#they had a great night of talking and bonding đŸ„ș
wriothesleybear · 1 year
I love wrio with all my heart and I’ve been seeing so many baby videos on my fyp it made me think about wrio having baby fever 😣 he sees you doting on Sigewinne or something and his brain instantly starts to think about how good of a mama you would be to his babies đŸ„ș
omg i love this anonđŸ€­ wrio for sure has a breeding kink and he does think from time to time about you carrying his pups. he knows you'd be a great mother especially by how you take care of Sigewinnie and kids in general. ahh just imagine you're bonding with Sigewinnie and playing with stickers in Wrio's office while having a tea party with the three of you and Wrio just watches from the sidelines, enjoying the scene. he dreams about you and him having a child of your own, having tea parties, talking about stickers, etc. you two have talked about having a family before but held off because you two didn't think it was the right time plus Wrio has some personal issues and worries. he'd be worried he wouldn't be a good dad and deep inside, he still is a bit traumatized from being an orphan and the orphanage he had to grow up in. due to that, you don't really like to bring it up unless he does because you don't want to upset him. so when he actually brings up the idea of being ready to start a family, you're a bit surprised, double checking that he was sure of his decision. he would answer by holding both of your hands while looking deep in your eyes, a soft smile adorning his face, cheeks slightly red, saying yes. you would return his smile, leaning up to give him a sweet kiss on the lips.
man, would he be a doting partner during your pregnancy. he's already protective enough but it doubles once you two find out you're pregnant. he doesn't really like to keep you out of his sights but he knows he can't always be with you given his busy work schedule so he usually asks Sigewinnie, Neuvillette, Clorinde, people he trusts to watch you if he cant. he'd also get his employees to make trips for you, getting you food when you have specific cravings, anything you need, he'll have them get it for you so you can relax. you'd probably get annoyed of him due to your hormones because he teases you and is sarcastic most of the time with you, but he'll try to hold it back a bit no promise tho.
he would say he'd be fine with either a boy or a girl (but secretly he'd really want a girl because he looks like a 'daddy's girl' dad who'd spoil his daughter especially since he has experience with Sigewinnie being his nonbiological daughter)
now lets get to the spiciness😈 hoo boy is this man horny. after you two started trying for a baby, he'd take you every second he can. you would be spending a lot of time in his office. after he fills you up, you'd stay in his lap, keeping his cock inside you to make sure his seed takes while he does some paper work. once youre finally pregnant, he still pounces on you because you just look so sexy to him, with your beautiful, round belly and your pretty, plump tits. he'd give you massages often just to pamper you and help relieve the stress and pressure of carrying his child but its also sorta an excuse to grope your body. he cant help himselfđŸ„ș but its okay cuz you want his touch too. when you go to him, cutely asking him to fuck you cuz your hormones are going out of wack, how could he say no to his pretty little baby mama.
here's a little drabble~ warning smut below😉
You moan as Wrio sucks on your sensitive nipples, grinding against you as his cock fills you up. You come for the nth time that night. He chuckles. "Someone's extra sensitive tonight. Does my mouth and cock just feel that good to you?" You pout and glare at him. "Wrio, stop teasing." He laughs. "I cant help it when you look so cute like that on my cock." He says as he gives you deep thrusts, causing you to tighten around him. He continues, picking up the pace to where hes pounding into you, edging you closer to your next orgasm. He rubs circles on your clit, adding pressure. You scream as you squirt around his cock, covering his abs and thighs in your juices. Once you come down from your high, he pulls out and lays you on your side. He lays himself behind you as he wraps his arms around you. Holding you close, he gently rubs your belly while leaving kisses on your shoulder. Putting your hands over his, you rub your thumb on the back of his hand. He snuggles into you, nuzzling into your neck. While trying to get into a more comfortable position, you lean back into him, accidentally grinding your ass against his cock, causing him to hiss. "Are you tempting me on purpose?" "It was an accident you horny dog." He laughs while one of his hands on your belly moves down between your legs while he kisses and nibbles the sweet spot on your neck. You moan, getting excited again. "I see that I'm not the only one who's horny," he teases as he feels the wetness forming between your legs. "Just put your cock in already Wrio." "As you wish." Removing his hand, he uses it to hold your leg up then slowly guides his cock into you. The fullness of his warm, thick cock feels nice in your sensitive cunt, making you want to cum again already. "We'll go as long as you want. I'll make you cum as many times as you want my dear." What a doting lover.
i hope this feeds you anon. enjoyđŸ„°â€ïž
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therealcocoshady · 16 days
First day of school
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A/N : hey guys ! I went back to school this week so I decided to stick to the theme and I actually wrote a little fluffy Marshall + Lily something. Basically just him feeling all the feels as his baby starts preschool đŸ„ș. I hope you enjoy it ! 💕
Lily was starting preschool this morning and Marshall was a mess. In the past few days, he’d been going through several stages of grief : denial that his baby was old enough to go to preschool, bargaining and trying to get you to agree to letting him homeschool her, guilt regarding the few moments he’d missed in her early life (when the two of you weren’t even together !)
 you were eagerly waiting for him to move on to the acceptance phase. She had just turned three and she’d have to go to school at some point. Plus, she was more than ready. More so than the two of you, who were emotional at the thought of your baby girl growing up so fast. You had managed to put on a brave face but Marshall was not there yet. He’d been there before with his eldest daughters so you had figured that he would deal with it rather well but he was actually more depressed than you. You were almost scared he’d bawl when he saw her walk in the kitchen with her brand new uniform of the fancy preschool you had managed to her her into.
- Daddy ! Look ! She shrieked when she saw him. I’m dressed !
- You’re beautiful, pumpkin ! He cooed. Come and give me a hug. Today’s the big day, huh ?
- Yes ! She giggled.
He engulfed her in a warm hug and looked at you with eyes full of gratitude. He was really glad that you’d be the one to help her get ready because, even though he was more than decent at doing her hair, this moment would have been too emotional. Her hair was neatly braided with little bows and she was absolutely adorable, a big smile on her face.
- Are you coming too, Daddy ? She asked eagerly.
- Of course, I’m coming, baby, he said softly. I’d never miss such a big day ! Mommy and I will drop you off, walk you to your classroom and pick you up when the day’s over.
- And we don’t want to be late, so now, time for breakfast ! You reminded them. Look, baby, Daddy made you pancakes !
- Yay, she cooed.
The three of you ate, and you lovingly listened to Lily tell you how excited she was. A few months ago, you had gone to meet with her teacher and visit the school and she had been impatient ever since. In fact, she had spent the whole summer talking about school and she’d had trouble sleeping the night before because she was too excited.
When you took her to school, she was so happy and she didn’t waste too much time on goodbyes. Some of the kids there definitely had a hard time letting go of their parents but it felt like Lily couldn’t get rid of the two of you fast enough. She handed her favorite duck plushy to Marshall, seeing as she wasn’t allowed to take it to class and quickly hugged the two of you goodbye before running inside the classroom and hugging one of her friends that she knew from daycare. Her eagerness put a smile on your face and you knew she’d have a great first day. However, Marshall was silent as the two of you walked to the car.
- She barely looked at us, he sighed.
- She’s excited, you pointed out. It’s a big day for her.
- When did she become so independent ? He asked. One minute she needs us for everything and then-
- And by us, you mean you, you giggled.
- No, he lied. I mean us.
- Marshall, you gently scolded.
- Fine, he conceded. I like it when she needs me. I like being the one she calls for every little thing.
You smiled with understanding and kissed his cheek. You could see the sadness in his eyes. He had always had such a strong bond with Lily, after all. So did you, of course, but seeing as you’d already had to deal with being replaced as your baby’s favorite person when Marshall stepped into your life, you didn’t have as much trouble.
- You’ve been grumpy, you said softly.
- I know, he sighed. I’m sorry. It’s just
 it’s a lot, you know ?
- I think I do, you hummed. She’s my daughter too, remember ?
- You’re right. I’m sorry, baby, he said. I’m making it all about myself. If anything, I should be supporting you, not the other way around.
- I’m good, you said reassuringly. I’m glad she’s so excited about school. It breaks my heart to see her growing up so fast, but she’s so full of life, healthy, too
 I just feel so blessed to be able to witness it. She’s pretty amazing.
