Damon Salvatore Masterlist
Created: 11/12/20
Last Updated: 12/20/20
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Sucker For Pain *SMUT*
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thevampnatural · 4 years
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So I just started on here. I’m trying find many platform to wrote my stories. My FanFiction.Net is moonlightxdaroline and on Wattpad also. I usually write Vampire Diaries FanFiction. I am going to start writing Supernatural ones too. So you can request an imagine of either TVD/TO/LGCS/SPN related. Byeee!
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fireyhybrid · 5 years
A Firey Love
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Main pairing: Enzo x Original Character
"What do you mean Enzo is alive Damon?" Jacie screamed to Damon. She paced back and forth in front of the fireplace at the Salvatore Boarding House.  She thought he was gone. She stood and watched the house he was in burn, believing everyone in it had died. Looking at Damon with a broken face that he returned, "Does he hate me?" 
Damon sighed, “Um he might’ve mentioned a few things. But I was a little busy trying to keep him from ripping my head off.” Jacie nodded at him.
"Do you think he will be able to forgive me? For everything?” Sitting down on the couch, she starred at the ground. Looking at Damon was not something she wanted to do, knowing she would see only regret in his eyes. Fooling around with him was something her and Damon had not planned, yet it was not the worst thing either of them had done.
She felt the couch sink in next to her and a hand on her knee, "I think with time he will be able to understand Jacie, but not now. We were just a distraction from all the bad that surrounded us. And if for some reason he doesn't understand, I'll be your distraction once again." Damon said with his cocky grin and a raised eyebrow. 
Jacie chuckled, nudging her shoulder in to his. "I don't think Elena would be to happy about that Damon." Looking up at Damon, she watched a sad smile appear on his face.”She doesn’t want me anymore.”
She placed her hand on top of his giving it a light squeeze. “I still love him Damon. I know I broke his heart but I don't think I could handle him breaking mine" She laid her head on Damons shoulder shoving her head in his neck as the tears began to fall from her eyes. 
"Don't worry love. I'm sure you will have no problem taking Damon up on his previous offer." Both Jacie and Damon's heads shot up at the new voice to see if their eyes had  heard the voice right. Enzo was standing in the entry way. 
Jacie slowly stood up while keeping her eyes on Enzo. He began walking towards her but her instinct was to walk backwards. 
"What are you doing here Enzo?" Damon asked from his seat on the couch, his eyes never leaving Jacie. 
"I was coming to thank you for what you did today for me but I'm starting to think that wasn't for me anymore. Huh Damon?" Enzo stopped walking and looked between Damon and Jacie. "I'm not so sure Jacie would've wanted to hop right back into bed with you once she found out that you killed her ex lover. That is if you even told her." 
Jacie's face showed her hurt at Enzo's words as Damon rose from the couch. "Ya know I'm not really liking the way you are talking about Jacie right now." 
"Damon just leave it alone. If Enzo wants to fool himself into thinking I'm some type of whore let him, because at the end of the day we all know that isn't me." Enzo laughed in response to Jacie. 
"Oh love. I don't know who you are. I thought I did. The Jacie that I thought I knew loved me and didn't want me to burn in a cage." Jacie’s eyes filled with tears once again. His words hurt, even if they were true words.
“Only if you understood Enzo.” She took a breath. “I never wanted to leave you. I loved you with every piece of me. Hell, I even loved you more than I loved myself. But how was I suppose to save you?”
Enzo chuckled and shook his head, “You weren’t suppose to save me. You couldn’t with the vervain soaked cage. But you could’ve stayed with me and held my hand as we both burned together. Well at least supposedly burn.” Jacie heard the sad tone in his voice braking yet another piece of her heart.
“Well that it the most selfish thing I have ever heard you say Enzo. I’m the king of selfish, but I don’t think I would ever ask the girl I love to stay back and die with me instead of going out and living, well semi-living.”
Enzo rolled his eyes at Damon’s remark. He walked past Jacie and Damon moving closer to the fireplace. “Oh i love a good fire. How ironic.” 
Jacie kept her back towards Enzo facing Damon who was clearly frustrated and on edge. “Didn’t we already do this?” He slowly took his eyes of Jacie and on to Enzo. “You tried to make me feel guilty, hounded me about Jacie. I saved your life. We are even.” 
As the two boys were talking, Jacie’s eye landed on the bag on the couch. “What’s in the bag Enzo?” He laughed at her question. “More like who, love.”
He went through a rant about his recent activities while Damon pretended to care. But Jacie couldn’t seem to focus on anything. It was like she was in a tunnel and everything was muffled around her. She couldn’t comprehend what was happening. It felt like a huge nightmare. 
“Exactly what you said you’d do when we were cellmates. Isn’t that right Jacie?” She continued not to face him but zoned back in the best she could. Tears were filling her eyes. All she could feel was guilt. It was putting her back in the dark place she was in after she made it out of the fire. 
She continued to drown in her own emotions while Enzo proceeded to show Damon that Aaron Whitmore was in the body bag alive. There were knots in her stomach. Bile traveling in the wrong direction. Her hands were shaking beyond her control. The temptation of flipping her humanity switched was becoming more and more appealing to her.  
Damon took a quick glance at her as Enzo pleads with him to end the Whitmore bloodline. A phone ringing pulls Jacie out of her head. Damon groans before answering Caroline’s call. 
Jacie wipes the tears off of her face as she makes her way to the alcohol. She helped herself to Damon’s special bourbon, knocking back two cups. She knew that Enzo was staring at her but she couldn’t find it in herself to look up at him. It would only lead to more emotions she didn’t want to deal with. “Stop staring.” 
Before Enzo could respond, the Whitmore boy begins to move. “It looks like he’s coming around.” The phone call ends and Enzo speaks again. “It’s time to come to a decision Damon. Do you want to kill him or shall I?” Jacie was knocking another drink back when Damon sped to Enzo snapping his neck. 
She rolled her eyes. “He really hates that line.” 
Part Two
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penmansparadise · 7 years
Damon Salvatore Imagine Requested- A Slight Jealousy Problem
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Here is the Damon Salvatore imagine requested by @iwannadiehere !  I got a little carried away with this one because I haven't written for The Vampire Diaries in like forever lol.  Anyway, here you go and I hope you enjoy it!!
Pairing: Damon Salvatore x Reader
Warnings: Mild language (This is for real only one word lol)
The final bell sounded throughout the school sending a mob of teenagers to the parking lot.  You gathered your things and headed to your locker where your friends were waiting.  Caroline sent you a cheerful smile as you approached, “Y/N!”  You chuckled at her excitement, “Hello Caroline.”  Elena gave you a small wave that you returned before unlocking your locker.  “Okay,” Caroline began, “so the Founders Day Ball is in two days and none of us have our dresses yet!” Elena nodded, “She’s right and if we wait too long all the cute dresses will be gone.”  You shut your locker and turned to your two concerned friends with a pouty face, “I thought I already told you guys that I really don’t want to go.”  Caroline’s eyes grew wide as Elena let out an irritated sigh.  “Y/N, you have to go.”  Caroline said dramatically.  You rolled your eyes, but, before you could reply, Tyler, Caroline’s boyfriend, joined the conversation.  From behind, he slid his arms around Caroline’s waist and nuzzled into the crook of her neck.  “Where do we have to go?” He asked between kisses.  Elena, staring annoyingly at you, said, “Y/N isn’t going to the Founders Day Ball.”  You let out an irritated groan, “I didn’t say I wasn’t going.”  Caroline perked up, “So, you are going!?  Great!  Tonight you, Elena, and I are going dress shopping.”  Your mouth fell agape.  “Tyler,” Caroline said twisting in his arms, “you and Stefan will meet us there.”  You frantically waved your hands in Caroline’s face, “Woah!  Hey!  I never said I was going.”  Elena rolled her eyes, “Okay, whether you are or aren’t going, at least come help us find dresses.”  You let out a huff, “Fine, but I’m going to complain the whole time.” Caroline jumped up in excitement and Elena gave you a stern look.  “Yay! I already have the perfect dress in mind.  Okay, I’ll see you two later!”  Caroline said with a small hop before skipping off dragging Tyler behind her. You looked to Elena with the most exaggerated pout you could make.  Elena let out a light laugh before placing her hand on your shoulder, “I’ll see you later.”  You gave her a small wave before walking off in the opposite direction towards your car.
