#they all battle for dominance 24/7 and it's so annoying
feralnightwing · 2 months
why hello there, captain america hyperfixation!! take a seat between the nightwing hyperfixation and the merlin hyperfixation. welcome to the club, there's about 10 members who are all clamouring for attention every 5 minutes
0 notes
astro-break · 6 months
Thoughts on the 10th ep of Hypmic Rhyme Anima+. Spoilers beware
Season 1 | Ep.1 | Ep.2 | Ep.3 | Ep.4 | Ep. 5 | Ep. 6 | Ep. 7 | Ep. 8 | Ep. 9
LETS GOOOO MCD flashbackkkkk
Oh look finally a good look at TBH and the mastermind's faces, nice thanks OFC the big bag is Kaibyaku the medical dude
ah so in the end it all leads back to that company if all three of them worked in the same place
Ofc the classic cheek punch then pass out, always happens
LMAOO they knocked each others teeth out and made friendship bracelets out of it thats a romance right there.
Oh damn does that mean that kaibyaku has some of of medical issue? that was an IV in his arm im pretty sure or at least some sort of drip. Maybe Jakurai will play some sort of big end of series role that heals him? I hope not, that would be a bit boring but it would make sense since kujaku posse is the only duo not affiliated with the whole TBH trio thing
Leader battle lets goooo we'll probably get another leader song which is always fun
I hope we get a TBH one
EYYY HEADSET MIC LETS GOOO I looooveddd rosho's one and im so glad theres another one which is always fun
Huh mic embedded in the hand? Thats an interesting concept
[On a second rewatch I think its interesting how Kenji specifically says "I can't fall here. Not we. Theres some foreshadowing that he is the only real one here. He specifics in his rap vers that its "that wretched party" that belongs in a grave, not any of our characters in particular]
[also another detail. The necromancy + skull imagery to their rap verse…. they are bringing back old ghosts with their song… they are so tragic. The rap on as second watch is just so much more tragic once you know everything]
Kuko's rap uses the letters T B H as the starts of his verses which is fun
NIce imagery of three dragons fighting for dominance, a very apt metaphor for IchiSamaKuko who are just hothead extremes
huh wonder what was ripped up
oh thats a neat explanation of how they were able to do a lot of supernatural stuff. I feel like it would have been more interesting if it was a hallucination, but hey I'll take that L its not that bad even if a bit uninspired/not very well foreshadowed
Also the vibrations as controlling element, as someone who can hear electronics, is something that would work for me 100% wwwww I would go crazy if i had to hear those annoying sound waves 24/7
I mean exposition episode but its kinda cute actually? I hate that they're doing this after revealing that they're dead but it does put in the point that they were people, not good people, but still people
bro… bro… satoru specifically says in his rap that the world's our kitchen… he has so many kitchen metaphors here…. bro still holds his dream of opening a restaurant with his totally platonic life bro even after death… bro…..
I mean its not that bad of a motive, im not that convinced that they're in the wrong. I'm also very much a sucker for acts of destructive love which is why i may be more inclined to cheer for kaibyakumon
While I do wish that they had fleshed out Kenji's relationship with Satoru and Akira a bit more, I do feel like the duo's dynamic on its own was really well presented before the big reveal. Like what's Kenji's feelings about SatoAkira, why is he so invested in this whole plan other than borderline idolizing kaibyaku?
I feel its hilarious how kenji's just sitting there while kaibyaku is just going on his monologue wwww
Nice, i like how they used Oosaka's island nature into their planning but there Are other bridges going into the mainland im pretty sure?
okay but why should you care? Like hes doing a overall good? Kaibyakumon's goals are aligned with the overall cast's motive of making sure that the government is placed in check so if the team wants us to have a reason to root against them, gotta give a good reason, esp after that backstory
LMAO HIFUMI oh i feel so bad for him
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So... Dergun Town's gone, at last - Temp. Tester Rant.
To be frankly honest, I was waiting for it to end. I stopped playing after the weird ass Pet update and sudden, unnannounced Hair Change due to “legal reasons” because the game was just getting utterly confusing, a mess of minigames with clunky customization options and systems, and whatnot. Plus, my time as a tester was when I hit the breaks on the game and realized "man... they really are dicks".
I never ranted about it because I knew if I did, they'd definitely come for me and ban me from the game or from the server because "I shittalked about the game" or “I’m unveiling the tester server”, but now that it's over - it's time for a rant.
So, think it was around May 2020 that I decided to go for Tester to better prepare myself for the future updates, the chat itself was basically... like the lobby, just mainly memes and the Dev fanatics, who will defend them 24/7, chatting with the Devs.
One of the first few things that was asked for is the Timezones so that we could test the server together - the Timezones thing is literally thrown out the window after the very first test. From there on, what they would do is ping the Testers to announce an update - at the time, we had no changelog, no proper bug report channel, it was all crowded in one place, and because they disregarded the Timezones, imagine if you will the chat being both filled with players spamming the chat with all the new shit like some happy toddlers, and another half are people who are reporting to be in class, asleep, dinnering, ect.
A chaotic mess that makes it near impossible to actually report something. Eventually, they added a bug report but once again, no proper check list - if any, the changelog and the checklist only appeared around the Argoras or Minigame Update (June-July). And, as always, the checklist was never updated, so you'd be testing something that's already been checked and other listed things wouldn't be checked at all. Organization, which is something a Tester needs, was never a fucking thing in that horrid mess. They would occasionally do polls, one of which was if the Update should release now, nearly everyone said No - they released it anyway. :^)
Then, there would be some bugs where they’d blame us for it - the /hitme was a command that was restrictedly used in the test server because the Devs somehow don’t know how to add a small quantity of resources to all of us, so he instead made a command that gives, what? Over a million of each of the resources? We ALL made sure that wasn’t toggled on the “beta” server, and yet, somehow, it got released with the commad functioning, and instead of admitting their fault, they blamed the Testers for practically saying folks not to use it - one of the testers was literally STRIPPED OFF of their Gil and other resources, and mind you, they didn’t even used the command at all, all they did was accidentally say the command.
The Moderators would also be rather cruel, everyone likes memes, that's granted, but it shouldn't mean you can willingly change our nicknames like that. Imagine switching over to the chat only to find out your name, along with all the other testers, has been changed to "Todd Howard"; you rename it, and a couple of days later, they change it yet again without your permission or consent. This isn't fun, this is just annoying. I had to walk around with "Stop changin my name" on my nickname because of them.
And like how it has been told, these Devs cannot take criticism at all. The Argoras Update will haunt me down as the Update where I was literally fighting against other testers and the Devs over something that needed to be changed. In the Test Server, the Skill Points had a Clover table, meaning you used clovers for Skill Points, the thing is in Pony Town, the rewards are remain unlocked even if you go down the unlocking mark - Dergun Town does not. So players who are unaware of this would've wasted 1k Clovers and then realize that their prizes have been taken away because they're no longer above the unlocking mark. So as a Tester, it should be my duty to warn the Devs about it and come with suggestions.
I told them without mentioning Pony Town at all (because they have a stupid policy of “if it’s close to PT, we can’t do it”) about how the Clover option will result in players losing their reward if they go below 1k and 500 Clovers respectively, which is the equivalent to hundreds of players putting all those days collecting Clovers to waste. They would ABSOLUTELY rant  about it in Bugs or Help Desk. I suggested them to either:
Make the rewards unlocked still even if you left the mark.
Remove the Clover option
Add a warning when about to select Clover
Those are the ones on top of my head, what did they do?
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Tom just kept ignoring what I said on the first suggestion and exclusively focusing on the second one, as if it was the only option available. Meanwhile, Q was guilt tripping me into bidding to their commands, "37,500 gil per skill if you the 50 points pure,," it's horrible, sure, but do you really want to deal with a hoard of players coming to the server to scream about how the Skill Point system stole their Clover rewards? And having to deal with a patch or two to make them happy, or worse, having to ban more players because they’re angry WITH REASON that their prizes were taken away because you idiots refuse to add something that allows the players to keep their rewards while below the mark?
You know they would do that, everyone knows they would do that. And worse is with exception of one or two Testers, the other users, specifically folks like J*y and D**r, just kept defending the Devs even though I was literally helping them prevent a future problem that everyone knew it would fucking happen. What's the point of testing a game if the Developers will fucking refuse to take your advices?
They did removed the Clovers from the options, but kept the Dandelions and the Bones, which, you guested it, STILL DIDN'T HAD THE PRIZE LOCKING! And the best part - NO WARNING REGARDING THE LOST OF THE PRIZES WAS ADDED EITHER! So players who had the Dandelion Rune and the ability to get the special items from the Bone would end up in losing them without them knowing - though it’s not as bad as the Clovers, a resource that restrictedly spawns in areas with Clovers as opposed to be map-wide and the last prize needs 1k of those, and the recent-ish Spring Update changed the green to a shade that blends with them.
I singlehandedly helped them avoid a hoard of angry players, and not a singular thank you was given.
The Quest Cap is also a thing, if the mobile users are in such a disadvantage with the Clovers being gone, then why are you adding the Cap anyway? Everyone knows that if a game is relying on the player to grind, it should not cap the Quests to a fucking T - only 20 Quests per hour?! And the NPC's Gil is both dependant on Bootleg Flight Rising Dominance... and dependant on a Clan that YOU CAN'T ACTUALLY CHANGE even if you request for such?! It's like if in Flight Rising, because Fiona has Light eyes, Light Flight would gain extra bonus treasure from here as if Dominance wasn't enough. "It's to balance the Economy", how is that going to balance, it just restricting the mobile users even further, as if the shitty battle controls on mobile that makes it impossible to battle wasn't enough.
The game was also just turning into a weird, funky, Flight Rising bootleg - fitting how the game that Q also worked on was a bootleg hybrid between Dragon Cave and Flight Rising - the release of pets with these genes and barely any use but to literally do the exact shit you do in FR. In FR, you exalt Dragons to gain a upper hand at Dominance, in DT, a rather recent-ish? Update allowed you to sell the Magikins (the gened pets, the other pets are literally useless) for Clan Tokens, giving you a boost to gain Dominance. It’s exactly like FR, I’m surprised no one ever bothered to contact the FR folks about this ripoff. The pets did had a use and it was to gain more gil but a nerf was done because, once again, they released an update were we made SURE that wasn’t happening, but somehow, it happened - the Pet-Gill Machine Glitch that allowed you to gain infinite Gil.
My pets got bugged because of it - the level got reset (it’d only reward 1-2 gil) but the price of the upgrade did not (750 gil) - I asked if that was a nerf or a bug, and as expected, they said it was nerf when it was clear as days it was a bug given how people had pets that requried 700+ gil and rewarded 30+ gil.
The game’s just a mess of minigames and FR Ripoff, I could go on and on with just how bad the game is, but the Devs are even worse.
It's really bad when they're once straight up muted someone for speaking their fucking opinion.
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(From PMs)
This user would constantly bring the flaws in their shit without insulting, they'd argue with reason, give suggestions, everything, in hopes of improving the game. and they instead just argued back, if not, criticized them for even bringing an opinion and tried to justify themselves as to why they didn't need to change - and the users would absolutely defend the Devs like literal ass kissers, to the point of being happy they got muted.
As the user rightfully said in PMs:
I wanted to make contributions that could help improve it, but it seems like the staff just want people to do as they say without question instead of looking for ways to improve. And they desperately need to understand that the game is not just about what they want, what kinds of designs they think players should make. It should be encouraging players to try new designs and be creative, but all the devs want to do is shut that down.
I just wish they didn't have absolute power over the server. If they were accountable to their community in some way, it'd be possible to convince them to make changes when it's really necessary. Not all the time, just when their stubbornness is getting in the way of something that absolutely everybody except them wants.
The fun in these games has always been in the community. If you stifle that, you stifle the game. And unfortunately, I now can't say any of this. Making demon combat even harder for those without skill points was wholly unnecessary, too. I don't know what their obsession is with making the game so heavy on grinding.
Back when I first arrived, Dergun Town was mostly just Pony Town with more customization options, plus a few special prizes you could earn by gathering items. Nowadays it seems like the devs are more interested in forcing players to grind for literally everything than they are in adding new stuff everyone can enjoy and use.
But worse than that is how they always respond to criticism. The mini-events were the biggest example of that. Players didn't like being forced to spend all day on Dergun Town just for any chance to win an award in mini-events. It was damaging people's ability to have a life outside the game, and a lot of users complained. How did they respond? They basically threatened to remove the mini-events altogether and make all the items from them unobtainable, rather than improving on anything. This is how the staff responds to all complaints and suggestions. It's either the exact thing they want or nothing, and if they make a mistake big enough that everyone complains, rather than admitting fault, they basically punish the community for being unhappy. Their entire mentality is "play by my rules or I'm taking my toys and going home".
Reminder that when the garden update broke and erased a ton of players' houses and items, they blamed the players and said they had to do all the work to get everything that was lost back themselves.
I swear, all of this "you complained now you get nothing" and "we work hard, so be thankful to us even for terrible content" we hear in the user suggestions channel is just conditioning their player base to accept being taken for granted and mistreated. They're basically trying to induce Stockholm Syndrome.
Someone who’s also on Tumblr got banned for saying that the new design of the hairs made their characters look ugly - it was a change that was NEVER ANNOUNCED, specially considering it’s a change regarding “legal issues”, the playerbase should’ve been warned about this before they updated it. But instead, they got pissy that some people have complained about the drastically changed hairs and once again, shit down on them for complaining.
Dergun Town is an excellent example of how some people are not and never were meant to run a game - the guilt tripping, the “accept this or get lost” attitude, the behavior they had and occasionally have regarding Pony Town (search “Let’s Talk About Dergun Town” and you’ll get the document), to the point of banning the actual word “to avoid drama” aka keep folks from talking about their real fucking nature.
