#they’re very surprised when cecil decides no. you deserve to be there with us.
lanternlightss · 2 years
Hi yes I was vibing and then suddenly got slapped with the thought that the only reason the course of the timeline went out of wack, the only reason Cecil was even in a position to become an archon was because of Venti sacrificing themself to protect the gang. stwbk happened because of an act of love and love is an overarching theme for better and for worse and I am going to crumble into a million pieces-
google how do you like an ask a thousand times
but points at you!!!! yes!!!!!!!!
istaroth had accounted for many, many things. how the people feared decarabian, instead of adored. how the people sat in resentment. how they looked at the tower that kept them “safe” as though it were merely a target.
what she did not account for, however, was love.
she did not account for venti to develop a bond with this bard, a bond so strong it could very well shape history.
she did not account for venti to feel… sympathetic, for these humans. how they wished they could be as free as the wind itself.
she did not account for venti’s kindness, their understanding, their love that could stretch miles and miles.
she did not account for how greatly and deeply venti cared for these people.
and—most of all, she did not account for the people to love them back. to care just as much as they did.
so seeing the tower explode, seeing one of her children die, and seeing that instead of rejoining her, instead of returning to their family….
they stay with their friends. because they love each and every one of them.
(and seeing cecil visit her, with a wind spirit at their side that seems all too familiar.
and seeing that they share the same power, as faint as it is.
and having it dawn upon her.
all this time, the timeline had been changing right under her nose, and she was oblivious to every sign of it.
how interesting that is.
how strange that is.
this timeline will be held by an act of love til celestia falls, and beyond.)
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chidoroki · 4 years
TPN - Krone one-shot
Ah, another extra chapter. Shirai and Demizu are so good to us. Anyways, I was quite surprised learning more about Krone's time training at the sister academy. From what little we saw from her and Isabella's flashbacks in early chapters and season 1, we know how competitive and serious the girls are at the facility, given the extreme nature of everyone's current situation. All the girls are quite literally fighting for their own lives here, so once Cecile was introduced, I was pleasantly surprised. (this is our first time meeting her right?)
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We soon learn that both were from the same GF house and as any natural older sibling would do, she steps in to help Krone avoid getting scolded by finding her missing embroidery. She then makes it plainly clear that it is best not to show any sort of weakness while at the facility. Everyone there is prove themselves worthy of becoming a sister or mother, and if they don't fulfill those qualifications, they'll be killed. 
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Having a close friend in such a terrible place provides Krone with minimal comfort, as Grandma Sarah (that's her name, correct?) reveals how slim their chances are at surviving. Only one girl will survive? That's rough.. and wasteful I feel like? I know there's only four premium farms with about 5(?) houses each, so mom and sister positions are very limited, but wow. Fighting off the other girls might not be much of a challenge emotionally, but to compete against your own sibling? Well, that's different. Fortunately for Krone, Cecile has other intentions. (can i say that at this point i already love this girl?)
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A hopeful idea, of course, but Krone brings up the chip they each have implanted in their hearts. You leave the facility? Dead. You somehow break the chip? The higher-ups get notified and you're as good as dead anyway. Cecile mentions how the pocket watch Grandma has doubles as a sort of gadget that could disable their chips, so all that has to be done is steal it and use it for themselves. Cecile's wealth of knowledge doesn't stop there, as she then shows Krone a map of the entire headquarters that was secretly put together by former trainees that once thought of escaping. At first, I found this a little hard to believe. One, that such an embroidery was passed down so often between other girls over an unknown amount of time and someone like Grandma never found it. Two, that there were so many girls who were willing to help each other out like this.. but then I remembered ch170 and how eager and willing the ladies were to join together under Isabella's command, so I believe it.
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As their plan is set in motion, we see familiar events take place, such as the girls physically fighting with each other (because being buff is somehow a prerequisite to look after children? you know, just in case they try to escape and you need to break some legs). I re-watched Krone's flashbacks in ep8 just to see if any of the girls there could possibly be identified as Cecile, but it didn't work out well since that scene is all monochrome anyway, so no luck trying to spot her blonde hair, blue eyes or even her ID number. Seeing them work together though is great.
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Honestly, I never really got attached to Krone upon my first watch of the series. Yeah her movements are very animated and fun to watch when she speaks, she's absolutely terrifying when it comes to playing tag, but she never had one of those moments where I was like “okay, I like this character now.” That, and she gets killed off so her screen-time was really limited. Having her plot against the kids was another reason I kinda pushed her aside too, but I'm still thankful she gave them the WM pen (because who knows where they would all be without it). Seeing her and Cecile just act like normal kids and talk about their dreams though, that did it for me. They're both precious!
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Anyways, after Grandma forced them to watch some other girl die after a failed escape attempt, due to her heart chip, our girls proceed with their plan, as they make stealing Grandma's watch top priority, lest they end up like the poor girl who just lost her life. Krone manages to successfully claim the watch at the perfect opportunity.. only to be completed fooled.
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Not only by the watch, which ends up being just a normal tracker, but by Cecile herself. Needless to say, that I also felt betrayed by this girl because damn it! How could you?! I swear, I just started to like this chick!
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I had my doubts before. I knew it was too good to be true that even if these two girls had history together, that it meant absolutely nothing in a harsh environment like this, and Cecile takes great pride in reminding us of that.
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It's because of this betrayal that we finally see the Krone we became so familiar with upon her transfer back to GF. Can't really blame her though. To find out that the only person you could trust suddenly turned on you for their own personal gain? Yeah, that's painful. No wonder she had to harden her heart.
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I once thought of Krone's plan of taking down Isabella was foolish, (because that woman is an absolute queen and you need all the luck in the world if you wanted to accomplish that) but she had the utmost confidence she could pull it off because she has done it before to her once best friend. With survival as her main goal, Krone wastes no time in selling out Cecile as the mastermind to their escape plan.
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Fantastic. She's learning how to take out her competition, thus granting her better chances at becoming a sister or mom. Good for her right? Sure, but also, wrong! TPN then decides to do what it does best: get me emotional, because poor Cecile did all of that just to help Krone survive! She saw how unguarded and scared Krone was upon joining the sister academy. She then vowed, as her older sibling, to protect and prepare her for the cruel reality of this world by teaching her how to be ruthless and survive. (though i'm sure there could've been easier way to accomplish this? like i know only one chick was gonna survive from their class but holy hell, did you have to go through such extremes?)
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As if the newest member of the self-sacrifice club didn't upset me enough, they decide to give us this sky scene that is only gonna hit my feels harder whenever I decide to watch episode 8 back again..
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Aahh.. I love all these extra chapters we've been getting, truly, but must they always make me feel bad for these characters? These girls deserved so much better! I'm sad. I think Cecile is great. Her methods are a bit extreme but her heart was in the right place.. and now they're both in a better place, ha.
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(we're getting an extra chapter for isabella sometime in the future as well and if it's gonna be another sad backstory, then i'm so not ready for it.. i already know i'm gonna cry. i love that woman.)
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thecleverdame · 5 years
Control and Release - 12
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Series Masterlist
TEDTalk!Sam x Reader
Summary: With the rest of the staff caught in a snowstorm, you find yourself acting as a personal assistant to the notorious Sam Winchester.
Warnings: Dom/Sub, humiliation, embarrassment, sexual objectification,  mutual masturbation, spanking, cum play, fingering, anal play, orgasm control, dub-con, nipple clamps, breath play (more warnings as the story continues)  
Words: 5k
Beta: @ilikaicalie
Parts 13, 14 & 15 are currently available on Patreon for a monthly pledge of $2.50. This includes early access to all my stories and Patreon exclusive content.  >> CLICK HERE <<
You spend the weekend naked and fucking in nearly every room of his house. Sucking his cock in the middle of the kitchen, laid out over his sofa on display while he reads the paper, spanked until your ass is bright red. By Sunday night you’re tied to his bed frame and looking forward to the work week so you can get a few nights of well-deserved rest. It’s almost midnight when he sends you home, patting your cheek in appreciation then standing in his doorway, watching as you walk toward the waiting car.
There are faint black and blue marks around your wrists, leftover reminders of being bound and gagged. You look out the window, pressing on one wrist and enjoying the fading pain as the moment comes back in vivid detail. Sam can make your body respond, even when he’s not there.
There a question flickering to life in the back of your mind  - how long can this last? But you push it down, refusing to acknowledge it.
Five Months Later
“What is going on down there?” Rolling your chair back, you glance down the hallway.
“Brent is getting axed.” Millie wheels her chair toward you, and the two of you sit side by side listening to the commotion down the hallway. There’s muted yelling coming from one of the conference rooms.
“Really?” You know he screwed up, it was bad enough for Sam to bring up in casual conversation. “I liked Brent, he wasn’t a total ass like the rest of them.”
“That’s probably why he didn’t last,” Lexi chimes in, walking up behind you, resting her hip on the corner of your desk. “I heard he got called up to the attic this morning. Word is, he told Sam that it wasn’t even him that mixed up the dates, it was Tobias but they blamed him.”
“You think that’s true?” you ask, listening as the yelling escalates and two uniformed security guards come trotting down the hallway.
“I don’t think Sam Winchester does anything unless he’s one hundred percent sure about it.” Millie offers and you shift in your seat.
While your arrangement with Sam has grown into itself, it still makes you uncomfortable when anyone else talks about him. It feels like they’re going to find out your secret just by the look on your face.
Life has been split into two categories. The normal work week, which is usually boring and predictable - you go to work, go home. You get the occasional text from Keith Campbell, a little homework every now and then but for the most part your professional life has turned into just that, strictly professional.
It’s the weekends that you indulge in each other. From Friday afternoon until Sunday night you live in a sexual fantasy, engaging in whatever wonderful torture he decides to inflict. He was the one who talked of compartmentalizing his life but you’ve done the same.
The door to the conference room flies open, hitting the wall with a thud. All three of you jump. Brent is hauled out of the room by the guards, who are now joined by four more, as they wrestle him out of the building.
“Poor guy,” you mumble, looking away.
