#and then i found out the berries were safe to eat so we picked one off the floor and split it
wawataka · 7 months
uhhh oh yeah my friend and i were hanging out after class under the shade of a tree and i noticed there were like pretty flowers and berries growing from it. i did my research and found out they were safe to eat but unfortunately we couldn’t reach any of them. but we did find some on the floor and after rinsing them they were pretty good
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cumikering · 2 months
F1 John Price x reader 3
2.8k | fluff, suggestive John Price was not jealous of a lap dog (part 1) (part 4)
“So let me get this straight,” you said, plating the sliced loaf on the counter. “You love berries.”
John hummed as he stepped closer, turning you to him by the hips.
“You love to nap and you’re crazy about salmon.”
Crazy about you too.
You scratched his bearded jaw. “You’re a bear, aren’t you?”
He laughed as he leaned in. You smiled against his lips.
The both of you made breakfast. You thanked him again for the loaf, saying it paired wonderfully with tea. In the sunlight, you gazed at him with those pretty eyes, smile sweet, that his heart skipped a beat.
There was something about you, or your place, or the quiet morning that was like a warm embrace to him. Safe. Serene. It was easy to be with you, like there was nothing that could go wrong when you were with him.
You looked out the window and he revelled in the way the diffused light caressed your skin. The sun had grown warmer.
“Need to go to the shops later today,” you muttered.
“I can take you.”
You turned to him, beaming. “There’s a small park I like nearby.”
When he pulled up, it was then he realised he’d forgotten his cap at your place. He reached for the pocket behind your seat, lucky to have kept a spare team cap there.
“Orange looks good on you.” Your fingers curled over the crook of his arm.
He turned to you smiling up at him. I think it would look even better on you. “Yeah? We call it papaya at McLaren.”
You let out a small laugh. “That’s adorable.”
You took a short stroll at the quiet park, his strong hand engulfed yours, and headed to the shops before it got too cold. He hauled the shopping to and from his car, and he swore he fully intended to get out of your hair after he helped you put away your shopping, but when you pulled out two mugs for tea… Well, maybe you didn’t mind if he tarried a little.
At the end of the night, John gathered his toiletries and zipped his luggage up.
“You always come to me, John. Let me return the favour,” you said at the door.
“My place is a bit far.”
“All the more reason why I should, no?”
“I really don’t mind.” He brought your hand to his lips. “Maybe next time when we're in the area?”
You gave him a quick kiss and he pulled his cap on before walking away. He hoped you didn’t mind that he left the orange one on your dining table. You’d look better in it.
January days crawled into a pattern. John picked you up from work for dinner two, three times a week, staying over on the weekends. Seeing you, no matter how short always made him smile.
John, you don’t have to pick me up. I’m closing today. Sophie’s ill so I sent her home. See you tomorrow?
No. See you later
You poor thing. You’d be too tired to cook dinner. He could buy you something instead, guaranteed to taste good – you deserved it after a long day, but he wanted to show his appreciation too. You’d taught him how to cook upon his request, and it was his time to show you what he’d learnt (hopefully). But as he was swinging by the shops for your favourite protein, an idea struck.
When he pushed the door of your shop open, you were wiping down the counters. He pulled his mask down and greeted you with a kiss. His beard had grown full, and he found himself addicted to the way you nails scratched his jaw when your lips met.
He insisted on helping you with the washing – it was the least he could do for his favourite lady, but not before cornering you against the counter, lifting you by the waist onto it and savouring your glossy lips a little longer. You tasted even better when you giggled, your fingers digging into his biceps, making him hum.
In the car, he pulled out the Tupperware of sub sandwiches from his backseat. “Eat up, love. I’m taking you somewhere.”
“You made these?”
He nodded, glancing at you. “I hope you like it.”
You smiled. “Thank you.”
The streets had simmered down and the drive to the other side of town was shorter than expected. The doorman greeted you warmly, swinging the door open to a vast lobby with a classic grand chandelier, accentuating the lustrous marble floors. He picked up a small bag from the concierge and pulled out an access card.
“Oh, it’s such a nice place, John,” you said as you stepped into the lift.
He pressed the button to the top floor and wrapped an arm around you, pulling you against his side. “My manager lives here. I like the view.”
John had called her earlier as he drove to you.
“Kate, do you mind if I borrow your spotting scope tonight?”
“Let me guess.” She let out an amused chuckle. “You’re at the coffee shop and you need me to deliver it in half an hour?”
Kate had started teasing John ever since the GTI favour. Always self-sufficient, he wasn’t one to bother anyone unless it was necessary. Someone had to make him act that way, for him to go out of his way to ask for favours, especially something so trivial.
It might be off season and they didn’t have to talk about work nearly as often, but they’d always meet for a meal once or twice a month with Kate’s wife. Not this time though. She didn’t miss the way he only responded during working hours. Kate didn’t press, but it was a slip of the tongue when he said he’d made plans with you when she suggested dinner one weekend.
“I’d like to go to your rooftop actually.”
“Your balcony has a far better view.”
“Well, your building is quieter.”
“You can’t hear anything from the 30th floor.”
A beat. “Can I borrow the scope, please, Kate?”
“Yeah, alright, sure. What time are you swinging by? We’re going out for dinner.”
“Yeah, no worries. Could you leave it at the concierge for John Sloane?”
She chuckled. “Sloane? Like your mum’s maiden name? They know who-“ There was a pause. “She doesn’t know, does she?”
John could imagine Kate’s pitying look. They’d been working closely for years, even before he got into F1. A karting champion in her younger days, she was his mentor before becoming his manager. Naturally, she was privy to his relationships, especially the one which was flaunted all over the media.
She had encouraged him to play along, stomach it. You can’t run from this if you’re in the business, she’d said, and she was right. It was evidently favourable for his career, until it wasn’t for his feelings anymore.
Perhaps Kate had been callous to his discomfort, something she had apologised for numerous times. She had since said nothing about his personal relationships, not like there was much to say though. He couldn’t be too cautious of who to let in.
He sighed. “It’s a long story.”
“It’s none of my business, John, but that doesn’t sound right.”
“I know, I know. I’m just… Taking it slow. I’m telling her before the season starts.”
John pulled the beanbag chairs from under the canopy. He plopped down, tugging on your wrist to sit between his thighs. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you lose to his chest before you looked through the scope.
“Oh, I forgot to tell you. Someone came in in a McLaren polo today, said he was getting cookies for his boss. It was my first time seeing someone with a mohawk in real life, but he definitely pulled it off.”
He laughed. “Wait, let me guess. He’s Scottish?”
“Yes! You know him?”
“His name is John too, but we call him Johnny or Soap.”
“Soap? Like a bar of soap?”
“Yeah. One time, someone got a box of decorative soaps – I think it was macaron? He mistakenly took a bite out of it.”
You laughed and lowered the scope, turning to him. “Are you serious?”
“To be fair they did look hyper-realistic and smelled wonderful. But I like to think I wouldn’t have been fooled.”
You held the scope back up, the smile still on your lips. “I didn’t think you’d know him. I said a friend works there.”
“A friend, huh.” He kissed the top of your head. “I hope I’ll be more than that one day.”
“You are.”
He heard the tease in your voice. “You are to me too. I like you a lot.” Too much.
It had only been two months since the day you made him his double-shot Americano, but it felt much longer. Seeing you the past weeks had been the highlight of his time off, allowing him a glimpse of your everyday life.
Despite disliking driving outside the track, with London’s dreadful traffic at that, he didn’t mind at all dropping you off work and picking you up again. It was rude how soon he daydreamed about being a part of your life, but kissing you at your door at the end of the night was the best part of his day.
“John, you live around here, right? Should we just go to yours?”
“Not tonight, love. Place is a mess.”
“I don’t mind. You said we’d go when we’re in the area.”
Shit, he’d forgotten. “Sorry, I wasn’t expecting a guest. Next time?”
You hummed, pulling his arms tighter around yourself.
John, once more, breathed a sigh of relief. But he’d meant it – he would tell you soon. He just needed some more time.
You started wearing his papaya cap on rainy days, and on that gloomy Friday, John decided on kebab for dinner. You were supposed to sit at the park, but the cloudy sky didn’t look promising. Instead, you ate in the car before heading home.
Before he exited his car, he placed the cap over your head, making you smile. The colour really looked wonderful on you.
Near the building entrance, you stopped in your tracks.
“John, do you hear that?”
“Like a puppy whining- There!”
The noise was faint but he heard it then. You followed it to the SUV at the end of the lot with John trailing. Under the bonnet, a small dog was curled up, soaked and trembling in the cold.
“Oh, you poor thing,” you said, stooping down and inching your hand out. “You must be lost.”
The brown pooch whined louder and made the slightest hint of a scoot towards you amidst the shivers of its body. It was all it took for you to scoop it into your arms.
“I’ll get you warm-” You inspected the glinting tag on his collar, flipping it over. “Holden,” you muttered. “John, could you help me call his owner while I dry him?”
“Of course.”
You rushed to the bathroom to dry the pup off. Later, with the collar and his phone in hand, John cracked open the door.
“They’re not picking up, but I sent a text. Hopefully I’ll get a reply soon.”
Holden stood on the toilet lid as you knelt down to blow dry him. John sat next to you, watching how gentle you were to the strange dog as you fluffed him up, muttering reassuring words at him. He stopped shaking.
You switched off the hairdryer.
“Wow, it’s like he put on a few pounds.” John stroked his now blond-grey fur. He looked up at him with doe eyes and licked his hand. “What breed is he?”
You laughed, rising to your feet and scooping him into your arms. You scratched the back of his ear and his tail swayed at the attention. “Yorkshire Terrier. He’s such a sweetheart, isn’t he?”
Just like you are. He followed you out to the living room. “I’ll get him water.”
You and John lounged on the couch, Holden napping on your chest, finally warm and cosy wrapped up in one of your old towels. You caressed him mindlessly as you watched the telly.
John Price was not jealous of a fluffy lap dog. It was silly to think so far, but he thought he’d love a pet with you, something to take care of together. Your tenderness made him fuzzy.
It was then his phone rang on the coffee table. It was the owner.
You headed to the address given, just a few minutes away from your place. As you walked up to the door, Holden’s tail went wild. You cooed at him and a woman answered the door.
A little girl rushed past and gave your midriff a big hug. “You found him! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
You stroked her hair and stooped to hand the pup to her.
“Thanks so much for bringing him back, love,” the woman said to you before nodding at John. “It was my fault, I left the door open and he slipped away yesterday. We were worried sick.”
“You’re welcome. I’m glad I found him. He must have been so scared.”
“Here, please accept this.” She took your hand and clasped it over a wad of bills.
“Oh- No, no, I can’t accept that. It was my pleasure. I’m just happy he’s alright now.”
The woman smiled. “Thank you so much, love, really.”
“You be good now, Holden.” You patted his head, and he let out an excited bark before you turned.
At the end of the night, John climbed in bed with you, pressing his chest against your back.
He planted a few kisses on your neck as he mumbled, “I got you this.” He reached over, presenting you a small, custom bear plush wearing an orange cap.
You turned to him, beaming. “Is that supposed to be you?” You ran a finger over the cookie on the bear’s paw.
“Maybe.” He smiled.
“I love it.” You gave him a peck. “What should I call him?
“What about JP?” He pressed his forehead against yours, eyes closed.
“I never got to ask what that stands for,” you whispered against his lips.
“Jean Pierre. You got it right the first time.” He laughed. “My mates call me that sometimes.”
“Have you all got nicknames?”
“Some of us, yes. There’s Gaz, Ghost, and you already know Soap. My manager gets called Watcher.”
“They all sound so fun. Would love to meet them one day.”
“They are. They’re good people.” They’d love you.
Seeing his teammate’s recent obsession with cookies, Kyle didn’t take long to connect the dots. While John was initially reluctant to show your photos to Kyle and the others, he couldn’t hide his grin when Johnny said you looked even better in real life.
“She gave me a free coffee, said she’s got a mate who works at McLaren. So it was you, Cap. How modest of her to say,” he’d said.
They asked when they’d get to meet you, the mystery cookie lady John Price couldn’t stop talking about. Except Kate, the only one who knew why you hadn’t met his closest people yet.
A pause. Your warm breath tickled his skin in the silence.
“Thanks for JP. Now I’ll have you with me every night.”
“You can always ask,” he grunted.
“What if I never want you to leave?”
“Then I won’t, love.”
“You promise?” you murmured.
“I promise.”
It was stupid, really, to let himself feel so much, so fast. But he couldn’t help but want more and more. He felt enough with you, for you, like he didn’t have to be anybody else but some bloke from Liverpool.
He couldn’t keep doing this to you, someone so special to him.
You pulled him close, the small puffs of breath he knocked out of you warm against his shoulder, nails raking deliciously down his back. Just like in his daydreams, the beautiful sounds you let out made his skin tingle and sear. Was he the one making you feel this way?
He dipped his head, breath hot and heavy, grunting into your ear. You made his head spin. He’d never get tired of the way his name slipped past your soft lips, the way you caressed his face, or the way you planted wet kisses on his neck.
He knew it right then. You wouldn’t break his heart.
John sighed, the thin layer of sweat almost gone from his skin. On his bare chest, you slept soundly in his shirt and the smile wouldn’t leave his lips as he buried his nose in your hair. He wanted this with you, always.
He’d tell you in the morning. But tonight, with lungs full of your sweet scent, he’d sleep in peace knowing nothing would change tomorrow.
Masterlist Ex bf John Price
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How to Handle Poisonous Mushrooms
(Originally posted at my blog at https://rebeccalexa.com/how-to-handle-poisonous-mushrooms/)
While edible mushrooms can be found just about year-round in much of temperate North America, fall is by far the most popular time. There’s a greater variety of species available, and fall rains encourage fungi to produce fruiting bodies to spread spores. The cooler weather also entices out those who may have been hiding from summer’s heat. As a result, I see an increase in questions about mushroom hunting from beginners who want to make sure they have a good first foraging experience. One of the most common queries is: how are we supposed to handle poisonous mushrooms?
It’s no surprise that so many people wonder about this. After all, the risk of picking and eating the wrong mushroom is a legitimate concern! While most poisonous mushrooms will give you some nasty gastrointestinal upset, a few can cause more serious symptoms, up to and including kidney and liver failure. Thankfully, with care it’s quite possible to avoid this fate.
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The first thing I need to establish is that fungi are not plants. In fact, they’re more closely related to us animals! The plant kingdom (well, the algae that would eventually lead to plants) diverged from our collective last common ancestor first, about 1.5 billion years ago. Meanwhile the last common ancestor of animals and fungi lived about 1 billion years ago. This means that the kingdom Fungi is the closest to the kingdom Animalia. In fact, we are so similar that it is incredibly challenging for pharmaceutical companies to develop new antifungal medications that are safe for us to use. Animal cells and fungal cells frequently metabolize molecules in the same way, meaning that many antifungal substances are just as dangerous for us as they are for the target fungus.
Yet many people still confuse plants and fungi. Both of them seem to grow out of the ground and don’t appear to move from one spot (at least not to the casual observer) and are often seen in the same places together. Sometimes the roots of plants are wrongly seen as analogous to the fungal mycelium. But while they may share some common roles with regards to extracting water and nutrients from soil, and may intertwine with each other in mycorrhizal relationships, their fundamental structure, to include on a cellular level, is quite different. It also doesn’t help that “mushrooms” are often lumped with vegetables in casual culinary discussions, and even on the food pyramid, too.
So why did I bring up this bit of basic biology? Because it’s at the core of the issue of how to handle poisonous mushrooms.
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Think about some poisonous or irritating plants. Poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac (all Toxicodendron species) all exude uroshiol on their leaves; touch them, and you’re likely to get a nasty rash. Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) has incredibly sharp little hairs that inject the skin of those who touch it with histamines, acetylcholine, and other irritating chemicals. The capsaicin in some peppers (Capsicum spp.) doesn’t even necessarily have to make it into your eyes to cause a nasty burning sensation. Giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) is the most infamous of several plants that can cause severe chemical burns, though some require the sap or other toxic substance to be exposed to sunlight before the chemical reaction occurs. And ostensibly if you went picking berries, got some deadly nightshade (Belladonna atropa) berries mixed in with the edible ones, and the nightshade berries were accidentally crushed in sufficient numbers, there could be enough of their juice on the edible berries to make you sick.
So there are ample examples of plants where, if you just touch them, you could be in trouble. But what about mushrooms? Well, most of us learn about dangerous plants and mushrooms when we’re children. Young kids have a tendency to try to eat things or otherwise put them in their mouth as part of exploring their world. Unfortunately, some of those things can be pretty dangerous! But your average toddler isn’t going to be able to tell the difference between the small red round berries of red huckleberry (Vaccinium parvifolium) and the small red round berries of English holly (Ilex aquifolium). Nor will they know the nuances between edible matsutake mushrooms (Tricholoma spp.), and deadly death caps (Amanita phalloides.) So adults just tell children to not put any plants or mushrooms that they find outside in their mouths–and in fact, just don’t touch them at all. The result is that plenty of people had it imprinted early on that touching any mushroom is dangerous.
To be fair, most adults in mycophobic cultures couldn’t tell you the differences between those mushrooms, either. The mainstream, non-indigenous culture in the United States definitely counts as mycophobic; the majority of Americans are exceptionally wary of any mushroom that didn’t come from a grocery store or on a pizza. This stems from that early message that all outdoor mushrooms are potentially bad and dangerous, and a general dearth of education about edible wild mushrooms. Given that foraging and nature identification in general is a relatively rare set of skills here as well, most people don’t get early opportunities to learn which mushrooms are safe to eat and which aren’t.
All of this adds up to a lot of misinformation about mushrooms in general, and mushroom foraging in particular. Which leads me to the main topic of this article: whether or not you should handle poisonous mushrooms in the first place.
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So here’s the $64,000 question: is it even possible to safely handle poisonous mushrooms? The short answer: yes! Here’s the thing. As I tell my students in my foraging classes, I could pick a big death cap mushroom with my bare hands, walk around carrying it all day, toss it up in the air and catch it, and it wouldn’t hurt me. I could stick it into a bag of edible mushrooms, and it won’t “rub off on them.” The spores would be more of a threat if I inhaled them than if some of them dusted the edible fungi in that bag; there’s not enough toxin in the spores to make an impact.
Technically I could even bite a piece off of the death cap, chew it, and spit it out, and as long as I didn’t swallow any of it I’d be fine. (This is actually a fairly common practice among foragers as flavor can be an important factor in identifying some mushrooms.) The only way that that death cap is going to hurt me is if I eat it. I have to ingest it, and leave it in my digestive system long enough for the amatoxins and phallotoxins within it to be absorbed by my body. (And it wouldn’t take much–just a half a cap is supposedly enough to take out an adult human being.)
