#they are the fluffiest fluff that ever fluffed
bird-inacage · 2 years
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Love in the Air: Sky x Prapai (Episode 11)
They really didn’t lie when they said this episode was going to be even sweeter than last episode. This was ultimately centred on Sky and Prapai officially deeming each other their ‘one and only’, and taking the steps necessary to be ready to commit to one another.
Prapai being angry out of concern is just *chef’s kiss*. I adore protective Prapai, and seeing him get so genuinely scared and angry over Sky, even surprised him I think. He had no idea just how scared he could be until that call came through. Which makes me want to curl into the fetal position and sob when I even vaguely consider what’s still about to happen. But also it was great to see Sky feel so guilty for worrying Prapai. So far we’ve largely seen Prapai worrying over Sky. But now that Sky cares about Prapai, he’s also starting to do the same.
Sky was also testing Prapai’s resolve. He finally admitted to himself that he does indeed like Prapai, but he wanted to put him through (what I guess what was a series of final tests?), just to see if that would scare him off. Not a chance. Do you have any idea how completely and utterly obsessed he is with you??
And Prapai making a freaking pin out of Sky’s little drawing is just peak romance. There is no clearer way you could communicate how whipped you are for our boy. He owns you, and you wear it with pride.
It’s a joy to see Sky come out of his shell, and how much Prapai treasures every morsel of information he learns about Sky.
So I think I (along with many others) are very much aware that this is the calm before the storm. The sweet before the angst. The fluff before the downright heartbreak. And we better all relish it this week before the oncoming storm commences.
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Domestic Bliss by DancingInTheSliverGlow
T | 900 words | Complete
Hades/Percy Jackson/Persephone, Percy & Hermes, minor Percy & Poseidon
Romantic Fluff, Adult Percy Jackson, Family
Hadercy Fest Day 6: Hades and/or Persephone read TLT written by adult Percy and find out that Percy thinks Hades is attractive. @hadesxpercy-events
Polympians: family focus @polympians-event
“Hey Persephone, Hades, look what I found.” Hermes says. “Remember way back when Percy was writing down his quests and he asked me to beta-read them?” “Tell me.” Persephone says, sitting up and leaning towards Hermes with a glint of mischievousness. Not for the first time, Hades spots the half-sibling familiarity between them. Hades hopes another around of Hermes-Percy prank wars isn't about to start. The parthenon barely survived the first. “Percy’s initial description of Hades-” “Shut up-” Percy lunges off the sofa towards Hermes. Within a blink of the eye, the god of speed places the love seat between them. Demeter and Poseidon momentarily stop their bickering to look at the second generation gods. “-was rather spicy.” Hermes finishes, grinning as he dodges Percy’s increasingly motivated attempts to grab the book. “Would you like me to read it?”
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caitlynskitten · 5 months
Rip Lucy MacLean you would’ve loved Ao3
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mauri2530 · 9 months
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I’ve written some self indulgent royalty stuff before (sike all of it is self indulgent) but this one really takes the cake I’ll tell you that.
(Also maybe slightly suggestive? It’s not meant to be but it could come off that way)
The room was still dark when the king slipped back inside, he made sure to shut the door behind him as quietly as possible. A soft smile flowed its way onto his face as he padded over to the huge canopied bed against the right wall, his eyes still adjusting to the darkness. 
The Mad Ducktor lay stretched out on the bed, flat on his back with one hand on his stomach and the other resting up on the pillow near his head. In the dim room the king could still see the faint rise and fall of his chest, hear the gentle inhale and exhale of his breathing. As always he slept quietly and still, years of training giving him the ability to fall asleep quickly and wake up even faster.
So it was with much caution that Fenton reached across the bed, gently drumming his fingers against the side of his rib cage. A small message that let Mads know it was him. 
Mads didn’t do well with being woken up, his instincts kicked in before he could fully realize what was happening and so far they’d only been able to narrowly avoid injuries. It was after Fenton was grabbed by the arm and flipped to the ground before being pinned down and nearly choked while simply trying to tap Mads on the shoulder to wake him up, they decided to figure out a way to let Mads know it was him before he had time to overreact. A little method to it that so far had enabled Fenton to stop being afraid of waking him up.
 The Mad Ducktor shifted, sighing and stretching his arms out to either side, before settling back down in almost the same exact position. Fenton could see his talons flexing beneath the blanket, he could feel the shudder that ran through him as he stretched. 
Like always, he was gorgeous, and clearly so effortlessly so. Something about him made Fenton go weak, whether he was dressed up in shiny gold and flowing silk for an event, or here, half asleep with his hair messy and the print of the wrinkles in the pillow indented into the feathers of his cheek. Fenton felt a little shining zing of admiration zip through him every time he set eyes on him, and this situation was no different. He knew Mads would never drop it if Fenton admitted this to him, so he voiced his adoration much less often than he felt it- though with how often that was, it left him telling Mads how beautiful he was at least three times a week- always hiding his blushes and stuttering heartbeat. 
“Hey Maaaaads,” Fenton murmured as he leaned closer, climbing up onto the bed. 
Mads just shifted a little, letting out another sigh. 
Fenton moved to sling a leg over him, sitting on his hips and sliding his hands down Mads’ arms before gently pinning them to the sheets on either side of the Mad Ducktor’s head. His skin was warm, and Fenton wasted no time in interlacing their fingers. “It’s been a few hours, do you want to get up?”
Mads’ forehead wrinkled in an expression Fenton couldn’t figure out- he guessed confusion or perhaps annoyance- but he didn’t open his eyes.
“Mads,” the duck repeated, his voice even softer. 
“You getting up yet? There’s that garden party lunch you wanted to go to in about an hour.” 
The king chuckled, leaning down to kiss his forehead. “Someone’s tired. Did you sleep okay?” 
Fenton snuck a kiss on his cheek before pulling back. “I’m not sure what any of that means.” 
Mads chuckled and moved beneath him, Fenton was momentarily lifted as his partner arched his back to stretch it. Eyes still closed, the Mad Ducktor settled back down, swallowing. 
“Hey,” his voice now a whisper, Fenton leaned down to tap his beak against Mads’. “Are you okay?” 
“Mm-hmm.” Mads’ eyes were still closed, his voice rough from disuse. “Jus’ sleepy.” He followed Fenton’s beak as the king pulled away, and managed to give him a small kiss before Fenton was out of his range. With his hands pinned, he couldn’t sit up very far. 
Fenton laughed and leaned down to give him a proper kiss, and though Mads was clearly half asleep, he eagerly reciprocated it. Fenton could feel his hands straining beneath his, wanting to touch him properly, but the king didn’t let him.
Things evolved quickly, and Fenton considered pulling back just to tease him, but Mads wouldn’t let him. His kisses became more desperate, chasing his beak and managing to drag the king back down with just his actions. He let out soft gasps and whines here and there that made Fenton’s heart skip. 
When they finally drew apart they were gasping for air, Fenton nuzzled the end of his beak into Mads’ cheek as he caught his breath. He could feel Mads’ own panting against his face, and the way the movement ruffled his feathers made Fenton shiver. 
Mads turned his head to kiss Fenton again, and seconds later they were right back at it- Fenton pressing Mads down into the mattress and lifting himself up onto his knees, desperate to reach every part of him. Mads returned with the same amount of vigor, fighting Fenton again for control of his hands. 
A creak as the door to their room was pushed open, a beam of light thrown into the room. 
“Your Majesty, one of the staff was wondering if you wanted the desserts set up by the- oh.” 
Fenton and Mads pulled away in a snap, looking up to see Lord Gearloose standing in the doorway, now looking quite embarrassed. “I-I’m sorry, I-”
Sitting back down on Mads’ hips but not otherwise moving, the king glowered at his advisor. “What have we said about knocking?” 
Mads snorted, shifting a little again, and squinting in the bright light spilling from the now-open door. Fenton found it more difficult to focus when the Mad Ducktor was pushing up against him like that. 
“T-to do so. Apologies, sire, I’ll… come back later.” 
He quickly turned on his heel and shut the bedroom door loudly behind him, and Fenton grumbled under his breath as he returned his attention to his partner. “Like that isn’t the third time this month he’s done that. I swear I’m going to need someone to follow him around just to make sure he knocks every time he enters a room.” 
Mads burst out laughing, green eyes twinkling in the darkness. “I’m sure he’d just love that.” 
