#they tasted like uhhh grapes or cherries. something like that
wawataka · 7 months
uhhh oh yeah my friend and i were hanging out after class under the shade of a tree and i noticed there were like pretty flowers and berries growing from it. i did my research and found out they were safe to eat but unfortunately we couldn’t reach any of them. but we did find some on the floor and after rinsing them they were pretty good
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pastel-rights · 2 months
In your opinion what would your friends arts taste like?
Oh? Hmmm, let me think about it~
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Let's see...
Rina's art tastes like a strawberry lollipop tbh, always a sweet treat to see it on my feed <3
Lupi's art kind of tastes like cherry garcia ice cream, which is unironically my favorite ice cream flavor. It's nice, it's special, it's classic and classy. It's so smooth and chill and it's got fun pops of flavor/color.
Pins' art tastes like a hi chew candy, comes in many different flavors, each piece its own unique flavor, yet it always comes out soooo good no matter that it is she does. how does she do it.
Fifi's art... uhh... kind of gives off the vibes of frozen koolaid. but like specifically the grape flavor. couldn't tell you why, grape koolaid is just better frozen.
Beth's art tastes like a fresh banana bread muffin. I do make the rules, and this is my answer. I fucking love banana bread muffins.
Klai's art is giving... fresh fruit vibes. It's always nice and refreshing to see, comes in batches, can be sweet, can be sour, or my favorite third fruit option, "girl what IS this" (doesn't know what she's looking at fr fr)
Mario's art kind of gives those granny strawberry candies that only manifests with grandmothers???? I need more but I have NO clue where to find it /j
my wife. my beloved. my dearest. she doesn't draw a lot (she does edits though??? do that count???) but it gives watermelon vibes. I don't know why, but it's just really sweet and refreshing to see her art every once in a while and sometimes I go back and I just look at it and it's always nice no matter when I go look at it. kind of like watermelon.
Yuu's art is giving red velvet vibes. If I consume too much of it in one day, I will die of sugar overdose /j it's also just always so nicely put together, the colors and lineart compliment one another so well and it's just oughhhh ahhhh how DARE you. /j
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Joe's art reminds me of chocolate lava cake, it's so rich and sweet, can't consume it too fast, I will burn myself, and the color schemes joe uses just reminds me of a chocolate lava cake?? especially when the chocolate is red inside... hehe...
Emma and Al's art both kind of give those ICEE slushies machines. They're always there at the most wild and opportune moments, kind of cold and chilly and nice to see on a day when things are just a little too plain. Fun pops of excitement.
Sleepy's art ALSO gives those strawberry candies, but more so, there's just something so nice and nostalgic about their art whenever I come across it.
Clown's art feels like those mixed bags of themed gummies... like scooby doo gummies... mixed bags of contents, sweet, always wondering what I'm gonna get this time!! always a nice surprise.
Navi's art is also kind of giving red velvet cake for the same reasons as Yuu's art was.
uhhh i'm pretty sure i'm missing people so y'know if you don't see yourself on this list... heyyyyy hit me up /j
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sleevesareforlosers · 3 years
Discussion group but also uno reverse card for it!
Favorite season is summer cause i don't have any sort of schooling going on (usually)
Probably but my memory is not being helpful
I think a happy place is a nice concept, why not associate a place with happiness, literally no harm done. UNLESS i have the wrong definition of "happy place". I'd say the roof at night (btw still trying to find your constellation) and in the passenger seat of the car with my sister <- overly specific but.
Favorite fruit is mangoes for taste. Pineapples because i just really like them. But also apples. Underrated fruit. There's this apple species that grows in a specific place and it's like big, green and has some red lines in it and it's sour and so soo good i haven't had any in so long.
And uhhh idk!
ohoho!!!! okay!
okay yeah very fucking valid. seasons with no school >>> anything else
felt that!
they are a nice concept :] im Entranced with both or ur happy places i can Feel the vibes from here they sound really lovely!! (also she might be higher in the sky tonight! north/northeast-ish. good luck!)
oh literally SO true bestie <3 fruits of all time. and that sounds like SUCH a nice apple species (? breed? variety? ykwim) manifesting you getting to eat one of them soon
again. so valid! questions that are directly aimed at fashion/history nerds bc i am. one of those
and for the uno reverse!
springtime! its usually pretty sunny and the cherry blossoms re out and im wrapping up school/coming home AND in noncovid years its high school theatre season which is always rlly fun to go back and see what theyre doing (its not like. good theatre but its always entertaining and sososo endearing)
um. so often good god but i think top hit was when i had to tell my friend exactly how to break into my house because i was at work and forgot my parents were coming home from a trip and needed something to be hidden that wasnt at the time.
i think its a nice concept too!! i dont know if i personally have one tbh but like. i like places and memories and good vibes
i literally just alternate fav fruit is mango/pomegranate depending on the season (mango summer pomegranate winter). also green grapes are something that can be so Needed sometimes
i have like. possibly an embarrassing amount but i will say that. for his time. oetzi the iceman probably had MAD style. inked UP with the leather coat, belt, leggings, loincloth and shoes??? alright king!