He nodded, and you could see in his eyes that he was deep in his thoughts. The two of you drove home. You had both taken the day off so that you could enjoy Lily’s first day of school as a family. Marshall sat on the living room couch, still holding Lily’s duck plushy, that he held close to his heart.
- The house is empty without her, he sighed.
- Now you’re just being dramatic, you giggled. She’ll be back before we know it. It’s just school, Marsh !
- I know, he shrugged. It’s just that I spent every day with her, this summer while you were working. And I kind of loved our routine.
- Now you get to go back to the studio and do what you love, though, you said with a smile. Just the other day you told me of everything you planned on recording !
- I know, he shrugged.
You lovingly pressed a kiss to his cheek and sat next to him.
- Lily’s lucky to have you as her dad, you cooed. And I’m glad you had a great summer.
- It feels like I haven’t enjoyed it enough, he hummed.
- I hate seeing you so bittersweet, my love, you said. Our baby’s growing up and I know it’s hard on you, but it’s happy, too.
- I’m sorry, he sighed. It’s just
 it brings me back, you know ? Eleven years ago, I almost died and realized that I had missed so many important moments with my kids. And now, life has blessed me with Lily and I get to give her my best. Not only do I have another baby, I get to experience life with her. And I know it’s happy, I do. But it’s so bittersweet because time goes by so fast. My eldest daughters are grown up and before I know it, Lily will be an adult. I just need her to be my baby a little bit longer.
You nodded and wrapped your arms around him. He closed his eyes and let you hold him. You stayed like this for a long moment. Marshall turned to you and you got to take a good look at him. You noticed that he had tears welling in his eyes.
- I love you, you said softly. Everything will be alright, my love.
- I know, he nodded as he wiped his own tears. I’m just so emotional. But I’m so proud of Lily, you know ?
- She’s doing great, you said. A testament to what an amazing father you are.
- And what an amazing mom you are, too, he cooed. I don’t thank you enough for bringing Lily into my life.
- Believe me, I know the only reason you married me is that you wanted to adopt her, you grinned.
- Come on, he chortled. You know it’s not true.
You giggled and he kissed you lovingly. You got up and grabbed his hand.
- Come on, you said. I think mom and dad deserve a day of doing nothing and lounging in bed.
- I’m all for it, he agreed.
The two of you ended up spending the day cuddling in bed, munching on snacks and mindlessly watching TV. Basically just indulging in the pleasures of being parents whose time-consuming toddler wasn’t around for the day. But just like any other parents, you couldn’t help but wonder how Lily was doing and you were more than happy when it was time to go and pick her up. When she spotted the two of you outside of her classroom, she immediately ran to give you hugs. She was beaming and apparently happy about her first day. You could see other parents staring at Marshall, who did his best to appear unbothered, though he quickly decided to walk to the car with Lily while you talked to the teacher.
- How did she do ? You asked eagerly.
- She did splendidly, the teacher said in a reassuring tone. Your Lily is well-adjusted ! Rather advanced, too ! There was just one minor mishap

- Was there ? You asked anxiously. Did she have issues with another kid ? I’m sorry, her siblings are grown-up so she’s sort of an only-child-
- Don’t worry, she chuckled. She just decided to skip nap. She was very energetic today and we couldn’t get her to sleep. She also mentioned that she’d rather nap with her dad.
- Oh, you giggled. I’m sorry. She was extremely excited about school. And, well, she spent the whole summer with her dad so she’s gotten used to napping with him. Did she disturb the others ?
- She didn’t, the teacher assured you. I just let her draw quietly and she did just fine. I’ll see you tomorrow.
When you got back to the car, Lily was telling Marshall all about her day. She seemed to really love her teacher and classmates. She also proudly showed you a drawing she’d made. The two of you were absolutely smitten and reassured that she actually liked school. As soon as you got home, you offered to hang her beautiful drawing on the fridge and prepare some snacks for the three of you while they went to the living room.
When you walked in there, you found Marshall laying on the couch, Lily curled up on his chest, eyes closed, clutching her favorite stuffed animal. Your husband was tracing circles on your daughter’s back as she was sleeping peacefully. You lovingly looked at him, able to tell he was enjoying the contact. He threw a glance at you and smiled. After his little meltdown from earlier, you knew he needed this moment.
- Looks like someone needed a hug from her Dad, you said.
- First days of school are exhausting, he commented. She fell asleep in like three seconds.
- You’re enjoying this, aren’t you ? You said teasingly.
- Yeah, he hummed. She’s still my baby after all.
- She’ll always be your baby, you reassured him. She was your baby from the moment you first held her.
- It’s just so hard seeing her grow up, he shrugged. Soon enough, she won’t need me as much.
- Looks like you’ll still be needed for a while, you smiled as you pointed to the way Lily was clutching at him.
- Hopefully, yeah, he chuckled. Thanks for today, my love.
You smiled and cupped his face before gently ruffling Lily’s hair. He placed a soft kiss on the top of her head and the two of you enjoyed her light snores, looking lovingly at each other.
- The teacher said our baby did very well today, you said proudly.
- Of course she did, he said smugly. She’s our daughter.
- She didn’t nap, though, you continued. Something about telling her teacher that she’d rather have her dad by her side for nap time.
The news brought the biggest smile to his face. He hugged Lily a little tighter while he stared at you with a shit-eating grin.
- She loves you so much, you know ? You said emotionally. I’m so glad you’re her dad. So happy that you’re here for her. And healthy too.
- Me too, he replied with a heartwarming smile. I love being her dad. And your husband, too. Now, how about you join us for nap time, wifey ?
You nodded and, though it took a little bit of flexibility and adjustments, you managed to fit on the couch, snuggled against your husband. You placed a hand against your daughter’s back and enjoyed the sight of her sleeping so peacefully. Seconds later, her soft snores were joined by Marshall’s and you let your eyes shut.
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Alright I was going to do this on anon but honestly why not own it, ya know? So I first came to your blog with its a match and then slowly spiraled.
First off, I can not believe how fast you've been updating its a match. I don't know what your writing process is but holy fuck you have been feeding us so well. The different dynamics between all the guys and reader is so beautifully crafted. And the way you writer the dynamics between all of the 141 is so good too! I personally feel like they've all been together for such a long time and have such a good relationship outside of the normal chain of command and team bonding. Beautiful! I love when authors write Simon as wanting to feel normal away from work, and you do it so well. Like yes he's gruff and has dry humor but damn does he wear it well. AND THE BANTER!? It's so realistic, like some books/fics the way character talk just sounds so fake, but the way you have them all interacting, talking and texting, is exactly like how I'd imagine them to interact. (SPECIFICALLY THE "HONK SHOO HONK MIMIMIM" PART. I HAD TO TEXT MY HUSBAND ABOUT IT I WAS LAUGHING SO HARD!!) Like typing errors when you text and emojis when you least expect them is just so realistic and I'm obsessed.
Secondly, I came for its a match, but have been scrolling through for all the pegging content. Like I'm not into pegging in practice for myself, but hot damn is it hot to imagine all these super macho guys turned into blubbering, blissed-out messes *chef's kiss* honestly! Like it took me an extra long time to eat dinner because I was so caught up in the pegging tag. Then closed out and came right back to it for any and all updates, wild. Now the thought of pegging is stuck in my brain for as long as the worms feed off it. So thanks for your anons blessing us with the gospel then fucking dipping, honestly meme worthy. And your reactions are so funny, I laugh out loud for EVERY SINGLE ONE! I went through last night reading and liking almost every post under the pegging tag, I couldn't help myself.
Honestly I haven't read your other things tagged in your master list that I can remember (I tend to read without looking at authors) but I'm sure as shit going to do that right after i send this. Also don't feel the need to answer to this if you don't want to, I just wanted to express my love for the vibes here and the discussions you've been having. Keep up the good work on all of your works, it's all been amazing (no pressure, just keep being you!) Sorry for the book of an ask, got a little carried away reminiscing on the fic and pegging parts 😅 hope you have a great day!!
You just made me cry reading this so thanks for that 🙄 /jk pls I can't handle the kind words and the love đŸ„șđŸ«¶
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I'm so so thankful you enjoy the banter and dynamics and the texting and everything really! it comes very naturally to me (the banter and jokes) and I just let it flow as it comes to get natural dialogue
as for the pegging, blame my anons bc I literally had almost no hand on it, as you've seen, just corrupted pulled the sacred texts on us and blessed us with that brain rot and yk-
I also have a habit of reading without checking the author unless I've gone on a deepdive of their blog (and if I ever want to check if someone I don't know posted a new chapter to a fic, I just have to hope my dash blesses me with the next chapter LMAO)
I'm so glad you enjoy the vibes here, I'm honestly surprised my blog's fostered such good communication and energy and just... yeah!
