thebrierpatch · 6 years
Welcome to the start of Virgo Season
With Mars stationing direct shortly, a Pisces Full Moon, and Venus and Mercury passing through the same signatures for the last time this cycle, take a moment to breath. Outward action fades, and the battlefield turns inward. Note the events of this last cycle. How did your goals align with your actions? Did you charge ahead, the brave and brash firebrand along the path of life? Or did you wait, allowing observation and fortuitous timing to guide your actions?
Whichever it was, ask yourself “did this serve me in a way I’m comfortable with, and if not, what can change?”
Mars resuming motion will bring back the influence of the strategist, the warleader who fights as much with brains as with brawn, and in doing so asks that you know in your heart with every choice what you fight for.
Pisces offers a chance for rejuvenation, tidal currents washing the remnants of outdated patterns and detritus of past conditioning away. There are new ways of being that will open to you, if you can allow this release.
Virgo brings with it the structure of our lives, how we care for ourselves by our environments. The priestess urges you to recall that it is a process, constantly needing revision and effort. Room’s get messy, food isn’t always healthy, maybe you don’t fully quit smoking. The importance of the process is what she draws you to, allowing it without self reprisal. 
This is a potent gate to fall. The next time many of this years alignments will occur our grandchildren may be dead.
It’s time to live, without the shackles of the past. 
*edited because autocorrect is not always correct
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quantum-natura · 7 years
(87) Are You A Day Or Night Person?
Both! I used to be a total night owl, but there are so many daytime activities that I enjoy now, so I’ve learned to embrace both ^‿^
I hope you have a lovely evening and thanks for asking! 
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murasaki-endou · 7 years
Hey! I was hoping for a tarot reading. Jesse, Libra, just wondering what the cards have to say. Thanks :)
Hey there Jesse! Thank you for your question, I love your blog and I’m happy to see you here :)
I have three cards for you: Queen of wands reverse, six of swords reverse and king of swords.
You should think about giving up on that thing you’ve been holding on for so long, consider looking for another path, maybe a new way of seeing things. It exists, and at that point you’ll have the confidence you need to achieve everything you desire.
Hope this speaks to you in some way, see you around!
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mystickinds · 6 years
65, and 40
65: Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile? @thewyldwolf ❤️40: Will you sing today? Not likely. I'm exhausted.Thank you!
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teawithlimunette · 7 years
I was tagged by the ho @unicornscully
ONE insecurity: That I will never be in a loving fufilling romantic relationship and I will end up alone..forever.
TWO fears: Never being good enough, giving into my demons.
THREE turn-ons: Humour, soulful eyes, empathetic.
FOUR life goals: 1.Be financially stable doing a career I love, 2.Get away from my toxic house and live by the forest or ocean, 3.Have a real home with my S.O and lots of dogs (instead of just a house.), 4.To feel alive and a sense of purpose.
FIVE things I like: Aes of Scotland especially castles, being hugged when you are falling apart, long cuddles, kisses. Flirting. (Like but also love all these things.)
SIX weaknesses: my hatred towards myself, i can be apathetic, lack of confidence and a backbone, dependent on others, struggle with weight and body image, hurting myself, easily stressed/angry.
SEVEN things I love: my friends, my sister, FOOD, tv shows, the ocean/moon/ trees/stars, deep conversations, validation from others.
tag EIGHT people: @thewyldwolf @imperialraxeria @magiisa @missmewtwo @beckett-scully +anyone else who wants too because idk who else to freakin tag.
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10 Facts About Me
Tagged by @thewyldwolf
1. I can do tequila shots like nobody’s business
2. Joint rolling is literally a coping method when I’m feeling anxious
3. I’m in love with the shape of my mouth
4. I make dresses out of weird materials on mannequins and one that I made out of magazine pages got featured in an art show through my college a couple of years ago
5. My heart heals quickly from heartbreaks and I’m often called a horrible person for it
6. I’m terrified of the idea of commitment but once I’m committed to something I’m in it to the end
7. I like to bite things. Things that have no business being bitten. I have a clay vase in my room that I made myself and when it was still wet I bit it because I had to know what it felt like to bite clay. It was gross but satisfying.
8. I have really weird attachment issues where I rarely attach to anyone but once I do I literally don’t let go until they flat out tell me to leave.
9. My eyes are bigger than my stomach but I’m always hungry.
10. I’m really bad at it but I love to dance
I tag @deathscytheeevee, @honeypotwitch, and @somethingoddlyprofound because I love watching him suffer
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shesakilllerqueen · 7 years
I got tagged so you guys can Get to Know Me!
