#they also have that neurodivergent swag that helps too
princekirijo · 2 years
Consider: Yuna and Ren bonding over their knife collections
I LOVE THIS IDEA SO MUCH AND TBH I'VE BEEN CONSIDERING IT SO HARD!!! It's actually the reason I imagine that out of all Riku's friends, it's Ren and Futaba she gets on best with.
I really like the idea of them swapping knives and Ren likes to listen to Yuna ramble about the various different knives in her collection :]. I don't plan on doing this in Captain BUT if Yuna did have a confidant her benefits would probably be centered around Joker's knives, like she teaches him different tricks with them.
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readytospock · 2 years
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serendipititties · 3 months
my mutuals and why they are superior:
@hyperfixatingdumdum - we're related so im biased but i mean. Shes studying medicine. She paints. She sings. Shes bi. Shes might or might not be cis. She takes meds for ADHD. She has that broken girl swag. She has it all. Shes pretty too and ladies she is hella single.
@luvrli - has the nicest sounding voice ever. She paints too so thats sick. Plus she, @hyperfixatingdumdum and I have that telugu bi girl swag and thats always amazing to have. Probably good in school too. Also was my first ever mutual when i joined tumblr! Love her
@deadaldipshit-jpg - she writes AND draws. Shes aroace and tamil. Coolness needs to observe them and take notes.
@pollywantsacracker - so iconic. Serves cunt like its free. Funny, brave, gorgeous, and awesome. She is so strong. She is the moment. Also pansexual so thats punk as hell.
@imslowlydisintegrating - he possesses a gender so confounding I couldnt do it justice if i tried. Shes so so so sweet. Has incredible taste. Is from louisiana and probably has an accent which is sooooo cool of them. Shes neurodivergent and a writer?? Writes poc characters and tries to do them justice?? Perfection.
@drew-dopamine - aroace trans boy. Need i say more? (Helps that hes funny and really nice too). Love him endlessly.
@beomgyutruther - she and I are studying for the same exam right now sooo. But yeah shes indian and queer and amazing and all that is good in this lonely world.
@katyakazanovas - so pretty. I mean shes a lovely person too probably but i got distracted for a second. And shes a fan of ghost so thats cool. Plus shes texan? And pansexual? Incredible is an understatement. Great taste in music 19/10.
@bassguitarinablackt-shirt - I have to be honest, he's blonde so there really isnt much i can defend here. He makes up for it by being a trans he/they gay boy though! Plus he writes! Awesome. Hes super sweet too.
@bil-daddy - Nuff said. (Really nice tho i did message them and they were super sweet)
@docdust- hilarious and lovable. We havent interacted much but i love this blog.
@70snasagay - i mean theyre hungarian so thats already cool. But theyre bi too? And adorable?? And a good omens girly?? I fear im in love.
@lordcatwich - genderfluid neurodivergent writer. How could you top this? (Super sweet and funny too. 19/10)
@funkyratman - came into my dms offering to fight me for the name wren. Common he/him W in my opinion. We're gonna be highway robbers together now.
@purichana that url is the url of one who fought tooth and nail for it. I respect the hustle and the vibes are quite good.
@lbctal us goggins stans must stand together I love that man and I love this user.
@goheehawsomewhereelse Tim Gutterson fans are the funniest people in the world (still can't decide if Tim is blonde or nah)
also. @cheezbot. Hilarious.
Edit: i found out pollywantacracker (mint-mayonnaise rn) is lesbian now so thats awesome. The lesbians are lucky to have her
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arogustus · 22 days
Splatband Analysis - Chirpy Chips
(Disclaimer: This analysis is based on what I get out of looking into the character descriptions we have of the splatband characters. If you disagree with what I say, that is fine, we are all beheld to our opinions. Just don't be a jerk about it.)
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Splatband Analysis - Chirpy Chips
It’s the autism and ADHD squad! The chiptune chippers, Marie’s and Nintendo’s favorite band and the only one to survive Nine years together without drama (bar that one time), it’s the Chirpy Chips! Love these dudes.