(also do not apologize for sending a long ask, I love it so so so so much tytytytytytytytytytytyty)
hope you enjoy everything i've written and will write in the future!
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pardonmydelays · 9 months
~ VIVO Review ~
Cute movie! I can see why you think it's better than Encanto.
Lin-Man's voice is so recognizable in both talking and singing, and rapping 😂 (it's a good thing!)
*thinking to myself* Of course the monkey's gonna rap, and I wouldn't expect anything less of My Mansℱ
The first song was catchy. His singing is pretty good, especially with the high notes! It wasn't Broadway-esque kind of high, but he hit the high notes that works for his singing style. Does that even make any sense????
L-M's accent. That's it, that's the bullet point. F*ck me up. đŸ« đŸ„”
"I cannot go to Miami. I'm an old man." // "Yeah, great point. Know your limits." The sass. 😆
"I always assumed you were an old man." Damn, Vivo...
I love the 3D animation and then the way it turned into 2D animation with neon colors in the night time?? Gorgeous!
Vivo wasn't having it with Andrés going to Mambo Cabana. He locked himself in the suitcase and I found that kind of funny, and dramatic.
Gotta stan that witty and dramatic, melodical little kinkajou. Lin-Manuel Miranda being the voiceover made Vivo even more entertaining and likable.
"What difference can one song make?" Me, thinking to myself: Oh, you have noooo idea...
Gabi trying to talk to Vivo during the memorial service. 😆 Great first impression of the character.
"One More Song" almost had me in tears! The way he held out 'song'... ugh. Sing it, Lin!!
"Ugh, it's the weird kid." 😆
The accordion scene.
"You're going to the cookie sale. You're going to take selfies. And you're going to have fun and bond!" We love a parent forcing their kid to do things they don't want to do.
The entire clip after Gabi opens the circle suitcase. Vivo: "pEaCe!"
"Are those little gravestones?"
"Oh, plastic birds. Florida's weird."
Not Gabi thinking Marta sang "Despacito".
"You won't have the blood of mother nature on your hands." // "I'm not a bad man... I just want a cookie."
Eva just eating away at those cookies. Same, girl, same.
I love how feisty and determined Vivo was (sounds a lot like his voiceover actor, hmmmmm????).
"M-I-A-M-I running out of time?" Clever, Lin-Man, clever. đŸ‘ŒđŸœ
That's my second favorite song to be honest ("Running Out of Time"). My first favorite is "One More Song".
The car scene after Vivo gives Marta the song.
Gabi and her mom adopting Vivo. đŸ„ș
Gabi singing Andrés's part in the first song.
(not me reading this & grinning like a goddamn idiot)
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ahh, i'm so happy that you liked it & i totally agree with all of the above! this is such a great review. thank you so much for sharing your thoughts! now i really hope this will force convince more people to give it a chance ❀
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polkadotpatterson · 7 months
For the ask game:
For Dot + Workman: 4 (in general types or specific shows, 12, and/or 25 (đŸ„ș) 
And then also and/or Salt coven for 15, and/or 37 bc now I'm thinking of salt movie night
4. Their favorite show to watch together?
I'm gonna be real I am perpetually bad at knowing what media any characters would like. I could see them both enjoying documentaries tbh? That's my vague answer lol
12. Who prefers calling to texting (& vice versa)?
I think when Dot was away in the Core and Dallas they tried to call each other whenever possible so they could properly talk!
...and now I'm thinking, what if Dot's fingers aren't particularly compatible with phone touchscreens, so they have to make a lot of extra effort to text either bc they have to wrestle with the screen, or bc they had to get an ancient nokia or something similar with buttons, and texting that way is its own kind of struggle. so, calling!
25. (a lil sappy, but..) What do they like about each other?
ough... I think the main thing has always been that they just Get Each Other in ways that other people can't. They both have that love of the sport and that great synchronicity when they play together, and they understand what it's like to be irrevocably changed by it in more ways than most players, to have their old lives stripped away and have their bodies made into something unfamiliar. and they help each other deal with that and work through it! it's good to have someone around who just understands you. kindred spirits. you know how it is
Beyond that, Dot likes that Workman is just such a warm person, someone who brightens up the room and makes them smile, makes them feel more at ease in any situation. Workman likes all the little things about Dot that the blessing tried to hide but couldn't, like their sense of humour and their devotion to their team, and of course how good they are with Beasley and how Workman can trust that Dot is the right person to take care of him when they're not around :')
SALT COVEN MOVIE NIGHT!!! this is such a fun concept. has everyone read the salt? read the salt
15. Who's the first to cry during movies that don't seem sad?
I think this definitely depends on the movie! Like, they can't watch anything with ocean scenes in it when SomeThing is around bc it gets upset and bad things happen when it gets upset!!! I think Dian would probably cry at some things in movies. Yado will cry at cute animal scenes. Phoenecia might cry a bit at a scene that reminded her too much of her old life and then she'd have to insist that this isn't crying, it's the new Moisturization Ducts that she gave herself, they're very efficient
37. Who wanted to see Oppenheimer; who Barbie? Did they switch opinions after?
I feel like this is a bit harder for me to answer when I still haven't seen either of them, but here's my best attempt at sorting them:
Team Barbie: Dian, Yado, Jenkins, Elodie, Carson (edit: KEVIN I forgot about Kevin)
Team Oppenheimer: Mehr, Austin, Weston, Phoenicia, Minh, SomeThing
Really doesn't care about any of this: Milo
I know Elodie and Minh aren't part of the coven (and technically neither is Carson) but I think this is funnier if it's Team Movie Night Double Feature and Elodie is happy to go bc yay team bonding! and meanwhile Minh is like what is the secret plan, why are you dragging me out here for this, is this an ominous threat about how you're building your own atomic salt bomb or what??? he's not having a good time
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hood-ex · 2 years
Hey! Hope you're doing well~
So your last post about Dick adopting Jason made me Thinkℱ, I have many thoughts and I possibly may write it as a one shot ? So if you have any more ideas on how Dick adopting Jason may change some stuff it would be super helpful đŸ„ș
Have a good day/night ❀
Yay, one-shot! Love that!
Hmm specific changes will depend on whether you're writing Pre-Crisis Jason (acrobat Jason) or Post-Crisis Jason (street kid Jason). There are so many different little details between the two eras that could impact larger events (but if you're writing something more slice of life then that won't matter as much).
If you're sticking with the Pre-Crisis era then there could be details about a change in routine or environment. For example, Dick and Jason might do more acrobatic work or exercises together since they're both acrobats. Dick might have to consider changing his living situation to accommodate space for Jason. You might consider what it means for Jason if Dick hasn't given up being Robin just yet, or if Dick has already taken the steps to become Nightwing, that opens up a new opportunity for Jason to become Robin. And if that's the case, Dick will have to commit time to training Jason.
There could be conflict between the two of them that resembles the conflict between Nani and Lilo where Jason views Dick as his big brother and it ruffles his feathers a bit when Dick has to act in Jason's best interest as his guardian. It might make Jason feel like he's on less equal ground than Dick at times.
Dick might have to divide his time even more now between the Titans and his personal life. If there's a problem at home, Dick might have to delegate his duties to another Titan until he can resolve the problem with Jason.
If Jason joins the Titans, he'll be more used to fighting larger groups and organizations (or demons/aliens) rather than the more eccentric individuals from Gotham.
While Dick is a great listener and tells people (even Jason himself in Post-Crisis) that he's happy to lend an ear to them if they need to talk about anything, he's not always the best at expressing his own feelings. This could hurt Dick's relationship with Jason if he stews over his own feelings for too long. For example, it could make him moodier or a bit insensitive. However, I think he'd likely address the issue pretty quickly and offer an apology (whereas someone like Bruce might not).
Those are some things to consider. On the dynamic front, I think Dick and Jason would have a similar bond to that of Dick and Tim... but less chaotic. Still room for mischief at times, though. Jason would go to Dick if he had a problem he needed to talk about. They would snark and tease each other. Be protective of each other. Jason would look up to Dick. Dick wouldn't baby Jason, but at times, he'd need to make logical choices that Jason might not be happy with. Yada yada.