“It’d be worth it if it meant we’d get interrupted less.” Fenton leaned down to kiss his jaw, purring softly against it. “Good thing he came in before anything got more… intense.” 
Mads leaned his beak against the side of the king’s face with a sigh. “I’m too tired for that.” 
“Hmmm alright.” Fenton pulled back, meeting his gaze. “Can I just touch you, then?” 
The Mad Ducktor smirked up at him, eyes already drifting shut once more. “Aren’t you already?” 
The king rolled his eyes, and, knowing that that was a yes, pulled Mads’ hands together up above his head so he could hold them down with just one hand, letting his other slide down to hold the side of Mads’ face. He then kissed the assassin again, his thumb gently rubbing at the feathers on Mads’ cheek.
“No fair,” Mads grumbled once they’d pulled away. Fenton chuckled, letting his fingers trail down further to undo the buttons of Mads’ nightshirt, slowly exposing more of his chest as he continued kissing his cheek and jaw. 
Fenton’s hand dragged through the feathers of his chest, moving to the base of his ribcage before pushing back up against the grain. He then slid his hand beneath him, lifting Mads up further against him while keeping his hands pinned down above his head. The assassin hummed happily as Fenton let his beak follow his hand, moving down his neck to kiss at his collarbone. “How’s this?” 
“This is good,” Mads sighed, tipping his head back and straining his hands against Fenton’s. The king just gripped them harder, and Mads’ sigh turned to a grumble of annoyance. 
The duck chuckled teasingly, still kissing his chest as his free hand slipped from beneath Mads to continue ruffling his thicker chest feathers. The Mad Ducktor’s chest spell was still in place, and something about it being flatter always seemed to make the feathers feel thicker and fluffier. Fenton momentarily let his head rest on it, listening to his partner’s heartbeat against his ear. “You’re gorgeous.” 
Mads’ chest moved as he chuckled, Fenton lifted his head on the assassin’s inhale, following it up. “I know.” 
Fingers still massaging at his feathers, the king moved to kiss his beak. “I know,” he murmured. “But I can’t help but keep marveling at you.” 
“I’m glad,” Mads gave him a sleepy grin that infectiously caused Fenton to smile too. “Now- is it your turn?”
Before Fenton could react Mads had slipped his hands from the king’s hold and flipped them over, pressing the duck against the sheets and coming to sit on top of him. He then pinned Fenton’s hands up above his head for good measure. 
“Hey!” Fenton yelped, lifting his head from the pillow. “You’ll mess up my hair!” 
The assassin’s free hand ran though Fenton’s hair before grabbing it and using his handful of it to press the king’s head back down on the bed. Fenton scowled at him while internally wincing at the discomfort. 
“You deserve it.” Mads’ smile was tauntingly sweet. 
“I know,” he’d also known that Mads could’ve done this at any time, he’d let Fenton pin him down just for fun. “Now let go you’re pulling too hard-” 
Mads’ hand quickly retreated from Fenton’s hair, but he made sure to ruffle it before resting it on the duck’s chest. Now with his hair completely disheveled, Fenton glared at him once more, and Mads stuck his tongue out. 
“Does this mean you’re awake enough to come to the party?” Fenton asked hopefully. He knew it’d be boring without him, and hadn’t been looking forward to going alone. 
The assassin yawned like a cat, shiny white teeth gleaming in the darkness. “I suppose.” Sitting back he let go of Fenton’s hands and stretched, his half-unbuttoned shirt sliding almost teasingly partway down his shoulders as he dropped his arms back down to his sides.
The king moved his hands down to hold his hips, but within an instant he found them pinned above his head once more. “Don’t. Move them.” 
“What, you’re making me hold them there?” Fenton didn’t move as Mads sat back again. 
“Mm-hm. It’s what you get.” He kissed the king’s forehead as he sat up once more, rubbing his eye with one hand and undoing the rest of his shirt with the other. “Where is this thing, again?” 
“The back lawn. Beakley made tarts.” 
Mads’ eyes narrowed. “You can’t just convince me to come to everything just because there’ll be sweets. You said it’s in an hour?” 
Fenton laughed. “Yes, just under. I thought I’d give you enough time to wake up and get ready.” 
“Thank you.” Mads slipped off of him and Fenton moved to get up as well, only to be swiftly pinned back down again. “Nuh-uh, you get to stay like this until I’m done getting ready.” 
“What?” Fenton lifted his head, watching as Mads stood and walked around to the curtains, throwing them open and revealing a look out onto the balcony and a bright blue sky. “But you take forever!” 
“Exactly.” Mads winked at him, and Fenton sighed and glowered up at the ceiling of their canopied bed. He knew Mads wasn’t really making him, but he played along. Besides, it did feel nice to just lay here for a moment. 
“I have to get up and fix my hair though!” 
“Not until I’m done!” Mads called behind him, disappearing into their bathroom. But not before slipping his shirt off, letting it drop to the floor.
Fenton rolled his eyes, smiling faintly at the game. “Don’t take too long!” 
“Oh I will!” 
The king was embarrassed to admit it, but that got a laugh.
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lush-specimen · 2 years
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: The Transformers (IDW Generation One) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Rodimus | Rodimus Prime/Thunderclash, Ratchet & Rodimus | Rodimus Prime, Drift | Deadlock/Ratchet Characters: Rodimus | Rodimus Prime, Thunderclash (Transformers), Ratchet (Transformers) Additional Tags: Fluff, Accidental Dating, Festivals, Post-Canon Summary:
Rodimus accidentally asks Thunderclash out on a date to a remote planet’s winter festival and Thunderclash accepts. Panic secretly ensues but Rodimus gets some solid advice from an unexpected source. Love wins.
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@dauntingsmite: ❝ Shh — nothing’s wrong, I promise. Go back to sleep. ❞   single sniffle betrays him, even as soft lips press butterfly kisses to each knuckle, an attempt to quell any concerns sleepy Sampo may have. 
Having abruptly awoken minutes prior, overwhelmed by a strong sudden surge of adoration and love for the slumbering lump beside him, Gepard couldn’t subdue the tears that threatened as he traced Sampo’s cheeks, his chin,circled dark strands around his finger. The ministrations must have stirred the man while Gepard was distracted, startling ever slight when he realized he was no longer the only one awake. 
He couldn’t tell Sampo the reason — could he? That he was so overcome by love that it reduced the impenetrable ice wall known as Gepard Landau to tears… Nope. Absolutely not. Sampo will just have to settle for his word that everything is okay. That Gepard is okay. 
Stroking Sampo’s hair, he hopes it’ll coax the man back into slumber’s sweet embrace. He hums gently, something Gepard typically doesn’t do in front of others, for a while before pressing chapped lips to the soft flesh of Sampo’s cheek. 
❝ I love you… ❞ 
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      something's wrong. there's a new sound disrupting the soft breathing of their routine nights together- it's the unknown, new disturbance that wakes brain before body when the latter is still in the fumes of sleep. sharp ears catch a sniffle-
      his eyes fly open. “ ━'pard? ” he asks, voice tinged of both sleepiness and worry. his brain has kicked body into blinking away the rest of his sleep from green, glowing eyes.
      somehow, he doesn't believe Gepard- something must have happened to reduce the man's voice into a tremulus whisper, voice carrying tears. but...
      well, there seems to be, truly, nothing wrong. no home invasion- the sounds would have woken them both up, considering how clumsy and inexperienced the typical Belobogian burglar could be. no sudden wounds either- Gepard has, miraculously, yet to be severely injured on the front again, and the air doesn't carry the familiar, metallic scent anywhere- ( a quick brush of the sheets with his hand reveals nothing wet, either. )
     he can only take Gepard's word for it. that everything is fine, despite the hitch in his voice. huh. maybe a nightmare...
     -it doesn't feel like he's lying, either. Sampo knows that he could drag whatever's bothering the blond out of him with a bit of work- it's like a sixth sense, by this point. voice doesn't betray a lie simply because there's no lie to be betrayed, that's the only explanation.
      “ 'kay, ” the kiss pacifies him, eyelids heavy as if that simple, gentle contact put him under a spell- it's impossible to resist sleep when Gepard plays with his hair like that. however-
      the nagging feeling gnawing at his brain pushes him closer, to share body warmth under the covers: an arm is thrown around Gepard's waist to keep him closer than close, forehead resting against his hip as he inches pratically in his lap. mmm, this is the life... having a warm husband in bed with him to leech warmth from.