“Another one bites the dust.” Millie shakes her head. “We’ve got it good. We stay under the radar and just do our job.”
“We should head over to the auditorium.” Lexi taps the back of your chair.
It’s Sam’s monthly employee meeting and everyone is expected to be in attendance. Grabbing your coat, the three of you head out of the main building to the staff auditorium. There are always refreshments and snacks if you get there in enough time and you wander around, talking to other employees and sipping seltzer.
You’re discussing Lexi’s upcoming blind date when there’s a tap on your shoulder. Turning, you find Pepper, looking as irritated as always. “He wants to see you. Now.”
Sam hasn’t called for you in person, during work hours, in months. You’re taken off guard, looking sideways at Millie and Lexi who are both as surprised as you are. You’ve done your best to keep the fact that you occasionally meet with him a secret. As far they know you’re just another low-level assistant
“Come on!” Pepper snips, grabbing your arm and hauling you off. You follow her backstage, winding through a labyrinth of hallways until she stops at the door to a small room. You step inside and she closes the door.
Sam is standing, one hand in his pocket eyes fixed on his phone. He looks up, smiling when he sees you. “Hello.”
“Hi.” You clasp your hands together.
“You look surprised. Am I interrupting something?” He cocks an eyebrow, stepping closer. Every action he makes has a purpose, especially the way he moves.
“Not at all.” You tilt your chin up toward him. “I was just caught off guard. You don’t mix work and us these days. I’m always happy to come when you want me.”
That last statement makes his eye twitch, nostrils flaring.
“I’m glad to hear it.” He inches nearer, eyes dropping down your body. “I wanted to make sure that you don’t have plans this weekend.”
“Do I ever have plans?” you counter, watching him lick his lips. You know one thing for sure, the longer this has gone on, the hungrier he is for you. And the feeling is mutual.
“Yes, but today is your birthday. People normally celebrate with friends. You don’t have anyone coming into town?”
“No,” you nod, holding your head high. “I’m all yours.”
“Good. Be ready tonight at eight. Wear a dress, something nice. I’ll pick you up.”
“We’re going out?”
He hasn’t taken you anywhere other than his bed since San Francisco. In fact, some weekends you never wear anything at all, naked from Friday to Sunday. You wonder if this is for your birthday or one of his social engagements. It’s not uncommon for him to take a date, but as far as you know it’s always Pepper who accompanies him in public. He says it’s cleaner that way. Everyone knows she’s his assistant so there are no misunderstandings.
“Yes,” he confirms. “No panties, hair down.” His eyes linger then he steps back, smoothing down his tie.
“I look forward to it.” You watch as he leaves the room, always left in a wake of excitement and expectation.
It’s almost eight as you look in the mirror, adjusting your dress. It’s black and tight, falling just above your knee. The neckline is lower than you're used to but nothing scandalous. It’s the back that’s the real show stopper, it’s open all the way down to just above your ass crack. You hope it’s not too much, Sam will occasionally comment on your clothing choices but you think you’ve got a handle on his taste. Above all else he prefers class.
His car pulls up just before eight. You’re waiting by the front door of your brownstone apartment building, hurrying down the steps, eager to find out what’s in store.
The driver opens the door and you slide in next to him.
“How are you tonight?” he asks, his hand already on your knee, slipping between your legs.
“Excited. I haven’t been out in a long time.”
“Well, let’s hope this evening lives up to your expectations,” he purrs, hand sliding just a little further up your leg. “I hope you’re not too hungry, we aren’t eating until after.”
“After what?” You look up, his fingers pressing into the warm flesh inside of your thigh.
“You’ll just have to wait and see.” He grins, giving you a squeeze and removing his hand. “Before we go any further, I need to tell you that I allowed Pepper to choose a second assistant for the Tokyo trip next month. I expressed my preference for you, but she chose Lexi.”
“That’s no surprise I guess.” You can’t help but be disappointed. “I mean, I’d like to see Japan, but you know better than anyone Pepper hates me. We don’t work well together.”
He chuckles. “She’s not one to hide her feelings.”
“How long will you be gone for?”
“Two weeks. Don’t worry, I’ll have you report to me every night. You’ll have a list of tasks for while I’m gone.” He holds his stare and you get lost in the moment, drowning in those eyes that you’ve come to know oh so well.
“I look forward to it.”
“I would expect nothing less. We’re here.” He points out the window as the car pulls up to the Boston Museum of Modern Art.
“We’re going here?” you ask looking back at him. “It’s closed.”
“Not to us,” Sam corrects you, allowing the driver to help you out before following. You feel his hand on your naked back, sliding down to the dip in your lower back. He leans down to whisper in your ear. “Excellent choice.”
“I thought you might like it.” You smile, taking his arm and walking toward the entrance. The thought dawns on you like a bolt of lightning. “This is the Yayoi exhibit.”
“You said you wanted to see it didn’t you? The timing was perfect.” He looks proud of himself as a porter opens the front door for you.
“I said I wanted tickets-” You’re dumbfounded, looking around at the empty museum.
“This is better. A private viewing without the distractions.”
There’s a man bustling toward you with several people following.
“Mr. Winchester!” A short, sharply dressed man extends his hand. “We are so honored to have you here. I’m Cecil Baton, the general director. On behalf of the entire board, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks for all the support you’ve offered over the years.”
“It’s my pleasure.” Sam nods in confirmation, slipping an arm around your waist to pull you forward.  “This is Y/N, she’s very much looking forward to seeing Infinity Mirrors.”
Cecil takes your hand, shaking it vigorously.
“We are thrilled to be able to repay your generosity by hosting a viewing for you and your lovely friend.” Cecil makes a tsking sound and a uniformed waiter steps forward with two flutes of champagne. “May we interest you in a glass of Dom Perignon?”
“Thank you for the gesture, I don’t drink,” Sam affirms and looks to you. “Go ahead.”
You hesitate for a moment before taking the glass off the tray and then the two of you are whisked down a hall, as you explore the wonders of each colorful, unique room.
By the time you’re done, you’ve finished three glasses of champagne and are floating on cloud nine as Cecil chatters away, walking you out. He goes on and on about how wonderful Sam is. Leaving you to ponder exactly how much money he must have donated to get a reception like this. You probably don’t want to know.
“What did you think?” he inquires as you walk back toward the car.
“It was...better than I could have imagined. What an experience.” You feel like you’re vibrating with happiness. While you’ve never lived through any kind of cruelty, you’ve also never been pampered in any sense of the word. This is a scenario you could never have imagined. You turn to him, stopping in your tracks and gripping both his arms. “Thank you so, so much.”
“It was nothing.” He shakes it off, giving your elbow a squeeze. “Come on, we’ll be late for dinner.”
Dinner is at a French restaurant called Mistral.
He orders for you, but he’s better at it now than he was in the beginning. He’s come to know your preferences, even ordering you a fourth glass of champagne, toasting you with his seltzer water.
“Sam,” you start, looking from the tuna tartar. “Is there a reason you haven’t touched me yet tonight?”
“I touched you in the car,” he smirks.
“Yes, but you didn’t touch me. I mean, you are going to, aren’t you?”
“Don’t worry,” he chuckles, sitting back in his seat, one arm resting on the table. “It’s your birthday. The one day of the year I’m going to leave it up to you. Start thinking about what you want tonight. It’s your choice.”
You can’t help your grin, giggling a little as you sip from the flute. “I’m not sure I even know where to start.”
“I’m sure you’ll think of something.” With a genuine laugh, he goes back to his salad as you talk about your favorite part of the exhibit and the various other artists you hope to see in your lifetime. When you finish he’s quietly watching you, seemingly satisfied to sit and listen as you ramble on. “Do you have anything on your bucket list? I know you have more money than God, so you can probably see and do anything you want but there’s gotta be something.”
“Hmm,” he indulges your question, really giving it thought. “I want to see the northern lights. I’ve never had the chance.”
“That’s a good one,” you agree as your empty plate is swapped out for a giant tower of chocolate and raspberries. You almost squeal, a little tipsy and having arguably the best birthday of your life. “Come on, try some. One spoonful of sugar won’t kill you.”
“No.” He shakes his head, face lit up in amusement.
“Oh come on Sam, it’s my birthday. You said I’m in charge tonight...one bite.”
He contemplates your request and just when you think he’s going to tell you no he reaches over and spoons a bite of your dessert. Popping it in his mouth and wincing, “too sugary.”
“Your loss,” you laugh, digging in.
“Have you decided?” Sam's teasing, watching you blush in the low light of his bedroom.
“Yes,” you nod. “There are several things I’d like tonight, but first I want you to take your clothes off.”
He raises his eyebrows, but compiles immediately, toeing his shoes off and reaching for the buttons on his shirt. You do the same, stripping down until you’re both nude and staring at each other. He’s already half hard, cock thickening right before your eyes.
“In a little bit, I want to suck your cock. Then I’d like you to spank me, not too hard though.” You explain, biting your bottom lip as he nods in agreement.
“We can do both those things.”
“But first I want you to lay down on the bed.” You clear your throat, not comfortable giving the instructions. This is his territory.
He walks over to the bed, sitting down before laying back on the pillows. You crawl over him, straddling his legs, then moving until you’re sitting across his upper thighs, his erection standing tall against your stomach.
“I want to touch you,” you admit, watching him blink in response. You reach up, placing your opens palms over his chest, feeling him twitch under your touch. Fanning outward you sweep your palms over his chest and toward his shoulders, sliding over warm skin. Both his hands are resting on your thighs. He sighs when you run your nails through the hair on his forearms and then lean forward to suck on the skin of his neck.
A low groan leaves his throat as you nip at the juncture of his neck and shoulder and before you think better of it you place a kiss just under his ear. It’s a lingering touch and then you do it again and again moving downward until you find yourself under his jaw, scraping teeth over his five o’clock shadow. When you raise your head to look down at him, his eyes are closed, popping open seconds later. Staring at each other, his hands slide around to cup your ass cheeks, rocking upward as his cock rubs over your stomach.