Now, before we go into this, let’s address the Harmony in the room. Specifically that she has a room, in-game, where she exists in the polygonal flesh to interact with as a shopkeeper. Her autistic swag made her popular enough to be the first Splatband character to show up in the games, which means we actually know her and how she behaves. So, I’m gonna leave her for last and go about her like this: First, I’ll look into what we used to know before Splatoon 3 about her, and then we’ll compare that to her appearance in-game to see if it matches up. See if she was done right by the game. Now let’s meet these chips!
The Band
The Chirpy Chips debuted after Squid Squad all the way back in Splatoon 1, nine years ago (God). Dominating the charts thanks to their chiptune rock style, made with the help of multiple Nintendo machines (Gamers), this band has managed to outlast Squid Squad without disbanding all the way to Splatoon 3!.. Ok, actually that’s not true. According to a Famitsu Interview for Splatoon 2, the Chirpy Chips actually disbanded ever so briefly! No word as to why, but they reformed shortly after and wrote and performed Blitz It during the high of joining back. After that they’ve stuck together ever since, only really going on break because Harmony started working at Hotlantis. 
Don’t site that NoA post for Chirpy Chips Splat 3 that said there was drama by the way. The band was just on break, they are fine and NoA is just trying to stir up fake drama. It’s just like real life!
All of these guys are autistic. Like, that’s not a theory, but a fact. None of their descriptions make them sound neurotypical, that’s for sure. The band just seems to vibe perfectly with each other despite some of their issues, and they all go at their own pace. Turns out the secret to surviving in the music industry all along was to make neurodivergent friends. 
One of their performance tricks that they do is to glow in sync during songs. It’s a super cool visual to imagine, though probably done through artificial means, at least for Orion and Sid. As far as I know, there aren’t any bioluminescent crabs or flapjack octopi. Anemone and squid on the other hand do have glowing members, but it doesn’t confirm if they do it naturally or are using artificial means too. Either way these guys are a colorful bunch. And also none of them know how to dance, emphasizing further that these four are all dorks.
Noiji is the hyperactive guitarist of the band, a stark contrast to the significantly less energetic rest of the band. He’s described as uncontrollable and bright, with a sunny disposition and an irresistible urge to run up and down slopes. He sounds overwhelming, and maybe impulsive if that slope running thing can be applied to other actions, but somehow he manages to get along well with the others. What is his secret? Also to keep with the neurodivergenceness, he has a special interest for vending machines. He would have loved them in Side Order, that’s for sure. Honestly I love vending machines too, they’re really cool, but just too expensive for someone of my income level (for now, anyway).
He used to be a part of a punk band called BariBari before he joined the Chirpy Chips.Surprising considering his colorfulness, but he seems to either formerly be, or still is, a punk. No word why he left the band though or what happened to it, but during that point he met and befriended Orion and formed the Chirpy Chips with them. They’re described to be on good terms with each other, which makes sense since, again, they knew each other before the rest joined up. 
The band's bassist and composer, a shy flapjack octopus. Yeah, despite being an octopus, they’re not an octoling, likely because of the fact the flapjack doesn’t naturally produce ink. They must be classified as something different to the inkfish, but what that is is something I don’t know. They’re an introvert, they don’t enjoy standing out or performing in front of crowds, and the compositions they upload independent of the band are done quietly. Makes one wonder how exactly someone like them made friends with Noiji. They’re an intellectual, geeky type, with a taste for outdated and strange subjects, as well as a preference for chiptune that they ensure the bands music keeps to. 
Surprising us all, Orion also got actual dialogue of sorts in the Splatoon 3 Chill Season 2023 update! Specifically in the form of Harmony reading a letter written by them. As Harmony herself describes, they talk the way they play the bass, EXTRA. Mostly in the form of excited statements and jokes about the band's lack of dancing ability. Kind of a stark difference from what we know of them, either because they’re doing this via text without having to face anyone, or because they’ve become more outgoing over the years. Either way an honor. Also canon they/them! Good for they.
