#i haven’t died yet
wawataka · 3 months
uhhh oh yeah my friend and i were hanging out after class under the shade of a tree and i noticed there were like pretty flowers and berries growing from it. i did my research and found out they were safe to eat but unfortunately we couldn’t reach any of them. but we did find some on the floor and after rinsing them they were pretty good
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llovehymn · 2 months
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a silly concept for a very serious god of death
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rookesbane · 2 months
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Hong Hae In and her mafia boss divorce lawyer, Vincenzo Cassano.
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shortnotsweet · 3 months
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Give me one more sigh to the top of the mountain—baby, roll those eyes to the top of the mountain. Close your eyes, be patient, it's coming! All my dreams have been weighing me down, like an anchor to my bed.
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It’s only a second—a split second—but in that moment Jason wonders who has dreamt up Nico Di Angelo before.
It’s not strange for godly children to be granted prophetic visions, or omniscient images from a greater force not buoyed by themselves—Fate, a god, the recesses of their own trauma, what have you. But—no. Jason wonders who else has dreamt of Nico, not as a distant figure blotted out in the plotted landscape of some prospective quest, or as an omen of all things foreboding and unknown, but really dreamt. A real dream.
The Nico in front of him—for this split second, mind you, and isn’t this second stretching longer than any second before—has his face upturned to the wind, and his eyes closed to the sound below them. The city sprawl, honking and screaming and polluting the air with its babble. Jason can barely hear it now, can only observe with a sudden micro-awareness the thinness of his fingers and the delicate bones of his wrist as he extends them. The skull ring glints there, the darkness of the band cutting into the pale of his skin like a shadow cast, and Jason remembers, dumbly, Oh, yeah. Summoning the dead. There’s a lot of that in Chicago.
Jason doesn’t care about scrape of skeleton bones clawing themselves out of asphalt or the lingering of unresolved souls. Instead, it’s the feathering of Nico’s lashes against his own cheek, the downward slope of his mouth, sharp jut of his jaw belaying a quiet softness to his face that was easy to miss. For someone as unsubtle as Nico, it seems that it’s easy for a lot of people to miss crucial things such as this. By the time Jason had started noticing, he just couldn’t stop.
Nico exists, sometimes, as if he is not entirely of this world. It’s not a stretch for some godly children, a child of Death especially, but with Nico it has become increasingly more evident in the little moments, the subtle gestures. Maybe it’s Jason’s own godly genes—he can almost feel the texture of the wind against Nico’s skin as it kisses his cheek, the inhale of air—or maybe it’s just Jason. Freakishly detail oriented Jason, who stares at his ceiling at night, awake, but doesn’t dare toss and turn, who pours over blueprints and Lego models in his spare time and fixates on this kind of thing.
That’s the kind of thing Jason sees in his dreams, the image that flickers under his eyelids between memories of a life half lost to him and a visage of what comes next.
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1driedpersimmon · 2 years
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The audacity of Light to be sad about L’s death in (most) of the adaptations kills me everytime
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incomingawn · 2 months
Okay so remember how in the KOTM credits Monarch found a Mothra egg? But we didn’t get a scene of her hatching in GxK???
“Could giant insect egg be a second Mothra…or something else?”
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why-the-heck-not · 3 months
started a sourdough starter!!! It’s not even that much abt bread; I just like the idea of having a pet and this is about the max amount of responsibility I’m looking for rn
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khytal · 11 months
Not sure if got my previous anon but
I'm still in love with your wolfwood. he's so soft the way you draw him# and I don't mean in like cute baby girl way
I mean he genuinely makes my heart melt with joy it's such, such calming way you draw his eyes
All that keep rooted kindness he hides behind his sunglasses you've unearthed
You draw his eyes so kind
It's akin to the manga, you've captured it so well
As unhinged as he can get, you've immortalised that genuine good natured humanity he has
If Vash saw your wolfwood there's no way he wouldn't fall in love all over again. because that's how I feel when I see your art. I remember why I love wolfwood as a character, that's a really special thing you've somehow reignited.
Sometimes eyes really are windows to the soul.
waaaahhhHHHHHHHH 🥺🥺🥺🥹💕💕 I already said it but this is so so so sweet 😭 genuinely amazed that my wolfwoods could do that for you it’s. I can’t even put it into words
but yeah if I were vash and wolfwood looked at me like this I’d. h. hjshdjshdjs
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bookwormonastring · 1 year
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everything jonny has written or been involved in writing (/pos)
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raspbeare · 2 months
i just realized that my cousin is the same age as percy and annabeth in pjo. he’s only 12, i can’t imagine or even fathom him in their place. he’s so young. they were so young. how??
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the-meme-monarch · 1 year
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nooo im not emotionally invested in cass’ stage bc of the cat death nooo what are you talking about
but yes i did slightly redesign the cat bc as it is in game is ugly as hell and no cat is normally ugly as hell. they went out of their way to make that cat ugly as hell
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razzledazzle247 · 1 year
Sons of Garmadon au where when Harumi summons Lord Garmadon, she ends up summoning all of Garmadon, but because she was looking for specifically “Lord” Garmadon, it ends up splitting him in two, with Lord G having all the evilness and the arms, and Sensei G having basically everything else, including memories
So when Lord G breaks Harumi out of prison, Sensei G is looking for Lloyd and the Ninja confused about how he’s alive and where he is because Ninjago City didn’t used to look like that. When Harumi starts the broadcast in the prison, he sees it and hightails it to save Lloyd from his emo- sorry- Evil years personified.
When he gets there, there’s a lot of confusion going around because why is there two of them and why do they look so different???
Sensei G kicks Lord G’s ass no questions
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purplecatghostposts · 7 months
I’ve seen a few people suggest this as either a theory or an AU but the idea of Sarah and Seth surviving Alex’s attempt to kill them and just left afterwards and never was seen by him again is a little funny to me. Alex just assumes they’re dead so he never goes after them. They’d probably still have the Operator Sickness but like, they’re alive at least?
Imagine you’re Tim, Post-MH and grieving the fact that all your college friends are dead, then one day you walk into a store and make eye contact with a very not dead Sarah and Seth getting groceries and you all just FREEZE. How would you even deal with that.
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twinstxrs · 6 months
thinking about how gorgug + kristen perceive both their own deaths & each other’s, and how that impacts their relationship. bc i feel like freshman year kristen was too caught up in her newfound knowledge of the nature of her own god to truly clock & process gorgug’s internal revulsion of where he went after he died, & freshman year gorgug wasn’t familiar enough with the complexities of other people to truly lock onto the sorrow buried within the chaos of kristen’s upward/downward/sideways spiral until she was seemingly on the other side of it. & i wonder if they’ve ever really talked about it (unlikely), or if they’ve just cracked very few jokes that didn’t land and decided to never quite do the work & dig through that part of their relationship. but there’s a kinship there; kristen specifically singles out gorgug to tell him she died again, and gorgug apologizes that he wasn’t there with her this time. gorgug takes one of the finger bones off kristen’s newly/long-time decayed corpse to have an anchor to something in the world. despite the fact that they were in different places after death, having been together during it means everything.
anyways what i’m trying to say is i think they should talk about it.
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cupophrogs · 3 months
Poppy sleeping on Kissy be like:
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(I cried seeing the comic)
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Shhh she needs this
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the-east-art · 6 months
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There’s aren’t really anything but do you understand my vision. The reason I haven’t posted art in four days is cuz I’ve been playing nier nonstop
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