#they made us unsearchable on tumblr + google
sukme · 3 years
hey! really dig your blog, do you think you'll be posting much in the future? hope you're having a good day/night!
Every post I make on this shithole platform gets auto-flagged as porn, then I have to click the appeal button over and over again at different times of the day for the already "approved" post to actually show up, for the 10 followers that still check tumblr to not even see because by then its a day old.
The experience here is so punishing that it just isn't worth spending more than a few minutes on posts I expect to get auto-denied or deleted a day later. Spending hours on a gif/image or a day on a video is out of the question. Jeff D'Onofrio's tumblr clean up and its arbitrary continuation honestly extinguished most of my personal creative drive for making+sharing things online. I still get inspired sometimes, but what made this site fun for me is really just gone forever. Now I just share youtubes or the tamest of no-effort pics/clips once a month. I'm scared to ask them to unmark my account as explicit, cus I don't trust whatever sad souls still working at tumblr to know the difference between a porn blog and a blog that references porn.
Every time I'm reminded of tumblrs past and how aggressively they destroyed gay internet culture on a whim my day instantly becomes worse, but thank you for the likes or whatever.
Tumblr media
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a-kind-of-merry-war · 3 years
Just wanted to let you know your tumblr isn't coming up when I search it, so I think tumblr has had some sort of error!
It comes up with an ask you made on someone else's blog which can gets you here but there isn't much else otherwise!
Good morrow to thee, anon!!
...I don't know why I said that
Is this on Google (or your search engine of choice) or using tumblrs own search function? I have temporarily made my blog unsearchable, For Reasons, and will be swapping it back at, ah, some point? I'm not 100% sure that what I'm aiming to achieve by being unlisted actually works, to be completely honest, so possibly sooner rather than later.
Thank you for flagging, though! 💖
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crazedlunatic · 4 years
“Kurt, you need to get on the internet right now.”
Kurt, who was staring at his computer screen and trying to come up with an idea to fix a dress he was working on, sighed and removed Alec from speaker phone. “What?”
“So, they’ve figured it out.”
“Who has figured out what?”
“Your fandom has figured out who Blaine is. His full name and they know you two are engaged.” Alec said. “Eric saw it on Facebook. It broke out on Tumblr apparently. Now that they’ve got his name, well… you know people with blogs and social media.”
“They know his name and that we’re engaged. They would have found out his name when we legally changed our names anyway.” Kurt tilted his head, staring at his screen.
“Someone posted where he works. Address and all.”
“Fuck.” Kurt hung up, calling Blaine.
“Kurt, what is going on? I mean I know I made my social media profiles public after Harvard but I have 3,000 friend requests on Facebook, 5,000 new followers on Instagram, and I’m even getting notifications for a Tumblr I had open when I was fifteen.” Blaine said as soon as he answered.
“I don’t know. Alec just called and told me; that’s why I’m calling. What do I need to do?”
“This picture is from, like, my twelfth birthday party. What in the actual hell?” Blaine sounded like he was half paying attention to Kurt. “Why would anyone let me have my hair that short? It’s disgusting.”
“Blaine, can you pay attention to me?” Kurt opened his internet browser, googling ‘Blaine Anderson Kurt Hummel.’ “Oh fuck.”
“I know, right? I mean I know there have been pictures of me with you floating around since you made it big but they’ve never known my full name and honestly, they never even hinted at us maybe being together. And now they know my full name, that we’re engaged, and where I work at? I’ve also gotten ten things of flowers from random men which is flattering but creepy.”
“They’re mailing you stuff? Nobody mails me stuff.” Kurt scoffed.
“Little league soccer pictures? Pictures from the Sadie’s Hawkins dance in high school? Trigger warning would have been nice, just saying. I feel like I need to take a restraining order out on your entire fandom.” Blaine sighed. “I don’t even remember those skinny jeans.”
“People you went to school with before Dalton are probably uploading pictures now… geeze, Blaine. I’m surprised your sperm even took after those skinny jeans.” Kurt gasped. “What do we need to do?”
“I don’t think there’s anything we can do at this point. It’s just old pictures making rounds and there’s no personal pictures of us posted yet; just the same ones that the paparazzi uploads when we go to the gym or out to eat.” Blaine closed the internet from his computer.
“I am so sorry.” Kurt sighed. “They didn’t even act this crazy over me when they found my social media accounts.”
“Well they found your professional ones… I don’t have professional ones to have filtered.” Blaine responded. “But you better go and make your other one unsearchable because we’re listed as engaged so… so that’s how they know. Have you checked your personal Facebook, Kurt?”
“Oh, God.” Kurt sighed, pulling out his personal cell phone and pulling it up. “Apparently I’ve got so many friend requests nobody can request me anymore… on my personal one. So, it’s only a matter of time before pictures of us together, very clearly together, pop up.”
“This is fine. I mean, it’s not like you’re Matt Bomber or Neil Patrick Harris, okay?”
“This is three weeks after the New York show and London’s is next month. These are the first big shows I’ve done solo. Oh, God. Jason was right. She said this would happen but I didn’t think it would.”
“He said once they caught wind of who you were, that we’d end up a power couple for the LGBT community. I don’t want to be a power couple. I don’t even wear good clothes to work anymore. I don’t like public speaking or having my picture taken or anything.”
“Relax, Kurt. This doesn’t mean we’re going to end up being a power couple.” Blaine interrupted his impending freak out.
“We’re getting married in three months. We’re having twins in five months. I can’t have a crazy fandom following, okay? It’s hard enough to remember to brush my teeth before bed some nights.” Kurt rambled on. “Oh my God.”
“What?” Blaine asked, sounding alarmed.
“There’s a picture of us shirtless and kissing from the beach trip we took after we got engaged. Oh my God, I’m so white. And you just look perfect. Great.” Kurt whined.
“Who the hell took it then?”
“I feel unclean.” Kurt whimpered. “I need to call a lawyer. Yeah, I should get a lawyer. And have these taken down because if my Dad sees this, he’s going to be so obnoxious for a year. He’ll mail copies to us and we’ll go home in and our room will be wallpapered in it.”
“Uhm… you’re marrying a lawyer.” Blaine said slowly.
Kurt looked at his phone when he got a text.
Looks like you’ve got a problem, kid. There’s a reporter here asking all about you and Blaine.
“They’re at Dad’s house. They are at Dad’s house.” Kurt yelped. “Blaine!”
“This will all blow over. I mean, we’re boring. You take an hour getting ready for bed and I can’t put lids on coffee cups. We are not interesting enough to hold attention that long.” Blaine said, voice gentle and reassuring.
“Y-you’re right.” Kurt took a deep breath. “We’re pretty boring. Surely it’ll blow over… right?”
Blaine didn’t answer and Kurt could hear someone, likely Adrian, saying, “Goddamn, Blaine. Could those pants have been any tighter?”
“Bob’s going to kill me.”
