#they wrote solas and sera to talk down to the inquisitor about the dalish
I'll see exactly one (1) picture of fenris and hawke and be immediately overcome with the desire to play dragon age 2 again
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bunabi · 2 years
ur post about solas is spot on like i hate how he's this curmudgeon, this cranky professor who talks down to the "naive" dalish inquisitor (he does that to a qunari or dwarven inquisitor too) but. tbh i think that's bc solas is an author avatar for -who was it that wrote him?- weekes? so like. it makes sense in a way lmao. anyway, solas had SO much potential as a trickster god who turns out to be the Big Bad (Wolf hehe im funny) but. bioware messed up. no news there. sorry for rambling but. yeah :/
I'll forever wonder what they were all thinking
It's a cool plot point (my family's history and cultural identity pre-emancipation are a total mystery -- & what we know is based on lots of half-truths and speculation -- so I'm interested in characters that are going through a similar situation)
But having one side of the perspective make Tradition Bad jokes (Sera) while the other straight up denounces the diaspora as annoying pretenders (Forehead'Harel) shows a lack of understanding and maybe a need for some new blood at the decision-making table
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felassan · 3 years
hey hey, just giving you this question because you are big lore nerd and I'm analysing this by myself (and eventually doing a post)... did you check out the Chant of Light, Drakon's prophecy for the future? Exaltations canticle? I read it last night and I was surprised. It can be added to Sandal's prophecy in da2 as well.... maybe you talked about this before? would you mind to point me your post in that case? I love your analysis
Hello! Ahh thankyouu 😊 (Please tag me in or drop me a link to your post because I’d be interested to read it!) The rest of this post is under a cut due to length.
Sandal’s prophecy is an interesting one as we recently learned this tidbit about it and things like it in one of the David Gaider dev commentary streams:
DG said Eleni Zinovia’s prophecy doesn’t refer to Fen’Harel. He can’t remember who wrote it in there or what it refers to actually. It was most likely just intended as flavor and he was even a bit surprised by it, like “What is this?” There’s a lot of things like that in the games, not everything has a ~grand meaning~. Sometimes such small off-hand things are picked up on by fans and the writers then make it into something bigger and more meaningful after the fact. This is what happened with Sandal (all the fans being like “Ooh, what does it mean, what does it mean?” about him). It’s possible Eleni will be picked up on like that in the future, but at the time it didn’t mean anything really. A lot of the way these stories are put together is that they put a lot of questions into the world, scattering possible/potential plothooks, and they don’t necessarily know where they lead at the time, but in future games they could come back to them and come up with an interesting backstory. Sometimes they pick it up and sometimes it never gets answered or ever mentioned again (the Wardens taking some of the blood from those who didn’t survive their particular bout of Joinings and putting it in a vial to remember them is an example of one of these things). It’s pretty rare that you’d get a situation where something is mapped out from beginning to end. Sometimes we the players get a revelation as we play and we’re like “Omg!! This is all connected! They are masters!” and the writers are like “Yes, toootally… It was that way alllllll along. It certainly did NOT get decided three quarters of the way through development…” [source]
I don’t think I’ve made a post about Kordillus Drakon’s vision of the Maker’s return or on the Canticle of Exaltations. I’d be really interested to see some of his prior drafts and compare the things he changed during the rewriting process.. Anyway here’s some assorted thoughts on the Canticle, albeit disjointed and not conclusive:
Parallels - Andraste’s vision of the Maker, Kordillus’ vision of the future 
You can read Kordillus’ vision as a genuine vision of actual-Andraste, a figment of his imagination or a delusion born from religious fervor, something he’s making up (he was a fervent believer, it’s just that it’s also the case that sometimes religion is misused for power or empire), or a legit encounter that he had with a non-Andraste entity that was taking the form of Andraste or whom he had interpreted as Andraste (see the Inquisitor’s encounter with the spirit so-called ‘Divine Justinia’). Is it maybe spirit possession? “I accept the gift”, “let me be the vessel”
“the vessel” - vessels are a repeating motif in the lore: Wynne as the Vessel of her spirit of Faith, Calpernia and Samson seeking to be the Vessel of the Well’s power and Morrigan or the Inquisitor becoming such, fan theory that Sera is the vessel of Andruil (which I don’t subscribe to but it comes to mind), Flemeth as the vessel of Mythal, darkspawn as empty soulless vessels whereas Wardens are not, shells of flesh and souls, the soulless Titans’ workers (dwarves), possession, etc.
“The air itself rent asunder” can easily be read as referring to the Breach in DAI and/or the upcoming intended destruction/removal of the Veil. As you say this entire verse is similar to Sandal’s “shadows will part and the skies will open wide”. Shadows parting, spilling light. There are elements here that you could link to Eleni Zinovia’s words or the words of the Ardent Blossom Faerie (whether this was intentional on the writers’ parts or no at the time when they were written is a separate subject)
The “Waters of the Fade” line is important given the similar references elsewhere in the Chant - “Here lies the abyss, the well of all souls. From these emerald waters doth life begin anew”, “From the waters of the Fade you made the world. As the Fade had been fluid, so was the world fixed.” Reference to the fluidity of the Fade vs the mundane realm as static and way less malleable. “Realm of Opposition”, the idea of the 2 opposing realms, also sticks out to me as I’ve talked before about the contrast in the metaphysical opposing elements:
In a kind of metaphysical way, the dwarves are emblematic of the mundane sphere. Not “mundane” as in normal/boring, but in terms of reinforced reality vs reality as mutable, earth and sky, underground vs land, Children of the Stone vs Birds of Fancy, magic resistance vs inherent magical quality, tradition vs change, Titan progenitors vs origins in the Fade prior to taking physical form slash being spirit-y or spirit adjacent. It’s all very thematic, especially when you consider that dwarves do not dream compared to how elves are (or rather, are supposed to be) innately tied to the Fade. and at the moment, modern Thedas is unbalanced 
I guess you could plot the races on a line from most Fadey/sky-like (very scientific I know) to least: spirits - elves - humans - Qunari - dwarves. note this isn’t a “who is most alive”, thing, it’s just a spectrum between 2 different but equally Alive ways of being. [source]
“The Realm of Opposition” is the post-Veil waking world. Obviously the “Realm of Dreams” is the Fade.
The waters stuff also reminds me of the Well of Sorrows (Andraste is the Lady of Sorrows) and how Mythal walked out of the sea of the Earth’s tears.
(Is anyone else reminded of the Eye of Sauron at this point in the Canticle btw? 😁)
Is it even Andraste he’s seeing? No way of knowing if it is, or was Mythal with a staff in hand, given their similar headpieces, for instance. And certainly a maker has returned to the world since Kordillus wrote this stuff down, just not The Maker - the maker or creator of the Veil, Solas.
Are the “men of stone” dwarves, golems (probably not) or Titans? “Sleepers waking at the dawn” immediately makes me think of how dwarves don’t dream. That whole verse makes me think of the Titans waking up and destroying the world via earthquakes or something in order for it to be made anew. This makes me 👀 given Descent and upcoming Titan plotbeats. Seventy time seven stuff is a reference in the Bible irl iirc.
