#they may have had one page but by god I'll write fic even if it kills me
static-martini · 5 months
rereading Demon's Zero Hour and im. unwell I think!
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his life was so gentle before Merlin ruined it :( look at them!! life is worth living! and he loves his family SO MUCH! so corny, so silly :'(
and this isn't even mentioning that we only learn one of his daughters name
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Claire. You say coincidence, I say cosmic punishment, because why else would a kid named Klarion decide to mess with him if not because of divine punishment!!!!
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wrongcaitlyn · 3 months
for the ask game !!! 4, 6 and 22 for tyt / dear reader in general !!!
4. If the fic required it, what did you research in order to write it?
oh SO much😭 there was definitely a lot of research into dates, at first, just because i wanted to make sure i was lining up all the award shows with the actual dates and choosing which award shows to write (also coming across the fact that grammys 2018 was on jan 28...) also, the categories that were in award shows, i had to research what exactly all of those categories were for - which ones nico would be nominated for, who they were awarded to (just the singer, also the producer?). the amount of time that i spent on the grammys' wikipedia page was much longer than i'll ever admitslkjfd
also billboard charts! i did a ton of research into records, how they're counted, because i wanted to make sure that when i was mentioning nico's milestones, they were at least somewhat realistic. i read through a bunch of billboard album reviews and articles with producers and whatnot to try and figure out the basics of music journalism.
there was research into transitioning, as well, even though i was much more hesitant to trust *google* for that sort of stuff, but i wanted to know just how easy it would be for nico to actually get top surgery and whatnot, and also the effects of binders when singing/having a performance and stuff
SO MUCH OLYMPICS RESEARCH. LIKE. god i think i complained about this at some point but seriously, the archery world championships and olympics qualification is still confusing asf to me. but i wanted to make sure that, despite kayla being a relatively minor character, i was figuring out all the right dates, how she would get qualified, records for youngest world champions, etc etc.
weather accounts. ik that it's very unnecessary but i genuinely looked up dates for concerts and what the weather was, or when i wanted it to rain i actually looked up whether it was raining, how i could twist it to when it *did* rain, and whatnot. i may be insane when it comes to details like that
and in general, i watched a lot of interviews (though that was in my free time, and tbf i've always been interested in it, even before i started writing the series) about artists and singer-songwriters and how they wrote, how they worked, and just the entire creating-an-album process
there's probably a lot more that i'm forgetting, bc i genuinely was always researching something. fun fact! there hasn't been an italian artist to reach #1 on the billboard hot 100 since 1958 (he was also the first european artist to reach #1 on the billboard hot 100).
6. How did you decide what tense and POV(s) to use?
i had just written a fic (my hunger games au) in past tense, and when writing it, i felt like i kept slipping into present. so when i started writing talk your talk, i decided to just test out present tense and see whether i liked that better (back when i thought it would be a relatively short oneshot, maybe a oneshot series)
the funny thing about that is that i thought i didn't like it, and so THEN when i wrote another fic - my marauders jegulus fame au - i decided to write that one in past tense. a warning for any writers: NEVER. write two wip's that are in different tenses. it's a horrible kind of torture. since then, i've had to write all of my other fics in present tense because i didn't want to mess up my brain while writing talk your talk - it's so confusing to switch it up, because then i'd also have to monitor what i was reading, and if i read something present tense, i wasn't able to write starry eyes; if i read something past tense, i wasn't able to write talk your talk. i couldn't write one and then switch over to the other, i had to like program my brain to think in the correct tense - ANYWAY it was very very hard and i highly recommend to never do that and just stick with one tense, at least until you want to fully switch over😭
as for the pov, in talk your talk, it was always going to be nico! the whole fic was very centered around him, and i knew that i wanted to add all these details on how he felt about his rise to fame - i really wanted that internal dialogue during shows, and school, and producing music, and also how songs would come to be and whatnot. also, i had just written my hunger games au in nico's pov, and i just really liked it😭
when it came to greatest of luxuries, i knew that i wanted to expand on the universe. that did horrendous things to my wordcount, but i think it was for the best!! i got to add more character development to will, which was *really* important to me, seeing as he and nico are pretty separate stories while nico is on tour and will is in college, and it also let me introduce a bunch of new characters!! i added a few other interludes too, with a bunch of different pov's, but the most interesting, i think, was apollo
apollo's pov/memoir (and i'm so sorry, i know you haven't gotten to that yet but i just had to include it when talking about pov's!!) is one of my FAVORITE things to write. i knew that i wanted to add more of apollo's lore and his story to the au, but for a while, i didn't know how to do it - it didn't feel right to just add an apollo pov where all he does is reflect on the past and so i got SO excited when i thought of creating a memoir. usually i'm heavily against writing in first person, but it just felt so natural with apollo - how else could you have a pov that just focuses on the past (pretty much an entirely different timeline) but still with the huge ego of apollo? while he still shows maturity and how he's grown as a person?? i'm already such a fan of including mixed media in my fics, but the memoir has to be my favoritekjldsf
22. What is something you learned about yourself as a writer from the experience?
i love causing pain. i think i already knew that, seeing as one of my first fics when starting to write again last year was a hunger games au in which i killed off like a good majority of the main cast. but there was something cool in writing angst as a theme in talk your talk, when fame au's largely focus more on the reputation of a person, conflicts between relationship, etc. not that i have a problem with those, seeing as im a sucker for literally any kind of fame au, but i sort of put them in the background for this series!
overall, i feel like i've grown such a huge amount with this fic. i started it around the same age as nico and will, only slightly younger, and now they're nearly 20 and im still 16. both in the writing sense and just in general, i really got over my fear of starting/committing to longer fics, because i really just fell in love with the universe. i learned that i *love* adding different forms of media to fics, and that one of my favorite things about writing is exploring how different universes would impact the characters differently - it would shape their personalities, give them some different characteristics and different outlooks on life, and that's prob why i love au's so muchdjfs
but the main main thing is that this is the first time that i feel like i really wrote the fic and got a huge community out of it - i've always had a few mutuals in fandoms and whatnot (both when editing and writing), but with talk your talk, i started getting repeat commenters, and eventually started my tumblr, and i realized how incredibly motivating it is to be able to share my obsession with the au with so many other people!! it's been an absolutely incredible experience <33
well i definitely rambled a lot thereDLKFJS thank you for the asks!!
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Can you do the character ask thing for Raven?
Thank you for the ask!!!
First impression
Oh good lord. Right. Confession time. I gave myself so many spoilers as I was listening to the albums. I was scrolling the New Albion tag for months before getting into Shaperaverse looking for exclusively DoNA posts, because I was struggling to find any ones I hadn't seen before, and of course I discover the "weird narrator named Kate" had a whole backstory thing. And when I eventually listened to radio hour and had a Lloyd Allen moment of course I stalked his tag and found the Lloydven stuff.
So I kind of knew him as a fan favourite character, and was pretty excited to get to the carnival album on my listen through, to see why everyone seemed to like him so much. And. Uh. Yeah I immediately knew why. Silly clown man who was also a bit of a villain?? Absolutely sign me up.
