#they decided to band each other (puke) to get back their lovers
katyswrites · 5 months
put on your records (and regret me)
Pairing: Steve Harrington/fem!reader
Warnings: asshole!Steve, rivals-to-lovers, swearing, HEAVY alcohol use, recreational weed use, getting drunk/blacking out, descriptions of puking/hangovers, no use of y/n
Wordcount: 3.7k
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You love WAMC-Hawkins, Indiana’s top college radio station. It’s your safe space, your niche. It’s where you’ve made your friends, your favorite place to be when the rest of the world gets to be just a bit too much. Well, with one exception.
Steve Harrington is a thorn in your side. And just as well - he thinks you’re a royal pain in the ass. But in your senior year, you’re both on the e-board, so you have to work together. You love to hate him. So why can’t you get him out of your head? And, why do you find yourself going to see his band, each and every weekend?
Underground basement concerts, spinning old records, and screaming matches in the vinyl library with the boy you love to hate. An enemies-to-lovers college radio station 90s AU.
You don’t truly decide to go to Steve’s stupid party until the last possible moment. You already know that spending more time with him than necessary is a recipe for disaster. But, you reason, you probably should show your face. It actually does seem like nearly everyone from the campus’ music scene would be there - it would look bad if you didn’t show up. The radio station’s funding is always on the chopping block - half of your job is networking and being friendly with practically everyone on campus to keep it alive. 
Still, as you start getting ready, you consider backing out about 50 times. Is Steve actually expecting you to show up? Is it a pity invite? Or, a challenge?
Knowing him, it’s probably the latter.
Throughout the course of getting ready - which mostly involved throwing on some makeup while intermittently feeling like you had nothing to wear every time you looked in your closet full of clothes - you chugged a bottle of wine to help yourself relax. It had been on the door of the fridge, so God knows how long it had been there, but it’s good enough. Then you’re out the door and catching a bus downtown, shivering a bit in the crisp October evening air. You pull your jacket tighter around you as you hop on board, forever thankful that university students get to ride the city’s buses for free. 
It’s packed full of other college kids, mostly freshmen undoubtedly on their way to frat parties downtown. You had outgrown that phase after sophomore year, opting for friends’ house parties and going out to bars as you got older. You can’t help but look at them fondly - somehow, despite being peers in all the ways that matter, you feel so far removed from them; the girls in their mini dresses and crop tops, boys carrying six-packs and sporting unbuttoned flannel shirts, loudly packed onto the bus like sardines on their way downtown to make bad decisions.
Hamilton Street is in the heart of the downtown area, where a lot of students live. You hop off the bus with nearly everyone else, droves of kids filling the streets, chugging beers and smoking cigarettes as they make their way to various frat houses. You follow the groups, the other students slowly peeling away until it’s much quieter - it seems like Steve’s place is one of the last ones on the block.
You had purposely left late enough so that you could guarantee you wouldn’t be in the first wave of people to arrive - it was closer to 11 than 10 at this point. The autumn evening air was chilly enough that you’re walking briskly, jacket pulled tightly around your shoulders. You nearly turn around approximately six times between the bus stop and his house - yet, against all odds, you find yourself standing on his front porch.
Like most student rentals, the house is old and a bit rickety - you can hear the din of chatter and music inside. A good sign, you suppose - part of you had been worried he’d purposely given you the wrong address. You wouldn’t put it past him, not when it comes to you.
You take a deep breath, and open the door. The smell of beer, weed, and sweat hits you like a wave. The small living room is hazy with smoke, the house immediately a bit too warm from body heat. A few heads look up as you enter, followed by an uproar of greetings.
Look who decided to show up!
Hey babe!
Everyone hide, mom’s here!
You roll your eyes, laughing.
“I do have fun sometimes, guys.”
“Oh, I know,” a familiar voice says, Eddie lifting himself off of the couch to give you a big hug.
“I was there at that party freshman year when you nearly fell off of Mikayla Hodder’s roof-”
“Shut up,” you say, face flushed with embarrassment at the (fuzzy) memory.
“Can I get you a drink?” the shaggy-haired boy asks.
You nod, following him back through the house towards the kitchen. You shoulder your way through bodies, saying the occasional hello when someone you recognize catches your eye.
Eddie is rooting through the fridge, pulling out a beer and extending it to you. You accept it gratefully, pushing the fridge closed with your hip as he leans against the counter.
“So…I wasn’t expecting you to be here tonight,” Eddie remarks, popping his bottle cap off with an opener screwed into the wall. 
“And why’s that?” you ask casually.
“Well… I mean, please tell me you know whose house this is -”
“Of course I do,” you say quickly, taking a swig of beer. “Harrington invited me.”
Eddie raises an eyebrow.
You nod. “Is that so unbelievable?”
He just shrugs, staring down at his bottle.
“Dunno. I know he’s not exactly your favorite person -”
“Maybe so, but a lot of my friends are here, so… who's to stop me?”
Eddie grins, clinking his drink with yours.
“There you go - I was hoping you’d come out, to be honest. Sometimes I’m worried you don’t let yourself have fun anymore.”
You scoff.
“I - I have fun.”
“You used to. This year, though, you’d been so…”
“So what?” you ask defensively.
Eddie’s face starts to turn a bit red.
“Well - you know - I know you’re stressed and all, managing the station, but… you can be a little…uptight.”
You roll your eyes.
“I’m not uptight -”
“Look, trust me - I’m saying that with love, as your friend -”
“Yeah, whatever - I can be fun.”
“I know - I’ve been there with you through it all. Just… I’m glad you came. I guess that’s what I’m trying to say.”
You don’t really respond, crossing your arms as you glance around the kitchen a bit.
“What are you looking for?” he asks.
“No one,” you respond absentmindedly.
Eddie smirks.
“Yeah - okay.”
Steve is nowhere to be found. Perhaps that’s a blessing - it’s busy enough here that you ma be able to avoid having a conversation all night.
It’s around then that Eddie’s bandmate Gareth is stumbling into the kitchen, stopping himself for a moment before breaking into a grin when he sets eyes on you and Eddie.
“Thank God - me and Jeff need someone for pong!”
That’s how you find yourself partnered with Eddie, letting yourself forget about Steve as you play beer pong. You’re a competitive person, and arguably more so when you’re drunk - that’s how you and Eddie kick ass two rounds in a row, leading a fed up Gareth to declare the game totally bogus before storming out to the back porch to smoke with Jeff.
You high-five Eddie on your way back to the kitchen to grab another drink. You’re properly tipsy now, probably on your fourth drink in less than 2 hours. Your tolerance did used to be better than this - maybe Eddie was right, about you not being as fun as you used to.
The kitchen is empty, which you’re thankful for - it’s tiny to begin with, so more than a handful of people makes it feel cramped. You’re a bit hot, working up enough of a sweat during the game that you had shed your jacket already. The refrigerator light is nearly blinding in the dimness of the room, but the cold gives enough of a relief that you bend over and lean into the fridge. You hang there for a moment, sighing. In the distance, you hear the sound of a glass breaking, followed by a series of aw, mans - you decide it’s not your problem to worry about, and stay there another moment. You then root through the fridge for a moment until you find a bottle of something you like. 
You slam the door shut and turn to head back towards the rest of the party, only to nearly jump out of your skin when you realize you’re not alone.
Steve Harrington leans against the doorframe, arms crossed and wearing a smirk.
“Jesus - you scared me. Why the fuck are you just standing there like that?”
He shrugs.
“Just enjoying the view, sweetheart.”
You scoff, popping the cap off of your bottle and heading right towards him, hoping he’d move out of the way to let you through. That, of course, is wishful thinking.
“Can I get through?” you ask, bristling as he blocks the doorway.
“You decided to come,” Steve says, looking down at you with a grin.
“Well, you did invite me.”
“I know - I’m glad you actually showed up, though.”
“Yeah, I’m sure you are,” you mutter sarcastically, shouldering past him and back towards the living room.
Eddie’s lounging on the couch, eyelids heavy as he passes a joint between himself and Argyle.
“Got enough to share?” you ask, plopping down next to him. He nods, passing it over to you. You take a long hit, letting the smoke settle into your lungs as you sink further into the couch.
“You good?” Eddie asks.
“Mm, yeah. Just want to chill here for a little bit.”
He nods, paying you no mind as he takes a deep inhale. Your eyes follow Steve as he crosses the room and heads out to the front porch with a girl you don’t recognize. You feel your brow furrow, your eyes trained on the front door. It’s not too long after that that you manage to help Eddie finish the joint. You chug your beer, starting to feel lightheaded, the world around you moving a bit more slowly.
You fall into a comfortable crossfaded lull there for a while, with Robin Buckley eventually placing a beer can in the middle of the table and calling for a game of Kings as she shuffles a deck of cards.
You open another beer as she does, sitting forward a bit to half-heartedly play the game. You find yourself getting stuck taking a drink quite a few times, your reflexes slow and your wits not quite about you. A few more people filter in, sitting criss-crossed around the coffee table and pulling cards from the deck and doing what it dictates. 
“Six is chicks!” Eddie cries out, flashing his six-of-spades card to the group. You roll your eyes as you take yet another drink, reaching to grab your own card as Eddie sticks his under the can’s pull tab.
You glance at it, and giggle.
“Jack - what’s Jack again?”
“Never Have I Ever,” Robin says, holding up three fingers. Everyone follows suit, and you think for a minute to start it off.
“Okay, um… never have I ever done a drug harder than weed.”
“What the fuck does that mean?” Eddie asks.
“What do you think it means?”
“Alcohol is technically more powerful of a drug than pot,” Steve pipes up across the table - when did he get here?
“Shut up Harrington, you know what I mean -”
“Yeah, like acid and coke and shit,” Argyle adds.
“Well fuck,” Eddie concedes, putting a finger down. 
You laugh, expecting nothing less of him. It goes around the circle for a bit - things ranging from never have I ever broken a bone to never have I ever had a threesome, followed by a series of laughs or groans as people put down fingers and down drinks. You only have one finger left by the time it gets to Steve.
He thinks for a moment, humming to himself as he does - you can’t help but think that there isn’t much he hasn’t done. After a few more seconds pass, he smirks, and locks eyes with Robin.
“Never have I ever hooked up with someone in the vinyl closet at the station.”
“Not fair,” Robin exclaims, smacking Steve on the arm. He laughs as his friend lays into him. She’s blushing, and officially out of the game. She glares daggers at him as she takes a drink.
You can’t help but notice that Steve gets quite a few people with that - Eddie being one of them, caught in a cascade of groans and fingers getting put down. You feel your mouth fall open in disbelief.
“Whoa, wait - is everyone fucking around in the vinyl library?”
Robin stares at you for a moment, dumbfounded, then laughs.
“Wait, seriously? You didn’t know that?”
You feel your face flush with embarrassment, all eyes on you.
“Well - um, no, this is the first I’m hearing of it.”
Eddie just grins, and gives you a playful pat on the back.
“You seriously don’t know your own radio station at all, huh?”
“I - I guess I’m not that surprised that someone has, but - all of you?”
“Not all,” Steve chimes in.
“Yeah, wait - how have you not?” Robin asks.
Steve just shrugs. “I don’t know… I have things like, I don’t know - a bed, in my own home, for starters.”
Robin rolls her eyes. You meet Steve’s eyes for a moment, and quickly look away.
You stick the Jack card in the pile under the beer can’s pull-tab - only to hear a pop followed by a hiss.
“Uh oh, Madame President broke the seal!” Eddie declares, pushing it towards you. “Looks like somebody’s got to shotgun it.”
You take it begrudgingly and stare at it for a moment.
“I need to borrow someone’s keys,” you finally say, earning some whoops and hollers from the group. The last thing you vividly remember is popping a hole in the can, and downing the whole beer in a manner of 30 seconds.
You blink awake groggily - enough sunlight permeates through the curtains that you know it must be morning. You groan, your mouth dry and tasting distinctly of alcohol. A turn over towards your bedside table makes your stomach feel all wobbly - fuck.
You reach for your alarm clock, squinting at it - nevermind. It’s not morning - more like the afternoon. Well into the afternoon.
A pit of dread settles into your gut - when did you get home? How long were you asleep? You never sleep this late, not even on weekends - a late lie-in for you is 11 AM. You’re definitely in your own bed, which is a positive - still in last night’s clothes, though. How? 
You don’t remember much after the game of Kings - though, you were definitely doing shots at some point… with who? You remember being in someone’s car - maybe. Or was it the bus again? If you actually managed getting the bus home while blackout drunk, you’re actually quite proud of yourself. But that somehow doesn’t seem too likely.
You pulled yourself to sit up, only to immediately regret it. Your stomach is now churning like a stormy sea, and your head is starting to throb. You’re an idiot. 
You hadn’t gotten drunk like that since your freshman year - it was a rookie mistake. You just hoped you didn’t make a complete idiot out of yourself in front of everyone.
