#these posters are so cool 😍
rbf451 · 2 years
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hatari_official six ig stories 13.9.2022 (stickers removed)
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skitskatdacat63 · 11 months
Finally returning home from the war(being abroad for a month+) today. I am *not* excited for the transit journey I'm about to have to endure. It's funny tho cause all I can think about is just "man I wanna go home and redecorate"(I bought a billion posters)
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idoltenshi · 2 years
Idolish7 released the "Third Beat" cour 2 Pv and the Op 「 Wonder Light 」....
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Woah the Op looks so good... it's so littttt 🔥
The pv was so nice and bitter ( you know what I mean ) 😭😭
Thank you sooooo much Ainana !!!
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somelikeitbrugh · 2 years
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It’s here!!!! All the way from Germany!!! Probably the coolest thing I’ve ever purchased!! No regrets!!
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tornadus · 2 years
I just spent like a full half hour talking to miho hatori 🥹🥹
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stgosupremacy · 6 months
HI SO TODAY WE R GONNA ANALYSE EVERY OFFICIAL SATOGOU POSTER (ok i couldnt get my hands on them all but)🥰
heres the thing no one asked for
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there's hearts. 💯❤
honestly pretty chill but THERES HEARTS-
ok so theres not much else going on here but this is rlly cute of a poster lmao of the boys all cosy and cute <33 and ash drinking this cool soda lol
pikachu looks so cute omggggg
(@skyecrystal pointed out this was released on valentines day hehe) 😏
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MORE HEARTS MWAHAHAHHAHAHA ok but like all their pokemon are clearly routing for them (esp lucario look at him)
ALSO random but i love how it's gohs pokemon looking directy at the present in gohs hand lol like theyre just waiting for him to fess up....AND GOH DEFO GAVE THAT PRESENT TO ASH AFTER THE SHOOT 💖😊😊
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ehhhhh 4 gays 1 picture, keep scrollinggg....
(theyre all literally like 2 inches apart bahhaa)
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love how ash is just totally sweetly oblivious and just smiling...
...gary is just acting chill and cool as always...
and goh is....just blushing and is internally screaming we can tell ok
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and goh l i t e r a l l y getting distracted by ash- look at him !! 💖🤨 so distracted in fact that the ICING IS COMING OUT THE PIPING BAGGGGGG UGHGHGHHGH
and then chloe just being adorable ofc awh lmao
ah then we have to appreciate sobble and pikachu looking down at their trainers like 'we know what you guys are' 🥰
iLOVEEEE this one but the ones to come knock it off the bar holy heck 😤-
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they literally couldnt be any close in this BAHAHHAHA AWWHHH teyre so cute <33 and ash's arm around him 🥺 I love how are just squashed up together while iris has the spotlight but they happy ^^
wait but we have to appreciate iris tho- LOOK AT HERRRRRR 💜💜
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so uhhh...
still speaking of iris, she's so cute feeding pikachu right omg <33 💜🥺
andddddddd as much as i love and adore iris i couldn't help but notice something elseeee....it's not even that obvious idk if yall saw but
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ash is feeding him.
he is literally feeding him-
also love goh's red socks theyre slayin
BUT ANYWAY gosh i love iris OBVS but everyone was like aww iris and pikachu cute aww-
LIKE HELLO?? have you seen this over here omg. the little cherry blossoms falling on them too (i cant help but notice some are shaped like hearts but they normally are anyway 🥰)
so yeah this one was defo anipoke being bold but uh
yall know which one is last 🙂🙂🙂
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so i was like wow that is some REALLY good fanart dam-
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GOH IS FULL ON BLUSHING WITH ASH BEING PAINFULLY OBLIVIOUS AND WINKING????? AND THEN LOOK HOW FKN CLOSE THEY ARE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 🥰🥰🥰🥰 his cap is all squahed upwards bc of how close they are LMAO and ash is casually feeding himm...
no like seriously combined with the gay shit from pokemon journeys they HAVE TO BE CANON LOL 🤩
THIS WAS SO FUN 😍 considering to tag this as satogou week 2023....which wasn't even my intention anyway but...HEY LETS DO IT!
