#they r one of my favorite bands ever ever it was so amazing to get to see them bc i never thought i would ever see them live
rawpastamoth · 3 months
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From a few days ago - Homestar's trip to Chicago! I brought him along to the windy city to see the TMBG concert there! It was an awesome time (except for the fact that everywhere we wanted to go was closed except Jolibees. Lol)
Oh and here's a video of my terrible Homestar impression
This video + a lot of these photos were taken by my brother so shout out to him!
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macbethz · 1 year
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i forgor i took this p good pic of mr Cock(er) himself at the pulp show last night
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camzeecorner · 2 months
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Summary: Baylee loved music and frequently visited her favorite record store, where Matt worked. Over time, Matt developed a crush on her, noticing her every time she browsed through the records. She was drawn to the music, and he was drawn to her.
Warnings : none!
matt x fem!reader
(A/N: (this was supposed to be a blurb)..what??? Also this is HEAVILY based on Matt’s Panera bread girl era anyways enjoy hot mamas)
Baylee was crazy about music. She loved everything from records and jazz to hip hop, rock, nu-metal, and R&B. Music made her happy. Her dad was in a band when she was little, and he showed her how amazing music can be. Over the years, she learned to play different instruments and how to sing.
She made weekly trips to her favorite music store, they sold everything she loved. It was heaven to her, perfect in every way. She would stay there for hours playing different tunes and melodies on the keyboard. Testing out different instruments hearing how they each sounded. She was so in love with music she couldn’t ever find herself to leave until closing time.
Baylee found herself walking to ‘Notes’ smiling like a little kid on Christmas. She had just gotten paid so she had lots of money to spend today. It was about a 15 minute walk from her house, she never drove in that case. Seeing the store in a distance her footsteps seemed more eager and louder rushing to get there.
Ring!! 🛎️
Matt’s pov:
The bell on the door rung, signaling another customer had walked in. Seeing the familiar brown-haired girl, I smiled lightly at her. I greeted her more happily than I would with any of our other customers. “Good afternoon, hope you’re doing wonderful today. Looking for anything specific?” She was one of our regulars, coming in every week and staying for hours, adoring the music. I loved seeing how passionate the music made her. It was cute. “Thank you, I’m doing well. I’m not looking for anything specific right now, just browsing,”she smiled at me. Her smile was so beautiful. Watching her walk away, I caught myself staring at her from afar. Baylee was truly something special. She had a way of getting lost in the music, and it was clear that each note meant something to her. I found myself looking forward to her visits, just to see that spark in her eyes.
I would always catch myself thinking of her during my long shift, waiting for her arrival. She always came alone, so I figured she must not have had too many friends, also assuming she was single. She never talked much to me or anyone. I never had the courage to formally speak to her either. I was afraid deeply I would embarrass myself, stuttering over my words. It was best if I just stayed silent, admiring her.
I had told my friends about this ongoing crush, getting the advice I wanted to hear, hoping it would allow me to listen. 'Go talk to her, Matt.' 'Get her number, Matt.' I just couldn’t. Every time I saw her, my heart would race, and my mind would go blank.
She was like my perfect dream girl. The perfect girl who would giggle at my awkward jokes, the perfect girl who would blush when I called her pretty, the perfect girl who would sing me songs every night. The perfect girl I couldn’t have.
Every time she walked in, it felt like the world paused for a moment. She had this aura about her that made everything else fade into the background. I imagined what it would be like to hold her hand, to share stories and dreams, to be the reason behind her beautiful smile. But those were just dreams, and reality kept me at a distance.
Getting caught in my own thoughts, I saw her slim figure walking towards me. Getting ready to talk to her, my breathing became more intense, feeling my throat dry up. I coughed in hopes of getting better. 'Hi, I wanted to buy these.' She looked up to me with her light brown eyes. Smiling a little, she bit her lip in a nervous way. 'Yea.. yea okay,' I spoke quietly, cursing at myself in my head for sounding so stupid. I smiled quickly at her, grabbing the items in her hand. Feeling our skin touch, it was like fire.
As I rang up her items, I could feel my hands trembling slightly. She stood there, waiting patiently, her eyes occasionally meeting mine. I wanted to say something, anything, to keep her there a little longer. 'Do you come here often?' I blurted out, immediately regretting how cliché it sounded. She giggled softly, a sound that made my heart flutter. 'Yeah, I like the atmosphere here,I’m Baylee by the way” she replied, her voice gentle and soothing.
Handing her the bag, our fingers brushed once more, sending another jolt of electricity through me. 'Thanks,' she said, her smile widening. “Matt.. I’m Matt.” Oh my god matt please not now. I silently spoke in my head. “Maybe I'll see you around?” I nodded, too stunned to form a coherent response. She handed me her phone with her contacts open. “Put your number in” she giggled softly. She wanted my number? Quickly putting my number in her phone I handed her the phone back with a smile. As she walked away, I watched her go, a small spark of hope igniting within me. Maybe, just maybe, this was the beginning of something more.
Baylee’s pov:
Walking out of the music store, I checked the time on my phone. ‘9:02 pm’ my bright screen lit up. Stuffing my phone back into my pocket, I began making my way back to my apartment. The wind outside made the air feel refreshing and cool. Unlocking my door, I quickly kicked my shoes off and walked to my bedroom. Running my hand up and down the wall, finding the switch, I turned my light on, walking to my bed and setting my bags down. Walking towards my closet, I grabbed some shorts and my white long sleeve. I ran the shower while stripping out of my clothes, taking my hair out of my braided pigtails. Looking in the mirror, I inspected myself. ‘It was always right before showers when you felt prettier,’ I thought to myself. Stepping into the shower, the water hit against my tan skin. Relaxing in the water, I leaned my head back, allowing the water to run down my face. Soaking in the warm water, I began to lather soap on my loofa. Quickly stepping out of the shower, I placed my clothes on me, brushing my hair afterwards. I let my natural curls bounce on my shoulders as I walked back to my room. Walking back into my bathroom, I brushed my teeth and washed my face, doing whatever was needed before I could relax in bed.
Matts pov:
Settling into the comfort of my bed, I grabbed my phone and scrolled through my messages, hoping to see a text from her. Nothing yet. I sighed and placed my phone on the nightstand, trying to push thoughts of her out of my mind. The gentle hum of the city outside my window was calming, almost like a lullaby. I pulled the covers up to my chin, feeling the warmth envelop me. My mind wandered back to the music store, to the way her eyes sparkled when she smiled. I couldn’t help but replay our brief interaction over and over, dissecting every word, every look.
Just as I was drifting off to sleep, my phone buzzed. My heart skipped a beat as I reached for it, hoping it was her. And there it was—a message from her. 'Hey, it was nice seeing you today. Maybe we could grab coffee sometime?' A smile spread across my face as I typed back a quick reply, 'I’d love that.' Placing my phone back down, I felt a sense of excitement and anticipation wash over me. Maybe tomorrow would bring something new, something more. With that thought, I let sleep take over, dreaming of what could be.
Time skip!!!!!! - next morning
Waking up, I yawned and stretched, still feeling groggy. I almost fell back asleep but managed to get up and head to the bathroom. Splashing cold water on my face, I grabbed my toothbrush and began brushing my teeth. My phone pinged, and I pulled it out of my pocket to check the message. ‘Hey, you free today?’ she had texted. I quickly replied, letting her know I had nothing planned.
After getting dressed in some comfortable clothes, I decided to tidy up my place a bit while waiting for her next message. I started by making my bed, then moved on to picking up some stray clothes and organizing my desk. The morning sun was beginning to fill the room, making it feel fresh and inviting.
I checked my phone again, but there was no new message yet. To pass the time, I decided to vacuum the living room and wipe down the kitchen counters. It felt good to keep busy, and it helped ease the anticipation. I knew that today could be the start of something special, and I wanted everything to be just right.
Baylee pov:
I get up starting to get ready for my day, washing my face, brushing my teeth, and cleaning up. I paced around my room, picking up things that were out of order. Pulling my phone out, I message Matt. ‘How does 11 sound, meet me at *****’ I put my phone back onto my desk. Walking over to my closet, I began running my hands through the different colors of clothes. Deciding on my favorite fall sweater, it was green and blue. I threw some loose blue jeans on top with my platform high-top converse. Spraying my perfume, I check the time and my phone, seeing Matt messaged me back. ‘Sounds perfect I’ll see you in a bit :)’. I smile at the smiley face; it was adorable. I had 15 minutes until it was time for me to leave, deciding to feed my cat before I left.
