#they are soooo special to me. they're family
swiftviolets · 9 months
the saints fun facts pls
HI TYSM <3 saints time hehe
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before the saints andy was in another band whilst he was at lsu. theyd play frat parties and stuff and were fairly popular on campus. they disbanded in 1966 after a couple of members graduated.
andy is the oldest alongside dale. they met whilst at lsu and dale was part of the other band andy was in.
warren and lou know each other from high school and he lives in the same neighbourhood as the blanchard brothers. lou is italian and his dad owns an electrical aplliance store which isnt totally being used as a fence by the sorrentino family shh.
the band was officially created by andy and warren in 1967 after andys graduation. dale joined soon after and then lou after some convincing by warren
hashtag drama but lori and warren actually knew each other before she starting dating andy. they slept together like once but at the time lori didnt even know warren had a brother lol. andy isnt aware of any of this yet so its so awkward when shes hanging out with them all
speaking of lori dale doesnt like her and thinks shes getting in the way of andy's capability to lead the band however he'd never say this to andy's face. lou just thinks shes cool :)
ik i said in another post but whilst andy and warrens cousin lonnie plays the keyboard for their live shows he's not an official member. because he's only 16/17 his parents won't let him sign a contract until hes done with high school bc they don't want the band stuff to interfere with his education.
despite the bands name its purely coincidental they share the saints namesake with the new orleans saints (and for real i totally forgot new orleans had an american football team called the saints lol)
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sysig · 1 year
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Giggles (Patreon)
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sillypiratelife · 4 months
Kuina is probably my favorite female character of One Piece, but that's because she represents just perfectly the experience of being a little girl that's into martial arts— and some other stuff.
Kuina would never be enough because she could not be man enough to inherit the dojo, according to her dad, but she was also not lady-like enough to be considered a "woman". To the eyes of other people (and what they make her believe), Kuina's dream marked her as an eternal outcast, someone who would never reach one shore or the other.
To Kuina, her body was a cage. Even if she had everything within her, her body would make her naturally weaker. Similar to being condemned to fight with a bad sword, a blade that would break. Being a child was safe. Little boys and little girls are equals. Growing up meant losing time, losing ground. Every year must have to be a burden to her, with the constant reminder that her time as the best was running out.
The fear and hatred of puberty, the horror of the way your body changes without your permission, the experience of girls who feel uncomfortable in her bodies because they don't want breasts, they don't want to be weaker once a month because their bodies are bleeding and their hormones are ruining everything— I've seen it all.
Worst even, the way people would stare at those bodies and lust for them. The trauma of being desirable. Now they think that they're entitled to your body, that they can disrespect you. You're a toy, an object, you're a woman so you're weak and fragile, you're a woman so give up, you're not in control of the situation anymore.
When Koushiro said that a woman could never be the best swordman in the world, there are soooo many things in between the lines. Why not?
As if it wasn't enough, the boys accused Kuina of being that much better than them because her dad was the leader of the dojo, so he must be teaching her in secret. Her merits were never hers, just the results of another man. "Ah, that girl can't be that good, she must be getting help, receiving special treatment, getting extra training, etc". It's infuriating and Kuina shows it. They disrespect her like it's nothing, like it's natural. Her own dad allows it and participates in that.
Before Zoro, Kuina had no one to tell her that her skills were only hers. Her body, her heritage, not of that mattered. She was the rightful winner of their matches, at least so far.
When Zoro cries out of frustration and Kuina asks him if he even knows why she should be the one crying for it? Life changing moment. Zoro got the praise and loyalty of the dojo boys, the admiration of the older people training there, he was even the special boy of her dad— Koushiro let Zoro clown around with multiple swords and watch Kuina beat his ass, but it'd never matter.
Zoro wouldn't be betrayed by his own body, his own family, his own dojo and his own hometown. He was an outsider accepted by the community, their pride even. He came out of nowhere and they gave him everything she wanted and both of them deserved. It's just that it wasn't a fair fight: Zoro was a boy and Kuina was a girl. She'd always have to fight harder even if she was better.
For me, I really think that only Zoro could carry Wado Ichimonji with him. He was the only one who respected Kuina as a person and a rival, not seeing what others saw in her. Zoro honored all their fights, never tried to discredit her, because even when Koushiro tried to give Zoro an excuse "you forgot that she's a little older than you", Zoro brushed it away. No, he could beat grown-ups. That was not it.
Kuina was better than him. Period.
The fact that she died in such an accident and the way Koushiro said "humans are fragile things"... It is just so amazing. What Kuina feared the most: all her potential, wasted. When she was finally ready to go after what she wanted, she fell down the stairs and died. Simple. The promise Zoro and Kuina made was wasted too. Now Zoro had all the time in the world and Kuina had no time at all. She was always against fate and Zoro rode with it.
I still think about how Zoro plans to make it all worth something: if she can rightfully fight for the title, then he won't let anyone have it but him. If Kuina was able to beat 2001 times the boy who would become the best swordman in the world, then no one could insult him ever again. And if he won that title with her sword, then he'd elevate both their names. If he could fulfill his promise to her, then that night would hold its meaning.
I love Kuina soooo freaking much and I love how much Zoro values her, even to this day.
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bestygogirl · 4 months
Group C Finals!
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please use this as an opportunity to say why you like a character, not why you don't.
Propaganda under the cut!
Anzu Mazaki
the original It Girl, very underrated anzu masaki is stubborn. she’s all about friendship and she believes in you soooo much. she’s the type to give you a lecture while picking you up because she’ll never leave you stranded but you should take better care of yourself. she has dreams of being a dancer and takes that risk in moving to whole different COUNTRY to follow her dreams. vote for anzu!!! This is ANZU. Yugioh's most dedicated friendship philosopher!!! The one who knew the power of friendship before anyone else did!! Always backing up her guy friends even when (especially when) they're up their own asses about card games!! Not the mom friend bc she's reckless and nuts in her own special way!! The girl Yami confided in when he couldn't even confide in Yuugi... who sees through everyone's bullshit into their true feelings.... who said "learning how to love yourself is a game we play our whole lives"..... She is THEE GIRL. Literally iconic. Foundational to the whole damn text!! She didn't haul ass after a bunch of goofy card game geeks supporting them through 343 chapters and suffer through endless early 2000s Anzu-bashing fic to NOT win this tournament!!
Isis Ishtar
gorgeous, very caring sister, strong duelist, and the only woman to ever make Seto Kaiba squirm
anyways. not only as mentioned above is she the first woman to make kaiba squirm, but she was by all means going to beat him if not for the millennium rod's millennium interference. yami marik admits that she's a strong duelist with a strategy that's been working for literal years-- and given that she's not like, a professional duelist, thats pretty impressive
she also recently got some really cool meta bumps and let me point out that an "ishizu deck" now includes obelisk the tormentor-- which we knew she had prior to giving it to kaiba, but i think it only solidifies my opinion that she very much could wield an Egyptian God Card, an exclusive little club for top tier duelists
as a character she presents herself with an amazing amount of poise and grace, shes compassionate and kind and stays with mai and serenity even though she only just met them. shes struggling through living the past 5 years of her life drowning in guilt for her family's tragedy just because she wanted to make her little brother happy and shadi is a fucking liar. shes foretold her own death and marches towards it grimly but with so much love in her heart. and even then shes 20 years old and holds an important position in the egyptian government that typically requires a doctorate degree AND has been dealing with mariks off-and-on bullshit entirely by her lonesome. she also likes to flex her fortunetelling a little which is awesome i think she should do that more that scene where she tells the guy exactly how the stele is being transported was so everything
speaking of shes got such an attitude. "is it your destiny to waste my time?" iconic. never seen before will never be seen again. watch the duel between her va and joeys its so fucking funny
shes excult. shes doesnt flinch in the face of god nor death. seto kaiba and yami marik respect her. shes so sad and so sweet and battle city couldnt have happened without her.