Instead of going home, you decided to stop by the Mystic Grill.  As you pulled into a parking spot in front, your mind replayed the whole debacle from school.  “Ugh,” you grunted in frustration, “I need a freaking drink before having to deal with psycho Caroline.”  You got out of your car and entered the Grill.  Some boys from the football team were playing pool in the corner while a couple girls from your History class were sharing some fries watching them.  You stepped farther into the building until the bar was in full view.  A smile crept onto your lips when you saw a familiar black leather jacket.  Even from behind he took your breath away.  His raven colored hair cascading down around his face, his strong arms, and broad shoulders.  You bit your bottom lip as he slowly turned until he was making eye contact with you. He gave you a cheeky smirk that sent your heart into overdrive. From your first encounter with Damon, you immediately felt yourself fall.  Although everyone had warned you to stay away from him, you couldn’t.  Some mystical way, he drew you towards him.  You were unsure how he did it, but he did.  Going against everyone’s wishes, you began to spend more and more time with the least favored Salvatore.  And, the more time you spent with him the more you got to know him.  Months began to pass by and your friendship grew stronger each day as did your feelings for Damon.  However, not wanting to lose him forever, you kept those feelings to yourself.  You quickly made your way to the bar and sat next to Damon.  “Got another drink in you?” You asked leaning into the bar.  Damon finished what was in his glass and smiled, “Only if I can drink it with you.”  You let out a small chuckle as Damon ordered your drink and another bourbon for himself. He took a sip, “What’s the occasion? You never day drink.”  Using your straw, you carelessly mixed the contents in your cup, “Caroline insisted that I accompany her and Elena while they dress shop for the Founders Day Ball.”  Damon raised his eyebrows, “I mean I get spending time with chatty Cathy can be grueling, but I know that’s not what sent you in here.”  You chuckled, “No.  I just didn’t really want to go to the Ball, but I don’t think I have a choice anymore.  You and I both know how…persistent Caroline can be.”  Damon scoffed, “Yeah, persistent, that’s one way to describe her.” You gave him a stern look and he put his hands up in defense.  Damon downed the rest of his glass before turning to face you.  “So, why didn’t you want to go?” He asked casually.  You took a quick drink and shrugged, “I don’t know. No one asked me and who wants to go to a Ball without a date?”  He sat up a little straighter, “Well, there’s still time for someone to ask you.  I mean, it’s not for another two days.” You finished your drink and shook your head, “Two days is not enough time.”  He ran a hand through his hair, “You just have to be patient.  Maybe the person who wants to ask you is just a little nervous.”  You looked up at the clock and stood up, “I have been patient Damon.  Now, I have to go so I’ll just see you around.”  
When you pulled into the parking lot at the local dress shop, you saw that everyone was already inside.  You killed the engine and let out a sigh before showing yourself to the door. Caroline and Elena were already trying on dresses when you walked in.  As you made your way to the dressing rooms, the rest of the group came into view.  Your mouth fell open when you saw Damon sitting casually next to Stefan.  “Y/N! You made it!” Caroline squealed from beside you.  You stared at Damon as he smirked and gave you a little wave.  Your eyebrows furrowed, but, before you could say anything, Elena placed a hand on your shoulder.  “Hey, you alright?” She asked pulling you back to reality.  “Huh?” you said quickly looking away from Damon, “Yeah, I’m fine.”  Elena gave you a confused smile before Caroline began to speak.  “Okay Y/N, what do you think of this dress?” She asked giving a little twirl.  You chuckled, “It’s beautiful, but Care you look great in anything.”  You could see a small blush creep onto her cheeks as she gave you a bright smile, “Thanks Y/N.  Hey, you should go find one to try on.”  You laughed at her genuine excitement and, not wanting to ruin her fun, gave a nod. “Alright.  I’ll be over there.” You said pointing to the back corner. Another big smile filled Caroline’s face before she turned to Tyler and began pestering him about her current dress. Your fingers trailed over all the soft fabric as you browsed.  The beautiful array of colors felt like you were walking through a rainbow.  From big ball gowns to short party dresses, the store had everything.  Your eyes danced over the large selection of dresses until they fell onto one tucked away into the corner of a rack. You pulled it out and let out a shocked sigh. The soft fabric slid through your fingers as you took in its beauty.  The mermaid style dress was perfect.  Deep maroon in color with a lace sweetheart neckline that turned into off the shoulder sleeves.  You looked at the tag and saw that it was your size.  Another surprised sigh fell from your lips as you shook your head in awe. “You should try it on.”  Damon said from behind you giving you a startle. You turned around, still holding the dress, to face him.  “I don’t know.” You said nervously eyeing the dress.  Damon took a step closer to you, “Y/N, go try it on.  I know you want to and it’s just you and me.  I told everyone they could leave if they wanted.” You bit your lip before finally walking over to the fitting room.  The dress slid onto you like it was meant to be there.  It hugged every curve of your body perfectly and complimented all the right areas.  You stared at yourself in the mirror for a minute in awe.  Even without the dress being fully zipped, it looked glorious on you. You opened the door and slowly walked out into Damon’s view.  His eyes gradually made their way up your body until they met yours.  His mouth was slightly open as he stared at you.  “Can you help me zip it up?” You asked turning and glancing at him over your shoulder.  He walked up behind you and gently placed one hand on your hip while his other slid up your back with the zipper.  He let his hand slide back down your body until it was planted on your other hip.  His piercing blue eyes washed over you as he stared at your elegant figure in the mirror. Your body sizzled under his touch and your heart jumped under his gaze.  “You look stunning Y/N.”  Damon said in a soft whisper.  A small blush climbed onto your cheeks as you stood there.  His hands crept up your sides until they were brushing your exposed shoulders.  He gently turned you to face him before brushing a stray piece of hair from your face. Although you knew he could hear it, your heart and breathing began to quicken.  A small smile curved his lips as he cupped your cheek.  You moved your hand to cover his as your eyes slowly closed. You felt him pull you closer just before his lips connected with yours.  It wasn’t aggressive, but soft and sweet.  He pulled away too soon for your liking and, before you could even stop yourself, you heard yourself say, “I love you Damon.”  Your eyes shot open to see his once soft sapphire blue eyes turn hard.  He let go of you and took a step back looking anywhere but you.  “Damon, I…” You tried to explain, but he cut you off.  “I have to go.” He said before quickly whizzing away. You stared at the swinging door as the store associate came up to you.  “Are you going to buy that darling?  It looks marvelous on you.” The older woman said sweetly.  With tears threatening to spill over, you shook your head, “No ma’am.  Thank you though.”  You returned the dress to the lady before exiting the store and driving home.
The next school day went by slowly.  You were still mulling over what happened the night before.  The way Damon reacted when the three most powerful words slipped from your lips made your heart hurt.  When the bell finally rang releasing you for the day, you quickly found your car and drove to the Salvatore Boarding house.  Damon hadn’t called or texted you about the incident which made you even more nervous than you already were.  Pulling into the Salvatore’s driveway, you felt your stomach begin to twist.  You took a quick breath before getting out of your car and walking up to the door.  You gave a loud knock, but when no one answered you showed yourself in.  “Damon?” You shouted out into the house.  There was no answer, but you could hear the sound of ice clinking inside a glass from the living room.  You stepped farther into the house until Damon came into view.  His back was to you as he leaned against the fire place. “Damon, we need to talk.” You said as you walked into the living room.  He slowly turned to face you as he took a sip of his drink, “What is there to talk about?”  You rolled your eyes, “Don’t play dumb Damon.”  He finished his drink and began to pour himself another, “We were caught up in the moment.  It was nothing and meant nothing, okay?”  You felt a painful pull at your heart at his words.  “Damon, although I was caught up in the moment, I wasn’t lying when I told you I loved you.”  You said taking a step towards him.  His grip tightened around his glass, “Y/N, it meant nothing.  What you said, the kiss, it all meant nothing.  Just forget about it.”  Frustration began to pool inside of you, “I’m telling you that it meant something Damon.  I have feelings for you, I’ve had feelings for you since the day I met you.”  Damon threw his glass against the wall sending tiny shards of glass sprinkling onto the floor around him.  His eyes glowered at you, “Well, I don’t have feelings for you Y/N!  I never have and I never will.  The kiss meant nothing to me and you mean nothing to me.”  Tears began to rise in your eyes as you stood frozen under his scrutinizing gaze.  He took a step towards you and in a low growl said, “I don’t love you Y/N.”  With tears pouring down your cheeks, you closed the gap between the two of you and said through gritted teeth, “And I don’t know why I ever loved you Damon.”  You quickly turned on your heels and ran out of the room.  When you threw the front door open, you ran into a strong body. “Hey,” Stefan said concerned, “what happened?  Are you okay?”  You pushed past him, “Everything is fine Stefan.”  You said before hopping into your car and driving away as fast as you could.