I walked into the kitchen, where my cat, Whiskers, was already waiting by his bowl. "Morning, Whiskers," I said, scratching him behind the ears before filling his bowl with food. He purred happily and started eating. I grabbed a quick snack for myself and checked my reflection one last time in the hallway mirror. Everything seemed perfect.
With a few minutes to spare, I grabbed my bag and headed out the door. The cool morning air felt refreshing as I made my way to the coffee cafe.
Walking out my house to my garage, I quickly get in my car shutting the door behind me. I turned the radio on smiling to myself as I hear ‘clay pigeons’ playing softly. Turning the radio up I began making my way to the cafe.
Pulling into the parking lot, I take my keys out putting them in my bag getting out of my car. I walked to the door, entering hearing the bell I was all too familiar with ring. Scanning over the crowd of people I spot Matt quickly.
I wasn’t even sure why I had gave him my number, or asked him to get coffee today. He was cute but we never really talked much. Only having brief interactions and conversations when I was at his job. Even then I didn’t really make time to bother him. It must’ve been a spur-of-the-moment decision.
Walking over to Matt I sat down catching his attention. “Hey” he spoke to me. He looked and sounded nervous. I found that endearing. I smiled at him, feeling a light blush creep on to my face.”Hi Matt”
No one’s pov:
We exchanged pleasantries, and the initial awkwardness started to melt away. After ordering our coffees we settled into a comfortable rhythm. Matt leaned in curiously, “so why do you like music so much?” He asked genuinely interested.
I took a moment to think my finger tracing the rim of my mug. “Music has always been a big role in my life. It’s like a soundtrack to all my memories and emotions. Whenever I’m feeling something deeply, there’s always a song that matches perfectly. Plus it’s a great escape, you know?”
Matt nods his head agreeing with her. “You seem to be really connected with music. Everyday when you came in just.. always seemed really focused.” Listening to him speak, she was surprised at how well he paid attention to her. “What you stalk me?” She asked with a small laugh. “No no, I didn’t mean it like that, I just see you a lot-” He stopped when he heard her laugh at him. “I was only joking. I know you’re not stalking me.” She looked into his eyes smiling at him. He smiled back at her softly.
They continued their conversation quickly learning they were alike in many ways. They spent about 2 hours talking with each other. She learned he was a triplet, being the middle child. He studied music which is why he chose to work in a music store. He found joy in watching YouTube videos, so much he actually gave it a shot too every once in a while. He learned she didn’t have any friends, was also studying music and she an only child. Her life sounded lonely so when he offered to keep her company when he was free she quickly accepted his offer.
Over time they got closer, he introduced her to his brothers, who also became her friends quickly too. She invited him to her home, where they spent a lot of their time at. Matt’s small crush grew more and more over time. Wondering when he would tell her.
Sitting on her bed they were watching a documentary. Turing his head to look at her, he took in all the details about her that he found unique. “You’re really pretty, you know that?” Matt spoke quietly. Barley hearing his voice you turned to him. “Really? You think so?” Watching Matt nod so calmly made her wonder. “Thank you” she sat there looking at him. Watching his face waiting for a reaction. Minutes had passed time going as they just laid limp on her bed.
Matt felt his eyes burning into hers quickly shifting his gaze onto her lips. She took notice of that feeling herself pull her body towards him. Matt felt his breath get cut short. Feeling the heat from her face radiating through her mouth. Her skin so close to his. Their mouths hovering over each other. She thought if this was a good idea.
Feeling her lips softly press against his, he stayed stiff full of shock. He stayed there for a little until he felt himself kissing her back. Cupping the sides of her face to bring her into him even more. Pulling away foreheads still connected, they panted lightly out of breath. She smiled at him pulling him into another kiss this time returning it faster than he did the first one.
The night had been filled with cuddles and kisses here and there. Enjoying the feeling of their skin pressed against each other. The warmth in their bodies keeping them both comfortable. Matt never thought he would see himself laying in the same bed with the girl he had been obsessed with from a record store.
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budderdomo · 10 months
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Andrew Neiman // Miles Teller -- Whiplash (2014) Dir. Damien Chazelle
Screenshot used:
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From the scene where Andrew sees Fletcher's band practice for the first time
Ok, I watched Whiplash for the first time about a month ago and I MEAN- (I can't believe I haven't seen it earlier)
Amazing movie! I seriously think this is one of my favorite movies of all time now. Great acting, great cinematography, great editing, great story. Intense and thrilling in all the right places, the soundtrack is outstanding (obviously), the deep multi-faceted relationship between Fletcher, Andrew, greatness, obsession, and music. It's dark and I love it.
I had always seen clips of this movie, but I don't know why I didn't just go and see it, IMAGINE seeing this in theaters. damn. Anyway, this is a long winded way to say that I've been obsessed (which is also thematically appropriate) with this film. I've listened to the soundtrack multiple times, watched all the interviews, know all the fun facts, seen almost every Youtube analysis to man, watched all the fanedits, read the fics, watched La La Land, started going through Miles Teller's other movies like The Spectacular Now, Top Gun Maverick, realized JK Simmons voiced the yellow M&M and Ford from Gravity Falls and Cave Johnson and every other piece of media from when I was younger. I'm down so bad guys, help.
Please go watch the movie, if you haven't seen it! (Except if you're a minor, it's R rated sorry! But it's like the most asexual R rated movie I've ever seen haha) (And only if you're in a good head space, it's very stressful, there's yelling and abuse) It's about jazz drumming and passion turned to obsession. So do with that what you will :) It's on Netflix right now!
Besides my descent into madness, (as this is still an art blog haha), I'm really proud of this piece. I've really worked on my realism (can you tell?) and I'm getting to a place where I'm pretty happy with it. I also bought Corel Painter on sale recently, and now I can do cool text and stuff, I will be experimenting... Hopefully I can work on more art for this movie!
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verydeadaten · 11 months
Jaune's Sixth Sense: Pyrrha Addition
The highly unanticipated sequel to this post!
Jaune and Pyrrha were hanging out in Jaune’s old room in Ansel. They were on break, and Jaune wanted to show his girlfriend the village where he was raised. Pyrrha was sitting on the surprisingly comfortable bed, looking at the wall covered with posters of rock bands and superheroes. Jaune was at his small bookshelf, picking something up. He walked towards the bed, and spoke.
“Pyrrha, you know how you asked me about my favorite fairytale a while ago?”
She looked at him. “I can recall that, yes”
Jaune handed her something. A book. “Well, this is it.”
The book in her hands was heavy, and red. There was an illustration on the cover, what seemed to be a knight in a field. The back had a very scary looking wolf on it. The cover had the book’s title in big, shiny letters. The Great Hunt. Pyrrha looked up at her lover, surprised.
“Jaune, this isn’t a fairytale. This is an epic poem.”
“Yeah, I know, but-”
Pyrrha was laughing now. “I had to read an excerpt from it in combat school, then write an essay about it!”
Jaune was laughing too. “Really? How’d you do?”
“I think I did okay. I don’t remember the exact grade. You probably could’ve done better.”
“Jeez, Pyrrha. My writing isn’t that good.”
Pyrrha had a serious look in her eyes. “Beloved, I got an eighty-six on the last essay Oobleck gave us.”
“You got one-hundred and ten. You got a perfect score with extra credit on an assignment that nearly everyone else failed. Even Weiss didn’t get a perfect score. Your writing is leagues better than mine will ever be. Now…”
She slammed her hands on the book on her lap. “Tell me about this!”
Jaune exhaled. “Alright. So, I think my mom read it to me as a bedtime story when I was three.”
Pyrrha stifled a laugh. “Really?! I’m pretty sure most parents would read their toddlers childrens books. Not millenia old poems about warriors fighting monsters.”
Jaune snorted. “My parents are not most parents.”
Pyrrha chuckled. “I can tell. Alright, continue.” 
“When I was five, I started reading it by myself. I only had the first part, so I just read it over and over. My Dad bought me the rest of it, and I read that over and over. I actually would bring all three parts to school in my backpack. It was so heavy, my back started to hurt. So to stop me from getting permanent back issues, on my 9th birthday, my parents gave me this.” He picked up the book from Pyrrha’s lap. He looked at the cover, seemingly hypnotized by the shiny drawing.
“This is a collectors edition version of the whole poem. That’s why it’s so big, it’s all three parts of the story.” 