I am honestly happy that Dergun Town got shut down while Pony Town keeps improving and growing, karma was indeed well served.
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Masterlist (March 11th 2019)
Request me all the scenarios you want! :) ♥
Fireworks - Rap Monster fluff.
I will color your sky - J-hope angst.
Let me love you - J-hope angst-fluffy-philosophical
Lose control - Jimin smut.
Love you to death - Jungkook fluff
Rewind - SUGA angst and philosophical.
Speak it up - Rap Monster angst and fluff
Stuck in his hurricane - Jimin hot and fluff.
This is what I wanted to tell you - V fluff.
You’re a work of art - Rap Monster angst and fluff.
You only love once - Jungkook fluff
Sequel scenarios:
Jin fluffy one: Follow me.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
Jin historical-cultural-angst-fluff: Only one - Only one (sequel)
J-Hope and Jimin angst and fluff: Foolish Feelings. Part 1 - Part 2 coming soon
Requested scenarios:
A smile like his father’s - J-Hope angst- fluff
Braid your hair - V fluff
Can you smile - V angst and philosophical with Jimin as a second character.
Can you smile (alternative version) - V angst-philosophical-fluff (still with Jimin.)
Childish fights - Jungkook fluff
Did you know I meant it? - J-hope angt-fluff
Don’t change - Jimin angst-fluff-philosophical
Fake lies - Jin angst-super fluff-a bit philosophical
First - V fluffy smut
How much did you miss me? - SUGA fluff
I’ll be standing by your side - SUGA angst
I’ll protect you - Jimin angst
Imperfect life - Jin angst- super fluff
Insane driver - Jimin fluffi
Insecurities - SUGA angst- fluff
Jealousy consumes you - Jungkook angst-philosophical-fluff
Just once - SUGA fluff
Kid’s like love - V fluff
Light; take me away - V fluff- angst- philosophical
Morning kiss - V fluff
Mute - V smut
Not that lovable - SUGA angst - fluff - philosophical
Our passionate weakness - V fluff - angt -philosophical
Photographs - V angst-fluff
Rainy day - V fluff
Recall - Jin angst and fluffy in the end
Rude - Jimin angst- smut
Someday seems impossible - Jungkook fluff
Warm hugs - Jimin angst-fluff
Warm whispers - SUGA fluff-angst-philosophical-smut
You’re beautiful - V philosophical-angst-fluff
Song Requested scenarios:
How you got the girl - V angst (based on How you get the girl by Taylor Swift).
Slave to our hormones - V fluff (based on War Of Hormones by BTS).
So close yet so far - Jungkook angst- fluff (based on the For You mv by BTS).
Special scenarios:
I mean the opposite (Jimin’s 21st birthday)
Not ready yet (Jungkook’s 19th birthday)
New love (Rap Monster’s 22nd birthday)
Pray for humanity
Spiritualism (Halloween scenario)
Christmas Day (For Christmas)
Imatexts and quotes
Basically for the imatexts I have made, since they are pictures posts, you gotta “search on the blog”. Just search “imatexts” or “imatext” and if you scroll down, you’ll find all of them!
Their type of…
Dating a gender fluid (without gifs)
Hurt during sex (NSFW)
You don’t want to marry them
You being feminine
You being ill
You’re a drummer and can do V’s voice
You’re more attractive than before
You’re drunk and cry at a party
Someone’s flirting with you
You being scared after seeing a scary movie
You don’t want him to meet your parents
You being dominant (NSFW)
Your hair being fluffy
Starting a dance battle between the members for you to judge
You sleeping with a plushie
You being embarrassed after two members had some skinship
You sneaking into their dorm
You both being horny (NSFW)
You being insecure about your weight
You doing too much sports
You cooking with their moms
A stranger kissing you
You accidentally facing their intimate part
You trying some clothes on in the fitting rooms
You singing for the first time
BTS asking you out to prom
Staying late at school (written)
You dodging their kisses
You having an origami collection
Other requests
Rap Monster’s type of girl
Which BTS member would date a black girl
Which BTS member would date a non-asian girl
Which BTS member would date a 00 or 01 liner
Which BTS member would date a 98 liner
Which BTS member would date a 97 liner
How would Jungkook date a short and loud girl
Here, you can find every single daily preference I have made from now on. I upload a preference everyday and I also take requests for them. If you wanna request me one, please tell me the member you’d like and the plot.
Here they are, enjoy reading!~♥
#1 Falling asleep in front of a movie
#2 Napping after work
#3 Playfully making your bed
#4 Ice cream date
#5 Woke up by a kiss
#6 Jealous Jin
#7 Babysitting help
#8 Midnight snacks
#9 Hot hugs
#10 Brain Dots
#11 After school surprise
# Cheering you up
#12 Periods cramps
#13 Stare game
#14 Hot chocolate kiss
#15 Jealous of your male best friend
#16 Scared of storms
#17 Scared of spiders
#18 Kiss cam
#19 Playing video games
#20 Horror movie
#21 Unexpected kiss
#22 Ordering pizze
#23 Study support
#24 Lunch date
#25 Introducing you to his friends
#26 Nail polish kisses
#27 Cinema date
#28 Chocolate bar
#29 Studying kisses
#30 Bowling date
#31 Vacation ride
#32 Cuddling day off
#33 Push ups
#34 Forbidden diet
#35 Changed homescreen
#36 Nap on his knees
#37 Waiting room
#38 Taking the underground
#39 Home after a tiring day
#40 Accidental skype confession
#41 Bless you
#42 After-shower routine
#43 Water bottle
#44 New hair cut
#45 Waking up on a Sunday morning
#46 Just dance
#47 Surprise visit after your shower
#48 Late night Skype
#49 Receiving your scholar books
#50 Changing contact name
#51 Going back home at night
#52 Music festival date
#53 Kisses; stress reliever
#54 Spending your birthday (and Jungkook’s birthday together) (Requested)
#55 Protecting you from the rain
#56 He randomly knows your name at school
#57 Exchanging glances in class
#58 Parrot
#59 Note into your locker
#60 No longer your seatmate
#61 Taking the bus after a long day
#62 Missing him to sleep
#63 Snapbacks
#64 Struggling to stay awake
#65 Basketball game with your boyfriend
#66 Falling asleep on a rainy night with your boyfriend
#67 Feeling low because of your look
#68 Staying up late to study
#69 Being cold so he warms you up
#70 Too lazy to get up to go to work so he gently wakes you up
#71 Missed the bus
#72 Having a good time with your boyfriend while watching a basketball match
#73 Shy bathing time
#74 Playfihting because of your wet hands
#75 Learning to us chopsticks
#76 Ill
#77 Restaurant date
#78 Running motivation
#79 Carry you to bed
#80 Finishing your homework earlier
#81 Can’t find your glasses
#82 Schoolmate staring at you
#83 Attempt to make you smile
#84 Sporty date
#85 “Perfect date”
#86 Studying pause
#87 Bike riding
#88 Legs tickling
#89 Airport meeting (Requested)
#90 “I don’t need make up” (Requested)
#91 Come over on a Saturday night (Requested)
#92 Bubble gums
#93 Lazy day in bed (Requested)
#94 Dancing with Namjoon
#95 Your best friend helping you to go through your heart break
#96 Surprise picking up (Requested)
#97 Late phone call and silly conversations
#98 Cheerful text
#99 Pregnant announce (Requested)
#100 Wedding propose (Requested)
#101 Cheating rumors (Requested)
#102 Taking a pic of you but you feel insecure
#103 Tying up his ties
#104 Jealous and protective when you leave the house
#105 Cold
#106 Mental breakdown
#107 Twisted ankle
#108 Cute when…
#109 Men in the street
#110 Drunk in love
#111 Jealous crush
#112  Emperor
#113 First date
#114 Craving for kisses
#115 Cheesy halloween
#116 Comforting boyfriend
#117 Drunk with stranger
#118 Break up
#119 We could (based on Do I wanna know by Arctic Monkeys).
#120 Master (NSFW).
#121 Shattered
#122 Just a lifetime
#123 Ditch class
#124 Confidence
#125 Meet again
#126 Pretty hot though
#127 Even more tomorrow
#128 What would you do?
#129 You like me, don’t you?
#130 Possessivity
#131 Your most prescious dream
#132 Be your last
#133 Not born to fight
#134 Feel the same
#135 Close enough
#136 Unexpected kiss
#137 Stress relieving session
#138 Run
#139 “You’re the one that’s annoying!”
#140 “I will think about it.”
#141 Cheater
#142 “I am not sick!”
#143 Uninspired
#144 Bakeries
#145 Christmas ice skating
#146 Sky is the limit
#147 Protective brother
#148 Torture
#149 Psychotic boyfriend
#150 Supportive father
#151 Routine
#152 Garlands
#153 Holidays
#154 Art teacher
#155 Revelation
#156 Awkward firt kiss
#157 Shamefuly attracted
#158 Hard to concentrate
#159 Serious when it comes to you
#160 Have a nice day
#161 Still can’t get enough
#162 Steamy atmosphere
#163 Plushie gift
#164 How much do you love me?
#165 Sexy teasing
#166 You so love hate him
#167 I don’t care what you think about your beauty
#168 Not as a friend anymore
#169 seems like I forgot this one, oops! Sorry x
#170 Couple silliness
#171 Surprise meeting
#172 Art project
#173 Play fighting
#174 Scared of love
#175 The little surprise
#176 Meeting family
#177 Love is a cycle…
#178 Garden of Eden
#179 Massage session
#180 Cart race
#181 Touch our dreams
#182 What’s your wish?
486 notes · View notes
hazyheel · 5 years
WWE Raw Reunion Review
Ugh, of all Raws for me to have to watch late, I decided to miss this one. That is certainly unfortunate, but here I am now, reviewing the show late. Lets see how good it was. 
It started out on a pretty good note. John Cena came out first. He gave Stu the camera guy his classic shout out, which I really did miss, and he ran down into the ring. He poked fun at how they never used to cheer him, but they did now. He announced that Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, DX, and Steve Austin would be there. Cena said that Raw is his home, and it always will be, no matter how long he is gone. He then threw it to the Usos, who came out to share some mic time with one of the best. They said that they could have a rap battle with Cena, which he seemed apprehensive about, but eventually decided to do it after the Usos insulted him for going Hollywood. He then said that they looked just like their mug shots when they got arrested. He then was about to leave, but Rikishi came out! That was certainly unexpected. Rikishi got in the ring, and tried to get Cena to dance. The four were about to dance, when the Revival interrupted with D Von Dudley. Then they cut away and said that there was a match between the Revival and Usos next.
Grade: B-. This segment got a little long by the time it ended, but it was great to see Cena back. His line about the mug shots was funny. Rikishi was good to see too, but it didn’t need to be as long as it was. 
As the Usos vs. The Revival started out, Booker T came out to the announce team. He was actually doing pretty well early on, so that was interesting. The Revival had the advantage early on, beating on Jey, and even pushing him off the top rope to the barricade at one point. At another, Jimmy went for a crossbody to Dash Wilder, but Scott Dawson pushed him away and got hit himself. The Revival then hit an awesome european uppercut into a german suplex combination, with the pin broken up by Jey. Jey then clotheslined Wilder out of the ring, which prompted Rikishi and D-Von to argue.
Grade: C+. We have seen this match too many times for it to be really enjoyable, so it was fine. It should have been a title match, because we don’t need to see this for the titles at Summerslam. The Good Brothers and the Usos would be a much more fresh match. 
Backstage, Alicia Fox talked to Dana Brooke and Kaitlyn about her hat, which was funny. Fox wanted a 12 foot tall hat. Tori Wilson and Santino then joined her, and they all were just laughing and joking around, until Drew McIntyre walked in, simply muttering “legends,” and then walking away.
Backstage, we had R-Truth and Carmella being interviewed about his time at comic con. The Hurricane showed up during one of his interviews there, trying to pin him, as did Drake Maverick. They then cut back to live Raw, where Drake Maverick’s wife showed up to yell at Carmella and Truth, but as they were arguing, Maverick pinned him and won the belt. As they all ran away, grandmaster sexay showed up and danced with Charly Caruso. How fun.
We went right into a rematch from last week. Cedric Alexander vs. Drew McIntyre. Before the match started, the two fought in the isle. Alexander actually had the advantage for much of it, but he sold his ass off when he had to. McIntyre beat the hell out of him, even giving Alexander an inverted Alabama slam into the apron. The match never actually started.
Grade: B-. This was fine, I wish that they would have an actual competitive match though. It could be great. 
Backstage again, Drake Maverick was running through the locker room to get his stuff, and found that one of his bags was filled with worms, and the boogyman showed up, and Maverick fell and Pat Patterson came in to beat down Maverick, winning the belt! I’m glad they had that, it was funny.
Then they had Christian come out for some commentary for a Viking Raiders match, awesome to see him. I don’t watch his network show, so it’s been a while. Lillian Garcia came back to be the ring announcer for this match as well, nice to see her too. It was Viking Raiders vs. Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder. Hawkins and Ryder attacked right at the bell, and tried to beat down the much larger opponents. However, Viking Raiders quickly got the advantage and beatdown the faces. They quickly won with the Viking Experience. 
Grade: B-. Inoffensive squash. Christian was funny on commentary. 
Backstage again, Mike Kanellis was being yelled at by Maria. Eve Torres and Eric Bischoff were also there, as Maria yelled at him for not being the breadwinner and that he wouldn’t be able to care for their baby. Then Ron Simmons showed up and said Damn. I love Ron Simmons. But I hate this story. 
