#they are called chaos twins due to the amount of chaos and pranks they make
gatitties · 8 months
I've had this idea for a few days now and I was wondering if u could write it? Preferrably headcannon form
Fem reader (15yrs) who's close friends with the toman captains has three older brothers who are leaders from different gangs and two younger brothers who are actually in toman. Despite being so they managed to stay as regular siblings (petty arguments, stealing eachothers bikes, playing pranks on eachothers gangs)
Basically the siblings treat the delinquent world as their own playground bc of the amount of pranks they can cause on eachothers gangs without getting in trouble
─Tokyo revengers x fem!reader
─Summary: Your whole family is involved in gangs, except for you, however all your relationships are with these idiots who love to cause chaos wherever they go, you don't complain though.
─Warnings: none
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─ You are not involved in the gang world and yet your name is known by all gang members.
─ How could it not be? Three of your older brothers have their own bands, known for certain aspects, and, on top of that, your two younger brothers are part of the well-known Toman.
─ Because of those two devils and your closeness in age to them, you know the captains of Toman, you forged a friendship with them by brute force because you are in the entire epicenter of gang shit.
─ Your brothers will simply cause problems from here to there, some arguments between them or external people, but you are always there to calm the atmosphere, effectively, you are the comic relief in most situations.
─ But don't worry about threats from other gangs that have some modicum of hatred against your brothers and friends, the threats (and fists if necessary) will fly from one side to the other if someone even mentions that they want to use you as a double-edged sword against them.
─ You are constantly being dragged from one place to another.
─ Mikey will take you for a walk with Draken.
─ Mitsuya will ask you to help with her sisters or to be a model for his desings.
─ Takemichi will ask you for help with Hinata but you will always tell him to talk to Emma, she would be more help than you.
─ Pah and Peh will try to convince you to accompany them to beat up some punks.
─ The Wakata twins will drag you throughout the district to find the best ramen shop.
─ Baji and Chifuyu will drag you to all the animal shelters to help a little.
─ Your two little brothers will ask you to watch them fight to find out who is stronger of the two.
─ Your older brothers will take you to their meetings or convince you to steal another of your brothers' motorcycle, which ends in a race and you screaming for your life.
─ Definitely no day in your life is boring with all these people by your side.
─ You also made friends on your own, it's not surprising that they are from other gangs… Kisaki thought that it would be flattering to have a good relationship with you because of your influence and your brothers, which led you to spend time with him and Hanma.
─ The Haitani brothers heard a lot about you and of course they were not going to stay with just the rumors when they could go see you with their own eyes, God willing that the day they decide to come see you, you are not with the Kawata because it will become a war.
─ That's when you decide to call another of your contacts, Izana, usually accompanied by Kakucho, at first they were thinking of using you as blackmail to bother Mikey, but one of your brothers went ahead and threatened them, then they simply kept you as another friend.
─ You have an weird relationship with Taiju because one of your brothers gets along well with him but it is simply awkward when your brother leaves for a few moments, leaving you two alone in an awkward silence, you definitely prefer Yuzuha, she is your favorite Shiba.
─ Quite the opposite of South, who appeared much friendlier (a little threatening due to his expression) when another of your brothers introduced him to you, however he was a good guy to you, he makes you try Brazilian food so that you can give your opinion on its gastronomy.
─ At the moment everything seems like a playground where your family has the corner of the sand that everyone wants, despite the differences between some of the gang members, everything was relatively calm, but who knows what the future will bring for you linked to so many criminals?
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nekorinnie · 2 years
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I present! Jedi Master [Needs a Name cuz there's not a name yet rip] (.. Nantan?)
A Creche/clan? Master who took care and taught the chaos twins Evorurt and Shagrili, among other youngling?,... at very least these two before they go off to become padawans
At some point during the years of teaching the two younglings what they need to know to become padawans, or to become Jedi in general.,? The Jedi Master has gotten the pleasure of getting a nagging gut feeling of when those chaotic kiddos have a big prank brewing, no matter how many years have passed, or what part of the galaxy they are.
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kalinawtokilig · 4 years
A Silly S/O that shares one braincell with his best friend
Who doesn’t love a silly, goofy, S/O?
Pair(s) : Akaashi x Reader, Kenma x Reader, Suna x Reader, Kunimi x Reader
(((Ahhhhhahhh bruhhh I literally put the dying inside parted hair dark beauties here,,, ✨ blessing it ✨)))
{This is my first time doing headcanons,, i apologize as it is very early morning and i dont sleep so i may be passing out as soon as i post this ahahahhahahaahha))))) 
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{Akaashi Keiji x Reader} 
(Ohh shi- Aight, we startin off with setters huh)
To be fair, Akaashi met you through Bokuto, you chaotic duo, whilst Bokuto being a particularly sunny, bubbly guy, its fair he’s friends with someone as goofy as him 
It’s like,,, one of those kinds of friendships you have with Akaashi, whenever you guys are seated next to each other for a group project or simply having a one-on-one convo, you seem to have enraptured him with how funny you are
for example, you being a silly person, you seem to have gotten into a argument with Bokuto, seeing as there was only one braincell, thus being you as the only braincell between the two of you, a juicebox and two of you being dumbasses,,, You proposed to Bokuto to poke a straw through the box so you both can drink from either ends of the straw,,,while bokuto,,, proposed of cutting,,,the juice box,, in half,,, to share,,, 
(No cap, i saw my brother and friend argue and do this,,, it was a waste of a caprisun and i had to drink wine to forget that this is what I put up wit,,,yet i recorded it
Akaashi may have facepalmed when you told him this, but the genuine look of truth and kindness made him soft for you when you continued about your small mishaps 
This mans smiles faintly, so when you talk about a joke or something stupidly funny, he can’t help but have a full on smile, cause you speak so passionately about your small and oblivious situations you keep getting yourself into and the endearing solutions you have
when you get together, it’s no boring life at all
Akaashi is always there to rope you in when things get too hectic, especially around Bokuto, but when its you, he can’t help but grin at how bright you can be when you think of funny ideas for today and the next day
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Kozume Kenma x Reader
(OHH SHI- another pretty setter, lucky day :3c)
Ohhh boi this is gonna be so many jokes
You and Kuroo share a braincell, that being annoying Kenma ((That’s what Kuroo thinks at least)) 
Kenma never can get a break,, you being the manager of Nekoma and being good friends with Kuroo, even Yaku is getting a headache
Kenma looks forward to you talking to him ((He finds you genuinely interesting when you pointed out a creative way - more like a newfounded loophole - to one of his video games,, he got kinda hooked on you when you kept telling him possible ways to beat the boss using a weak weapon,, he thought you were buggin,,, nah,, he won and trusted your somewhat foolish advice,,, beating up a miniboss with a stick that had been leveled up from being used worked,,, he doesn’t know what goes on your mind,,, but he wants to know more)))
You tell Kenma funny jokes about the newest character in the game he’s playing, not to mention your own headcanons about them
Kuroo joins in, much to Kenma’s dismay, but with a small smile he likes seeing you enjoy yourself as you talk odd with his best friend
You call him alot of nicknames due to his hair and attitude 
“Aye,, wassup puddinghead?” - “Lil’Calico, how’s it hangin?” - “Tiramisu cup, ya lookin sweet today!” 