ReRules: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better!
Tagged by: @thewyldwolf
Relationship Status: Single
Favorite color: Fall colors, I live in the mountains and there is nothing more beautiful than autumn leaves at sunrise. 
Lipstick or Chapstick: Chapstick most days and lipstick if I am going out somewhere. Usually dark lipsticks.   
Three favorite foods: baked potato!! lol I could live off of them forever, tortilla crust pizza, mac and cheese. mmmmm cheeeessseeee  is life 
Last song I listened to: OMNIA- I don’t speak human 
Last movie I watched: The Education of Little Tree and Midnight Special, both were fantastic in my opinion. I recommend both.  
Top 3 Shows: Firefly, Stranger Things, Criminal Minds 
Top 3 Bands:...oh wow, lol I am a music lover so this is difficult. I love so many things from classical to symphonic metal.  My current faves are Tiger Lou, Sleeping at Last,  Eivør
Books I’m currently reading: The anatomy of Motive, The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Mythology,The Bazarr of Bad Dreams, and A Beautiful Disaster 
Tagging: I tag all of my followers that would like to do this, I am interested in getting to know all of you :) 
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ReRules: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better!
Tagged by: @thewyldwolf (thanks btw. <3)
Relationship Status: taken
Favorite color: red is my fave but Im a sucker too for black and storm blue
Lipstick or Chapstick: I use chapstick nore but I'd choose lipstick if given the chance
Three favorite foods: cheeseburgers, baklava, panzit
Last song I listened to: "St. Judas" by Michael Growden
Last movie I watched: Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
Top 3 Shows: Hell on Wheels, Penny Dreadful, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Top 3 Bands: Rob Zombie, Katzenjammer, Omnia
Books I’m currently reading: switching between Good Omens and Five Chimneys
Tagging: @jp91294 , @l0v3-m4ch1ne , @druidictendencies , @dissociationstation-blog , @jdsmitty03
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thebrierpatch · 6 years
June Reading Game
For the next month, there will be a piece of trivia posted here each day. The first person to successfully answer each days question will receive one free reading of their choice.
You can enter multiple times, but only once per day. Please tag your answers with "June Reading Challenge", and I will make sure to check daily and see who the lucky winner is.
When each days question has been answered, it will be posted as such, and the next days might even get up early!!
Question for June the 1st: What is the first rule of any game or con?
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thebrierpatch · 6 years
Short explanation of why I've been less vocal on here as of late
Short version: Life can prove challenging.
Longer version: I've been trying to live and work within abusive and unstable housing environments for much of the last few years. Much of the last has been hopscotching around the state as each home seemingly open for the landing turns into another nest of rabid wolverines (or something appropriately ridiculous and simultaneously terrifying). Between PTSD symptoms, anxiety, and the general exhaustion that comes with a chronic illness and taking the shoelace express, until recently I've barely had any gas in me to engage with people.
This last couple months have been the sticking point, as I came back "home" full of vigor and confidence, only to find the extremely unhealthy situation had degraded into full blown cesspit.
I'm getting out of there today, and I never intend to let myself feel trapped in another scenario like this. The wheel has brought me through all this shit, and I've made some kind of gold out of it. Finally happy with who I am, even as the journey to who I must become continues.
I still don't have a permanent spot locked in, but I can surf it for a bit, and if nothing else the forest provides. I intend to offer more original work, as being able to focus more inwardly will help finalize all these half done drafts. June's Tarot challenge will be reposted in updated form soon, and will have unanswered questions open for the next month.
In the meantime, I can guarantee a more stable internet connection in a few days. When that occurs, I will be offering more live video based appointments via Zoom. These will use Tarot, Evolutionary Astrology, and Soulshaping techniques. Soulsshaping is a term shamelessly borrowed from one of the most insightful teachers I've had the honor of meeting, intended to provide insight in overcoming reoccurring scenarios and patterns, allowing new synaptic patterns to be forged that provide for the souls ultimate growth by taking a deep and invested responsibility to your reality.
Sessions will be $25 for one half hour, and $40 per hour. All material is kept strictly confidential, and you will receive a recording of our session within 2 business days.
While that is manifesting, stay tuned for an old dogs dissenting opinion on the Neptune/Mars retrograde we all probably feel a little raw about still.
Thanks for the continued support. All of you on here who keep up with my stuff, you've made it easier to bear this process out.
Big Loves from this weatherblown wanderer
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thebrierpatch · 6 years
Free Reading Game List
As promised, here is the list of questions to win some free readings. Those already answered are in bold.