Impression now
He's my favourite little guy to write about I love him so much. Definitely in my top three favourite Shaperaverse characters if not my absolute favourite of all time. It's really interesting to see how my perception of him has changed in the almost three years (HOW HAS IT BEEN THAT LONG) since I first listened to BotLH, but I think now it's just settled on "Fucked up human being who should probably go to therapy but is trying his very best with what he's got"
Favourite Moment
Idk if I got the lyrics right but. Honestly that bit in Raven's storytime theatre hits me like a damn truck every single time. Screaming crying doubled over in pain the vocals the vibes the everything.
Second favourite honourable mention has to be the pursuit with Sarah. Because oh. My. God. Being forced to give up your past self as you push harder and harder to save the family you have now. Aushshs
Idea for a story
I am a fanfic writer through and through how dare you make me choose between my babies-
If it counts I really want to finish my WIP on David running into William in level 5 instead of the August Sky Playhouse, and he gets to adjust in a somewhat healthy way and loosening the dam on his powers and doesn't lose his sense of self in the progress
If we're talking about ideas that aren't even wips I have an urban fantasy au where the whole Raven/David identity crisis is that he's a weird demon thing that has to unlearn a bunch of repression to like. Be able to use weird powers and not die.
And as a bonus I have to admit Fayz your Lloydven Cinderella au are some of my absolute favourite Shaperaverse fics of all time I love the way you write David/Raven in them.
Unpopular Opinion
I am. Unfortunately. So basic with most of my Shaperaverse interpretations. The only thing I can think of that relates to him at all is that I wish there was less linear time? Like the whole "Marjolein being with them for two years" and "Lloyd leavimg in a year" and, tying into Raven, him (well, Paul in the cabaret) explaining to Asha in the cabaret that Lloyd's been a doll longer than human, and later to the audience that Lloyd has been in the doll and he in the CU for a hundred years. Just... Not in my head. Nope. Time is fluid. Lloyd may have been a doll for a century but in my head he was like... Both centuries old when he died yet also only like 41. Time doesn't exist. They're immortal yet so breakable mortal at the same time. Raven was in the CU for both a week and until the universe was ripped apart by the chaostrophe. There's such an emphasis on time not making sense and then- (I'll shut up now.)
Favourite Relationship
It has to be Raven and Han Mi. I don't think much more needs to be said. If you haven't already you should check out the twitter tales wiki page and you'll fall in love with Raven and Han's relationship I promise.
Little child sleeping in my arms so soft and safe are you the only truly real I can aspire to create-
Favourite Headcanon
CANE USER RAVEN. It mentions in the podcast he takes to carrying a cane around for pizzazz but in my head he carries it around both for pizzazz and because he needs it to walk. Depending on mood and context it can be because he needed it as David and overcame internalised ableism while getting through his other issues and started using one, because he got injured by Sarah in the postie war and it was an injury that resulted in him using a cane, or simply because he gaslit himself into needing one as part of the Raven persona, starting as pizzazz and then solidifying itself as something Raven Always Used, to the point that if he doesn't have one he will struggle.
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theartofdreaming1 · 6 months
Fanfic Tagging Game
I got tagged by the lovely @wurzelbertzwerg - thank you! 💕
1. How many works do you have on AO3? - 30
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
111,591 words (at the moment)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, I'm writing for The Quarry and the Batfam fandom (primarily DickBabs and BatCat)... I have posted fics for The Flash TV series and Brooklyn 99 on AO3 in the past... plus, some other stuff that is only on my old fanfiction.net account (although I've been considering updating my old Young Justice fics, so I may post them on AO3 some day)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Um, Rush Hour, Partners, Knight in Shining Armor, Loveable Nerds and Superheroes and Thank You, Becky Cooper - except for Partners, these are all Flash fics, which is wild, because aside from Rush Hour and Loveable Nerds and Superheroes, both of which I'm still quite proud of, I don't necessarily think that my Flash fics are my best works, but okay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
5. Do you respond to comments?
Sometimes? I often don't know what to say in response 😅- but I appreciate every single one of them sooo much! 💕
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Okay... so this question prompted me to do some re-reading of my older fics... and honestly? Nothing on my AO3 account had an angsty ending to begin with ^^; So I had to go waaaay back, to my old ff.net account - and I think my Young Justice fic "Pain" had the angstiest ending (and even then, it's pretty moderate... even 17-year-old me was fairly mellow ;)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmmh... Maybe my Flash fic "Coming Home"? It certainly has a very warm and fuzzy ending ☺️
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not that I can recall, no...
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope; smut is not for me
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No, I don't really write crossovers (only multiple fandoms that already share a universe, i.e. Batfam-comic fandom)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of...
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope - since I'm a very slow writer, I wouldn't want to punish any potential co-writer of mine with that curse either...
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
To write? Hmmh... BatCat and DickBabs for sure! (Plus, LauraMax are getting there, too... I just need to give them some time to cement their position ;)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oh boy, there are plenty of fics I'm worried I'll never finish... but I choose to stay optimistic enough to think that I will, someday, finish all the WIPs that I want to finish... (please, writing Gods, please help me accomplish this task!!!!)
16. What are your writing strengths?
Umm... I like to think that my writing is quite, um, pleasant? What I mean is, that it's pretty accessible (not too convoluted or complex, but also not boring) and while I sometimes write angsty/tense/sad moments, my stories generally have happy endings... And even though my writing isn't exactly groundbreaking, I still stand by all the ideas/concepts behind every story I've written so far, so... yeah...
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
The process of writing itself (I have to fight for every single word I commit onto the page... I swear, me and writing are engaged in the most tedious wrestling match nobody ever wants to see... ever). I get excited for a particular story, start to jot down some basic ideas, maybe even put in some research for a few points that need to get tackled beforehand - and then psyche myself out of being able to write down that dang story 😩 (Doesn't help that I have a hard time making decisions and get super intimidated when faced with all the possible directions a story could go)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Depends on the context - if we're talking about two foreigners (e.g. Germans) that are talking to each other in their native tongue and maybe don't want to be understood by the people around them (who, for the sake of this argument, are all English speakers) - then, maybe I would give it a whirl, because it would fit the idea behind the conversation (especially if it's a short exchange that people, who would be interested in learning what the Germans said, could look up via Google translate) - but, imo, this only works in very specific circumstances and for short exchanges - otherwise it can get tedious real quick... and personally, I don't like writing in German and don't feel confident enough in my Spanish skills to attempt it for that language, so writing English all the way is it for me
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Um... a quick look at my old, old fanfiction.net account tells me that my first posted fanfic was for the "Sonny With A Chance" fandom when I was 14 years old - the writing is a little... rough, for sure 😅 (although, to be fair, this was written at a point when I had only had, like, 3-4 years of proper English class... all things considered, it's not that bad)
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Don't make me choose, I can't pick just one!
I very, very much love my BatCat fic "The Chase" - it just feels like pure Selina, the pacing of it is great and I think it portrays Bruce/Selina's relationship dynamic so very well (plus, it has some of my favorite sentences I've ever written in there!)
I also love Partners for being the longest, most ambitious story I've written so far (yes, despite the fact that I still need to add that epiogue!) and On the Reciprocal Attraction of Heavenly Bodies has the potential to become my best fic of them all, with the Austen-esque writing style and all the historical and literary research I plan on putting into it... I'm certainly very fond of the two chapters that already exist.