And I heard from the East a great cry As men who were beasts warred with their brothers, Tooth and claw against blade and bow, Until one could no longer be told from the other, And cursed them and cursed their generations.
East of Orlais is Ferelden. This verse makes me think of Fereldans and their troubles with werewolves throughout their history and in their recent present, werewolves who were once human (or elven, depending) like them. Zathrian’s curse lasted for generations even. Interesting given werewolves resurfacing again in TN. The other thing that comes to mind here is that the Executors supposedly dwell across the eastern ocean.
And those who slept, the ancient ones, awoke, For their dreams had been devoured By a demon that prowled the Fade As a wolf hunts a herd of deer. Taking first the weakest and frailest of hopes, And when there was nothing left, Destroying the bright and bold By subtlety and ambush and cruel arts
Dwarves getting dreams (“Mythal gives you dreams”) or regaining their connection to the Titans (see Valta), the Titans awakening again, remaining slumbering Old Gods waking, imprisoned sleeping Evanuris waking, or the few remaining ancient elves in secret enclaves waking from uthernera (Abelas and co and ones like them, that Solas makes reference to)...? The wolf-like demon that devours dreams and prowls the Fade is an allusion (not from Kordillus, but the writers) to the Dalish belief that Fen’Harel is He Who Hunts Alone, Roamer of the Beyond. The wolf metaphor in Kordillus’ vision points to someone who is smart, clever, strategic, cunning, someone who goes about things in a subterfuge-y and plotting-/scheming-type way. It almost reads like the Evanuris’ anti-Solas “Dread Wolf Bad” propaganda, of which we encounter some of during Trespasser. The Fade-prowling demon that devours dreams also reminds me of the Nightmare in DAI.
The number nine, like the number seven, in this setting always makes me like.. [alarmed vibrating]. There are nine Creator-figures, including Ghilan’nain and Fen’Harel. “The mortal dust of Our Lady” could refer to the Urn of Sacred Ashes, thus the “sacred mountain” would be the mountain in the Frostbacks at Haven which contained the remains of the ruined Temple of Andraste, the Temple of Sacred Ashes. Obviously this area in DAI was the site of the Breach and in DAI Corypheus lifts (ascends) it into the sky for a bit. There’s even a reference here to passing through the fire, calling to mind that part of the Gauntlet in DAO. The mountain stuff here also reminds me of The Ptarmigan: An Avvar Tale:
Korth the Mountain-Father kept his throne at the peak of Belenas, the mountain that lies at the center of the world, from which he could see all the corners of earth and sky.
Belenas, Belenas... a mountain at the center of the world, and the reference to earth and sky (Realm of Opposition and the Realm of Dreams). It’s especially notable when you consider the Lady of the Skies, Tyrdda’s leaf-eared lover, Korth’s mountain-y-ness (Titan?) and the stuff about his heart (the Evanuris mined the bodies of Titans for lyrium and “something else”, which we suspect are their hearts). This part “And he saw strong men become weak, brave men grow cowardly, and wise men turn foolish for love” reminds me of the Canticle verse above which referred to men warring with their brothers. And in elven language “Bel” is part of bellanaris, eternity (this Canticle ends with a reference to eternal life). Belenas, bellanaris.
And I looked up and saw The seven gates of the Black City shatter, And darkness cloaked both realms.
Oh shit, here it comes. Y’know? Seven seals, some potentially already broken (the dark and lit orbs in the concentric circles on the DWR mural). Darkness is coming alright. People have speculated about this at length. 😁 And in other places in-world there are references to this belief.
Look upon the Light so you May lead others here through the darkness, Blade of the Faith!
This reminds me of the Inquisitor’s journey and role in DAI. Parallels again.
The Maker returns In dread
Self-explanatory, emphasis mine. A maker.
And saw the darkness warp and crumble
Interesting given the fabric of reality is currently warping, as witnessed by Strife in one of the recent shorts.
Another word for veil.
The meek lambs became bold And rose up, casting aside their shepherds To dance at the Maker's feet
reminds me of the ‘Slightest Ones’ bard song and some elves leaving in the Trespasser epilogue.
Where once a terrible fire swept The Light of redemption from the face of the world
the time Andraste was burned. The gates of Minrathous is also where we’re headed in the next game.
What are the “sins of creation”, exactly? - Why does it make me think back to the waters of the Fade and the well of all souls which the Chant holds life began anew from and the Maker made the world from? Why do they need “redeemed”? Why does that make me think of the creation of the Veil and the terrible consequences that had for Thedas in general and for the ancient elves, and of Solas’ drive and desire to correct that mistake? And Justice is an aspect of Mythal. 
Harmony in all things. Let Balance be restored And the world given eternal life.
See above with the “modern Thedas is unbalanced” stuff. Balance could be restored with the removal of the Veil, and then the remaining elves would be immortal again probably. I tend to veer away from “everything is elves” and “everything relates back to or is in some way a metaphor for or reference etc to Solas and Mythal” but it’s like Kordillus had a vision of the future of Thedas at that time (things which we then saw in previous games set after he died, and some things which we still haven’t seen yet but which have been foreshadowed - as in some things which have still yet to come to pass in the world’s storyline) and, naturally, interpreted it through his fervent Andrastian/cult of the Maker lens. I wouldn’t take it all completely at face value though, having given away major future plotbeats in the Chant just like that would be a bold choice.
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crqstalite · 3 years
after adamant.
ugly little fic that i wrote in the middle of the night a while ago and shared with a friend. post-adamant about my inquisitor trying to rationalize their losses at the fortress and in the fade. nothing’s capitalized, so if that annoys you, this isn’t the little fic for you.
chose not to use warnings? im not quite sure what to use here, so tread lightly.
dragon age inquisition. 
she stays strong, after adamant it’s all everyone needs. she sees to the few wardens that had been at the keep, had offered inquisition aid.  they thank her thousands of times over, as uneasy as they are.
their senior warden, alistair, won’t meet her eyes. deep brown orbs looking anywhere but at her, even with a smile on his face. he thanks her, quietly. bandages wrapped around his side, muttering that he’d need to get a letter out to the hero of ferelden — tabris.
she leaves him, offering to let leliana find her. to let leliana send the message and get it back to him as soon as possible. he agrees, numbly is when she swings a leg over the elk in the morning, sun peaking over the rise in the distance.
she knows that look that settles in his dark brown eyes, that look that cries it should’ve been me. but she’s sure he knows what he must do now, to lead the wardens properly against corypheus. she thanks him.
he doesn’t say it, but he does respond that hawke’s sacrifice would not be vain. that shatters a part of her, seals her lips all the way back to skyhold. thankfully, marzeyna is lucky enough no one else is in a talkative mood. but they will be, with questions, with reactions, maybe with thinly veiled anger.
she’s not sure if she’s lucky or simply being lied to when varric seems more despondent than furious with her. he simply responds there are letters to write, to bethany, to other friends she’d made in kirkwall. they’d been close. she bites her lip hard enough to draw iron laced blood to keep from crying.
he hugs her.