Then we saw the Club backstage, with their new “OC” shirts on, saying that they are the original club and the only one that matters. They said that they run Monday nights,  and no one else, especially not Seth Rollins. So now WWE is throwing shade at the Bullet Club OGs in Japan. God they are insecure lately. 
Then we saw Gerald Brisco was shown winning the 24/7 championship, only for Kelly Kelly to win it from him. Love this. Too bad Carmella wasn’t the first woman 24/7 champion though, she deserved it. 
Samoa Joe then came out. He talked about how Raw Reunion puts too much emphasis on the older talent. We need to move forward, not back, and let go of nostalgia. He basically just made a smark argument, and insulted Rikishi and the Usos, before Roman Reigns came out. The two stood toe to toe, and said that if he was gonna insult his family, then he knows what will happen next. Joe said that he knew, and they beat the crap out of each other in the ring and at ringside. Reigns came out on top, so Joe got back on the mic and said that he wouldn’t fight Reigns because he didn’t wanna give the fans what they wanted. He walked away, but Reigns called him a coward, so he accepted the challenge.
So, we went right into Samoa joe vs. Roman Reigns. Joe worked over the neck for most of the match. Reigns had a bit of a comeback, but Joe quickly put him back on the mat. Reigns threw Joe out to the floor in the finish, and then gave him a spear as he came back in the ring. 
Grade: C+. Fine, but I just didn’t care. This was a classic heel dominant match into a big comeback. Not enough back and forth. 
We then went right into Miz TV with Seth Rollins. He put over his show before welcoming Rollins out to the ring. Rollins made fun of Heyman and Lesnar a bit, which was funny at first but then became stupid the longer it went on. He called Lesnar a Seth Rollins wannabe. Heyman then cut a promo during the segment, and he tried to defend Lesnar, but Rollins was kinda owning him. Rollins then told him that if he was going to speak for Lesnar, he had to fight for him too. Heyman tried to talk him out of it, but ran away as Rollins started to approach him. Rollins then said that Lesnar wasn’t a beast or a conquerer, he was a man. And men can lose, just like he will lose at Summerslam. Then he mentioned his match with Styles tonight, and left.
Grade: B. Really good promo. It started out a bit shaky, but Rollins is great on the mic, and he did well to promote the summerslam match. Good stuff here. 
Then we went back to the backstage party, where Charly was gonna interview the legends about Summerslam, but Sami Zayn walked up and absolutely wrecked all of them on the mic, saying that they were all just around at the right time and were pathetic for coming back for one last pop. Rey Mysterio then showed up and said that he needed to respect those who paved the way. Zayn said that he was fully willing to beat down Mysterio, when Kurt Angle showed up and basically just made the match. 
Before that next match, Kelly Kelly ran around showing a bunch of people her new 24/7 championship, only to find out that Melina got her referee license, and Candice Michelle pinned her. Then Alundra Blayze showed up and tapped out Michelle, saying that if anyone had a problem with her being the champion, they should tell her to her face. 
Then we went right into Mysterio vs. Zayn. Jonathan Coachman joined the commentary booth, and they were having a pretty good match. They beat the crap out of each other, with Zayn hitting an awesome blue thunder bombfor a near fall. Zayn almost got hit by the 619, and was about to walk out of the match when Rob Van Dam, The Hurricane, Sgt. Slaughter and Kurt Angle showed up. They approached him and forced him back in the ring, so Mysterio gave him the 619 and the five star frog splash for RVD and the win. 
Grade: B. Pretty fun match, and I always like seeing Sgt. Slaughter. I’m shocked that RVD showed up, given his appearances on Impact lately. But the match was pretty good, and I liked seeing the legends. 
The Street Profits were backstage, singing about the Reunion. Montez Ford found Angelo Dawkins putting eye drops in, asking if he was skating with the pilots (smoking weed). Dawkins responded that he was hanging out with RVD, so he was smoking weed. He said that he hung out with Mark Henry, Kelly Kelly, and Ric Flair, but they had to leave cuz the Boogyman was there. And Dawkins had to leave because the Godfather gave him a call. As he walked away, Ford looked hurt.  That was funny. 
Then Alundra Blayze came out and tried to drop the 24/7 championship in the trash can, but Ted Dibiase came out. He offered to buy the 24/7 championship from her. He gave her a wad of cash, and she gave him the 24/7 championship. He cackled and left. This is the best 24/7 stuff yet. 
Jerry Lawler came out to commentary next. Styles had a new entrance thing, with the screen just saying “the only club that matters.” I was annoyed at first, but it really is great heat. The two started out with some striking and shoulder tackles, going back and forth in the beginning of the match. Rollins was in control for a bit, only for Karl Anderson to distract him and allowed AJ to get control. The OC’s were about to attack Rollins, but DX, Shawn Michaels and Triple H came down to back him up. As the match continued, Rollins was about to hit Styles with the stomp, but the OC’s tripped him up. They attacked Rollins, and caused a DQ. They then offered the too sweet to DX, but they gave them the suck it and brawled with the OC’s. The OC’s then grabbed chairs, only for the Road Dogg, X-Pac, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash. He said that Chyna’s spirit was with them, and that was about 7. Then he said “crap, I forgot Billy” and told the OC’s that they were the OG’s, and told them to get out of here. Road Dogg then gave Rollins the mic, and he gave the suck it. 
Grade: B-. This was fun. Road Dogg is still great on the mic, and even yelling at Billy Gunn, who I think is in AEW now, was funny. The Club wasn’t buried too much, and we saw a lot of people. The match was pretty good too.
Backstage, we saw the Dibiase get in a limo, where there was a bunch of commotion, and Drake Maverick walked out of the limo as the champion. 
Mick Foley then came out to talk about Raw, and put the program over. As he talked, Drake Maverick and the midcard ran through, and Foley vowed to win the 24/7 championship before the night was over. He then wanted to show his favorite moment, winning the championship on the big screen, but the Fiend showed up again, attacking him in the ring. Wyatt even used the mandible claw to take Foley down. 
Grade: B. Wyatt is still badass, but Foley didn’t sell all that well. I am really excited to see where the Fiend story goes from here, because there was no Finn Balor. Good stuff though, I love this revamped Wyatt character. 
Then we had a moment of bliss, with Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross. They welcomed Becky Lynch as their guest. They were about to start the interview, when Natalya came out and said that Lynch should say what she needed to to here face. Bliss just kinda sat around and stirred the pot in this segment. They talked about how they had similar journey, but Becky didn’t respect Natalya at all. Lynch said that Natalya betrayed her by offering to train Ronda Rousey, but she beat her anyway. Lynch said that the Raw Women’s Championship was Rousey’s scalp, and she wont let anyone take it from her. She then said that she’d embarrass Nattie in her home country and the two brawled. 
Backstage, Natalya was interviewed about the brawl. Nattie said that Becky made this personal by saying that she built the women’s evolution rather than people like Nattie. 
Grade: B+. Not as good as last week, but they were still really good on the mic together. That should be a great match, and I’m really excited for it. 
Maverick was about to escape the arena in a limo with his wife, but Truth pinned him right outside of the limo. Renee was holding onto the belt and keeping him standing, but Carmella kicked her and he was rolled up for the win. Truth then jumped in the limo, and they drove off. Maverick was very upset that he lost both his wife and title. 
24/7 grade: A. This was everything that a 24/7 story on Raw Reunion should have been. It was funny, lots of big names. and very entertaining. This is the best part of the show tonight. 
Braun Strowman came out for a quick squash. 
Grade: B-. This happened, and it was fine.
And in the main event, we had a toast to Raw. Out here was Steve Austin, Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels and Hulk Hogan. All the biggest names. The rest of the legends came out as well, paying respect to flair. Also, Alicia Fox was out there with them for some reason. I really do not know why, but for some reason it was wonderful. Hogan cut a nice little promo, but Ric Flair did not. Michael Cole put over the show, and finally Steve Austin came out at the very end. Thankfully, he got on the mic and said some words. He got the what chant, but he is the only person that it is okay when they do that. He put over everyone on the stage, saying that they did everything for this business, and called them his family. He called all the WWE fans family. He gave a nice little promo talking about some nice stories from his stay. He then invited everyone to the ring to share beer. It was a nice speech.
Grade: B+. Just nice to see everyone together and talking. IT was a good promo, and a nice nostalgia ride through Raw. 
Overall Grade: B
Pros: Miz TV; Mysterio vs. Zayn; The Fiend; 24/7 stuff; toast to raw; fun nostalgia
Cons: not many good matches
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thejaderaven · 5 years
TASK 001: Character Development
The Jade Raven
1. Height? 5″4
2. Eye colour? One green, one gold. Looking into her gold eye closely you will see light swirling within it. When her lightborn ability is activated the light pours out of her gold eye.
3. Do they need glasses? No, perfect vision, probably as a result of the experiments.
4. Scars and birthmark? Jade’s left arm is covered in tiny tally mark scars. Each one is self inflicted and stands for each person she had killed since she escaped The Black House. The rest of Jade’s body is also covered in scars as a result of the surgeries and experiments she went through and the fights she endured during her childhood at The Black House. Prominent ones are a long one down her spine and one across her lower stomach.
5. Tattoos and piercings? Jade’s entire back is covered in a tattoo of a twisting serpent-type demon.
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6. Right or left handed? She is ambidextrous but is slightly more dominate with her right
7. Any disabilities? Physical or mental. The result of the experiments on her emotions could very simply be asperger, as whatever emotions she does feel she doesn’t understand and struggles to express. PTSD probably
8. Do they have any allergies? Although it is not an allergy, Jade tends to only eat vegan food but she’s not strict following it.
9. Favourite colour? Deep red.
10. Typical outfits? Jade is more often then not seen in her ornate red, black and gold heavy plate armour with her glaive across her back, her hair tied up and a mask which he only wears in battle. When armour is unnecessary she wears simple clothes such as baggy vest tops and pants in greys and blacks with a red robe/kimono she wears over the top to cover her scars.
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11. Do they wear any makeup? She occasionally wears a streak of red makeup/paint across her eyes when going into battle. Other then that, none.
12. What weapon do they use, if any? She uses a glaive. The one you can very often see her with is one she was given at The Black House and still uses to this day.
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13. Are they more optimistic or pessimistic? Definitely a pessimistic, especially when it comes to herself and her nature. She will always see more of the dark over the light in herself.
14. Are they introverted or extroverted? Introverted in that they tend to avoid most social interactions and doesn’t keep many friends. Extroverted in that when she does occasionally get into longer conversations with people she is not afraid to speak her mind as she doesn’t normally follow the social cue of if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.
15. What are their pet peeves? Jade has always been baffled by the rich and their need for luxurious lifestyles. She was always taught that you need nothing more the the necessities of survival, so seeing people wasting money on useless jewellery or art while other people are struggling to get enough food to feed their families is definitely something that annoys her. For more common pet peeves she hates anyone that unnecessarily invades her personal space or people who don’t follow through with their actions. If you say your gonna do something, just do it.
16. What bad habits do they have? Jade is a pacer, especially when she is angered or confused by something. She tends to have a habit to just disappear on people without saying goodbye or saying where she is going. People say she can be argumentative. Her biggest bad habit is probably her tally marks, lets be honest here.
17. Do they have any phobias? Theophobia aka a fear of the gods. She believes because of the fiend blood in her system that they will eventually come down to punish her, as such she refused to walk or enter any holy ground or temples because she believes it will burn her.
18. How do they display affection? This is not something Jade is used to and has been slowly learning how to do so. At the moment she tends to get rather quiet oppose to her blunt, argumentative self around someone she is actually genuinely interested in. She will show honest enthusiasm in having a deep conversation with you and can get rather philosophical, without actually revealing too much about herself however.
19. How competitive are they? Very. Throughout her entire childhood being raised at The Black House she was constantly being put up against people and asked to prove herself as the best. When she met Orin this was brought out in both of them as they would end up tracking their wins against each other and turn that into a competition in itself.
20. If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be? Her nature, DNA, biology, whatever you want to call it. She would want to cleanse her blood of the things that her parents and The Black House did to her, the fiend blood and Orin’s light trapped inside her, each of them currently fighting within.
21. Do they have any obscure hobbies or routines? Jade starts the day by meditating, as a way to clear her head of any of the nightmares that plagued her sleep. She also takes a comfort in sharping the blade on her glaive and will sometimes sit for hours doing it slowly.
22. What are the names and ages of their close family members? Parents, siblings, etc. Jade’s parents names were Amabelle and Alessandro Farguard. She has no siblings which she knows of, but since she never knew her parents and The Black House never shared much with her, its a possibility.
23. Is their family alive and are they still in contact with them? Her mother died during childbirth and her father committed suicide the same day so she never knew her real parents.
24. Where are they from? City, nation? Somewhere in Hegaehend?
25. Did they have a childhood best friend? Yes and no. She spent 19 years of her life alone within The Black House facility until she met Orin and they were inseparable for 3 years.
26. Have they had any pets? No, it was never something she was allowed and even now the idea of being responsible for another life doesn’t appeal to her.
27. Did they grow up rich or poor? What were their living conditions like? Money was never a concern for Jade. She had a roof over her head, a bed to sleep in and 3 meals a day which is more then most people could say. However, she was a prisoner within the organisation.
28. What is their educational background? Although she received an extensive education while at The Black House Jade was only ever taught about what they wanted her to know, so her views may be a little skewed on certain beliefs, customs and events.
29. As a child, what did they want to be when they grew up? She never had any dreams like that. She was trained to be the perfect fighter so that is what she aimed for.
30. What advice would they give to their younger self? “Don’t be so passive as a prisoner. Attempt to escape earlier, there is more out there for you... And take Orin with you.”