The night of the Ball had finally arrived and you were cuddled up in your bed with tear stained cheeks.  Your parents were already at the Lockwood estate helping prepare for the gathering. Tissues littered your bed and floor as sad love songs blared from your Bluetooth speaker.  The words Damon had said to you the previous night were still rumbling around in your head.  You tightly shut your eyes trying to push the thought of him away, but nothing seemed to work.  You let out an irritated groan before throwing your face into your pillow.  As you laid there in your bed, a light knock reverberated from the front door of your house.  You lifted yourself up from your bed and walked downstairs to open the door. Another knock sounded just as you were opening the door.  As you pulled it open, Stefan came into view.  He was holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers and two boxes.  His hair was combed and he was wearing a ravishing suit. “Stefan?  What are you…” He stuck his free hand up stopping you.  He cleared his throat, “Y/F/N Y/LN would please do me the honor of joining me at the Founder’s Day Ball?”  You let out a chuckle as he bowed forward and handed you the flowers.  “Stefan,” you said with a laugh, “I don’t have anything to wear and I look a mess.” He stuck up his finger and proceeded to hand you the two boxes.  You opened them to find the maroon dress that you had tried on in one and a shiny pair of gold heeled sandals in the other.  “Stefan,” you breathed out, “how did you know?”  He shrugged, “I saw you looking at it while Elena and Caroline were trying on dresses.”  You held up the shoes with raised eyebrows, “And these?”  He let out a laugh, “The lady said they looked nice with the dress so I got them too.”  You shook your head with a chuckle, “Stefan, I can’t believe you would do something like this. Although I am very flattered, I can’t go.”  Stefan’s smile fell, “Why not?  You have something to wear.”  You could feel the tears trying to make their reappearance, but you swallowed them away. “I can’t go, because I can’t see Damon.” You said looking at your feet. Stefan took your hand in his, “I know what happened between the two of you.  I was listening the whole time.”  You raised your head to look into Stefan’s sympathetic eyes.  He let out a sigh, “After you left, I talked to him. He’s probably going to hate me for telling you this, but I think he will be grateful in the end.  He’s scared and confused.  He’s confused because his feelings for you have grown and he doesn’t want to be just friends anymore.  However, he’s scared because he doesn’t want to ruin your friendship and lose you forever. He tried to convince himself that he doesn’t feel that way about you by telling you that he doesn’t love you. Last night he went and asked Elena to the Ball which is part of the reason why I’m standing here on your doorstep. She said yes and he’s trying to make himself feel something for her so he will stop feeling anything for you.” You furrowed your eyebrows, “Stefan, how is that supposed to make me feel better?”  He gave you a light laugh, “Y/N did you not hear anything I just said? He loves you!  You just have to remind him of that.”  With confusion still sitting plainly on your face you asked, “And how am I supposed to do that?”  Stefan motioned to the dress and shoes to which you raised your eyebrows and shook your head willing him to explain.  He rolled his eyes in frustration, “Y/N, Damon has been protective of you since the day you two met; and he has a slight jealousy problem when it comes to you.  What better way to remind him that he loves you then triggering that jealousy? And who else would be better at triggering that than his own brother?”  Your eyes grew wide as you finally caught on to what Stefan was proposing.  “Oh my gosh,” you said quietly, “you’re brilliant.”  Stefan smiled, “Now go get ready, we’re already fashionably late.” You gave him a wide grin before running upstairs to get dressed.
You were dressed with hair and makeup done in record time.  As you descended the stairs, Stefan looked at you with wide eyes.  “How do I look?” You asked giving a little pose.  He chuckled, “You look amazing Y/N.”  You gave him a smile before snaking your arm around his outstretched one and walking to his car.  As the two of you made your way to the Lockwood estate, you were plotting your attack. “Okay, we have to maintain the act the whole time.  As soon as he sees you enter the house with me he’s going to be listening to everything we say.  A couple of kisses on the cheek, at least one dance, and I’ll make sure to drop a couple of cute names here and there.” Stefan said occasionally looking over to you. You let out a long breath, “Alright, that sounds good.”  Stefan pulled the car into park along the tree line before going to open your door. Your heart was beating a mile a minute as you took Stefan’s hand and got out.  “You doing alright?” He asked placing your arm through his.  You gave a small nod as he led the two of you up the stairs and into the party. 
Music and the voices of hundreds filled the air as you walked in.  A large beautiful chandelier hung over the entrance while strings of shimmering lights decorated the walls.  Stefan led you into a room where you found couples dancing and others drinking.  Your eyes searched the room until they fell onto the back of a very familiar head of hair. Your arm tightened around Stefan’s causing him to turn and see just as Damon’s face was coming into view.  The two of your eyes connected as he swayed with Elena in his arms.  His mouth fell agape the same way it did when he first saw you in the dress.  You slid closer to Stefan causing a hard line to fall onto his lips.  His eyes moved from yours to his brothers and hardened.  Stefan leaned down, “Would like something to drink beautiful?”  You moved your eyes to meet Stefan’s and gave him the most flattering smile you could muster, “I would love a drink, thank you.”  As Stefan led you over to the bar, you took a quick glance back to see Damon glaring at his brother.  You and Stefan were standing at the bar when Caroline and Tyler approached you.  “Oh my gosh!  Y/N!  You look amazing!” Caroline gushed as she gave you a hug.  You smiled and looked at her dazzling blue dress, “Thanks Care, you look great too.”  Before she could reply, Elena and Damon joined your group.  Stefan snaked his arm around your waist and pulled you close to his side.  Damon stared angrily at the hand that was resting on your hip before moving his eyes to meet Stefan’s.  “Hello brother.”  He said dryly.  Stefan grinned and lifted his glass in Damon’s direction, “Damon.”  Elena looked at you and Stefan skeptically, but quickly changed her expression to a forced smile.  “Glad to see that you could make it Y/N.” She said a little strained.  You gave her a nod, “I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for Stefan.  You should have seen him!  Standing on my doorstep holding a bouquet of my favorite flowers and this beautiful dress and shoes.”  Elena and Damon’s mouths fell open as you looked up to Stefan with a loving smile. He kissed you on the cheek and beamed down at you, “I couldn’t imagine coming here without her.”  Damon let out a small scoff as Elena gave Stefan a confused look.  “Would you like to dance gorgeous?” Stefan asked removing his hand from your hip and grabbing your hand instead.  You giggled, “I would love to Stefan.”  Damon’s hard stare followed the two of you all the way to the dance floor.  You wrapped your arms around Stefan’s neck as he pulled you closer to him.  As the two of you swayed to the sound of violins playing, you watched Damon slowly boil over.  His once controlled anger was now rage plastered clearly all over his face.  You smiled to yourself at how well Stefan’s plan was working.  “Hey,” you said pulling apart enough to meet Stefan’s eyes, “I’m going to step out for a minute and get some air.  Is that alright?”  Stefan let go of you and smiled, “Anything for you.”  You chuckled at his response before walking to the back patio.  
The moon hung low in the night sky illuminating the miles of green grass standing in front of you.  Tiny twinkling lights wrapped around the patio’s pillars accompanied the stars scattered across the black sky.  You walked up to the ledge and leaned against it staring out over the Lockwood property. It was peaceful standing out there alone, but it didn’t last long.  You heard the sound of shoes hit the hardwood and you turned around to see Damon standing with his hands in his pockets.  His head was down as he walked towards you.  “Hey.” He said softly as he stood next to you.  “Hey.” You said a little harshly.  He nodded, “So, you came here with Stefan?”  You turned to face him and crossed your arms, “And you came here with Elena, what’s the point?”  Damon looked at you angrily, “The point is Stefan is my brother!”  You looked at him in shock and let out an airy laugh, “Really? Elena is one of my best friends and the night after you ripped my heart from my chest and stepped on it you take her to a damn Ball!”  Damon raked his hands through his hair in aggravation, “It doesn’t strike you as a bit odd that the night after you professed your love for me you take my brother to a Ball?  That doesn’t seem even the slightest bit weird to you?”  You rolled your eyes and began to walk away, “I really don’t see why you’re so mad.”  Before you could get very far, Damon’s hand grabbed your wrist and twisted you around. You hit his chest as his free hand gripped your hip and he stared deeply into your eyes.  “I’m mad because I love you Y/N!”  He said loudly.  Your heart skipped a beat as his words hit you.  “If you love me then why would you hurt me Damon?”  You asked quietly.  Damon’s eyes fell at how defeated you sounded.  “I was scared Y/N.  You’re my best friend and I fell in love with you.  That’s not supposed to happen and I didn’t want to ruin our friendship.  You’re my person Y/N.  If I lost you I would lose myself.  I wouldn’t be able to survive without you.  I didn’t mean to hurt you.  I thought if I pushed you away then I wouldn’t have to deal with my feelings, but when I saw you with Stefan I realized that I couldn’t run from this.  I love you too much.”  You stared into his beautiful blue eyes that always felt like home. He released your hand and cupped your face, “I’m in love with Y/N and I always will be.”  A smile began to creep onto your lips before Damon pulled you into a kiss.  It was passionate and fiery, but not aggressive.  It was loving and full of intimacy.  His lips moved smoothly against yours sending shivers throughout your body.  Your hands found their way to the back of his neck and pulled him in closer deepening the kiss.  When he finally separated your lips, you were out of breath.  “What about Elena?” You asked through shallow breaths.  Damon used his head to motion back inside.  You looked to find Stefan dancing with Elena wrapped close to his body. “I don’t think she’ll be a problem.” He said with a smile.  You chuckled before planting another kiss on his lips.  He grinned, “I love you Y/F/N Y/L/N.”  You placed your head against his chest and smiled happily, “I love you too Damon Salvatore.”                  