also her parallels with kaiba are what motivate kaiba to give yugi the card he needed to beat marik.
kaiba, in duelist kingdom, was ready to jump off a ledge if yugi didnt let him through to face pegasus while trying to save mokuba out of sheer desperation to save his little brother. he KNOWS what that dedication feels like and the iron kind of will you need to have to make that kind of gamble. isis is being so fucking legit with what shes saying and he respects that and her judgement enough to change his mind and not only watch the duel, but give yugi a card that eventually helps him win, even if he has no real confidence in the odds. but theres a CHANCE, which is the same thing he taught her when he beat her in a duel. the layers its her faith that moves him to act. which is so crazy
anyway vote isis shes my best friend forever and a real rep for all the 20 year olds who honest to god did not sign up for this bullshit
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sky-fire-forever · 6 months
Ya'll need to learn to love more than one character. Like someone loving a certain character does not take away your ability to love a different character or even their ability to love a different character
Izzy's my favorite character, yeah. But why are people assuming I hate Ed?? I fucking love Ed. I adore him so much. He's so baby girl. He tries so hard to be good and a lot of his worse actions are fuelled by his self-hatred and loss. He's fascinating to me and I want to study him like a bug. The way he distances himself from his cruelty ("technically the fire killed those guys") and how he presents himself differently to different people (the party boy to Jack, the sensitive sap with Stede, the ruthless captain to Izzy) are both things that I fucking love analyzing and talk about to my partner constantly. I love how hard he tries to be a good person! I love how he is slowly learning how to care about people on their terms instead of his own. I love his growth and how much he WANTS to grow
You know who else I love? Stede! His compassion and care for the people around him is so touching and I love that he takes so much pleasure in the little things. I love how we've watched his confidence build since the first episode, where he was constantly panicked and nervous, to a capable captain who still loves his crew but will defend himself and won't take as much shit from people like Nigel. He'll defend his crew instead of hiding like a coward. I love how he delights in details like fancy wardrobes and a cursed suit because he takes pleasure in small things like that! In marmalade and puzzle chests. He's a sweetheart and he rejects the idea that he has to be cruel to be capable
Oluwande was my favorite character when I first watched season one (though I dislike a lot of his season two writing because it feels like they dumbed him down) because he's kind and very intelligent. He cares a lot for the crew and he's extremely capable while also being a little goofy and being soooo bad at addressing his feelings. I love that he was so obviously in love with Jim, but had that first instinct of denying it if questioned because that's so often how crushes work! His little "What? No! Shut up!" When the chief pointed out his feelings for Jim still makes me giggle. He's a little awkward, but he's sweet and he's supportive. He also can be a little shit when he wants to be, like when he basically made Jim confront their past because he was petty about them not telling him about it. He's always got people's backs and there's a reason he was chosen to be the captain during the Izzy mutiny.
Jim is a character who means SO much to me as a trans person. Their arc is so special to me and they're also just... so fucking cool. I love their journey of figuring out who they're supposed to be versus who they WANT to be. Their struggle with what's expected of them and them wondering if they even want what they thought they wanted is so touching. Them defending Izzy is actually so great to me because it shows their loyalty and their need to defend their family. It didn't have to be Izzy, it could be any member of the crew and they would have their back. Because that's what family means to them. "Our dick" says a lot about them, as does their little "He was your friend" line. Jim cares about people even when they're quiter and more closed off. Hell, they stabbed a man in the first episode for insulting Frenchie and they didn't even talk yet! Them being the one to tell the Pinocchio story to Fang was so great because it shows just how soft they really are and want to be.
Speaking of, I also adore Fang so so so much. He's such a sweetheart and he's sensitive and he cares so, so much about his friends. He's a big softie and I wanna hug him. I bet he gives such great hugs. As soon as he's given the allowance to be soft, he takes it. He misses his dog that Ed forced him to kill (which I feel like no one talks about?) and gets blushy and giggly about Lucius finding him attractive. He's just!! So fantastic
I wish we knew more about Ivan because I love him and I have so much fun imagining stuff about him. Like how I hc him as a trans woman
Archie as a character is so fun and I wish wish wish we got more of her because I fucking LOVE everything about her. She's so fun to watch and I want to know how she gets along with Oluwande and I want to see her interact with the rest of the crew so badly. The way she fell in love with Jim because of their hope makes me CRY. I love that she kisses Jim while they're covered in blood and there's a rotten leg like a foot away and she doesn't care. I love her energy and her excitement and every scene with her just makes me grin like an idiot. I'm still so mad about the season being cut because I feel like we could have gotten more scenes with her
Roach is fucking great. My partner and I will quote "meat is meat" at each other constantly. He's so ridiculous and I love him. I love how obsessed with Zheng's soup he is. I love his bitchy "how am I supposed to cook here?" when Stede moves them to live under a bridge. I love how chill he is and the faces he makes when he's reacting to things. He's so funny and I love him
Frenchie is my fucking beloved. His mind box is something I think about so often. How he doesn't want to think about all that has happened to him, but doesn't. How hurt he is. How he fucking deserves every bit of becoming captain of his own ship. The fact that he sings and plays an instrument (I do not know what specific instrument he plays. Is it a ukulele?) and sings about how they're all gonna die with a grin on his face. He's a dork and I love how he hides Izzy at great risk to himself because he cares about his family as much as Jim does. The way he expdcts Ed to kill him and basically offers to do it for him just to get it over with (if I'm remembering correctly). I love his superstition and how he believes it's supported by fact! I think his superstitious beliefs are so, so interesting and I want to know where he learned them.
Wee John is so fucking great. How long has he been doing drag? What happened to his mother with whom he used to make dresses? I need to know! I love that he just wants to set things on fire all the time. I love his line about "I'd love to be stabbed by Jim". I love all of him! He's such a fun character
I love Lucius and how trauma genuinely changes him. He's a bitch and he's petty and he loves gossip. He's the first person to insert himself into a shitty breakup, helping both Stede and Ed at different points. Him keeping Jim's sex a secret and him helping both Stede and Ed is so interesting to me! He's a supportive friend and he's a slut (affectionate) and he's a bitch (affectionate) and everything about him makes me obsessed. I like that Stede has to talk to him about opening up about his trauma! I like that Lucius genuinely loves Pete and how his trauma has made him more bitter. I love how he's still the first person to call bullshit on Ed.
Black Pete actually used to annoy me, but he's grown on me. I love that he's such a dork who struggles with insecurity to the point of making shit up about himself. I love how much he loves Lucius! I fucking adore his one-liners and his delivery of them. He's so fucking funny
I could spend fucking hours talking about Mary Bonnet. I love her so much. Everything about her makes me feral. How she refuses to take Stede's bullshit. Her paintings! Her relationship with Doug that seems so fucking sweet. I love this woman. Please bring Mary back. Please. I'm begging
Buttons is Buttons. Everything about him is fucking fantastic and I want to chew on him like a chew toy
Me enjoying a certain character does not take away from my absolute love of other characters. I tend to talk about Izzy most because I find active displays of tragedy more interesting and Izzy and Ed are the most outwardly angsty characters (which is also why I'm usually talking about Kraken Era Ed when I discuss him). They outwardly express more dramatic feelings rather than characters like Stede or Frenchie who bury a lot of those feelings or express them in different ways. Izzy is from the dramatic genre and I love dramas. Comedy writing is not my specialty
But I can recognize that while I think about other characters a lot, I don't talk about them as often. So expect more metas and discussion of more characters in the future (hopefully. I just write things as I think of them and them to my queue tbh)
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mulderscully · 6 months
i kinda also have negative dw feelings but i would looooove to hear yours
it's complicated because a lot of my feelings turned sour over a leak for the last special and that's ruined my enjoyment of the other two.
but basically: i don't like donna getting her memories back. I KNOW this is the most unpopular opinion of all time, but the more i sit with it the more i know it's how i feel.