Now, you don’t have to give up all of your caution if you aren’t comfortable. If it makes you feel better to wear gloves when picking mushrooms, put each unidentified species in its own container, and wash your hands after handling them, that’s totally fine. But understand that these steps really aren’t necessary, other than perhaps keeping the unidentified mushrooms separated from the known edibles to keep them from being accidentally prepared together.
None of this means that you shouldn’t take the absolute greatest amount of caution in properly identifying any mushroom and then researching if it is safe to eat. The risk of eating something that could make you sick (or worse) is still quite real. Just know that the risk only comes into play once you start eating them; you can pretty much handle the mushrooms with impunity (rare general mushroom allergies notwithstanding.)
Did you enjoy this post? Consider taking one of my online foraging and natural history classes, checking out my other articles, or picking up a paperback or ebook I’ve written! You can even buy me a coffee here!
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 5 months
WIP Wednesday - April 17th, 2024.
Preview of Heaven's Gate (Daryl Dixon x GN!Reader)
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A/N: Despite the awful messages I have been getting lately, berating me for 'not finishing things' - I want to start doing WIP Wednesday regularly. Sometimes the things I post will not be completed and posted on my other blog. That is normal. Sometimes ideas are abandoned in favour of other ideas. Sometimes things go unfinished for any number of reasons. I have a really good feeling about this fic - it's an idea that I have had in my head since I saw Season 5 of TWD for the first time, and I have been wanting to write this fic for years. Fics like this are usually bound to be finished by me purely out of dedication to an idea I have had for years.
If you want to see the full fic when it comes out, you can follow my writing blog @sundrop-writes where it will be posted.
Warnings: I don't think there's really any warnings for this small section? The term they/them is used, but I didn't want it to be used specifically for the reader, I wanted it to be ambiguous that it could be talking about the larger group or the reader (so that people with she/her or he/him pronouns can also apply themselves to this dialogue). There are typical TWD warnings - mentions of death, spoilers for the show up through Season 4 if you're watching it for the first time. Use of Y/N because I am an old school girl, and idk - I think that's it for this section?
When the prison was attacked, Daryl got out with Beth. 
He almost couldn’t stand her bright eyes, big eyes staring at him, waiting for answers - her chirpy little voice, prodding at him, demanding that they ‘follow the trail’ and go look for everyone else. Telling him that he was a tracker, that he could find them. As if it was his damn responsibility just because he had the skills to get it done. 
It was all too reminiscent of you, telling him that he could find Sophia. That it wasn’t an ‘if’ - it was a ‘when’. 
Perhaps that was what got him off his ass and doing what he did best - reading the dirt. 
“What’re you doin’?” He asked, staring at the girl curiously as she went to one of the bushes and rushed to pick berries from branches. Had she not gotten enough to eat that morning? 
“They’ll be hungry when we find them.” Beth told him confidently. 
Of course. That undefeatable streak of optimism. 
Daryl knew that blueberries weren’t your favorite - but he should have something to give you. He would be too busy tracking the footprints to properly hunt for squirrels or rabbits and clean them for you. So, he found himself pulling a large bandana from his back pocket and offering it to Beth - something to hold the berries in to keep them safe as an offering for you. 
“Here.” He grunted at her. 
Beth smiled at him. 
It was one of the last smiles she gave him for a long time. 
When they came across those bodies splayed out beside the tracks - any sense of hope was crushed inside of him. The picture you had gifted him was heavy inside his breast pocket, and he hated that tears threatened his eyes - even if he knew that none of those bodies belonged to you. There was no trace of you there. 
The days started to blur into each other, and Daryl couldn’t get you off his mind. 
One hazy evening, as they both stared into the fire with dead looks on their faces, he took the drawing out of his pocket and unfolded it. 
For good luck. 
He didn’t believe in luck - because it didn’t exist. The world was fucked. Nobody was lucky. You and your good luck were dead. 
He tossed the drawing into the fire, and it was only a moment, when the corner of it had barely caught, when Beth snatched it out. She stomped on it with her boot, successfully saving it. 
“Don’t do that.” She hissed at him. 
Daryl snatched it from her, and crumbled it up, tossing it aside. He let out a grunt, but refused to look at her. 
“That was from Y/N, wasn’t it?” She posed. 
He could feel her imposing stare as she waited for an answer. 
He didn’t give her one. 
“You can’t burn them just because you think they’re dead.” Beth sighed. “You can’t burn up memories. We’re gonna find them. Y/N, and Maggie, and Michonne, and - and everyone.” 
Daryl scoffed. “Yeah. Cause that’s gon’ happen.” 
Beth rolled her eyes, but didn’t speak any further on the subject. 
After she had fallen asleep - when the fire was dull, Daryl picked up the crumbled ball and smoothed it out again. The charred corner hadn’t even touched your bird. He felt like a fool doing it, just as much of a fool as he accused you of being, but he folded it neatly - well, as neatly as he could - and then put it back into his breast pocket again. 
But that was the thing - Daryl wished that he could. He wished he could burn up those memories. 
That you would stop haunting him. Then he wouldn’t have to feel like this anymore.
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eyeslikewatercoolers · 7 months
Costco Trip- Wedding Planner AU drabble
I got this idea...barely 12 hours ago when Sasha on this week's Pit Stop said that she shops at bulk stores now. So I got the idea of her being a Costco fan, and then came this drabble!
Sasha loved Sunday mornings, especially after her youngest daughter was born. As her wife and teenage daughter slept in, she happily spent time taking care of Delia.
Sometimes they would have a cozy morning together at home, staying in their pajamas until noon. When the weather was nice, Sasha put her in the stroller and walked to the neighborhood park. 
But Sasha’s favorite way to spend a Sunday morning was taking Delia out shopping. Delia loved going to Target, seeing the bright red cement balls outside made her smile. Sasha put apple juice in her bottle, then treated herself to an over-priced coffee at Starbucks and browsed through the aisles together.
As Sasha pulled up to the parking lot of Target, she noticed very few cars parked outside. On the front doors, she read a sign with bold lettering.
Due to a large water leak, we will be closed for the day
Sorry for the inconvenience 
Sasha sighed, “Well, Dee, it looks like we’re not going shopping today,” she said as she looked in the rearview mirror to the backseat. As she pulled away from the store, Delia’s bottom lip quivered as she reached her small arms toward the red balls, but the window stopped her. 
“I know, sweetie,” Sasha said sympathetically as she drove down the road. She played the pre-set kid’s radio station on the car speakers to help Delia get in a better mood. As she sang along to Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride, a large sign up the road caught her eye. 
“How about we make a little trip to Costco?” Sasha asked as she turned into the parking lot Delia gave a curious look at the large, strange building. 
Turns out, Delia loved going through Costco. This store was busier than Target usually was at this hour. Delia stared at the other shoppers in wonder, as Sasha encouraged her to wave in greeting. 
As Sasha filled the cart with the essentials they needed at home, Delia reached out to try to touch and grab everything she could. Sasha had to apologize when her daughter grabbed an employee’s radio wire. 
“I’m so sorry, she’s in a grabby stage right now,” she explained as the employee kindly forgave them. 
Sasha shared some of the free samples with Delia as well, making sure the food was small enough for her to safely eat. She wiped the strawberry apple sauce from Delia’s face with a wipe from the diaper bag, before tickling Delia’s sides to make her laugh. 
After getting through the checkout line, Sasha pushed the cart to the food court area and found an empty table to claim. She unbuckled Delia from the baby seat of the cart and balanced her on her hip as she waited in line to order. 
Normally, as a good, responsible parent, she would order a healthy option for them to share. However the cashier informed her that they were out of the berry smoothies, so she had to pick something else.
“It’s never too early for ice cream, right?” she asked her daughter, before ordering a small cup of vanilla soft serve. 
“I’m glad you can’t talk yet,” Sasha said as they walked out of the store and toward the car. “If Mommy found out that I let you have ice cream before noon, we would never get to go shopping alone again!” she exclaimed as she unlocked the car, Delia giggling and clapping as she watched her mother load the car. 
Sasha buckled Delia into her car seat, reaching over to pass her a neglected toy to keep her busy. “Hope we can go to Target again next week, but this was fun for both of us,” Sasha said before she was about to shut the car door, but heard Delia start to make a noise. 
“Cah-cah,” she tried to say, and Sasha tilted her head in confusion. Delia just turned one year old a couple of weeks before, but still hadn’t said her first word yet. 
“What are you trying to say, pumpkin?” Sasha asked, waiting patiently. 
“Cah-cah,” Delia started again, trying to get the full word out. “Cah-Cahsto! Costo!” she said as she clapped.
“Are you trying to say Costco?” Sasha laughed with her daughter. “Your first word is Costco, I can’t believe it.”
Sasha got back into the driver's seat and drove to the exit to get back on the main road. She watched Delia in the backseat wave at the store as they left. 
“I guess we’re going to Costco on our Sunday morning outings, huh?” 
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blurscolours · 1 year
The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea | Part Six
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Summary: An attack on Arthur’s imprisoned brother Orm leaves him with no choice but to rely upon you, a friend made due to unfortunate circumstances nearly a decade ago, to provide safe haven while he restores peace to Atlantis. Suddenly tasked with sheltering a sullen former king results in a very different summer vacation than you had originally envisioned, but changes both of your lives forever.
Warnings: Bear Attack, Orm Injury, Blood, First Aid, Discussion of Atlantean Healing
Word Count: 2083
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By the following weekend, the pile of logs to be split had dwindled significantly. Activity on the lake was picking up again, so you suggested you go on a walk into the woods, to both look for felled trees and get away from the racket.
Your planned route was not arduous, but it was hot in the thick of the trees and sunbaked granite, so you put your bathing suit on underneath your shorts and tank top to be ready to swim as soon as you returned to the lakeshore. You also applied sunscreen to your exposed skin, as he read the back of the bottle curiously.
“We can’t all be as perfect as you…” You teased lightly. “Sunburns are terribly uncomfortable.”
Making sure you each had a bottle of water, and a bucket to collect any blueberries there might be, you headed off with him down the path to the railway tracks. You stopped at the edge and let him take in the space without a freight train barreling through the landscape, before leading him across and deeper into the trees. You were by no means an elegant hiker, but you made your way up the slope of the path, avoiding the mud churned up by ATVs. The two of you noted some trees that had fallen as a result of wind or at the end of the life. He stated he would come back later to collect them.
You emerged from the thick of the trees onto a landscape of granite rocks and twisted jack pine trees. It was a rather foreign landscape compared to the woods or the lakeshore.
“Here is where we might find blueberries.” You said excitedly and headed over to inspect one of the patches of green. You crouched down and carefully ran your fingers through the leaves before picking a few triumphantly. “Aha!”
You enthusiastically began to pick a few more before putting them in your hand and rinsing them with a splash of water from your water bottle. You popped a few in your mouth and smiled as they were still warm from the sun and reminded you of a fresh blueberry pie.
“You enjoy the taste then?” He asked, much closer than you remembered.
You opened your eyes to see him crouching down right in front of you. You held out your hand and he plucked a few from your palm, the tips of his fingers sliding along your skin. You were powerless to stop the shiver that thrilled through you. You watched as he slid the blueberries past his generous lips before popping them with his teeth and nodding.
“They are sweet but not overwhelmingly so…and warm.” He commented.
His words brought you back to the moment and you nodded quickly.
“Exactly. It reminds me of a dessert my mom makes every summer. Blueberry pie.”
He smiled a little at the mention of your mother…And you realized you had listened to his entire life story without sharing any part of your own.
“I would very much like to try it…” He replied.
“Well then we need to pick a lot more of these.” You laughed and settled in to pick everything within your reach, teaching him to pick only the darkest of the berries, leaving the white or green ones to ripen a while longer. As you shifted around the patch, the bucket getting fuller between the two of you, you told him stories of berry picking with your family…of eating more blueberries than you put in the bucket…
As the time passed, however, you began to feel…unnerved. You found yourself looking across the clearing to the edge of the trees until the shadows moved. You inhaled sharply, and his focus was immediately on you.
“Bear.” You said quickly and quietly, and his eyes shot across the clearing to see the black bear emerge fully, sniffing the wind. The animal was startingly large…not like the females that came close to the cottage sometimes. No, this was a huge male that roamed a large territory, and you were now in it.
“Stand up slowly.” You spoke low and even, moving carefully. He followed your direction, shifting subtly to place his entire form between you and the bear. “Wave your arms slowly and talk to me, we have to show we are not prey.”
You both began to wave your arms.
“Are humans not prey for bears, then?”
“No. We are not. This type of bear is a scavenger…they like berries and fish and dead animals.” You peered around his torso and frowned as the bear started huffing defensively, pawing at the ground.
“It might charge.” You said with dread in your voice. You were doing everything the nature books said and yet the bear still seemed threatened. Orm was in and of himself a very threatening being. That may have been the issue.
“It is charging.” He confirmed with surprising calm.
You heard it roar and start across the clearing.
“Hit it in the face!!!” You managed to squeak out and pressed yourself fully against his back, admittedly terrified.
You felt Orm brace for the impact, holding his arms out to defend you as the snarling bear drew closer. It let out a bellow as it plowed into him, sliding the two of you backwards along the bare rock, but Orm kept his feet, and you were able to do the same by wrapping your arms around his waist. The bear reared up and snarled again as it swiped at Orm’s left arm with its wicked claws before you felt Orm shift and slam his right fist into its muzzle.
The bear let out a rather pathetic noise, one of pain mixed with surprise, as it tumbled back. It scrambled to its feet and scampered off into the woods. At least the books were right about that – black bears could indeed be scared off by fighting back. You unwrapped your arms from Orm’s torso and stood, immediately seeing the angry gashes on his forearm. He turned to face you once the bear was out of sight and seemed much more focused on your wellbeing. You grabbed your water bottle and quickly dumped it over his wound.
“Bear claws are filthy.” You babbled, adrenaline making your hands shake a little. You needed to stop the bleeding. You paused, trying to formulate a plan, before pulling your shirt up and off, folding it into a long strip. As Orm looked on curiously, you pressed the center of the fabric strip to this wound, wrapping it under his arm before pulling the ends back to the front and tying them tightly over the wound to put pressure on it. You picked up his hand and pressed your finger into his skin, pleased to see the blood flow replenish the colour quickly.
“We have to get you back to the cottage…” You turned to pull him back to the path, away from the bear, but he pulled you back to him, the fingers of his good hand sliding under your chin, raising your eyes to his.
“Are you alright?” He asked calmly, seemingly unfazed by what had transpired.
You blinked and nodded dumbly, forcing yourself to take a few calming breaths.
“Yes, sorry, thank you.” You murmured sheepishly.
“Then we can go.” He nodded and let go of your chin, leaning down to pick up the bucket of hard-won blueberries, before letting you lead him back down the path in your bathing suit and shorts.
Neither of you seemed inclined to break contact, and so you held his hand the entire way, taking him straight into the bathroom. You motioned for him to sit on the stool and took out the first aid kit. Your hands were thankfully no longer shaking. You unwrapped your ruined shirt and dropped it directly into the garbage bin. You grabbed some antiseptic and looked to him apologetically.
“This might sting a little…” You knelt on the ground to be face-to-face with the wound on his forearm as you very carefully cleaned it out. You could see right before your own eyes he was already healing; the bleeding had stopped. The bear’s claws had not been able to cut very deep into his Atlantean flesh, but the wound still needed care. You added anti-bacterial cream before closing each gash with sets of steri-strips, offsetting and trimming them with careful precision. You placed gauze over the wounds and wrapped it with bandages.
“Too tight?” You asked once you’d tied it.
“Not at all.” He murmured and you nodded before cleaning up.
“Between you and me, we’re going to use a whole first aid kit before this month is out.” You muttered ruefully as you changed the Band-Aid on your thumb. You looked back to him, still sitting on the stool. “Are you in pain?”
“I will be fine. Thank you,” he replied, making eye contact again. “for your prompt care and the sacrifice of your garment…”
You shook your head quickly.
“I would have died…the thanks are all mine…” You blinked as you remembered he’d just punched a huge land animal. You quickly picked up his right hand and examined his knuckles, putting gentle pressure on the bones of his hand. “Is your hand ok?”
He nodded as his fingers closed around yours, gently turning you hand and lifting your knuckles to his lips. “I am fine.” He confirmed again before pressing a kiss to your skin.
The air shuddered from your lungs, stunned that hands so strong could feel so soft…that a mouth that could speak so harshly had such tender lips.
“I…” You dropped your eyes and they looked around for something to focus on, landing on the bucket of blueberries. “I will get these cleaned up then.” You slipped your hand from his, grabbing the blueberries and fleeing to the kitchen.
The intensity of your body’s response to him was overwhelming, particularly when it mixed with the residual adrenaline. You rinsed the blueberries carefully and lay them out to dry on paper towel, before going down to the lake for a swim. You needed to cool off and calm down or you would absolutely embarrass yourself further.
You jumped in and dunked yourself a number of times before simply floating, the frenzied feeling leeching away into the water. As you climbed out of the lake, he offered you a towel…making you realized you’d forgotten to bring one with you.
“Thank you.” You smiled sheepishly and wrapped yourself up in it. “So.” You looked to him. “Blueberry pie?”
He nodded softly and you headed up to the cottage together. You changed into real clothes and worked with him to make the filling and crust before assembling the pie. Once it was in the oven, you pulled down a wine glass. “I am going to have a glass of mead, an alcoholic beverage made with honey. Would you like to try some?”
“Yes, please.” He answered and you grabbed another glass. You poured a tasting size portion for him and a proper glass for yourself, before bringing the bottle with you as you sat in the living room to relax while the pie baked. He sniffed and swirled the mead before tasting it and you were once again struck by the cultural similarities – though how beverages were serviced and ingested in the ocean was something you would ask him about later. He gave you a nod of approval and you added to his glass.
The warmth of the alcohol spread from the centre of your body out to the tips of your fingers and toes, relaxing you deeply. As you drank, you took the opportunity to tell him about your life – your family, your childhood. The timer beeped once the pie finished, and you pulled it out to cool. Together, you threw together some leftovers for dinner and continued drinking and talking over your meal and dessert.
Thankfully the pie turned out to be worth it effort he had put into collecting those blueberries with you, and you finished the night by cleaning the kitchen. The very close encounter with that bear had truly driven home the importance of keeping the cottage clean. By bedtime, the bottle was empty. You were both thoroughly relaxed, and he was also well-versed in your life in turn. Crawling into bed, it was not a struggle to fall asleep. You melted into the sheets boneless after the effort of the day and slept soundly through the night.
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Read Part Seven
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beansthough · 2 years
I have brain rot over your snake charmer au 🙃
Okie okie questions!!!!
1. So really wanna know, what kind of snake is Tommy and what kind of mouse is Wilbur???? I needs too know!!!
2. Me after ch 2. Dropped :0000 MORE CHARACTERS!!!! Could we get a bit of an idea of what the others look like and if they’re also mouse hybrids?
