eric-sadahire · 8 months
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Question: What role does the squid play in the ocean ecosystem?
The squirterrrrrr
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hacknet · 2 years
goingto start crying for real i love thesquids
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Thesquid got knocked into the Mariana Trench with that combo wowza
Also Dryad with poison effects :00
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geekbroll · 3 years
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The new animated movie, Batman: The Long Halloween part 2, comes with a new 15 minute short. DC Showcase: BLUE BEETLE Frames past the first pic might contain spoilers. It’s chock full of Charlton goodness in glorious 60s/70s Limited Animation. (Like Filmartion/Hanna Barbera, not like the 1966 Marvel Super Hero cartoons.) Unfortunately the Charlton comics, that appear to have inspired the short, are not available on Comixology.  Batman: The Long Halloween part 1 featured DC Showcase: The Losers Justice Society: World War II featured DC Showcase: Kamandi: The Last Boy on Earth! They have all been great! #BlueBeetle #dcshowcase #dcshaowcasebluebeetle #thequestion #dccomics #charltoncomics #charltonheroes #captainatom #nightshade #doctorspectro #thesquids #cartoons #vintagecomics #batman #batmanthelonghalloween #thelosers #dcshowcasethelosers #kamandi #kamandithelastboyonearth #dcshowcasekamandithelastboyonearth #justicsocietyworldwarii #jsa #justicesociety (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSGz5ZGrdbf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jefferyryanlong · 5 years
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Fresh Listen - The Squids, The Squids (Bankshots Music, Inc. and Oto-Songs, Inc., 1981) and Duganopacalypse Now (A Fan Compilation, circa 1981)
(Some pieces of recorded music operate more like organisms than records. They live, they breathe, they reproduce. Fresh Listen is a periodic review of recently and not-so-recently released albums that crawl among us like radioactive spiders, gifting us with superpowers from their stingers.)
The first band I ever loved was the Beatles, and John Lennon was dead years before I had any idea of who they were. It wasn’t until Kurt Cobain died that I had any interest in Nirvana--I recall an eighth grade classmate looking at mw with contempt after I told them I was unfamiliar with their music, when “Smells Like Teen Spirit” was already an MTV hit. The chemical composition of my brain was dissolved and reconstituted over the course of two weeks when, at twelve years old, I watched One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and Cool Hand Luke on late-night television, but both films were about twenty years old by then. I just heard of Herbie Hancock’s V.S.O.P. album, featuring Freddie Hubbard, Wayne Shorter, Ron Carter, and Tony Williams, about two weeks ago. I’m 42 years old now and I’ve only just come to realize how cutting and prescient Claude McKay’s novel Banjo is. 
All this to say that I wish I’d been around when Honolulu’s The Squids were playing around town. (Much thanks to Roger and Leimomi from Aloha Got Soul for pointing me in the right direction.) The Squids were so odd and varied, a New Wave outfit with the muscularity and venom of the truest punk rock, able to invoke the B-52′s in the same gig as Talking Heads or the Ventures or the Specials, all with the same veracity, but much weirder and crueler. They married a sunny, breezy synth sound with an aesthetic that I can only describe as joyously psychopathic, spraying smart-ass malice on the unfortunate subjects of their songs.
Though the band only officially released a 7-inch EP in 1981 (currently unavailable on Amazon) Comrade Motopu, the mysterious archivist who, through digitized vinyl and cassette tapes, as well as donated photos, scanned liner notes, flyers and news releases, has painstakingly agglomerated Hawai‘i rock music and associated miscellany on a magnificent pre-Y2K looking website, has not only shared the Squids’ EP (featuring “Tourist Riot,” “‘Love Theme’ From Surfer Boy,” “In,” and “Rio”), but what is also listed as Duganopacalypse,  a fan compilation with even more twisted tunes: “Medicine,” “Sexy,” “Head in the Sand,” the ska-soaked “New Girl in Town,” their partially awful, mostly spectacular “Cool Clear Water,” and “Pretty Vacant (with Dugan),” the Never Mind the Bullocks classic with a seemingly hated fan on the inarticulate vocals. I only pray that Comrade Motopu continues documenting this underhand era of Pacific rock music of the late Seventies to early Nineties--the site is a treasure, and more words about the bands highlighted on comrademotopu.com (the Vacuum and Yahweh’s Mistake, for instance) will be coming soon.