#satogouweek2023 <3
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(me considering if anyone is acc gonna read all of this 😀😀 )
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creapysummer · 1 year
Things I loved about Some Theater Company's production of Ride the Cyclone
-i didn't have super high hopes because it was at this tiny community theater in the middle of nowhere but OH MY GOD IT WAS INCREDIBLE
-the cast came around and told everyone that there was going to be a loud noise at the end so that no one would be too shocked which i thought was very considerate
-before the show started the cast (minus jane) was kind of milling about in character and it was so much fun to watch
-mischa was just on his phone the entire time and at one point before it started noel tried to take it from him and mischa flipped him off
-ocean was dragging constance to see a bunch of posters
-like literally dragging
-mischa and ricky were kind of like bro-ing together it was funny
-ocean and noel were standing in like the exact same stance while bickering with eachother it was so funny
-V I R G I L
-karnak was really cool and funny
-uranium suit was so good omg i got chills at the build yourself a funeral pyre part
-when karnak showed them the other side they all RAN for it
-noel was physically restraining ocean to get her not to go through
-talia was playing in the background during mischa's catchphrase
-i might be wrong but i'm pretty sure when karnak first started controlling them that mischa tried to fight against it
-when jane showed up was just sdjsjms
-jane looked kind of like a ragdoll but had more the posture and mannerisms of a porcelain doll it was really cool
-during her catchphrase she literally had constance in a chokehold and was just kind of like petting her head
-constance started crying
-ricky almost tried to comfort jane after her introduction
-all the girls had bows around their necks and ocean and constance's were black but jane's was red
-"ohmigosh ricky you can speak!!" "that's NOTHING watch this." *little tiny jump*
-mischa was so happy for ricky when he started talking
-"HOW CAN SHE HAVE SPEECH FOR THIS⁉️⁉️" like bro was furious
-during oceans monolog literally no one was paying attention
-like the entire choir (minus jane) just went to the back of the stage and started playing rock paper scissors
-mischa called ocean a bitch in the middle of her speech
-at the end of her speech the choir faked clapped for her and when karnak said she was conceding they started full on applauding
-the cast came out into the audience sometimes
-virgil and karnak were both chilling in the box together (electricity is real😍)
-ocean needed constance's help to get down from the human pyramid
-when karnak revealed that it was a group vote everyone sort of looked away kind of sympathetic and ocean realized she wouldn't win except for noel he looked right at her and started grinning
-it was my cousins BORTHDAY
-jane was literally constantly trying to hug constance
-"noel i love you!!" and he BOLTED like he tried with all his might to run away from her
-ricky quite literally did not have an attention span bro was always staring off into space and paying no attention to anything
-during the nativity scene noel used his tie to mime hanging himself and then constance grabbed him by the tie and YANKED him forward
-"OR we can just go to the manger JOSEPH😡"
-noel tried yet again to take mischa's phone because he wasn't listening to his monolog
-the monique dress was so pretty omg
-and instead of typical heels she had these kick ass heeled boots
-constance and ocean started slow dancing in noels lament
-when noel and mischa started making out the entire audience started cheering it was so funny
-"that was dope yooo!! 😃😃"
-ocean was so annoyed with noel
-ricky was SO engaged with the improve scenario
-he got very excited when constance brought up doing and/or dealing recreational drugs
-mischa called ocean a bitch several more times. both in ukrainian and english
-he was also like constantly flipping people off
-mischa was trying not to cry when karnak told his past☹️
-collective cheering from the audience when mischa took his shirt off
-talia was so beautifully done omg
-i'm pretty sure that there was also a complete separate actress for talia (who also played virgil i believe?)