And This Is Not Over, But Just the Beginning is so fun and challenging in a different way; being a Quarry fic, with the whole werewolf element, it's darker and more angsty than anything I've written in a long time - but that's what makes it so fascinating for me to write (and read)
I'll tag @queenofbaws @thychesters @rosegardeninwinter @icequeen-07 @clearbluewaters and @mollywog - only if they want to, of course! :)
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grapenehifics · 11 months
20 Question Fic Writer Tag
Hell yeah I'll play. Thanks @palfriendpatine66 :D
How many works do you have on ao3?
AO3 says ten, but one of those is a series continuation of another one, so I count it as nine...although tomorrow that will go up by one, after the reveals for the Ghost Window challenge go out.
2.) What's your ao3 word count? 
Oh god. 690,376. I honestly think I was happier not knowing that fact about myself.
3.) What fandoms do you write for? 
I don't multitask well. I can write Star Wars fics or I can write Star Wars fics. I haven't even ventured outside the Clone Wars era yet.
4.) What are your top five fics by kudos?
Some Technical Difficulties - big gap - Solsbury Hill - An Uncivil War - medium-sized gap - An Unlikely Duo - another gap-ish - Down by the Seaside.
5.) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yep. I like it when authors reply to me when I leave a comment, so I try to pay it forward. Also sometimes we get into fun little side chats.
6.) What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
At the moment, not one single damn one of them. They have angst in them, but none of them end on angst. However as of about twenty-four hours from now, my answer will be, Ghost Window AU.
7.) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Literally all of them. I'm happy to read angst, but when it comes to writing I am firmly in the happy endings camp.
8.) Do you get hate on fics?
I had some people tell me they were dropping out of Solsbury Hill because it wasn't getting to the Obikin fast enough, but I wouldn't call that hate. So, no.
(Side note, though: you don't have to tell authors that. Just delete your subscription quietly.)
But, I am also very ready to delete any and all negative comments. This is my fun side project; good vibes only.
9.) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
...pretty vanilla kind, honestly. Again, I read much more adventurously than I write. (Although, as recently as two years ago I would have said I don't write smut at all, so hit me up two years from now and maybe I'll be writing hardcore d/s, I don't know.)
10.) Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
By the strict definition, no. If you're talking 'dump Star Wars characters into settings of other movies', then hell yeah, that's kind of my jam right now. Down by the Seaside is Obikin Overboard. Next year I'm planning to publish Obikin Jurassic Park, Obikin Parent Trap, and Obikin Princess Diaries II. And I have a couple more on my to-do list.
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Is this a thing I need to worry about?? Shit.
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
@kittonafoxgirl did a podfic of Some Technical Difficulties and it is still like one of the top five most rad things that has ever happened to me; does that count?
13.) Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
No but @fulcrum843 are currently mulling something over...
I do get a lot of help with my writing though. @piecesofeden11 basically wrote all the DnD stuff in An Unlikely Duo. I talk stuff out on Tumblr with folks all the time before I actually sit down to write it (or during, lol).
14.) What's your all time favorite ship?
I have no plans to write anything other than Obikin, and there's so much new good fic that it takes up most of my reading time as well.
15.) What's a WIP you'd like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I wouldn't call it a WIP because there are no words on a page but I love the *idea* of a fic based on Jenn Barkley from Parks & Rec but have no idea what direction to take it and may never get to it. (If anyone wants to take this idea and run with it please do; it is very much up for grabs!)
16.) What are your writing strengths?
This is a weird thing to answer about myself but I hope I write with a sense of movement, propulsion, even a little suspense - as a reader I love to feel that I have to turn the page, I have to see what comes next, I don't want to put this fic/book down - and I try to work towards that goal in my own writing.
17.) What are your writing weaknesses?
Getting bogged down in details. It drives me crazy in movies when characters have these huge mansions but seemingly never go to work and somehow this has translated into me being incapable of just writing a smutty one-shot or whatever because what is everyone's job and how much is their mortgage payment and do they get paid on Fridays or Mondays and how many bedrooms does that apartment have.
18.) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
See answer above about over-complicating things: I came up with this whole system for An Uncivil War for whether I'm writing out the dialogue in a language other than Basic (I feel like we really only have enough information for me to be able to do this in Huttese and Mando'a, and even then only short conversations in certain subjects), or simply noting that a character is saying something in another language ("he said in Ryl" or whatever), or mixing Basic and a word/words in another language within the same sentence. It was important to me to capture that multilingualism, but it's also a lot of work, ngl.
19.) First fandom you wrote for?
Technically Johnlock but I never finished/published anything.
20.) Favorite fic you've ever written?
I love all my babies equally, she lied.
It's the Can't Stop the Suns series, which is An Uncivil War, Pick Up the Pieces (more than halfway completed), and Sometimes Fate Steps In (loosely outlined). Sometimes I'll just look over my notes and get giddy about how much good stuff I'm packing in there and how much *more* good stuff I haven't even gotten to yet. I'm throwing the kitchen sink of stuff I love at it. Even if the final version doesn't quite live up to the vision I see in my head (it rarely does), as long as I get close I'll be happy.
I tag @piecesofeden11, @underacalicosky, @fulcrum843, and, as usual, anyone else who feels up for it!
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worldismyne · 4 months
Kirona fics recs.
"@worldismyne thank you! I'll check it out! Yeah, I'd love some recs. I prefer Crona as a boy (trans or cis) but I still like fics with them as non-binary or a girl."
Alright, it's been a hot minute since I read some of these, so any ff.net recs are vaguely remembered through rose color glasses, but they def left an impact on me.
Masc recs...
The Lycan and the Vampire (T - Incomplete)
Summary: Crona is a lycan via bitten. Kidd is a vampire by birth. Kidd hates the lycans. Crona doesn't know how to deal with a vampire. Male!CronaXKidd. Rated T for sexual references mentioned mostly by a Lycan
Review: I am paranormal romance cringe. I remember this fic being the first I remembered when thinking of good MxM Kirona. The AU was fairly well world built as well.
Kid x Crona : Hades and Persephone (G - Hiatus)
Summary: Have you ever wondered if there was more to the story of Hades and Persephone? That there was more than what was said in stone?
Review: This is a mythology AU. I just got started with this one, but I'm a sucker for greek mythology. Seems pretty cute so far.
The Difference Between Us (M - Incomplete)
Summary: An ongoing Death the Kid x Male!Crona fanfic. Kid shows Crona what it means to be loved. Slow paced and many chapters long.
Review: tldr, have not read this one, 1st person is not my jam. But, the people for people who do like it (according to other reviews) it's got solid characterization and is a decent long fic to settle in with.
NB recs...
Beneath All the Hate and Despair (T - Incomplete)
Summary: Even after switching sides and making peace with most of Maka's friends, Crona has a rocky transition into Kid's good graces. Things get even more difficult when traces of Medusa crop up. An exploration of two wildly different but curiously similar people that come closer together. Mostly canon compliant, but an AU of sorts. NB Crona. (Revamped fic)
Review - This is the OG for me, and by that I mean how young me found out about they/them pronouns. (I didn't really get it at the time, but I still read the whole thing AND the author went back 10 years later to do another copy edit once they had more expirence. Mad respect.)
Stir the Cauldron (T - Updating)
My summery: A continuation of the manga where Kid uses his new powers to help save Crona.
Review - Really nice getting to see Kid adjust to being the new Lord Death, the internal dialogue is really on point. Bonus points for addressing Ragnarok and having Crona be artificially made (gotta be one my fav HC).