      “ love you too... ” comes the silly reply a second later, a dumb smile accompanying it as Sampo finds a way to fall back into slumber while still pratically glued to Gepard.
      good luck trying to pry him off to lay back down, Captain.
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nervouswreck-96 · 2 years
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Oh btw I'm back to writing Sonic fanfic
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buckyalpine · 6 months
A fluffy imagine. The fluffiest fluff thing ever. Bucky who is nice to your stuffies. You know how cute that is? Bucky who knows how much you love your soft stuffed animals, how much you adore them with your entire heart. How absolutely special they are to you. You know how cute it would be if you started to stay over more and he was more than happy to keep a few of your little fur friends tucked into bed instead of taking them back home every single time. They've become part of his home now.
"Oh shit, sorry" Bucky mumbled as your teddy bear tumbled off the bed when he fluffed out the sheets. "There ya' go little guy" He picked him back up ad plopped him right in the center between his pillows, patting its furry head with a smile before heading to the kitchen to grab some coffee.
He doesn't mind that there's a large stuffed cat currently taking up residence on his couch, gently moving it over so there's space for him to sit while he sips from his mug, scrolling through his phone. He idly gives it a little scratch behind the ears the same way you do and chuckles to himself thinking about how much you cared for the stuffed furball.
You have enough stuffies to last a life time but he doesn't care. He know you love to add to your collection and most recently, he noticed you favoured a lot of stuffed animals that reminded you of him. When he's out running errands, he sees a large white wolf plushie that is screaming your name. He doesn't hesitate to grab it and carefully places it in the cart. He's very careful with your new plush, tucking it between the sheets for when you next come over, excited to see the your face is going to light up, seeing your new friend.
(My ex used to beat up my stuffed animals, throw them and thought it was hilarious so this is coming from a very specific place)
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smugraccoon137 · 2 years
God i want to listen to gay stories
Like a podcast or an audio book. I have a lot of free time while I'm working. But nothing has interested me lately. I need something to scratch this itch
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queenothegeeks · 4 months
Creator with coping mechanisms
part 2! Part one can be found here (pls let me know if the link doesn’t work I’m doing this on my phone and I’m d y i n g)
Even the creator gets stressed, so, how do you relax?
A creator who cooks or bakes to deal with stress
After a very stressful day of meeting important dignitaries and public figures, you felt like settling down, reading a recipe or making something from memory to remind you of home. Maybe you have music playing in your head or maybe it’s just empty, feeling comfortable doing something you love
Maybe giving the food you make to other characters in the game, or you hand them out to random people, like kids from the house of the hearth.  Or maybe you just sit and eat it all for yourself (which, is valid, bc tbh I don’t want anyone else eating my food)  
Hey (insert character)! I made too much of this and I was wondering if you wanted some! I hope you like it!
Hey Timme, I'm really sorry for scaring away all the birds, but I made an extra loaf of bread for you to feed them with, is that okay? 
Creator who writes stories or fanfiction as a coping mechanism (me) 
Finding it hard to sit down and write, even though you really want to. Maybe it's the environment or the people that you are with, but once you get into the zone, the world just disappears. 
Maybe you write the fluffiest fluff that ever fluffed, with found family and just silly moments with your characters (oc or not), or perhaps you write the saddest things known to god that make even the most heartless of characters cry
“Are you…are you crying”
(sniff, sniff) NO! Maybe…” 
“Are you okay? Why are you crying”
“I stole-borrowed your notebook because I was worried about you (they wanted more intel or smt idk) and I started reading it. And it's really sad WHY ARE YOU WRITING SUCH SAD STUFF?”
A creator who embroiders to relax (don't @ me pls i've never embroidered) 
You didn't tell anyone about it, knowing that someone would try to convince you to make business out of it (probs Dori) but after you had to ask for a few bandages after you poked your hand on your needle, the cat was out of the bag. 
“But we could sell it for a ton! We could even send a few things to museums! …if you want ig”. 
“Thanks, I'm good…”
“Why not!?”
(Don't threaten them with needle Dont threaten them with needle Don’t threaten them with needle-)
Or if you get lucky, maybe they just ask you to make them something instead of making a glorified pyramid scheme. 
“Can you make something for me?”
“You should work with Chiori!”
“Can you embroider me!?”
… Yeah maybe this isn't much better.
Chaos demon! (Arson with klee 2.0!)
“Are they okay..?”
“Let them have this”
“Sir, their grace is setting everything on fire”
“Its fine”
Let me know if I missed any habits in the comments! Remember, if you see any spelling mistakes, no you didn’t.
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tencrushesperday · 5 months
Will you go to prom with me?
matt rempe x college!student reader, friends to lovers
warnings : the fluffiest fluff to have ever fluffed for 7.5k words
an : in honor of the rangers playing their game 1 of the 2nd round, i’ve been writing this for the past week and omggggg there must be so many mistakes in it but im so happy with it it’s so cute. idk about the rangers wives and stuff so christine is obviously made up sorryyyy
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How did you get so lucky ?
Matthew gave you a ticket for tonight’s game and made you promise to stay after the game to wait for him.
You have gone to see his debut at the stadium series and this was his second game so you would have gone to see him play even if he hadn’t gotten you a ticket.
The two of you met when he was first invited to the Rangers summer camp. You were having a picnic with friends in Central Park on a hot summer evening. Matt was playing football with his friends not far from you and when the ball fell near you he ran up to get it.
The first time he just excused himself then went back to his game. But the second time his friend threw the ball your way intentionally you asked him if they wanted to eat something but you weren’t going to finish all the food you brought by yourselves.
It took all your courage to ask the tall cute guy that question. Especially because he was cute. Your friends had teased you for blushing the first time he came to get his ball and to defend your dignity you had to show them he didn’t affect you that much and you could be chill around tall attractive guys.
That improvised picnic turned into an ice cream date the next afternoon as you bonded over the fact that you were both foreigners in the US. Then that turned into another museum date, and a shopping date when he asked you for help to find his sister a present.
Superficial conversation turned into long conversations deep into the night so naturally.
Yet he had never tried to kiss you. You wanted to think those dates were really dates and that he felt the same way you did. But he never expressed any further interest into you so you settled for his friendship. You knew he would leave after the training camp to go back to Calgary and you would leave too to go back home.
When he came back for the second time for the training camp, you had already left New York. He had texted you that he was in town again and asked if you wanted to go get ice cream with him. You wanted to smash your head against a wall for leaving a week too early and missing him. But he promised that he would try to go to New York before the start of the season so you could catch up together.
After that first catch up in New York, you also went to Hartford for a weekend a few times when you didn’t have too many assignments.
You surprised him once by coming to a practice and staying for his game. Some of your friends teased you that you were head over heels for him and you “really wanted to get that d” in the words of your best friend but you never made any attempt at flirting and neither did he.
However now, he played in New York, for the Rangers and you couldn’t be any prouder of him. He had texted you that he was called up to play for them for the stadium series and you told him that you already got tickets with friends to go see the match. You missed your morning class to get breakfast with him before the game and congratulate him.
So you are now waiting awkwardly by the VIP entrance because he didn’t get you a special pass since he didn’t dare ask for it and you have no idea where the locker room is in this place. You check your phone from time to time to see if Matt has texted you but you just assume that he’s still busy.
At some point, a security guard approaches you and asks what you’re waiting for. You’re about to answer him and you hear a voice answering in your stead.
“For me. She’s waiting for me. But thanks for taking care of her.” He’s always been kinda hot, but that sentence? The messy post game hair? The sweaty look and slightly tired eyes?
You thank the security guard and walk towards Matt with a big smile on your face. “Congrats on your second game and second win champ. Looks like you’re this team’s lucky charm.” You give him a hug when you reach him and he keeps his arm around your shoulder not letting you go.
“Hmm no I think it’s you. You’ve been for every win too.” He winks at you.
“When did you get this cheesy?”, you tease.
“Winning makes me emotional.”
You aww at his honest response and jokingly tickle him. But you love how he’s not afraid to show his emotions in front of you and you cherish that.
“So.. we won… Do you know what that means?”, he asks with an amused look in his eyes.
“Free and good food?”, you inquire hopefully, batting your lashes at him to go overboard with it.