After finally pulling yourself out of bed, you stumble over to your bedroom window and open the curtains. The bright afternoon sunlight hitting your face made you realize what a horrid mistake that was - you’re practically blinded by the light, and your head is properly pounding now. And now…
You barely make it to the bathroom in time, keeling over the toilet to puke up all of last night’s mistakes. The second your knees hit the cold tile floor, you begin coughing everything up, regretting anything and everything you’ve ever done to lead you to this moment. You don’t even hear Nancy approach behind you, not even aware of her presence until you’ve flushed and fall back against the wall, feeling disgusting.
“I was going to ask how you’re feeling, but it feels like a stupid question,” she says, leaning against the doorway with her arms crossed. 
You glance up at your roommate, feeling so small.
“Ha ha,” you say sarcastically. She offers a hand to help you up, which you accept gratefully. She waits until you’re hunched over the sink, brushing your teeth and gargling water to clean the taste of sick out of your mouth, to speak again.
“So - it was a fun night?” she asks cautiously.
You laugh dryly. “Um, yeah, I guess the night was fun. Right now… not so much.”
“Aww, poor baby,” Nancy coos teasingly. “You’ll be alright - just chill out today, yeah?”
“Mm - yeah, that’s the plan. I think I’m going to take a shower… and lie down for a little.”
Nancy nods. “Yeah, good idea - maybe I can go down to Blockbuster, rent a couple of movies, get some snacks?”
You offer up a small smile. “That’s nice, but you really don’t have to -”
“No seriously, it’s fine, I think they have some new stuff I want to check out anyways. I don’t have plans anyway - let’s just do a girls’ day, maybe get takeout later -”
“Sounds great, Nance. Thanks. Maybe hold off on takeout, for a bit… let me see how all of this feels,” you say, gesturing to your stomach. 
“Yeah, okay. I’ll head out - take a nice, long shower, it always helps.”
“Sure thing - and hey, I don’t know who called you, but thanks for coming to get me last night.”
Nancy furrows her brow quizzically. “What do you mean?”
“I - didn’t you bring me home last night?”
Nancy shakes her head.
“No - no, I was asleep. I think I heard the door open at some point, but I assumed that was just you coming home - you don’t remember?”
You shake your head, properly confused now.
“No - I don’t. I - think maybe I took the bus back then?”
“I thought they stop running those after like 2AM? I didn’t hear you get home until around 3, I think.”
She’s right - then how did you get back?
You bite your lip, thinking for a bit. 
“Maybe it was Eddie. I’ll call him and ask.”
Nancy nods. “Alright, yeah. Either way, you got back safe. Sorry about the hangover, though.”
You wave her off. “It’s my own fault - I went too hard last night. I’m just going to try to sleep it off, I guess.”
After Nancy leaves, you take a nice, long shower - you feel utterly disgusting, still in last night’s sweaty clothes and smudged makeup. You let last night’s bad decisions cascade down your skin and into the drain, sighing as the shower semi-revives you. 
By the time you’re out and drying off, your stomach has settled a bit more. The headache has only gotten a bit worse, though. You open the medicine cabinet, only to find the bottle of Ibuprofen missing. Did Nancy use it and forget to put it back? You don’t want to go rifling through her room, so you trudge back to your bedroom, praying she can find it when she gets back.
Pulling on a baggy t-shirt and pajama shorts, you reach for the phone on your bedside table - you punch in Eddie’s number, sitting on the edge of your bed as you twirl the cord with your finger. He picks up almost straight away.
“Hey, Eddie - it’s me.”
“Whoa! She lives!” he cries out, laughing. You wince.
“Can you not yell, please?”
“Uh oh - are you feeling a little… delicate?”
“Fuck you,” you murmur, falling back onto your mattress. 
“I’m only teasing -”
“Yeah, whatever. Listen - did I make an idiot out of myself?”
“How much do you remember?”
“Uh - I remember playing Kings… and not a ton after that. I remember little things here and there, but… were we dancing?”
“You were dancing. On the kitchen table, if I remember.”
You groan, letting your head fall into your free hand.
“Oh God -”
“It’s all good, listen - people thought it was fun, I swear.”
“Yeah, if you say so… did I throw up?”
Silence on the other end.
“Oh fuck -”
“Only actually in the toilet, though - well, someone’s Solo cup at one point. Then it was all the bathroom after that, I swear. I really don’t think a lot of people saw that part though, the night was kind of winding down.”
“You swear?”
“Positive. Even I was leaving at that point. Don’t know if you got worse after that, though.”
You sit up suddenly, despite your body’s protests.
“You - what?”
“Listen, I didn’t want to leave you, but Argyle’s buddy Jonathan offered to drive us, and he didn’t want someone who might get sick in his car -”
“But wait, hold on - how did I get home? I thought you got me back -”
“Oh - you really don’t remember, huh?”
“Well - no.”
“Don’t get mad, but -”
“But what?”
“It was Steve. He drove you home.”
You pause, opening your mouth a few times to say something, but not finding the words.
“Yeah, Harrington only had like, two beers all night, so he said he could take you back.”
“I - oh.”
What you wanted to say was, why the fuck would he do that?
“So… yeah. Sorry about that. But, I’m glad you made it back okay.”
“Yeah - mm hm…” you murmur absentmindedly. You hear a shrill beeping sound through the phone, making you wince.
“Sorry - fuck, Gareth set off the fucking fire alarm again. Sorry, I -”
“No, it’s okay. Go deal with that. I just… wanted to make sure you knew I’m alive.”
“Glad to hear it,” he says, and you can practically what your friend’s grin through the phone. “Gotta go - drink water, eat some fries, bye -”
You sit there in silence for a few moments, brow furrowed - Steve? Did you really make a drunk fool of yourself in front of him? You groan - he’ll definitely find a way to use this as leverage. How did he even get you inside? Did you throw up in his car - Christ, you hope not.
Worst of all… now you owe Steve Harrington, of all people.
It’s as you’re making peace with this horrible realization that you finally spot the Ibuprofen - there it is, in plain sight, on your bedside table. The bottle is conveniently right there, somehow, with a glass of water. You hadn’t noticed it in your hungover stupor earlier - when you reach for it, you realize it’s sitting on top of a note with untidy scrawl that reads:
Take some of this - you’re going to need it, sweetheart. 
You stare at it dumbfoundedly, then scoff.
author's note: I'm back! I took a bit of a hiatus, but I'm back in the swing of writing. I wont lie though... this is barely proofread. So, please be kind. This is a slow burn, so don't expect real smut for a few more chapters. But, let me know your thoughts, and I hope you enjoyed!
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slashscowboyboots · 5 years
Reptiles & Rogues:The Unspoken Word (Part 8)
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 
Tag list: @izzysdenimjacket @malibubarbievince @spacey-aceys-bitch @rock-em-sock-em-rock-n-roll @sodalitefully @aheadfullofskies @vandova @awrestilinggirlwholoves80sbands @youthgonewild@whisperess33 @killerqueenishere @slxyangel​ 
Notes: back by request!  Thanks again to everyone who liked this series, your feedback means everything to me and I’m glad you enjoyed it
Warnings: more longing, “Sweet Buns of Mine” needed to be a single, dammit, and Pookypants is gonna get his, Stradlin gets straddled, and inappropriate use of chocolate
You were covered up, warm and snug in your bed, dreaming of a white sandy beach, the wind blowing gently, the waves rocking against the shore, when you felt warm lips press against your nose, then disappear.
You weakly murmured your discontent at being left, but Izzy was already gone.  
Today was Valentine’s Day, the day for lovers.  You had dreamed of this day ever since Izzy first spent the night in your arms, how you’d celebrate with breakfast in bed and cuddling and giggles and sweet kisses and maybe you’d go out to dinner, if the two of you could be bothered to get dressed.
But Valentine’s Day was also the busiest day of the year for a flower shop, and even though Izzy was driving only part time now (Guns N’Roses was playing much more frequently and had developed quite a following), he had to report to work very early (Sylvia had dictated “ALL HANDS ON DECK,” and nothing short of an appendectomy would be a reasonable excuse for missing work today).  You hadn’t heard him get up and get ready, and you were a thousand sleepy miles away on a coast so you didn’t even get to tell him goodbye.
After a few more minutes of trying to doze off again, you reluctantly got up and showered (which was no fun by yourself) and instead of feeding a breakfast of toast, bacon and eggs, and coffee to your boyfriend, you poured milk into a bowl of cold cereal.
It had been surprisingly easy to fall into a relationship with Izzy.  He made no attempt to hide his feelings for you, immediately calling you his girlfriend and introducing you to everyone as “my angel.”  He even rivaled Slash in his blatant displays of affection (the lead guitarist had cackled when you accidentally let it slip your pet name for Izzy was “Sweet Buns” and the entire band had pounced on that one, with Axl now singing “Sweet Buns of Mine” at every rehearsal).  He held your hand at the movies, his fingertips danced across your body until you cried out his name, and you slept in his arms every night.
But Izzy had never told you that he loved you.
You knew that he cared for you deeply.  His gentle touches and whispered words in the dark were evidence of it, and whenever groupies hit on him after a show, he shot them a disgusted glare and kissed you so hard it took your breath.  Still, it just about broke your heart you couldn’t tell him you loved him too.
You had decided today wasn’t going to be a total loss in the lovey-dovey department, so you’d stopped at the grocery story and picked up a few treats for everyone.  Fats had lapped up his hamburger and raw egg mix so quickly that it looked like it had just evaporated, and Goya had happily gulped down her serving of beef heart.  Izzy’s favorite iguana Grendel had lazily munched on his mango treat, but it almost looked like he had smiled at you when you gave him his snack.
After their special dinners came their enrichment (after discarding a few puke-stained t-shirts you had learned the hard way their after feeding cuddles were slow and gentle cuddles), and a few hours of cold-blooded bonding had lifted your spirits so much that you even sang a few bars of “Goyadise City” to the white-throated monitor and she hadn’t minded your off-key singing.
Everyone was full and snuggly and placed back in their cage when the door opened and Slash and Susan came in.  He made a beeline for the sleepy old tegu, then threw his arms around you and spun you around in a tight hug.
“Wow, you’re certainly in a good mood,” you said.  The matching smiles they both wore immediately told you why.
Izzy hadn’t even had time for a quickie.
“Look what Slash got me,” Susan said, and held up a large-is that a shark’s tooth pendant?
“Wow,” you said, realizing it matched the necklace he always wore.  “That’s so sweet.”
“I saw Izzy today,” she said, and your heart clutched.
“Yeah?” you asked sadly.
“Yeah, he delivered my roses Slash sent me and asked if we would take you out to lunch today.  He was so busy, he was literally running all over the hospital.”
“C’mon, Y/N,” Slash said gently, “we’ll take you to Hobie’s and have shrimp tacos.”
Susan threw an arm around you.  “He wants you to have a good time.  He hates he can’t be with you today.”
You’d only moped for about a second over your lunch because Slash had overheard Axl’s girlfriend calling him “Pookypants” and was going to relay this information to Izzy.  Your stomach was still aching from laughter when you came back to the reptile sanctuary and flipped the lights back on.
There, on top of Grendel’s cage, were 12 of the most perfect red roses you had ever seen, standing in an exquisite crystal vase.
And on the floor, written in rose petals, were the words. “I LOVE YOU Y/N.”
When you arrived home, Izzy was standing shirtless in front of the stove, a small smirk playing on his lips.
You let out a squeal and grabbed him around his waist from behind,  “You planned that.”  
He turned your steaks over in the pan.  “Well, Slash and Susan and I planned it.  And Dr. Mark loaned me a key.”  He turned and kissed your cheek.  “Did you like it?”
“Mmmhmm,” you said, pressing your cheek against his naked back.  “What are those?” eyeing a wax-paper lined baking sheet.
“Chocolate-covered strawberries.”  He grabbed your arms with his free one.  “No.  You’ll spoil your dinner.”
You gave his ass a playful swat.  “Party pooper.”
After the two of you finished your dinner, Izzy took your hand.  “Angel, do you want your present now?”
“Can I give you yours first?” you asked, and after he nodded, went to the bedroom and retrieved it from the closet.
He tore off the paper and pulled a purple silk button-up shirt out of the box.  “Is this to keep me from stealing your clothes?” he grinned.
“Maybe,” you said, and he pecked a kiss on your lips.
“Thank you, I love it,” he said, then slid a small box toward you.  
Your heart was pounding as your opened it up.  Inside was a ring, a rose made of pink gold, with a ruby in the center, sitting on a gold band.
“Izzy,” you gasped, and sat down on his lap, throwing your arms around his neck.  You leaned in to kiss him and instead he placed a chocolate-covered strawberry against your lips.
You enjoyed a bite, then kissed him deeply, his mouth sweet and fleshy like the strawberry, and warm and delicious, and soon you were kissing him while you straddled him on his chair.
“Guess what I have?” he said, breathless from your kiss.
