#they’re only happy if it’s like 30c+
thesilversun · 8 months
Well that was fun while it lasted. The week on steroid tablets meant not trying to cough a lung up several times a day.
It’s was a short course. It finished. Apparently my lungs would like to go chase after.
Guess I’ll have to call the doctors in the morning and see if they’ll let me have the low dose steroid inhaler like last winter.
Couldn’t they just schedule me getting one the each winter? Wouldn’t it be easier all round?
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Oh nice sounds like the baby will have a very loving support system and family with all of you around! OMG I cackled at the Monica Gellar reference and I understand your pain hahaha.
Oh god I hate flying, which is surprising bc of how many times I've done it now. 10h+ flights are the worst haha. Ah then you'll love the -30C Canadian winter temperatures haha. 🥶
I think making Dani a scorpio makes sense bc of how thirsty she is haha 😂 and the jealousy 👀. SLS is my favourite of yours btw! Think I left you a comment on AO3 practically begging you to continue working on it hahaha. (And you replyed saying you would update it eventually ty!)
Oh so badgers are kinda like opossums then. They're called texugos in Portuguese (we have them here too) which I've heard of before but never seen one irl. Honestly boring sounds great, better than having to run into wild animals and having to survive that haha.
Oh God I'm sorry you had to go through all that in the middle of a pandemic or at all actually, and I'm glad you survived and are doing much better now!
Idk I feel like I'm in a dilemma bc part of me is excited for any kind of representation of sapphic relationships but then I kinda feel like they're feeding us crumbs when we deserve so much more. It's not that I don't want to see tragic wlw stories (and they're all wlw bc apparently nb people don't exist) it's more like that seems to be the only kind representation we have and that's painfully close to reality already.
Ah now I'm curious to know what you sound like haha. And hey it's never too late to learn new languages! You might struggle more that's true but it's not impossible. I think Dani's accent is cute but I think it's bc I'm into VP more than anything 😅.
I'll be leaving you alone for a while now (finally haha) bc I've taken more work than I can handle (yet again) but I'm looking forward to seeing more of your fics in the future! Take care!👋 ✨
The baby is gonna have so much love and such a strong support system seriously they don't even know how much yet but when they get older they're gonna be so shocked!! Haha that's genuinely how I feel haven't had to live with a boy since I lived at home and my dad was still alive and my brothers were at home too I've just lived with women for so long now I am not ready to have to live with another boy/ man I actually really loved flying and with my first one being a long haul flight I feel like I could handle a lot of things with flying now it's a shame you dislike it so much!! Oh yeah that sounds like my kind of weather I would LOVE that!! Haha I'm glad it makes sense especially for that story!! Awwh thank you for saying it's your favourite that makes me happy!! And yeah I will definitely update it again eventually- the next chapter is one of my favourites so far it's a pretty long one but a lot happens in it and also there's a great shoutout to a movie musical in it that I recommenced to anyone that will listen and it's gonna be recommended in the next chapter haha but the songs in it are gonna be something that really makes Dani think about what she wants in life I've never seen an opossum they're not something we have here I don't think I'd love to see one though we don't have raccoons either which is a shame because they're my favourite animal!! I mean... I've been chased by some animals like swans, and geese, and ducks, and cows but never anything really scary haha Yeah it was a really scary time for me but I powered on and made it out the other side alive so I can't really complain too much and I'm doing a lot better now too which is great!! Yeah I feel the same!! I think we need more trans representation, both trans women/ men and nb people like there is hardly any representation out there for trans men or women and even less for nb people and that just sucks!! The LGBTQIA+ community needs better and happier representation I'm sick of seeing LGBTQIA+ characters being killed off of the relationships being unhealthy or them cheating like is it too much to ask for to give us positive representation and more of it? Haha I hate my voice and accent so I doubt I'll ever show anyone what I sound like (maybe if I had a really good reason to) but I just hate the sound of my voice like so much!! I just struggle really but I am gonna see about taking some classes after work maybe when I start my new job and see if I can learn a new language because I've always thought it would be fun!! How many languages do you speak? Dani's accent is adorable and her voice is just so lovely too!! Haha I get that feeling I am into VP no matter what character it is that she's playing like I am just really into her haha Don't say finally!! I've loved these little chats we've had they've been so nice and a lot of fun!! No I hope work goes okay and that you're still taking plenty of time to take care of yourself!! Awwh thank you, I really hope you like them when you read them and I hope you take care too!! ☺️💜
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footballffbarbiex · 4 years
Having A Picnic.
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This is part of the Spring / Easter masterlist.
Other seasonal masterlists are: Summer. Autumn Winter
subscribe to Patreon and gets updates up to 4 weeks early.
Leon stretches himself out on the blanket, mimicking a cat basking in the sun. Sunglasses cover his eyes, sun cream has been applied thickly and absorbed and he’s enjoying a day off. With temperatures reaching 30c, today couldn’t have been more perfect for him. The blanket he lays on is big enough for the two of them and their hamper. One of the biggest bottles of water she’s seen is beside him and no amount of taunting will stop him from using it. If anything, it makes it worse.
Families are around them in the park though not too close, children are playing together, pets are being walked and lay out in the shade with their owners. At the other side of the park, she’s watched families having water fights, keeping it where they’re able to do so without frustrating other families. It’s busy but hectic, conversations and music can be heard, but it doesn’t intrude on her and Leon. So far, they’ve been left alone and she’s relieved.
“It’s busier than I thought it would be,” she says as she peers around, watching as some families leave and others take their place, just like at a food court. She’s also relieved to see that as people leave, they do collect their trash and don’t leave it behind. It’s a pet peeve of hers and she’s thankful others are being respectful.
“I thought people would be out, but not like this.” Leon comments, rolling over onto his front and turning his head to look at her. His unruly curls are everywhere, and the sight makes her smile. “I like you looking happy.”
“Well that’s a relief. I was starting to think you only liked me when I was sad.”
“Your sarcasm will get the better of you soon.”
“It keeps the mind young.” She quips and accepts his offer when he reaches out for her hand. His thumb strokes over where he can reach, and she smiles again. “But, on a serious note, you’re a big reason for my happiness lately, so thank you. Days like these helps.”
“Even if it’s not just the two of us?” He asks, shifting his weight and lays on his side as he studies her. “Don’t forget to eat.” He gestures to the hamper.
“Even if it’s not.” She agrees, sitting forward and releases his hand as she pops the lid. He’s taken care of everything, including a light lunch, snacks, and a trio of mini desserts. “Besides, all I’ve seen you have is water so far. Open” She offers him one of the nibbles, popping it into his open mouth. “Good boy.”
