#they will hug and cry and be fine uwu
ganondoodle · 1 year
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you know when you keep thinking of a scene and cant move on until you at least hastily scribble it? yeah.
(technically skyward sword comic (destiny) concept art but i dont expect anyone to make sense of this mess lol .. its a scene from the third and last part of the story, blue thing is a horribly rough version of hylias true form)
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interxstitial · 2 years
( source! )
"— oh."
seunggi, in all of his years of working at a flower shop, cannot remember the last time he's been gifted flowers. — that... is mostly because he has never been gifted flowers, so there's not really all that much to remember. he's just never been close enough to anyone for flowers to factor into the equation— platonic or romantic. it's just the way things have played out for him—— and it's proven beneficial so far! he's adamant about that, for sure. (for suuuure.) his self-reliance has given him more time to focus on his flowers' wellbeing, expanding the shop, contributing to his community... all good things! all good, fulfilling things!
(it'd still be nice to have more, but he tries not to worry about that anymore. he has a good life, there's no need to be selfish.)
therefore, the good thing that came out of left-field — cough, im jiwon — bringing him flowers on an unsuspecting tuesday nearly knocks the wind out of him. he feels like all the air has been sucked out of the room, actually, half because flowers (!!!!!) and half because—
“are you cheating on me, jiwon?” he asks first, eyes wide... and trying to distract from the blush rising in his cheeks. “i don't remember selling these to you—” seunggi blinks, falling silent for a moment before shaking his head rapidly. “— no, i'd remember if i did.” (he remembers most of his customer interactions for inventory reasons, but he especially remembers those with jiwon. for friendly reasons.) his lips form a small frown, even if the glint of joy in his eyes as he looks over the petals gives his true feelings away. he loves a good flower, what can he say? “s'a little ballsy giving these to me if you are. buying flowers from someone else? that's enough reason to divorce, i'd say.”
im jiwon does not have many talents. he can do a triple pirouette, recite the entirety of the 2005 film pride and prejudice by memory, and tie a cherry stem with his tongue in less than 30 seconds. they’re sort of impressive tricks, but they don’t mean very much. once upon a time, he could travel anywhere he wanted with just an email. london, paris, new york. he had the world at his fingertips, and that felt like a talent. now, he’s been stuck in the same city for the last seven years, permanently grounded with clipped wings and cracks all over. his life is a mess, even after two hard restarts. sometimes, jiwon feels like a third is just around the corner, but it won’t do him any good either. nothing ever really works out for him anymore.
except this one, little thing.
it had started with an impulse purchase, a rare burst of bravery during a weekend trip to the grocery store. even after reading the instructions on the back of the little satchel of seeds, jiwon hadn’t felt confident enough. so he read articles online, took notes, visited a certain flower shop to peek around and gain a bit of insight. two months passed, but still nothing. he’d been just about ready to declare his little endeavour another failure, until he woke up one morning and found a single sprout in the potted soil. true to all the articles and forums and gardening shows on television, time was the hardest part. waiting. in another handful of months, jiwon spotted the first few buds. then, finally, on the seventh month, they bloomed.
marigolds. bright like the sun; soft as satin. they’re quite tall and sturdy, cosy in their clay pot with room to grow. jiwon grew them all on his own and he’s proud of them and— seunggi doesn’t like them. he’s offended, and he doesn’t like them. jiwon’s body always reacts too quickly for his mind to catch up, so he already has tears in the fringe of his vision by the time he says anything. “s.. sorry,” he ekes out, gaze stuck on the bundles of sunshine yellow. “i didn’t.. i bought the seeds from another store. i’m sorry. i just.. wanted to surprise you. i’m sorry.”
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who1ssheesh · 6 months
Have I ever requested fluff Squalo prompts? But if you’ve already wrote that you can skip this
Fluff Squalo promts
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Notes: im a fucking animal and forgot where I’ve got those promts 💀 I also tried to get AI to fix my disgusting grammar but looks like it doesn’t want to correct my swears so deal with with and cry with bloody tears. Idk if those are good tho, Xanxus ones were smoother to write
Warnings: swearing, OOC, not proofread I die like I die. A little sad drop in the end. Basically that’s it, just shmoll everyday stuff
• “Stop hugging me”
• “I can’t hear you”
•“If you don’t stop hugging me, I’ll make sure you won’t be able to use your hands again”
"Stop hugging me," Squalo growls, because you are being such a pain in the ass, and he needs to do a ton of the stupid paperwork instead of his boss, because apparently Xanxus is in a depressive episode again.
“Did you say something?”, you mumble in his neck, and Squalo shivers a bit, which makes you smile. "I can’t hear you”.
"If you don’t stop hugging me, I’ll make sure you won’t be able to use your hands again”.
“Aw-w-w. Will we have matching prostheses?”
Squalo, being an awkward dork he is, blushes even at this, but doesn’t say anything anymore.
• “You. Me. Friday night.”
You are lucky to get the attention of such a man out of all the people in the bar. Tall and strong, sharp face features with wild eyes almost hunting you like a prey, and hair - oh, his hair…
You feel you heartbeat in your ears, when comes your way, and a smirk appears unwillingly on your face. Some people eye after him, and you just know they want to be in your place.
“You. Me. Friday night”, he slams his hand on the table, as is not even considering you refusing the offer.
“For fucks sake, Squalo, we are already dating”.
His loud wheezing laugh is everything but hot.
•”You smell nice.”
Context to this: in one game Squalo has a quote “Boss threw a pot of meat at me. I’ve washed my hair for three times but it still smells like a soy sauce” (or smth like that) and complains about his hair falling out
You sigh in defeat at a comedy of the situation: Squalo got just a day off in quite some time and you haven’t seen him in hours because…he has been in a bathroom. Four times, to be precise, and every time his hair dries, Squalo, being a clean freak he is about them, gets hysterical, leaving to watch them again.
“You okay, babyboy?”, you look at him with all the desperation in your eyes.
“The fuck you say-“
You stroke his wet hair as you pass by, just to see a bunch of white strand stay between your fingers…way too much to be healthy.
“You sure you’re okay?”
Squalo doesn’t even respond, getting so uncharacteristically quiet and pale as a chalk you could believe it’s an impostor.
You smile awkwardly as you sense a faint smell of soy sauce. “You…smell nice”.
And you are unironically terrified as Squalo still looks at you completely silent with an empty void in his eyes.
“It’s fine, I’ll help you wash them this time”, you kiss his cheek, absolutely not implying Squalo is surprisingly pretty shit at taking care of his hair. “You just need a vacation to relax”.
“Yeah, I should consider this”, he presses his cheek to yours.
“You are vacuuming the floor today though”.
Squalo screams in your ear and feels guilty after since you didn’t hear anything for three days.
•”As if I could forget your birthday.”
•”I was looking forward to seeing you all week.”
You know Squalo is busy, to say the least. And you knew what you’re getting into with him, no way you are trying to blame him…But it still stings a little bit, knowing he is away on a mission, mixed with a never ending fear in the back of your mind that you can never see him again.
You jump at a metallic dinging in the door interrupting a suffocating silence, and run straight to it after hearing loud cursing you know all too well.
Squalo is disheveled. You don’t even think about presents and all that triviality when he is beaten up, battered, his hair dirty and all over his face and so out of breath.
He smashes the door loudly behind him, leans against it and tiredly sighs.
“Did you come here right after the mission?”, you can’t help but smile widely.
Squalo smirks and chuckles, “As if I could forget your birthday”.
You almost throw yourself in him, pretty sure he would fall if not for the door, and Squalo hugs you tightly in return, almost suffocatingly tight.
“I was looking forward to seeing you all week”, and he sounds so….quiet, as if shy.
Squalo is glad you keep hugging him and bury your nose in the crook of his neck, because he doesn’t want you to see his way too happy and lovesick smile.
• “Your eyes are so blue.”
Squalo is very loud and actually very chatty but still very…distant. Even for you, which makes you anxious often enough. He always needs alone time for a bit and you can hear metallic sounds - even resting and “clearing his head” for Squalo requires something useful to do, and obviously what can he enjoy more than his swords?
But sometimes he’s just…silent. You can swear he just looks at nothing and smokes way too much again, and you can’t remember how it resolves, because by the times Squalo “returns” you are asleep, and in the morning usual Superbia is back on track.
“You’re not sleeping”
“Yeah…” you know getting up for work in the morning will be a bit of a problem but here we are. And maybe it would be better to stick to your usual schedule than seeing him…like this. Because your heart aches.
Squalo has his hair all over, and it was supposed to be a ponytail somewhere in the morning. He smells like tobacco so much, and his eyes are red from being awake for so long. Hell, he even doesn’t have his prosthesis on, which is a huge thing for Squalo - he has some shtick, not letting anyone see him without a “missing part”.