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throwitawayokay · 4 years
Predators around every corner
This is confusing. A lot of your favorite fandom creators, out of nowhere, are being accused of endangering minors and others for making nsfw content or following/being-friends-with people who do; that is a serious claim, and a frightening one, and no one would say such a thing if they weren’t 100% sure they were correct about it, right? After all, to say something about someone is an awful thing to say, and needs proof and reason, or else it is libel and grounds for a defamation lawsuit and would, morally, be an absolutely terrible thing to accuse a person of if it was not true.
Obviously, they must have reason. Obviously, these accusations are founded and must eventually prove to be true, even if they cannot now, or maybe they can, maybe the accusations would hold up in a court of law, but for some reason the same people making these accusations... won’t come out directly and accuse these people and don’t have any evidence besides what they ‘think’ this other person is thinking.
Someone has made an argument, somewhere, that writing nsfw of aged up minor characters in atla is predatory behavior and endangering to minors. Is it?
1. Is it legal?
   Easy answer, yes. It’s legal. By definition it is smut of adult characters, regardless of where it originates. None of it is on tumblr, where it would not be allowed, but instead on a web site where it is clearly tagged and behind an age limit. In fact, this argument would be laughed out of court. Because no law is protecting the nsfw depictions of fictional characters, who are not real, regardless of age, besides potentially copyright.
If the stories are about underage fictional characters? It still, at least by USofA law, still not illegal. Yes. That’s correct. Stories depicting underage fictional characters in sexual situations does not follow under the definition of child porn and is allowed in publication and law. To see proof of that, besides reading the actual law which you are free to do, simply note the fact that Stephen King’s It is not only still in print but recently had two film adaptations.
So that, would in fact, be allowed; however what is being called into question is depicting adult fictional characters in nsfw situations. A completely different thing that is, actually, very different from the other. But, to simply answer the question of legality, it’s all legal.
2. When is it endangering to minors?
   This content can, in fact, be endangering to minors when they are exposed to it either without warning, in a search, or if they are sent this content by another person. Ways that this could happen are if nsfw images appear google searches (where such content can be reported and taken down) or if nsfw writing is not properly tagged or accompanied by archive warnings (posted on ffnet for example or not properly rated on ao3). If this is happening, it is a good idea to go to the website to report it properly, or have someone contact the artist/author about the lack of tagging - the content itself is irregardless, the problem that exists here is the lack of warning.
Nsfw art is also not allowed by the tumblr guidelines; feel free to report it if seen. Please, however, take a step back to remember than an image of a person in their underwear is not, in fact, pornography. If you’ve ever walked past a billboard for a clothing company or seen a Victoria’s Secret catalogue you should know this. There is, in fact, an actual parameter for what sets apart sfw and nsfw.
If this content, however, has been properly tagged and is behind a proper age limit, with warnings and the like, it is not endangering toward minors. Clicking on a nsfw art or writing with clear warnings for what it is does not make the creator of that content responsible; a porn star is not responsible for endangering minors if a minor answers falsely to a website agreement stating they are 18 and views their content. The responsibility lies with the minor as well as the guardians of that minor for not teaching them how to responsibly search the internet and recognize what they should or should not be viewing.
If you are not mature enough to recognize this, you should not be online.
3. But I disagree?
   You are within your rights to have a difference of opinion or feel uncomfortable if a person posts links to their nsfw content, or mentions that they make nsfw content. In fact, nsfw content makes many people uncomfortable. There are many ways to avoid seeing this.
First, go to the filter on your blog and filter all nsfw related tags you can think of, some starting points I would suggest are: nsfw, nsfw tw, nsfw mention, adult content, adult content tw, adult content mention (feel free to keep going, be as thorough as makes you comfortable). Next, block the blogs you do not personally like; feel free to block as many blogs, for any reason, that you like. This is absolutely fine and no explanation is needed. If you feel uncomfortable having your blog followed by any adults at all, you can also take steps to make the blog unsearchable and only follow as few people as you like.
What you should not do is harass people for making content that you personally do not like. This includes nsfw content. Making such incredibly serious claims as to state someone is a predator who endangers minors for making nsfw content in your fandom is unfounded, dangerous, and entirely irresponsible. Adults participating in this rhetoric need to take a very good look at themselves, and minors who have been experiencing anxiety as a result of this claim, I am very sorry.
4. What was the aunt-suki thing?
   Where did this whole thing start? No one was making this point only a few months ago, did it just pop up out of nowhere?
^ this blog, since deleted [also goes formerly by tumble-dump (nowlil-baby-man) as well as jetru(deleted) safe-for-atla, and dennis-quaid] spearheaded this opinion after accusing one of the largest creators in the fandom, an adult poc, of endangering minors for an image posted to tumblr with possible suggestive themes (Tumblr does not allow nsfw art, it was not nsfw). Aunt-Suki is a 23 year old, self-described “titanium white” woman. She stated directly that anyone who posted nsfw content behind age limit barriers was predatory and that nsfw artwork of atla characters was rampant on this website without evidence.
After curating a blocklist, and admittedly receiving hate for doing so (despite oddly enough asking for anon hate on several occasions) aunt-suki did in fact create a first draft blocklist including fandom creators who make nsfw content, who are follow or are friends with those who make nsfw content despite not doing it themselves, and people who specifically asked her to be on the blocklist. This, in itself, was fine. A list of creators making nsfw content could, in fact, be helpful and good for those who do not want to see such content to have a handy resource of who to block and avoid. Unfortunately, the rhetoric of “they are all predators” was something aunt-suki fostered and continued to repeat, getting a lot of people to also feel the same way. This invited harassment, much of which directly done and targeted at others by aunt-suki. She repeatedly stated on her blog ‘I am safe, no one else is unless I say so, in order to keep yourself safe you must ask me who is bad [paraphrase, not direct quote]’ insisting that anyone who wished to know who was a predator on the website had to privately DM her for the information. Aunt-Suki used this to gain followers of minors and to specifically foster friendships with them.
We know this because aunt-suki made a post exposing herself. An anon asked her to defend the way she interacted with minors and she defended herself with phrases such as “I love kids so much more than grown ups”[quote], stating she runs a server of 13+ wlw and they all “care a lot about each other”; she also admitted she takes it upon herself to “expose kids to [heavy topics]” including race, sexism, queer issues, mental health, politics, etc. Aunt-Suki is not a trained professional for these issues and admits in the same post that she does not understand there could be any difference in power dynamics between her and these teenagers.
In addition, while defending these close relationships with minors that she specifically admits to reaching out for, Aunt-Suki also divulged her past at 18 years old of saying the n-word (excused by explaining she has a black friend); saying that this is the reason why she should, as a 23 year old white adult, be allowed to discuss “heavy topics” with minors.
This most certainly calls into question the fact that it was, with one exception, non-white creators that aunt-suki chose to publicly call out by name.