“Good boy,” he scoffs before chewing. “You’ve got some nerve.” He adds as he sits forward and rummages about, selecting a small reusable pot clearly labelled, takes the lid from it and offers her some of the contents.
“This really is amazing. Thank you for doing this.”
“It’s fine.” He tries to brush it off like it’s a small thing, but the smile on his lips says something else. “I just like doing things like this for us.”
“And you said you weren’t romantic.”
“I said I wasn’t overly romantic. There’s a difference.” He chuckles. “I like doing these things. I just don’t want them to lose their effect when I do it.” Leon reasons. “Though I guess,” he says in a softer tone, “that I could always do a few more things more often.”
She makes an nu-uh noise as she shakes her head, “I want you do things when you want to and when they feel right. Not when you think you should. That’s what makes days like these so much better.” She comments. “It’s hard not to kiss you right now,” she tilts her head and watches him. Jokingly, he blows her a kiss, making her shake her head and check back in the hamper to select another snack before reaching for the actual lunch and puts it in front of them both.
“I think we should do more things together.” He says as he opens up his portion. “Maybe not quite somewhere as open and public as this where we have eyes on us, but something simple, like this.”
“Cheap and cheerful.”
“That’s not what I meant.” He says a little defensively.
“I did.” She frowns. “You don’t have to spend a lot of money to make a date worthwhile. I’m enjoying this.”
“More than some fancy pants restaurant?”
“I’m not comparing them.” She wags her finger, “I’m enjoying this and that’s what matters. This right now, is exactly what I need.”
“Then we’ll do this more often.” Leon grins at her as he raises his sunglasses to look at her properly. “Right here, right now. I want us to come up with ten date ideas that isn’t the cinema or a restaurant.”
“And if we get ten?”
“Date number one happens in two weeks time.”
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16 17 11 10 for Aaravos 💫
10. Physical appearance headcanon
all Star Touches have starry skin, but no two elves ever have the same constellation 
Aaravos earned those diamonds on his cheeks, he wasn’t born with them
the darkness in the center of his chest star wasn’t always there
it’s connected to dark magic, which he created as a kind of opposite to himself, a black hole
he practiced being graceful in the mirror when he was young because no one would ever trust a clumsy Star Touch
he also practiced his smile, but that smirk still gets away from him sometimes
his hair, gods
Aaravos does not give two shits about his hair
if he did, he would do something with it, but he doesn’t
he’s impressive enough as it is, but if he had a dazzling hairstyle as well?
no one could possibly say no to him
the only way he ever styles his hair is by putting his crown on
until he gets that crown back, 
11. Wardrobe headcanon
Aaravos’s clothing is very durable, it’s lasted for at least three hundred years if not way longer
it’s made of a special kind of cloth woven with the timelessness of Star magic, which also gives it that weightless gossamer look he enjoys
the little tears and holes in his clothing could be repaired, but he keeps them to remind himself that he’s in prison and it’s okay to look absolutely trashed when you’re in prison
because that also motivates him to stay sharp and look for ways out
it’s cold in the mirror
Aaravos put on pants, heavier boots, and a whole heavy cloak because he’s freezing
not being able to connect to the Stars while he’s in prison weakens him, and he can’t feel the cosmic radiation that usually warms him to a balmy 85F (30C) at all times
he’s actually spent the entirety of S3 huddled under his cloak with his hands wrapped around a hot mug of tea while his spirit flits about with Viren
he caught the elf flu for taking his cloak off to do all that spellcasting at the end of S2 but it was totes worth it to get Viren to trust him
he cannot wait until he can go tits out and thighs out again, it’s one of the biggest motivators for freedom, he just wants to be warm again
16. Anger headcanon
Aaravos doesn’t really do anger the way we do
he gets frustrated when he’s outmatched, because it happens so very rarely, but he quickly moves on to a plan to counteract his loss
everything is plans and tactics
he’s as patient as the stars when he has a plan in place, like with Viren
if Aaravos were ever truly angry with someone, he’d time his vengeance perfectly, even if it looked spontaneous
that’s probably why he calls Avizandum the most powerful creature in the world, whether he is or not--teleportation messes with Aaravos’s divination powers, and that’s gotta be really aggravating and probably really scary for him, not being able to know where Avizandum will come from next
Aaravos has been patient for a very long time now, but he’s also very motivated to get out of the mirror and deliver payback to everyone who ganged up on him and chucked him in there
because he is angry, at everyone who imprisoned him
and Aaravos’s anger is just like space
it’s very very cold
and it will absolutely destroy you if you’re not perfectly prepared to encounter it
17. Soft spot headcanon
besides humans, Aaravos has a soft spot for eating
food is such a weird concept to him but he loves that humans love to bake and cook and feed each other when they’re feeling soft
Aaravos would watch moms feeding their kids or lovers feeding each other all day if he could, what better way to say “I care about you” than to put nutrition right into someone’s mouth
anything involving touch, in fact, especially soft touches, he’s fascinated by and kind of longs to try
he hasn’t gotten to touch anyone in 300 years and he was always so curious about how physical contact worked among other elves and humans
he went way overboard when he inhabited the Sun mage though, touching Khessa’s face like he did
he could feel the mage’s thoughts as he possessed him and knew that he secretly loved Khessa and had never had the boldness to say anything
he went about it the wrong way but he did his best when he let the mage touch her right before he killed them both, and he didn’t make the mage watch her die
Aaravos doesn’t understand love, but he’s trying to
he knows there’s something balanced and right about it, he knows it makes his precious humans happy, and he’d like to be happy too someday, in the simple way that they are, pleased by something as small as their loved one feeding them food and smiling at them
one day, he knows he’ll figure it out, and then maybe the humans will love him too
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henderistic · 5 years
The Chase- 1920s Mingyu Detective AU - Part One
A/N: Wow three posts in one night? What is this? anyways my (hopefully) original idea I’ve had for months now so enjoy.
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Slow-Burn(?), Friends to Lovers
Warnings: deals with occasional misogyny and racism, deals with murder and gore, probably more that will come out in later chapters
Summary: When two amateur sleuths turn into fully fledged detectives they aren’t given too much, that is until the station gets busy and they’re tasked with a murder that needs to be solved.
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It was a wet and windy August day in LA. The Great War was finally over and fathers, brothers and sons came home and chose to celebrate with heavy alcohol. You and your friend Mingyu couldn’t care less though since you were on the hunt to locate some stolen jewelry. Both of you had a hunch that someone had pawned it off but you had to make sure.
You two were walking down to the pawn shop when a group of rowdy young men came down and accidentally knocked you over. Your very tall and very skinny friend was appalled by this and chose to speak up, but by the time he could they had already left in a scrambled.