“You okay?”
“You sure?”
Squalo eyes dart right through you, but all he does in return is bite his lips, not answering.
“I just…though I could help”, you sound almost scared and meek, not knowing how far is too far. “Your eyes are so blue”.
You do not have the courage to look at him and the continuing silence is scary. What is surprising is that Squalo just….looks at you with eyes open wide and very stupidly confused.
“My eyes are grey”.
“That’s not what I mean, you dummy”.
“Then why should they be blue?”
In two minutes regular Superbia is back and you regret this, because he is screaming at the top of his lungs that “being blue” sounds fucking stupid and shouldn’t exist.
But next time Squalo inevitably becomes too depressed and uncertain in his life he is sure to hint you that…he thinks his eyes are blue. Just a bit.
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travelergarnett · 2 years
SAGAU!Frustrated reader x Genshin team
Writing this out of frustration because I kept lagging on the spiral abyss and I cuss out and yeet my phone on my bed because my Zhongli died 😭🤧 also I’m ganna put the team I was using earlier, really not sure how they all worked out well because I just yeet them in a team but ya know 😭
Spiral Abyss
Floor 10
Chamber 3
Your tempter is running thin, your brows knitted together and your jaw clenching, you were aggressively clicking your screen in hopes to switch characters to make a combo, but nope your ping is red as diluc’s hair and the amount of damage your team is getting while trying to survive the current floor. You managed to get pass the floors but when it’s about to go to the next floor your ping went to the oh so beautiful 999 out of frustration you began cussing and as if you were scolding them oh your poor team was getting nervous about it, until Zhongli died and soon enough you tried to get pass it using wanderer but he died midair too, because of the floating electro cicin mages and you range quit closing the app without your usual walk and sitting them down by the usual bench in sumeru before logging off. (Yeah I do that all the time since they deserved a nice rest)
When you range quit team POV (I’m ganna put my team ehe)
Zhongli he was trembling and hugging his knees while he is sitting by the anemo statue you left them in windrise, since his death on that floor made your range quit not to mention because he is your protector, the shield man the meteor man!! Who gets the job done but he was now questioning himself if he is worthy of such fine artifacts that you have given him, the artifacts that you worked hard on getting because the drops are sh*t, he was mostly gloomy
Wanderer (Seiki) the poor boy was standing there with a gloomy face since he felt like he disappointed you, you just got him to level 10 friendship too, he might start an argument with the former Geo archon tho blaming him on if he didn’t die their creator won’t have left upset, and there they are arguing-
Barbara she is crying while being comforted by kazuha and Hu Tao, well she was doing well as a healer on the 1st team and she was confused on why you suddenly left so she was praying and crying on the anemo statue
Hu Tao she was doing well on dealing great damage, so she knows she is doing well but she is starting to think on why you ranged quit, she did noticed that their movements are quite good and all but the mobs are getting stuck, not dying easily the health bar not moving and their damage numbers aren’t showing, “maybe there is something wrong with our creators connection? Don’t worry guys!! They will return!” She confidently said
Diluc, he being the first five star (yes bb diluc is my first five star uwu) he had experienced this quite a lot actually, also being the creator’s first triple crowned it won’t be a surprise on how he takes pride on such fact, “yes they will return soon, this happens a lot. Let’s not fret and wait for their return let us understand that they do not want to pour their anger to us so they left.” he tried to calm the others down
Kazuha and Xingqu were sitting next to Albedo who are just a little gloomy after all that but hearing diluc’s explanation they felt relieved knowing that they aren’t the ones to blame for you quitting out of nowhere. Zhongli and Wanderer stopped their bickering and just sat down waiting for your return hoping that once you return you’re calm and not be angry anymore, they all looked up the gloomy skies as they eagerly waited for your gentle sunny presence again.
“Hey Diluc”
“Yes Seiki?”
“I’m still the favorite” he smirks proudly
“Time for-“
“Bow your head-“
“This is order!”
From afar they can see a meteor crashing down and people screaming-
To be continued-
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 139. brb x oc
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a/n:just hoping this hellsite doesn't make me even more anxious uwu(reblogs and comments are supper encouraged <3)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @dhwanishah09 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva
His hand was so big around hers that Beatrice felt like his palm just swallowed it naturally, like a huge fish eating its dinner. He was holding her hand as the two watched tv, his thumb rubbing the length of her fingers as Nicole sat in front of them - with Jolene keeping her upright and the other two dogs on either side of her, creating a huge canine wall - eyes wide and mouth open.
They weren’t watching something too intense, they were just watching whatever random show was good enough for them all to enjoy. Beatrice leans her cheek on his shoulder, then looks from the window back to Rooster with her brows rising, “You are very touchy today.”
She laughs, nodding her head to their conjoined hands. Her husband’s eyes drop towards where she was directing and he huffs a chuckle, scratching the side of his face bashfully, “What?I can’t touch my wife?”
“You can always touch your wife.” she whispers, kissing his pouty lips, “But you hadn’t let go of me the whole morning…and it’s our second day here. So…anything on your mind?”
“There are some things but,” he licks his lips and looks away from her, “Nikki is right here so I better keep those to myself.” and he finishes it with a wink and a smirk that if she wasn’t already seated, she’d fall on her ass because how can someone be so handsome? Beatrice smiles at him because she’s glad to see him relaxed.
Yesterday was good, they went to the cemetery and Rooster got back without his nerves getting the best of him. He was…okay and happy and he looked like he couldn’t ask for anything better, and she was elated to see him like that.
Because she worried about him, she wanted him to be okay…and he was. “Okay, fine.” she chuckles, playfully shoving his shoulder only for her husband to grab her hand and kiss the inside of her wrist - purposefully blowing a raspberry against her skin and making her laugh, trying weakly to tug her arm away,”Nooo, let me go!” he does it again and this time she’s almost crying from laughter, “Stoooop!!Rooster!!!”
“Say you love me.” he mutters, “And I might.”
“Of course i love you-sTOP!” she wriggles a bit, neither their daughter or the dogs appeared to care on what they were doing, too interested on how hippopotamuses were quick under the water to pay attention to them, “Bradley Nicholas, if you don’t stop-!!”
He wraps his arms around her waist suddenly, then brings her up to his chest so he could kiss her cheeks all over and hug her close to him, “You said you’d let me go if I said I loved you.”
“Did I? I don’t recall that.” 
She laughs however, rubbing his face, “You look…really happy.”
“I am happy,gorgeous.” he smirks, pressing their foreheads together with a gentle sigh leaving his lips, “I really am. Coming here with you and Nikki and the dogs,” he adds the last part because Eleanor barks in confusion when he speaks, “Has been…really good…I’m just glad our life is going well.”
Beatrice blinks at him, still touching his face and then smiling, “Well,I’m glad too…but what brought this up?”
Rooster looks at her for a few seconds, then leans back against the couch, “...I was thinking about my parents…about my dad. I…I’m a higher rank than he was, I managed this and sometimes I wonder if he’d want to get farther from now.”
Beatrice noticed that…they never talked about his dreams within the Navy, she just assumed that he’d do it when ready since talking about his job could be very tiring and he’d much prefer to talk about her or Nikki…or the dogs, “What comes after Lieutenant?”
“Oh,like Ashley Williams.” he frowns his brows and gives her a confused look, “...from…from Mass Effect- a-anyway,go on.”
“...I was just thinking about it. Would my dad want to go beyond? Would he want to be…commander? Or even Admiral?” he frowns, “Mav hates the idea, he wants to stay Captain for…as long as he can, he says if he can remain like that he’s happy.”
Bradley sighs, “I don’t know, I don’t think Mav likes…positions of power. He is okay guiding people and teaching people, but when I asked him if he’d be an admiral, he looked at me like I was crazy.” 
Beatrice blinks, playing with her fingers and then chewing her lower lip, “How about you? Would you want to be an admiral?”
Rooster pauses, rubbing the side of his face and thinking, thinking hard because his brows furrowed. Then his brown irises dropped to her stomach,then Nikki’s little body on the carpet and back to Beatrice’s eyes, “When I was younger…yes,I’d love that.”
“...I want to be with you.” he says sweetly, “I want to see our kids grow up. I…I am okay being deployed,Bea.I’m okay with it, but I know there’ll be a time that Nikki and the twins will go from children to college age kids and I’ll miss it…and I guess I’ll see how things will go then.”
Beatrice blinks at him again, surprised - but not really - at his answer, “...really?”
“Baby,I love my job.” he smirks, “I love it.I’m great at what I do…but if there’s a time when I have to choose between you and the Navy, I’ll always choose you.”