31. Growing up, were they ever bullied or were they the bully? Jade never had enough interactions with other people to experience either of these things.
32. Who do they look up to/who is their role model? For a while it was Orin. At The Black House the pair were always taught that Orin was the embodiment of good and Jade evil, and considering Jade believed him to be an angel for a brief time when they met it was only natural for Jade to want to be like him.
33. Do they currently have a place of residence? No, they travel around a lot and don’t tend to stay in the same place for too long, especially cities. She does believe she is on the run after all.
34. What is their most treasured possession? In the final fight Orin and Jade shared Orin ended up breaking his blade he was so furious. As he was dragged away to stop from killing her she stole the broken hilt of his greatsword and still has it to this day. That or her own weapon, the ornate glaive that The Black House gifted to her.
35. What is their drink of choice? Whiskey, although she doesn’t get effected by alcohol.
36. Which king/queen are they loyal to, if any? Having only learnt about that part of history about 3 years ago she tends to not concern herself with the politics of the royals, however she does fight for King Rolland’s army.
37. Have they ever killed anyone? Oh boy, has she. To know how many all you need to do is look at the number of tally mark scars on her left arm.
38. What was their last promise and did they keep it? Jade has never made promises very lightly and can’t actually remember the last one she made. Maybe it was to Orin to help him with a certain part of his training.
39. What was their first kiss like, if they’ve had one? A while after escaping The Black House Jade ended up in a conversation with a lovely women in a tavern. They talked for several hours, which was unusual for Jade as she didn’t trust many people back then, before the women eventually stole a kiss from her. Jade was extremely shocked and ended up pushing her away. The women told her she wouldn’t charge her due to the misunderstanding, which still confuses Jade to this day...
40. Are they in a relationship/have a love interest? She has never been in a relationship however things looked to be a possibility between her and Orin before things went terribly wrong. Well, it was a possibility if Jade ever figured out what her feelings towards him were and if Orin wasn’t so oblivious.
41. Have they ever been in love? Jade doesn’t understand a lot of the emotions she feels but she knows Orin means a lot to her. Whether that is love is yet to be seen.
42. Have they ever had their heart broken? Yes by herself. She feels incredible guiltly for what happened to Orin despite it being The Black House’s doing and even worse for running away and leaving him behind. She could of saved him too.
43. Do they follow a god, if so who? No, quite the opposite.
44. What do they think happens to them after death? Jade believes she will probably end up in the nine hells with whatever devil’s blood is running through her veins. 
45. What is their spirit animal? A raven obviously, the omen of bad luck
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gale-lavellan · 6 years
((Got this from X and thought I’d RP it as Gale.))
1. What is your name?
My name is Gale Lavellan.
2. What is your real name?
...Gale...Lavellan...? You’re not very-...Shit, you’re not one of those “you’re the Herald of Andraste!” people are you? I’m so tired of that nonsensical title. You have no idea. We figured out that it was Justinia who sent me back, not Andraste!
3. Do you know why you were called that?
Yes, because religious fanatics can’t consider that maybe other people are amazing. It has to be some divine intervention or other crap. 
...I realize you meant my name...That was because my mother liked the common language, and particularly a name that reflected the weather at the time. We had ‘gale’ winds the day I was born, apparently. So, it stuck.
4. Are you single or taken?
Very happily taken by Dorian Pavus. Granted, the distance is a bit annoying, but I have a sending crystal so I can talk to him. It’s still a little hard to sleep without him beside me though...
5. Have any abilities or powers?
I am a mage, and for a while, I did have the anchor, but that is gone...as you can see. *holds up stump* But it’s fine. I was ambidextrous, and I can do everything I need to for my magic with my right hand. It is a bit hard to get dressed though. 
6. What is your eye color?
How did Dorian put it? “Amethysts of the night sky”...Cheesy and poetic...Gods, I miss him...
7. How about your hair color?
Ebony black.
8. Have you any family members?
My mother died when I was 16, but my father, and twin sisters, are alive and well.
9. Oh? What about pets?
Revas, my hart. He’s been my mount since I was named First when I was 16...not long after my mother died...
10. That’s cool I guess, now tell me about something you don’t like.
I hate when people insist that one group is inherently evil because they did something bad, or because of a few bad eggs. I chose to keep the Grey Wardens around because I knew they could rise above what they’d been tricked into. I did make sure Alistair stuck around to lead them, and retrain them, but they proved their value. I still get the odd encounter with someone who wishes I’d just banished them.
11. Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing?
I do enjoy singing. That’s really the only one. I don’t do it in public though, so don’t ask.
12. Ever hurt anyone before?
Who hasn’t? Physically or not, it’s impossible to go through life without doing that. Also, you know...I’ve been in plenty of battles.
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
No! What ever gave you /that/ idea?! I’ve never /killed/ anybody! All of the mages, templars, venatori, and other people who’ve attacked me and failed are on a farm in the North having the time of their lives! 
Damn...Dorian really is rubbing off on me. This can’t be good...
14. What kind of animal are you?
What? Like, if I could turn into one? Probably a cat or a fox. Something sneaky but playful.
15. Name your worst habits.
I have been known to chew my fingernails. Sometimes I go a little too far, and they hurt for a few days. It isn’t a constant issue, but it does happen before a big fight. I’m surprised I had any nails left before the fight with Corypheus. 
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
Dorian, Cole, Bull, and my Keeper, of course. All of them are great people who I will always look up to. I used to also look up to Fen’Harel and Solas, but not only are they the same person...He’s a piece of shit who plans to destroy the world. So that kind of kills the mood.
17. Gay, straight, or bisexual?
*Looks around the room at all the naked male Qunari statues in the hall and next to his throne(shown here X)* Is-...Is this not gay enough? I can show you my bed too. It’s got two of these statues pulling it.
18. Do you go to school?
I mean, I am still learning magic. But I’m past being taught. It’s more mastering the craft now.
19. Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day?
Marriage might be nice for fun. Dorian and I would love a party and all of that to celebrate our love...and to piss off the nobles in Tevinter. And we’d actually get to have another in my clan as well, which would just be fun. However, kids are out of the question. Neither one of us is really a big fan of them.
20. Do you have any fanboys/fangirls?
...Far too many. I mean, I like some of the attention, but the ones that still see me as a religious figure and icon need to stop. I’ve made it very clear how I feel about that...
21. What are you most afraid of?
I know this may be cliche, and it’s obvious by now, but losing Dorian. He’s my world. I can’t imagine being /without/ him at this point...
22. What do you usually wear?
Mage armour. I know armour isn’t known for comfort, but it’s actually really nice for mages, and it also looks damn good on me, so I’m not about to wear something else.
23. Do you love someone?
I thought it was obvious by now, but Dorian Pavus. He is the love of my life, and nothing will change that.
24. When was the last time you wet yourself?
The first time I fought a full-grown dragon. I mean, the scar on my face is from a dragonling for one, so I’ve always been naturally cautious of them, but when you have something 10 times that size flying around and breathing fire at you, your body does whatever the fuck it wants...
25. Well, it’s not over yet!
Fine by me. I’m enjoying myself.
26. What class are you? (High class, middle class, low class)
High-Middle? I mean, since the Inquisition is disbanded, I’m not ‘officially’ high class anymore, and I don’t have that much money myself, so...it’s hard to say.
27. How many friends do you have?
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
It’s delicious.
29. Favorite drink?
30. What’s your favourite place?
Right now? A certain office in Tevinter...
31. Are you interested in someone?
No. I haven’t been gushing about anyone for the last ten minutes. Not at all.
32. What’s your bra cup size and/or how big is your willy?
I have no idea about the first part. I’ve never worn a bra. But I’m 7 inches long. I’m also a little on the thin side, so it’s that much better for sex with Dorian. I can hit the pleasure points without hurting him.
33. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
Lake. The ocean is too big. I would feel more vulnerable there than anything.
34. What’s your type?
Honey skin, grey/hazel eyes, dark hair with an undercut, a /glorious/ mustache, scathing wit, and a silky voice that makes me melt. What? Too specific?
35. Any fetishes?
Now /that/ is treading a little close to danger. But I will say silk scarves are a fun thing I keep around whenever I know I’m seeing Dorian.
36. Seme or uke? Top or Bottom? Dominant or Submissive?
Dorian and I are both very dominant, so we switch. If we are both in a particularly dominating mood, we ‘fight’ for it.
37. Camping or indoors?
Camping. The risk of being caught is always a bit of a thrill. And you got a second fetish out of me...Damn you.
38. Are you wanting the interview to end?
Nah, but I get the feeling-
39. Now it’s over!
Well, this was fun.
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thesolaceoftomorrow · 6 years
Cute Couple Asks <3
THE BASICS 1. When did you both get together?  Right around middle of high school I believe. 2. Who made the first move? I do believe it was myself. 3. How long have you been a couple? Over two years <3 4. How did you first meet? School.... 5. Were you already close friends before going out as a couple? Oh, goodness no! 6. Are you/Were you ever in the same class at school? Hardly, if he even went to school that is.. 7. Are you long-distance? Not any more!!!!! :D 8. Are you in an open, regular or committed relationship? Committed. 9. Do you live together? Yes!! 10. Are you engaged? If yes, describe your proposal. If no, what ring would you like? Not yet... 11. Are you married? If yes, describe your wedding. If no, would you consider marriage? Not yet.... 12. Which one of you is older? What is the age difference?  I’m  little younger. 13. Which one of you is taller? What is the height difference? We’re similar in height. 14. Do you share any of the same hobbies/interests/passions? Some... 15. What fictional couples would you compare yourselves to? He’s my rugged Prince Charming <3 But Tophy’s more of a tarzan. 16. Sum up your relationship in 6 words or less. Opposites who mesh well. 17. Doodle a little picture of you both as a couple. 18. Describe your relationship using only emoticons. 19. Share a cute photo of you both together. ATTRACTION 20. Top 5 fav things about your partner. He’s resourceful, caring, protective, caring, Adorable 21. Your partner’s top 5 fav things about you. I’m not sure! 22. What physical traits do you find most attractive about your partner? Right now I love his haircut. But I love his muscles and his cute little cheeks and the way he blushes. He’s also got the cutest dimples. 23. What physical traits does your partner find most attractive about you? I know he liked my smile. 24. What personality traits do you find most attractive about your partner? His caring attitude. His love of his animals. 25. What personality traits does your partner find most attractive about you? My mormonnes? 26. Do you hold hands in public? Any other public displays of affection? Yep!! He doesn’t like it all the time, but we do! 27. List your top 3 turn-ons about your partner. That smile of his, his smirk, his knowing attitude 28. List your partner’s top 3 turn-ons about you. My mormon undies. 29. How would you seduce your partner? How would they seduce you? Get in the undies. 30. Innocently or not, where do you like your partner to touch you? ;) 31. Describe your partner’s eyes. Really youthful. They’ve seen things, but still have that glint of life. 32. Describe your partner’s hair. Soft, very soft and silky. Short and tossed just slightly. Neatly trimmed. CLEAN. 33. Describe your partner’s smile. Cute, especially when his teeth show. I love how his teeth are a bit off. 34. What is your partner’s voice like? Rough, rugged. 35. What is your partner’s scent like? Dirt. 36. How does your partner impress you? How do you impress them? Being so mart and outdoors like. He knows thing. And that french thing. 37. What outfit would you like to see your partner in? What would they like to see you wear?  A nice suite and all dressed up! 38. Show your fav picture of your partner that they’ve posted online. ROMANCE 39. Do you have cute pet names for each other? Moo, Tophy, Lou Lou 40. What’s one of your favourite memories as a couple? Seeing him after being away for so long. 41. Describe your favourite date so far? The Mormon Carnival we did <3 42. What’s the sweetest thing that your partner’s ever done for you? Take care of me when I was sick. 43. Do either of you get jealous? He does. 44. Is one of you protective of the other? Yes. 45. How do you both like to kiss?  Yes!! 46. How do you both like to cuddle?  I do. 47. What’s a gift that you’ve given to your partner? And one they’ve given to you? Giraffee plushes, and he gave me this cute dog that looked like my dog Badger!! 48. Are you an openly mushy couple or a reserved couple? I like to think mushy.. Lol. 49. Does one of you like to cook for the other? He can cook. I can, slightly. 50. Do you have unique ringtones/images for each other on your phones? Of course!!! 51. Have you ever had your initials written on a tree or in the sand? Yes... 52. What’s “your song”? God Must Have Spent a Little More Time on You- Nsync 53. Do you own any items that are a special symbol of your relationship? Yes <3 54. What did you both do for Valentine’s Day? I couldn’t call him.... 55. Do you express your love lavishly or discreetly? Lavishly. 56. What’s the funniest thing you can remember your partner doing? Insulting one of the religious people at church. 57. Does thinking about your partner still give you butterflies? Yes 58. What’s the weirdest part of your relationship? His worms in his pockets. BEING TOGETHER 59. Fav things to do together on a rainy day? Cuddle in blankets 60. Fav things to do together on a sunny day? Pool Days 61. Got any plans together for next week? Some. 62. What’s your favourite thing to share together? Everything <3 63. What did you do for your partner’s latest birthday? What did they do for yours? I was away :( 64. Where would you like to go on holiday together? France 65. You have a whole weekend to yourselves and 500 in cash- what do you do? Lots. 66. How would you comfort your partner on a bad day? How would they comfort you? the mormon undies. 67. Where would you both get takeout together?  Pizza and Movies. 68. What’s the longest time you’ve been apart? 2 years. 69. What things remind you of your partner? What things remind them of you? Dirt. 70. Has your relationship changed at all since it first started?  He’s gotten more gentle. 71. Have you ever worked on a project together? No. 72. Have you both influenced each other in any way? I like to think he’s more gentle because of me. 73. Have either of you made sacrifices for this relationship? Yes. 74. Has you discovered anything surprising about your partner? His scary is all an act. 75. How have you both made a positive impact on each other’s lives?  