Devestation Rots (NR - Complete)
Summary: In which Kid is shattered by the loss of two people very important to him.
Review: Cute hurt/comfort two-shot. Bonus points for Liz/Patty + Kid in a sibling dynamic.
I read mostly fem!Chrona longfics way back. So The Birth of Scelus the Kishen and Child Born of Love are the absolute classic longfics that have survived (I could have sworn there were four or five others, they may have been deleted). But both of them are complete and rated T. I have 0 clue how well they've held up, but they got me through many a class and roadtrip growing up.
There is 10 pages of fics on ff.net (the ship predates the ship filter feature. So just pop in romance into genre and only have them as the listed characters). There used to be more, but like I said, people like to delete their old stuff.
キックロ or Kikkuro is the ship name in Japanese if you ever want to look for art on other sites. I know there were a few doujins back in the day, but very few were translated to English at the time.
It's so interesting to see a ship that used to be in the main trifecta of ships fall out of favor. I'm mostly writing for other ships now too, so I'm not complaining lol.
Daughter of Madness is the longest fic I ever wrote and now with the sequel, they've fully transitioned from she/her egg to they/them god X'D
I still love these two together in any interpretation. So if you ever get brainrot or wanna talk headcanons, my inbox is open lol.
EDIT 10 Pages of fics when browsing on mobile, 28 if you're on web.
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twistedshipper · 3 months
So, for the tag game, I'm very interested in Morgana's Tale, could you please share a couple of words about it?
"Arthur doesn't know how it begins" isn't it a story of Arthur who knows about the siblings thing but Morgana doesn't? I recall we were talking about this plot some months ago, but I may be wrong 😗
Of course. I'm excited you asked about this one. From the title it probably sounds like BBC Merlin but from Morgana's perspective, but I'm afraid it's actually a Handmaid's Tale au for Merlin. I was inspired when Margaret Atwood released The Testaments to write the au for Merlin that no one asked for, but I felt I very much needed (though only wrote a few pages of, since I want to finish SL first).
I'm not going to get into the whole story behind the books here but, essentially, it's a dystopia in which women have seen their rights removed. From the wiki about the show based on the book:
The plot features a dystopia following a Second American Civil War wherein a theonomic, totalitarian society subjects fertile women, called "Handmaids", to child-bearing slavery.
In the fic now, Morgana is a handmaid for Commander Arthur Pendragon and his wife Gwen. She is referred to Ofarthur, as each handmaid can no longer be called by her given name in the time before the war, emphasizing how she now belongs as the property of her Commander.
In the fic, Morgana, or Ofarthur, is the vessel by which Arthur and his wife Gwen hope to conceive a child due to Gwen's barrenness (which also works as an Arthurian nod, since I believe in many of the stories Gwen couldn't conceive).
I'll leave a snippet below:
“Did Mrs. Pendragon tell you?” she asked, speaking softly.  Her hand unconsciously moved over her stomach as if to safeguard the child that grew within her.  A mother’s instinct that overshadowed even Morgana’s reluctant acceptance to her pregnancy. 
The Commander watched her gesture, eyes lingering on her stomach as if in disbelief at the entity that grew there.  Then his eyes rose up to his handmaid’s pale face.  “Guinevere did say something of the matter,” he admitted, Morgana thought, rather sheepishly.  “That you told her you have not bled, that you think you are with child.”
“Yes,” she affirmed, as she clutched the hand still at her side into a fist.  She had watched his face carefully when she asked him, making sure to study his face for his reaction.  “I thought you would have been pleased,” she stated matter of fact. 
“I am pleased for my wife,” he allowed. 
She frowned.  “But not for yourself?” she ventured.
He looked away, shook his head, before turning back to face her.  “Not if it brings you displeasure.”
Her frown deepened.  “Why would it?” she asked.  “I am filled with God’s miracle.”
He snorted.  “You don’t believe that righteous hogwash.  Not you, of all people.”
She tilted her head up, inquisitively.  “And how would you know, with all due respect, Sir, just what I do or don’t believe?”
I also answered a previous ask about the second fic you asked about. Kinda. It was definitely based on that conversation, except in the fic they both know they are related.
Thanks for giving me the chance to discuss both of these.
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riririnnnn · 4 months
Hello! I've wanted to ask this for a long time, but I wanted to say first that I really like your content here on Tumblr and that I'm a fan of yours from a Latin country. (cough cough Anitta-)
But back to the question, I wanted to know if you are ok and if you still intend to update your fics on quotev... I hope this isn't touching on some sensitive topic and that you see this little message or at least understand it, my English it's sucks.😭
Fan? ehehehehehe.
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And well...
[Warning: Long angry rant]
Oh how dearly I'm longing to update my books, but this:
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THIS MF— #$#****##$€
Ahem, sorry for my behaviour.
So, in very simple words, I have gotten stuck on the book mentioned above. I wouldn't exactly call it a writer's block—I have all the ideas needed for the chapter I'm currently writing, and, in fact, I have all the ideas ready for the next chapter too, but I just can't find the flow, you know.
If you have observed enough, then you know that I tend to divide a chapter into, at least, three parts and I have never had any trouble in it.. until now. The parts just don't seem to connect. Because of which I have changed the plot 5 times: Shidou to Nanase to Aryu to Aryu again to Karasu!
And it's just so frustrating when things don't fit the way I want which in turn kind of demotivates me from writing further.
You may say that I should focus on another book, which is 100% right, but the frustration remains itching me behind the back of mind and irritates me even more! That's why I have pinned that book, so that it's the first thing I see in my published section and hence I get motivated to write, but opposite to my expectations, it has annoyed me even more!
I'm halfway through the chapter though:
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Just 7 more pages to write!
The next book to be updated is most likely Purr-fect Striker since it's halfway done too:
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After that, it's Wannabe, I guess:
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Rest of the books need some minor rewriting—The Chosen One [God AU] will be republished again because of ✨reasons✨ I'm sorry, please don't be mad at me.
Also, I would surely leave a note if I were to completely abandon writing. I have like 9 more books in drafts, so I'll publish them all before leaving in case anyone likes the idea/plot and wants to adopt them.
(A lil secret between you and me) These two are the ones that may get published next:
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May take a few months or, at least, will remain in my drafts until most of my published fanfic have 50+ pages each.
That's all, I guess.
I don't say this often, but I'm grateful af for my reader base. You guys are so wholesome and patient with me. Thank you so much!
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And your English is perfect! Just like you <3
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bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme!
Thanks to @fiercynn for creating this tag and for tagging me! Lots of love for you, honey ♥
Name and whatever you want to share about yourself
Hey! My name is Alessandra (I'm Italian); you can call me Ale, Alex, Alexa, or just Giandra (my nickname); my pronouns are she/her. I'm 22 years old, I'm bisexual (no matter what your gender is, I'm gay for you) and aromantic.
Creative writing is my biggest passion. I also love reading and watching all sorts of stuff. Storytelling and character writing will always be my favorite thing to study.
I really care about social topics such as feminism, the LGBTQIA+ community, racism and poc communities cultures and issues, ableism and disabilities (right now, I'm specifically discovering the world of neurodivergences, as I suspect I may be ADHD), classism and all things related to these matters.
No judgment over fictional tastes will ever come from this account; however, you will be judged, and blocked, the moment I see you discriminate someone else, may it be over fandoms issues or real life issues.
