#they can add. all these soda flavors. but not make a soda that’s killing all your taste buds when it’s not chilled for like 2 hours. fml
merevide · 1 year
they should make a carbonated drink that doesn’t taste like straight acid when it’s warm. imo.
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bakedbakermom · 8 months
introducing: anti-hangry cookies
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so i have 3 problems going for me right now when it comes to food. 1) i am on meds that kill my appetite, so i forget to eat until other physical symptoms manifest, and even then it is difficult to make myself actually consume something. 2) my sense of taste never recovered after i had covid, so my desire to snack has gone way down and i no longer find most things enjoyable or fulfilling to eat. 3) even though i am overweight, the part of my brain that sees items 1+2 as a good thing that could make me lose weight is currently gagged and straightjacketed because she is crazypants and keeps trying to kill me. i am a recovering anorexic in the same way some people are recovering alcoholics; it's something that i have to actively monitor in myself even years after "finishing" treatment." i MUST eat, or i will spiral.
by about 4pm i am literally weak with a hunger i cannot feel, my mind foggy and my whole body basically vibrating with hanger, and fighting tooth and nail to make myself eat something, anything, please. enter the anti-hangry cookie.
i originally made these when i was nursing to get my milk supply up (they are technically called "lactation cookies"); i don't know if they actually helped with that, but damn were they great to have around because they're the super rare combination of taste good and good for you and easy to eat that is absolutely essential in those bleary early days of parenthood. turns out that kind of snack is necessary outside of that time period, as well.
the good: rolled oats, full of whole grain, fiber, vitamins, and even some protein. brewers yeast, with more good vitamins and protein, plus good for the tummy. flax seed, B vitamins, omega 3s, fiber.
the fantastic: basically the best chocolate chip oatmeal cookie ever. there's a hint of cinnamon, and somehow the brewers yeast and flax seed only enhance that flavor rather than making it taste too, well, healthy lol. also you cannot taste the coconut oil, so if that's not your favorite flavor, fear not: you get the benefits without that sunscreen taste.
3c old-fashioned rolled oats 1 1/2c all-purpose flour 5 tbs brewers yeast 3 tbs ground flax seeds 1/2 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp baking soda 1/2 tsp cinnamon 1/4 tsp salt 3/4c (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temp 1/4c unrefined coconut oil 1 1/2c sugar 1 large egg + 1 egg yolk, room temp 2 tsp vanilla extract 1 bag dark chocolate chips
optional: 1/2c peanut butter, SO GOOD
whisk together oats, flour, yeast, flax, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt.
beat butter, coconut oil, and sugar (and pb, if using) together until fluffy, then add the egg and yolk and beat to combine. add the vanilla and beat again. gradually add in the dry ingredients on low speed until just mixed. it will be a bit crumbly. then mix in the chocolate chips.
scoop the dough into 1-inch rounds (i use a cookie scoop and then roll them in my hands). rolling into a ball is actually fairly important here, since otherwise they'll crumble apart a fair bit in the oven; rolling smushes them into a delightfully dense cookie. (obvs go ahead and skip the rolling if crumbly cookies are your jam.) place on a baking sheet about 2" apart and bake at 350 for 10-14 minutes.
the original recipe says it makes 20-22 cookies but that is BONKERS because i can easily get 36 good-sized cookies out of this. i typically bake a dozen and freeze the rest (in ball form, don't throw a big lump of dough into your freezer), and then bake them for 12-16 minutes straight from the freezer.
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here's the remaining ~2 dozen dough balls in my freezer. confession: i actually prefer the ones baked from frozen to those made from the fresh dough! they stay taller in the oven and spread less, creating a delightful cookie experience that is somehow dense and fluffy at the same time.
try one in the shower. just do it. shower cookie is best cookie
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sterekchub · 1 month
I’ve got an idea! I’m a sucker for soft bby Derek 🥺 him trying to get his life together after the fire but because he barely finished high school the only place that will hire him is the local fast food joint, where the floors are greasy but the food is greasier 😆 but he doesn’t care he just wants to do something on his own for once.
Head manager Stiles just wants to eat him up when he shuffles in for the interview, all shy and lean (too lean). He hires him immediately, devoting lots of time and attention to making sure Derek is comfortable and adjusting nicely. This may or may not include encouraging Derek to take advantage of the free food perk.
As Derek’s frame grows he is slow to notice because Stiles keeps “upgrading” the uniform when he outgrows his.
Also I for sure know Derek would have such a feminine gain 😩
Yesss I also adore soft Derek who deserves nice things. Who has the family fortune to support him but doesn’t feel like he deserves to use it. Too many rumors around him killing his sister, no degree or work experience to mention…he applies everywhere and gets more and more dejected with every day that passes without a job offer.
And Stiles has heard the rumors. Sees Derek’s gruff and ‘I could care less’ attitude….and doesn’t buy it. He’s the kid of a cop- he sees what most people miss. The way Derek’s belt has extra holes poked in it because he’s lost so much muscle mass and weight. The way his jacket hangs loosely off him. How he uncomfortably shifts his weight and looks out of place and ready to bolt immediately.
Stiles immediately offers him the job. Probably working as a manger while he finishes his degree and it reminds Derek he should be a college grad by now, if he ever bothered to go, if his parents were alive to help him with college apps and moving into a dorm…. But Stiles doesn’t make him feel bad about it. Even offers to help Derek look into online classes, even if he starts small with one class at a time at a local community college.
And in the meantime- tells Derek eat what he wants. Better than throwing out leftovers. Sends him home with bags of burgers or nuggets for dinner even if it’s way more than Derek can eat and he protests he can’t take the food.
But- it takes awhile but Derek eventually opens up and feels comfortable being his snarky, rough around the edges- pre fire self. And accepts he should stop arguing with Stiles and take the food.
At first, Derek only notices his 30+lb gain because he’s back to a healthy weight. Doesn’t need the belt to hold up his jeans, his shirts fit snug but not stretched tight. How he used to be.
Which- absolutely when Stiles doubles down. Tells Derek stay hydrated! Get a soda! (And orders those deluxe pick any flavor digital soda machines). Totally keeps a mental note of how often Derek refills his soda- and Derek is solidly chugging at least a small bag of sugar a day with the amount he drinks
Mostly because all the fries Stiles gives him “happen” to be over salted… oops.
Or has Derek try possible new menu items. Triple burger? Triple cheese? What about if they add more bacon? If they add ranch? What about nuggets on a burger?
Derek tries it all and ignores the button of his pants digging into his now rounded middle.
He gets *soft* and blubbery for sure. Because he has nothing else to do- so he picks up all the shifts he can. Maybe keeps Stiles company even when he isn’t on the clock. Comes into the restaurant when he has online classes so Stiles can help him.