I’d like to think. 76. What do you both mutually agree is the most important part of your relationship? Hm, I’m not sure EVERYDAY LIFE 77. What are the everyday things you both do to show you care about each other? Cute little kissies 78. Do you follow each other’s blogs/twitter/instagram?  Yes. 79. Is there a favourite place that you both frequently go to together? Yeah 80. What TV shows do you like to watch together? Food Network, Drama Shows. 81. How do you relax together? Cuddles 82. What sleep positions do you tend to sleep together in? Normal. 83. Do you borrow each other’s clothes or other items? Yes, I try to wear his clothes sometimes. 84. Do you ever share the bathroom together? Yes. 85. How do you both keep in touch when you’re away from each other? Yes!! 86. Do you share secrets between each other? no. 87. Do you rotate house chores or do you each have assigned chore duties? We share duties. 88. Do you remember how your partner takes their coffee/tea/bar drinks? Black,  with vodka. 89. What does your partner think of your Tumblr?  He likes it. 90. What characters do you play as together when playing multiplayer games? He’s not really into video games. COMPATABILITY 91. Are you both introverted/extroverted or opposites?  Both. 92. Who is the more dominant/submissive one?   We mix. 93. What are some major differences between you both? My faith, and his non. 94. When are you both “in your element” together? Alone. 95. Who would win in an arm-wrestling contest? Mole 96. What are each of your zodiac signs and how do they compare? 97. What are each of your MBTI types and how do they compare? 98. What are each of your Hogwarts houses and how do they compare? 99. If you were both in a dating sim, what character tropes would each of you be? 100. If you were both animals what would you be? Would you be the same animal?  he would be a giraffe, me a dog. 101. How does your partner’s wardrobe differ from yours?  Mine is cleaner. 102. Have you ever both said something at the exact same time?  yes! 103. Rate your relationship on a scale of basic vanilla (1) to extremely kinky (10) 7. 104. Mix your fav colour with your partner’s fav colour- what is the result? Brown-Blue. 105. If you were both ingredients, what would each of you be and what would be the resulting recipe? (e.g. PB & jelly sandwich)  Dirt pie, 106. Which of you would win in a Pokemon battle? Assign yourself and your partner a fitting Pokemon type (e.g. water, grass, poison etc). Are either of you super effective against the other? CONFLICT 107. What happens when you argue with each other? How do you both make up?  He cools off. 108. What’s something that your partner does that annoys you? How do you annoy them?  Worms in the pockets. 109. What are some imperfections that you love about your partner?  All of them. 110. What are some imperfections that your partner loves about you?  Hopefully all? 111. Has your partner ever accidentally hurt you? Have you accidentally hurt them? Accidentally, yes. 112. Is there anything about you that your partner just doesn’t understand?  Mormon things. 113. Is there anything about your partner that you just don’t understand?  Some of his French things. 114. When was the last time you cried about your relationship and why? On my trip, because I missed him. 115. What is something you love that your partner hates?  God. 116. What is something you hate that your partner loves? Dr. Phil. 117. When was the last time you had to apologise to your partner and why? Lying about  my coming home. 118. Do either of you get too clingy?  I don’t think so. 119. Do you have any insecurities about your relationship?  Sometimes 120. When was a time that your relationship was put to the test?  My trip. 121. What would your partner have to do to make you end the relationship? Nothing. RELATIONS 122. Does your family approve of your relationship? Not much. 123. What do your friends think of your relationship?  Confused. 124. How do you both act together around others as opposed to when you’re alone together? More conservative. 125. How did you first reveal to people that you were going out? Make out in the fall. 126. Do you think you and your partner look similar to each other? No. 127. How does your partner treat you special compared to everyone else in their life? Yes. 128. Do you both have a mutual friend group, or only separate friendship groups?  Were both just kind of both of us. 129. What’s a common misconception about your relationship? He’s not nice. 130. Has your relationship affected any of your relations with others? Possibly. 131. Has anyone tried to sabotage your relationship? Families. 132. Quote something somebody has said about your relationship. “This game needs to stop.” 133. Quote something somebody has said about your partner.” He’s not of God, Gareth.” FUTURE 134. What do you hope for the future of your relationship? A life with him. 135. If you both got married, what would you want your wedding to be like? Nice. 136. Can you imagine what your ideal home would look like? Large yard, nice fence. 137. Do you have kids/want to have kids? What would they be like? Yes. 138. If you could do anything for your partner what would you do? Give him the world. 139. Do you think you’ll still be together when you’re old and wrinkly? I hope. 140. Got any relationship advice? No.
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huberleo · 3 years
Once upon a time there was a strange man stranded in a strange city
Visitors must adapt for they are complete aliens, even if they were kinsmen in a previous life. The host does not feel comfortable with all these aliens and makes them adapt by force. Unless the intruder secures himself by flight, they seldom fail at last to kill or to take him prisoner[1] and make him subject to this new world.
Lenny finds himself in Vienna, dislocated, dispossessed, lost. There is no flock to lead anymore, no divinity to represent. Lenny needs this feeling of power, this machinery around him that listens to his every whim. He craves the fear with which people approach him. He likes to toy with these people. They are not his equal and will never be. Lenny is obsessed with legacy, with power made real. I wish to remain an eternal enigma to myself and to others.[2] Lenny needs to rule over someone. Something. Lenny stands in front of the house. Ludwig is a kingdom. A realm complete in itself, surrounded by a wall. What king did not seat him at his table [3].
Prepare for battle
With him, Lenny has a chair, a throne, the last remnant of his time as god’s representative on earth. A souvenir onto which he projects his ideas of rule. Lenny stands in front of Ludwig. I'm ready to wage a war without end against you.[4] He sees himself as a being of greater glory and importance than his fellow men. He was of so great ability, even as a private citizen, that one who writes of him says he wanted nothing but a kingdom to be a king.[5]
Ludwig likes rationality, Ludwig likes a good encyclopaedia that defines the world and its inhabitants and divides them into categories. Ludwig likes the absolute truth, Ludwig does not want to acknowledge the fact that there might be another absolute truth than his. Ludwig is a house.
But Ludwig cannot explain Lenny. Lenny is an intruder. Lenny sees himself as a conqueror of worlds and Ludwig is his target. Ludwig is Vienna and Lenny is Suleiman the magnificent. Lenny is self- indulgent and he is willing to ignore the fact that history already provided a likely outcome for his quest. Lenny sees himself as beyond the realm of man, he is Genghis Khan and therefore what he invades, he conquers. Lenny likes to place himself in the pantheon of emperors, conquerors, military geniuses and deities. For he is not man, but legend. Humans are mortal; their glory may escape death. [6]
 Lenny is about to enter Ludwig clad in the armour of his extreme perception of himself and his idea of a perfect world. Do they fight to the death? [7] While shutting the enemy in with his siege works he drove them to fall on their own swords.[8] That's the fate of power.[9]  He wants to conquer Ludwig and make him his subject, a being that exists for nothing but to serve its master in his glory. That master being Lenny. Of course. Ludwig prepares for war.
In the eyes of contemporaries, siege warfare unfolds like a classical drama.[10] You hesitate before entering a new world as an intruder, and becoming an alien. The anticipation of the moment may be more than you bargained for. Or it might be less. The city lives suspended in history, always waiting for someone or something, condemned to remain in precarious balance, always on the verge of resurrection but also a step back from the brink, exaltations following depressions.[11]. Nevertheless, a siege took tremendous organizational skill.[12]
A dog believes his master is at the door.[13] Ludwig is no dog. Ludwig is well read in the art of battle. Ludwig knows what to do, for when the battle begins: here we are plunged into a world entirely mechanical. [14] In extreme conditions, when he was under siege, the gates were closed, the battlements were manned, and the house became the city became self contained for the duration.[15] It is the way Ludwig relates to his surroundings and their history, as a place that withstood siege. Ludwig has a high wall all around him. Ludwig is a fortress. Ludwig has one way in and when Lenny makes use of it he will strike back. Ludwig is armed neutrality, but you shall not escape. [16] Away, run, haste, speed! [17]
War What is it good for?[18]
The threshold
A gate. A door. A void. A place between worlds. Between the two, there is threshold and fiber, symbiosis of or passage between heterogeneities. [19]  It is the momentary realization of leaving and entering at the same time. In a fraction of a certain time that cannot be measured you are both at once, past and future simultaneously without a present. Then you step into another world as another self and leave the alien in its pure form on the threshold, only to assume its form again once you step back into the past.
The first door. A gate in a wall. Lenny had expected something massive with at least one portcullis, something he would have to fight his way through. This is why fairy tales often had medieval architectural environments – to house their battles where good triumphs over evil, in a land far away, once upon a medieval time. [20] But it was only a simple door, almost hidden in the fabric of the wall. There was no handle but when he pushed it gave way.
Lenny stands on the threshold, he has breached the wall and the house is his. He will take hold of it, fly his flag and overwrite its mind and being. Ludwig is ready, the door behind Lenny falls shut, stranding possible reinforcements outside. And though he, as the house is the most precise product of modern processes there will be entrenched within it this ancient loyalty invulnerable against the siege of our machines. [21] Every part of Ludwig is ready to fight. To defend itself with a selflessness that creates legends. These assurances produced a degree of calm. [22] It was a dangerous calm, the one that makes you uneasy and dying to leave. Yet both fear the moment of truth when they have to confront each other not only in mind but in body. Lenny takes a step. Leaving any roots he had behind, for this step completely unearths him. The structure of reality has been fragmented, for the abolition of the mythical horizon has destroyed the divine mystery that lies beyond it. [23]
After the breach
The Garden surrounding the house in front of him feels strangely calm, almost surreal. Definitely not what Lenny expected, in his mind the battle to come had amassed to epic proportion but there were no raging hordes here was just a house, surrounded by a garden as calm as the house appeared minimalist to Lenny’s taste. The garden was baroque in geometry, but devoid of anything Lenny would have perceived as an ornament. In front of him, a door. His next objective. It too, was devoid of ornament but appeared more intimidating than the last.
Ludwig studied the strange form in front of him. Ludwig had not expected this. This was not how invading armies presented themselves, just standing in the garden and staring. The unfamiliarity of their situation made both of them uncomfortable, very much so. Both wanted to escape this weird stalemate. It felt wrong and yet there was a fascination with a pull that was impossible to ignore. Ludwig opened his front door.
Entering the house
Lenny enters the house, the door seemed to carry the weight of the entire building.[24] His moment has come, the door was meant only for him.[25] Right behind that door: Hell.[26] Lenny stands on a threshold once again, determined to make this house a home, by any means necessary —a Modification of general features [27]  for a start. Lenny comes from a world where everything revolved around him, he needs everything to be about him. He finds himself in a room, completely bare yet decorated with a variety of doors to go through next. The apparent lack of ornament disturbs Lenny, he wants Ludwig to become this bastion of his personal power far away from Rome, a temple to enshrine himself in, like the emperors of old. The room was not small, neither was it the size Lenny wanted it to be. Lenny wants a room where to put his chair. A throne room. The object of a cult, subjected to varying interpretations, the bearer of many different values, this throne is a memorial, a monument to the glory of Lenny and of his immortal self.[28] No reasoning power, no commandment, no force can override his inclination or his choice.[29] The throne admits not two. [30] Still, Ludwig is a force to be reckoned with.
Ludwig is intrigued by Lenny. That was until Lenny, deeming the present room to small, opens a next door to check the room behind. Ludwig watches in astonishment as Lenny proceeds to tear down the wall separating those rooms. How dare he change proportions Ludwig sees as a product of perfection. But when Lenny goes about the house, his manoeuvre was accompanied by another change. [31] His demeanour evolved from invasive force to reluctant explorer. He opens another door finding himself face to face with a wall. Ludwig’s initial interest in this strange creature has turned into anger. He put the wall there. Retaliation for this act of vandalism. Annoyed, Lenny turns to the next door, only to find it locked. Telling himself, he will have to break it down to show his dominance, his victory over Ludwig, he notices the intricate mechanism that barred him from opening that particular door. A thing of beauty, not comparable with the crude machinery Lenny expected.
Ludwig, suddenly full with pride, unlocks the door for Lenny. Once again interest surfaces. He starts to feel more at ease now that this alien shows a basic appreciation for him. But Ludwig knows he is a labyrinth, and Lenny will get lost.
Dragging his chair with him Lenny gets fully immersed in the labyrinth. With each room Lenny goes through the needed changes are becoming less, becoming smaller, the rooms becoming bigger. If the features change slightly, we can speak of a corresponding change in the fear.[32] Ludwig watches Lenny rummage through his rooms, rearrange his features. With every new room Lenny enters, his presence becomes more familiar to Ludwig.
All the hostility built up over the course of the siege slowly disappears until there is none left. Their intricate battle plans, strategies reliant upon battles past, become obsolete. With every threshold Lenny passes the alienation of a new room, a new world is like a blow to him. With every threshold Lenny leaves something behind. A trail consisting of fragments. Like an animal shedding fur, Lenny sheds hostility. Ludwig develops the need to accommodate Lenny, not as a guest but as an integral part of himself. For Lenny did not just leave parts of himself behind, he also infused Ludwig with them. And so there would be neither accord nor conflict here,[33] but growth. With every new room Lenny enters while Ludwig watches they grow closer, they get to know each other. They lay bare their soul completely.
