#they just keep one upping each other with the way they talk... but like giiiirl damn just kiss already!!!
jils-things · 10 months
queueing up my memoryshipping gift art made me remember how much i love steven hehe
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So. Another rant under the cut
I'd like to start this with; Elizabeth might be the animatronic that talks the most in FNaF, because bro does NOT SHUT UP!!! She's like me frfr. Anyways HEJAKHD
This is gonna be a silly rant. She's my favourite character, I probably went through her voice lines multiple times, but hey It won't hurt to do that again right
So, starting with.... No, i'm not gonna comment on Sister Location, that woman talks more than Phone Guy 😭
For example she has a line saying "You don't really know who your employer is, do you?" Which is interesting. Very, very interesting. She's obviously talking about Henry, the line is directed at Michael. So how did she even knows Henry runs the whole thing?
Then, she has 2 other voice lines; "you're not who I expected to see" and "you should've known I'd find you". These two lines are SO confusing, they contradict each other in a way. She didn't expect Michael, but Michael should've known she'd find him? Weird. But sure. We'll take the doubt FOR THE MOMENT
Then she has a "It feels like home" voice line. Which. I'm not sure what that means. Maybe it's because everybody is there? Except for her mother and little brother. It could be. But also It doesn't feel like It would be for that reason, why would she feel like home with Scraptrap and Michael? I'm sure she doesn't even know Michael was there, she wouldn't attack him if so. And Scraptrap would be the only one she has left, how does It "feel like home"?
Then, of course, my favourite voice lines; "I guess you forgot about me" she has two of these, in one she seems ti remark the "me", in the other she'd just sad. She says that to William, since it's in UCN. Sooooo. Hm. I guess that says something about the Aftons! Then my point that she wanted to kill William, not Michael, gets yet another proof with the "want to see the scooping room?" Voice line
And Scrap Baby seems incredibly hateful, she's just. 😨 In UCN. Why does she treat William well in FFPS but wants to tear him apart in UCN? Well. Good question. Who knows, maybe she realized William does not care yet again
She's unhinged in every game don't mind her
I mean unless it's in FNaF AR cuz she's coming to kill you!!1!1!1!!1!1! Anyways her voice lines in FNaF AR is just... Hmmm comparable? To UCN Scrap Baby. "I can hear you breathing, but not for long." LIKE. hUH. It's kinda funny how in that same voice line she's just "I can hear you breathing✨✨✨✨💞🫶🫶🫶 but not for long 😠💀💀🫵" if that makes sense. If It didn't make sense then L womp womp
Like GIIIIRL WHY SO OMNIOUSSS "I wonder what will happen when I try to scoop you out of your..."Carton"..." GIRLLLL 😭😭 STOP SCOOPING PEOPLE CHALLENGE IMPOSSIBLE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Can you tell it's 7AM and haven't slept yet
Anyway the way she kinda threatens you but also doesn't is a bit creepy because. Literally her voice lines. Like she's obviously threatening but also giving you "tips" on survival? Like "If you are very, very quiet, maybe I will not find you". She's saying she WILL find you but if you keep quiet maybe she won't. Threat and also a tip for survival
Then we have the "soon you will be as broken as I am" I don't know if she means I will die or if I will get trauma because both work in this situation /silly
Dude in FNaF Help Wanted she has the funniest lines that don't have voice yet (??) or something the wiki doesn't have an audio 😭
ALSO 😭 I find It funny that she goes "TISK TISK"
The minigames. She says It so mischeviously and FOR WHAT. "Red light 🤓, green light >:)"
"Looks like you are underperforming. This will go in your permanent record" NOOOOOOO dude i'm 100% sure she just heard this going around the restaurants or just William or something 😭
OR MY FAVOURITE VOICE LINE ☝️ "do I need to call HR?"
I need the audio I didn't hear It but it's the voice line ever
"I like it here. It's safe, safe forever." Sometimes her voice lines make me think she didn't want to get out of the circus. Maybe William and her family made the world seem like a dangerous place to her. Like how maybe they did to Evan. Or maybe she just thought she made some kind of new family in the circus, which could be a possibility too, except everybody is also insane. Maybe she simply likes being the boss of something, and, in the circus, being the face of Circus Baby's Entretainment and Rentals was what gave her the chance to be the boss of her own group. Maybe nobody complained there or she felt approved in that envieroment with people that understood her and were in the same situation as her. Why wouldn't she want freedom? She mentioned It was "safe here". The circus could be maybe considered a second home for her. Why would she "want freedom", is what there is to ask. It's not like her concept of freedom is the same as everybody else's. Freedom could mean not be trapped underground for some, how do we know her freedom isn't the ability to do whatever she wants? She's the "boss", so she can do whatever, and the rest would listen, because she's CB, she's the pre assigned leader of the circus
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Anyways she's so silly AND so right
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Anyway she can also ask what makes you so special, more stuff to think about!!1!1!!1!!!!1!!!!!!!!
Aaand we all know she ends up giving you ice cream. I find It a funny moment, because you KNOW you're going to die like Elizabeth if you take the ice cream, but she keeps telling you to take It which makes you think you'll die either way if you don't take It either
Anyway. She doesn't kill you if you take the ice cream. She may manipulate you and backstab you to use you as a skin suit but she would never betray you and offer you ice cream just to take It everything (including your life) away 🫶
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dyscrasia-eucrasia · 4 years
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Part 7
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"Hey giiiirl," Lexi said when Angel answered the Facetime call. "It's been foreverrrr, how are you?" 
Lexi Christo was a micro-influencer from Richmond, Virginia. She was tan, blonde, and had the whitest teeth Angel had ever seen on a person. He'd become influencer buddies with her during a pole dancing expo he'd traveled to a year ago. She wasn't a dancer herself, but had been there to support another micro-influencer who danced as a hobby. Angel had met her in the hotel bar as she went around taking selfies with as many guys as she could, and they struck up a conversation, working out a deal to both post the selfie to their Instagram accounts and tag each other. 
She was alright, as far as he was concerned. She had two cute pomeranians and hustled fitness shakes in what he could only assume was a pyramid scheme. She was image obsessed, but who on Instagram wasn't? The only problem he had with her was that she came off as a super Jesus-freak online, but in person she was one of the hardest partiers he'd ever met. 
A call from her generally meant she was planning something big and fun and wanted as many influencers to show up as she could get. 