You held his shoulders and rocked against him.  “I think I already know.”
His eyes locked onto yours, then when you ground against him again he shut them and groaned, “Leftover melted chocolate.”
You pushed a strand of wet hair out of Izzy’s eyes (you’d had to wash chocolate off the sheets as well as each other, but it had totally been worth it) and sleepily kissed him as you wrapped your arms around him.
“I love you,” he said.
“I love you too,” you said.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Angel,” he whispered against your temple, and you were already falling asleep in his embrace.
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mellowgirl01 · 5 years
🍷Sweet Wine🍷
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masterlist: part 5
gun violence and blood but only for a second, also death
Wordcount:  3258
characters: 16237
People: Adam x Y/N x Eve
Made for: @ladyfluff
tag: @may-bereblog @jaquellejohnson @ladyfluff @mousee555 @eternaloroborus @starkeeper43 
Summary: Everything dies, it’s how we deal with death is what matters
A/N: I more than highly apologize for taking forever and a fucking day! but a lot has been happening that i’d rather not talk about. My real life is going though a rough patch and I had to take some time from being creative. But I got off my ass and wanted to leave you guys with something special. for the last and finnal part to chapter 3. Here it is and even though it’s sad i’ll makeup for it this up and coming weekend. Once again I apologize and I hope you have fun reading my tragic ending. xoxo-Mellow
Walking around the house Adam  was making sure that everything was perfect. From the music to the decor. Along with the help of  Y/N, Sarrah, and luther. This night was to be a special one. Adam knew that Eve had always wanted a special surprise birthday party. Y/N was sure that Adam and Eve were hermits at this point but in fact they had many many friends from around the world. Both vampire and non. As usual Eve over the years was a very confident butterfly while Adam more so liked the quiet life. For his Eve Adam would do anything so he decided to make it a surprise while Eve was away on a trip. He sent as many letters and pleads to Eve’s many many many friends and called them all out from the many corners of the world, and soon they would be coming down any way they could to dear old London. Now all he hopped was that she liked all that he had done. Y/N could always sense when he was becoming nervous or to hard upon himself. He had a habit of doing it but this time around he let up on himself a lot more. He didn’t want to worry his loved ones so he took better care of himself. Y/N took his hand in hers and squeezed it in hers.
“Everything is beautiful Adam. I know that she’ll love it just as much as we love you.”
“What will there be to drink?”
Sarrah cocked her head to the side.
Adam didn’t really think about that one and almost panicked but calm down once Luther came into the ballroom.
“Don’t worry sir I have that all under control. I’ll need your help though Sarrah since this event is very special i’ll need for you to make sure that your in your bestes. Same goes for you madam.”
Luther gave Y/N a warm smile through his thick upper mustache. She smiled back
“Oh no need to fill your head with doubt you old coup I know what i’m doing here. How many times shall I remind you all that my sense in style should never ever be tested, I will rise up above the line every time.”
“Indeed you do. Speaking of which you girls go and look beautiful. I’ll make sure of it that i will save you 2 dances my little love.”
Adam stroked Y/N’s left cheek with his lace glove. She like melted into his inviting touch  taking his hand and kissing the back of it.
“I accept nothing but. You man try not to hurt yourselves.”
Adam chuckled at this and went with Luther to get ready and talk more about what will happen tonight.
“He sure is one dashing control freak. I love him all the same no matter.”
“Please stop saying that like I don’t see and know that you and Eve love him deeply. Your starting to make me puke...Have you gave it thought though?”
“I’m sure you know something i don't about this entire thing?”
“Changing is the so so part. Time will be the only thing you need be worried about.”
“So that’s it hu? No more aging, no more living..What if time isn’t my friend. What will happen when people start to notice.”
“Honestly Y/N, I try hard not to think about such things. As luther and I both get older it gets harder for us all to part. Adam know that luther works way too hard for his age and should rather be retiring here shortly. But Luther is a stubborn old dog. He’ll shoot himself in the foot before he has the chance to walk, but he is never lazy.”
“Do you think he wants immortality?”
“..No, He’s old fashioned but wants to die old fashioned. He said that once Adam gave him the choice to do so with a lady friend that truly did love him. She was beautiful, Red hair and pale skin with greenish blue eyes and freckles all over her body. When she smiled she would blush a little due to her tone.”
“She was a?..”
“Human but she wanted to turn, so she came to Eve for help. Poor thing died before she could even have the chance. He said he would have done it if she did but when she left is when I think his devotion for life did too. So he looks forward to his time, as sad as it will be to see him go he’ll be okay. He gets letters from his family who love him much more than we ever could. So he’s happy with living out his years.”
Y/N nodded
“And you?”
“Yes. I do want to but i’m trying to find a fit time. I don’t want to be young when I change. I want to be 35. Forever a beauty queen,”
“You think a queen is 35?”
“Dear you shouldn’t listen to such nonsense these days about younger is better. Like whine I will age into something and or someone even greater then who I am now, and I don’t know about you but I think that that’s a pretty amazing deal.”
Both the girls giggled and laughed as they got ready for the festive event. From makeup to old and valuable jewels, heals and tons of dresses galore. Once the party was in full motion and everyone who had been asked to come was having much of well a ball, Eve would be pulling up to the house and getting out of the carriage that carried her back to the house. When she heard the music from within the house she was confused and went in to find a slew of her old friends there to great her at the door along with her lovers. Delighted and both overwhelmed with joy she covered her mouth and had a head to her chest as tears weld over her eyes.
“Oh my goodness! What, how did you?”
“Happiest Birthday to you my love. For you I will have a night that can never ever be forgotten.”
Y/N slowly walked up to Eve in her golden dress and sparkling gold jewels and gave Eve a glass of what was to be feasted on that night. As she gently took the glass from her lover, lifting her chin to kiss her darling little bird softly.
“Happy birthday Eve. Remember to save a dance for me.”
“I wouldn’t even dare to enjoy such a special special night without you Y/N. And thank you all for supporting me from afar through these many many years!”
“Let us all enjoy this night as though it is our last!”
The small crowd of people cheered as they turned to head forward to the ballroom. The night was filled with laughs, kisses, hugs from friends and old acquaintances who haven’t seen each other in years. Adam had been in the background of all the festivities as he sat down and talked all night long with Luther and another fellow that he hadn't seen in awhile. After a couple more songs passed by Eve’s favorite song that Adam made came on. As soon as Eve heard the first note she just had to end whatever conversation as quickly as possible and find her lover's to dance. Once she found Y/N she went to go and find Adam to quite literally snatch them away and onto the dance floor. Adam of course not being much of a dancer tried his best to protest but if he was honest with himself Adam was helpless at the sight of his two most beautiful sweets, with there happiest faces on, how could he not be swept onto the dance floor in such a heavenly dream? As all three held each others hands not even letting go once the night seemed like it was a dream. Something that a fairy tale would have. Adam thought himself to be but the richest man of all time. He had everything that he ever needed right here at his fingertips..He would make sure that it would never go away.
Some time passed by and finally the song was over. As everyone clapped at the band and their ability to play until they dropped Y/N spotted Sarah waving her over with some other gentleman and woman. As soon as she got out of Adam and Eve’s sight she snuck over. She don't know why it had to be such a secret since it was a huge party. Yet none-less she thought of it as just some fun. Sarrah introduced her to everyone, there was 3 girls and 4 guys.
“These men here are quite fast so please do be careful to not to lose your way when running.”
“What on Earth are you on about? Are we gonna play a game?”
“Of course. Hide and seek. Now it might be highly childish but trust me when you play with vampires it should be more than exciting!”
2 of the girls seemed to look human still. Looked human. Y/N guessed that they were still awaiting for the right time to be turned just like she was. That and or the right person to turn them. She let the thought go over her head and decided that she would be in too. A tall gentleman the name of Theodore decided to count Y/N and everyone ran off to hide and wait to be found. Y/N tried to find a good enough hiding spot but kept on seeing other people there. Once Sarrah spotted her though the cracked door of the closet that she was in she waved Y/N down to come in with her. The girls kept their voices down to hear any footsteps that were to come near. Sarah smiled at Y/N and bit her lower lip getting closer to her with a smile plastered on her face.
“I found someone tonight. His name is Bellow, He’s so gentle and strong, He’s a painter who lives in paris..And I think that I might be incomplete love with him.”
“That's great!”
“But won’t you miss me? If i go with Bellow..I won’t be able to work here anymore, I would miss this place terribly but.”
“Sarrah, I understand why you came to me really about this matter. It’s nonsense to  hide your true feelings. You are my only true bestest friend in this whole wide world, your the only one who will forever and more have that spot. But Sarrah, I won’t let you miss out on a chance like this. A feeling so rare like this!! Don’t let fear cloud your mind, go for it and see everything this beautiful world has to offer you and him. Live a life that your heart was meant to, wherever that said heart may lead you if it says so then you shall have no regrets in following it. Let your mind become second nature in this very instant of time...I love you Sarah, and while we all will certainly miss you I think the fact that we forced you to stay would have been the most heartbreaking thing of all.”
With tears in her eyes Sarah held IN tight and took a deep breath in..
“Then i’ll do it for me this time.”
The closet door swung open and the girls laughed as Theodore and other girls behind him yelled aloud.
An hour had passed and the game was still on while down at the party there was still much of talking and dancing. Eve and both Adam did wonder where their little lover had gone off too but Luther reassured them to stay downstairs while he went to find them.
Walking up the stair he had seen a man with a mask and a mighty build run towards him. Luther smiled and laughed at the man thinking it was a party guest playing tricks with him but once the man ran full forced into him luther knew that this was no party member. And in fact no friend at all. Fore in the very corner of his eye Luther’s blood went cold seeing a knife in his hands. Raising the man’s blade to the sky and quickly lowering it down Luther tried hard to fight the man off, but he was soon defeated by the the stranger who drew the painful object through his chest. Stopping at nothing since Luther had some strength left in his old bones he raised his knee to the killers crotch sending him rocking back. Who ever this man was he wasn’t going to give up easily until he was satisfied. Taking the blade from Luther’s chest he limped off down the hall to do yet more damage. Tring to open each and every door until he found a room open with glowing light shining through. Sneaking in he saw no one there and decided to hide. Luther on the other hand wasn’t doing so well as he tried his damn hardest to just get up.
Eve saw Adam talking to the constructor of the band to play yet another one of Eve’s favorites. She took it upon herself to go and see what was taking Luther and Y/N so long. When she saw luther she noticed all the blood that he had leaking from his wood and immediately ran to his side.
Y/N and Sarah were still running from place to place trying to find a good enough spot to hide in. Once they saw the open room door they both ran inside. Laughing quietly Y/N decided to sit down on the couch while Sarrah stood to catch her breath. Standing behind her was something even more Evil and harness than ever before. As Sarrah looks to the closest to the right she sees Adam’s door opened and walks over to close it. Y/N turned her head to see what she was doing but in that split second  she saw a tall built man with a gun. It was sadly the very last moment she would see her only Best friend, her lovers, and the people whom she met that night and had the time of her life with..As a light flashed and a loud bang popped off That’s when She knew these would be her last seconds
‘As I saw the bullet fly to me. I had already known who my reaper was. With his hair pushed back and the mask upon his face all that was clear were his eyes filled of empty shame. A man who was broken and had but no soul, no heart, and definitely no head. In that second I felt peace, while he took my life I knew that at this moment to forgive him instead. If this is how I was to die then let my heart be filled with forgiveness. I forgive Maddie, I forgive her husband, And I forgive all of those who I have wronged and who have wronged me. The pain that was made and worked on for many years is gone. The girl who I use to be has now officially passed. And If im sorry to anyone it’t to the lovers I left behind. Without a warning or a shadow of hint that I would be leaving them so cruel but not be it my choice...i’m sorry I wasn’t more careful but I hope that you know I love you and will see you again someday. Even if it takes forever I hope that you Wait for me. As I have waited for you all of my life. Even though our time was short it was filled with bliss..so many memories and love that will always rain on in my mind. Wherever it is that I am going to I also promise to not forget you! Sarrah..poor Sarrah please don’t hesitate now, please live on when i’m gone and be happy. If you do change then smile. We too will meet again soon. And how could i forget you Luther. Wherever you may be I pray that we talk to again. That you find your love and never let her go. Even if I don’t meet you all. Even if this is my last time. I wish no pain upon those who I have been blessed to meet. To live is be free. Once you have been stripped of everything you hold dear and are willing to let go and still look your killer in the eyes and say as your last ever words’
‘And be shot right in the heart, never to breath, never to love or speak. That's when you are truly free. When you are at your most happiest and can look something you thought was vile, disgusting and horrible, and still say fuck you and I wish of only the best for you..that’s when you know you have been fully cleaned. I am free..finally’
The music stopped, so did the laughter, the dancing, the smiles and the silly faces of joy..Now came tear,sadness, death of a reaper by a man named Adam and the out cries of a heart broken woman Named Eve. She held her lover close not giving a damn if her white dress was soaked with her blood. They would have given anything to have her back. But they knew the rules. No vampire shall drink dead blood, that in fact is what she was..dead. Dead was her old life that she left behind, dead was the hate she let go, and dead was the body that others abused. Dead was what she became. And yet she remained alive in their hearts. That night Adam made a fire and took the shoes of his lover out of it. To see her in such a light was horrifying, a nightmare that would haunt him and his wife for the longest of days. Days passed and so did luther. Adam was at his lowest. Sarah had chose to leave, but still would write letters to let the lovers know that they did not grief alone. Then the letters stopped too. In their hopes at the time they wanted it to be because of moving reasons  but it was unsure when not even one little post card came anymore.. The house felt empty and the lovers could no longer be there. For memory reasons and how they never aged. Faking their deaths the couple burned the house to the ground. Taking two already dead bodies and burning the house down. No more did they need it. And after more and more and more few years went by Eve toured again while Adam let himself slip, fall into a come comfortable sad state that he was never able to shake. Eve loved him no less and sent him many letters to keep him sane. And that is the tale of the lovers and the bird
But it is not the end.