“It looks amazing, Jaune.”
“I don’t know how many times I’ve read this whole poem. I’ve read it front to back, back to front. I’ve gone online and read analyses about it. I translated a part of it to Octavian (latin) once as a project. At one point, I even started writing essays about it in my spare time.”
Pyrrha was extremely surprised. “Really?”
“Yeah. I had to do an essay about it in middle school. I started and finished it in two days. I had to revise it twice because I kept going over the word limit.”
“Brothers, Jaune.”
They fell into a comfortable silence. Jaune felt a bit embarrassed. He liked writing, sue him. At least she didn’t see the typewriter he had under his bed. Or his journals. His many, many, journals.
Nobody could know about those.
Pyrrha then broke the silence. “Can I read it?”
“Of course. Let me clean up, this room is a mess.”
“Thank you beloved.” She gave him a chaste kiss, then opened the book.
As Pyrrha began reading, Jaune looked around the room for things to clean. Dirty clothes (how did he forget to put those away before he left?), music magazines, comic books, and… his bible. 
Well, his grandma’s bible to be precise. It was white, covered with a thick layer of dust. He hasn’t read any religious text in a while. His mind swirled with memories. Memories of reading with his grandparents. Memories of church, of sermons. Memories of prayer, and chanting. But his thoughts were interrupted by a sound most horrible.
His mind went blank. His vision, going dark.
Pyrrha was horrified. How could she do this? Ripping one of her beloved’s most prized possessions, after he most graciously gave it to her to read. What was wrong with her? She had to apologize. But before she could even mutter the words “I’m sorry,” she heard something fall to the ground. 
She looked up to see Jaune standing before his bookcase, completely still. There was a white book near his feet. 
“Jaune? Jaune, are you okay?”
No response.
Jaune turned around, and started walking towards the bed. 
“Jaune, I didn’t mean to tear your book. I’m so sorry.”
Jaune got his knees on his bed. He took the book out of her hands, and put it on the nightstand to the right of his bed.
“Jaune, are you okay? I’m sor-MMMMMPH?! MMMmmm, mmmmhhh~.”
All thoughts had left Pyrrha’s head, as she was pulled in for a searing kiss!  Jaune had her pinned, holding her hands above her head. He wasn’t usually this forward in his affection. Jaune was a shy lover, always nervous, always asking. Today, however, he wasn’t asking, he just took. And Pyrrha didn’t mind that one bit.
Hours later…
Jaune woke up sweaty. His head was pounding. What happened? All he could remember was giving Pyrrha The Great Hunt, then cleaning up his room, then… nothing. It was dark out now. How long has he been out? He looked down on himself, and noticed something. He was naked. Completely naked. He gave a shriek of surprise, and then something to the right of him moved.
“Beloved… Just five more minutes…”
It was Pyrrha, also naked, completely passed out. She was a mess. Her hair was out of its usual ponytail. She was sweaty, and breathing heavily. And she was covered in… fluids…
What the hell happened?
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Shawn Mendes and Niall Horan Timeline
Year 2018
Jan 25 2018 Shawn talks about The Collab on The Voice: We’re really good friends and I mean, we hang out all the time. And we’re always like, ‘we should write a song’ and then we’re planning on writing a song, and we just end up hanging out. Always. (He said something similar back in Nov before the AMAs.)
Mar 2018
Fans, uh:
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Mar 25 Shawn talks The Collab on The Weekend Countdown: My favorite thing about Niall is his sense of humor. He has this hilarious, Irish sense of humor that really cracks me up… How soon until there’s a collab? I have no idea. He’s always on tour when I’m writing, and he’s always writing when I’m on tour. So, one day. Hopefully.
MAY 2018
May 13 Shawn talks about performing at the O2: I mean performing the O2 was obviously just a complete dream of mine –and lucky enough to be able to do 2 nights there. A lot of people who I really love came and saw the show. Niall Horan, who’s a good friend of mine, came and watched me, and that was you know, a very special moment to me.
May 17 Shawn asks the audience at his Apple Music show to send Niall well wishes: Everybody watching online, if you could just tweet at Niall ‘feel better’ that would be really sweet.
Apple does, Niall replies:
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May 24 Shawn talking about his most liked IG pic: This next photo is one of my favorite photos. Not because I’m sitting with Niall, because in the background, my A&R from Island Records, Ziggy, is there and he just looks so blow away by something and I have no idea… Also, the girl in between is making a hilarious face. That’s an awesome photo. I think this is like my most liked photo on Instagram, actually.
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Shawn and Niall do an interview together for BBC – FINALLY.
Transcribed in full here. Highlights include (via DailyNiall):
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Bonus: we know, Nick
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JUNE 2018
Jun 4 Niall does an interview with Fitzy & Wippa:
Sarah: Hey Niall, over the weekend… I was watching this thing on Instagram, and it was you and Shawn Mendes. Are you two just a little bit into each other? It was coming across as that you’re kind of obsessed.
Niall: Definitely not. They kept asking us questions that would make us answer it like that. Kind of like with [unintelligible], everyone thinks they’ve got a thing going on. Nah, we’re good mates. Just sat us down and interviewed us.
Sarah: I did hear you say that he plays you demos of his music before he takes it public. Was that true, or was that a lie?
Niall: No, that’s true, yeah. What’s wrong with that?
Sarah: Nothing! I just thought it’s amazing. We’re such big Shawn Mendes fans here. It was nice to see.
Interviewer: And are you brutally honest with him? If there’s a song you don’t like, or you think he could change? Do you tell him, or are you always like ‘mate, dude, this is amazing’?
Niall: Well, he’s on a bit of a roll at the minute. There’s nothing really…
Interviewer: He’s a very talented man. Have you ever thought of doing a song with Shawn? Have you guys actually put lyrics together, or music together?
Niall: No, we haven’t. We get asked about it a lot, to be fair… It’s kind of like –when we’re in the same place at the same time. Like, the other day we were in LA and a group – me and him and a group of our mates, we went to watch a U2 gig. We didn’t like – when we’re together, when we’re in the same city we don’t like sit in the studio together. Which we probably should get around to, but for the most part we just hang out together, to be honest.
Jun 7 Niall talks about Shawn during soundcheck:
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and during #AskLateLateShawn: “if you had to create a boy band, who would you pick to be in it with you?” James and Shawn pick Jimi Hendrix, Harry Styles, Niall, and Elvis.
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Aug 20 At the VMAs Shawn is asked: What do you think about Niall Horan and Hailee?
Shawn: Niall and Hailee? They’re two of my favorite people in the whole world. Niall is one of my greatest friends. Hailee is one of the first people – you know, when she first started out, I was one of the first people she worked with in music. And I love them both. I thought this was common knowledge? I guess it was common knowledge for me, I’m close friends with them both.
Nov 12 Shawn’s voice can be heard in the background of Niall’s InstaStory
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Dec 4 Shawn talks about Niall during an interview with ET Canada.
Interviewer: You recently posted a photo with Niall Horan. And everytime you guys post a photo, fans are like ‘oh they must we working together.’
Shawn: We’re not. Not yet. We will though. You know what, we started really seriously talking about it that night. 100 percent going to happen. Niall and I talk about this pretty much every time we see each other. The truth is that we’re just really, really good friends and we always really enjoy just hanging out. And sometimes you don’t get a lot of time to hang out, so that’s what we want to do, but we’ll get in.
Dec 7 Niall tweets Shawn about his Grammy nom
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Dec 8 Shawn talks with B96 about his Grammy nominations. When told to choose between charcoal, a karaoke machine, and a Bentley for Camilla, Niall (“we chose Niall for you…”) and Taylor, Shawn says: Niall’s getting the charcoal – 100 percent, immediately… Niall definitely gets the charcoal. That’s what’s most important here.
Int: I love it, that was so easy.
Shawn: Oh yeah, no, two bags of charcoal.
Int: Why was that so easy for you to say?
Shawn: It’s what he deserves! No I’m kidding. I really am kidding. I love Niall. He actually tweeted out the nicest thing he’s ever said to me ever about the Grammys, he’s just like really proud of me and tweeted it out. Yeah, he’s a good friend of mine, that’s why I’m bugging him.