He’s on the round the clock greasy fast food diet and as a result he just expands. Ass getting wide and heavy, thighs that are rubbing against each other and the friction leaves holes in his khakis. Belly that protrudes out and hangs low over his waistband- when it isn’t stuffed with burgers and soda and an inflated orb, taut to the touch. The start of a double chin. Pecs that soften and drop. Upper arms that have a solid amount of fat that hang down. Love handles that are always stretching out his shirt and Stiles keeps having to resist the urge to SQUEEZE everytime he walks by.
Derek with his belly resting on the counter, no customers in sight, burger in one hand and large soda in the other…
Sorry I got from “awww angsty and sweet” to “kink” real fast.
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itslouisan · 3 months
Since I'm going on beach vacation:
Under the cut for shōten crew beach hc!!
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• Urahara definitely has sensitive skin, 15 minutes in on the sun and he's red, crying and wanting to go home, plus pouting and throwing a scene about how he hates the beach, the others have to calm him down and stop his drama king ass with food he likes
• Yoruichi LOVES beach volleyball, my girl would bring professional level stuff and drag EVERYONE to play with her, so what if you're weaker and she could kill you? It's FUN! Also she rubs her victory at everyone and is a sore loser in case she loses even if slightly
• Ururu likes to look for sea shells, she brings them to Kisuke which tells her facts about it, she has a tiny notebook with what he says and pictures of the shells
• Tessai LOVES to dive and swim in the sea, also probably be a fan of surfing, he swims till the deep parts with Jinta on his back and they explore together anything they find and play in the water
• Tessai and Yoruichi can EASILY get a beautiful and perfect tan, Kisuke gets jealous and sulks in the corner while he needs to apply a ton of lotion and body creams to help ease his burning everywhere despite using UV shirts, sunscreen, hat and everything to protect himself from the sun, AND if you dare comment on him being white as a ghost during a beach trip, he'll stare at you and throw a show about how it's unfair that Tessai and Yoruichi get all good genes and tans while he burns and gets alone in pain of the sun
• Okay which drinks I think everyone would enjoy drinking:
Urahara: he'd be into a Brazilian drink called "caipirinha" it's a drink made out of "cachaça", ice, sugar and the fruit , normally lime. I think he'd like these because they are super sweet yet full of flavor, cold and refreshing and 2 drinks in and you can be drunk, plus I think he'd like the lime flavor but would be curious for other fruits like red berries or pineapple or watermelon
Ururu: Ramune, I think Ururu would like to drink it since it's convenient, pretty, refreshing and she'd have fun opening it, though I think Jinta would break the bottle to get the glass peeble out and mock her with it '-'
Tessai: he'd be into coconut water, it's sweet, refreshing, big, the only downside is that it would be expensive in Japan considering the price of fruit there
Yoruichi: calpis soda edition, I view that Yoruichi doesn't like drinking and has a low alcohol tolerance, so in a beach trip she'd enjoy a yogurt, milk based drink, simple, nice and doesn't leave her drunk
Jinta: watermelon juice, and he'd like it WITH SEEDS.
• Jinta likes to play with water balloons to scare everyone off their area, Kisuke has to ground him later because angry parents came
• Kisuke lives under the AC and if it breaks he'll make hell on earth till Tessai fixes it
• Kisuke has to take at least 5 books and 30 sudoku magazines extra difficult, he finishes the sudoku in 10 minutes and the books in 5 hours, whines asking to go home and Yoruichi has to calm him down with kisses or a cat nap (her in kitty form in his lap for a hour)
• They take pictures to add to a family vacation album
• After burnt in the first hour, Kisuke gets called the "Lobster King" and gets salty
• Ururu is a big fan of fruit salad for the beach vacation, her normal mix is Yakut, strawberry, apple, pineapple, green and purple grapes, yogurt, honey and bananas
• Sunset beach walk in group go brrrrr
• Ururu and Urahara making flower crowns for everyone
• Jinta and Tessai building sand castles
• Kitty Yoruichi exploring the beach and picking random items
• Urahara and Yoruichi definitely enjoy having some private time alone while everyone is out when the sun is setting, I'm talking cocktails, acoustic beach music, watching the sea and enjoying each other's company
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jellyluchi · 2 years
Rikiel x Reader
A/N: A little birthday fic for @papersirens !!!! ilysm 🫂💗
Genre: NSFW Content warnings: no warning apply, standard handjob Summary: Your boyfriend Rikiel surprises you on your birthday with a special outfit.
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Something is wrong. You don’t know what… yet. But the sight of your boyfriend’s leg shaking, and his evasive eyes make you aware of his anxious state of mind. Rikiel has never been able to hide much from you, his demeanor giving an indication to whatever is on his mind. It’s both a blessing and a curse, knowing how he can get. It’s something that tethers you both together, understanding each other’s anxiety in an almost intimate way. 
“Riki,” you say, looking at him over your can of soda, grape flavored cider from a pack he got you a couple days prior. He sits beside you on the couch, lounging with terrible posture but you can’t help but allow him to continue sitting that way. 
“What?” He asks, completely ignoring his own leg. You put a hand on his thigh, trying to stop it from shaking as you notice him not really looking at you. Rikiel’s face remains neutral but you know his breathing, the beating rhythm of his heart like a memorized symphony. And at the moment, it’s definitely not regular. 
“Rikiel, love, what’s wrong? Just tell me.” You’ve always preferred to communicate directly, letting him know it’s safe to share his thoughts. So it’s equally as puzzling to see him try and hide something from you.
However, at your words, he gives you a hardened look.
“Nothing’s wrong,” he says, not meekly but not refuting any of your implications either. “Nothing’s ever wrong when it’s about you…” He looks away, trying to turn his face but takes glances towards you as if trying to read your expression. It’s an adorable sight, making you brush your hands over his hood, exposing the magenta pink hair to caress through. 
“And what about me?...” Your fingers soothe him deeply, and he sighs with relief from something you don’t know about. Whatever unspoken worry buzzed in his mind moments ago seems to vanish at your touch. 
“I have something to show you. It’s… It’s for your birthday. It was supposed to be revealed after dinner but…Man, fuck it.” He stands up, going to your bedroom to find something. “Stay here, I’ll be right back baby.” 
You look at him puzzled. A surprise? A part of you is relieved it’s nothing extremely worrisome as you almost felt your own anxiety heightening only moments ago. But now a different adrenaline courses through your veins. Rikiel isn’t one for surprises as the anticipation nearly kills him every time. The thought makes you smile fondly, imagining how much he had to fight back the bubbling bouts of worry just for you. You’re glad he chose to reveal it early, lest he start getting nervous in the middle of your dinner.