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dazed-david · 5 years
All the odd numbers 😎
foh geez ok
1. What is your full name?david anshel jacobs
3. Do you like your name?it’s certainly a name
5. Do you have any siblings? Older or younger?sarah’s older and les is younger and it sucks.
7. Do you and your siblings share any secrets?you think i trust them??? sarah told me eating a lemon whole would give me superpowers
9. What is one thing you wish your parents could’ve done better when raising you?i wish they had listened more when i told them about mental health stuff. i mean, obviously they listened, but i wish they had more.
11. Talk about a happy memory you share with your mom.there was one time when i was fourteen, she chaperoned on our washington dc trip and we went to the smithsonian castle for lunch, and at the gift shop there was this gorgeous cherry blossom garland, but i was afraid that id get made fun of for wearing it, so i kind of just stared at it for a while. my mom noticed that i was kind of awkwardly hovering, so she asked me what was wrong, and of course i told her that nothing was wrong, but she saw that i was looking at the garland, and i guess she connected the dots. “say its for sarah and you’re wearing it so you dont lose it,” and i bought it, and thats what i did. i still have it.
13. Have you ever adopted an animal?yes! my snake, macbeth, is adopted!
15. When was the last time you pulled an all nighter?last night
17. Are you more of a sunrise or sunset watcher?sunset. the sunrise is too early, and i love watching the stars come out.
19. Name an album that is so good, you never skip a song.you know what? three cheers for sweet revenge. im not ashamed.
21. Who was your favorite band or singer as a kid or teenager?i had a soft spot for fall out boy for the longest time.
23. What’s your favorite song by your fave band or singer?its absolutely moment’s silence by hozier.
25. Name a song that makes you happy and wanna dance.right now it’s me! by taylor swift
27. Have you ever been to a concert? Whose?yes! i actually saw this guy, watsky, not too long ago.
29. Last time you went to the cinema? What movie did you see?just yesterday, i saw rocketman.
31. Name a fictional character you’ve had a crush on.winter soldier.
33. If you could switch places with a character from a show or movie for a week, who would you choose? Why?i’d wanna be ginsberg in kill your darlings! bc aesthetic
35. Favorite TV series?nailed it!! definitely 
37. Who’s your favorite actor? Why are they your favorite?gal gadot is so talented!! and she makes my heart beat very fast
39. What’s your favorite book?maurice, by e.m forster
41. Has a book ever changed the way you see life? What book was it?yes, see above
43. What are some books on your to-read list?the secret history, good omens, the goldfinch
45. What is your favorite season? Any special reason why that’s your favorite?i like fall,, its just so calm and the perfect blend of hot and cold
47. What’s your opinion on snow?cold. do not like it.
49. Do you usually tan or burn in the summer sun?i don’t go into the sun long enough to know
51. What is a bizarre fear you have?im terrified that there’s a murderer behind me at all times
53. Do you believe in ghosts?oh absolutely!!
55. What’s your biggest regret?nope.
57. Have you ever had your heart broken?yea
59. What’s your favorite love song?i guess i don’t really have one?? i really like love of my life by queen
61. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?ya and it was shit
63. What’s something you want to tell your followers who might be going through a rough time?i’m not a good person for this uhhh..... focus on the tiny things in your future. 
65. What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?i dont like ice cream ://// its a bad texture and its too cold
67. Are you vegan or vegetarian?nope
69(nice). Do you believe humans should change their ways to help salvage the earth?yes absolutely!!!! but i believe the big fault lies in the oil and coal companies and everyone bulldozing forests and releasing toxins into the air
71. What are some of your hobbies and interests?i cook, actually! and i’ve always been super interested in witchy stuff for some reason
73. What do you do when you’re in a creative rut?i take a nap because zoloft makes me have weird dreams which will help creativity. 