"Oh, y'know, wasting all of my talent on podunk Charleston, the usual," he replied. 
"Are you laying in bed? I'm not interrupting a dick appointment, am I?"
"God, I wish I was getting dick right now. No, I'm just resting my leg, I pulled it funny on the pole last night." 
"Oh, bummer. Is it serious?" 
"No, it happens sometimes. Just need to ice it and stay off of it for a day." 
"That's good… speaking of dancing, I've got a proposition for you." 
"Oh no, what are you planning?" 
"So my sister is getting married in a few months, and I'm putting together a bachelorette party for her. It's gonna be so lit, I've got so many local influencers coming. We're gonna stream it on Instagram Live and everything. And I want you to be our stripper." 
"Lexi, you know I'm gay, right? I don't do hen shows." 
"No no no, that's why you'd be perfect! That way none of the guests will end up trying to fuck you." 
"Well, jeez, take all the fun out of working…" Angel joked. He'd never fucked someone from a club. He'd thought about it sometimes - the money would be nice, of course - but it always came back to his online reputation. Had to keep it clean to attract those brand deals. 
"C'mon, pleeeeaaaase! I'll pay you and everything." 
"Bitch, you'd better pay your dancers!"
"Of course I would! But you'll get paid plus you'll get exposure from a ton of influencers. C'mon, it'll be so much fun."
"For you. I'll be working." 
"Work can be fun. C'mon, pleeeeeaaaase!"
"Okay, okay! I'll do it, jeez. Stop grovelling." 
"Omigod, thank you!" 
"Yeah, yeah, don't mention it." 
"Excellent. I'm so excited. So anyways, what's happening with you?"
"Oh, not much. Just thinking about boys, y'know how it is." 
"Speaking of boys, you should totally DM Clayton Howard. He's actually out in West Virginia right now." 
"Whaaat? What's he doing out of L.A.?" 
"He's doing some sort of cryptid hunting show with his crew. They were hunting Mothman, and then something called Flatland, or something like that? They almost got shot by hillbillies in the episode that went up today." 
"No way. How did that even happen?" 
"They were in the woods looking for the Goatman and I guess they got too close to some hillbilly shack or something because someone fired a shotgun at them."
"Wait, what's the Goatman?" 
"You know, from the creepypasta?" 
"Girl, you know I hate horror." 
"Well, there's this story about a Goatman who lives in the woods and smells like blood and it can shapeshift or whatever and sneaks into groups of teenagers."
"Ugh, creepy." 
"I know! But anyways, Clayton's in your state, you should totally DM him and try to hook up. Or at least shoot a collab." 
"I dunno, Clayton's got like 100k followers, I doubt he'd talk to someone with less than 10k…"
Angel didn't get to finish that thought when his phone started to buzz. The notification that popped up at the top of the screen showed an incoming call - not Facetime, just a regular phone call. And the caller ID was someone from his contacts: Demie. 
He sat up, suddenly flooded with energy. It had been two whole days since Demie had called him, and he'd figured that Demie just didn't want anything to do with him anymore. 
"Lexi, I gotta go, I'm getting a really important call," he said, words tumbling rapidly out of his mouth. 
"Ooooh, is it for a dick appointment?" 
"If I play my cards right, it is," he said with a grin. "Talk to you later, byeeeee!" 
He hung up the Facetime call before she could reply, smashing the answer button on the incoming call. 
"Hello?" He said. He instantly cringed. That 'hello' had sounded too excited. He was afraid of coming off too strong and scaring Demie away. 
"Uh… Angel?" Demie asked. 
"Yeah, yeah, this is Angel. What's up, man?" 
"Hey, uh, so Elaine said you called. Sorry I didn't call back, I was dealing with some shit." 
"Hey man, that's fine. Is everything okay?" 
"Yeah, I'm fine, there were just these punkass kids trespassing on my property and scaring my goats so I was putting up signs all day--"
"Wait, you have goats?" Angel interrupted. 
"Uh… yeah?" 
"What, do you live on a farm or something?"
"Huh? No. I grew up on a farm, but I moved away and shit. I just have some goats." 
"You really like goats, huh? I mean, you dress up like a goat, you have goats…" 
"Uh… I guess." 
"Have you ever heard of the Goatman?" 
There was some silence on the other end of the line. Angel was afraid the connection had dropped, so he asked: "Demie? You there?" 
"Yeah, I'm here. What about the Goatman?" 
"Oh, apparently there's this Youtuber who's in town and is doing a show about cryptids. I dunno, I thought that since you like goats, maybe you knew about the Goatman and had checked it out--" 
"Cryptids are fucking bullshit, you know that, right?" Demie said. His typically monotone voice had just an edge of anger to it. 
"Oh, yeah, I know--" 
"Like they're just stupid stories made up by drunk rednecks who don't know what a fucking owl looks like, and all the people who go hunting them are just running around trespassing on private property." 
There was silence for a little while. 
"Hey," Angel said gently, "are we cool? Did I say something wrong?"
He could hear Demie take a deep breath, and then let it out. "Yeah, no, it's fine." 
"'Cause I didn't mean to upset you. You know that, right?" 
"Yeah, I'm fine. Was that all you wanted to talk about or did you call about something else?" 
"Oh, no, I didn't actually call about that, I was just talking to someone about it. I was calling to check in, y'know? Wondering how the song writing was going and all that." 
"Um, it's going fine, I guess."
"I was reading the Wiki page for Orpheus, it said that he had the power to, like, make anything that heard his music do whatever he wanted. I can see why you'd like him as a musician, I bet that would be a cool superpower to have." 
"Um, yeah, look, about that--" 
Angel's phone vibrated with a notification for a text. He pulled the phone away from his ear to look at it. It was a text from Lexi, stating: 'I DMed Clayton ur number. Ur welcome. 🍆💦'
A second later, a number he didn't recognize with a California area code lit up his phone with an incoming call. 
"Oh, shit," he mumbled. He wanted to keep talking to Demie, especially since he could tell he'd offended him somehow and wanted to clear the air. But at the same time, Clayton Howard had been his internet mancrush for ages. 
"Hey, Demie, sorry, I'm gonna have to go, I have to take this call. Can I call you back later?" 
"Um, yeah, I guess--" 
"Okay, byeeee!" 
