#they had some show not tell
thatrandomblogsays · 6 months
Annabeth: I, a child, had to earn Thalia’s love, that’s how the world works! I have to earn my moms love. Love is transactional, you gotta be worthy of it first silly :)
Percy, listening to this on the train
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shepscapades · 1 month
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[dbhc flavored] Hermit a Day May: Day 14 — Doc!
Featuring both a current-day s10 doc and a verrry early s8 post-deviant doc! :]
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mikeyfrickinway · 1 year
Since I'm almost done working on em here's my demolition lovers costumes so far!
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I started this in like mid/late March I believe
This is my first time doing beading ever, I probably should have started with something smaller or even tested on some scrap but I am nothing if not stupidly ambitious.
I wanna say this is roughly 14hours of work so far, I still want to add more to the dress and possibly make some accessories, we will see what I can get done by Saturday lol
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canisalbus · 6 months
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✦ 2023 summary of art ✦
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thelaurenshippen · 1 month
911 really is such a good reminder of the particularly kind of joy that is weekly, seasons-long shows with many episodes per season. every character gets a moment to shine even in a truncated season. the satisfaction of seeing characters grapple with stuff that happened YEARS ago. having multi-episode arcs and one-off arcs that are equally enjoyable. beach episodes (metaphorical). I know we're all saying this all the time but why can't more tv be like this
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little-pondhead · 5 months
[this is kind of a messy ramble, sorry about that]
Demon Twins AU, except Danny is loyal to the League.
The League of Assassins is a “cult” for a reason. They know what they’re doing. Ra’s has been around for a very long time; he’s seen every trick in the book and then some.
So when his daughter Talia gave him two, near-identical twin grandsons, he had already planned out their lives by the time the sun had set on their first day living. He knew the plans weren’t perfect. Nothing ever went exactly how he wanted it to. But that was the joy of being absolutely fucking ancient. Ra’s adapted better than anyone. If something went wrong, Ra’s will simply work around the issue and live to see another day.
So the boys were raised as he wished. Ruthless, with sharp blades and even sharper wit. They matched each other in every way, blow for blow. Neither won more than the other, and Ra’s encouraged the competition between the twins. Eventually, the battle for title of Heir came, and Damian won that particular match.
Danny was fine with this. Thrilled, even, for his brother to earn the title of Heir. The boys were very close, and worked well to take down targets twice their size. Ra’s approved this, and granted Danny title of Shadow. He was to be Damian’s eternal shadow, a guard. Both Talia and the boys were pleased with this.
But then came the time for the boys to learn how to live without each other. They’d gotten too used to someone guarding their back. Too complacent and too confident in their roles. Ra’s knew it would happen, and so sent Danny off at a very young age to live with some sleeper agents in America.
The Fentons.
Damian would stay here, with Talia, to learn how to be the perfect Heir. He needed to learn how to fight without the assistance of his brother.
Danny would go to Amity Park, and be fostered by the Fentons. He needed to put his skills to practical use and learn how to live without constant orders.
This was their Test.
Damian did quite well, for a while. Until Talia sent him off to his birth father, The Bat. Reports on his behavior declined in quality after that, and Ra’s couldn’t help but feel dissatisfaction with how the Heir had been corrupted.
Danny’s reports were always immaculate, however. His mask never slipped, and he’d worked himself into the hearts of the townspeople. The sleeper agents, Jack and Maddie, had a daughter who was quite enthusiastic about the properties of the mind, and accept Ra’s instructions to teach Danny with ease. It was the ideal situation.
In Ra’s eyes, Danny was thriving. Damian was not.
And then Ra’s died. The League was in shambles. Damian was at peace with his family, away from the cult he grew up in. He assumed Danny had defected years ago, since their mother stopped giving him reports about his twin.
Then Danny showed up at the Wayne’s doorstep, decked out in full League attire, angry and hostile.
“Tell me, dear brother,” he spat. “Why did you not inform me that Grandfather had died? I had to find out through his spirit when it came to visit from the afterlife!”
Damian didn’t know what to say.