i didn't always feel this way, but i love the trajedy of donna's ending. i love that it was hard and painful for both of them.
i always assumed she would get her memories back temporarily and then CHOOSE to lose them again because she has found meaning outside of the doctor. but to see that she is still in that same mental space is really a downer, and to me it feels like... donna clearly has some serious mental health struggles that just cannot be "oh, she's happy when she's with the doctor!" because what sort of message does that send?
one things i love abt rtd era is the the focus on family, and we saw a glimpse of that in the first special, only for it to be ripped away and have her and fourteen thrown into some insane plot for the second special, which is such a strange decision to me just because this is an anniversary special! as a standalone, great! but as an episode that is supposed to celebrate 60 years it's like.... ok?
i also just feel like there is too much disconnect for me. fourteen is written in a way that doesn't make much sense to me. it feels like he's written like... ten but more emotional? not like this was JUST the thirteenth doctor. it feels like a reversion that doesn't feel honest or earned at all? thirteen was closed off too! and it's odd for him to be suprised about certain behaviors that are "new" when they're absolutely not to the doctor. eleven was a VERY touchy feely doctor for a thousand years. this isn't new to him, but it would be to TEN and it feels like rtd can't let go of writing fourteen as ten in this regard.
and my issue is also just the fandom. i love the tenth doctor. i love his pain, his repression, his intensity. so people saying fourteen is "ten but better." or whatever is just confirming that people never actually understood or loved ten for who he was, and that's making me sad since he is the most popular doctor there is in new who.
and it's like... no matter what this gonna change how people see ten. how they see his era and his regeneration as well and that bums me out. i love specials ten, i LOVE i don't want to go. and while all of that still happened, it somehow feels cheapened to me now :|
this would all work if rtd has used what he already had: the metacrisis doctor, instead of having david be the doctor three times. not bc i'm a tenroorose girlie but bc then everything wouldve stayed in tact. and having cameos from rose and maybe martha as well would've felt more like an ode to what made his era so strong and revived the show in the first place.
idk this is messy and i'm still sorting it out but i feel a little bit churny abt it and not rly in a positive way because in his book rtd was soooo proud of how he ended s4 that the last thing i expected was for it all to be undone with a wave of the hand and without delving much into the life donna has made for herself and/or focusing on the people the doctor has ADORED in the time since as if he didn't have a downright manic devotion to clara.
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msnihilist · 3 months
Person Who Has Never Watched the Reboot Decides to Liveblog Alien-X-Tinction
First scene and I already hate Max's voice. #NotMyGrandpa
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idk what alternate universe this is yet, but I like 1) that Ben is sad :), and 2) that his Omnitrix looks like that??? It really sells the idea of a prototype 🥺
"resistance will only beget pain" — villain who is smart enough to know that Ben doesn't know what "beget" means
"you always try to interrupt" okay, ouch, I actually love that angst (I already know who the Alien X is and what he's been doing to alternate Bens (I'm only watching this because the Wiki page for the special was interesting to me), so this is lovely :3) Max always tries to save his grandson and he never succeeds </3
Side note: evil Celestialsapien is a cool idea, and I like that this one is taking a "hands on" approach. It's about the thrill of the hunt :) And loving making people suffer
"oh, no, not again" LMAO, the dimension-hopping Max sounds soooo mildly inconvenienced
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WAIT, DID THE ALIEN X RIP OFF BEN'S ARM??? I can't tell what happened here?? Fuckin' kid's show censors 😭
Max's face when Ben hugs his grandpa…… I love suffering 🥺
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"you'd think I'd be used to it all by now" coming from a man who lost his grandkids and tortures himself by watching it happen again and again in other timelines hurts so good 😭 😭 I also love that they let Max cry about it. It's a small thing and it only lasts a second, but in the Classic continuity, Ben only cried on screen TWICE, both when he was 10. Letting an aged man hurt like this without making a joke about it is good to see <3
Back in the Real Timeline, I guess, lmao. I love that Gwen is tied up and just looks so bored with the whole affair
GWEN'S VOICE?? #NOTMYGWEN (I like that Zombozo is voiced by Drakken, tho)
Hm. I kinda like this angle with Ben's frustration. He feels like he's not living up to his full potential as a hero because he always has Gwen and Max helping him. It's different from when Ben would get cocky in the OG, and I think it's an interesting point, too :p This blatantly isn't about being a hero, it's about the thrill, which is something that ten-year-old Ben consistently struggled with
Still hate reboot Heatblast, but whatever
I definitely don't like how the fights are animated? It feels... slow. And I get part of that is to build up suspense/show of Alien X's abilities, since this show is aimed at a younger audience who wouldn't be familiar with the Classic continuity, but still :/ I don't like the flat camera angles and the hits don't have a lot of weight to them
Love that Alien X is killing off Ben's, though — something Eon was always too pussy to do
I hate this art style, but I appreciate that the writers are trying
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I love villains who are obsessed with Ben Killing him, hunting him down, whatever. Watching villains shove aside whatever or whoever gets in their way to pursue Ben with single-minded fervor always hits good.
This fight between Ben and Alien X, up until he loses the Omnitrix, is probably my favorite fight in the special. Alien X was at his coolest and Ben really gave it his all, no matter how badly he got beat in return.
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"there's no omniversal road-side service that drops out of thin air" — man who has forgotten that this is Ben he's talking about
BRO, THEY'RE PLAYING THE ALIEN FORCE THEME SONG WHEN OLDER BEN STEPS OUT OF THE PORTAL 😭 Okay, even though AF had kind of a lame opening, I'll admit: that was pretty hype
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Holy shit, wait, the reboot has been going on for five seasons and this Max STILL hasn't told his grandkids about the Plumbers??? I hate him, worst grandpa
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LMAO, Maximillian calling Ben a stubborn brat <3 AF Ben looking away in embarrassment because he knows it's true (he literally JUST tried to walk off and go it alone for?? no reason, literally), I love them. They're a family in every dimension
I think it's cute that Gwen already likes teenage Ben <3
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Alien X: "You're in the wrong dimension." Ben, who's relaxing nonchalantly waiting for his plan to pay off: "Is that why my keys don't work?"
AF BIG CHILL DESIGN + VOICE, MY BELOVED!!! They even kept Ben shouting out his transformation's names, nreulgneklge. That's some attention to detail that almost makes me forgive the art style <3 (almost)
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"little me," omg, he's such a fuckin' dork
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I love that when Bens get together, they literally just love each other, it's so so sweet <3
"I should rethink my prior mercy." "Your generosity will not go unappreciated… or unpunished." ngl, this guy is a sick villain
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Okay, this made me love him. And Gwen's faith in him is sooo <3 Truly the best cousin of all time
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"Are you okay?" "Better now that you're back, cuz." Ben and Gwen are so fucking cute in the reboot, I love them 😭 🥺
I love that Gwen 10 goes, "And, yes, we're [Gwens are] better" and then fucking picks Ripjaws for a fight in a rocky desert, sfbrygbrku. She's such a dumbass I do love her Ripjaws design, tho!! Love that they avoided the Omniverse problem of making the female aliens excessively feminized. ALSO OG HEATBLAST, MY LOVE
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OV Ben ruffling younger Ben's hair 🥺🥺
AHAHA, OG Ben immediately assuming that this Gwen is also a magic user, pfft. Even in a dimension where they don't get along as well, he's got so much faith in his cousin <3
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Gwen's little watch tech is like her UAF powers!!
Of course OG Ben would get pissy about someone picking the same alien as him 😭 He's so chronically ten years old
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"But I'm not your Ben." "You're all my Ben." Okay, maybe this Max is actually the best one 😭 🥺
Jeez, that tragic backstory was pretty fucking brutal. Vilgax straight-up just vaporized Gwen and Max. I love the idea of an evil Ben who's lost everything, though. His Max and Gwen are dead, what more can they take away from him? Eon could never
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LMAO, MAX JUST FORCIBLY ADOPTING EVIL BEN AT THE END. Ben is so unenthused, he's gonna get loved whether he wants to or not!!