You shift forward and rub your clit against his cock, nose pressed into the side of his cheek.
“Fuck my mouth,” you whisper.
Sam moves in record time, flipping you onto your back as you yelp in surprise. Getting off the bed he grabs you by the ankle rolling you onto your belly then turning you in a half circle until your head is hanging over the edge of the bed.
“Open.” Your jaw falls slack as he slides the head of his dick past your lips and you suck hard, as he slides forward. “Take it,” Sam purrs, reaching down to stroke your cheek as his cock hits the back of your throat. You hum around his dick, let him push forward until his balls press into your chin. “Just like that.”
His deep voice conveying words of praise go straight to your clit, throbbing between your legs, triggering the slick that’s leaking from your sex. You let him fuck your throat looking up as he stares down at you with forced concentration. Without warning, he pulls out of your mouth leaving a trail of spit as he taps your shoulder like he’s tapping out of a fight.
“Roll over,” he commands, big hands turning you over as you comply without hesitation. Head tilting backward over the edge of the bed, upside down. He places one hand at the side of your face, the other on his cock as he pushes back between your lips. “Open up.”
He slides his cock over your tongue and past your uvula as you swallow him whole. Pressing forward he watches the bulge in your throat, then reaches down to rub the outline of the head of his cock as you choke around him. “Fucking perfect.”
He holds himself there for a five count, you know it well. He’s rough, but consistent which helps for things like this. The next one will be longer, but if you count to ten you know he’ll give you relief.
He pulls out, drool leaking over the sides of your face as you gasp for air. Holding his spit-wet dick in his hand he rubs the head over your face, tapping your cheek several times before sliding back inside, right back into the deep stretch while you concentrate on breathing through your nose.
This is one of your favorite things. While you knew you liked sucking dick, having him fuck your mouth as you lay on the bed is a whole other level. Your pussy is slick, throbbing with excitement as you gag around his thick shaft.
“I can see my cock in your throat,” he observes, rubbing the bulge with two fingers. He pulls back, leaving you a mess of spit and tears, eyes watering, but you eagerly open back up, tongue out as he thrusts back in. “Do you like this? Choking on a cock?”
“Uhhh,” you rattle, vibrating around him, unable to do little more than make desperate gurgling sounds.
“I know you do.” He strokes your cheek, rocking forward, getting just a tiny bit deeper. “What do you say?”
“Huh ooo,” is your version of thank you as you swallow him whole.
“Where do you want me to cum?” he grunts, pulling out. You look up at the sight of him holding his cock in his hand, inches from your face.  
“In my mouth,” you confirm, clamping your thighs together. “I want to taste you.”
“Open wide.” Reaching forward he gives your nipple a hard squeeze before jerks himself with the head of his cock on your tongue. A half dozen strokes later he's cumming warm and salty as you suck and swallow with fervor. “Keep sucking, just like that,” he instructs as your tongue gently swirls around the sensitive head.
When he’s really into it he can stay hard after he cums. He’s done it plenty of times before. He can’t always get off again, but he can damn sure fuck you into next week.
You carefully attend to his cock, rolling his balls in your hand until he’s sufficiently aroused and then he pulls you off his dick by your hair.
“On your hand and knees,” he instructs, gesturing toward the bed. You scramble into position, feeling your pussy ache as he knees his way between your calves. “You want me to spank you?”
“Yes, please.” You look back at him, arching your back, widening your legs.
“You’re going to get a spanking while my cock is in your pussy,” he huffs, running a hand over your lower back, down the crack of your ass. “Make sure you ask before you cum. No more rule breaking, not even on your birthday.”
You swallowed his load before he told you to, part of you was wondering if he’d punish you for it.
“I understand,” you confirm feeling the thick head of his cock sink into your slippery pink cunt. It’s an easy slide despite his size, but you're wet enough to take him to the root on the first stroke. He holds himself deep, balls pressed into your mound and then his hand comes down on your backside.
Crack. Crack. Crack.
It’s perfect. He knows your body to a tee, knows exactly how hard you like it. His harder spanks are saved for discipline and his softer ones are teasing, but this is the perfect sting.
“It’s your birthday, twenty-nine would be the tradition, wouldn’t it?” He strokes in and out, nestling back inside before bestowing three more smacks on the other cheek.
Crack. Crack. Crack.
“Fuck,” you breath, clenching around his shaft.
He pulls out, only to thrust back inside and then they come in rapid succession. Too many to count. All you can do is howl, twisting on his cock until he finally stops, both hands gripping your ass, squeezing.
“Would you like to cum now?” His inquiry is accompanied by a series of shallow thrusts.
“How? Like this?” You’re not used to being asked for your preference and hesitate before answering.
“Yes, but I want you to hold yourself deep and rub my clit.”
He snorts, leaning over your back. “Anything for the birthday girl.”
Pressing forward he stuffs your cunt until he’s right against your cervix, sending out those little sparks of pain you love so much. His middle finger finds its way to your clit, making soft circles and you’re already there.
“May I cum?” you pant, eyes shut, mouth hanging open.
It’s the only permission you need before falling over the edge and cumming around his cock. You jerk, moaning and whimpering as you tighten around his shaft. He takes his hand away from your bud but holds himself inside you until your orgasm begins to fade. He pulls out only to slide back inside again, thrusting slow and even, two hands gripping your hips.
“We’re going to get one more out of you tonight.”
You’re sweating.
You flex, blinking awake trying to figure out why you’re overheated only to find Sam wrapped around you, his chest pressed against your shoulder blades, soft belly at the small of your back.
It’s not the first time. He often slings an arm over you in his sleep, but he’s never cocooned you before. You wiggle backward, testing the waters and his grip tightens as the arm over your side curls under your stomach, pulling you back into him.
If he woke up like this you’re not sure what reaction he’d have. The two of you live in a strange world, a weekend relationship devoid of soft affection but always intense. The two of you have slipped into a safe space, an agreement and routine that seems to be working. This isn’t moving backward or forward, you’re stuck in a loop of sex and gratification that never fails to leave you somewhat crestfallen as you head into the week. You spend your time waiting until you’ll see him next, hoping for a little more.
You lie there, half awake, body hyper aware of him holding you for nearly two hours. It’s morning when he finally rolls away, grunting in his sleep and flipping onto his stomach retreating back to his side of the bed.
Sam’s sleeping belly down in the bed, mouth open as his back slowly rises and falls with his breath. You lay there, unmoving, watching his relaxed features, that handsome face looking almost boyish with his pink-flush cheek smashed into the pillow. He’d never let you gaze at him like this if he was awake, so you indulge while you can.
There’s no need to look at the clock to know it’s early, the way the light filters through his windows shifts depending on the time of day. That and he’s not up yet. It must be before six if he’s still out like a light.
The clock confirms it’s five forty-five and for once on a Saturday morning, you’re willingly awake before noon. He normally let’s you sleep in while he goes for a run and does a few hours of work. You give him one last look and gently crawl out of bed, pulling on white cotton panties and foregoing all other clothes, heading to the kitchen to make tea.
You’ve just taken the kettle off the stove when you hear it, a shuffling behind you. It’s impossible to explain how you know it’s not Sam, but you do. You can sense it. Every hair on your body stands up on end and when you turn around you’re faced with a stranger standing in the middle of Sam’s kitchen.
He’s tall, not as tall as Sam but a big guy and you’re instantly frozen in place, practically naked, blinking at the man in front of you. His shirt is spattered with blood, the red stains that are unmistakable.
“Well shit,” he smirks, a grin tugging at his mouth as he eyes your naked tits. “He always had good taste.”
“Um,” you stammer, taking a step back. “Um, who-”
You can’t find the words, your brain shutting down as he gets closer.
“Look at you,” he whistles, sauntering around you as you turn in a slow circle to keep him in your line of sight. His eyes dropping down the length of your body, head to toe. “How much does a guy like Sam pay for a girl like you? Do you charge by the hour or the night? I mean, I’ve been to Vegas, fucked my fair share of working girls but hot damn sweetheart, you are something special.”
It’s at that moment that your thoughts come together to form a coherent thought. This is Dean, Sam’s brother.
“Pleasedon’thurtme,” you squeak out in one quick utterance.
“Don’t worry sweetheart. My brother has never been very good at sharing anyway.” His eyes hone in on the fresh bruises on your hips, leftover handprints.  
“Wh-what do you want?” you stutter, now shaking in fear. Dean closes in and you back up into the counter, trapped by his advance.
“Don’t worry,” he eyes your tits again. “Nothing you can give me, at least not right now.”
“Get away from her.” Sam’s voice booms from across the kitchen, standing bare-chested in a pair of pajama pants, eyes on fire. He looks from Dean to you, extending a hand. “Come here.”
“We were just getting to know each other.” Dean offers a lopsided grin.
Eyes glued on Dean, you inch sideways until you can scurry across the kitchen, letting Sam pull you to him.
“Sam,” you look at him, eyes wide.
“It’s okay.” He takes a half step in front of you, putting himself between you and his brother. “What are you doing here, Dean?”
“Did I come at a bad time? I understand if you wanna be sure you get your money’s worth before we get down to business.”
“She’s not a hooker,” Sam clarifies, tilting his head, eyes never leaving his brother.
“Yeah,” Dean smiles, making a production of leaning to the side to look at you. “Didn’t think so. Good for you, getting back on the horse after all these years. I’m happy for ya.”
“Cut the shit,” Sam steps forward and you move with him, pressing against his back. “What the hell are you doing in my house? Are you trying to get me arrested?”
“Trust me.” Biting his lip, Dean chuckles to himself. “This is the last fucking place I want to be. But I need you, Sammy, there’s some bad shit about to go down. End of the world type stuff. Dad and I need you.”
“You’ve gotta be kidding me.” Sam snorts, his posture softening. “No.”
“Tell you what. How ‘bout you put your girl back to bed and we talk about this alone?”
“How about you get the hell out of my house?” Sam counters. “You must be high if you think I would ever do anything for you or dad.”