 What is the first rule of any game or con?
 In the Ramayana, which gods are Hanuman and Lord Rama considered incarnations of?
What is the name of Yahwe’s wife/consort?
When dealing with The Good Folk, what must you be mindful of above all else?
In a certain fictional version of modern day, this book was published at the behest of a council of wizards in the late 19th century, to help eradicate an ancient foe. What was the book?
In Dungeons and Dragons (any edition) this is an often overlooked yet deceptively vital piece of inexpensive and mundane adventuring gear. Unlike rope, almost no one will “accidentally” have some they forgot about. What is this item?
Was merged with 6
Certain techniques are taught for assisting the memory in pulling out needed information. One that used to be taught in primary school was for the visible light spectrum (Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain). What is the name of these techniques?
This hospital in New England was where the lobotomy was perfected, and along with some strange stories developed a rather dark reputation before being closed. What is the name of the hospital? Bonus points for the nickname!
What are the true effects of sunlight hitting vampires?
After many trials and misadventures, Gil-gamesh’s quest to restore to life his comrade Enkidu were thwarted by which animal?
This Island, off the coast of India, is thought to contain the one of the last tribal peoples, who have thus far remained untouched by the outside world. What is the name of the Island?
This knight was the grandson of the Fisher King. (Really wish these questions saved)
What strange creatures were reported by British pilots in both world wars?
In the Mayan Tradition, what object is carried to each of your seven fires, to have a piece burned each time?
In Mithraism, the universe was birthed and time advanced by the dance of these two cosmic entities. Who are they?
After a long debate and several rounds of carbon dating, a language was found that predates and informs both Sumerian and Vedic. What people developed this language?
What term is used to denote both passage through the forest and an honorable and respect based relationship with spirits?
This forest in the PNW is famed for being a near perfectly preserved site, despite dieing 5 hundred years ago. What is its name and how was its death dated?
Even dirt burns, though at what temperature?
What is one of the few constants in the universe?
With the resurgence of auto immune diseases in the last 50 years or so, many causes have put forward. What is the term for the source of activated genetics in certain theories?
In a certain mythos, the universe is said to be formed of the dreams of this entity, who must be constantly lulled to sleep to not destroy what they have wrought. What is the name of this being?
One of the more infamous tales in Chaos Magick deals with a sigil who gained self awareness and has acted independently for several decades. What is the name of this viral servitor?
While there have been many tools and weapons made by humans, some are designed with no purpose other than to kill humans. What was the first “mass” produced items that had no purpose beyond this?
This mind altering substance is notable for producing such similar effects in disparate people as to suggest travel to a similar place. What is the name of the substance?
In certain North American Native traditions, if a warrior dropped a feather during a dance everyone must stop while he bends and picks it up with his teeth. What does this signify?
Space can be thought of in terms of connections between people, places and concepts. What is the term for this kind of relation between things?
What is the second rule of any game or con?
Where is the best place for an enemy to hide?
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thebrierpatch · 6 years
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Pluto: The Cthonic Teacher 
Key Themes: Power/Disempowerment Dynamics, Intensity, Pain, Transmutation, Discernment, Sex Magick, Primordial Truth, Desire, Attraction and Fixation, Metamorphosis, The Dragon/Snake/Phoenix.
How attractive is spirit really, when it requires you to give up the life you know?
    The anchor point for our souls incarnation, Pluto symbolizes our deepest attachments. What keeps us coming back to this life are hard lessons, things we have a desire to transmute but have merged with deeply, and The King of the Deep utilizes our attachments as vehicles to achieve the souls desire through the fires of purification. He speaks to us through intensity and pain, through clearing the old to make room for the new, in the question that eats away at your psyche slowly in the dark of night “Why am I here?”.
    There are no victims in Plutonian Reality. We each carry a personal responsibility to our experience, and it is our decision to connect with and take ownership of our lives (or not) that makes them what they are, not circumstance, not the environment we live in, and certainly not karma.
   Pluto teaches that most things are temporary, that what comes into our lives will leave after the lesson, and like the snake shedding its skin we must adapt and shed the dead growth when our current paradigm does not fit the world we are stepping into, and that there is no way out but through. 
  If you follow him, layers of security will be flensed away, and while painful, under those wounds a bedrock of inner security will be revealed. He doesn’t do it to spite or hurt you, merely to move you forward when stagnation occurs. Like an old Uncle, he will whisper before he yells, and heeding his words will make the coming storm easier to weather.