3. Did Tommy pick up Wilbur’s lute when he took off or is it just back at the berry bush vibing?
4. Can we get a lil bit of world building for what the village looks like? Tis shrouded in mystery atm just curious if it’s like all kinda enclosed with walls or like part of trees etc.
As you can tell, can’t get enough of your au! Have a lollipop as token of my appreciation 🍭
A/n: thank you very much for the lollipop it was wonderful<3
CW: snakes, insects, and rodents pictured below.
1. Tommy is based off of a Blood red corn snake! They have beautiful red scales and are constrictors. They’re diet consists of small animals like rodents, birds, or insects :)
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Wilbur is based off of a curly brown mouse. He loves to upkeep his hair and it’s extremely soft. This is also the reason he’s not the most athletic.
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2. Techno is a hog-nosed rat. He’s definitely a lot more strong and has some bulk to him. He also had his to protruding teeth that he is quite proud of and even decorates them with jewelry he makes.
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Philza is a common starling. He was one of the only survivors of the past village, but he was only a small child when it happened. He has worked and always cared for the new village and eventually became the leader. He adopted Wilbur and Technoblade when they were small. Phil takes great care of his wings and even taught his boys how to help him preen them. They always loved touching their dad’s wings.
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Ranboo is a panda bat who loves to eat from flowers but has trouble seeing far away due to his poor eyesight.
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Niki is based on a rosy maple moth. She sends most her time baking and hanging out with Jack.
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Jack is based on a common shrew. He spends most his time with niki and he loves to go around and entertain people. He’s also apart of the guard but he’s not the greatest soldier, he just joined because he figured it get him more popular.
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Also Tubbo wasn’t mentioned but he’s a Bumblebee hybrid! (of course) He can be found with Ranboo or in his workshop most of the time.
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3. Tommy definitely went back for Wilbur’s lute and the forgotten basket of berries. Wilbur will reunite with them soon enough. :)
4. The village is hidden away in a small clearing surrounded by thick bushes and large trees. The village ranges from the forest floor to the very top of the trees. Shops and homes are carved into the trees themselves and there are plenty of more underneath the earth too, in burrows and carved into rock. In the center of the clearing is the largest tree that consists mostly of the guard and the main support and teams of the village. The village consents of a large amount of tiny hybrids who have all come here to be safe and be free from the dangers of the outside world. There are secret tunnels underground, paths through the trees and symbols on ground level to lead people in and out of the village.
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bubblyleaf-42 · 3 months
Walvion: Strange Lands And New Friends
The dark, heavy clouds that filled the sky darkened it so much, even Euclapidices’ lightning wasn't able to penetrate them. The rain poured endlessly through the forest canopy, drenching everything we could see, which wasn’t much.
Our boots splashed in the mud as we ran for our lives. We cut through thick underbrush, stomped on roots, and tripped over large mossy stones. We were deep in the forest, and still weren’t safe from what was chasing us. I looked up to see nothing but leaves and clouds blocking my view of the sky. I kept running until Asterion grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back. I looked down and saw a massive ravine that seemed bottomless in this lighting.
“Course me this way into this cave, haply we shall be safe ' 'I hither” Leofwine said.
The short mysterious woman led us into a shallow cave, barely big enough for the five of us to fit. We sat and waited, breathing sparingly until we assumed it to be safe to venture out into the forest again.
It had been nearly a fortnight since Asterion and I found Witxha missing. We had searched the village and temple thoroughly before telling Euclapidices about her status. Euclapidces promptly traveled by himself to the Realm of Creation and searched until he was spotted by a promiscuous Goddess. She had attempted to seduce Euclapidice, but he had vanished before her, just as he did to us. After his attempt at finding her, we all agreed to come to her realm in hopes of finding her. So far, our journey brought us through another village, a dungeon, picking up some new members, and now us, being chased by the great beast of the land.
“I reckon we find a way around the ravine ere the storm gets any worse,” Leofwine spoke.
She walked out of the cave, looked around, and ushered us to follow. The thunder that filled the air seemed to quiet down while we hid in the cave. We kept walking, attempting not to be spotted at the edge of the ravine. Eventually we made it to a thinner gap between the two sides of the crevice.
“We want to cause our way across, would we hast any hopes of finding thy friend” Roswita said to Euclapidices.
“Indeed, do you have any supplies we could use?” Euclapidices asked.
“Nought yet an axe and ale” Roswita said while holding up her famed copper axe. “This hither axe can carve any mighty oak into a mere oar!”
“I am aware of your capabilities, perhaps you can use your skills to build a bridge for us?” Asterion said.
“Mabey, many hours it shall take, a camp we want for the night.” Roswita said. “'i mine company, thou shall not be bootless. gentlemen, start gathering supplies, the night only grows closer.”
We began searching for a variety of supplies that Leofwine told us to get. Her vision of a camp was no different from ours, only her techniques included a beautiful weaving pattern formed from leaves and vines we cut down. A blanket made from the weaved plants was given to all of us after we finished the construction of simple tents and a pit for our fire. Euclapidices had learned to build a fire that could not be seen from the sky. He told us the soldier in one of the wars he participated in taught him how to construct it.
After our work, we all sat down to eat a meal we managed to make. Roswita had a package of salted pork and dried berries from her personal luggage. Asterion saved some bread from the Village we once were in, and I found a sharp rock we could use to prepare the food. After our meal, we all gathered our belongings in the cave we hid in and went to sleep in the tents we built.
In the morning, rain still lightly poured through the forest canopy, but we were able to see the sky once more. Yesterday during our camp building activities, Asterion had found a rabbit’s borough and took three to kill. He prepared the meats to be smoked through the night. In the morning, we ate the smoked meat and had a small amount of ale from a flask, Leofwine had to wash down the dried nuts stuck in our teeth. What we did not eat was salted, wrapped up and put into the luggage we carried.
We made our way back to the narrow part of the ravine to see Roswita had completed the bridge. It was made of several logs tied together and staked into the ground. The top was roughly flattened and was wide enough to fit a small cart on top.
“It’s most simple and not most safe, yet if one of us goes across at a time, we hast a chance of getting to the other side,” Roswita said as we approached.
Sure enough we all made it across, it took a bit for all of us and the bags we carried to make it, but we did it without a scratch. We traveled kilometers before the forest started to thin out into a field. We stopped at the edge of the forest, and surveyed the land. Rows upon rows of cabbages and wheat stretched past the horizon.
“Farm land, this means there’s bound to be people.” Asterion said. “We must be careful, if we have made it this far in the few days we have traveled, news of our activities may have too.”
“Your right Asterion, we must stay in the forest if we want to get to the Sorcerer’s Keep.” Euclapidices added.
“No we might not but travel through the passages 'i the wheat to compose it to the village towards the other side, there we disguise ourself and restock our supplies to continue our journey” Leofwine said. “Would we are thrifty, haply we catch a ride to the end of the Swindmore Wall.”
“Mine friend is right, the village contains many opportunities that shall help us 'i our journey” Roswita said.
“How do you know about this?” I asked the pair of women.
“We grew up 'i these lands, on our foster mother’s visits hither , we won't run around the market with coins to buy cuts of meats, and bread.” Leofwine admitted.
“Foster? I have not heard such a word before.” Euclapidices said.
“They were raised by a woman who wasn't their mother, kin of Zeus.” Asterion told him.
“Ah, like my brother Hercules?” Euclapidices asked.
“Yes, like most of your siblings, Euclapidices.” Asterion said.
It didn't occur to me that Hercules and Euclapidices were related until this conversation. Half-brothers, born from the deeds of their father. It seemed odd to me thinking about the many siblings Euclapidices had, too many to count on both hands.
“What are you thinking about young mortal?” Asterion asked me. “You have been silent in this conversation.”
“Oh, I was thinking about how many siblings Euclapidices has.” I said.
“Ah yes, many he has, nearly one hundred.” Asterion told us.
“Deary me, one hundred? That amount of people could populate a village, and they’re thy siblings? how goes't not mad?” Roswita asked.
“Most of them live on Olympus, others live in Greece, and some inhabit other realms as they’ve been forgotten by the people who tell their stories.” Euclapidices said.
“Aye, quiet up, farmers are patrolling the fields, look there, one bears a pitchfork and the other hath a stick.” Leofwine interrupted.
I looked to where Leofwine pointed. The farmer who had the pitchfork, thrusted it into the ground and raised a rat impaled on it.
“Lookey hither , we gots a rat 'i the field” the pitchfork farmer said.
“Troublesome pests, say to the village we might not but, the harvest could be undone{{ing}} if these keep coming.” the other said.
The pitchfork farmer stabbed another two rats before the pair of them went to their wagon.
“We want to get to the village now. We can't keep hiding hither lest we do lack to be found.” Roswita said.
We all agreed and snuck around the edge of the forest before we found an unused wagon. We loaded our luggage into the wagon and draped a cloth on Asterion to disguise him as a bull. He pulled the wagon with the help of Euclapidices and I until we reached a point where we could see the village. Once we saw it, we hid ourselves in the luggage and Leofwine took control of the wagon. The wagon made its way through the paths of the town and we traveled for several minutes until we came across a stable we could rent.
“Wait hither till I return with apparel for thou.” Leofwine told us
After a bit, our luggage was moved and a chest was dropped in front of us. I opened the chest and saw a deep blue bundle of fabric and a pair of leather shoes.
“That’s for thou young one. A guard's assistant disguise, to be paired with the thunder-stone man.” Leofwine said to me.
I pulled out the bundle and saw a second attached to it. I handed the second one to Euclapidices and we walked behind the wagon to change. His outfit was similar to mine, but had black trim and a hat with a feather stuck in it.
“Fear not for the color of thy skin, as this village is a cultural melting pot. None shall judge thou for thy tanned complexion, except for the elite, yet we won't hast to worry, we're going to a tavern.” Roswita told us.
“Oh’ i haven't considered skin to be an issue.” Eclapidices said. “My home never considered someone of darker skin to be lesser.”
“Mabey get your head out of the clouds, Euclapidices, down in Greece, they absolutely do, slaves and peasants are treated poorly simply for coming from Afrikí.” Asterion said to him.
“I wasn't aware how terrible people are.” Euclapidices admitted.
“Come down from Olympus once in a while and you’ll see how people act.” Asterion said.
“Perhaps I will.” Euclapidices said. “Maybe you can show me how society acts since the last time I saw my mother.”
“Agreed.” Asterion said.
Roswita and Leofwine grabbed their clothes as well and came out dressed as maidens. Finally, Asterion was handed a variety of leather and cloth items. He stared at the disguise and sighed. He changed into his bull attire and sat down grumpily.
“What’s wrong Asterion?” I asked.
“Have you ever heard of King Minos, Epizon?” Asterion asked me.
“No, why?” i responded
“Well King Minos failed to sacrifice a bull to the gods. Posiedon punished him by having my mother lust after the animal. As a result, I was born. Now I am dressed as the very animal my mother made love to.” Asterion told the group.
Everyone looked guiltily at each other and thought of something to say.
“Haply thou change thy disguise to be of a warrior whom killed a bull and uses his pelt as his cloth.” Leofwine said. “Many would receive thou if thou told 'em that, thy build is quite large and powerful. A weapon thou shall want though.”
“I very much would like to change to that outfit, do not worry about a weapon, i will cover my hands in dirt and blood to convince the townspeople.” Asterion said as he got up.
Moments later Asterion Emerged with his new disguise and we all gathered a few materials to carry with us into the tavern we were told about.
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rere-the-writer · 3 years
Hey, can you do a Mikaelson fic where Elijah is suddenly a father (like he adopts a child) and just fluff?
Yes I need some fluff
Warnings: Fluff, Protective Elijah, Child abandonment
Elijah was surprised to find you out in the cold as he had just moved out of the Abattoir when Hayley moved in with Jackson. Elijah looked around noticing there was no one around before kneeling infront of you worried you were dead but heard your weak heart beat. The vampire took you back to his flat cleaning you up frowning feeling that you have a fever.
"Shhh little one, you are safe." Elijah says catching you when you panicked and fell out of bed as Elijah felt your forehead seeing you still have a fever.
"You still have a fever little one. What is your name?"
"Y/N and I am this many old." You say holding up four fingers getting a smile from Elijah as he placed you back in the bed. You watched Elijah grab a cold clothe placing it on your forehead to try and break your fever.
"Why were you out by yourself?"
"Mommy didn't want me anymore." You tell him not seeing his frown as he looked at you.
"Why would your mother..."
"Elijah!" The vampire stood straight hearing Klaus walking in with Hayley making him frown before his attention was on you when you shifted. Klaus and Hayley went to Elijah one early morning after an old friend payed them a visit.
"Because I don't walk too good." You say as from that moment on Elijah decided to care for you.
"You will stay with me little one." Elijah tells you watching you light up at the idea. Over the three weeks staying with Elijah and being comfortable around Marcel and Gia as the two would watch over you when he was busy.
"Papa hungry." You said one night out of the blue making Elijah stop his writing thinking he misheard you.
"What little lamb?" Elijah asked picking you up sitting you on his lap as you were confused but smiled up at your papa
"Hungry papa." You tell him before giggling loudly when Elijah hugged you tightly heart swelling with joy. You hugged back smiling unaware that you had made Elijah the most happiest vampire. That night after feeding you, Elijah shower you with affection and not letting you go not that you minded.
Elijah had you on his hip as he was pulling out yogurt for you to eat, since settling in Algiers Elijah found hisself lonely and help Marcel with his vampires wasn't his focus but you became his world within a short week.
"Yes Niklaus?" Elijah questioned giving you a blueberry not caring if the juice from the berry on his shirt. Klaus stopped seeing you in Elijah's arms as the older Mikaelson was feeding you a bit of yogurt.
"What is this?"
"Y/N, my daughter. Now what do you two need?" Elijah questioned again sitting you on the counter giving you a small spoon so you could eat. Both Hayley and Klaus was surprised watching Elijah soften as he cared for you.
"I found her on the streets about a month ago and since then she has been with me." Elijah says cleaning your round face smiling when you tried to feed him some of your breakfast.
"So instead of coming home. You stayed in Algiers playing house." Klaus said smirking as he saw the envy in her eyes while Elijah picked you up placing you down.
"Not playing house. Little lamb, go pick what you want to wear today and papa will in to help you."
"We see Vince?" You asked as Elijah smiled brushing your curls from your face.
"Of course, I am sure Vincent love to watch yoy today."
"You trust the witch once possessed by our brother with your child?" Klaus questioned smirking when Elijah coughed standing cleaning up.
"Vincent has proven to be a big help with her."
"Are you thinking about visiting your old ways?" Klaus asked watching Elijah as Hayley was confused seeing Elijah flush as this was new to her having not seen this side of Elijah.
"He is an ally and nothing more." Elijah said voice cracking making Klaus laugh as Hayley blinked.
"That's what you said of Dorian." Klaus said tone teasing as Elijah said he was going to help you dress leaving behind a confused Hayley and a smirking Klaus.
Elijah was awoken late that night by you getting in his bed curling into his chest. You had a nightmare dreaming of Elijah abandoning you and when you woke up, you ran to Elijah.
"Papa, no leave me." You whimpered into his chest making Elijah's chest ache as he pulled you close wrapping you up in his arms.
"I would never you, little lamb. Why would such thought scare you?"
"Scary dream papa." You say voice tired as Elijah ran his fingers over your hair humming a soft Viking lullaby. You yawned being lulled to sleep by your father as he whispered sweet nothings. Elijah smiled watching you fall asleep more than happy to comfort you.
"Papa would never leave you." Elijah whispered as he settled falling asleep to the sounds of your soft breathing. Elijah knew he'll have to return home soon but was more than happy to enjoy the quiet with you until then.
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Safe with Him
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After being alone with your little brother you take shelter in a prison not knowing other survivors had the same idea as well.
@ellerelly I hope you like it. I changed the brother's age a little. Hope thats ok!!
"Jonah remember what I said. Stay low and quiet. I have to go outside to get water from the creek. I promise you I'll be back soon" you hated leaving him but you didn't have much of a choice. He nodded, tucking the blanket around him as he slid under the bunk. Once you were satisfied he was hidden well enough you walked out of the cell fastening the door behind you with the chain you'd found in a different hall of the prison. 
You gripped your machete in one hand and slipped the canteens across your chest. There were two for drinking and two for washing up. You liked getting enough water at a time that you only had to venture out every few days.
You knew the fastest way out was through the tombs and out the back wall that had apparently fallen at some point. You could only imagine that it had hopefully given some of the prisoners at least a fighting chance at freedom. The irony was that it had given you and Jonah a fighting chance at safety.
Your thoughts slipped to the six year old hiding awaiting your return. You feared the day something may happen that ended with you not getting back to him. You were all he had. The moment you stepped out into the warm Georgia heat you shook yourself to clear your mind. Walkers were everywhere so you needed your head in the game. Jonah was as safe as he could be until you got back but he needed you to get back.
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You stopped just inside the prison to catch your breath. Blood covered your face and arms but none of it was your own at least. You'd stopped just for a second and a couple walkers had gotten too close for comfort. 
Jonah was more used to seeing blood than you'd ever care to admit at this point but nonetheless you dipped into an empty cell and used one of the dirty blankets to wipe away the blood as best as you could. At least the food you'd managed to scavenge should hold the two of you out for another week or more. You always ate just enough to keep yourself going. He needed it more than you.
You stopped just outside the cell you and him slept in quietly watching to ensure he would do as you instructed. No movement or sounds came from inside and you smiled to yourself. It was a challenge having him in this world but you were doing your best to help teach him to survive.
You undid the chain and stepped inside before reconnecting it to ensure the door stayed closed until you wanted out. "Hey Bud. I'm back" You whispered and saw the blanket shift just enough one eye could pop out. When he saw it was you he smiled before sliding out "I'm glad you're back"
You helped him get from under the bunk before offering the bandana full of berries you'd picked as well "Not the cookies you used to get but figured I'd bring you a treat" his smile grew before he offered a handful back to you "Here sistie" you shook your head "Nope I got them for you. Now eat up" he sat on top of the bunk watching as you pulled out the few clothes the two of you had and scrunched your nose up at the smell coming from your other shirt.
"Is it smelly?" He asked and you nodded with a light laugh "Very. What ya say we sneak down to the showers so you can get cleaned up and I can at least try to get some of the stench out of our clothes?" He held out a few berries again "If you eat" you knew that look. Kid or not he got his stubborn streak from you. You took half the berries he was offering and popped them into your mouth "There. Ya happy?" He nodded then stood grabbing his other two shirts and pair of pants "Lead the way"
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Daryl led the way through the abandoned halls followed closely by Rick then Glenn. Since the initial interaction with the prisoners letting walkers in, resulting in Lori and T-Dogs death their next goal was to clear the tombs and ensure no more threats lay in wait.