-talia's dress was so beautiful
-ocean and constance danced together again
-at the end talia left and mischa ended up hugging noel (he was very confused and noel looked absolutely thrilled)
-noel tried one more time to take mischa's phone but this time he let him
-they all had a group hug instead of just noel and mischa hugging
-noel and mischa still had a one on one hug omg
-oh boy space age bachelor man
-"or i could tell you about the time i was a superhero sex god on a cat planet!!" "😨"
-horrified looks from everyone in the room
-sabm was so wonderfully weird
-oh my god the costume change.
-i don't know how i can describe it besides train conductor meets gay sparkles
-like it actually had a hat that looks like the ones train conductors wear
-also you could totally see his dick
-it reminded me of david bowie in the labyrinth
-during his speech afterwards he was like hiding his dick with the conductors hat
-when jane went "my turn!!" constance literally LEPT into mischa's arms like he was holding her bridal style for a hot second
-tbojd was so good omg it was haunting
-everyone gasped when the flying mechanism started
-the new birthday song ☹️☹️☹️
-happy birthday to hmm hmm and noel tried to finish the song before ocean shut him up
-ocean did the whole 1 2 3 thing then trial off and ricky just jumped in with "4!!"
-jane was so happy aaa
-she was soso excited about savannah with the greenest eyes
-when mischa called noel tragic they hugged again they were literally hugging all the time nischa is real
-ohh constance's monolog ☹️☹️
-this one lady kept laughing while i was trying not to sob
-sugar cloud was so amazing and happy and lovely
-the choreography was so silly
-nischa did the synchronized headbanging
-at the end constance thanked them all
-when ocean was deciding who to vote for everybody froze except for her and karnak
-aaa i almost sobbed
-it's not a game/it's just a ride was soso beautiful
-at the very end they all reached out towards the audience it was so incredible
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nattaphum · 10 months
Man Suang latest updates
If you go to specific theaters in Bangkok, you can find these beautiful popcorn buckets 🥹
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Today, a new official poster was displayed at a movie theater in Bangkok (SF Cinema MBK)
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Another day of post processing 💪🏻
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Translation of Pond’s comment: Apo is really high talented. Anything difficult he can do it all. Never ever tired. In order to send the best #Mansuang to everyone.
MileApo with Koolsingha
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His comment: Follow Mile+Apo in Cinema Life soon.P.S. The first sentence that Mile said is: "your shirt is so cool. I listen to Arctic Monkeys". He’s so cute !!
New interview of Mile and Apo to promote Man Suang (with World Y)
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sorenphelps · 4 months
I will start by stating that interior design is NOT my passion but I do have some thoughts of what kind of place Sirius would like to live!!!! For one, young Sirius is a certified city boy and would prefer to be in middle of everything happening aka in the city center.... I think he is relatively clean/organised, but there is definitely some healthy chaos when he is in middle of some project and either too immersed to it to care or maybe it is something that requires you to keep things scattered you know?????
Anyway I think he prefers quite neutral colors like black and white and maybe browns, trifted and unique stuff. He for sure has lots of posters and postcards that show his personality and interests on the wall and lots of fun dog related things his friends gift to him!!!! And maybe even an actual dog (a rescue mutt), who has the comfiest bed and lots of toys and is always welcome on the sofa 😍
I absolutely agree! I always imagined him having a flat at the top floor with a private (and exclusive) access to the rooftop of the building. I personally wouldn’t be able to actually live in an industrial style apartment, but somehow i cannot really imagine anything else that fits better the general vibes i have when i think about Sirius as a character. It’s rough, but stylish, with a powerful, overall masculine energy, which is by itself is not particularly welcoming, yet there are a lot of open space which can host a lot of people if it’s needed. it can be scary too as it usually has cool, dark tones, heavy materials, uncovered brick walls and metals… the whole city is visible from the large windows, yet no one can see what’s inside… I like the ambiguity of it too, how the manmade meets the natural light, and it is also such a creative interior style?.. I mean the whole using a factory building as a home is so out of the box thinking to begin with… and it looks so effortlessly stylish, whatever random furniture or decor (or lack thereof) is paired with it, I mean it just screams Sirius!