“Hey it’s okay, I’m sure we’ll get them next time,” you said in your signature soft tone you used to console your much more aggressive friend, “yeah but they pushed a girl over,” he said, the furry obvious in his tone. You shook your head and continued walking.
You eventually made it to the store and when you walked inside there it was, the golden necklace that had been stolen from the victim.
“Excuse me sir, who sold you that necklace?” your childish voice questioned. “I’m not tellin’ some nosy kids, now get lost.” You both nodded and left the store, feeling upset by how they treated you.
Your way home was you two bouncing ideas off each other of how you would get to the bottom of who sold the expensive piece to the shop. Eventually, Mingyu had the bright idea of looking through the victim’s house and seeing if there was possibly a pawn ticket there. Both of you rushed to her house as soon as you thought of the idea, and just as you had expected it was there, even including the name of her own son. The lady praised you for your clever detective work and invited you over tomorrow so she could repay you for your hard work.
You and Mingyu began walking home, it was dusk and he had insisted he would take you to your house so you were “safe”. Although you really did appreciate his generosity you worried about him as well; his parents were korean immigrants and a year ago they had some nasty racially motivated graffiti painted across their house. It wasn’t completely terrible though, since it had encouraged both of your loves for detective work and giving justice to others.
“Y/N, you’re frowning,” Mingyu said, bring you out of your daydream. “Oh sorry, just wondering when we’ll get some more serious cases.” He sighed, he always could see right through your lies.
You two had been working at the police station for 6 months now and the only things you seemed to get were missing dog reports and people smuggling alcohol; at one point you did get a small bank robbery that was solved in a matter of days but still it was a nice change from the norm. It’s not like you weren’t thankful you had gone from being amateur sleuths to fully fledged detectives in a matter of months but you still craved something more. Oh, now you truly were frowning because of how you were being treated at work.
“Come on, everyone’s gone, let’s go to the diner and have supper,” Mingyu said in a more cheery tone. You gave a few small nods and watched him put on his coat. Even though he wasn’t what you considered a “true” detective he still dressed like one; he wore a fedora and always had on his trench-coat outside, even if it was plus 30C°. Even though sometimes it got on your nerves with how he only had one true outfit you still admired him for his dedication. You currently were wearing a loose fitting dress that could be mistaken for an evening dress or a work dress. In fact, most of your clothes were like as a very forward thinking woman.
Mingyu rushed out ahead of you to get his car; sometimes you were jealous of him being able to leave so quickly as a man but you knew times would change eventually. You began walking quickly behind him, clutch in one hand while holding the slightly too big red hat that matched your dress with the other. Always the gentleman, you saw him holding the passenger side door open for you with a shy smile on his face.
- - -
The waitress immediately recognized you two and put you in your practically designated spot. Sitting down you sighed and told Mingyu, “Sometimes I wonder if they’re not giving us the bigger cases because I’m a woman. I mean, I’m certainly one of the first ladies to be hired in such a high position I suppose they would be slightly apprehensive.” The man sitting across from you gave you a sad smile and nodded his head, “I get where you’re coming from, I mean I am an Asian working in this field that’s very typically white, I’m not even sure how I got hired to tell you the truth. I guess we’re just a duo of misfits.” With his final sentence making you laugh you saw his face perk up, happy he could hear your melodic laugh once more.
There wasn’t once a time in your life that Mingyu had been in where you were truly sad, he always managed to say or do something funny to cheer you up. Whether that be imitating someone you heard on your radio or always tripping over his own feet at the right time he was there for you, and you were there for him. Truly, your friendship was as close to perfect as you could get.
- - -
The next week at the station house was very busy, yet you two seemed to have nothing to do. You had both noticed that the missing pet reports kept being “misfiled” and were never given to anybody; even when the grieving owners came in to check on the progress of the case they always assured they were working on it. You weren’t completely sure how it happened but you and Mingyu had nothing to do and were now throwing crumpled papers into the trash to keep yourselves at least somewhat occupied.
You heard a crash outside your shared office door and both of you rushed to see what had happened. Once you opened the door you were greeted with your supervisor on the floor, but instead of being angry he looked up at you and said “ah wonderful! Just the two people I wanted to see.” You and Mingyu looked at each other confused, only hearing that sentence spoken with malice behind it. You helped him up and invited him into your office.
“I know you two have been waiting for something big so here’s your chance to prove yourselves - there’s been a murder on the beach and I want you to solve it.”
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flanngo · 7 years
Hello! I'm that anon that sent those asks to allthecanadianpolitics. I saw your response & I do have a few questions: How cold do the winters in Canada get? I was also wondering if you know of any good colleges for comic artists? I'm a cartoonist & there was one college I was looking into but I'd like to see what you think. ;v;
Ayyy! :D
So my other Ontario followers, feel free to chime in with your experiences too! I can only give my side of it, and I know it will help hearing from artists in other schools too. Buckle up cause this is gonna get long.
Winter Sucks
Firstly, the winters. During the coldest times we usually average around -15c to - 25c, not counting the wind. It’s dipped to near -30c too and…in general it kind of sucks.
The biggest thing to keep in mind is that our winters last long. It’s not wild to see snow in October sometimes….I’d say that we start getting into our winter (below freezing) at the end of October till about April? So expect a good 6 months of cold weather.
It’s been snowing less here over the years, but I’d still recommend a decent pair of boots. Most importantly, a good coat and gloves. The wind is what’s really nasty.
Art Colleges
Okay, college. If you’re looking to go into the arts, definitely go this route instead of going to a standard university and taking an art degree there. Universities haven’t made a name for themselves in the arts, and a great college will have a better reputation and will ultimately look better on a resume (and it will teach you more!)
I’ve been to both, and I am enjoying my college time vastly more than when I did my degree.Mostly in part that the instructors are wayyyy more knowledgeable, and still work in the industry instead of just teaching! Everything is much more updated and relevant, and it’s less likely you’ll get the scenario of “teacher who used to work in the industry 20-30 years ago”.
Onto School Specifics
I would recommend steering clear of OCAD. The quality has declined heavily over the years, and what they teach isn’t really relevant to the industry anymore, so I hear.
VanArts has a great reputation, but it’s all the way in Vancouver so…i’ll put that aside if you’re just looking into Ontario schools.
The big ones in Ontario: Sheridan, Seneca, Max the Mutt
These schools will overlap heavily with having a great animation program…because they tend to also have great illustration and sequential arts (comic arts) programs too! A lot of times the teachers will teach across multiple programs and multiple schools, and they usually rotate around these three!