When did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom?
July 28-30th, 2022. I watched the first five episodes in one go (in one night!) and then watched the next seven in the next few days (I had to study in between, or I would have binged it in less than 48 hours).
I joined the fandom pretty much immediately? The moment I watch or read something, the first thing I do is going on Tumblr to search for content and other people's reactions. So I entered the Bad Buddy fandom as soon as (actually, even before) I finished watching the show.
Favorite ship(s)
PatPran. Pat and Pran are my 2nd favorite otp between ALL the otps I've ever had (and I've been a professional shipper since I was, like, ten years old).
I love InkPa too, though. They're so soft and amazing and I love them as individual characters. If PatPran weren't in the show, or if they had been written and/or played differently, InkPa would have stolen all my attention, to be honest.
Favorite character(s)
Pran. I don't have enough energy to elaborate right now; it couldn't be anyone else but him.
Favorite episode(s)
Episode 5 and episode 11, but to be honest I love pretty much all the episodes immensely. I guess my other faves are episode 8 and episode 4.
Favorite scene(s)
My favorite scene in the entire show is the rooftop kiss in episode 5, but my favorite PatPran moment is the balcony scene in episode 8.
One thing you would change about the show if you could
Oh, well. I would definetely have the whole Wai-curtain drop thing be handled differently. I love Wai! And I think that what he did was totally IC (and Bad Buddy being set in a universe without homophobia doesn't make it as bad as it could have been otherwise), but I think the narrative needed to be more clear about who was at fault there (definitely not Pran).
I wanted Ink and Pa to kiss. They deserved it.
I wanted tongue (or at least... Idk... open mouths?) in PatPran's beach kiss. (I wanted the scene where Pran bit Pat's lip that was filmed but that they chose not to have in the actual show; what a shame.)
I wish they didn't add the cringey, unrealistic crime subplot in ep9; like, I'm even okay with Pat getting shot, but everything that followed should have been handled differently.
What are some of your favorite fanworks made by other people?
Oh, God. This is hard.
Just to be fair, I'm going to link my AO3 bookmarks page, because all the stories I bookmarked are amazing and they deserve to be here. I'll try listing a proper top 5, but I'll be definitely forgetting a lot of amazing fan fictions, not to mention I'm currently trying to read all Bad Buddy's fics starting from the very bottom of the AO3 section, so my bookmark page will be updated constantly.
The Fine Line Between Hormones and Home
traffic was slow for the crash years
Hands on My Body
I'll fight their doubt and give you faith
(+bonus) Don't worry
My all time favorite one was tragically deleted a couple of months ago; my top3 is currently this one:
Message in a bottle
Heat Waves
Gives you Hell
(+bonus) A Thousand Years (currently not up on YT, but will be again soon, and then I will link it)
Needless to say that there are so many more I'm in awe with, but then the list wouldn't end, so I just had to choose some favorites.
Don't blame me
The 7 things I hate about you (version 1 and version 2)
Just keep breathing
(+bonus: this is really just a love letter to the show and it hit close to my heart)
There are a couple others about them as individual characters and of InkPa that I really loved too, but to avoid listing too many I'll just link my saved posts on IG.
There are countless amazing fanarts of Pat and Pran, but my favorite BB artist is probably @hereforlou, because her style is just too cute to be true and her portrayal of the characters is always so IC.
(If you create fanworks) What are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made?
I made five video edits focused on Bad Buddy, but I don't really like any of them, except maybe this one, which is some sort of tribute I made to the show as a whole.
I made tons of mep parts focused on Bad Buddy/which included Bad Buddy; I made more than 100 parts since I've started video editing about two years ago, and at least 60 of these have something related to BB in them; the point is that I only really like few of them. One day I will upload a collection with just my favorite parts and I'll get back here to link it.
I wrote five PatPran fan fictions in English (although I only actually like three of them) and five PatPran fan fictions in Italian. My favorite in English is I wish I were her; I'm kinda proud of this one, to be honest!
A song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol)
I PatPrannize every song I listen to... literally so many songs have me screaming 'Oh my God, this song was written for them!'.
Some classic forbidden love songs like Rewrite the stars or Secret love song, one that's super sweet and I think captures PatPran's spirit a lot is also Enchanted, then you have Angel, baby which also fits them a lot, Exile is also very PatPran coded, a lot of angsty songs are made for them, in all honesty.
Idk anything else you want us to know?
Yes: I've been obsessed about Bad Buddy since the day I watched it for the first time and have never been able to recover since then. Also: I loved the OS2 special episodes.
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icaroid · 1 year
hello! i want to say first off that i have so much RESPECT for the way you redacted the words in your neverafter story (even the names in the title!!!), gods its perfect performance art and fulfillment of princess sweep, its been half an hour since i realized what you did to it and the Awe has not lessened.
but i do have to ask. out of curiousity and as someone who failed to finish reading it all before it ceased to exist, is it indeed forever lost to the void now or would you one day release it someplace else?
(mad respect still though if you fully plan to commit to the bit and it really is just gone now)
Hi! I had a feeling this question would come up post-finale, thanks for giving me the space to answer it and work through my own mixed feelings on what to do.
Short answer is: I have no plans to re-release the unredacted fic.
Long answer: I've been debating this since my plan to redact it with the final chapter. On the one hand, it's a work that I'm really proud of, something I worked on for a while and which is dear to my heart. It meant a lot to me to write it.
But it is also a temporal thing. It had a beginning and now it has ended. The princesses have gotten themselves free, and now I, too, am free of the tale. Of the writing of it. And all readers who came along, they are freed. And new readers may never be trapped.
Somewhere along the way (sooner I think, rather than later) the fic became a sort of literary ritual, and there is a power in it that I don't think I want to disrupt. Snow White's plan worked. They drowned the pages, and now, if they are anywhere, we cannot reach them.
I had been thinking about coding self-destructing web-pages and the like, but I don't think I'll do that, either. I think undoing the magic brings them back, puts them back into the story to be read over and over again. And I didn't help get them out just to put them back in.
I don't want to let them be read over and over again. I don't know if I'll ever even reread the full file on my computer. I think it's just gone. The princesses got out, and so did we. The end.
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the-night-writer1 · 10 months
When he wins
This is a Hotstar fic ( Shanyao x Red boy) I'm writing this for fun enjoy
Wasn't this supposed to be a good feeling? Shouldn't he be happy one of flea brain's plans didn't work? That he was on top. That he won this round...
Why was he panicking?
Where was Shanyao? Where was his flea, he could barely see in the dust. Where, where, where?! This shit was thick too, this must have suffocating Shan!
He was moving forward now , looking around wildly. There was rubble everything where and he was running past it. The fight replaying in his mind. Flea brain wasn't fighting right was he?
Slower than usual, flea had a quick brain so why was he fighting so slowly? Gods what was RB missing?! He was trying to think on how did he win? Why was this fight different from their normal fights. Any tiny details he may have missed.
Did flea even land any hits? Was he the only one who landed a attack? Flea did charge at him, and...and missed. Flea brain missed.
That wasn't good, he never missed the first hit. Something was wrong and he needed find Flea brain.
"FLEA BRAIN!?!" Red boy finally yelled out to which he heard coughing in response. He turned and ran towards it. Pulling shanyao out rubble and scooping him up as the smaller one coughed.