He never expected to hear voices singing lightly as he moved around a corner he could just make out the tune of you are my sunshine. He held up a hand signaling the other men to stop as he listened. "What is that?" Rick asked and Daryl shrugged "singing?" 
Before Daryl or Glenn could stop Rick he quickly made his way around the corners into the showers. The resounding scream followed by swearing made them both chase after him.
Daryl stopped the moment he saw the scene played out in front of him. A woman stood in front of Rick with a kid shoved behind her "Look I don't mean anyone any harm. Leave us be and I'll leave you be. I swear"
You were shaking and had no idea if it was from fear or anger. You glared at the man in front of you pointing a gun to your head "Look I don't mean any harm. Leave us be and I'll leave you be. I swear" you registered two more men coming in the room but didn't dare take your eyes off the threat in front feeling Jonah's grip on your back tighten.
"Rick man it's a woman and a kid" one of the other men spoke and you looked towards the voice. It was an Asian guy around your age. He seemed friendly enough and the fact that he didn't have a weapon pointed in your direction won him points immediately "She's been here this whole time" said the man with the gun.
Your eyes shifted between them "This whole time? What do you mean?" "See? She ain't even known we was here" The third guy spoke and when you looked in his direction you were met with a pair of blue eyes that at first chance seemed distrusting but you quickly realized that Rick was paying more attention to him than the guy your age. The crossbow in his hand drew your attention to it as well.  
"Look, I didn't know anyone else was in the prison. It offered us some form of shelter that's it" Rick glanced between the two men then back to you "Don't move" You nodded "Wouldn't dream of it" 
You watched the three of them walk back into the hall even though crossbow was keeping you in his sights. "What do we do sistie?" Jonah asked and you shook your head "We don't do nothing. You keep your head down and I will get us out of this"
After a moment Rick grumbled something about a stupid decision costing them then stormed off followed by the guy your age. Crossbow looked back at you from the hall and seemed to be making a decision because he nodded to himself before meeting your eyes "Can we talk?" You slowly nodded.
Crossbow walked back into the room staying just inside the threshold. You leaned back and whispered to Jonah "Go hide in the last stall. I'll call you when I know it's safe" Crossbow watched him run off then looked back at you "That your kid?" You shook your head "He's my little brother"
He motioned back towards the hall "Rick's not a bad guy" "Yeah seemed like a peach" you bit back and saw him stifle a smirk "My name's Daryl. The other fella his name's Glenn" you stared at him for a moment before telling him your name. He nodded towards where Jonah had disappeared but you shook your head "You gotta have a lot more trust from me to know that" 
"Fair enough. Can I ask a couple things that don't got nothing to do with him?" Daryl asked so you shrugged. He had at least backed Rick down. "How many walkers have you killed?" You raised an eyebrow but did a quick headcount mentally "Dozen or so"
He nodded and then asked "How many people have you killed?" You crossed your arms over your chest before answering "Three" he met your gaze and held it before asking "Why?" You motioned over your shoulder where Jonah had retreated "To keep him safe"
He was quiet for a moment then said "Stay in this part of the prison. I'll come by and check on you two. If ya need anything lemme know. I'll help what I can" he started to walk out but stopped when you asked "Why help me when your friend seemed like he wanted to shoot me when he first saw me?" He shrugged "You don't seem like a threat to me. You seem like somebody who's done what it takes to stay alive and keep your little brother alive. World needs people like you"
With that Daryl walked away so you called Jonah out to you. Apparently the little bubble you two had been living in was gonna grow just a bit.
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A few days passed without incident. You weren't sure if they had simply forgotten you and Jonah or had kept the secret amongst the three of them because from the sounds of it they had a group.
It was late one night, Jonah was already fast asleep curled up on the bunk when you heard footsteps. You stood from where you'd been sitting on the floor grabbing the machete nearby. Daryl had told you it was ok for the two of you to stay but what if Rick had changed his mind or if another member of their group had stumbled upon the two of you?
You stepped out into the hall pulling the cell door shut behind you as quietly as possible. You heard the footsteps stop and after a moment of silence you heard Daryl "Y/N I got ya some stuff" 
You laid the machete on the floor then stepped around the corner and sure enough there was the archer with a small crate in his hand. "Rick is gonna get mad at you Daryl" you tried but he shrugged "He'll get over it" He held out the crate and when you took it he ducked his eyes almost nervously "Ain't much but there's a couple cans of food in there.I found you an actual knife and a sheath too" 
You looked from the crate to him knowing the confusion of someone showing kindness was written across your face. He quickly shook his head "I ain't wanting nothing from you. I just know that boy needs you alive. It's safer for you to be here with him. We go out in teams so we're never alone too much" 
He started to walk off but you stopped him by calling his name. He looked back at you expectantly "Thank you" he nodded "I'll see you in a few days. I'll try to come before night next time so I don't spook ya"
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Carol was the first to notice. Whether it was her friendship with Daryl or simply her sleep patterns being as screwed up as they were from years of abuse at Ed's hands. She noticed more than once him slipping away at nighttime. Once her attention was drawn to the matter she also started to notice other things.
Like how his backpack would still carry weight even after dumping everything from a mission or that a few squirrels or whatever he'd manage to kill that day would disappear after they were cooked. It wasn't enough missing to harm their group but still it piqued her curiosity. Especially since Rick had alerted everyone to a woman and kid living in the tombs with orders to not interact with them. 
She waited one night right outside his cell. Everyone who was inside was fast asleep. Maggie and Glenn were on watch. Judith was even sleeping from the sounds of it. When he stepped into the hall he looked her over "what are you doin up?" She shrugged "Couldn't sleep" then noticed the bag on his shoulder "What about you?" He shrugged "Same. Gonna go out see if anything is in the woods" She nodded and let him walk away from her before saying "Make sure you get enough for them too" 
He stopped short glancing around to listen and ensure everyone was still asleep before walking back over to her "What ya mean by that?" She motioned to his bag "C'mon Daryl I know you. Doesn't take much to figure out. Rick tells us to stay out the tombs away from this woman then you start disappearing. Why didn't he invite her to the group? If she survived this long by herself with a kid she's capable" 
He shrugged "I dunno. I been helping her what I can. She does everything for her little brother but was barely eating herself. I ain't took nothing we need" she nodded "I know. Secret's safe with me" he nodded then "Thanks"
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You still went out as you could rather to gather water or scavenge local buildings. You didn't want to rely completely on anyone yet Daryl seemed intent to work his way into your mind at every turn. 
You had ended up meeting a couple of the women in his group by mere coincidence. Carol who had a kind smile but a fire in her eyes and Maggie who had greeted you warmly had ended up at the creek at the same time you went to refill canteens.
You spoke to them for a few minutes learning that Maggie was Glenn's other half. They both stated that they wanted nothing more than to welcome you and Jonah into their group but that Rick was still cold to the idea. "Please don't let Daryl go to bat for me. I don't want any issues within your people" you pleaded with Carol who laughed "I think it would be easier to tell the walkers not to bite. He seems rather smitten with you" You shook your head with a laugh "I barely speak to him. Outside of thanking him and that once I mended his shirt"
Maggie grinned "I like you. I'm gonna get my daddy to talk to Rick again. Your brother and you need people and you've seen we're good people even if Rick has been going through stuff. Let Daryl help you. He's a good guy even if he's rough around the edges" you nodded then heard a noise coming from the bushes and glanced up to see two walkers. You passed Maggie one of your canteens "I got it"
The two of them watched you take out the walkers in tandem. When you reached for the canteen Maggie laughed "We really do need another woman in our group and I think you'd fit good"
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You were sitting cross-legged on the floor of the hallway sewing up an old jacket you found in hopes it may fit Jonah well enough when you heard footsteps. You didn't even flinch because you knew them by now. It was Daryl.
You cut your eyes up when he came around the corner with a smile "Hey" he returned the smile before sitting down next to you "Hey" the two of you had somehow formed an easy friendship. He was nice and although short spoken he was easy to talk to. 
He watched you for a moment before saying "I talked to Rick again about you and your brother" as if on cue Jonah heard his voice and sat up in the bunk "Is Daryl here sistie?" Daryl grinned and turned around "Right here lil man. Now go to sleep like Y/N told you to and maybe I can talk her into letting you keep that slingshot"
You watched the two of them go back and forth for a moment with a smile on your face. Once Jonah was back asleep you leaned over against Daryl's shoulder "His name is Jonah" "What's that?" He asked cutting his eyes at you so you motioned back towards the bunk "My brother's name is Jonah" "That mean you trust me now?" He asked and you shrugged with a laugh "Yeah I do Dixon"
The two of you ended up talking for the better part of an hour. When he stood to leave you heard another set of footsteps and froze. That wasn't Glenn, Maggie or Carol. Daryl quickly pushed you behind him turning to face the intruder and you probably would've preferred walkers to Rick's angry face "So this is where you've been coming?"
"Yeah I don't see the point of leaving Y/N and her brother to fend for themselves when we could pull them into our group" you cut your eyes at Daryl shocked to see the anger there shown towards one of his friends over you. "She's an outsider Daryl" he nodded "So we don't help people no more?"
You took enough of being talked around and slid around Daryl despite feeling his hand protectively on your lower back "Why are you against us so much Rick?" It was a simple question that seemed to take him back "I got a kid and a baby to protect on top of my group"
You laughed humorlessly "and I've got a kid to protect as well. Wouldn't you want another fighter in your group? Maggie, Glenn, Carol and Daryl. They all have gotten to know me. My brother...Jonah he's comfortable with them. I'd fight to protect your people that would fight to protect him. Why not give me a chance?" He looked from you to Daryl before sighing loudly "She shares your cell until we know she can be trusted" 
Daryl looked at you "That ok with you?" A few months back? The thought of Jonah sharing space with a man would've terrified you but sharing space with Daryl? Not so much. You nodded "I'll also help with guard shifts and anything else on one condition" Rick raised an eyebrow "Which is?" "I get to say told you so when you start to like me too" He laughed and it softened his features immensely.
He shook his head then looked at Daryl "I see why you like her"
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You were curled up on the bunk next to Jonah who was fast asleep. A couple weeks had passed since you moved to the other side of the prison. It had been a bit of an adjustment but the group was welcoming.
You'd met Rick's son Carl, his daughter Judith along with Maggie's sister Beth and their father Hershel. Rick had softened after meeting Jonah then you knew he was won over when you managed to get Judith to sleep successfully two nights in a row for him. 
You could see the bond amongst the group and knew you'd found people for Jonah that if something did ever happen to you he wouldn't be alone. The feeling of someone adding a blanket over you pulled a smile to your face. 
You rolled over to see Daryl getting comfortable on his pallet "You know there's two bunks?" You whispered and he shook his head "Only reason I'm sleeping in this cage is cause Jonah asked me to. I'm good down here" you nodded "Thank you Daryl" "For what?" He asked and you rolled your eyes before saying "For helping me when no one else would. It's be a long time since I've felt Jonah was safe"
"You both are" he replied before slinging his arm over his eyes "Night" "Night" you watched him for a second before turning back over knowing his words were true. The world was different but you'd found your group and possibly more in the form of a blue eyed archer that was lying within arm reach from you. Who knows what the future would bring but you were no longer alone to face it.
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queenxxxsupreme · 3 years
Ask from @the-apprentice-lia : heya! i love your asks for lambert and i just wanted to do one where lambert’s been really overprotective of reader but she’s just been taking it really gently like a champ because she knows what lambert’s been through and then she gets kidnapped!! after lambert gets her back there’s a fluffy lil scene where he’s got his head on his chest and he just tells her how scared he is to lose both of them and all the fluff and angst!! thank you if you decide to write this!! <33
A/N: I changed it up just a tiny bit! I hope you enjoyed this! And happy birthday to you babe!!! And as it wasn't specified which Lambert to use, I chose to do the one I've been using for dad!witchers, so this is based off of game!Lambert :)
Warnings: nothing outside of canon, the regular violence, Lambert being overprotective Lambert, pregnant!reader, slight violence against reader??? But she actually isn’t hurt in this just shook up
“For fuck’s sake, Y/N!” The witcher cried out from behind you.
In desperate need of a bowl that rested just out of your reach, you had stepped up on to a step stool to be able to get the bowl. Your ever protective husband had, of course, walked in only to see you on your tip toes reaching high above your head.
His hands found your sides, urging you to return to the safety of the floor at once.
“How was your nap, my love?” You asked him, turning to face the witcher.
“Oh, it was great until your heart started beating fast. What the hell do you think you’re doing climbing like that?” One of his large hands found your stomach.
“I need that bowl.” You pointed to the top shelf.
“Why? Don’t we have other bowls?”
“We do…. But I just wanted that one.” You smiled sheepishly.
Lambert sighed and shook his head.
“You’re going to be the death of me, woman.” He pressed a kiss to your head. “Go sit. I’ll get the bowl.”
“I’m going to make oats with the berries from the garden.”
“I’ll make it for you.”
A part of you wanted to object. You could make oats and berries for yourself. But this was Lambert’s way with dealing with his worries. He thought far too much about what could happen, about what might happen should he let you do anything. Any little thing could be a danger to you and your unborn child. The horrors of his past filled him with anxiety about his future.
“Alright, love.” You kissed his shoulder and moved to sit at the table. “I want honey in it as well.”
“Honey, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, honey, and a little bit of brown sugar.”
You smiled at him, nodding your head.
“You remembered how I liked it.”
“Of course I do. This is all you eat.”
You absentmindedly rubbed your stomach while you waited for him to make your food.
“I’m going to go outside and pick a few more berries, okay?
“Are there any left over from when we went out earlier this morning?” Lambert looked over his shoulder.
“They were my snack.” You stood up, moving to hug him from behind.
“I’ll go out with you-,”
“I love you, Lambert, but it’s okay.” You allowed him to turn around in your arms so he could face you. “A little fresh air won’t kill me.”
“But there might be a wild animal out there.”
“We’ve got a fence around the entire yard.”
He let out a heavy sigh, shaking his head softly.
“I don’t want anything to happen to either of you.”
“Nothing will happen to me. I’m safe here.” You leaned up on your toes to kiss his cheek. “I’ll be just a few minutes.”
“You have five minutes.”
“What if I don’t make it back in those five minutes?” You raised your brows as you took a few steps away from him.
“Then I’m going to come out there and haul you back inside.”
You laughed lightly, shaking your head.
The sun was warm as it hit your skin. You swear you’d never grow tired of the pleasant spring weather that this year had brought.
You made your way around the cottage, following the trail that led into the edge of the woods. Lambert didn’t want the garden to be too close to the house as the produce could draw in animals of all kinds.
You hummed to yourself as you rubbed your stomach, your eyes gliding around the edge of the woods.
“I’m tellin’ ya lads! This is the witcher’s home!” A hushed voice spoke.
You furrowed your brow as you neared the woods. Your garden wasn’t very far away from where you were. In fact, you could see the gate to it from where you stood. But instead of being shut and latched, it was wide open.
“Fuck that witcher. He’s a prick.” Another voice spoke.
“You know he’s got a wife too.”
“Fuck her too! The monster fucker and that mutant bastard don’t belong here!”
You could spot three men in your garden, picking the very vegetables and fruits that you had grown yourself!
Your hand came up to your stomach. Instead of confronting them like you wanted to, you knew it would be best to just go get Lambert. He could handle the trio of thieves.
You turned to head towards your home when something rummaged through the bushes next to you, startling you. You jumped and gasped audibly, catching the attention of the three men.
“Who the fuck is that?”
“It’s her! The mutant fucker!”
You tried to run, to make a mad dash for your house, but those thieves were faster.
An arm wrapped tightly around you, forcing you backwards. A hand slapped over your mouth, forcing you to be silent.
“Now, now, woman. Can’t have you go off to your witcher.” The man spoke in your ear.
“What are we going to do with her?” One of the men asked.
“We could kill her!”
You cried out behind the man’s hand, shaking your head and trying your damnedest to get free.
“No, no. We won’t do that. But perhaps if she were to go missing, the witcher would pay good money for her safe return.” The one holding you chuckled.
“A ransom!”
“Yeah! That’s brilliant.”
You bit the hand that covered your mouth, making the man throw you to the ground.
“Stupid whore!” The man brought his leg back as if he was going to kick you. You tensed up, bringing your arm up to cover your stomach. Just as you were sure you were going to be kicked, a familiar rumble shook the ground and the man was thrown backwards.
Lambert had casted Aard from where he stood just a few feet behind you.
“Witcher!” Someone cried out.
You had no chance to speak to him as he moved quickly to fight the remaining two men, almost effortlessly taking them down.
You couldn’t bring yourself to stand up. You were trembling, shaking with fear and adrenaline. You and your baby had almost been hurt in your own backyard. You just wanted to pick fruit from your garden.
When the threat was eliminated, Lambert knelt down to you. Tears welled in your eyes as you gazed up at him.
“I-I didn’t- I didn’t think anything would happen.” You whispered, shaking your head as you looked past him to the body of the man who had tried to kick you.
Lambert was quick to stop you. With two knuckles beneath your chin, he turned your head back to him.
“Let’s get inside.” He wiped the tears on your cheeks away with the pad of his thumb then kissed your hair, silently reassuring you that he was right there.
Your arms were wrapped tightly around yourself as Lambert locked the front door.
“Do you want to sit down at the table, bug?”
“No.” You shook your head. “Will you lay down with me?”
“Of course.” Lambert let you lead the way to the bedroom. “You didn’t get hurt, did you?”
“I don’t think so. Just shook up. You got there before anything could happen."
You clambered into bed. Lambert was right behind you, not giving you more than a second to get comfortable before he was trying to suffocate you in the most loving way possible.
"Can you still hear the baby?" You sniffled. You were always a bit jealous that he got to hear your precious little baby's heart beating from inside you. But now you were thankful that you couldn't. If you heard the baby's heart stop-
"Yeah." He nodded. "I.... I can't tell you what I'd do if I couldn't hear them anymore."
“I love you, bug, but that is why I don’t want you going anywhere without me.”
“Shut up.” You turned your head away from him. Now wasn’t the time for him to pull the ‘I told you so’ card.
“Y/N, I’m serious.” Lambert came to rest on his stomach next to you. His hand found your stomach, rubbing soothing circles over your belly. “I-I’ve seen far too much…. too much bad shit happen to people in places where it should have never happened. Nowhere is safe when you’re carrying our child, not unless I am with you.”
You looked at him, nodding your head softly.
He put his head on your chest, closing his eyes for a few moments. Your hand came up to brush through his dark hair.
“For a split second when I saw that ass standing over you…. I thought that I was too late.” His voice was quiet. “I-I thought that I wasn’t…. I thought I wasn’t going to be able to save you or that something had happened to the baby.”