Its,, really cute how you think of him, make up nicknames and have this real attitude when you see him
Kuroo kinda ruins them tho, adding an annoying comment about the nickname and Kenma S C O W L S 
OHHHH When you ask him on a date, you use the most creative one liner 
“Instead of me being support how bout I join your party and be your player 2? We’ll use Kuroo as a support, Rooster-Attack!” 
*cue adorable pose*
You start attacking him with chemistry insult and he dodges it with another chem attack
Kenma has never been so flustered nor entertained before
Overall, Kenma believes that you being a cute, silly, s/o is literally the best thing that has ever happened to him,, (Besides meeting Shoyo of course,, but then again,, that’s always the best thing that can happen to anyone, have you seen that boy’s harem?) 
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Suna Rintaro x Reader
((ooooo,,,, man,,,, this mans,,,, he got me,,,, everywhere,,, lmao i pimp him and he isn’t the only one))) 
Suna ,, I pimp you 
It’s like,,, an extra Miya,,, but more like,, cousin instead of sibling Miya but still family Miya,, ya get me????
You transferred in during your second year and man,,, having Atsumu and Osamu pushing you to be their manager,,, its been trouble ever since,, even Aran cannot handle the amount of boondoggle that happens in practice
Okay, listen, you, YOU, are the type to be silly, yes, but in a way that makes Atsumu and Osamu start arguing over something silly you said and the twins start fighting because they started to drift somewhere else. 
Basically you drench the kerosene, light it, and leave it for the twins to fan the flames,, they are rolling and causing chaos
You and Suna always record it to blackmail them
Not to mention, you being the wacky person you are, you rope the twins into your shit,,, 
Since your last name is NOT Miya, but your other parent’s name, many of Atsumu’s fangirls don’t,, appreciate you 
You can’t help but dangle funny insults towards your ego-filled cousin, having the fangirls wreak havoc and chase you around
you would and can stop,, buts its too funny seeing them get mad over silly things like how you perceive Atsumu to be an ugly sleeper that farts and wakes up from it (( You lived it as kids when you and your family slept over the twins’ place, Osamu and you have many videos of it)) 
Suna is usually the one hiding you away from the rabid fans who seem to want to defend Atsumu’s perfect image honor. 
This man cannot fathom the amount of trouble you get into sometimes, esp. with the twins
When you two get together, you think of the most diabolical and hysterical plans, Suna there to record and by your side when things start to get out of hand
Suna doesn’t express many emotions, but when you finally get him to show a reaction cause of something you did, whether it be a joke or starting a Miya Twins brawl, he can’t help but have the small ghost of a smile when you’re not looking
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Kunimi Akira x Reader
(((ooo another parted hair dark male,, Me likeyy))) 
You and Kindaichi are like,, a mesh of puns and anger 
Puns on your side and Anger on Kindaichi’s side
For Kunimi, he finds it entertaining, the dynamic you two have 
Though Kunimi doesn’t express emotions as much, ((like the other parted hair babes)) he likes to fan the flames to see his best friend angry 
Kindaichi doesn’t get ‘Mad’, he knows its for jokes,,, it’s just,,, your way of thinking can be so mind blowing that he doesn’t know how some of the things go your way it makes him want to know but he gets annoyed when you tease him about it 
Kunimi likes to see the way your accomplished smile shines, despite having silly pranks or stupid puns, you seem to get his type of humor 
you like to play jokes on Kindaichi, usually poking him when he’s not looking that he jumps out of his skin and he pokes you back and you poke him back, then it becomes a poking war and Kunimi steps to side to see you laugh and when you accidentally poke Kindachi too hard in the gut, he topples over and gives you the finger 
You say something among the lines, “Me? If anything, I won and you’re just salty, like that blond beanpole from Karasuno. Right, Kunimi?” 
Kunimi, I feel, isn’t the type to full out laugh, but snort or hide his laugh with a scoff behind his hand,, you know,,, like all these other men seem to do,, i get that vibe from them 
Dating, nothing changes but the teasing from your side is not overwhelming, yet its not underwhelming,, its actually a good wavelength to match with his own retorts 
Kunimi doesn’t hate that you rope him into your schemes, no matter how ridiculous, if it means he gets to see you smile and look at him with those crinkled eyes that seem to glow with joy,,, he doesn’t mind the effort (But he won’t tell you that) 
((Ngl, this is kinda hard,, yet I tried lmao) 
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Finally, the Reader has a little more space ✨
Hope you enjoy,
Abigail 🐍
Warnings: swearing.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Not As Planned
Tom Riddle x Reader
The infamous Dark Lord begins to orchestrate his oh so dreaded return, but while trying to achieve a new, critical pawn's loyalty to him and his cause, things go not as planned.
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4 - Absence
Getting her next day's lessons ready did no use to Y/n. The extra classes provided by her Family during the summer break still vividly played in her mind, and they had covered most of the year's schedule, reason why she had found herself sighing, interest killed by the reading on the potion they were to brew the day after.