Lenny stands on a threshold, before him a room as grand in proportion as he imagined, a throne room. He places the chair in the middle of the room. Ludwig watches Lenny wander around the full extent of the space. Ludwig doesn’t know where this room came from, it just felt as if it belonged there. It feels like an essential part of him. Ludwig watches as Lenny starts to move towards the wall nearest to him. There is no fear of destruction only wonder as Lenny starts to paint the walls, telling of a mythical battle of great proportion, a mighty hero, banished and dispossessed, conquering a new realm and installing himself as the divine ruler. The design of the History was very much an expression of his mind; he hopes it may stand, not unworthily, as a monument to his work. [34] The story sounds familiar to Ludwig. Life and growth went on.[35]
Lenny, absorbed in his retelling only notices the door when it gives way once he starts painting on it. Like a hidden servants door in a palace it appears completely invisible. Standing at the threshold of the house he looks over the whole garden.[36] Neither the parterre nor the surrounding groves show any original features.[37] yet they do not feel different, they merely feel just as they should be.
Change is evident. [38] But not in the individual. There is no winner because there was no battle.
Hortus conclusus
Enclosed space, a walled world, a wall around your own paradise/ hell/ purgatory – eternal state. Every time the being that occupies this safe space ventures into another, it is as if it travelled to another realm of reality. As soon as it enters the new space it becomes alien from the old one. Therefore the hortus conclusus has to adapt to accommodate the changed needs of its resident every time they come back to what they perceive as home. It is a place of personal refuge. A place of dreams, longing and desires made real.
Lenny steps into the garden. It is his garden. It is also Ludwig’s garden. A perfect refuge with no need for change whatsoever. It is neither the geometrical, minimalist place it was not is it the heavily ornamented representation of power and fame Lenny wanted it to be. Still, to both it is just like paradise. Even to the most prosaic it always holds something of a promise of the peaceful and pleasant place that lies within. [39] Together they walked toward the garden.[34] And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.[40] Their very own hortus conclusus.
How great a resemblance of a holy and virtuous soul is a calm, serene day. [41] Lenny has become Ludwig. Ludwig has become Lenny. The one cannot be without the other for they have achieved symbiosis. Their need for the familiarization of the unknown has merged them into a single being. Together they have become god of their own universe. Both have become new versions of themselves. Same but different. And for this reason, whatever was uncertain among the ancients has now attained the most assured calm, and no source of indecision has been left. [42]  they are blessed, serene, and rejoice in their splendour.[43] The evening was extremely calm and beautiful.[44]
A door in a wall
Lenny opens his eyes and sees a single door in the wall. What lies beyond that door is the alien of Lenny’s former self. The outside world. Waiting for his former occupant to step over the threshold and resume his old life, but Lenny is no longer familiar with that, what used to be. He has become completely alien to the world outside of the garden walls, his garden walls. Still, he takes the step. Thus a door has been opened to invent ‘design worlds’. [45] These worlds were once Lenny’s. Not anymore.
He didn’t go out through a door? [46] Once you leave your creation there is need to revert back to what you were before. Your own universe has become strange to you and the process of making it yours has to begin again. Now the same thing can’t be both known and unknown. [47] A perpetual state of rebirth on the threshold. They eagerly seek the agent of this metamorphosis, and hasten to his door. [48]
Lenny stands in front of a wall, he is ready to make whatever lies beyond his. Ludwig sees a possible intruder standing in front of his wall. How, indeed, was it possible for it always to fight and struggle against new enemies? [49] Ludwig prepares for invasion. Thus the struggle goes on. [50]
Here we go again. [51]
 [1] More, Utopia [2] Ludwig II [3] Cervantes, Don Quixote [4] The Young Pope [5] Machiavelli, The Prince [6] Acocella, Stone Architecture Ancient and Modern Construction Skills [7] Seneca, Complete Works [8] Seneca, On Anger [9] The Young Pope [10] Alder, Engineering the Revolution [11] Payne, Renaissance and Baroque Architecture [12] Alder, Engineering the Revolution [13] Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations [14] Serres, History of Scientific Thought [15] Mitchell, Me The Cyborg Self and the Networked City [16] Ovid, Metamorphoses [17] Cervantes, Don Quixote [18] Strong Whitfield, War [19] Deleuze Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus [20] Rudolph, A Companion to Medieval Art Romanesque and Gothic [21] Ockmann, Architecture Culture 1943 1968 [22] Wollstonecraft, Complete Works [23] Voegelin, Order and History 4 [24] Sudjic, The Edifice Complex [25] Zizek, Less Than Nothing [26] The Young Pope [27] Kerr, The Gentlemans House [28] Serres, History of Scientific Thought [29] de Montaigne, The Complete Essays [30] Seneca, Complete Works [31] Summerson, Architecture in Britain 1530 1830 [32] Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations [33] Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations [34] Schmitt, The Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy [35] Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology [36] Gothein, A History of Garden Art [37] Gothein, A History of Garden Art [38] Leatherbarrow Eisenschmidt, Twentieth Century Architecture [39] Stickley, Gustav Stickley s Craftsman Homes and Bungalows [40] Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology [41] King, James Bible [42] Harrison Wood Gaiger, Art in Theory 1648 1815 [43] Justinian, The Codex [44] Grimm, Teutonic Mythology The Complete Work [45] Wollstonecraft, Complete Works [46] Schumacher, The Autopoiesis of Architecture Vol 1 [47] Eco, The Name of the Rose [48] Aquinas, Selected Philosophical Writings [49] Harrison Wood Gaiger, Art in Theory 1648 1815 [50] Michelet, The History of France Vol 1 [51] Sloterdijk, Critique of Cynical Reason [52] Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology
0 notes
raekaotik · 6 years
Here we go?
So, @ebbqol tagged me to do this forever ago. I'm slow as shit, but here it is.
1. Name: Rae
2. Zodiac Sign: Cancer Sun, Aries Moon, Leo Rising. So much fire....
3. Three Fears: Spiders, heights, needles
4. Three Things I Love: Skulls, dragons, the color black
5. My best Friend: What are friends??? Probably my husband, people don't seem to stick around to reach best friend level. And I'm horrible at opening up.
6. Last Song I Listened To: Uuummmm Oh Lord by In This Moment
7. Four Turn ons: Sass, dominance, intelligence, and a sense of humor
8. Four Turn Offs: Loud ignorance, holier-than-thou attitudes, stereotypical girliness, not listening (especially to no)
9. Dream Date Scenario: Something personal, which of course sounds super vague. If an idea/activity/event/anything immediately makes you think of me, then it is most likely a good idea. I don't like flashy or expensive dates, we could literally just watch something on Netflix or get a Redbox and have takeout, and I'll be over the moon. Just give me your time, and I'll try my best to make it worthwhile.
10. Tattoos/ Piercings: I have 6 tattoos, currently; a crescent moon on my hip, a barcode on one ankle and a chain of paper people on the other, Disturbed's Guy and a Hylian shield on one calf, and the Evanescence logo on the other. I only have piercings in my ears; one set is gauged to 00, and I have 2 in the left ear and 3 in the right.
11. Why I joined Tumblr: Truthfully, so I didn't have to steal my husband's phone to look at porn, and I've found all sorts of fun, not perverted things as well. Now there's very little porn on my dash.
12. How I feel Right Now: Tired as shit, but I'm a glutton for punishment.
13. Something I really, really want: My own space to be myself, and people that love me who understand that I just need to be a burrito sometimes.
14. My relationship status: Married with 2 wonderful step kids.
15. The meaning behind my URL: I prefer Raynai, but that spelling was taken.
16. Favorite songs: Shit, umm... Anything Disturbed, Bloody Creature Poster Girl by In This Moment, Battle Born by Five Finger Death Punch, Papa Roach's Born for Greatness, Natural Born Killer by Avenged Sevenfold, Shinedown's cover of Simple Man..... There's a ton along those lines.
17. Favorite Movies: Every Riddick movie, The Emperor's New Groove, A Knight's Tale... I know there's more, but I'm drawing a blank at the mo.
18. Favorite bands: Disturbed, Avenged Sevenfold, Papa Roach, Three Days Grace, In This Moment, Halestorm, Five Finger Death Punch, Shinedown... Oodles
19. Three things that upset me: Not being able to help those I care for, people quick to judge, and being expected to change to appease someone.
20. Three things that make me happy: Creepy-cute things, anything Zelda, tiny versions of things
21. Three things I find attractive in other people: Wit, humility, emotional maturity
22. Something I love: Sleep
23. Someone I miss: My mother
24. My relationship with my parents: My mom, great. I don't really talk to my dad anymore.
25. My favorite holidays: Halloween, Thanksgiving, and 4th of July.
26. Someone from tumblr I would date: Hhrrrmmmmmm yeah. No clue.
27. A confession: I am often too lazy to eat, even though my stomach is making all the rumblies.
28. Favorite drinks: Cherry Coke, ruby red and tangerine juice, Full Throttle.... Ice water is also nice.
29. Favorite foods: Pastas, tomato sauces, BREAD, snacks, candies, sunflower seeds
30. Favorite smells/ scents: Lilac, lavender as long as it's not super strong, jasmine, dragon's blood, burning wood, sulfur..... black cherry
31. Three things that annoy me easily: Being spoken over when actually part of a conversation, being talked down to, and being interrupted while reading.
32. My pets: Oh damn.... 2 dogs, Kara the pit bull and Abbie the pit/lab mix; 2 cats, all black Salem and Tiger the dark tabby; 2 bearded dragons, Dante and Lucifer, and a piebald ball python, Gunn.
33. How I got into witchcraft: Cheesily enough, my mom and I used to watch Charmed all the time when I was little... I was always interested in witchy stuff, and in highschool I started looking into Wicca. It was a decent start, but it didn't quite fit. When I finally moved out I started doing more research, and now here we be. I'm still working out kinks (ha), but I do know that spirit work is a thing I enjoy.
34. My practice/path: I am a beginning spirit worker who's still trying to find her feet. I find Celtic and Norse mythologies interesting but I'm still digging.
35. Something that’s constantly on my mind: ....Yes? I tend to have an internal chatter running, and there's almost always parts of songs floating around in there.
36. Three habits I have: I apologize a lot, and I pick at my nails/cuticles too much, and I don't speak up when I sometimes should.
37. My future goals: To have a stable home life and the income to provide for my family. I don't need to be rich, I just want to be able to pay bills and afford food. I also want to iron out my path and maybe pass it on to future children.
38. Something I fantasize about: Having a tiny house. Clearly not as my main house, but I'd use it for witchcraft or reading or crafting. It'd be my space to be me.
39. Favorite Colors: Black, blood red, hunter green
40. What I did yesterday: Worked. So exciting.
41. My talents: Ummmmm math, sarcasm, chainmaille... This is always a hard question.
42. Celebrity crushes: Lizzy Caplan, Russell Crowe, and Matt Gubler, off the top of my head.
43. Myers- Briggs Type: INFP-T
44. Chinese Zodiac: Year of the Rooster
45. Ideal place to live: Somewhere quiet with lots of trees, preferably near mountains. Not isolated, but not on top of neighbors either.
46. My perfect day: A whole day where I can lay around and do nothing, or anything.
47. Where I want to vacation to: What are vacations?
48. Do I want kids: At some point, but not this minute.
49. My favorite thing to learn about/ study: Learning is awesome, in general, but science is cool as shit.
50. A random fact or quirk about me: My typing style changes a bit when I'm angry. Like, I use proper phrasing and grammar, and tend to stop using contractions like don't or can't.
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pasta-and-fiddles · 7 years
TAGGED BY: @undertale-rial TAGGING: @tiiny-bcnes @im-not-a-cat @little-ink-puddles @ask-the-digiverse @youlistentothevoid @askufsans @fashionistasans @mamajebbun
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1. WHAT IS YOUR NAME? “WOWIE! I am the GREAT Papyrus! Though, recently, some friends have begun calling my Fiddles, for some strange reason! Thank you for asking, new friend!”
2. WHAT IS YOUR REAL NAME? "Erm... goodness, you must be a little forgetful. But, that is perfectly alright!”
3. DO YOU KNOW WHY YOU’RE CALLED THAT? “Well, of course! I am the GREATEST Fiddler in the underground, and, soon, I’ll even be part of the royal guard! My magic is certainly strong enough, now!”
4. ARE YOU SINGLE OR TAKEN? “There is just one me! Oh, you mean like a relationship? Well! One day, perhaps, I’ll be popular enough that everyone will like me! Wait... what? Like a date? [gasp] Would you like to go on a date with me?!”
5. WHAT ARE YOUR POWERS AND ABILITIES? “Well, I have my blue magic, and my bone magics! Now, my special attack is still quite secret! With my trusty fiddle by my side, I’ll surpass even my coach!”
6. WHAT COLOR ARE YOUR EYES? “Oh, my eyes are quite empty! Though, sometimes, I have been told they look a little orange, or even blue! I have yet to see it, but, I’ve seen it on my brother, so, it must be true!”
7. HAVE YOU EVER DYED YOUR HAIR? “Wowie! What a question! I would love to dye my hair someday!”
8. DO YOU HAVE ANY FAMILY MEMBERS? “Hrm... no , just my brother and I, though, I’m sure there was someone else at some point... I don’t really remember, but, that’s alright!”
10. TELL ME ABOUT SOMETHING YOU DON’T LIKE. “I dislike those who wish to do others harm! One day, I’m going to protect everyone in the underground from those nasty feinds!”
11. DO YOU HAVE ANY HOBBIES OR ACTIVITIES YOU DO IN YOUR SPARE TIME? "I make puzzles, and train on my good old fiddle! Sometimes, I’ll even find music that falls in the dump, and use it to make my magic stronger! Other than that, I cook, and work, and clean up after my lazy brother!”