“Hello there, little snack.”
Ava had the gun pointed toward Y/N but all Y/N could say was
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whatarubberchicken · 6 years
Lukadrinette - Part 4
Le exposition is strong with this one.
Read at your own risk.
After they’d wrapped themselves in towels, Adrien felt his jaw drop when he saw the bed waiting for them.
“What? Why? HOW?” he stammered.
Luka laughed, coming up behind him and wrapping his arms around his lover’s waist.
“One of the perks of dating a seamstress with a killer creative streak,” he said, giving Adrien’s bare shoulder a kiss. “You should’ve seen her when the salesman gave us the stink eye for wanting the biggest bed he had. So instead, she took measurements, went out and bought a bunch of cheap lumber, dragged it all back here and put it together. Then we hauled mattresses until she was satisfied, she sewed them up so we wouldn’t get weird lumps in the middle, and now all of our sheets and blankets are completely customized. C’mon, it’s really comfy. And it’s easy to have the world’s best pillow fights.”
“Why would she want it so big?” Adrien wondered, unable to stop staring. The bed took up the whole room, except for a small strip around the wall, allowing for a small chair in the corner. It was obviously Luka’s chair, as it was currently occupied with his guitar. The walls of the bedroom were lined with cabinets that Adrien was willing to bet served as clothing drawers and the open closet nearby was stuffed full-to-bursting with items that needed to be hung.
He would’ve thought, as a seamstress, clothing would’ve taken up the majority of Marinette’s room, since a small apartment like this wasn’t going to have anything like a walk-in closet. But instead, the clothes appeared to be an afterthought, with most of the space dedicated to this… monster of a bed.
“Oh come on,” Luka said playfully, pulling him in. “The girl was Ladybug for how many years, and you expect her to not want to romp around a bit when she gets in the mood?” He winked at the blond. Adrien felt his mouth go dry.
“You mean she…” Fuck, how did he phrase this so it didn’t sound bad? …gets rowdy? (ugh, make her sound like a cowgirl, Adrien.) …is playful? (Fucking duh, dude.) …rides you until you beg for mercy? (Let’s not get our hopes up, Agreste.)
“Let’s just say this,” Luka grinned, indicating his abs, “gets a regular workout without a gym membership.”
Adrien gulped. Fuck, I want to see that. Hell, I want to be a part of it. I want it so bad… oh, please, let this be real….
“You okay, man?” Luka asked, watching him. He waited for Adrien to reply, cocking his head in concern. “Hey, I didn’t overwhelm you, did I? We can still take this slow, you know. I can get you some clothes—”
“No! No, I want this,” Adrien insisted. “I want you. I want you both. It’s just….”
“Too much. Damn. Mari’s gonna rub this in my face forever….”
“I keep expecting you to disappear,” Adrien said quietly.
Luka’s face softened. He reached out and took one of Adrien’s hands in his own.
“Hey. Unless you tell me you want me to leave,” he said, smiling happily and gently tugging his new lover over to the bed, “I’m not going anywhere. I get the feeling that you are exactly what Mari and I have been missing, Adrien Agreste. I let you get away once when you quit my band. I’m not making that mistake again.”
Adrien gulped, stopping short of getting on the bed. “I guess, I’m just… worried about that whole saying, you know? ‘If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.’” His eyes met Luka’s. “You are too good to be true. All of this it. The idea that I could have everything I’ve ever wanted…,” he drew in a deep, shuddering breath as he remembered what had happened. “Back then, I thought I was in love with Ladybug. I thought I shouldn’t be in love with you too. That I couldn’t be in love with you. So I quit, ‘cause I couldn’t stop… stop wanting you every time we were together.”
“I knew it wasn’t because Joan happened to be your fangirl,” Luka said, smirking. Adrien ducked his head, shame washing over him.
“No, of course not,” he said quietly. “She’s fine. She’s great. And I loved the band. I just—and then Marinette confessed to me, and I—I turned her down because I didn’t know she was Ladybug—and then she started going out with you….”
“Wow, way to make me feel like the fall-back guy,” Luka drawled, rolling his eyes.
“No! That wasn’t what I meant! —I just! I know you two—I… FUCK, I’M SORRY,” Adrien stammered, clutching his hair. He was gonna mess this whole thing up—
Luka laughed. “Relax, Adrien, I was joking,” he said as he pulled the blond onto the bed and started working on getting comfortable. “But this just illustrates my next point. This—whatever it is we decide to have—it isn’t perfect. It isn’t easy. Relationships between two people are hard enough. You gotta keep up communication and try to see it from the other person’s perspective, otherwise you’re not gonna get very far. Hell, you and I are doing a bad job right now!” he laughed. Adrien smiled, allowing the other man to wrap a blanket around him.
“Three’s even worse,” Luka continued. “It’s like a juggling act, trying to make sure everyone is on the same page. Then you gotta deal with jealousy and misunderstandings… because its gonna happen. You’re gonna think one person likes you more than the other. Or that the other two just want you to leave them alone. Or that they’re excluding you from something.”
“So why even bother at all?” Adrien asked. “You and Marinette seem happy enough together.”
“We are,” Luka assured him. “But, well… to put it simply, we both enjoy the idea having a third. Personally, I have a voyeuristic streak a mile wide and Mari likes to get creative sometimes.”
Adrien flushed. “Oh. So… you… like to watch?”
I will not get turned on by the thought of him watching. I will not get turned on by the thought of him….
“Oh, God, yes,” Luka sighed happily, just thinking about it. “I remember this one time years ago, we were doing a set, and I saw a couple making out in the crowd, right in front of where I was on the stage. I just—it was so beautiful. So pure, and passionate—I couldn’t even finish the song before I had to duck backstage before I made a fool out of myself. To this day, Jukes thinks I got sick and had to vomit.” He chuckled lowly. “But I didn’t run to the bathroom to puke.” Adrien snickered.
“Most often, I like to play music too, to enhance the mood,” Luka continued. “Mari thinks it’s a great turn on,” he grinned, winking at the blond. “But she gets bored all by herself. And I like to watch her with others. And my favorite deviant fantasy… well, it may involve you and Mari and a couple of well-known masks.” He waggled his eyebrows suggestively.
Surprised laughter burst out of Adrien before he could help himself.
“You realize we’re not… them anymore, right?” he asked, blushing at the thought of his own fantasies coming to life. How many times had he dreamed of taking Ladybug as Chat?
More times than he could count.
In more ways than he count. Hell, it had completely overshadowed his formative years.
“Meh, a part of you will always be them,” Luka shrugged.
“Is that why you wanted me to join you two?” Adrien asked, biting his lip. He wasn’t completely against the idea, but….
“Ehh, only partially,” Luka said, waving his hand. “To be honest, if I’d known you wanted me back then, I probably would’ve tried to steal you away from your idea of being in love with Ladybug. Sadly, I was under the impression you were a firmly-straight guy and I didn’t have a chance. You should’ve seen me when I heard you came out as bi. Mari swears I managed to spit my juice all the way across the room.”
Adrien gave a half-hearted laugh. “Yeah, those were some strange times,” he said, remembering just how fucked up he’d been back then. He’d come out publicly, just to give his father a metaphorical middle finger. And on his “journey of self-discovery” he’d lost track of how many girlfriends and boyfriends and epically-bad one-night stands he’d had….
He felt Luka lace their fingers together and couldn’t stop himself from blushing. It was like he was a teenager again….
“I wish we hadn’t lost touch,” Luka murmured.
Adrien shivered at his tone, his body warming at the implications. The idea that he could’ve had them both years ago… surely Marinette would’ve been happy to have him too? Ehh, maybe not. He’d really hurt her when he’d rejected her as Marinette, only to find out later that she was Ladybug and try to re-kindle that flame. God, he’d been so stupid.
“Are-are you sure she’s gonna be all right with this?” he asked nervously.
Marinette had seemed like she was on-board with the whole thing, and she and Luka had implied that she still thought of him that way… but she had hesitated at first. And she hadn’t tried to stay home from work to be with them sooner. Maybe she wasn’t as excited about this as they thought? God knows, he didn’t want to be anyone’s pity-fuck. No, thank you.
“See, now this is why Mari and I are so insistent on talking to you before you decide to join us,” Luka said, frowning. “I can tell you’re overthinking things, just like she does. And I’m willing to bet that I can answer each-and-every-one of your questions, if you just ask me, man. I’m tellin’ ya, communication is key here, Adrien. If you’re not willing to talk, this isn’t gonna work. We’ve had some bad situations in the past, and we do not want a repeat.”
“Like what?” Adrien asked curiously, figuring that was as good a place as any to start his questions.
“Everything I’ve mentioned,” Luka said shrugging. “One girl got jealous every time Mari and I so much as kissed. She tried to make me choose between them during each of our ‘sessions,’ and I couldn’t take the drama anymore. One guy admitted he actually tried to date us to steal Mari away from me. (Her left hook is amazing, by the way….) Another girl tried to use us to get into Jagged Stone’s entourage because the band had an opening gig with him one time. All sorts of things,” he said, shrugging.
Then he paused and licked his lips nervously. “But… the most recent one… well, he’s the reason we haven’t had a third in a while.”
“What happened?” Adrien asked, sensing something major had gone down.
Luka sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Mari and I had started thinking about adding a little spice to our bedroom experience… you know, whips and handcuffs type of thing.” Adrien blanched, and Luka nodded. “Exactly. Mari did her homework, as usual, but we figured the best way to actually try it was with an experienced person. But the guy we got… was not good.”
“We realized later that there were signs. He wouldn’t talk to us unless it was absolutely necessary. We both agreed he was way too quiet. Too dominating, right from the start. Neither of us really knew him as well as we thought.” Adrien felt Luka grip his hand. “I dunno how he got around Mari’s background checks. The cops said he probably did it just to see if he could. It looked like a stupid accident on paper—a few kids, trying out the scene for the first time and things go horribly wrong—”
“Luka,” Adrien whispered, horrified.
“—they didn’t go wrong, Adrien,” Luka said, gritting his teeth. “This guy, new or not, he knew what he was doing. Tied us both up. Made us think it was safe and all, and then he just went to town. Started beating me until I lost consciousness. Last thing I remember was Mari crying and screaming the damn safeword, trying to get him to stop. I woke up to sirens. Turns out she somehow broke her cuffs and nearly killed the jackass. He sure won’t be seducing anybody else, the way she left his face,” he said, grinning at Adrien.
Adrien grinned back. He’d seen his lady in a temper before, and he did not doubt Luka’s words one little bit.
Luka sighed and flopped down on his back, relaxing. “Which is why, I gotta tell you, if you plan on trying to steal her away from me, I’m not letting her go without a fight. That woman is one in a million.”
“I’d never do that!” Adrien exclaimed, offended.
“I know,” Luka said, smirking at him. “It was a joke. But also a warning. ‘Cause if you try to steal me away from her, it’s not gonna go well for either of us. We’ll probably end up on the bottom of the Seine!”
Adrien laughed. “And leave her alone? You must be smoking something,” he teased right back.
“Now there’s the pretty boy I know!” Luka said, gathering him up in his arms.
“Is that why you two freaked out when I got on my knees earlier?” Adrien asked quietly, returning the embrace and resting his head on the musician’s shoulder.
“Yeah,” Luka said, squeezing his arm. “It was one of the first things he made us do. ‘A show of submission.’ Don’t get me wrong, I’ve got nothing against BDSM—I’ve even got a few friends who are happily in the scene themselves—but after that, I dunno if either of us would be able to enjoy ourselves. At least not with the full experience. So, Mari and I made rules. Communication is everything. If you got a problem, you can’t keep silent. Everybody has to be on the same footing. No masters or slaves. Though she will try to dominate you once in a while,” he added, chuckling, “and even if she’ll never admit it out loud, she loves having her hands held down.”