Y/n had kept on reading though, just to make sure the words her grandfather had so gently engraved in her head a few months prior were still bleeding in her skull.
Well, they were.
But that was okay, it was perfect, actually.
An Addams could not afford the liberty to start a school year unprepared.
They had to be the best.
She had to be the best.
You had to be the best.
Not only that, you had to be the best of the best.
Hence why in the current time you were answering questions like there was no tomorrow. You'd always end up being almost the only one to participate in the lesson, professors had nothing against it (I mean, maybe Professor McGonagall did, but you still managed to get most of her questions) and your classmates gladly let you take control of the situation.
Well, almost everyone, actually.
There still was him.
Lazarus thatfuckingbitch Malfoy.
He just had to be an asshole and find every single possible way to get on your nerves, sometimes it felt like he simply enjoyed giving you a hard time. Did he want to die that badly? Weren't the Malfoys just cowards naturally inclined to submit to the strongest bidder?
<Yes, Mr Malfoy?>
To hell with him.
<The Venomous Tentacula is a deadly, sentient magical plant. It presents itself as green or brown in color, with spikes, teeth and mobile vines ready to grab any living prey they get the chance to.>
You would have liked to say you had no idea why he was looking at you like that while giving the right answer to Professor Sprout, head of the Hufflepuff House and your Herbology teacher, but you actually knew too well that kind of staring.
He was challenging you.
He was looking for a weak spot, a grain of uncertainty, maybe even fear for a possible defeat.
He had no idea who he was trying to mess with.
You smiled, as if encouraging his little, pathetic show, and apparently he gladly reciprocated the gesture with as much fake kindness as yours.
<The Venomous Tentacula diet consists essentially in Chizpurfles, Doxies and humans. Its juices are pois->
Professor Sprout had granted the students the permission to swear only during that particular class. She had looked kind of excited while explaining them the plant they were to study that day was a very dangerous one, and honestly, after having the said study's subject in front of you, you had understood why. The greenhouse back at your home was actually guarded by Venomous Tentaculas, hence why you were particularly fond of those "little" monsters.
But now all you could hear were screams from Hufflepuffs and muffled snickering coming from your fellow Slytherins, all you could see a very panicked teacher trying to keep her cool and an unidentified student (probably a Slytherin) being tossed around by a green, spiky, excited vine.
High pitched voices kept bouncing loudly in your skull, picking at your brain like little annoying bites, the chaos was driving you out of your mind.
You had always preferred silence.
In a matter of seconds, everything was quiet once again. As if someone had casted a Full Body-Bind Curse on the entire class, the students were now frozen in their steps, some still gaping, others with their eyes shut so tight they threatened to pop into their skull.
Even the teacher was standing still, shock draining the color out of her gentle face.
Malfoy, though, stood there, unmoved, as motionless as a statue, but finally with something you were dying to see hide behind his placid eyes.
<Oh, oh Merlin! G great job Miss Addams, brilliant thinking! Ten, no, twenty points to Slytherin!>
At this point in time, while the trembling Slytherin boy was being accompanied to the Hospital Wing by Professor Sprout, a receded vine lied lifeless in front of the tall, young man you just morally slapped right across his stupid face.
You won.
And everyone knew.
<Did you see his face? I would pay to watch that scene once again!>
<Yeah, hahahaha, stupid Malfoy! He has no idea what he got himself into! Right Y/n?>
<You're so talented, bloody hell! I couldn't cast a spell that fast for my own life!>
<Yeah Y/n, you're just too good!>
<One galleon you could defeat Dumbledore himself!>
There they were.
Your silky voice rang in the almost empty Slytherin Common Room, making the little group that had gathered around you vanish like smoke in air.
Maybe that was the reason why the Malfoy brat intrigued you to that extent.
He was a challenge, not an easy bet.
The dark-haired Slytherin had stormed out the Greenhouse like a hurricane a couple of hours ago and you hadn't heard from him since then. Next class was canceled due to the teacher's "personal reasons", so the Slytherin and Ravenclaw students were left to themselves with a lot of free time. The clever ones retreated to the Library, to catch up whit the massive amount of work the professors had kindly drowned you all with, the stupid ones were out, bathing in the little sun October was blessing Hogwarts' grounds with. So, moral of the story, you were bored to death. Having reviewed today's lessons yesterday and Malfoy nowhere to be seen, you were left with nothing to do but read. Again. The same books you had already finished at home.
You shut the book close and sighed. It wouldn't work.
As soon as you stood up, you heard other students coming down from their dormitories, so you quickly turned to the Common Room's exit and made your way into the school's busy corridors. You had always been the silent type, the solitary one, and from a certain point of view, you had to. From a young age, your family had taught you to mistrust every person you were to get to know in your life, but honestly speaking it didn't bother you keeping a distance from others. Once alone, you could let your mind wander and go to a different place, far away from Hogwarts, from what you called home. You'd always wondered if a place like that was real, if somewhere in the world you would ever have the chance to allow yourself to relax a little bit, let your guard down and maybe laugh genuinely to the twins stupid pranks.
<Thinking about us, were you, gorgeous?>
Speaking of the devil.
<I'm always thinking about you, guys. What do you have for me today?>
As always, they each grabbed you by one of your arms and gently dragged you in a quiet place, unnoticed by curious eyes.
<Rumors say the first task has something to do with dragons>
Fred started, as excited as always.
<They'll probably end up protecting something that the participants will have to retrieve. Wicked, right?>
George finished, with a big grin on his face.
There was something special about them, you just couldn't let the thought of the two happy behavior out of your mind. You could say that interacting with them was your secret, little guilty pleasure, but no one had to know, right?
Their laughs and silliness were just contagious.
<Thank you guys, as always>
<Anything for you, Smalls!>
As the twins answered in unison, you shook your head smiling. A tiny, minuscule but luckily restrained part of yourself wanted to keep the money, just a little more, just to talk to them for a bit, but your Addams self immediately handed the brothers their two galleons with the simplest and most polite smile you had. Next thing you know they're hugging you before sprinting away full speed, as if scared you'd curse them, but giggling cheerfully, as their usual, jolly selves.
What a strange duo.
Your favorite one, though.