The Squids began as a concept by guitarist Beano Shots in 1979, later to take shape as a full-fledged human/cephalopod music group with members Kit and Gerry Ebersbach, Dave Trubitt, and Frank Orall. Those of us who sweatily flailed our way through a booze-and-drug bender on the strobe-lit (at least, as it appeared then) dance floor of the Wave Waikiki between the hours of 2 AM and 4 AM when all the other bars closed down would be surprised to learn that the now-demolished former nightclub, a hub for the scraped-out, after-hours husks operated by the residual combustion of chemicals in their blacked-out reptilian brains, once hosted the edgy Squids as the house band, presumably when the going-out crowd still had an affinity for fun, strong music, and did not simply seek to propel themselves upon the the mechanized beats and soulless zombie tracks initiated by a faceless button masher, in hopes that they would be manipulated, by the end of the night, into some loveless fuck with a nobody. 
Of the Squids’ stage show, we have but one recorded example of the band live in concert: a faithful interpretation of the Sex Pistols’ “Pretty Vacant,” in which the players serve as back-up band for a loyal heckler known only as “Dugan.” Having taken (jokingly) enough shit from Dugan, the band harasses him into sing-shouting the song. The performance captures the “fuck you” sentiment of “Pretty Vacant” with a primitive abandon that almost makes the original seem like a Monkees’ tune. It also portrays a punk rock scene less enlightened to the diverse lifestyles it later engendered, when “dick sucking” was applied exclusively as a pejorative.
The same pissed-off adrenalin leads off the the 1981 EP in “Tourist Riot,” an apocalyptic narrative of that species of traveler compelled to hammer a new experience into a predetermined mold that will establish an appropriate backdrop to their social media posts. The tourists here burn hotels and smash out windows when their expectations aren’t suitably met--a bad vacation in which they are pushed around and mistreated leads the tourists to murder and mayhem.
“Tourist Riot” lays out the Squids’ music aspirations right away, especially in the interplay between Beano Shots’s electric guitar and Kit Ebersbach’s keyboards, which morph from forbidding electronic warning tones to psychedelic ghost notes to the replicated sirens of a city on fire, collateral damage in a war between locals and tourists. Following a surprisingly effective bridge that concludes with a shouted “Fuck it, I’m going to New York City!” is an atonal guitar solo reminiscent of Nels Cline asleep at the wheel, redeemed by a more fluid keyboard exploration.
When Jimi Hendrix claimed that “you’ll never hear surf music again” in 1967, he was, through the example of his own transcendent playing on “Third Stone from the Sun,” burying the corpse of that elementary, improvisationally unimaginative rock instrumental with the axe with which he had slew it. To that end, after hearing Jimi Hendrix and all the musical manifestations that took shape from his cosmic residue, it is sometimes hard to take surf music seriously. “‘ Love Theme’ from Surf Boy” comes across as the Squids’ winking parody of the genre, with its reverb, its whammy, its overall melancholy, and its simplicity. That said, there is some sophistication in the song’s structure, as if the wordless tune was more an exercise in technique, an attempt to take stock creatively before reaching out to a farther and stranger place.
On “In,” the guitars and keyboards snarl rabidly toward the same explosive destination, barely kept in check by the talents of the players. Lyrically minimalist, the song’s non-sequiturs slice through the instruments like assembled cut-up style by William S. Burroughs. “Are you losing sense of humor, could be Jesus was only kidding” followed by “are you losing sense of humor, could be Jesus was just a salesman.” These pieces of thoughts unfinished resonate in my head like something close to catchy--to what end, I don’t know. Where the keyboards overmatched the guitars on “Tourist Riot,” on “In” the guitar is locked in and dirty, climaxing in repetitive harmony between the instruments to close out the song.
When I first read the track listing to the 1981 EP, I thought the final song “Rio” would be a rough rendering of the hit video single by near-contemporaries Duran Duran (whose synth-guitar arrangements, though undoubtedly smoother, find relation in the Squids’ overall aesthetic). Instead, “Rio” is an acid commentary on the American Capitalist, represented as a white suit soaked in sweat, and his compulsion to foster vice and iniquity to exotic locales.