Trying to imagine just what might the surprise be, you sit there imagining him holding flowers or chocolates.. Maybe a ticket to a concert of your favorite band… you are absolutely not sure what to expect. 
A sudden knock on the door frame catches your attention and when you look towards the white filling up your peripheral vision you gasp.
Your boyfriend stands there, in a cow print crop top, revealing his chest, that matches his hood and a pair of thongs to accessorize.  Out of all the options you went through… this was certainly not one of them. His expression of confidence only adds to the look, as you can see just the slightest hint of worry in his beautiful golden eyes. 
You giggle. This is what he was worried about? 
“Is this what you were worried about, babe? You look stunning.” Beckoned by your praise, he sits next to you with a pleading expression crowning his face.
“Really? It’s not… it’s not silly?”
“Absolutely not. Now come here.” The change of tone in your voice excites him just a bit as he watches you eye his bulge with interest. Rikiel can’t help but smirk at it. He spreads his legs further as he sits next to you, a non-verbal permission for you to touch him as you please. The tips of your fingers brush over the scanty fabric and you hear him inhale a shaky breath. 
Continuing with your ministrations, you produce his cock from within his clothing, looking up to meet his eyes where you see a deep reddening adorning the bridge of his nose. If it were any colder, you’d see the white puffs of breath escaping his lips with every electrice rub of your fingers. You smile, taking his cock between them to stroke his length liberally, coating him in his own arousal. 
He calls your name in a hushed, clearly restrained tone, as if holding back from cumming on the spot. Rikiel’s hips buck into your hand as he clutches at anything around him to try and balance himself into thrusting harder, the tip of his cock now a sweet pink, leaking furiously. It makes you want to use your tongue with tortuous slowness. But he’s been so sweet to give you such a surprise, you want to please him just as much. 
“Shh.. it’s alright… cum for me Riki,” you encourage him softly, your other hand going to appreciate the protruding nipples. After a loud growl, he spurts white over your hand, staining his own hips in the process. It doesn’t take long for him to regain his composure, however, as he sits up without even cleaning himself. 
“Wait, it’s your birthday. Please let me return the favor.” There’s a determination in his eyes that you know won’t waver until he’s had what he wants. And within seconds he has you on your back with your legs spread as he kisses down south of your body with his cock still hanging from his thong.
“This is just part of the surprise…” 
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mynibbanasblog · 2 months
THC Seltzer: The Perfect Drink for Social Gatherings
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Of late, consumers have gravitated toward new, healthful drink options. The latest craze is THC seltzer, a fizzy drink infused with THC, the psychoactive compound in cannabis. 
This article is going to give reasons why THC seltzer is the best choice while planning a social gathering. We will look at its benefits and versatility, and how it lines up really well with modern settings of social gatherings.
What is THC Seltzer?
Basically, THC seltzer is just sparkling water infused with THC. Of course, the THC is what gets a person high from cannabis. Comparatively to smoking or eating cannabis, THC seltzer allows one to experience THC refreshing and light. 
The usual amount of THC is contained in each serving, so it's easy to track how much a person can consume at any one time. The bubbles of the seltzer break it down for a pleasurable experience, offering something a little different from other drinks.
Why THC Seltzer is Great for Social Gatherings
1. Refreshing and Replenishing
THC seltzer is quite refreshing due to its fizzy nature. It also helps in keeping one well-hydrated, which is rather nice when people at a party are eating and drinking heavily. 
Compared to heavy cocktails or some of the heavy sugar-laden sodas, THC seltzer is light and refreshing. It offers a fine beverage that will not upset your taste buds.
2. Discreet and Classy
Another great thing about THC seltzer is that it's really discreet. There isn't that pungent smell of cannabis associated with smoking, so it's quite appropriate in situations where one doesn't want to smell like weed. 
Many THC seltzers also come in very sleek, stylish cans or bottles that add an element of sophistication to them and give them a place at any event, be it fancy or casual.
3. Easy to Control Dosage
THC seltzer offers complete control over the amount of THC one consumes. Since each can or bottle is pre-dosed, it is clear just how much you have with each serving. 
In this way, you can host people at your place for a social gathering where guests may have different tolerances or preferences without risking overconsumption and having unpredictable effects that will make it hard to enjoy the time.
4. Versatile for Mixing and Pairing
THC seltzer is versatile and can be used in various ways. You can mix it with other ingredients to come up with exciting cannabis-infused cocktails. It will blend nicely with fruit juices and herbs, allowing you to come up with some unique and great tastes, flavorings, and other ingredients to come up with special drinks. 
THC seltzer goes well also with different foods, enhancing the general experience of your gathering.
5. Socially Acceptable
As cannabis becomes more accepted by society, the concept of THC seltzer is increasingly deemed socially acceptable. It's in tune with the art of craft and artisanal drinks that are an enjoyment all on their own and attract adventurers into the world of quality drinks. 
THC seltzer, being one of the fast-moving products in this particular market, reflects a general acceptance of cannabis as a social drug, making for a great alternative to traditional alcohol beverages.
How THC Seltzer Improves Social Gatherings
1. Creates a one-of-a-kind experience
The combination of THC and sparkling water brings a drink so unique that can make your event outstanding. Most people have had beverages at parties, so the inclusion of THC seltzer will offer them a chance to enjoy something new. 
The guests will most likely be into the newness of the THC seltzer and really appreciate a chance to try something new. This can foster interesting conversations and add excitement to your event.
2. Relaxation and Enjoyment
The effects of THC in making a person relax and enjoying themselves at a social gathering are immense. THC can help kill fear and shove off the vibe, making guests feel more at ease. 
This will likely create a much more pleasurable and amicable event where everybody is easygoing. With the inclusion of THC seltzer, you can be sure to provide a positive vibe and an inviting atmosphere.
3. Catcall Different Preferences
Satisfies so many tastes and dietary needs: low in calorie, no sugar—just right for health-conscious guests. This provides a cannabis experience without smoking—ideal for those who do not like inhaling or who have breathing problems. THC seltzer is versatile and can be enjoyed by many types of people.
4. Easy to Serve, Easy to Enjoy
Serving THC seltzer at your party doesn't get much easier. In general, these beverages come in convenient cans or bottles and thus are easy to handle. 
No complicated preparation or mixing involved, so focus your effort on other aspects of hosting. Guests may simply grab a can or bottle, enjoy the refreshing taste, and experience the effects of THC in a completely hassle-free way.
5. Fits Modern Trends
THC seltzer sets perfectly within the trends of the beverage space, which is looking out for innovation and health consciousness. With increasing interest in alternatives to traditional alcohol, THC seltzer will be a progressive move to connect fun with good health. Its growing popularity proves that it will not just be a passing trend, but a staple for the modern gather.