“Just hear me out, Sam.” All the playfulness drains from Dean’s face. “Dad went on an a...hunting trip. He hasn’t been home in a while.”
“How is this any different from any other time?” Sam shakes his head. “You know this feels familiar. It’s been fourteen years since the last time you showed up with this same story. I went with you and Jess ended up dead. You ruined my life and Dad showed up when he damn well felt like it. So no, there is no way in hell I’m going anywhere with you.”
“We need you.” Dean’s mouth pulls tight. “I know you’ve got a whole white collar thing going on and a life, a girlfriend. I wouldn’t ask if I had a choice.”
“There’s always a choice Dean. I made mine a long time ago. Dad said if I left not to come back and I haven’t. So get the fuck out of my kitchen.”
“Sam,” Dean takes a step forward. “This is your family.”
“No,” Sam spits back. “Family was an illusion. A convenient guilt trip to get me to do what you and dad wanted. I don’t have time for family, Dean. My life is full up.”
“Okay,” Dean looks at the floor, before leaning to the side to look at you again. “Nice to meet you-”
“Stop talking to her.” Sam’s voice is colder than you’ve ever heard him, venom simmering under his words. “You stay away from me and you stay away from her. You hear me, Dean?”
“I hear you.” Dean waits for a beat, looking from Sam to you and then he’s gone just as quick as he came.
“Sam,” you sputter as he turns to you, placing a hand on each shoulder.
“We need to talk.”
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gatesofember · 5 years
Frailty and Fortune: Chapter 4
PJO Arranged Marriage/Royalty AU Part 10
Rating: T | Pairing: Solangelo
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Summary: A few months have passed since Prince Nico’s wedding to William of Solace. Even with his husband at his side, Will sometimes feels lonely as he settles into his new life. He misses his home, his family, his friends, and his studies in Venadica. Meanwhile, Nico is uncertain how to help him, awkward about expressing himself, and he wonders if he’ll ever be able to truly make his husband happy. As time goes by and Will continues to feel lost in his new home, Will and Nico must both learn how to make their marriage work.
Nico woke up late the next day.  Very late.  Reyna was not pleased with him.
Despite her lecture, Nico was in no hurry to get up until she reminded him of two things: firstly, that Midas had noticed his absence all morning, and secondly, that Nico’s husband had been entertaining their host alone.
Nico shot out of bed at that.  He quickly dressed and readied himself, decided that he could wait until lunch to eat, and then hurried with Reyna to find Will and Midas.
Reyna brought him to a windowed drawing room where the early sunlight made Will’s hair more golden than anything in Midas’ estate.  He was standing with Midas at a large round table littered with maps.
Midas politely greeted him, which Nico ignored, and Will smiled kindly.  At first, Nico was overwhelmed with relief to find him safe, but once the feeling passed, it was quickly replaced by anger.  How dare Will meet with Midas alone?  Had Nico not been very clear about what he thought of that?
You were sleeping, reminded a rational voice in Nico’s head.  Nico ignored it.  Yes, he should have woken up earlier, but that wasn’t a reason for Will to meet with Midas alone.  He should have at least taken Reyna with him.
“I’m glad you’re here,” Will said, oblivious to Nico’s fury.  “We’ve been looking over maps of the mines and making projections of what an extension of the slope would entail.  Engineering isn’t my specialty, but I thought I’d have a look.”
Will looked well-rested, happy, and eager.  Hadn’t he seemed disinterested in helping just the night before?  Now he suddenly wanted to be involved?  After leaving Nico and Reyna to deal with him before, he suddenly decided to speak with Midas on his own?  Had he forgotten that Nico was the duke?  That Nico was supposed to lead their discussions?
Will didn’t mean anything by it, Nico tried to tell himself.  It didn’t make him feel better.
“The outdoor pony stables should be here, at the slope’s entrance,” Will said, pointing at the top of a cross-section map.  “I suggest building them as soon as possible, at least so that the ponies on the first three levels can start using them while work on the slope progresses.”
Nico’s lips pursed.  Will was only trying to help, he reminded himself.  Really, he was doing exactly what Nico had asked of him.  Nico shouldn’t be angry.
When a manservant entered the room and took Midas’ attention, Will leaned closer to whisper in Nico’s ear.  “I’m glad you’ve finally woken up.”
Nico made a noncommittal sound in response.  He was not in the mood for teasing.
Will frowned.  “Are you alright?”
“Fine,” Nico grunted.
Will didn’t seem satisfied by that answer.  For a moment, it seemed like he might drop the matter anyway, but then he reached for Nico’s hand.  “Nico?”
Nico snatched his hand away.  “You may not call me that here,” he hissed.  “I have already told you the circumstances in which you are allowed to use that name.”
Nico immediately regretted it.  He’d lashed out at Will like that once before, when he’d berated Will for touching him during Prince Percy’s wedding.  Will’s expression this time at least wasn’t as confused and scared as it had been back then, but he still looked hurt.  And not just hurt, either—it was like a cold steel wall had suddenly sprung up around him.  He looked angry.
“I didn’t mean to snap,” Nico said quickly, determined not to get himself into trouble like he had the last time.
Will nodded slowly, but his features didn’t soften.  Before Nico could apologize, Midas returned.
“Lityerses has everything prepared for you to leave,” he said.  “Your man is already waiting.”
“Man?” Nico repeated.  He was Will’s man.
“Hedge,” Will explained.
Nico nodded.  That was alright, then.
Then Nico caught himself and forced his thoughts to grind to a halt.  Of course it was alright.  He had to keep his penchant for resentment in check.  There was no reason to be getting jealous.
“Then I will leave you to your talks,” Will said, standing up straight and fixing his coat.  “Will you send the documents I requested to my room, Lord Midas?”
“I already have someone locating them,” Midas answered.
And the jealousy was back.  What documents?  Why hadn’t Will mentioned these documents to Nico?
Nico mentally trampled the thoughts away.
“Thank you,” Will said, then he turned to Nico.  “Until this evening, Your Highness.”
“Yes,” Nico said, because that was the only thing he could think to say other than “Don’t leave yet!”  He tried to discreetly touch Will’s hand as he passed, but didn’t manage to reach him in time.
Nico watched him go with an uncomfortable wrench in his gut.  He’d thoroughly spoiled what could have been a perfectly good morning.
*   *   *
Will had worked as a healer long enough for examinations to become second nature to him.  He made his way through the mine’s ponies without needing to think much about it.  It was a good thing, because Will’s mind was preoccupied with his husband.
He knew why Nico was angry; Nico had asked him to be careful around Midas and was upset when he found out that Will had met with him alone.  Still, Will couldn’t explain that they’d been discussing his daughter’s health.  He did feel guilty for worrying Nico and keeping Zoe a secret, but he wasn’t sure that he had a choice.  Zoe deserved confidentiality.  Will didn’t have the right to tell Nico about her health.
Anyway, Will thought Nico’s anger was unreasonably inflated.  He could understand the frustration, but honestly—snapping at Will for the mistake with his given name?  It was all quite ridiculous and even a little bit offensive.  Why was Nico so against his husband using his given name in public?  Why was he so ashamed of Will?
Much to Will’s surprise and relief, Lityerses made a good conversation partner.  He helped keep Will from dwelling too much on Nico while he worked on the ponies.
“The Prince must have told him to keep a close watch on me,” Lityerses said, referring to Hedge.
Will glanced at Hedge, who was glowering at Will and Lityerses from the entrance of the stables.  There were in the first level of the mines and Will was sitting on a stool, working by lamplight to examine a pony’s hooves.  Hedge had made no attempt to hide his distrust of Midas’ son.
“Yes, well, my husband is worried about my safety and Hedge is suspicious by nature,” Will said.  “I’m sure no one meant any offence.”
Lityerses raised an eyebrow.  “Your Highness, I do recall the way the Prince objected to my accompanying you at dinner last night,” he said.  “Besides, I am well aware of what he thinks of my family.”
Will paused while examining one hoof, and all he managed to say was, “Oh.”  After a second, he gathered his thoughts and added, “Well, really, it’s just your father.”
But Lityerses shook his head.  “Oh, no, the Prince doesn’t like me, either,” he said.  “He rejected me quite quickly when I was considered as a candidate for Royal Consort.”
Will sat up so quickly that he knocked his head on the wooden slats behind him with a loud crack.
“Your Highness?” Hedge called.
“I’m fine, Hedge,” Will answered quickly, lest he come back inside and start breathing down Will’s neck again.  He’d been so distracting that Will had been forced to ask Hedge to keep an eye on the mine from the entrance of the stables within ten minutes of arriving.
Lityerses eyed him curiously.  “Didn’t your husband tell you I was considered?”
“He...uh...neglected to mention that,” Will said, rubbing the throbbing spot on the back of his head.  He supposed it wasn’t surprising that Nico hadn’t said anything, given how much he’d teased Nico about his failures with Cecil and Ellis.  Nico had probably been embarrassed.  Given how much Nico despised Midas, any attempt by Lityerses to court him must have been disastrous.
“It fell through immediately,” Lityerses said again.  “Hardly worth mentioning.  Suits me well, anyway; being the Prince’s consort would have been nice, but I’m needed here to take the county after my father.  Zoe...well, we always assumed that Zoe wouldn’t live long enough to do it.”
Will wasn’t quite sure what to say to that.  Lityerses must have misinterpreted his uneasiness, because he said, “You don’t need to worry about my relationship with your husband.  It was bound for failure.  He never would have accepted my father’s son.”
“Right,” Will said, racking his brain for another topic of conversation.  Nico wouldn’t have wanted him to talk to Lityerses about this.  There had been a reason Nico hadn’t mentioned courting Lityerses and Will didn’t feel right learning about it from someone other than his husband.
He got to his feet and opened the pony’s mouth to examine its teeth.  “I’ve noticed that these ponies all seem quite young,” he said.  “At least, that’s what I’d assume based on their teeth.”
“They are,” Lityerses confirmed.  “That’s actually what I wanted you to look for in the records.  It’s always been this way.”