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honeysalvatore · 7 years
Breath-taking, Stefan Salvatore.
Requested by the wonderful @loganhendandstefansalvatore4ever.
Notes: Sorry if this sucks but I haven’t been feeling quite good lately and sorry for not having your personal name included, hope you like it anyways.
Summary: Y/N throws a Christmas party at her place like always but this year something changes...
Prompt: “Is this mistletoe?” “Shut up and kiss me.”
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The clingy red dress sparkled in the darkned room like a chandelier made of the most precious diamonds: it had a décolleté that cut its way from her neck to the lowest part of her chest, the skirt fell under her knees and the material was following her graceful movements as she walked throughout the room, cheerfully smiling at every person she locked eyes with.
Christmas was the best time of the year for Y/N.
Every 25th december night she threw the same party and every student in Mystic Falls had to be there, literally no one could miss the chance to participate at the most popular event of the whole school period. Even Caroline Forbes, consumed by anger and jealously, was always present, trying to win the title of “The Best Dress”, yet she understood that she didn’t have the chance to steal it from Y/N.
She was always gorgeous.
Caroline and Y/N, we can say, they weren’t best friends and could never be but there was a person who was special for her, someone different from the other guests... Y/N looked around, her eyes E/C searching for a figure and when she saw a man on the balcony, a glass of wine in his hand, she couldn’t help but smile. She walked towards the balcony but was suddenly stopped by a blondie who stood still in front of her.
“Y/N, hi, you look so beautiful!” Her excitement was clearly fake but the H/C- haired girl took a breath and smiled at her. “Thank you, Care, you look gorgeous as always.” On the other hand she was honest and actually thought that Caroline was gorgeous: she had a sumptuous and long blue dress made of the most precious material, Y/N wondered how she managed to afford something like that. “Do you mind if I, um... I have something I really need to do, see you at the ceremony.”
Caroline nodded and smiled brightly. “May the best win!”
Y/N walked out rapidly and found herself to face his back, her heart losing a beat and her theet biting her lower lip, that’s how she felt everytime she saw him.
“Stefan Salvatore.” His name came out in a fake surprised tone as the girl giggled softly. “I didn’t expect to find you here.” “Well”, he started, “I couldn’t miss Caroline’s look when you’ll win the title... again.” They both laughed and Y/N placed her arms on the railings, looking up at the stars.
“I don’t think I’m going to win this year, Stefan.” She said turning her sight to the man beside her, who was now gazing at her, narrowing his thick eyebrows. “Caroline has surprised me, that dress fits her wonderfully, she deserves it.” A laugh escaped Stefan’s lips as he slightly shook his head.
“Y/N, I think that you’re breath-taking tonight, no, I think that you’re breath-taking every day. Everytime you walk by I can’t stop from staring at you because you look so beautiful and you don’t even try... I love you so much.”
Silence fell on the two as Stefan slowly realized what he had said; Y/N had a confused look on her face, her mouth a little opened.
“You what?” 
How could Stefan love her?
She took some steps backwards with her high heels but in a moment of pure astonishment she stepped on a piece of her dress, sumbling, yet she didn’t fall since two arms firmly embraced her before hitting the cold ground.
Their noses were as close as their lips.
Stefan gulped, still holding her thight: “I’m sorry I didn’t, I wasn’t-” He mumbled but instantly looked up, his clear eyes that sometimes seemed to be darker stared at the tiny plant hanged above them , “Is this mistletoe?”  The vampire locked eyes with her as she smiled softly, cupping his cheeks, hers turning a tiny bit red. Y/N breathed out, lips getting closer: “Shut up and kiss me.”
Their lips crashed together for the first time in forever and while everyone inside the mansion was cheering Caroline for winning the so yearned title, two hearts were finally beating together.
“I love you too, Stefan Salvatore.” 
Every feedback is appreciated, please let me know if you enjoyed my work!
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damn-stark · 5 years
Maybe I was wrong about you - Kai Parker imagine
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Kai Parker x Vampire reader
A/N- Finally managed to post this! I hope you like it :)
Warning- mentions of alcohol and just fluff
Summary- After putting Kai Parker in yet another prison world it was time to get him out in order for him to help out with the twins. You had known him before and he was psychopath but now he says that he wants to change...again. And he plans on making you see that change and see that he can care for people espically you. Will he do that? Will he make you see change? Will he win you over?
Dear diary,
Theirs a person getting out of a prison world that I thought I would never see again. We have to get him out to see if he can help the twins avoid the merge. It’s been years since I last saw him, I wanted it to keep it that way but it’s unavoidable. He caused a lot of pain to all the people I cared about so the sooner he helps the sooner he leaves. I hope.
Are people capable of change? Yes. But not him.
But you needed him, he was the only person that can help the Saltzman twins avoid the merge. And even if you didn’t want to see him ever again Alaric was right we needed him.
“I still don’t like this idea.” You say to Alaric as you both wait for the twins to pull their crazy uncle out of his prison world.
“Yeah me neither but we need him.” Alaric told you sharing the same worry.
Their was a flash of light and the chanting stopped, the spot across from you that was empty now was occupied by none other than Kai Parker. He stood their confused at first, he was quiet as his eyes searched the room until he landed on you. When he saw you standing across from him he smirked. You rolled your eyes as you crossed your arms on your chest.
“Why hello there.” Kai said breaking his silence. You sighed and stepped away.
Alaric and you explained to him everything that he needed to know and nothing more, it was hard not tear his heart out of his chest as he sat across from you. With his smug smile and his wandering stares but you knew you needed to resist. For the twins. You explained that you needed his help and that if he did then their was a chance that he would be able to live in the real world. As much as you hated it, he just wanted to make sure that after he helped he wouldn’t be placed back or killed.
“What?” You asked him in an annoyed tone as you felt him look at you.
“Oh nothing just you know getting used to seeing other people.” You rolled your eyes and continued reading the books from his family coven. As you couldn’t stand his close presence you stood up and sat further away from him. But even still you could feel and see his wondering gaze. “Kai I will rip your eyes out of their sockets if you don’t stop looking at me. Because either way you don’t need your eyes to help with what we need.” He laughed at your comment and walked to sit closer to you.
“You making threats? I like it. You’ve changed from the last time I saw you. Theirs more of a fire to you.” He said only making you more annoyed. You set the book down and finally met his gaze and his very taunting grin.
“Yeah well stuff has happened I had to change so now please be quiet and help.” You say as you picked up the book again. It was quiet for a moment but as you saw from the corner of your eye Kai put his book down you knew he was going to open his mouth.
“Let’s say if I know a way to help I want you to promise me that you won’t place me back in that prison world.” Kai said making you place the book down once again.
“If you help then maybe just maybe I’ll tell Ric not to place you back...but then again you’re crazy so I can’t promise you anything.” His smile fell completely and his face turned into a serious one.
“Believe me or not y/n I changed, after being stuck in their ive had time to think and think and change.” He said only making you scoff.
“Really? Because you said that last time and you murdered your sister and your entire coven so sorry if I don’t believe you.” You told him as you stood up to leave but as you did he vamped to stand in your way.
“You know I’ve always had this little crush on you, ever since I saw you for the first time when I got out of my first prison world. And I know that you’re nicer then your other friends were.”
“So?” You interrupted him.
“So I know you have a kind heart and see the good in people and I’ll show you that I changed I’ll prove it to you... you’ll see.” He said with once again his signature smirk.
“Oh please you’re not capable of change or for me to see good in you. I once tried and you proved me wrong so no Kai theirs no good in you or second chances.” You pushed past him but he once again got in your way.