I’m not sure whether the fan compilation Duganopacalypse, also available for listening through the Comrade Motopu website, was recorded before, after, or  during the sessions of the 1981 EP. A few tracks lead me to believe that the songwriting and arrangements are from a wiser, more sophisticated band, while other songs seem so apelike in their imitations as to come through as pointless satires, or maybe the explorations of a band trying to find its identity.
In “Medicine,” for instance, the Squids operate under an overpowering B-52′s filter that washes out their uniqueness. Whereas on previous tracks this influence existed only at the fringes of their sound, the singer on “Medicine” channels Fred Schneider on the verse and switches to David Bowie during the bridge. The role-play, though, doesn’t kill the the more interesting aspects of “Medicine”--its guitar lick is inventive and so wormy as to be slightly irritating, and the song’s themes, that one must willingly imbibe “the medicine” to accept the hypocrisies of this “downer world,” resound strongly to anyone who casts their eyes around a crowded room.  
Where the B-52′s references go deep in “Medicine,” Talking Heads emerge in “Sexy,” from David Byrne’s vocal tics to the subtle and swampy “Take Me to the River” vibe. It goes beyond straight homage to cover band territory, but it does emphasize the band’s technical ability to lock into a groove. “New Girl in Town” is a heaping serving of not-completely-warmed-up ska leftovers, a bit misogynist (of its time, but still). “Head in the Sand,” regrettably, could have been the Squids’ crossover pop hit. I say “regrettably” because, even though the song has a point--that the ability of humans to maintain a semblance of happiness is to carefully cultivate the warm fuzz of obliviousness, sacrificing will to fate in the belief that nothing we could do to change anything would matter anyway--the effort seems more calculated than organic, a plastic approximation of the closest this band, given their specific set of skills, could get to a pop crossover hit. The work put into it seems to drain away at some of the dirty magic. It‘s self-conscious in a way that the other songs aren’t.
Finally we have “Cool Clear Water,” what would have been the band’s masterpiece if they’d spent a little more time recording a decent take (the version on the Duganopacalypse almost sounds live, though it could have been laid down in a rehearsal space). This is not the country classic performed by Marty Robbins and Johnny Cash. The Squids’ “Cool Clear Water” is the frightening confession of a soldier recently returned from the war in Vietnam, directed by an angel spirit to mass murder with a shotgun from a tower in town. When the killer is set to be executed, the angel spirit comforts him, tells him his spirit will be redeemed in heaven for “setting the people free.” The unnerving subject matter of “Cool Clear Water” is given sinister shape by the relentless horror-notes of Kit Ebersbach’s organ, the guitar holding down the song’s march toward inevitable nothingness because the bass (normally played with elan by Gerry Ebersbach) is a complete mess (I’m not sure if she hadn't learned the song or if she just showed up at the gig drunk).
As Marc Maron frequently says on his podcast, “there’s no late to the party” anymore, given the the amount of content available to all of us via the digital consciousness that we are now more plugged into than not. But I’ve waited all my life to lose myself in something vital, of the moment, with my eyes and ears and heart present while the thing is taking shape, at its most temporal. I feel that way listening to the Squids. I wish I could have seen them at one of their Wave gigs. I wish I could have had a beer with them afterward, and gushed in the embarrassing way I do about things I love.
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bluepallilworld · 4 years
I know now that a few friends interacting with my posts is enough for me. I don't need a lot of followers, likes or reblogs (I didn't say I don't want some) to feel happy!
Thank you people who are always there and I hope we can continue to travel together for a while! ( ╹▽╹ )
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ottomations · 4 years
9. what color is your favorite and why?
9. What color is your favorite and why?
Favorite color has shifted over the past few years, and I can tell you how it went!
In 2016 I had found myself finding artwork online with nice blue color schemes. It started there where I really liked deep and dark blue, having an OC at the time with a deep blue hoodie! I believe their name was Hiyaku!
The next year, my color scheme shifted into more of a sky blue from the dark blue. I guess I really liked the sky that 2017 year. Hiyaku still applies here. That character went on for a while and I even started a story but never finished it for them.
Later 2018, is when i created a lot of mini stories. These stories mostly included “Black Dove” and “White Crow” who were a pair of characters that basically stood out from what they were meant to do. Very very original story I know. The colors were never established, but were black and white!
Then, the year 2019 is when I created another original character. But this is when I chose to use dark and dull purple! The color is very nice and I think I called the color plum! The character was called Eris!