“Better. Free drinks !! I wanted you to come celebrate with us. I got out the looker room as soon as I could to not make you wait and have some time to convince you. The guys are ready to go.”
“It’s a wednesday night.”
“Perfect night to go out the bars are less crowded.”
“Matt I have classes tomorrow.”
He has a resolute look on his face and you know you’ve lost the argument here. “I’ll bring you back to your dorm by midnight.”
You admit defeat by nodding your head yes and he pumps his fist in an overly exaggerated way. Then he puts his arm back around your shoulder and drags you towards the exit.
“Schneider knows a nice place not far from here apparently.”, he informs you.
“You’re new best bud?”
“I would never dream of replacing you”, he says with a funny smirk.
When you walk out of the building you’re met with huge, impressive hockey players and their beautiful significant others. You smile politely and wave your hand when Matt introduces you but nobody pays you too much attention as everybody is eager to get to drinking.
The bar you get to is nice, not too big but still pretty loud and the players overjoyed from their win only make it louder.
You sit squeezed in between Matt and one of the girlfriends. She doesn’t particularly pay you attention except when she asked you who you are and how you met Matt.
When Matt leaves to get you a drink at the bar, Chytil’s girlfriend approaches you and introduces herself.
“So have you and Matt been together for a long time ?” Luckily, the lighting is bad and she can’t see you blush at her question.
“We’re just really good friends”, you answer her after a beat.
“Oh sorry, my bad.. It’s just that usually guys don’t bring such beautiful friends to bars when they try to find other girls to hook up with”, she explains jokingly and you try not to get such thoughts into your head.
“First of all it’s so nice of you to call me pretty. And no honestly i’m really supportive of him trying to hook up with girls if he wants to. He just promised to get me back to my dorm before midnight so he’ll probably have to do that afterwards.” She laughs at your words a bit too much and you laugh awkwardly as well, confused look on your face. Until she looks behind you and you understand.
“Always knew I could count on you to be my wingwoman” You turn around at Matt’s voice, the awkward smile still on your face. “And here’s your cosmopolitan.”
“I'm not even sure you need a wingwoman now that you’re in the NHL.”
“That’s not something we are going to test tonight because i’m here to celebrate with you and not some random girl.” He grins at you.
You spend the rest of the evening dancing and drinking your cocktails with Matt acting as the best body guard to ever exist on the dance floor. It’s not often that you don’t have any weirdo trying to approach you but having a 6’7 guy built like a refrigerator definitely helps so you can enjoy the music and just dance. Maybe you should go to the club with him more often.
You don’t leave before midnight as promised. It’s closer to 1am when you bid goodbye to Chytil’s girlfriend. She asks you if she will see you around more and you promise her to attend the next game.
When you’re outside the uber is already waiting for you and you get in with Matt still talking and laughing.
He then walks you up to your door and you turn around before opening. “So now you know where I leave”
“Yes this was my plan all along now I know where to come to steal the most comfortable blankets”, he says with a smirk
“I knew you were evil. You can’t be tall, hot and ambitious without something hiding under the surface.” Did you just call him hot ? You can blame it on the alcohol even if it was only 3 cocktails.
“Obviously. Now go get some good sleep and drink a glass of water.” He turns around to leave “Good night”
You yell after him “Drink some water too big boy” you giggle to yourself and cover your mouth aware of how loud you just were.
The next morning you have a mild migraine but it hits you when you are brushing your teeth a song from last night playing on your phone.
The reason no guy approached you last night was because Matt always had his hand on you, your hand, your hip, your waist. It was just so natural to have him that close you didn’t even notice in the moment.
Almost a week later, as you sit on your bed, music playing on your speaker because your roommate is out, you hear a loud repeated bang on your door.
You jump out of bed, turn off the music and run to the door. “Who’s there?”, you ask warily.
“Open up the door you deaf dumbass”
“Great to see you too my sugar plum”, you stick your tongue out to Matt when opening the door.
He walks right past you into your dorm room and sets a bag on your desk. “I brought us snacks and video games.”
“You know I don’t have anything to play video games on right?”, you look at him eyebrows raised, hands on your hips.
“That's why I brought my Xbox in my backpack?” He starts unpacking his stuff and setting up his gaming corner. Luckily you had a small TV you and your roommate chipped in together to buy.
“Make yourself at home I guess… I also hope you’re aware I won’t be playing with you I have to finish this essay for tomorrow morning.”
“I know. You said that you had to finish it tonight. I just thought it would be more fun to have company. And I haven’t seen you because of the roadie.” You smile at his logic. It’s non arguable. You would rather do anything and everything with him around than without him. And you missed him too.
Once he’s done setting it up, he sits at the end of your bed and looks at you expectantly. “I won’t be noisy I promise. Now can you bring the snacks?”
You smile like an idiot again, hand him the snacks and get back to your previous position in your bed.
He takes your feet on his lap and starts his game. Without even looking your way, he pushes the bag of your favorite candies towards you.
You sight contemptuously, a small smile adorning your face. This was so comfortable. A little too cozy for you to just see him as a friend.
Around 1am, you finish your assignment and Matt is already asleep at the feet of your bed. You lightly tap his shoulder and tell him to get under the covers because it’s too late for him to go home.
Still sleepy, he takes off his hoodie and gets comfortable while you go to the bathroom to get ready for bed. Then you get back to bed and try falling asleep but you are far too aware of his tall presence right next to you.
He is fast asleep when he sneaks one of his arms around you. Your bed isn’t large enough for you not to touch anyway so you decide to enjoy his warm, comforting cuddles and fall asleep much faster now that you’re not stressing over it.
When you wake up for your class in the morning, Matthew has already left for practice.
The game against the Devils has been brutal. You couldn’t attend but you were watching on your phone while at the library. You try to get done as much as you can before leaving the library and going to your closest 24/7 store.
You are ready to go around the whole city. You have a mission in mind and you will accomplish it : finding a Lego set (and food of course).
Luckily you only have to try two convenience stores before finding a good enough set. You also grab some snacks and head to Matt’s apartment.
You are already waiting in the lobby of his apartment building when he comes in.
He looks nasty and you can’t help but cringe.
He drops his bag on the floor when he’s near and wraps his arms around you. For a while, you just remain like that, hugging, passing your fingers through his hair in an attempt to soothe him.
“You wanna go up? I got us lego sets to build”, you ask in a small voice. He nods and pulls away without meeting your gaze.
You haven’t seen him since his huge fight in Toronto so the black eye is shocking at first. And now he’s been suspended for four games. You know that even if he likes causing chaos, he likes the game more.
You silently follow him up to his apartment. It’s a small studio, nothing crazy but it’s cozy and it’s clean.
You set your bags near the couch and go to the kitchen to look for something to cook dinner with. In the meantime, Matt gets another cold shower and changes into a pair of sweats.
When he comes out of his room, wet hair falling across his eyes, his t-shirt half up, your breath catches in your throat. Your gaze moves downwards and then you catch a glimpse of the bruises on his side as he finishes putting his shirt on.
“I left clothes for you on my bed if you wanna change into something more comfortable. I looked for the smallest sweatpants but hoodie might be just enough.”
He walks up to you and smells around, “What you’re cooking there?”
“Mac and cheese. Didn’t have too much choice” A pleasant smile appears on his face. “I can finish it, go get comfortable.”
He nudges you lightly so you let him take over and go to take a shower and change.
You had stayed at his place in Hartford the last two times you went up there. But this was different. You had always brought your own clothes and you would eat out with his friends before coming and crashing on his couch before leaving the next morning.
Now you are changing into his clothes, and as he said the hoodie almost reaches your knee so you don’t bother with trying on the pants. It smells of him and you try not to be weird about it but it brings you such a sense of comfort you can’t help but wrap your arms around yourself.
When you walk back into the open kitchen Matt is done with the Mac n cheese and getting the table ready.
“You can sit down. I’ll be ready in a minute.”
You listen to him and sit down and a few moments later so does he. You eat in silence until he asks you about your day.
You don’t want to press him about anything or upset him so you just go with his flow, letting him welcome you in when he’s ready.
When you’re done eating, it’s your turn to tell him to go get comfortable on the couch while you clean up the kitchen. Once you’re done you join him on the couch where he already started taking the legos out of their boxes.
You talk about your childhoods and how you used to play with legos and other toys, about your favorites and the ones you lost but just remembered how much you liked them.