“You made it in time.” You reminded him.
“But I didn’t know that then. And I’ve never felt fear like that in my entire life. I swear, in all my life…. I’ve never felt anything like that.”
“I’m sorry.” You leaned your head down to kiss his forehead.
He shook his head softly.
“I’m just…. I’m glad you’re both okay.” He tucked his nose into your neck. “I can’t lose either of you. I think I’d lose my fucking mind.”
Taglist will be in a set of reblogs because tumblr hates me :)
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luimagines · 3 years
Could I pwetty pweashe have a scenario for each of the boys where reader is loopy with fever or from poison and the whole time they are just laying the compliments on real thick and going on and on abt how much they love their boys 🙏🙏🙏
Yeeesssss!!! Will do!
Here we go. Boys under the cut! Immediate Reader!
You were trying to go and find some food for dinner at Wild's request and found some interesting looking berries. They looked like blueberries from your world but there was purple thorns on the bush instead, with yellow trimmed leaves.
You grabbed a few and retraced and marked your steps to find your way back to the bushes. You thought that maybe one of the boys would be able to identify the berries and know if they were actually edible or not.
You stashed them away and grinned to yourself. It was a possibility that they were good but if they weren't- there was other ways to use the berries.
You still needed to find food that your group actually is able to eat if the berries aren't worth anything.
You hear your name being called and it startles you enough to take a step back and look behind you.
You trip on a root and crash against the forest floor- falling onto a separate patch of the same berries. Pollen and dew shoot up from the impact and you're forced to inhale it all in.
There's instant discomfort in your lungs and in your head, and you can already feel the multiple places where the thorns have pierced your skin and ripped your clothes.
You take a while to pry yourself out of the bushes, pain littered in all places you didn't even know you could hurt.
You cough and inhale more of the pollen that hasn't settled yet.
A massive headache begins pounding against your temples and back of your head.
You hear your name being called once more but this time in concern and blink away what you can. You groan and try your best to stand, falling to one knee in a coughing fit with pain and discomfort all throughout your joints and muscles.
You look up and smile despite it, a slight giggle of hysteria on your lips. "Hi Link! Guess what I found!"
Warrior "Oh sweet name of the three, what happened to you?" You see Warrior walk up to you and reach out his hand.
You giggle again and reach out to him. He grabs you and tries to lift you back onto your feet but your legs gives out from beneath you and you fall again.
"Hello~!" You lift out your hand and show him the berries. "You know if theses are good or not?"
"Nope." Warrior smacks them out of your hand with a backhanded swing. "Those are known for being highly toxic in.... depressant... components... Don't tell me you ate them?"
You grin and shake your head. "Nope! I didn't know if they were good or not...but I fell~!"
Warrior's face does that thing where he looks concerned but is only marginally capable of hiding it. "On the plant?"
"Link, you're so smart!" You get to your feet and fall nearly on top of him. Warrior is quick to catch you and hold you with his hands on your waist and you grin up at him, adoration pooled in your eyes. "That's what I did~! Man, you're so strong. You're stronger than I thought you were. Your arms are so toned too. I didn't think you had this much muscle."
"Ok. Let's get you to Sky." Warrior rolls his eyes and begins to more or less drag you away from the plants and back to where you think the group is. "Or maybe Four, this is his Hyrule anyway. Maybe he'll know how to get you fixed up."
"See, this is why I like you so much. You're always so fast to come up with a plan and you're so caring. You're so smart. You're so great." You giggle and try to follow his footsteps but find it really hard to put one foot in front of the other.
After what felt like a few seconds, (but was really ten minutes of Warrior fighting you and gravity (not successfully) to keep you upright), Warrior gives up on your non cooperative limbs and picks you up bridal style and begins to carry you away from the infested area.
"Link, I love you."
"I love you too." Warrior waves you off with a playful roll of his eyes.
"No.. but I really love you!" You insist, getting loud for no reason and place your hands on his face. You give him a squish and lean into his space. "You have to understand this. I would do anything to you."
"I know you would." He laughs. "I'd do anything for you too."
He shakes his head out of your hands and grins at you. "I think you're a little drunk from the plants toxins."
"Nuh-uh." You pout. "I'm too strong for that. I'm completely........ ok."
"I believe you." Warrior bites his lip trying to keep his cool before he absolutely looses it. He's both touched by your words and concerned for your well being. He supposes you're more or less drunk and loopey. It's not the most desirable circumstance but he's sure that those cuts on your skin and tears on your clothes can be handled more easily than the up coming hangover.
You fall silent after a second and look up at him. You poke his cheek and his nose and grin, hugging him close and snuggling into his chest and neck. "Has anyone ever told you that you're very handsome?"
"I think that's the more common compliment." He admits.
"And your eyes are very pretty and very blue and you have very long eye lashes and it's all very pretty. And you have a strong jaw."
"Do I?"
"So strong and sharp- it could cut glass." You say seriously. "And your hair always looks very soft and shiny and silky and I want to play with it but I don't want to make things weird. And you're so cool! You're so smart. You're so nice. And you're great with kids and people and everyone likes you so much, so quickly and it's so cool to watch you work and fight and-"
"You're going to keep going forever unless I stop you, aren't you?" Warrior swallows and tries to fight his upcoming blush. He had thought that you were joking for a moment but the more you talk the more it hits that you're being genuine.
You furrow your brows and hit him with the most innocent doe eyes you don't know that you have. "Do you want me to stop?"
Warrior almost trips at that way his heart skips a beat and he chuckles awkwardly. "Actually... No. It's ok. I don't mind."
"You deserve the world, Link." You say finally and go back to resting with your head in the crook of his neck. "I just wish that you could see that, you stubborn man."
"I'll... try my best."
Time "Oh no." Time sighs and makes his way over to you. "What happened? Are you hurt?"
"My head hurts." You admit and drop the berries from your palm to cradle your temple. "I was trying to look for food... I think I found it but I also... don't."
Time kneels in front of you and places the back of his hand on your forehead. He hisses at the temperature and places his hand under your chin. "Why do you keep finding yourself in situations like this?"
"You boys keeping putting me situations like this." You mutter and try to stand. Your legs fail you and Time lurches in front of you in order to catch you.
"Do you see me as a boy?" Time raises an eyebrow.
"NOT that I'm complaining." You ignore his question and pat his face. "I love you guys, so much but like...This is what happens when I care about people. I end up in stupid situations."
"Maybe Four will have somethin to help out this." Time admits and picks you up without any further thought. "Let get you some help."
"Link, you're so great." You sigh and press your forehead against the crook of his head. His heartbeat is strong and he's cooler than you thought so you sigh in contentment.
"You're so calm and I always feel safe around you and you give the best hugs." You grin against his ear and Time has to stifle the upcoming chuckles from his chest.
"Do I?"
"The best hugs." You reiterate and snuggle closer. "You can ask Wind, he'll agree."
"I'm sure he will." Time let's a snort pass and he nods to Four as he passes. "They fell in a berry bush."
"Blue berries! With pretty leaves and thorns!" You cry out with an arm outstretched to the sky. "Not good for food, no no no, but good."
"Well... I'll start the antidote." Four sighs and walks away to his pack, immediately digging through it for the ingredients that will help you out.
"Four!" You sing and turn your head back into Time's neck. "Isn't Time the best? He's so strong and gentle and nice and he's so great."
Time lets more laughter fall from his lips as he places you on the ground next to his supplies. He says your name with a slight whine and begins to beg. "Please."
"Beeeeeesst hugs." You ignore him.
Four snickers from the other side of the camp and pulls out a bottle.
"I adore you Old Man. I don't think you get told that enough." You continue. "Like, you always try so hard to be a good person. You've gone through so much and you had no reason to start your adventure or to keep helping people and doing stuff but you care so much so you're here still and I think-"
Oh no, Time thinks, you're crying.
"Ok, ok, it's ok." time kneels next to you and puts your hair behind your ear. "No need to be upset. I'm here and everything's ok."
"But you've been hurt so much!" You pout, tears pooling in your eyes. "And yet you're still here and no one thanks you and you try so hard to watch over all of us and even then-"
"That's enough." Time frowns slightly and shakes his head. "I'm just doing what I'm supposed to."
"No one is making you." You pout and lay down on the ground. "You're not listening to me."
"Believe me, I am."
"Here." Four comes up to you and hands you a little bottle filled with viscous green liquid. "Drink this."
"I don't wanna." You pout. "I don't feel good."
"It'll make you feel better." Four tries again, before Time takes the bottle from his hands and uncorks it.
"Drink it." He says, in a tone which means there no room for argument.
"You're such a dad." You complain and grab it from his hand, placing it to your lips and begin sipping it slowly.
Time shakes his head and runs a hand through his hair. "What are we going to do with you?
Wild "Oh boy, I don't think these are good for eating." He says with a slight grimace. "We should probably not get near these. Let's go clean you up, yeah?"
"WIILLDD!!" You grin and reach your grabby hands in his direction. "Beautiful boy, how are you today~?"
Wild coughs a little and tries to hide his discomfort by avoiding eye contact. "I'm... fine... How are you?"
"Everything hurts~" You admit and look up at him with pleading eyes. "Carry me?"
"Oh boy, sure, why not?" He sighs and wraps around your shoulders and hooks the other under your knees, carrying you effortlessly through the thicket.
"How did this even happen?" He asks out of curiosity.
"I heard you call my name and fell."
"Fell where?"
"In the bush." You mumble with a pout and cross your arms. "It's all pokey and my clothes are ripped and I think I'm bleeding."
Wild bite his lip and hisses. "Sorry."
" 's not you're fault." You look up at him and pat his face. "You're too nice. I just wanted to help and got hurt like stupid me tends to do."
"You're not stupid." Wild scolds you gently. "You are incredibly smart."
"You're the smart one."
"Think so? I think some of the other will disagree."
"Well they can eat my shoes."
Wild coughs out a laugh again in a vain attempt to hide how uncharacteristically serious that was for you and how the unexpectedness of it made him lose it on the inside. "I don't think those would taste good."
"No.... But I need them so maybe they eat my hat instead." You nod to yourself in full serious before gasping slightly. "They should eat Legend's hat instead, then they'll really be sorry."
"Oh my god." Wild snorts and goes to cover his face before remembering that he's holding you.
He jostles' you in the process and the movement cause your headache to flare up. You whine and put a hand to your temple. "It hurts."
Wild frowns and puts the information away for later. "We'll get you back to camp and figure something out ok, maybe you should take it easy for a little bit."
"Link, you're so good to me. I don't deserve it."
"I think you do- I say you do and I'm going to tell Time to keep you down until you feel better."
"But you're always doing something for someone else, who's going to help you with dinner?" You complain and flop your arms around- regrettably because your head ache flares up once more. "Oh, ouch, ouchies..."
"I think I'll be fine." Wild rolls his eyes. "I've done it before I can do it again."
You hum sadly and shimmy your way into his arm to get more comfortable. "You're a good person. You're so smart. I love hanging out with you. You know that? You're so fun to be around and talk to and you're always so.... good."
Wild looks down on you momentarily before returning to the the forest ahead of him. "Thank you."
"I wish..." You start and cut yourself off. "I wish there was more I could do help you. You help so many people- I think there's someone in every stable in your Hyrule that you've helped... not to mention all of Hateno Village and like- you built Terry Town... It's so good-you're good. I wish more people were good."
"Are people not good?" Wild asks you as he walks through the green.
"I like to think that some are. I don't get to meet a lot of them." You admit and settle your head against his shoulder. "My home's not as nice as here."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"I'm going to miss you guys."
"We're going to miss you too." Wild replies automatically.
"I think I'll miss you most." You hum and close your eyes. "Good people should get good things and you didn't get a lot of good things... Someone should fix that. I want to fix that."
Wild doesn't respond.
“Oh!” Twilight winces. “I should have warned you about those. Four told me they’d be in the area and that we’d have to avoid them. You ok?”
“I fell... in the bush.” You pout and begin to sag your shoulders. Guess they weren’t edible after all.
Seems like they’re quite bad actually.
“I’m sorry.” You sniffle and try ignore the tears beginning to pool in your eyes. “I didn’t mean too. I’m in trouble, aren’t I?”
“Well no, not exactly.” Twilight rushes to your side at the side and brushes off whatever leaves and twigs he can see from your clothes. “Does anything hurt?”
“A lot of things hurt Twi.” 
“Can you be a little more specific?” He tries, with a small tilt to his head.
“My head... and I think there’s a lot of tiny cuts on my arms and back.” You try to stand again and Twilight is quick to help you with a stabilizing hand on the small of your back. “There’s more thorns in the bushes than I thought there’d be.”
“Ok, we’ll get those looked at ok. Four should have something to help you in the mean time.” Twilight takes a few steps with you, wrapping an arm over your shoulder when he realizes you’re more intoxicated than he thought.
You put your full weight against him without realizing it and place your head on his shoulder. “Twilight?”
“I appreciate you so much.” You take a breath and sigh. “You’ve been the first person there to help me out with whatever this adventure seem to throw at me. You’re always taking care of others... like Wild and Wind and Legend and I know you look up to Time but so many of us are looking up to you too and I guess I want to say thank you. There’s a lot of good in your heart and I’m glad I get to see it.”
“I appreciate you too.” He says in reply.
“But I don’t do anything.”
“I’d beg to differ.”
“You’re too dignified to beg. I don’t think you’d ever have it in you.” You grin. “I admire the way you hold yourself and don’t let anyone talk down to you- like that guy in that old Castle Town- or where ever we were. And like, you can throw a good punch too. I thought you broke that guys jaw!”
“Admittedly... Not one of my greater moments.” Twilight hisses at the memory. Time gave him a nasty look for that one and he’s still working off the penalty for it.
“It was super cool though.” You cock your head to the side, looking at his profile as you stumble through the forest growth. “He totally deserved it, don’t let Time let you think otherwise. I was tempted to punch him too or get get Wild and let him go crazy against the guy.”
“Wild probably would have set him on fire.”
“It would have been funny.”
“No it wouldn’t have.”
“Not to the guy, maybe.” You giggle. “But see, you’re always thinking about others and how’d they react and how to go about things that makes you so smart and you’re so cool.”
“Thank you.” Twilight stops the two of you for a moment and readjusts his grip on you. “Are you feeling any better?”
“No. My head hurts.”
“Well, we’re almost there and then we can get started on fixing this ok?” 
“Ok.” You mumble and go back to mostly resting against the country boy. 
“You’re really great with animals too.” You say randomly. “I’ve never a horse that close with its rider or how all the cats just gravitate towards you.”
“The cat thing I’ll admit is special to me, but are you trying to tell me that the horses of your world aren’t treated right? Because they bond really well with humans and dogs alike.”
“Why dogs?”
“Well everybody likes dogs, I guess that’s a given. It's not even a question really. I don't know why I asked.” You shrug.
“Yup. That’s what I meant.”
“And no, well I don’t know... I don’t see a lot of horses in my home world so maybe you’re right and I just have bad examples.”
“Of course I’m right.” Twilight says with a grin. “Horses are great!”
“You’re great Link.” You try to hide your laughter at how genuine and boyish he sounded. “I’d take you over a horse any day.”
“Well I’d hope so.”
"What is it?" Wind tilts his head and steps into your direction, trying to piece together what happened to you with what little information he has. "You look like you got in a fight... and lost."
"I fell the bush of these berries! Look!" You grin beyond the pain in your head and hold your hand out.
Wind walks up to you and picks one up between his fingers, twisting it around before looking back at you. "Are these safe to eat?"
"I have no idea." You answer honestly. "I was going to as Wild if he knew but then I fell in this bush and got hurt so I gotta go get myself checked out."
"Well that explains why your clothes are torn." Wind snorts a little and holds his hand out. "Do you need help?"
You hum and try to examine yourself from the inside. Your head is killing you but you feel loopey and uncentered.
Maybe some help would be nice.
"Yes, please." You take his hand and let him pull you up. "Thank you Link."
"No problem." He grins. "Can you get back to the camp on your own?"
You hum again and try to take a step forward. But your knee buckles from beneath you and you fall the ground again. "Ow."
"Ok, guess not." Wind is by your side within seconds and helps you back to your feet. "That's ok! I'll just help you get to the others and maybe someone will know how to fix you."
"Yay." You giggle and lean on the boy. "Have I ever told you how great you are?"
"No." Wind grins and starts to lead the way. "I don't think you have."
"That's a shame. Shame on me. Because you are one of the best kids I think I've ever met. Don't let anyone change you, ok? You are.... so fun to be around and I'm so glad I met you and I'm going to miss you when this is all over and I think I'm going to try-"
"You think you're going to cry?" Wind looks up at you.
"No no... maybe." You tilts your head and close your eyes, putting your full trust and weight on Wind's shoulders. "I just... you're so good. And you're so happy and excited to see all these new things and I wish I was like that when I was your age, you know?"
"And I hope that you get to do and see so many amazing things, Link. You're going to change your world, I know it and I'm sad that I won't get to see it."
"You can't let anyone bully you, ok? There's a lot of people that would want to break your spirit and your joy and there's a lot of things that we want to do to keep you the way you are but there's only so much we can shield you from. I know you don't like it. I know you think you can't take it. But you shouldn't have to. You should have never had to. You should have had a chance like all the other boys and girls to be young and have a childhood and just be a kid but I'm so proud of you." You say and stop the two of you for a moment, pulling Wind in what you try to be a crushing hug.
"You're incredible, you know that?" You lean back and put your hands on his shoulders. "Link, listen, no matter what any else will ever tell you, we adore you. I think you're everyone's favorite, ok? There's so many things I want to show you myself if the Captain would let me.... I doubt he will because there not exactly things kids your age should know. Like throwing knives and hand to hand combat... But I think we both agree that it's all waaaay past that point. So anything goes!"
"Will you really teach me?" Wind lights up at the thought and be jumps a little on his toes in excitement.
"If you're up for it.. I'm sure that others will try to fight me though."
"I'll fight them."
"I don't doubt that pirate."
"What are you two talking about?" Warrior steps up and places his hands on his hips. "We heard you talking but missed it. What is.... what happened to you?"
"I'm just telling Wind how amazing he is and how much I love him and adore him and how cool he is for a thirteen year old and how I couldn't even come close to that when I was his age so I'm a bit jealous-"
"They fell in some freaky looking berry bush and I think they're poisoned." Wind explains over you. "They're acting a little loopey."
"I am. ONE HUNDRED PERCENT OK." You shout and push yourself away from Wind, staggering on your feet and eventually falling on your butt onto the forest floor.
The sudden movement flares up your headache and your neck muscles stiffen around your shoulders, making it hard to move your head. "Oh, ow.... My head... That was a mistake. Mistakes were made."
Warrior hisses and sigh after watching you suffer for a hot second. "Alright, I'll go wrangle up some supplies. Can you take them back to camp on your own, Sailor?"
