#they keep having to yoink Jon down while they dance because he keeps almost floating he's so giddy
spacedace · 10 months
Here have this random snippet I stumbled on that I wrote ages ago, I have no idea where it was originally going, but if anyone is interested you’re welcome to use it as a prompt :D
Elle stood up straight before him, shoulders back, chin tilted up high, face determined and eyes locked with his in what Jason had long come to think of her “battle princess mode.”
She was also blushing, which was new.
Jason met her gaze levelly, arms crossed across his chest as he waited for her to break the silence and say what she was going to say. Behind her Jazz peered out from the edge of the door to the kitchen, doing her best to smother her smile in case Elle turned back to look at her. The fourteen year old hellion could be an absolute nightmare if she thought they were teasing her - especially when it came to matters involving her crushes on Damian and Jon.
“Bruce got invited to a wedding to some socialite he knows.”
He raised his brow at her. “Okay.”
“And he’s making Day go with him.”
His brow twitched higher. “And?”
“And Day asked me and Jolly to go with him so he won't be bored out of his mind.”
He watched, fighting a smile - Jazz, his wonderful wife, was not helping as she silently awed behind her little sister - as the red on Elle’s cheeks spread across her nose.
“There’s going to be dancing.”
He could see where this was going, but he was - at the end of the day - an older brother first and foremost. He allowed his brow to tick even higher at her. Tilting his head to imply he wasn’t sure where she was going with all this.
Somehow, her face grew even more red.
“I don’t know how to dance.”
There was a long moment of silence as they stared each other down.
“So are you going to ask me to teach you? Or are you just gonna keep trying to set me on fire with your mind.”
Elle couldn’t be more red if he’d dunked her in bucket of paint. “Fine. Will you please teach me how to dance?”
He let his arms drop from before him, reaching out with a warm smile to ruffle her hair - and she really must want him to teach her since she didn’t even bat his hands away. "Sure thing, kid. Can’t let those stuffy assholes think the Nightingales don’t know how to cut a rug. Come on, help me move the couch so we have some room.”
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