though he’s not mentioned, marzeyna doesn’t make the request to send a letter to the mage anders. though he will be left in the dark, surely varric would know how close they’d been. the way hawke spoke of him, with a wistful tone laced with uneasiness, she doesn’t want to look into his eyes and tell him she was the reason reyna hawke would not be coming home.
she makes her rounds. to cassandra, to blackwall, to dorian. then to the others who learning of it secondhand, to leliana, who’d been hurt over justinia. to sera, to bull, to vivienne, to solas, who was fascinated about her journey into the fade.
she doesn’t indulge him. any other day, she might’ve, but not today.
marzeyna has to put on a brave face when she’s nearly hit with what she assumes to be a lyrium kit when she visits cullen. to think she’d thought she’d get any miniscule amount of comfort from anyone after her return, she would’ve thought, just maybe, that it would be him. but no, her nerves are shot and she’s terrified and can’t think straight. she hasn’t slept since before adamant, doesn’t even want to think about dreaming in the fade. and yet, she’s able to give cullen the strength he needs to go on. 
she wavers. her tiny form struggles to make it back to the war room after the moon has long risen in the sky. working, bent over the war table. they’d head out for the exalted plains in the morning. switch out her ground forces, get to work.
get her mind off the blonde woman that haunted her thoughts these days. piercing storm cloud eyes with dexterity over daggers that she’d never seen before. a determination to save mages from the templars that burned white hot within her, flames licking everyone she met.
her voice never wavering when she’d accepted her fate. a strong nod when she drew her daggers for the last time.
she shoves the knife meant for josephine’s diplomatic mission into the table deeper than she’d intended, grinding it into the table with a groan. her fire red hair falls into her face, her once tight ponytail loosening into a lump of curls at the base of her neck.
magic crackles at her fingertips, papers flying off the desk and fluttering to the floor. lelianna’s secrets, cassandra and solas’ requests, josephine’s agreements, cullen’s reports.
yanking off her gloves in front of the fire in her quarters, she grits her teeth when she can’t yank a swollen finger out of it’s respective sleeve. eyebrows knitting together in frustration, fire climbing her thoughts.
why hadn’t she been quicker? why hadn’t she forced them ahead with magic? she could’ve done something, done anything different. could’ve fade stepped them past the bastard. but no, she hadn’t done any of those things. she’d knowingly sent hawke to her death, not fought alongside her and alistair, but sent her away so she and alistair could get away.
the glove comes off, pain reverberating through her hand in waves. she kicks off her boots, the pair thumping away somewhere in the darkness.
she should be the one in the fade. running for her life, terrified in the darkness of the spiders she saw racing towards her. reliving nightmare after nightmare.
marzeyna was a mage. she could’ve handled it longer before she went mad. reyna was not, she was a young woman from kirkwall. a rogue no less. so stupid, marzeyna should’ve been the one to stay behind. from what little she understood of the tensions between varric and cassandra, hawke could’ve been the inquisitor. hell she probably was supposed to be. or alistair’s love, tabris.
both were older, wiser than she was. with only twenty five years on her, she wonders if some God with a sick sense of humor had decided it should be her. things had only gone wrong when she appeared in haven, half alive and delirious. justinia had died, the mage/templar conflict in the hinterlands that she couldn’t solve, alexius.
then they lost haven. and so many people. the smell of wood burning around her and screams of people being cut down by red templars. her advisors asking for orders, her mind spiraling in a thousand different directions.
she wonders if cullen saw the terrified look in her eyes when he’d spoken to her. saw her fumbling for answers, saw the little girl that had been given too much power, much too soon. had second thoughts about her being the so called herald of andraste. had wondered why he put his faith in her.
marzeyna lavellan. she was a mage. and a dalish elf. two of the most marginalized statuses you could have in thedas, and so many people still looked up to her. asked her what to do, trusted her not to lead them astray. 
hawke had trusted her. marzeyna had promised her she’d get her out alive, had promised she’d get her back to bethany. to anders. that they could do this.
she yanks a box, some sort of box, maybe empty off the desk and throws it, chucks it into the wall just off the windows. it crashes, shattering into splinters of oak. then something else holding an ink quill, lighter, easier to throw. that too shatters, ceramic maybe. it’s satisfying almost, anger and regret and everything in between flooding her emotions like a tidal wave. they drown her, choking her when she screams like a caged animal, chucking another small box into the wall. raw magic dances at her fingertips and lights her ablaze, body glowing a gentle white as hot tears slide down her face in rivers.
justinia. maybe. she’s needed her and there was nothing she could do. she failed her.
every single person in haven believed in her. they needed her when corphyeus arrived with his forces.
hawke had believed in her. smiled at her. told her jokes. at first skeptical, as any non andrastian would be. but quickly had become her friend. her first real one that wasn’t asking her what was next all the time. someone she could go to when her advisors were too much that day.
her hands clench into fists in her hair, sobs heavy and heaving as she slides to the floor in a heap against one of the walls. now hawke was gone, and it was all her fault. just like it’d been before. another person who’d gotten killed because of her.
she’d tried to justify her decision. the wardens would need someone to lead them through this possible blight. tabris would need him when she got back with her research into the fake calling. 
nothing answers when she thinks about hawke. she can’t justify her death. she was a good person, supported mages to a fault. didn’t seem the type to kick puppies. was friendly to everyone, had a sister, had a friend in varric.
then, why isn’t marzeyna dead?
she has nothing. clan lavellan maybe, but they’d surely replaced her by now, it wasn’t as if she was coming back now. it wasn’t like they were clambering to see her again. she’s a mage, she’s already being persecuted anyway. and it wasn’t as if what she’d started with cullen couldn’t be forgiven. it wasn’t anything serious, he could meet someone else.
sure, she was young. younger than most in the inquisition. but others still had most of their lives ahead of them. she had nothing. no future beyond what lie inside of skyhold.
hugging her knees, the pants legs begin to wet with the fat tears rolling down her cheeks. the anchor was the only thing that made her important, that kept people from actually wanting to get her killed. people put their lives on the line for her. and she couldn’t even return the favor.
her nails dig into her biceps, curling in on her herself as a draft whips into the room. a shiver after the fire chases it away. 
then why is she still here? she’s nothing, no one. 
and right now, she doesn’t want to be anyone. she doesn’t go to bed that night, reading reports until she can’t. staving off sleep to keep from drifting into the fade against her will. eyes blurring and burning when she dresses herself in the morning, she avoids varric’s gaze following her down the corridor to the war room. josephine follows, rattling off things she doesn’t understand. nobles. treaties. alliances.
lelianna and cullen join them a few minutes later. if they notice her hands shaking, they don’t say anything. a glimmer of concern in cullen’s eyes, josephine outright with the words on her lips, gently biting them back.
she should be dead, she chants when they arrive in the plains, i don’t even have a right to be alive. she should be here, and yet i handed the situation to her like the scared child i am.
it’s the beginning of many restless nights.