Out of the big three, Sheridan is the one that has the longest standing program and reputations for it. They’re in the top 10 of the world for animation, and by graduating from here you really have a name that will back you up. They’re really well known for illustration as well, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they had a program specific to sequential arts! They like to train students for more director/higher up positions, so keep in mind that it may be difficult to find a job right after you graduate.
Has a worldwide reputation, looks great on resumes.
Long standing programs, and some of them have an internship requirement built it.
There’s a great chance you’ll have a solid portfolio ready for after you graduate and start job hunting.
The college is looking to become a university within the next few years, and there’s no doubt that teachers and programs will be affected with this change.
Very competitive and tough to get into. The portfolio requirements to apply are changing and some of it looks a little weird…
Class sizes might be very large, and there may not be enough materials/space/teacher feedback for everyone.
From the perspective of other art schools (not from the general public), Sheridan can have a sort of elitist culture, and a vibe of “I only want to help myself”.
Seneca, another top 10 in the world for animation. They’re making their name big with that and improving fast! This is where I study animation, so my (biased) recommendation is always to look into this school too. Most of the professors here graduated from Sheridan in the past, and they all still work in the industry! This school’s focus is more on getting you a job after you graduate, so they want to easily slot us into the industry!
Very small program size, and thus class sizes. You have lots of 1 on 1 time with the professors.
Out of all three, Seneca has the best hiring rate. You’re more likely to get a job fast coming out of this school.
In animation especially, has an atmosphere built on helping each other and sharing knowledge. If you only look out for yourself, you won’t get far here.
Doesn’t have a dedicated sequential arts program yet…it’s in the works!
Very competitive and tough to get into.
There’s only really two programs that Seneca is well known for. The illustration program is not as strong here and needs to be fixed up, so I hear.
The campus that most likely will have the sequential arts program is Seneca @ York, which is a special building we have located on York University campus. Living close around this area can be pretty dangerous. Keep in mind that we are also a bit affected by York University’s stuff, aka when they go on strike. (They’re on strike as of today, so this is the second strike I have had to deal with during my second year…..)
Max the Mutt
This one is kind of an oddball new player into the mix. They transformed themselves around over the course of 6-8 years, and I’m excited to see how they keep improving. They have an interesting variety of programs, with one even being specific to concept art! No doubt they should have something up your alley that’s worth looking into.
Improved greatly over the course of a few years and is proving to become a strong contender, with great graduates.
Solid professors who have gone to Sheridan/Seneca, and are close knit in the industry.
Has the strongest ties with APW (Animation Portfolio Workshop), which can help greatly with getting into any of the schools. The fundamentals they teach in APW translate to many programs.
Tuition here is usually more expensive than the other two.
The newest of the big schools, so their reputation is still being formed. Apparently it may have been a bit rocky at the start, but they found their footing.
Just by the name alone, it can look weird on a resume. Be prepared to explain if the company has never heard of it.
Not sure if this has changed recently, but they used to accept almost anyone while they were still growing. This can make for some large skill gaps between students. Max the Mutt won’t be afraid to hold people back a year if they need to improve in a specific area!
Pheww this is long, but I hope that helped answer some stuff? If there’s a specific school you want to know about, or get more info, i’m always happy to help!A note again that this info is from what I gathered with my own experiences, hearing stories, researching when I was looking to apply, etc.
I’d love to hear experiences from other people across schools! Please feel free to chime in!
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bluemagic-girl · 5 years
Pete Davidson Slams Saturday Night Live Cast: ‘They Think I’m F—ing Dumb’
Pete Davidson is tired of being the butt of the joke on Saturday Night Live. The SNL cast member — whose standup special Pete Davidson: Alive From New York is now available to stream on Netflix — was interviewed by Charlamagne tha God on Monday about his experience on the sketch comedy series, and it sounds like he’s not laughing much at Studio 8H these days. In the candid and often scathing conversation, Davidson said that his relationship with his co-stars on the show is contentious and that he has been eyeing the door for quite some time.”I personally think I should be done with that show ’cause they make fun of it,” Davidson said in the interview, above. He went on to clarify that it’s not just occasional cheeky winks, either. “I’m like cold open political punchlines. Like, I’m ‘Weekend Update’ jokes … when I’m not there, they’ll be like, ‘He he he, well, Pete’s a f—ing jerkface.’ And you’re like, ‘Whose side are you on?'” he explained. “I have a feeling in that building where I don’t know whose team they’re playing for. If I’m the joke or I’m in on the joke. I really wanted last year to be my last year, but I’m still around and trying to knock it away.”Is Saturday Night Live New This Week?
One person Davidson did heap praise on during the interview was SNL creator Lorne Michaels. “Lorne’s the sh–. He’s the best and has treated me with nothing but love. He’s like a father figure to me,” Davidson said. However, he didn’t have such kind sentiments to share about anyone else on the show. “As far as everyone else, it’s a cutthroat f—ing show. Everyone’s trying to get their sh– on. Everyone wants to be the next big thing … you’re not going to get coddled over there. They don’t give a f— at the end of the day.” Davidson went on to explain that part of the reason for the behind-the-scenes animosity is that there’s an ultra-competitive environment at SNL where cast members are routinely convinced that they’ll be fired if they don’t produce. “They’re just wrapped up in their own sh–,” he said. “It’s just like, ‘OK, who’s hosting this week? I gotta get my f—ing duck sketch on … We have so little time, and the f—ing fear of getting fired there your first three years is horrible.”
When asked by Charlamagne whether he’s tried to ask his colleagues to tone down their takes on his personal life, Davidson said he doesn’t want to be a “hypocrite” because that’s just the nature of the show but that he has tried to get them to empathize. However, his discontent extends even further than that. “They think I’m f—ing dumb,” he later said. “I’m literally painted out to be this big, dumb idiot. Even all of my sketches are just me being like, ‘OK. Sure.'” Davidson is still currently a cast member of Saturday Night Live, which is airing its 45th season, but he indicated that his future on the series remains uncertain. “I think, for what I could do on the show — which is just barely anything — it’s just ‘Weekend Update.’ I feel like I’ve done like 30 of those, and I just feel like, yeah, I’ve done as much as I can over there. But happy to be there as long as Lorne lets me.”Saturday Night Live Plays It Safe with Democratic Debate Cold OpenDavidson isn’t the only person on SNL whose future on the show is unclear. Last week, Variety reported that in his upcoming memoir A Very Punchable Face, “Weekend Update” co-host Colin Jost admits that he has been considering leaving the show as well but plans to remain in place at least through the 2020 general election cycle. Saturday Night Live airs Saturdays at 11:30/10:30c on NBC. Pete Davidson and Colin Jost, Saturday Night LivePhoto: Will Heath/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images
from WordPress https://moosegazette.net/pete-davidson-slams-saturday-night-live-cast-they-think-im-f-ing-dumb/27251/
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askcaffeinehazard · 7 years
Mind if I ask what it's like caring for scorpions as pets? I've only ever had cats, fish, or geckos so I'm rather curious.