Hopefully that helps a wee bit!
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zingaplanet · 2 years
So apparently that wasn't the only radio interview Rafa did on Roger's retirement. Here's another one where he goes into even more details on the development of his relationship with Roger (It's in Spanish but here are the major recaps he touched upon):
He said that at some point in the last 10 years their rivalry changed a lot and they both realised that their personal relationship has become more important than their professional one, specifically mentioning that their friendship has strengthened signficantly. He said he talks much more with Roger now and they've become more united ('unido') than in the beginning of their careers and definitely will keep in touch with him in the future. In his own words ("Se ha creado un vĂ­nculo de amistad que va a perdurar"): they have created a bond of friendship that will persist.
He said that when they were younger their focus has always been winning, how to become better than the others, etc. But as they grew older, they've shared much more emotional and sad moments together, they came to the point where they started cherishing each encounter they have on the court more because they knew there's not much left.
He confirms sheepishly again that he's not a big follower of social media so he hasn't seen any photos from the event (including the crying and holding hands ones lol). He said he really didn't expect to be that emotional and the worst part was when he came back to his room he cried again by himself đŸ„șđŸ„ș
That quote tho: "Although he couldn't confirm to me at the time whether he would be able to play or not (in the laver cup), if the situation at home permits it, I said to him, as little as I can, I will be there with him in any way."
When asked about Roger crying for 10 minutes in his retirement speech, Rafa sympathised and said he understood exactly how difficult the whole thing was for Roger and he was glad that he could be there to accompany him and that Roger was able to do his retirement in the company of his family, friends, and colleagues.
He said he didn't think at all about his retirement when he cried that night, it was all because of the moment and his great admiration of Federer.
Asked whether it's true that he calls Roger by "Rogelio", he confirms it, and said yes but only in "small company" đŸ„ș
They asked him about their 2007-2009 season on clay: He said that when it comes to the 2009 French Open, he admitted he originally of course didn't want Federer to win (after he left the tournament) because he wanted to have the option to become world number one. But then he thought that he has had the chance to win it in 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008, and he thought someone like Roger who's been that close, deserves to win it. At the end, he cried because he was so moved by what it means for Roger to win a slam and especially to win the French Open.
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flowersandbirdsflyingfree · 11 months
I’ve come to ask a question to our beloved himbo, Tank (could be both ultimis and primis), what was the moment yall knew you were in love with Maddie?
Also hi Maddie!! Hope you’re have a wonderful day and I want you to know you’re amazing and a great friend đŸ„șđŸ„ș💖💖💖
(HI HAZARD!!!! You are such an amazing and special friend of mine! I had a nice walk today and I’m planning to work on a Christmas wreath for myself tonight. I hope you have a wonderful day too💖💖💖â˜ș)
Well, you mentioned both. But I think the Dempsey I bond with the most should answer first.
Who, me?
Yes, you! You know it too grinning like that.
*heartily laughs* Okay! We’ve been together since the beginning. Funny coincidence too being this is our anniversary month. The very moment was definitely when she and I were laughing off all the bullshit we dealt with earlier. I got in a bad fight with Richtofen. Maddie waited until I cooled off to talk to me and we ended up doing really bad impressions of the other guys with us. And then, well, she then shyly handed me this little letter she wrote up from one of the typewriters nearby. It was the most beautiful thing I ever read. Hell, it nearly brought a tear to my eye. It was in that moment I realized this was my ride or die for life.
You really thought so soon?
Life’s short, Dempsey. It was one of those now or never moments. I couldn’t bear to let the love of my life walk right by me.
*sighs lightheartedly* You’ve got a good point there, Tank. For me it would take a bit more time to build up realization that it was more than just a crush. You see, in our timeline, back where everything went to shit, there was no running off. But on our little expedition, I learned more about her at a steady pace. Maddie’s pretty. She’s also a strong woman who isn’t afraid to get dirty with serious business. That really means a lot to me. She’s one of a kind. That “aha” moment for me was her just talking during one of our steak-out nights. I don’t know how it happened but our once light conversation got deep. Her profound point of views about taking life by the horns and her humble compassion just
 you know, meant everything to me.
Are you blushing too, Tank?
Y-Yeah! *nervous laughter* Congrats on being the only woman to break down my macho walls. What took you so long to open up to me anyways?
What do you mean? As an f/o?
Well, yeah!
I always did but you were so levelheaded and sweet and
 I worried I wasn’t good enough
YOU LISTEN HERE! If you can handle one Tank, you can have the whole thing, baby!
But I got extra nervous because how how flustered I feel around him. It was on overdrive! And I can barely figure out a neat way to understand Primis’ story as I am STILL years later having to restudy the whole conveluded thing
I’ll give you that on the whole time and space crap. I barely understand it myself. I just pulled myself by the bootstraps and worked through whatever I could to fix everything. Maybe this is a chance for you to open up a little more to me, ok? Seriously. I mean it. Let this be the beginning of you and I getting closer. I promise to be that stable rock you never had.
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boba-beom · 7 months
There are 3 hours left for your birthday and I’m saddened I couldn’t celebrate it with you sooner! (Will let you know why privately)
I had something special prepared for you but I would like to tell you a few words!
01-20-22 was the first day we talked! You wanna what it was about? It was about how our birthday were exactly one month apart!
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During this time I was new to tumblr I was new to discord and wanted a place to fit in! You made my time to the new environment really easy for me!
We became friends in no time! I know there’s distance between us but I gained a close friend, someone I trust and can go to whenever I need to. Someone who has shown me endless amount of love, and support. That distance becomes just distance when you look at the bond we’ve created!
You are someone so special and important and the people around you, my self included are so happy to have someone as sweet, loving, kind, smart, funny person like you!
I definitely consider you one of my online bestfriends because you truly know things about me that my irl friends don’t know!
I love and miss our late night talks whether it was late night for me or late night for you! We need to voice call asappppp!
I think it goes without saying but you truly get how I feel like no one else does! I think it confirmed that we are a different kind when we were losing our mind because of that one taehyun laugh followed by his “진짜” you remember that angel? How we both literally lost it at one word. Only taehyun will do that for you only taehyun hahah.
This might sound cheesy and you know what I’m okay with that but you are the Beomgyu to my Yeonjun! Quite literally đŸ„ș💗
I hope we get to meet each other soon and go to all the food places so we can do our little asmr mukbang! Not only for that but to finally be able to see you and I just know we will spend hours talking and talking(I hope your sister is okay with that hahah). I don’t think there has ever been a dull moment or conversation that I’ve had with you!
I mean we can go from crying about how life is shitty to talking about how we’d want redacted to redact redact redact lol(based on true story I don’t know if you remember when we called on ig that one time you were in the ph)
I just wanna hype you up a bit but girlllll YOU ARE GORGEOUS!! STUNNING!!!!! I think I’ve shared this a few times but I when I first joined and saw your photos I was like she’s soooo gorgeous and your style!! YOUR STYLE!!!! I am in love with ! (Send your girl some pointers hahaha) I think you have such pretty eyes and I love your hair!!!!! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL OKAYYY!!
I have to take some time to also mention how you are so down to help anyone who needs it! I know you were there for me helping me when I was going to post my very first fic! Not to mention you were instantly willing to help with my theme which so many people loved and complimented! You are always there for me during hard times even to just listen!
I love that we have matching pfp đŸ„ș do you remember what started it? It was when the tribute stage performance for weverse con came out and we were obsessed with the with the burgundy silk shirts and the fans and beomgyu long hair! We were in the nsfw section just sending a bunch of â€œđŸŠ‹đŸ±đŸŠ‹đŸ±đŸŠ‹đŸ±đŸŠ‹đŸ±â€ then we both changed our pfp and it was accidentally matching so we’ve been matching since then! I think it’s really cute and special đŸ„ș
I would just lastly like to say how much you mean to me to me and that no matter where life takes us you will always have a special place in my heart and mind! I love love love love you so much! I hope you had a great day and I can’t wait till I hear all about it đŸ„ș💗 I miss you Lots Angel!
I am always here for you!