"I got you. I got you let's get out of here" Red boy mumbled softly to his flea as he prepared himself for a moment before jumping to the city rooftops. Just above the cloud of dust and still breathe able for flea. If winning came with this much panic he didn't want to win against flea brain ever again.
He took a good look around at the area they were in. Too far away from the pig's shop and the underground was still infested. However was he close enough - oh thank the gods! He could see the penthouse building from here, it wouldn't take long if he was jumping. Just like father he could get a bit of distance.
He would rather jump than risk Shanyao's lungs giving out during attempted teleportation. They both needed this dust off. Shan was still coughing badly and wasn't looking to hot either. The fact Shan was just letting Red Boy hold him was concerning. The was no struggling, or grunts of displeasure was Shan even really awake right now.
"What are you doing here?" Red boy grumbled as he was ruffling his hair in a towel to dry as he spotted his brother's concerned look. He'd gotten Shan cleaned up first and sent out the order for a family doctor through Red son's butler system. Then took a quick shower himself.
"you paged for a doctor why would I not show up?" Red son asked as he walked over to check Red boy for serious injury. Red boy never paged for a doctor. Not even when he needed one so color Red son concerned.
"doctor isn't for me, it's for flea brain" Red boy said as he gestured to Shan still roughly breathing on his bed,"something is wrong with him"
"how did you figure that out? And doctor is still on his way here" Red son said as he turned to sick boy on his brother's bed. Maybe he should try to contact noodle boy or dragon girl. They'd be in the know on Shanyao's heal.
"I won" Red Boy said as he refastened his robe and went to get a change of clothes for himself.
"you won? Brother I don't follow" Red son said as he walked over to his brother's bed to check his temperature,"how did that alert you"
"flea brain is too smart to just lose" Red Boy said as he pulled out his boxers some sweat pants. He was blunt. There had to be something wrong.
"well he's definitely sick" red son said as he pulled his hand away ," I'll go grab noodle boy"
"alright" Red boy said as he finished getting his boxers on," make sure he grabs flea's sleep machine."
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barclaysangel · 1 year
Andy, Junior, and Percy Jackson (Chucky season 2 rewrite fic, drabble 3/4)
Here is the third drabble! Just one more drabble will be posted on Sunday, hopefully I'll be able to write more later on. I'd prefer it if you read them in the order they are posted. PLEASE leave notes and comment what you think because comments help fuel our motivation since @streets-in-paradise and I worked on this AU together and one day, the fic will finally be written!
Thank you and enjoy! :)
Word count: 1.8K
Junior had been quiet that day. 
This wasn’t the first time that Andy has seen Junior be this quiet, not making any sarcastic remarks, jokes, or smiling just a little but it never met his eyes. It happened plenty of times already, but it didn’t make Andy any less worried whenever it did occur. 
The reasons for Junior shutting down were always different. Sometimes after a bad nightmare, he’d be quiet the next day, or it would be after opening up a little too much for the kid’s liking about his father. He’d go almost completely silent. 
But Andy knew that neither of those triggered this new episode. The night before, Junior had been talking about his mother. Bree Wheeler was still a touchy subject, even more so than her husband, but Junior talked about her this time. 
“I already enjoyed reading Greek mythology,” Junior had told Andy that night, “I was so fascinated with the stories of the Greek gods. Then my mom heard about these books and got me the first set. I was already hooked just after the first page.” 
The books Junior was referring to were all five books of Percy Jackson and the Olympians, tapping his fingers on the box the books were contained in. 
Okay, yes, Junior may have mentioned once that those were one of his favorite book series. Andy knew he could’ve just gotten one, but he splurged and bought them all. He figured the kid would want something to keep him entertained when he went on his weekly supply run, rather than to resort to cutting off pieces of Chucky’s plastic skin whenever he got bored. 
“She always knew me like the back of her hand. Sometimes even better than I knew myself.” Junior was speaking kindly of his mother but his eyes and smile were melancholic. 
Andy knew how much the kid loved talking about Bree, but it wasn’t a secret that he was still taking her loss hard. How could the kid move on, even after knowing that Chucky was responsible for her sudden death and it wasn’t by her own hands? 
Junior was grieving and unable to move forward. He couldn’t blame him, he’d be the exact same way if he saw his mother die the way the kid did. Junior lost the last person in his life that truly loved him. And in a way, so did Andy. Even though the adult’s mother was still alive, he had to stay away. He couldn’t bear it if he lost her too just like how he lost Kyle. 
So it wasn’t a complete surprise when Junior went quiet the next day, running almost on autopilot. There wasn’t a lot Andy could do to bring him out of that state, just be by his side and make sure he ate. 
The eating part was never the easiest when the kid was like this, he never had an appetite and spent most of breakfast pushing the food around with his fork before actually having a few bites. But Andy still made sure Junior had some food in his system and let him know that he was there for him. 
Junior would always say he was fine or hum affirmatively whenever the adult asked if he was okay. That was never true and Andy would have to pretend that he didn’t notice how Junior would come back after collecting wood for the fire with red tinged eyes as if he had been crying. 
Andy knew that he couldn’t push him to open up. Too much pressure and the kid would snap at him, making all the work he had done to get Junior to trust him come crumbling down. He had to be patient and take things slow, just let him know that he would always be there if the kid needed to talk and let him come to Andy. 
By nighttime, Junior seemed to relax slightly. He was still quiet but began talking a little more with Andy when the older man spoke rather than just nod his head in agreement. Baby steps, but it was certainly something and he would gladly take it. 
Even though the kid seemed to be doing a little bit better, Andy still felt the need to check up on him. And that’s what he did, peering into Junior’s room since the door was still open. He was already lying down on his cot, a few blankets over him, and staring up at the ceiling. The sight was a little concerning and the adult only relaxed when Junior finally blinked, assuring that he wasn’t dead. 
After a moment, Andy lightly knocked on the door. “Can I come in?” He asked, waiting for the kid to nod before walking inside the bedroom. Andy sat down on the edge of the cot, looking over at the kid who still had his eyes trained on the ceiling. “How are you doing, kid?” 
Junior didn’t say anything for a few seconds before he shrugged his shoulders up and down. “I…I’m alive. That’s all.” 
It wasn’t much of a response, yet that was something Andy was willing to work with. “Good. I’m glad you’re alive.” He told him genuinely and caught a glimpse of the corners of Junior’s lips turning upward just slightly. 
“Yeah, I guess so.” The kid muttered and Andy took that as another win. Sometimes Junior would say something about how he wished he wasn’t alive and then chalk it up as a joke. But the adult always knew he wasn’t joking, and it would break his heart. 
However, this time he agreed with Andy’s words, which was a step in the right direction. 
The adult paused for a moment, thinking of the right things to say. “You know, if you ever wanna talk…I’m right here. I can only listen if you want. I just want you to know that you’re not alone.” 
Junior nodded, finally turning his head enough to look at Andy. “I know…I just…don’t really feel like talking right now,” he said quietly, “but…maybe tomorrow? If-if I feel better.” 
Andy sent him a reassuring smile while nodding. “Yeah, of course. It doesn’t even have to be tomorrow, it can be whenever you feel like. Okay?” 
The kid’s lips tilted upward again, another sign of improvement. “Mhm, okay…thanks.” 