Adrien’s cock twitched at the thought and he licked his lips.
“You sure you should be telling me all her secrets?” he joked. (Well, half-joked. He really wanted to know more.)
“Ehh, I trust you to use them wisely. If it was anybody else, yeah, I’d probably hesitate. But,” Luka bent down to brush his lips against Adrien’s neck and then pulled back so he could look the model in the eyes. “You love her as much as I do, don’t you?” Adrien nodded, getting lost in ocean-blue eyes. Luka smiled, brushing back a bit of Adrien’s hair. “God, you two are going to be so beautiful together.”
Adrien grinned. “Should I be worried that you’re trying to set me up with your girlfriend so hard? Was I not good enough in the shower for you?”
“Now, none of that,” Luka growled, pushing him onto his back and climbing over him. “The shower was me being selfish and wanting to have you before Mari got her claws in you. And you were fucking amazing, by the way, so no putting yourself down anymore—”
Luka was cut off when Adrien reached up and pulled his head down for another long, passionate kiss. He hummed, surprised but happy, and eagerly returned it.
Their undressed state made it easy to shove aside the towels and touch each other again, and soon they were both gasping and moaning into the sheets and each other’s mouths. Adrien saw stars at Luka’s firm, unrelenting pace, and came with a gasp, panting as the other man’s hand continued to milk him. Unwilling to be outdone, he reached up and gave Luka’s ass a sudden, firm squeeze, just barely sinking in his nails. As expected, the attack made his lover lose his rhythm, and Luka finished with a shout, spattering both of their chests with cum.
“Oh, you fucking minx,” Luka growled, peppering Adrien’s face with kisses to show that he was teasing. “I keep forgetting you’re not some innocent teenager anymore.”
“You’re welcome,” Adrien replied smugly. For now, he figured he’d better keep quiet on the fact that that happened to be one of his own favorite moves. Luka was sure to exploit it once he found out.
Then he sighed in bliss as he was once again wrapped in a warm embrace, Luka wiping them both down before he pulled the covers up around them.
Three times in less than an hour. He was pretty sure that was a personal record. And Marinette hadn’t even gotten home yet…. He snuggled against his new lover, fully-satisfied and drifting off to sleep.
To be continued....
(A/N: I want it known, I have nothing against BDSM. Nothing at all. I wanted to emphasize communication in this chapter, which is important in any relationship, but especially important in poly or BDSM relationships, for the very reasons Luka mentioned. If you feel unsafe or unwanted in a relationship, it’s time to open up communications and tell your partner(s), or else take a big fucking step backwards in your relationship with that person(s). /chickenPSA)
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blizzardfluffykpop · 7 years
Chanyeol X Reader
(This has to be the longest so far out of all the 37 days of Christmas) Summary:Pop pop's is the savior the one and only Skeleton of your need. And also Grandmother helps too, besides the point.
Please don’t read if you’re innocent, this is smut and mature content, please read other works if you like my fanfiction but, don’t read the smut. Just this is for mature readers and/or over 18 readers.
Prompt: 6. "You're wearing a fairy light Christmas sweater and let me just tell you it's brighter than my future." Soulmate, Highschool, and Vampire/Warlock (Mythical creatures and supernatural) AU (I'm feeling special today. I don't know about you, sweeties) You know everyone has an engraving they get when they are elven. I asked myself all the time when I turned eleven (1,100), and I got it. Why would someone ever say that? Why would someone ever say, "You're wearing a fairy light Christmas sweater and let me just tell you it's brighter than my future". When I turned thirteen (well... 1,300), things like that became more frequent social media started to really be a thing because everyone was getting a phone. I got one and my new saying had became, "Well if there is anyone out for me then, it's me." I don't know why, in honesty. I lost that saying thankfully after a year. I'm eighteen (1,867) and I'll be graduating in a few months. My close knit of friends all found their soul mates. You know how lonely that is. They always want to be with their lover and not you. They're always eating each others faces off. They're always canceling plans because all of the sudden, 'guess what'. They are doing something with their soulmate. Is it that terrible when someone is like that in your world, because if it is I'm dead. Well, yes I am dead physical, the undead. But--not my point here.
I go on social media to see a new meme, because memes are my life blood--well actually that I need blood to survive you see my dilemma here?--anymore. When you become dead inside, that's the only thing to bring a smile to your face. Even the ones that are just making me want to cry when not having a soulmate. I see this new meme and it says, 'Those shoes are brighter than my future'. You know what that reminds me of, my soulmate sentence, "You're wearing a fairy light Christmas sweater and let me just tell you it's brighter than my future". I have an odd feeling my engraving was like, 'Oh yes, I have a meme from the future, I will bless this child with'. Isn't that weird to tell your kids that. That my engraving is a meme from the now past when I have them? Weird. My grandmother who is a now a ghost, yeah she lives with us. Sort of annoying when she walks through you. I already am cold blooded, must you make the rest of my body feel that way? As I sucked on the blood bag in my hand, she comes up to me and says, "Oh!! I have just the idea for your Christmas gift. Let me get to working on it!" Without another word she runs like a little kid right through me. I'm gonna feel that chill for hours. And the fact that blood is cold doesn't help. I sort of wish my Grandmother realized she was freezing us to death. I still can't believe she's related to me. Then again, she was a human at one point and she was the soulmate to my grandfather. Adorable, but my Grandfather became a skeleton to be more like her. From a Warlock Mr. Park as he told me when I was just a little kid that I called him Olde Park. I sigh as I walk over to the dinner table wondering how and what my grandmother was doing as it sounded like she was using a drill and bringing down the garage. Wouldn't be the first time someone did. It really only takes the moving of a board in there. Let's just say Grandpa wasn't born a construction worker for a reason. I've made it fall by leaning for a prolonged amount of time.... Say a year and a half. My brothers and sisters, have made it fall as well. Most remarkable one was when my dad was piss drunk and giggling and walk with his arm around mom's shoulder. He fell into the garage side and like domino's one by one it came down. But anyways, I'll finish that up. Well that and my second blood bag, while we--as in I--were telling that story I picked up another one and started drinking. I figured out quickly enough that no one in my school, every single vampire. Is not the one. Because of our supernatural abilities they decided to put all 'normal' as in people like my grandmother into one school, well not really one school. They are half the population. (Everyone knows about us though). We as vampires have on school. Werewolves have one. Witches and Warlocks have one. And so on and so fourth. So when looking for a soulmate it really narrows it down, real fucking quick. You're defiantly not with a vampire after talking to everyone with one sentence. They do this thing where they force a kid to say the first thing that comes to mind to the person who just turned eleven. Our case 1,100. You know how shitty that is? No. Yeah. I definitely do. Now reason why my friends found theirs later is, a new pile of people that were once human were turned vampire by their own free will. They each said their first sentences to everyone. And it turned out to be my friends each and every single one of those fuckers found their soulmate. I was just sitting there like. No? None left? Like am I the epitome of hopelessness? There is only six of all the vampires who have had their engravings of our graduating class that will not have their soul mates in vampires. Want to know why there is another rule for engraving they have to be between for Vampires anyways 1,000-3,000 difference. Now, it just gets that much tricker when you have to convert your age into human because most everyone uses that age but us Vampires. Even the Werewolves figured out how to calculate it and and are using it. I'm still confused how you convert 1,867 into human years? Is that days? Because.... AHHHH! I really just wonder if there is a potion I can take to become soulmate-less because this pressure is too much. My grandfather sees me when I get home and I'm looking glum. He pats his bone-y legs and says, "Come here, sit on pop pop's lap and tells me what's wrong, my favorite little grand daughter" I give him a slight grin. I know I'm his favorite, I'm the only one that actually thinks he's stories are cool and I'm still fascinated. I start telling him about my dilemma and he starts telling about how he meet my grandmother--now resident ghost--at a party. That was hosted by his Grandpa. He was really feeling down that he still hadn't met grandma. And she came up to him out of the blue at the party when he was just drinking a mixture of blood and alcohol to sooth his troubles. And he doesn't suggest to me, it makes you puke it up the next morning. Nasty, I'll add to that. And she says, "Wow aren't you a handsome devil~" And he just says out of a whim, "Sweetie, I'm not a devil, I'm a vampire" That's when they both realized they were each others. I tell him how cute that is, and I smile at him. And then, he has a light bulb: "What if I invite everyone that I know from each world, and tell them to bring their kids?" "Are you implying that I have to meet new people? You know I really suck at that" "I know but your old pop pop gots a few tricks up his sleeves that will make you a pro. Ready for Introvert training!?" "Uh... Yeah?" "Let's do it." We spent the whole two weeks before the party and two days off of at my school. That we didn't exactly tell my parents about. It's a secret he called me off. I'm so thankful for him. And when we were through, I was actually excited to meet new people. The day of Christmas my grandmother wakes me up, only to hand me a present. I raise a brow at her, not questioning it and rip it open. I find it's an actually really cool sweater, it has lights in. I wonder what you call these lights... Hmm. And it had my favorite little bands in patches with it little up on each letter. And she says, "Do you like it?" You would of thought it looked gaudy, maybe it might to some people. But from her, I love it. I thought it was precious, sweet, and endearing she thought of me enough to make me one. I hug her sort of--she is a ghost--and just grin as she puts her cold arms right through me instead of around me. I slip it on, put on some skinny jeans. And make my way downstairs. I gave both my grandparents adorable little trinkets I know they would just love. And I made cards for the rest. I never could really get close to my parents or siblings. Maybe because I'm the only one able to get along with our grandparents with out being annoyed. Oh well, I'd rather hang with them that some people. The doorbell rings and my friends show up... My luck with their soul mates way to rub it in my face guys. Way to rub it in. I sigh and hug the nonetheless. After 30 minutes I would say, the party is grooving and moving along. I see my Grandpa and he waves me over, I hadn't seen him for a while and he says, "I'd like you to meet Olde Park, again." He chuckles at me and so does the guy and he says, "Hi, my son Chanyeol should be around here somewhere, good luck finding him I know I can never. Always pulling invisible spells when ever he can" All of the sudden appears out of nowhere, well re-iterates itself into air. He says, "Did you miss me that much father dearest?" His father shakes his head and he says, "I'd like you to meet my dear old friend, 'Charllington Maurice (L/n)' and his lovely granddaughter, '(Y/n) (M/n) (L/n)', Chanyeol." He bows to both of us we bow back. He grabs my hand a lays a kiss on it and looks me up down. My first thought is not, 'Oh he must think I'm pretty' not it's much rather, 'He must be thinking my shirts a little bright'. Oh well. "You're wearing a fairy light sweater and let me just tell you, it's brighter than my future." My jaw just drops but, I say without meaning to, "Is that what they're called? Fairy light? You got to be kidding me..." His jaw drops too and I pull up my sleeve as does he and we watch as our marks glow and become from print to cursive. In each other's cursive it was at first written in each other's print now it's written with each other's cursive." Our pop's look at us and high-five, "Damn I knew I was wrong, Charles the minute we placed that on a bet" "Wait you guys--" We both start to say, "I did, sweetie. He thought I was kidding saying it was just a coincidence how you both had something to do with fairy lights."
It was about a month later and we were over at my house, and we were in garage and I was talking about how easy to make it fall down was and he was laughing. Telling me he heard that his own father came over to help him with and they both ended up falling through it and laughing. He took me by the hand and we walked back into the back yard and I ask him about turning invisible and he says, "Oh that's my favorite thing, I mostly do it because my dad hates it. My grandfather gets amused by it." "Can... I don't know..." "You wanna be invisible with me?" I nod my head yes furiously. He grabs my hand and says, "Close your eyes" I do as I'm told and then he say open. I no longer see him but feel him and he says, "I'm invisible too. Don't worry, I'm right here." He spins me around and I see him, because he's holding me and he says, "Whenever we are touching when were invisible we can see each other, but no one else can."
My eyes shine with joy and happiness, this so cool. And he then says, "You know... I don't know if you thought about it but. If we were to have sex, no one would be able to find us if we were invisible." I grin and say, "Your right~" and it didn't take long before we both out of our clothes and he slammed me against the tree and I feel like that tree dented a little. Just because he isn't a werewolf doesn't mean he doesn't work out. I ask him if I can bite his neck and he says I'm aloud. And I slowly sink my teeth in not to let it hurt. And he lets out a throaty moan, I inwardly grin it sort of hurts when you grin while your teeth are buried into to someone's neck. I feel the his arousal pump through his veins. And I let out a moan, it taste so much better than those bags of blood. And as I was told it is ten times better when its your soulmate and they're aroused, they weren't kidding. I feel his tip tease my entrance, so I prepare for it. And I have to tell my self to let go of his neck or he would be drained. I slowly slip out of his neck and he lets out a moan as well as I. And I mumble, "Mine" and he says, "Forever and always, fairy lights" My nickname from him to me and me to him. I'm white fairy light where he is the colorful ones I told him and he said, no were both more like a mixture of both. And he starts pounding into me and I wrap my legs around his hips even tighter encouraging and begging him to go faster. I kiss him softly. And nip his bottom lip drawing blood a bit and I swipe it up with my tongue, greedily. He kisses my noise. And I feel him pick up his pace, and I feel his pulse quicken up. His orgasm must becoming closer, I feel his one hand move in between us and he starts rubbing my clit trying to get me off quicker. I feel my orgasm fast approaching as he thrust a few more times a few twitches and jolts of his cock and he shots his cum load up inside me. Bam, warlock and vampire children my mind thinks as he rubs it a few more times before my walls clench at his cock and I cum. And I start begging him to keep fucking me, I if we being true to myself I lived for over stimulation. And it's just so amazing feeling to me. My thighs shake around his body and he had enough time to calm down and start all over again with me. And he starts fucking me again. Let's just say we went on the whole night. Good thing I have finals tomorrow...