“You know Damon was a bad person and he did a lot of awful things and yet you and all of your friends forgave that...and don’t make any excuses because I know what’s he done.” You stood in silence not being able to find words to even defend Damon. Because you knew that what Kai said was true. “I’ll prove it to you.” He said with a wink before he left the room, leaving you with nothing to say in return.
Weeks had passed and their was an answer thanks to....Kai, but their was still things you needed to avoid the merge.
In the time that had passed it was unmistakable to see how Kai was different. It made you more cautious and even a little paranoid, he did say that he wanted to change and maybe he was doing that but it was just hard to believe that. Mainly because him being nice is rare and something you’re not used to seeing....But maybe just maybe he was trying...maybe.
“In order to find this very old powerful object I need more power.” Kai said as he walked over to you.
“You’re a vampire now you have all the power you need.” He chuckled at your response and you just looked at him confused.
“Yes but my coven is dead along with their power so I need more power and the older the vampire the more powerful, so give me your hand.” He outstretched his hand so you could place yours on top, but you didn’t do as he said because you didn’t know if you wanted to believe him. Yes he hasn’t done anything to prove you wrong as of now, but you still had a hard time believing what he said. “Come on this thing is going to be hidden under hundreds of cloaks so I need more power.” You hesitated but you placed your hand on top of his.
You ignored his smile and the way his thumb brushed against your knuckles. Even if the pain was minimal you could still feel it as he siphoned your power. And yet even if their was slight pain you couldn’t stop thinking of his hand on yours, you didn’t want to think about it but you did as much as you tried to push it away.
“Found it.” He said as he let your hand go.
“Where?” You asked as you tried to put some distance between the two of you, but he still got closer. He smiled and then reached for your jacket pocket, your nose scrucnched up in confusion but you didn’t move. He looked at you and you met his gaze for a second before turning away. He then reached inside and pulled out what he was looking for. He smiled and threw it up to only catch it.
“Really Kai?”
“I just needed an excuse.” He said as he put it on the table.
Dear diary,
Today...today is my birthday, the big 500. I thought I stopped celebrating birthdays centuries ago but no. Lizzie persists on throwing a party because as she says it’s not everyday someone turns 500. So we’re having a party and well I was never one to say no to the twins. But that’s beside the point Kai says he’s close to getting what he needs and I really hope he’s saying the truth....I see change in him..but I won’t tell him I see it...atleast not yet.
“I still think this is ridiculous but thank you girls I appreciate you guys doing this.” You say as you turn away from the mirror and looked over at the girls. They both had big smiles on their faces.
“You look so beautiful!” Josie said as she clasped her hands together.
“I did do a great didn’t I?” Lizzie said, right after they both ran to give you a hug.
“Thank you girls for helping me get ready and this party.” You said to them and they both smiled sweetly in return.
“You know I think our uncle Kai is definitely going to be swooning over you.” Josie said making Lizzies face scrunch up in disgust.
“Eww Josie please never saying swooning or ever mention what you just did that’s gross.” Lizzie said and you couldn’t help but laugh not at what she said but the way she said it.
“Why? It’s obvious that he has a thing for y/n.” Josie responded back only making Lizzies face scrunch up more.
“Because Josie! If you didn’t know our uncle is a psycho!” You wanted to comment that he want the same as he once was but you didn’t want to end up falling in argument that could last hours.
“Okay girls lets go they’re waiting for us downstairs.”
As you got closer to where the party was being held you could already hear the booming of the music and thanks to your vamp hearing you could hear some conversations and laughter all from the students you taught and some you didn’t. Either way the party was nice but you couldn’t drink since their was students in the room and well your drinking buddies were human now and Caroline was miles away. The party was also just a distraction for what the twins to get their minds off the solution to avoid the merge which we got closer to everyday. It’s a supposed to be a good thing but we’re all scared that anything could go wrong at any minute.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!” A wide and happy smile grew on your face as you heard everyone shout. Your happiness only grew as you saw the faces of Caroline and Bonnie the people who you thought you wouldn’t see. You also saw Elena and Damon. But even still with all your friends here your eyes locked with someone else’s in the room.Kai’s. He was standing not that far away from Damon. You smiled softly at him and before you could read more of his reaction you were being pulled by the twins.
The evening went on with students saying happy birthday to you, you caught up with your friends who were more like family but a little distant since now everyone lives their own life some here or some traveling the world.
Even with the party going great you still found yourself alone outside with tears and a sad smile as you held onto a photo of you and your husband...Tyler Lockwood, who had left you with a gap in your heart.
“Hey.” You heard Kai say behind you, you didn’t have to see who it was to recognize who the voice belonged to, you turned nonetheless.
“Hey, what are you doing out here?” You asked as you made room for him to sit.
“I could ask you the same thing, I’m out here because I noticed that the guest of honor was missing from her party.” You smiled at his comment only making him smile more. “You shouldn’t be out here crying on your 500th birthday.”
“Theirs a song that says the opposite.” You joked making him chuckle in response.
“I did bring this.” He said as he pulled out a bourbon bottle that he had hidden. The sadness you felt was gone without even knowing and without knowing the little time he was here he was already filling the gap Tyler had left. “Okay I took it from Damon but it doesn’t really matter.”
“My hero.” You say as you grab the bottle from his hand. The next few minutes it was quiet but it wasn’t an awkward silence. You felt him look at you and when you turned to meet his gaze it was soft something rare for him but it was the way he only looked at you.
“I just want to say that you...you look uhh very....” you completely turned your attention to him as you noticed he was struggling with what he wanted to say. You weren’t the only one who noticed though, hidden in the distance was all of your friends who were watching and listening carefully at your interaction.
“What’s he saying Caroline?!”
“Damon be quiet or shes going to hear us!” Caroline whispered shouted. But even she couldn’t keep to herself as she tried not laugh. “He’s trying to give her a compliment.” As soon as Damon heard that, he was the one who burst out laughing but was quickly pulled away by Elena.
“Very.... beautiful.” The last bit he had said in almost a whisper. You smiled sweetly at him and noticed how flustered he was. Again a rare sight for him but one you liked. It showed that he wasn’t the man from before he was actually changing.
“Thank you.” You said as you reached for his hand that was resting on the bench. He was surprised by the interaction but he didn’t take long to return the gesture. “Thank you for everything, for what you’re doing for the twins.. thank you” you rested your hand on his shoulder only making him feel more nervous as he never got this kind of interaction from anyone until now with you. And he didn’t plan to lose that feeling. “Maybe I was wrong about you...no I was, you did change..thank you.”
“I told you.”
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bonniebird · 8 years
I'm looking for good tvd and spn blogs. Do you know any by chance? Love your writing!
Yup :D :
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fybartonromanoff · 9 years
heeey, where is the last gifset you reblogged from?
Sorry, I didn’t see this until just now. 
Do you mean this one? (Trying to look at yesterday’s time stamps.)
If so, it’s from the first season of Avengers Assemble, which airs Sunday mornings on Disney XD. The first two seasons are also on US Netflix (not sure about other countries). 
(If I’m wrong about which post you meant, just let me know!)
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Hello! Sorry to bother you, but a while ago, I saw a post where you said that your sidebar was a fanart of a heartbreaking fanfiction. Would you mind giving me the link? I'm really curious :) xo have a nice day
Relativistic Heat Conduction
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penmansparadise · 7 years
Tyler Lockwood Imagine- Shut Up and Kiss Me
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Okay so I just feel like Tyler doesn’t get enough love, am I right!?  So I wrote this imagine after searching and searching for Tyler Lockwood imagines and hardly finding any.  So I hope you all like this!  Let me know and feel free to send in requests. xx 
The incessant beeping of your alarm clock reverberated through your head as you peeled your eyes open.  Rolling over to shut it off you groaned, “Graduation can’t come quick enough.”  Out of bed you threw on some jeans and an old faded T-shirt before heading to the bathroom to finish getting ready.  Half awake, you walked down to the kitchen where your mother was sitting waiting.  “Good morning sweetie,” your mom said in a sing song voice.  You grunted, “Morning mom.” You fumbled around in the pantry trying to find something that looked remotely appetizing.  After five minutes, you decided to give up and sit at the bar with your mom.  “So,” she began handing you a cup of orange juice, “is Tyler picking you up this morning?” You sent her a glare, “He is.” Your mom’s face lit up a little, but before she could respond a light knock rang through the house followed by the creaking of the front door. 