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bigfan-fanfic · 5 years
About Tash Adaar
I know nobody asked, but I want to tell! :) Check out more about Tash using the tash adaar tag - link here or at the bottom.
what is your inquisitor’s name & race? Ataashi “Tash” Adaar - later Lord Ataashi “Tash” Adaar Hawke-Tethras of Kirkwall.
what is their sexual orientation? When Tash grows up, he prefers the company of men.
what do they look like? Drawing here.
how did they feel about being called “the herald of andraste”? Tash finds it strange, but to be frank, enjoys the preferential treatment he gets from it.
what are their religious beliefs, if they have any? Tash believes in the Maker, but he doesn’t subscribe to the Chant of Light. He has a pretty philosophical belief for one so young, and often wonders if all the gods of all the cultures are real, or if none of them are, or both. Solas’ musings on the Fade do nothing to help him determine the answers.
what is their opinion on the mage/templar war? Tash really wishes everyone would stop fighting each other and talk things out more. He understands why people fear mages, but thinks templars are supposed to protect mages and help them become better, not fight and abuse them.
who is your inquisitor’s best friend? Technically Varric or Cole, although they’re more surrogate family. Being so young, most of the Inner Circle serves a parental or uncle/aunt/older sibling role. So... his best friend might have to be Kieran. Morrigan is a bit surprised at the friendship between them.
who is their rival? Tash has not found it in him to forgive Sera for putting a sack full of lizards over his head and seriously freaking him out. But even so he considers Sera a friend, and while she didn’t apologize, she told him she’d prank anyone he wanted if he asked.
who is their love interest, if they chose one? do you ship them with anyone else/non-romanceable options? Tash is a kid of about 11-12, so no love interests. However... I do sort of ship him with Kieran, as they both are sweethearts, and I think when they’re older, they’ll be really sweet together.
warrior, rogue, or mage? Mage. Knight-Enchanter.
how do they feel about the dalish? Tash thinks the Dalish are unnecessarily unfriendly. He thinks that generally they’re rather mean. However, he is fascinated by the stories of their gods, and pesters Solas to no end for more Dalish tales.
how do they feel about the qun? Tash thinks that the Qun is no better than slavery, and is absolutely disgusted by it. 
how do they feel about the chantry? Tash feels persecuted by the Chantry due to his magic and his horns. He wonders if Cassandra is right and it does more good than ill, but Tash believes that it is unlikely for mortals to actually know the will of the Maker.
which demon is most frightening to them? Imshael was the most frightening demon Tash encountered, even more so than the Nightmare, because Imshael could likely convince anyone to do anything.
did they choose the qun or the chargers in iron bull’s personal quest? why? The Chargers. Not only does Tash have utter disdain for the Qun, he realized that it was a test for Bull and can’t stand how they put him through that. He saves the Chargers without hesitation.
when are they the happiest? Before the Inquisition, he was happiest when his fathers and brother would take him to the Grand Tourney to see the melee. Now he’s happiest sitting in front of the fire, writing or reading while Varric writes on the desk behind him and Hawke plays with the mabari.
how do they feel about the mark/the anchor? Tash feels weird about the mark. It’s definitely useful, and is indirectly responsible for him making so many friends, but he hates when it hurts him, and it makes the whispers he hears grow ever stronger...
upon first meeting cole, were they afraid of him? Tash adores Cole, and loves how he can voice the strange thoughts whirling in the back of his mind. Tash also uses Cole as a human teddy bear sometimes when the nightmares get to be too much, as it reminds him of when his brother used to hug him.
did they use the templars or the mages to close the breach? Tash used the mages, although there’s a part of him that feels very guilty after hearing that Therinfal Redoubt fell to demons.
what was their court approval like at the winter palace? did they have any fun at all? Tash quickly achieved 100 Court Approval at the Winter Palace, mostly by just being polite, despite starting out at a huge deficit due to being a Qunari and a child. Tash loves dancing, and also danced his way to the top of the Court, even getting in dances with Cyril de Montfort and Lady Mantillon.
someone is encroaching on their love interest. how do they respond? Young Tash will be very petty, maybe even set Sera on the encroacher. As he grows older, he becomes more proficient in the Jane Austen school of polite put-downs under the tutelage of Vivienne.
what is their favourite weapon? Tash likes his staff, but he really admires warriors using swords and shields. This stems from his early crushes on the warriors, knights, sellswords, mercenaries, and chevaliers in the Grand Tourney of Markham.
are there any creatures in the wild that they refuse to/are reluctant to kill? why? Fennecs, because they are adorable. He also cried when they had to hunt rams. Tash likes meat, but he prefers not to see it when it was alive. Also Tash doesn’t like killing snofluers because they don’t do anything but waddle around. Tash tends to have a way with animals, even once befriending a bear in the Hinterlands, so he doesn’t like killing any wild animals he’s bonded with.
what is their opinion on blood magic? would they ever use it, if given the chance? Privately, Tash thinks blood magic isn’t so bad if the blood is given consensually. Mostly Tash is afraid of the sight of blood, so he probably would never use it and publicly displays a conservative opinion of the practice. 
what is their favourite place within playable regions? The Storm Coast. Tash loves the combination of the rain and ocean, although the shiny and sparkly Val Royeaux is a close second.
did they feel suspicious of dorian upon first meeting him, because of his tevinter heritage? Tash was slightly afraid of getting to know Dorian because he was afraid the whole Qunari-Tevinter thing would mean Dorian would hate him on principle. But he quickly warmed to Dorian after the altus correctly determined he was a Vashoth.
as a whole, how do they feel about tevinter + the imperium? Tash likes the idea of mages being able to govern, but hates the idea of slavery. Besides, Tevinters tend to hate him on sight, so he’s wary of them. He’s also SO over their pointy outfits and asymmetrical fashion.
did they encourage cullen to continue taking lyrium, or to stop? for what reasons? Tash urged Cullen to stop, not only because Tash gets really weirded out by lyrium, even the blue kind (sometimes he thinks he hears it whispering and refuses to even take lyrium potions) but also because he doesn’t want Cullen to lose his mind to it. Cullen was so ashamed when he threw his lyrium kit and nearly hit Tash in the head with it that he became that much more motivated to quit.
does it bother them to sleep in tents when on the road with the inquisition? Tash dislikes sleeping in tents, because his horns don’t let him get comfortable. It gets even worse after Josephine commissions special horn cushions for him at Skyhold. 
are they an optimist, a pessimist, or neutral? An eternal optimist. An optimist who is scared of everything. Although living with Varric and Hawke makes him slightly more of a cynicial optimist.
if varric wrote a book about your inquisitor, how would they feel about that? Tash loves Varric’s writings, and is super excited and honored to be written about. Of course, it gets annoying later when people start expecting him to be more like his self in the book.
do they get along with vivienne? Tash gets along exceptionally well with Vivienne, to the amusement and confusion of many of the Inner Circle. He respects her skill in both magic and the Game, and although he disagrees with her about the Circles, he even becomes known as her protegee.
are they afraid of anything specifically? Spiders, all insects, Tranquility, blood, darkspawn, dragons, heights, the dark, the Qun, archers, and nugs.
what was their reaction to the destruction of haven? Tash was more than a little traumatized by the events. He already had a fear of dragons, and now he is terrified of them, as well as iffy around fire. Thankfully he helped get most of the people out of Haven or he’d be even more fearful.