I hope you have the happiest of birthdays! đŸ„ł
HappySmilesDay 💗
Oh p.s. I got me cake yesterday and I sang hbd to you before I ate it but my dumbass took the video on Snapchat and forgot to save it! đŸ˜©
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Angie đŸ„č thank you isn’t enough to show how grateful I am to have you in my life. you’re like a hidden gem I didn’t know that I would eventually keep along with me from day to day. I do remember bonding over our birthdays and it all stemmed from there!
you and I both know so well that I will always be there for you and anyone if they need đŸ«¶đŸŒ wasn’t called smiles for no reason (I’m sorry lmao that was cheesy). I also find it so amusing just how easily we relate together. I’ve enjoyed every single interaction, moment, call, voice note, squealing about taehyun’s laugh and his ‘진짜‘, and all of the above.
lmao the fact that we can go on and on, talking about whatever but it’s okay, yappers will be yappers and that’s us đŸ€­ no matter what it is we just manage to hold it out well!
thank you for the compliments and plenty of your kind words đŸ„č I have so much love for you, I hope you always know that! and I can’t wait for the day we meet! I’m sure it will bring us closer than we already are đŸ«¶đŸŒ
I have so much more to say but it can wait for another special day đŸ€­ I love you so much and you are always going to be the yeonjun to my beomgyu đŸ€ I miss you lots and I hope you’re always taking care of yourself!
take your time with everything and I love you a hundred times over!!! thank you for the cute beomjun pictures and the cake is super cute 😭 you’re so precious, Angel!
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the-traveling-poet · 1 year
Hello đŸ„șđŸ©· I love your Levi x lieutenant y/n so much and I've been having an idea regarding Levi and lieutenant y/n but I couldn't find any Tumblr who'd make that request come to life unti I saw your head cold fanfic I was just in love . This is the idea I have in mind .... Levi and lieutenant y/n have grown up together from the time kuchel was alive they had a spark between them but after they joined the corps they became more focused on the duties they had and y/n chose to be his lieutenant to silently stay by his side . The scene where Levi was listening to Mikasa , Eren and armin sitting and talking about the outside world and sea after kenny dies , the trip leaves and Levi is sitting there tipsy when y/n comes and tries to tell him to go to sleep but then later she just sits down with him and they have a heartfelt talk with each other and how they have been one of the biggest supports in each other's life throughout their journey , they both indirectly confess how they feel and the other one gets it but they just sit there .
I know my request is very long but I have had this idea in my mind for such a long time I would really really be so greateful if you could make this idea come to life đŸ„čđŸ™đŸ’“đŸ€
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Silent Confessions
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For as long as you could remember, Levi was at your side. From the moment your mothers met in the Underground and introduced their children to one another, up until you had both escaped that hell hole to become Captain and Lieutenant within the Survey Corps. Over time, your bond had grown stronger with the more dangers you had thus far faced together. Now, with a short break to prepare for the upcoming expedition to reclaim Wall Maria, you were able to spend some one on one time with your favorite shorty.
Pairing: Levi x Lieutenant!Reader
Warnings: Language, alcohol consumption, mentions of mental struggles, SFW, friends-to-lovers, fluff, S3
A/N: Okay YES, I LOVE this idea. So cute I cannot T-T I hope I brought your vision justice!! Sorry it took me longer than usual to post this, my job got in the way BIG time. As always if somethings doesn’t meet your expectations, I’ll happily re-write!
Enjoy~ đŸ€Ž
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The cheers of many drunken men and women echoed off the halls as they celebrated the Scout’s most recent victory.
Yes, many had fallen and suffered injuries worse than death itself, but this was the farthest humanity had come to a victory in
ever. So of course, a celebration was in order.
The cadets from the 104th trainee corps all stood around their table, cheering and drinking and congratulating one another on their various deeds, finally at ease enough to relax and be themselves.
You smiled to yourself as you lifted your own mug to your lips, swallowing the burning bitter taste of whisky as it flowed down your throat. You felt good, for once. It had been longer than you’d liked to have admit since you allowed yourself an evening to let loose and enjoy your time in the present.
Downing your second drink, you quickly went to refill your mug before wandering around the mess hall; merely observing your comrades enjoy their rewarded night off.
Along the way, you caught many familiar voices in the crowd, which made you smile to yourself in relief.
Good, they made it back alive.
Seeing all these happy faces around you reminded you of a time that seemed oh so long ago. Back in the days you still had a bright glow of hope shining in your eyes. While you had more hope now than you’d had in years, you still couldn’t help but worry.
For the citizens of Paradis. For your companions. For your friends, and yourself. Would you live to see this war ended? Or would you join your late friends and meet their same fate?
Shaking your head, you sighed.
Tonight is about celebration. Letting go, and relaxing
that’s what I should be doing, too.
The longer you stood there lost in your own thoughts, the rowdier and louder it had become in the hall. Looking around, you found the main source of the sudden bombardment of cheers and shouts.
Between two tables stood Eren and Jean, fists gripping each other’s shirts as they sluggishly threw punches. You were tempted to intervene, but when you saw the calm look on Mikasa’s face near to where Eren stood, you let your posture relax again. The girl was usually so uptight about his safety, so seeing her relaxed reassured the two would be fine.
A presence to your left caught your eye, and you turned towards the man who now stood beside you.
“Evening, Levi,” you greeted softly.
He replied with a click of his tongue, his narrowed gaze never leaving the cadets to meet yours.
“I suppose they should be broken up. Again,” he scoffed, folding his arms.
Just don’t go too hard on them.” You chuckled behind your drink. Finally Levi shot you a look from the corner of his eye, observing the way you brought the mug to your lips.
“I don’t suppose they had any of that?” He raised a brow, gesturing to your alcohol.
“Maybe they did, maybe they didn’t. It would explain the sudden and poorly executed fighting, but I wasn’t babysitting them, so I cant say.” You shrugged nonchalantly, taking another sip as you watched the two boys go at it.
Shaking his head, Levi left your side and strode towards them, but his scowl wasn’t as deep-set now.
“Oi,” Levi called out, now standing behind the brawling teens. Two swift kicks sent them rolling, clutching their sides and stomachs.
“Go to bed.”
The boys started to frantically scatter at his threatening tone, but poor Jean crumpled on the ground. The sound of him losing his dinner and drinks all over the floor made you turn your head away with a grimace, quickly making your way to the door leading out of the hall.
“And someone clean that up,” you heard Levi grumble before the large wooden door closed behind you.
The cool night air caressed your face in a gentle breeze, barely ruffling through your hair. Breathing in deeply, you closed your eyes for a moment; enjoying the quiet stillness that was now your surroundings.
Of course, the banter and chatter of the soldiers in the hall behind you resonated off the cobblestone street at your feet, but as muffled as it was you could pretend you were far away in your own world for a moment.
You started to walk aimlessly, just to enjoy the solitude and the peace that came with it. But after some time, a trio of voices caught your attention.
Stopping in an ally way, you peaked around the corner to see Eren sitting on a flight of stone steps with Mikasa and Armin; all lost in their own private conversation.
For a moment, you contemplated joining them to check up on them, but a sudden shift in shadows to your left had you muffling a gaps of surprise.
Weary grey eyes met your own, looking up at you from the ground where he sat. After regulating your breathing, you offered him a small smile; of which he merely nodded to.
Levi lifted a bottle to his lips and took a couple gulps from the container before setting it back down between his legs and looking over his shoulder towards the street outside the alleyway.
It seemed you weren’t the only one eves-dropping.
You slowly and quietly took a seat beside your Captain, still clutching your own mug in your hand as you leaned against the wall beside him. You both waited until the young trio had left the street to retire the night, leaving you and Levi alone in the near darkness the ally provided.
“Didn’t think you drank,” you commended dryly.
“Just cause I don’t drink at every given opportunity doesn’t mean I don’t drink at all,” he responded quietly, taking another small sip of his beverage.
“Fair enough,” you shrugged, mimicking him and taking a strong swing from your mug.
A silence fell between you for a moment while you gazed up at what little of the night sky you could see from the ally way, before your attention was snatched away by Levi’s sudden comment.
“I can’t understand how they do it. Maybe it’s because they’re so young
But they retain their hopes and dreams, even after all they’ve seen and done.”
You thought over his words for a moment before you replied.
“That they do. They sound so passionate when they talk about their ambitions. I think, with their determination, they’ll get there some day. The ‘sea’ I think Armin called it.”