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flowerconcept-blog · 7 years
friends 2 lovers!dowoon
you have known dowoon practically since he first started playing drums at 16!!! in fact, drums were the reason you met!!! well!!! technically music!!!
you went to the same high school as dowoon, and there weren’t many kids who were playing music between classes and studying for the college entrance exam and doing homework and basically school in general
but you were ! you had been playing piano for most of your life because your parents wanted you to, but as you got older you got more and more into indie music
classical was nice! but you started practicing beethoven less and teaching yourself keyboard parts for rock songs
and you even started teaching yourself how to compose because it was fun and relaxing and kept you from going crazy from schoolwork
you spent most of your lunch periods in the small music room your school had, and no one really ever bothered you except for the music teacher, who loved you anyways
but one day……….you were walking to the room…….and you heard??? drumming???? but bad drumming???? well maybe not BAD drumming, but not GOOD drumming, u know????
you peeked in and there was this cute lanky kid frowning at the drums like they had hurt him or something, and you were like. god DAMN it
because where else were you going to eat lunch!!!!
you had to settle with eating in your classroom for a week because the drum kid (as you named him in your head) was there every single day
but after 7 days! u missed messing around on the keyboard too much so you mustered all your courage and marched into the room while drum kid was playing, plopping down at the keyboard
you shouldn’t have even been worried because he didn’t notice you were there until u started playing along with him…….then he jumped and his ears got red and you were…..truly surprised at how darn cute he was
except he didn’t say anything? you just kept playing together, messing around and even laughing a little bit but never saying hello or anything ,,,,,,,, at the end of lunch you bowed to him and he looked like he wanted to say something but didn’t
you spent almost a month like that, playing music and pretty much never talking to each other? some days you would bring in songs you liked and would be like “hey listen to this” and he would, but your relationship was purely about music
and you could see how hard he was working on learning the drums….like he really loved the music and he wasn’t that great when you first heard him but he clearly had talent and perseverance and you…...really admired drum kid
you would eat in silence at the beginning of each lunch period and then get to the music
some days he would be studying frantically for a test or something, and you would play slower classical music in the background to try and help him focus!!!!!!
until one day…….he finally introduced himself to you as dowoon with a tiny bit of a stammer
and u were like ! because whenever he did something cute you felt your heart flutter a bit ! but you introduced yourself too and awkwardly he suggested you exchange numbers to share songs and maybe meet up outside of the practice room
of course …...u said yes……...because dowoon was practically your closest friend at school at this point! and honestly you were kind of his too
after that! you guys were great buds! you didn’t hang out much outside of lunch but you would text each other new songs you found and chat about this or that and sometimes when you heard about bands playing in busan you would go together
you sent dowoon some of your compositions and he would critique them but mostly he was like “wow i can’t believe ur so talented….so amazing….. incredible” and it wasn’t that helpful
the longer you knew each other ,,,,,,,, the more you started to like dowoon ,,,,,,, and not in a just friends way ,,,,,,, as he got taller and his jawline got stronger you were like ,,,,,, oh no ,,,,, this is bad ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
when you went to busy concerts and needed to leave early because your parents were strict about curfew he would hold your hand to make sure he didn’t lose you in the crowd! and it was too much for your poor little heart to take! ;(
because as soon as you really started to realize your feelings………...graduation happened…...and you were going to different colleges in different cities
but that summer you and dowoon spent more time together than ever before, going to concerts and playing music and just messing around and playing video games
one day, just before you were about to leave for college, you were lounging in dowoon’s living room as he played you a new album he found that he said he thought you would like, and you were both eating ice cream from the carton
and suddenly he stopped talking about the cool chord progression in the song and you felt his gaze on you ,,,,,, and you looked at him out of curiousity ,,,,,, but you stopped dead in your tracks at the intensity you suddenly saw in his eyes
it was the sort of intensity you never saw in dowoon unless he was playing the drums and you wondered what on earth was happening when he leaned in and kissed you
a clumsy first kiss with sweat dripping down your back but it was perfect
you spent pretty much the rest of the afternoon kissing, until his parents got home and you got a text saying you had to go home for dinner
quietly you promised you’d call him and he nodded in agreement and you could see his ears were red
you called him, every day for a while, and you both acted like nothing had changed because you couldn’t be together,,,,, you were leaving for seoul and he was staying in busan and then one year turned to three and you only talked to dowoon once every few months
except in the middle of your summer job in seoul you got a text from dowoon telling you he was moving to seoul to be in…...a band…..at JYP??????!?!??!?
it took you a while to process the information because the thought of him being close to you is …...almost too much to handle……..  after a lot of back-and-forth with yourself you decided you would regret not seeing him again
except that was a MISTAKE because he looked so HANDSOME with his new haircut and his face had gotten even BETTER and his voice had gotten even deeper and someone had told him he looked good in white t-shirts which was honestly a SIN!!!!!
and all of those feelings you had forgotten hit you like a freight train ,,,,, because dowoon was your first real crush and your first kiss and the first person to really understand your love of music
but just like you couldn’t do anything before :-) you couldn’t do anything now either :-) because it had been years and there was no way he didn’t have someone new, plus he was so busy!!!!
yet again……..you had to resign yourself to friendship with dowoon when you really wanted more with him
(surprise he felt exactly the same way)
your friendship picked up right where it left off, you spend any shared free time together at his dorm, at his debut stage you were right in the front row of the crowd shouting his name and at the afterparty you rubbed his back when he puked from drinking too much (dummy)
jae always jokes you’re day6’s number 1 fan and you seriously are
things are going smoothly except for all the times you two make meaningful eye contact and wonpil coos in the background and you have to tell him to shut up…. and all the times you accidentally end up sleeping over with dowoon because you stay too late at the dorm listening to music and chatting in his bed and you just fall asleep……. and all the times dowoon gets pouty when sungjin is being just a tiny bit too friendly with you……...and oh that sweatshirt he lent you that you always find yourself wearing
“you’re practically dating so why don’t y’all just kiss already” -jae, probably
you wish jae was wrong but eventually…...the tension between you two gets too intense
it’s a fairly typical night, dowoon is staying late at the practice room working on their new song and he’s invited you to come by, so ur messing around on keyboard as he starts from the top of the song for the 10th time
and when he’s done…..he’s sweaty and his big white t-shirt is clinging to his body in a really uncool way and you’re definitely gawking at him
just like that high school summer it’s like both of you give up on pretending not to be into each other and you come together in a sweaty gross wonderful kiss and finally you are done being idiots and you are together instead :’)
dowoon tells wonpil that u play better keyboard than he does :’) you two cuddle all the time in the dorm and all his members are jealous and make gagging sounds :’) his ears still go red when you kiss :’) gentle boyf :’) 
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keybums · 7 years
To no one’s surprise, Kim Kibum is high.
No! Not that kind of high--Kibum may be an advocate for living on the edge, but jail was, well, a little much-- but the legal kind of high. Doped up on caffeine and last night’s escapades; slurping his weight in caffeine in hopes of staying lucid enough to remember the choreo to their retro hit, the lyrics, his name, and as of present- to answer the interviewers questions with much vigor. Caffeine has always been his primary lover during the skip of schedules, but as of late Kibum and his beaus relationship had become rather toxic--Romeo and Juliet toxic. He couldn’t mull through the day without 3 square meals catered around an Americano and yea- it’s unhealthy, but the results were really really good. And so far, he’s proud of himself for every broadcast had been spot on and every interview fluid enough to create more buzz than his self administered half-hawk during Lucifer era. What a time to be alive!
The clock ticks to the tune of the incoming  hour--9AM-- and quite frankly Kibum feels like he’s going to die. Lethargy riddled feline eyes, curling svelte finger tips loose around the girth of a Styrofoam cup--Styrofoam, despite having ordered an iced Americanofor kicks--it’s half empty when he so desperately needed it to be half full. Fingers are wrapping tentatively around the girth of  a Styrofoam cup, contents half empty when he needed it to be half full. His manager seems to read his mind, read between the lines of thin,  lowered, apprehensive eyes that say Kibum won’t make it to the hour without a refill of the legal drug, because he’s swift in getting the idol a refill before the interviewer arrives.
The first question is light -- is easy. Interviews are easy. Easy as pie.
Maybe because the art of conversation was something he had mastered a long time ago, but only now able to showcase to a large audience via this comeback allotting him with a rather surplus of solo interviews-more than he expected, honestly. His members (take away Taemin, add OnJongHo) were just as good as he when it came to answering questions. Each member cool calm and concise, so much so that Kibum could easily blend into the unmarked cafe’s puke-colored interior(really.
“Because SHINee is a contemporary band, we strive to create new trends and rework old ones.”  The word ‘contemporary’ is emphasized, a quality of the quintet that Kibum equally loved to drive home and be apart of.
“In addition, our concept this comeback is a ‘retro’ pop song with new jack swing elements where we reinterpret specific elements of that era, but in a very SHINee way. And while many other artist have pursued a ‘retro’ concept  spanning from the 80s to late 90s, we wanted to do so in a new and distinct characteristics. Hence why we released a limited edition cassette version and filmed the MV in a way that’s the very embodiment of the era down to the editing.” His fondness of his group shones through a show of pearly whites, the kind he’s oh-so conscious of because the back of his hand presses to it before allowing him to continue. “As SHINee, we’ve always strive to fully incorporate details within our concept. For example, many may not notice, but  the jewelry we wore are actual relics from the 90s. I even utilized some of my own wardrobe during shooting. When we chose the concept, we met with our staff numerous time to decide if ‘1of1′ was a concept we should try. Although we ultimately chose it, we knew how dangerous this choice was, so we are really happy to see everyone enjoying it so much.”
These days he feels very much like SHINee’s PR person. Ever since the word got out that he played a hand in their last concert’s direction and costumes, interviewers always approached him about SHINee with much more interest- as if he were... vital to SHINee’s conception. In an afterthought, he adds, “In the future I want to create fun music that is public friendly but unique as well.”
And then modesty takes hold of his features, embedded so deep within his countenance that not even the humbled smile that’s stretched around his teeth can hide it. This was... different. Sure he had just concisely outlined the quintet’s mission and concept- but he had done so as 5, speaking for all 5 of them, not just himself. Speaking for his group was autonomous by now but speaking on his solo activities and achievements (ones that were miles different from SHINee ones), though, were a different story; he was still getting use to it. A fairy tale as Kibum was but an oyster revealing his pearl to the public and hoping not to get it stolen.
“In Drinking Solo, I play a  charismatic character named ‘Kim Kibum’ just like me! Anyways, he’s a 9th grade civil servant examinee who takes life one step at a time. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth so obviously he prefers the finer things in life--finer things like his penchant for luxury tracksuits that he finances with his mother’s credit card.Thinks a noyangjin Paris Hilton.” The interviewer must have been thinking ‘that sounds just like you’, but she doesn’t interject, instead lets him finish- something Kibum appreciates.
“From the beginning I wanted to make the character I portray as realistic as possible. When I began acting in musicals I learned that embodying the character in a convincing way is just as important as portraying that character. I think the more realistic a character is, the more relate able they will be. And that’s what I want to show- a relate able character that reminds viewers of someone around them.” Ironic he says so, since the character was written with himself in mind. Ironic that he could get away with portraying himself--because the character is him after all-- he goes the extra mile to let fictional Kim Kibum live.
“ An example of me embodying my character is cutting my bangs into choppy layers, this makes Drinking Solo’s Kim Kibum memorable and also gives off the feeling that although he thinks he’s trendy--others don’t agree. On  a side note, many of my friends teased at this choppy bangs style, so I think it worked? On top of that, the writer wanted to drive home how ‘trendy’ he was and wanted me to act the part by wearing a Gucci tracksuit. But that’s unrealistic, right? A truly fashionable person wouldn’t just change outfits regardless of the situation just because they can, they might wear several Adidas tracksuits instead.” He would know. He’s a truly fashionable person, right?