Let me share the “reference board” of 33 freaking pictures condensed into one so i can use it for coming up with my vision for Sirius’ flat! Also tagging @lovelymasks cause she also shared some thoughts and I love those too!
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mercymermaid · 7 months
next stop theatre rtc production rant
@ihavenoideamanokay you're being sacrificed
- jane didn't actually sing during her first verse of karnak's dream of life, she just flung her doll around which was iconic
- karnak unfortunately spoke very quickly and didn't have the comedic timing of 2016 :(
- virgil was this tiny little rat who moved up and down it was so silly
- karnak had little blinds in his booth and the front one got stuck and at first we thought it was a bit until he opened the side one and said "oh that one works-" (and then during the entirety of uranium suite he was trying to fix it 😭)
- ocean and constance both had the same outfit, jane had the same outfit as them but with white socks (instead of black), noel had a whole ass blazer over his dress shirt, mischa was. mischa. and ricky had a normal sweater vest over his dress shirt and a beanie
- during uranium suite constance kept managing to channel Main Character Energy (/pos) and then ocean just went. nope <3 and constance actively looked hurt
- once karnak started speaking and they were all standing there ricky was rubbing his throat like "oh my god-"
- noel was a lot less vocally expressive but damn his facial expressions were on POINT
- constance was just having this huge ass panic attack throughout the entirety of everyone's catchphrases and it's hilarious
- speaking of, during everyone's introductions, they hovered by karnak's booth just in like a video game idle animation
- noel, instead of being disgusted, just kinda shrugged like "okay, me, pop off"
- ricky did a handstand and slayed
- jane sounds a lot more like an actual teenager, which was great
- she also had a ragdoll which slayed and it's head was constantly falling off
- noel looked like he was struggling very VERY greatly to keep it together while ocean talked
- mischa and noel were so nice to jane 😭 - noel was talking to her about nails during ocean's intro and waving ajd shir, and they both like ushered her around and shit oh my godddd 😭 they'd make hand gestures and jane would imitate and they looked so proud oml 😭 
- mischa sounds german 😭 
- ocean started her songs by aggressively blowing a whistle which spurred everyone into choreography
- jane was really out of it and didn't actually know what she was doing until towards the end of what the world needs 
- ocean somehow managed to hurt everyone at the end - noel was hit in the nose, constance was knocked down, ricky was as well, mischa got kicked away, and ocean used jane as a little stepping thing at the end
- they all very much enjoyed that, and as karnak announced the 'unanimous vote' thing, ricky and noel both were trying not to laugh
- noel started dramatically clapping and it was great
- "not all gay people are fun to be around" he stared ocean right down, stuck his middle finger in his mouth and then cornered her into the middle while aggressively flipping her off (as he should)
- noel yelled a LOT more than "sweet jesus christ on a stick" when he was fed up "I LOVE YOU GUUUUUUYS-"
- his idle animation was some really weird sexually invigorating writhing (funnily enough mischa was sitting behind him 😭)
- instead of the gay pose for the "his mother found out two things", this mf all but twerked and showed off his ass to the audience 
- this man. /pos
- during the "i hear it gives you an erection" ocean looked on the verge of tears and smiled and nodded aggressively when constance suggested just moving on
- noel was fruiTEA he was not holding back at ALL 
- the taco bell pic was on thr back of a karnak poster and noel all but sprinted and screamed to stand in front of it and trying to play it cool (he failed miserably)
- oh the flirting with mischa was WILD