Okay, just finished it. Final thoughts? It was really cute. Is it good enough to get me to watch the rest of the reboot? No. It's definitely not as hype as some of UAF/OV's high points, probably in part because I still can't get into the art style and also because the fight scenes just aren't as good.
It had pretty good pacing! I was surprised by that, I thought 45 minutes was gonna be too short, but it ended up feeling right. (Also, I'm upset to say that Max's voice grew on me. Gwen is on thin ice.)
You can tell that this was made with a lot of love, both for the characters and for Ben 10 as a whole. It really does feel like a love letter to the fandom, and for that, it was a good watch :)
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Final score: 7/10, not NEARLY as bad as I was expecting, worth a rewatch <3
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felysline · 2 months
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SOOOO. i just saw this enormous list of oc asks (thanks to da best @youredreamingofroo for the post shout-out slash reblog!) that are soooo interesting. i can't help but to think of putting camilla for it. so despite the fact that every question is supposedly answered through the ask-box, i'm gonna independently answer them one by one 💆🏻‍♀️
disclaimer: this is just me being a li'l too bored as a senior year foreign language student and a full-time shai g. a. simp, ‘kay 🦭
what colour are her eyes and is there anything special from her eyes?
her eyes are dark grey, but can be seen as light grey when exposed to lights! she has a pair of deer-y eyes that mostly makes her look like she's sleepy or not attentive when not smiling.
is she a good liar?
ABSOLUTE-FREAKING-LY. she's born to an actress mom, so acting like this and that never happened or this and that happened is one of her fortes. but, she only lies when necessary.
does she believe in ghosts?
she's never seen or beefed with one, but she believes and spares an interest in urban legends, especially since indonesia is cramped with them. like whenever there's a horror thread on twitter, you can catch her reading all that until it's adapted into a horror movie. doesn't mean she actually watches horror movies, though, aha
what emotion she has trouble dealing with?
inadequacy. asian families are pretty known for their strict generational standards. so, as a daughter from highly-educated parents, she struggles with the standards that they put on her. which is why now she studies abroad and tries to juggle every bit of her interests.
what makes her cry? does she cry easily?
again, inadequacy. she only cries once every six months, but that ‘once’ is mostly due to her built up inferior and inadequate feelings for herself, her parents, her family, and the people who care for her.
is she quick to violence?
not at all. but she boils her anger, omh.
what are some of her habits that will take some getting used to?
passive-aggressiveness! she's known as this happy-go-lucky sweetheart who can get along very well. but, she tends to hold grudges over icks that leads to her being passive-aggressive. it's not once or twice that she has dumped her exes by gaslighting them they're at fault for bla-bla-bla when she's actually in the wrong too, especially for keeping her anger without communicating the problems.
what is her family like?
the whitfield family is a four-souled family with a strict yet harmonious dynamic! lore-wise, cammy's father is a president director of an insurance company in indonesia, while her mother is a business-graduate actress in indonesia. so, strictness comes like a meteor shower day by day, hitting cammy until she's able to sculpt herself into the standards of her parents: independent, successful, and honorable. her mother is the strictest of all and she's actually more of a daddy's daughter. but, she's gained the luck to be constantly supported by her parents wherever she goes. “just remember, stick to the standards,” her mom always says.
when scared, does she "flight" or "fight"?
scared of something human? fight. scared of something that possibly brings her to a near-death experience? FLIGHT, MATE.
does she fall asleep easily? what helps her sleep?
will continue the asks later when i'm bored and not watching my man clutching 40 points in one game :3
sadly, no.. she's a night owl who can only sleep at two in the morning. she's only taken one nap for the past four months. but what helps her sleep, realistically, is adonis. aha.
what is her go-to breakfast?
what is her favorite sweet treat?
does she prefer ordering or cooking food?
does she prefer hot or cold drinks and what is her favorite?
does she eat her fruits and veggies? what are her favorites?
what is her favorite cake flavor?
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typicalarkhamknight · 4 months
MK11 intros
warning: sexually implied, curse words, violence mentioned.
Doing a little Mortal kombat writing heheh.. also this is just fanfiction, not canon lol. You can drop Y/N ocs suggestions if you like!
character: Y/N is another Lin Kuei of the clan. Well, a samurai Lin Kuei. Before he were born, a Lin Kuei ninja married a female samurai from japan. The mother d!ed in childbirth, so the father used her katana as his own weapon, to serve Lin Kuei and to protect his son. When he fell in battle, the young Y/N inherited the blade. Kuai Liang raised Y/N as his own son, making him a better warrior fit to be the first Lin Kuei samurai in history. Y/N also has a deep connection with the katana, he always hears his mother's voice while wielding the blade. He has cryomancer abilties.. just not the same as everyone in his clan. Without his mother's katana, he can't do cryomancing abilities. When he does, the katana inherits cryomancing abilties, can be turned into a frost weapon much like Kuai Liang's frost sword in MKX. (He and Takeda also had a friendly rivalry. Like a resemblance of Sub-Zero vs Scorpion, but kombat kids).
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Cassie Cage: I know you're useless without that magical sword of yours.
Y/N: (Smirked cockily) For me, it is quite the opposite.
Cassie Cage: Well run it, B*tch.
Y/N: Has anyone ever tell you you're a great leader?
Cassie Cage: (Chuckles) Well am I?
Y/N: No.
Cassie Cage: Aren't you the guy who's heart's supposed to be.. "cold"?
Y/N: Yet my heart burns when I see you.
Cassie Cage: Oh get a load of this guy..
Y/N: I seek Takeda Takahashi for a rematch with him.
Cassie Cage: Aw, couldn't you just spar with me instead?
Y/N: Later, woman.
Cassie Cage: Say hi to your mom for me!
Y/N: She says hi, mother. (The katana glows and makes a noise of appreciation)
Cassie Cage: Aw..
Y/N: You're father is getting a wrong idea of us, Cassandra.
Cassie Cage: Oh. Wait— so who are we, exactly?
Y/N: That's a question you must answer.
Y/N: Your mother told me about bob.
Cassie Cage: Ugh. First, tell her it's Dylan. And second, why do you care?
Y/N: I can treat you better..
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Johnny Cage: Are you sure you and Cassie aren't.. keeping a secret from us? (Raised brow and smirked)
Y/N: You've kept many of your porn tapes secret.
Johnny Cage: Ah. (nodded) Soooo.. does that mean you have a secret with her too?
Y/N: Look.. whatever you think it was, it's NOT what you think, Mr Cage.
Johnny Cage: You two are like Harry and Sally, brings a tear in my eye.
Y/N: ... Fucking cold winds of hell.
Johnny Cage: Marry Cassie and be hollywood royalty.
Y/N: I love the offer, but I don't need becoming "royalty" to prove I am the greatest.
Johnny Cage: Just trust me bro.
Y/N: Making new movies, Mr. Cage?
Johnny Cage: When I'm done with the sequel.. you, my friend, are V.I.P.
Y/N: That isn't so bad..
Johnny Cage: Y'know you remind me of Sonya. (Chuckles) you got her grumpiness.
Y/N: Is that good or bad..?
Johnny Cage: Well friend.. you tell me.
Y/N: Earthrealm's mightiest champion.
Johnny Cage: Mini-Blueberry ice.
Y/N: Another disgrace.
Johnny Cage: Tell your mom I said hi.
Y/N: He says hi, mother. (Katana glows a bit of energy, just not the same energy with Cassie)
Johnny Cage: Ah, she loves me.
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Sonya Blade: Johnny's having theories about you.
Y/N: And all of them aren't true.
Sonya Blade: I'll find out.
Y/N: You're the mother I never had.
Sonya Blade: I don't mind adopting a grown man.
Y/N: I know that meant "recruiting more young blood".
Sonya Blade: You fight your mother in your dreams?