12. HAVE YOU EVER HURT ANYONE BEFORE? “Hurt someone? Why on earth would I do that?!”
13. HAVE YOU EVER… KILLED ANYONE? “What?! No! I wouldn’t want to gain LV that way!”
14. WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL ARE YOU? “I am a skeleton!”
15. NAME YOUR WORST HABITS. “Worst habits? Why would you ask such a thing? The GREAT PAPYRUS is GREAT in every way!”
16. DO YOU LOOK UP TO ANYONE? "My training coach, Undyne! She’s so strong, and so popular! One day, I’ll even surpass her!”
17. GAY, STRAIGHT, OR BISEXUAL? “What do you mean? I am a skeleton! ...oh, what does that mean?”
18. DO YOU GO TO SCHOOL? “I did when I was a striped-shirt, but, now, I just take lessons from the captain of the royal guard! I was quite good at sciences, though!”
“Hrm... I don’t know! I haven’t read that far in my dating manuals!”
"Of course! I have lots of fans! THey just... don’t... talk to me much... but, that is perfectly alright! They are just shy, I’m sure!”
21. WHAT ARE YOU MOST AFRAID OF? "Why, the GREAT PAPYRUS is afraid of nothing!”
"My battle body, of course! With a few modifications to allow for ease of performance and storage.”
23. DO YOU LOVE SOMEONE? “My brother, and all of my friends!”
24. WHAT CLASS ARE YOU? “Class? I am GREAT if that is what you mean!”
25. HOW MANY FRIENDS DO YOU HAVE? “I have lots of friends! Erm... name them? Well, I just haven’t learned all of their names yet, but, they exist! I just haven’t met them all yet!”
26. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON PIE? "I love them! Sometimes, by brother will bring some from... well, somewhere!”
27. FAVORITE DRINK? "Milk! Strong bones make strong skeletons!”
29. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE? "Snowdin, of course! It is where my home and my puzzles are!”
30. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SOMEONE? “I’m not sure! I’m always interested in making new friends. Oh? What is so funny?”
31. WHAT’S YOUR DICK SIZE? “Oh, do you mean Richard down the road? He’s not quite as tall as me, but taller than my brother!”
32. WOULD YOU RATHER SWIM IN THE LAKE OR THE OCEAN? "Well, I’m not entirely sure skeletons would float too well, but, I have always wanted to see the ocean!”
33. WHAT’S YOUR ‘TYPE’? "Type? Well, they must be humble, and selfless, and just as good of a spaghettore as myself! But, really, I like everyone!”
“What is that?”
“What does that mean? I am not a submissive opponent, but, I will show mercy when necessary!”
"I do enjoy camping, actually! Every once in a while, my brother and I will camp out in waterfall!”
“What? No! I would love to keep talking! You are helping me to become popular, right? It gets quite lonely, when nobody stops by anymore...”
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Battle #24
Vinnie Vincent Invasion: S/T ( Side B )
Epoxies: Stop The Future ( Side 2 )
Vinnie Vincent Invasion: S/T ( Side B )
This story is a crazy one, so sit back and let me set the scene. There are so many ties that come in and out of this band for 80s rock that it’s not even funny. Forming the band in the mid-1980s, and after his departure from KISS, Vinnie Vincent recruited bassist Dana Strum, who had served as a talent scout in L.A. Strum recruited band members for the likes of Ozzy Osbourne. Strum had found both Jake E. Lee and the late Randy Rhoads for Ozzy Osbourne, so when Paul Stanley had contacted Osbourne to inquire about where he found the guitarists, he was given Strum's name. Unable to find anyone KISS considered to be on Vincent's level, Strum decided to find Vincent himself in hopes of working together. Bobby Rock came on board as the drummer. With the nucleus of the band completed, the band searched for a lead vocalist. That would end up being former Journey singer Robert Fleischman. He provided vocals on Vinnie Vincent Invasion's self-titled debut album. The record is largely glam metal, with much of it being re-worked versions of demos Vincent recorded in 1982 with former New England members Hirsch Gardner, Gary Shea, and Jimmy Waldo under the band name Warrior. Hopefully you’re still following along because those are some pretty impressive names and we’re not done yet. Warrior achieved some success with Vincent essentially replacing John Fannon as guitarist and vocalist of New England, Warrior disbanded once Vincent was selected to be a member of KISS. After the release of this self titled debut, Fleischman exited and was replaced with new vocalist Mark Slaughter. With Slaughter now on board, the band released their second album, All Systems Go in May 1988. The album featured one of the group's best-known hits, "Ashes to Ashes," and "Love Kills," which appeared on the A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master soundtrack.
Later in 1988, the band was released from their contract with Chrysalis Records. Having grown annoyed with what they perceived to be Vincent's domination of the project, Slaughter and Strum left to form the band Slaughter, which would go on to have success. Whew! Got all that? Some big wigs of 80s rock for sure. The next question is then, who is this Vinnie Vincent anyway? Born Vincent John Cusano he is an American guitarist and songwriter. He is a former member of the rock band Kiss, brought in to replace Ace Frehley. He was a member from 1982 until mid-1984 during the band's transition out of their makeup period. Sidebar: Vincent was the last member to wear a unique makeup/costume configuration, as the character of The Ankh Warrior. The Vinnie Vincent Invasion was his next logical incarnation post KISS. So what does this invasion sound like anyway? Well, “Do You Wanna Make Love” starts it off with a very Kiss like riff. High pitched and wailing. Reminds me of Winger. The more mellow and somber ballad type song follows with “Back On The Streets”. It’s still quite solid with power chord chunks and screaming metal leads. Possibly one of the better tunes on Side B. Now, the next cut, “I Wanna Be Your Victim” totally borrows from the KISS tune “Heavens on Fire”. The riff is eerily similar. Not sure who is truly credited first, but....that’s a debate for someone else. The lyrical content may have been at fault for no radio support on this one. I can hear the hit bleeding through though. It’s a fairly decent tune. “Baby-O” is next. This one has more accessible portions that lean towards pop metal. The bleeting vocals are a little off putting but the tones are all OK, but nothing punches through the STRAT-o-sphere (#seewhatididthere). Actually I have no idea if he plays a strat, it just sounded like a good pun. The (angelic noises) title track (end noises) “Invasion” is next. It’s definitely the most produced and beefy and really different. Hmm what kind of invasion is going on here? Alien? Privacy? Seems to be a love invasion! And it seems like there would be a video for this one. One thing is for sure, it seems like Vinnie was out to prove something with this album. I think he was successful.
Epoxies: Stop The Future ( Side 2 )
Words can really not express how much love this band. When I say love, I mean this is the band I aspire to be in. It’s synth, pop, punk, rock ... all of it. If
two of my favorite bands, Devo and The Ramones had a love child, this would be it, 100%. They formed in Portland, Oregon in the year 2000 (sounds super sciencey doesn’t it?) and was heavily influenced by new wave. The group's music is a novel synthesis (#seewhatididthere) of punk rock and new wave but their lyrics are strictly focused on science fiction themes, Atomic Age futurism, alienation and consumerism. Robots, androids, clones and nuclear weapons all figure prominently in the Epoxies' lyrics. They were first known as the Adhesives before discovering that another group with that name existed, so they did the punk rock workaround. My time in music has been largely centralized around the underground and punk rock in general. I have always loved new wave and the 80s. By large punk rock has helped shape my beliefs and values and so when a band came along that fused all of these things, I was on board. Perfect timing too, as the punk scene was becoming stagnant for me. Almost Single-handedly this band kept my interest in the genre as I considered moving on (I mean there were my pals The Copyrights and The Ergs, too). Their purposefully “outdated” and “uncool” sound (that what the band says they were going for at the time) were fresh sounding relief to my longing ears. The band (perhaps accidentally) really stumbled on to something too, as soon after a LOT of mainstream acts were sounding like them. It’s jus5 retro enough, but still futuristic too. It’s difficult to explain the originality in sameness to anyone unfamiliar with the variables. Sadly the band called it quits around 2007. Stop The Future is their second and last studio album, but it’s a real gem, so hold on to your Energy Domes, spuds! Here we go! “Stop The Future” is the title track and a blistering, space rock, surfy instrumental. Not much else to say (#seewhatididthere) except it’s pretty tight and leads perfectly into “Struggle Like No Other”. With the Punky nuggets and four on the floor Blitz, this is a punk rock show case showdown. Quick, no frills, and deadly precision. The only flashpoint is that it does appear to come across as filler. “No Interest” has a good mid-tempo groove and really highlights the harmonies that Roxy and the band can accomplish together. I suppose that is one underrated element of the band that’s hard to translate. The band conveys unity through the music. Just the sense that they are all friends and having fun together. That’s hard to do, and honestly I could just be inferring this. Anyway, the sci-fi themes and range are what grabs your attention. “You Kill Me” is next, and one of the main tunes I think of when I think about this band. It has an almost swing beat, and really might as well contain a swinging bat too, because they hit it out of the park here! One of my favorites. “At The Seams” is another quick one to remind us that they are first and foremost punk rock and held together by stitches. The last two tunes are “It’s You” (a more straight ahead pop punk number) and “Toys”. On the latter, the 80s come alive! Nice sound FX and a pretty good, locked in groove. Diversity for the band with beautiful moments of keyboard serenity. Yes, for sure...THIS is the band I desperately long to form. It’s a perfect blend of DEVO and A Flock Of Seagulls meets Mr. T Experience and Green Day. I mean, they even use the checkbook font (#fontnerd) so...how could I NOT like them?!.
Today Vinnie Vincent Invasion did just that. Invade RRW’s battlefield and give us a show. The guy just looks like he knows he’s that good. They burned 165 calories over 5 songs and 23 minutes. That is 33.0 calories burned per song and 7.17 calories burned per minute. VVI earned 10 out of 15 possible stars. The Epoxies tried to stop the future because they are radically stuck in the past, but it’s OK because they are great at it! They burned 145 calories over 19 minutes and 7 songs. The averages are 20.71 calories burned per song and 7.63 calories burned per minute. The Epoxies earned 17 out of 21 possible stars. Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars Vinnie, because The Epoxies went over the top and walk away today’s champs!
The Epoxies : “You Kill Me”. Well, that’s the track I wanted to play, but nothing exists so here’s the whole dang album! Enjoy :)
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ariainstars · 5 years
Star Wars Inspired Asks
1.  How do you feel about the prequels?
When I first saw them, I was irritated. They were not in the least what I had expected. On watching them again, years later, I saw the story through Anakin’s eyes instead of focusing on the Jedi, and a lot of scales fell from my eyes. I still prefer the classic trilogy or the sequels, though.
2.  What is your favorite movie?
In general, or in the SW universe? 😉
a) Beauty and the Beast (the Disney version), b) Hmmm, I’m not quite sure, either “The Empire Strikes Back” or “The Last Jedi”.
3.  Jedi or Sith?
Grey Jedi, perhaps.
4.  Do you ship Anidala?
What is there to ship? They loved one another and got married. I don’t like to break my head about the “proofs” for a relationship that might or might not have occurred. At least that’s how I understand shipping. 😉
5.  What is your favorite theory?
Ben Solo is the good father the galaxy was waiting for all of this time, opposite to Darth Vader, the “Dark Father”.
6.  Luke or Leia?
Luke. My all-time favorite hero, ending the war by throwing away his weapon and declaring his loyalty to his father. Besides, Mark Hamill’s smile is to die for.
7.  Qi’Ra and Han or Leia and Han?
Nothing against Qi’Ra, but I prefer Leia.
8.  Did you like Lando?
Yes, but I found him rather insignificant.
9.  Do you think Anakin was ever truly redeemed?
Yes and no. The original trilogy was all about his return to the Light, but technically speaking, he was saved by his son’s love. The active role he played in his return was small.
10.  Did you like the sequels?
Yes, they are fresh and original and at the same time pay homage to both the classics and the prequels and wrap up a lot of the storytelling threads.
11.  How did you feel about Captain Phasma?
A pity we never saw her face…
12.  Snoke or Palpatine?
Snoke was an idiot, treating his apprentice with so little respect. Palpatine never made that mistake.
13.  Thoughts on Admiral Holdo?
An interesting character. I would have liked to see more of her.
14.  Thoughts on General Hux?
Cold and self-controlled but largely powerless. An excellent foil to Kylo Ren.
15.  Favorite ships?
I had a few speculations about Finn and Poe before Rose stepped in. 😉 And Ben and Rey, excuse me, how is that shipping? It’s canon!!
16.  Least favorite ships?
Anything that has to do with the cliché “girl saves the guy through her goodness / love / bravery” etc…
17.  Leia or Rey?
Rey is much more human and approachable than Leia. I wonder why so many fans call her a Mary Sue. She’s everything but perfect.
18.  What is your favorite quote?
“You’re not alone.” “Neither are you.”
19.  Did you like Yoda?
In general, yes. But I disliked his detached approach to life. He meant well, but I daresay he never knew what it means to really care about someone like Anakin did.
20.  Sith Code or Jedi Code?
A way in between, perhaps…
21.  Do you believe Kylo will get a redemption?
If he doesn’t, my DVDs will all fly out of the window. And never talk to me about the saga again…
22.  What is the saddest Star Wars scene?
The ending of “Rogue One”. I felt depressed for two days afterwards.
23.  What is your favorite Star Wars moment?
a) Luke, Leia and Han falling into each other’s arms at the end of “A New Hope”, b) Anakin and Padmé fooling around in the grass on Naboo, c) Ben’s and Rey’s hut scene.
24.  Han or Luke?
I can somewhat identify with Luke. With Han I could never (which doesn’t mean I don’t like him).