- at one point he made some innuendo ("never wrote a novel.. or had sex.." points at mischa with a wink) and mischa immediately started texting talia
- instead of a full-blown kiss scene it was a bit more of a little peck and then mischa going "😍"
- and then right after that he got his wig lmao
- he was laughing like a MANIAC he was FERAL
- he was about to do a split and then after constance refused to pay he gave up
- his "tell the lord im dying like him" moment was less dramatic and more peppy
- he just say up and excitedly started rattling off what he would say
- he walked down a pathway of chairs and boxes to The Box and then did his lovely singing while everyone else was also on chairs and shit lmao 
- ricky's accordion was rapidly falling apart 💀
- karnak danced to every song except wtwn and ballad
- again. more fucking flirting with mischa. this man was WILD-
- everyone was sitting on the sidelines during ocean's lesson rant
- jane was sitting with constance, trying to show her her doll, which constance accidentally threw onto the stage
- jane went to get it and mischa went "no-"
- also when karnak said "not every story has a lesson" constance was motioning for him to stop like "please do not-"
- tsia was dope. he had a fur coat and EVERYTHING. he was slaying hard
- everyone was being extremely sexual which was fuckinf hilarious to watch 💀 
- noel was getting INTO IT
- ricky had a silly little robot head thing
- "i lay my masculinity at the altar of your maidenhood" he offered his rapper dollar sign necklace 😭 ily sm my guy
- someone said "aw" and he focused on them for the rest of the song lmao
- talia was beautiful. the big projection fabric was brought in as a veil by jane, and then they used it to shadow project jane and (i think) noel dancing behind it it was so cooollllll 
- instead of the dance circle they all just started dancing crazily it was great lmao
- mischa fucking THREW himself at ricky and noel that mf was sobbing
- no sped up speech from ocean (thankfully /j)
- however at the virginity bit noel immediately walked over like "fucking SPILL"
- they all collectively nudged ricky forward it was so sweet like "you should go"
- it was. wild.
- as he was explaining his religion, noel was nodding along like "yeah this seems sick dude"
- instead of having ocean, jane, and constance at the beginning, he had jane, constance, and noel (bisexual king) 
- he had a cape for a bit but took it off before the "it gets weird now"
- speaking of there was no backstage or costume change he just played guitar aggressively smh
- everyone had a cat helmet and fluffy cat tail and they all has different color and they all had visors and mischa's was constantly falling off 💀 
- mischa: "dude you are so cool now" ricky: "nobody-" *gives the biggest fattest nastiest side eye to ocean* "-ever listened to me"
- jane gave her doll to karnak 😭 dadnakdadnakdadnakdadnak-
- her voice was so powerful holy SHIT
- the choreography was everyone moving around with masks on their hands like heads before the first chorus, and then after that it was just hands constantly grabbing at her
- she was terrified kf the hands and heads
- oh and there was uv lihting which made everything very very ckntrasty holy shiat
- her voice was torn between fear pain and anger and it was so fucking gorgeous DUDEEEE
- THOSE HIGH NOTES 🤩 best jane ive seen since emily rohm (i say, this being the only other version i've seen-)
- at the end she just kinda stood there, nobody else was on stage, she kicked the floor like a lil pouty child (my sweetheart) but then when the others started singing happy birthday her eyes widened like "what the fuckkkk"
- mischa beat boxed the first half of the og birthday song
- the new birthday song was super awkward but then ocean figured out the beat and it got really fast really randomly for some reason- felt a bit rushed
- they all blew it out together so once she reached for the cupcake it was already put out
- she didn't wander off to eat the cupcake shr went straight to Ricky
- at first he kinda dismissed her but... oh my goD
- her voice was so confident "savannah, with the greenest eyes..!"
