kylo-wrecked · 1 year
@thesilverandjetsystem ://
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Michel Renella was known for throwing the gaudy neo-20th century parties of babylonic ambition everyone hated but went to in droves. 
This time, Renella and his triad were playing a filmed sensual surrealist enactment of Flahooley over a Sherwin Williams High Reflective White monolith flanked by gold-flecked rose marble pillars, part of Michel Renella's awful penchant for anything art deco revival (like the brown and pink carpeted stairs and split-levels) completing the absurdity and tastelessness of the whole pad and affair. 
Luckily, the silent and runny off-color production of Flahooley was accompanied by one of those big brass bands. They hired a singer who could simulate Yma Sumac's vocalisations and startling range—her right to the golden headdress. 
Ben had quietly planted his frame on something he was not supposed to sit on, watching the salmon-saturated projection of a wannabe actress twirling her wrists and sashaying from resin plaster to marble, resin marble to plaster, the singer's golden voice glissading through his right ear; Birds was the song, and she tittered and cried like one. Castanets thudded against his left ear in competition with the flourishing party chatter. The film no one was interested in watching skipped between the wannabe actress dancing and flashes of burning baby dolls, then the it-girl genie shaking her tits. And who should step through that hokey image but Steven Grant? 
"Look, it's the sheik." 
A few ferns away stood a man costumed, again, in poor taste, as a heavily, you know, made-up Rudolph Valentino, but they both knew Ben was referring to Grant. 
Grant who was like a different guy every time Ben saw him. He could swear, on God, who he wouldn't, so he'd swear on his Ma, the love and bane of his life, that Grant was about three different guys in a tan button-down, a three-piece suit, or the t-shirt with the little scarf. 
Ben rose to approach him not two moments before Michel Renella shrieked, "Get off my Noguchi, you giant shitting fuck—!" 
The giant shitting fuck to Renella, swaggering Grant's way without turning to look at the sculpture he’d defiled: “I'd sit on the furniture, Nella, but you don't own any." 
"So," Ben said when he met his mark. Flashing one of his coyer angles, though, his insuppressible sour grin gave the guise a double edge. "Grant. I heard you're producing a movie or something. How?" 
One of Nella's catering can-can dancers swung by on legs as long as Ben was tall, and he plucked a glass off her tray.  
"Have a drink," he implored, pushing the flute into one of the magnificent Steven Grant's magnificent hands. "That's nice. Go on. Give it a good knock-back. Now tell me about your amazing lives. My mistake; I mean life." 
Ben grinned and pressed Grant's shoulder. 
"I mean, Grant. How are you?" 
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biitchcakes · 1 year
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@thesilverandjetsystem sent: 🍿 - Popcorn! Do they have butter on their popcorn? Extra salty? Do they get any of the coloured popcorn at movie theatres or just the usual stuff? // ( accepting )
EXTRA butter — this is the woman who ate sixteen sticks of butter in one sitting while she was pregnant, so she wants that popcorn so buttery she can see her reflection in the sheen on her fingers.
The salt is deffo covered by the butter at the rate she uses it, I'd say.
No colour, she gets just regular popcorn when she goes to the movies — except she goes over and loads it with all that butter just mentioned. Occasionally she'll flavour the popcorn with buffalo or nacho cheese from the shakers they've got in cinemas. But she's definitely most about the classic butter taste. She kind of likes caramel popcorn, but she's more into savoury flavours.
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hraunwyf · 2 years
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“if i have a present for your boss, can you give it to him for me? how would that work? is he like, in right now—? wait, shit. is that offensive—”
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lamentingwclf · 1 year
❝  wow,  i didn’t think you knew how to be selfish.  ❞
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“I didn’t realize that saying I wouldn’t fight a megladon for you was the pinnacle of our friendship.  To start with, why would there even be one in a position that we’d have to fight it.  Secondly, I’m not exactly buoyant - which puts me at a severe disadvantage in open water.”