She felt all the air leave her lungs because…well,that was very unexpected. But she shouldn’t be so surprised when it comes to Rooster anymore, he was always very vocal how much they meant to him. Somehow there was a mix of emotions inside of her, part of her immediately started blaming herself because of that, his choice, the goblin voice cackling and making itself known in the back of her brain trying to play this off as her removing his own ideas. “...oh.”
“No,no,it’s just…well, you-you love what you do.”
“I do. But I love you guys more…besides,” he chuckles softly, “Maybe I’ll manage it, who knows but for now the choice is made. I’ll stay within the Navy until I feel I can…then,we’ll see what happens.”
“Would you want to become Admiral?” he sputters a laugh, “What?’
“I don’t know if I’d have the patience.” he laughs, twiddling with his wedding ring, “Like I said, it all depends on how things will go,gorgeous. I’m not worried.” he leans back even more against the couch, stretching his torso and some of his happy trail peeks from under his dark brown sweater, her eyes flicking from it to his face before notices it. He notices how quiet she is and moves his eyes towards her, “Oh no,baby don’t cry.” she sniffles, bringing one of her sleeves to wipe her tears, “Oh, gorgeous, no, it’s okay, why are you crying?”
She sniffles again, letting him put her on his lap and kiss her forehead, “B-Because you are sweet! That’s why!” was her muffled response when she buries her face on his shoulder, “You are too sweet,Roos.You really are…and-and for you to say that-!!! How am I supposed to react?”
His heart melted over her words, closing his eyes in a painfully happy expression because Beatrice truly was the kindest soul he would ever meet, “Gorgeous,it’s okay.” he chuckles against her hair, the air moving a few strands before he leans back to look at her face, wiping her eyes the best he could, “You okay?”
“I’m okay,” another sniffle, “I just…I’m surprised a bit but not really? Because it’s you and I know you…a lot.”
“You do.”
“And I know that you never break your promises.’ she smiles sweetly, ‘...you are just incredible like that.” now it was his turn to look flustered, his cheeks flushing just the tiniest bit before he kisses her temple, bristles of his growing beard gently brushing against her skin, “It’s true.”
“I’m honored you think like that.” he coos again, nuzzling her head with his eyes closed, “When you are the incredible one here.”
“We’ll go back and forth with this.”
“I mean, yeah.”
They shared a laugh, like two teenagers who just started dating, her head still buried on the crook of his shoulder and his arms around her waist,his lips touching her scalp. Nicole, who finally looked away from the running cheetahs on the tv, turned her head to face her parents, gurgling a laugh. Her little body turned, she was turning around on her own! And she held herself on Jolene to stay on her knees.
The pitbull lifted her head to keep her snout on her little back in case she tumbled, and the siblings were on high alert when their mother moved, “Aaa!” she made grabby hands towards her parents, kicking her tiny legs when Rooster picked her up one handed, making ‘swoosh’ noises as he balanced her on top of his head then settled her between the two. “Buuhh pprrbh!”
“I know, mama and dada had to have a chat.” Rooster smiles, letting Nicole touch his face and the growing bristles on his cheeks, completely surprised at that. “That’s my beard,birdie. Dada is gonna shave in a few days- mmrh!” he sputters when Nicole just slaps his lips with her tiny hand, the sting was minimal but present enough to make him wince, “Ow!”
“You okay?” Beatrice was trying her best not to laugh, but was failing miserably, “Nikki, don’t hit dada like that- oh my god your lips are so red.” she even checks Nicole’s hand to see if her own hand was in the same way,but of course it wasn’t. It was just as soft as usual. “Nikki, we don’t hit dada…are you okay,Roos?”
He licks his lips with a frown, “My mouth is warm, ow.” he laughs because what else was there to do? “Damn, our baby girl has a strong arm, holy shit. She’s going to be a great baseball player when she’s older…Is it bad?”
“I can see her little handprint on your lower lip.” she snorts quietly, “But it’s gotten better…it’s not so…vibrant.”
“Baby girl, you listen here.” he picks Nicole from Beatrice’s hands and tries to be serious, furrowing his brows and frowning at her, “You can’t hit me like that,” their daughter gives him a gummy grin with the tiniest bit of teeth appearing, “Don’t you think that cute smile is going to make this situation easy for you,missy.” she laughs this time, kicking her legs. “...damn I’m just too weak when it comes to you two, I forgive you.” he engulfs Nicole in a hug and kisses her head over and over.
Beatrice watches with a smile, sitting on her knees as she…rethinks everything that he said minutes before. She was so…honored? Would that be the right word? Honored to have that thrown her way…but she couldn’t help the next question that came out of her mouth, “Roos.” she begins, “I want you to know I’ll support you in any way.”
Her husband looks away from Nikki to face her, arching his brow, “Huh?”
“I just want you to know that. Okay? You know you have my full support on whatever you want to do.” she still felt that little guilt monster climbing it’s way up her spine, but she ignored it the best she could, “That’s all.”
But Rooster could read her way too well by now. In fact…he just sat up on the couch with Nicole on his lap, his lips no longer red or swollen as he stared at Beatrice with his eyes fond, “...are you blaming yourself?” his knowing tone makes Beatrice immediately avoid his stare, “You don’t have to.”
“I know, it’s just the goblin in my head is thriving right now.”
He smirks, scooting closer to her while still holding Nicole, kissing her forehead, “You are okay. You are sweet.” their foreheads touch, “And you are kind, so kind baby…kind enough to make the angriest person love you…which means Cyclone would adore you.” Beatrice hadn’t met Evelyn’s father beyond their wedding day, but she laughed at his comment nonetheless, earning another kiss on the tip of her nose, “But really, it’ll be alright. I’m going to go as far as I can go…I’m not gonna think,I’ll just do.”
“You said that before.” she whispers, “Sounds like something Mav would say.”
“And it was.” he explains, “When we went to that mission, the one I told you about, he said just that to me. And that’s how we…managed it I guess…I’ve been using that a lot now, ever since then. Hell I used it before I asked you out.”
“...you did?”
“Baby, you were crying, you were scared and worried and the more I thought about what I could do the more I noticed that nothing I thought about could help…and that’s why I asked you out, because I wanted to do it. And I did it…and you said yes.” he smiles.
“...so I need to thank Mav for you taking the initiative?”
“....in a way.”
“You know I might use that for me.Sometimes I think…too much, my anxiety has gotten better but it can get bad.”
“I know,” he smiles, kissing her temple, nuzzling her hair after, “You did get a lot better, gorgeous. You are still the sweet, shy, loving girl I fell in love with…but now you have more confidence and that is really nice.” he smirks then, his eyes glinting with the promise of something, “...anyway! What do you think about us leaving the cabin a bit? It stopped snowing.”
“Oh, it did.’ she concludes once she looks at the window, “Well, where would we go? And we’d have to take Nikki.”
“I know a place,I used to go there all the time with my mom and I looked up, it’s still standing.” he smiles, adjusting Nicole on his lap, “We can keep the dogs here and you know, have some family time.”
Beatrice’s smile widened the more he spoke, then she nodded with her cheeks flushed red, “Okay. I like the idea…so we’d have lunch there then? Since it’s,” and she flips her phone to face her, “Almost eleven thirty.”
“We’d take around…thirty-five minutes to get there.” he says, “So yeah, pretty much.”
Beatrice grins at him, leaning close to kiss his lips sweetly but soundly, then kissing their daughter’s head “I’ll be right back, wait for me?”
“Oh, gorgeous.” he winks, “Always.”
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whisper-and-tangle · 8 months
THIS SONG IS V ESPILVER CORE ;. METHINKS ! !^_^^ <-HIYA its ya local philip labes gal :3c
Our job's a lot to juggle, the economy's a struggle - Espio & The Chaotix struggling with rent, and the high amount of jobs they have to take due to being like. Some of the only detectives nearby methinks fsdklfgsdfg.:3c
So we cuddle through the chilly winter nights - Espio, furless, hugging Silver, covered in fluff and v warm<33 ! !^_^^ to be less chilly inthe winter<333 UwU
Seems the bank won't take romance in lieu of an advance
And our love doesn't power all the lights - Despite their love for one another, Espio and Silver are still separated. Silver's future is still (usually) ruined, and they are frequently separated by time. Their love won't power the lights, nor will it power the light they need to find one another again- Though they will always find one another, even in the darkness- No matter what.
Some people have everything Born with a silver spoon <- The lives of others in comparison to Espio and Silver- Silver being born in an apocalyptic future, and Espio/the Chaotix dealing with money struggles.
But those folks don't have everything They ain't got you <-thisis . self explanatory fsdjfgsdjflgk. They don't have Espio or Silver. Though, this could also represent how not everyone in Espio's time would know Silver, due to him usually being in the future. Even if they have more financially than Espio, they'll never have someone like Silver- And Silver is worth more to Espio than any money.