The band's drummer, and the eldest among them. They’ve been drumming for a while, having performed for several other bands before joining the Chips, and they have a strong reputation in the community because of it. It seems that because of this, they’ve taken something of a silent mentor role to the others, supporting them in the background without ever taking the lead. Sort of a big brother style relationship going on. 
They’re described as easygoing, but with a hidden temper that only ever surfaces once a year, where they become way crabbier. To me it says that they don’t really express their frustrations often, just letting them simmer before they snap and vent it out. And even then they don’t draw a lot of attention that way. 
Harmony (and fish)
The anemone of the hour, the band’s vocalist and visual designer. As said above, I’ll first go over the info we knew of her before her appearance in Splatoon 3, and then compare it to what we’ve learned now to see if it was faithful to her character. 
She’s described as relaxed and going at her own pace, but to the point of being unmotivated. She’s frequently late for practice, and considering the state of her fish, who is “dying” of neglect (quote marks there cause the little guy is still alive somehow), it sounds a lot like executive dysfunction. I would know, I’m like her sometimes. Her singing voice is mentioned to also have been pretty flat and listless, but it seems years of performance has made it change to a much livelier tone in the intervening two years. She talks loosely and moves peculiarly, something the fans secretly enjoy. Why secretly? Is there a stigma against it? Her listless singing is mentioned to be a hot topic, so it might be the case.
We see in the bands’ album art for Splatoon 2 that she’s the one who mixes the chiptune music on nintendo consoles. Easy to say that she’s the pre-requisite in-universe Nintendo fan for this game. There’s one in pretty much every franchise. Skipping to “3” a bit, we can also assume she’s the one who edited the trailer, which shows off a lot of fun visuals and jokes, as well as her just goofing off like the dork that she is. For how reserved she comes off, she’s got an eccentric, goofy side hidden under there.
But now we’ve actually met her as Hotlantis’ shopkeeper! She’s a fan of the place, so despite the threat of having to work retail, she’s staying in the area in the actual manager’s place while he’s gone. She’s a fan of the store and all its useless knick knacks. As for herself as a person, it’s safe to say it all matches what we used to know of her. She’s pretty self-paced and blunt, commenting on your achievements out loud no matter how rude it sounds. She admits to it too if she beats you at tableturf, she doesn’t really know how else to talk. Her lack of motivation shows up anytime she needs to recite something Barry told her to do. She just plain doesn’t want to do any of it. She still does the work she’s willingly doing, she’s just going at her own pace. 
The fish is a fish, no telling what is up with them. Though according to some artbook information in “3” (correct me if I’m wrong), the reason they’re so sick is actually because Harmony’s hair isn’t protecting it very well. They’re still sticking around anyway, granted we’re not sure how clownfish do without an anemone, but it still seems like they’re staying of their own volition.
Harmony’s, and later Dedf1shes inclusion, gives us all hope we can see more of our favorite obscure characters in the games themselves. And looking at Harmony, we don’t have to worry too much about them being out of character, since she’s pretty accurate to the info we know.
I love these weird goobers. They should continue showing up. But now we are in the finale. Ω-3 is all that’s left now. See ya next time!