"I was already doing that." Wind raises an eyebrow.
"Alright then, then go back to doing that." Warrior smirks a little. "I'll be back."
He then nods a bit and walks away from your duo as Wind makes his way over to where you fell, pulling you back to your feet and wrapping your arm over his shoulders. "Did you mean what you said?"
"What did I say?" You try to twist your head around to loosen up your muscle and it only slightly works.
"Well... everything you said about me. Did you mean it?"
"I don't remember." You frown and furrow your eyebrows. "Probably... If it's all good things, then yes. Because you are good. And you deserve good things. And you might be the little brother I never had... but I wish you were my brother. You're cool. You're great. I love hanging out with you man."
Wind smiles softly and sits you down on a free spot once you reach camp again. "I can be your brother, it's ok."
"And what exactly did you find?" Sky raises an eyebrow when he sees you. He recognizes the plant but can't remember what it does or why he's seen it before.
"Hm... I don't think that's good." He sighs and walks over to you, picking you up with a sturdy hands on your elbows. "Are you ok?"
"A lot of things hurt right now." You admit. "Are the berries not good?"
"Let's assume they aren't." Sky smiles a bit and wraps arm around your waist to keep you from falling. "I think you should get someone to look at you."
"You have really long eye lashes." You blurt out and gently bring your hand to cup his face. "And I've never noticed how blue your eyes are."
"Ok, those berries defiantly aren't good." Sky snorts and picks your hand off of his face. "Let's get you back to camp, ok?"
"You're like... one of the nicest people here, you know that?"
"Well I certainly try to be."
"And you're always thinking of others and you're so good." You lean against him, putting your full weight onto his side. "I'm so sorry that you have to be here instead of your home. You're so important to so many people Link."
"You think so?"
"I know so." You pat his head with what little arm you reach. "You're at the start of this whole thing... You are... the whole reason Hyrule, as everyone knows it, exists to begin with. It all starts with you. Not everyone has that kind of legacy you know."
"Is that really my legacy?" Sky looks over to you and you grin brightly in his direction.
"Well aside from the stories of the hero I've always heard so much about growing up there's also like the hero lineage as well. Not to mention you also father... the whole Hyrule Royal Family Line. So I'd say you're pretty important. and your legacy is pretty big."
Sky stops abruptly and the suddenness of it sends you right onto the ground. "I'm the start of the line?"
"OOOWWW!!! SKY!" You whine and cradle your head with both of your hands. "That hurt! Why did you do that?"
"Sorry sorry sorry." Sky bends down and helps you back up, readjusting his grip on you a few times to make sure that even if he loses his grip again, he won't be sent careening onto the floor. "That was an accident. I did not mean to do that."
"That was mean."
"It wasn't on purpose I swear."
"Promise?" You rolled your head over and rest it on his shoulder.
"Promise." Sky bite his lip to hold in his laughter. "I'd never do that to you on purpose, not like this."
"Ok. I believe you." You nod. "I think if you really wanted to hurt me, you would have sent your army of birds against me or something."
"I do not have an army of birds."
"But you're building one."
"No, I'm not."
"You are though. Maybe not on purpose... Maybe you don't realize it. You do know that birds flock to you right?" You blinks your eyes up at him. "It's a crazy thing to witness. I think you could easily rule to world with nothing but cuccos by your side."
"What is it with you guys and the cuccos? What did they ever do to you?"
"I can't speak for the others but I say with full certainty that my Zelda has a wicked streak sometime and she was mercilessly attacked by them one day."
"Oh my goodness"
"I told her to leave them alone but noooo, she had to keep hittin' the poor thing and look where it got her. Those little things are ruthless and should be feared. She won't touch them with a ten foot pole now." You nod your head to your story as if you were telling Sky some age old wisdom.
"Does that mean the others-?"
"Most likely." You snort. "Serves them right."
"That would explain that."
"Sky, I'm really glad I know you... as a person and as a friend. I think you're really talented and great and good and I'm so happy you're here."
"I'm glad I met you too." Sky grins and waves over someone from the camp to come help him.
"You're my favorite ok, don't tell the others." You wink in his direction and let yourself be taken away from his side.
"Oh jeeze, thanks." Twilight snorts and picks you up bridal style, taking you further into the camp and laying you down by the small fire they've started.
"I'll take that secret to my grave." Sky smirks.
Twilight huffs a little and stands to leave. "You can take care of them then."
"That was the plan."
"Sky is a brave boy." You mumble from where you've been placed and reach out to him. "He deserves better than watching over a sick sack of potatoes. He's good at helping people. Someone has to make sure that he doesn't push himself too hard. He'll over work himself and then there would no more Sky and the world will be to dark to recover. There's no way we can lose Sky. He's too good."
"Have they been like the whole time?"
"Pretty much." Sky shrugs.
"I think I'm going to throw up." You mumble and try to push yourself upright.
The boys then scramble to try and manage the approaching problem.
It's going to be a long night.
"Oh for the love of- you look like you took a swim through the underbrush. What did you do?" Legend groans and comes to stand in front of you.
"I went for a swim?" You blink up at him, confused and a little disoriented still. "Is that what happened? I'm not wet... Am I?"
"You're joking." Legend raises an eyebrow and and places the back of his hand against your forehead. "Ok, maybe not."
"I can not believe the legend himself has graced me with his presence." You giggle and try to stand- not very successfully. "What a joyous day indeed."
"What on earth are you talking about?" Legend kneels next to you and takes one of your arms, lifting it up and wrapping it around his shoulders. "You're acting weird... weirder than usual anyway."
"But I love you Legend!" You cry and wrap your other arm around him. It's a clumsy hug and Legend almost throws you off. But considering you can barely stand on your own feet with his support, he supposes some more wouldn't hurt.
If he likes it then he doesn't say anything.
"I think you love the idea of me." He grumbles. "I'm not that great."
"See, you say that but it's not true!" You grin and nuzzle your head against his. "You put on this big tough attitude and your defensive but you love us and we love you and I know you sometimes slip more food onto Wind's pate when he's still hungry but he won't go for seconds. Or how you sneak potions and healing items into our bags when we're not looking and I know you gave Hyrule some of those magic rings of yours to protect him. Or how you banter with Warrior because you try to keep his stress levels low because he gets flashback of the war and we all know he feels responsible for us even if he has no reason to be. You're quick to point out any puzzles that Four misses... magic eyes and all that."
"Have you been watching me?" He snaps and tries to make his embarrassment with anger.
"Yes, because I find you interesting and I've been wanting to get to know you better but you're one prickly pear." You poke his nose and try to keep walking. "You don't let me."
It's difficult.
"I know you've been watching what weapons Wild goes through and keep track of what he's been using the most, what he's most comfortable with... I think you want to get him something..."
"I'm an apprentice blacksmith... I want to see if there's something that will survive that wild rat." He grumbles.
"Ooohh!! Even better! you want to make him something!"
"I hope your fever erases this from your memory... Make it into one big fever dream."
You laugh and try to hide the grimace from your pounding head. "I know you've helped Twilight with something- he seems a little lighter but I don't know what. And I know you've been watching how much sleep the Old Man gets and I know you've been helping him with it. I know you're watching how much Sky has been fighting and how much he travels and you're quick watch his health and his breathing problems."
"Should I be concerned that you've been watching me this much? Because if it were any other person I'd be fighting you and getting a restraining order. It's weird." Legend huffs and hoists you up a little more, trying to keep you from falling.
"You help so many people." You hiccup and groan, the pain in your head becoming a little more than you can hide. "You're always watching everybody else's back. You don't watch your own."
"Who says that?"
"You take care of everyone else but yourself." You whine and hide your face against his shoulder. "But I've been watching your back. It's ok. I know you wouldn't like it but I care about you too much to let you hurt yourself. Someone has to take care of you if you won't do it yourself."
"I can take care of myself!"
"But you don't."
"MMmm... Don't yell please." You wince and grip his tunic tighter.
Legend stops for a moment and finally looks at your face. It's flushed completely red and you're beginning to have sweat roll down the side of your head. Legend bites his lip and hides the pause behind the pretend need to adjust his grip.
He can't tell if you've gotten better or worse but he's going to bet worse.
"I'll go get Time. Maybe we can figure how to fix this, ok?" Legend gulps a little and returns to dragging you across the forest.
"The things I do for you people."
"You're a good person."
"Thank you." You mumble, right into his ear. "We don't say it often but thank you."
Legend feel the tips of his ears go a little pink and he scoffs. "Don't thank me for anything. I didn't do anything."
"You're a good person."
"I'll chock this up to the fever talking."
Hyrule hisses sharply and can already feel the ominous foreshadowing of the hours to come. "Did you get in a fight? Are you hurt? You're bleeding, that's a dumb question, don't answer that."
"Rule!" You reach your hand out. "Best booooy!!! Hello sweet heart, how are you?"
"What happened to you?" He kneels down beside you and begins to heal the miniscule cuts around your arms and your back. He can feel the magic go down your legs and heal what was torn there and come back up to work on the worst of it.
It's a little more damage that he'd like to admit out loud and he's a little worried that there's monsters nearby that would have caught the scent of your blood.
"I fell in the bush... trying to get berries to eat... I was supposed to find food for Wild to cook but I don't think I can do that any more. It's not good that there's not much to forage." You mumble, relaxed by the suddenness of your pain being relieved and the cuts you've sustained leaving your body.
Hyrule frowns and stops his spell. It's a shame he can't do anything about your clothes.
"I feel funny." You say and lean backwards, over judging the distance and force and nearly send yourself back into the bush behind you.
Hyrule snatches your tunic before you can do that and pulls you toward him. "Be careful... Did the bush do this?"
"I dunno." You shrug and frown as you feel the pain begin to come back. "Are you here to bring me back?"
"I might have to regardless. I think you've been poisoned by the plants."
"I feel funny, not dead."
"Well, let's hope that it doesn't come to that." Hyrule rolls his eyes and wraps your arm around his shoulders. "Come on. We need to get you checked out and see if there's anyway to help you."
He's trying to stay calm... but he hopes that it's mostly you being loopey and not actually in any danger. He doesn't recognize the plant- but he supposes that's a given since it's not his Hyrule and he doesn't know the scale of the dangers around here.
"I have a headache again." You groan and don't even try to help Hyrule in lifting you up.
"I... can't really do anything about that. Sorry." Hyrule sighs and readjusts his grip to lift you higher.
This time you do put a little more effort in standing up and slowly, you begin to make your way back to the camp.
"I'm sorry you have to deal with me right now." You mumble and lean against him. "There's so many others things you could be doing right now."
"I don't mind. I'd rather you be ok than do anything else."
"You're a good person." You roll your head back and look at his side profile. "I hope you get every good thing the universe has to offer Link. May your life be filled with peace and happiness and all sorts of good things."
"Like what?" Hyrule finds himself asking. It stuns him and for a moment and he wonders if he's asking because he doubts he'll have it or if it's merely to get you to elaborate more.
"Like many friends and family and holidays and puppies and kitties and candy and good food and good company and cupcakes and lemonade-" You begin to list off.
Hyrule looks back on his life and the people he's met and everything that's happened to him up until this very moment. Enough so that he ignores the rest of your list and only tunes back in when you've past onto a slightly different topic.
"There's so many little things to enjoy in life, you know. I know you're humble and underestimate yourself and I'm trying to change that because you're absolutely amazing and there's a lot you should be proud and show off a little more because you deserve it but I wish you'd let us show you that. " You roll your head around again and try to match your footsteps to his despite the fog in your brain.
You keep talking.
"It might be presumptuous to say this but I think this group may have been the best thing to have happened to you. And that makes me a little sad."
Hyrule stumbles a little and you follow suit. "Sorry, sorry."
"It's ok. You'd never hurt anyone unless they deserved it." You mumble and try to fight against the now pounding sensation in your head.
"Yeah... My headache got worse."
"I'm sorry."
"You apologize too much." You groan. "I can't wait to see the day where you do something completely outrageous and just own it, just unapologetically decide that this is the hill you're going to die on and fight every one else about it."
"That sounds like a lot of effort." Hyrule snorts and raises an eyebrow.
"I can't to see what is the stick that takes you there."
"I don't think that's how the saying goes."
"It is now. I said so."
"Of course. Naturally." Hyrule snorts.
"Link, we're friends right?"
Hyrule nearly stumbles again but catches himself this time. "Of course we are! Whatever made you think otherwise?"
"Nothing." You admit. "But I'd to be the kind of person that's on the list of good things your life. Like that list I was talking about earlier."
"I say you are." Hyrule nods to himself and sees the camp in the distance. Relief flows over him and he nearly sags from it. A smiles graces his face as he turns to you and lets you lean on him a little more. "And I'd die on that hill."
"Oh no no no no no, not good, not good at all!" Four hisses and runs to your side. "Did you eat any? Please tell me you didn't."
"Are they not good?" You tilts your head and try to keep your vision on Four but it's kind of hard to focus on just one of him. You don't remember there being so many Fours.
"No! You're not supposed to eat them! They're highly toxic!" Four grips your shoulders and begins to look over your face and check your eyes.
"Did you eat any?" He asks again, stressing the question more than you think is necessary.
You shake your head.
"Oh thank Hylia."
"I feel in the bush though."
Four groans enough that it sound more like a subdued scream. "Why?"
"I tripped." You giggle and try to stand up. "I heard my name AND FELL~! Hehehehe.."
"Ok. This..." Four sighs and looks around your surroundings for a second. He doesn't find what he's looking for. "...is not ideal."
" 'm sorry." You say and feel your lip start to wobble a little bit. "I didn't mean too."
"No. It's my Hyrule. I should have warned you guys. This is my fault." Four scoots in your direction and wraps his arms under your knees and behind your back.
He effortlessly lifts you up bridal style and doesn't hesitate to begin carrying you back to camp. "Time is going to have my head for this."
"No, he likes you too much." You blinks away what you can and try to think beyond the simple thoughts in front of you. "Everyone likes you. you're a likable person."
"Well thank you, but believe me. There are people who don't me." Four says with a snicker.
"Who are they? I'll fight them. Just say their names."
"You don't know them." Four furrows his eyebrows and chuckles disbelievingly.
"I can find them. And then I'll fight them. How dare they not like you!" You shout to the sky and wave your arm around like it's nobody's business. "You're one of the coolest people I know! That I've ever met! And I've met a lot of people! I've met this group! And you're still the coolest! Tell me their names, Link. I won't stand for this."
"It's not a big deal."
"I'm about to make it one."
"I won't tell you their names." Four shakes his head. Mostly because they're gone already so who cares.
"Then point your fingers Smithy because I'll find them and you won't have to worry about them any more." You say with so much resolution in your voice that Four has to stop himself from laughing out loud.
"Believe me, I don't worry about them."
"Oh so someone else got to them then. Good good."
He loses and laughs anyway. "No, not like that."
"There should be only people who love Link! Link haters are not allowed or welcome! Begone with those thoughts!" You cling to him weakly and Four has to grip you tighter to compensate for your flailing.
"Hold still, you're making this harder than it needs to be." Four snorts and shakes his head. "I deserve this. I deserve this and everything that's about to come. I know it. This is completely my fault."
"It's not your fault my head's hurting." You argue and frown. Because it's true. Your head ache tat you've been sporting since the start of your conversation has grown and it's beginning to be impossible to ignore.
"It kind of is, considering that it's a byproduct of the brumble bush." Four sighs. "Luckily, the antidote is pretty easy to make. The down side is that I'm not sure if I have all the ingredients and we're a little too far away from town to get more. I wonder if Hyrule can do something with his magic to help out... or at least lessen the effects so that it wears off."
"Will it last long?" You mumble and cradle your head in your hand. "I don't like this, Link."
"I don't like this either." He says. "If you didn't eat any of it than you should be fine in a few hours and it'll wear off on it's own but I don't think you want to be like this any longer than you have to be."
"Man, Link you're so smart. You know so much." You sigh and rest what you canon his shoulder. "I'm so glad I'm your friend... that we're friends and I want to keep being your friend. Can we keep being friends? Is it possible to be friends throughout different lifetimes?"
"I don't know but we can certainly try." Four grins and makes it back to camp a little easier now that you're so riled up. "I'm glad we're friends too."
"Yay!" You giggle and lay on the ground with little fan fair and with little convincing. "There's no much we have to do still... as friends and as a group. I love you guys!"
"And we love you!" Four snorts. "Get some sleep- it'll go faster. I'll wake you up when I have the antidote."
"Ok Smithy." You let your head hit the ground and close your eyes.
Four looked over his shoulder to where you are and smiles a little wistfully.
Until Time make his way to camp and eyes your torn and slightly bloody clothes before turning to Four with a raised eyebrow.
Four hisses again and raises his hand. "I can explain."
"You better."
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jkknight98 · 2 years
Tommy's sweet tooth (Submitted by tm potion annon)
Have fun with my very first g/t fic, where I throw in a reference to one of your posts, find it if you can~ 
I had thought I was safe from detection when I first found the cave system in which I reside. I had originally stumbled across this cave while running away from Sam, and lost him in said caves..meaning the caves should be safe?.. There have been rumors going around that Tommy's been at his usual ruckus again, with his sneaking up on people when they aren't looking in his direction. That seemed inconspicuous to me, so I took no precautions as he wasn't known to be too violent or take things TOO far. Oh how wrong we all were about that. It started when I went out to collect some berries and hunt around for some small prey. 
"It seems like I'm running low on food, and I can't seem to find a good enough supply down here without risking mobs coming back to my portion of the cave…that'd be annoying." I glared as I looked at the nearly depleted food chests.
 I sighed as I shut the chest quickly and sauntered towards the entrance of the cave. The cave entrance was covered by vines and foliage, forming a makeshift curtain that blended into the rocks..well as far as I knew. My tail flicked from side to side as I slowly wriggled through the vines so as to not make much noise as it was still risky to let my presence be known around here. I had a small iron dagger in my pocket, as a sword was annoying to carry around. The sky was misty, and the grass around the mountainous region was still wet from a rainstorm that happened sometime last night. It was sorta hard to see in front of myself as the most from the rain still seemed to remain prevalent. The SMP seemed a little empty as it was early in the morning, which is good because normally no one would be prowling around at this time. I eventually found a patch of berry bushes and started harvesting them as neatly as I could so no berry juice would get on me. As I got the last few berries I thought I'd need, I started heading back to deposit the berries into my food chests. I had thought I heard something move in the distance, however it *seemed* to be nothing. 
The mist started to clear, so I decided to take a walk as the weather was exceptionally good. There were many rustling bushes and trees, but I didn't think anything of it as there was wind blowing. 
"The weather hasn't been this good in ages!" I shouted, as the sun was shining on me instead of the light of a stray glow lichen. 