Dec 14
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friend i listened to “spring thief” by yorushika and it’s been on repeat for the past hour… please give other song recs by yorushika that you like 🫡 ALSO YOUR FIC WAS SO PRECIOUS AND THE SONG WORKED SO BEAUTIFULLY WITH YOUR WRITING/REALLY ENHANCED THE VIBE OMFG oh 2 live in an apartment w sashisu and get breakfast made daily by suguru <3 - @dollsuguru
KAIROOO MY ANGEL i still haven’t read ur rb of the fic (saving it as a treat for later today :3 hehe) BUT TYSM FOR READING AND FOR UR KIND WORDS ILYSM 🥺🥺🥺 with that being said ……..
WAHHHHH I’M SOOO OVERJOYED THAT U LISTENED TO THE SONG???? ISN’T IT AMAZING????? yorushika makes me fully insane they’re my favorite band Ever hhhhh i’m so glad u thought it added to the fic 😭😭 their songs are all super nostalgic and bittersweet and summery so they’re just . perfect for sashisu & stsg.. u asked for more recs so ofc i will deliver >:3
i genuinely don’t think there’s a single yorushika song that doesn’t hit so i have like 25873 favorites BUT here are some standouts….. some have mvs and others don’t but yorushika’s lyrics are genuinely so so beautiful and incredible so i’ll make sure the links take u somewhere u can read them <3
blooming in that summer
my absolute favorite <333 like, absolute favorite. it changed my life. i want to live in it. the lyrics are insane the instrumental is out of this world and the final chorus always always gets to me. i’ve cried listening to it bc it’s just so so good AND it’s also the most stsg song ever so i cry when i listen to it and think of them (someone made an animatic of stsg with this song that quite literally lives in my brain rent free u can find it here) <33
hachigatsu, bou, tsukiakari
another of my absolute absolute faves!! lyrics are so good i cried, instrumental is so good i cried, and the final chorus . makes me cry. notice how i’m already repeating myself bc literally all of these songs are incredible in every possible way aaa ALSO the singing 😵‍💫😵‍💫 esp at the end. there’s so much emotion in it and it makes me sick actually whewww
another absolute favorite :33 (i’m gonna be saying this for all of them i think but i mean it sincerely ok…) kairo this one makes me ill. it’s so gojo coded. it’s Him. the lyrics just remind me of him sm (they’re incredible btw the final line makes me batshit insane) AND THE INSTRUMENTAL??? might be my fave yorushika instrumental ngl don’t quote me on that tho 🙏🙏 just such a lovely summery song it smells like seasalt and tastes like clouds :3
kamisama no dance
AAAA ANOTHER ABSOLUTE FAVORITE kairo this one is getocoded. i knowwww you’ll understand. some of my favorite yorushika lyrics Ever and that’s saying a lot. it also has crazy lore bc it’s connected to this whole story being told in some of yorushika’s albums and :((( yeahhh. this one feels kairocoded to me but that might just be bc it’s so getocoded LMAO i have a feeling you’ll like it though!!
robber and bouquet
THIS ONE IS SOOO LOVELY the instrumental…. 😵‍💫😵‍💫 i love it sm. i’d say this one is kinda different from classic yorushika stuff but in a very good way!! also i’m legally obliged to inform u that this one is tojicoded as HELL i associate him w the lyrics so much…. also i adoreee the way suis sings in this one her voice is so gorgeous wowowow… the sense of fatigue…… so good
just a sunny day for you
A CLASSIC but for very good reasons . the mv is just gorgeous, the lyrics are stunning and the instrumental is sooo nostalgic and summery n bittersweet :((( just the best. sashisu coded also!!!
aaaand finally here’s their yt channel!! there are so many other songs i adore that i wanted to mention but i think these r enough for now 😭 oh but here’s also a yt channel that makes lyric videos for their songs in case u wanna find some more!! :3
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klxudykai · 4 months
all 26 of my drs
soo as my bio says I have 26 drs!! and today I will be talking about each of them
in all honesty I thought it was a bit of a stretch to shift to that many, but who cares? the universe is unlimited so if I wanna shift to 3, 26, or even 100 I should be allowed to (and so should you!!)
anywaysss lets get into it
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Anime drs
MHA - this is literally my MAIN DR. its the first ever dr I thought of shifting to and one of my favorites. I can't wait to shift there omg
MHA (fantasy au) - this isn't one of my top favs but it is def a cool one that I would enjoy fs
AOT (modern college au) - this dr is gonna be so fun I just know it
Haikyuu - volleyball is one of my FAVORITE sports so I already know this is gonna be exciting (I also had a haikyuu obsession ever since 2019 quarantine-)
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Fame drs
singer - I always wanted to be a famous singer so this made inner 9 year old me SCREAM. I live and breathe music. all kinds of it, too. my playlist will go from SZA to Bone Thugs n Harmony to Billie Ellish and then to Deftones real quick
youtuber - this is another career that 9 year old me wanted. I've always looked up to YouTubers so I knew I would have a trip shifting to where I was one too
street racer - okay Im gonna be so honest and tell y'all rn I don't know jack shit abt cars- all I know is that I wanna have a hot pink car and blast flo milli while dusting a bunch of men in races (hot girl shit I fear-)
90s r&b singer - I love the 90s. the music, the fashion, all of it. absolutely amazing. that's it
band dr - I would love to be the lead singer of a famous ass band. I haven't decided if I was gonna join an existing one or make my own yet but one of the options will be happening
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TV shows/Movies
hogwarts - when I first got into shifting a LOT of people were shifting to Hogwarts and honestly I understand why. it looks so fun there man
alice in wonderland - this is one of my FAVORITE movies. I love the weirdness of it all and its just so creative and calming for me. (I intend on scripting I live in a cute little cottage on a hill with my two headed cow because I have a major obsession with cows)
diary of a wimpy kid - I got one name for you. and that name is rodrick mf heffley. judge me I do not care but that man is FINE (he probably smells tho but I intend on scripting he isn't cause who tf wants a smelly man??). i also like the idea of being in loded diper
twilight - I've had an obsession with vampires and werewolves (ESPECIALLY werewolves) since I was in 4th grade so this move series and dr is right up my alley (I'm team Jacob btw even tho he's hella childish)
the breakfast club - the first time I watched this movie I was like "I'm officially shifting there". I love coming of age movies especially older ones like this so I didn't hesitate to add it to my list
riverdale - this series was kinda interesting tbh. I heard it got really wacky after the 3rd season though but I guess I'll find that out when I rewatch it (or when I shift idk). SPEAKING OF RIVERDALE- I had two dreams about shifting there and it was so crazy. like the first one was when I was in the diner with the characters and I was looking for my s/o, but I woke up before I could find him. and then the second dream I don't remember but I had the sensation I kissed someone???? so I'm pretty sure I found him LMFAO-
spiderman (itsv-atsv) - absolutely NO words for this one. I've had an obsession with this one ever since it came out. and I almost screamed in the movie theater when the producers hit us with that "to be continued" bs. also hobie brown <33
descendents - I was into every single original Disney channel movie that was released and this was one of them. AND I could be the daughter of Tiana like??? sign me up fr
monster high - these are literally THE monster it girls. it would be a crime to not shift there
total drama - this was the first reality tv show I ever watched and I was so here for it. they got real creative with the drama too
victorious - I LOVE arts. acting, painting, music, dance, you name it. if I could go to a school like this in my cr I would've already been there (oh wait I technically can)
power rangers - SPECIFICALLY the 2017 film. I don't feel like we got a backstory on half of the characters and its so disappointing but oh MAN when my boy DACRE got on that screen I almost hollered. this movie served so hard and it deserved a sequel badly.
stranger things - this was another obsession of mine and I couldn't have it any other way. its gonna be terrifying but badass (like nancy wheeler when she had that damn shotgun)
mid90s - this was a decision I made last week because I had JUST watched the movie and it was my obsession for a little bit too. I experienced a little home sickness (more like a lot of homesickness because I was SAD SAD)
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other drs I thought of shifting to
demon slayer - this seemed pretty fun, but I heard that later down the plot it got boring and sucked pretty bad so I wasn't sure
kpop - I'm not 100% a kpop fan but I LOVE krnb so I was just thinking of making music like that but its still in the works a bit
avatar - I thought it would be cool, but I wasn't in love with the idea like I thought id be. maybe if I shifted to the first avatar I'd like it but idk yet
farm life - like I mentioned earlier I really love cows and thought a farm would be cool, but I kinda fell out of love with the idea so this most likely won't go all the way through
anastasia - this is one of the drs I most likely will still be shifting to because I just love classic Disney movies (and Dimitri was fine..)
ready player one - in all honesty, I completely forgot I intended on shifting there but its a fun ass concept
pitch perfect - okay but this movie was funny as hell plus singing so why not?
tinkerbell - this entire series was my Roman empire. they were my FAV when I was little and still are
10 things I hate about you - early 2000 movies are my favorite so when I watched this, I wanted to shift there asap
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okay and I think those are all my drs!! this might be a little over 26 too but oh well LMFAO-
i really enjoyed making this and I hope y'all enjoyed reading it <3
stay tuned for more drs because i am always thinking of new ones to go to!!