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c-kiddo · 1 year
tmn are all nd: a bunch o headcanons
(a sequel to these trans headcanons lol)
(also, warning before that this post is about neurodivergency and mental illness, so various mental illnesses will be mentioned. i dont want to single any out here, but you should probably skip this if thats something thats upsetting 2 you)
(also also, this is a infodump and not super in-depth or articulate, so sorry if i worded things wrong because i don’t mean to lol im just bad at reading things on screens so it might get jumbled. . )
beau: she’s got adhd and will hyperfocus and work All night on her theories and notes. perhaps she has audhd, has low-ish empathy and doesnt know how to regulate volume or realise her tone is usually annoyed sounding ksjnjkfs :''') also she has depression n that combined with adhd made her especially impulsive and self destructive, but she’s working on it, getting better :’) also had problems with substance abuse but the cobalt soul (dairon specifically) helped her get out of that. has cptsd because of her upbringing and abuse from her dad 
fjord: he’s got adhd too, babey!!!! also he’s got tourettes and his most common tics are: clearing his throat, a small head tilt, raising his eyebrows and grinding his teeth. he's a bit (a lot) impulsive and him and beau cant be trusted alone together they will get distracted and into trouble
yasha: she's autistic!! mostly effected by th social aspect of it.. like, talking to people is hard and she doesn’t get jokes or sayings and its all just tiring. also has p bad social anxiety. also memory loss from trauma as per canon.. struggles with when she does start to remember things but luckily has a support system so she doesnt just run off on her own like before :')  she also tends to disappear off like that due to sensory overload and just being overwhelmed in general bc of autism
caleb: i mean, he’s autistic n its basically canon. he experiences psychosis and has ptsd n depression/anxiety that has come from his trauma. he already had OCD before trauma and his obsessions revolve around hurting others A Lot, especially with fire after his trauma.. he also has dermatillomania due to ocd and anxiety. also has some sort of disordered eating in a self-punishment way.. .
veth: she has autistic-girlie-who-was-diagnosed-as-an-adult swag .. . and then the substance addiction that often comes with that i guess :''') .. also think she has body dysmorphia of course, especially during her being Nott, and some lingering things after too.. she just struggles to perceive her body for a while.. yeza rly helps ground her back to herself tho so thats nice :' ) . also she ptsd from her own murder + drowning , as per canon
molly: has npd and also he has a traumatic brain injury caused by all the things going on in his brain when his souls leave and he dies and things.. so struggles sometimes to find the right words and with memory and with mood regulation. also experiences psychosis and just, in general, strange things going on in his brain.. . also he likes sounds and textures all the time but will sacrifice th sounds for hanging out with yasha because its 110% worth it to sit with her instead ;w; they sign to eachother sometimes and have a made up sort of language
jester: she's got adhd and it means she loves having 10 conversations at once and spinning around and telling you all about her fave romance novel at lightning speed. she stims like all the time with little objects and ribbons and bells. also accidentaly yells a lot sknfsk and same as molly, likes noise n things all the time, gets kinda anxious or sad without it.. ;-; oh jester,, filling up space with noise so she doesnt have to be in the quiet..im not sure if i have any more thoughts about her rn :o
caduceus: he’s autistic (so overwhelmed by noises and too much all the time, also his empathy is fluctuating and he's not sure how to perceive it.. its confusing, he can be very empathetic and then, sometimes he's just in focus-mode and totally doesnt get at all what the vibes th other person is putting out is).. he’s got (inattentive) adhd. also depersonalisation derealisation disorder. and experiences psychosis since it was triggered by being alone in the grove so long + consuming hallucinogens a lot. he tends to just deal with it and not to tell tmn though, even though most of the time there's some little whispery noise or a fuzzy shape around, he's not scared mostly, only when he's triggered by something... also bad anxiety sometimes that he doesnt know how to deal with so he usually casts calm emotions on himself to help, or the herbs he chews (or smokes) for his joint pain help it. and also, his eating is Disorded but doesn’t quite realise (denial, ignoring it perhaps) the eating habits he has aren’t healthy,... he's just. kinda messed up still from all that time alone.. he had his own odd sometimes nonsensical reasons behind ways he treated his body and some of them stuck. also omg this section is a mile long im sorry,  but also he has dyslexia and dyspraxia and dyscalculia . .. numbers and letters and walking without bumping into stuff is tricky. also thats why his fine motor skills for writing /drawing aren't so good like in canon :-3 
ok,. thee end. good night now u_u zz
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i have a few things to say to you actually
big fan of your adhd/autism bracket, hi also im the moderator of @selfindulgentsillinessbracket and also @weird-al-song-tourney and your blog specifically was one of the main reasons i felt inspired to start my own brackets so thakn you for making me feel inspired enough to do this too bc its been really helpful for my own life
also its funny but your point about how autistic girls are barely a thing in media is exactly a major reason why i made my own self insert autism oc character a girl, because it hit me that "oh wait theres like zero autistic girls in media that i know besides like 3 in total" and like 3 maximum? like, 3 characters is fucking nothing lmao, i mean obv i cant submit my oc but yeah, i am glad i am not the only one that noticed this problem lmao
anyways if webby or dendy arent the winners of this bracket i will be slightly sad but also this bracket existing means we all won in reality
hi how are u doing btw? i hope ur doing well !!