From refreshment and discretion to versatility in enjoying cannabis, THC seltzer is the ultimate beverage at any social gathering. Refreshing, rehydrating, controlled dosing, and stylishly presented, it will suit many different events.
Be it a casual party or a formal event, THC seltzer will help raise the experience with the modern and pleasurable version of wine and spirits of yesteryears. With the never-stopping interest in THC seltzer, it's sure to be on the shortlist of preferred drinks for social gatherings—providing a different and engaging way for people to enjoy cannabis.
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littlewalken · 3 months
jun 19
Well, after making what would have been one last bread Satan, I basically discovered that it's been the cinnamon I was adding at the beginning which was killing off the yeast. So if I'm going to add cinnamon I will do so right before baking. Otherwise I followed my basic recipe and ended up with a very light almost cake like texture bread. I'd like a bit more structure so next time I'm going to throw some powdered milk in there.
This makes a slightly sweet bread for when you just want a thick fluffy piece of bread, the egg and powdered milk give it some protein. The sugar and flavoring helps hide the slightly baking soda taste.
Omit the flavoring and it becomes pet safe.
~in Mrs Crocombe's voice~ For this recipe you will need-
1 packet of yeast (or however many spoons equal that)
1/4 cup sugar
2 cups flour
pinch of salt
additionally you can add 1 egg, 1 teaspoon total of liquid extract (vanilla, almond, whatever), 2 tablespoons of butter or oil, a tablespoon or two of powdered milk
Proof the yeast, add any liquid flavoring, egg, and almost melted butter or oil and mix, then add the dry ingredients. Let rise for at least an hour or so, knead, let rise again for at least another hour, knead in any dry spices like cinnamon now, bake for at least 20 minutes. Let cool before eating.
The crust is thin, the inside is light and fluffy, the flavor is subtle. It's also a small loaf that will hopefully get eaten before it has a chance to dry out.
I also put some flour and water in a jar to see if I can make a sourdough starter but that will take about a week. Unless it starts to smell nasty then it goes.
Thinking maybe I've finished taking all the Miraculous Ladybug fan theory notes, need to look at the folder, or at least enough that I have to tidy up the 33 pages I did take before going any further. Some really good ideas in there I'm going to try and make sense of.
I kind of kept to mostly Adrien/Cat Blanc/Kuro Neko, wasted ideas, and the finale sucked for the stuff I saved otherwise I'd never get anywhere.
Did also get some good ideas for the more original thing I'm trying to work out. Got to sit and spend some time with that.
I need to decide if I'm going to get rid of or put eye screws in the Kwami surprise critters. On one hand I have the flocked advent calendar critters, on the other I can just about count on one hand which surprise ones I need and really feel I'm just going to buy them off the internet now.
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ryeetsu · 4 months
everyone STOP!
i saw a cooking post circulating that I Did Not Like for, uh... ("the Chinese"?? "and other oriental races"???)
that, and some of the tips in there seemed a little misleading. so here, i, a certified "oriental" myself, with a lot of experience in the kitchen, have some tip corrections and additions:
you can put baking powder on, say, chicken wings, to make them crispier, but i've had better results with corn starch. also, be sure it's baking powder, not baking soda. this distinction applies even more importantly in baking.
furikake comes in many different flavors and is very cheap at asian supermarkets. my house has a plum flavored one and a perilla flavored one. you can certainly make your own, but it's not really worth it imo... and the classic egg/salmon/bonito furikake are almost always there and, like, 3 dollars.
the best fish you are probably going to get is going to be flash-frozen right on the boat they caught it on. in the most ideal conditions, it isn't kept frozen for too long, but this freezing will both kill parasites and keep the freshness of the fish. this is all just to say, don't judge the quality of the fish by the label "previously frozen"
it may technically be cheaper to buy ramen noodles from an asian supermarket in bulk, but for only a few dollars more, you can go to the instant noodles section in the same asian supermarket and find packages of ramen that come in 6 packs and all sorts of different flavors. try out something other than just top ramen for once! you will unlock a world of easy meals that, by just adding some veggies and an egg, are nutritious and delicious (sorry)
washing your rice is about removing excess starch, which improves the texture greatly. most rice that you buy at the store has been washed several times already, so while yes, you're removing a bit of leftover dirt and pesticides, you will have to wash the rice much longer than you would other produce (that you should also wash). do not scrub the rice when you wash it, or it will destroy the grains' integrity. a good way to wash rice is to fill your bowl of rice with water, gently swish it around with your hand, and pour out the water, at least 3 times. the first few times the water will turn cloudy with starch, and when you're done, the water should not be very cloudy at all. i personally wash rice more like 6-8 times.
salting your cooking water is not just "to taste." it does season your pasta/potatoes all the way through, which is super important, but it also makes your pasta less sticky, and helps your water stay the right temperature. adding salt to the water actually lowers the specific heat of the water, making it heat up faster. and your water should be like, 1% salt. most of that salt won't make it into the pasta so don't worry about it being too much
do not rinse your pans while they're hot; the shock of cold water on the hot metal will warp them. then they wobble. which sucks.
if you're adding an acid, like vinegar or lemon juice, if you don't want it to be the sharpest flavor in the dish, make sure you add it earlier, letting some of the most astringent parts cook off
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homeandliving · 6 months
Eco-Friendly Cleaning Hacks for Home
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Maintaining a clean and tidy home is essential for our well-being, but it shouldn't come at the cost of harming the environment. Numerous eco-friendly cleaning hacks allow you to keep your living space sparkling without compromising the planet's health. From utilizing natural ingredients to minimizing waste, here are some effective cleaning tips and sustainable ways to clean your home.
Vinegar and Baking Soda Magic
Vinegar and baking soda are powerhouse ingredients in eco-friendly cleaning. They create a powerful yet non-toxic solution that can tackle various cleaning tasks. Use this combination to unclog drains, remove stains, and deodorize surfaces. Additionally, vinegar can be used as a natural disinfectant, making it an excellent alternative to harsh chemical cleaners.
Lemon Freshness
Lemons aren't just for adding flavor to your water or recipes; they can also be a valuable tool in your cleaning arsenal. The acidity of lemon juice makes it effective in cutting through grease and grime. Mix lemon juice with water to create a natural surface cleaner, or use lemon halves to scrub and deodorize cutting boards. Plus, the refreshing scent of lemons will leave your home smelling fresh and clean.
DIY All-Purpose Cleaner
Say goodbye to store-bought all-purpose cleaners filled with harmful chemicals. Instead, make your own using simple and eco-friendly ingredients. Combine equal parts water and white vinegar in a spray bottle, then add a few drops of essential oil for a pleasant scent. This homemade cleaner is perfect for wiping down countertops, appliances, and other surfaces, leaving them clean and free of chemical residue.