Levi scoffed quietly, but not quite in disapproval. The expression on his face wasn’t one you could fully decipher.
“I tried that, once; having dreams and ambitions. All it got me was a pile of corpses.”
Pouting slightly, you lowered your head to stare down at your feet, bringing your knees closer to your chest.
“Life is hard. It’s a constant struggle. But if there’s something you truly want
Something or someone you truly love
You find a way to keep moving forward. To keep fighting for that cause. Eren, Mikasa, and Armin obviously have something they truly want, so they keep fighting and maintain their hope.”
Here you paused, thinking over how to word your next question.
“So how about you? You’re still here. You’re still fighting. So that means you have something you want to obtain. Or see. Or someone worth struggling for. What is it you dream about?”
Levi caught your adamant stare, his eyes widening slightly in surprise. He held your gaze as he thought, giving you the opportunity to really study and memorize his features.
Handsome features, you thought.
Finally, after releasing a sigh he seemed to have been holding in, he lowered his gaze down to the stone below him and fiddled with his bottle.
“I’m alive because I need to be. The people need something or someone they can look to for protection. That’s my job.”
“And?” You pressed.
“And? And what? That’s it.” Levi scoffed, shooting you a confused glare.
I don’t think it is. Something’s keeping you fighting. I know you. Since we were children.” You chuckled around the rim of your mug.
Levi grumbled under his breath, making you stifle a laugh and cut him off.
“I’m not sure how much you’ve had to drink tonight, Captain, but I can promise you whatever you say will be kept between the two of us. Just like old times.”
Shooting you one last look from over his bottle, he rolled his eyes.
“Fine. I said, I suppose I’m still going on because I want to see those I
live a life of peace some day.” He paused over his words for a moment, but finally met your eye and continued.
“There aren’t many, but for those few I’d do anything for.”
“Awe Levi, am I by chance one of these few?” you decided to lightly tease, leaning in closer to him.
Surprisingly, he didn’t try to pull away. Instead he stayed still, his shoulder brushing up against yours. You could smell the booze on his breath, but you hardly minded.
“Seeing as you’re the only one left alive that I’ve known nearly since birth, I suppose I tolerate you.” He huffed. “You’ve
been there for me, time and time again
I’m not sure what I’d do if you had died with them all those years ago.”
Grief clenched your heart, thinking back to your late comrades. They’d met their gruesome fate on your first exposition beyond the walls.
Lowering your gaze, you gently placed your head onto his shoulder. He flinched slightly in surprise, but again didn’t pull away.
“I miss them, yknow? I know you do, too. But we keep the memory of Isabel and Farlan alive by fighting on. We keep the memories of our late mothers alive by continuing to fight. And though we only recently learned of this, the same applies to your uncle, Kenny. We fight. Cause we have a reason to.” You sighed after you finished, as he remained silent.
For quite awhile, he kept his gaze trained on the ground between his feet, not speaking a word as he downed the rest of his bottle.
“You,” he whispered, suddenly, after awhile of tense silence.
“You asked what else. What else I fight for, Keep going on for
.I want to see you live the life you’ve always wanted.”
His whispered reply brought heat to your cheeks, and you tried your best to hide that with your coat collar.
“You don’t have to worry about me. You’re stuck with me wether you like it or not.” You chuckled, playfully bumping his shoulder to diffuse the sudden awkward tension that surrounded the two of you after his comment.
“Yeah, you made that pretty damn clear when you fought to be my lieutenant.” Levi hummed, his eyes on the now empty drink in his hand. His eyes shifted slightly, and his weight leaned against your shoulder gently. He might not have been sober at this moment, but you didn’t worry. He could handle his liquor well, you knew. But even still, his tipsy words ignited a spark within your heart.
Blushing slightly once more, you averted your gaze from his face down to your hands.
“Yeah, well
You didn’t refuse my request, when I went to Erwin about it.”
“A decision I contemplate every day.”
“Would you have said no, if you knew what you do now, back then? All the dangers we’d face, and the things we had to do?” You asked almost hesitantly.
He paused, seemingly in thought. “No. No, I never would have said no to you. And
I never will.” He finally murmured, nearly in a whisper with slightly rosy cheeks. From the alcohol, or from emotions, you’d never truly know.
But you could read between the lines of his words, and had to bite back a grin. You knew he wouldn’t like to have his words repeated back to him, albeit re-worded, so you kept quiet with the knowledge that maybe
.just maybe
.You weren’t the only one who had caught feelings after all these years working side by side with your best friend.
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writer-sedai · 1 year
Wheel of time 2x04 "Daughter of the Night" thoughts
My thoughts on the previous episodes can be found here: https://www.tumblr.com/writer-sedai/727387386710016000?source=share
Tbh liked this episode a bit less than the previous three, it felt both too short and a little meandering. However! There is still much to talk about, so:
Really like the depiction of the seals and how they've started to break. That was definitely something in the book I had trouble picturing (and think was more of a metaphysical thing anyway) so how they translated that to screen was really well done
They've definitely aged Moiraine up for the show, given that her younger sister looks to be about 70. I wonder how this impacts the parts of the story they're bringing from New Spring - have Moiraine and Suian been having an illicit relationship for 60 years instead of 20? Had they both been Aes Sedai for quite some time before the Aiel War and hearing the prophecy? I need to think on this change for a while longer to see if the reaching implications of it are worth it.
That being said, I loved how the scene with Anvaere opened with closeups of her wrinkles, her white hair, the care she put into putting on the wig - it really drives home how normal people age compared to Aes Sedai. The show is definitely leaning into some aspects of the lore that was present in the background in the books but never explored fully.
Some nice Carhienien history in this episode - reference to Laman's Sin, and how it destroyed the Damodred family. Anvaere's position of the last remaining daughter of a once-powerful house, left to build it back up from the ground while her older sister who can channel abandons her is made painfully clear in just two scenes.
I've been watching Mad Men recently so the relationship between Moiraine and her sister really reminds me of the one between Don and his brother - both older siblings who were worshipped by the younger who vanished without a word and upon reuniting can't grasp that all their younger sibling wants is to be acknowledged again and told that they still matter. (Hopefully a different ending to this relationship, though.)
The Alanna/Lan storyline felt mostly like filler tbh. I didn't dislike it but I think it probably could have achieved the same effect with less screentime, especially since so much time has already been dedicated to Alanna's relationship with her warders. (I do realise this is probably because one or both of them will die soon and the audience needs to feel that but...still.)
So if I'm understanding this right, Moiraine released Lan's bond but did not forcibly hand it over to Alanna like she threatened? Since the bond was released willingly and not broken through death, and Lan isn't going through the grief we witnessed with Stepin?
Since things are so broken between Lan and Moiraine right now I wonder if they'll ever be rebonded so the bond can be broken through Moiraine's half-death and Lan can feel the difference, or if they'll remain unbonded for the rest of the series. I'm not really a fan of other option, which is probably why I didn't like this storyline as much.
However, it was great seeing that Alanna's obsession with food is a cultural/family thing!
Confirmation (I think) that the visions Perrin has been seeing are sent by the wolves and not related to his heightened sense of smell. This was my first impression but all the other opinions I read seemed to think different!
Hopper liking Perrin and then sending him the images of his name đŸ„ș I'm going to sob like a baby when he inevitably dies.
Really liked the wolfbrother backstory we received from Elyas. Unlike some of the other info shared in this episode, it felt like a natural conversation.
(Mostly I'm talking about Egwene's "you don't get it, do you?!" to Nynaeve and then spelling out explicitly why she wants to be Aes Sedai. That was a bit too spelling-it-out for my tastes.)
Also like that Perrin's been unwittingly sending the wolves dreams for the past yearish. It explains the presence of the wolves in some dreams in s1 (not there with Ba'alzamon at all but for a completely different reason), shows how he's a baby wolfbrother, and also provides a connection between the wolves and TAR.
Confirmation that Logain was in Cairhien on Moiraine's (and presumably Suian's?) orders. I can't help but feel petty glee when the show directly addresses something show-haters have been bitching about.
Also love that even without her powers Moiraine is as conniving as ever! Of course she has a backup plan when she let Rand go off so that she could put her strings around him again. I'm not sure how she knew Rand would go to Cairhien (unless I'm forgetting something from their conversation in 1x08) - it would be nice if she explains to him next ep how she manipulated him into going exactly where she wanted haha.