Y/N: It is called "training".
Sonya Blade: Sounds like she and I are the same.
Y/N: You know, I have never felt so intimidated by a woman before..
Sonya Blade: Maybe because you haven't met one until now.
Y/N: A deservedly low blow, Mrs Blade.
Sonya Blade: You have potential of being a part of Special Forces.
Y/N: I belong to the Lin Kuei, they're my family.
Sonya Blade: Special Forces will be your family when you suck it up.
Y/N: Let me tell you, I've never had any mutual connections with your daughter.
Sonya Blade: She spends time with you more than she did with others, including her friends!
Y/N: To be fair, I AM far more superior than them.
Sonya Blade: Kuai Liang didn't teach you hard enough.
Y/N: What makes you think you're better than him?
Sonya Blade: Here's your first lesson, Y/N.
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knbposting · 19 days
AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH @maybeanalienwhoknows is so fantastic at leaving ao3 comments and something they said just now made me SOOOO GRGRGHDSJDJJJDSJHSJHD about KAGAMI and his stupid awful attachment style.
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ok. so daiki comes from a secure familial background. he has never doubted that his parents love him, he is reminded that they do constantly, and he does not believe that he has to do anything special in order to earn their love. daiki believes that they would love him even if he wasn't a basketball prodigy, or if he went pro, or whatever. they love him conditionally. therefore, he's immature about responsibilities and regularly acts up around the people he loves. he ditches people, he shirks chores, and he genuinely does not care about annoying or bothering people.
taiga comes from a household where everything is numerical. his dad's involvement in school was always through report cards and occasional parent/teacher meetings. he never knew taiga's favourite classes, he never realised what his favourite hobbies are. once he realises that basketball is distracting him from study, he accepts a contract in japan and fixes to move there. when that contract falls through, he tells taiga to go and live there. by himself. to be away from basketball. his one, favourite thing. but growing up, taiga found that he'd get the best positive attention from his father when he was quiet, and sat still, and didn't talk during those awful work parties he would get dragged to. taiga learned to do what he was told to win approval.
the way this translates from familial love, to the romantic kind, is in love as a perishable item.
especially as they're just teenagers in love, daiki's understanding of love and relationships is pretty literal. he knows taiga wouldn't do anything that he didn't want to, or if he did, that taiga would be accidentally very obvious that he didn't want to do it. he wouldn't kiss him if he didn't want to, for instance, because that's usually spur of the moment and catches daiki off-guard. taiga cannot lie about how he feels. daiki can tell that he's secured his affections. so he trusts that they'll remain.
taiga, on the other hand, has been raised to believe that he is loveable for as long as he is useful. for as long as he's serving a purpose. he has said, in canon, that his life is no more important than a cheeseburger's, and I KNOW it was a gag, but i don't care. daiki never said that. kise never said that seirin reacted in shock and horror at the thought of it! anyway, taiga cannot believe that someone as unimportant as himself would be able to leave a mark that mattered. he is determined to shake the pro basketball world, but in terms of relationships and friendships, he is a come and go kind of guy. like when he doesn't say goodbye to seirin before just LEAVING before the winter cup. that was insane. he just... didn't say anything to them.
daiki, coming from a secure and loving background, is more inclined to take people at their word in relationships. he's literal. taiga will say "i think we'll be with each other when we're old," and "i love you sooo much, you big stupid idiot," and daiki is like. yeah. done deal. obviously that's happening.
whereas taiga can say all of that, mean it, but the second that something else happens that requires him to focus (like joining the nba), he can detach himself. oh, it'll hurt, but he thinks that it's a hurt that he alone will have to shoulder. he cannot imagine meaning enough to someone that he could ever break anyone's heart. like daiki's. also this fucking GUY keeps breaking daiki's heart afterward, too, by being way too casual and wanting to be friends and UGH i hate him for this. it's seriously shitty, and he doesn't mean to do it. it's the same vein as his dad calling him at 2am japan time, and then not hanging up when taiga says he's sleepy. i'm serious. it's definitely something that i can see him working through if he went to therapy but HAHAHAJSHDJHSDJH DO YOU REALLY THINK TAIGA IS DOING THAT?? LMFAOOOOOOO
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minimoefoe · 19 days
Rewatch Thoughts: The Church on Ruby Road, Space Babies & The Devil's Chord
Over the last couple days I rewatched the two new eps (and the xmas special that I never got round to rewatching when it aired) and wrote down like every thought I had while watching. Here are those thoughts
Some of the points in this will probs get posted separately as well bc I'm very aware that few ppl will wanna read this whole thing, I just wanna have all my thoughts together I think some of these opinions are from other ppl I've seen on the timeline that I've kinda absorbed lmao
The Church on Ruby Road
Some moments have such a non-Doctor Who, kinda awkward vibe in a way that I don't full know how to explain? Like I can tell they're acting and the things they say don't feel fully natural idrk. It's something Chibnall's era struggled with too but it felt slightly different. Makes the show feel a bit more childish I think. The Star Beast had an issue with it a little bit too iirc. It's not constant thank God but it is noticable every now and then
The Doctor just.. in a club is crazy. It's a good scene but I can't help but be like who tf is this bc it Doesn't feel like the Doctor. He does go on in this ep and the next two eps to show some more Doctor-y vibes but this scene alone is like. What are we doing here. He just has no awkwardness about him. I couldn't imagine a single other Doctor being like that. I think healing him of various traumas is one thing but like, he's become too cool lmao
The woman with the pram that the Doctor saves is Libby from EastEnders???
On first watch and even this watch a tiny bit the scene with the police man kinda swept me up as being really fun and so Doctor-y but when I think about it for like half a second I'm like oh I might hate this. It just feels like it was written for a completely different Doctor (and by a completely different writer (Moffat)). I don't think there's been a single moment with 15 since this scene where he has this 'oh I'm so smart and mysterious' vibe to him. It's very strange. And the Sherlock-ing of that man was like. nice bc the Doctor was being nice but ultimately what are we doing. The sonic detects diamonds? Right..