Our TV gets no channels, and our radio's a brick And our ice cream melted in the sun and we don't care a lick Just our luck, the oven's stuck, we burnt the apple pie <- Silver's future being hellish and difficult to live in.
But it's always hunky dory, when it's just you and I - Even though Silver goes through alot, Espio will always reassure him. Everything's hunky dory when they're together- Because they'll fix things, and help eachother, together.
The to-dos are getting longer, the pollutions getting stronger - Silver's ruined future, and Espio's struggle with so many detective cases.
And our bills are in a pile by the door - The Chaotix are avoiding taxes and the IRS.
So we put all our quarters in a jam jar for the laundry
And our dreams at the bottom of a drawer
Some people have a diamond ring And eyes in a diamond hue <- Once again, other's lives in comparison to Espio and Silver.
But those folks don't have everything They don't get to look at you <- Most people would've likely not seen Silver, imo, due to him being in the future (i might b wrong tho fskjfgsdlkfg :3c.). Espio is an exception, though, getting to see Silver. Also nobody in the future seeing Espio- Seeing the ruins of Chaotix detective agency, seeing what Espio had left behind- But never seeing him, whilst Silver is an exception, seeing Espio alive and (usually) healthy.
So the neighbors wear fine linen we wear polyester blend
And the only place our car can drive us is around the bend
Just our luck, that's our last buck, but we don't ever cry 'Cause it's awfully hunky dory, when it's just you and I <-Silver and Espio getting through it together. Struggling together, but being happy nevertheless because they actually get to be together- A rare thing, for lovers separated by time itself.
But eventually reality sets in like the night When you need more than a buddy to muddle through this life And you'll find someone more practical to get ya through the grey <- Silver and Espio both fighting Eggman's forces and saving the world on occassions, whilst dealing with their own personal issues, and helping eachother through it.
And you'll hold on to the memories, until they fade away - Espio eventually dying, and Silver being in the future without him- Only having his memories, if he can remember- And he'll do his best to do so.
And we didn't have forever, but we had today - Silver and Espio never having long to see eachother, due to Silver frequently returning to the future. They never have much time together, but the time they did spend meant alot.
And for the price that's awfully nice - The price of the future/present being in danger or harmed when Silver returns to the present to save the future, allowing him to see Espio. It's a heavy price but the silver (;3c) lining of it is that they can see eachother again.
So call it too pragmatic, call it conscience, call it greed
Both of us had nothing, but had everything we need - Neither of them had much, but they had everything they needed. Silver had hope, he had friends, he had a way to see blue skies even if it was a rare sight to see, and he had Espio. Espio had family, he had friends, he had people who cared about him and people he cared about, and he had Silver.
Just our luck, the clock just struck, looks like we're outta time It was awfully hunky dory, when it was you and I <- Silver and Espio being separated by time once again, Silver returning to a future where Espio is dead and Espio being left in the present without Silver. They're out of time, but their short time together meant so much. It was okay, just because they were together, for once.
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rubistella · 4 months
𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐃𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐄𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧?
Bold = Applies. Italics = Sometimes applies. Strikethrough = Applies under extreme circumstances.
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𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒: being unable to stop smiling. laughter. bear hugs. happy tears. waving arms around. dancing. contently sighing. eyes twinkling. laughter lines. childlike playfulness. skipping. talking more. affection. cracking more jokes than usual. gesturing more when talking. higher pitched voice. squealing. jumping around. clapping.
𝐒𝐀𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒: tearing up. self-hugging. one-arm cross. an aching chest. scratchy throat. a runny nose. turning away. deep breaths. quivery smiles. crying. infantile sobbing. hands gripping each other or an object. covering mouth. puffy eyes. eyes appear red. voice breaking. a distant or empty stare. monotone voice. asking for comfort. faking a smile. crumbling. shaking. whimpering. depression. abusing an unhealthy habit. withdrawing from others. big teary eyes. doing something even if it could hurt them.
𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑: furrowed brows. baring teeth. passive-aggressive comments. avoiding eye contact. sarcasm. headache. sore muscles. hiding clenched fists. irritability. jumping to conclusions. raising voice. going silent. demanding immediate action. keeping it all in until exploding. body tensing. making risky decisions. middle finger.
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𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐑: wanting to flee or hide. what-ifs. images of what-could-be flashing in mind. uncontrollable trembling. rapid breathing. screaming. a skewed sense of time. irritability. keeping silent. denying fear. turning away from the cause. pretending to be brave. nail-biting. lip-biting. scratching skin. a joking tone but a voice that cracks. fainting. insomnia. panic attacks. exhaustion. substance abuse. tics. rushing adrenaline. face draining of color. hair lifting on the back of the neck. feeling rooted to the spot. making body as small as possible. staring but not seeing. crying. a shrill voice. whispering. gripping something or someone. stuttering. flinching at noises. pleading.
𝐄𝐗𝐇𝐀𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: constantly yawning. blurring words together. dark circles or lines under eyes. mood swings. hallucinations. calling people by the wrong name. dizziness. denying they’re tired. slow blinking. trouble concentrating. stumbling. leaning on a doorframe for support. sluggish movements. falling asleep someplace that isn’t a bed. becoming irritated by the smallest things. “i’m awake, i’m fine.” shaking so bad they spill their drink. falling asleep in their clothes. laying their head on the table because they’re so tired. passing out.
Tagged by: @radiomurdeer insisted that i do this (thanks uwu) Tagging: @infernaliscor, @windwithinmyveins, @chatcambrioleur, @arcanecast (both gale and caleb), and anyone who wants to do this!
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feyre-darling92 · 2 years
I am here. I listen.
Cassian Andor x reader
A/N: This is just a stressful period for me and I really can’t cope and everything is just a mess so I wrote this because this is my only comfort, sorry if it sucks.
Also, I want to say something important. Eveyone’s problem is important. No matter how serious it is, no matter how easily it can be solved, for them it might be too serious. So please listen to them. Don’t tell them that it’s nothing serious. And vice versa. If you have a problem please talk to someone about it. No matter how serious it is. Don’t keep it inside.
You can send me anytime if you want someone to talk. I am here and I promise I will try my best to help you.
T/W: anxiety, angst, uh sad?? I can’t think right now, let me know if I miss anything.
Word Count: 565
Taglist: @stanny-uwu​ , @hollymac79​ ,  @triumph-of-form-over-content​ ,  @michelle-l-a-k ,  @lovepeaceorelse​  
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The last month was shit.
You had worked too much, you had gone on a mission that was a close call, you had been yelled at because you messed up with a plan and your anxiety had reached its peaks but you couldn’t do anything because you were sent to another mission.
This day though was the worst.
You had just returned, the mission had failed. And as if this wasn’t enough, two members of the team were seriously injured. It was your fault. It was clearly your fault, you didn’t say it was an ambush and didn’t have the time to run.
You were in your room, curled up in a corner because your thoughts wouldn’t caml down.You wanted to scream, cry, and ask for help but it was worthless.
It was worthless because every time you asked for help everyone told you the same. That you’re a grown-up and everything is in your head. Everything is in your mind and you should be the one to fix it, not ask for help.
That it wasn’t anything worth asking help for.
That everyone had more serious problems.
And in the end, you believed so yourself.
A knock on your door put you out of your thoughts. You got up and took a deep breath before walking to the door and opening it.
“Are you ok?” Cassian asked worriedly when he saw you.
“Fine. Just a little tired” You replied with a tired smile. You were tired but not from the mission.
“Alright” he kissed you on the forehead,
“We need you for the report”
You followed him, hand tightly holding his, maybe too tightly, but even if he noticed he didn’t say anything.You stopped before the door.“
Are you sure you’re ok? We can do this later” he asked again. He could tell that you weren’t fine but didn’t want to pressure you to talk.
“Let’s just get this done. Better now than later” you sighed and entered the room
“You’re dismissed”
At the sound of these words, you just ran away from the room. You almost broke down in the middle of the report.
You walked fast, trying to breathe when you heard a voice from behind you “Y/N, wait!”
Cassian had followed you till here.
“Just leave me alone, Cassian” your voice was shaky and the first tears had already fallen.
“Please, just talk to me” he begged and you turned to face him.
“You won’t listen! No one listen’s to me!” you sobbed and took a step back. “Everyone keeps telling me that it’s my fault but it’s not! It’s not! These are my thoughts but no one listens!” you were yelling but you didn’t care.
Cassian let you talk, let you scream and cry because he knew that all you wanted was to tell someone who will actually listen. And he did.
“They don’t listen” you broke down crying and he slowly approached you and gently wrapped his arms around you, “I am here” he whispered, “I listen”
You hugged him back, actually held onto him as if you were afraid that you’d lose him.“I am sorry” you muttered after a few minutes, your face buried in his chest, “I am sorry”
“You have nothing to be sorry about, sweetheart” he kissed the top of your head, “I am here” he repeated, “And I will listen to whatever you want to tell me”
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weird-dere · 3 months
OK @rukkhashavaaa the yapping begins >:3
In response to this post in which you put these tags:
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I love this actually uwu.