After being asked to defend herself for these actions she admitted to, Aunt-Suki deleted her blog but has continued to go online on her others blogs and discords, dm’ing others and making posts accusing people who called her out of being predators, asking for sympathy, blaming her actions on her adhd, and refusing to answer any of the messages sent to her. Other large creators have made posts about this, very rarely using her name to allow her some anonymity or time to explain her actions which she has not done. She choose instead to send anonymous messages further accusing these creators.
5. Why did you tell me that?
   This directly illustrates the problem with presenting an issue such as nsfw art/writing in the fandom without pointing out why others might disagree with it; and jumping past logic to decry those who don’t agree with extremely serious accusations. Someone with actual ill (or misguided) attentions may take advantage, deliberately isolating minors and portraying themselves as ‘good and safe’ while slowly whittling down who the minors can and cannot follow until no one able to call them out when they are the one participating in actual behavior that is inappropriate to minors.
6. I still don’t agree with the first points.
   That’s fine. Please call out actual predators if you see them. Do not, however, do so without any evidence or for reasons that simply are not, and never would be, considered basis for doing so in any legal or reasonable capacity.
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acetheticsposts · 5 years
Things I Associate Myself With
IMANI: Cardigans, comfortable silence, the word that is always at the tip of your tongue and cannot find, libraries, books without love interest, very ironic first name, speaks with a PG-Rating, bookmarking a really cute part in a story, one hundred and 99 problems, eating slowly, blinking cursor on screen, round glasses, empty cafes, brown boots, librarian fashion, The living phrase, NO NUNCHI’. ( 노 눈치), Going above and beyond for no apparent reason. Takes the title “Without a cause” onto a whole other level.
The almost perfect image from a Tumblr study aesthetic, unfinished drinks, What Wattpad ISN’T ready for, always wondering if she is specific enough, warm green tea, desire to be left alone, Hiraeth (noun) 'a homesickness for a home you cannot return to, or that never was' solely "missing something" or "missing home."
Proudly getting a C- on a exam that you had NO intentions of studying for, slow days at a thrift store, fun-sized. The phrase, “I don’t know how I should say this”
Constant search of parallels and coincidences, unable to voice your thoughts, never-ending writing, lipstick on teeth, that awkward pause after someone asks ‘how are you?’ Doesn’t lie yet doesn’t tell the truth (If you actually ask her for it, 9/10 she will tell you). Oversized sweaters, that constant thought of ‘wtf am I doing?’ Her written thoughts are always better than said, rational when no one is here for it, always thinking that there’s something on her face, the lagging download/installation bar, the undeclared major at a university.
Appears to be cute, almost always outvoted, grammar conscious, surprisingly deep voice, a happy accident, does not know what the word ‘enough’ means, the words ‘duality and dialectical’ are tied first as her middle name, believes that every little thing must be kept a secret, pastel and neutral colors, never-ending playlists, finding great music on accident, indecision, a new obsession, unrealistic goals, self-made catchphrases, isn’t as brilliant as she looks, forgets to react, dark humor, deemed to be robotic, brutally honest. The question: “How does he or she do that?”
Solving problems without talking about them, choreographed poise, seriously questioning if her humanity is authentic upon seeing the Google ‘I’m not a robot’ reCAPTCHA (and passing it), pink and floral obsessed, overtly conscious yet off up in the clouds somewhere, expanding vocabulary, would keep a secret form herself if she could, very aware of brain’s slow information processing speed, forced aloofness, walks with purpose even though she has no idea where and what she’s doing.
Lazy yet studious, hates speaking, questionably calm in disastrous situations, afraid to speak up, sees no difficulty in taking a vow of silence, believes if she shares any of her successes it will result in a jinx, secretly a lazy reader, skims over her own writing, doesn’t know what to do with herself half the time, “unsearched” and unfound purpose, tuning out, b.s. debunker, untapped potential, overtly mindful of time but continuously wastes it, odd fascination with time, numbers, and dates, a self-proclaimed idiot savant.
A wannabe best friend, companion deprived yet questions the need of human interaction in the same breath, the most ungrateful yet grateful person ever, the best one-liners, likes to think she can do ANYTHING and excel but lacks practice and self-discipline.
Lost dreams, constant questioning existence and purpose, afraid of hard work and failure, wants to do EVERYTHING, using lack of resources as an excuse, a plethora of unfinished projects, imaginative and creative without a doubt, ongoing battle of creative vs. academic brain debate with herself, deathly afraid to ask for help, unreasonable spending, retail therapy, pointless saved pile of receipts, the first draft that is drastically different than your final essay.
ATTENTION SPAN BE LIKE: Message saved as an empty draft, brain on standby and in living color.
A Conspiracy theorist (only to find an explanation as to why her life sucks) Making anything ugly look good, worrying about the wrong things, creating an entire charade just to cover up one white lie, stoping at NOTHING in order to pull it off which consists of NOTHING but lies. Keeping distance.
*She may as well be the underlying fear of disappointment herself.*
Greatest ideas out of whim, full of surprises, always has the best ideas, wrongfully skimming over important documents, forgotten masterpieces, the desire to be more descriptive, faking it until you make it, could make up her own language, a strongly worded letter and/or email, likes scenes but does not like to be seen.  Just as layered as a cake at a fair. Probably more ethereal than the wallpaper on your screen. The forgotten $20 bill you find inside the worn-out hole created inside your messenger bag, SHE is contradictory at its prime. The best kept secret.
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neven-ebrez · 6 years
Um. I don't mean to be annoying but there was this thing you wrote about why AU Michael wouldn't show himself and I can't find it. You talked about how Michael felt about vampires as well ? This was in response to an ask...I tried to use the search option in your blog but nothing came up. And then I scrolled through it but I still couldn't find it. If this is annoying feel free to ignore, sorry
Hmmmmm I don’t remember writing anything on this, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t. The reason my blog is so hard to navigate right now is because I’ve hidden it and taken it out of the search option of Google. I’ve done this because after years of successfully avoiding antis by never using character/relationship/show tags for my entire blog (seriously… my blog is mostly Destiel but I’ve never used that tag once) I finally caught their attention by responding with intent discussion to a reblog from a set design post I made in which a follower of mine (who I had spoken to cordially for a while before this) asked me about intent concerning Destiel because my post talked about intent with Jerry.
The person I responded to did not like what I had to say about showrunning intent over Destiel. We are talking about intent made public versus intent not made public here. And since I’m not Andrew Dabb (last time I looked anyway) all I could do was speculate, like any person. Wrong answer apparently. More people began reblogging/liking that intent discussion with various anti sentiments and then they began twisting my words more and more so I started blocking them and deleted the Destiel intent discussion additions off the post in an attempt to curb seeing those fans from flooding my mentions (to not a lot of success) so more intensive blocking occurred. I was being lurked on in a more invasive way at that point (I know others have been doing this for years but I’ve miraculously stayed off the anti discussion radar up til this point due to my non-traditional tagging system) and so I went on a true blocking spree, my first ever.