Ruby asking if it's unusual that she has no traceable family is kinda interesting bc like. it's not massively unusual or noteworthy irl but in the context of the show....? Potentially very noteworthy. Like maybe Ruby's mum isn't on any database bc she's an alien or something
I don't ever wanna see those gravity gloves again idgaf
I love that the Doctor loves the name Lulubelle so much and mentions it a couple of times like 'damn what a good name' lmao
The Doctor-y vibes are wayyy better in the scene where him and Ruby are tied up liike trying to understand the vocabulary of rope, crawling around like a weirdo, love him
I'm so dumb I didn't clock that they were crawling around bc obviously the ship is built for the little goblins, not humans. Ruby was like 'We're like giants in this place and I was like ohhhhhhhh
The Goblin Song is a mildly catchy banger. The Doctor and Ruby joining in is quite cringe to witness but yknow. improv will do that to a person
The Doctor's curtsy to the Goblin King lmao
Cherry fancying 15 is soooo Jackie fancying 9 coded
The way the Doctor says he's got no-one.. funny but also I'm depressed
The Doctor and Ruby foundling etc parallels make me feel kinda insane tbh. I was hopeful that RTD would stick with the Timeless Child but I was kinda just expecting that to consist of him not retconning it and instead he's leaning the fuck IN and I love that a lot, it's so cool
The xmas song/carol that plays gives me chills for some reason, it's such a banger
Ruby's mum walking away is so crazy liike if I was the Doctor I would sooo have had to run over and just see who she is or scan her with my sonic or SOMETHING
The way he says 'I'm the Doctor' at the end is a bit weird
Mrs Flood breaking the fourth wall, knowing what a TARDIS is (I assume).. who tf are you woman
Overall very fun, very intriguing. 4/5 stars
Space Babies
The Doctor says 'space babies' 10+ times throughout this ep and it's annoying every time except the first. Repeating a phrase is very Doctor coded, and they literally did it well with him saying he liked the name Lulubelle in the previous ep, but it really didn't work for me here
Very mixed feelings on 15 being so open with Ruby right at the start of the episode bc like. it does make sense, we know he's more therapised and open, but it is kinda jarring to see him so open so fast and it does mildly feel like it's there to catch the new viewers up to speed more than anything else, and that's not a very creative way of doing it
15 being like 'Come here, butterfly, have it' was very cringe
Mildly embarrassing that both this butterfly mention and Martha mentioning butterflies in Shakespeare Code kinda have the same tone about them in terms of both time the Doctor is basically like 'Well, why would do that? What has a butterfly ever done to you?' Not a big deal, just kinda.. embarrassing. Come up with something new idk
At least this also then has Ruby actually stepping on a butterfly and changing something which I thought was really cool. The way she says 'If you have made an incorrect accusation I will have to kill you' kinda kills me
I love the Doctor's excitement when Ruby says five numbers lmao
Is there a reason the TARDIS keeps slamming around instead of materializing properly
The Doctor having his hand on Ruby's face and then being like 'oh yeah' SO DOCTOR-Y you love to see it. And the 'woosh' when he said about running away ugh, love him
The 'push the button' mentions and the way the scene in the TARDIS was edited is SO embarrassing like it's very clear there was supposed to be a scene in there where the song Push the Button played but it got cut for whatever reason but then they.. kept the references to the cut scene in? I guess part of it is maybe it woulda been diffiuclt to edit out a scene where you need the Doctor to physically do something (push a button) to keep the ep moving but idk. It's just sloppy
The phone scene..... I don't dislike it but it feels like we're getting through things so quick and the End of the World version is definitely superior bc it was like, off the back of them arguing and Rose was kinda worried about what she'd got herself into so the Doctor tries to reassure her by making her feel closer to her mum but this was like. he did that to her phone bc why not I guess. which.. is fine? I GUESS. but it's not that interesting, it doesn't add much. They coulda just.. not done that
I also saw someone say that the difference in the scenes is that with Nine and Rose the shots focus on Rose bc it's about her but with 15 and Ruby we don't focus on her at all bc it's not about her, it's about showing the audience a cool trick which is like UGH bc I do feel like a few of the things that happen in this ep are more for catching the audience up and throwing things at them than for story purposes (this, the key, the life story) and it's frustrating !!!
I did like the way the Doctor said 'phone your mum' and when Ruby was like 'that's the best signal ever, how much did that cost' lmao
The babies and their little voices are so fuckin cute. I know some ppl didn't like CGI mouths and stuff but it didn't bother me tbh
The babies never being hugged and asking if they grew up wrong got me teary eyed fr
I actually love 15's attitude to being alone again like obviously in that scene he was specifically tryna give the babies a pep talk so maybe it's not FULLY how he feels but idk. I'm glad we're not going the full on depression about being the last of the Time Lords again. I think there's defo a sadness there, which you can kinda get a vibe of whenever he mentions it and when he talks about being adopted in TCORR, but it's not the same as with 9 and 10 which I can appreciate
'That's not a doggo' so cute
The Doctor scaring the kids was kinda weird? Like, I feel like the Doctor wouldn't do that idrk. At least that's not the vibe I get from this Doctor. Actually I don't even get that vibe 9 and 12 and they're defo the asshole Doctors
The cut to the memory at the church and Ruby's mum changing to pointing at 15 and the fuckin snow !! I'm SO intrigued by what's going on here. I NEED it to be good
Them hugging and 15's expression changing... Welcome back 12th Doctor
Ruby being like 'don't call me Rubes' when at least two ppl have called her Rubes before this point lol okay
'It's snot' 'It's not'
The Doctor is literally like 'the machine is literal and it's called the Bogeyman' and for some reason Ruby still doesn't connect the dots about what the Bogeyman is made of..?
The thing of the Bogeyman also being one of the babies is like hm okay but it's clearly not the same as them though is it. It seems kinda like a bad guy, idk why we're so depressed about it dying. 'The only one of its kind' yeah for a reason babes. I liked seeing the Doctor be kinda emotional but it didn't fully hit bc I'm like that Bogeyman dying is probs for the best actually
Jocelyn sat there crying like we're supposed to believe what she tried to do was some irrational insane behaviour when really it was like yeah, letting the Bogeyman die kinda makes a lot of sense actually. Like are we supposed to believe it isn't a bad guy somehow just because it was created by the machines or whatever
Love that the Doctor nearly said shit. I feel like previously the Doctor has generally not been a lover of swearing like idk if they were necessarily against it but I don't think they were massively for it either so it's interesting that 15 literally had to stop himself from swearing
Ruby getting the key is something I have a lot of thoughts/mixed feelings on. I think ULTIMATELY I'm like whatever, the Doctor and her get on, she's done well in these first two eps, why not give her a key. I definitely don't think she's unworthy of it. But it didn't feel like it meant anything. Which I guess it doesn't HAVE to but I think it's better when it does.
When 9 gave Rose the key it was because she was worried he was gonna leave her so he was like no don't worry I'm not going anywhere here's a key, when 10 gave Martha a key it was after she saved his life again and was a long time coming bc of their 'only one trip, idk if I'm coming or going' dynamic.
And then with Victorian Clara, she got given the key quicker than Ruby, but it was this big thing of the Doctor has just spent however many years not going anywhere and he meets this girl who has made him WANT to travel etc for the time in a long time and it's this big thing and then she ends up dying right after. And also Clara was essentially MADE to be the perfect companion for the Doctor so him being willing to give her a key that soon isn't exactly surprising.
And now we've got Ruby getting a key for what feels like no reason other than they wanna tick off a bunch of boxes and show new viewers certain things and it's just BORING and feels so rushed. Bc of the six month time skip in the next episode, this ep is the only 'good' time to give her a key but like. It wasn't good, it was basic. And yknow, we don't NEED a key giving scene, they coulda just not done it at all. I kinda just assume all companions get a key at a certain point whether we see it or not. It doesn't matter. If they really wanted to tho they coulda done a moment down the line that shows or references the fact that Ruby does have the key and we just didn't see it get handed over
I love 15 getting it out there right away that he won't take Ruby back to the Church or whatever liike yeah he's made that mistake before lmao. Also odds on going to the church being EXACTLY what we end up doing...
The TARDIS absolutely fucking up the ceiling in Ruby's flat ?
Overall this ep feels kinda faced and rushed in places and defo features multiple scenes that just feel like they're to catch new viewers up (which in theory is fine but there are defo more creative ways to drop information on the viewers than those scenes) but for the most part I think it's fine. Kinda an unserious fun time. 3.5/5 stars
The Devil's Chord
The pronouns stuff when Maestro is first introduced is sooo much better than what we got in the The Star Beast with the Meep and Rose
The theme being played on the piano was so cool. I wish they committed to doing it for the entire thing
That red shirt and jeans is genuinely 15's worst outfit, it's so ugly. Ruby's blue outfit was giving Clara Oswald reincarnated tho you love to see it
The Doctor is being mildly dramatic about how innovative of an idea going to see the Beatles is but anyways
'If we're in the 60s, what about my clothes..' she says in a worried voice despite wearing something with full coverage that could defo pass for 60s attire
The Doctor's reaction to the orcestra and Ruby tryna comfort him lmao
Someone pointed out that the Doctor hasn't seen the face of the woman that's popped up in multiple eps recently which is INTERESTING and I was thinking maybe it's bc he would recognise her but realistically it's probs bc if he did see her face then after seeing her for a second or third time he'd probs be like bitch why do I keep seeing you everywhere this is suspicious. But this way she can be creeping around for longer yknow.
