasn’t my type at all and I didn’t fall in love. ‘Is he some new ‘love’ I am to join? Was my twin given to open me, heal and lead into a new relationship which would be better than that with him, mostly absent, LDR while the ‘new guy’ works a few meters away? Was my twin fake?’ Hundreds of questions while basking in love. My heart answered ‘no’ to all my questions. If I feel no physical pull to another man, the only energy is of the heart, or at least the mind. With the Twin there are all 3 vibrational matches available at once as we need to heal & integrate these 3 zones - the body, the mind, and the heart. So when you meet your twin, you’re both fascinated with all aspects of you two. My heart said - ‘Stay put. You felt lonely, wanted to be loved lately, to feel good, then enjoy this feeling but don’t attach, don’t change anything. Feel the love, utilize what you had learnt with the twin in spirit - the heart communication’. The answer is that in 5D zone, strangers can become close through the hearts and understand each other without words. That I - the angelic was to meet a man to rise his vibration while he heightened mine so then I could push pure unconditional love into his heart which would be what he was looking for. Yet I must not engage physically at all because I already have the twin. Kind of complicated but my higher self led me through this process next.
I was guarding myself against it at first because my human conditioning didn’t know how to deal with it. To let it pass or not. It was so tempting to open to this that I even thought some evil beings used the love aspect in the sky and sent that gun instructor on me to pull me away from the twin, and from our path :D But I like experimenting in spirit which is the only way to learn what is what and who is who during Ascension - nobody else can teach you that, you need to be curious and daring on your own. So I gave this feeling a chance to learn something completely new - to give love to another man in spirit while being dedicated to another man who is my other half and who sits in me and feels what’s going on. I said nothing to the Twin about this event, to avoid triggering a domino effect in the human brain, and yet there’s no danger I could ever betray or leave him because he is me, the twin is the ultimate ‘boyfriend’ :) It’s not even like being married, bored, to find a new possible lover. The idea was to tear the human (my and another’s) conditioning apart, to let love come out and in and give it to a masculine who earnt it by being a disciplined, careful human. The heart picks up individuals to be opened and prepared for healing, based on the guidance of the Universe. We can only follow or not, it’s always up to us to decide even if we resonate with the heart’s pull. Fear of sharing love is a big one, especially with strangers.
It was also important to have it happen before the Venus/Pluto trine (today, Tuesday, Martian day) and the full Moon (completion) on Thursday 10/5 since the general feminine energy could heal the old masculine (who in fact hurt her ages ago), one awakened warrior sent to heal the other unawakened warrior.
When I shifted in my mind into a position of a Draconian war queen surrounded by warriors, this feeling got even stronger and resonated with the heart. The queen is a goddess in a way, and motivates her soldiers by sending them love in spirit. Draconians have many queens and it’s a status, but some were born in the royal line, most important figures. Draconians have their hearts closed to participate in battles to process completely different energies, like the joy of the fight, but there are times when the shields go down and a reward - the love of the Queen is given during a gathering. It’s not to be fed, conditioned and become a loyal kamikaze but the true, sacred love Draconians share amongts the brotherhood. At least that how it was on motherships. Royal Draconians in humans, hybrids, are usually loners.
My participation in the gun picnic was to literately steal a 3D human (a militaristic man) into 5D though the heart connection, though giving unattached, non-physical love. A reward. 5D is the world of fun and abundance. We angelics can now ‘steal’ individuals into 5D by rising their vibration so the 3D zone has only a few evil individuals left to feed with. This is what rebels would do. We pull the good ones out of the old. Think of it as an ‘alien/angelic intervention’ without any hype. We expected aliens to come and help us, so they have come ;) But they live in us, in many of those who were destined to merge with themselves and the twin, and they act through our human bodies. They replaced the old structures which were infested with bad instincts, with self-sabotaging. In fact we were ‘aliens’ before we landed on Earth but we forgot. Now we - the original essence/consciousness/energy of us - came back into our human bodies to act, to lead others out of the old Earth. We must not stay with those we heal, move, rescue, make aware etc. however, specifically if we had found our true Twins. Once on a new ground, the ‘stolen humans’ are on their own, unless they really need some additional help. We can use love sent from the heart to heart only, to wake up their souls/spirits and these will guide them further. Don’t attach or get addicted to others while you are with the Twin. When you Ascended higher, you have become very attractive to people who didn’t have a chance to awaken yet because your pure heart, your unconditional intentions are seen in your eyes, and you glow with love, independence and freedom. These attributes pull those who are still attached to the old energy grid as much as you were pulled to the twin in the beginning when you didn’t know who you were together and individually. Recall, the next thing which we wanted to do to the Twin was to follow human procedures and force them into relationships, demanding behaviors, to control them etc. These never worked. People of the 3D can be still used by old, evil energies and triggered to hurt you, so offer love if you want to but don’t even talk about it because they won’t understand.