Reusable Cleaning Cloths
Swap disposable cleaning wipes for reusable cloths to reduce waste and save money in the long run. Old t-shirts, towels, or microfiber cloths make excellent alternatives to single-use cleaning products. Wash and reuse them whenever they get dirty. This eco-friendly option minimizes environmental impact and ensures you always have a supply of cleaning clothes.
Steam Cleaning
Steam cleaning is a chemical-free and eco-friendly way to deep clean various surfaces in your home. Steam cleaners use hot water vapor to loosen dirt and grime, eliminating the need for harsh chemicals. They are particularly effective for cleaning tile floors, countertops, and bathroom fixtures. Steam cleaning can also help kill bacteria and allergens, making your home a healthier place to live.
Homemade Air Fresheners
Commercial air fresheners often contain synthetic fragrances and chemicals that can harm the environment and our health. Instead, opt for homemade air fresheners made from natural ingredients. Simmering herbs and spices like cinnamon sticks, cloves, and citrus peels on the stove can create a delightful aroma that freshens the air without artificial additives. You can also place bowls of baking soda around your home to absorb odors naturally.
Eco-Friendly Laundry Detergent
Traditional laundry detergents can contain a cocktail of chemicals that harm the environment and irritate sensitive skin. Switching to eco-friendly laundry detergent is a simple yet impactful change to reduce your household's environmental footprint. Look for detergents made from plant-based ingredients that are biodegradable and free from harsh chemicals. Additionally, washing your clothes in cold water can further reduce energy consumption.
Natural Drain Cleaners
Chemical drain cleaners are harsh on the environment and can damage your pipes over time. Instead, try using natural alternatives to unclog drains. One method to alleviate and remove minor clogs is by pouring boiling water down the drain. For more challenging clogs, mix baking soda and vinegar and pour it down the drain, followed by hot water. This fizzy combination can help break down debris and clear the blockage without causing any harm to the environment.
Incorporating these eco-friendly cleaning hacks into your household routine allows you to maintain a clean and healthy home while minimizing environmental impact. These methods are effective and affordable and contribute to a more sustainable way of living. So why try them and make your cleaning routine eco-conscious and effective?
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eldritchsurveys · 7 months
Do you like meatball subs? >> I don't know, but I'm also not interested in finding out.
Are you severely sleep deprived? >> Not severely, but I haven't had a simple, uneventful, full night's sleep in a while. So I'm at least mildly sleep-deprived.
What music are you listening to? >> None. I don't listen to music whilst doing anything that requires language processing. What is your favorite smell on earth? .
What are you doing tomorrow morning? >> Ideally, whatever I feel like doing.
What are you supposed to be doing right now? >> This.
Have you ever killed your elbows on an inflatable obstacle course? >> have I ever done what now
Are you aware that all these questions are being made up at 3:54 am? >> I am aware of that, because you just told me.
Ever gone a whole day without eating? >> I'm sure I have.
Do you feel that you need to improve your spiritual life? >> I do feel the more esoteric aspects of my life go neglected far too often because of the extremely pressing demands of my physical life, and also because of the anxieties I feel about said neglect. But I also think those aspects still come through in their own ways, even when I'm not particularly attuned to them. Also, it's all connected, everything is serving everything else, etc, etc.
Can you curse fluently in Spanish? >> I cannot. If you go to school (HS or college) does your school have a rival? .
What’s your school’s mascot? .
Do the numbers 44 and 53 mean anything to you? >> They do not. Ever had banana pudding flavored ice cream? >> I have not. If you have a sib, do you call him/her “brother” or “sister” sometimes? . Has the weather been odd lately where you live? >> And how. The wildly seesawing temperatures now are going to make for a weird spring, I can tell.
Remember “Kenan and Kel”? >> I "remember" that it existed in the way that I remember all those things I wasn't allowed to interact with existed: I know people in my age group were into them, I've experienced the resultant pop culture osmosis and can pick up on references to it, but I don't have any personal attachments to or memories of the property.
Does the mere mention of that show make you crave orange soda? >> It doesn't, because I don't like orange soda.
Are you *this* close to falling asleep? >> I am not.
Do you own a Wii? >> I think Sparrow has one in the living room somewhere.
If not, do you want one? >> I'm not interested in it, personally. Oh, I remember -- they definitely do have one, because the DDR games were for Wii. Unfortunately, the mat sucked, so I didn't get to live out my dream of using DDR as exercise. Did you ever collect stickers? >> I have not and I do not.
Isn’t Hello Kitty just the cutest thing ever? >> Hello Kitty is not my favourite Sanrio character, I think many of the other ones are much cuter (Cinnamoroll, My Melody, Kuromi, Keroppi, just to name a few).
Are there any songs you could just listen to over and over and over? >> Sure. I generally don't, though.
Do you have a favorite basketball team (NBA or college?) >> I do not.
Ever had chicken curry and basmati rice? >> I have, I love it.
Do you have a weird obsession with numbers? >> I do not.
Does your job (if you have one) involve sitting at a computer for hours? . Do you get major shoulder/upper back pain from that? Or think you would? >> Probably, because sitting at a desk in general is extremely uncomfortable to me, especially for hours. If it was a WFH position it'd be different, because I can sit/recline any old way I want to (and change position when needed, and get up and move around when needed).
Do you have someone who will give you a massage when you need one? >> I'm sure Sparrow would if I asked, but I wouldn't ask.
Ever seen Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas? >> A long time ago, long enough ago that I don't count it anymore. I might actually add that to my watchlist.
Do you own any diamond jewelry? >> I do not, nor would I. Least interesting fancy rock on the planet.
Is this survey random enough for you? >> It's random enough.
Do you have an American-made car? .
Have you been baptized in any religious tradition? >> I was baptised as a child, yeah. Do you drink alcohol at all? >> I do, infrequently. Ooh, maybe I'll drink one of the pearseccos today. Or finish that rosé, finally. If it hasn't turned by now 😬
If not, do you like the smell? .
Are you in a chair, on a couch, in bed, on the floor, what? >> My bed.
Can you eat just one potato chip? >> I could, but why on earth would I? If your best male friend got a mohawk, would he look good or ridiculous? .
Do you love the smell of sunblock? >> I don't love it. I don't necessarily hate it, but I don't love it. It could definitely stand to be less cloying. Does the computer you’re on have Vista, XP, or something else? >> Heh. 10. I had to interact with 11 when I built Sparrow's PC and god, I have never hated an OS more. Disgusting.
Internet Explorer or Firefox: which do you prefer? >> I guess the updated version to this would be "Edge vs Firefox". Either way, the answer was always Firefox. The only thing that ever took me away from FF was early Chrome, back when it was actually sleeker and faster and not the absolute trashfire Hellscape Navigator it is today.
