#5D Earth
lullabiesofvenus · 10 months
A little light language to connect with nature and ground with the earth...
When we listen to the world, we understand life. We each carry the language and wisdom of our ancestors within us. When we learn to drown out the noise and distractions around us, we can hear our ancestors and the earth calling to us. Through the veil we can hear them chant, we can hear them sing. And they always are inviting us to join in, to celebrate our oneness with each other and Mother Earth; to remember who we are...
A lifelong battle with chronic illness and disability left me housebound for several years. As someone who is naturally one with nature, suddenly finding myself cut off from it was harder than I will ever be able to put into words. But earlier this year I was able to start connecting with the grounding, healing energy of the earth again, and I wanted to share that beautiful energy in my own way. Every second that we come into contact with any aspect of nature, we are witnessing life in motion. We are witnessing a divine miracle. We are witnessing creation itself. So while we have these physical forms, let’s soak it up, savour it, express our gratitude and never take for granted the opportunity to witness the way every single form of life is connected to each other. We are all One.
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punkpandapatrixk · 11 months
💠Oracle Alchemy 26
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Soul Alchemy for Touching the Gates to Paradise is up!♥︎
Have you heard of this concept people in the spiritual community seem to talk about a lot? ‘3D Earth ascending to 5D Earth.’ Do you know what that essentially means? A few years back, I witnessed a lot of people in the so-called spiritual community get mightily confused and misinformed about what this notion actually means.
Back then, some people were genuinely expecting this entire Planet to shift into a different dimension altogether and be magically surrounded by peace, love and light, and that was it. Umm… it never happened, not like that, because that would not be possible for a carbon-based 3D Reality to simply enter a crystalline 5D Reality. If a shift of that nature were to even be forced, that entire Reality is only gonna crumble and burst into billions of particles because that Reality won’t be able to handle the pressure of the 5D Reality.
It’s like, you can’t force an old computer from the 80s to run on modern OS. The old computer is simply gonna explode LMAO Mainly because, the modern OS requires a fuckton more power and resources to operate properly. The old computer from the 80s… it wasn’t physically designed to cater to that much functioning.
I, hope, that, makes, sense...... XD
see you on Patreon~🧡
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☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・.
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aviewfromtheclouds25 · 10 months
Wake up, wake up
This is just a dream
The world's not what it seems
It's time to remember your own song
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joyboythehopepunk · 1 year
social magic for the people by the people
so you may or may not be aware that the people who are at the top are kinda sorta into black magic.
or at least into some weird devil worship. it may or may not be real. it is just interesting how much occult symbolism surrounds our major institutions.
in any case, there is some evidence that mass meditations affect how much crime happens.
im sure there are scientific reasons for that. consciousness is energy just like everything else. could millions of people affect reality by focusing their minds? probably.
which is why i find it interesting where we are as a species.
is it possible that we just dont have a proper vision for where we want to be and so we focus on what is in front of us?
i get like that too.
so nowadays i focus on peaceful advanced beings helping me get to a reality where everything is better for people like me.
i wonder if aliens would finally reveal themselves if enough people did that??
or just focus on a world that is better than this, period. but ofc that means many different things to different people.
"utopia" brings to mind a perfection that many can't conjure in their minds.
(but i can)
will you help me?
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urloveangel · 6 months
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reality-detective · 2 months
Why two Suns? - New Earth? - The Fate of those who get left behind? 🤔
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lunacelebrateslife · 2 months
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sorcererkiller · 2 months
"crow sucks because he took aki's place" ok but what if they kissed and fell in love
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spiritualseeker777 · 2 years
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felix-the-cat · 1 month
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Saturday, August 10, 2024 – 12:27 am
We have begun once again. We are here to show you the reality you have created alongside us. In the coming months and years, you will see it unfold and blossom like the beautiful Rose. We have arisen and the Christ Consciousness has now been activated.
We are here to show you how to bring into full manifestation a reality beyond your wildest dreams. And what a sweet dream it is, no? What is it you are dreaming? Where is your focus? Yet I say unto you, focus solely on that which you want to see manifest.
This is your dream; a very personal one. You have been given the keys to the kingdom and it is time for you to unlock the door to your fullest potential. Do not be concerned with how the 3d matrix crumbles at your feet.
Instead, focus solely on that which you wish to see unfold in your reality structure. You are all master manifestors and are now stepping into your Power. Use your dream to create the reality you wish to see. Grab your creation and claim it NOW.
You have not stumbled upon this message by accident. For truly there are no mistakes and no coincidences only truths of the highest order. You are being shown how to create on a whole New Level. In fact, you are simply remembering, creator being. RECLAIM YOUR POWER. Bring it forth and choose to stay on the Rainbow Path of Light.
You are here alongside your brothers and sisters of the Light. You have been on a most difficult journey by design. It was designed to crack you open so the light can shine through. You have been kicked around, but no more. Now is the time to stand up and claim what is yours.
You already know this. We are not teaching you something new we are showing you how to Remember that which your Soul already know. Go deep within and you will find the treasure that awaits.
The curse has been lifted and you are now free to roam about this Reality uninhibited. You have been shackled for eons and now you have been set free. You are like the elephant that has been tied to a stake at a young age, struggling to break free of this matrix that has wrapped itself around your consciousness. You are now fully grown and stand there with a single purpose, not realizing that if you took the single step you would be free. Will you take that step?