I blocked not only people liking my post from those additions, but I also went to their blogs following the hyperlink trails to see if anyone was even mentioning my post indirectly. I blocked everyone liking any mention of the post in any negative way. I’m still doing this. There’s a warning in that post’s notes that I will do this. I had to do it still yesterday. I’ve now blocked hundreds of people off this one post. I then set my blog to private and started screening any and all new followers. If your blog doesn’t look like one I want following me (like those harboring anti TFW/Destiel/Misha sentiment), you’re blocked. If your blog is blank, you’re blocked. I’m not taking the chance you might mean well. Shitty anon ask? Blocked. I don’t want anyone reading me that is here to do so in a way that involves ridicule. I’m also not here to be argued with about whether the mirrored writing structure exists (whether you understand my verbiage or not). I know it does and will not argue the fact in the same way that I will not argue with a flat Earther who can’t accept facts. I’ve decided to save us all some time.
Which brings me back to my blog being currently unsearchable and generally unfindable outside Tumblr and unless you follow me and I allow you to do so. But yeah. I’m sorry about that. What you are talking about doesn’t sound familiar tho. If you wanna send me a different ask on it I’d be happy to discuss Michael for you. I think a lot of things that haven’t really been shared because I haven’t been asked. I keep a lot to myself these days. ^_^
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thelaughinglamb · 6 years
More tumblr fuckery—
From as early as 2016, this website sneakily made all links on mobile redirect automatically back to the site—making all that “link power” go back to them. It’s a sly strategy to prioritize the domain in google’s eyes. (Although, disclaimer: I’m not sure what version is fed to google’s bots so this might not be true.) The other explanation would be that it’s traffic shaping; a bid to control the user experience. Either way, it reeks of desperation. All other social media websites have absolutely no problems dealing with external links. They simply notify you that you’re leaving the website and have done with it. 
And now? Tumblr has now patched the ability to use internal redirects as a means of working around the external link censorship in the tags.
For every day the website was shut out of the app store, it was losing serious $$$. They had to do something—and fast. Apple doesn’t allow anything explicit on the app store, so all the porn had to go. Trust me: this recent content wipe was not prompted by morality. It was policy. Most of these broadly applied workarounds were done simply to get them back in the company’s good graces and most of the worst offenders weren’t even deleted. They were simply made unsearchable. Even when threatened financially, tumblr did the bare minimum that was required of them.
So why patch the workaround? Doing what they’ve done with the NSFW blogs and the external links was enough. Regarding the porn bots, the people who make and proliferate them aren’t going craft blog pages that do internal redirects, because you can’t replicate that kind of strategy on a massive scale. It isn’t worth the time. Instead, the people that get hurt by this are the users themselves. 
Their patching of the internal link redirect strategy informs me that the external link ban was not a heavyhanded attempt to deal with the porn bots by which we, the users, were caught in the crossfire. It was intentional.
I’m not sure what the hell they’re trying to do, but my guess is that Tunglr dot hell does not want people to use their website for monetization. It’s possible they’re looking for a way to get a cut of what people use the site to make. I certainly wouldn’t put it past them. But I’m warning my followers here and now that if that happens, I’m out of here—and have a feeling I won’t be the only one.
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slime-enby · 6 years
DSGNDGKKLDF god the idea of ‘why was tumblr made 13+ instead of 18+ if it was going to allow nsfw content?’ is so bizarre to me bc the answer’s simple. IT GAVE PPL THE TOOLS TO MAKE THEIR CONTENT OFF LIMITS TO PPL WHO ARE UNDER 18!!!!
You could make a blog tht was off limits to ppl who aren’t 18, make your blog unsearchable INCLUDING google search for a long time. And to anyone saying ‘but ppl lie about their age all the time!’ is what i’d answer with: if a kid is lying abt their age to see a nsfw tumblr blog they’re also lying abt their age to just look at porn on regular website, n so the existence of porn blogs tht properly handled their shit to not be visible to minors didn’t significantly contribute to exposing kids to horrible shit in any meaningful way n yall just shat on innocent ppl for no fucking reason n it honestly makes me laugh how uncaring you were to ppl who had valid reasons to be upset bc you overextended a problem from ppl who didn’t use the measures in place to protect minors to just any person who has a nsfw sideblog, INCLUDING ppl who take nsfw art commissions as a huge chunk of their livelihood bc its what they were able to fucking sell. Fuck yall
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Hikaru no Go: Heian Gensou Ibunroku Translation - Scene 2
Scene 1 | Scene 3 | Scene 4
This is a long one, with a lot of exposition, and a lot of familiar faces. I won’t be including video footage this time, since apparently outside links make Tumblr posts unsearchable and I suspect that’s why the previous scene only has two notes, but if you’d like to see it for yourself, go on YouTube and search “ヒカルの碁 平安幻想異聞録”.
But as always, I have included visual descriptions in my translation. Also, if anyone finds my blog theme too difficult to read, just shoot me a message and I’ll send you the google docs link instead!
DISCLAIMER: This is not a 100% word-for-word translation. I’m not totally fluent in Japanese, so there are some things I just couldn’t fully grasp, and I also revised some dialogue to sound more natural in English. I hope that even if it may not be the most accurate translation possible, it’s at least entertaining. 
[Hikaru and Sai arrive at the palace in Heian-kyo. The background is an open-air corridor with nobody around.]
It’s the palace! Haven’t been here in a while.
Do you not come here very often?
It’s not really a place where a police chief like me can come and go as he likes, you know? So cool… This place feels like a whole other world compared to the city. All the nobles spend every day of their lives here, don’t they? Must be fun…
...It isn’t, really. Everything always has to be strict and formal here.
...Is it. You did say before that you were expelled from court. Does it bring up bad memories?
Not really… I just like the city better, that’s all.
[Move to a different area of the palace.]
I’ve brought Fujiwara no Sai-dono.
[Ashiwara, referred to only as “nobleman”, enters the scene.]
I’ve been waiting for you. Come, come, this way.
Doesn’t this way lead to the emperor’s quarters? Are we in the wrong place?
No, this is right.
...Sai, just what were you summoned for?
Your guess is as good as mine. Only one way to find out. Come, let’s go.
[Enter a room with several tables.]
Well then, please wait here for a moment.
The emperor’s quarters… In all my life, I never thought a police chief like me would get to see this place… Aah, I’m starting to get nervous…
I don’t think we were summoned for anything bad. So there’s no need to be nervous, is there?
But still…
[Akira enters the scene.]
Thank you for waiting. Allow me to introduce myself. I am the onmyouji*, Kamo no Akira. Pleased to make your acquaintance.
(*T/N - An onmyouji is a sort of priest in traditional Japanese spiritualism. Quoth Wikipedia: “Onmyōji were specialists in magic and divination. Their court responsibilities ranged from tasks such as keeping track of the calendar, to mystical duties such as divination and protection of the capital from evil spirits. They could divine auspicious or harmful influences in the earth, and were instrumental in the moving of capitals. It is said that an onmyōji could also summon and control shikigami.” TL;DR, Akira’s position here is something of a combination diviner, priest, spellcaster, and exorcist. Pretty cool!)