Carried by your feet, you headed to the Black Lake without a second thought. Knowing the path by heart meant you had to pay no attention to wherever you were going, therefore you could focus on the newly acquired information. Dragons, mh? Interesting.
Who in the Wizarding World had the magnificent idea of letting seventeen years old students deal with freaking dragons?
Guess your father was right about the Ministry being just an overrated, overly-powerful and overly-paid coven of incompetent clowns.
"What a huge waste of time"
The voice in your head sounded uninterested and almost soulless in your ears, a most accurate reflection of what was repeatedly going on in that beautiful mind of yours. Words echoed undefined in your brain, racing around like brooms gone mad. Nonetheless, they melted in a clear whisper, almost comforting your craved loneliness.
E/c eyes quickly glanced around, immediately spotting the still missing presence of the pale brat, now outstandingly deafening in an eerie, heavy way. Not once you had graced someone witch such attention, and even if in that case it was justified and most certainly not a good thing, it unnerved your usually calm self finding your mind wondering where the heck he was or what the bloody hell he was doing.
Was it something you could do better? Was it a place you knew better?
Whatever was going on between you two, though, did have a name.
It was a game.
The prize? Power.
<Come on, tell her!>
<No, you tell her!>
<It was your idea, not mine!>
First years. Sometimes you forgot you were a prefect, and moments like that made sure to rimind you of your duties. Your thoughts faded into an impending headache and you could do nothing but discreetly massage your temple with one hand, while patiently waiting for the three kids to take some courage and grow the guts to call you.
After ten more, long minutes of arguing, finally the little blonde girl in the middle stepped forward and grabbed you by your robe.
<M miss Addams!>
You gently swirled around, letting your uniform slide in a delicate way out of the little creature's hand.
<Yes, my dear?>
<I, uh->
<Peeves stole our books!>
<Yes, he did! We have Potions next, Snape will eat us alive!>
<Please help us!>
You could almost laugh at the expression the little slytherin girl had on her cute bronze face. Her amber eyes were trying to strangle the two boys with way too explicit effort, and her perfectly tamed hair bounced on her warm cheeks whenever she shook her head from side to side, disappointed in her friends' childish behavior.
Ah, younglings.
<Did you see where he went?>
<Yes miss, that way>
Your eyes followed her thin hand, which was now pointing to the stairs.
<Very well, wait here, I'll be back in a minute>
Not wasting any more time, you turned on your heels and reached the first floor in less than it should have taken. When Peeves locked eyes with you, his ever present grin contorted into pure horror, and in a moment of overwhelming panic he sprinted forward, even faster than usual. You had to follow the poltergeist to the second floor, chasing him through the corridors like a wolf after his bleeding prey.
He knew far too well that if you were to raise your voice, he would've been doomed.
Well, shit.
<Miss Addams! Oh dear me, wh- >
<The books, Peeves.>
<Books? Peeves doesn't know wh- >
Oh, how you despised his stupid voice.
You straightened yourself and placed your hands behind your back. Taking a frighteningly stern aura, you rose your chin high, as if silently judging the being in front of you and already sentencing your prey's imminent end.
<As much as I would love to take my time and teach you your place, Peeves, I'm afraid there's not enough time for the lesson I have in mind. Now, I suggest you return the stolen books in this exact moment before I lose my cool again.>
Memories from the girl's first year flashed before the ghost's disembodied eyes and fear took over him, leading his jester self to drop the books to the ground and fly away as fast as his lifeless body could.
The three text books moved from the cold stone floor and neatly stacked themselves under your eyes' will, just to float up middle air and reach your arms, where they gently let their weight go and settled down.
While turning around, your brain managed to register someone's silhouette slide into the girl's bathroom and given your position, you were morally obligated to check, after all classes were just about to start.
And you would've fulfilled your role, if it weren't for the figure now standing in front of you, a black cloak blocking your vision.
<Professor Snape.>
If it was possible, the corridors fell even more silent, and the man a few feet away from you, right beside the bathroom entrance, brought back to your mind the main reason you were spacing out in the middle of the hall. You locked eyes with the teacher for a never ending minute, a wordless exchange that ended up in the two of you parting your ways in complete silence.
After returning the books to the now little bundles of joy, you got back to your journey towards the Black Lake, brain still stuck in the second floor's corridor, on the semblance of a person entering the girls bathrooms.
First of all, Professor Snape had seemed to not notice anyone in there. He was standing right in front of the door but not once he looked that way, so whoever entered didn't want to be seen.
Addams shouldn't put their nose into others businesses.
But that definitely smelled like something suspicious.
Very suspicious.
Especially because the glimpse of a shadow you had taken was the one of a guy.
You had finally reached the lake without even realizing it. Sitting under what you had adopted as your own tree, you mindlessly took you Charms text book out of your robes. Your eyes, though, were full of the scene that kept on tormenting your restless mind and millions of questions started blossoming in your head. You began to make assumptions and plans to solve the question as soon as possible, to let your brain go of the itching sensation the odd coincidence had layed on it. Your eyes lost focus, and as the world around you melted into blurred colors, you fell in your little world, only to be suddenly brought back by a familiar, wheezy voice, almost an inaudible hiss.
<My dear...>
Your hand automatically shut the book it was holding closed, your mind now empty and focused only on the voice's source.
<Lord Voldemort, I was waiting for you>
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inkweaver22-blr · 3 years
Here’s another filler chapter! I like how it turned out so I hope ya’ll do too! Enjoy.
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Scattered Cicadas - Chapter Twelve: Memory Proof
Tang learns a bit about the twins. Being in the same body as them might have something to do with that.
Tang hid behind some debris in the ruined theater as he watched Macaque approach the shattered Shadow Lantern. He had been hoping to collect the pieces for himself to try and study the artifact’s ability to trap souls. The data he could potentially obtain from it would be priceless in trying to come up with a counter to his curse once he found it’s cause.
But just because they were intelligent, didn’t mean they had common sense. The amount of harebrained plots and ideas they had that blew up in their faces due to not thinking everything through was almost comical.
Abandoning his plan for now, Tang waited patiently for Macaque to leave so he could make his exit as well.
Suddenly the Mayor was there.