how do they feel about “the game”? Tash enjoys playing the Grand Game of Orlais, as he has a natural flair for etiquette, and loves being able to use it to his advantage. He also loves the sparkly masks.
are they especially protective of certain inquisition members, even those capable of defending themselves? Tash had a huge crush on Blackwall, and was very protective of him. Tash is likewise close to Cole, Josephine, Varric, and Cullen.
do they like their skyhold pajamas? Tash finds them to be comfortable, but wants to wear something in brighter colors, immediately going to Vivienne or Josephine to make it happen.
are there any insults they find to be especially offensive? (i.e. “knife ear”/”rabbit” for elves, “oxmen” for qunari, ect.) Tash hates being referred to as an “ox,” but also can’t stand being called “Qunari.” He prefers to be known as a Vashoth, or at the very least a Tal-Vashoth.
if varric gave them a nickname, what would it be? Tash’s nickname is Dimples, for the little divots that appear whenever he smiles, which is frequently.
do they enjoy being the inquisitor? Tash enjoys being able to help people and influence events towards helping people. However he was slightly traumatized at losing his arm and immediately stepped down afterwards.
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ofthcwilds-blog · 7 years
b REAKS DOWN YOUR DOOR. Tell me about Morrigan's opinions on the companions of the Inquisition!!!
ALRIGHT UHM SORRY IF THIS IS VAGUE AND MESSYI hadn’t put much thought on it before, and just wrote this all at once and it’s 2am but this ask was on my inbox for too long soHere have this and sorry again if this is a mess
Morrigan wouldn’t like CASSANDRA. This has a lot to do with her connection to the Chantry — Cassandra was the Right Hand of the Divine, and Morrigan is fundamentally anti-Chantry. She doesn’t believe their Maker, she scoffs at Andraste, and she never wastes the opportunity to belittle the Chantry; Cassandra surely wouldn’t take that well tbh. That without mentioning Cassandra being a Seeker, so. IF somehow they got past their religious divergences, I’m still not sure it would be much better lol
She wouldn’t quite like SERA either, though she’d have less issues with her than with Cassandra. It would be intriguing to her, to say the least, that Sera shows such aversion to the elvhen. That she would dislike so much what she is would be unfathomable to Morrigan, and she’d undoubtedly look down on Sera for it. Morrigan would also disapprove of her sense of humor and lack of politeness, probably.
She’d despise VIVIENNE. Morrigan despises all mages that would willingly be part of a circle, and one that advocates circles should exist would only win her contempt. If not for that, she may have some respect for Vivienne, since she’s an accomplished mage, powerful and well versed in political games (while Morrigan doesn’t like the Orlesian game, she surely can appreciate a skilled player). I think Vivienne would dislike her just as much, being an apostate who conquered a place of power at Celene’s court so fast, so they wouldn’t get along at all. Out of all the companions, Morrigan’s lowest opinion likely is of Vivienne.
With SOLAS, I think there’d be issues due to her arrogance — because she believes herself so knowledgeable about elven lore, even more so than the elves themselves (like at the Well), and Solas auisdhfiusdjk Solas definitely knows more and would certainly despise her arrogance, which in turn would mean she wouldn’t like him at all. Even so, Morrigan would find him intriguing — an elf that doesn’t come from a City but neither is a Dalish? And has so much knowledge of the Fade? I think if the issues could be set aside, she’d be interested in an exchange of knowledge, and she’d likely have some respect for him.
I don’t think she’d have strong feelings about DORIAN? I mean, I don’t think she’d strongly dislike him. They’d likely be sarcastic the entire time while talking to one another, perhaps with high levels of bickering. Morrigan would certainly provoke, Dorian likely would too. Still, I don’t think she’d dislike him as much as everyone else I said before, and eventually they could maybe get over their irony based dialogues? Maybe.
She’d be quite intrigued by COLE, but she’d also keep her distance. While much would influence this decision, Morrigan would be quite uncomfortable with the idea someone she doesn’t know, spirit or human, being able to sense her emotions/pain. She’d be wary, possibly want to know more, but I don’t think she’d dislike him immediately.
VARRIC would also be rather neutral… I don’t think she’d particularly dislike him, although he may annoy her at times. There’d likely be lots of bantering in their interactions, too, but I don’t think she’d have a strong opinion on him. 
She’d be suspicious of BLACKWALL. I mean, she was there with the Hero of Ferelden during the Blight. Leliana was too, but Leliana didn’t see Ostagar and the outcome of it immediately, while Morrigan did. Because of that, I can’t see her being friendly to him. She’d be wary. Later on, she’d learn her suspicions weren’t unreasonable, but other than that I don’t think she’d feel strongly about his situation. She’d likely show him little respect then, though.
To meet a Qunari so expansive as IRON BULL would be surprising, probably, considering her experience was with Sten who was entirely different. I can see her kind of treating Bull similarly to what she did with Sten, with the teasing and all, and being quite surprised with the wholly different reaction. I think, at least talking about initial impressions, Bull would be the one she’d like the most out of all the Inquisitor’s companions. 
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lavellansthree · 7 years
1, 14, and 16 for all three of them!! (from the OC codex prompts list)
Cole Lavellan
1. An overheard conversation about your OC
“The Inquisitor is not what I expected. Being Dalish, I assumed-”
“What? That he would be some barefoot savage? He’s anything but. He’s well spoken and polite, ready to assist any who come to him in need. He is a good man.”
“I didn’t mean-”
“Of course you did. You Orlesians all assume the worst of others who aren’t from a higher stock. If you had been in Ferelden during the Blight, you wouldn’t look down on the Dalish as you do.”
—An overheard conversation between an Orlesian noblewoman and a knight of Redcliffe in the great hall of Skyhold.
14. Your OC talking about your favorite quest
An excerpt from the journal of the Inquisitor, Colhoun Lavellan. The hastily written entry shows the quill was held by a shaky hand and the words feel heavy with guilt and uncertainty.
I don’t understand what has happened to the Grey Wardens. When I joined the Fereldens during the Blight, they were few but honorable.
Using blood magic and summoning demons. Corypheus could have succeeded in building his demon army, especially after we fell into the Fade… An experience I wish I never had… A decision I wish I never had to make.
The Wardens are lost and fear corruption. They have the right to be afraid for Erimond proved they could be corrupted and controlled by Corypheus.
Still, I couldn’t let them fall victim to the mistakes brought on by fear and duty. I know Solas is upset with my decision to bring them into the Inquisition but he doesn’t know the Wardens. He hadn’t fought beside them during a Blight. He didn’t have to call for the sacrifice of a good man to prevent Nightmare from entering our world and tearing it apart.
Adamant will be burned into my mind for the rest of my life. As will the guilt of leaving Stroud.
16. A conversation between your OC and their best friend
“I can’t believe you come to tavern to drink this swill.”
“I come to the tavern to catch up with friends, Dorian. Besides, the dwarven ale and the Dragon Piss that Bull drinks grows on you after a while.”