When you finished the set, he put it on the shelf next to his TV and you both went to bed.
You insisted on sleeping on the couch to not bother him but he argued that he would.
Of course you wouldn’t let him, knowing the physical state he was in. So you agreed to both sleep in the bed.
Once you’re under the covers and the lights are off you can’t stop the words from falling out of your mouth as you turn towards him, “Does it hurt a lot?”
He turns around to face you too, “Where?”
It breaks your heart to hear him say this. Are there really so many hurtful part?
You slowly bring your hand to his abdomen under the covers. “Here?”
“I didn’t think you would see it”, he shuddered at your touch so you pull your hand back.
“I’m sorry”
“It’s okay.” your voices are no louder than a whisper.
“Can I hug you?”, there’s timidity in your voice that he has never heard before.
You wrap your arms around him and press his head under your chin. You fall asleep in that position only a few minutes later.
Now, you are waiting for him by the north entrance after his game against Florida as he had asked you but you have no idea what to expect nor where he is taking you. It didn’t really matter anyway as you get to spend time with him.
He walks out the building wearing his suit, his bag slung over his shoulder.
“Congrats ! You played until the end” You laugh at him throwing your arms around his torso. God how you loved his hugs. It feels like being engulfed in the warmest cloud.
“And I got an assist”, he says pulling back from the hug and grinning at you.
Your smile widens as well as you crank your neck to look up at him “You did great champ!”
You pull away from his arms feeling yourself getting hungrier by the second. “Come one now take me to eat. You know cheering on you is such a physical activity.”
You catch sight of his crooked tie once you are completely out of his arms and reach to straighten it. “I changed as fast as I could so you wouldn’t have to wait long.” He explains looking down at you.
You can’t look up to meet his gaze, too busy trying to hide your blush.
When you’re done, you ask him to lead the way and he points to the left and tells you to follow him because “he knows a place”.
You walk for a few blocks until you’re in Times Square and then he stops.
“Matt don’t tell me you wanna play tourist right now. I swear I’m not kidding when I say I’m famished.” You look up at him with a pout.
He checks his watch, “Can you keep the whining down, I’m the one who’s paying for dinner, please?” He looks around at the billboard like he’s never seen them before.
“I’m hungry, come on let’s go I’ll pay for my meal if it’s what it takes.” You try to argue.
He stops turning around and you get in front of him to try and get his attention back on you. He checks his watch again. What is he waiting for?
“Matt the hell are you looking around for ? This is not your first time in Time Square. I hope the place you wanted to take me doesn’t close too soon…”
He looks behind you and his eyes light up. “This is where I wanted to take you.” He says grinning like a devil.
You want to ask what’s going on, mouth half open but he tells you to turn around so you do.
Mouth still hanging agape, the first thing your eyes lay on is a huge billboard with your name on it. And the question “Will you go to prom with me?”. You heart skips a beat there.
You’re speechless for a second and very confused when you turn back around to look at Matt. “What is this? What prom, Matt? Colleges don’t do proms and I’m in my senior year. What do you…”
He cuts you off seeing the frown on your face “You told me once that you never got to go to prom during high school. And I know how much you love those fancy dresses and dancing to 2000 music. I didn’t want you to feel sad again because you feel like you missed out on something.”
Oh you are so about to cry.
Tears are brimming your lashes already. Your stomach is doing somersaults.
“So will you go to prom with me? The one I organized just for us so you can’t really say no…” You hear the small quiver in his voice and how he slows down at the end. He is feeling unsure. It’s the sweetest thing ever.
The tears staining your face are happy ones so you nod your head vigorously, unable to speak because of the knot in your throat. A smile cracks its way onto your face and at the sight of it he leans down to hug you. You jump into his arms and wraps yours around his neck.
“I can’t believe you did this for me” You’re now sobbing into his shoulder, pushing your face into the crook of his neck to hide your tear stained, all red, face, from the crowd around you.
It feels like it’s just the two of you in the world. You don’t hear the crowd over your own beating heart anymore.
How did you get so lucky?
You want to tell him how much this means to you, how much he means to you. Yet it’s not the time to confess your feelings. You can’t ruin this moment with your selfish emotions when he’s done this for you as a friend. So you settle for thank yous.
“You’re the best, really.” You squeeze harder before trying to pull away but he still has you in his arms and your feet don’t even touch the ground.
Your faces are inches away, and you feel an itch you can’t quite scratch, because he’s not your boyfriend and kissing him could ruin all this.
“Thank you. Genuinely. I don’t know what I did to deserve you but you’re really the best Matt” You think he can probably feel your breath on his face. You hope he can’t hear your pulse this close. You hope you don’t smell of the beer you drank earlier at the game.
Oh no, you realise as he puts you down, your breath probably smells of the beer.
He shots the toothiest smile you’ve ever seen on him. “Good let’s go get you some food now.”
May the universe help your poor little heart, as you melt internally at his smile, words and actions.
You knew Matthew was a man of his word and if he said he would do it he will. But what you didn’t expect was for him to go so overboard with it.
A few days after his promposal, he texts you that after class you’re both going shopping the next day. He had called you after the game when they clinched the first spot and said that your fake prom would be before the playoffs.
He waits for you in front of your building, baseball cap sitting backwards on his head, two coffees in his hand.
Your heart skips a beat when you first catch sight of him, easy to notice him with such a height. You think you would recognise him even in the dark anyway, when everything in your body pulls you to him in the way it has done since you’ve met him.
He’s right here and so close and yet so out of reach because you can’t run up to him and kiss him like you would like to.
It has gotten harder to ignore your feelings since he started acting like the best boyfriend in the world while simultaneously not being your boyfriend.
You walk slowly to give yourself time to recompose yourself. He smiles broadly when he sees you too.
He doesn’t know how much he affects so you can’t blame him. He’s just being friendly, like he always was.
When you reach him, he hands you your cup of coffee then pulls you into his chest and your giggle gets muffled by his warm sweater.
He asks you about your day, your classes, why you’ve been up since he went away. He listens to your every word even though you’ve already told him all of this through texts.
You walk the streets of New York together until he stops in front of a dress shop.
“No, no, no Matt, I cant afford this.” You stop him before he walks inside, hand on his arm. “And ai’m not letting you pay for my dress. Just putting this out there hopefully before the thought even crosses your mind”
He takes your hand off his arms and wraps it with his. “Let’s just see what they have.”
He tugs you inside and you don’t have any other choice but to follow.
The shopping assistant greets you and after giving you a few minutes to look around she starts asking question about what you want, the type of event, the color preferences, the length.
Sure you had imagined the type of dress you would have worn if you ever got invited to prom when you were a teenager. But you were never invited by anyone and as you were starting to think about going alone your mom got very sick and you had to stay home while your dad went to work.
But asked this way on the spot you have no idea. You say blue for the colour. It’s you favourite one and Matt has a nice blue suit that could match.
The sales assistant picked out some dresses for you while you and Matt looked around. He made you promise to not look at the price until you’ve tried on all the dresses that you liked but you knew you wouldn’t be getting anything from here.
After going around the whole store, the sales assistant directed you to the back to try on the dresses. Struggling to tie up the dress, you peak your head outside the door to ask her for help but only see Matthew.
“She went to get you heels. Do you need help?” You nod, open the door wider as he gets closer and slowly turn around making sure the dress stays in place.
He gets on it with expert hands pulling the laces tight. “Tighter?” His voice is low, near your ear. It sends shivers down your spine.
You nod not trusting your voice just yet. You feel hot all over but you also shiver.
“Sorry my fingers are cold…”
He is almost done now so you want to break the awkward silence.
“You’re good at it.” Great remark, way to go.
“Yeah I helped my sister a few times.”
Did he just compare you to his sister? Amazing.
With perfect timing your sales assistant comes back with a pair of beautiful black heels. “Sorry for making you wait. Your boyfriend told me you shoe size but I had to find something that would match.”
So much for helping with the awkwardness…
“He um… we’re not um…” You tried articulating your thoughts pointing between you and Matt.
Instead of helping you, he looks at you with an amused look on his face then thanks the woman while taking the shoes from her.
“You can hold onto my shoulder.” He says kneeling down and setting the shoes on the ground in front of you. You lift your dress with one hand, grab his shoulder with the other one as he so kindly suggested, and then extend your foot to put the shoe on. He even helps you get the shoe on.