Early 2020 Is when I created another character with a Lime green color scheme. This is where the name Liquee first formed while I was the ting to find a name for the character! This was also my first character that went publicly onto the internet! Liquee_ TheSquid
Then, I changed to lavender and light purple for this space/alien being, it was still named liquee but that’s when I started to make detailed character stories.
Then, a few months later from that space Liquee, I went back to the Dark purple colors. This is where the character Formed that changed my online name and content! The character AnonymousLiquee was formed into existence!
This summer, I started to create my JSAB AU. This is when my view of color stretched itself over all the vibrant shapes and characters. But it came to a point where I eventually found myself with a liking of Salmon and hot Pinks, particularly the Corruption pink shades!
This was really long but this is my story of color and Original Characters! Thanks for reading!
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[Have some colors-]
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sqwdink · 6 years
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My fiancé has arrived into this world oktoink and Sqwdink
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lumenations · 6 years
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Saved a squid in Venice. One of the most amazing, and heartbreaking experiences of my life.
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cube2cube · 2 years
Hi, it's come to my attention that the Bargarean Jade is one of the moderators of this blog as well as a host of Cube2Cube and I think everyone should be made aware of how problematic the Bargarean Jade is before continuing to listen. Firstly, if anyone isn't familiar with the Financialmurdergate scandal a few years ago it was a (1 / 17)
im not reading all of this
#thesquid #fanmail #morelike #hatemail #deleted #goodreviewsonly #drama #canceled #holowood
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cyelatm · 4 years
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Here are this month’s Patreon doodle requests! Thank you all so much for the support!! If you’d like to request a monthly doodle, sign up for the cyelatm Patreon for 8 dollars at http://Patreon.com/cyelatm and receive access to exclusive comics, sketches, warm ups and music!
Extra big thank you to patrons Cristaly (@adultsintheory), CutiePatootiest, Katie, Amelia, YourDad TheSquid (@squiddelyfather), and Karen! Thank you for going the extra mile with your support to keep the comic going and the creator fed/watered. I appreciate you all so much!!!
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squid-maker-admin · 3 years
Intro blog~イントロブログ~소개 블로그
Hello! This is the intro blog for The Squid Maker on Picrew.me! Here is where you can request parts, give feedback, and see updates for the image-maker!  (Also, if someone could help with Japanese or Korean translations, that would be great! I use a translator, as I speak English.)
こんにちは! これはPicrew.meのTheSquid Makerの紹介ブログです! ここでは、パーツをリクエストしたり、フィードバックを提供したり、イメージメーカーの最新情報を確認したりできます。 (また、誰かが日本語や韓国語の翻訳を手伝ってくれるなら、それは素晴らしいことです!私は英語を話すので、私は翻訳者を使います。)
여보세요! Picrew.me의 Squid Maker 소개 블로그입니다! 여기에서 부품을 요청하고, 피드백을 제공하고, 이미지 메이커에 대한 업데이트를 볼 수 있습니다! (또한 누군가가 일본어나 한국어 번역을 도울 수 있다면 좋을 것입니다! 저는 영어를 하기 때문에 번역기를 사용합니다.)
https://picrew.me/image_maker/1226365 (see the image maker here!~こちらの画像メーカーをご覧ください!~여기에서 이미지 메이커를 참조하십시오!)
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When you go to your first Megacon and have awesome friends to cosplay with, this is what happens :) #loveyouguys #weareriders #onamission #megacon #cosplay #rocketpower #thesquid #squid #shoobies (at MegaCon Convention)
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jeinnienn-maie · 7 years
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Our first of May. 😊😙 #sunkissed #hydrophilic #doblesresidence #orphansofsummer #Bohol #Dauis #Philippines #theSquids #9stories #neunleiben
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urbanartuploads · 6 years
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pound the squid #thesquid [above] sticker graffiti street art found 2017 in Baltimore, Maryland, that depicts a Spandex-suited humanoid with the head of a squid running swiftly over a pile of man-made trash and these decipherable alphanumerics: THE SQUID #thesquid funnybonecomics dot com [ americanifesto / 場黑麥 / jpr / urbanartopia / whorphan ]
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skytressmc · 7 years
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Have a human squid. Ink leader of theSquid army. He is a squid that call turn human. ... Yeah im just tired so idk anymore
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