“Drinking Solo’s Kim Kibum wasn’t originally suppose to speak with satoori at first, but I really really wanted to be able to act in this accent  because I felt that it fit the character, I couldn’t see him not speaking satoori. So when I went to script reading I provided two versions of my lines, one in standard accent and the other with satoori. Luckily, the writer thoroughly enjoyed my alternate script and had me translate the others.” The thought has him beaming, more so because his screen debut had been heavily praised, a feat that didn’t accompany most idol turned actor until their fifth year if ever. And ontop of that- he debuted with a character inspired by himself and was able to tweak his speaking pattern.
“Um. I, uh. Can’t say much about our other similarities without ruing future episodes, but aside from speaking in satoori and being close to our late Grandmothers...”  A pause. Not awkward. But not comfortable either. Feline eyes are suddenly fluttering to the pen she uses to scribble down pieces of his winded answer. He silently wonders if she’s new, because she hardly ever seeks eye contact with him, shys away from it even.
“I feel as if he and I are more alike when I’m not working- in that I’m rather impulsive and do things without thinking. The script writer actually wrote him with me in mind, ha!” Her nod is expected and it comes as a gracefully bob of the head as if to say ‘I can tell’ and while he’s grateful for having a script writer think of him (can you believe it?) when crafting up a character, the drama hasn’t ended. The drama hadn’t shown fictional Kim Kibum’s inner layers, hadn’t show him vulnerable in his entirety. She has the wrong impression of him. Everyone does. And he forgives it. “There’s so much more that  ‘Drinking Solo’s’ Kibum has to show so please anticipate him!”
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Happy Birthday Yurio (>*o*)><(*o*<)
I absolutely wanted to do something on this special day so here is a little Yuriyuu fanfiction about my favorite character of the show. Thank you Kubo-sensei for creating such a beautiful and complex character. It takes place between “One step at a time” and “Pork Cutlet Bowl”
Title : Octakaideca (Eighteen in Greek)
Rating : Explicit
Pairing : Yuri x Yuuri
Disclaimer : The characters are not mine sadly. They are all the property of Kubo-sensei !
A pout appeared on his pale and delicate face, covered by a bunch of blonde locks that he placed behind his ears every now and then, incomprehension clearly visible in his bright green eyes as he climbed in the passenger seat of the luxurious black car, and he grumbled under his breath, a bit annoyed, when the person who sat next to him, in the driver seat, wasn't the one that he expected on this special day. Not the least.
He didn't understand what was actually happening. Why was he even here ? Beside him, there should have been his beloved, the one person that made his heart beat so fast that it was too painful to stay calm and not kiss him wildly, the only soul that could shook his entire body with just a simple laugher, true and full of feelings, he who looked like an adult and sounded like a child, the man that inspired him during all these years of skating, his Agape, and they should have enjoyed a date without caring for what others could think of them, not like their first one.
However, fate seemed to think otherwise and on his left, turning the key to start the engine, stood Viktor Nikiforov who had been his spiritual rival on the rink during all his competitions since the very beginning but also, to win the heart of Yuuri Katsuki, the most beautiful and kind person he had ever met. Hopefully, even though the tiger Russian had been really mean and hurt him in many ways on their first talk, he had apologized in his own manner after that and had claimed the older man as his, stealing a precious thing to the silver haired skater. But, as if he wanted to get some kind of revenge for what he did, the five times champion took the lead on this important day and didn't explain why Yuri couldn't spend it with his lovely boyfriend.
After all, today was supposed to be his eighteenth birthday, the most important one in his young life, and he had waited for it since they had begun to go out with each other, hiding their relationship to everyone so they wouldn't be in the middle of a scandal because he was still a minor. Their group of friends had learnt about their situation just a year after his confession and all of them had easily accepted the truth, especially Chris who was hoping for it since the trio had formed in Hasetsu, and only Otabek had been shocked by the revelation, going back to Kazakhstan right after that to assimilate the information. Yuri didn't blame him and had been ready to face rejection since he had developed these feelings, but he had had a hard time to cop with his loss. One of his friend had left him because of one decision he had taken and it was difficult to endure.
The ravenette had comforted him for one whole week after the event, saying that Otabek needed some time to get used to it, and had taken care of the youngster until he had felt better, kissing him all over his face and pampering him like a child, proving him how much he loved his partner. That's why, the blonde had thought that this day would also meant something to his boyfriend. Maybe he was wrong ?
Shaking his head to chase those bad thoughts away, the Russian boy bit his bottom lips before opening his mouth, to ask the question which was burning inside of his head, and turned to look at the guy next to him.
"Where are we going ?"
"Shopping of course ! I have to buy a few things for Makkachin and I wanted to have my hair cut a little. It's getting long again" the adult answered with a cheerful smile, the ones Yuri didn't like at all.
"And why do I have to come with you ? You could have just go alone !" He groaned as the car moved onto the main road, toward the commercial district.
"You would have left me ?! You're so heartless my little Yurio ... I'm hurt"
"You're so annoying."
The blonde put his elbow on the window sill, his right cheek against a closed fist, and sighed heavily, hoping that this day will end quickly so he could hug his katsudon and whine about the fact that he wasn't with him during this important event.
For more than five hours, when he had imagined himself curled up against his beloved, watching some dumb movies on TV, Viktor dragged him in different kind of shops to buy random clothes or toys, talking nonsense while trying a brown shirt with a tight jean, showing him cat plushies that almost made him squeal in happiness, pulling him toward the same pet store he had gone for his first date, taking a lot of time to choose something for his poodle, hesitating between a collar and a cute pillow to lean on, and if he wasn't used to give such efforts during his training, he would be panting hard by now.
Not knowing why the five times champion would take the youngest of their group with him, except for sharing his taste in terms of clothing and crying on his shoulder when he couldn't get what he wanted, the blonde Russian tried to enjoy their trip throughout the city, also looking for something to buy to his lover, in hope to thank him for what he did for the youngster the past two and a half years, and was relieved when they entered the hairdresser at the end of the afternoon, the last trial before they could go back to Yuuri's apartment.
"Good afternoon ladies, I have an appointment at 4:45 PM" Viktor said in a flirty manner, wearing his best smile to impress the two women behind the counter.
"O-oh right M. Nikiforov, come this way. Let me take your bags, I'll put them in the wardrobe"
Her answer was so sweet and sugary that it almost sounded false to the eighteen years old Russian, making her look like any other of his fan, and he wanted to puke when he heard her talk with that high pitch voice all of a sudden, when she had spoken normally to the rest of their customers. Hypocrite, he mumbled to himself while the silver haired man followed the person who was going to take care of his hair.
"Pardon me but, this little one needs a new haircut too !"
"What ?!"
"You can't look like that on your own birthday Yurachka ! If you don't want to cut them, then let her styling your hair at least !" He answered with a grin.
"You piece of ..."
Yuri held back the curse he had wanted to throw at his face, remembering that his katsudon didn't like it at all when he talked this way to people, and grunted when the second girl came next to him so she could lead him toward a chair. During these two years, his hair had grown quite a bit and he had added fifteen centimeters to his height, catching up with Yuuri who was now smaller than him by five. And to be honest, the blonde was happy to be bigger so he could take him easily in his arms and put his chin on the other's shoulder when they were cuddling, smelling that calming sent of his.
"So, what haircut do you want me to do M. Plisetsky ?" The hairdresser asked behind him, holding a comb and a scissor.
"Could you just ... tied them up in a ponytail ?"
"You don't want me to cut them ? Even a little bit ?"
Yuri shook his head and she shrugged before starting his work. The moment her hands touched the scalp of his head, he thought about the different times when his boyfriend would braid his hair, caressing him gently while doing it, brushing them with care so he wouldn't hurt him, and understood one thing during the next thirty minutes.
He didn't like it when someone else touched his hair.
And Yuuri's hands were softer and kinder.
Finally, after what seemed to be an eternity, the woman finished to do her job, spraying some hair spray on the ponytail so it would stay like this until he removed the elastic band, and showed him what she had done with a mirror. Even though he didn't wanted it at first, it was pretty satisfying and beautiful to look at. He thanked her quickly and waited for Viktor to end the annoying conversation he had with that stupid girl. When the adult finally decided to stop his incessant chatter, he went to the counter and paid them, laughing at the one who had taken care of him because she had a bit of his hair on her sweater, making her blush vigorously.
Disgusted by all this, Yuri exited the building first and began to walk away, toward the man's car, without turning back to be sure that the driver was following close behind. Actually, the silver haired adult was waving at the women with a smile, holding his coat under his arm, and joined his friend who was standing next vehicle, an impatient expression on his face. He couldn't wait any longer. The younger Russian needed to see his katsudon. His body suffered from his absence and lack of contact.
"That was an incredible day, don't you think ?" Viktor said before turning on the engine.
"Remind me not to go with you on a shopping trip in the future ..."
"Aww ~ Yurachka ! I wanted to be with you for your eighteenth birthday. After all, it happens only one time in your life ! And I'm sure that Yuuri is ... Oh !"
"What ? What is it ?" He questioned, eyes growing wide in anticipation.
"Never mind. You'll see when we'll arrive."
With just that, the oldest of the two drove back to the Japanese's apartment and didn't say anything more during the ride, making his companion anxious. What was going on ?
When the car stopped in front of the block of flats, Yuri opened the door in a hurry, running through the corridors, climbing three steps at a time, and didn't have the patience to knock, entering the vestibule without being invited. He didn't announce himself and just removed his shoes, advancing until he was in the living room. What he saw before his eyes, confused him at first and then, brought a shaking smile on his pale face. The table was covered with a bunch of decorations, a large cake placed in the middle, eighteen candles standing proudly on top of it, and he could smell the delicious fragrance of katsudon being prepared by his beloved. His stomach grumbled a bit at the thought of eating a good meal after this exhausting walk in town and he searched for his boyfriend in the little place, not seeing him in this room.
"Happy eighteenth birthday Yurachka !" Screamed different voices behind his back.
When he turned around to see who were those strangers, Yuri couldn't help but jump in surprise at sight of all their friends at the entrance of the apartment, Yuuri standing in the front with a heartwarming expression. Next to him, there were Chris, Viktor and Phichit, who was taking some pictures with his phone, and they seemed to hide something from him. He could see it because it was moving slightly. The blonde didn't have the time to ask what it was because a pair of lips sealed his mouth shut, and two hands came to caress his cheeks. The black haired man pulled away after ten seconds and hugged him tightly against him, his head resting on the youngster's shoulder.
"Happy birthday Yurio ! Thank you for being born !" He murmured so he would be the only one to hear it.
A burning blush appeared put of nowhere, making him look away so no one would notice, and his heart began to beat faster than usual beause of the japanese's declaration.
"Thank you piggy. It's the best surprise I have ever had !"
They kissed again. Just a simple peck but it was full of passion and love. They heard the Thai skater squeal like a fangirl, snapping another set of pictures, and the Swiss let out a small Aww before coming to greet their cadet. That was at this moment he noticed it. Just between Phichit and Viktor, the moving thing he saw just a minute ago, was actually a person that he thought he would never see again, and he almost tackled him into a powerful embrace, hearing Yuuri complain about it.
"Calm down Yurachka ! You'll smother him if you keep tightening your grip like this." The five times champion told him with a pat on the back.
There. Inside his arms. There was Otabek. His only friend. Even though he had been grossed out by their relationship, the man had come to celebrate his eighteenth birthday, forgetting about the actual situation, and he looked happy to be able to see him again after almost a year.
"Happy Birthday Yuri ... I'm sorry I didn't contact you earlier. It was, well, not a good time for me to ..."
"There is no problem. You're here, that's what matters the most for me."
"I'm sorry for leaving you like this ..."
They exchanged a bunch of apologies for almost five good minutes before letting go of each other, the other watching the show with soft smile on their face, Yuuri putting his little jealousy aside, and they went to the table so he could blow the candles and the host could cut the cake in twelve slices, giving one to each of their guests. In the beginning, they just talked about nothing and everything, the blonde Russian telling to his best friend what had happened during the last year, the other listening to him with a new interest, and the arrival of Mila and Yuuko, brought a new warmth to the party, where there wasn't any woman. The redhead girl had come all the way from Russia to celebrate with them, explaining to Yurio that his grandfather wanted to come but was too weak to make the journey, so he sent him a letter to wish him a good day, and true to herself, she couldn't come without a stupid gift to give him.
As for Yuuko, she had formed a solid bound with the young man when he came for the first time in Hasetsu to take Viktor back to Russia, and had asked Yuuri if she could come on that important day, the other agreeing without a second thought. After all, the more we are, the more we laugh. So, here she was, teasing him about the way he looked at his boyfriend while the latter was cooking the katsudon pirozhki for dinner, talking to Phichit, and even though he was way taller than her, she continued to bother him like she did so three years earlier.