What are you going to do now? >> I haven't decided yet.
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ancestorsofjudah · 9 months
2 Kings 14: 1-7. "The Arrival."
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Back to the High Places we go. And for that, we are going to need a dove. Doves are persons who flit about, quoting scripture, following all the rules, very strictly. They don't swear, pee, masturbate, tell lies, they don't own a single pair of sexy underpants. They have no body odors, they have no identities, lives, or spiritual earthquake epicenters. They are like artificially flavored diet sodas, chemical swills made from water mixed with manmade crap, whipped into a sparkling sudsy toxic potion.
Doves and the High Places eventually rot societies out. As we are seeing all around the world, they provide distraction upon distraction from the real meanings of scripture, creating false faiths with rigid stances that prevent the real business and purposes of civilization from coming to fruition. In short, High Places are liturgies.
Illumination of a scripture is the alternative to liturgizing. The Gospels suggest a four stage process for illumination over the usual Jewish three called Chabad.
1- Identify the spiritual question or dilemma.
2- Do research
3- Reverse engineer the problem(s)
4- Solve the problem
The Four Archangels, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel also contain a process for explaning the essential nature of scripture to oneself:
"1) Who is God? 2) He is the Almighty, the Most High 3) Who are your Ancestors? 4) Do you understand?"
This portion of the Melachim add another step: Don't just kill the doves, kill the chicks, too.
As always, the Names and Numbers have to be translated and defined. The usual seven levels are present as will be seen.
Amaziah is the Hebrew word for male Amazon, a man of great strength. His strength comes from his ability to be good, very good, but not arrogant.
Amaziah King of Judah
14 In the second year of Jehoash[a] son of Jehoahaz king of Israel, Amaziah son of Joash king of Judah began to reign. 
2 He was twenty-five years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem twenty-nine years. His mother’s name was Jehoaddan; she was from Jerusalem. 
3 He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, but not as his father David had done. In everything he followed the example of his father Joash. 
4 The high places, however, were not removed; the people continued to offer sacrifices and burn incense there.
5 After the kingdom was firmly in his grasp, he executed the officials who had murdered his father the king. 
6 Yet he did not put the children of the assassins to death, in accordance with what is written in the Book of the Law of Moses where the Lord commanded: “Parents are not to be put to death for their children, nor children put to death for their parents; each will die for their own sin.”[b]
7 He was the one who defeated ten thousand Edomites in the Valley of Salt and captured Sela in battle, calling it Joktheel, the name it has to this day.
The Values in Gematria are:
v. 1:
Jehoash=Upom whom God has bestowed
Jehoahaz=God has possessed
The verb אמץ ('ames) means to be or become strong. Nouns אמץ ('omes), אמצה ('amsa) and מאמץ (ma'amasa) mean strength or power. Adjectives אמוץ ('amos) and אמיץ ('ammis) mean strong or mighty.
Joash=What God has given
The passage starts off by saying God has given us what we need to know and all that we need for grasping it. We do not need a bunch of blowhards to liturgize. What makes us mighty is what we learn on our own. The Second Year is when we become conscious of the fact we are intelligent and can groom our own minds.
The Value in Gematria is 6211, ו‎באא and baa, "to excercise dominion over number 1, alef, or the ability to learn.
v. 2: The process culiminated when the young man turned 25. 25 is the age of reason in Judaism. A reign of 29 years means "in her we find security". This refers to the relationship between Jacob and Leah, "the follower and the leader", who created the namesake of Israel.
The Value in Gematria is 13041, יג‎אֶפֶסדא‎, igapesda, "redemption through understanding of the Pesach."
v. 3: The Value in Gematria is 9056, טאֶפֶסהו, tapesho, "a man of peace rejoices."
v. 4: The Value in Gematria is 6240, ו‎בדאֶפֶס‎, "in fabric and in print."
Fabric and the printed word are but facades for the real truth found in a scripture. While theyare all we have as a general direction finder for the Holy Spirit, they are not the end but the beginning of a process called Ha Shem, "acquaintance with the Infinite."
v. 5: The Value in Gematria is 5192, האטב‎ , atav, "to learn with a goal in mind."
The most current teachings or research on a topic is always the one that makes the rule valid or renders it obsolete.
For example, I recently learned the sin of Onan is bigotry, not masturbation. Onan was told by God to understand customs outside his race. He refused to cross pollinate and God became angry with him. The actual scripture has nothing to do with a prohibition regarding the waxing of the weasel.
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v. 6: The Value in Gematria is 10806, י‎חאֶפֶס‎‎ו‎, "they will be arrested." One of the dangers of liturgies is they attempt to explain why persons should be allowed to break the law. The Mormons, Republicans, Evangelicals, Pro-Lifers, Hamas, etc. explain their unruly behaviors as tenets their religious beliefs and practices, many which which are condoned by rule of law. ‎
These are always susceptible to arrest and few exceptions should be made.
v. 7:
Ten Thousand Edomites= Edomites are "holy orders." The Value is 931, טג‎א, taga, "A man who has arrived."
Valley of Salt= a completely devolved community.
Sela= a rock cliff
Joktheel= What God has subdued
The Value in Gematria is 7863, ז‎חוג‎, a male, the end of the road for a person who wants to figure life out for himself using the mind God gave him.
For a future king or prince, anyone serving in the Assembly of the Kingdom of Israel this is a must. Otherwise we will wind up stuck with what we've got, and that's not all we are meant to be.
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gameonoverdogcom · 1 year
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Allets and Maddie T in the kitchen.
There’s some food or other that they’re there to make for the rest of the OC squad. They have an assortment of ingredients laid out.
They don’t have a recipe.
Allie is trying her best to figure out how this is supposed to work but she honestly knows nothing about food. Maddie T is completely winging it and is sometimes reliable with food-making and sometimes not. They don’t know whether they’re adding the right things in the right amounts in the right order, and Allie is stressing about this constantly asking “wait, so do we just like-- and then-- is this right?” and Maddie T just completely does not care.
This goes on for awhile and then Maddie T throws in something completely random that was definitely not supposed to be part of the dish. Like, gummy worms or something.
And at first Allets is shocked, confused, maybe a little upset.
Then she decides, well, if the gummy worms are already in there...might as well throw in some m&ms. Why not.
Maddie T pours in chocolate milk. Allets adds several more eggs and doesn’t care to make sure no bits of shell get in there this time. Heck, why not throw the entire shells in!