  Change is a white hot flame. Even diamonds burn. The more you resist change, the hotter the flame gets.
 Make like Aladdin, and find the jewel at the center of the dark cave that is the truest, most “pure” you. It’s our only real job here.
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thebrierpatch · 6 years
New England followers!
Im gonna be there the last half of this month. If you wanna see me and go on cool adventures and do witchy stuff, let me know.
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thebrierpatch · 7 years
New Reading Options and Pricing!!!!!
One Card Readings are always open and free.
Paid Readings are as follows:
Daily themes- A look at what themes and influences will be acting on you today. $3
Relationship Spread-  A spread designed to help illuminate themes, issues, and trigger points in relationships to help transmute them. $5
Ladder Spread- How to resolve or work towards a journey or issue. $5
Call Out Spread- Call you the f out, on whatever it is that you aren’t doing that needs to be done. $5
Woven Spread-  Monthly readings to illuminate the themes present over the next Lunar Cycle. Performed on the Full or New Moon. $10
Shadow Work Spread- A 24 card spread designed to show you which aspects of your shadow need attention to be transmuted. Multipage writeup included. $15
Tumblr/Skype/Zoom/Email Subscription (Unlimited Questions): $25 for 2 weeks, $50 for one month.
Custom Requests: If you have a specific spread in mind, let me know and we can do it. $5
Basic Chart Interpretation: A look at the themes and archetypes present in your life, weaving planetary aspects and stories together to help your soul’s growth. $10
Synastry Reading: A relationship chart designed to help point out aspects of life that are activated through relationship. $15
Astro readings are done through the modality of Evolutionary Astrology, where the emphasis is often on Pluto and the Nodes to determine what karma your soul is working through in this lifetime.
Custom Spells
Pricing available on request
I accept Google Wallet ([email protected]) as well as Squarecash (cash.me/$BrierPatch). Be sure to message me your blog name, your ascendant sign, and which service you are requesting.
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thebrierpatch · 7 years
Could really use some help
Hey all. I could really use some help. Gettin set to move here in the next couple weeks, deposit’s already down. My kitty needed some emergency meds in the last couple days, and the last paycheck I got was a bit light. If you could help a poor little Faery out and purchase some readings, whether Tarot or Evolutionary Astrology, it would really help. I’m only missing the $200 from the kitty fixers, and am pro-rating where I am, but the island is where I need to be. It’s home. Help me get there on time, and spoil you all with some wonderful shots of Avalon? Thank you in advance to anyone who is so inclined to help. <3
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thebrierpatch · 7 years
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Ruler: Neptune
Element: Water ( Mutable)
Ruler: Neptune
Yin Dynamic
Piscean reality is akin to a waking dream. The 12th and final sign, it incorporates the Entire Zodiac Experience. Natives often seem innocent or idealistic, often seeming to escape into fantasy and dreams. Pisces carries an immense empathy, as it is directly connected to the ultimate. The return to the waters is a process, one that the native works through their whole life. They see the fractal nature of reality quite easily, though the truth they see can sometimes only appear so due to the vantage from which it witnessed, sinking beneath the next wave. The tides can cause feelings of being exiled from paradise, when the ultimate they thought they connected with turned out to be temporary. This can lead the native to holding onto to the past while waiting for the new truth.
Being Ruled by Neptune, Pisces has a great capacity to aid in the more mystical aspects of life, seeming to have a boundless faith that their dreams will manifest concretely. The waters often bestow an unusual perspective, heightening the natives empathy and psychic awareness to the point where ideas and information seem to come out of nowhere. Miracles require faith, and who better to envision that than the ultimate idealists? Neptune also deals with Illusion and delusion however, and natives with Pisces or Neptune signatures can struggle with projections, body shame, and hiding beneath others reflections of them.
Those with strong Piscean signatures carry a strong need for connection and understanding, and will often subconsciously identify and connect with the pain of others around them, to understand through experiencing it with them. Their tendency to act as a reflecting pool for others can cause them unneeded pain through this, as often the native is called to associate with difficult or cruel people due to their extreme forgiveness. These natives should be aware of when they go into “autopilot empathy” mode, and drop in with themselves to ascertain the truth behind the fantasy.
As the counterpart to Virgo, Pisces can benefit from applying the discernment of the priestess to themselves and the world around them. In working through the illusions surrounding themselves, they learn to separate sympathy from true empathy, ultimate truth from ultimate deception, and how to navigate the boundary blurring that occurs within this watery sign.
As the Ruler of the 12th House, much of Neptune’s influence will be bestowed to any planets within.
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