(a snort of derision and a short laugh could be hear over the din of the Herald’s Rest)
“Oh yes, I’m sure a supposed drink named Dragon Piss is a wonderful concoction to consume.”
“Hey now, I didn’t say it was wonderful. I just said it can be consumed. After the first sip, all the nerves and tastebuds are basically paralyzed. It’s an easy way to get drunk on short notice.”
“Oh yes, because we all need an easy way to get drunk.”
“Says the mage who is currently drunk.”
— A conversation between Colhoun Lavellan and Dorian Pavus, sharing drinks in the Herald’s Rest after returning from Emprise du Lion.
Kida Lavellan
1. An overheard conversation about your OC
“The Inquisitor’s brother is something else.”
“Kida? The red head with the sour face?”
“Don’t let that fool you. He’s a good kid. Smart too. The amount of knowledge he has is invaluable. What he was able to tell me about spirit healing amazed me.”
“A Dalish mage knows more than a well educated circle mage? I find that hard to believe.”
“He knows quite a deal more than you give him credit for. He’s spent his entire young life studying and perfecting his magic. The First Enchanter believes he has some real talent.”
“I’ve dealt with Madame Vivienne before. If she says he’s got something, then you’re probably right.”
— A conversation between a Circle Mage and a Templar outside the Herald’s Rest.
16. A conversation between your OC and their best friend
“You know a lot of spirits.”
“I do.”
“They help you help others. People think they’re just working for you but you see them as friends.”
“That’s right. They wouldn’t come to me if we weren’t friends. If they’re unsure or uncomfortable, they ignore people.”
“But you want them to feel safe when they join you and help.”
“That’s right.”
“It’s the same for me. You want me to feel safe around you.”
“You’re my friend, Cole. I want you to be safe.”
— A conversation between Kida Lavellan and Cole in Skyhold’s garden.
Kala Lavellan
1. An overheard conversation about your OC
“Did you hear about what happened to the Iron Bull?”
“You mean his involvement with the Inquisitor?”
“No, darling, that’s old news. I’m talking about what the Inquisitor’s sister did to him?”
“Kala? She seems like such a fine girl. What could she have done?”
(A muffled giggle could be heard over the ruckus in the great hall of Skyhold.)
“She and Sera had collected a beehive, you see? They took this beehive, climbed to the roof of the Herald’s Rest then vaulted off.”
“They jumped?!”
“Yes! They jumped off and aimed their descent toward the Iron Bull. They lodged the beehive right on his horn and goodness were the bees mad!”
“Were they all right?”
“Oh yes, dear, they’re quite all right. Covered in bee stings, the three of them, but the healers weren’t too concerned. The Inquisitor, on the other hand, is livid.”
— A conversation between two noblewoman, overheard by Varric Tehtras to be wrote about later.
16. A conversation between your OC and their best friend
“So, you and the Commander? Never would have thought that was your type.”
“And why is that? Is it because I’m an elf and he’s a human? Because if that’s the cause, you’re being a little hypocritical.”
(The sound of Dorian choking on his wine and Kala laughing interrupted many other conversations within the Herald’s Rest)
“Oh yeah, by the way, I know about you and Kida.”
— A personal and teasing conversation between Kala Lavellan and Dorian Pavus during dinner at the Herald’s Rest.
Kida and Kala Lavellan
14. Your OC talking about your favorite quest
“Kala! You need to calm down. Everything is all right!”
(Quiet sobs and elven curses could be heard on the outer edges of the Inquisition camp outside of Adamant)
“He almost died!”
“But he didn’t! He survived the fall and the Fade! The Iron Bull was there. So we’re Dorian and Varric. They wouldn’t let anything happen to him, especially Bull.”
“There was nothing we could do, Kida. We watched him fall and we couldn’t do anything to help him.”
“We couldn’t but we can help him now. We need to be strong for him, act as a crutch until he recovers, physically and mentally. That’s what we need to do, Kala, that’s what he needs.”
— A conversation between Kida and Kala Lavellan, the night after the Inquisitor’s party returned from the Fade and Erimond was defeated.
((Sorry this took me so long to get done. You picked some hard ones! They were a lot of fun to write, though. I also combined number 14 for Kala and Kida. Thanks for sending in the ask!))
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sunspeared · 7 years
first time asker and longtime suffering fan – I would love to know any detail about "common tongue" about anything/everything to take in my greedy little hands?
Hhhhhhhhello! Hi! Common Tongue sure is a fic that resonates with a lot of people, I am surprised to this day. Here, have some tidbits:
I have said many times that I had to outsource Leliana’s #roast of Dorian to my friends on Twitter, but I will say it again here. 
If we are necessitated to break them is a turn of phrase shamelessly cribbed from an Oliver Cromwell quote that floated around Tumblr many years back, the best source of which I can find here.
“Nasal Voice” and “Snotty Voice” are Ellarie and Ser Alana, two OCs that show up in “By Hubris of Their Making.”
I had to go like 20 pages back in my gmail history to find the e-mail where klickitats roasts me over my complete lack of focus in the second draft of this, and they were completely right. “Maybe… this may be a radical idea, but maybe… a little… more…. Dorian content?” This fic + the fiasco of a writing process that was its eventual sequel, Least Resistance, made me determined that the conceit of my next Adoribull fic was going to be WHO CARES WHAT THE CONCEIT IS GOING TO BE, JUST PUT THEM IN A FUCKIN BOX WITH NO OTHER CHARACTERS AROUND THEM. 
There was a more explicit tie-in with “Flowers for the Victor” in the original draft, which I cut later on to Improve my Focus, and because it really was not that interesting: 
Inquisitor Lavellan was waiting for him, perched on the edge of his stool.
“You, me, Vivienne, Varric,” she said, “back up to the Storm Coast, stopover in Crestwood. I have a really unfortunate Crestwood fixation. It’s not even a particularly interesting or pretty region of the game!!! wtf!!!! You interested?”
“Switching it up, boss?”
The Inquisitor’s eyebrows rose. It wasn’t often that someone questioned her decisions, on fieldwork–it was good for her, to be forced to talk through it. Shut up, Bull. The advisors let her do whatever she felt like, as long as it made the Inquisition look good. “My Seeker needs a breather,” said the Inquisitor. Her Seeker. We get it, Past Sam: Herald, they’re lesbians. And she was leaving Cassandra behind.
But the Inquisitor went on, because she liked a good speech: She really doesn’t. Not this one, at least. I do, though, and I like characters who like making speeches. "Vivienne is the next most unstoppable thing. You and Vivienne might as well be one person. I had Dorian in the War Room the other day giving me an earful over taking Sera to Crestwood, so no Sera for a while. This would not have happened. If it happened, this Lavellan wouldn’t have listened to him. She likes Sera, but she doesn’t pay Dorian any mind at all. You, Vivienne, Varric. Are you in?“
"Hell yeah,” (okay first of all, there is no hell in Thedas, so this had to have gone anyway) Bull said. “Think we can take down that giant, while we’re there?”
“No,” the Inquisitor said flatly.
“Think we’ll find a dragon?”