1- giggling and kicking my feet this makes me really happy to hear. but also feels kind of crazy because I think your selfindulgentsillinessbracket is WAY cooler than any of mine. I want the swag to put my own ocs in a bracket!! actually maybe in future I will host a bracket that is for peoples neurodivergent ocs 2- the lack of autistic girlies is a media trend i have like, A Lot of thoughts about but I don't want to get too heavy on my silly bracket blog 😳,, 3- I'm literally going to be so upset if Webby loses any of her polls/lh but I also acknowledge that Ducktales 2017 isn't the most popular show out there and that I'm setting myself up for failure there </3 as for Dendy.... i think she should win, she deserves it after what she's faced in every previous bracket (including my own) 4- hiiii, i AM doing well and I hope you are too!!! currently a busy lady trying to keep on top of the submissions form! 5- you are very kind and I appreciate your words <3
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tunapesto · 10 months
whos ur art inspo, if u have one? And what inspires you to draw in general? :3
WOWWW 1st one is a bit difficult to answer so I'll get the 2nd one out of the way. Long answers ahead I like to ramble
I honestly don't have like, a clear cut inspiration to draw. it's just a skill I've known all my life and thought, "might as well" whenever I have any interests. it's an important one to me though, it helps me express my thoughts and feelings and interests, and has helped me connect with many people over the years that I don't know what I'd do if I never met them. The internet has helped in that greatly, and it's also another source of income which is nice. I'm a very simple person, art and drawing is one of my ways to live not just financially but socially. it's a big part of myself and that's why I keep going- who am I if I didn't, you know?
as for artists that inspire me... I'm not really one to look at classical artists hahaha, of I'm sorry if that disappoints. I probably should but it's never piqued my interest aside from my general opinion that classical artists are cool and I like to study them every now and then, no specific piece is a favorite though.
I just get inspired by anything I locally come by, i.e the internet most of the time. It also depends on whatever media I currently fixate on. Before, I usually focused on one media at a time because of neurodivergency I think, but now I'm on the complete opposite end of that where I consume multiple media at once to prevent a single thought. It's cool to have ideas and concepts and inspirations crossover each other, it's fun
anyhow, I find my fave artists through fandom and just general socmed algorithms . I'll start w the ones on tumblr (note that some are also on twitter lol) a lot of artists inspire me but I'll be listing out the big ones for the most part
daneesoro has just. very good linework and it inspires me a lot. knows how to put weight on the right parts of drawing and good animations. kny mostly, fem giyuu afficionado. very swag!
ohrsoh I found through mp100 but draws a lot of other stuff like drhdr iirc. similar to daneesoro in how they inspire me, just good drawings all around
taffypointby is a Big inspo in terms of art style and colors. good ideas and incredible execution that really scratches ur brain u know. variety content as well but I found through jjk and wha I believe
twitter time
elodeas is mainly genshin, Incredible color and renderwork it's insane. she just has good stuff all in all
diinnple yet Another big inspo ahhhh, variety content. really cute art style and I learned a few tricks on ibis from. just gorgeous works w lovely drawings
samzalong has an upcoming comic which I highly recommend following up on if you're interested in horror elements. mostly oc stuff. colors are soooo good and art style is very charming and I adore it
galoogamelady , mostly ocs I believe. art is just very humorous and I adore how facial expressions are done in their art
tunneisnakes... mostly horror , sometimes oc sometimes not. found through resident evil stuff. facial expressions, details, color, texture, concepts, everything... just good stuff all around!!! if u like horror and creepy stuff they're an incredible artist for it
pomsteak , a mutual of mine hehehe . really pretty linework and drawings and colors are amazing too . gives me a lot of anime nostalgia w their art style but it's got its own spin on it, very charming and lovely. mostly fandom, found through genshin but they do jjba too iirc! please check em out o7
nymria has very gorgeous art with a mostly warm color palette I enjoy, and they are mostly of women (I love women!) cutesy art style and it makes me feel like I just got shot by cupid and I'm flying in circles. good stuff
there are many others but I'm also largely inspired by a lot of artists that are on the r18 side haha , stylization of anatomy and colors are hard. but I cannot recommend those since this blog isn't really focused on that age range and I wouldn't want to send people who aren't their target audience on their way
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cryptic-bonez · 5 months
Jules posting again because I have massive brainrot of this creature. (Bonus Mica posting!!)