(Onmyouji! The city uses guys like this to get rid of the yokai.) (More than that, it’s Kamo no Akira! Even I’ve heard of him, he’s the most talented onmyouji in the capital!) (...But what’s he doing here? Sai and the onmyouji… Do they have some sort of connection?)
[Touya Kouyou enters the scene.]
I hope you weren’t kept waiting too long.
Huh? Huuuh?! (Fu… Fujiwara no Kouyou-sama?!) (The esteemed noble?! Why such a high-ranking person?!)
Something wrong?
N-no, it’s nothing! (First Kamo no Akira, now Fujiwara no Kouyou-sama.) (J-just who the hell is this Sai guy anyway?!)
I apologize for the trouble, Konoe no Hikaru.
Now then, the reason I have summoned Sai-dono here… I have a request for the great go master.
(Huh..?! “Go master”?) (Getting a request specifically from Fujiwara no Kouyou-sama…) (...I had no idea Sai was that good at go…)
Now then, Kamo-kun.
Right. Everyone, this way, please.
Does that include me?
Naturally. This does concern your job, as well.
[Enter a new room. The room is small and dark, with several elaborate screens and furniture pieces. In the center is a table with something flat, square, and glowing blue hovering over the table.]
It’s so… dark in here. Hm? Something’s glowing..?
[The background changes to a closeup of a thin, glowing blue go board with several concentric circles in the middle, and various kanji written all over the board.]
A-a floating go board?! And glowing, too!
At first glance, this may seem like a strange go board, but it is in fact a powerful divining board.
Di… Divining board? You use this for fortune telling? (A go board that floats in midair… I really don’t get what sort of things onmyouji use…) (But what’s with this weird feeling I get from it..?) (...That’s it, it’s those black stones!)
[Cut to an overhead view of the board.]
Sai-dono. Look at this game. If you were playing it, where would you place the next move?
What a spectacular move… Being able to understand the logic behind these moves, and look at them for the first time… It truly is wonderful.
Sai. There’s nothing but black stones here, what are you talking about?
… Hikaru
...He can’t hear me at all. He’s totally focused on the board.
Basically, on this go board, in spaces where white or black stones could go, Black stones are placed regardless. You have to imagine where the white stones would be, based on the progression of the game.
Hmm… I don’t really get it at all. Can Sai understand this?
[Sai points to a spot on the board (or more accurately, a fan-shaped cursor hovers near it). The point is G-11 in English go terms.]
The next move is… Here, I believe.
[A black stone is placed at the indicated point.]
This is where a yokai appeared and attacked several people yesterday.
...As I thought, I’m not just imagining things after all.
Huh? What do you mean?
Excuse me. Could you explain this to me in a little more detail?
This divining board represents the capital city. The gridlines represent the roads. The area with no lines* is the palace.
(*T/N - I’m not 100% certain, but I think he’s referring to a 5x5 square at the middle of the top edge of the board where the gridlines are not as dark.)
And the black stones represent places where yokai have appeared.
I think this is where we’re hearing about the yokai outbreaks. [Uncertain translation] There have been repeated occurrences of strange damage, the likes of which has never been seen up until now And so, as Kamo-kun and the onmyouji of the court have discovered, It seems the yokai are creating a puzzle through go.
And that’s… what’s on this go board…
[The background changes from the closeup of the board to the room again.]
Yes. But the reasons are unknown. We don’t know what their purpose is... Either way, it’s pointless unless we can catch a yokai…
Can’t we just all band together and grab ‘em? What’s the problem?
Yokai only appear for a very short time. That’s why nobody has been able to catch one. Even if all the police officers and onmyouji in the capital came together, I doubt we’d be able to do it.
So then, where the next move will be… In other words, where the yokai will strike next. I assume your plan is to guess the next move, and prepare an ambush there.
Indeed. This is a crucial stage. We need you, Sai-dono, to figure out the next move where the yokai will appear tonight.
You want… me to?
Go, whether old or new, is ever-changing. The one who can manage it... I thought it absolutely necessary to find a player like you, who can see beyond standard joseki. (T/N - I actually don’t really know what he said here. I kinda made that up a bit.)
So that is why I was brought here…
(Awesome…) (To be relied on like that by Kouyou-sama… Sai’s just too amazing!) (I thought he was no ordinary noble, sure, but this completely changes my opinion of him.)
When we catch the yokai, Sai-dono will be reinstated into the court… And… I will recommend you to the emperor as a go instructor. So what do you say?
This is your chance, Sai! The emperor’s go teacher! What better job could a go player ask for? ...Huh? Aren’t you happy?
… To live at the palace, after all this time…
To tell the truth, we are not the only ones trying to capture yokai.
What? Who else is there?
Zama no Nagafusa-sama, a gentleman competing for the same position as Fujiwara no Kouyou-sama. Like Sai-dono and myself, I believe Zama-sama may also be employing onmyouji and go players. I wouldn’t… say we’re ahead of them. We must be careful that they do not become a problem for us.
Sai … So in other words, the nobility are using the extermination of yokai as a means of displaying their political power… So that’s how it is...
Hm… That’s harsh. But it can’t be denied. But I firmly believe that there is no player more suited to this task than Sai-dono. Please cooperate with us. Above all, this is so that all those residing in the capital may live in peace.
Sai-dono. The fact remains, I feel we are close to capturing yokai. But before we can, we need you to figure out the next move. So… Where do you read it?
[The background changes to the overhead shot of the board again.]
… Here.
[A black stone is placed at C-11.]
[The background once again returns to the room, and Zama, Kurata, and the emperor’s other go teacher from canon Sai’s backstory enter the scene.]
Hoh, so this is the Sai-dono I’ve been hearing rumors about? He’s so thin. Is it really ok to recommend two different people?
Ahhh, I get it. You’re so fat, you’ve got no reason to worry.
(T/N - I really don’t know what they mean here..? Like, my translation’s not wrong, I just have no clue what they’re talking about.)
Hey. Compared to me, the great onmyouji Kurata no Masutaka, you’re… Pretty rude, you know? And anyway, what’s the likes of you doing here at the palace, officer?
I’m doing an important job!
Kurata-san, that’s Konoe no Hikaru. He’s acting as Sai-dono’s escort.
He gets an escort? Must have some impressive power. Maybe he really can exterminate the yokai.
(What’s with this guy? ...Whose side is he on, anyway?)
And that person there is..?
Sugawara no Akitada-dono.
Someone who teaches go on the streets does not deserve to be compared to his talent.
Town, palace, whatever! A go player is a go player! What difference does it make?