I decided to stay out and hang around an obscure field of flowers a few 100 blocks away from my cave home. My ears flicked, alerting me of a plump crow around. As soon as I made sure a certain bird man wasn't nearby, I pounced on the bird, swiftly clawing its neck in a matter of seconds. I prepared a campfire quickly, grabbing some stray coal in one of my pouches and some sticks. I set the carcass on the cooking stick and then ate some berries while waiting for the bird to cook. Looking around whilst waiting, the sky was clear and the hillside I was near had vibrant grass and overgrown ferns. Butterflies fluttered in every direction, attracted to the flowers. 
I smelled the smell of a well done bird "This seems to be done now, I'm looking forward to eating this…" I licked my feline lips, as my fluffy tail curled in anticipation. 
Just as I was about to bite into the juicy bird, I heard a familiar voice in the distance. 
"Hey! I see Potion over there!" Tommy shouted, not seeming to give a damn about his volume. 
I figured he wouldn't do much harm so I just continued to scarf down the roasted crow. After I finished up, I picked up my berry basket and started to walk off to see more of the landscape. I would have anyways if Tommy wasn't running straight at me, holding a Dastardly Potion ™ in his gremlin hands. 
"C'MERE POTION, I GOT A LITTLE SOMETHING FOR YOU TO TRY!" Tommy bellowed, surprisingly gaining speed and getting too close for comfort. 
As I strung my berries onto my back, he was already right there, gesturing at the cyan potion in his hand. 
"I will not drink this. You and I both know what this potion does." I stated matter of factly, thinking he'd back off knowing I know more than he'd anticipated. 
"Come onnnn, I promise I won't do anything to you if you drink itttt" Tommy begged, edging closer. 
"I'll be leaving now." I growled, turning my back to him. Big mistake. 
Suddenly I was getting lunged at by him, and easily getting pinned due to the height and weight difference. It also seemed like he might've drank a strength II potion. I struggled greatly, brandishing my iron dagger to no avail despite slashing at his arms. He manages to fling the dagger out of my arms, and as he does I claw at his face, slashing him on the nose. I go in for a second flash but I accidently get too close to the gremlin's teeth, getting my entire hand caught in between his teeth as he bites down. I barely manage to pry his teeth off with my remaining arm, before he makes quite the disturbing comment. 
"Yknow, I never expected you to taste so much like chocolate…really tickles my sweet tooth.." Tommy laughed, popping the cap off of the potion and getting it close to my face. 
"Get that thing away from me, I know what you want to do for sure now!" I screamed, trying to bat the potion away from my face in which I proceeded to fail miserably.
Tommy used his free hand to pry my mouth open, while his other one started to get the potion towards my gaping mouth. At this point I was thrashing as much as I could, but he kicked me pretty hard in the leg which momentarily stopped me from kicking at him. Before I could bite down on his hand, I felt a splash on my mouth as the contents of the bottle were emptied unwillingly into my mouth and down my throat. Coughing and hacking, I manage to sprint the 200 blocks back to my house before the effects could take place. 
"Holy….shit..I..-" I collapsed to the ground, knocked out while I shrunk down to the size of a potato. 
Dazed and terrified, I immediately tried to get up. As I got to my much smaller feet, I managed to make out the sounds of footsteps madly dashing to the entrance, which apparently wasn't camouflaged enough. 
"COME BACK! I JUST WANTED TO SEE HOW IT WORKED!" Tommy lied through his teeth, trying to convince me.
I managed to bite my tongue and duck under my normally sized bed to try and wait him out as he burst through the vines. I saw him enter as the bed faced the entrance, and every noise could easily make me turn around to its source. If I were more rich, and less of a criminal on the most wanted list…I probably would've bought some invisibility potions for an occasion like this. It felt like forever I heard his footsteps around me, echoing across the cave from all over. He seemed to be..almost trying to smell for me, like a rabid dog or something.. 
"Come on…I know you're in there you son of a bitch…." Tommy muttered under his breath, a little annoyed but still determined. 
I trembled quite a bit as he shook the bed by yanking the covers off of it, cursing loudly when he didn't see me. Just as I thought he was done checking the bed, I turned around to see his now giant blue eyes staring at me like I was a piece of candy he just found. I backed up all the way to the wall under the bed, but alas, his arms proved to be too long. Large hands made a mad dash to grab at me, I was screaming quite a bit. All of a sudden, I felt myself being dragged out from under the bed. Tommy grinned at me, looking like a child that just discovered his parents weren't home and the snacks were in reach. 
"Tommy..Tommy this isn't funny.. Please put me down.." My voice trailed off as he started bringing me closer to his face. 
"I don't know about you but I for one think this is QUITE funny." Tommy licked his lips, bringing me ever so closer. 
I looked at him with a look of complete fear and..anger… this kid annoys me… I plead with him to not do this to me.
"Listen here bitch, with all the shit you've done across the server…you're lucky I don't turn you in right now." Tommy laughed hysterically. 
"What are you doing…you better not do what I think you're gonna do!" I yelled, pathetically hoping to discourage him.
As I was about to say something else to convince him, I felt myself being tossed..directly into his mouth. I desperately try to escape, but his tongue proceeds to pin me to the bottom of his mouth. 
"PLEASE-" I proceeded to then choke on saliva as it proceeded to cover my entire body. 
He continued to play around with his 'food'. He proceeded to wrap his tongue around my leg and violently shake it around his mouth, disorienting me quite a bit. He slowly started tilting his head back, almost teasingly. It was scary, I tried my hardest to climb back up. His tongue practically threw me down his throat, as I was hissing, screaming and swearing at him. He laughed as I slowly descended through his throat, being squished by the walls of it. As I fell into his stomach, I landed on my tail and let out a yell. 
"Having fun in there?" Tommy asked "Because you're gonna be in there for a bit…" He grinned. 
"WHY would I be having FUN in there?!" I growled, having been defeated by a gremlin child. 
"I dunno because I am THE  Tommyinit, and I get all the bitches!" He laughed. 
"The only bitch you'll ever get is yourself!" I yelled, annoyed with this kid's antics. 
He patted his belly, causing me to shake and get some stomach juices on me. I sighed as I took in where I'd be staying for a bit. 
"Have a fun time at HotelInIt." He snickered to himself. 
I guess I'll have to deal with his antics for a while…….
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javier-pena · 3 years
Tumblr media
Pairing: Javi Gutierrez x f!reader
Word Count: 3k
Rating: Explicit (that means 18+/no minors!!)
Summary: Javi and you are enjoying breakfast on his yacht until things take an unexpected turn.
Warnings: mentions of food | thigh riding | dirty talk | orgasm delay/denial | public sex (I’m sure what they’re doing is actually illegal) | daddy kink | implied sugar daddy Javi Gutierrez | Javi is a Tease (capital T to show how serious his crimes are) | Javi in that orange shirt
Notes: I saw a picture of Javi and all I could think was, “I wanna feed him berries”. So that’s the reason I wrote this fic. That’s the only excuse I have. Oh and also that I want Javi to call me a bad girl but whatever, we don’t need to talk about that. Anyway, as always, I owe most of this to Dani @javierpcna​, literally everything I write should come with Dani’s name listed as co-author, her support knows no bounds, she literally drops everything when I send her a fic to proofread, and this was no different. And she also lets me use her brilliant lines from time to time, for which I can never repay her.
Notes II: I have neither seen the movie nor have I read the script, so if there are any spoilers in there (I doubt it) I didn’t put them in intentionally.
Notes III: Artwork by @honestly-shite​ | Moodboard by @frankiemorales​
He lets you feed him one berry, but only after you tell him how good they taste, how they melt on your tongue, how they fill your mouth with a soft sweetness. He raises an eyebrow at that, and you know what he’s thinking, but he doesn’t say it. Instead, he takes the small blueberry from your outstretched fingers, leaning on the laden breakfast table to make it easier for you to reach him. The berry is so small it’s impossible for him to pull it in between his lips without the tip of your finger vanishing, too. You shudder at the sensation, shudder despite the heat, despite the hotness of his tongue brushing against your sensitive skin.
Javi hates breakfast. He hates dedicating time during his busy day, during the mornings when he feels most productive, to eating when it can be done en passant. You keep telling him it’s not healthy to eat while he’s distracted, and you’ve been trying to convince him to have breakfast with you for a few weeks now.
Why, babe? You said distraction is bad for me when I eat.
He still doesn’t eat during the mornings, only drinks his heavy, smoky, black coffee, but he keeps you company now whenever he can. He reads to you from the morning paper, he tells you about his plans for the day, or he listens to you talking about a dream you had last night or about things you would like to do with him one day. And today … today he even made time to take you out on his yacht, to anchor it in a secluded bay where there’s no noise except the lapping of the waves against the bright white hull of the ship and the cries of the seagulls circling above, hoping to snatch a crumb of the croissant on your plate. Today, he’s made time to be with you.
You try it again, another berry, another taste of sweetness, another burst of flavor and color and sugary juices. This time it becomes clear he’s chasing something else, craving something else, as he sucks on your finger, just for a brief moment, just under the pretense of getting the sticky juice off your skin, but he also isn’t shy about it, he also doesn’t try to hide what he’s doing. Your skin prickles when he releases the digit, and you pull your hand back across the table too quickly, too hastily. He notices and leans back on his expensive outdoor couch with a satisfied sigh.
You dry your finger against the hot skin of your leg, already burning up with the heat of the approaching day, even though you keep to the shadows. Only your feet rest on an empty chair in direct sunlight, while you keep the rest of your body safe under a wide canopy. Javi is doing the complete opposite. He’s lounging in direct sunlight, and you’ll never understand how he can stand it. Your skin always starts to tickle and itch from the heat, while he looks like he was made to live in a Mediterranean country and spend his days in the sun.
The bright, orange shirt he’s wearing is unbuttoned to expose half his chest. His bronze skin is covered in a sheen of sweat, and you cannot tear your eyes away from it, imagining what it would feel like to run your fingers over it, how hot it would feel under your hands, how he would sigh and relax into your touch. His chest is your favorite place in the entire world. You feel safe when you rest your hand on it, when he softly runs his fingers along your arm, tells you how beautiful you look, how he will always take care of you, no matter what, how you’ll never need to worry about anything ever again because you’re his and he’s yours. And you feel oh so secure when you’re trapped under it, when you feel its weight pressing down on you, when your sharp nails leave angry, red scratches on his soft skin as he whispers into your ear – encouraging, soothing, filthy.
You want to see it move, see the muscles flex and strain as he leans forward again to accept a third berry from you. And this time he’s not shy about it anymore. This time, he does suck your finger in between his lips, the berry forgotten, and you see his eyes widen behind his dark sunglasses. You suck in a sharp breath at the sight. He releases your finger with a wet pop and suddenly this isn’t enough. Suddenly you need more, more of him, but you lower your gaze to your plate instead to hide your shining eyes. There is a time and place for these things and the deck of his yacht in broad daylight isn’t it.
But you cannot deny what your body wants, even though your mind tells the aching between your legs to shut up. You push yourself out of your chair fast and within a few steps you’re leaning against the railing, hoping to catch a breeze to soothe your flushed face. But there is none, only unbearable heat.
When you turn around again, you feel a different kind of heat; Javi’s gaze is on you as he takes you in. You know he loves to do this, especially when you’re wearing something he bought you, like you’re doing this morning – an expensive black bikini that leaves little to the imagination, one you found on your bed one morning with a small note that made you shudder, so you decided to save it for a special occasion. And you were right to do so because he’s unable to tear his eyes away from you.
You walk back to the table as slowly as possible, determined to finish breakfast, but something pulls you toward him, like an invisible rope slung around your waist, like his gaze is enough to make you lose all sense of control. And before you know it, you’re straddling his thigh, while he pulls you into a kiss, one that lasts forever yet not long enough, one that sets you on fire more than the sun on your back yet makes you want to expose more skin so more of you will get burned.  
The second his teeth release your lip his hands fly up to rest against your hips, his grip firm but easy to get out of if you wanted to. “Is there something you wanted, baby?” he asks you, innocence written all over his face, as if he truly is completely unaware of the effect he has on you, of the things he makes you want to do when his eyes follow you around like you’re the eighth wonder of the world.
You bite your lip, bite the spot that still feels raw from where he sucked on it moments earlier, and then you start rolling your hips, start chasing the friction to relieve some of the hot, searing pressure that’s been building between your legs since he sucked your finger into his mouth. You see his eyes lower dangerously when he realizes what it is you want from him, and everything shifts, shifts as if the yacht is hit by a strong wave. You’re all too familiar with this change and you know exactly what it means, and what it entails.
One of your hands lands on the collar of his shirt out of its own free will, your fingers clawing at the material in a desperate attempt to steady yourself. The palm of your other hand presses against his warm, sun-kissed chest, your nails eager to leave marks on his skin. But instead of pressing into your touch, he leans back and watches you with mild interest.
This is all the permission you need. You grind your hips with a sense of purpose now, and when you feel the muscles of his leg tense between yours, a small whimper escapes your lips.
He smirks at you, and you know his eyes are sparkling, even though you can’t really see them. “Come on,” he urges you, pressing up into you, “make yourself feel good.”
With a desperate moan, your head falls onto his shoulder, your forehead scraping against his shirt, and you bite your lip because it’s the only thing stopping you from biting the exposed skin of his neck. You know he’d like that, he likes it when you are rough with him, but it also unleashes something in him you want to keep locked away today. You know it’s selfish and greedy, but all you want to do this morning is take, and not think about him.
He makes that resolve very difficult to keep.
“You like that, don’t you?” he asks you, a hand at the back of your neck, trying to get you to lift your head.
You don’t answer him, you can’t, but you indulge him and lift your head again. You pick up the pace, determined to show him how much you like it, how good it makes you feel, but he only smirks at you again, like he doesn’t need an answer anyway, like he knows exactly what he’s doing to you.
And suddenly, suddenly that selfish streak is gone, and you want him closer to you, all over you, inside of you. You don’t care that you have to give up the last bit of control you cling to, and give yourself over completely to him, you don’t care that it’s broad daylight and that another boat could sail into your tiny bay any second now, you don’t care about being discovered or about this being, strictly speaking, illegal. You just care about him fucking you like he does when he has you to himself, sprawled out under him, trapping you with his broad chest and toned arms, forcing you to take whatever he gives you.
But before you can tell him any of that, the hand at the back of your neck is gone and he lifts up his sunglasses and tosses them aside, so you can look right into his eyes, so you can see that you’re not the only one who’s affected by all of this. His gaze roams all over you, from your eyes shining with hazy lust to your legs squeezing around his thigh and your hips rolling with an urgency, pushing you steadily closer to finding the release you’re chasing. But this isn’t enough, you both know that; it’s enough to keep the fire going, but not enough to push you over the edge.
His free hand brushes against the exposed skin of your belly, his fingers run along the seam of your bikini top, and you push yourself forward, willing him to cup your breasts, pinch your nipples, anything, anything to relieve the ache and burning, the feverish craving you feel for his touch, his lips, his words that leave no doubt about who is in control. But he doesn’t give you any of that. Instead, his hand moves to your back to steady you, to hold you in place, and all he does is toy with the strap of your top holding everything in place at the back of your neck.
You don’t know what makes you look down to where your bodies are connected, but you do, and he follows your gaze. You both watch as a dark patch forms on the light fabric of his slacks, as it spreads more and more with each thrust of your hips.
“You’re making a mess,” Javi breathes quietly, so quietly you almost don’t catch it over the sound of the water against the yacht’s hull. His gaze is transfixed, his attention is on the evidence of your arousal as he watches with great interest. You feel heat spread from your chest along your arms and up your neck to your face, but you don’t stop.
“Look at you, princess,” he goes on, his left hand gripping your side tighter to slow you down until you drag yourself along his leg painfully slowly. “Look at how you’re getting daddy’s trousers all wet, they’re probably ruined now.” He pauses at your sharp intake of breath. There’s a dark glint in his eyes when he speaks next. “You’re a bad girl.”
You’re pretty sure the sound you make isn’t human. He lets go of your side and rests his hand on your thigh, letting you set the pace again.
“Please,” you whine, and you don’t quite know why you say it, what you want him to do, you just know he needs to do something, or you’ll go crazy. “Please, Javi,” you repeat. “Please, just … touch me,” you finish, and it’s stupid, he is touching you, just not in the way you mean, but you cannot come up with anything else to say.
“You’re always so greedy,” he observes, not making any move to fulfil your request. “I’m already giving you what you want and still you want more. Don’t you want to be daddy’s good girl?”
You don’t know the answer to that question. You wouldn’t know your own name if he asked you right now. Not because of the things he’s saying but because he raises his leg ever so slightly to push up against your clit and every coherent thought you might have had is drowned out by incoherent sounds leaving your mouth. You press down against him, grinding down with so much force he’s bound to lower his leg. Only … he doesn’t.
“Sorry, I didn’t get that,” he says, a picture of calmness and poise. “Can you repeat that for me?”
You absolutely cannot because you can’t remember what you said in the first place, but you give it another try. “Javi, please, give me something,” you swallow, “anything. Touch me, please.”
“No,” he says, but his voice sounds strained now, like uttering that two-letter word takes a lot of effort. “I want to hear you beg.”
“Please,” you say again, knowing it won’t be enough. “Please, I can’t …”
“Why not?” he wants to know.
“It’s not enough, I ...,” you swallow again, your throat completely dry, “why are you doing this to me?”
“Oh, baby, you’re not even trying to get yourself off,” Javi chuckles. “I know you can do better than that.”
“I am trying,” you tell him, but it’s nothing more than a desperate whine.
“Isn’t this what you wanted?” he asks you.
And he’s right, it is, it was ten minutes ago when you thought all you had to do was look pretty and he’d fuck you, but now that he’s seen right through you, now that he has decided he doesn’t want to give you anything more than he has to, it isn’t anymore. You want so much more than this, and you know there’s just one way to get it.
With a small movement you change your position slightly until you roll your hips against where he’s straining against the fabric of his slacks, and a low hiss is your reward, followed by a sharp slap to your ass that makes your hips stutter, and you lose your steady rhythm. Both his hands are on your hips again and he pushes you down hard against the firm muscles of his thigh.
“Oh no, you don’t,” he tells you. “I’m gonna give you what you came here for, nothing more, nothing less.”
“Javi,” you groan.
His hands move your hips, his arms straining with the effort of keeping you in place, and you let him, even though all you can think about is his hard cock only inches away from you. You think about him pushing into you, about the filthy, wet sounds it would make, about how he’s the only one who can reach so deep inside of you he makes you see stars with every thrust.
“All right,” Javi says. His tongue darts out to wet his lips. “You can have it.”
You’re sure you misheard. You’re sure he didn’t just say that. After all he’s put you through, he won’t give in that easily. But you clench around nothing nevertheless, clench around thin air at the thought of him inside of you.
“Later,” he adds, and your heart almost stops. “I’m gonna fill your pretty mouth, but only if you’re good for me.”