At 7:25 PM, everyone removed the dishes from the table to place new plates on the tablecloth, the black haired man bringing what he had cooked during the day, and Yurio understood why he didn't want him near the kitchen this morning. There were all sort of Japanese and Russian meal. Everything that the eighteen years old teen loved and had discovered with his lover during their dates. It was beautiful and touching.
Just before they sat down, those who had brought a gift, gave it to the young Russian and a lot of expressions appeared on his face during the opening of his presents. Mila had come with a sweater on which there was a tiger printed on it and also, a cap with cat ears on top of it. To thank her, he punched the woman on the shoulder. Phichit and Chris offered him a new pair of skates. Otabek placed a beautiful silver chain around his neck, earning a joyful grin from his best friend. Yuuko gave him a black t-shirt on which was written You can't beat me and Viktor went to his bag to take out all the accessories he had bought at the pet store, saying it would pleased his little Svetia, the feline his grandfather had adopted when he was a child. The black haired male didn't mention or show his own gift but the blonde paid little attention to it.
"Thank you for coming today. I know that you were really busy with the new championship but it means a lot to me that you've come to celebrate with us." Yuuri commented with a brilliant smile and the other applauded him.
"Yura, where is your speech ? We are waiting for it." Viktor said while taking a sip of his glass of champagne.
"W-what ?! I don't want to do that !"
"Oh come one Yuri ! It's nothing. We've all done it before you" The Thai said, trying to ease the tension around him.
"No ! I won't do it !"
"Pretty please."
"Stop it guys" The Japanese adult laughed. "If he doesn't want to do it then, don't force anything on him."
"You're no fun Yuuri-kun" Phichit whined, bitting down on his pirozhki.
They all burst out in giggles at that, forgetting immediately about the speech, and enjoyed the rest of the evening without any incident ruining the mood. After drinking a bit too much, Chris and his best friend began to sing without minding the fact that their host had neighbors, and soon, the tan skinned skater joined them in the fun, the two girls filming their prowess with their phone.
Otabek preferred to stay by Yuri's side, even if his lover wasn't far away, and continued to talk to catch up a bit, mocking the oldest men or looking at pictures on their phone. It was obvious that he didn't want to let go of him. But when it was time to leave the couple, the Kazakh skater seemed quite sad, staring at the blonde like he was some sort of love interest, and his best friend reassured him by saying that they would see each other again. Then, the hardest thing was to call a taxi so Phichit, Chris and Viktor could go back to their hotel without causing any problems, the latter being quite drunk at the moment, and the Thai promised he would take care of them and call if anything happens during the ride.
And now, they were alone in the quiet apartment.
Yuuri was actually washing the plates and storing what was left of the food in the fridge, humming quietly for himself. The sight was really pretty and the Russian was enjoying it from afar, chuckling silently, his arms crossed against his torso, eyes shining with a lustful glow. Now that he was eighteen, he could overcome the limits between them and decided that it was time to claim what he thought was his. Walking discreetly behind him, Yuri placed his hands on his lover's hips, caressing his skin under the blue long sleeves t-shirt he was wearing, putting his lips on his exposed neck, repressing the need to mark him, and pressed their bodies together, earning a little sigh of pleasure from the Japanese male.
"We are alone at last. Thanks for today. It was ... incredible."
"That's nothing. You are the one I should thank" the black haired adult answered, leaving his chore aside to turn back and embraced his beloved. "You grew up so much and became so beautiful."
"Stop flattering me piggy. You are the one whose beautiful ..." he muttered shyly, hiding his face in the other's neck.
"That ponytail suits you !"
"But yours are better. I thought she was going to rip them from my skull ..."
Exchanging soft and lovely compliments to each other, the two men drowned into their passion, closing the small gap between them, sealing their feelings with their wet lips, their tongues engaging a furious fight for supremacy, lost this time by the older skater who was distracted by his lover's fingers on his back, searching greedily under his cloth, and the youngster let his need for contact swallowed him completely, forgetting that they were still in the kitchen.
While he explored Yuuri's mouth, making him moan inside their kiss, his hands traveled along his spine, tickling his katsudon a little, and soon, he was approaching his firm butt dangerously, lifting his pants so he could enter easily. The ravenette shuddered under his touch, trying to focus on what was happening up there, his own members getting tangled with his hair, and whimpered when the other squeezed one of his butt cheek. He pushed the russian far enough so he could catch his breath, eyes wet with tears and pleasure, and he put his forehead against his torso to ask some support.
"You want it that badly ?" The Japanese asked, panting.
"I've waited for that day since I fell in love with you. So, yes."
"I thought that you would be patient enough so I could give you your present when we would have been in the bed but if you are that eager ..."
"Wait ! You were going to ... offer me your virginity as a gift ?" The blonde half-yelled in surprise, looking seriously into the brown eyes in front of him.
"D-don't say it like that ! It's really embarrassing !"
A burning sensation spread through Yuuri's body, his face going red from it, and the cat lover couldn't help but laugh at the sight. It wasn't a secret that this little piglet was a virgin and that he never had any experience in love, but it was adorable coming from him. Plus, Yurio was in the same boat so, he couldn't feel superior to him.
"If it's not to your liking, I-I can think of something else !" The black haired man stuttered in despair.
"No no no ! I'm happy ! I really am. You're just so ... cute when you're blushing like that. I want to eat you slowly, my present."
At that, the pork cutlet lover freed himself from his powerful grasp and led him in the bedroom, that he wanted to call "theirs" from now on, his hand trembling from apprehension. Yuri knew that his boyfriend had some issues with anxiety, not loving his body at all even if he had gone back to the way he was before, giving him the nickname "Fatso" and "Piggy" not helping at all, and he was sure that it would be a problem when they would begin to undress. The ravenette wasn't fat anymore. He had the perfect silhouette to skate and was quite handsome to be honest. So, he will have to appease his fear as soon as possible before a panic attack comes to ruin the mood.
Sitting on the edge of the mattress, the blonde pulled his beloved gently by the wrist, forcing the oldest to kneel on top of him, and he admired the man he cherished so much, stroking his thighs with one hand while the other was busy with his cheek to reassure him about what he had guessed, was some kind of anxiety. Yuuri didn't say anything, bitting on his lower lip to hold back his stress, and leaned in his touch, searching for comfort in this cold palm.
"If you're not ready, I don't want you to force yourself ! We can do it another time and ..."
"No ! No ... I w-want to do it. It's just that ... I'm not too sure about what my body looks like" the adult answered, looking down as if he was ashamed of the way he was.
"Listen to me carefully, you're the most beautiful man I've ever seen in my entire life and everyone who say otherwise, are just jealous about you. Yuuri, you are kind, intelligent, fun and attentive to everyone's needs. My feelings for you won't change even if you gain some weight. I'll love you no matter what !"
Hearing those words seemed to help the ravenette a lot, a sigh of relief escaping his parted lips, and tears flowed behind his glasses, falling on his t-shirt, showing how much pressure he felt. Yurio wiped them with his thumb, murmuring soft compliments to his lover, and pulled him into an innocent and pure kiss that lasted for almost a minute.
Without saying anything more, the Japanese began to remove his clothes, throwing them at the end of the bed without any care, ignoring the sight of his belly which was magnificent in the blonde's eyes, and put his glasses on the nightstand next to the couch, closing the distance between them so he would be able to see his face.
"You're my most precious treasure, Katsudon ..." He breathed next to his ear, licking his earlobe to tease him a bit.
"And you're my everything Yurachka !"
Then, everything went very quickly.
Overcoming his fears with all his might, the twenty seven years old man helped his lover to undress as well, leaving them in just their underwear, and they started to make out while the Russian was playing with his locks, tracing a line to the top of his head to the end of his back, slipping one finger inside his boxers. Moans echoed in the room as their kiss became more heated, their tongues intertwining like two snakes, and when they separated, the youngster sucked on his skin at different places, biting on his shoulder to claim his whole being, and the other whined in displeasure and need, running his hands through his beloved's hair.
"Aaah ... Mmh ! Yu-Yurio ... Ah !"
A wave of lustiness hit him like a truck when he felt one finger enter his butt-hole, preparing him for what was coming next, while the Russian kept kissing every part of his body, licking his pink nipples like he was some kind of hungry baby, using his other hand to play with the second one. Never in his young life, Yuuri had been so happy and excited to do something with someone, and if it had scared him a little at first, everything had been forgotten along the way, giving him just plain pleasure and satisfaction.
Soon, the space in his underwear was reduced to the point that a bump had formed, some precum showing as his cock rubbed against the material, and if it wasn't for the finger thrusting in him, he would have moved a while ago to the next level.
But the cat lover seemed to enjoy his game, letting another finger in to join the fun, and when he had finished to torture the hard nipples in front of him, Yuri got down to his lover's navel, using the tip of his tongue to explore that place, snatching a bunch of moans from his katsudon. Against his own crotch, the younger male could feel the hard on of his boyfriend, smiling at the thought that he was feeling good, and he left his hair to come and take care of this little one.
"Mmph ! Mmh ! Nnh ! Aah ... Y-Yurio ! How do you k-know all this ?" The Japanese asked between shaking breaths.
"I had dreams about you during the last two years so, I'm just doing what I saw in them."
"W-what ?! Aaha !"
He had spoken without thinking about his words first and that was embarrassing when he realized that he had just revealed one of his most shameful secret. It wasn't weird to have wet dreams about his boyfriend, but saying it bluntly like that, and to the subject of his fantasies. The sex was making him say things he wouldn't have admit even if he was drunk. That was surprising.
After removing the last piece of cloth that prevented them to go all the way, a condom being placed skillfully on the Russian's dick, Yuuri propped himself on his shaking knees to be above the erection of his partner, a third finger preparing him to welcome that new presence, and lowered his body slowly so it would penetrate him without hurting. It took a minute or two for the adult to accept that unknown but wanted member in his hole, and when he was fully accustomed to it, he began to rock his hips forward and backward, putting his palm against his mouth to muffled his groans.
"Don't hide yourself Yuuri ! I want to hear your voice ..." the blonde requested, standing in a sitting position, hands on the oldster's back to support him.
"B-but ... aah ! The n-neighbors ... mmh !"
"Why do you care ? It's not like we are friends or something." He growled like an upset animal.
"W-what are you doing ?! Ahaa !"
Not wanting to hear anymore of this, Yurio pushed him back on the bed, placing his legs on his shoulders, hands on both side of his head, and moved in a sustained rhythm, the other letting small gasp of pleasure coming out of his mouth.
"How does it feel ?"
"I-it feels good Yura. Mmh ! Nnhn !"
Taking his cock between his long fingers, he stroked him until he reached his climax, kissing him on the lips while doing that, and looked at his lover, panting and covered in sweat, black hair all messed up because of their movements. He was so beautiful. If he had a camera, the blonde would have take a picture to immortalize that moment. But he could just appreciate it and engrave it in his memories.
It wasn't long before Yuuri came from all this pleasure, the youngster hitting his prostate more than one time, moaning loudly inside his boyfriend's mouth, cum spreading on his torso, and at this very moment, the cat lover understood that it was the expression only him could see. His privilege.
"Ahaa ... aaha ... I'm sorry ... I couldn't h-hold back"
The Russian didn't reply and thrust in him again, until he exploded in a wild groan, bitting his shoulder again to show to everyone else that he was his property. Then, they kissed again to link their bodies and souls, and parted with a heavy sigh, Yurio taking off the condom to throw it in the trash can of the bathroom. He came back with a wet towel to wipe the sweat off of their skin, taking care of the marks he had put on him, and when they were clean enough to go to sleep, the blonde covered them with the blanket, snuggling up against his lover, tangling their legs together.
As he was putting his hand under the pillow to support his head, something brushed against his fingers and he took the paper out of his hiding place, looking at it with a raised eyebrow. The ravenette turned around to see what was going on and was almost as surprised as him, before recalling what it was about.
"I wanted to give it to you before, you know ... but you were too impatient so I forgot about it !" Yuuri explained while putting his palm on the other's hip.
"What is it ?"
"I know you love cats a lot so, I was thinking we could take one in the apartment, now that it's yours too. I'm sure Svetia would be happy to have a friend !"
At his confession, the cat lover almost jumped out of the bed to hug him tightly against his torso, squealing like a little girl who just received the last version of his doll, and he covered the man's face with little peck, thanking him again and again for this. When he looked at the picture on the paper, his green eyes lighted up and the Bengal he saw, was just too cute to be real. He read quickly what the document said before placing it on the nightstand next to his lover's glasses and cuddled with him more to show him his gratitude.
"When are we going to adopt it ?" He demanded with a cheerful smile on his face.
"Tomorrow if you want. The pet store gave me all the documents already and Viktor bought a lot of accessories for it to be comfortable on day one" he said, thinking that Yurio might be eighteen now but he was still a kid in his head.
"I'm looking forward to it."
And with that, they hugged each other like there was nothing else that mattered in the world and let sleep overtook their exhausted bodies, eyelids closing after only ten minutes.
That was the best birthday someone could hope for.
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