I’ve only had them for 24 hours but have done enough research to answer this!Scorpions are super easy to take care of! You basically just set up their tank and let them do their thing.My scorpions are Queensland Rainforest Scorpions (Liocheles Sp.Brisbane, I believe?) and they really only get about 1-1.5ish inches long, so pretty tiny compared to something like an Emperor Scorpion (but I would love one of those omg)  They’re native to this area so it is always really easy to find anything they need just by going outside and getting it from nature.Both of mine are in a 3ft glass fish tank that I will spritz with a water bottle every day - this keeps it nice and humid and moist for them so they don’t dry out c: They like temperatures of 20C-30C so being in Australia - that’s super easy to achieve.  A huge tank with heaps of hiding spots will massively reduce the chance of fighting or killing each other.  These two have lived together for about 6months in the same tank before I got them and have had no fights so they’re pretty chill.  I am pretty sure they’re male and female so there’s a possibility of them mating too c: Though even if they’re both the same gender I’m happy.There’s a colony of slater beetles and small roaches in their tank - they help clean up any debris and also act as a food source for the scorpions so they really don’t need to be bought food all that often.Scorpions are nocturnal so they can be pretty boring during the day but at night, with an infrared light (cause they can’t see the light so it doesn’t bother them and interrupt their cycle) you can watch them go about hunting c: TL;DR -  These particular scorpions are very easy to take care of and once you have your tank and food source set up - they don’t require much effort apart from making sure the conditions are right for them.
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viesurlamidi · 5 years
settling in !
It’s been nearly 2 months now since I moved to Montpellier and therefore about the time I should have started to understand cultural differences a bit more. I have, actually, but more the type of ‘understanding’ that really means ‘I’ve been here so long that nothing that happens phases me anymore’. 
It’s not even the big things - generally, the way of life here is the pretty much the same as in the UK, even if not London. Shopping is pretty similar (including local markets that I always forget to go to, possibly because of hangovers); the food is the same (thank you deliveroo for saving me when I am hungover); and the transport system is actually better than most I’ve come across (can we just move the tram system to London, please).
I’m even starting to understand the weather! It fluctuates between exactly two states. These two states are: a) sunny, b) storm. The temperature of ‘sunny’ depends on the season. In the last month and a half, it’s moved from late summer temperatures of 25-30C, to the more autumnal 20-25C. ‘Storm’ does not change. It will remain in the same cycle, whether you want it to or not. This cycle is as follows: seven to ten days of sun; one or two days of grey, drizzle, ‘will-it-rain-or-won’t-it’; and then, thunder. The storm will last either last just overnight or for 2 days solid. We are currently in ‘storm’. As I’m writing this, we’re undergoing the early stages of the worst kind of storm; red-alert for wind and flooding. Will I be able to get to uni? Will the trams stop running? Who knows! That’s the beauty of living by the Mediterranean. (edit, two days later - I did manage to get to uni yesterday, and got drenched in the process. This morning I didn’t even bother waking up in time for class, and woke up to videos of the river overflowing and streets flooding up to car windows. Probably the right decision to stay in bed?)
An issue that’s more along the lines of ‘I try to ignore my confusion about this because it will just make me depressed’: classes. University. Study. I have approximately 10% of an idea of what I’m doing at all times. No, this is not because I don’t understand the language, surprisingly! Understanding what people are saying is one of the easiest things in classes. The 90% of my non-understanding is possibly related to me coming from a very good UK university into a pretty average French university. And that’s nothing against French universities! Just, I’m missing London a lot right now. I mainly miss being challenged, and not going to classes where half the information sounds like it’s being read to you off wikipedia, and having pre-class reading that could save you an hour of class time. Having a library that stays open past 7pm, and having more than one of them, and having charging points in those libraries. Having teachers that don’t decide to take a day off and not warn anyone because they’re joining a nationwide union day of striking.
And protests are a big way of life here. As aforementioned, but also outside of national striking; Saturday equals protest day here. The manifestations have gotten a lot better in the last month or so: a week after I arrived, I saw lines of police vans and armed soldiers and a loud crowd of protestors out in town, heard a lot of shouting and loud noises, and then suddenly couldn’t breathe as I was walking home because tear gas had wafted over to my flat. But the crowds have thinned out now, maybe because the weather’s not so good. The trams still don’t run as much on a Saturday because of it.
There’s a lot more that I could add here, but it would take me all evening. It’s a strange experience, but I’m glad I’m having it, even though I feel like I could be doing a bit more to learn the language and integrate into my flatmates’ lives a bit (which is hard when you’re always second guessing the words that come out of your mouth). Well, I’m only a 1/4 through the year, and feeling pretty happy with where life is at the moment. Let’s hope it stays that way!
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whereelsetovent · 6 years
february 4 monday
Started school at 9:00am instead of 8:00am. Since english class wasn’t mandatory anymore, only students that need help with partial draft work attended. This morning wasn’t too bad, the roads weren’t as bad compared to the weather. This week is on average -30C. crazy right? Scientists say it’s because of a polar vortex that’s goin on. Anyways, started the morning with a “Gmorning my sexy pumpkin <3″ to my baby girlfriend Jean Jean, she told me last night that Haya was going for dinner with her friend after the Nisku lab, so Jean who usually goes with her, has to go with her three guy friends instead. Now, what upset me was the fact that when I offered to drive her after class, she mentioned a few reasons why I don’t need to pick her up. Like it’s too far, or that they’ll just drop her off. I guess part of me was jealous. But I mean, they’re just her friends. After awhile, I thought about it and well I mean she’s not married to me, she can do what she wants. Besides, is she the type of person to cheat on you? helll no, she knows if she does. she’s gonna lose me, just like that. 
 first class was intro to project management for two hours. Wasn’t bad, played Geometry wars the whole time. Second class was mette’s environmental pollution class. Handed in my Assignment 1, and we watched The Tipping Point documentary about the developments of oilsands in Canada and its effect. Same boring shit, but nice teacher, likes to tell Logan to stfu. Then came process controls, Jay’s class. Same shit again, except he looked a bit more stressed, which I agreed with Brad. We learned about P I D. proportional mode, PI mode (integral), and PD mode, derivative. Integral apparently has the biggest effect. Increasing gain makes the graph move upwards, increasing the integral allows the graph to be centered, and then slowly increasing the derivative allows the graph to steady out. And then it was hometime.