Tang tensed in his hiding spot as he watched the man taunt Macaque before surprising the monkey and grabbing him by the throat.
Tang’s pulse raced as he watched Macaque get captured with little effort.
Was this why they never saw Macaque again after these events? Did this happen in every cycle? Just how strong was the Mayor to be able to subdue the shadow demon so quickly?
He needed to get out of here.
Tang froze when he realized the Mayor had vanished without him noticing.
“Now what do we have here?”
Blinding white and blue pain flashed behind Tang’s eyes as he stumbled back. Gasping in panic he looked up to find the Mayor right in front of him, giving the scholar his trademark nonchalant smile.
“Can’t have you running off to spoil the end of the show for the others, now can we” the Mayor said as he held up the Shadow Lantern. “I do love a captive audience!”
Before Tang could react, the lantern was activated, and he knew no more.
He was in the cave, thankfully. The voices called out in concern. The golden-yellow light wrapped around him.
Tang awoke with a start, gasping in panic.
Damn that man!
He hadn’t been killed this time, but being a puppet for the Mayor until the cycle ended was just as unpleasant.
The more he learned about him, the more terrifying to Tang he became.
He would have to do his best to avoid him as much as possible from now on.
Once he got his breathing under control, Tang made his preparations for the day and began his remembering ritual.
It seemed this cycle was one where there were only a few changes. Everything seemed mostly the same except for two details.
The first was that Jin and Yin had been good friends with Mei for years, acting almost like older brothers for her.
The second was that this cycle had Fusion.
Tang groaned at this revelation.
There were many strange and weird magics and powers he had come across in the timelines, but Fusion was the most conflicting for Tang.
Fusion was a special ability where two or more beings would physically combine together into a new, more powerful being. The result was usually a much larger combination of the participants that mixed together their physical characteristics and often sported extra limbs and eyes. Whether the minds of the original beings remained separate or fused into a new personality as well as the permanence of the Fusion tended to be randomly determined like most things in these cycles.
The only constant was the need for absolute trust between all parties that fuse.
Fusion was an intimate process as you shared not just a body with someone else, but your mind as well. Thoughts and memories could not be hidden from a Fusion partner. It was an implicit sign of trust, and oftentimes love, to want to fuse with someone.
Forcing two unwilling beings to fuse was possible, but never went over well in Tang’s experience.
Tang didn’t dislike Fusion. It was an incredible experience the few times he had done so with either Pigsy or Wukong. He had never felt so close with anyone as he did when fused with them.
The problem was the curse.
Fusion required trust and the participants working in synchrony to function. His curse made it impossible for anyone except himself to know about it. When fused, his partners would become confused at the strange gaps in Tang’s mind they couldn’t perceive. The disorientation would destabilize the trust between them, causing them to fall out of sync, and result in the Fusion ending prematurely.
The questions he would receive were ones Tang couldn’t answer, and he was usually treated with suspicion and distrust for the remainder of those cycles. The same problem would occur if he refused to fuse at all, as that implied he didn’t trust anyone.
Luckily for Tang, he wasn’t in a romantic relationship with anyone this cycle and hadn’t fused with anyone yet. There was also a precedent this time for some people finding Fusion nauseating, so he could always fall back on that if pushed.
Hoping it wouldn’t even come to that, Tang left his apartment and made his way to work. He began to think of the second change as he walked.
Jin and Yin. The Gold and Silver Demon Brothers.
The two trouble makers loved to spread chaos wherever they went. Even during the rare occasions like now where they were allies. Schemes, pranks, and hijinks were to be expected whenever they were around.
The twins were smart. That was pretty much a given being the former lab assistants of Lao Tzu. Their talent in crafting magical items was impressive by mortal standards.
But just because they were intelligent, didn’t mean they had common sense. The amount of harebrained plots and ideas they had that blew up in their faces due to not thinking everything through was almost comical.
Tang had to admire their tenacity though. Their determination never faltered no matter how many failures they had. This was particularly handy when they were allies.
The twins’ self destructive tendencies usually got smoothed out whenever they befriended the group as well. Tang was genuinely surprised a few times by what they had managed to come up with when given a proper sounding board to help point out problems.
He may not consider Jin and Yin to be a part of his extended family, but Tang couldn’t help but have a soft spot for them. Perhaps, in time, he could include them. Maybe when their redemption became more common in the cycles.
But for now he was perfectly fine with just being their friend.
The attack came without warning.
They had all been hanging out at Pigsy’s Noodles when multiple explosions went off across the city. Tang wasn’t sure what happened in all the confusion, but he was currently with Jin and Yin, the three of them separated from the others.
They had been trying to find everyone when the twins had suddenly pushed Tang away from them. There was a loud crashing sound and the air was filled with dust.
Coughing and waving away the dust, Tang stood and looked around. As the smoke began to clear, his heart dropped at what he saw.
“Jin! Yin!”
The twins were trapped under the rubble of a partially collapsed building. Jin’s entire left side was stuck under the debris while Yin was pinned from the waist down.
Neither demon had super strength and were completely helpless. They couldn’t even fuse to escape as they were just out of reach of each other and Fusion required contact.
Tang scrambled over the torn apart street and knelt next to the groaning brothers.
“G-go get help Tang,” Jin said, teeth clenched in pain. “We’ll be fine for now.”
“I am not leaving you two here,” Tang said, looking around for anyone to help, but the street was deserted.
“Come on, we’ll be right here when you come back,” Yin said with a strained smile. “I promise we won’t get up and leave.”
Before Tang could scold him for joking, there was another distant explosion followed by a rumbling sound. The three looked up in horror as the remainder of the building began to sway.
“Shit! Tang you need to leave now!” Jin pushed against the concrete trapping him, but made no progress.
Tang’s mind raced.
None of them were strong enough to push the rubble away. He had no time to go get help before the rest of the building fell. Jin and Yin couldn’t grab each other to fuse.
But he could.
Tang reached out and snatched up the hand of each twin.
“Fuse with me!”
“There’s no time! Fuse with me!”
Spurred on by the urgency of his voice, the twins closed their eyes and focused. Tang did the same and the world melted into gold, silver, and yellow light.