He fumbled with the phone, ending the call with Demie and hitting the answer button for the unknown number. 
"Hello?" He asked. 
"Hey, is this Angel?"
"Hey dude, this is Clayton Howard…"
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tarithenurse · 5 years
Agent of Hope - 3
Pairing: Brock Rumlow x fem!reader, eventually Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader Contents:  Angst, paranoia, mental challenges, hatred, revenge-wishing, denial, swearing (?). And ofc a tiny bit of spoilers for Captain America: Winter Soldier. A/N: Queued this. If you like, please reblog or comment or anything really. If you want a tag, just send me an ask and I’ll gladly add you.
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3 - Fox Hunt
…   Rumlow’s PoV   …
Don’t wannit. Don’t want morphine. Vaguely aware of familiar voices, Brock tries to tell them, but they are too busy moving the world around him to listen to the slurry mumblings he manages to produce. He knows they gave him more of the damn painkillers straight into the vein through a drip as soon as they arrived. They didn’t even ask him which they should know is the wrong way to go about things because he is the team leader, the one who has to stay clear minded and make decision. But things are happening around Brock without him having a say in it. He knows he’s in good hands, Hydra cares for its own people. Own people…ownpeople…people own…people. The thought is plucked out and warped by the strong painkillers without losing the sense of urgency. People. Person. He knows he was talking to someone earlier. When? Time’s fuzzy and noncooperative. Shouldn’t’ve said…anything.
A male voice, strong and authoritative in its familiarity, reaches him through the haze of the drugs. Too much…don’t wannit. “Who knows?”
Brock must have spoken out loud. Fuck. “Grl-giiiirl…” a pleasant heat on one side of the face distracts him.
“Focus, agent!”
Focus…foscu…foxes…sneaky foxes. “Girlfwiend…go’ meh to…to…’ee knowth.”
“Your girlfriend knows you allegiance?”
Even the world has stopped as a shadow looms over the injured agent. Keep moving. Get up. Adrenalin begins to course through his veins, clearing his head a tiny bit although it’s an uphill battle against the potency of the chemicals they’ve introduced to his bloodstream.
“Yeth,” the growl is unmistakable, “bith ith done for…loothe end.”
 …   Reader’s PoV   …
Personally, you think you’ve been pretty damn smart about the way of running because not only had you discarded any electronics right away, you also only used cash to buy the bus ticket to Cincinatti, but got off in Columbus only to hitchhike back to Pittsburg (long live the group of university girls who took pity on you) where you found a new bus to New York.
Sure, the stunt took about nine extra hours, but hopefully it’ll throw any followers off your trail.
Maybe I’m being paranoid. Resting your head against the window by your seat, you can see the skyline of New York against the morning light. So what if you know that Brock’s Hydra…according to the news there are no secrets about that organisation anymore. They won’t come for me…I’m just being silly. But a throbbing headache begs to differ. It feels like someone’s digging your brain out through the skull with a teaspoon as the only tool - and that’s without considering any of the skull-splitting pain flashes. Just the thought of those episodes has you looking around nervously. I’m going insane.
Paranoia and some sort of hallucinations, yeah, things aren’t looking great even if you bought that explanation yourself. You don’t. I saw them fall from the sky. The memory and the meaning it now has keeps you from sleeping, real and imagined carnage blending seamlessly in your mind. I saw before it happened. With what Brock had said at the hospital and who he works for. If ever he or they find out that there’s the slightest chance that you saw the failed “project” before it happened? You’d be hunted down and either used as a tool with no regards for human rights. Or they’ll kill me.
From the bus stop, it’s the longest 15 minutes walking in your entire life.
When you finally walk up to the enormous glass doors, the knees are about to give out from under you and your palms are sweaty. Somehow, a larger group (maybe employees) is entering the lobby and you manage to join the chattering people rather inconspicuously according to yourself, but the sensation of victory is short lived, though. A long desk is off on one side perfectly across from the elevators, with security stationed at each their own passage. Not that it would help you if they weren’t there, as all doors in sight are equipped with card readers. Keep going or tell someone? Both options are bound to have drawbacks.
“Can I help you?”
The speaker’s right behind you, making you twitch out of surprise. At least he sounds tired rather than condescending, so you turn with a tiny smile on your lips, hoping to look friendly rather than threatening. Short curls are receding above the temples of a round man who looks like he smiles a lot. Just not now where suspicion gleams in the small eyes instead.
“I uhmm…I need to speak with –“
“No, that’s not how it works.” The interruption hardly comes as a shock, but it’s still disheartening. “There are no walk-ins, all visits have to be booked in advance.” He’s already ushering you towards the doors you came in through.
Gotta say something. You dig your heels in. “Sir, I understand the formalities, but this is urgent.”
“Should’ve called ahead, then.” Clearly, it’s bothering the man that you aren’t cooperating.
All too aware of the scene you’re causing, the part of your mind that is in control keeps an eye on the remaining security personnel. None have moved yet, probably just waiting for a sign which will signal the end of you attempt to talk to Tony Stark.
“Please, sir, I beg of you,” your voice is lowered, “this is important…it’s about what happened in…in…” you reduce the sound to a dramatic whisper, “in Washington.”
…   Rumlow’s PoV   …
Hydra has a lot of facilities off the books and Brock knows that he’s at one of them. Judging by the lack of windows, this one’s most likely underground even if the room he’s in still is equipped like a state-of-the-art hospital. They’ve taken the morphine away when they reached the place, not bothering to question his wish, and in return Brock’s gotten a functioning mind. Sure, there’s pain now, but he’s had worse…although that might have something to do with damaged nerves, according to a doctor. Pain won’t stop me. And he has a lot to catch up on including a girlfriend who might know too much.
[Y/N] shouldn’t have known where he was. The hospital never called her. The woman just showed up all on her own, asking for him and even describing the injuries.
“Lucky guesses” doesn’t explain it so there’s got to be another explanation, and Brock’s narrowing the options rapidly as he takes everything into consideration. Lack of surprise at major catastrophes (horror, alright, but not actual shock) is one of the big clues.
Some sort of sixth sense or worse. Like one of those mutant freaks or genetic experiments running around pretending to be more than anyone else. Rogers is only the tip of the iceberg and the Soldat is nothing but a mimic of that. Even Romanoff. Then there are freaks like Banner and on and on the list goes so perhaps it isn’t too far fetched that [Y/N] should be some sort of monster too. Freaks can be useful. But where is this specimen now?