“They’re too young,” Will said, stepping back to look over the pony.  “He’s even quite small.  He can’t be more than three years old.”
“Some are younger.”
“Younger?” Will repeated.  “What age do they send them here?”
“Two or three, according to the records I’ve looked at,” Lityerses answered.  “Then they work here for the rest of their lives.”
“And I’d wager that isn’t very long,” Will grumbled angrily as he left the pony’s stall to move to the next one.
“It’s not.  Three more years, if they’re lucky.”
Will halted in his tracks.  “Three?”
“Three,” Lityerses confirmed.  “Pit ponies usually only live to about five.”
“But they’re not even fully grown before five!”
“I know.”
“They’re practically children!”
“I know.”
“Do you realize how long ponies are supposed to live?  Twenty years.  Twenty!  This is only a quarter of how long their lives should be!  I expected their lifespans to be short, but I thought they’d at least make it to ten.”
“I know,” Lityerses said again.  “I’ve been looking into this for at least the past two years.  It’s all in the records that I told you to ask for.”
Will ran a hand through his hair, forgetting how dirty his fingers were.  “And your father,” he said.  “What does he think of all this?”
“He doesn’t particularly care,” Lityerses answered.
“But you do,” Will said.  It was halfway between a statement and a question.  “You do, and you can’t let your father know.  Why?  Why haven’t you confronted him?”
Lityerses sighed.  “You have to understand—he’s my father.  Every son worships his father when they’re young.”
Will couldn’t say he agreed with the sentiment.  He liked his father well enough, but he’d always been very much aware of Apollo’s flaws.
Will nodded for Lityerses to go on anyway and chose not to voice his thoughts on the matter just yet.
“I only recently started to realize that something was wrong here,” Lityerses continued.  “Or, at least, it wasn’t until a few years ago that I finally came to terms with it.  I’ve known for a long time.  You’ve heard about my father’s trial, I presume?”
“I’ve heard.”
Lityerses crossed his arms and averted his eyes.  “I knew about the baiting before the trial,” he said.  “My father took me to watch matches when I was younger.  At the time, I thought it was just a normal sport.  It wasn’t until the trial that I found out it was illegal.  Even after that, it took time for me to accept that it was wrong, because if it was wrong, then my father was a bad person.  I didn’t want to believe that.”  Lityerses looked up at Will, and whatever expression he was wearing made Lityerses close his arms further over his chest.  “I’m not proud of it, Your Highness.”
“I imagine not,” Will said.  He didn’t mean it judgmentally, but he certainly wasn’t feeling compassionate, either.  “Continue.”
“I assumed that he changed after the trial.  In fact, I was desperate to believe it.  But sometimes he said things—things that seemed...flippant.  Like he didn’t care.  Eventually, I started to suspect that he could still be causing harm to animals, or even to people.”
“Lityerses,” Will interrupted.  “Is he still baiting?”
“No, I haven’t found evidence of that,” Lityerses answered.  “That was one of the first things I tried to find out.  He doesn’t travel enough for me to think he attends matches elsewhere and I’d have found out by now if he were holding them in Phrygia.  We’d have more guests, for one thing.  I even looked at financial records, and everything seems to be accounted for—no large, unexplained sums of money that he could have earned or lost off bets.  It’s possible I missed something, but...if there are still active baiting circles in Pluto, somehow I doubt my father would be invited to join.  The last time he was found out, he gave names.”
Will nodded.  It was unlikely that anyone would trust Midas after he betrayed the last baiting circle.
“No baiting, then,” Will said.  “But you did find out about the ponies.  What else?”
“Well, ponies don’t leave the mines.  Accidents aren’t exactly rare.  The work hours are long—for ponies and humans.  And the pay is barely enough for the workers to feed their families.  Actually, quite a bit of it gets back to my father through taxes, so it’s like he’s hardly paying the workers at all.”
“But Phrygia hardly seems poor,” Will said.  “It’s so clean.”
“He’s willing to spend his tax income on improvements in the city, but I suspect it’s out of vanity rather than concern for Phrygians,” Lityerses explained.  “He pays sanitation workers, then taxes them so much that they may as well have done their jobs for free.  The streets are clean, but the people who live in them are starving.”
“Ni—the Prince told me that your father is well-liked in Pluto.”
“Oh, he is—by the aristocracy and merchant class vying for his favor,” Lityerses said.  “He’s the wealthiest man in Pluto; people know what kind of advantages his friendship can offer.  That’s how he acquired some very powerful connections.”
“And he earned everything off the labor of animals and the poor.”
“Labor, if not their lives,” Lityerses said.  “I did try to ask my father about the ponies once.  I mentioned that I noticed the lifespans were rather short.  He just told me that it was normal for pit ponies and that all mines are that way.  And he’s right—I even checked.  All this?”  Lityerses gestured to the ponies in the stable around them.  “This is happening in mines all over Pluto, Your Highness.  My father isn’t an outlier.  He may be worse than most—that’s why he has the highest profits—but he’s hardly the only guilty party.”
“Gods above,” Will murmured.  “And no one cares?”
“I care,” Lityerses said.  “And you care.  I suspect that the Prince would care, too.  Your Highness, I only just started finding out about all this and I’m hardly a capable researcher, so I know that there are things I’ve missed.  It took me years to deduce everything I’ve told you.  I know I can’t convince my father to change anything and I’ve been too afraid to confront him further because if he stopped trusting me, then there wouldn’t be a way for me to keep investigating.  There is very little I can do.  Even if I could, I wouldn’t know how to start fixing any of this.  You, though—you’re a consor.  You’re the Prince’s husband.  Your aunt is the Matestra.  You can do something.”
Will’s mouth felt dry.  Lityerses was right.
If anything were to change, it had to start with Will.
*   *   *
That realization should have terrified Will.  He was still growing accustomed to the fact that he was a member of the Royal Family and hadn’t quite mentally grasped exactly how much power he now held.  He wasn’t the illegitimate son of a duke anymore.  He was the husband of the future King of Pluto.
But this was exactly why Artemis had arranged for his marriage consultation with Nico in the first place.  Will remembered what his aunt had told him when he expressed his doubt that he’d make a suitable match for a prince— “ You are a consor,” she’d said, “which, I daresay, is exactly what the Royal Family needs.”
There were other consors and sorors acting as advisors in the palace—Reyna, for one—but there was a very clear difference between serving the Royal Family and being a part of it.  And unlike some of the advisors Will had met, he was also a healer, and that had fostered a nurturing quality in him which their personalities lacked.  They made fine partners to discuss theory with, but were too stolid and analytical for Will to enjoy a more casual conversation—with the exception of Reyna, who Will had discovered made quite a good friend.  The rest of the palace advisors were often too concerned with rigid numbers and charts and intellectual discussions to step back and think of people as people or of Pluto as a home for millions of individuals.
But Will—Will not only could, but wanted to make a change.  And it wasn’t just Midas.  It wasn’t just Plutonian mines.  There was Plutonian healthcare, too, and the appalling rate of poverty throughout the country.
Will could change all of it.
His thoughts were interrupted by Zoe’s wet cough jostling the thermometer in her mouth.  He checked the reading and offered her the cup water at her bedside.
“I really hate having my temperature taken,” she said.
“Well, at least we know your fever has gone down,” Will said as he recorded the information in his papers.  “Actually, there are smaller, faster types of thermometers now.  You ought to ask your father to buy one.”
Lityerses sighed from the other side of Zoe’s bed, where he was sitting to watch over his sister while Will tended to her.  “Faster thermometers?” he said.  “Then I’ll never get her to be quiet.  The only time she stops talking is when she’s having her temperature taken.”
Zoe snickered.  “Or when I’m being sick all over my bedsheets.”
“Hopefully, that won’t happen as much anymore,” Will said.  “It’s your sacred duty to annoy your brother.”
Zoe looked like she was about to say something, but then she started coughing again.
“Keep drinking,” Will said.  “I know you don’t want to, but you can’t be healthy without it.”
Zoe was too busy coughing to answer.  When it finally calmed, she took another sip of water.  Will encouraged her to drink more before he took the cup back.
“I hate this,” Zoe whispered, her voice thick with phlegm.
“I know, but this is a good sign,” Will said.  “The cough always gets worse at the end.”
“Then the medicine is working?” Zoe asked.
“Yes, I believe it is,” Will answered.  “You’ll be able to get out of bed soon—definitely by the time I leave at the end of the week.”
“I wonder if you could treat my skin condition, as well,” Zoe said, looking up at Will with large, hopeful eyes.
Will thought carefully before replying.  He’d expected Zoe to ask about that at some point.  Patients with skin conditions always wanted to know how to hide it.  “Right now, I think it’s most important to take care of your illness,” he said.
“Is the rash difficult to treat?”
“No,” Will said.  “It’s actually quite simple.  Unfortunately, the treatment counteracts the medication I’m already giving you.”
“Counteracts?” Zoe repeated.
“Yes, it....”  Will paused, realizing that Zoe didn’t understand what he was saying.  He considered his answer for a moment, then folded his hands in his lap and said, “Zoe, do you know why you have rashes?”
“Because I’m ill,” Zoe answered.
“Your rashes aren’t caused by your illness,” Will said.  “They’re trying to protect you from your illness.”
Zoe frowned.  “I don’t understand.”
“Let me try to explain,” Will said.  “Right now, your body is working very, very hard to keep you healthy.  You’re trying to fight off the sickness inside you.  One of the ways your body fights is by raising your temperature, and that’s why you have a fever.  So your fever isn’t really a bad thing; it’s helping you heal.  Of course, having a fever that’s too high can also be dangerous, so we have to regulate your temperature externally—”  Will stopped, realizing that he was letting himself ramble.  He had a habit of that.  “Anyway, your body also is fighting on the surface of your skin, which is why you get rashes.  Rashes mean that your body is working hard to keep you safe.  Do you understand?”
Zoe nodded.
“Unfortunately, it also means that your body is wasting energy fighting in the wrong place,” Will said.  “But if I try to get rid of your rashes, I would have to make your body weaker, and that’s the opposite of what I want.  The medicine I’m giving you will help your body fight harder.  Unfortunately, this means that your fever will rise and....”