#DPxDC#pondhead blurbs#just#Danny and Damian grew up in a CULT#cults have a reputation for a reason#Danny had no reason to even think about defecting throughout his entire childhood#if being loyal to his grandfather was an issue clockwork would have told him#Dan would have told him#the Fentons are part of a league faction operating out of the US#even Jazz is loyal to them and started viewing Ra’s as a grandfather figure the few times he came to visit#Danny LOVES his assassin grandpa and nobody in amity blinks an eye at him#Ra’s does know about the Fenton portal and phantom#because why wouldn’t Danny tell him?#Ra’s dies and his spirit immediately heads over to where he knows the portal is so he can get some help#ghost Ra’s: my grandson. it’s been too long.#Danny with the worst voice crack: why are you DEAD#Talia is still in hiding#or doing whatever she’s supposed to be doing idk#Danny shows up to ream Damian out and yell at him for his disloyalty#everyone is extremely worried about what Danny will do because he is very obviously still in deep with the league#he doesn’t like the talk about being ‘free’ because he was always free. tf you talking about Grayson.#also Damian doesn’t know about the full properties of the Lazarus pits or ectoplasm. he’s the Heir not the Head. that’s private stuff#Ra’s is a smug bastard using his grandson as a way to get revenge on the living#Danny is HIS shadow now.#I must stress Danny is pretty much the same as canon but literally just loyal to his grandpa Ra’s#maybe Ra’s meets clockwork? Ra’s x Clockwork?#their ship name is Sun Dial now I’ve decreed it
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batcavescolony · 5 months
just saw someone say Rick Riordan making a TV show is just as bad as anything JKR has done. BFFR you're comparing Rick Riordan trying to make his world more inclusive, changing some parts because of money/time constraints, or just making changes cus he thinks they're needed, to JKR being a terrible person!
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treahollow · 1 month
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Finally decided to make a bit of a ref sheet for the riptide goobers bc I keep changing their designs every time I draw them. These are for post ep 87 btw, designs for before then will come in the near future (maybe).
Back sketches and alternative versions of the designs under cut (contains spoilers up to ep 115)
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I also give you badly drawn Pretzel
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snf sob... his favorite regular... wailing in the club rn
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forgotmynametag · 1 year
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Somethin somethin somethin, we WIN
(Nimona's out on Netflix, go give it a watch!)
Textless vers:
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writhe · 6 months
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if i am being completely honest these will probably not get to you in time for XMAS but hey, you know what, it's punk time and you get that. anyway there's a whole bunch o' shirts for you to snag including some red ones, stuff printed with coppery ink, and a restock of the DECADENCE NOW rat shirts, which i have not printed in a minute. etc!!!!!!!
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sualne · 14 days
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doing a lil redraw
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raiiny-bay · 2 months
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alien emoji
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skunkes · 10 days
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(wip) doing another little lore write up wee hee
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vyeoh · 5 months
My hot take for today is that anyone who thinks be more chill is cringe hates fun and also missed the entire lesson of the musical
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chronicowboy · 10 months
obsessed with the absence of eddie in buck centric episodes. like i can't explain it very well so this is going to sound incoherent but bear with me here. episodes focused on buck's trauma are always so tightly tied to family, his biological family and the scars they left him with both physical and mental. buck begins and in another life are so heavy on the family of it all and it speaks fucking volumes that in both of these episodes eddie has one scene that sets him apart from everyone else. in buck begins it's the like five second exchange of "i had to do it/i know you did" and in in another life it's eddie being unable to look at buck in the hospital bed. and fuck i don't really know how to explain it without saying things i've said a hundred times before but it's carving eddie out of the family that hurt buck so badly and setting him in his own little category. it's eddie being family outside of the biological barely-a-family buckley family, but it's also eddie being family within the wider 118 family. it's a sanctuary of sorts. buck has the buckleys, buck has maddie as both his mother and sister, buck has bobby, he has hen and chim, he has eddie and the rest of the 118. but buck also has eddie and chris as an entirely separate entity. a family full of trauma (tsunamis and ladder trucks and bullets and lightning bolts) but a family that provides refuge from it rather than causes it. at first it seems odd for eddie to be so absent in those episodes when he's such a huge part of buck's life (and when buck plays such a big part in eddie centric episodes like eddie begins and fear-o-phobia) but it's eddie taking a step back and saying i know you aren't sure of where you fit in because you've struggled with family all your life but we're here, i'm here, whenever you're ready to come home we'll be waiting.
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