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3kiripima3 · 6 months
Hi, I'd love a Hazbin match up (no pressure though)! Characters I don't want would be Alastor, Niffty St Peter, Sir Pentious and Charlie or Vaggie (I'm sorry I know that's a lot 😭)
My pronouns are she/they and I'm pansexual. I have dyed black hair and several Piercings and tattoos and I'm planning on more. I'm very into goth fashion (and music).
I absolutely love horror. It's my favorite genre of anything but especially books and movies. My favorites are Scream and Trick r Treat. My favorite horror novel at the moment is I'm Thinking of Ending Things (probably more of a thriller but still). I absolutely love music (and singing). My favorite genres are gothic rock and metal and my favorite bands are Ice Nine Kills, Motionless in White and She Wants Revenge. Also, Halloween is my favorite holiday!
I'm a Scorpio and an infp so when I feel something I FEEL it. My emotions run high but I love very deeply and I'm very passionate about well...everything. I tend to be quiet until I know someone then I'll say the most out of pocket shit ever.
Additionally: I get seasonal depression in the summer, which sounds ridiculous but it happens. I'm just miserable when it's hot. Not sure why i felt the need to include this but I did. I also Kin Charlie and am a recently converted Val simp lmao. Also I'm sorry again for saying I don't want so many characters! I feel so bad 😭 I hope this is enough!
Hiya! Thanks for the request! After some consideration, I think I'd pair you with…
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I really do think you and Adam would make a good match!
Let me preface, Adam isn't goth himself. However, he's definitely very interested in goth fashion and music. He'd very likely pick out goth clothes for you that fit your vibe and make you look amazing, although he probably wouldn't admit to doing it just cause he likes you.
Adam is assuredly a big horror fan as well, although has a tendency to critique horror media if he thinks it's too cheesy or predictable. He'd very much love psychological horror.
When it comes to music, Adam does prefer hard rock. However, his next favourite genre is gothic rock. He plays guitar, so he'd totally play one of your favourite songs to get you to sing.
Adam isn't typically one to express emotions, but I feel like he'd really admire those who do. He definitely would appreciate your passion, as he's also very passionate about things he enjoys. Due to him saying out of pocket shit a lot, I don't think he'd be bothered by you doing it at all.
Thanks for requesting! I hope this is good enough for you :) (One of my best friends is goth too. I hope you don't mind me saying, but y'all in the goth community are honestly some of the sweetest people I've ever interacted with.)
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✿Hi! I hope you enjoy this fic! Please remember to reblog, like, and leave a nice comment. Follow me, and maybe you’ll see more nice stuff, idk I can’t tell you what to do. But I’d appreciate it! More stuff pinned to my page! Kay bye!
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Show you off Pt. 1
pairing: modern!Eddie x Sinclair sister
warning: breeding kink, unprotected sex, fingering(fem) receiving, masturbation, light angst, mentions of racist comments. A very horny Eddie Munson because that’s how much he loves his girl. Minors DNI
word count: 2k
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Sometimes Eddie wonders how she got so lucky to be with someone like Devina Sinclair. Hawkins High School was anything but wonderful, especially for people like them. A Black girl, with a love for books and a nerdy chaotic metalhead. Eddie had no interest in books, unless it was fantasy, but more specifically The Hobbit. Devina had no interest in metal, maybe soft rock, or R&B; unlike most couples that had nothing in common, they were able to meet each other in the middle.
Eddie had taught Devina how to play guitar all summer long back in high school, the boys were getting jealous that he was spending more of his time with her, than with his actual band. “Well if you two had girlfriends, maybe you wouldn't have to wait for me all the time.” He would tease them, but he was right, the way Gareth and Jeff explained it, Eddie practically saved them from the vultures like some God in fifth grade. They had been stuck to his side ever since, eventually they went their separate ways after high school.
No matter how much she tried to coax him, Eddie still took no interest in books, but he loved it when she read to him. They’d lay in bed together, their bodies tangled, the curtains drawn, and her soft feminine voice lulled him to sleep like a baby every time. It was on a day like this when Eddie learned his baby could sing, and boy could she sing her ass off. Once she thought he was sleeping, her voice would shift into a hushed humming of whatever song popped into her head.
“When you were here before, couldn't look you in the eye. You’re just like an angel, your skin makes me cry.” She sang quietly, while stroking Eddie’s hair, his eyes popped open, but he didnt move. Radiohead is one of his favorite bands, but he’s sure he hasn’t mentioned that before.
“Okay, two questions: 1. Who the hell taught you that song, and 2. When did you start singing? I need to know this information.” Eddie sat up from his spot between her thick thighs, suddenly he had the energy of a golden retriever.
“No one taught me that song, I’ve been a fan for a while, and I’ve alway been a singer…just in my own time. I thought you knew this?” Devina giggled when Eddie's eyes widened as large as plate saucers, his lips pulled back into a wide bright smile, and his brown eyes watched her with a mischievous look in them.
“No Eddie.” Devina began to pull away from him, but he wrapped his arms around her waist, and pulled her into him closely so that she couldn't get away.
“Please Please Please come on stage tonight Vina. I want to show the world how amazing you are, you deserve it.” His voice lowered into a whisper, and his bottom lids brimmed with tears. He does this to her every time he has to ask her to do something she’ll most likely say no to. She doesn't cave in right away, after a while though she ends up saying yes.
He loves showing off his girl, any chance he gets Eddie brings her up in all of his interviews, or just regular conversation. When he does live shows she'd be standing directly in the front supporting him, and at the end of the shows Eddie would always shout her out. If he was more tech savvy he would probably post you all the time, but just watching you scroll through Instagram made him feel overwhelmed.
“Eddie dont give me that look, I’m sure your fans care nothing about me, they didn't pay to see me. They paid for Eddie Munson.” Devina groaned, some of his fans already gave her an ear full over social media. At one point it had gotten so bad that she had to just turn her comments off on all platforms. When you live in a bubble like Devina, one isn't quite aware of how shitty the world is until something happens directly to you.
“Babe, you know I don’t care what those people say, I love you.” Eddie proclaimed, he claimed on top of her, and held her arms above her head. His face leaned in closer to her, their lips grazing each other, she could smell the sweet scent of raspberries from the cheesecake they scarfed down a little over an hour ago.
“Yeah, but I care, Eddie, the things they say…they’re saying them to me, not you.” Devina argued, she knew he was hurt by some of the fans behavior, the way he saw it, Devina is an extension of him. However, there’s only so much of the insults that he could directly relate to, like the racist comments for example. She could recall a few times people have commented under her post with Eddie, calling her different variations of a “Fat monkey”, but she’s never told him about those.
“Baby girl…I know what it’s like to be bullied, the only reason why I wasn't thrown in trash cans in high school is because I hit a growth spurt by the time I reached 10th grade. That, and people thought I was using DnD to cast spells and summon the Devil. That’s not the point though.” Eddie took a breath, the warm air fanning out over Devina’s face, she remained quiet, he got deep in thought during conversations like this.
“For a while I’ve been letting you deal with these issues on your own, I guess I just didn't want to make you feel like I was babying you. But that’s about to change right now, you’re my girl, my love, my life. I guess what I’m saying is, I got your back Devina Sinclair. There is no way you’re going to be sitting back in my shadow when you’ve got your own sunshine. So please, please, pretty please, sing for me tonight.” Eddie begged, his hands slid down her arms to cup her round face, Devina brought her legs up to wrap around his waist.
“Only if you promise to be on stage with me?” she tried to bargain, though Eddie didn’t need much convincing from her, whatever Devina asked for the answer is always yes. Her hands slid underneath his undershirt, she lightly drug her nails down his stomach. He’s been in the gym a lot more than usual over the past few months, Devina is starting to notice how much more his muscles have become more defined. She’s not mad at it at all, she loved her DnD king either way.