To have free access to the palace, one must be refined and elegant. So that I may teach go to the nobility, I am always refining my skills. To work with someone who delights in playing go in the company of commoners would be an embarrassment to me.
What’d you say?!
Now, now. Come on, Sugawara-dono, give us the next move.
...Here, I say.
It’s a different move from Sai’s… Which one is correct?
It’ll be fun to see who kills a monster first. Now then, if you’ll excuse us, I believe we have an appointment with a yokai.
Zama-sama. Don’t you think your teasing is just a tiny bit uncalled for?
You think so? Well then, I’ll have to be more careful from now on. Ha ha ha ha!
[Zama, Kurata, and Sugawara leave the room.]
What’s with those guys?! They’re so stuck up!
Everyone knows that Fujiwara-sama and Zama-sama are political rivals… They want to find the correct places to destroy yokai, so that they may be even one step ahead of each other.
(T/N - Again, don’t really know what he said here…)
Hmph! That’s so dumb! So this is nothing more than a political competition, is it? Sounds like they don’t care about the city at all!
Hikaru. You’re saying that right in front of Fujiwara no Kouyou-sama…
Oh… Sorry.
It’s alright. You have nothing to worry about. You are correct.
Sai-dono, Konoe… Originally, this assignment was given to me directly from the emperor. Be it with Fujiwara no Kouyou-sama, or Sai-dono. You were summoned here only because it is necessary to eradicate the yokai. I need you to believe that much, at least.
Sai-dono. Is this move correct?
Yes. With this move…
Then let’s go to that location. So that we may stop the yokai.
Hey, what’s my job? Am I supposed to destroy the yokai?
Sealing them away is my job, but… I would like your help as well. Above all else, you are to protect Sai-dono’s life. That is your most important duty.
Got it. Leave it to me!
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spnfanficpond · 5 years
July 2019 Pond LiveChat Recap
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We had a great time chatting with @crispychrissy today! Thank you so much, Chrissy, for joining us!
This month, to make up for not having a chat in June, we chatted for two hours about some issues related to posting your works on Tumblr. Chrissy talked to us about making our own gifs, we discussed giving credit to gifmakers, how to make a Keep Reading cut, and much more!! A rundown of the chat, as well as general Pond news, is below the cut!
[Editor’s Note: For ease of understanding, the tags you put at the bottom of a post with a # will be called #hash-tags, while the tags you use to notify another Tumblr user that you’ve posted something will be called @mention-tags.]
Q: What programs do you use to make gifs? Are they free, or do you have to buy them?
Chrissy: Well, there is a free one I used back when I started called GifCam. It's easy to set up (it's just an exe) and there's a little learning curve, but it's easier than what I do now. I currently use a screen capture program that came with my $1500 graphics card along with Sony Vegas. If anyone wants GifCam, I can send it to them.
Q: And are you watching via Netflix or some other way?
C: Yes, I use Netflix. I have the first 6 seasons on DVD along with 12 and 13, so for bloopers and deleted scenes I have to use the DVD's. For current episodes, I have YouTube TV, and use the screen capture option with that. Tumblr has a 3MB limit on file size, so it’s really hard. The amount of frames you can fit in a sub-3MB gif depend on so many factors. Colors in the scene, movement, FPS (frames per second), and length. A low FPS gif looks pretty choppy, while a high FPS gif is smooth as butter.
Q: So that's why some gifs seem to go on forever, and others are quick things.
C: Yes. I can make a really long gif of something that's really really tiny, but if you want it to fit into the pixels of a Tumblr post, it limits how long they can be.
Q: And I guess that's also why some gifs I find from Google and try to put into a post won't animate right. If they're too big, I guess Tumblr stops them?
C: Yes. Tumblr just freezes the image instead of animating it. When you save it, check the file size.
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C: So this is an example of the brightness and colors of a gif affecting the size. Since there's so much brightness and color, the more the gif has to render, meaning the bigger the size. This worked out to be only 35 frames, which is like... really small, but the gif itself came out to be 2.83 MB.
Q: Are websites that come up when I Google "gif maker" worth my time and effort?
C: Only if you don't mind a stupid watermark from the company.
Q: About giving credit to gifmakers....any thoughts?
C: Well, all my gifs have "cc" in the bottom right corner, that's how I give myself credit if they're used. Not everyone knows the "cc" gifs are mine, but I do. I offer my gif making services to anyone if they need a specific gif made for a story or otherwise, not limited to SPN. I've made porn gifs, ones from YouTube, and from other shows. If it exists, I can gif it. Tumblr's search feature is... well, it's not perfect, but it'll help give you a quick gif and give credit to the author. When someone uses a gif I've posted, it gives me a notification, which is awesome, but annoying if it gets reposted a crap ton. It also links the person back to the original post and who posted it.
Q: Some folks seem to think that if they grab a gif from Google, just saying they found it on Google is giving credit. I know this isn't the case. (I mistakenly thought that pasting the link to the image would allow folks to click through to where I found it, but discovered last night that's not the case.) If I found a gif on Google that was yours and used it, and provided a link to the page where Google found it, would that be enough, do you think?
C: Sometimes a reverse image search can be helpful, but it mostly doesn't work with gifs. That would be fine for me. Like I said, I have "cc" in the corner so that's me marking the gif as one of mine. I can't control where someone reposts them or uses them. There's a difference between reposting it to a site like Pinterest or using my gif on a LiveJournal post and saving it and reuploading it like it's yours and without giving me credit. One is malicious, the other isn't. I have a problem with the latter.
Q: I started looking at where Google finds gifs last night, and noticed that sites like gfycat have whole pages of gifs, and just citing that page might not be enough. (And trying to find where Google found them many times leads to a Tumblr blog that’s now gone.)
C: Google finds gifs all over the place. Someone can take my gif from Tumblr and reupload it to a bunch of different websites, all which would show up in a Google search. It's hard to find the original poster when it happens. Yeah, people delete their pages, but the gif stays. If you get to that point, just say, “Gif found on Google, unable to find original post"
Q: Speaking of finding gifs, how does the search function work on Tumblr? Is it just whatever the post was tagged with or the first 5 tags like regular searches or something else entirely?
After some discussion, we all decided that the gif search uses whatever #hash-tags are on a post where a gif is used, and then makes that gif searchable by that #hash-tag. So, if you make a post about chronic pain and use a gif of the Winchesters hugging, that gif will then show up in the gif search under #chronic pain. Also, popularity of the gif ensures it shows up at the top of the search. As people stop using a gif, it eventually falls out of the search results.
Q: Going back to file sizes...Do the dimensions of the source video (like watching Netflix/YouTube in full screen vs in a smaller window) impact the size of the gif, specifically with GifCam?
C: Now, that's a HUGE reason why I switched the way I make gifs. Netflix has a set streaming rate, which is only optimized at full screen. So the smaller you make the window to get it to fit into the size of the gif, the more degraded the image is. (Some confusion was expressed, so she continued to explain it further.) Netflix likes to run as big as possible. It wants as many pixels it can get to show you an image. If you minimize the window, it kind of freaks out and has to quickly scramble to make everything smaller so the video keeps playing. It does that by squishing everything down, making the image look weird. It might not be too noticeable when you look at it, but when you make gifs, they're gonna come out lookin all wonky.