…   Reader’s PoV   …
The world longest elevator ride has brought you to a part of the tower that looks suspiciously like a holding cell. Except stylish. Sitting at a concrete table in the middle of a tastefully naked room, you’re staring at the round face of the security guy (Hogan) while he studies all sort of information on a tablet, sometimes conferring with a bodyless voice referred to as Jarvis. Whoever Jarvis is, he seems to know all there is about you with the exception of the migraine inducing visions.
“Please, if you could just get mister Sta–“
“Not unless you talk to me first.” The man barely glances up at you, already used to this exchange by now.
Perhaps I should just give in and tell him all? It’s tempting and you’d like to trust anyone working for Iron Man himself, but trust is hard to come by after the events of the last few days. Compromise. You’re just about to say something when a beeping precedes the door opening to let in none other than the famous Pepper Potts. Thin and impeccably dressed, she looks like she owns the place even with the lunch tray in her hands.
“Happy, why don’t you take a break, mm?” The gentle voice isn’t actually giving him a suggestion and Hogan swallows any protests he might have had and leaves you alone with the woman. “Miss [Y/L/N], I thought it was time you got some food.”
The tray is pushed towards you, showing off the delicious looking pasta-dish and making your stomach growl as a reminder that you’ve not eaten for almost 24 hours. Getting here had been more important. Pulling the food a bit closer, it’s all you can do to restrain yourself from gobbling down the food within seconds as if you’ve been starving for weeks. Fuck it’s good.
“Thank you.” You even remember to swallow before talking.
Her smile makes the freckles on her cheeks dance prettily. “Why do you need to speak with Tony so badly?”
“I don’t,” the answer obviously surprises the whatever she is to Stark, “I need to talk with Romanova but don’t know how to get a hold of her…then I remembered what happened here in New York and I thought…well…I gotta try, right?”
Now that you’ve told that much, the pasta doesn’t taste right anymore because your stomach tightens with worry. It’s a madman’s plan! No way will Romanova or even Stark see little, unimportant you. This is as far as you’ll ever get and soon, you’ll be back out on the street with no place to hide from Brock. Rumlow. And when he and the hydra-goons find you. Paranoia. You’ve got to believe they won’t come looking. You still can’t convince yourself, of course.
“Miss [Y/L/N]…[Y/N],” Potts  implores gently, “why do you need to talk to any of them at all?”
Where do I start? Rubbing your skull, you feel the stress starting to take its toll on you. “Washington…it’s not over…”
Did they turn the lights up?
The LED’s are glaring overhead and you have to squint in the harsh light even when looking down onto the plate where the white porcelain reflects each diode, only blocked by the Penne al’Arrabiata which is making me sweat thanks to the spices. It’s when the world starts spinning you realize what’s about to happen just a second before pain slashes through your head.
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adropofmelanin · 6 years
Meeting M’Baku Hanuman
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Summary: It’s time to meet the parents!
Pairing(s): M’Baku x Reader
TAGLIST:@ emoniclark22  @the-ruler-of-death  @slimmiyagi  @feminominal  @ ashanti-notthesinger  @korrababy @disneysdarlingdiva @ heyauntieeee  @sincerelyjamaica @muse-of-mbaku
“Yes, yes ma'am! Y-yes! He's coming too... Ah-Well he works a lot mama!"
Your mother called wondering when you were coming home. But most importantly, when she was going to finally meet this mystery man you kept hidden from her. It has been almost a year and a half since you’ve gotten together with M’Baku Hanuman. The two of you met at a bar after a long night at work, he had noticed you knocking back shot after shot and commented, “Rough day?” You couldn’t help but nod and smile once you knocked back another shot. The two of you hit it off and then you found out he worked within the same building as you, you started to notice just how close he worked with you. 
Both of you talked for a while, and when you decided you were going to head home for the night, he asked if he could share a cab. You agreed and the both of you stood up. The first thing you noticed about him was his height! He was so tall and built! It was kind of like he needed to be lifting weights instead of giving environmental speeches. The longer you were there the more you started to notice, ya know, things that didn’t deal with his height. Like where he found his clothes and if he got them custom fitted, or they actually sold things for men like him. Ever since that night, M’Baku wanted to know more, see you more, and now here you were.
M'baku sat between your legs watching TV when he heard you let out a deep sigh. He turned and wraps his arms around you, resting his cheek on your belly with a smile. You look at him and mute your phone, "She won't stop talking!" You groan earning a chuckle from him.
"Well I can entertain you if you like," He hums rubbing his large hand up your thigh. Your breath hitches and your mother calls and repeats your name, "Yes ma'am! I'm still here!" Your fingers run through your boyfriend's hair while you listened to her stories. You sigh when you feel a kiss on your thigh, you try to push him away and scoot back mouthing 'stop it'.
M'baku only smiles then gently drags his tongue along the sensitive skin, placing a long kiss right before you core. You cover your mouth and hold the phone away from you. You were caught between giggling because it tickled, and moaning because it shot pleasure up your spine. 
“...and do you know what your no good daddy did the other day!?” She continued speaking.
“W-what he do this time, mama?” You say watching M’Baku pull your shorts down your thighs. You bite your lip and mute the phone once again, “Baku, please I’m on the- Aaah” You drop your head back when you feel his plump lips plant a kiss right on your bundle of nerves. 
“Well you are not making any motion to stop me, my love,” He groans against you and places another kiss on your clit and gripping your thighs, kissing your soft skin. 
“And I told him, the next time he drops somethin’ down that damn garbage disposal, that’s his ass. I swear your daddy is just special,” She says pulling your attention back to the conversation.
“T-ah-Hats crazy!” You try to pretend to laugh.
 When your mom finally got off of the phone with you, you let out a deep groan and wrapped your legs around your laughing boyfriends head.
"Oh nooo, I have been captured," He laughs while sitting up licking his lip. You pull your shorts down all of the ways.
“Don’t do that anymore, you nasty,” You say moving so you are now straddling his chest. M’Baku licks his lips and guides your hips so that your core was his to enjoy.
A Few Days Later...
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The flight home was smooth and surprisingly relaxing. When you reach the airport you were latched onto M’Baku’s arm with your luggage being drug lazily behind you. M’Baku looks down at you with a lazy smirk but continued to guide the both of you towards the exit. 