“Sweetheart you could ask me to jump off a bridge and I do it, yes, I’ll be on stage with you.” Eddie moaned lightly as Devina's hands reached into his boxers, her hand wrapped around his thick shaft. Slowly she stroked him, Eddie trailed kisses from her lips, down her neck, and down between her breasts. He placed one hand next to her head to hold him up, and the other hand reached between her panties. Two of Eddie's fingers gently slipped into the warmth of her flower, which was already slick with her natural sap.
“Look at you, fucking perfect. And you’re all mine, isn't that right Devina.” Eddie cooed, his fingers slipped out, slipped over her clit, and back in one more time before he pulled himself out of his boxers.
“Fuck Eddie, yes I’m only yours.” She moaned as he slid into her slowly, Eddie fucking Munson, a monster of a dick if she did say so herself. He’s probably the biggest she’s ever had, and the best. Always so careful as to not hurt her, always knowing the right way to please her, he knew her body language like no other. The girth of him stretched her deliciously, he leaned back a little to get the right angle which had Devina’s back arching deeply. One leg at his side, and her other held in the air as Eddie gripped her ankle.
“That’s right baby, keep fucking squeezing me, I love it.” He moaned gruffly, nothing turned him on more than watching how Devina keeps herself healthy for him. Not that she was on a strenuous diet or anything, because he loved how soft, and plushy she is. But he knew that she liked to do a lot of self care, and beauty stuff. The bathroom is filled with fancy feminin hygiene products, and the fridge is packed with lots of fruits, and veggies. She keeps everything waxed, soft, and clean. His Devina is soft from the inside out, perfect, and he wouldn't trade it for the world.
“Devina sweetheart, this pussy is gonna kill me one of these days, you want me to come inside you baby? Say it out loud for me.”
“You know I want your cum baby, please, I love it when you fill me up.” The sound of her soft pleads, caressed Eddie's ears, and sent a shiver down his spine. There’s something so…mischievous about Devina, she has this side of her that is angelic, sweet. Then there are times she will say the nastiest things to him in private only to be heard by him. It drove him wild, the way she interacts with others, versus the way she interacted with him, it’s like she’s two different people.
“I’ll give you whatever you want, baby.” Eddie lowered himself onto her, the weight of him pressing Devina further into the bed, both her legs up over his shoulders, and their breathing escalated as he began to pound into Devina at a steady rhythm.
“Just like that baby, give me all that dick!” Devina shouted into Eddie's ear, he loved to hear her like this, not a single care in the world. Her words encouraged him further as he dug into her plush soft lips as far as he could go. Suddenly the thought of Devina with a large pregnant belly sparked in his mind, a sensation of butterflies rippling through his stomach brought him closer to an intense orgasam.
“Fuck Devina, I wanna give you every-fucking-thing. Can I do that, baby?” Eddie groaned, so close already, he couldn’t handle holding on any more. Her lips sucked gently on the base of her neck, and then trailed kissed up to his earlobe where she nibbled, flicked with her tongue.
“Give it to me baby.” Devina whispered lustfully, at the same time Eddie pulled all the way out to the tip, and thrusted back into her with all his might. His creamy hot load came spilling out into Devina, Their groans, and whines of pleasure mixed together as Eddie continued to pump in her, the gooey feeling becoming somewhat addicting. He had to do this again tonight, and the thought of it would never leave his mind until then.
The both of them laid there like that, arms, and legs tangled around each other. The air of their breathing, mixed with the scent of sex lingered in the room. Even when Eddie went soft again, they continued to lay like that until Devina had fallen asleep, and he really didn't want to wake her. After that they both needed a shower.
“You go first, if I go in with you this time, I won't make it to tonight's show.” Eddie chided, Davina giggled, kissed him on the lips, and rolled out of bed. Before she could get too far away, he turned over, and smacked her on the ass watching the way her cheeks jiggle. He ran his fingers through his curly hair getting turned on all over again, so he did what he always did when he got horny, and Devina wasn't around. He leaned back onto the bed, and wrapped his hand around himself, he closed his eyes imagining Devina on top of him with her round pillowy butt cheeks bouncing on him. He had endless lewd and explicit photos of Devina on his phone, but was too lazy to reach for it. Instead he reached for the pair of discarded cotton panties she just took off. A fresh musk scent left behind, and a tiny wet stain in the center.
“Shit this girl is gonna be the death of me.” Eddie moaned as he continued to stroke himself, though he wished this could last longer, he made quick work of it. After a few more pumps with his hand, Eddie is coming again into his hand, but it wasn't as quite exciting as coming into Devina.
“Alright rock star, showers all yours.” She appeared out of a haze of shower steam like a goddess, Eddie felt his dick jump, clearly it thought that they were going to get some more pussy. As much as he would like to comply, priorities must be at the top of the list. He sighed heavily, but still dragged himself out of bed, and got ready for his night.
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wimbledonstrawberry · 2 months
tennis players as k-pop songs with the disclaimer that I'm absolutely insane
and I'm what the k-pop stans hate (a multi)
jannik. I Need Somebody by DAY6. world number 1 deserves to have one song by the best rock band in South Korea. many doubted DAY6, because they are considered k-pop although they are a rock band. I know the song's lyrics are more on the sad side, but I picked it because of the vibes rather. its beautiful but powerful and strong (just like jannik's game).
iga. BET ON ME by ITZY. of course I'm giving a song by my fav girls to my fav. this song is beautiful and fun, its for real one of the best songs ever and I just think it fits Iga a lot, its about the feeling of never giving up and keep fighting, which I think fits Iga so so so much.
novak. one of a kind by G-Dragon. I grew up watching novak play. he is an all time classic to me. much to what gdragon is for me in kpop terms lmao. also this song is about being the best and not being afraid of it. novak is literally one of a kind, love him or hate him.
coco. Dream of you (ft. R3HAB) by Chung Ha. I've always associated coco with happiness and amazing vibes, she is such a sweet person and a strong player. I think she would LOVE this song, the flow and the rhythm are amazing for moving around and dancing around. Once again, do not look at the lyrics, just follow the vibes.
carlitos. Sugar Rush Ride by TXT. and yes, I'm giving a song by my fav group to my fav player nobody acts surprised. the youthful vibe of TXT songs, that are fun, innovating, trendsetting, relatable, and always talked about. TXT, just as Carlitos, already wrote their names in history books. (while I was typing this a pic of txt going somewhere dropped and if they go to the olympics I'll CRY if soobin gets to see carlos before me) (also I picked the song because watching carlos play is quite literally a sugar rush ride)
aryna. ICONIC by aespa. listen if there is a memorable person in the tour its aryna, she is amazing and will become a legend like mark my words hereeee. I think that aryna's game fits aespa so much, like this song I picked because I love it, but in general.
daniil. red flavor by red velvet. I love this trend of giving daniil summer pop songs so here, my fav gg summer song. the most iconic song of the summer ever, birthed by the summer queens themselves. fun, iconic, loved, timeless.
elena. Queen of Hearts by TWICE elena has such a royal vibe... just like this song (also the lyrics, like walk with me in this one: Looking at the future, it's so bright I'm gonna make it mine...!!!!!!). no more explanations this just makes sense to me.
hubi. butterfly by LOONA. do you all remember when people on twitter made that one edit of hubi with the butterfly song? well, now every time I listen to this song I'm like haha this is hubi. no explanation needed. I love you LOONA.
casper. time lapse by NCT 127. the kings of k-pop r&b, my misunderstood kings, judged by the notice but with one of the most diverse discographies in the entire industry. yes, I'm biased and I'm giving one of my favs one of my all-time favorite songs by one of my favorite groups but Casper loves the weekend and I'm sure he would love NCT.
holger. LIT by MARK and TAEYONG (prod. Czaer) from the kings of noise music, I'll bring you my fav duo in the world: markyong. this song was made for a reality show. and of course because this song was made by markyong, it talks about roaring and growing, becoming better and proving people who doubts you wrong. it fits perfect for holger, also because the song is not that generally loved, like its not what you expect from k-pop, but I love it.
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fltwoodsmonster · 4 months
mid-year music round up: my favorite 5 albums of 2024 (so far)
its like june or whatever and ive been listening to a lot of music. here's 5 albums from 2024 I've loved so far.
5. Tems - Born in the Wild
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This was my first exposure to Tems, and I'm positively enchanted. Velvety vocals, gorgeous production, and an all around great tracklist. I'm not super familiar with smooth soul or contemporary R&B as a genre, but I've really enjoyed getting into it through classic artists like Sade and, more recently, through rising stars like Tems. It's looking to be a great year for West African music!