“No problem, kiddo.” He told him before he happened to look over at the Percy Jackson box set that was beside the cot, leaning over to gently nudge it with the tip of his boot. “You haven’t read these yet?” 
“Not yet. I haven’t felt like reading, but I’ll get to it.” Junior said before pausing, looking like an idea came to him before he spoke again. “Can you…can you read it to me?” 
Andy paused briefly. “I don’t know about that, Junior…” 
“Please Andy?” He asked again, now pouting. 
“I don’t think I’d make a very good narrator—” 
“I don’t care, just…please?” 
The longer the adult looked at him, the more his resolve started to fall down. God, it was getting a lot harder and harder to say no to Junior. 
Finally, he sighed quietly. “Okay, what book do you want me to read?” 
The kid’s eyes twinkled in delight when Andy gave in. “The first one, ‘The Lightning Thief’. I want to feel like I’m seven years old again.” 
He smiled slightly and nodded, leaning over to pick up the first book from the box set. Once it was in his hands, Junior scooted further to the edge of the cot to give more room for Andy, allowing him to sit down comfortably with his back resting against the wall. 
While Andy wasn’t very comfortable in his narrating abilities, he just couldn’t refuse the kid, especially when he was starting to open up a little more. “Okay, kid…” he opened up the book and flipped past a couple pages until he landed on the first chapter, “‘Chapter 1: I Accidentally Vaporize My Pre-Algebra Teacher’? Holy shit, that’s how this book is gonna start?” 
“Just read it!” When Andy looked down at him, Junior was smiling. This was a real smile, his first one of the entire day. It made something in his chest feel warm. 
Well, now he just had to read it to him. 
The adult chuckled under his breath before beginning. “‘Look, I didn’t want to be a half-blood.’” 
And with that, Andy started reading the book. He understood what Junior meant about getting hooked after the first page because he was hooked as well. He continued reading and checking up on the kid every now and then, spotting Junior looking relaxed and smiling, giggling at any of the funny parts. 
Halfway through the second chapter, Andy peered over and noticed that the teenager had fallen asleep. He couldn’t help but to smile at the sight, noting how peaceful the kid looked as he slept. Good. He needed some peace in his life. 
Well, Andy had to make sure to be quiet as he left, he didn’t want Junior to wake up. The kid needed to get as much sleep as possible, he was still a growing boy. Maybe he’ll make some pancakes with coffee tomorrow, he knows how much Junior likes his homemade pancakes, especially when he mixed in some blueberries— 
Oh…oh shit.
At that moment, a thought suddenly occurred to him. As he looked at the teenager sleeping, he finally understood what the warmth that was growing inside of his chest meant. 
He saw Junior as the son he never had. 
Now, Andy always cared for the boy since the moment he basically dropped on his doorstep. And the more Junior opened up, the more he began to care for him. Junior told him about his past with his father, how Chucky manipulated him, and Andy always felt this wave of protectiveness washing over him. He had to protect him. 
Was this how his mother felt? Seeing her newborn son for the first time, holding him in her arms and willing to do anything to keep him safe? 
Junior wasn’t his child, not by blood, but Kyle wasn’t his sister by blood either. If he could see Kyle as his sister, then he could see Junior as his son. 
Andy would do everything he could to keep the kid out of harm's way. To make sure that nothing and no one will ever hurt him again. He’d give his life just to make sure Junior lived because he couldn’t bear it if he lost someone else. 
And would he burn down the world just to make sure the teenager that was a pain in his ass half the time was warm? Then he’d do it in a heartbeat. 
But for now, the adult closed the book, noting what page they were on, and placed it on the floor beside the cot. He carefully pulled the blankets up to Junior’s shoulders, watching him shift slightly but remained sleeping with the same peaceful expression. Andy smiled fondly, hoping that tomorrow would bring a better day for his kid. 
“Goodnight, Junior.”
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distortedclouds · 1 year
for the fanfic writer emoji ask:
i could ask about all of them really but do we have that kind of time
Hello there!!
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
This questions is kinda vague, bc are we talking canon moments or something I like to write... so I'll do both!
Canon-wise I'm excited to see them meet again, yeah on Annie's titan hand, but also after it's all over, because then they'd be sure they actually made it out and have each other. The relief on their faces is what I'm anticipating to kill me
Fanon-wise, I like aurani hugs. Just big warm bear hugs because even super early on in their relationship, I think those would be Annie's weakpoint and she'd always relax into them
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
I answered it here previously, but if I were to think of something else... I may or may not have seriously considered (and planned to some extent) a modern AU following the plot of the k-drama: Healer. Annie would be the notorious night courier, while Armin is the aspiring journalist who eventually joins the Survey Corps newspaper (Someday News) started by renowned senior Journalist Erwin Smith, so they can expose political corruption without being silenced.
On a side note I'd 10/10 recommend it! It's only 20 episodes long and the characters are a blast!
On a second side note: why did I scrap this, it sounds so good :|
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
Preferably as soon as I wake up, early in the morning. I had my best writing days preparing the word document while eating my breakfast. But on occasion, I'll stay up late writing or put down something real quick in the afternoon
but yeah MORNING!
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
To various degrees of detail, yes! I do like keeping it minimal so I don't constrict myself, but even for oneshots, I like having a bullet points outline of just the events that'll happen in 1-2 lines each. (though I very rarely do a rough first draft unless I'm desperate and resorting to the Most Dangerous Writing App)
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
I'm looking to go back to Slow and Steady with more one-shots, and here are the prompts I've already planned on using:
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⌛ How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter?
depends! oh my god does it depend! I've thrown together 4k one-shots and smut one-shots in one afternoon, but some chapters I have to force myself to just write around 400 words every day.
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🛠What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
For writing: WPS Office docs, comic sans at size 12, 0.5 line spacing between paragraphs, page color set to dark gray. (I know this sounds hyperspecific, but I can't write in any other setting)
For notes: Google Keep on my phone on dark mode with the live widget so I can write something as soon as I get an idea for it. I've written thousands of words worth of scenes for BW and other fics just on this
Hope this was good :D
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ginnsbaker · 1 year
So much to say and so little time (I’m at work😭). First of all, you’re a criminally underrated writer! I read a lot of (reader) stories and in my personal opinion I do think you’re the best writer I’ve come across currently. The endlessly beautifully described writing you provide that somehow keeps me engrossed all throughout and wanting more. I’m trying to get back into writing and you’re definitely someone I strive to write like, inspiring I guess you could say because what the fuck how did you paint us this lovely idea inside your head with just words? Excuse me? I think I’m I love you? Stop it?
It’d be a major plot twist if I’m wrong but I definitely think the endgame is Wanda, I wish it was Yelena but after that last chapter it’s painfully evident that she deserves someone who’s all in, Kate’s hot so that’s a win. You had me dropping my damn jaw more than once, I spent this entire day catching up on your work. The fact that my birthday is this week also really made the most recent update amazing, an early birthday gift. I tried convincing myself to save it until the day of but I couldn’t help myself.
HOPE YOU HAVE THE BEST FUCKING DAY AND I think you’re really cool :D
Thank you for coming here to say all of that and for reading ILGOSS :) This is the longest fic I've ever worked on, so I'll take all the comments I can get to see if it's any good.