The entire time I was talking with Jean, texting each other. Today I wanted to change things, started to pick on her height, eyes, etc. we joked on each other the whole day. I mean I started to feel like shes trying to dominate me, so I gotta show her whose boss, this entire week im gonna be mean to her. Until after the three guys drop her off on friday. 
Anyways, that’s it. Came home shovelled the snow, Ohh right today is chinese new years! year of the pig, I mentioned happy chinese new years to Ku Ma
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beertengoku · 6 years
Imperial stouts – my personal favourite kind of beer. One that I know I can’t drink a lot of but I end up trying as many as I can when they’re on sale, and also end up drinking too much of. The colour, the aroma, the flavours, and the texture – such a happy marriage of them all together makes me want to savour, yet consume, the beer so much. Imperial stouts / Russian imperial stouts / imperial Russian stout / American double stouts or whatever you want to call them, are some of the boldest beers out there. The history of how the first imperial stout came about is a contentious issue, with various breweries trying to lay claim to the style. But one thing is for certain – it originated in the UK.
The first true ones though are attributed to the Anchor Brewery of Southwark, London, established all the way back in 1616, with many changes of ownership since then. In 1729, the brewery was purchased by Ralph Thrale, and was known as Thrale’s Anchor Brewery, and this likely seems to be the cradle of the first “Russian imperial stout.” The product became significantly more famous, however, after the Anchor Brewery was purchased from Thrale’s widow by Barclay Perkins & Co. in 1781.
It was only when Catherine The Great personally took a liking to the style that its popularity picked up somewhat. It’s documented in the History and Antiquities of the Parish of St. Saviour, Southwark:
“The Empress of All Russia is indeed so partial to Porter that she has ordered repeatedly very large quantities for her own drinking and that of her court. It refreshes the brave soldiers who are fighting the battles of their country in Germany and animates with new ardour and activity the colonists of Sierra Leone and Botany Bay.”
Imperial stouts have also inspired other dark beers, namely the Baltic porter, which takes its name from the Baltic sea region. Like its older sibling, Baltic porters are strong – ranging from 9% to 14% – however, the main difference between the two is that the latter are strong dark lagers and NOT ales. The colder environment is well-suited to yeast that ferments at lower temperatures – enter the lager yeast.
However, the popularity of imperial stouts declined from the late 19th century onwards, mainly due to the costs of making such strong beers, and more of a demand for session beers instead. Even with the initial craft beer boom in the USA in the mid 80s, and the boom of craft beer in Japan in the late 90s, imperial stouts struggled to find a market outside of the winter months.
Yet, as breweries pushed for bigger and bolder beers, imperials stouts began to see marked improvement in their popularity as drinkers wanted bolder, more extreme beers. No other country has done for imperial stouts as either Russia did initially or as The USA did in the mid late 90’s / early 2000’s. The craft beer boom push for bigger, bolder, stronger beers meant that imperial stouts were seen to be the gap filler in the market.
Imperial stouts have also lent themselves to being canvases for brewers to try out new adjuncts or new flavours. Barrel aging programs, where a beer is stored in a cask that was previously used by a different alcohol, such as whisky or bourbon, are popular with brewers of imperial stouts. Pastry beers, those with adjuncts that you would normally find in cakes or pastries, have also begun to show up, with vanilla, dark fruits, or other spices too. Not all breweries can afford the space needed to store a beer for upwards of six months, so these pastry imperial stouts can help show off a breweries range as well.
Finally, if you are looking to age a beer, then imperial stouts are one of the best choices, mainly due to the high abvs. Imperial stouts are high in alcohol and very dark, two factors that should improve the odds of it aging better than most beers. Make sure your bottle uses corks with protective labels on. If not, then caps are fine; however, caps can leak over time, and it’s at least possible that you could leach compounds out of the liners of caps if you store the bottles on their sides. If a bottle is sitting upright, the only surface the beer is touching is glass.
Personally, I like to buy 6 bottles at a time then age them over a few years, while picking up some “new” bottles every year. This allows me to see how the flavours change – usually for the better, but sometimes for the weirder or worse – over time and compare them. I keep my stouts in my beer cellar at about 10c, with some in my beer fridge at about 2c, to see how the flavours change.
What was once seen as a winter beer has slowly moved itself into an all-year round product. That personally makes me very happy as a lover of imperial stouts; however, not everyone wants to drink them in the middle of the summer, especially in Japan where temperatures routinely hit 30c+.
Japanese Imperial Stouts Worth Trying
1) Baird Dark Sky Imperial Stout
The Bottom Line: Baird Dark Sky Imperial Stout is bold, brash, and born to blow you away with its balanced aroma and flavours.
The Full Review: http://beertengoku.com/2014/11/07/dark-sky-imperial-stout/
2) Daisen G Beer Imperial Stout
The Bottom Line: Daisen G Beer Imperial Stout is one of the best Japanese imperial stouts I’ve had. Pick a few up and age some of them.
The Full Review: http://beertengoku.com/2017/01/17/daisen-g-beer-imperial-stout-by-kumezakura-daisen-brewery/ 
3) Songbird Imperial Stout
The Bottom Line: Brewery Songbird have really come on since we’ve been reviewing them – Songbird Imperial Stout might just be their best yet.
The Full Review: http://beertengoku.com/2018/03/27/songbird-imperial-stout-by-brewery-songbird/
4) Minoh Imperial Stout
The Bottom Line: Just go out and buy Minoh Imperial Stout. Drink it, savour it, enjoy it, want it more.
The Full Review: http://beertengoku.com/2015/02/07/minoh-imperial-stout-minoh-beer/
Barrel Aged & Infused Stouts
1) Swan Lake Barrel Aged Imperial Stout
The Bottom Line: Swan Lake Barrel Aged Imperial Stout is the best Swan Lake beer out there and perhaps, hands down, one of the best beers I’ve had in my life.
The Full Review: http://beertengoku.com/2015/04/28/swan-lake-barrel-aged-imperial-stout/
2) Shiga Kogen Takashi Ichiro
The Bottom Line: If you’ve read this far and not worked out what I’m getting at then buy Shiga Kogen Takashi Ichiro. If you can find it.
The Full Review: http://beertengoku.com/2018/03/13/shiga-kogen-takashi-ichiro-by-tamamura-honten/
Let’s be honest – if you’re going to try a style of beer, then it’s also worth trying out some of the overseas beers. Here’s some foreign imperial stouts we also recommend. Check out the label on the bottle to see when the beer was bottled, and also ask how the beer was imported. Was it in a cold chain from start to finish? Was the beer stored in a chilled environment in store? If the shop assistant can’t, or doesn’t know the answer, then give it a miss.