 “Y/N?  Mrs. Y/L/N?  It’s Tyler, please don’t shoot.” Tyler shouted before fully entering your house. Your mom raised her eyebrows at you sending a blush to your cheeks.  She chuckled, “We’re in the kitchen darling!”  Tyler walked into the kitchen greeting you with a genuine smile, like usual.  “Tyler, honey,” your mom said joyfully pulling him into a hug, “how are you doing?  Oh! And how is your mother?”  You and Tyler were both born and raised in Mystic Falls and have known each other since you were babies.  It just so happened that both of your mothers grew up together and have been best friends for years.  Being forced to hang out when you were younger created an unbreakable bond between the two of you and before you knew it, you were best friends.  However, as you got older your feelings for Tyler began to morph into something else, something much more than ‘just friends’. Tyler and your mom pulled apart, “Hey Mrs. Y/L/N, I’m doing well and mom is mom, you know how she is.”  Your mom laughed, “I do, I do.  Well, it’s getting late so you two better get out of here if you don’t want to be late.”  You hopped up from your seat and looked to Tyler, “You ready to go?”  He nodded before the two of you headed out to his car.
The car ride was filled with lighthearted and playful banter.  Although you tried not to get caught up in his flirty nature, your heart always fluttered when Tyler sent you a coquettish compliment.  You knew he didn’t mean anything he said to you, he definitely didn’t share the same feelings you had.  Tyler pulled the car into park near the front of the school and the two of you got out.  As you walked towards the front doors together, Tyler looked at you, “Is that one of my old shirts?”  Heat creeped up your neck before settling into your cheeks, “Yes,” you began biting your bottom lip to suppress a giggle, “it is one of your old shirts.”  He stopped at the bottom of the stairs leading to the front doors, “Well,” he said with a smirk, “it looks pretty damn good on you. Maybe you should wear my clothes more often.” His smirk turned into a grin before he gave you a wink and began walking up the stairs.  You stood where he left you for another moment trying to regain your composure.  When the bell rang, pulling you from your trance, you quickly ran up the stairs and to your first period.  
The rest of the school day seemed to fly by in a blur.  When the final bell rang, you made your way to your locker where you were greeted by your two friends Elena and Bonnie.  They stood by your locker smiling and exchanging laughs.  You walked up to them and opened your locker, “Hey, what the hell is so funny?”  The three of you chuckled before Elena spoke, “So, Y/N, are you coming to the football game tonight?”  You wrinkled your nose at her and Bonnie, “A football game?  You know I don’t like those things.”  Bonnie and Elena both put on their best pouty faces.  “But Y/N,” Bonnie pleaded, “you have to come and support us.  The cheer squad has been practicing so hard.” You shut your locker and turned to see Elena and Bonnie sticking their bottom lips out.  You groaned and rolled your eyes, “Fine, I’ll go.”  Bonnie and Elena squealed with joy.  “Oh,” Elena said giving you a nudge, “Tyler is playing tonight.”  You rolled your eyes at her, “That’s awesome for him, but I don’t see how that pertains to me.”  Bonnie scoffed at your comment, “Oh please.  Y/N it’s so obvious that you have feelings for him.  Why don’t you just tell him?  I mean you guys are best friends and have known each other for like ever.”  Elena nodded in agreement, “Yeah, I’m sure he shares the same feelings for you.”  You looked down at your feet and sighed, when you looked up you saw Tyler bending down whispering into Caroline’s ear. Caroline’s familiar girly giggle filled the hallway causing your heart to ache a little bit.  You turned to Elena and Bonnie with a grim expression, “I’m sure he doesn’t,” was all you said before turning and walking away.  
You laid in your bed until it was time to head back to the school for the game.  Because Tyler, Elena, and Bonnie all had to be there early you decided to walk.  When you arrived, the parking lot was full of shouting teenagers and family members.  The stands surrounding the football field were already filled with your fellow classmates anxiously waiting for the game to begin.  Sounds of trumpets and drums resonated from the band as the cheerleaders encouraged the crowd to shout louder.  You made your way to a seat closest to the field where Elena and Bonnie were standing with the rest of the cheer squad.  When they saw you, they smiled and began to wave ferociously.  You sent them a weak smile in return as you approached them.  “We’re so glad you made it Y/N,” Elena shouted so you could hear her.  “Don’t worry,” you assured her, “I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.”  Your eyes unconsciously searched the field for the number ‘one’ and when you found it your heart sank.  Caroline had her arms wrapped around Tyler’s neck before she pulled back enough to put her hands on the sides of his face.  You looked away trying to hide the pain that was clearly painted on your face. Without looking back to your friends, you took a seat knowing that it was going to be a very long night.
The game went by slowly, but when Mystic Falls won the entire stadium erupted into cheers.  Although you wanted to cheer with your friends, you couldn’t get the image of Tyler and Caroline out of your head.  Everyone began to exit the stadium and flood the parking lot.  You walked alongside everyone else until you finally made your way out of the crowd.  Unsure where Elena and Bonnie were and not wanting to ride with Tyler, you began to walk away from the school.  Before you could get very far you heard someone shouting after you.  When you turned around you were greeted by an out of breath Caroline.  “Caroline?” You asked confused, “What are you doing here?”  Caroline didn’t answer at first trying to control her breathing.  She let out a deep breath before finally speaking, “I couldn’t find you after the game.  I was sure you left, but then I saw you walking.  Anyway, I need you to follow me and it’s important.”  Caroline reached for your arm and began to pull you back towards the stadium.  You tried your best to resist, but were struggling.  “Caroline,” you said trying to remove your arm from her grasp, “I really don’t want to go back in there.  Can I just please go home?”  Still yanking you towards the stadium Caroline shook her head, “Going home is definitely not an option.  Believe me, you’re going to want to follow me.”  You scoffed, “Follow you?  You’re not allowing me to follow you when you’re pulling me.”  Caroline stopped walking to turn towards you, “If you would stop resisting I wouldn’t have to pull you.”  You rolled your eyes in response as Caroline began to pull you again.  
She led you to the back entrance and stopped in front of the door.  She knocked three times before someone opened it allowing us to enter.  Once inside, Caroline shut the door and turned to you, “Okay Y/N, this is as far as I go.  Just walk straight and it will take you where you need to go.”  Confusion sat plainly on your face, “What?” Was all you could get yourself to ask.  Caroline didn’t say anything in return, instead she pointed ahead of her and then moved her hands in a shooing motion.  You put your hands up in surrender before turning around and walking forward.  As you walked, at first, it was pitch black, but as you moved forward you saw the first light on the wall and something underneath it caught your eye.  A picture of you and Tyler from first grade was taped on the wall along with a sticky note.  You took the sticky note off the wall and read what it said.  “Ever since the beginning…”  You continued to walk and under the second light another picture of you and Tyler was taped on the wall accompanied by a sticky note.  “You’ve always been there for me.” The trend continued as you walked and read the sticky notes.  “You make me smile more than anyone else has. You make me happier than anyone else can.  When I’m in need, you’re always there for me.  When I’m upset, you’re the only person who can calm me down.  You’re the most beautiful girl on this planet.  Your smile can light up a dark room.  Your eyes captivate me anytime I look into them. You’re everything to me.  And even though I know I don’t deserve you, I have to try.  Because I’m in love with you.” After the last picture and sticky note, you were facing the football field.  A string of pink roses were laying on the field leading you to where Tyler stood holding a red rose.  As you made your way to the center of the field, you picked up each rose.  When you were standing in front of Tyler you could feel how red your cheeks were.  You giggled as he handed you the red rose he was holding.  “Did you do all of this?” You asked Tyler holding up the roses.  He shrugged and smirked, “With a little help, yeah.” A small chuckle fell from your lips, “And did you write all of these?” You asked holding up the sticky notes.  Tyler ran his hand through is already messy hair and nodded. Butterflies swarmed inside your stomach sending chills throughout your entire body.  “But I saw you with Caroline earlier today,” you said furrowing your eyebrows.  Tyler nodded, “Yeah, like I said, I had a little help.”  You cocked your head to the side, “But what about at the football game?” Before Tyler could answer you continued, “She was all over you!  I mean she was like hugging you and then she took your face in her hands and I looked away after that so God only knows what happened after that, you know?  Well of course you know!  You were there!”  You continued to babble on cutting Tyler off anytime he tried to speak.  As you went on, Tyler just looked at you and smiled. He gently cupped your cheeks in his hands finally getting you to stop talking.  You looked into his brown eyes in anticipation.  Tyler let out an airy chuckle shaking his head a little, “God, you’re so damn thick-headed Y/N.  Will you just shut up and kiss me already?”  You smiled as Tyler pulled you into him kissing you fervently.  Your arms laced around his neck pulling your bodies even closer.  Desire and intimacy clouded your brain as Tyler’s lips moved in perfect sync with yours. When he pulled back slowly you whispered to him out of breath, “I’m in love with you too Tyler.”  He grinned and whispered back, “Good.”  Before pulling you back into another impassioned kiss.  