“And my rashes will get worse,” Zoe said.
“Yes,” said Will.  “But once you’re better, your body will be able to stop fighting so hard and the rashes will go away like they always do.”  Will patted her hand.  “It’s late.  You ought to rest now.”
Zoe tucked herself further under the blankets of her bed as Will cleaned and packed up the equipment he’d used.  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Lityerses smile gently and kiss his sister’s forehead, but by the time he turned around, Lityerses was standing and ready to escort Will back to his chambers.
Lityerses looked surprised when Will invited him for a drink in his room, but he accepted the offer and found a manservant to bring them tea.  Will waited until the servant left them alone with the door shut to ask the question that had been on his mind since their conversation in the mines.
“Does Zoe know?”
Lityerses blew at the steam rising out of his cup.  “No,” he said.  Will waited patiently while Lityerses took a sip.  Lityerses glanced at him and sighed, like he’d hoped Will’s question ended there.  “Zoe’s too young to remember his trial.  I was only twelve at the time and I was confused, so I defended him because I didn’t realize....”  Lityerses paused again and his shoulders dropped.  “He’s my father,” he said.  “It’s not easy to realize that your father isn’t the hero you thought he was.”
“You only knew what you’d been taught.”  Will didn’t say it to be comforting.  He meant it more as an observation than an expression of sympathy.
Lityerses’ eyes looked downwards, focusing on the gold-brown ripples on the surface of his tea.  He didn’t seem to find much relief in Will’s words, either.  “I’d been taught wrong.  I understand that now.  But Zoe isn’t like me—you have to know that.  I had to unlearn everything I knew and completely ruin my image of my father just to be half as kind as her.  I don’t want her to have to go through that.”
“So you want her to live in ignorance?”
Lityerses looked up and met Will’s eyes again.  “You don’t agree with me.”  He didn’t sound accusing.  Instead, he sounded questioning, almost pleading, like he was begging Will for his thoughts and guidance.
“I understand your reasoning, but there are too many secrets in your home, Lityerses,” Will said.  “Your father’s trying to cover everything wrong that’s happening here, his criminal record is being kept from your sister, your sister’s health is a secret, and you can’t voice your objections to your father.”
“And I want to protect Zoe from all that,” Lityerses said.  “At least until she’s older.”
“She’ll start to notice things eventually, just like you did,” Will said.  “I think you ought to talk to her before she does.  You don’t want her to feel like she’s alone.”
Lityerses nodded.  “When she’s older,” he said again.  “And healthier.  Right now she ought to focus on recovering.”
“Good,” Will said.  “And you need to stop hiding from your father.  Nothing good will happen if you allow him to continue what he’s doing.”
“I can’t rebel against him.”
Will raised an eyebrow.  “Can’t you?”
Lityerses’ mouth fell open, but he didn’t say anything.
“I’m not saying you have to rebel,” Will went on.  “But voice your opinions more often.  You have an excuse now—you’re only trying to ensure that the mine follows the guidelines left by the Prince.  Then a little later you can start to have an input on how the city is run, on the taxes, and on ways to use your father’s wealth to help people.  My husband and I are leaving at the end of the week, Lityerses.  Do you want everything to go back to the way it was, or do you want things to change?”
For a long moment, Lityerses remained silent.  Finally, he took a breath and started to speak.
He was interrupted by a knock on the door.
Will heard the click of the handle as he looked up, and there in the doorway stood Nico.
*   *   *
Nico was livid.
He’d been bothered by what had happened that morning all day.  When he met with Midas’ head engineer, he hardly listened to her speak because his mind kept echoing the words he’d snapped at Will for using his given name.  Will hadn’t deserved it, he knew.  He’d been angry for a foolish reason and had lashed out at Will over a minor offence.  And the sight of Will’s face?  He had never looked at Nico with a gaze so cold.
Nico hadn’t gotten the chance to speak with Will since he arrived back at the estate after being in the mines all day.  He had barely looked at Nico over dinner and he’d once again declined the invitation to meet with Midas.  He wanted to read, he’d said.
And then, when Nico went to Will’s rooms to apologize for that morning, he’d found Will not reading, but instead sharing tea with Lityerses.  Lityerses, of all people.
“Your Highness,” Will said.  There was still a hint of that steely, guarded air around him, but he smiled at Nico.  Nico, however, was too furious to care.
“Don’t you think it’s time for you to retire, Lityerses?” Nico said sharply.  “It’s awfully late to be in a room alone with another man’s husband.”
The guarded air came crashing back around Will.
Lityerses quickly got to his feet.  “Yes, Your Highness, my apologies,” he said, and he left the room with short goodbye to Will.  Nico shut the door behind him.
“Why was he here?”
“Because I invited him,” Will answered calmly.
Nico blinked.  “You what?”
“I invited him,” Will repeated.  He took a sip of tea.
“Yes, Your Highness.  I believe that is what I said.”
Nico’s jaw clenched.  “Do not tease me now, Will,” he snapped.  “And you did the same thing this morning, too!  You sought out Midas alone.  I asked you very clearly not to be alone with them.”
“No, you didn’t.”  Will set his tea down on the table beside him, right next to the one Lityerses had left behind, and folded his hands primly in his lap.  “All you told me was to be careful around Midas.”
“And Lityerses is just as bad as his father!  You knew that I didn’t trust him.  Don’t pretend you didn’t.”
Will tapped his fingers on his knee once.  “I think that Lityerses must have given you a bad impression when you met,” he said slowly.
“What?  Don’t be ridiculous—”
“Really, Nico,” Will said, fixing him with a tired, annoyed glare.  “He’s helping me with the ponies.  He approached me and said that he’d heard I was hard on his father about their welfare, then he gave me some information he thought I might like to know.  If you had simply asked instead of accusing me as soon as—”
“It’s a trap,” Nico said.  It didn’t even bear thinking about.  “Midas must have set him up to it.”
Will sighed like he was dealing with a difficult child.  “Why can’t you entertain the possibility that Lityerses is better than his father?”
“Because he’s not!”
“Is this because he’s a failed suitor?”
Nico’s blood at once went icy, and then just as suddenly was hot with fury.  Will knew.  He knew what Lityerses’ family had done, he knew that Nico hated being reminded of his failures as a suitor, and Will knew, somehow, that Lityerses had been offered to him—a memory that Nico had tried very hard to forget.  “Do you think,” Nico growled, “—do you think that this is some petty grudge?”
“Because I must have been such a horrid suitor, is that it?  After all, how is it possible that I failed every attempt at courting until you came along?  Clearly— clearly it must have been my fault.  Clearly there must have been something wrong with me because it simply isn’t possible for all my suitors to have been so awful.  Surely I was immature, saw the worst in everyone, purposely sabotaged every arrangement—”
“So obviously, if I ever speak ill of someone who was offered as a potential fiancé, then I must be wrong about them.  It’s all in my head, isn’t it?  I know that’s what everyone’s thinking.”
“I wasn’t trying to—”
“Yes, you were, Will.  You were.”  Nico turned away before Will could answer.  “Goodnight,” he said as he left.  He heard Will call his name just as he slammed the door shut.
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singledarkshade · 6 years
Familiar Stranger
Part Eight
Barry stood sipping his drink while they waited for the party to start again. Iris returned to his side from her conversation with Tina but before he could say anything he heard cries of shock. Turning he saw the statue beside the band falling then Rip pushed Gideon out of the way putting himself directly in harm’s way.
Handing Iris his bottle Barry zipped forward, moving Rip out of the danger zone, righting the statue and putting Joe in position so it looked like he’d saved the day before returning to his spot and taking his drink back.
“Subtle, babe,” Iris chuckled hugging his arm smiling proudly, watching closely the aftermath.
Gideon could never say what happened exactly but all she knew was that she was talking to Cecile, then heard Michael cry her name and she was thrown forward into the other woman. She turned and saw the large heavy statue coming at Michael but before she could even let out a sound he was suddenly beside her and the statue was sitting back where it had been with Detective West steadying it.
“Michael,” she cried, throwing her arms around him holding on tightly, “What were you thinking?”
He sighed hugging her back, “You could have been hurt, it could have killed you.”
“And it could have killed you,” she snapped, “What were you thinking? What about Jonas?”
His arms tightened around her, “I already lost one woman I love,” he breathed, “I couldn’t lose another.”
Gideon stiffened at his words, she stepped back from him staring in amazement at Michael trying to process what he’d said.
Hurt suddenly covered his face when she didn’t reply and he walked away whispering he was sorry leaving her watching his back.
Gideon turned to the woman standing beside her, “Cecile, did you hear… did he say what I think he did?”
“I did,” Cecile said softly. “And he did.”
Gideon smiled amazed, “He loves me?”
“And he doesn’t know you feel the same,” Cecile told her, making Gideon gasp in horror she had unwittingly hurt Michael, “Go tell him.”
Grinning at the other woman Gideon started after Michael, catching up with him just as he reached the reception she grabbed a hold of his arm and pulled him to a small alcove where they could talk privately.
“I’m sorry,” Michael said, “I shouldn’t have said that.”
Gideon frowned slightly finding a small step beside the window which meant, in her heels, she was face to face with him.
“Did you mean it?” Gideon asked softly.
He shook his head, “Gideon….”
“Please tell me the truth,” she whispered.
Michael finally nodded, “Yes, I meant it. Look I know you…”
Gideon cut him off by touching her lips to his in a gentle sweet kiss. When Gideon broke the soft kiss moving back she gasped surprised when Michael’s arm wrapped around her waist and he pulled her close into a deep kiss. Sliding her arms around his neck Gideon relaxed into his embrace, content to stay there forever.
  “Well it’s about bloody time,” Tina sighed joining the two couples who were spying on Gideon and Michael kissing in the alcove.
Joe chuckled, “You’re not kidding. Cisco told me Mick Rory was planning to kidnap Gideon and scare Michael into admitting his feelings if he didn’t get round to it soon.”