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prettytm · 1 year
There’s one flaw and only one flaw concerning the location he had chosen to run ANVIL from. It’s beside the water. Oh, sure, that doesn’t sound like a problem. Beautiful view. Easy to access from the water. A rather large warehouse space with an attached space he’s converted into his home. And you wouldn’t be wrong. All of that, plus the privacy it offers, is exactly why he had chosen it.
The real problem is.. When holidays that demand fireworks roll around.. The river is central staging for most of the shows the city throws. And then there’s all the smaller displays that aren’t exactly legal.
It’s a nightmare for a man with PTSD. And why he either spends such holidays upstate in the middle of no where or he spends it drunk.
This fourth he has a roommate and long before night starts to fall he has enough alcohol and food delivered neither one of them would have to surface for at least two days. Which in his book was good. Gave them time to unwind and just.. Exist. Maybe if they’re both together they’d survive the night without nearly killing themselves or someone else.
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sebastianshaw · 1 year
“Once had someone try to sell me the theory that the moon is a hologram made by the government to trick people.” [Grant]
"Oh, that's just ridiculous. The trick was us thinking that no one lived on it. Freaking Inhumans just kept to the dark side or something. Pulled a fast one on the whole planet!" @thesilverandjetsystem
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neonwebs · 1 year
@thesilverandjetsystem // 08. we’re lost ; sender and receiver meet each other by chance whilst both are lost in unfamiliar surroundings. [M.oon Knight Marc]
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    ❝ 𝐀 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆. ❞  —   𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 || ᴏᴘᴇɴ!
Surprised to see 𝐾𝐻𝑂𝑁𝑆𝐻𝑈 walking around the Light District so late at night. Usually, he doesn't make it out this far into the city unless it's something important. I notice, however, he's...not as tall as he was the last time I saw him. His costume's all different. Suddenly I'm not so sure I'm dealing with Moon Knight anymore. God, please don't tell me there's another cult out there that likes to run around dressed as Khonshu dispensing justice. Don't these people ever get tired of pretending to be dead superheroes??
"You got the colors right, but the real Moon Knight's cape is more of a one-piece." I personally like to think it's more like a veil to cover up the fact he's piloting around some dead guy underneath everything. "Look, granted you're a lot better than the other cultists I normally spot running around here trying to stop crime, but you're scaring the locals." Looking over the Moon Knight's shoulder, I can see the terrified crook he's got a death grip on. It was his shrieks that brought me here.
"Appreciate the help but, I'm sure I can handle it from here."
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murder-popsicle · 2 years
Three of your favorite threads.
@thesilverandjetsystem || questions for the mun || accepting
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That’s very hard to pick! I wasn’t able to narrow it down to three, so here’s four current ones in no particular order:
Found with @abrooklynboy has given both of us so many feels about Steve and Bucky and their friendship and what they’ve gone through. We’ve really been able to dig into the effects of what they’ve suffered and how it’s changed them but still left their love for each other intact.
Lviv with @bokketo because I’m a sucker for Natasha and Jane finding each other again and working out how to relate to one another given their shared past.
Kryptonite with @oftomorrow because it’s a good demonstration of what you can build in an AU if you put the work in, and because it’s always fun to beat up a superpowered character. I’ve always been a fan of whump.
Arm in Arm with @invncibleiron because together we’ve put a lot of thought into how a friendship between Tony and Bucky would go, and how (or if) it could survive the revelation that the Winter Soldier assassinated Tony’s parents. Our muses are both trying so hard! And we’re really getting to explore things like guilt and anger and the hard work that’s needed for reconciliation.
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@thesilverandjetsystem inquired: ❛  do i have something on my face or why do you keep looking at me like that ?  ❜ [Steven]
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“No, I apologize for staring at you.” Wanda hastily responded, especially as she had feared she had offended the stranger before her. She hasn’t meant to stare, especially for so long, he had looked familiar to her, and she was trying to pinpoint why exactly he looked familiar. This man was a stranger to her in the manner in which he spoke and his personality, and yet, she feels like she’s known him her entire life.