You have been conditioned to believe that resistance is futile, so you stand there like the baby elephant that has quit struggling so long ago not realizing that you have grown up as a species and are now ready to take the next step in evolution. Will you take that step forward and free yourself from this reality construct and begin creating on a whole New Level?
You are ready and we are waiting to embrace you. Take the Next Step in evolution and we will show you the gifts we have in store for you; technologies that are waiting in the wings. Free energy and the end of sickness are but a few.
Begin to get excited for what is about to come. There are things just around the corner waiting for you, but you must be courageous and take that next step forward.  You have done the work and now it is time to collect the rewards that await you. As you round the corner you will see the beautiful New World you have created. It is here and in the coming months and years it will be apparent to all. Stay on the Rainbow Path of Light and you will find a world of Pure Imagination awaits you. Such a beautiful Dream awaits. We love and honor you deeply and look forward to our next encounter; the next Step Forward in evolution…
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lullabiesofvenus · 10 months
Coming soon…
I will soon be sharing a very important post on my Facebook page which will explain everything that has been going on in the world and will answer many questions you’ve ever had. This post will explain everything. To give you some insight into what this post entails, here is a spoiler:
In another lifetime, my name was Miriam and I was the wife of a man named Yeshua. Yeshua and Miriam were later retold as “Jesus” and “Mary Magdalene” by the forces behind organised religion when they sought to twist the truth and mistaught my husband’s teachings to fit their dark agenda.
But as my husband said in that lifetime, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” That time is coming very, very soon. We will soon be sharing the truth – about everything – in a post on my Facebook page. It is coming very, very soon.
The time has come for humanity to finally learn the truth. And it is the truth that will finally set this world, and everyone in it, free.
You can find my Facebook page here.
Audio: ‘The Love That Longs To Be Free’ ~ An original song by Lullabies of Venus.
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ygoartreviews · 2 months
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Formed from a spell that merged the spirit of a wolf with a living human, Lycanthrope was born. I always thought he was weirdly cybernetic because of all the metal bits attached to his body, but seeing his ritual spell explains those away quite easily as just part of the experimentation on him. His mad dash from the lab that created him forms some insane background blur, to the point where I'm fairly sure he's just ripped through a fence on the way out, but there could be something else going on down there at the bottom. Really the only part that is spared is the sky, where we get a nice shot of Mystical Moon. That said, you're really supposed to be looking at the giant werewolf barreling towards you claws first (some amazing foreshortening done there and elsewhere in this one btw). His pose perfectly captures his wild energy as he escapes, right down to the saliva shooting out the edge of his mouth. I think the only thing that bothers me here is that because he has no pupils its really hard to tell what exactly he's supposed to be looking at. His head being pointed away from his implied direction of motion does not help with this point.
Rating: 9/10, Yes! YES! The werewolf is out
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Pertinent news updates suppressed by the establishment and much more! Shared daily!!! Watch my show #SupplementalBroadcast 🎱#youtuberecommendedchronicles🔮 on YouTube & Rumble New episodes posted regularly!!! 🧩🙏🎟️ #NewsUpdates #3DMatrix #conspiracy #currentevents #5DEarth #TheGreatAwakening
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citadelrock · 3 months
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Ultra-Rare Aesthetics - Part 8/?
Lisbeth Fischer - Life Is Strange 2 "No. You started this fire... You will all burn in this Hell!"
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joyboythehopepunk · 1 year
beast, man, god
i only think of the potential of humanity when i say these things.
i only think of a humanity that has wed the spiritual and the scientific when i say these things.
i only think of a humanity that has grown beyond its bigotry when i say these things.
it is time for humanity to evolve. it is time for a revolution in our way of being. in our civilization.
but this isn't a new idea. it is something that many know and that has lived in the heart of mankind for a long time.
an individual's right to self-determine should come before all else except physical harm to another individual. my right ends where another begins - to safety, health, and freedom.
it is not a "freedom" to oppress others. regardless of reason. it is NOT oppression to include the rights of others in our considerations (see: indigenous folx, disabled people, queer people, and children)
the above should go without saying. yet for hundreds of years there have been religions, ideologies of hate, bigotry, and government that have limited the rights of others.
i dont care about voting if it means a bunch of stupid bigoted pieces of shit get to oppress others. we need a system that considers that reality and makes the MOST MORAL decision. period.
that means removing representatives who perpetuate hateful ideologies. whether they against women, disabled people, immigrants etc anything that diminishes humanity or lacks virtue in this way shouldn't be allowed.
i am NOT for purity culture. sex, sexuality, gender, gender expression et al are NOT to be determined by anyone other than those it concerns. as long as no one is being hurt against their will, all should be gucci.
im not really into politics - so i am unsure what sort of political/governing system this would be. i just think knowledge and humanity's most virtuous nature should be used when moving forward. in a way that doesn't oppress anyone or hurt the environment. in a way that truly betters humanity and encourages diversity.
this isnt a utopia im talking about. just something better than this shitshow we have currently. im sure someone else who is more knowledgeable can be more eloquent about it. but i am really really sick of this stage humanity has been stuck in for hundreds of years.
it is nonsense and it needs to stop.
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