You want to, you’re trying to, but you cannot do this anymore. If he’s not going to touch you, if he won’t fuck you, you have to do it yourself.
One of your hands leaves his strong shoulders and you frantically push the fabric of your swimsuit aside, pressing a finger against your aching clit. You moan in relief, but it only lasts a moment, because his left hand closes tightly around your wrist without any warning, and he twists your arm until he has it in a firm grip pressed against your back. The ring he wears on his little finger digs painfully into your soft skin.
“You were doing so well,” he says with a disappointed sigh.
“It’s not –,” you start, but you’re not allowed to finish the sentence.
“No, it is enough,” he tells you firmly, his eyes boring into yours.
But he does reach up, he does pull the string of your top until it comes loose and your tits spill out. He lets go of your arm but before you can decide what to do with your newfound freedom, his fingers close around your throat at the same time as his mouth closes around one of your nipples.
That’s all it takes.
You arch your back with a scream and come right there on his thigh in broad daylight, while he holds you in place with hands and mouth. It goes on forever, or at least it feels like that, and he’s unrelenting, first sucking one nipple into his mouth, then biting down hard on the other. When it becomes clear he’s not planning on stopping, you grab a fistful of his soft curls and pull him away from your chest with a sharp tug.
“Had enough?” he asks, his lips shiny and slightly swollen.
You nod slowly because you don’t trust your voice right now.
“Well, I haven’t,” he growls. “And I will tell you when you’ve had enough.”
taglist: @badbatches​, @darksber​, @doin-stuff​, @filthybookworm​, @for-my-satisfaction​, @frannyzooey​, @javigutierrez​, @karkii​, @pann-malii​, @raspberrymama​, @silksaddle​, @skeletonstwins​, @skyshipper​, @sunnydunnydays​
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anyoneseenadam · 3 years
Hiii. if you're still taking requests can you do a azriel one? (Can't get enough of him🤭🥰) can you witte one where azriel gets really badly hurt on a mission and barely makes it back and the reader freaking out and being really worried.?
pairing: azriel x reader (acotar)
warnings: angst, graphic descriptions of blood and violence, sad shiz but happy ending
a/n: this isn’t as angsty as I planned but it’s a lil, pls comment if you like it and tell me ur thoughts <33
Azriel had promised you the mission would be quick. In and out were his exact words.
You should’ve known better than to trust him when he spoke so casually about breaking into a palace in the human courts, you should’ve known that something would go horribly, inconceivably wrong. But when he smiled at you and held you against him, swaying from side to side you were too lost in his easy lies to care.
You had started going on more missions with him recently. While you weren’t a spy, you had an incredible knack for lying. Cassian joked that you were just a brat but even he couldn’t deny that you were talented when it came to batting your eyes and pressing a hand gently enough on a soldier’s arm that they would bend to your every will.
You and Azriel had also discovered that the most effective torture method was to trick whoever you had taken into a false sense of security, you would use a gentle tone and motherlike care to make them feel safe. And then they were always willing to speak, believing that once Azriel stopped his ministrations they could fall into the safety of your arms.
It was a good tactic and even Azriel was impressed when you first tried it. But that never quelled his protectiveness, the way an arm would find its way secured around your waist as soon as you had secured the information you needed, or the way he kissed you fiercely in his shadows when he was tired of watching men flirt with you.
The truth was you and Azriel were so completely in love, no amount of flirting could ever take you from the gentle but possessive grip of your mate. In some ways that’s what kept you going, knowing that at the end of the day you didn’t have to plaster on a fake smile and sweet voice.
At the end of the day, in the warmth and comfort of your share home you were yourself. You could wear the same jumper for weeks straight and laugh at crude jokes. You could do your makeup at 3am and then turn to your half-asleep mate with a pout, whining until he caved and let you do his makeup too.
But in the end, your complete devotion would come back to bite you in the ass.
It was your fault, or so you believed. If you had just kept your eyes on the general with bad breath and a crooked nose you wouldn’t be in this mess. But when he got to close your eyes flickered to were your mate stood, concealed in shadows, and through all the generals personal hygiene faults, he had been trained to notice subtle looks that gave you away.
He had grabbed you so tightly that you couldn’t help but yelp, drawing Azriel’s attention to you. And while you had disabled the general quickly you now had hoards of guards chasing you out of an area that was guarded against winnowing.
Azriel hadn’t wasted a second. You were his top priority and so he had abandoned the plan and grabbed you as quickly as he could, gathering you into his arms as he flew to the exit. You had spluttered apologies to him as he flew, your eyes trained on the guards chasing you, the guards who were now drawing bows.
Azriel was quick but the arrows were quicker. You threw your hands out, trying to bat off as many of them as you could with the limited power you held. But as concentrated as you were on the ones directed to his wings, you didn’t see the one aiming for his lower torso until you felt it graze you from where it left his body.
He grunted as you swore, finally out of the barriers as he winnowed to as close to home as he could. But while injured that wasn’t easy and you found yourselves standing in a wooded area, Azriel dropping you down much more roughly than usual, swearing as he leaned against a tree.
“Okay, okay I can fix this, you’re going to be fine.” You spoke, mainly to yourself as the panic inside you grew. You scanned the area, spotting a cave not too far off, not wanting to leave Azriel in the open when you had no idea what could be in these woods.
“C’mon baby, let’s go this way.” You slung an arm around him, just above the wound and began making your slow trek to the small cave. As soon as you had him sat down, you knelt in front of him, tears in your eyes as you cut open his top, so you had access to the wound beneath.
“Why are you crying sweetheart?” you heard him ask and you rolled your eyes, wiping away the stray tears.
“Why do you think dumbass,” you said, forcing a smile when he huffed a laugh.
“You can’t be mean to me right now,” he complained as you set about cutting off both ends of the arrow so you could remove it safely, wincing when he hissed, gritting his teeth.
You finally had both ends cut off and went to pull it out, removing your shawl and preparing to press it against the wound that was spouting far too much blood. You looked up at him with your hands pressed shakily against his wound and saw his skin was pale and sweaty, his eyes drooping as they tried to close. He fell forward slightly but you held him upright with your shoulder, panic rushing through you, white hot.
“Azriel c’mon no, none of that. You’ve got to stay awake baby, you’re too heavy for me.” You begged; your hands pressed tightly against his wound as you let the tears fall freely. You eventually had to pull away, moving him so he was leaning against the cave wall, taking extra precaution to ensure his head didn’t get hurt.
His eyes cracked open when he felt your blood-soaked palm press gently against his face, glassy and barely present.
“Hey, hey I need you to stay with me, okay?” you tried to smile, wanting to offer him any semblance of comfort.
“Always baby,” he whispered, and you smiled, pulling your hands away slightly and smiling when you saw the wound healing externally already.
“What are you getting me for solstice?” you asked, wanting to keep him awake and speaking.
“Not telling.” He muttered and you laughed.
“You have to, we have to talk about something.” You joked, pulling a hand away just long enough to wipe your eyes as you focused on his face.
“I had a few ideas; nothing seems good enough.” He muttered and you laughed.
“Tell me.”
“Well first I thought a necklace, books, maybe art supplies or something but that’s all boring,” he whispered, and you smiled, nodding.
“If it’s from you it won’t be boring,” you smiled, hands still pressed tightly against his wound.
“Well I also thought I could get you your own truthteller, maybe one with a pink handle.” He joked.
“Well you know full well I would love that, maybe baby pink with little white hearts on it,” he smiled at you, his head lulling slightly forward. You reached up to him again holding his head gently in your hands, before you lay him down, covering him in the rest of your shawl.
“You plan that then, I’m going to go get wood and we’ll start a fire okay, keep you warm.” You stroked his face gently, pressing a kiss onto his forehead.
“Be safe,” he grabbed your hand as you stood to leave,
“You first.”
Your luck apparently ran out as soon as you looked at Azriel, given as soon as you walked out the cave the heavens opened, and you were soaked to the skin in the seconds. You grabbed as much wood as you could straight away, throwing it into the dry cave.
You then ventured further out, finding a rabbit, and killing and cleaning it out as quickly as you could, practically running back to the cave. You knelt down, starting a small fire, and removing your now dirty and completely soaked dress, ringing out your hair.
You then moved back to Azriel, brining him closer to the fire as you cooked speared the rabbit over it, cooking all the meat you could salvage of its small body.
“You’re so cold,” he muttered, pressing his nose into your bare skin as you shivered, moving even closer to the fire.
“Ah you know what they say, cold hands, cold heart.”
“I don’t think that’s the-“
“Shh,” you muttered, curling into him as you pressed together trying to steal some warmth from each other.
“If I get ill I’m going to kill you.” You whispered into his neck, and he chuckled, clenching his teeth when he moved to soon and your head shot up to him.
“Are you okay? Am I hurting you?” he shook his head, tightening his arms around you.
“No you’re alright,” he whispered. You lay there for a while longer, Azriel’s body limp, all his energy going into healing the deep wound in his side. Yours on the other hand was tense, ears perking up at any sound, half expecting a pack of rabid wolves to come eat you the second you allowed yourself to relax. When the rabbit was finished, you picked it apart, feeding it to Azriel gently, determined to get his energy back.
He was still so pale and no matter how hard you tried, nothing could quell the nausea in your stomach. Every time you looked at him when he closed his eyes your heart dropped, your anxiety telling you that this might just be the last time you ever see him.
You didn’t sleep all night, instead staying pressed against him, shivering in your undergarments as your dress dried by the fire. You regularly checked his pulse, temperature, breathing and whatever else you could, too afraid to take your eyes off of him for even a second.
By the time the sun finally rose, Azriel’s complexion had evened out and the wound in his side was puckering into a pink scar. You were beyond relieved, fussing over him when he woke up like the mother you often pretended to be.
You pulled your dress back on and stumbled to a near-by river to collect him some water, picking a species of berries you recognised along the way, and actively ignoring the cough you had developed over night.
You got back to the cave and almost cried in relief when you saw him sitting up, smothering the burning embers that used to be your fire. He looked over to you as you padded in and swore, standing to come to you.
“You look like shit what happened?” he asked, worry coating his features.
“Hey! I spent all night looking after you asshole,” you shoved him gently but he held tight, holding your chin in his slender fingers as he forced you to look at him.
“Shit it was raining last night,”
“Yeah?” you asked as he shook his head.
“That’s why you were so cold, c’mon let’s get you home you’re ill.” He muttered as you wildly protested.
“I’m fine, you need to rest,” you pointed at him, but he brushed you off, gathering you in his arms to winnow home.
“We can rest together, at home, in bed.” He stated, not leaving any room for argument so you relaxed in his arms, your head pressed against his shoulder.
“Okay,” you conceded, your voice small as he smiled down at you.
“Thank you for looking after me darling,” his voice was filled with sincerity, and you snuggled closer into him.
“Anytime.” You whispered as he winnowed you away, only vaguely aware of the feeling of him placing you down on your bed and curling around your back, arms tight and secure.
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Omg you should write about Y/n spoiling Harry for his first father’s day!! And he’d definitely get all emotional for his girls 😭
i’m sorry this took so looooong but i rlly love it and i hope you do too <3
here is the first gift I imagine, the charging station
and here is the star map (but with some minor changes that i tried to explain in the writing, i’m not that good at explanations so it’s probably slightly confusing sorry about that :) )
father's day
warnings: none
word count: 1.7k
"Good morning," you said in a quiet sing-song voice, opening Stevie's door slowly. She smiled brightly, standing with her hands grasped on the bars of crib.
"Hi mama," She said, bouncing in place.
"Hi baby," You smiled, moving over to the window to open her blinds. Early morning light streamed into the room, shining on the baby's face and reflecting off her green eyes. "Did you have a good sleep?" You asked, picking her up from the crib. She cuddled into your side, smiling as you bounced her softly on your hip.
You treasured mornings like this, where you could just hold your baby. You really didn't get to do it much. Harry typically woke up earlier than you, taking care of Stevie so you could sleep a little longer. You felt bad at first, but he always reassured you that he liked having these quiet moments with her. He said it was the perfect way to start his day, and it put him in a good mood since he had to go to work and wouldn't get to see either of you for the rest of the day.
Not today, though. Today was Father's Day, and you were determined to make it a good one for him. He really was an amazing dad, and you wanted to make sure he knew. So this morning when you heard Stevie fussing, you pushed him back down in the bed and got up yourself. He objected at first, but you wouldn't hear another word. You had rushed out of the room before he could get up, leaving him to flop back down and (hopefully) get some more sleep. You figured it wouldn't be too hard for him. Stevie had a rough night, and neither of you had gotten much rest the night before. You didn't care, though. Harry was always the one to be selfless and let you relax, so today you wanted to do the same for him.
"Should we go get some breakfast?" You asked Stevie as you finished changing her diaper. "Hm?" You tickled her feet a bit, smiling when she giggled loudly. "Shh, daddy's still sleeping!"
She lifted her arms up to you, clearly wanting to be held again. Of course you obliged, picking her up and closing the container of wipes on the changing table. You settled everything back into the drawers before you made your way downstairs and into the kitchen.
"What should we make today?" You hummed thoughtfully, opening the fridge. Stevie was still balanced on your hip, but she reached for the yogurt cartons. "Yogurt it is," You smiled, leaning forward so she could reach easier. "Maybe an orange, too."
She didn't respond, completely engrossed by the container in her small hands.
"I think I'll do pancakes. Daddy might like those," you decided, grabbing an orange for her, and one for yourself. You set Stevie in her highchair, opening the yogurt and handing her a spoon so she could begin making a huge mess and (maybe) actually eating some yogurt. You moved to the cutting board, slicing the orange into small pieces she could eat safely. Once she was settled, you grabbed the milk and eggs from the fridge.
You started your morning playlist, the rich sound of Hozier's voice drifting through the kitchen as you found the recipe you needed. Then you began mixing the batter, humming softly as you worked.
It really was the perfect morning. It was still early, so the light coming through the large windows was soft and red tinted. The kitchen smelled like oranges and pancakes, the sweet scents complementing each other. You had the windows open so the soft breeze came in, bringing the smell of early summer with it. Your playlist was soft, adding nicely to the domestic feel of the morning. Stevie would babble every once in a while, wanting to be involved in what you were doing. You would explain every step to her, telling her what each ingredient was for. This was something you and Harry did often. Of course, there were times when you baby talked her, but you also liked to have normal conversation with her. You knew it would help her develop and begin to talk faster. Also, it was funny when she babbled and Harry acted like he understood everything she said.
Once the pancakes were finished, you began the process of cleaning everything up. You wanted Harry to have a relaxing morning, and you knew he would try to do something to help since he had gotten to sleep in. You weren't about to let him do a bunch of house chores. Not today.
You put all the ingredients away before wiping off the counter top. Then you moved to set the table. You put the stack of pancakes in the middle, along with the bottle of syrup and a bowl of berries. You set out plates, silverware, cups, and the pitcher of orange juice. Once you were satisfied, you brought the washcloth over to Stevie.
Your earlier thoughts had been correct. She had at least half the carton of yogurt smeared on her face, hands, and shirt.
After only a small amount of fighting and fussing from her, you had cleaned her off and lifted her out of the highchair.
"Let's go get daddy," you said, smiling when her face lit up at the mention of one of her favorite people.
"Morning, Harry," you said softly, pushing open the door with Stevie still balanced on your hip. You hadn't been loud enough, apparently, because he didn't move. He would never admit it to you, but he had been exhausted lately. He wouldn't tell you that getting up in the night and early every morning was taking a toll on him, because he knew you would feel bad. Which is why you really wanted to let him sleep this morning.
It was much later then he usually slept, though, and you didn't want the food to get cold. So you put Stevie on the bed next to him, settling down on the other side of him and letting her do her thing. She immediately crawled on top of him, giggling and bouncing.
"Good morning," he smiled sleepily, reaching up to grab her and stop her jumping. Stevie squealed, laughing when he pulled her against him and cuddled her. She wasn't in the mood to be still, though, and she quickly squirmed away from him. "What, I can't have a hug?" He pouted, but smiled again when you leaned into him.
"You can have a hug from me," you said, "But it might not be as good as hers."
"Nonsense," he grinned, pulling you against him. He grabbed Stevie again, pulling her into the hug even though she squirmed. "Stevie, this is family time. Calm down for a minute."
She laughed again when he danced his fingers along her tummy.
"Well, she's not gonna calm down if you tickle her," you laughed. "That much should be obvious to you."
"Right," he smiled. "Anyways, why did you make me go back to sleep this morning? I'm not complaining, but I feel bad you had to get up early."
"Harry, you get up early with her every single day. You deserve a day off. And it's Father's Day. And you are a father. So you should get to relax today."
"Well, thank you," he leaned up to kiss you. "That's very sweet of you."
"Of course," you smiled. "But now you have to get up. I made pancakes."
"Did you?" he perked up immediately at that.
"I did," you laughed. "Come on, everything's ready and it'll get cold."
"Alright, alright, I'm coming," he said, throwing the blankets off and picking up Stevie. "Let's go eat some pancakes!" He looked at her, grinning when she smiled up at him.
"Thank you so much, love, breakfast was delicious," He said, placing the plates in the dishwasher. He had insisted on helping you clean up the table, even when you protested.
"Thank you," you smiled, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. "Sit back down, I have something for you."
"C'mere, Stevie," he said, lifting her out of her highchair and onto his lap. "What did you and mommy get for me?"
She babbled in response, and you smiled to yourself as you went into the hall closet to find the box of his gifts. You could hear him responding to her, acting like he understood all her babbling.
"Ok, here we are," you said, setting the two items on the table in front of him. "Open this one first." You pushed the box closer to him, the wrapped picture frame farther back.
He did as you said, pulling the paper off the box. Inside was a wooden charging station with a space for his phone, watch, and airpods.
"Thought that might be good, since you're always losing everything. This way you can keep them all in one place," you explained.
He rolled his eyes playfully. "Well not always," he said, but smiled nonetheless. "Maybe sometimes. Thank you," he pulled you closer by your waist.
"And that next one is more personal," you said, pulling the flat item closer.
He tore the paper off again, his eyes softening when he looked at the images. There were three circles, each with a star map inside them. The outer two were larger and set slightly above the middle, one printed with your name and one with Harry's. The middle one had Stevie's name. Birthdays were printed under each name, all in gold scripty font. "You, me, and Stevie," He said fondly, running his finger over the lettering at the top which read "The Styles Family".
You nodded. "I saw it on Etsy and I had to get it. It's just such a cute idea, and it'll look really nice on the wall above the bookshelf."
"It will," he agreed. "I love this. Thank you," he smiled, pulling at your shirt until you leaned down so he could kiss you.
"You're welcome," you smiled. "I hope this makes for a good first Father's Day."
"It's perfect, love. Better than I could have ever asked for."
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