Not genuine enemies to lovers, but probably me lowkey mistaking it as so.
Like don't get me wrong, from when I very first met him, I could tell Ichigo was a good guy. I knew he had a good heart.
But like trying to get close to him was a little scary at times? Maybe it was the smolder he was always wearing. And he didn't say a whole lot when he was around me.
I still treated him like everyone else, and was very cordial with him, but inside my heart would be always be racing like crazy. And after our interactions are over I am always just overthinking things and cringing at awkward parts (or at least what I perceived to be).
Also seeing him beat some ass was cool, and especially relieving if he was doing it to protect me in some instance, but also HOW MANY PEOPLE DID HE HAVE TO BEAT UP IN THE PAST TO GET THAT GOOD? I chose to believe that he would never hurt anyone that didn't deserve it, but y'know sometimes the mind wandered.
Anyways the way he acted around me, sometimes short with me, sometimes semi ignoring me, made me think he didn't like me despite my efforts to slowly become friends.
But I couldn't have been more wrong bc he was being weird CUS HE IS ACTUALLY A SHY LITTLE GUY AND LIKES ME A LOT BUT DOESNT KNOW WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT.
Everyone in his circle promises he actually thinks pretty highly of me, but it's hard for me to see cus he isn't normal about it lmao, and maybe a part of me is convinced he just wouldn't like me bc black woman vs japanese beauty standards perhaps who knows.
One day the gang invites me out to eat with them and I accept. Somehow I end up sitting next to him and we're all sharing yakisoba.
We both somehow don't realize we are chewing on a shared noodle and no one else there decides to stop what happened.
I am zoning out at the moment, and ichi is in his own head next to me a little bit. So as we turn to eachother our brains aren't braining. And then our lips touch and we freeze. Our eyes shoot to one another's and we just stare, shocked.
Our brains finally catch up, and we both quickly pull apart, apologizing, blushing messes. I want the ground to swallow me whole, and he is just dying.
The rest of the hangout goes fine, but we're both very shy about being around each other.
The next week, I receive a text from him asking if we could talk sometime. My heart beat quickens, my face warms, but I accept despite my fears and we schedule a date and time. And when we next meet is when he tells me how he feels about me.
Once he's finished what he had to say, I start crying. I'm happy, relieved; I almost can't believe it.
He lowkey starts going panic mode when seeing my tears but when I hug him, he relaxes. And I tell him I feel the same.
And then our story begins <3
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a-bucket-of-trash · 1 year
Soldier’s Princess – Kelvin x Female Reader – Part 1/2?
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Sequel from Extra Baggage 
Prompt: Love blossomed on the island. Soldier K's new mission: Fatherhood (Sorry but Kelvin taking care to a baby is something I need to express LET ME EXPRESS MY FEELINGS)
Tags: daddy kelvin uwu, fluff, a little angst to spicy
So many months on the island of demons brought the relationship between your mercenary bad-tempered and Kelvin's loyal deafness to a new level. At first you could barely tolerate his brain-injured uselessness, but he was too helpful and sweet to you be completely immune to his constant smile, and you slowly grew accustomed to him, softening your ways in the process. Falling in love was a matter of time, and after several months of relationship between trees and stars, the expected happened. Pregnancy. But that blessed Timmy showed up when you were eight months pregnant. You were never so happy to get on a helicopter.
But things were not so easy once back in civilization. The military base that had originally offered Kelvin for the mission, held him as if he were contaminated with hazardous material and treated him as if he were the enemy, questioning him, interrogating him for hours, locking him up for weeks with questionable medical care, until they were satisfied, only to take him to the base’s hospital and treat him, preventing him from going out or receiving visitors.
You too were questioned, by officers and lawyers who pointed out how much you had to keep quiet if you didn't want various bad things to happen. And in all that time, you couldn't see Kelvin, not once, even if you begged and asked.
Your delivery was lonely, far from your hometown, with no friends around, no family, no Kelvin, but at least you had given birth to a completely healthy baby girl, and you thanked the heavens that the military hadn't thought of taking her to do analysis.
They were a few difficult months for you, returning home, with your baby, trying to avoid questions, with some acquaintances unable to understand how you, with how strict and efficient you were at work, had made that mistake. But what was done was done. What hurt you the most was not being without Kelvin, which in itself burned your soul, but hearing your acquaintances judge the absent father, without knowing the details. You knew how the military bases worked, you speculated what had happened to him.
The doorbell of your house rang on that cool afternoon. You stopped what you were doing to open the door slightly, with the latch on, just in case. Your heart skipped a dozen beats and you rushed to open it completely, hugging that brown-eyed man who smiled at you like never before in his life.
You barely murmured a “Kelvin” before you started crying hard, clinging to him, listening to him cry as much as you did, both of you staying in an exaggeratedly long hug, recovering the soul that had been left out of his chest.
“G-god… Kelvin…” You took his face to look at him, worried and relieved in equal measure, searching his moist eyes “H-how are you? How do you feel? What did they do to you? Are you okay?" You wiped his cheeks “How's your head? And your ears?
"Honey..." He smiled, touched, somewhat emotional. You had always been somewhat overprotective of him and obviously you hadn't lost that "I'm fine... C-calm down... We'll talk a-about it later..." He looked more into your eyes, serious "Sorry I c-couldn't be there... they... p-p-prohibited all contact..."
"I suspected it... Calm down... You're here now..." Your voice was softly muffled by those tender lips that had settled firmly against yours.
It was a kiss that tasted of reunion and relief, of need and union, long and close, gently embraced.
"I love you... I missed you so much" You caressed his cheeks, losing yourself in his eyes "I needed to see this face..."
"And I to you, my love..." He gently rubbed your back, although his eyes widened, drifting, listening to the babbling and sounds of a baby.
"Do you want to see her?" You asked softly, taking his hand, watching him nod.
"Her?" He stuttered, walking into your house with you.
"Mhm." You smiled, closing the door. "Sophie is by the couch."
"S-sophie?" He looked at you, his eyes wet.
“You said at the time what names you wanted to give them if was a boy or a girl. And well, you have good taste, so I chose the one you had said "You took his arm to lead him through the room.
You saw him stay as still as a statue, standing, looking at the seven-month-old baby who was sitting on cushions, shaking a doll. He fixed his eyes on her, seeing her pastel-toned clothes, her rather black hair, her large rosy cheeks and those brown eyes that seemed to be a reflection of his. Sophie had an exaggerated resemblance to himself.
Kelvin watched you reach down, pick her up in her arms, and come back to him.
"Sophie, look who's here..." You said to her, delicately "It's dad... Daddy came to meet you"
The fact that your voice sounded somewhat broken by the emotion of the moment did not help the soldier, who began to cry loudly.
"I'm sorry! I put you... t-through so much…a-alone!” He cried, trying in vain to wipe his eyes “You s-suffered... the worst, b-because of me… I will never f-forgive myself for that. Never!
"It's your problem, it was never your fault for me" You combed him gently "Calm down, honey..."
"Can I…?" He held out his hands to the baby.
He you gave her to him, smiling, watching him hold her carefully, kissing her head, still crying.
"Hello b-beautiful... hello... It's me, dad" He sobbed, looking at her face "You're so, so b-beautiful, b-beautiful like your... mother... Don't worry... dad isn't going... to leave you again, okay? You are m-my treasure… ” He saw her laugh, which made him cry and laugh at the same time“ G-god… I love you, I love you so much, my Sophie… ”
"If before you had the face of someone who would be a good father..." You tenderly kissed his shoulder while you lovingly combed his hair "Now even more"
"I'm going to give... it my all, I swear" He looked at you, with decision charged in his eyes "I still h-have some things and p-p-paperwork to do, but I won't leave anymore... I've already d-discharged from the military, I'm going... to move in with you, to take care of to our d-d-daughter"
"And me" You joked.
“And you, e-e-especially you…” He used his free arm to hug you.
"Oh" You saw the hearing aid in his left ear "Is your hearing still bad?"
"The right one is... a-almost like new, but yes... the left one is still q-quite deaf... I guess it will take l-longer" He kissed both of your heads.
"Your head?" You rubbed his chest.
“A few things here... and there, a little bit of t-trauma, s-sometimes c-confusing long words, h-headache... still having a hard time... s-saying long s-s-sentences without getting s-stuck, you know, things to be e-expected… But I'm fine… N-nothing to stop me from l-loving you... and taking care of my little p-princess”
"God, you're so adorable" You took his cheeks to kiss him hard "You have no idea how much I missed you, my bear"
"And I you..." He kissed you softly, although he was startled because Sophie had given him a clumsy slap on the cheek, which made you laugh "Aha... S-strong, just like your mother"
You knew that everything would be fine from now on. The family that you had miraculously formed on the island was there.