- once the focus shifted off of them ricky unwrapped the cupcake and then he took a bite to show her how to eat it then they took turns until she just shoved the entire thing in her mouth-
- mischa was all alone and then he pointed the bottle at noel who came over
- he offered a sip and noel was such a lightweight hetook one gulp and his knees buckles 😭 
- they had their deep convo and then just took turns drinking until they ended up finishing the entire bottle
- the constance ocean situation. goddamn. it escalated to yelling and then constance punched he really hard and ocean sat down and sulked for the entirety of jawbreaker
- mischa was the guy and he had the tattoo and once he was Free the look of disgust on his face as he tried to dust himself off
- everyone was kinda smiling somberly as constance talked
- they all kinda did their own jigs yk
- dadnak had them walk past his booth and grab various sparkly accessories from a bucket for them to dance with it was so cute
- no recorder solo sadly but she did do some wicked scatting
- it was utterly amAZING
- as ocean being the final vote is announced, the choir turns to look at her rhythmically, and then just look at that exact spot for the rest of her monologue
- it is. long. obviously
- as she's turning around to pick the final vote, everyone makes varying faces of some sort of hope, and as she chooses jane, they relax
- jane's life is revealed by a waterfall of photographs coming from the ceiling and everyone crowds around her to point out all the stuff in them as ocean starts its not a game
- eventually she has all the photos and she's shuffling through them quickly on the verge of tears
- she leaves without much fanfare, constance WAVES and jane runs off behind the wings
- karnak gets his ass killed and just leans out the window, very dead (his death scene was.. interesting)
- as they start it's just a ride oh my god 😭 it's so happy because they're just kinda running around and dancing together and everything AUGH MY HEART
- this one chair to the side was used as the breakdown chair because constance had like thirty anxiety attacks on it and noel was barely keeping himself together from tearing ocean to shreds 
- can't remember in which interaction specifically but ocean pisses mischa off and he stomps off to sulk backwards on a chair by ricky
- either at the beginning of lament or tsia jane fucking. chucks. her doll somewhere behind karnak's booth
- at one point jane and ocean are sitting next to each other and jane keeps trying to initiate contact and ocean is leaning away like 'fuck no babes'
- mischa beat boxing was a good bit and he did it twice-
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anyway that's all-
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nogenderblender9358 · 5 months
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Look what I got today!!!!!! A sally face poster and it looks sooooo cool!!!
I love it so so much😍😍😍😍
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tillthelandslide · 1 year
can i get something w george where like reader is famous and kind of has been for a while now like since her and george were teens and before they got together george was like a huge fan? right ok so here’s what i’m thinking. it’s a holiday or something maybe christmas or his bday and she goes to his childhood home w him for the holiday and spends time in his bedroom and lmao he has like posters of he in his room that he used to totally fangirl over and just him like internally freaking out in realization that she’s actually there in his bedroom idk i just want to feel fangirled over by a hot man rn hope this makes sense
Obsessed - George Daniel Instagram AU
As we spoke about... I made this into a Instagram AU. Hope everyone enjoys, I used charli xcx as a face claim just because she's fit af and the have some spicy photos with each other
Hope you like it :)
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yourinstagram new songs coming soon, watch this space
Liked by bedforddanes75, yourbestfriend and 789,829 others
yourbestfriend fit af 🥵 p.s George from the 1975 has a crush on you
-> yourinstagram thanks bb and shut up
bedforddanes75 Jesus 😍
-> yourbestfriend told you
-> yourinstagram @yourbestfriend you need to stop. Hi @bedforddanes
-> bedforddanes75 hi 😳
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yourinstagram I heard a famous man in a cool band fancied me and I think he's fit so I wrote a song about it.
Liked by bedforddanes75, trumanblack, yourbestfriend and 789,094 others
bedforddanes75 I don't just fancy you, I'm obsessed 😍
-> yourinstagram good to know
trumanblack this man has been obsessed with you since he was 16
-> yourinstagram thank you for that information
fan2 imagine someone as famous as y/n saying she fancies you over Instagram
-> fan3 i mean he is also famous
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fanaccount Y/n and George Daniel from the 1975 spotted looking loved-up in London yesterday
fan1 ever thought about their privacy? na? cool
fan2 omg but how cute do they look
fan3 this happened quick
-> fanaccount tbf think they started flirting over instagram like 6 months ago so its been a while now
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bedforddanes75 going home for my birthday, introducing the fam to my love @yourinstagram
Liked by yourinstagram, trumanblack and 81,873 others
yourinstagram we cute bby
-> bedforddanes thats all you bby
-> yourinstagram shhh let me love on you
yourbestfriend CONFIRMED?