Iris and Barry stared at him in shock.
“Yeah,” Joe noted with amusement, “That was my thought too.”
  His phone buzzing on the bedside cabinet woke Rip from his contented sleep, reaching out he grabbed it frowning to see Ali was calling him.
“What’s wrong?” he demanded.
“Why didn’t you come home, Daddy?” the plaintive voice on the other side surprised him.
Rip frowned confused and worried, “Jonas?”
“You promised you would be home,” Jonas said.
Sitting up against the pillows Rip sighed, “I’m sorry, Jonas but you know how heavy it rained last night?”
“Uh hu.”
“The road flooded so I couldn’t drive home,” Rip explained before frowning, “What did Ali tell you?”
“They’re still sleeping,” Jonas told him.
Rip frowned in thought before asking, “Jonas, how did you call me on Ali’s phone if she’s not awake?”
The guilty silence from the other end of the line made Rip smile and he forced himself not to laugh as Jonas explained.
“Daddy,” the little boy said after he finished, “Ali wants to talk to you now.”
Rip bit his lip so the amusement he felt didn’t come through in his voice, “I promise I will be home as soon as I can. Okay?”
“Okay,” the little boy said.
“Give the phone to Ali,” Rip told him, waiting for a moment listening to Jonas pass the phone.
“Did he wake you?” Ali asked.
Rip sighed, “Nothing unusual about that. I’ll talk to him when I get home about taking your phone.”
“Any idea when that will be?”
“Not at the moment,” Rip replied, “I’ll let you know once I’ve talked to someone which might be in a few hours considering the time.”
Ali laughed, “I’ll talk to you later, do you want to talk to Jonas again.”
“Please,” Rip waited again for the phone to be passed back to his son, “Okay, little man I need you to promise me you’ll be good for Ali and Katrina until I get home.”
“I promise, Daddy,” Jonas told him.
Making his goodbyes Rip dropped his phone back on the cabinet and sighed sliding to lie down again. He smiled when Gideon moved to rest against him, her head on his shoulder and arm across his waist. Nothing had happened between them except a few kisses, as they agreed it was too soon, but Gideon decided since she wouldn’t have Boo Bear to stop her feeling lonely then Rip could be her personal teddy bear during the night.
“Is Jonas alright?” she asked softly while he gently stroked his fingers along her back.
Rip nodded, “He took Ali’s phone and managed to unlock it by holding it up to her face while she was asleep for the facial recognition then put in the numbers he knew were her favourites for the authorisation pin.”
Gideon laughed, “Keeping up with him is going to be a challenge.”
Rip nodded before noting, “You know Jonas has to be my first priority, always.”
“Of course,” Gideon replied, stroking his cheek, “I would not have it any other way.”
Smiling at her he glanced at the clock, “We have about an hour or so until they serve breakfast.”
Gideon smiled wrapping her arms around him when he pulled her close for a good morning kiss.
  The storm had finally passed and the sun was shining as Gideon walked down to the restaurant for breakfast with Michael holding her hand.
“Good morning,” Tina greeted them with an arch smile, “Did you two sleep well?”
“Very well,” Michael replied evenly while Gideon felt her cheeks burn.
Tina chuckled, “The good news is that breakfast is ready, the bad news is that the road won’t be open until at least three o’clock.”
“That late?” Michael frowned.
Gideon squeezed his hand knowing he didn’t like leaving Jonas for so long.
“I’m afraid so,” Tina shrugged, “But your room will be available until we’re able to leave.”
“In that case,” Michael said, “We should go get some breakfast.”
Gideon smiled telling him, “I’ll catch up.”
He nodded leaning in to brush his lips to hers quickly before he headed into the restaurant to get them a table.
“Well,” Tina chuckled the moment Michael was out of hearing range, “It’s about time you two got your act together.”
Confused Gideon asked, “What do you mean?”
“Gideon,” Tina laughed, giving her a slight hug, “From the moment you two met there were sparks. I’m just glad you’re happy because I know no two people who deserve it more.”
  Rip watched Gideon close her eyes and take a deep breath of the rose garden while he put what little luggage they had in the car. He wanted to let her have a moment but he was also anxious to get on the road so he could get home to his son.
“We should come back here,” Gideon said joining him before he could call her, “On a day we can appreciate the gardens.”
Rip nodded, “Definitely,” he smiled when she stretched up to kiss him.
“Now, let’s go home and see Jonas,” she said climbing into the passenger seat.
The drive back to the city took longer than it should and Rip was relieved when they finally reached his apartment building.
Parking the car he turned to Gideon, “Are you ready for this?”
“For what?”
“Katrina and Ali,” he replied with a shrug.
Gideon chuckled softly, “I can handle them,” she assured him before asking, “What are you going to tell Jonas about us?”
“That I love you and you’re going to be spending even more time with us than before,” Rip replied, “He thinks you’re amazing. Which you are.” Gideon blushed smiling when he gently cupped her cheek, “Are you sure you want to take on both of us? Because it’s a package deal. Me and him forever.”
Kissing him softly she whispered, “I love both of you. I can’t think of anything better than being with you and Jonas forever.”
Rip kissed her again because he could before they got out the car and headed upstairs.
“Daddy,” the cry preceded the little boy throwing himself into Rip’s arms the moment Rip opened the door.
Hugging Jonas tightly Rip smiled, “Hey, I missed you too.”
Carrying his son inside who was holding onto Rip, he smiled at Ali and Katrina, “Sorry we’re later than expected.”
“You can’t control the weather,” Ali chuckled.
Rip nodded and found Gideon standing at his side, he wrapped his arm around her waist as she smiled hello to Jonas.
“Oh my God,” Katrina cried making them all look at her, “Are you guys together?”
Smiling slightly as he hugged Gideon closer Rip nodded.
“Finally,” Ali laughed.
“What does that mean?” Jonas asked confused.
Rip sat down, his son still in his arms settling Jonas in his lap, “It means that Gideon is going to be part of our family even more than before. But there is nothing for you to worry about because it just means that when we do fun things she’ll be with us. Are you okay with that?”
Looking up at Gideon the little boy nodded happily. Gideon sat at his side smiling when Jonas threw his arms around her as well.
Rip glanced up seeing Ali and Katrina standing with their arms around one another. He’d come to Central City with just Jonas, lonely and hoping to find something he didn’t have back in London.
Now he basically had two sisters, a group of friends, his little boy was healthy as well as happy and he was in love with a woman who had helped mend the broken heart Miranda’s death had left him with.
“Daddy,” Jonas broke his moment, “I’m hungry.”
Rip chucked, “So am I. How about we go out for dinner?”
“Sounds great,” Katrina said, “We’ll get our bags.”
As they left Rip put Jonas down, “Go get your coat.”
Standing he pulled Gideon to her feet and into his arms again, “Do you mind going out with everyone tonight.”
“As long as I’m with you,” she breathed.
With a smile Rip kissed her once more.
Part Nine (Final Part)
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intrepidmare · 8 years
My observations watching 🎯 Arrow 5x17 “Kapiushon”
***WARNING: Spoilers and a lot swearing ahead.***
One word to describe my reactions of this episode is FUCK!!! (yeah, just like that: in capitals letters and with exclamation points), which I said at least 1500 times while I watched it. Watching Adrian torturing Oliver was as painful as I imagined, even more when the torture was more psychological than physical. It’s so scary that Adrian knows Oliver so well and he knew that pain wouldn’t be enough. Oliver can take it. Introspection is something much more harrowing and brutal.
This week I’m not doing as usual and tell you what crossed my mind in every (or most of the) scene(s), because I decided to watch it without worrying to write down what I was thinking. Instead I’m putting my 10 favorite ‘what the fuck’ moments. (These are in chronological order)
Malcolm Merlyn in Russia: What the hell was he doing there?! It was very nice, unexpected surprise to see him. Very nice the way they’re tying Russia with the undertaking. It had been good not having Malcolm messing things this season, but I can’t deny I’m glad he appeared.
Adrian bringing up The Count (His name was Cecil? *giggles*) and shooting 3 arrows at Oliver: First, OW! Poor Oliver. Second, points to Adrian for bringing him up. He didn’t only remind Oliver his crimes, but also he involves Felicity, which he knows what she means to Oliver and that’s where the psychological tortures comes in.
Kovar bought Sarin gas: Damn! I shouldn’t be surprise that he’s capable of that, but ... I don’t know. It’s just striking. And more that Malcolm sold it to him.
Adrian telling he was at the loft and threatening William: SUCH GREAT SCENE! Stephen was absolutely brilliant in it. OMG! he deserves every acting awards that exist!! Watching Oliver breaking, begging, and crying, damn! And Josh wasn’t that far behind. Excellent acting too.
Oliver torturing Kovar’s man (And practicing!! afterwards): WHAT THE FUCK?! ‘nuff said.
Adrian killing Evelyn (and everything being a ruse): She deserved it, but Oliver’s guilt was so heavy. Again the psychological torture here is unbearable. And I knew it would happen, Adrian killing her, but something felt off there. Guess what? I was right! That bitch!! It was all acting! I still believe she is going to die later, you’ll see.
The confession: Another fantastic scene! I’m not THAT surprised or shocked about it. Obviously, that was what Adrian wanted Oliver to say. And let be honest, anyone in a killing spree as Oliver was have to like it, at some level. The thing is his taste for it doesn’t come from a evil desire. It’s a symptom of Oliver’s PTSD. It’s the way he let out all the anger, fear, impotence that he felt after the shipwreck and everything that followed.
Adrian burning off the Bratva tattoo: OH MYGOD!! SHIIIIIIIT!!! It’s not only the pain of the burning but the motive why Adrian does it. It’s so fucking sick!! Besides, I love that tattoo and it’s gone now :(
Kovar is alive: WHAAAAAAAAATTT?!! Fuck! But YAAAAASSSS!!!! Dolph is awesome as Kovar and I want more of him. And Malcolm knows. This means that we’ll see more Malcolm of what left of the season? In the flashbacks and/or present day? Kovar will come to Star City or he’ll die in the flashbacks in a later episode?
