#they wont be anonomous
iamshmolphrog · 11 months
getting stuff in your askbox is fun
regardless of whether this post gets any notes
im gonna reload my dash board and go down and ask for every single person that i come across
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i dont like fandragons for actual real life people, i think they are weird. i can compare it too writing fanficition about real people, which is even weirder, and it just makes me uncomfortable, esspecially when the dragons are being shipped with other fandragons of real people. I wont ever actually say this to someones face of course, everybody has their own interests, but im at least allowed to judge in silence (or at least anonomously)
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acting-madness · 5 years
what's your number one fear? - darkwarf
" @darkwarf is it? What exactly do I have to fear?" He let's out a chuckle as the actor snakes his way closer to you, swaying with each step. "I'm the protagonist of this story! Any big bad out there runs away from terror and why shouldn't it? I am the shining hero after all~" As he purrs out the shadows behind him start to shift, the darkness pulsating and almost breathing as thousands of shining eyes flicker and stare you down...
Tumblr media
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skz-at-school · 4 years
minho as the english teacher 5
*walks into classroom*
*slams hand down on desk*
*hair is messed up, collar is wrinkled, buttons are unbuttoned*
minho: your next assignment is to write fanfiction about the principal and send it to him anonomously
minho: give me proof for full credit
minho: as long as you put some soul into it you get full points
minho: if it includes me as part of the ship you get extra credit
minho: if you make it angsty i wont dock points but i will glare at you from across the classroom angrily
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stantcns-blog · 5 years
( i cant find a gif im passing out )
so like.. i have no idea what i’m doin it’s been eight decades since i’ve smelled the air of the tumblr rp world ( we wont discuss my brief love affair with twit rp i think of her like a bad ex. NPDCONSDC ) and charlie is still a work in progress truly so please bear with me.. also english is my second language and i don’t have it in school anymore so if anything is phrased weird pls disregard OCNPSDC oh and i’m naj. let’s dive in my dudes.
charlie is notoriously ambitious and puts everything she has into her modeling career and therefore also prioritizes it over silly (in her opinion) things like love, claiming it’s too time consuming but there’s more to it than that (will get back to this). in regards to modeling, she fell in love with it as a little girl when she would accompany her dad to work ( who is a world famous photographer ). she would be allowed in the dressing rooms and backstage at fashion shows, and started to idolize the models. it seemed like the natural path she was supposed to take, it felt right.
initially, when at the age of 16, charlie worked up the courage to tell her father she wanted to be a model, he was against it. it cut them both deeply, seeing as he had always supported her in anything she did, but his hopes for her were just different. he’d seen how girls were treated in the industry and he didn’t want that to happen to charlie. he knew there was no stopping her when she put her mind to something, but the disappointment in his face is still something charlie will never be able to shake.
although deep down she knows it’s probably futile and that her father will always feel the same way,  she wants to prove she can be the best and that her choice was worth. which is why she works so hard and often forgets to take care of herself as well as she should.
she also developed a love for photography early on but ultimately hides it, seeing as she knows she’ll never live up to her fathers talent and fame in this area, so she’d rather not be in his shadow. posts pictures online anonomously, when she can seem to find the time. 
charlies mother ( a famous model at the time ) died during childbirth, she was mourned deeply but charlie never truly felt the loss because she never knew or met her. her mothers mother stepped in and helped her father raise her, so the motherly figure was always there. she would always hear stories about her mother and idolized the idea of her as a teen, hung up some of her pictures etc. but ultimately she had a loving and kind upbringing with two step-siblings rolling around as she turned 13. she frequently sends them small gifts and letters, but would never tell a soul outside her family that she cares deeply for them.
has always had a knack for winning arguments and discussions, would probably be a lawyer if she hadn’t found passion in the modeling industry. it probably lies in the fact that she wants to stand tall and confident, but has cut corners in the past:
at the age of eighteen, slept with someone to land a really important brand deal that put her on the map, and has led to her massive fame at this point in time. it’s still a complete secret and charlie keeps telling herself it’s no big deal, that it’s just sex. but she truly feels differently and it’s slowly eating at her. she probably also puts everything she has into her work just to not think about it and feel like she has still earned her spot fairly.
in regards to love and relationships, she hasn’t allowed herself to be in one since that happened. she will tell people she just doesn’t like getting caught up with people and forget her work, but really she has begun a path of self-loathing that she cannot get off, and deep down doesn’t believe she’s worthy of it. that she has screwed up too hard to be loved.  
is very consequental and wont stand for bullshit. if you’re not straight up with her, she’ll feel like her time is being wasted and there’s nothing she hates more than having her time wasted. the people who do get close to charlie, will sometimes feel like it’s a battle, seeing as she will continue to push away affection, but a few have managed to crack this shell and get to the core, which is so warm and loving you wouldn’t believe it’s the same person. isn’t mean towards people she hasn’t let in, just keeps them at arms length and doesn’t really give them much to work with in regards to getting closer to her.
IM LIKE.. PASSING OUT NODCPCONDS there’s more to her but this is all i can muster rn and surely gives yall a good idea of her.. idk i always kind of develop my characters on the go so i also don’t wanna lock her in more than this, but if there’s something you want to know more about pls ask i’ll feel out what i think is right for her.. pls plot with me even though i’m basically a born again rp virgin COPNDDNSC
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twitterverified · 8 years
Colin leaving kinda funny doesnt just suck in general for them, but, like, for the games and entertainment industry in general, where even by their own admission his political stance was incompatible with their brand and style, and they "grew apart" as a result of it. As a maybe not the longest, but a dedicated fan of colin and the kinda funny crew, im kinda disappointed, and im not looking forward that much to the future. He was by far the glue holding a lot of it together, and while i wont say i didnt like everyone else, i will say theyre missing a whole quarter of what made them good. And, sorta unrelated, but I mean, if he cant stay with friends hes had for years and developed a near symbiotic chemistry with over POLITICS, what the fuck does this say about the rest of us? What does that say about me, a wannabe writer, with some heavy conservative viewpoints? What about the undoubted countless, willfully silent conservatives in the industry, whom colins mentioned (anonomously), will they grow apart? Is there really no room for a slightly conservative slant in a company called "kinda funny"? sure, maybe there were some edgy jokes thrown in, but jokes are jokes are jokes. I hate to sound like a soapboxing anti-sjw guy at a trump rally or whatever, but does everything have to be politically correct, and aligned with the left now? I know thats not all of it, in this specific instance and maybe the elephant of jontron controversy in the room, but it doesnt bode well if youre not 100% politically in line and wanna tell a fucking joke.
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304s16sweirdos · 4 years
P's aint perfect but sometimes u gotta ask yo-self is it even woth it.. U on facetime talkin to the b*** but flashin d*** as if she wont take a pic 😭😭😭 #pgo #rpgo #hgo #rhgo #gamerelated #gameorientated #304s_16s_weirdos__ via Anonomous #pasadena (at Say Cheese) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDw7Q5WCgDb/?igshid=eyhc0ockqbq0
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