Liandrin's status is finally explicitly revealed (though I still maintain that she lied in 2x01 as a hint)! Poor Min, just wanting to be a normal person and ending up ensnared in the plots of the strongest Forsaken. I wonder if she'll do as Ishamael wants and head towards Cairhien or if her instincts will take them in the opposite direction - towards Falme, of course.
I'm not sure why Liandrin had to knock the girls out? From the 2x05 trailer it looks like she has them in the ways - I'm not sure why she couldn't escort them to Falme like in the books and only betray them on the other side.
Interested to hear what show-only people thought of the Lanfear reveal. Personally I would have liked if it was dragged out a bit more - let Lanfear finish saying what she was going to say! Let Rand sit with the absolute horror of what he's just learned before Moiraine saves him!
I also didn't really like Moiraine just straight up murdering Lanfear, though my opinion has changed a bit after seeing people observe that there was saa in her eyes at the end. It's actually a good way to show that the Dark One can use the TP to bring his minions back to life and that therefore (until balefire is introduced) the heroes have no way to actually kill them.
The girls are out of the Tower without us being introduced to Elaida or Elayne's brother(s) yet which is...hmm. I definitely thought we would have met them before going to Falme since presumably they arrived at the Tower with Elayne, and I still can't believe that they've cut Elaida from the show.
Two mentions of Cadsuane in as many episodes - I definitely think Shohreh Aghdashloo has been cast as her (so perfect!!!) and that she'll be brought into the show much sooner than in the books. They've also directly compared her and Nynaeve, which sets up nicely for their future conflicts.
Aviendha next week!!!
0 notes
walker-290 · 2 years
I wanted to write about what I am feeling about this world cup but I cannot put it into words. The earliest I can remember me watching football is the world cup of 2002. I was an 8 year old child. But because my family supported Brazil, I supported Brazil and the way they played bonded me with them forever. I still root for Brazil. I still hurt for them.
Then I grew up watching football - international or club regardless. My love for Brazil made me fall in love with Kaka and then I discovered Cristiano Ronaldo and that guy inspired me so much. Then there was Messi. Every competition, every step - the rivalry between Cristiano and Messi gave us so much joy and heartbreak, arguments and cheers, records and history. More than a decade we watched two angels from heaven decorating the history of football for our generation to witness it live. And it is coming to an end, it has come to an end with this world cup. Messi, or Cristiano, or Modric, or Benzema and so many more legends of our generation will never play in the world cup again.
THIS IS THE END OF AN ERA. This is sad, this is heartbreaking, this is beautiful and fulfilling. Just when we thought our generation won't be able to watch our heroes get a single world cup between them, that this is the one missing piece that will forever remain, Messi did it. HE WON THE WORLD CUP. WE GOT IT. WE WATCHED ONE OF OUR HEROES GETTING FULFILLMENT.
And what a final it has been! Not only did a generation of great football end with the most precious award of it all, but it gave a new light over what the next generation is gonna be like. Mbappe scored a World Cup finale hat trick .... And he is just starting!
There can't be another Messi-Cristiano level football or rivalry in history. There's no doubt about it. But the future is looking beautiful. The future is in good hands.
Yes I support Brazil, I support Cristiano and thus Portugal, I support Real Madrid and can't stand Barcelona. In every way, I should have been upset about Messi winning but I just can't bring myself to care. Because THAT GUY along with Cristiano gave us a decade of magic!!! A WHOLE DECADE of beautiful memories. I made friends while talking about Messi and Ronaldo, while arguing about who is the best. And there's thousands of stories, late night football matches, historic UCL wins, el classicos, Balloon d'Or battles, magical goals and assists, tears, blood, injuries, passion, love. I clapped so hard when Messi fell on the ground after winning. I clapped when he kissed the cup. My heart broke for Messi in 2014 when he said he didn't want the golden ball. But now, when he accepted it with the thousand watt smile on his face, I smiled with him. I think..no, I know - no matter who supports who, who appreciates who, at the end of the day, if you are a football fan, you cheered for Messi, you had that sense of fulfillment. Cristiano's tears were beautiful, Neymar's tears were beautiful, Messi's tears were beautiful. Because they came from the same place - their hearts. These guys love football, they made us fall in love with football.
Who is the GOAT? This is a never ending argument between Messi and Cristiano. But this world cup final gave one of our heroes the last fulfilling achievement that he worked so hard for all his life.
I have so much more emotions and I don't think this post even carries half of it. But thank you FIFA WORLD CUP 2022 from all the football fans all over the world đŸ„șđŸ„č
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erin-bo-berin · 2 years
Hey! Idk if requests are open but could we have a fic/blurb of Steve being called Dad for the first time? Set in the singlemom!reader ‘verse?
YES YES YES. I was planning on doing this, but I wasn’t sure if anyone wanted it. I’m such a sucker for dad Steve oh man. Okay, so this will be set after the Christmas one I did in the same universe since she was still calling him Steve then and she’s already 2. Gah imagine his face the first time he hears it đŸ„ș
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You and Steve had taken a big step in your relationship and moved in together. After all, you’d been dating for a year and a half at this point and he adored your daughter. That wasn’t what worried you, though.
“You’re sure about this?” you’d first asked Steve when he’d offered.
You were still living in a small apartment with a rent you could barely afford, but still, you were apprehensive about the change.
He’d insisted that his place was bigger, empty of all the love and joy his girls could bring and it would be money saved. You would no longer have to pay for rent. While it all sounded great, it was him you worried about most.
“She’s a toddler. She sometimes will wake you up in the middle of the night not wanting to sleep. She can be messy and oh god, if you have any nice things Steve, she could get them dirty or break them.”
You had begun pacing, just thinking of the havoc a rambunctious toddler could wreck in as nice of place that was Steve’s. Sure, you’d visited before, but living there? That was a whole ‘nother ballpark.
“They’re just things. Besides, we can put up anything that could hurt her out of reach and I don’t care if things get messy. I want to know people live there. People I love. It’s been just an empty house for so long, Y/N. I’m ready to fill it with love and laughter and a rambunctious toddler.”
So, you had relented. But there were lots of firsts that he’d had to experience. Things that as a mother were just a usual day to you.
For instance, when she managed to get into a jar of peanut butter—how she managed to get to it, you’re still not sure—and smear it all over herself and the kitchen floor.
You were horrified. Steve, on the other hand took pictures and laughed, reassuring you as you both bathed her together that these things happen.
Then there was the time that she kept both you and Steve awake all night when she refused to go to sleep.
He was tired, but he helped you settle her time and time again. He even stayed with her until she finally fell asleep for good. You’d actually found him right next to her in her toddler bed, fast asleep the next morning.
Not to mention the time she burst in on you both in the middle of your lovemaking.
He’d been a good sport about it, even if he did fall off the bed in efforts to cover himself. Thankfully, your daughter was still too young to fully understand and didn’t seem bothered whatsoever.
Then there were the tantrums. People don’t lie when they say terrible twos are a thing.
Steve had been around enough to know they happened, but now being around all the time, he knew just how bad they could get. But he was excellent at knowing when to leave her alone to work out her feelings and when to put his foot down, teaching her a valuable lesson, like you can’t always get your own way.
Sometimes, you were positive he was a better parent than you.
It may have been a rollercoaster of activity, but you didn’t regret your decision to move in, especially when you saw just how much the bond Steve and your daughter shared, strengthened day by day.
It was the little moments you’d catch them together that made you the happiest, those candid moments that a camera wouldn’t even be able to catch the pure amount of love being shared.
Sometimes he’d be on the floor playing with her, making her stuffed animals talk or making them kiss her face until she was squealing with laughter. Sometimes he’d build towers with her blocks with her, letting her imagination go wild with what all their creations were.
He’d hold her on his shoulders as she banged on his head like a drum or played with his hair. He wouldn’t tell anyone else, but he often let her put her bows in his hair, too.
He’d lay her on his chest as they watched tv together or as she fell asleep at night, him rubbing her back soothingly humming under his breath.
Steve absolutely loved to watch her change and grow, her intelligence sharpening, personalizing forming. He would brag to all his friends just how smart she is, how cute she is. He would just constantly talk about how amazing it was to see her grow, though he did miss the tiny baby he’d met when she was still just barely a year old.