“You could have gone to sleep on the flight, Y/N,” M’Baku smirks. You look up at him with a lazy glare then back forward. 
“That damn child kept me up, and your snoring,” You groan, “Plus you snore.” 
M’Baku laughs and gives you a quick kiss on the forehead, “Well, I guess it was a good idea to have them pick us up then hmm?” 
You opened your eyes that you didn’t know were closed and see the smiling faces of your mother and older brother waving in your direction. It seemed like all of the tired and irritation seemed to wash away. Your brother and mother rush towards you with open arms and you do the same, leaving M’Baku in the dust with all of the luggage. It had been so long since you last saw your family due to work and when you did fly home to see them, M’Baku was always away. So it was a miracle that you could finally bring them home to meet them. 
You older brother Markus wrapped you into his arms, lifting you from your feet. “Oh wow look at you, losing weight?” He smiles putting you down to examine you as your mother pulled you into her hold. Every visit was as if you were seeing each other for the first time. 
“Y’all act like I’ve never seen y’all before,” You smile looking back at your mom. She only makes a face.
“Well, with you being so far from home, anything could happen. Thank God for keepin’ you safe,” She pats your shoulders then looks past you. Her face changed to a playful smirk when she lays eyes on the giant M’Baku. When he steps up to the rest of you, your mom placed her hands on her hips and eyes the man up and down. 
“We might need another car,” She jokes before opening her arms with laughter. M’Baku lets out a sigh of relief and walks into your mothers embrace. She pats his, well, lower back as he bends over to hug her and then looks over at your smaller brother. Markus frowns and crosses his arms, “Man where do they make beasts like you?” the rest of you laugh at the half kidding half-serious joke. 
“Mama, Markus,” You start looking back to your boyfriend, “I would like you to meet M’Baku Hanuman.” You say proudly as he takes Markus’s hand into a handshake. Markus tries to make himself look bigger but it only fails. You can no longer keep the laughter to yourself.
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The drive home was all about M’Baku and how the two of you met, where he worked, what his plans were, and etc. M’Baku seemed to be almost ready for every answer. He described his department with detail to make himself sound impressive, his interests, and even what he thought about politics. You and your mother just watched from the backseat with a smile.
“Why are you asking him all of these questions?” She asks interrupting Markus’s interrogation. Markus looks back at her through the mirror and shrugs, “Gotta make sure he’s what he says he is,” you scoff and roll your eyes. 
“He’s just gonna have to repeat himself when he gets home to pop, MaRkUs,” You poke fun and Markus gives you a hefty middle finger, earning a smack on the shoulder from your mother and a laugh from you. 
The car ride was an easy one, so far some of the nervous butterflies in your stomach disappeared, but not all of them. M’Baku still had to meet your dad, and he was very protective of you, more than your mother. When you all pulled up to an older looking house, you saw your dad finishing the yard work. He looks up and wipes sweat from his brow, “I told that dumbass to- Ooop!” Your mom filters herself and pats M’Baku on the shoulder, “Sorry baby! That man just knows how to make a woman curse,” She laughs. 
“Mamaaa,” You laugh and M’Baku chuckles along with you, “It is alright, really.”
When everyone gets out your dad rushes over to the car and wraps you up into his arms. You can’t help but do the same, ignoring the sweat and smell of outside and grass. You loved him, he was also the hardest working man you’ve ever known and really motivated you to push yourself and not back down from any challenge. So your dad’s approval means everything to you. 
“Baby giiiirl!!” Your dad groans and you can’t help but tear up a little, “And who is this?”
 You turn to see M’Baku walking up with all of your luggage, and the closer he got to your dad, the more he had to look up. Your dad tries to look tough, the same way Markus had, and hold out his hand. 
“You are?” He says dropping his voice down a few. M’Baku gladly holds out his hand towards the man, “M’Baku Hanuman, her boyfriend,” confidence booms from his voice and it earns a chuckle and handshake from your father after a few seconds of silence and evaluations. 
“Get on in this house, it’s hot!” Your mom shouts from inside the house.
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losersincollege · 6 years
[Archived/Retired Log]
Thursday, 08/30, during an afternoon class
Setting the Scene: Eddie and Stan text during class to establish some roommate guidelines, get to know each other a little more, and discuss an upcoming party. There is a lot of sass.
Word Count: 800+ ; Warnings: none
[Eddie] hi stan sorry for bugging you during class buuut how do you feel about like, visitors in the room?
[Stan] Oh boy Who do you want to invite over?
[Eddie] well, not anyone yet, necessarily but i dunno there's a guy in a couple of my classes (like the one i'm in right now...) who is coming on kinda strong, but i don't like… hate it, exactly
[Stan] You don't hate it, but also don’t really like it? Who is this guy?
[Eddie] well, that's not exactly what i meant. it's confusing. he's very forward, and that normally makes me uncomfortable.  it's probably TMI for you, but guys in new york are all like that - they have an arsenal of lines to use, and keep throwing them out until something sticks. and i can't tell if he's like that too, or not. my brain says not to trust him, but i have this feeling like i can? i don't know. his name is richie. we saw a movie last night.
[Stan] Mmm, alright, maybe if I saw this guy, I could tell what kind of vibes he gives off.
[Eddie] hahaha, you want to size him up like dads always do on TV?
[Stan] Exactly like that. And if he passes, he might get some firecrackers.
[Eddie] firecrackers?!
[Stan] Why not? They're fun.
[Eddie] i wouldn't have taken you for the firecracker type
[Stan] Well, you barely know anything about me, Eddie.
[Eddie] so tell me something else about you
[Stan] Uh, what else can I say? I'm not the guy with a mop shoved up his ass, you know. I enjoy things like firecrackers.
[Eddie] i wasn’t saying you are that guy! but all I’ve seen so far is this professional, proper guy, so i just wanna know what else you’re hiding besides firecrackers you don’t have to be mean 😒
[Stan] I... wasn't mean, just defensive.
[Eddie] okay in that case... you don’t have to be defensive 😒
[Stan] Yeah, right. Tell me something about yourself then. It's not that easy to just quickly come up with something.
[Eddie] well, let’s see... i hate the class i’m currently in even though it’s only the second session. that’s something about me.
[Stan] Why did you pick that class then?