Q: So, you have to make the Netflix window smaller in order to capture the images with the gif-making software? The gif-making software can't capture full screen?
C: GifCam will record the gif based on the window size. You gotta squish the window down to make it a reasonable size to fit on Tumblr. Other programs, which you might have to pay for, might be able to capture full screen and do the squishing for you. (Side note: during this discussion, Chrissy gave us some examples, and in showing them to us, revealed that a good gif size for Tumblr is around 410-430 wide, 230-250 high.)
After that, we moved on to other topics that had been brought up in the Pond survey a while back. 
How to make a Keep Reading cut and when you should use it.
Note: Although this worked for one person on the app, it doesn’t seem to work for all, and we’re not sure why. There are too many variables to determine the root cause for why it doesn’t always work. 
Q: "When should I give someone credit for being a beta (for example: I bounced ideas with someone for a minute or two but they didn’t technically beta read it; I can’t decide between X and Y (with no context), pick one)"
A: Always mention anyone who helped you. You don’t have to say they beta-read your story, but at least mention that they helped, even if they didn’t know it! Gratitude is always a good thing!! Writing takes a village, and being thankful for help is courteous, kind, caring, and helps you to make friends that will be the same right back to you.
How do I add my masterlist for my blog description?
Note: Chrissy pointed out that if you change your bio by hitting “edit appearance” instead of “edit theme” the link will break, so be careful where you add this! These things and more can be found in the Pond FAQ list!!
Q: The facts on search issues (re: links, tags, and anything else that keeps a fic from being “searchable”)
A: A lot of testing and research went into trying to figure this out, and we still probably don’t have it all figured out, but we learned some interesting things!
Most importantly, since we have a lot of smut writers, if you use the #hash-tag #NSFW on your post, your post will NOT show up in any searches!!
Adding an external link should not cause your post to be unsearchable, but that’s not guaranteed. According to Tumblr’s own help pages, “some links may cause posts to be hidden from recent search results.” Since spambots use external links in their posts, this will always be something that could possibly interfere with your post being searchable.
According to Tumblr: “Blogs that have been either self-flagged or flagged by us as “explicit” per our old policy (before December 17, 2018), will not show up in search. Users under 18 are still not allowed to click through to see the content of these blogs. If you think your blog has been erroneously marked as explicit, you can file an appeal by following these instructions.”
When you are searching for your post, make sure you are looking at Most Recent posts, not Most Popular! 
Some things to know about searching:
There are two ways to search a blog. If you use the search box at the top, then your results will have a URL like this:  https://spnfanficpond.tumblr.com/search/big-fish-chat
However, that is not the only way you can search your blog. If you look at a post, and click on one of the tags on that post, your results will have a URL like this: https://spnfanficpond.tumblr.com/tagged/big-fish-chat
The first search will look through all of the text in a post to find the words you’re searching for. The second search will only look for posts with that specific tag. If a blog doesn’t have a search box in its theme, you can type these searches in manually, and they will still work.
You can also do these searches manually through all of Tumblr. Keep this in mind when you’re doing your general Tumblr search and check the URL of your results, because... “search” & “tagged” look at #hash-tags differently!
(This is so confusing, we know.)
“Search” will look through 20 #hash-tags. “Tagged” will only look through 5 #hash-tags. So, put your most important #hash-tags in your first 5!!
Q: Can you talk about xkit?
A: xkit is awesome and we should all bow down to the xkit guy because he fixes things when Tumblr poops on the carpet. Seriously. It’s only for use on desktop, but it makes Tumblr so much easier to manage.
xkit is an extension for your browser. Look for New xkit, and download that. Once you have xkit loaded, click on the xkit icon near the top right of your screen. When the xkit window pops up, click on Get Extensions. We could suggest a list of the best extensions, but they’re all seriously awesome. Blacklist seems to be the most common, as it filters out posts you don’t want to see based on tags and text. Auto Tagger, Activity+, Outbox, One-Click Postage, and Quick Tags are all ridiculously useful for everyday blogging. The whole thing is super easy to learn and use, and you can’t break anything while you’re learning. Some extensions, like Blacklist, may slow your computer down when you’re surfing your dash because they essentially surf it ahead of you and manipulate it. If you start seeing problems, you can disable any extensions you decide you don’t want to use, anymore.
Seriously, it’s freaking awesome.
Great talk, guys! If you have ideas for topics, please let us know!!
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General Pond Updates and Reminders
What we’ve got cooking up next: 
We’re working on setting up the discord server. We’re still learning the ins and outs and all the options available. More options means more discussion among the admins and decisions to be made, so please be patient! We’re getting there!
Angel Fish Award nominations are accepted all month long! No need to wait to tell us how much you liked a fellow Fish’s work!  IF YOU HAVE SENT IN A NOMINATION, BUT HAVE NOT RECEIVED A PRIVATE MESSAGE CONFIRMING WE RECEIVED IT, WE DIDN’T GET IT. Be sure to use Submit instead of Ask!
Don’t forget to submit your stories to be posted to the blog! When your stories are on the blog, then they are easier to nominate for Angel Fish Awards!
SPNFanFicPond Season 14 Weekly Episode Challenge - Now that the season is over, we will be reposting each prompt list through the summer months! Remember, there’s no deadline for submissions!
Say hi to June’s New Members!
Check the Pond CALENDAR to see when Big Fish will be in the chat room and other Pond and SPN events are happening! Know of something that’s not on the calendar, send us an ask or submission with the deets info details!  The calendar offers a lot of features, such as showing you when things are in your own timezone! Since we’re an international group, that’s a definite plus!!
We don’t have a topic or speaker set up for August’s event, yet, so if there’s something you want to talk about, or someone you want to talk to, LET US KNOW!
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throwitawayokay · 4 years
This is confusing. A lot of your favorite fandom creators, out of nowhere, are being accused of endangering minors and others for making n*fw content or following/being-friends-with people who do; that is a serious claim, and a frightening one, and no one would say such a thing if they weren’t 100% sure they were correct about it, right? After all, to say something about someone is an awful thing to say, and needs proof and reason, or else it is libel and grounds for a defamation lawsuit and would, morally, be an absolutely terrible thing to accuse a person of if it was not true.
Obviously, they must have reason. Obviously, these accusations are founded and must eventually prove to be true, even if they cannot now, or maybe they can, maybe the accusations would hold up in a court of law, but for some reason the same people making these accusations... won’t come out directly and accuse these people and don’t have any evidence besides what they ‘think’ this other person is thinking.
Someone has made an argument, somewhere, that writing n*fw of aged up minor characters in atla is predatory behavior and endangering to minors. Is it?