I have like no theories about who she is btw. The obvious one would be Ruby's mother but that feels TOO obvious. Maybe she's like the Toymaker and Maestro and part of her thing is infiltrating a person's timeline which is why she's appearing so much
The Susan mention and the First Doctor life story sharing is craaaazy and I love it like the Doctor going to a place for a second time and offhandedly just being like lol I'm literally also a few miles that way right now is so the vibe. This specific instance does mildly feed into the thing of these eps so far feeling like there's a lot of them tryna get info out there for new audiences but I'll let this one slide for my girl Susan
The mention of a 'great big cellular explosion' that could have killed Susan too is.. ? Like what are you on about. Are we supposed to believe that when the Master destroyed Gallifrey it was actually him also targeting every Time Lord out there (except the Doctor I guess?) and killing them? Or is this a Time War thing? Either way it felt like an unnecessary addition liiike king just admit that you abandoned your granddaughter and haven't kept up with her
The scene where everything goes silent is very cool
The Doctor chatting like he mentioned the Toymaker to Ruby in Ruby Road when he quite literally didn't. Another editing fumble. Embarrassing! Sloppy!
The new bigeneration info this ep gave is insane. Like, 'it tore my soul in half, I can't survive that again.' Well.. according to the Giggle commentary you've survived it like 14 times so idk what you're on about. I hope that addition means that RTD isn't gonna make that idea part of canon and it will just be left as his dumb commentary comment bc it was already dumb as fuck and now it doesn't even make sense.
Also 15 kinda acts like the bigen was hard on him but no one in The Giggle seemed to be sad at all, it was more like a celebration, two perfectly healthy Doctors (minus 14's alleged exhaustion and mental illness). It's very messy. I kinda can't believe RTD has said bigeneration is something he's been cooking in his mind for years or whatever bc the more info we get about it the more it feels like he pulled it out of his ass the day he started writing the Giggle script
A six month time skip when we're on our third episode with his TARDIS team is insane like I genuinely can't fathom why they'd do that.
Also tho I was thinking that like, we're literally missing the initial build up of their relationship and them getting to know each other but tbh with the way things have gone so far I feel like we haven't really missed much bc they get on so well and have like no drama. Which isn't a bad thing, but it is mildly boring? Like, I love them as a duo and I'm kinda glad that the Doctor has this easy friendship after all the dramas they've been through but also I need more.
I'm hoping it's gonna be a 13 situation in terms of her and the fam got on pretty well through S11 and it wasn't until S12/13 that we started to see cracks so. for now I'm like okay imma give them time and we'll see where it goes I guess but right now I genuinely can't imagine 15 and Ruby having a serious discussion/disagreement about something
Meanwhile you've got 9 and Rose who had a really rocky start. Which partially is probs to do with the kind of Doctor 9 was, a lot less open and more twatty than 15. And it's similar with 13. Things started going a bit dodgy for her and her companions bc she didn't know how to be open but we've got 15 here spilling half his life story within the first couple eps. Idk. I prefer when there's a bit of drama between the Doctor and companion so I hope we see some down the line bc it being plain sailing forever will be boring I fear
I actually just remembered some leaks and now I'm like hold on there could be drama FR if those leaks are true wait a second. Fingers crossed actually
So, it's been six months of travelling together and Ruby apparently doesn't know about how things getting fucked up in the past can mess things up in the future. Makes no sense luv
Love scene in that black room or whatever, v good
15 kissing the TARDIS and saying 'don't hate me' lmao
So is there something wrong with the TARDIS or did it make those noises bc of the fact Maestro was messing with her and now the Doctor and Ruby are leaving her alone or whatever. Idk. Could be something wrong, which could explain all the dramatic landings
The Doctor aggressively pointing the sonic at Maestro is really funny considering RTD apparently changed the sonic design bc he was worried kids would play guns on the playground
15 shouting at Maestro to fight him and leave Ruby alone oh wow I need to see more of him getting pissed tf off and losing it
Ruby singing and the carol playing OH MY GOD, actual chills. And she looked so cool. I'm very intrigued
The music that was playing the night she was born AND the Doctor calling it out is insane tbh like. the fourth wall breaking buisness is weirding me tf out
So Maestro is the 'essence of music itself' but doesn't understand why a song could be powerful? Idk about that
Maestro being like 'The Oldest One, he couldn't have been there', was SO on the nose and clunky it honestly makes me sad like idk if it's the dialogue, the acting or both. I'm sure there would be a way of mentioning the Oldest One in that scene as a hint and not making it feel so cringe and in your face but that was not it
The weird reversed movement and saying music battle backwards thing was a bit odd. Didn't love it
That final 'the One Who Waits' line was CRAZY like. genuinely hot steaming pile of shit. Why are there so many moments like that????
Part of me is like okay maybe those moments are on purpose and are part of the the fourth wall breaking business but it's been happening since The Star Beast and that was pre all that drama so that doesn't make sense. And even if that WAS the reason why it was happening, that wouldn't suddenly make it good
Also it's crazy how much of a mixed bag the arc stuff is right now. The stuff with Ruby is so cool and I'm so looking forward to seeing where that leads to and then you have the saying a name bullshit like what are we doing Russell !!!
The twist at the end song. Okay. Idrc. Fun that Harbinger is still around. I'm interested to see what's up there. In the Devil's Chord ep of Unleashed RTD said something about how the Toymaker isn't the one in charge like ppl may think so maybe it's actually Harbinger in charge?
Someone pointed out that in Space Babies Ruby mentioned Star Trek and then some people had Star Trek uniforms and then in Devil's Chord she mentioned strictly and a Strictly judge was dancing at the end of the ep so like ???????
This ep is overall a lot of fun despite it having multiple things in that are nonsensical and piss me off/ 4/5 stars
I'm looking forward to the next ep bc I think 15 and Ruby desperately need a more serious episode liike I wanna see DRAMA. Thank you Steven Moffat
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papakhan · 2 months
Character Ask Game: 2, 6, 10, and 29 for Boone. Go on, be a hater. Unleash it. 👀
oh my god i think i reblogged that meme back in January and only just saw these I'm Soooo sorry :'( I will do them now as well while I'm here. Also thank you so much for enabling me to be a little hater <3
Character Asks
2. When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you’ve sent me a character I don’t like)
I mixture of 2 things made me into a true Boone hater. No.1 is When I first played New Vegas I thought the Khans were kinda wack, not really evil but I didn't really like them either. Then I got the line from Jack about Papa being "a softie at heart" and it immediately made me rethink them. And me being more sympathetic towards them made me question the rest of their treatment at the hands of other characters in the game, one of whom being Boone. No.2 was seeing how wack his fans were about defending his actions and how much they will make shit up about him to justify his actions. Like idk I saw fem!courier number 8784589 loving stroking Boone's arm and tearfully say "its soo sad you were forced to kill those raider children but don't worry I forgive you" and I just snapped ig
6. My least favorite ship of them
I hate Manny/Boone with a firey passion for real there is a special place in my heart dedicated to hating that ship. I just hate everything about it, Manny's conflict with Carla is interesting enough just stemming him being from a poor family in North Vegas and her being from a more well-off family from the Strip, you don't need to add romance to it to make it more ~spicy~. At no point does he even allude towards being in love with Boone, he's just pissed off because he hates his besties wife. I hated my bestie's boyfriend and it wasn't because I was in love with her it was because her boyfriend was a prick. And I feel like there's a lot of people really into it who don't really seem to notice the connotations they're cooking up. Like seriously can we not have the canonically gay brown/latino man be the spiteful jealous ex-lover who is trying to steal the poor innocent white soldierboy away from his loving wife guys cmon do these people not know how bad this makes them look. I'm gripping these people by the shoulders and shaking them very hard. Anyway I hate it so much let my OC fuck Manny instead <3
10. Describe the character in one sentence
A boot-licking war criminal who learnt nothing and who gets too much credit.
29. How do you think they would be as a parent? (and if they are a parent, how do you think they would be if they weren’t?)