[Eddie] ugh because my mom basically picked my classes last year, so i transferred with a lot of business credits. so i kind of have to stick with it, i think [Stan] Oh, yeah, I get that. Which business class are you taking?
[Eddie] i’m taking three and they’re all dumb human resources, organizational behavior, and business finance. sooo exciting... i may not know what i want to do in life, but i know i DON’T want to work in HR somewhere 😂
[Stan] Yeah, that's not the perfect job. Pretty unsatisfying, really. I'm in the Business Finance class too, but I guess we're doing different schedules Anyway, about that Richie... Go with him to that party on Saturday, maybe? You can see if he behaves like your typical New York boy there. Or if he's some kind of animal
[Eddie] well first of all, i will definitely need your help in the finance class, because it's probably the same professor and materials secondly, hmm... maybe he'll be at the party, yeah actually! if YOU came with me, and he’s there, you could make your dad assessment 🤔 kill two birds with one stone that way er, no offense to birds [Stan] Well I sure hope not, Eddie I'm not really the party type of guy But maybe. Maybe that girl I saw at the library will be there...
[Eddie] oh, a giiiirl? nice, who is she? [Stan] I... don't really know. I saw her just once, to be honest.
[Eddie] love at first sight how romantic i know that probably reads like sarcasm, but it isn't
[Stan] The fact you had to point it out makes me not sure how to interpret that 🤔 But I'm just... curious about her
[Eddie] it wasn't sarcasm! it IS romantic what did she look like?
[Stan] Tiny With brown hair?
[Eddie] hmmm 🤔 you sure you aren't just talking about me?
[Stan] No, you aren't that pretty.
[Eddie] wow i mean you're right, but wow 😔
[Stan] That was a joke, Eddie
[Eddie] okay, so she's pretty
[Stan] Yeah, she was also wearing a yellow dress, I think. I don't know what else you expect me to say.
[Eddie] a pretty girl in a yellow dress, with brown hair, hanging out in a library... sounds like a certain disney movie which i guess would make you the beast?
[Stan] ... Thanks.
[Eddie] well, maybe she'll be out this weekend too. i'm sure it's not the only party happening, but it seems like most people are planning on going to the one at that frat house, from what i’ve heard so you can come with me, and possibly assess whether richie seems decent, and also maybe meet that girl for real!
[Stan] Yeah, okay, I'll give it a shot.
[Eddie] okay cool! 👌 it’ll be fun
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angelaiswriting · 6 years
Far Horizons | Hvitserk x reader
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[GIF not mine]
✎ Pairing: Hvitserk x reader
✎ Requested by @bellaagates : Giiiirl, maybe some (you can always change it idk this was so random) some Hvitserk where him and the reader were captured and she’s not viking but he kind of doesn’t want to leave her and ends up taking her back with him? and they can’t talk much cause she only knows a little old norse and he knows a little of whatever they called english back then??? but still he feels like she’s special. please tell me if thats scary because i’ll stop lol
✎ A/N: You don’t even understand how many times I’ve started this and always changed it up HAHAHA But I like how it turned out, so yeah! Also, shitty title inspired by Skyrim’s ‘Far Horizons’ (I don’t even know what kind of game it is, but I’m a Skyrim hoe) here you go with a ten-hour version (for your mental sanity)
✎ Warnings: none I think ?
Word-count: 1327
Requests are still open if you’d like to request something ❤ 
As she stopped to catch her breath, she looked back to the place she was leaving behind.
The moon and the stars shone above her, shedding their light on the city she was leaving. Smoke rose from some chimneys, not a single soul in sight. It had never been her home - she had grown up in the countryside, with the sound of waves lapping against the shore coming from a distance, with days spent collecting wood in the woods or helping her father around. She had grown up a farmer, just like her father and his father before him, and had always pictured she would eventually end up marrying one, bearing his children, looking after the cottage, taking care of the animals.
The Northmen had changed everything. They had come, they had made an agreement to have some land to settle down and had started their new life in their new world. Her father had been one of the few to help. He had taught them which herbs could be eaten and which were to avoid, what was the best way to adapt to their new world; he had helped them settle down and build a life. It was a fairytale that wasn’t bound to live long, though: the guards of the King had come and soon the village was burning and kids were screaming and people were dying.
When that had happened, Y/N wasn’t born yet, but that didn’t mean she hadn’t feared for his father, for her family’s well-being. What if that was considered treason? Both in front of the country and God? But years went by, and more siblings were born, and the guards were nowhere to be seen. Until, one day, the idyllic life they had lived crashed down into the ashes their home was soon to turn into.
Her youngest sisters, ‘the twins’ as her mother liked to call them, had been the first to die in the cell next to hers. Her mother had followed, heartbroken and sick and consumed by the half-darkness and the humidity they lived in. Her brother had left a few nights later in the courtyard he had been beaten to death. And her father - that same man she had so much looked up at, the one person braver than death she had loved with all her heart and had respected like a king - had let himself slowly die next to her. His children had died, the love of his life had died, and how could he survive that? How could he keep on living a half-life, not dead and not completely alive? Had he had the chance to go back in time, he would have left the Northmen to die. But didn’t God taught to love one another? Weren’t they taught to give before they received? To help the poor, feed the starved?
Someone pulled her arm, urging her to keep running, and she was suddenly back to reality, ripped out of her memories.
Bells were ringing in the city they were fleeing, men were shouting, getting ready to track the fugitives down. They had been foolish enough to not kill them straight away and were now paying for their mistake.
Y/N still had no idea how she had got out of that cell. She had suddenly been woken up by noise and someone pulling her off the ground, and it had all been a blur of movement and sounds and fear of being caught or of being killed. And then, suddenly, she had found herself in the open air and she was able to breathe the crisp air of the night again.
The Viking she had shared her cell with for a couple of months still held her wrist, pulling her forward, urging her in his language to follow the men that had come to rescue him.
She had got to know him as Hvitserk. When he had been captured, the guards had said him to be the son of that very Viking leader that had come years before for the land and a new life,and had probably hoped for them to kill each other. But Hvitserk had kept on yelling, kicking the door to the cell, unconcerned by the punishment that awaited once their jailer arrived, not even making a move to harm her the way she had expected him to. He had even forbidden their guards to beat her like they used to. Many a time Y/N had wondered where the pagan beast was. Weren’t they coming to burn Christianity to the ashes? Weren’t they bringing their gods with them, ready to impose them to their new subjects? Where was the violence, the blood, the inhuman sacrifices to their gods?