To any outsider, you’d think that she was his own daughter.
Which made you worry that it upset him that she called him by his name. You ended up questioning him about it.
“It’s okay. When she’s old enough, we can talk to her and explain about her biological dad. Whether she wants to call me dad or Steve, it doesn’t matter, I love her the same,” he’d answered.
It turned out that you didn’t have to worry about that; your daughter was going to solve that problem all on her own.
It was several months after you’d moved in with Steve. You’d managed to finally fall in some sort of schedule, leading a somewhat smoother life than the chaos of the first couple of weeks. You’d thought you’d pretty much exposed Steve to about all the things a toddler came with, but there was one situation you’d forgotten about.
It didn’t dawn on you until you noticed your little girl wasn’t as active as usual. She’d been clingier and had less energy. When you felt her forehead, you’d realized instantly she was sick.
Thankfully it wasn’t worse—cause oh it could get so much worse, being puked on for instance—but you warned Steve, just in case.
“All I’m saying is have a trash can nearby,” you’d warned.
This time though, it seemed to be more of a cold, but your poor girl was miserable. You and Steve took turns laying with her, cuddling her and giving her medicine.
It happened on about the third night in. It had been the worst night yet. She’d had trouble sleeping the previous nights, but she was absolutely miserable and sleep deprived. It didn’t make for a good combination.
She had fussed and cried for nearly an hour, refusing to be put down. It took a lot of distractions, a hot shower with you and her for her stuffy nose, some medicine and patience before she finally calmed down enough to start to get sleepy.
She rubbed her eyes and you knew she was finally settling down enough to go to sleep. You’d been rocking with her in your arms, Steve sitting nearby on her nursery floor with you two.
“Daddy,” she whimpered, reaching towards him.
The look of pure shock and happiness on his face was absolutely endearing. Your smile was tired, but filled with love as you looked down at her.
“You want daddy to rock you to sleep?”
It was the first time you’d referred to him as daddy, but why shouldn’t you? He was everything and more a father to your little girl. The little girl that held both of your hearts so tightly.
She nodded. You stood up, passing her to Steve.
“Go lay down and get some rest. I’ll be in there shortly,” he told you.
He sat down in the rocking chair and began rocking her gently. It was an eerily similar picture to the first time he rocked her to sleep and told her the story of the princess, not long after you’d first started dating.
“I’m sorry my little ladybug doesn’t feel well. Daddy’s here, daddy’s got you.”
He kissed the top of her head and kept talking to her. You stood outside the door, listening for a moment more before heading off to bed.
“I don’t know if it’s just a fluke or an one time thing, but I just want you to know sweetheart, I’d be happy to be your daddy. I hope to be the best daddy you could ask for.”
Much to Steve’s surprise, that incident wasn’t a fluke. After that, he was daddy.
Your daughter’s new favorite thing to do when Steve walks in the door—no matter where he’s been—is to run for him, throwing herself at his legs until she’s hugging them.
All while screaming happily for her daddy.
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animeomegas · 2 years
How would Naruto omegas react if you had to share a tent with another omega that wasn’t them while camping?
Ooooh, like they go camping with friends and they are sharing the small tent with an omega friend? Drama!!
Team not bothered:
Naruto - He's like 'oooh, sounds like fun! I'd love to go camping with friends but I'm too busy... Invite me next time, okay!'
Haku - 'I hope you have a good time, darling, I'm already looking forward to your return.'
Chouji - 'That sounds like a great time, we should plan a big camping event for all our friends together, maybe just in the garden, we can make it a BBQ.'
Lee - 'Camping is such a great team bonding activity!! I wish I could come!!'
Team slightly bothered but will lie about it:
Shino - It makes him feel a little weird, but he ignores that emotion. Let's just say he feels so much better when you return home to him.
Kakashi - He will invite himself if he's free XD but he probably isn't so, he just pouts about it. He trusts you implicitly, he's envious that someone else gets your time, not jealous that someone will take you from him.
Team very bothered but will lie about it:
Shikamaru - he might seem like the kind of person who wouldn't be bothered, but he's very territorial over napping/sleeping with his alpha. No one else should get to sleep beside them but him! He won't bring it up but he very obviously sulks about it. Thing is, he doesn't want his alpha sleeping next to a beta or an alpha either, so he has to get over it XD
Team slightly bothered and will bring it up:
Iruka - He brings it up because he wants more information. What size of tent is it, what things will you be doing, is it only you and the other omega in the tent together etc. He's not concerned about you cheating on him, but he wants to know what's going on so you both agree on boundaries.
Gaara - It makes him feel weird when you bring it up and he doesn't know why or what's happening, so this cutie asks his alpha about the feelings đŸ„ș They talk it through and Gaara feels much better afterwards.
Team very bothered and will bring it up:
Neji - 'I don't want you sharing a tent alone with another omega for a week, it isn't appropriate. Why don't I buy you a couple of bigger tents so that all the alphas can stay together, and then all the omegas can stay together in another tent? That's a much better plan.'
Kiba - He'd be okay if it was one night... but more than that, he doesn't like it. After a day, your scents will mingle, your clothes will probably be all mixed up, you'll be sleeping in a small space together constantly... No, that's for him to do with you, not someone else. His instincts react like you're letting another omega into your den to make a nest. Makes him feel sick.
Team homicide:
Sasuke - Change the plan or he'll change the other omega's face.
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harmonizingsunsets · 3 years
Episode 8
need some fluff now please
Anthony carrying her and yelling at the doctors like in the book. Benedict trying to soothe him THIS IS PAIN BUT GREAT PAIN.
Jonny crying is too much. SIR THE EMOTIONS YOU MAKE ME FEEL is UNLAWFUL.
Colin don’t be a dumb dumb, his accusation has merit.
I’ve avoided talking about Portia and Jack nonsense but now I must speak, only one word: Ugh.
Anthony breaking down when he hears Kate is awake IM SOBBING.
Violet apologizing for Anthony being the one to find Edmund and he had to pick up the pieces. True love is worth it, hell yes.
“You are running away.” The way he knows her ahhh.
Finally Edwina and Kate communicating. Bless. Love them finally being on equal footing.
E & B on the swings again đŸ„ș.
Anthony and Gregory bonding LOVE IT. The theme of time with Anthony hits me hard.
“You never had to earn a place in this family. I loved you from the day I met you.” Mary I LOVE YOU. 😭
E & K dancing is so precious.
I was so starving for Polin content that when he took her hand I gasped lol
Edwina telling Kate to shine on her own 👏
Anthony asking her to count how many fingers he’s holding up, lol love that lovesick goof.
Ohhh Eloise finding out, I like this change, it makes more sense. But the friendship pain nooooo.
No, the Colin “I will never marry Penelope featherington” thing happened. I knew it was coming but still hurts.
Anthony and Kate in bed and calling her viscountess IS EVERYTHING I EVER WANTED. Ok the marital bliss they’re in is too adorable, it’s melting my heart, a lot like the books. The fact that they’ve been traveling for six months after marriage and are still all over each other speaks VOLUMES.
Them being proud parents of Newton đŸ˜­â€ïž
The way they fight over the mallet of death, and consider just continuing their marital acts upstairs but Kate doesn’t want to admit defeat and neither does he. But they both one by allowing themselves to love one another IS THE VICTORY THEY SHARE.
All the family happy for Anthony and Kate but finding them insufferably in love and walking away.
That last shot of them is PERFECT.
Woooow up all night and now am finished. But am so not finished with these two. Book Kathony has such a special place in my heart, and so does show Kathony. I’m so glad I learned of the spoiler/changes before so I could better embrace the season and EMBRACE IT I HAVE.
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hanniejji · 2 years
this is my first time using tumblr and I feel like I'm doing this wrong if it is just ignore this pls <3
anyways I had this scenario
dw you're doing great bubs!!
HHNHNHNH I'M GLAD YOU LOVE THE MAPLE SERIES AS MUCH AS I LOVE IT ACKSKS maple is everyone's favorite lil babie đŸ„ș they get spoiled a lot by the bois and sometimes, a few fans would give them gift at fansign events through kazuha 😭
the boys sometimes do individual vlogs for holidays or something. kazuha's self vlogs mainly consist of him having a singing sesh somewhere and spending time with maple :] they're either bonding together or maple's just snoozing right beside him while he quietly sings and talks to the fans :>
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