AleSmith Speedway Stout (USA)
Founders KBS (Kentucky Breakfast Stout) (USA)
Epic Big Bad Baptista (USA)
Stone Imperial Russian Stout (USA)
Cloudwater Bourbon Chocolate Imperial Stout (UK)
Clown Shoes The Good, The Bad, & The Unidragon (USA)
Source of Styles #6 - Imperial Stouts #craftbeer #beer #japan Imperial stouts - my personal favourite kind of beer. One that I know I can’t drink a lot of but I end up trying as many as I can when they’re on sale, and also end up drinking too much of.
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somekindamushroom · 7 years
It is ironic that most established medical practitioners still regard homeopathy as being a fringe or 'alternative' medicine, when scientists at the cutting edge of molecular biology tell us of substances like carcinogens which may be life-threatening even when present in only a few parts per billion. If it is possible for just one or two pesky molecules to wreak havoc among a billion other molecules in a biological system, then a homeopathic remedy with only a few potentized (supercharged?) molecules remaining may be just the thing to fight them.
As far as science is concerned, reason dictates that once the active molecules are gone, they're gone. If microscopic analysis of a solution shows no trace of the active material remaining, so all one sees is solvent; that would have to be the cut-off point from a scientific perspective. To potentize a remedy any further demands a metaphysical explanation, which is no longer in the realm of science. Yet physicists talk of ghost-like particles called antimatter and present such hypotheses as established fact; while Richard Dawkins thinks that molecular biologists may yet find the signature of an intelligent designer (extraterrestrials) on self-replicating molecules or DNA - the assumed source of all life on earth. It looks like we've only two choices here: evolutionism or Creationism. If you choose the latter, you assign this DNA life force to a supernatural entity, a God. If you choose the former, you're stuck with the Dawkins paradox, trying to explain the existence of a something from another something because, as a scientist, you cannot say that something can come from nothing.
Yet homeopaths dilute an active substance to the point of apparent non-existence or nothingness and claim that some kind of metaphysical imprint has been left from the active substance (the something) on the remaining solvent (the nothing) making it also biologically active.        
Maybe there's nothing metaphysical about it. In 1988, the French immunologist, Jacques Benveniste, caused an international stir when he diluted immunoglobulin antibodies from plasma cells in water and found that, once all trace of antibody was removed via a succession of higher and higher dilutions, the water remained biologically active. He later asserted that this water “memory” could be digitized and processed further, then inserted into another water sample which would retain the same biological activity as the first sample; a transfer of cellular memory. Though he had no interest in homeopathy, Benveniste had in effect discovered the ghost.    
Against his startling discovery, recent scientific studies have shown that while the hydrogen bonds in water do retain memories of any substances mixed in them, the memories are extremely short-term. Hydrogen molecules appear to suffer from severe Alzheimer's. Memory loss in hydrogen bonds has been measured as occurring in a fraction of a microsecond. Suffice to say, a lot of people weren't happy about Benveniste's work and have sought to debunk him. It appears we are now at a stage where homeopathy has been let off the hook and the scientists are fighting among themselves over whether or not ghost molecules really exist!
My personal take on potentization is to align with the purists, who stress the pathology of homeopathy, against the pragmatists, who stress 'supermolecules', 'vital force', and 'water memory' as acts of faith. In fact, while most over-the-counter homeopathic remedies may contain nothing but water or alcohol, many practising homeopathic doctors, especially in Europe, prefer lower X potencies to higher C potencies. Still, a lot of people swear by the latter. If the 30C potency works, then some fundamental questions we thought we had the answers for, remain mysteries. Textbooks on molecular biology would need major revision. Our ideas about matter would be thrown into chaos.
Dr. Hahnemann's earlier practice, from around 1790 up to the early-1800s, only involved potencies up to a maximum 3C, or one part per million. Based on what we're told about the power of mutagenic molecules to cause severe illness on a scale of parts-per-billion, Hahnemann's early work was well within the boundaries of scientific acceptability today. A 3C remedy contains 1000ppb, while a 4C contains 10ppb. Anything higher than 4C or its equivalent 8X is bound to arouse skepticism. It's also worth noting that Dr. Hahnemann's experiments and trials involved “proving” many highly-toxic plant alkaloids or extracts, including those from the Fly Agaric. These chemicals are very complex. They possess some very potent molecules. Heavy dilution is necessary in order to diminish their toxicity to the point where they become purely medicinal. Only the dose makes the poison, and what is a good dose for one type of person is not necessarily a good dose for another type of person.  
The first-generation homeopaths were men of medicine who already knew both the toxicity of their sources, as well as the symptoms of many diseases, before they took up homeopathy. They spent years in clinical study testing known toxic substances at different dilutions on healthy people on a case-by-case basis, often family and friends, carefully recording symptoms all along; then squaring these symptoms up with the symptoms they'd seen in unhealthy people - like cures like. Some of the chemicals hidden within the toxins produce very specific symptoms, yet the existence of these chemicals was unknown at the time. Nevertheless, the homeopaths were able to detect the symptoms induced by the hidden chemicals at different dilutions and could target them against very similar symptoms they observed in neurological and other diseases.
The diglyceride 1,3-Diolein, a fatty acid and minor chemical produced by the Fly Agaric, is a good example.
The name 'Fly Agaric' is said by most sources to derive from its ancient use as a fly-killer. It was first mentioned in this regard by the German alchemist Saint Albert the Great (Albertus Magnus) in 1256. Indeed, it was used for this purpose throughout most of the Northern Hemisphere (the mushroom never grew south of the equator). The cap was cut into pieces and put in a bowl of milk to attract flies, which become intoxicated before apparently dying on the spot; only, they do not die. They merely go into a deep, deep sleep due to the effect of THIP/gaboxadol. It is a death-like sleep, so the flies appear dead to an observer. If you take a few of these 'dead' flies and keep them in a jar for a day or two they'll soon be buzzing again.
Best known as the processed food emulsifier E471 (check your ice cream, cakes, chewing gum, sweets and 100s of other foods and beverages) 1-3-Diolein is a chemical found in and on the cap/surface of the Fly Agaric that the mushroom uses to attract insects. While nowhere near as potent as the orgasm-inducing gleba produced on the helmet of Phallus impudicus (Stinkhorn), it does its job. Flies congregate (attracted by 1,3-Diolein), they get intoxicated (by other chemicals), they copulate, the females lay eggs, and most of the mushroom becomes infested with maggots. Meanwhile, an opportunistic frog or toad might come along for a free meal. What exactly the mushroom is getting out of all this activity is not fully understood. I've counted 100s of maggots in a single Fly Agaric mushroom that had the yellow stuff under the cap, and boy can those maggots jump! There seems to be more to this relationship than just a trade-off between the fungus and the flies for the purposes of spore dispersal.