She could barely notice the burning in her lungs, the tiredness in her legs, the bleeding cuts that kept opening on the bare soles of her feet. Her whole world was reduced to his fingers tightly wrapped around her wrist and it expanded in the wind that took off right at that moment, pushing her from behind as if He was letting her go.
When she woke up, her body felt like it was on fire and, at the same time, like it had turned into a rock. Her body slowly swung to one side and to the other, the lapping on waves taking all the pain away. The sky was clear, a gentle breeze was caressing her body, reminding her what it felt like to walk on the shore, the wind in her face while she played with her siblings.
She wondered if that was how death was, how her soul reached Heaven - with calm surrounding her, a gentle breeze reminding her how it felt to be alive.
Her toes curled on their own accord, bliss overtaking her, and she hissed, the cuts that had opened on the run were still there.
“Y/N,” a hoarse voice called and a face hovered over hers - Hvitserk’s. He was smiling, his hair pulled back in a tidy braid, his teeth shining in the sunlight. “Safe,” he smiled, pointing a finger towards her chest and then towards his.
It took her a while for her brain to fully comprehend that word, one of the few she had managed to teach him, but when it did, her body sprang up in a sitting position. When her foggy sight went back to focus, she found that a full ship of men was staring at her. Some were bigger than others, many of them had dark patterns on the skin of their faces, on their naked arms, and all of them had a fiery gaze, one of a beast that refused to be enslaved.
“Home,” Hvitserk said, before moving his hands towards the far horizon, mimicking the movement of a ship across the waves.
“‘Home’?” she repeated, her eyes squinting against the bright light of the sun. Her skin was quickly heating up, and after all those months spent in a cell, it felt both like a blessing and a curse.
“Kattegat,” her old companion added with a smile, leaning back against the side of the ship. He went back to polishing an ax, while a younger man stared at her with curiosity. He asked Hvitserk something in their strange language, head tilted to the side, scorching blue eyes never leaving hers. Hvitserk said something, shrugged his shoulders, shot her another one of his toothy grins and went back to his work.
The first thought that came to her mind was that that was the trip of a lifetime. Yet, she couldn’t help but fear. Maybe it would have been easier to die in that cell. The stories they told about those pagans… What were they going to do to her once docked to their foreign shores? Was she going to be a slave? Was she going to be killed?
“Worry no,” Hvitserk smiled again, sensing her fear, bumping his shoulder against hers. “Home.”
Everything: @selldraug @saibh29 @fuckthatfeeling @aya-fay @pebblesz892
Vikings/Vikings related: @sweetvengeancee @titty-teetee @float-autumn-leave @oddsnendsfanfics @kenzieam @bellaagates
Hvitserk Ragnarsson: @strangunddurm @pb-bonniegold ​
If you’d like to be tagged in something or anything I write, just inbox me and I’ll save your name.
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meepface · 7 years
hello my gf is on vacation for two weeks and i already miss her a whoooooole lot and i am starting to feel sad about it but i told myself i was not allowed to sit here and think about it so i am doing this to distract myself! don’t mind me!
1. Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it?
2. Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now?
theoretically yes if i wasn’t with my girlfriend, but i’m not planning on breaking up with her lmao so
3. When’s the last time you were aggravated and happy at the same time?
yesterday i think
4. Would you ever smile at a stranger?
of course?? i always smile at strangers
5. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are?
not anymore that i know of
6. Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today?
Africa by Toto came on and reminded me of my friend Kate bc we listen to it all the time lmfao
7. What exactly are you wearing right now?
literally only underwear lmao
8. How often do you listen to music?
literally all the time
9. Do you wear jeans or sweats more?
jeans but only bc the sweats i have don’t go w many of my outfits lmao
10. Do you think your life will change dramatically before 2013?
i haven’t felt alive since 2012
11. Are you a social or an antisocial person?
i hate the word antisocial lmfao but i am more introverted for sure. i am trying to work on being more social bc i would like to make some more new friends
12. Have you ever kissed someone whose name begins with the letter ‘A’?
13. What about ‘R’?
14. Can you drive a stick shift?
15. Do you care if people talk badly about you?
i wish i didn’t but i do
16. Are you going out of town soon?
no, not until either spring break or the summer, probably
17. When was the last time you cried?
i teared up a little earlier today but the last time i cried was yesterday when i was saying bye to my gf lmao i am a baby but i am in love with her and i’m gonna miss her
18. Have you ever told someone you loved them?
yeah, a few people but only one in like, the love love way
19. If you could change your eye color, would you?
20. Is there a boy who you would do absolutely everything for?
my brother
21. Name something you dislike about the day you’re having.
my gf being gone has been on my mind way too much, i know she’s gonna have fun though. i think i’ll stop thinking about it so much once she’s finally landed there and i know she’s made it safely
22. Is it cute when guys kiss you on your forehead?
it’s cute when girls do it too
23. Are you dating the last person you talked to?
nope, it was my friend w the boyfriend i don’t like but we had a really nice talk and i’ve been on the fence on whether i should keep trying to stay her friend or if i should start to drop her as a friend and that conversation made me realize i don’t completely want to give up on her yet
24. What are you sitting on right now?
my bed
25. Does anyone regularly (other than family) tell you they love you?
my girlfriend, my friends
26. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
yes a few times
27. Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night?
my girlfriend
28. Do you get a lot of colds?
not really but lately i’ve felt sick for like the past month, but i literally don’t have time to be sick so i’ve been ignoring it forever and it hasn’t ever gone away so now i’m like, used to it lmao
29. Where is the shirt you are wearing from?
i’m not wearing one lmfao but the one i was wearing today was from H&M and i got three compliments on it!!