That was a reason as to why now she was doing more than just staring at him, engaging him with conversation would help her find out why he was making her feel this way. “May I ask what your name is? I feel as though I may know you from somewhere.” Wanda figured that asking for his name may jog some of her memories of the stranger's identity. 
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entrepy · 1 year
"No, no, no, no. Hey. To hell with the rules." (For James) sent by @thesilverandjetsystem .
🔪 ‘ Easy for you to say, ’ Bucky mumbles, straightening up from where he was leaning over the large round table to show off the red and white stripes on his abdomen, the blue across his chest and white star splashed in the middle. He’d put himself in this position and he was going to ride it through. Living in the light was a choice he made — and yeah, maybe it totally sucks, but it was ultimately handcuffing himself to the straight and narrow in the hopes that it would extinguish the shadows inside in him. Taking off the uniform and slinking back into the dark would defeat everything. ‘ We do this legit, Marc. Find ‘em. Cuff ‘em. Bring ‘em in for questioning. We do this under a white light or not at all. ’
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kylo-wrecked · 1 year
 “You know, you’re not pleasant when you’re like this.”  [music!Ben from Grant. Kiss not included at this time but not completely off the menu]
{ from this meme }
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Fucker hadn't been in the room for more than a minute before he cleared it. The walls iced over, as did Ben, his 6'4 KENZO-clad frame saturnine and unusually cautious, stiff, attenuated, one patchworked arm curled around his ribcage.  
"Grant," Ben said, acknowledging his arrival with a wire-thin smile. His gaze followed the departing cortege, all the tall, thin beautifuls in their midnight regale being led by the bulbs of their glasses. 
Then there was Steven Grant, whom 'everyone’ loved, ‘everyone’ wanted to work with, and few wanted to be, but hey, you couldn't have it all. Not while Ben was around. 
Presenting the Steven Grant everyone loved until he was in the same room as Ben Solo—and not because Ben was excessive. Not because Ben was always 'this,' and if not 'this,' then ‘that’ and if not 'that,' then 'really something else.' Because of what happened the last time they were both in a NoHo loft with a party of fifty. And now, here was Steven Grant on Ben's peripheral, leaning on the wall like fucking Jimmy Dean. 
"You look great," Ben said without so much as glancing in Grant's direction. His line of vision cut straight ahead. Somehow, his eyes were scintillating even when aimed impassively at a blank wall.  
"What brings you here? Scaring the little boys?" 
Ben wasn't drunk yet, meaning, at least for the time being, he couldn't be swayed from his crow's perch. He fingered the lime in his cup and turned his head partway, offering Grant a slice of his cheekbone, the nape of his neck, and a big eff you. 
He could pinpoint the exact moment he stopped being pleasant. It was almost twenty years ago. 
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lostsouldier · 2 years
send me a 💞  and i’ll tell you something I like about your portrayal !! 
my lil duckie fren !! i think i followed you for bucky but now i have this whole collection of awesome muses to select from *rubs my greedy lil hands* i think with this portrayal --- and it goes for all your other portrayals as well --- they don't feel like characters, but more like human beings. less like you're portraying a version, but simply telling us who and what they are. i think you do this by incorporating so many little titbits that writers don't normally think to include which creates such a whole, complete, and vivid picture of your muse and their lives. i love it !!
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hraunwyf · 2 years
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“you what, now?”
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lamentingwclf · 2 years
“I like the new look. It suits you.” [Mr. Knight]
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Bucky flexes his fingers, reminded of the freedom of it - it’s seamless, comfortable - without thought, n a t u r a l even.  “I’m inclined to agree with you here.”
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prettytm · 1 year
You In Billy's Phone? :: Accepting
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sebastianshaw · 1 year
“I have fuck you money.” [Grant]
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"Ah ha. . .ahaha. . . .ahahahaha---"
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"Maybe one day, Steven." @thesilverandjetsystem
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