#they’re so fascinating man
loonybun · 1 month
hi whump community let me tell you about a drug called datura!! because boy is it a doozy.
datura is a deliriant, which means it is a hallucinogenic drug capable of causing serious and often terrifying delusions and hallucinations that are literally indistinguishable from reality in the user’s mind.
It is poisonous and part of the nightshade family, and the dosage used to get high off of it is actually very close to the lethal dose. it is also not only entirely legal in most places but also very accessible. it’s grown as a house plant, actually. most people who trip off of it only do it once because of how awful of an experience it is. also trips last like a long time (anywhere from 12 hours to 3 days if i remember correctly?)
the hallucinations that come with this drug are incredibly horrifying, making it literal nightmare fuel. also the more long term effects from it can include permanent psychosis and lingering delusions. fun stuff.
common hallucination experiences from this drug include the following:
- heavy gore
- seeing corpses
- feeling like you’ve been transported to an alternate dimension (hell)
- seeing people or entities you know (but a little fucked up)
- parasites and bugs
- feeling as though your organs are falling out of your body
- shadows in the back of your vision
- smoking phantom cigarettes or eating phantom food (phantom in the sense that they aren’t really there)
- torture scenarios
all in all, i think it’s a rlly interesting thing that can definitely be used in whump. like imagine a whumper lacing someone’s tea with that. the whumpee wouldn’t even be aware that something was done to them due to the fact that they physically cannot tell the difference between delusion and reality. real fun stuff. probably need an immortal whumpee though just cuz if someone takes this there’s a high chance of them getting hospitalized.
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thetrinitytest · 29 days
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whaliiwatching · 11 months
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finally my obsession with zoot suits becomes useful
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confettiinred · 3 months
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something about these audric and grim pieces make me feel so ?? at ease ?? I CAN’T FUCKING EXPLAIN IT BUT AUUFJDHFJGJFJ,,, I LITERALLY MADENTHE FIRST ONE MY WALLPAPER AS SOON AS I SAW IT AND IT’S SO . 😢😢😢 do NAWWTTT PERCEIVE ME!!!!!!!
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quietwingsinthesky · 2 months
obsessed with the idea of the doctor and the master standing together in opposition to gallifrey post-end of time. less in it being the reality of the situation, and more in it being what the master perceives it to be in the immediate aftermath of being. well. told he was going to be disposed of. the combination of that rejection with the doctor choosing him, the way that sets them up with a common enemy. but where that enemy for the master becomes gallifrey in the abstract with the council as the face of it, the doctor never sees it that way, never thinks of it as the two of them against their own world. the doctor, crucially, kept count of the children. when he saves gallifrey, it isn’t about the master at all, not to anyone but the master themself. because how are they supposed to take the doctor choosing gallifrey over them as anything other than a betrayal.
#the master and his stupid warped sense of importance to both the doctor’s choices and the universe as a whole#which is. well. i mean he’s not alone in that. the doctor has the same ideas about himself in relation to the master. and the universe.#only the universe obviously sometimes validates him because this is a story. about him.#but my point is. the master wanting gallifrey to burn post-end of time. setting up the hybrid prophecy as missy. makes sense to me. it does.#i just wish there was more. conflict to it. more to lash out at the doctor with because the master is choosing him so *why* isn’t he#choosing the master back. why is he trying to stop the hybrid plans. this is what they’re meant to *do*. this is what being on the same side#*means*. that there must be an opposition and that opposition must be gallifrey as a whole. because in that most crucial moment the master#got hurt. and time echoed back because of what the council did to make it so he’d been hurting his entire life. just so they could use him.#you get it? you get it. my fucked up raccoon of a man she has so many issues.#it’s just such a fascinating concept to me because that is still *gallifrey*. that’s still his home. the master is not heartless.#when he tries to connect with the doctor he does it to references to gallifrey’s physical features. this is a place he mourned you know?#in his way. so. you know. how do you look at your home and want it to burn right? how far do things have to escalate that you’d rather it be#ash than a place to go back to. and how do you deal with pushing forward with this plan. when you thought you wouldn’t have to push it alone#like for one minute there they were really truly on the same side. their own side. and then they weren’t. and no one told the master that#they weren’t anymore until she got punched in the head by that knowledge. you know?#rambling again im so sorry#doctor who#thoschei#the doctor#the master
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Frothing at the mouth what do you MEAN pearl gave Scott a life in ll for their alliance to be sealed oh myg od THAT MAKES EVERYTHING SO MUCH WORSE AND SO MUCH BETTER
#pearl literally gave him part of her life and they ended up soulmates and he REJECTED her even still like. ow#what fascinates me about the divorce quartet and specifically pearl and Scott is how more than any particular slight the thing that stops#them from coming together is their stubbornness. scott was prolly too harsh on pearl but he’s not backing down no way besides she’s lost it#now and is hostile right back and so they hurt themselves to hurt each other and build up more and more animosity#cleo concedes a bit to martyn bc she knows it’s practical for survival but scott and pearl are the messiest of messy friendship breakups#you witnessed in hs because they’re both (mostly scott tho ngl) are so STUBBORN#and with how he and cleo seemed to be so eager to go off from their soulmates maybe it’s also like. it doesn’t really matter who their#soulmate was. at that point scott was sold on the two seasons in the making full time alliance with cleo and vice versa#they wanted to cause problems on purpose and they found the perfect reason to split from fate even if it was a tad of an overreaction#pearl and martyn were collateral. and with the context of what she did for him in last life you could argue she’s one of the reasons he won#at all by giving the yellow name a life. so no wonder it stings so bad they’ve done so much for each other. SHES done so much for him and#he throws her away over a nether excursion? did their bond really mean that little? ough. ough man#double life#pearlescentmoon#scott smajor#last life
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newvision · 1 year
the best thing about working at a bookstore is getting to see what kind of books people buy. Today a sweet grandpa came in and bought a few of the most violent, gruesome thrillers I’ve ever seen. A grandma with sparkly sandals and a straw hat bought two scientific books about a bird from Syria. A young father asked for entertaining family dramas, he wanted something light. I love people and their specific interests in literature
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aliothbuzzsawshark · 1 year
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Drew these two after hearing about what’s going on currently in go rush. As a Yuhi fan, I’m having a great time.