Recommended tracks: Burning, Love Me JeJe, Gangsta, Boy O Boy, Hold On
4. Allie X - Girl With No Face
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Also my first exposure to Allie-X, I was introduced to this album by my fiance through the song "off with her tits" which might be one of my favorite bops about top surgery ever. A delightful synth-pop album that leans a bit darker but without ever sacrificing dancibility. A real bop of an album!
Recommended songs: Weird World, Girl With No Face, Off With Her Tits, Staying Power
3. Mannequin Pussy - I Got Heaven
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It took me a while to click with Mannequin Pussy. Their more punk songs like the eponymous I Got Heaven I vibed with immediately, but I was initially more down on the rest of this album because I thought the energy tapered off too quickly. How wrong this initial read was, though! I had the chance to see them in concert last month and it really reframed how I approached this album, letting me appreciate the slower moments a lot more. Absolutely worth checking out if you like hardcore punk and/or indie rock.. there's something here for enjoyers of both!
Recommended Tracks: I Got Heaven, Loud Bark, I Don't Know You, Softly
2. Mdou Moctar - Funeral for Justice
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I heard Mdou Moctar's "Afrique Victime" for the first time last year and was absolutely blown away by it. They easily became one of my favorite active bands. So when I heard they were coming out with a new album, I was hyped. And this delivers! While I don't think it's as cohesive an album as their previous LP, the songs on Funeral for Justice stand strong as punchy, impressive feats of musical prowess. Imouhar might be one of the best songs of this year, no doubt. What a fantastic year for West African & tishoumaren music!
Recommended songs: Funeral for Justice, Imouhar, Imajighen, Oh France, Modern Slaves
Joey Valence & Brae - No Hands
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It has been IMMENSELY satisfying to see JVB not only blow up in popularity but also finally start to get the recognition they deserve. Gone are the days of being straight up Beastie Boy clones - they're forging their own path forward through hip hop that draws clear inspiration from the greats (even including a feature w/ the amazing Danny Brown) while putting their own unique, often humorous spin on things. It feels like they've learned a lot from their debut album PUNK TACTICS which released only a year ago. Really hope they continue on this really promising trajectory!
RECOMMENDED SONGS: Any off the album!
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deandoesthingstome · 8 months
charlieeeee helloooooo
for the music asks : fleetwood mac, snow patrol, arctic monkeys, lorde, fall out boy, haim, taylor swift
(Third time's a charm 🤞)
Hey Maur! Thank you for this amazing ask. Let's dig in, shall we? It's a long one.
Fleetwood Mac was answered here and I'll spare you my curses since I already read @geralts-yenn the riot act about this and you so nicely included several other artists I get to struggle with so maybe Eff Ewe two. (With all my love.) Here's another for good measure: Never Going Back Again
Snow Patrol was an ask I thought I already got, but it was a different band so you get first dibs on this one and it's a no brainer. When I want to cry my fuckin' eyes out, I turn to Run
I had that one Arctic Monkeys album on repeat forever when it came out and then I sorta lost track of them, but I enjoy them when I do listen. Favorite is R U Mine?
(I have to skip the link for this one. I've tried to answer this ask 3 time now. The third time (this time) I saved the ask draft after adding each song and this is the one that made the post go kablooey. Sorry!)
Lorde is someone I also feel like I don't listen to enough, but I also love a number of her songs. Solar Power makes me so so happy.
Fall Out Boy. Here we come to a band I didn't think I knew. Never gravitated to or sought them out, but come to discover, as I was searching for even one song, that I actually DO know AND like many of their songs, even the one I thought was a different band (who I don't like.) So weird. I present you with Centuries.
Haim. Maur, let's return to my sentiments about Fleetwood Mac shall we? I had Days Gone By on an infinite loop 10 years ago. Love all those songs. And I get very strong Stevie/Christine harmony vibes from these sisters. I also once bullied a friend into wrtiting a TLK threesome (@itbmojojoejo you seen that ever?) for me inspired by Hallelujah. For this ask I'm going with Gasoline (ft. Taylor Swift) (Two-fer? Nah, I'll find another for her.)
Taylor Swift. Thank you for this ask. I feel like she gets a lot of flack for being too mainstream or songs without flair or whatever but I love her. I think she writes a great song and her catalog is so varied. I'm going with two: Style and exile (ft. Bon Iver)
Thank you again! I love talking about music.
Wanna play? Send me an ask with a band or artist and I'll tell you my favorite song.
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somethingvinyl · 1 year
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Roxy & Elsewhere is the first live album by this iteration of the Mothers, but of course the distinction between live albums and studio ones is considerably more porous when it comes to Zappa. This is another of my absolute favorite FZ records. Each side starts with Frank talking for a bit, then launches into some of the most amazing, batshit crazy music he ever recorded. The lyrics are more absurdist fun—monster movies in Cheepnis, a disgusting bus in Pygmy Twylyte (often the song I reach for to show an uninitiated listener what Zappa is like), nostalgia in Village of the Sun, and the obvious in Penguin in Bondage. But it’s the instrumentals that are the star of the show on this one. We’ve got the vital core group: George Duke, Ruth Underwood, Tom Fowler on bass, the double attack of Chester Thompson and Ralph Humphrey on drums. (As if that isn’t enough, on some later-released tracks from these shows, Zappa goes and plays percussion in the back for a stretch, meaning four percussionists playing at a time—he was best when writing for percussion!) For extra flavor, you’ve got more Fowler brothers on horns, and the incredible Napoleon Murphy Brock on lead vocals and woodwinds. Truly the best of Zappa’s lineups.
The “Roxy” portion of the album is from the band’s December 1973 residency at the Roxy between releasing Over-Nite Sensation and Apostrophe. The “Elsewhere” portion is from early 1974–FZ had prepped a bunch of songs from the original Mothers of Invention to play a concert in honor of the first anniversary of that band forming, and he liked a couple of the renditions so much he added them to the regular set—that’s the back half of side 3.
In the very first monologue of the album, FZ says something about getting this concert on television. Of course my ears perked up hearing this for the first time 15 years ago—this was FILMED! I went searching immediately, but was disappointed: something had gone wrong with the footage and it was unusable. Zappa tried again about a year later, resulting in the television special now known as A Token of His Extreme (also worth watching). Then just a few years ago, incredible news: after years of work, they’d managed to sync the disastrously variably-speeded Roxy video with the audio, and it was released as Roxy the Movie. It’s an incredible show, but also one that left me lightly scandalized by how much studio overdubbing Zappa had done on the original album. Bruce Fowler (trumpet) WASN’T EVEN AT THE CONCERT—the only horn on the stage was Walt on trombone! But now there’s a wealth of Roxy material out there: if you like the original album, you’ve got to hear Roxy by Proxy, which collects a lot of the most essential Roxy material that wasn’t on R&E. And if you’re an obsessive like me, you can now stream the complete Roxy shows—all the nights, early set and late set, and some rehearsals. An absolute embarrassment of riches. That plus The Helsinki Concert that I mentioned in the Apostrophe post, which is from a slightly stripped down version of this ensemble and might be FZ’s single greatest recorded set…
If you’re thinking the live album is going to be the weak link in this band’s output, you haven’t heard this album. I think the stretch from Over-Nite Sensation to One Size Fits All is probably the best four-album stretch in his career, and Roxy & Elsewhere more than pulls its weight!
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Hi! Can I ask for Seduce me the otome, the boys with a singer reader? Like they’re really famous and how the boys feel about it? Specifically a female reader if you don’t mind. Thank you so much! I love your work!
Of course! Thank you so much for your request! I’m going to try to do a different artists for each of the boys, for someone that I think would fit they’re personality. Enjoy!
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James: ( Artist inspiration by Sade )
Your voice is so soothing and he loves it
Your genre is a mix between Jazz and Pop music as well as R&B, and James likes the combination
He enjoys hearing your voice, and your songs are always on
He likes sitting with you during the song writing process, and likes to help come up with ideas and feelings for songs
Furthermore, he also likes finding the deep meanings to your songs, and he loves how everything, especially your lyrics, make his heart feel
He enjoys watching you sing live, your voice is soft and delicate but powerful as well and James is in love with it ; and you of course ;)
His favorite song for you to sing would be Pearls :)
Erik: ( artist inspired by Ella Mai )
Save his heart he was going to pass out he thinks your beautiful
He loves and gushes over the way you sing, and will preform with you sometimes, usually playing an instrument ( the piano )
He feels so honored to just be with you and know you personally, he’s absolutely infatuated with you
He likes watching you work, he loves the way your mind works and loves the way you make and handle your music, the raw emotion you put into it makes his heart sing to yours~
His favorite song for you to sing would be Naked :)
Sam: ( Inspired by Amy Lee/ Evanescence )
His. Jaw. Dropped. When he heard you sing for the first time.