Some of the more common symptoms of Fly Agaric intoxication are: sweating buckets (literally), a constant flow of saliva (making it hard to avoid throwing up), excessive lacrimation (tear flow), and, in women, excessive lactation. Each of these symptoms may be pin-pointed to one or more of the chemicals in the mushroom. The tear flow appears to be the result of 1,3-Diolein because in chemical form it's chief hazard is as an eye irritant. The early homeopaths noted this symptom, so when a patient was presented to them with a set of symptoms including watery eyes, and if a number of those symptoms corresponded to the effects of Fly Agaric intoxication, then Agaricus Muscarius would be indicated as an appropriate remedy.
Perhaps the best thing about this remedy is that, if it does have an application in the treatment of spasmodic-type disorders, not to mention dementia - and there seems to be no good scientific reason to assume otherwise - it is one that can easily be prepared at home. The same goes for many other homeopathic remedies sourced from common weeds, plants and fungi. If all else fails, they are worth a try; or maybe they are worth trying before all else fails and you end up with any one of a huge number of drug-induced disorders you never bargained for. Homeopathic self-care remedy kits may be bought online for a full range of acute conditions ranging from headaches and stomach aches to menstrual cramps and 'emotional upsets'; but since they tend to be at 30C potency, you're relying on 'water memory' for them to do their job.
Incidentally, there is a dark side to homeopathy that few practitioners are aware of. Trevor Ravenscroft's book 'The Spear of Destiny' tells an apocryphal story of how Rudolf Steiner used potentized ashes of rabbit testicles and cast them to the wind across a large German estate to rid the place of rabbits. The randy bucks, sensing apocalypse, scarpered and never returned to the area. Ravenscroft uses this story to give credence to his grotesque fantasy that Himmler, taking his cues from Steiner, used the testicles of Jewish concentration camp inmates in an experiment to hasten the Jewish exodus from German territory. While the latter tale is fiction, the former may be true because Steiner did employ potentized ash for what he called “peppering”, a form of biological pest control. It is a technique still used today as a last resort against weeds, insects, rodents and other pests. It must be used with caution since 'its effect is to eradicate something completely from a treated area', and there may be consequences for surrounding ecosystems, killing the good plants along with the bad etc.
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nunoxaviermoreira · 7 years
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I LOVE Canola by annkelliott "In the 1970s, canola was created through traditional plant cross-breeding by removing two things found in the rapeseed plant: glucosinolates and erucic acid. Erucic acid was removed because it was believed to be inedible or toxic in high doses. The newly developed plant was renamed "canola" – a combination of "Canadian" and "Oil" (or ola) to make this difference apparent." From the link below. http://ift.tt/2uHGmN1... I absolutely love the time of year when the fields turn bright yellow with the Canola flowers. The day before yesterday was the first day I had been out when I saw any fields with the crop fully in bloom. I have to admit that I don't like the smell of Canola, but the colour is so spectacular and pretty. In this shot, the sky is beginning to darken, ready to rain a little later. These two old, wooden barns were part of a CPR Demonstration Farm. I have added a previously posted photo in a comment box below, showing the whole farm. "The home, the barn, everything seen in this yard once served a rather unique and special purpose. Operating as a fully functioning “demonstration farm”, near Vulcan Alberta, and tied to the Canadian Pacific Railway, it was a show piece of sorts a century ago, promoting the region’s agricultural potential. Prospective settlers would be told where to acquire land and of course similar farm buildings, what crops to grow and how to do it efficiently, what equipment to purchase, what techniques to use and so on. The CPR had a vested interest, of course, in the success of this endeavour. They’d profit both on the sale of these kit farms and then again, many-fold, on the resultant business brought to the railway through the moving of inbound materials needed by all those new settlers; and outbound agricultural products the area would produce. And the transporting of people in and out, all the stuff needed for new towns that would spring up, and any industry established there, they too all moved by railway. It was win-win for the CPR!" From bigdoer website. http://ift.tt/2uHyWcr... The day before yesterday, 1 July 2017, was a great day, spent with friend, Pam. I picked her up just after 8:00 am and did a long drive in Southern Alberta. We saw our target bird - a Common Nighthawk, and all sorts of other things including plants and old barns. It took a round trip of 414 km to get the Nighthawks, but it was so worth it! Much further than I normally drive and I am still tired as can be today. Towards the end of our day, the rain arrived, accompanied by lightning streaks. This couldn't have been timed more perfectly, to wash off a lot of the dust that covered my car after 12 hours of driving hot, dusty roads! So welcome! We have another hot day today and the forecast is for very hot days for at least the next week. So far, the forecast is 33C for Friday, 35C for Saturday and 31C for Sunday. it was such a thrill to see a Common Nighthawk / Chordeiles minor (a rather strange looking bird), as I had always wanted to see one actually lying on a fence post or wooden railing. People get such amazing photos of them like that, and that is what I was determined to find this summer. Last year, I had driven to this area in Southern Alberta, hoping to find one, but had been out of luck. Though I ended up with the one in the photo I posted yesterday, lying on a hard, metal railing that lacked character, I'm still happy as can be. Not only did friend Pam and I see this one, but there were three other Nighthawks there, too. Two of the others were also on a metal rail, but the fourth was on a fence post - not the best angle, but it was still nice to see a fence post perch. How close we came to missing them. I said I wanted to just check the first part of a small side road first, before continuing on the road we were on - and there they were! I had seen a nighthawk on maybe five different occasions over the years, but most were in flight and one was perched very high up in a tree. For Pam, this was the first time she had ever seen one, and she was so happy to see this lifer. "On warm summer evenings, Common Nighthawks roam the skies over treetops, grasslands, and cities. Their sharp, electric peent call is often the first clue they’re overhead. In the dim half-light, these long-winged birds fly in graceful loops, flashing white patches out past the bend of each wing as they chase insects. These fairly common but declining birds make no nest. Their young are so well camouflaged that they’re hard to find, and even the adults seem to vanish as soon as they land." From AllABoutBirds. http://ift.tt/2uHFsQt I was so tired after driving such a long distance and it was a hot day - the temperature got up to 30C. I so rarely do such a long drive, and I've barely driven all winter and spring. It felt so good to actually get out on a long drive like this, and we saw all sorts of interesting things that we just had to stop and photograph - of course! Every single time I go out with my camera for a drive, I never forget to be SO thankful to live in a country where I have the freedom and safety to go where I want, and to see such beauty. Thank you, Alberta and Albertans - and Happy 150th Birthday, Canada! Such a young country. http://flic.kr/p/VMWNHC
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