-> yourinstagram CONFIRMED!
-> yourbestfriend thank fuck, i couldnt keep it secret anymore
trumanblack my parents
-> bedforddanes weirdo
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yourinstagram as spotted in George Daniels room
Liked by bedforddanes, rass1975 and 758,189 others
bedforddanes75 you absolute menace
-> yourinstagram shouldn't have trusted me in your childhood room
rass1975 always thought it was weird
-> yourinstagram it's hot dont deny it
-> bedforddanes oi @rass1975 fuck off
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bedforddanes75 used to dream about grabbing your tit and now I can do it whenever I want
Liked by yourinstagram, jamieoborne and 56,819 others
yourinstagram you are an absolute nightmare
-> bedforddanes75 but you love it
-> yourinstagram absolutely ♥️
trumanblack how did you find the one girl who is not freaked out by your obsession
-> bedforddanes75 im great in bed what can i say?
-> yourinstagram true
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yourinstagram get someone who is obsessed with you @bedforddanes75
Liked by bedforddanes75, yourbestfriend and 674,000 others
bedforddanes75 i love you sweetheart
-> yourinstagram i love you more
yourbestfriend help me find one please
-> yourinstagram i know someone who is single @trumanblack
-> yourbestfriend fuck off
yourinstagram stories:
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skykashi · 1 year
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So my entire Animal Crossing island is Naruto-themed (like it’s named Konoha and my villagers call me Hokage-sama lol) and I have a room in one of my houses dedicated to my favorite sensei! Just thought you would be tickled to see his little room and his little Icha-Icha posters and his little bed for Pakkun and Ukki-san 🤓
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I also have the Memorial Stone on my island 🤧
Okay, thank you, bye!
Vgkjffdghhrdvgb look at the Icha Icha poster and the shuriken comforter, this is so cool 😍 I love it 🥰
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sardix · 18 days
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Omg omg omg I have waited for sooooooo long for an SMG4 plushie and it's finally here and not only that I can finally spend my own saved money and of course that's the first thing i buy.
(And I also got as a gift the hoddie) 😆😄🤩
Now all i will be mising is the hat + pins (i also wanted to get a poster but back when it was avaible i was not alowed to buy anything from america 😔) buuuuut now I can
And yes it will be hard to get the Staff withought having a job or alowance.... buuuut I will not stop until I will get them.
(Personally, if I could I would buy every single thing from the shop to have a collection, I finally understand what it's like to want and collect stuff from a franchise)
1st Update:
(Also if you don't want to get rid of the been smg4 tag on smg4's plush head, you can easily hide it in the plushies hat)
And oh boy now I understand why it was this expensive, I thought it was because of the difference in currency since 1$ is like 4x in zł. But now it was just much bigger, and boy it was so worth the money I am buzzing with excitement and now he will be keeping me company whenever I am in the house
Opinion on the smg4 merch:
Hoddie - cool design and VERY comfortable material, cool two sides that you can switch whenever, and great tag lines for smg4 and smg3. If you're an SMG4 or SMG3 character fan definitely would recommend it.
Smg4 plushie - he is big and has a VERY soft material and Is well-detailed, great for hugging, I recommend it to every SMG4 character fan.
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kurogane2512 · 3 months
Kuro im sorry for what I must do... The keqing phone will be mine.