75. Have you tried any products from LUSH? Did you like them?their chapstick is good, but man do those products taste terrible. (blame darcy for daring me to take a bite of the soap)
77. Last time you used a face mask?i never have, actually!
79. What are your holy grail beauty products?aveda hair stuff is a MUST. otherwise my hair gets all greasy and messy
81. Have you ever slipped in the shower?! Did you get hurt?yes, and i hit my head on the side of the tub. no one else was home, so i just stood up, finished my shower, and cried.
83. What are your top 3 favorite fruits?kiwi, pomegranates, grapes
85. How do you make yourself cheer up when you’re in a really crappy or sad mood?i usually listen to music or play with macbeth until i feel better
87. What do you usually find yourself daydreaming about?not to sound sappy but like. intimacy and cuddling and romance. god. god please love me please
89. Who’s the most important person in your life?i know i SHOULD say my mom or something but...... darcy’s been with me thru thick and thin!
91. Talk about a fun & happy memory you have.no.
93. Does Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol make you want to cry?no, not really.
95. Talk about a memory that makes you laugh.one time sarah fell when we were at the mall and she got her skirt stuck in the escalator. 
97. Tell us about a time you were really, really proud of yourself.writing this whole damn thing. (i was the champion of debate team my sophomore and junior years. i won awards and everything.)
99. What is something you’re currently looking forward to?season two of the umbrella academy!!
fuck you
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lovemesomesurveys · 6 years
Do you eat the crusts of your bread? Nope. Do you know who Miss Havisham is? I do not. Which body type would you say you had? Ew. Would you live in an igloo? No. Have you ever made homemade lemonade? Yep.
Is green one of your favourite colours? It is. I like various shades of green.
Are you afraid of the dark?
That is part of the reason why I sleep with my TV on. That, and I can’t have it be completely silent. I need some sound to sleep.
Have you ever flown a kite?
I think so.
What’s your preferred flavour of jam?
What’s in your fridge?
What kind of animal did you last pet?
My doggo.
Would you ever consider becoming a nurse?
Noo. I’m much too squeamish.
Do you like elephants?
How are you for money?
I’m okay at the moment.
Describe your best pair of shoes:
They’re Adidas.
Do you think you are more intelligent than the average person?
I’m the average person I feel.
Do you ever think about why we are here?
Yes. I think everyone thinks about that at some point.
What’s something that saddens you?
Do you like cherries?
Name a celebrity that you admire that nobody would expect you to:
I don’t know who people wouldn’t expect me to like.
Who is the most desperate person you know?
What’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to you during sex?
Virgin here.
Are you lonely?
I do feel that way sometimes.
What is your favourite musical?
Sweeney Todd.
Would you agree that taking drugs isn’t as cool as it used to be?
I never thought it was cool.
Animal print: yes or no?
Not a fan.
Do you suit hats?
I wear ‘em. Whether they look good on me or not I don’t know or care.
Who is the most fashionable person you know?
Can you use a yoyo?
I couldn’t do any cool tricks.
Do you like to colour?
I do.
What’s an instrument you’ve always wanted to learn to play?
I wish I would have taken piano more seriously when I had lessons. Maybe I could have been a decent pianist.
Would you go on holiday to a snowy place?
Do you like Kate Bush?
Do you prefer to shave or wax?
Are you one of those people who are constantly playing Angry Birds?
I never got into that.
Have you ever broken anything of value?
Would you ever have sex in a public place?
Absolutely not.
What’s a song that makes you want to check into a mental asylum?
What’s the worst chat up line any body has ever used on you?
No one has ever seriously used a pickup line on me.
Have you ever completely misjudged somebody?
Do you know anybody who is pregnant at the minute?
Who did you last speak to on the phone?
My mom.
Do you give money to homeless people?
What underwear do you have on?
Don’t you think that tattoos are just tacky?
Do you like politics?
Is summer your favourite season?
NOOOO. I hate summer.
Do you know what OFWGKTA stands for?
When was the last time you were inside a tent?
What’s your best memory?
Childhood memories.
Do you think Jenna Marbles’ videos are funny?
I never watched her.
Have you grown up yet, or do you still think you have some more to do?
I still have more to do.
What is your opinion on Internet dating sites?
Not for me.
Do you like Folk music?
Would you like to travel to Rome?
Are there any strange names that you like?
Not that I can think of at the moment.
Is there anybody you would like to completely banish from your life?
Would you say you had pretty decent music taste?
I mean, wouldn’t we all think that since we like it?