They get crazier and crazier. Ketchup! Mayonnaise! Maple syrup! This’ll be a great combination of flavors that nocreature’s tried before! Beans, beans, the musical fruit! Marshmallows, because marshmallows are the best and why not! Peppermints, grab a random object and grind them up! Guacamole! Peanuts! Almonds! Uncooked pasta! A frick ton of jalapeno peppers, see how spicy we can make it! While we’re at it, how many spices are in this cupboard? Let’s see what happens if we add them all! Full cans of two different sodas or energy drinks, that’ll really shake things up! Is it not sweet enough? How ‘bout a full cup of sugar! White sugar or brown? How ‘bout a cup of each! More baking soda! Can never get enough of that! Soy sauce! Gummy bears to join the worms! They know they’re past the point where their concoction could probably kill god, and they’re just having the time of their lives digging themselves in deeper. One of them takes the entire bag of flour which is like a third of the way full and turns it upside down over the whole mix to dump it all in, and the flour gets EVERYWHERE. They’re clapping their hands to fill the air with more of it, they’re picking some up and throwing it at each other and laughing.
They’re mixing everything together with their hands, exclaiming about how it feels, and Allets shoves some onto Maddie T’s face, and Maddie T slaps some onto Allie’s clothes, and Allie slaps some onto Maddie T’s back, and Maddie T shampoos Allie’s hair with some. Ooooh, what if we put some random objects into the mix for our friends to find in it, like a treasure hunt? Let’s put in a marker, a glue stick, a hairpin, a rock found outside, some more rocks found outside! This is gonna be great!
Maybe they present their creation to the rest of the OC squad, some of whom take it no questions asked even though it looks gross and some of whom protest but manage to be convinced to take just one bite. And all of them go “BLEEEUUUUGGHHH” and some of them straight-up vomit, and Maddie T and Allets who try it themselves agree that it does taste horrible, but they laugh their butts off about it and have zero regrets.
Maybe they have to put it in the oven first and maybe the oven catches fire, and then they have to scramble to deal with THAT situation and even more chaos ensues, but in the end they still have no regrets.
Maybe the entire OC squad wind up flinging fistfuls of the abomination food at each other and making an even bigger mess and you’d be hard-pressed to find one who isn’t laughing by the time the whole affair’s over.
Allets and Maddie T are entirely closer for the whole thing and our Allie’s never looked messier or happier in her entire life.
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cancerchild · 2 years
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@sweetfirebird I’m sorry it took so long to get this up, real life kinda exploded in my face for a bit.
This is something I've played with for a while because they sounded amazing and Theo owns my entire heart.
Theo Greenleaf’s Five Chocolate Cupcakes with Chocolate Mousse filling!
Please note! All traditional baking measurements (cup/tablespoon/teaspoon) used are US measurements. Metric and Imperial volumes are slightly different. 1 US cup = .94 Metric Cup = .83 Imperial Cup. It’s a small difference, but may affect the overall outcome. This is an excellent resource for the different measurements!
A kitchen thermometer is necessary for this recipe!! A stand mixer or handheld mixer is recommended, but not required.
None of this is really complicated, but it is a bit involved. Definitely have a kitchen assistant on standby just in case!
Theo’s Five Chocolate Cupcakes
1 oz dark chocolate, finely chopped
1 oz bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped
2 oz milk chocolate, finely chopped
1/3 cup (22 grams) cocoa powder
1/3 cup (32 grams) dutch process cocoa powder
1/2 cup (118 ml) boiling water (See note!)
7/8 cup (110 grams, 3/4 cup + 2 TBSP) all-purpose flour
2/3 cup (134 grams) granulated sugar
1/4 cup (50 grams) packed light brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 cup (113 grams) sour cream or plain yogurt, at room temperature
1/4 cup + 1 tablespoon (74 ml) vegetable/canola oil
2 large eggs, at room temperature
2 large egg yolks, at room temperature
2 teaspoons white vinegar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Note: to further enhance the chocolate flavor, substitute 1/2 cup hot coffee for the water.
Preheat oven to 350F (180C, Gas 4). Line a standard 12 cup muffin tin with foil or paper liners.
In a medium size heatproof bowl, combine the chopped chocolates and cocoa powders and pour boiling water* over the mixture. Cover and let stand for 5 minutes. Whisk mixture gently until smooth then set aside to cool.
In a small bowl, whisk together flour, granulated and brown sugars, salt and baking soda.
Whisk sour cream, oil, eggs, egg yolks, vinegar, and vanilla into the cooled chocolate mixture until smooth.
Stir in the flour mixture until smooth, be careful not to over mix.
With a spring-loaded scoop, divide the batter evenly between the prepared muffin cups.
Bake until cupcakes are set and firm to the touch, about 17-19 minutes.
Let cupcakes cool in pan on a wire rack for 10 minutes, then remove from the pan to cool completely, about 1 hour.
Chocolate Mousse Filling
Note: This recipe will make enough for several batches of cupcakes...or the leftovers are great with vanilla wafers or animal crackers!
1 1/2 cups (355ml) heavy whipping cream, cold
4 large eggs*, at room temperature
2 tablespoons superfine sugar (caster sugar)
12 oz (340 grams) dark chocolate (I used dark chocolate chips)
1/4 cup (1/2 US stick OR 56.7 grams) unsalted butter, chopped into small pieces
Note: if you don’t have a double boiler, you can place a heatproof bowl over a sauce pan with about an inch of simmering water.
Whip the heavy cream to stiff peaks. Set aside in refrigerator.
Melt chocolate in a double boiler (See note above) and set aside to cool.
*IF YOUR EGGS PASTEURIZED SKIP THIS STEP!* Heat eggs and sugar in a double boiler (See note above) until they reach 140F (60C), stirring the entire time. This will kill any salmonella bacteria.
Whisk the eggs and sugar until very fluffy and thick, or about 10 minutes on high speed in a stand mixer.
Mix the butter into the melted chocolate until fully melted and combined.
Add the chocolate mixture a little bit at a time to the egg mixture, stirring well the entire time to fully incorporate the chocolate. If you use a stand mixer, use the lowest or stir speed and be very careful not to over mix.
Fold in the chilled whipped cream.
To fill the cupcakes:
Core the cupcakes: if you don’t have a cupcake corer, you can use a piping tip, a melon baller, a paring knife, or an apple corer.
Use a piping bag or a small spoon to fill the center.
 Chocolate Buttercream Frosting:
8 oz (227 grams) bittersweet chocolate
3 cups (375 grams) powdered (icing) sugar, sifted
1/4 cup (21 grams) dark cocoa powder, sifted
8 oz (227 grams) unsalted butter, at room temperature (see note)
1/4 teaspoon fine grain salt
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
2 tablespoons heavy cream
OPTIONAL: edible glitter or luster dust in your favorite color!