You were trying not to overthink his every move but it was impossible. Why is he acting this way all of a sudden ? Why didn’t he tell the sales assistant that you were just friends ? Why ..?
Your thoughts are cut off when Matthew stands up and you lose your balance and almost fall.
He extends an arm to catch but you stop him with your hand and a chuckle.
He steps back and he and the sales assistant both look at you. You start feeling flustered so you turn around to look for a mirror.
As you walk over to it, you can feel Matt’s gaze on your black, and the ghosts of his fingertips on your skin.
The dress looks beautiful but something is not right. It’s a bit too over the top and you just don’t feel it. Matthew sees it in your eyes when you look at him through the mirror.
You change into the second dress but you don’t like how it looks around your chest so you don’t even get out of the dressing room.
The third one was beautiful. The flowy fabric, the sea green color of the dress, the thin straps and square neckline accentuating all the right places. You look down at yourself one last time and take a peak at the price tag before walking out of the dressing room to show it to Matt. It breaks your heart to act like it’s not the most beautiful dress you have ever worn. But you can’t afford it.
You don’t think you’ve ever seen Matthew looking at you this way. His mouth is slightly agape which gives you an insane boost of confidence.
“Yeah I’m not gonna take this one. You wouldn’t be able to handle it.” You tease him which makes him slightly blush. Oh this is getting funny.
“Should I do a spin ? Let me do a spin”
Maybe you could not eat for the next month or two ? Because if it triggers this type of reaction from Matt you would wear it everyday.
When you look at him again, he stares at you and gulps.
“You look.. you look like a washed up algue on the Jersey shore” He deadpans. A smirk threatens to crack his serious appearance.
You explode in laughter, “You sure know how to talk to a woman. But that settles it I’m not buying it.” You turn around to go back into the dressing room without seeing his disappointed look or leaving him the time to argue with you.
You try on the rest of the dresses but none of them are what you are looking for so you bid goodbye to the sales assistants and exit the store.
“This was very cute of you Matt but I promise I’ll find the perfect dress in a thrift shop without having to starve for the next month.” You assured him.
“Yeah sure sorry…” How dare he be this cute??
“I know that we went to this type of store with my sister for her proms and she loved it.” He argues
You smile at him, “So you wanted my experience to be as authentic as it gets.”
“Exactly” he gives you that cheeky childish grin. He’s proud of himself and he can be.
You shake your head at him and urge him in the direction of your favorite coffee shop.
“It’s too late for coffee I think”, he remarks which makes you look at the time on your phone.
“Wow I didn’t think we wasted that much time in the store” you were surprised, but then again time moves so fast when you were having fun with Matt.
“Hey come on it wasn’t a waste of time you got to try on beautiful dresses” he argued again, heading back in the direction of your dorm.
“You’re right but not walking faster to get to Phil’s surely is a waste of time” You saying grinning.
“When it comes to getting food it always sounds like you’re the 6’7 hockey players who needs to eat a lot of calories” He’s already caught up to you so you can punch his arm at the teasing.
“Yeah well where would I get the energy to annoy you if I didn’t eat this much?”, you give him the same sassy energy back.
The banter and the laughter doesn’t stop and suddenly he’s already walking you back to your dorm and hugging you goodbye.
Once you are in your pyjamas you get your laptop out and get to work on your assignment.
To your dismay, pretty boys don’t make uni work disappear…
You were looking at your eyeshadow palette, indecisive. Maybe you should just do a simple eyeliner ? You wanted to do your best, look your best, impress Matt after everything he’s done for you.
You were lucky to find a dress similar to the sea green one you had found in the store but just a tad lighter in colour. You put on your highest heels so the pictures with Matthew looked better. He promised to make it look as authentic as possible so he got one of the older guys on the team to let him borrow the apartment. Pictures by the fireplace are a must according to him.
So you gathered all the belongings you needed after your only class this morning and came to the address he had sent you. You called the number he had sent along when you were in front of the building and a nice woman who introduced herself as Christine told you what apartment to go to.
You were sort of starstruck when she first opened the door and wondered how these hockey players really bagged all these 10s. She wasn’t amongst the girls and women you had met both times you have gone with Matt to the bar to celebrate after a game and you understood why when you heard two kids arguing in the background.
She had quickly let you in and apologized for the noise they were making while taking you to the room where you could get ready. You had thanked her a million times over for welcoming you this way but she told you that they couldn’t say no when Matthew had explained his plan so sweetly. She had commented about how lucky you were to have him with a wink and you nodded, cheeks flustered.
Now you are almost done. You had begun with your hair, finally decided to just do a soft look on your eyes with some glitter and put on your dress.
You are putting on your pink gloss, looking at yourself in the mirror. You promise yourself that this is the night you will tell Matt how you feel, when you hear a knock on the door.
“Honey, are you ready? Matthew is here.” Christine calls out to you.
“I will be out in a minute.”, you answer as you put on your perfume finally.
You take a deep breath before opening the door and shake your arms in a manner to get the anxiety out of your body. You walk to the living room slowly to not scrap the parquet with your heels, looking down at your feet, dress in hand.
When you get there, you raise your head to find Matt already looking at you. He looks stunning in his suits, you already knew that. But there something that made him look particularly handsome. Probably knowing that he dressed up for you.
A smile creeps its way in your face as he stares at you in awe. You pat yourself on the back internally for doing a good job on the hair and makeup.
“You look um… you look beautiful.”, he finally manages to get out.
You giggle and thank him. He really makes you feel like a high schooler, you think.
“You don’t look bad yourself.” You smile.
“You see me in a suit every other day”, he’s being modest.
“But you have something particular about yourself today”
Oh god, you’re gonna be the death of him. Complementing him so effortlessly. He made more of an effort today it’s true. He wanted to look half as good as you at least. He also made a point of not fighting in his last games so he doesn’t have a bruised face on these pictures.
“Oh I got something for you.” He reaches out behind him on the fireplace and grabs a box. You walk closer, curious to see what it is and your eyes lay in a beautiful corsage for your wrist and a matching flower for his pocket.
You give him your hand and look at him while puts it on “It’s beautiful thank you.”
“Okay kids, let's take some cute pictures,” Christine says, clapping her hands, even though she already took ten pictures of you interacting.
“I see you’re fully playing your role” you laugh at her antics.
“Just rehearsing for the future”, she retorts with the same cocky smile you gave her. “Okay now get in front of the fireplace. Matt stands behind her.” She was giving instructions like a pro and you assumed she’s already done this for her own prom.
Just like she said, Matt walks up behind you and sneaks his arms around your waist. Instinctively, he spreads his fingers but his hands awkwardly cover your whole tummy so he holds your hips.
You try to relax for the picture but you’re overly aware of every inch of his body touching yours.
“Come on guys, give me your best smiles now!” Christine encourages you.
You try to focus on the pictures, the camera, your hair, your smile. You rearrange your dress to be sure it is okay.
Once she says she has a few good ones, you change your pose and you get used to it. You look at a few before takes and they do look beautiful.
Once you’re done, Matt thanks Christine and you both head out to the restaurant he had made a reservation for.
The taxi ride is not too long since you were already in a nice part of the city. The restaurant looks way too over priced and you feel bad for how much money he’s spending on you.
Once you’re sitting at your table, you can help but tease him, “I’m amazed you even managed to make such a reservation.”
“Schneider helped”, he admits.
“So this evening really is a team effort. If I wasn’t enjoy it so much, I would probably feel bad for bothering everybody”, you say half jokingly.
The whole dinner is amazing and delicious. You don’t think you’ve ever eaten in a place this fancy and frankly both of you probably look out of place.
More than once you laugh a little too loud and swear a little too often which earns you some pointed glances from the old rich people around you. That only makes you laugh even more.
By the time you’re out of them, you feel the slight buzz of the overpriced wine and can’t wait to see what Matt has planned next.
The next taxi ride takes you back to his apartment and you’re sad you didn’t get to dance. You think you might still convince Matt to put on some music to dance in the kitchen too.
You think of your arguments all the way up and when he makes you wait in the hallway. But you don’t need any once he opens the door and lets you see what he prepared inside.
There was glitter everywhere, colorful light effects and you couldn’t even catch a glimpse of a photo zone next to the bathroom door.
“I know we don’t have a prom party with all the people dancing around us and our friends but I hoped this would make do.”, he says looking at you from behind, studying your every emotion.