Your favourite pasta dish:
Spaghetti or tortellini with pesto. I’ve had a few TV dinner pasta meals recently that have been really good, too, such as this spinach linguine with creamy Parmesan sauce one I had.
Do you know what the most commonly used letter in the English language is?
Have you ever felt trapped in a situation?
I feel trapped in my health situation.
Strangest thing you’ve ever seen?
I can’t think of a specific example at the moment.  
Ever had a crush on somebody of the same sex?
Has anybody ever called you a bastard?
Would you like to meet the queen?
Of England? Sure, why not.
I’m paying to take you to see a musical - which one do you choose?
Should I see what the hype is all about with Hamilton?
Lowest point of your life:
I feel like I’ve been there these past few years.
What’s your favourite flavour of Vitamin Water?
I liked the strawberry kiwi one and the lemonade zero. I haven’t had Vitamin Water in years, though.
Do you post pictures of yourself online constantly?
Nope. I very rarely do.
Who is the last person you ignored?
I’m not intentionally ignoring anyone, but because I’ve been so distant and withdrawn I guess I have been. :/
Do you know any lesbians?
Would you wear feathers in your hair?
When was the last time you were well and truly scared?
I don’t know.
Do you know how to use a camera properly?
Favourite member of your favourite band:
Chester, RIP.
Which country would you be from besides your own?
Are you ashamed of your own body?
Who’s your favourite female rapper?
I like Cardi B and Nicki Minaj to name a couple.
When was the last time you received a letter?
All I get in the mail are bills.
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apertvrescience · 7 years
For the fruit thing: like all of them I can't remember all the names
thank you my bro
peach: do you have any piercings or tattoos?nope i have exactly zero
raspberry: favorite flower?violets because i was told they’re gay
lemon: do you have any pets? what are their names?i have two cats: honey & jammy
mango: what is your trademark?i’m not quite sure what this means???
passion fruit: how would you describe your style?i have 3 outfits that i alternate between and i always hope no one notices. 2/3 commonly worn outfits contain flannel shirts
pineapple: sexual orientation?homosexual
strawberry: favorite desserts?banana split man i love those
cherry: can you play any musical instruments or can you sing?i can’t sing but i play the french horn
grape: if you could take a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?venice? i mean it’s so pretty
banana: favorite horror movies?i don’t really like them?
blackberry: is your life an action film, a comedy, a romantic comedy, or drama?i mean im clumsy enough for it to be a comedy? but also sometimes maybe a drama. but im pretty sure everyone’s life is a drama sometimes
pomegranate: when do you feel the most confident?when i’m surrounded by people i like being around
cantaloupe: what are your parents' names?alan & evi
guava: dark & dramatic makeup or natural makeup?i don’t wear any?? 
tangelo: if you could be any mythical creature, which would you be?um a dragon obviously
plum: favorite clothing brands?uhhh idk???
coconut: favorite perfume?i only use one that i’ve had for about two years - it’s by diesel i think? not sure on the name, the bottle is heart shaped though. don’t really put any on unless it’s an important occasion (the bottle is basically full im ngl)
lychee: satin or lace???? as in like as a fabric? satin is soft im always here for being soft
blueberry: what do you want to dress up as for halloween?im a slut for halloween tbhh. i’m not sure about what i’m going to do this year but last year i went as a weeping angel
apple: what do you use more, tumblr or twitter?tumblr; i don’t have a twitter
kiwi: what's something that fascinates you?humans
watermelon: do you have a job? if so, what is your job title?i don’t have one
papaya: what song describes your aesthetic?idk? i spent way too long looking through my playlists tbh. this isn’t exactly my aesthetic but idk i never seem to get tired of this song: I Wanna Get Better by Bleachers
cranberry: favorite time of the day; morning, afternoon, dusk, or night?for being productive? morning for just general existence? dusk
nectarine: would you consider yourself an emotional person?oh boy yes. i’m like. the most emotional person you will ever meet i’m unbelievably sensitive it is unreal
orange: do you have long eyelashes?fairly? idk
apricot: what do you do when you're sad?watch oitnb or another netflix show (usually a comedy or easy to watch show). or listen to music, but watching stuff is usually more effective. sometimes i play video games. or message old friends and stuff idk. stroke my cats
star fruit: favorite sea creature?whale
dragonfruit: do you drink alcohol?only if offered it and not excessively (i lowkey don’t like the taste that much? especially things like wine - that stuff is nasty)
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