Fusing was always an indescribable experience. Tang felt warm as he felt his body stretch out and merge seamlessly with the twins’. He had no idea which physical traits would be picked from each of them, but their appearance was the least of his worries.
When they opened their eyes, they were standing several feet away from the pile of debris, just as the building began to topple.
“Shit! Go go go,” Jin said from their shared mouth.
They quickly dashed away from the area, their much taller stature allowing them to easily outpace the collapsing structure. Their new body didn’t feel strange in any way, and their combined movements came naturally.
‘Damn, I think my legs are broken,’ Yin said in their shared mind once they paused to take a breath. ‘We’ll have to keep this up until we get to a hospital and unfuse inside.’
‘Pretty sure some rebar had stabbed into my side so ditto on that,’ Jin added.
‘That might be a problem...’ Tang’s nervousness caused their stomach to twist.
‘What does that- Oh. Huh. That’s interesting.’ Jin explored the gaps he found in Tang’ mind with curiosity. ‘Hey Yin, take a look at this.’
‘Whoa. Trippy. Haven’t seen a memory-proof seal like this in a while.’ Yin poked at the spaces gingerly, not wishing to be caught completely in its effects.
‘Look at how big it is though,’ Jin said. ‘You are much older than I thought you were Tang.’
‘No, no, no. His body is definitely only 41 years old. So that means his mind is much older.’
‘Time travel?’
‘That usually has the person physically moving through time, so I doubt it.’
‘How are you two not disoriented by this,’ Tang said as they began to move towards the sounds of the explosions.
‘Should we be?’
‘Oh, yeah, I see what you mean,’ Jin said as he found the context for Tang’s confusion.
The demon didn’t vocalize it, but he projected how he found it interesting that he could get the knowledge on Tang’s past experiences with fusions without the full picture.
‘Oof. Forcefully unfusing and being treated as untrustworthy must suck,’ Yin said.
Tang was about to ask how they were being so unconcerned about this when the context came unbidden from their minds.
Lao Tzu had placed his own memory-proof seals on the twins to prevent them from revealing his secrets. They had to deal with it every time they fused.
Along with that knowledge came the feelings of the desperate need for approval and attention from their master, but never receiving it.
Always having their ideas dismissed. Being told their work was never good enough. Belittling their reliance on one another. Outright destroying their inventions at one point.
‘What an ass,’ Tang said vehemently.
He had worked too hard across the cycles to keep MK from drowning in his insecurities. It was insulting to him that someone he had once respected for their vast knowledge would ever treat anyone like that to make them feel this way.
‘I know, right?’
‘Why do you think we left,’ Jin said.
Tang sent over the context that, while he couldn’t tell them how, he had become an accomplished magician and artificer in his own right.
‘We’re going to make him regret ever dismissing you two,’ Tang vowed.
‘You… You want to take us on as students?’
Tang’s righteous protectiveness over how small Yin had sounded shocked the twins as they felt his warmth of comfort envelope them.
‘I would be honored to have you two as students. There is no way I’d ever let my family feel like they are unwanted.’
Tang let the context for that free as well as the love he felt for his family, which now included his two new students.
They had to stop walking for a moment as Jin’s and Yin’s emotions caused them to start crying. Tang made sure to keep watch from his set of eyes while they were indisposed.
The joy and appreciation they sent his way in silent thanks was returned with his own.
‘Let’s get you two to a hospital.’ They continued to move once they had composed themselves. ‘I would never forgive myself if I let my favorite students perish from a simple collapsing building.’
‘Aren’t we your only students?’
‘Oi! And what do you mean by a “simple collapsing building''? Are you saying there are other ways you’d let us perish?!’
The master and his students bickered playfully back and forth as they looked around for a hospital that had been undamaged in the attack.
Tang may not have been expecting to add the twins to his family this soon, but he knew he wouldn’t regret it. How he felt for them would live on even past the memory erasing effects of the curse.
Jin and Yin returned the sentiment a hundredfold.
And thus Tang’s family grows in numbers once more! He’s almost completed the whole set by now.
Fusions are an interesting concept and there are plenty of great designs for different combinations out there. While none of them show up in this chapter, I’d like to give a shout out to @winterpower98, @smallpwbbles, @sketchquill, and @ninja-knox-ur-sox-off for their amazing fusion designs! Go check them out!
Don't worry about that bit with the mayor. It's fine.
Next chapter will be another filler! Until then!
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hollowgroverp · 7 years
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Hello, my darlings! We give you our latest plot shuffle! We had an overwhelming amount of those who wanted to participate so we did our very best to include everyone who commented on the event post. We welcome everyone to use this shuffle for in game interactions. Meaning, you can, throughout the event, post reactions to what your character’s specific shuffle is. Not all starters have to relate to this right away, or at all even. Meaning you can begin all interactions on a good note, and really invest your character into what’s going on around them, then later on post something and pursue plots related to the scenario everyone was placed in.
More on how this works is that we put together plot scenarios for everyone of something specific that will happen to your character during the event. Some are open ended and you can work with those involved in your plot to determine what happens next, others are a bit more close ended and you are welcome to show the after math of that event. We encourage everyone to continue to plot for the event outside of these and please let us know if you have anything major you’d like to clear. Just a reminder the event starts tomorrow, Wednesday, July, 5th at 7 pm CST and will run through Wednesday, July 12th. In game, the event will take place Saturday, July 8th. More can be found about the event here.  
Founders' Day History Trying To Repeat Itself
It, of course, wouldn’t be Founders’ Day without a few shenanigans and leave it to Nolan Dunhurst to keep with last years tradition.  Kegs and Eggs would not be complete without some streaking to follow and when Nolan and Adam Haley team up for a bit of drunken fun things are sure to get a bit rowdy. Throw in a beautiful blonde with a knack for fun, Riley Wilder, and you’ve got a sure first equation for chaos. After more drinks then three of them care to stomach, Adam and Nolan are set on making good on a new tradition. Streaking. This time the plan doesn’t involve streaking through the parade, Nolan gets about half way across church street before he’s caught by Sophia Greyson, with pants in hand. This leaves Riley and Adam to their own drunken fun, which ultimately ends in the blonde almost stumbling into a Raya Guerriero. Raya, slightly jumpy from being around all the people and the noise of Founders’ Day, is on edge, to say the least, and rowdy blonde running into her only seems to trigger her annoyance. Adam, sensing the tension tries to jump in but only seems to make the situation worse with his fast talking and of course, a few wrong words and the two are ready to fight despite Riley’s words of discouragement. Scarlett Cardwell isn’t having any of it though. Refusing to let the day be ruined so early she breaks up the fight, taking Adam by the ear as she drags him away.