Awful. Not only is he emotionally constipated but he's also former military, basically a marine, so I think he'd just order his kids around and be like :/ when they don't do what he says. And that's me being nice about it, I've had plenty of ex military men scream in my face as a child for crying, I don't think he'd be that bad but he wouldn't be good. Maybe it's hot take but I don't think it is considering he shot his own wife and also countless Khan children so I don't think it's too much of a stretch to think he doesn't take any special considerations when handling kids. He'd expect them to function as NCR recruits or would just ignore them <3
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bellysoupset · 2 months
hii i know i’ve sent you 10,000 asks today already so i was gonna send this later but i couldn’t help myself!
first of all. is jonah gonna get a ring too?? is leo gonna propose to him also??
secondly, the lil morning scene was soooo domestic you had me melting 😭 jon’s bed hairrr he’s so cute <3
and also, i’ve been thinking about how vince actually comes across to the people who don’t know him. ever since you posted the max fics i remembered that vince is actually a pretty intimidating guy. he’s a football star, he’s jacked as fuck, he’s loud and confident and has other jacked football star friends, a super cool gf, a close knit family, and he’s competent as hell at what he does. we only ever see vin with his friends so we’ve always seen his squishy teddy bear side more! except that one time at the halloween disaster. like he’s so much cooler than you’d think?? anyway he’s awesome and I love him <3 🍄
i’m so sorry i’m flooding your inbox but jonah speaking french is so hot 🍄
You can send 10,000 more!!
About Jonah, this is a question @lisupanddown also asked. He's getting a ring yes, but he's picking it himself and not getting proposed to. Jon's too much of a control freak and too particular about jewelry for Leo to even attempt, hence why the whole proposal always felt like it would come from Jon. Leo's just going with him to the store so its special, but Jonah's picking it.
Vin really is very intimidating for the naked eye and I find it very funny how every one who reads him is like "he's a pookie bear" which yeah HE IS!! But also everything you said.
I like to think the teenagers he teaches actually do see his more intimidating side and they're also not easily impressed, hence why they're pretty cold to him. Children get all of his softy side, so they don't realize.
(it doesn't help that Sophia is very much a "my brother is LAME" teenager and queen of the mean girls)
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tinimmyweek · 11 months
@jimmyjrsmusoems ranks Tina/Jimmy Jr. kisses (from worst to best...kinda?)
We are officially two weeks out from Tinimmy Week!!! (can you hear that??? me, screaming in the distance???) @babsvibes actually sent me an ask on my own blog about my favorite Tinimmy kisses, but we thought we might as well put it here instead. Obviously, this ranking is just MY opinion, and I would love to hear yours! (Also, if I forgot any...sue me!) Anyway....
10. "The Gene and Courtney Show" Season 6, Episode 7
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Listen....while I love that he brought her a rose, I cannot handle the second-hand embarrassment I feel when I think about how Tina is wearing a diaper in this scene. Like...I know she's dressed as cupid, but it's all I can focus on!!! If she wasn't wearing one, I think I would rank this kiss higher.
9. "The Bob's Burgers Movie"
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I feel like some of you might be shocked that I didn't put the movie kiss higher (I shocked myself with it when I was making this list), but there are just other ones that I like more! I do love the "Woah." "Yeah." afterwards, and I'm pretty sure I cried the first time I saw this scene in theaters lollll
8. "Every Which Way but Goose" Season 9, Episode 14
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*giggles and kicks feet* <3 <3 <3
bonus :
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7. "Pig Trouble in Little Tina" Season 10, Episode 4
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I know that the first one is supposed to be part of Tina's dream, but they look so cute that I wanted to include it. The actual kiss in this scene is made for me by Zeke's "Oh hell yeah!" after and Jimmy Jr.'s dazed reaction. Also, these poor kids that aren't apart of the friend group were probably soooo confused
6. "UFO No You Didn't" Season 9, Episode 9
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The way that she SPRINTS down the hall in this scene kills me, and I love Jimmy Jr.'s (and Jocelyn's) reactions after. If this wasn't immediately followed by THE Zekina kiss, it would probably be higher up on my list! (That's what I get for being a multi-shipper, oops)
5. "Gene it On" Season 4, Episode 20
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4. "Ex Machtina" Season 7, Episode 8
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Obviously, I'm biased...but this is arguably the best Tinimmy episode overall, and this kiss is just...magical??? Idk??? The fire in the back??? The vibes??? Also, I considered adding the scene where Jimmy Jr. kisses the robot while the entire family watches, but I can't watch that scene without physically recoiling, sooooo
3. "The Quirkducers" Season 7, Episode 6
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bonus angle :
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2. "Sheesh! Cab, Bob?" Season 1, Episode 6
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The first kiss!!! Honestly, this is the one I struggled to rank the most. I think they've had better ones since this, but there's something so special and nostalgic about this one??? I think part of it is that I love the window scene right before this. IDK!!!! <3
"Bob Actually" Season 7, Episode 9
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Was there ever any doubt about which one would be #1??? I am never NOT thinking about the sky kiss. He planned this!!! For Valentine's Day!!!! FOR HER!!!! He was so excited about it!!!!! Also, Sky Kiss is my favorite Bob's Burgers song, so it gets extra points for that. The "Jimmy Jr. kisses Tiiiiiiiiiina" part scratches my brain just right. <3
(As a side note, after typing these all out, I realized that they kiss SO many times in season 7???? If you took out the Xmas episode, there would be three episodes in a row where they kiss. They need to bring that momentum back for me personally)
If you read this entire thing, just know that I am giving YOU a (virtual) kiss on the cheek <3 Happy almost Tinimmy week, I am so so excited to see what everyone comes up with!!!!
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talldecafcappuccino · 4 months
tag 9 people to get to know better, thanks @broadwayfreak5357!
Last song: Like everyone else in the world, I've been streaming Tracy Chapman all day. Give Me One Reason is perfect and I've been playing it on repeat. It makes me soooo nostalgic. 90s radio was superior!!
Currently watching: I just finished Fargo S5 and I've been rewatching the last season of Superstore. But in the name of being truly transparent...I'm currently (as in right this second) watching the new episode of The Bachelor. (The host just told the ladies Joey wanted to do something special for them so they're having KFC. This show is dystopian.)
Three ships: Based on the shows I've rewatched most recently --Luke/Lorelai, Amy/Jonah, Monica/Chandler
Favorite color: Purple and green
Currently consuming: Berry La Croix
First ship: This isn't fandom-y but I was very into Stefan/Laura on Family Matters when I was like seven 😂
Relationship status: single
tagging (if you're in the mood!): If you listened to Tracy Chapman today, consider yourself tagged!
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Request List:
Here you'll find my rules and a list of characters I do requests for!
What I won't do:
Underage (Loli/Shotacon) - Make's me extremely uncomfortable.
Incest - Same as first one, makes me uncomfortable.
Gross Kinks (i.e. p/ss) - This one is straightforward.
What I will do:
Smut, Fluff, and Angst - The three pillars of fanfiction lol
Headcannons - Straightforward
Platonic Age Diff and Family x Readers - Again, straightforward
Extreme Kinks (i.e. knife, blood, bondage) - I have a few of these myself so I understand
Trans Inclusive - Whether it be the reader or the character, simply let me know and I'll include it Multiple Characters - Max is 4
Character List:
LEGO Monkie Kid- Mk, Mei, Tang, Redson, Wukong, Macaque, Nezha, Azure Lion, Yellow Tusk, Mayor.
Special Circumstance -
Pigsy - As much as I love him, I physically cannot do smut for him. Fluff and Angst are still on the table though.
Peng - Love this bird so much! I'll write anything for them but when it comes to smut, they will have bird anatomy (Cloaca). This is because 1. Bird and 2. They're nonbinary and I'd rather not give them either options. (I'm Nonbinary if you have any issues.)
DBK and PIF - Can write anything for them, but they will remain married no matter what. Even if you ask for one or the other, I will make it known that they are a package deal.
(Note: I'm just doing LMK for now, but that might be updated later. I'm also attempting to get back into Ninjago right now soooo.)
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