Part 2
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New penpal chapter, time to scream again.
I don't even know how to articulate how good this chapter was. I am just mentally frothing at the mouth and crying uncontrollably at the same time /pos
I am never going to fucking get over penpal!Dream. My fucked up little sheep boy <3 my precious baby girl. I love him so much. I want to hug him and dissect him at the same time. also I would let him drown me in a tub because damnnnn
Anyway more specific to the actual chapter, the building dread!!!!! Ahhhh it's so good I swear. Wren being paranoid Quackity and Sam are going to find her, her wanting to crush the centipedes but not being able to bring herself to, Twix rubbing up against her and Dream's legs!!! Omg all of it is just *chefs kiss*!!
Wren being drunk and leaning on Dream and Dream almost seeming conflicted but also he's commited and he fucking drowns her!!! I am going insane in the best way possible
Wren realizing she doesn't want to die but not being able to fight back!! Like ahhhhh I am screaming
And then the almost bitter sweet calmness of limbo(? I think it's limbo, but it doesn't see too bad right now so that's nice)
I am once again just completely going insane about this fic I never really stopped but it's back and more tasty then ever.
Also I just had the thought that maybe limbo is nicer this time because it was supposed to be a quote on quote "peaceful" death?? Don't answer by the way I'll just be here happily in suspense
And I am so interested to see how or if Wren and Dream's relationship changes because of this, because I mean he did drown her with very dubious consent
But given them I could see Wren blaming herself and Dream just reinforcing that saying it "need to happen" or something along those lines
Anyway that's about all my thoughts and half theories. I hope you have a good rest of your day!
(also I can totally do these rambles in the AO3 comment section if you want now that guests are allowed to comment if that's better for you, but if it's not a bother I'll probably continue doing them in the askbox since I find the setup nicer to type in, but I'd be totally fine with switching if that's more convenient for you)
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I am so so flattered that you loved the chapter uwa!!
I also love reading your theories as well as analysis on my fic bc I just love seeing how people interpret what’s going on :3
And Penpal!Dream is honestly the best fucked up sheep he needs therapy but also look at him go
And honestly I love reading ur comments and analysis here since it’s easier for me to read as well as reply to! C: that and if it’s more comfortable for you here then that’s completely fine uwu but thank you so much for your kind words uwaaaaa
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ayakamiyuiii · 2 years
"I'm Sorry." P2 of "Okay."
"I'm sorry," You heard from the other end of the line, It was Osamu - Did he know this was going on? confusion strikes across your face as you fail to make something of this. "So .. You knew?" You lowly muttered, To yourself but he heard anyways. "No i- i was coming over to drop off some of Tsumu's belongings- he'd left behind- And i- i heard a women, i- it wasn't you tho, Sure didn't look like ya either." He sounded so out of breath, You couldn't help it you start sobbing all over Again "I dunno what i did osamu.." You get out through a string of sobs, "Hey hey don't- cry, Where are you ( y / n ) ? let me come to ya yeah? .." he whisper - talks, " 'kay.." you say trying not to sob more than you already have, after letting him know where you were you bring your knees up to your chest, truly wondering what went wrong, Was he really that tired of you he needed to find another women without telling you? before you could indulge more into your saddened thoughts you heard a knock on your car Window, It was Osamu - He really drove all the way here to comfort you? Opening the car door only to be greeted with a flood of apologies and reddened eyes from the other Miya himself. At this point it seemed you were both a sobbing mess " 'M so sorry ( y / n) .. 'm so sorry" he says caressing your back while you sob into his shoulder, asking him everything not even he would know the answer too, "Am i just not good enough 'samu?" You choke between the messy sobs literally and i mean literally flooding your face. Holding you by the shoulder you look into his widened eyes, "Of course 'yer good enough.. can't believe he would even wanna loose someone like ya." he says pulling you back into a comforting hug. He's sorry, he's truly sorry - He can't believe someone of his own blood would do something like that, it was out of question for Atsumu to do something like this, Yet he decides to blow up something the both of you's had worked on since high school, Pretty fucked up if yer askin' me. Lost in his own thoughts of why his stupid brother, Thought any of what he did was a good idea not realizing how hard he was hugging you " 'samu, to tight to tight" you gasp out - Finally realizing how tight he's been holding you he lets go. "What're yer gonna do now?" he questions looking into the sky, Then right back at you who seemed to be looking right at the ground, thinking to yourself where you would go and what you would do after this - Knowing how oblivious atsumu would be, He may think you don't know anything at all. "Did he say anything to you when you went to go drop off his things 'Samu?" you ask looking up from the ground, "nothin' much .. he tried lyin' his way outta this one." That hurt, He really tried lying about it? god what a dick. "Yer can stay at mine if yer wanna .. Me and Rin don't mind." You sure? .. god i don't even have my tooth brush or anything Osamu- and this is all in short notice- are you guys really going to be fi-" He cuts you off "Yer gonna be fine Me and Rin can supply you with what ya need, Yer don't gotta go through this alone, i can't let ya knowing it was ma own brother who's putting ya through this.. Please accept ma offer?" He pleads looking into your eyes. LMFAOOO HASUHADHJ ..OKAY GUYS GUYS IT'S NOT THE END, I CAN WRITE MORE OKAY!!!?! PART 3 IF U GUYS WANT YKYK?? This 'bouta turn into a poly lov story uwu You n' Osamu n' rin ...?? IDK IF U GUYS WANT THAT THO UHHHHHHHH uh lol cliffhanger 😘 Um .. so like idk how to im just uwu @darthferbert n' @multi-fandom-fanfic ... i think thats how it works and thank u sm babes uwu uh ...I PROMISE IT'S NOT THE END UNLESS MY WRITERS BLOCC COMS BCK.. 😍😍😍 also lmk what u think of polyam idk i need mental help 🤷‍♀️
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lethargic-hunter · 10 months
◟༺✧༻◞ Muse aesthetic: Feelings. ◟༺✧༻◞
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𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬. being unable to stop smiling. laughter. bear hugs. happy tears. waving arms around. dancing. contently sighing. eyes twinkling. laughter lines. childlike playfulness. skipping. talking more. affection. cracking more jokes than usual. gesturing more when talking. higher pitched voice. squealing. jumping around. clapping.
𝐒𝐚𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬. tearing up. self-hugging. one-arm cross. an aching chest. scratchy throat. a runny nose. turning away. deep breaths. quivery smiles. crying. infantile sobbing. hands gripping each other or an object. covering mouth. puffy eyes. eyes appear red. voice breaking. a distant or empty stare. monotone voice. asking for comfort. faking a smile. crumbling. shaking. whimpering. depression. abusing an unhealthy habit. withdrawing from others. big teary eyes. doing something even if it could hurt them.
𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫. furrowed brows. baring teeth. passive-aggressive comments. avoiding eye contact. sarcasm. headache. sore muscles. hiding clenched fists. irritability. jumping to conclusions. raising voice. going silent. demanding immediate action. keeping it all in until exploding. body tensing. making risky decisions. middle finger.
𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐫. wanting to flee or hide. what-ifs. images of what-could-be flashing in mind. uncontrollable trembling. rapid breathing. screaming. a skewed sense of time. irritability. keeping silent. denying fear. turning away from the cause. pretending to be brave. nail-biting. lip-biting. scratching skin. a joking tone but a voice that cracks. fainting. insomnia. panic attacks. exhaustion. substance abuse. tics. rushing adrenaline. face draining of color. hair lifting on the back of the neck. feeling rooted to the spot. making body as small as possible. staring but not seeing. crying. a shrill voice. whispering. gripping something or someone. stuttering. flinching at noises. pleading.
𝐄𝐱𝐡𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. constantly yawning. blurring words together. dark circles or lines under eyes. mood swings. hallucinations. calling people by the wrong name. dizziness. denying they’re tired. slow blinking. trouble concentrating. stumbling. leaning on a doorframe for support. sluggish movements. falling asleep someplace that isn’t a bed. becoming irritated by the smallest things. “I’m awake, I’m fine.”. shaking so bad they spill their drink. fall asleep in their clothes. lay their head on the table because they’re so tired. passing out.
Tagged by: stole this from Xue uwu Tagging: If you see this, consider yourself tagged~
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sparkledlollipops · 2 years
One thought I constantly have is how Parker tells Pops that he isn't homeless, but was abused. Parker goes to bed early the past few nights and is more sadder then usual. Pops asks Parker one night what is wrong, and says "its..nothing. I'm going to bed. Goodnight."