Can’t We Just Have A Parade Without Chaos??
When a prank goes awry, things get dangerous. A few high school boys stole some firework and in an attempt to be funny they accidentally set them off during the parade from their float. Thalia Dunne is almost knocked right off her float trying to avoid them. Thankfully Lukas Blackwell is there to save the day. Rory Seibert had the dogs out for the parade, frightened by the loud sounds of the fireworks they begin to panic and Rory loses control. The dogs scattered in fear causing chaos through the parade line. One dog, in particular, came barreling into  Anastasia West and it was love at first sight. The sweet dog took to licking her face in apology. The Hell’s Kitchen float didn’t get off so lucky as they swerved to miss one of the fleeing dogs causing Isolde Harabo to lose control of it and almost run Emmett Bryson right over. Thankfully, Emmett and the dog he was helping were saved at the last minute by Isolde bringing the float to hault. 
When Magical Babies Attack
They never saw it coming. A designated kid zone set up at the carnival was the scene of a fiasco no one ever anticipated. What would happen if you gathered together several children with magical affiliation and watched what would happen when they channeled each other's powers. Catriona O’Shea and her twins, Levi Calhoun and his girls, and Rowan Hastings with his niece Valarie couldn’t have known what would come from the five children playing closing in the children’s area of the carnival. Arthur Grey would sadly find himself on the receiving end of this child’s play. It comes first as the sound of a little girls voice calling to him in his mind. Telepathy was always an odd thing to experience first hand, but Levi’s eldest was only just experiencing the first stages of it. As she ran through the play set trying to escape another child playing tag, in her mind she sounded in distress causing Arthur to panic as he tried to find the little girl. When he reaches the Kid Zone he soon found himself experience a string of magical shenanigans that he certainly didn’t sign up. Signs of magic in children this young war rather uncommon but when those children got together their strength only caused surges in power. Lifted clean off the ground at the amusement of the children, Arthur found himself suspended in mid air. Then suddenly a pool of water holding the duck game, stirred, and Arthur found himself drenched by its contents. The children continue with this playful play of powers for a good five minutes before Cat, Levi, and Rowan discovers what is happened. Coming to Arthur’s rescue Cat saves Arthur from the childish torment of the children.
Leave It To The Hypnotist To Cause A Little Entertainment
After last years fiasco, many objected to bringing back the hypnotist but many couldn’t resist. After all, last year had lead to a lot of laughs for those who got to watch. Of course many were hesitant when volunteers were asked for so naturally a few people were nudged into it who weren’t all that pleased with the idea. Sloan Burkhart, Alastair Ferris, and Maggie Blackwell were three of those unfortunate souls who got strong armed into. Lucky for Maggie, hypnotism didn’t work on the original and she knew it. Alastair was no believer, he rolled his eyes in protest at the ever idea of being on stage for something as ridiculous as this.
sleep...sleep... sleep....
Maggie watches in amusement as the human and the vampire on either side her drift off into a slumber and the hypnotist looks frustrated by Maggie’s awake state. A sheer smirk of satisfaction on her lips as she shrugged. To everyone’s surprise though, one in the audience had fallen under the words. Mia Conroe would find herself under the spell of the hypnotist. Taking Maggie’s place on stage she sat with the other two.
“Now, when you hear the word freeze, I want to you to charge, tackle, dismantle and tear limb from limb (figuratively) the quarterback. The three of you are defense players, and he has the ball.” With this, he whispers a name in the ear of each of the
Then, with the snap of a finger, the three wake up. After that, they are set to the side, standing there in confusion and no idea what happened. But it’s all part of a bigger show.
The hypnotist sets its sights on two more players in his little game. Katja Chekhov was just passing by when she was plucked from the crowd much to her dismay. The scowl on her face should have been a dead give away. Matty Stevens was the next piece of the puzzle. After a few moments, Katja and Matty soon believe their police men.. and their on a secret mission. The hypnotist whispers a word to them.. a name. The name of who they are after now.The audience is now watching them perform, hiding behind the walls on stage, and using fake hand guns as they walk around in stealth. The other three are off to the side, now working out and waiting for the big game.
Then suddenly the hypnotist stands up says one name: “Colton DeForest” The crowd can hear him groan, Colton had seen this one play out before.
“FREEZE!” Katja and Matty both yell out, pointing their fake hand guns at the man.Uh oh.. they aren’t the only ones playing the part. At the sound of the word, Mia, Alastair, and Sloan are off! And it’s down with the quarterback! Or in this case, Colton. Looks like our lovely police officers have captured the bad guy, thanks to the help of HG’s very own football team. Who knows if they’ll remember any of this though.
A Performance Gone Awry 
A newcomer to town Alexz Brookes landed herself a performer spot during the carnival. Her impressive vocals seem to blow the crowd away and it's a show no one will forget. Of course due to some miss placement of water by the newest generation of witches an electrical fire starts at left edge of the stage that causes some of the stage equipment to shake loose and fall right onto the path of Avery Carter-Wate. It would have crushed the young witch had another witch not been on hand, Ezra Gillies, Telekinesis stopped the debris from falling onto Avery. Chaos in the crowd erupts as the fire becomes noticeable. Jamie Taylor and Nathaniel Greyson, not being ones to run from trouble jump into action to get everyone safely away and isolate the issue. Fallon Robinson had been enjoying the show with Darcy Hastings when everything started to fall apart, when a piece of the stage broke out, threatening to crush and the little girl Fallon used her force field to protect them both.  Rachel Silver wanting to help starts directing the crowds away from the stage as Jamie and Nate get everyone in imminent danger out of trouble. Jamie climbs on stage to help Alexz, assisting her off the stage while Nate went to put the fire out. Another piece of equipment falls and this time Rachel plays the hero as she pushes Nate out of the way. Once safe, Rachel, Nate, and Jamie contain the fire and everyone is safe with a few minor injuries.