IM SO JEALOUS HELLO I HOPE U REALLY LIKE IT THE ANIMATIONS ON IT ARE SO COOL. PLEASE SHOW PICTURES OF ALL THE GOODIES THAT COME WITH IT (i had recently gotten a new phone so I couldn't justify getting the keqing one so im super jealous)
Nuuu it's mine don't you dare take my keqing away!!! 😤😤 xdd
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Here's all that came starting from top left to right: the box containing a keqing poster, the entire 3 sided display board with a magnetic pin badge and customized sim ejector, acrylic phone standee and character standee, a set of 8 stickers and pins, back cover for the phone and I also included how the phone's body is cause it's so aesthetic it's almost a waste to give that back cover and hide it
Other than this there was also Keqing themed plug and adapter wire, and yes the phone animations and widgets are amazing😍 It's my first time having an official merch like this and I'm so glad I was able to make it through the orders 🥹
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im-no-jedi · 10 months
Let’s get some fun recommendations goin around here! What’s a piece of clone content (art, fic, etc) that has stuck with you as being notably excellent? Tag it in your answer so we can all find some new fun to read! If you want, of course; feel free to ignore! 💕
🤩 oh what a fun idea!! I would LOVE to gush about some really cool artists, thank you 😁
I'll start with @shyranno, whose art I absolutely adore. her style is so clean and expressive and colorful, and she makes amazing comics. the TBB Downtime series is exactly my kinda Clone content, filled with lots of fluff and feels. the "baby" batch ones are my favorite, but I'm also fond of this one where Tech gets teased from not being able to grow a beard 😜
another artist I really love is @zaana! she also draws a lot of really sweet and funny moments with TBB, and I'm super fond of her more sketchy style of drawing. she's got a "Crosshair defects the Empire" AU about Cross rejoining TBB sometime during season 2 that I love soooooo much. honestly, all her stuff with Crosshair (especially the ones with Omega) is top tier. although I think my top favorite is this one with Hunter and Crosshair (which @questforgalas also wrote an amazing oneshot about!); it's so simple but so sweet, and I automatically love any wholesome content between these two 🥰
then there's @lightspringrain, who makes beautiful portraits of TBB. I've been wanting to buy some of her prints (and will absolutely do so once I have the money!!) because they are seriously gorgeous. her "Crown" series is the best, it's so lovely! and she does an amazing job capturing the style of the show! to no one's surprise, my favorites are the Hunter and Omega moon crowns. the Hunter one is legit one of my favorite art piece ever; it's been my lockscreen on my phone ever since I saw it 💙
someone I recently started following is @thattoothpick! after seeing her "TBB Happy on Pabu" comics, I had to see more. the best way I can describe her style is "soft". everything is just so soft; the lines, the colors, all of it. it just makes me happy 😊 I have two favorite pieces; the first is this one about Hunter and Crosshair from the Pabu series. literally made me cry. I need this to happen SO badly 🥺 and then this one that I refer to as "the Sad Batch"... oh man. also had me crying (but also simping for obvious reasons LOL) 😭
now for a big one. I can easily say my favorite SW related artist of all time is @lornaka. her art... holy crap y'all. it's so freaking good. she makes everything from simple portraits to stunning dynamic pieces, and I'm obsessed with all of it. she even was featured during SW Celebration last year!! she's that good!! \o/ I have a few favorites of hers. which obviously includes the TBB poster she made for Celebration. still sad I couldn't get my own copy of it 💔 then there's this... lovely portrait of Hunter from behind. oh Lordy 🥵 and finally, my top favorite is actually this simple portrait of Hunter. I had it as my lockscreen for a LONG time. it's just... so good. the colors, the stars, his expression... I'm still obsessed 😍
finally, I can't talk about amazing artists without mentioning my sister @jam-n-ham. her art account is @joyjababanoid. y'all. please just scroll through her TBB art, you will not regret it. I've always adored her cartoony and expressive style, and it makes for hilarious Clone content LOL. she did a bunch of drawings for Inktober last year, solely focused around TBB. she's also done some comics that I've had a part in helping her develop (specifically the Padme pin-up art and the AZI going on a mission). but my absolute favorite is by far the Valentines collection. y'aaaaaaaall. I had the Hunter one as my phone background for over a year haha. she knows how to personally get to me, let's just say that 🥵
oh, and one last thing I wanna mention is that the one thing these folks all have in common, aside from being fantastic artists, is that I love how each of them draw my bae. seriously, y'all draw Hunter so good, and I'm smooching each of your different versions of him 🥰😘
thanks for letting me gush about some cool people!! everyone show them some much deserved love please!! 💙💙💙
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