Pops makes Parker think that he's asleep with them, but actually stays awake in case something happens, and something does. Parker was yelling in his sleep, shaking and screaming "GET AWAY, JEREMY!!!" Pops then wakes up Parker and Parker gets fed up. This is their convo.
"Im...not homeless. But, it's something on a much more higher scale. I don't want to scare you, Popsie, I-" "Parker, please. I'm 35, I can help you." "...fine. I was abused. By a man named Jeremy Kingsbody Hart. He would rape me in my sleep, brake bottles and yell at me, fight me when he's drunk....I'm just tired. I'm scared of him, Popsie...and I keep on having a feeling he's going to kill me. He..he told me that if I told anyone this, he has ways of finding out...." "What will happen if he does..?" "He's....he's going to kill me. He said it right as I left. Im...I just....."
He then cries into Pops shoulder, yelling and gagging. Pops held Parker tight, hugging him close. He cried for almost 5 hours that night. When he was tired n snubbing, Pops began crying soft tears. "I..didn't know it was this bad, Parker...I just thought you were nervous and didn't know how to socialize." He held his hand, rubbing it with his thumb. "I promise you Parker, no one is going to hurt you no more. I will protect you, even if I get killed. And..if it helps...we can keep this a secret. Because I'm scared that the police will do absolutely jack squat." Later, when they all settled down by watching looney toons (this is when they sort of gave each other hints that they love each other. It was difficult as they both didn't know how to show it), they cuddled, and Pops held Parker close. He was still snubbing, and didn't think he could go to sleep. So then, Pops sang a quiet lullaby he got from his father, lulling Parker to sleep. Finally Pops gave him a goodnight kiss on the forehead, grabbing him even closer. "Good night..my lovely Willington."
This fanfic, if turned into a book and approved by J.G Quintel, was supposed to bring awareness about abuse and PTSD, as most fanfics and books tend to show the little parts everyone knows, when there is so much to it. A whole spectrum, basically. While I may not have PTSD, I have been groomed and physically touched by patients and some staff at the pinnacle point mental hospital here in Arkansas, and I'm tired of people romanticizing abuse as a "cute and quirky!!! UwU" type shit.
And once turned into a book, it will be released in October, as that is National Domestic Abuse Awareness month.
I hope, maybe some day, I will bring a new generation of teens and young adults back to Regular Show as it did for me.
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ichigomis · 3 years
If it's not a bother can you do a part 2 for the seeing their kids get hit with a volleyball scenario with the msby boys + oikawa? The first one was so soft and cute 😊 i think you write kyotani great if you ask me and the bonus iwa is just uwu. You don't have to do all of them if it's too much tho
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with: timeskip! sakusa, atsumu, bokuto, hinata, oikawa
notes: omg thank you nonnie ;; —fluff!
part one - part two
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❊ SAKUSA immediately runs towards his little daughter, the most worried look plastered on his face. she hiccups and sobs as she lifts her small arms to her father, a signal he is far too familiar with. and as if on queue, he takes her into his arms and lets her cry on his shoulder.
"does it hurt baby?" he asks as he pats her back, letting her know her father is right there with her. and when she gives him a little nod in between her silent cries, his heart sinks. "papa's got you, you'll be okay." he whispers, lifting her up from the floor, mind already set on leaving training early.
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❊ ATSUMU shouts his daughter's name and lets his instinct carry him towards her. without wasting a second, he scoops her up from the floor and cradles her into his arms. he quickly scans her for any possible injuries and lets out an audible sigh of relief when he sees none.
"dada's here," he mumbles, patting her little head and soothing her. he continues to let her cry on his chest, letting her know that he knows she's in pain, letting her know that her dada's got her, always.
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❊ BOKUTO lets out a booming cry as he sees his son get hit by a stray volleyball. he sprints across the court and immediately checks his son's arm, making sure he had no injuries and didn't have to be rushed to the emergency room.
"i'm fine daddy," his little son looks up at him and mumbles, obviously holding back tears as his lips tremble. the very sight of it was enough for bokuto's heart to sink as he starts to choke on his own tears.
"either way," he brings his son into a tight hug and kisses his little head, "papa's here."
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❊ HINATA drops whatever he's doing and runs towards his baby daughter. he scoops her up from the floor and frantically looks for a cold water bottle. and with nervous hands, he sits her down on a chair and presses the makeshift cold compress on the leg that the volleyball hit.
"does it hurt?" he asks her and she shakes her head, tears brimming in her eyes and biting her lip, "not anymore..." she mumbles avoiding her father's gaze. she knows that when she meets his eyes, he'll know she's lying. and it was true, for at that moment, he had already decided to clock out and tend to her for the rest of the day.
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❊ OIKAWA gasps as he sees his daughter let out a cry as a stray volleyball hits her leg. without another second, he immediately runs towards her and carries her into his arms, "papà’s here mi àngel," he whispers as he lifts her up from her seat and takes her outside the gym.
he lets her cry onto his shoulder, little hands grabbing onto his jersey, tears run down her cheeks. he hums a little lullaby as he continues to cradle her like he does every night. "papà’s always here," he whispers again, kissing her head to make sure she knows.
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p.s.: im just really crying over the thought of oikawa speaking to his baby daughter in spanish that waaaaah
rbs are appreciated! *headpats* » m. list
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doodle-nerd · 2 years
We will be married one day... || part 5 || Aladarius
Word count: 2560
Notes: Also on ao3! doodle_nerd_43 uwu
FIRST PART < - - -        PREVIOUS PART < - - -
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"You broke up with me because I wasn't telling you everything" she started. Bard felt small yet sharp pain in their heart. They already knew what she wanted to say and she was painfully right.
"But now... You also didn't tell me what was the problem. In order to protect me" she continued. "So, I guess that you understand me better now. After you got through similar kind of thing"
- - - - - - - - - -
"Show yourself!" Eda pointed at hooded person with her staff. Someone was slowly approaching The Owl House. She couldn't see that person's face, but something in their manner, way of walking, told her that it isn't a total stranger.
Witch came closer and revealed their face. Eda raised her eyebrows in shock.
"Raine?" she couldn't believe it. Were they really here? Right here, standing in front of her, after so long time of not answering any messages...
"Uhm, hi, Eda" they smiled awkwardly. She could see their hands shaking a bit. They kept clenching and unclenching their fingers, like they wanted to do something but at the same time weren't sure. After a moment of silence Eda decided to take the action and hug unexpected guest. Raine hugged her back.
"I missed you..." they whispered in her ear. The Owl Lady hugged them tighter, running her fingers through other witch's hair. For a moment she forgot about thousands of unanswered messages, hours of worrying and thinking. Her Raine was standing right there, close to her, with their arms wrapped around her waist.
"I missed you, too" she answered after few minutes. When first happiness from that meeting have been processed by her brain, rest of thoughts came back.
"Why were you ignoring me for so long? I was so worried, after what I saw during coven parade, I was sure that they brainwashed you" she was talking fast. "I couldn't stop thinking about what happened, I was worried that Kikimora or Belos hurt you, I-" Raine placed their finger on her lips.
"I'll explain everything. Just... Just let me talk, fine? Let's get inside. Hooty is staring and you know that I hate the audience" they tried to make her laugh. Eda nodded slowly.
Her head was bursting with thoughts. In a minute, she will finally get to know what happened, why and how. She couldn't wait.
When they finally sat on a couch in the living room, she couldn't sit still. She was moving her foot and bumping her fingers against her tight, staring into Raine's face.
Raine took a deep breath and exhaled, closing their eyes. It was hard for them. They knew Eda well, but despite that, they couldn't predict her reaction. Will she be mad? Will she refuse to contact them again? What if she will hate them from now on? They were filled with uncertainty and fear, which made their thoughts almost unreasonable.
"Is everything alright?" Her voice got to Raine's ears. They opened their eyes and looked at her. They had to stay quiet for a while without realising.
"Yes, it's just... I don't know where should I start" they answered. Eda placed her hand on their palm and smiled softly. They could see stress in her eyes, but yet she tried to calm them down. That was so adorable... She was a bit softer than in the past. Maybe it was because of kids?
Raine suddenly felt surprisingly sad and heavy. They couldn't see her changing, they weren't there for her for past few years, so many things happened in the meantime... How could they let this happen? They had to close their eyes again to prevent themselves from crying.
"Raine, breathe. I don't know what did you went through, but I understand if it's too much to tell at one sitting. I'm extremely curious, and well, worried, but I can wait for explanation" she said, stroking their hand with her thumb.
"No, no, you waited enough. I want to tell you everything right now" they looked her in the eyes. She nodded slowly and didn't say a thing. It was a sign, she was listening. Now all that Raine had to do was starting talking. They took one more deep breath and explained everything. Absolutely everything.