Note: Room temperature butter is cool to the touch and about 65°F (18°C). This might be colder than your kitchen. When you press it, your finger will make an indent. Your finger won't sink down into the butter, nor will your finger slide all around.
Note 2: if you don’t have a double boiler, you can place a heatproof bowl over a sauce pan with about an inch of simmering water.
Note 3: a stand mixer or electric handheld mixer makes this recipe easier, but if you don’t have either, a wooden spoon and muscle power will do just as well, but you’ll likely need to mix it longer. Maybe have a kitchen assistant on standby to help out!
Melt chocolate in a double boiler (see note 2), then set aside to cool to 95-100F (approx 35C).
In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment or a handheld electric mixer with the beater attachments (see note 3), add the powdered sugar, cocoa powder, and butter. Mix on lowest speed (to prevent a powdery explosion) until well blended, then increase the speed to medium and beat for another 3 minutes.
Add the salt, vanilla, cream, and cooled melted chocolate to the mixer bowl and beat on medium for 2 minutes or until light and fluffy.
Use your favorite piping tip or spread with a frosting knife evenly over the filled cupcakes.
For extra magical cupcakes, add a light dusting of edible glitter or luster dust over the top of the frosting!
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justlittleguy · 3 years
Thank you to @cupidines for the inspiration!
weak hero characters and what they’re good at cooking
•amazing cook as long as he has a recipe
•his measurements are exact and he adds a lot of seasoning for flavor
•he’s not the best baker since he doesn’t like sweet things but he tried to bake for Ben
•only makes instant food he isn’t good at measuring things so everything is super overwhelming
•Alex tries to be supportive but secretly throws up every time Ben cooks or bakes
• “so the recipe needs 1 tablespoon of vanilla but I’ll add 3 just in case.”
•doesn’t like cooking
•he likes reheating food he orders but otherwise he’s never in the kitchen.
• “why cook your own food when someone else can do it?”
• he’s pretty good at cooking but does it sparingly
• he mostly cooks on special occasions like birthdays or holidays, but when he does, he goes all out
• “if they don’t like the food at least it’ll look cool”
•tries his best to cook but he prefers to bake
• he likes making sugar cookies the most, but he really likes decorating them
• “Rowan stop eating cookie dough”
•only cooks for his cats.
•he makes them little sushi dinners with a wet food wasabi
• “you guys have to eat slower or else you’ll get sick and none of us want that”
•is banned from the kitchen.
•he tried to help Eugene but makes everything worse
• “how am I gonna get salmonella from cookie dough there’s no fish in it”
•tried to recreate dishes hes seen in anime or studio ghibli films
•makes a huge mess but the food always turns out good
• “look I just need the fish head it’s a huge part of the decoration“
•hates cooking
•basically lives off of chips and sodas
• “if this stuff was bad for me it would’ve killed me already”
• only bakes bread.
•he literally can’t cook anything else
• if he wants to be fancy he’ll make bread bowls and put some tomato soup in it, tons of garlic to prove to Jake he’s not a vampire
• “jake for the last time I don’t like bread because I’m a duck stop saying that”
• jack banned him from the kitchen
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he tried his best
• “it wasn’t technic my fault, the oil came out too quickly and happened to fall into the flames.”
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warcrimesimulator · 2 years
on weight loss
Longpost incoming.
I am an immunocompromised individual with a slow metabolism (professionally diagnosed hypothyroidism) who is actively working to lose weight after being in the same borderline-overweight range for over a decade and is absolutely fucking TIRED of mainstream diet culture. I want to give realistic and sustainable advice that has been working for me.
Weight loss boils down to one thing and one thing only irregardless of any physiological factors that may make weight loss more or less difficult- burning more calories than you consume. You have to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight- for most people, a 500 calorie deficit is sufficient. Calculate your basal metabolic rate and work from there.
Now, let's start with some important PSAs.
Don't fucking starve yourself. That's bad. I shouldn't even have to explain to you why that's bad. Kill the pro-ana TikTok influencer in your head. Now. You don't want an eating disorder. You don't want nutritional deficiencies. You don't want to losing muscle mass and bone density.
Weight loss should not be a miserable experience. You should be making small, gradual changes that you can sustain. This is why fad dieters almost always gain back the weight they lost- they make unsustainable changes that they'll drop as soon as they reach their desired weight.
Carbs (and fats) are not your enemy. Every human on Earth needs carbs, fats, and proteins. I am not saying that low-carb (keto) diets are inherently bad, but for most people they're unnecessary and will be unpleasant, which goes back to the above point.
The best form of exercise is low-to-moderate intensity cardio. Walk. Just walk. Even if it's the bare minimum of 30 minutes a day. Even if it's indoors. You don't need to run, you don't need to do HIIT/tabata workouts, etc. Gaining muscle is beneficial for weight loss but like, it isn't Necessary. (I do HIIT but not for weight loss)
Annnnnd here are my tips. These are all small, easy, sustainable changes that have been working for me.
Eat meals more slowly. Not only will this keep you from accidentally overeating, but it'll make eating a more pleasant experience. Enjoy your food and savor every bite!
Make small changes to your favorite foods. Instead of eating a sandwich with two pieces of bread, make it open-faced. Use lighter dressing and add less croutons to your salad. Buy the pizza with the thin crust. Try peanut butter powder instead of traditional peanut butter. Use herbs to flavor your meat instead of sauces, and eat leaner meats. Eat your white fish without breading.
Mindful portion sizes. The average dinner for me is a filet of fish with a side of pasta (or rice) and vegetables. I would eat a lot of pasta- in a separate bowl, and sometimes after eating I'd go back for more! I now eat a smaller amount of pasta. If you go back to my first point and eat slowly, this should be an easy change and it won't feel like you're missing out on anything.
Substitute high-calorie snacks, like chips and cookies, for low-calorie alternatives like pickles/cucumbers, low-calorie popcorn, sugar snap peas, watermelon, berries, and mandarin oranges. Find things you like!
And here's the biggest one: curb your consumption of high-calorie beverages (and DRINK. WATER!) This includes soda, fruit juices, sugary coffees, iced teas, sports drinks, flavored milks, etc. There is no way around this one. I used to drink 2 to 3 cans of soda per day, sometimes alongside a Starbucks Frappuccino which has just as many calories as a soda. I now only drink one (1) caloric beverage per day- either a mini can of Dr Pepper or a Starbucks Cold & Crafted, both of which are 90 calories. Don't make yourself miserable and give up things that taste good, but also you gotta be an adult and have some self-control- you really should not be consuming literal hundreds of calories per day from drinks.
And yes, you might not lose weight rapidly, especially if you're like me and have a condition that makes it difficult. But that's fine. If you're losing weight rapidly you're probably making changes that you won't be able to sustain.
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