Oliver returning to the bunker and quitting: After all that happened... nope I’m not surprised by this. Not even one bit. It’s the default action. For what I’m surprised is the absence of the mandatory hug between Oliver and Felicity when he got to the bunker!!! Nobody can tell me that after a week of being missing and tortured, Felicity wouldn’t have ran to Oliver and hugged him. WHERE IS MY OLICITY HUG?!!!
Additional observations: Let me tell you that I think Flashback’s wig’s game was on point! Not always but in certain scenes... Damn, Oliver looked good!
And I love Anatoly being the voice of reason, and such great counselor to Oliver, even if he refused to listen. My heart swells watching Anatoly wanting to protect Oliver, telling him to go home, first before Kovar did whatever he was going to do and then, because Russia is not good for him. I don’t think I can love Anatoly more right now, he’s such a great guy.
Okay from now on, this lever of shocking developments is what’s ahead of us people. Buckle up because it’s gonna be an intense ride. Just look at the promo for 5x18
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kacydeneen · 5 years
'I Was Numb': Family Secrets Emerge as DNA Testing Explodes
EDITOR'S NOTE: Monday night on NBC10 News at 11 p.m., Jim Rosenfield spoke with a family whose 50-year secret is uncovered by an at-home DNA test kit. It was the first of two parts on how the rise in consumer DNA testing is changing what we truly know about ourselves. Part 2 airs Tuesday night. Rosenfield will delve into a shocking discovery by two brothers from New Jersey.
Eight months ago, Ryan got a call from his father, Gerry. It was a shocking conversation from the first words.
DNA Test Reunites Half Brothers; Both Were Cops in Florida
"My dad gave me a call one night, very distraught, crying," Ryan said. "He said, 'I have some news.' At the time I thought there's a death in the family."
His father's news was family-related, but it wasn't a death. What Gerry showed his son proved even more shocking.
'This Is Us' Takes on Race, Class and Teenage Love in Philly
"He sent a picture … It was a screen shot of Ancestry.com," Ryan said. "And he said, 'Your brother is not mine.' I said, 'What are you talking about?'"
Then he asked his father, "What about me?"
Gerry and his wife divorced years ago, but only earlier this year did Gerry and both his sons find out that they are not biologically-connected.
Ryan, 29, and his older brother, now 33, spent part of their childhood in New Jersey. They always thought their mother was their mother and their father was their father.
Instead, a home DNA test kit proved that a former New Jersey state trooper fathered both brothers. Ryan's mother confirmed to NBC10 that her sons' father is the New Jersey state trooper, but insists that she had no idea until the DNA tests this year. She declined to be interviewed on camera.
"It’s difficult. It's sad. But in the end, it really changes nothing as far as my relationship with my entire family goes," Ryan said.
Shocking results that took the family by surprise are expected to grow in number as millions more take home DNA tests in the years ahead. The idea that your life could be turned upside down from some spit on a cotton swab isn’t what most people expect when they go looking for their ancestry.
The story of Ryan and his family is both a forewarning for others and an outlook people should consider if all new family history comes out in test results.
"The results change nothing for me," Ryan, who now lives in Miami, told NBC10. "My dad is my dad. I don't have to have a relationship with the other guy."
He added, "I'm grown up now. (I have a) family of my own. It’s easier that way."
20 Million DNA Test Kits and Counting: Surprises Come With the Data
Home DNA testing kits, like those done by Ryan and his brother on Ancestry.com, have grown in popularity the last decade. More than 20 million Americans have taken tests provided by companies like Ancestry.com, a Utah-based company, and 23andMe, of California.
The pace of submitting DNA via consumer tests is rapidly speeding up, according to West Chester University professor Anita Foeman, who has studied the industry since 2006.
More than 100 million people will submit their DNA for testing in just the next few years if the trend continues, Foeman said.
"It is changing the way that we think about each other, our relationships to one another, and what’s sort of out there and what we can keep secret," she said.
The tests also raise ethical questions about the Big Data aspect of such personal information: What can companies do with your DNA results? Should law enforcement agencies have access to the results?
And of course, there is the upheaval within families when the results from a home DNA kit yield big surprises.
"We see them all the time," Foeman said. "The tests are far better at pinpointing genetic relatives than they are at ancestry. So if someone had some unclear ancestry, I could say, 'Well, you know, the test isn't perfect. But people are finding out, again, that their parents are not their parents, et cetera."
New Cousin Found, New Secret Unearthed
When Anna Marie’s DNA test results came back, the findings confused her.
For one thing, her results showed no Russian lineage. That contrasted results from a DNA test her brother took that confirmed he was 31% Russian.
"I remember looking at it and I was like, 'Oh, that’s interesting because you have that and I don’t have that,'" the Maryland woman told NBC10. "Eric, my youngest brother was like, I don’t know what that means."
Anna Marie’s mother, Anna, professed confusion as well.
"My mom was like, 'I don’t know how any of this works,'" Anna Marie said.
Yet she couldn't shake the feeling that the scientific data confirmed an unmistakable something she long held in her mind — something she couldn’t quite put into words all her life.
"You always feel that something’s not right. Something's missing," Anna Marie said. "I don't know. It's just some part of you that knows there’s something you don’t know."
Nearly 400 miles away, a woman in Virginia came across a similarly unpredictable result from her own DNA test result.
This woman, a nurse named Tina, had a first cousin from Maryland named Anna Marie, according to her findings on Ancestry.com. She reached out to her newfound Maryland relative, but didn’t hear back for several months. Eventually, though, first cousins emailed each other.
"I said, 'Do you know my uncle?'" Tina, a nurse who lives in XXX, remembers initially asking Anna Marie. "She said, 'I've never heard of him.' And I said, 'Well, ask your mother.'"
When Anna Marie got back to her, Tina said, "the cat was out of the bag."
When DNA test results came back for Anna Marie, a 50-year-old Delaware woman, the findings confused her.
For one thing, her results showed no Russian lineage. That contrasted results from a DNA test her brother took that confirmed he was 31% Russian.
"I remember looking at it and I was like, 'Oh, that’s interesting because you have that and I don’t have that,'" the Delaware woman told NBC10. "Eric, my youngest brother was like, I don’t know what that means."
Anna Marie’s mother, Anna, professed confusion as well.
"My mom was like, 'I don’t know how any of this works,'" Anna Marie said.
Yet she couldn't shake the feeling that the scientific data confirmed an unmistakable something she long held in her mind — something she couldn’t quite put into words all her life.
"You always feel that something’s not right. Something's missing," Anna Marie said. "I don't know. It's just some part of you that knows there’s something you don’t know."
Nearly 400 miles away, a woman in Virginia came across a similarly unpredictable result from her own DNA test result.
This woman, a nurse named Tina, had a first cousin from Delaware named Anna Marie, according to her findings on Ancestry.com. She reached out to her newfound Delaware relative, but didn’t hear back for several months.
Eventually, though, first cousins emailed each other.
"I said, 'Do you know my uncle?'" Tina, a nurse who lives in Roanoke, remembers initially asking Anna Marie. "She said, 'I've never heard of him.' And I said, 'Well, ask your mother.'"
When Anna Marie got back to her, Tina said, "the cat was out of the bag."
Advice for DNA Test Takers: Talk With Family First
Foeman, the West Chester professor of media and communications who has studied DNA test kits for 13 years, said families should have frank discussions about the past ahead of time.
"Ask them if there is anything you should know," Foeman said. "And I can tell you that I've had people decide not to take the test based on conversations they've had with their families."
Their decision is not always based on a discovery as shocking as finding out about a secret relationship, Foeman said. It could be simply that they were born through in-vitro fertilization, or are adopted.
"Most people are not floored by what they find," she said. "Most people find immediate relatives, or what they thought. And sometimes, it's distant relatives. And then it's that rare person, I'll test two classes of 50, and two people will find something where they’re like, 'Woah!' So it’s not typical, but it happens regularly."
A lot of the shock comes from changing cultural dynamics and lifestyles.
Access to DNA-analysis technology has emerged only a few decades removed from vastly different societal acceptance around scenarios like having children out of wedlock.
"Times have changed, and people have made decisions 10, 15, 20 years ago based on what we knew, and based on the social stigmas and attitudes that we had at that time," Foeman said. "And they didn't expect 20 or 30 years later, that somebody was going to uncover some of this."
Secret Born of 'Summer of Love' Finally Uncovered 50 Years Later
The connection between suddenly first cousins, Anna Marie in Delaware and Tina in Virginia — thanks to Ancestry.com — actually uncovered a family secret 50 years old.
What Anna Marie discovered about herself and her mother dates to what is often called "the Summer of Love," 1969.
Her mother, Anna, was 16. She spent that summer on the beaches of Ocean City, Maryland.
A lifeguard named Cecil became a friend, and then a lover. What happened after the summer would stay hidden for five decades.
Anna became pregnant by the lifeguard, and eventually gave birth to Anna Marie in secret. A few years later, Anna got married, and her husband adopted Anna Marie.
The truth about Cecil and the Summer of Love in Ocean City might have stayed hidden forever if not for the DNA test kit that Anna Marie bought.
After Tina and Anna Marie began talking about their Ancestry.com findings, it was clear to Anna that her daughter deserved to know the truth.
“I took her to lunch... one of the restaurants here by the ocean and I told her,” Anna told NBC10 in an interview in October in Ocean City.
“I was numb,” Anna Marie said of her initial reaction to the truth.
Unlike others who don’t care to meet their newly-discovered biological parent, Anna Marie says she would have liked to meet Cecil.
That fate was not meant to be: Cecil died five years ago.
"I’m very sad because if it had been five years sooner, just five years, he would have gotten to know his child,” Anna Marie said.
Digital editor Brian X. McCrone contributed writing to this series.
Photo Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto This story uses functionality that may not work in our app. Click here to open the story in your web browser. 'I Was Numb': Family Secrets Emerge as DNA Testing Explodes published first on Miami News
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