30. Does anyone hate you?
i have a small amount of people who dislike me (i avoid causing problems at any cost) but i don’t think anyone hates me
31. Do you have any empty alcohol bottles hidden somewhere in your room?
i did but it wasn’t really hidden bc my parents wouldn’t care if they found it lmao i had just been too lazy to take it back to the kitchen so i put it in a drawer
32. Do you like watching scary movies?
yesss i love them
33. Do you want your tongue pierced?
absolutely not
34. If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be?
this year has been the worst year of my life so i want to say this one, but i also grew a lot as a person this year so idk. if not this year then none
35. Did you have a dream last night?
yeah but i don’t remember it anymore
36. When was the last time you told someone you loved them?
i told my gf through text about 30 mins ago
37. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
i don’t know, i am a little afraid of marrying too soon and 25 feels sorta too soon
38. Do you think someone has feelings for you?
yesss my gf
39. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
i don’t know
40. Did you have a good day yesterday?
i did, even though i got really sad that my gf was leaving i had a good time with her, and i had a good time at work w my favorite coworker and with my best friend after that, and then with my family in the evening
41. Think back 2 months ago; were you in a relationship?
42. In the next 48 hours, will you hang out with a girl?
yeah my friends and i are all hanging out tomorrow most of the day and doing all sorts of stuff and i’m soooo excited to have Plans and be Busy and not Alone in my room
43. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?
44. What’s the best part about school?
friends !!! and also i love that i’m finally taking classes in things i’m really interested in in college now so that is really fun. i love my school and the atmosphere there and it’s a very happy place for me
45. Do you have any pictures on your Facebook?
46. Do you ever pass notes to your friends in school?
i used to in high school lmfao
47. Do you replay things that have happened in your head?
all the time
48. Were you single over the last summer?
49. Is your life anything like it was two years ago?
nope, i peaked two years ago tbh it’s been downhill from there but a bitch is about to start climbing back up the damn hill
50. What are you supposed to be doing right now?
sleeping, i’m really tired but i refuse to go to bed really sad lmao
51. Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?
nope it was my best friend’s brother and i think he’s really cool 
52. Are you nice to everyone?
i am, i try very hard to be even when i don’t like someone
53. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?
honestly, never expected to fall completely in love with Caitlin since she was a good friend of mine and that would be ~gay~ but here i am, dating her for a lil over 2 years now
54. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat?
absolutely what the fuck
55. Are you good at hiding your feelings?
yeah i think so, i only show it if i want to talk about it. i’m working on being a little more transparent with my emotions though
56. Do you think you like someone?
i know i like someone
57. Have you kissed someone whose name starts with a ‘J’?
58. Do you prefer to be friends with girls or boys?
giiiirls, but i don’t mind being friends with boys. most of my friends were boys growing up
59. Has anyone of your friends ever seen you cry?
i’m sure all of them have at some point
60. Do you hate anyone?
61. How’s your heart?
today was happy tomorrow is gonna be happy so good but i do miss my gf and that probably won’t go away until i see her again
62. Is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?
63. Have you ever cried over a guy?
64. Who is probably talking a load of crap about you right now?
nobody that i know of. there’s like one person i can think of that would be if anyone but if they’re still talking about me they really must not have anything going on in their life right now lmfao
65. Are your toenails painted pink?
no lmao
66. Will your next kiss be a mistake?
noooo and i can’t wait to be kissed again in two weeks
67. Girls love it when boyfriends cry; correct?
i mean yeah, boys showing vulnerable emotion is an attractive trait
68. Have your pants ever fallen down in public?
69. Who was the last person you were on the phone with?
my friend Elizabeth!!
70. How do you look right now?
i’m jus layin here w my tiddies out
71. Do you have someone you can be your complete self around?
72. Can you commit to one person?
73. Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?
yesss my brother and my good pal Joe
74. Have you ever felt replaced?
75. Did you wake up cranky?
nah i woke up a little anxious though bc i knew my girlfriend was in a plane and she had just pulled an all nighter so i was nervous she wasn’t gonna get any sleep on the plane either
76. Are you a jealous person?
not generally but i have been jealous a few times and that’s a gross feeling
77. Are relationships ever worth it?
yes when you’re with someone who understands you and makes you feel light and fucks you right (if you’re into that)
78. Anyone you’re giving up on?
79. Currently wanting to see anyone?
my friends tomorrow, my cousin after christmas (i am hoping), and my gf in two weeks
80. Name something you have to do tomorrow?
hang out with all my best pals
81. Last person you cried in front of?
my girlfriend
82. Is there someone you will never forget?
83. Do you think the person you have feelings for is protective of you?
she is and it makes me really giddy when she gets like that. i find it hella attractive lmfao
84. If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now?
probably making out or cuddling or sleeping all up against each other
85. Are you over your past?
yeah i think
86. Have you ever liked one of your best friends of the opposite sex?
yep but he’s gay and so am i so it worked out
87. Is there anyone you can tell EVERYTHING to?
88. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept?
it would be my gf unless you count the gay boy i was falling in love with for a while lmao, if it was my gf of course i would but if it was the boy i would tell him it was a lil too late for that bc i no longer have feelings for him like that but he’s still one of my best friends no matter what
89. So, the last person you kissed just happens to arrive at your door at 3AM; do you let them in?
absolutely but i would be all worried about her bc that is unlike her
90. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?
yes lmfao it was only bc he was obnoxiously theatrical, not bc he did anything bad (that i’m aware of?), but he was cute and funny and touchy w me at the time and i had a crush on annnnybody who gave me attention at that time. plus i was trying to ignore my massive crush on Caitlin bc i thought i had no chance with her
91. Will you be in a relationship in 2 months?
yep !!
92. Is there anyone you know with the name Michael?
yes, had a huge crush on a Michael in 8th grade. totally forgot about him until he followed me on insta today actually lmfao, he’s a frat boy at my school now apparently
93. Have you ever kissed a Matthew?
nope but had a huge crush on one in 8th grade. he happened to be in the same math class with me as Michael from question #92 was and i couldn’t decide which one i liked more
94. Were you in a relationship in January? How was it going?
yes, it was going well. that year was a rough one but we came out of it stronger i think
95. Were you happy with the person you liked in March?
96. Don’t tell me lies, is the last person you texted attractive?
it was my friend Elizabeth and she’s very beautiful !!
97. Who do you have texts from?
one from an internet friend who i texted to catch up with earlier today and forgot to respond to for 9 1/2 hours lmfao i’m really sorry Amber i suck
98. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?
i’d be so so so heartbroken but i would tell her to be with the person who makes her happy, even if it isn’t me. i want what’s best for her always
99. Have you ever kissed someone older than you?
my gf is older than me by like almost a month
100. Who’s in your profile picture with you?
it’s jus me
101. Ever kissed under fireworks?
hmmm no but i would like to
102. Has anybody ever given you butterflies?
yep !!
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