Believe it or not, I stopped writing 10 years ago. It's the worst writer's block I've ever had. Bly Manor's story gripped me and I thought about writing a fic, but I couldn't get the words out. Couldn't even write a sentence. And then just one day, I started writing one line per day until I finished a whole page. And then kept at if until I was able to write 1k words. And even then, I never published that Wanda x Reader fic because i thought it sucked.
And then the idea for In Flames and ILGOSS came along and I just kept writing everyday. Started with 300 words a day, and now I can manage at least 1k a day.
I'm telling you all of this so that it can help you get back to writing. It's a rewarding hobby and I'm sure you have many wonderful stories to tell in that beautiful head of yours. And I hope you share it with us someday.
And oh my god, happy birthday! May all your wishes come true! I've mentioned somewhere in my post from weeks ago that Chapter 13 should be obvious about who is endgame. I will never say it outright but it is what it is.
Have a great week ahead and an awesome birthday! Cheers!
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eddsworldstuck · 4 months
i asked who the space player insert is based on a short while ago and so i still have my space player :)
anyway i should really find a new theme for this blog, huh? especially if i want to make a full comeback. if i do. something other than the old redux theme (despite how much i like how simple it is). i may have already found a new theme to use tho.
i've already edited some things on the blog. i edited some pages.
i am still very tuned in on writing/drawing for specifically game of dice tho (i love the characters and story there more than anything)
if you're wondering how the story is now (in the time since i posted that art of the 4), i have a whole rough timeline complete. including chapter names. (still unknown if i wanna post the story publicly) by rough i mean it's just short summaries of what happens in each chapter.
i wanted a timeline set (i did that for the old version of the story, it was actually mostly complete) before any actual writing. and i think the timeline is pretty much set. and i wrote part of chapter 1. wrote as in i blacked out after reading some of my old writing and woke up to about 200 words. that then expanded to 900 and counting. what being fueled by wanting to annoy a fave character does to me. and spite. also one of the main reasons for setting a timeline is the theme for act and chapter names i have. and every act and chapter has been properly named :) i think saying some of the chapter names would give things away, but i'll give away the name of Act I: Brand New Days
yes i am calling them acts like homestuck cause i like the stage play terms and how important music and the performing arts are to me and this AU. (plus music is so ingrained into homestuck itself, the fraymotifs [special moves] are musical terms for example). plus the old version had acts too
they're basically like this. the act is broken into parts with chapters. (of course there's more than 2 chapters for act 1)
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if i were to write it in full again and post it, i'd post it to ao3. the old ews story is still there cause i don't want to delete the only archive of the story (aside from it being in my files) but don't read it. don't worry about it. oh god it's so old, don't look at it. i don't even have my fantrolls in it anymore. altho i have put it locked behind view to registered users only to make it somewhat private without getting rid of it. as well as disabled comments. my game of dice fics i've put there are far better, and it's not cause it's my game of dice bias (even tho those are old-ish too and predates the main story. and predates present nea [my game of dice fc])
altho i have did a little editing on a code to help make pesterlogs and memos look so much better than what they originally looked like in the old ews. i just decided to make this ahead of time in case it DOES come back to be posted publicly.
the new code (i just added extra bits in a copy/personal work skin that adds the 6): [AO3]
old (the dark bg is only due to me using a dark skin for ao3 overall)
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new (not official logs/just made for testing, also these are the new unique handles for the 4 so it's no longer based on the irls. i hope the inspo for the handles is very obvious. sorry Matt did not speak in the memo, i just didn't know what to make him say. but there was already a lot to type. and by a lot to type i am talking about the code itself, even with copy+paste)
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also i have some ideas for a new icon and header. the ideas i have are heavily persona 3 reload inspired. persona 3, especially reload, is one of the reasons i've thought about this AU again after all. what listening to full moon full life on repeat does to me. maybe the icon tho will be a redraw of the old one. which was from the old cover of when i was planning a comic version of the story. ...maybe i will redraw that cover, hm... who knows lol
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kecleonplush · 2 years
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He etiquetado 4997 publicaciones en 2022
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#you are being willfully ignorant of the process of academia to assume that they're even able to say “yeah they wer gay and fuqqed all the t
Mis publicaciones más populares este 2022:
I'm so glad that Heartstopper exists - it's so nice and cute and really is a great portrayal of young queer love and I just hope that we can have more stories about happy queer people. Stories about our struggle are great and important but so much queer media is focused on it that it's easy to just binge gay movies and shows and fall into a depressive hole.
But at the same time, for me personally as a gay millennial who grew up right on the cusp of this new wave of queer acceptance, it really hurts to watch something that could have been me if I were born like, five years later. I had teenage love stolen from me by a society that wanted me dead or at least miserable for being who I was and it really fucking sucks to be reminded that I'll never get that back. I'm nearly 30 and despite having had supportive parents and a great family I'm still playing catchup socially and romantically relative to my peers because I lost so much time as a teen and young adult. Even if I've been lucky enough to not be bashed or actively discriminated against, the fear of it has kept me from experiencing things that so many of my peers have and have helped isolate me in ways my cishet friends have never had to experience.
I hope that my generation is the last one that has to live with this kind of fear and isolation. Things like Heartstopper make me hopeful that that's the case. But I also hope that people like me, who had to live in this limbo, don't get forgotten either.
11 notas. Fecha de publicación: 25 de abril de 2022
Disco Elysium is a wonderful and beautiful game with amazing writing and a haunting world and soundtrack and I really want to create a TTRPG system based off its approach to gameplay AND ALSO I have projected ALL of my problems and insecurities onto it and it has GLOMED onto me like a Futurama brainslug and I am so in love with Kim Kitsuragi and I might die from it oh my god
12 notas. Fecha de publicación: 16 de julio de 2022
As of last night, I finished my Disco Elysium fic (or the first draft anyway). 180ish pages, 60kish words (accounting for the scripting stuff to the best of my ability). I’m taking a break from my first proper tip to tail readthrough to go through my dash, but I’m gonna finish it up and chunk it into chapters then try to find beta readers to help me clean it up and edit a bit. If any followers and/or mutuals want to help I would be very grateful!!!
For those curious, it’s a slowburn Harry X Kim casefic that looks to establish sort of a post-canon canon - I started it as a sort of self-indulgent attempt to establish a feasible way of them getting together but then it just kind of spiraled into a novella so.
13 notas. Fecha de publicación: 23 de septiembre de 2022
I watched Star Trek: The Motion Picture on the plane and while it was a bizarre film that did a weird amount with a strange premise, the biggest value it has to Star Trek canon may very well be the fact that it’s basically just a Sprik fic made into a movie
20 notas. Fecha de publicación: 4 de agosto de 2022
Mi publicación más popular de 2022
There’s something so fucking tragic about the fact that Disco Elysium is supposed to be the one little window we get into the entire Elysium project, intended as an introduction to the world and not the end-all-be-all, that ends up being just entirely consumed by capitalistic greed and a disregard for art for art’s sake. It is only a part of this passion project that spans a decade or more and has a rich background, world and system created by a group of people just looking for a way to relate and be together and imagine a world that is somehow both better and worse than ours. And the only thing the system could do when being presented with this art is kill it for profit.
I really genuinely hope that the ZA/UM folks find another way to continue the world of Elysium because it really doesn’t deserve to die an untimely death at the hands of the demon of capital.
68 notas. Fecha de publicación: 3 de octubre de 2022
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