So I have stolen the gun instructor, not even physically coming back there. I set energetic boundaries to only allow his energy to flow between the hearts. For three days I was sending  and responding with very pure love as my heart wanted to give without anything human involved and it was making me feel good as well. When I was setting myself in a ‘receiving mode’ then the instructor was coming back in spirit to give love as well, it was so fiery, happy and instant. He trained my shooting skills (or reminded me how-to) and I was training his heart which was ready to embrace pure love, and yet from a real Seraph, fire angel and a former angel of war. For a gun instructor, it was a needed reward. I am also aware that this energy which allows for such a contact now won’t last long. I want him to rise vibration before it ends so he could then pull a matching woman to be happy with and share that pure love further :) It wasn’t logical, I was asked by the Universe to do it. It was a training for me too. I’ve realized that before I had recognized my TF I met men who I should have interacted in the same way with, heart to heart, instead of engaging physically and pressuring to form a relationship! The Twin was the only one to engage entirely with but how could I or him have known this before? ;) This showed me again the ego vs heart actions. Ego/brain wants a confirmation via receiving facts, proofs, and material stuff, while vibration confirms the heart.
We, angels interacted with human women (and men) in the beginning and we were punished for this, I do resonate with it. They called them Elohim but these included all kinds of angelics, not just one group. All who decided to come down and were called ‘gods’. Then we fucked up due to a temptation ;) If you want to interact with an angel, you need to be an awaken angelic on your own because only then you can match your high vibration with the other to avoid the power play. A beautiful simplicity of that event I’ve participated in is it was only about the heart, to teach the guy pure love and that he is loved for his daring heart and skills too. That he was a warrior, he disciplined himself, and was then unexpectedly rewarded by an angelic love, to soften his human shield and prepare him for the Ascension, to be sent more love by Gaia and the Universe together next.
I’m totally proud of that event, my reactions, understanding what should be done, and setting boundaries my heart suggested me to do. If I however felt that his energy was trying to disrespect those boundaries or use my energies like a vampire, I would instantly detach and ditch the ‘task’. I gave love to one of my kin without letting the bad energy take me away from the Path.
Many Draconians like myself are awakened now, purged enough to receive the Source’s beautiful, joyful love and so if they’ve leveled up, should reach out to their kin in spirit to make them join 5D Earth as well. Draconians come from a zone of a high vibration and have been trapped here on Earth in lower than acceptable conditions like many other galactic races and hybrids. The thing is that my galactic race can fully accept such a heart training only from our kin, this is how it always was, a rule - do not trust others. If you, a fellow Draco or Reptilian reader ask the Universe to guide you, it will send you opportunities, so don’t reject them based on what logic, the ego or the human inner child tells you, unless you are to be tricked into further BS, but you will foresee this ;) This is the only way we can counter-weight the struggling vibrations of the old world we participated in and often fought for but the new 5D is the only way to go if one wants to feel light and loved, to live far from fears, dualities and the survival instincts triggered in the brain. I already wrote a post about the brain and the heart spiritual interactions a long time ago, on how one overrides decisions and desires of the other.
These days the lowest layer of that 3D vibration which we humans are attached to through the root chakra is being dissolved. This is the best opportunity to finally let it all leave our bodies so we could become available to the new energy, that Love we know very well to fill also our root chakra and let the ‘snake in the loins’, the wisdom/memory of everything, freedom and passion overwhelm us with joy ;)
[This post is copyrighted by the author of this blog who prefers to remain anonymous. My posts must not be used for commercial purposes of any kind. Respect my work - ask first before you copy, always include a link back to my site when you quote a part of my writing!]
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kaaras-adaar-a · 7 years
all evens for the 69 embarrassing questions >u> cause I'm an ass
CONT: (for…. both???? on that last question?????)
69 Embarrassing Questions
// Because this is going to get long… >.> 
2. Who’s you fictional crush/squish?
Rofl mine? I love a lot of fictional characters, including some of your guys muses and my own XDDD So, lots and lots! But Sigourney Weaver is like my celeb crush hahaha. As for Kaaras, he’s got a thing for the Hero of Ferelden and most Hawke’s XD Basically anyone who saved the world in some way :3 
4. Worst insult you’ve ever given?
Both Kaaras and I have been bullied since young ages, so we’ve both been called many, many things. For me, I just don’t give a damn anymore. For Kaaras, racism doesn’t really get to him much anymore, or calling him an ox and a savage. Now it’s things like calling him selfish. Because, rofl…. he’s not. XD 
6. How did you find out about sex?
Primary school, sex books or something me and my friends found. Lol, yeah! XD Nothing interesting. I never had THE TALK thank fuck. For Kaaras, it was all very… later on in life. His mother didn’t tell him much because she wasn’t very comfortable with telling him, and his father was dead by then so… Kaaras learned by talking to others about it, which… was overall awkward and embarrassing. He’s still very ignorant on a lot of things. XD 
8. Worst Phobia?
For me, COCKROACHES DXXXX doifjgodifjgodifjg nope. For Kaaras, moths, but also failing people, losing loved ones, etc. 