You turn to him, your brightest smile on your face “This is perfect Matt.” You grab his hand and drag him inside.
“Let’s take a picture first. We can set the timer and flash on my phone.” You set your phone in the place he prepared for it and push on the timer. You take your dutiful place in front of him in front of the photo zone and there’s no awkwardness as earlier.
Then you go back to the leaving room to put some music on, he goes to the kitchen and comes out with punch.
“Don’t we face the chaperones too? For the more authentic experience…”
“You plan on doing such naughty things you need a chaperone?” Oh, you weren’t expecting him to clap back this way.
“I don’t have enough alcohol in the system, bring that punch over here”, cowardly move but you didn’t lie. You need more liquid courage to tell him everything you think.
You take the drink from his hand when he extends it to you and down half of it.
You cradle the rest of your hand while Give me everything tonight plays in the background but it doesn’t take long for you to finish that too.
You dance to your favorite songs until a slow by Def Leppard comes on. “Wouldn’t be a full prom experience if we didn’t slow dance”, Matt defends his choice of putting it in the playlist.
“You’re right. Let’s dance”c you nod getting closer to him. Your fingers are intertwined behind his neck and his hands settle in your lower back.
With each sway to the rhythm, your bodies get closer.
You look amazing. He used beautiful earlier but that hadn’t been enough to describe how truly gorgeous you look. He wants to use every word he knows, compare you to stars and flowers and yet it still feels like it wouldn’t be enough. You are giving him your brightest smile and he feels proud at the thought that he is the one who put it on your face. He made you happy. He wants to make you happy everyday in the future.
You are so close to him. Right in front of him. He thinks he should gather his courage and tell you he likes you. He can feel the warmth radiating from your skin through your thin dress, your fingers running through his hair at the nape of his neck.
He thinks about all the times you’ve made him happy. The first time you ever talked to him and offered snacks to him and his friends who were just strangers in the park. The time when you first surprised him by coming to Hartford to see him play. He wasn’t seeing you in that light at the time. However recently, when you came to comfort him after he had been suspended for four games. He had wanted to kiss you then right in his lobby when he saw you. But he couldn’t use you like that to drown his sorrows. And what were the chances that you wouldn’t push him away and leave him all alone?
He always thought you were hot, even Schneider and Lafrenière commented on it when he had brought you to the bar with them to celebrate. He had told them to back off right then and there, to not even think about it. He thought it was due to friendly protectiveness. He later realised that he hated the thought of anyone else putting their hands on you and make you happy in that way.
“Why didn’t you ever kiss me?”, you interrupt his train of thought. He is completely caught out. Did he hear you right? He takes another few seconds to process but he can see the concern taking over your features.
“I could do that? I didn’t know I could?” he looks dumbfounded which makes you laugh. “Can I kiss you now?”
“Do you want to?”
“Stupid question. Can I kiss you?”, his breath is ragged.
“Stupid question.” you giggle, “Lose some more time asking others like this o-“.
He doesn’t let you finish before crashing his lips on yours and stealing your breath away. It’s passionate but sweet and oh so soft at the same time.
It’s so much better than you couldn’t have ever imagined. Sparks fly. Butterflies erupt in your stomach. Shivers run down your spine. You have wanted this for so long, was tempted to do it a million times and it is finally happening.
You need more. You wish he would never stop kissing you.
When he pulls away for air, slightly panting and lips and the skin around them sparkly from your gloss, you can’t help the chuckle.
“It tastes like cherry”, he says through a small laugh of his own.
“Oh yeah? wanna taste it some more?”
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fayes-fics · 6 months
When The World Is Free: Epilogue - Peace Ever After
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader, WW2 AU.
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Warnings: None… the fluffiest fluff that ever fluffed. Also, our pair have some news for the world.
Word Count: 0.7k
Author’s Note: Multi-chapter fic based on a request by the lovely @amillcitygirl . Please see the masterpost for a synopsis of this story. This is the neat little bow I wanted to wrap this fic up with. I hope you have enjoyed this story; it's been a pleasure to write. Thank you for reading, and many thanks as always to @colettebronte for beta reading. Enjoy!
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Wiltshire, UK, 8th May 1945
Benedict’s arm is curled securely around your back as you dance together, Vera Lynn warbling from the wireless in the corner of your living room.
There'll be bluebirds over, The white cliffs of Dover, Tomorrow, just you wait and see…
His breath is warm on your hairline as you sway gently. A spontaneous, uplifting and tender moment to celebrate the end of the war. A lightness in your heart that this dreadful era is finally over and the overwhelming gratitude that all your loved ones have survived. This dance is also a peaceful, romantic interlude from the whirlwind your lives have become in the last few weeks. 
There'll be love and laughter, And peace ever after, Tomorrow…
The shrill ring of the telephone echoing from the hallway of your cottage interrupts your reverie.
“Ignore it,” Benedict whispers in your ear.
“But we just had it installed! It’s only our third call. How exciting!” You lean back and shoot him your best pleading face, and he sighs and, with an affectionate eye roll, gestures for you to go answer it.
You rush over and pick up the heavy bakelite receiver, a crackle on the line that is an operator.
“Overseas call for the Bridgertons from Madam DuLac,” the operator announces primly.
“Oh wonderful, yes, please put her through!” you enthuse.
“Salut y/n!” comes that familiar voice from the past after a short delay.
“Solene! It’s so wonderful to hear from you! How are you? How’s Paris?”
Benedict walks over at the mention of her name, hovering nearby to partially eavesdrop.
“I am wonderful. Paris is finally free and as beautiful as ever. On this monumental day, I wanted to check on the lovebirds who didn’t invite me to their wedding,” she jibes good-naturedly.
You can’t help but giggle. “We are very well, and yet again, sorry.” 
“Tu connais, there is one way you can remedy this,” she singsongs.
“Name it.”
“Your daughter shall be Solene oui? At least a middle name.”
You laugh heartily, then shoot Benedict a sultry look that makes his brow crease, intrigued.
“Why don’t you nag my husband about that?” you challenge lightly as he draws nearer.
He crowds into your back and takes the receiver from your hand, tilting it between you so you can both hear.
“What is my darling wife roping me into now?” he inquires dryly.
“Giving her a daughter that must be named Solene…” your ex-landlady chimes cheekily.
“Is she now?” his voice drops to a throatier register that immediately has you flustered. “And what is wrong with the son I just gave her?” he queries casually as he raises a flirtatious eyebrow at you.
“Vous avez un bebe?!?” Solene gasps. “Felicitations!!” 
“Oui!” You grin happily as Benedict's lips ghost over your temple lovingly. “We were about to send out telegrams with the news. Louis Jerome Bridgerton,” you pronounce proudly. “He is three weeks old, and he is our whole world…” your sigh so contented as you lean into your husband's attention.
“You named him after my brother-in-law?” Solene protests with mock indignance. “Then I definitely get the middle name for the girl!” 
“It was after the man who married us,” Benedict points out laconically before conceding, “who, yes, coincidentally is also your brother in law…” 
“And I shall expect a visit when petit Louis is a little older to see the wonders of Paris,” she hints unsubtly.
“Of course! His first trip will be to the Louvre,” your husband pronounces. “It was the very first place his parents went on a date, after all,” he adds, shooting you that trademark lopsided grin.
You elbow him mildly. “That was not a date!”
“It was for me, mon amour….” he side-eyes you heatedly. It makes you want to drag him upstairs and start on those daughter plans immediately.
“I should go and make my next call… to your sister and Phillip indeed; I just wanted to wish you a very happy Victory Day!” Solene interrupts your amorous moment.
“Et toi aussi,” you both answer in unison.
“Vive la France! Vive L’Angleterre! We won mes amis! Le monde est libre!”
You and Benedict’s eyes meet, a poignant moment, as the call disconnects.
“The world is free indeed,” he echoes softly, putting down the phone and sweeping you into his arms for a stirring kiss.
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mauri2530 · 10 months
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Before Sunrise
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Dick Winters x night owl! reader
Summary: morning cuddles. that’s it that’s the plot
Notes: the fluffiest fluff that ever fluffed
Word count: 1018
I felt a sense of dizziness and then the unmistakable unpleasant sensation that comes with an abrupt awakening. Despite how dark the room was, I could barely keep my eyes open for a more than a second.