“No,” she said. He hadn’t thought she’d say yes, but he’d hoped she would smile. She chewed on one of her knuckles, staring at the opposite wall. Didn’t want to stay, didn’t want to go wherever she needed to be. Literally why is this here? Who cares? They weren’t nearly close enough for him to ask her flat-out what was wrong.
In the final draft, all that happens is Bull seeking Lavellan out to get Dorian an invitation to her mage turn-ups in the rotunda. There’s also a cut bit where Josie/Dorian and Sera/the squad leave for the party/Crestwood respectively, and Dorian and Sera tell each other not to get killed, but again, it was not that interesting. 
He ran made a gesture over an oilcloth cloak–that sure was ten minutes on Wikipedia researching old timey waterproof materials and what, exactly, oilcloth is. 
“Solas is a cock.” I wrote a ficbit once upon a time with a Lavellan teaching Sera horrible things to say in Dalish to get on Solas’s nerves. It never went anywhere, and this is the only line that I’ve ever salvaged from it. 
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love-in-nature · 7 years
My Neighbor, Fen’harel Chapter 5: Playing Games
Read on AO3.
It wasn’t until her workday was almost over that Emmy found herself in her new office.  There had been a lot to do this first day to get an idea of the place.  They had to go over current cataloging methods, storage areas, how different things were dealt with here, the university's procedures for receiving donations, the procedure for denying donations, the procedure for acquiring things, and so on.  Some were fun.  Most were pure legalities and paperwork.
She hadn’t even minded the boring stuff.  She would have gladly waded through a pool full of paperwork to spend five minutes with the eluvian.  Even damaged it had been the most stunning thing Emmy had ever laid eyes on.  
It was tarnished, the glass spotted with age, but even so it was incredible.  It was intricately designed and, oddly, had a wolf sculptured at the top as a focal point.  To her knowledge it was uncommon for symbols of Fen’harel to show up on things like this.  Not that anyone knew much about these.
When the eluvian were mentioned in ancient texts, they appeared to be spoke of as some kind of transportation system.  It was not impossible that their translations were wrong; much of the language had been lost after all.   Even if it was correct it could be more symbolizing or myth.  Tales to tell each other over a fire.  The same texts sometimes spoke of gods and magic as though they were facts of everyday life.  So it was sometimes hard to tell what was fact and what was fiction with ancient Elvhen documents.  Though, some did argue it was all historical fact.
As if magic and gods could exist.  A preposterous thought.  She put it right up there with all the talk of there being a maker.  If either of those things were true, then surely they’d be in a much different world than the one they found themselves in.  
Whatever the eluvians were, this one was the first that she knew of being found.  The rest were either hidden away by private collectors, clans, or still lost to the modern world.  It was a true treasure.  A piece of her people, of the history long lost to them.  Her clan’s keeper, Deshanna, would want to know.
She set down at her desk and turned on her work computer.  Once she was logged in she first went to double check her new work e-mail.  Nothing much there.  Just a welcome e-mail from the dean.  Though she imagined it would be filled before too long with various work things.  Her internet would be set up by the end of the week at her home so she’d be able to keep up with it there as well.
That done, she went to her personal e-mail.  When she opened it there was some spam.  An e-mail from Sera.  Probably her usual fair of some kind of lewd joke or disgusting video.  Emmy skipped that for now.  Then there was an e-mail from Fen’harel.
Her stomach fluttered a bit at the name, as it always did.  A ridiculous thing considering she had no idea who this person was calling himself Fen’harel.  They’d been exchanging e-mails for over a year and a half.  She’d still not told a soul about it.  Partly because she knew some, like Cassandra, would worry about her communicating with someone she knew no real facts about.  Partly, because of who he was to her clan.
Fen’harel was a pen name that was used by one of the most outspoken critics of the Dalish and their methods of preserving their history.  If Deshanna, or anyone in her clan, learned that Emmy had been speaking to him on a regular basis she would be in for it.  At the very least she would get a month long lecture.  At the worst she would be kicked out of the clan.
He was that bad.
They’d started talking when he’d written a particularly scathing article on the Dalish corruption of history.  Their close mindedness and inability to see anything beyond what they thought was true.  Being the clan’s First she was, of course, one of the ones to be shown this article.  Her anger had been great.
Immediately, she’d hunted around to try and find out who this man was so she could confront him.  Even after exhausting all her resources all she’d managed to get was an e-mail.  She’d sent a thorough response to the article.  In the end it was several pages long and seething.  
The extent of her rage was huge.  Looking back now she could admit much of it was probably a redirect from the rage and hurt she still felt from Solas’ vanishing act.  After all, it had only been two months since he’d left.
Weeks went by with no reply.  It got to the point where she figured she’d either gotten the wrong e-mail or he was ignoring her.  She’d set her mind on writing him again.  If he didn’t reply she’d hassle him till he did.  Then, out of the blue, she received a curt reply back.  To which she responded with another long e-mail.  This back and forth went on until, somehow, hostility turned to grudging interest.  
Then, the Temple of Sacred Ashes happened.  
She had pulled into herself completely.  There was breath in her lungs, a beat to her heart, but she was not alive.   Not truly.  She had become a puppet.  A figurehead for the group that had been formed to find the truth of what happened at the Temple of Sacred Ashes The sole survivor was a fake.  She had not survived it.  Not mentally.  Not emotionally.  
Fen’harel started e-mailing her more regularly a few weeks after the incident.  Instead of hostile e-mails they contained random articles on historical finds or explanation of a text he had come across.  The first few she skimmed but didn’t truly register.  
He persisted and after a while she started to reply.  If she was honest with herself, much of her reasons for replying probably resided in the fact that he sounded like Solas.  The way he wrote reminded her so much of her ex-lover and, despite her hate for Solas, she still had loved him.  She still found comfort in the familiarity it brought.
Then, as they wrote back and forth with increasing frequency, she no longer only spoke to him because of the reminder.  He was someone she could talk to without fear of judgment.  Someone who saw her as she was not as the Inquisitor.  She came to look forward to his e-mails.  
She remembered the first time he had agreed to chat with her online.  How her heart had pounded with nerves and excitement.  
They’d chatted for several hours.  The chat turning flirtatious, intimate, and almost sexual before he told her he couldn’t and signed out.  Since then he had only gone into chat with her a handful of times.  All of them brief and as professional as he kept his e-mails.  This didn’t keep her from daydreaming of a day she might meet him.  As ridiculous as such a thing was.
The subject of his current e-mail was, “as requested” and she knew it was the corrected translations she had sent him to look at.  She smiled as she clicked on the message.
Recipient: Emmy
Subject: As Requested
Attached are the corrected translations of the document you asked me to look at.  I am impressed.  There were only a few errors.  Your ancient Tevene has improved greatly and rapidly.  There were only a few minor adjustments.  I believe you will no longer need my help on such things.
She felt herself swell with pride at his words.  Though he was always kind to her, he was not one to offer empty compliments.  So, to have him comment on her progress, was a big deal to her.  Then she read the last added line and her pride was replaced with confusion.
P.S. Is there something you need to tell me da’len?