25.  Do you ship Finn and Rose?
A love story like a KISS - Keep It Short and Sweet. 😊
26.  Favorite villain?
Darth Vader is undoubtedly the creepiest and coolest villain of all time.
27.  Phasma or Rey?
What kind of question is that??!
28.  Do you want Rey to have a love interest?
I would like for her to find a home. If there’s a love interest in there, too, so much the better.
29.  What is Luke Skywalker’s best moment?
His last confrontation with the Emperor = ending the war through compassion, not through more violence.
30.  Thoughts on Solo?
I would have loved to see him as a young dad. I bet he and his son did a lot of crazy pranks together and drove poor Leia to despair.
31.  What did you think of the golden bikini?
A pity Han never saw Leia in it…
32.  What is your favorite Star Wars pun?
“Who’s the greater fool, the fool or the fool who follows him?”
33.  Did you like the Porgs?
Yes, they’re just cute and don’t get in the way of fighting. The Ewoks, by comparison, were annoying because they did both.
34.  What is your favorite battle?
The opening battle of “Revenge of the Sith”.
35.  Who is your least favorite character?
Don’t chop my head off - Obi-Wan. He was so arrogant and narrow-minded, and so much of Anakin’s descent to hell was caused by him. And he never saw any mistake in his ways or took responsibility. Not even after his death. Luke only made one mistake and then went into exile, and later, he apologized.
36.  If you could be trained by Qui-Gon Jinn or Obi-Wan, who would you choose?
See above…
37.  Pick a saber color.
Spontaneously, green.
38.  Anidala or Scoundress?
Scoundress. Anidala was somewhat too sugary.
39.  Would you ever go pod racing?
Argh. No. It already took me years to overcome my fear of driving a car!
40.  Leia’s hair or Lando’s fashion?
Leia’s hair. It’s fancier. 😊
41.  What is the best The Last Jedi scene?
Hmmm, either the hut scene or Luke’s first lesson (“Do you know what the Force is?”)
42.  If you could have any creature as a pet, what would you choose?
A Porg. I have a stuffed one at home. 😉
43.  Who is your favorite non-main character?
Qui-Gon. Gentle, compassionate, cunny, rebellious Qui-Gon.
44.  Yousa like Jar Jar?
There are worse characters in SW. At least he has no bad intentions.
45.  Corellia or Tatooine?
Tatooine. Old habits die hard. 😊
46.  Finn or Poe?
I like Finn, but I immediately lost my heart to Poe.
47.  Who is your favorite Star Wars female?
Interesting question. Rose, perhaps.
48.  What are your top five ships?
I don’t ship couples. I just lean back and wait for the developments. 😉
49.  Did you like Rey?
Yes, a very interesting character. A little too dominant, perhaps, but I can live with that.
50.  Who is your favorite character?
Difficult to say. My favorite always was Luke, but his nephew has entered a competition contest with him. Let’s wait and see how the story ends. 😉
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Muse Interview
Tagged by: I stole it from my other blogs
Tagging: @chemistfish
“but please don’t call us that.”
(though this is verse dependant)
“of course~! i’m not the queen’s royal bodyguard for nothing!”
“i’ve got to learn that some time...”
“umm, a what?”
“what’s that mean, brother?”
"skeletons don’t have hair, silly!”
“take that stupid wig off, prise, oh my stars!”
“just my bro! and... our father. and...”
“no pets in the house!”
“well... yes. but you need to walk him more!”
“i don’t like... uh... i don’t like the dark...”
“yeah!! i train a lot, and i cook, and i meditate, and i love playing chess!”
“i’m... a skeleton?”
“i don’t have any bad habits, because i’m too magnificent!”
“the queen! she’s so amazing and cool and perfect!!! i’m so proud that i can be her knight!! she’s just the best ever!!!”
"i would love anyone regardless of how they look!”
"not anymore! we did for a while though.”
“well... we did stop our schooling early. for... reasons.”
“yeah!! of course i do!! ummm, though that’d mean, if i’m with a guy, then i’d have to... nnn, maybe not kids then...”
“sure i do, tons of them, mweh heh heh!”
“ummm... i... i don’t want to answer this one...”
“i’ve got my battle body~! and this scarf, it’s my favorite scarf! but when i’m working, i’ll be in full royal guard armor!”
"uhhh... w-well...” He’s blushing bright blue. ( @r0astet0aste‘s Ashes )
“I SURE DO. MY DEER GOD, @antlered-deity“
“i fell in waterfall during training the other day...?”
“what’s it mean?”
There is whispering as Prise explains human digestion in as much of a non-detailed way as possible.
“....oh! um... ew...”
"upper middle class, thanks to my status!”
“but you love living here, so it’s fine! we don’t need to be higher class! who cares about that?”
"lots and lots! like... umm... e-everyone! everyone i meet is my friend!”
“oooh! it’s so good! the queen makes the best pies!! but i can only have some now and then. i have to eat healthy!”
“honey is not a drink!”
“well, the surface, of course!”
“i’m dating ashes~!”
“n-none of your business!” Now he’s blushing far brighter.
“BIG ENOUGH.” Prise grins.
“i’ve never tried to swim in the ocean, but that sounds fun!”
“i don’t believe in having types! i can form a loving bond with anyone, given the right circumstances! it’s only fair!”
“th-that’s also none of your business!!! aaaaaahhh!” He covered his face.
“s-stop asking these kinds of questiooons! i-i’m... i’m a sub... i like to bottom...”
“camping is fun! sounds like an adventure!”
“oh, is it over already?”
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Muse interview
Tagged by: I stole it from my main
Tagging: @swcctsxcrxt​, @19lv​
“sans serif.”
“skeleton customs.”
“well, i can’t die, so... also the standard skeleton ones.”
“a what.”
"i’m a skeleton, i don’t have hair.”
“killing humans. and sleeping.”
“all the time.”
“i’m a skeleton.”
“i keep absently scratching at my dead eye. it bothers my bro.”
“my bro.”
“i’m whatever-sexual.”
“nope. homeschooled.”
“uhh... i mean... myself.”
Arum bursts into wheezing, semi-sane laughter at the question, and Tox has to spend nearly 10 minutes calming him back down.
“losing tox.”
“jacket. shirt. shorts. shoes. ‘s all.”
“sure. a few people.”
“hhhehehehhhhehhh... you don’t know much about monsters, do you?”
“we’re alive. there are no more classes.”
“there’s only one left.”
“pie? where?”
“oh. damn.”
“i’ve got a cutie in another timeline.” @direfrail
"pfft... ask my boyfriend. i’m pretty damn good at makin’ him scream.”
"i don’t care about swimming.”
“who knows.”
“not really. though i’m a predator who likes to wreck his prey.”
“i don’t care either way.”
"at least it passed the time.”
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seekfirstme · 4 years
The following reflection is courtesy of Don Schwager © 2020. Don's website is located at Dailyscripture.ServantsOfTheWord.org
Meditation: Who can bear to look upon the bloodied cross where Jesus hung without shame or sorrowful grief, disbelief or reverent awe? The cross brings us face to face with Jesus' suffering. He was alone - all his disciples had deserted him except for his mother and three women along with John, the beloved disciple. And his death was agonizing and humiliating. Normally a crucified man could last for several days on a cross. Jesus' had already been scourged, beaten with rods, and a crown of thorns pressed into his skull. It is no wonder that he died mid-afternoon. Pilate publicly heralded Jesus "The King of the Jews" as he died upon the cross, no doubt to irritate and annoy the chief priests and Pharisees (John 19:19).
The King who ransoms us with his own life
Jesus was crucified for his claim to be King. The Jews had understood that the Messiah would come as their king to establish God's reign for them. They wanted a king who would free them from tyranny and foreign domination. Many had high hopes that Jesus would be the Messianic king. Little did they understand what kind of kingship Jesus claimed to have. Jesus came to conquer hearts and souls for an imperishable kingdom, rather than to conquer perishable lands and entitlements.
Jesus' death on the cross defeated sin and death for us
We can find no greater proof of God's love for us than the willing sacrifice of his Son on the cross. Jesus' parting words, "It is finished!" express triumph rather than defeat. Jesus bowed his head and gave up his spirit knowing that the strife was now over and the battle was won. Even on the cross Jesus knew the joy of victory. What the Father sent him into the world to do has now been accomplished. Christ offered himself without blemish to God and he put away sin by the sacrifice of himself (see Hebrews 9:24-26).
As we gaze on his wounds - we touch the scars of his resurrection
While the close company of Jesus' disciples - his apostles - had deserted him and hid out of fear from the Jewish authorities, Jesus' mother and some of the women who were close to Jesus stood close to him while he hung upon the cross. Augustine of Hippo (354-430 A.D) in his sermon on John's passion account focuses on the gaze of the women who witnessed the shedding of his blood and the offering of his life as the atoning sacrifice for the sin of the world.
"As they were looking on, so we too gaze on his wounds as he hangs. We see his blood as he dies. We see the price offered by the redeemer, touch the scars of his resurrection.  He bows his head, as if to kiss you.  His heart is made bare open, as it were, in love to you. His arms are extended that he may embrace you. His whole body is displayed for your redemption. Ponder how great these things are. Let all this be rightly weighed in your mind: as he was once fixed to the cross in every part of his body for you, so he may now be fixed in every part of your soul." (GMI 248)
Augustine invites us to present ourselves before Jesus crucified who took our sins upon himself and nailed them to the cross. Through the eyes of faith we, too, gaze upon the bloodied body of our Redeemer who paid the price for our sins - and we touch the scars of his resurrection who defeated death for our sake so that we may know the victory of his cross and resurrection and receive the promise of everlasting life and glory with him in his kingdom.
The miracle of my salvation
In the cross of Christ we see the triumph of Jesus over his enemies - sin, Satan, and death. Many Christians down through the centuries have sung the praises of the Cross of Christ. Paul the Apostle exclaimed, "But far be it from me to glory except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Galatians 6:14).
Hear what Gregory Nazianzen (329-389 AD), an early church father and bishop of Constantinople, wrote about the triumph of Christ's exaltation on the cross:
"Many indeed are the wondrous happenings of that time: God hanging from a cross, the sun made dark and again flaming out (Luke 23:44, Mark 15:33); for it was fitting that creation should mourn with its creator. The temple veil rent (Matthew 27:51), blood and water flowing from his side (John 19:34): the one as from a man, the other as from what was above man; the earth shaken, the rocks shattered because of the rock (Matthew 27:51); the dead risen to bear witness to the final and universal resurrection of the dead (Matthew 27:52). The happenings at the sepulcher and after the sepulcher, who can fittingly recount them? Yet no one of them can be compared to the miracle of my salvation. A few drops of blood renew the whole world, and do for all men what the rennet does for the milk: joining us and binding us together. (On the Holy Pasch, Oration 45.1)
Rupert of Deutz (1075-1129), a Benedictine abbot and theologian, wrote:
"The cross of Christ is the door to heaven, the key to paradise, the downfall of the devil, the uplifting of mankind, the consolation of our imprisonment, the prize for our freedom."
The throne of love and sign of God's mercy
The Cross of Christ is the safeguard of our faith, the assurance of our hope, and the throne of love. It is also the sign of God's mercy and the proof of forgiveness. By his cross Jesus Christ has pardoned us and set us free from the tyranny of sin. He paid the price for us when he made atonement for our sins. The way to peace, joy, and righteousness in the kingdom of God and the way to victory over sin and corruption, fear and defeat, despair and death is through the cross of Jesus Christ. Do you follow the Lord Jesus in his way of the cross with joy, hope, and confidence?
"Lord Jesus Christ, by your death on the cross you have won pardon for us and freedom from the tyranny of sin and death. May I live in the joy and freedom of your victory over sin and death."
The following reflection is from One Bread, One Body courtesy of Presentation Ministries © 2020.
  "Take courage and be stouthearted, all you who hope in the Lord." —Psalm 31:25  
As Jesus agonized over His decision to lay down His life for us, He was so severely tempted to give in to fear that His sweat became as drops of blood (Lk 22:44). Nonetheless, Jesus refused to be intimidated by Satan. He stood up to a cohort of soldiers and several police officers (Jn 18:3). "They retreated slightly and fell to the ground" (Jn 18:6) in the face of Jesus' love and courage. Then Jesus fearlessly died on the cross for us. However, except for the beloved disciple and the three Marys at the foot of His cross (Jn 19:25-26), Jesus' apostles and disciples succumbed to fear and abandoned Christ.
After Jesus' death, fear began to lose its stranglehold on the world. First, Joseph of Arimathea, one of Jesus' secret disciples "for fear of the Jews," fearlessly came forth and asked Pilate for Jesus' body (Jn 19:38). Then Nicodemus, a formerly intimidated member of the Sanhedrin (see Jn 7:50ff), brought about a hundred pounds of myrrh and aloes to prepare Jesus' body for burial (Jn 19:39). However, Jesus' apostles continued to be locked in fear (Jn 20:19) until Pentecost, when the power of fear was put to death and the Church was born. Fear not. Jesus has died! Jesus has risen! Jesus will come again! Fear not (see Mk 5:36).
  Prayer: Father, by my Baptism into Jesus' death, burial, and Resurrection, I will not give in to fear. Promise: "Son though He was, He learned obedience from what He suffered; and when perfected, He became the Source of eternal salvation for all who obey Him." —Heb 5:8-9 Praise: (none)   (For a related teaching on , order, view or download our leaflet on our website.)  
  Rescript: In accord with the Code of Canon Law, I hereby grant the Nihil Obstat ("Permission to Publish") for One Bread, One Body covering the period from April 1, 2020 through May 31, 2020.
†Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, September 24, 2020.  
The Nihil Obstat ("Permission to Publish") is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted the Nihil Obstat agree with the contents, opinions, or statements
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