Tags: @akshi8278    
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honeysalvatore · 7 years
The right man, Stefan Salvatore.
requested by the lovely @loganhendandstefansalvatore4ever , hope it’s like you wanted it to be! 
prompt 4 with Stefan Salvatore.                                                                          Summary: Reader and Stefan are spending Christmas at her parents’ place, he seems nervous about something and she discovers why…
warnings: none, just fluff, love, Christmas.                                                        Please forgive my soul if there are any grammatical errors, english is not my native language and I’m still learning to express and describe everything correctly.                                                                                        (Gif used not mine)
I eventually named reader’s parents, I hope you don’t mind at all!
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“Do you think they’ll like me?” A raspy voice suddenly muttered above the sweetish song that was playing on the radio, a chuckle followed the question. “Someone is excited here.”
The girl spoke, pure entertainment in her voice as she gently caressed her boyfriend’s messy hair. She eventually cuddled up more onto him as the two were laying on the couch, surrounded by a pleasant holiday atmosphere: the pine sweet smell of the Christmas tree ghosted through the room mixing with the cinnamon scent of the candles disposed on the fireplace, along with some silly and colorful socks hanged on it, as the flames were dancing in the heart of the fire.
The room was lightened up by the shiny Christmas lights and some gifts were placed under the tree.
“Stefan, baby, they’re going to love you.» She tried to comfort him, slightly turning her head to face him so Stefan could lock his eyes with hers and his smile widened a bit. She’s beautiful, he thought, he had those big E/C eyes, that seemed to look deep into his soul and the playful smile that was gracing her lips as she observed him, was somehing that she only had. The way she laughed, the way she cried…
“Earth calls Stefan.” She giggled, “Are you there?”
The man nodded, coming back to the real world and then took her hands in his. “I want everything to be perfect, that’s all.” He muttered, kissing her knuckles and observing her as she stood up, pulling her hair back into a messy bun. “Just don’t worry about it, everything is going to be perf-, oh God, the gingerbread cookies!”
He watched her run away towards the kitchen and laughed, shaking his head.
…Damn, he loved her.
Y/N’s parents seemed to be the type of kind-hearted and reliable people that we often see in movies.
Y/N’s dad immediately patted Stefan’s shoulder, he was an average height man and was wearing a Christmas pullover that his daughter gave him years ago, he also called Stefan “son” the second after he met him. Her mother was a graceful and petite lady, she hugged both of them and smiled softly.
“Come in, dear.” The woman said and Y/N pulled him in, intimating to go sit with her father at the dinner table as the two women prepared the supper. His hands were slightly sweating as he sat on the chair, Andy - that was her father’s name - poured a plenty amount of wine into his glass and then into Stefan’s. “Are you treating my girl right?”
Andy’s joyful face suddenly changed into a severe look as he took a sip of his drink. “She’s my life, sir.” Stefan replied but when he opened his mouth to speak again two arms embraced him from behind. “Dad, please, don’t stress.” She uttered, kissing Stefan’s cheek, sitting down next to him.
“I’m just making sure he’s the right man, babygirl… Oh, and please son, call me Andy.” Claudia gave an odd look to her husband and then served the dinner to everyone, when she finally sat down, she spoke: 
“We would love to hear more about you, Stefan, do you have any relatives?”
Y/N cleared her throat and gave a squeeze to Stefan’s hand under the table; the man, on the other hand, smiled genuinely at his so called mother-in-law. “Well I do have a brother but we haven’t been in touch for a while now, my parents sadly passed away years ago… It almost seems like a century has passed.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to…”
“No, no, it’s okay seriously, that was a long time ago.”
Claudia nodded and Andy started talking about how he sassed his boss at work ad how he risked to get fired and that evening passed full of laughter and dad jokes. Stefan eventually helped Claudia with the dishes and after that they went to sleep.
What’s more joyful than waking up on Christmas morning?
That’s what Y/N thought as she opened her eyes, quickly looking for her boyfriend to announce how excited she was about the day and how much she craved those gingerbread cookies she had made the day before, but he wasn’t there. “Stefan?” She called for him and got off the bed, still enthusiastic about giving her gift to Stefan. She went downstairs and smiled as she saw everyone cheerfully talking on the couch: Claudia was wearing a comfy red pullover matching with her husband and Stefan was just… Stefan.
Everyone stopped talking as she walked in.
“So excited…” She scoffed and reached the others in the living room. The vampire seemed quite nervous and she couldn’t understand why. The atmosphere was kind of strange.
He was holding a tiny package in his hand and was smiling at her. “Well, Merry Christmas… everyone?”
No one said a single thing and it seemed that they knew something she had no idea about. First of all, why was she the last one to get up? 
It all came up suddenly into her mind, Stefan’s anxiety about everything being perfect and the silly smirk that Andy had on his face. “Uhm, did I miss something?” She questioned but everything she got as an answer was Stefan’s chuckle as he gave her his gift. “Is this thing going to explode?”
Her hands were shaking as she unrapped the little box and when she opened it, she couldn’t believe her eyes: a ring.
It had a little shiny diamond on the top and she could notice a small sentence engraved on it, “You, always.”, it said. Her eyes locked with his as they got watery, her mouth formed a sort of “o” and she covered it with one hand. “Stefan, are you serious?”
He kneeled in front of her, in front of her parents but it was like they were alone, just she and him. It was surprising how much love and happiness was filling the entire room, warming up everyone’s heart.
“Since the first time I met you I thought that you would’ve saved me from my demons, and you have.” He spoke clearly, taking her hand in his, “You’ve been my best friend, you’ve been there when no one else was, standing by my side through the hardest times. Everyday I wake up with you by my side and I think that I’m the luckiest man in the whole world; you’re full of beauty and pure love and you’re truthful, amusing and sincere. You’re my life and I love you wildly, insanely, deeply.”
“I love you, Stefan Salvatore.” She murmured, tears of happiness streaming down her cheeks.
“Y/N Y/L/N… Will you marry me?”
She nodded multiple times and when Stefan put the ring on her finger she hugged him tightly and kissed him like she never did before. Claudia got up, sobbing, and hugged them both as Andy whispered: “He’s the right man.”
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bloodygifs · 10 years
Hi, I was wondering if I could ask you a huge favor. I just created this tumblr, The Vampire Diaries imagines, and I wanted to ask if I could use your gifs (with credits, of course!) on the imagines. Btw, love your blog!
of course honey if you give credits :) -Alaa
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honeysalvatore · 7 years
Prompts. #1.
This prompts are mine so please don’t take them! Send me a number, the character (in my masterlist) and I’ll write something! :)
1. “Why do you keep hiding things from me?”
2. “I gave up on everything for you but you still have eyes for her/him!”
3. “I feel like I don’t love you anymore.”
4. “Mess with her/him again and I’ll rip your throat out.”
5. “Sometimes I just wish I never met you, I would not have to deal with this!”
6. “What is your problem?!”
7. “Stop looking at me like that, It’s creepy.”
8. “I loved you, I loved you so much yet it wasn’t enough for you.”
9. “Keep fighting.”
10. “Let me help you!” “You’ve already done too much!”
11. “I’m tired of fighting!”
12. “I still love him/her.”
13. “You look so gorgeous tonight.”
14. “You know what? I was there, crying my heart out, because of you!”
15. “Kiss me.”
16. “I’m broken.”
17. “What do you want me to say, huh? I’m sorry? Yes, I am sorry, but does it really matter for you?!”
18. “We’re having a baby!”
19. “Please, please don’t leave me!”
20. “You’ll always find your way back home, (name), I’ll wait for you.”
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honeysalvatore · 7 years
Christmas’ series and requests.
So if you guys didn’t notice I posted two imagines from the Christmas’ series, if you haven’t read it yet, pleaso do, I’d love to hear your opinions about them.💘
You can request one-shots now as I’m feeling really inspired and happy while writing, so request, request, request! xoxo
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penmansparadise · 7 years
Hello everyone...
I’m so sorry I haven’t posted! This past week was super CRAZY! However, I do have a Damon Salvatore imagine in the works and will be posting that soon. I was thinking of writing a Klaus Mikaelson imagine next, but I’m willing to write requests. Feel free to send them in! xx
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honeysalvatore · 7 years
Take me home, Damon Salvatore.
Warnings: LANGUAGE, mentions of fight, blood and death, fluff alert!
Summary: Y/N and Damon use to sass each other and seem not to have anything in common so Stefan gets them to work together, but one day reader is kidnapped by a new threat in Mystic Falls... Will he save her in time?