1. Is it legal?
  Easy answer, yes. It’s legal. By definition it is p*rn of adult characters, regardless of where it originates. None of it is on tumblr, where it would not be allowed, but instead on a web site where it is clearly tagged and behind an age limit. In fact, this argument would be laughed out of court. Because no law is protecting the n*fw depictions of fictional characters, who are not real, regardless of age, besides potentially copyright.
If the stories are about underage fictional characters? It still, at least by USofA law, still not illegal. Yes. That’s correct. Stories depicting underage fictional characters in s*xual situations does not follow under the definition of child p*rn and is allowed in publication and law. To see proof of that, besides reading the actual law which you are free to do, simply note the fact that Stephen King’s It is not only still in print but recently had two film adaptations.
So that, would in fact, be allowed; however what is being called into question is depicting adult fictional characters in n*fw situations. A completely different thing that is, actually, very different from the other. But, to simply answer the question of legality, it’s all legal.
2. When is it endangering to minors?
  This content can, in fact, be endangering to minors when they are exposed to it either without warning, in a search, or if they are sent this content by another person. Ways that this could happen are if n*fw images appear google searches (where such content can be reported and taken down) or if n*fw writing is not properly tagged or accompanied by archive warnings (posted on ffnet for example or not properly rated on ao3). If this is happening, it is a good idea to go to the website to report it properly, or have someone contact the artist/author about the lack of tagging - the content itself is irregardless, the problem that exists here is the lack of warning.
N*fw art is also not allowed by the tumblr guidelines; feel free to report it if seen. Please, however, take a step back to remember than an image of a person in their underwear is not, in fact, p*rnography. If you’ve ever walked past a billboard for a clothing company or seen a Victoria’s Secret catalogue you should know this. There is, in fact, an actual parameter for what sets apart sfw and n*fw.
If this content, however, has been properly tagged and is behind a proper age limit, with warnings and the like, it is not endangering toward minors. Clicking on a n*fw art or writing with clear warnings for what it is does not make the creator of that content responsible; a p*rn star is not responsible for endangering minors if a minor answers falsely to a website agreement stating they are 18 and views their content. The responsibility lies with the minor as well as the guardians of that minor for not teaching them how to responsibly search the internet and recognize what they should or should not be viewing.
If you are not mature enough to recognize this, you should not be online.
3. But I disagree?
  You are within your rights to have a difference of opinion or feel uncomfortable if a person posts links to their n*fw content, or mentions that they make n*fw content. In fact, n*fw content makes many people uncomfortable. There are many ways to avoid seeing this.
First, go to the filter on your blog and filter all n*fw related tags you can think of. Next, block the blogs you do not personally like; feel free to block as many blogs, for any reason, that you like. This is absolutely fine and no explanation is needed. If you feel uncomfortable having your blog followed by any adults at all, you can also take steps to make the blog unsearchable and only follow as few people as you like.
What you should not do is harass people for making content that you personally do not like. This includes n*fw content. Making such incredibly serious claims as to state someone is a predator who endangers minors for making n*fw content in your fandom is unfounded, dangerous, and entirely irresponsible. Adults participating in this rhetoric need to take a very good look at themselves, and minors who have been experiencing anxiety as a result of this claim, I am very sorry.
4. What was the aunt-suki thing?
  Where did this whole thing start? No one was making this point only a few months ago, did it just pop up out of nowhere?
^ this blog, since deleted [also goes formerly by tumble-dump (now lil-baby-man) as well as jetru(deleted) safe-for-atla, and dennis-quaid] spearheaded this opinion after accusing one of the largest creators in the fandom, an adult doc (relevant later), of endangering minors for an image posted to tumblr with possible suggestive themes (Tumblr does not allow n*fw art, it was not n*fw). Aunt-Suki is a 23 year old, self-described “titanium white” woman. She stated directly that anyone who posted n*fw content behind age limit barriers was predatory and that n*fw artwork of atla characters was rampant on this website without evidence.
After curating a blocklist, and admittedly receiving hate for doing so (despite oddly enough asking for anon hate on several occasions) aunt-suki did in fact create a first draft blocklist including fandom creators who make n*fw content, who are follow or are friends with those who make nsfw content despite not doing it themselves, and people who specifically asked her to be on the blocklist. This, in itself, was fine. A list of creators making n*fw content could, in fact, be helpful and good for those who do not want to see such content to have a handy resource of who to block and avoid. Unfortunately, the rhetoric of “they are all predators” was something aunt-suki fostered and continued to repeat, getting a lot of people to also feel the same way. This invited harassment, much of which directly done and targeted at others by aunt-suki. She repeatedly stated on her blog ‘I am safe, no one else is unless I say so, in order to keep yourself safe you must ask me who is bad [paraphrase, not direct quote]’ insisting that anyone who wished to know who was a predator on the website had to privately DM her for the information. Aunt-Suki used this to gain followers of minors and to specifically foster friendships with them.
We know this because aunt-suki made a post exposing herself. An anon asked her to defend the way she interacted with minors and she defended herself with phrases such as “I love kids so much more than grown ups”[quote], stating she runs a server of 13+ wlw and they all “care a lot about each other”; she also admitted she takes it upon herself to “expose kids to [heavy topics]” including race, sexism, queer issues, mental health, politics, etc. Aunt-Suki is not a trained professional for these issues and admits in the same post that she does not understand how there could be any difference in power dynamics between her and these teenagers.
In addition, while defending these close relationships with minors that she specifically admits to reaching out for, Aunt-Suki also divulged her past at 18 years old of saying the n-word (excused by explaining she has a black friend); somehow stating that this is the reason why she should, as a 23 year old white adult, be allowed to discuss “heavy topics” with minors.
This most certainly calls into question the fact that it was, with one exception, non-white creators that aunt-suki chose to publicly call out by name.
After being asked to defend herself for these actions she admitted to, Aunt-Suki deleted her blog but has continued to go online on her others blogs and discords, dm’ing others and making posts accusing people who called her out of being predators, asking for sympathy, blaming her actions on her adhd, and refusing to answer any of the messages sent to her. Other large creators have made posts about this, very rarely using her name to allow her some anonymity or time to explain her actions, which she has not done. She choose instead to send anonymous messages further accusing these creators.
5. Why did you tell me that?
  This directly illustrates the problem with presenting an issue such as n*fw art/writing in the fandom without pointing out why others might disagree with it; and jumping past logic to decry those who don’t agree with extremely serious accusations. Someone with actual ill (or misguided) attentions may take advantage, deliberately isolating minors and portraying themselves as ‘good and safe’ while slowly whittling down who the minors can and cannot follow until no one able to call them out when they are the one participating in actual behavior that is inappropriate to minors.
6. I still don’t agree with the first points.
  That’s fine. Please call out actual predators if you see them. Do not, however, do so without any evidence or for reasons that simply are not, and never would be, considered basis for doing so in any legal or reasonable capacity.
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