They were talking about rebellion, motifs, ambitions, plans, their trick with tea and whistling. Later they justified ignoring Eda. They really wanted to protect her. After all have been said, Raine lifted their head and looked at Eda again.
The Owl Lady seemed a bit mad, but there were understanding in her eyes. It brought them kind of internal piece.
"You broke up with me because I wasn't telling you everything" she started. Bard felt small yet sharp pain in their heart. They already knew what she wanted to say and she was painfully right.
"But now... You also didn't tell me what was the problem. In order to protect me" she continued. "So, I guess that you understand me better now. After you got through similar kind of thing" Raine looked at her, surprised. They expected her to accuse them of being hypocrite or something...
"Does it mean that you forgive me?" they asked with hope in their voice. It wasn't an easy question to ask. Answer might be depressing.
"Only if you forgive me my past mistakes" she answered, smiling slightly.
"No problem. I already did" they decided to hug her, because it was better than any words. She hugged them back, gently petting their back. Raine hid their face in her hair. Like good, old times... When they were young, happy and didn't had to worry about the emperor who wants to kill everyone.
They spent some time on cuddling and just enjoying each other's company. They both had similar thoughts: so many years wasted... Eda was surprised to find out, that nostalgic feeling caught her. She really missed them. A lot. And she was sure that they felt the very same thing.
Sadly, they didn't had much time. Darius could buy Raine so time out of the castle, but they couldn't vanish for too long.
"I have to go" they said, seeing how much time passed already. They took Eda's hand into their and gently kissed its top. The Owl Lady couldn't help but blush.
"I hope that we will be able to meet again soon... Do not ignore me this time, okay?" She smiled weakly.
"Don't worry. I won't" they answered. Their face was showing certainty. They didn't want to lose Eda again.
They were so afraid that they will lost her, it could happen either way: if they didn't tell her everything, they wouldn't be able to contact her until this mess ends, and after that, she might not forgive them. If they did tell her, like they did, she would be involved and then... They might lose her as well if she got in trouble. But after all, they were happy that they did tell her everything. Their heart felt much lighter afterwards.
"And before you leave" she grabbed their wrist "I want to ask you for a favour" she said.
"I'm all ears" they answered, looking at her curiously.
* * *
Alador answered Eda's message as fast as he could. He wanted to meet her and Raine, Raine mostly, to talk about his problem and possible solutions to that matter.
He sweared in his head. Even his thoughts sounded like business talk. "Things they could do about it" would work perfectly fine. Ugh, after so many years of marriage with Odalia and working without a day off, he wasn't able to separate work from his private life. Even in thoughts.
The longer he was thinking about it, the worse his wife seemed in his eyes. How could he let it be for so many years? It felt like a eternity when he tried to recall some memories.
Well, at least he could consider himself strong and brave. He could live for years with devil itself in his house. He smiled at himself after calling Odalia like that.
Maybe he wouldn't be that harsh on her if he didn't reconnect with kids. They told him many things that he ignored, didn't find important before or just haven't seen and knew about. His wife was treating their children like trash, and in his eyes, Emira, Edric and Amity were the best witches in the world with kind hearts, huge talents and big ambitions.
Suddenly, something buzzed. Alador needed a second to realize that it was his scroll. He got lost in thoughts so badly that he forgot about the world around.
Eda answered and suggested time and place.
"Hm, in the evening" he murmured to himself. "I'll have to escape Odalia somehow..." He frowned a bit. How to get out without her noticing...
"Twins, I can ask twins for help" he smiled. His kids could use illusion quite well. After he reunited with them, he had a chance to see few of their pranks and spells they casted were strong and well performed. That's his chance.
Scientist typed in an answer. He couldn't wait for that meeting. Hope in his heart grew even further. It felt like warmth spreading inside of him.
He put away his scroll and left his workshop. He went up to reach twins' room. He knocked on the door. Emira answered it.
"Hey, dad. What brings you there?" She asked with a gentle smile. She was so kind at all of the times and cared about her siblings so much... He felt pride just by looking at her.
"I need help from you and Edric. May we get inside?" She nodded. He closed the door behind them.
"What can we help you with?" Edric asked, without raising his eyes. He was focused on cleaning little bat's wings. He had to cast a spell to keep it steady. Alador smiled. Big ambitions. Three tracks and rocking them all. His son was amazing, too.
"I want to ask you for a favour. I have to go out without Odalia noticing" he started. Twins nodded their heads. "Would you be able to create an illusion of me working or something like that? Just so she wouldn't ask why I'm not at my workshop. I could see that you are able to do such a things when you performed pranks" he smiled and so they did.
"I'm happy that you are asking us for help, dad. Really" Emira smiled wider. It was a prove that Alador really trusted them and believed in them. They managed to develop mutual trust. Her kindness wasn't one-sided anymore.
"Of course we will help you" Edric added, finishing the work with the bat. It landed on his shoulder and did something which was equivalent of witch's hug.
Alador hugged both twins.
"I love you and I am really proud of you" he said. He felt like it was something that they needed to hear.
"We love you too, dad" Emira answered. Edric hugged him tighter.
* * *
Twins gave their dad promised help. Alador could sneak out while illusion was "working" in a workshop. They did really good job with this one. It even had abominations stains in the same places as he did. Really talented kids.
As long as Odalia won't talk to "him", she shouldn't suspect a thing. He hoped that she would be too busy with her own things to bother "him".
They decided to meet at Eda's house. With Hooty guarding the entrance, it was quite safe place.
"I'm glad to see you" Raine started, shaking Alador's hand. "I probably don't have much time before Terra will look for me, but I will try my best to help you" they added, smiling.
"Before we start, I want to thank you so much that you agreed to help me" Alador smiled gently.
"Eda asked me to, how could I refuse?" They looked at the Owl Lady and blushed slightly. Scientist felt a bit jealous. From what Eda said last time they saw each other, she had some issues with Raine, but now it looked like they are fine. Will he be able to talk everything through with Darius, sit next to him and smile, slightly blushing, just like Raine did a second ago? He hoped so.
"Can you describe me the whole situation? I wouldn't be able to help if I didn't know the details and Darius... Well, he never talked to me about you. I guess there's a reason behind it" Raine said, getting Alador out of his thoughts.
"Oh. Uhm, yes. I think that there is. Quite serious reason. At least for us" he breathed in and then out.
"Take your time" bard answered, smiling gently. They didn't have much time. Raine said it earlier, Alador knew it. But they probably didn't want to put pressure on him.
"We were really close back then, when we both attended Hexside" he started after few seconds of silence.
"Ow yeah, you acted like a couple. Darius always refused to admit that you are one" Eda commented. Raine put their hand on Owl Lady's palm and frowned.
"No, no, that's fine. She's right" Alador said before Raine could say anything. They stopped frowning and nodded their head.
"We weren't a couple, but I think that we both actually wanted it. We just didn't want to ruin our friendship. You know, it might've became awkward if one confessed only to find out that the other doesn't really feel the same way" Alador continued. To add another part of the story, he needed to calm down for a second.
"The closest we got to actual confession... The closest he got, I should say, was making kind of agreement thing" both Eda and Raine looked interested.
"What kind? I can't really come up with any idea how so called agreement might be a confession" Raine said, to encourage him to explain.
"If we reach a certain age and won't be in a serious relationship, we will marry each other" Alador was looking at the floor while saying it. He raised his eyes after he finished the sentence.
"He also gave me that ring then. He has, or at least had, another one" scientist shown his hand to Eda and Raine.
"Oh, I remember these! You never wanted to talk about them. We asked few times, but then we realized that it doesn't make any sense" Eda commented.
"I assume that you got into a relationship with Odalia before you reached that... Certain age" Raine put their hand on their chin.
"Yhm. I married Odalia not long before so called deadline" he looked away again.
"And this is why he is mad?" Raine assured.
"Probably. I'm not surprised, because it all happened really fast. Odalia got through "girlfriend" and "fiancée" stages in an amazing speed. And I never really wanted to marry her" he sighed heavily. Raine put their hand on his shoulder.
"I think that it will be better if I listen to Darius' version first, before advising you anything. Okay?" they asked, smiling gently. Alador nodded.
"Maybe there's something I don't know about which would make
"Maybe there's something I don't know which would make all of that way easier to understand and explain... Anyway, thank you for listening to me. If you still have time before coming back to the castle, I'll let you spend it with Eda" he smiled. Both Raine and Eda blushed slightly.
They said goodbye to each other and Alador left. He shouldn't be out for too long anyway. It's not likely that Odalia will notice anything, but who knows... It's better not to give her the opportunity.
* * *
Raine got back to the castle thinking about story they heard from Alador. This might be harder than they thought...
They knocked on Darius' room door.
"Darius? We need to talk."
NEXT PART < - - -
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