His face like a mix of ‘Wtf’ and ‘This is amazing.’
could not put his emotions into words, like at all. He was asking a hundred-and-one questions
Like who taught you to sing like that? How long have you been singing? What’s your band like? What’s the hardest song you’ve ever had to sing? He goes full in with interest
He hears you sing and will literally block out the rest of the world, he can literally only focus on you when you sing, like vision is just YOU and your voice.
Sometimes you’ll sing to him and he’ll nervously laugh about it but he starts to hide his face because he just thinks your so fucking angelic ITS INSANE.
His favorite song for you to sing would be Call me when your sober or My immortal but he always tears during it so don’t sing that in public he will seriously cry
Matthew: ( Artist inspired by Sza )
He will have your songs on repeat 25/8
He’s like your biggest promotion and it’s not even an exaggeration he will seriously talk about you all. The. Time.
He makes Damien learn your entire album and will sing your songs with you, or just becomes your backup dancer
He will learn your dance routines, trust, and he will dance with you when you want to practice at home
He also loves going with you to photoshoots, he takes all the BTS pictures and sends them to you to post, with his credit due of course, your fans love Matthew to pieces
Matthew will often be a question brought up in interviews, like when you went on SNL to promote your new album, and you were asked about Matthew and how he affected the making of the album
“ He’s truly one of my biggest inspirations. You know? He just gets me so much and he’s my biggest supporter. I don’t know where I would be without him. He’s made such a big difference in my life and my view on the world I think he deserves just as much.”
yes he cried when hearing your answer and no we do not talk about it
his favorite song to hear you sing is Hit Different :)
Damien: ( Inspired by H.E.R )
You two write songs together, I can already see it
He enjoys listening to you find a rhythm for the lyrics, he also really enjoys when you play the guitar
Sometimes he’ll ask you to sing to him, your voice relaxes him and he can’t thank you enough for it
He loves the energy you bring with your music and how you’re voice just flows like the sweetest thing he’s ever heard
He likes going over tracks with you, he sits in the studio with you on nights where you get really stuck there finish up songs, with food and water snacks and blankets to make you comfortable as you work
He’s always the first one to hear songs and he has all the unreleased songs on his phone, listening to them whenever he misses you or just wants to hear them
His favorite song to hear you sing would be Comfortable :)
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hii vinciie im listening to more bands lately n since i play bandori but arent too well versed in music,, do u rec any argonavis bands for me to listen to? also what r some comments on said band if u want to give em?
i generally like pop / pop rock so my taste isnt anything super special but i do like songs that r melancholic n sad!!
HELLO LAB! I’m sorry for being so late to answering this , I was fighting demons and eating my homework . I DO have many Aaside recs heheh, I have a entire Aaside playlist but it’s on apple music which I don’t think you have (? Maybe you do I can send it if so) so I will simply write a list here. I’ll put some bands and songs and a brief description of their styles!!!
For your Main Band, Standard Mobage Music, I’d recommend Argonavis! At times I like their music and at times I don’t. They actually use a large variety of instruments in their songs despite being a 5 man band, so I don’t know where they’re getting these strings and all that but I’ll suspend my belief for the tunes. Their music is like, upbeat inspirational pop rock tunes with an odd amount of strings if you pay close attention. There’s also a heavy focus on piano in their songs! Some specific songs I would recommend are Hey! Argonavis, AASIDE (only listen to the argonavis version. If you listen to the all leaders version your ears will bleed), JUNCTION, Starry Line, VOICE, and my personal favorite of all their songs, Root of Love….Root of Love is not at all like any of their usual music, it’s much more subdued and a bit more…..tender…..? Well, it’s really great anyways, so if I had to choose one of their songs to listen to forever, it would be that one. Their covers of Melissa and Kuchizuke Diamond are also really good! Imo the second one is better than the original
For METAL ROCK GRAHHHH HEAVY DRUMS HEAVY GUITAR HEAVY VOCALS GAAHHGRAHHH I HATE MY DAD music, listen to GYROAXIA! No, I do not know what their name means nor will I ever know. Their music is extremely heavy on the guitar and drums, it’s fast paced, Nayuta is screaming mid song, sometimes he’s rapping, it’s a good time. Occasionally, Ryo is forced to look God in the eyes as he’s forced to play the synth and the bass at the exact same time, and despite the challenge, it always sounds good. Couldn’t they just have one of the guitarists do that? Guess not. Anyways, some of my favorites of their songs are MANIFESTO, SCATTER, BREAK IT DOWN, GET MYSELF, EGOIST, GETTING HIGH, and WORLD IS MINE. And, yes— all of those titles are officially in all caps, and in English. I also really like their cover of Kyoran Hey Kids!!, it’s pretty cool. I kind of hyped them up too much but if you listen I hope you enjoy
I was hesitant to add Fantôme Iris since you said you like more pop rock BUT they do have some melancholy bangers. Their music is vkei! They have a lot of strings in their songs , but in a more…goth way than argonavis. Felix’s va, Arthur Conant Lounsberry, is seriously amazing and I love everything he’s done, in and out of AAside. Yeah I….I don’t know how else to describe their music other than It is Vkei. They also have two guitarists, and sometimes one of them plays the piano. So…here’s some songs: Gin no Yuri, Hitsugi no Naka no C’est la vie, XX in Wonderland, Rhapsodia, and historie. I think rhapsodia is a masterpiece. Also , based on what you’ve told me I think you’d like historie most out of all of these? If you’d wanna hear some of their covers, I recommend 1/3 no Junjou na Kanojo. Um. And only that one. I’ve only listened to the one cover it’s really good I promise.
Next up is HAPPY FUN TIMES MUSIC: Fujin RIZING! They have only had one sad song so far, there’s some crazy lore behind that one….Fujin Rizing is apparently Ska, but I’m a fucking loser and I don’t know what that is or if Fujin Rizing really is Ska. So don’t take my word for that one. What I CAN say is that they have trombone and saxophone in their songs! The focus of the band is to have fun, and that’s exactly what their songs do tbh. You just need to listen to it I like their stuff a lot actually. Some favorites: Banzai RIZING!!!, SWORD!, Run Gun Run, Furareta Otoko No Love Letter, and Jokyou Jokyou Ittekimasu! They also have a cover of HOT LIMIT that goes so unbelievably hard.
Lastly. Epsilon! They are the electronic group yay.….they have the largest amount of songs per band in the playlist, so very sorry if this song list gets long. I was a super big fan of their music even before I got obsessed with Shu so….Yeah….Their music is the darkest out of all the bands, Shu is a emo little fuck and makes sure everyone knows it. They’re the only consistently dual vocal band pre-Kimisute, which is super cool, I love how Shu and Haruka’s voices sound together…Uh, not much else to say honestly , Stream epsilon phi 👍👍👍👍👍 So here’s some songs so you can do that. (Clears throat), Hikari No Akuma, Cynicaltic Fakestar, End of Reason, Play with You, Sake it LOVE!, YUMENOATO, re:play, and finally The song thag gives me diseases: Orthros. They also have a Shu Self Realization song, Raison d’etre. I also wanted to say, Haruka has two solos that are honestly some of my favorite all time AAside songs: Egoistic Sai Phi and Heroic. They both do a really lovely job of capturing Haruka’s most important points as a character….Kanata also canonically wrote a song for epsilon Um. It’s trash. It’s called I’m picking glory, it’s really bad, if you want to listen to a really terrible song listen to that one. Some really good epsilon covers are Enigmatic Feeling, Roki and WATASHIGA MOTENAINOWA DOU KANGAETEMO OMAERAGA WARUI 🫡🫡. Epsilon also has a YouTube channel where they did some vocaloid covers, most of them are bad, but you should check them out anyways. I’m picking glory is on that channel
ONCE AGAIN DEAREST LAB I AM SORRY THIS TOOK ME 40 MILLION YEARS. I do hope you check these songs out and let me know what you think……Love you..!!!!!🫶🫶🫶❤️❤️❤️❤️
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