Thankfully, the main stage was still up and running, the crowd demanded an encore and Alexz was able to give it to them from there.
Temperamental Hybrids Ahead
It starts with little jabs, Cassie Cresswell, chalks it up to a bad day. It starts with a run in with her father at the Parade. Cruel words from a grieving father lead to emotional scars that will be long standing. Factor in the crowds of people and the new hybrid finds herself more stir crazy than she cares to admit. A gaggle of teenage boys obnoxiously playing pranks press her last few buttons that when Violet Beaumont-Murphy comes plowing into her as Violet tries to escape the fire that had started on the stage, the collision causing Cassie to snap. Eyes flashing a dangerous yellow color, Violet finds herself face to face with an angry hybrid. On his way to help out Jamie, Dash Hastings’s attention is diverted to Cassie and the woman. Slipping between the two Dash tried to talk Cassie down. Warning Violet, he told her to run. With calm words, he gets Cassie to listen long enough for the young woman to plead with him to get her home so she could be locked up before she turned. Respecting her request Dash pushed through the crowd, Cassie in tow as they made their way the few blocks to the Cresswell’s home.
Once inside Dash locked Cassie away for her own safety, promising to not let her out until they knew it was safe. With that Dash stepped away to call Isabelle Cresswell and let her know. Little did Dash know that someone had slipped inside and let Cassie out in his absence. To his horror, he returned to find the door wide open and an angry snarling wolf staring him down. Dash tried to escape but Cassie attacked regardless. Little did they know that who ever had set her free and poked the bear and set a wild animal loose in the town.
Watching from the sidelines as Jamie fought the fire, Isabelle and Lorelei Holt waited for the crowds to clear. As things began to settle, Isabelle phone rang, answering she was met with a panicked Dash. Hearing his words she was instantly spurred into action. Telling Lorelei of what happened, Issy asked the woman to retrieve Jamie Taylor and Gideon Henry and have them meet her at her home. With that, she took off for her house. Lorelei, Jamie, and Gideon not far behind.
When she reached the house she found a batter and bruised Dash laying on the front lawn, being circled by a rather large wolf she realized was Cassie. Lorelei, Jamie, and Gideon came charging towards the house causing the Cassie to snarl turning in their direction.
“Stay back,” Issy cried and Cassie’s attention turned back to her sister, lunging towards her both Jamie and Gideon moved to tackle the wolf, knocking Cassie to the ground mere inches from Isabelle. Cassie was too strong, her teeth sinking into Gideon’s shoulder as tried to get him off, finally knocking the vampire to her side. Jamie was carelessly tossed to other side knocking into Lorelei knocking her out. Panicked, Jamie tried to help her not noticing the wolf circling him once more.
Watching the scene unfold before Isabelle wanted to act but she was scared to use her power on her sister. Not wanting to hurt her. Watching though as she circled Jamie, ready to pounce she couldn’t bare the idea of him being hurt. Placing herself between Jamie and Cassie as the wolf went to lunge Issy felt a surge of power as her hands came up trying to stop Cassie. Watching in shock as the wolf was knocked backward. Her new power of telekinesis had made its appearance and it had been just enough power to knock the wolf out. With Jamie’s help, they get Cassie back into her cell and lock the door before returning to help the others.
What Goes Bump In The Night
Under the cover of the event, a group of supernatural creature slipped into town. Through out the day, they sparked the fire of chaos. It starts with setting off the hybrid, a fire to distract everyone, then finally setting the hybrid free. The plan, however, doesn’t come to fruition the way they picture. Ideally, the hybrid would have caused the final strands of chaos for the night, ultimately causing, to their hope, more hybrids. When the plan doesn’t play out the way hoped though they quickly moved on to plan B. It starts with Dean Miles, snatched amongst the chaos of the fire, they feed him their blood and snap his neck. Leaving him in the bushes and waiting for him to wake.
From there they move on, hungry for a little bit during the block party, they snatch up Evan Rider. They leave him for dead behind one of the stages. Luckily Kitty Mastrano stumbled across him just in time. Her healing magic bringing him back from the brink of death. When he finally awakes he tells Kitty the story of a vampire claiming to be a part of the Clave attacked him. Scared of what this meant the two grabbed the first original they could find, Noah Blackwell.
When Dean Miles awoke, he was hungry and confused. The block party was well underway. Unaware of what had happened to him he stumbled his way out of the bushes, drawn by the smell of blood.  Mirelli Guerriero stood only feet ahead of him, having just cut her hand open on a sharp bottle. Driven by the hunger he attacked, caught of guard there was very little Mirelli could do to stop the new vampire. Hearing a scuffle, Adelaide Beauchamp followed her senses only to find a terrifying scene before her. One that took her back to Founders’ Day last year. Charging forward she pulled Dean off of Mirelli. It was like all of a sudden she was seeing the world through different eyes and she knew she had to help this new vampire the same way she’d been helped this time last year.
The Clave’s loyal followers didn’t stop there. When their back up plan to send a freshly turned vampire loose on the crowds of the event didn’t work they turned to creating more chaos of their own. Unfortunately for them, they picked the wrong women to try that with when they came across Delilah Reyes and Emma Sawyer away from the crowds. Emma gets a vision of what’s to come just moments before, the element of surprise gone when a Clave werewolf tried to jump her she was ready. The two young woman found themselves cornered by four members of the Clave. With almost embarrassing ease Delilah and Emma held their own against them. With three unconscious, only one remained. “Nik Greyson sends his regards.” The man said with a sick smile as he made to treat. Delilah and Emma made to go after him but were stopped as Noah Blackwell appeared, grabbing the man by the throat. Nora Hastings appeared just in time to realize the man before she had been the one who had made her believe she’d killed her own family.
Jack Haley, Scarlett Cardwell, and Sheriff Colton DeForest show up at the scene just in time to arrest four Clave members. 
They didn’t know it yet, but it would be clear soon that the Clave had returned.
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