This time it's Headcanons and dynamics I think fit the characters. My girl Mica is underappreciated me thinks, so I'm gonna fix that.
Reminder that these are HEADCANONS! They aren't actually canon to the characters themselves, and this is just information about the character's personality and background that I think fits them. If anyone wants to add theirs, feel free, because I love reading peoples headcanons and comparing notes! :3
Fair warning, the last two of Jules' headcanons are a bit heavier, so trigger warning for SH and dysphoria mentions! There are also Hemophobia and Emetophobia mentions as well
Jules headcanons;
✧ T4T, or just an overall preference for a Trans/Genderqueer partner, pansexual possibly
✧ Has a pronounced accent when he's angry, excited, singing or acting. Like he definitely has one, but it comes out more when he's being expressive if that makes sense
✧ Definitely looks back at his old clothes from his emo phase and almost cringes because of how bad the style he used to dress in. He just fixes everything up with other absolutely ruined clothes and makes them better.
✧ Cleaned and donated his binders for sure! I feel like he'd deep clean them and everything, gives em away to other trans teens/young adults in need
✧ Studed gauges, spiky earrings, just.. out there and absurd jewlery that somehow goes so well with his outfits
✧ Was definitely a cowboy almost every year for Halloween growing up.
✧ Active protester against waste dumping! Very vocal about it too! Even makes awareness posts online and such! Made a GoFundMe to help protect land, especially indigenous land or ranches!!
✧ When he dances, it's not just generic or free style dancing. He's like.. expressing his emotions and soul with it, letting his body move without thinking about it. Like Goth dancing would be, but more expressive and fluid and just overall freeing if that makes sense
✧ Still finds glitter everywhere because he's probably spilled some as a child when doing arts and crafts. They're a very artistic person, me thinks.
✧ Definitely had his nipples tattooed on instead. You can't tell me they wouldn't find a really weird, goth or just overall funky design for a tattoo to replace their nipples after post op healing. Something like a skull, or a cowboy hat.
✧ Loves any kind of animal. Doesn't have a preference. Probably somehow tamed a bearded dragon when they were younger?? And they just. They just had it as a pet for a while. His parents never found out for a while either?? Until he just brought it out like "hey look! This is my new pet!". They also screamed the first time the bearded dragon shot blood at him from it's eyes. (Yes they can do that. Yes it's weird. And yes it's also cool)
✧ Plans on getting tattoos on his surgery scars. Animal skulls or something like that, a mix of alternative/goth and western.
✧ Probably had an unhealthy way of coping with dysphoria. Binded a lot more than he should, stuff like that.
✧ more than likely has a few scars from sh when struggling with self image and dysphoria. He's been clean for years now, and he most likely got tattoos over the scars because they accept that part of them, and they aren't ashamed of it
some Mica headcanons because my girl is swag and deserves some recognition!!
✦ Genderfluid, any pronouns. Doesn't even care if you call her an "it" (probably takes it as a compliment)
✦ Used to be irrationally scared of horses until she met Jules
✦ Hates house parties, only goes for the drinks, food and if Jules is going.