“I’m sorry love, I didn’t mean to wake you” a sweet whisper came from the darkness.
“Dick?” I held out my hand towards his side of the mattress and he immediately took it. “Is the sun even out yet…?”
He quietly chuckled. “Not yet, actually. A bit early even for me.”
I groaned and weakly attempted to pull him close to me by his arm. “Can you stay until I fall back asleep?”
“Of course” He shuffled closer, the chaotic sound of sheets shifting about heaven to my ears at that moment.
I somehow managed to meet him in the middle of the bed, snuggling up against him, my head coming to rest on his chest.
His left arm wrapped gently around my waist, his right coming to stroke my hair. He planted a slow kiss on my forehead and I hugged him tighter, enjoying his warm presence surrounding me again.
“Do you want to watch the sunrise?” He was still whispering, but an hint of excitement now colored his voice.
I looked at him. My eyes felt a little less heavy and had finally begun to get accustomed to the dark. He was smiling and looking fondly at me.
“Sure, alright” I nodded, pulling myself up on my elbows and turning onto my back so I could look towards the window. “It’s not like I get many chances to”
“Wait, I have a better idea” He smirked.
I shot him a questioning look. In response, he just stood up and scooped me into his arms. After a few steps, he quickly set the curtains aside and with an effortless kick moved the armchair from the foot of the bed directly under the window.
Only then he sat down, allowing me to fully lean on him but holding me close in the way that always made me feel so safe, to prevent me from falling.
I put my arms around his neck, legs lazily falling over his own and the chair’s armrest. Outside the window, the sky was colored with soft shades of pink and orange that were growing more and more intense.
I laid my head in the crane of his neck, feeling his ever steady heartbeat vibrate on my skin.
“I promise it won’t take long” He said gently stroking my shoulder with the outside of his fingers. His tone turned worried: “Are you cold? Do you need me to get you a blanket?”
“Not at all darling, this is fine” I smiled against his collarbone, knowing that he could feel that too. “Actually, I’m more than happy with my current situation”
“Mmm is that so?” He teased.
“Oh yeah” I Insisted. “You make a very comfy chair”
His laugh reverberated all through his chest and he gave me a little squeeze to show his appreciation.
“I could think of worse ways to start my day too” He suddenly raised up my chin and leaned down to capture my lips with his. The kiss was soft and sweet like the rest of our morning.
“I love you” He said when it was over, an inch from my lips, noses almost touching. His eyes were open and limpid.
As much as I was used to hear him say that from time to time now, my heart still dropped. It was always an event.
“I love you too” I cupped his cheek with my right hand, losing myself in the moment and into the water-green eyes of the man that I loved.
At this point, I had almost forgotten that I’d ever been accidentally woken up way too early for my tastes. I laid my head back on my favorite neck spot with a happy sigh, hand grabbing his shirt to nuzzle even closer to him.
“Keep your eyes open, I wouldn’t want you to miss it”
“Yessir” I said, jokingly bringing my right hand to my temple in a salute.
“Is that mockery I hear in your voice, private? You know I won’t stand for that” He feigned outrage, sounding entirely amused.
“Oh yeah?” I grinned. “What are you going to do about it?”
“Mmm I’ll have to think of an appropriate punishment” He snuck his hand under my pajama shirt and slowly moved it up and down my side, his touch on my naked skin making me shiver for reasons that had nothing to do with the cold.
“Not that I mind your idea of punishment, major, but if you keep this up I might be too distracted to notice the sunrise” I chuckled and he laughed with me.
“That’s right, I’m sorry” He brought my hand to his lips and kissed it.
We stayed quiet and focused our attention on what was happening outside the window. The sky was now brimming with beautiful shades of color and it didn’t take long for the sun to finally appear over the horizon, and I sat up straight so I could properly admire it.
I was left speechless. Being a certified night owl I hadn't seen many sunrises in my life, but I felt that this one was quite extraordinary. Or maybe it was being in his arms that made it feel so.
“It’s so beautiful” I breathed.
When I finally glanced back at him, I found his gaze already on me, admiring my every reaction instead of the natural spectacle in front of us. “Almost as beautiful as you”
I felt myself blushing red like it was our first date. “You’re lucky I already married you or I would have needed to propose to you after that”
He laughed. “Well, for what it’s worth, I would have said yes”
“Good for you” I joked, finishing the sentence with a yawn I couldn’t hide.
He took notice: “Don’t tell me you still want to go back to sleep after that”
“Oh yes, I do” I smirked. “And you’re coming with me”
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danikamariewrites · 11 months
Obsessed with your ddlg fics! Could I request a smutty one with Cassian? But really fluffy smut. Like the fluffiest smut that has ever fluffed.
Lay On Me (SMUT)
Cassian x reader
A/n: thank you anon!
Warnings: fluff, ddlg, daddy kink, p in v, and full body contact position
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Cassian snakes his arms around your waist and a small smile pulled at your lips. You tilt your head giving him access to your neck. He placed small opened mouth kisses from behind your ear down to your pulse point. As he licked and bit at you a shiver ran down your spine.
A small giggle escaped your lips and Cassian squeezed at your tummy and sides. “What are you up to sweetheart?” You leaned into him, letting out a soothing hum, “Not much. Just waiting for you daddy.” You turn your head to leave a kiss on his stubbly cheek.
You felt his bare muscular chest against your thin shirt. “Yeah,” he mumbled against your skin. “I missed you today. Been dreamin’ about you all day.” Wrapping your arms around your neck you gave Cass more kisses. “Think we can try something new tonight sweetheart?”
You and Cassian have always been adventurous in the bedroom. Cassian is a giver when it comes to sex. His goal is always to make sure you feel good, perfect even. Your favorite thing is his hands. You love how they roam your body, squeezing all the parts of you he loves. How rough they are and how safe you feel when he holds you.
“Yeah,” you say, attempting to turn and face him. Cassian grabs your hips to stop you. “Uh-uh baby, stay just like that for me ok.” You hear him undo the ties on his leather pants, dropping them to the floor. Reaching around you he grabs the hem of your oversized shirt.
“Arms up baby.” Raising your arms Cassian swiftly pulls the fabric from your body. Your nipples pen limb from the chill in the room. Wrapping an arm around your waist Cassian slides into bed laying down with you on top of him. Your head rested in the crook of his shoulder as he adjusted you both into a comfortable position.
You could feel his hardened length against your thigh and you moaned. Cassian’s rough fingers traced down your body to your clit, rubbing soft barley there circles against the sensitive bud. Your hips jerked, wanting more than just the small touches.
“Please daddy.” Cassian shushes you, putting more pressure on your clit. He runs his fingers through your folds stopping to tease your dripping entrance. You mewl at the intrusion. “Think you can take me sweetheart?” You nod against him, grabbing at his arms that wrapped around you. “Yes daddy.” Cassian kisses your temple murmuring, “That’s my good girl.”
You push your hips into Cassian’s as he slowly guides his cock into your dripping pussy. You let out twin moans as he bottoms out. Cassian holds your hips as he starts to thrust into you at a sensual pace. One of his hands travels up your stomach to your breast. He circles and pulls at your nipple and you let out a moan.
You dig your nails into his forearms, your walls clenching around him. “Fuck sweetheart, feel so good. All snug and perfect wrapped around me.” He moaned against your ear sending a wave of arousal to your core.
You feel that coil tightening in your stomach as he drives himself deeper inside you. “I-I’m gunna cum. fuck please keep going.” You cry out, throwing your head back against Cassian. “Let go sweetheart. I wanna watch you fall apart on my cock.”
The coil inside you snaps and your orgasm rushes through your body. Cassian holds you against him as you ride out your high. He quickly follows, burying his face in your hair. You go limp against Cassian and his arms loosen their grip.
He slides his softening cock out of you and lays you next to him. As he moves to get up you grab his arm. “Where you going?” Your voice comes out small and sweet, not wanting Cass to leave your side. “I’ll be right back sweets. Just getting something to clean you up with.”
You relax back into bed and wait patiently for him. When Cassian comes back he’s gentle when he cleans between your legs and thighs. Throwing the towel to the side he climbs under the covers and you immediately tuck yourself into his side.
Cassian wraps an arm around you and kisses the top of your head. “G’night daddy,” you yawn out. “Sweet dreams baby.” Cassian gives you one last kiss before you drift off with a sweet smile gracing your lips.
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