Note: I’m sorry it got out of control and turned to be longer than I expected, I felt very inspired and I hope you like it! Forgive me for any errors, english is not my native language.
Word count: 1765
Requested by anon, not my gif!
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“Well, well, well, little Y/N came to visit me?”
Damon Salvatore leaned against the door frame, the hint of a playful smirk on his pink lips then his tongue made his way up his upper lip, he winked. Facing him there was a girly figure, her arms crossed and her eyebrow raised up in with a confused look. “Oh, forgive me for destroying your dreams, sweetheart, but I was actually searching for your brother, is he at home?”
The vampire rolled his eyes and sighed, stepping apart so the girl could enter the boarding house. ”Why do you hate me that much?” He questioned following her movements as she put her purse on the counter, then approached Damon’s collection of the finest bourbon.
“You tried to kill each one of my friends.” She spat taking a bottle in her hand and observing it a little before pouring the strong-ish liquid into her glass. “First, that bottle had to be opened the day I’d possibly kill you. Second, it happened long ago, honey.”
“You tried to kill Matt last week!” Y/N responded with annoyance, turning to face him. “And may I remind you that you almost got Jeremy killed a month ago?” Her tone was beyond angry, she was furious. “Calm down, tiger... whatever.”
“No, no you don’t get to ‘whatever’ me!” 
The duo’s argument was interrupted by Stefan’s relaxed voice who walked in with his hands in the air, his hair messed up. “If you guys want to shout all day, please do it outside my house.” Y/N huffed in frustration and shook her head. “Forget it, Stefan, your brother was just being a pain in the ass like always.” Damon giggled and mimed a rawr in her direction as Stefan sighed, giving up and walking away.
“Wait, Stefan, you called telling me there were some important matters we had to talk about.” The E/C-haired girl stood up and Stefan stopped, slowly turning his sight to face the two staring at him. “I need you two to do something.”
“What?!” The woman shouted pointing out at Damon, a look full of horror painted on her face. “Me and... Him? This will never happen, Stef.”
“Mama didn’t tell you it’s not very polite for a little girl to point out at her eldest?” Damon provoked, the playful smirk gracing his lips once again.
“I will never work with him, never in a million years!”
“I can’t believe Stefan left me alone with you.” A disgusted voice echoed in the empty streets, followed by footsteps. “Calm down pumpkin, we’re almost there.” He reassured her for the tenth time with the same words, only replacing the nickname he had called her.
The streets were deserted and pitch-black, the only light was given by a flashing street light, steam coming out of their mouths because of the freezing weather. “Do you even know what we’re searching for?” The girl asked and blew some hot air to warm her smooth hands, narrowing her eyebrows when the man didn’t respond but eventually shut her mouth with his hand.
“Shh, I heard someone.” He hushed and slowly removed his big palm from her full lips, walking forward. Even a human like her could hear some talking coming from a building not so far away from them. “Stay here, it’s too dangerous for you.”
“Oh, now you care? Stefan sent me here to help you, right? Then let me help.” She hushed back but before taking a step Damon’s shoulders relaxed and vamp-speeded in front of her. “I want you to stay right here and do not move an inch before I come back... if you have to run, do it and reach Stefan.”
He locked eyes with her and seemed to not willing to look away, like the one who had been compelled was him. Her big E/C eyes stared right into his steely-blue eyes; Damon slowly moved backward before vamp-speeding away as the girl stood there with her lips slightly parted and her heartbeat racing up.
“You stupid asshole...” She whispered.
“Did you really come here alone? How stupid.” The husky voice of a man mocked, surrounded by many others who laughed at the figure covered in blood, laying on the ground. “The fearsome Damon Salvatore killed by some ordinary vampires?”
Damon laughed and shook his head after getting back on his feet, coughing some blood. “C’mon man, fight me.” The young vampire mocked again followed by his henchmen and so Damon punched him and threw him toward a wall, the action made the other vampires assault him and the older tried to fight back, failing. “Guys, please, I must finish him.” The leader uttered and they obeyed, letting him see the black-haired man attempting to pull out a dagger from his stomach. He, on the other hand, had another stake which was made to stab his heart; he raised up his hands in order to finally kill him but a voice made him freeze.
“Goodbye, assholes.” Y/N spoke and pushed a button, smiling.
The vampires started laughing when nothing happened but before jumping on her the building’s automatic windows lifted up letting in the warm light of the sunset; the men started screaming in pain and many of them combusted, falling on the ground, dead. The leader was the only one with a daylight ring and disappeared seconds after. The girl ran toward Damon and fell on her knees, pulling out the wooden stake. “Damon.” She called him and lent her arm for him to feed on. “Feed on me, you’ll be okay.”
Purple veins formed under his now dark eyes and the fangs bite her wrist, she squinted her eyes shut in pain and she bit her lip, her free hand finding his hair, gently caressing it. The intimate moment between the two didn’t last long as the girl started to feel dizzy: “Damon...” She warned so he released the grip on her arm and his eyes turned blue again, his smirk now a severe look.
“I told you not to move, I compelled you!” He shouted and Y/N stood up, visibly offended. “You’re welcome, Damon, I’m glad I saved your ass!” She sassed back and crossed her arms. “Don’t you think I put vervain in my coffee every morning? And you were going to get yourself killed but, guess what, I saved you!”
“Stop that blabbering, Y/N, you could’ve died!”
“You know what, Damon? I should have let you die!” Her hand slapped him and both of them turned silent, Y/N’s eyes watery. “I don’t care anymore.” The woman turned on her hills and walked away rapidly, tears streaming down her cheeks.
Y/N was running away: she felt dumb because she had risked her human life to save someone who didn’t give a fuck about her, she felt dumb for letting him feed on her and for pulling out the stake instead of stabbing it through his heart. But why was she crying? Why did she feel hurt if she promised herself not to care anymore? He wasn’t even coming after her.
The sun was completely set into the sky but the streets were still empty, there was only the postman who threw the newspaper at the doors. She sighed and looked at the wound on her wrist, placing the other arm to stop the bleeding; there was literally no one walking down the streets but she felt like someone was following her. “Damon?” Her weak and tired voice uttered but no one responded, besides a figure appeared behind her, blowing into her ear: “Found you.”
Damon took a sip of bourbon, his head rested on his fist as he stared at the fireplace. “Where’s Y/N?” Stefan questioned taking a sip from Damon’s glass, looking around for the girl. “I don’t know, I thought she might be here but she’s maybe at Elena’s, y’know, best friends stuff.” His tone was unconcerned and he raised his shoulders, grabbing his glass back.
“Elena asked me if I saw her because even Caroline and Bonnie haven’t seen her anywhere.” Damon choked on his drink and gave Stefan a worried look mixed with pure anger. “He took her.”
“What? What are you talking about... You didn’t kill him?” The younger brother shouted, Damon clenched his jaw and squeezed his fists, punching Stefan in the face. “Don’t you blame me, Stefan, this is all your fault.” He hissed and in a matter of seconds, he was gone.
“You finally woke up, huh?”
Y/N slowly opened her eyes and immediately felt a sharp pain in her neck. “Oh, I fed on you while you were knocked out, hope you don’t mind.”
She wanted to punch him but she couldn’t, arms and legs were tied up on a chair, she wanted to scream but her mouth was shut with a duck tape, the only thing she could do was give the vampire a death stare and if looks could kill, he would have died in a matter of seconds. “Let’s call your friend, alright?” He nodded and took her phone from the pocket of her light jeans, smirking.
“Mm, Bonnie, Care... Damon.” His hazel eyes shut in amusement, bringing the phone to his ear. “Hello, Salvatore, you should be dead, you know? Wait, don’t freak out, I’ll put you on speaker.”
“I’m coming for you and I’m going to rip your heart out.” He growled and Y/N’s heart lost a beat from hearing his voice. “Hear your girl’s heartbeat yet? You hear how it beats for you, it’ll soon stop, Damon Salvatore, you need to hurry.”
“I’m already here.”
A husky voice spoke to him and in a matter of seconds the man’s heart was ripped off, his body fell on the ground. “Bye-bye.” Damon let the heart fall and hurried toward Y/N, ripping off the duck tape and the ropes.
“Damon, you came...” She whispered and threw her arms around his neck, finally able to breathe properly and starting to cry; the vampire froze for a moment but soon embraced her, placing a soft kiss on her head. “I’m here baby.” He whispered in her ear and smiled as she looked at him with her puffy eyes.
“Take me home.” Y/N murmured, getting weaker because of her wounds, hiding her face in the crook of his neck.
“Yeah, let’s go home.”
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