✦ Neurodivergent! Probably has a sleeping disorder too
✦ Has a scorpion belly button piercing. And a scorpion tattoo as well. They're her favorite arachnid
✦ Prefers reptiles or arachnids as a pet, but would totally foster black cats. Most likely pagan/wiccan
✦ didn't talk to Jules for a week because he showed her the bearded dragon defense mechanism. She fainted.
✦ Hemophobia + emetophobia (the fear of blood & vomit)
✦ either has the nicest nicknames or the most rancid god awful nicknames for her friends.
✦ Drives a hearse! Decorates it for festive stuff. Also named it (She'd name it something like Salaman or Pamantha just because it'd be funny)
✦ Mild scoliosis and chronic back pain probably. Has to wear a back brace for it
✦ Enjoys costume design! Makes her own clothes from scratch
✦ Supports small businesses/creators/artists. She has a lot of skincare products from indigenous businesses to support them.
✦ Very vocal about protesting against waste dumping and using land for things that'll harm nature in general! Goes to protests with Jules. Even has social media platforms to help spread information and stop waste disposal on indigenous lands
✦ Supportive of Jules getting into his culture! Very interested in learning about customs and traditions. Also goes to festivities to be his emotional support friend
✦ Was a theater kid in middle and high school, started her alternative phase in 6th grade(she boasts about this to Julien sometimes just because)
character dynamics; Julien + Mica
Hates the theater kid stereotype but unknowingly plays into it + Also hates the theater kid stereotype but doesn't play into it.
absolutely terrified of spiders + loves spiders
neurodivergent + neurodivergent = chaos
Hates porcelain dolls + has a porcelain doll collection
Bone collector + specimen collector
yallternative + alternative/goth
Accident prone + "What did you do this time?!"
Stupid + also stupid
Grew up on a ranch + grew up on a farm
loves horseback riding + prefers to watch instead
bites to be affectionate + bullies to be affectionate
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sammywolfgirl · 1 year
Please do not judge me too heavily for my ships- thank you in advance TwT
Raspberry x Parfait (first ship I was introduced to in this fandom so I hold it close to my heart-)
Wildberry x Crunchy Chip (mah bois-)
Clover x Fig (honestly I ship this more as platonic, maybe queerplatonic but I still love it)
Princess x Knight (I care them-)
Mint x Cocoa (I care them as well-)
I do this in a comedic tone I promise, nothing super harsh
That being said
1) Hell yeah pink bitches! I don’t ship it myself but some mutuals do and I gotta respect it, also good for parfait because in every ship with her I’ve seen she’s always pulled a bad bitch (Twizzly, raspberry, licorice) like damn her Neurodivergent swag is doing wonders
2) the boys, love this ship, didn’t care for it at first but then I saw the rest of odysse and oh my god they’re boyfriends they’re in love or at least crushing at absolute most oh my god oh my god I live for connections built on trust and understanding and mutual respect YES. i do ship it but I prefer a polycule that adds clotted cream to it. Because I put that man through an emotional wringer give him some boyfriends
3) imma be real fam I have no opinions on clover or fig, other than clover was the last rare I pulled and wouldn’t show up for so long. Plant partners, I see the appeal, not my cup of tea but good on clover for getting a partner in some form that he can sit on like a horse.
4) ah that’s a classic. Some people get really defensive of the ship huh? I guess canon isn’t helping, it’s at least heavily implied knight has a crush on princess. Good for him we love to see the guards get the Princess, don’t reallt ship it myself. Princess is probably gay and knight is a disaster bi who I wouldn’t be surprised if he looses the crush later on. I love them as besties though, best friend goals! Princess is the hype man for this pathetic looser who does cool shit but is never credited for it we love to see it!
5) ah yes the token straights of the juice bar regulars! But to be fair this is just so cute wholesom fluff I love it. That’s his WIFE and he LOVES HER she is SOFT and WARM. love it so much I gave toothpaste his own cocoa cookie! He uhh left her behind on accident and she thinks he died but uhhh that gets resolved I swear. 10/10 can’t go wrong with this pure fluff
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