Was he referring to her new job and location?  If so how did he even know about it?  She’d taken cares for it not to be known.  After being in the public eye so long she had been eager to be out of it.  Not that she wasn’t going to tell him but…
She shook her head and swiveled in her chair, thinking for a moment before she moved to reply.
Recipient: Fen’harel
Subject: Thank you
Thank you for your help and for the compliment.  Don’t be too eager to be rid of me, hahren.  I’m sure I still will need your help with things like this on occasion.  As for having something to tell you, I’ve got a new job and have moved to a place called Haven.  But you knew this didn’t you?  Or you wouldn’t have asked.
You continue to know so much about me when I know so little about you.  You could tell me who you are you know.  I’m very good at keeping secrets.
Are you angry with me, hahren?  It is unlike you to so blatantly pry into my personal life.  Usually you make a point of avoiding it.  
But, for your information, I was waiting till I got settled more and I would have told you.  I don’t even have internet at my place yet.  Of course, if you gave me a cell number I could have just texted or called.
She hit send before opening up a new e-mail.  She typed in Deshanna’s e-mail and started.  It took her several minutes to go over everything.  Her new apartment and how lovely it was.  The job.  How much Deshanna would love all the history available here and how she definitely needed to come for a visit to see for herself.  Finally, she went in some depth about the eluvian.  Though, she emphasised that it was really something that Deshanna needed to see in person because there were no adequate words.
As soon as she hit send on that e-mail a small beep sounded from the computer.  It indicated a chat message and her brows furrowed.  When she clicked on the e-mail clients chat and saw who it was her eyes widened a bit before she smiled.
Fen’harel: I am not angry.  Simply curious.  As for how I know, I have my fair share of eyes and ears.  
Emmy: You started a chat with me! :D I should mark the occasion on my calendar.  
Emmy: Also, is that your way of saying you’re having me watched?  Do you have a trail on me or something?  D:  Creepy, wolfie!
There was the little, “Fen’harel is typing,” notice on the bottom of the chat.  Then it stopped.  Started again and finally he sent something.
Fen’harel: Do not make me regret it already, da’len.  And no.  I am not having you followed, it was pure coincidence that I happened to find out about your change of location.  I did not know what it was for, only that you had moved.  What is this new job of yours?
As if she would tell him that easily.  He already had the upper hand.  Sure she would have sent it in an e-mail but him asking about it first had brought to the front of her mind the fact that he knew all about her and she nothing about him.  So, she’d play him along a bit first.
Emmy: Oh it’s amazing.  You’d adore it, but I’m not going to tell you.
Fen’harel: Why?
Emmy:  It isn’t fair that you know so much about me but I know nothing about you.  Not even your real name or what you look like.  I don’t even know your gender. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Fen’harel: I should have thought the last would have been obvious.
She smirked, thinking for a beat before she replied.
Emmy: Why would it be obvious?  It may be common for parents to name their kids after elven gods, but Fen’harel isn’t one you hear often.  Plus, with how secretive you are I highly doubt you’d publish under your real name.  Or perhaps you presumed I’d know based on context of past conversations?  
Emmy: You don’t have to be a male to want to get into bed with me.  
Emmy: Just because you can be flirty sometimes, almost had online sex with me the one time, and you chose a male pen name doesn’t automatically mean you’re male.
Immediately the typing notice came on.  It went for several moments before stopping.  She waited, her eyes glued to the screen as her fingers tapped a nervous rhythm on the desk.  Had she overdone it?  Did he think she was chastising him about the sex and flirting stuff?  Unable to wait anymore she started typing again.
Emmy: I’m sorry, I was just teasing.  I know you’re not actually interested in me at like that.  I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.  
The typing symbol came up and her pulse sped a bit.  Why her stupid heart kept acting up so much today was beyond her.  Must be everything going on, not to mention seeing Solas again.  She frowned at him popping into her head, at the same moment the typing icon stopped again.
“It’s like he fucking knew.”
Then it started again.  Stopped.  Started.  Finally he sent a reply.
Fen’harel: You presume much today, lethallan.
Her eyes widened.  She presumed much what?  There was the spying, and then… was he admitting he felt attracted to her too?  Then why hadn’t he tried to go any further?  Why had he gone out of his way to redirect when she tried to flirt?
Fen’harel: Wanting something and being able to act on such desires are two separate things.  You should not care for me.  You do not even know who I truly am, as you stated yourself.
Emmy: I don’t know what you look like.  Looks are not nearly as important as the rest.   All you’ve done for me.  All we’ve shared even though it is just in e-mails.  I feel more myself with you than anyone around me in person.  When I imagine you being with me I can’t picture you but I feel you.
This had escalated into something entirely different from what she had expected.  Probably something that she should not be partaking in at work but, she couldn’t help it.  They were finally talking about it.  She wasn’t about to stop it now if he allowed the discussion.  
Although, he was taking long enough to respond that she thought maybe he had decided to end it by simply not speaking anymore.  Then the typing started again followed quickly by a ding.
Fen’harel: You imagine such things, how I feel?
Then before she could even start her response.
Fen’harel: Stop.
Fen’harel: I can not continue this, Emmy.  We should not.  
Please, say he was just talking the flirting.  Then again she didn’t want to let it go that easy.  He’d admitted he was attracted, so why?  
Emmy: You don’t imagine things like that?  How I’d taste against your lips.  
Emmy: What my skin would feel like against yours.  The sounds I’d make.  How we’d be mad with lust for each other.
Emmy: I’m guessing the first time would be rough and hungry.  Then again a while later, slow and sensual.
There was nothing for a full minute from him and she frowned.  Still, at this point it was all or nothing.
Emmy: Have you fled from me or are your hands too busy doing other things to type ;).  Maybe I should make my hands busy too.  Certainly in the mood for it now.
The typing started again.
Fen’harel: I am at work.  Please desist this.
Emmy: I’m at work too ;)
Emmy: Wait, does that mean if you weren’t at work you’d play along?
Fen’harel: That is enough of this game of yours.  If you do not wish to tell me of your new situation, then I will not force the matter.  I must go.
Not like that you don’t, woflie.  She quickly typed the one thing she thought would get him to stay.
Emmy: An archivist
There was typing, stopping, typing, and stopping.  Now her brows furrowed.  Honestly, it wasn’t like she had told him she was a spy or gone into the porn industry or something.  He knew her passions.  Surely her pursuing a career as an archivist wasn’t that far fetched.
Fen’harel: An archivist, where?
Emmy: I would’ve thought you’d know that, all seeing one.
Fen’harel: Amuse me.
Emmy: Why?  You didn’t want to play with me when it was my game.  
Emmy: It’s my first day, stop distracting me.  I’ll send you an e-mail when I get my home internet set-up.  
Emmy: Good-bye wolfie. :*
With that she logged out of her chat before she let the conversation drag on any further.  She really did need to go over these final legal documents before she headed home today.  If she stayed on with him any longer she probably wouldn’t get home till after 8.
She looked at the small stack of papers still awaiting her attention and sighed.  Then her eyes shifted to the now empty tea mug Merrill had given her.  She reached for it and stood.  First she’d go make some tea, then she’d focus and get the last of this paperwork finished.
Earl Grey work your magic, buddy.
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