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Default coloring
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bookworm-2692 · 2 years
Finally saw Jimmy’s episode and man you guys weren’t kidding about Jimmy’s reaction to Tango admitting to staying with Fwhip for a bit…
Also the start of Fwhip’s episode where he’s like “Tango agreed to help with redstone wonk but I don’t have redstone so I need to get some so he stays” and then saying that Scar can’t decided whether to stay in “Gobland or with the Toy” and his scheming to make sure both Scar and Tango leave Jimmy and stay with him? Man this is fascinating!
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un-pearable · 9 months
everytime i see a show focused on a female character and all the fandom obsessing over some other guy i get skeptical but holy shit is that old dude fascinating
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katierosefun · 10 months
me, seeing a controlling freak of a man but he’s a fictional character: there’s something insanely wrong with you but i’m going to study you. i am going to psychoanalyze you and shake you around like a soda can just to watch you explode. i love you because to an extent, i do understand your rage and your grief and your ghosts. i will also be the first one in line to tell you that your suffering does not make you worthy and your manipulation does not make you some genius mastermind, it just makes you sad and hollow. but i will take the time to understand you because don’t we all want to be seen
me, seeing a controlling freak of a man but he’s a real person: don’t fucking look at me don’t fucking talk to me don’t even fucking breathe in my direction
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gayestcowboy · 4 months
i like when i scroll down my dash for 2 posts and come across a very nude gifset of barry keoghan and then can’t scroll any farther
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earmo-imni · 4 months
Watching this historical epic/biopic movie that is currently focusing on the relationship between these two guys and early in the movie, one guy taught the other guy to wrestle, in a series of scenes that involved both men stripping shirtless and grappling each other. Naturally I looked at that and went “Huh, kinda gay 😏”
Of course 1) that’s kind of amatonormative! And 2) this is a Chinese movie, so there’s some cultural differences. But 20 minutes and a timeskip later, the two guys meet up again, one having been caught napping half naked in the local temple, and this guy immediately decides to convince his friend to strip topless (again) and wrestle.
His Ass Is Not Beating the Gay Allegations lmao
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genderfreakxx · 2 years
Thinking about that interview Gerard did where they said they write songs for Bandit all the time
and the interviewer was like “man you could have any girl in the audience right now because you said that” (as if G hasn’t spent their entirety in the limelight trying to counteract that mentality of rock artists)
And they were clearly expecting like a soft sweet lullaby but when Gerard plays the song it’s SO on brand for their art and it’s just hard as shit with killer instrumentals and you can FEEL the camaraderie ooze out of the audience because they were obviously envisioning a Gerard so far detached from who they really are
But the song slaps ass and G was so proud of it
And I’m again left with the question of
Why does every interviewer who talks to them feel like they would bully me in high school lmfao
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gregmarriage · 2 months
date night! i drug you and bring you to my apartment, and force you into letting me take care of you. then we become boy best friends and kill a man together <3
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mrsmiroir · 1 year
i need to know the actor and that paper pls
anything to talk about My Guy bdhshshdhsh,,, the actor is conrad veidt, specifically as cesare in the cabinet of dr. caligari (i have posted. a fair bit. about it…) and the “paper” is from the BFI classics book on the film (my bad). the only place i’ve been able to access it is thru my university, but a more diligent person could probably pull it out from somewhere. there are a hell of a lot of interesting articles on the film, as well as the man himself, and i highly encourage any ~film enjoyers~ to watch it if they can stand silent films !! you can find the whole thing on youtube for free (some are poorly cropped and cut off his head at key moments rip but most are surprisingly good quality). veidt is a fascinating critter.
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