10. Ever been arrested?
I have not, Kaaras has been–twice. 
12. Who would you let die if given the chance to save them?
Things like these are never that easy to predict, tbh. Because they are very in the moment, and I doubt anything like this will happen in my boring life, lol. As for Kaaras, he’d always try and save someone unless they were a lost cause. :’D 
14. Something silly you believed as a kid?
EVERYTHING, lol. God, I dunno… Kaaras thought boys had periods, too. XDDD 
Controversial role models?
N/A for me. The Maker, for Kaaras, lol. 
Cringiest thing you’ve shipped?
I’m pretty particular on my ships, and generally only ship them if I feel that they have good chemistry and would WORK as a couple without being obnoxiously abusive. I like to give them backgrounds and fill in blanks and well… yeah, make them work for their relationship, not just put two random people together, lol. I go hard or go home basically. 
What helps you fall asleep?
Kaaras is a lucky bastard who falls asleep like as soon as he hits the pillow -_- Mod is one of those people who can lay in bed for HOURS before he falls asleep. So… Robot Unicorn Attack 2 helps some nights XD Maybe a cuppa tea an hour or so before bed time? 
What’s your age?
I am 26, Kaaras is 29
Honest opinion on religion?
Kaaras is a little more devout than I am, but we both are more agnostic if anything, brought up on heavier religions (I’m Catholic and he’s Andrastian). We’ve both struggled with religion, miserable pasts, etc, so… We both kind of believe that your own beliefs are your own. Look, so long as no one is shoving it down our throats and hurting people over it, then you can believe in whatever you want. Just don’t be an arsehole over it. Overall, though, Kaaras has much more faith than I do. 
How would you describe your smile?
Dorky and stupid… Kaaras’ is also dorky and stupid, but it’s also a sweet, kind loving smile and I adore when he smiles. He has smile lines and I am JEALOUS! My cheeks are all pudge and his are all wicked looking :O 
Ever dropped plans/projects and not said a word?
Kaaras? FUCK NO! Me? I have no idea… *walks away from meme like it was never asked* lol XD No, I’m generally pretty good, but there have been times I’ve worked on art or a fic and just dropped it. 
Personality Type?
I am INTJ, Kaaras is ENFJ 
Would you wear pajama’s in public?
Have done so in the past, and continue to do so, especially on a fast food run XDDD Kaaras has, yes, but he also just wears sleep pants and no shirt, so it’s nothing embarrassing. XD 
Pineapples on pizza????
I dig it. :) Kaaras won’t say no to food XD 
Do you have a dark sense of humour?
HAHAHA fuck yes. If anyone knows me… they know ;) Kaaras is pretty easy to make laugh, so… I guess? In a sense? Probably not so much as me, though. I’m definitely worse and more evil. 
Top or bottom?
Kaaras is a switch during sex. 
Pettiest thing you’ve cried over?
Hmm… probably a lot of dumb shit when I was super depressed. Depression warps everything and makes the smallest things feel like the biggest. As for Kaaras, I’m not sure. Probably a really nice gesture someone did for him
Longest time you’ve cried?
Either when my partner went back to America or during basically my 3+ year long depression >.> Kaaras, definitely when his father died. 
Do you have a fandom OC?
Yeeeesss. *points to Kaaras and family* XDD I have some Transformers ones as well, and a Lion King Hyena. Mass Effect, Aliens... yeah, I have a few haha. 
Have you ever used a base for drawing?
Absolutely! There’s no shame in using ref and bases, so long as you always give credit. I haven’t used a base in YEARS, though. They come in handy for beginners, especially. :) 
Controversial opinion?
Skipping because I have work soon and am not quick enough at typing to get this one XD 
Chest or genitals?
We’re both way more arse men lol. 
Any scars?
Yeah, but nothing significant. Kaaras’ are more significant. Across his nose and bottom lip from the night his dad died. Appendix removal scar, bear teeth on his shoulder and dragon claws on his side. 
url for an old cringy social media account?
Oof... I honestly DON’T know? Once I joined deviantART, I kept night-stalker13 as my main URL’s until I got others, but NS13 and fun-sized-owl are generally my go tos. 
How long does it take you to get up in the morning?
I spend a good 30 mins on my phone before I get up, it helps me wake up, especially on work mornings. Kaaras is up and out of bed pretty damn quick. XD 
Fave eye+hair colour combination?
Natural - blue eyes and blonde hair for me. Dyed, I’ll go for anything, I love brighter colours when dyed. Kaaras likes green eyes and red hair. 
Do you do drugs?
No. And Kaaras is no also. 
Did you go through a “RANDOM XD” phase?
Pls read this meme XDDDDDDD lol. I always use XD because tbh, when peopel don’t use emojis it makes me uncomfortable and they appear less friendly >.> 
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