#they're increasing my rent by over $200
tytopls · 1 year
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barid-bel-medar · 2 years
You have a rent controlled apartment in NY? You found the One Piece.
Could you tell Moonpaw that I no longer need to read +1k chapters if the true treasure was already found?
No, what I have is actually something different, called a rent stabilized apartment. Unless you're living with a parent or grandparent who has a rent controlled apartment you're SOL, and at this point in NYC there's only approx 16k left of those types; there's about 1 million stabilized. I believe once it's no longer a rent controlled apartment, it becomes a rent stabilized one.
What this means is when I moved into my apartment, my rent was set at a very specific amount. My rent can only go up in a renewed lease by what is decided by the Rent Guidelines Board. As I recall when I renew, if I do a one year lease my rent can only go up by 3%. They are legally barred from charging me more.
(Which in light of the horror show that is unregulated/market value apartment rent increase I am so goddamn grateful I found my place. I still cannot believe of the places were it's a fucking 200% increase...)
Rent stabilized apartments are still pretty damn hard to find; again, only about a million, and NYC's population is over eight million. Pretty much once you've moved in it's near impossible for someone to be forced out, and it's much more likely it'll be a matter of you deciding t move elsewhere. Like for a management company to be able to refuse to let you renew, you have to super fuck up, unless they're trying to pull some rather immoral shit (which you do see with slum lords; my management company is very much not thankfully). Otherwise by law they're required to let you renew.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
We have some more information and it's coming from your people and some people who scanned over there and they don't want to be named
-they looked tonight where he said they did some deep scans with some ships and they're out there on top of the facility apparently with bunkers they built recently that are like 100 by 300x200 and a 10 of them about 200 miles deeper and they're about 50 miles under there are seven 300x400x300 bunkers and someone said below them they found five 600x500 by 200 and it's the depth of 200 and it goes underneath the entire northern part of the continent Plus it just happens to be in there and it was a cavern in the field it in it was a massive cavern. It is JC it still is and people have to go there to see if there's any proof about Saturn and their son and daughter say he can exist up there is the only one of yours practically so why wouldn't you do it why would you go to Titan and just be this little guy like his cat his castles all broken up and it's a message about it and it is why he my husband was stuck in Castle and we agree with Hera
-another thing is you guys are being kicked out of your houses here in Charlotte county it's for non-payment of rent or your mortgage and your free loading did not help you in your class at all and you're moving off our son did nothing you're a bunch of scags and your losers homos and bums and you need to leave it's so much going on the max are after you and they're pulling you out and McDonald's and us and foreigners you don't seem to care you will tomorrow when you leave your house is being confiscated meaning to if you went to the house they're going to arrest you mostly they're crappy houses and they are being demolished on the inside and if they find mold they rip the whole thing down and they're doing it now we'll see they go in and they wreck everything.
-that lady is singing her song tonight no she already saying it but they're playing it saying it's for now we need to burn down their stuff and so forth bring the whole place they say so they're going out and pull you out now they have 90% of your housing in what remains is two and a half percent of the apartments that are rented by others to you and 3% the trailer parks and campers have not been touched yet and also the hotels and motels there's still 3% of those and the remaining 1.5% are people walking which will is there a bivouacking in the woods and it's going to increase and decrease but that's pretty piss poor out of all the percentage in Charlotte county it's only 0.01%, so you can stop saying that dumb s*** idiots. There's really not many other places for you to go get used to still insist on sitting here bothering everybody to get rid of you so that's going to happen now.
-there are tons of people who wait Garth they hate him and his mouthing off talking about the stupid place he's in telling the people he kick their ass and that's how he's there all sorts of dumb things and they're going after his people for what he's saying he won't shut up and then finding a way to shut him up that's what they said either he's a big fat homo and we're hitting him
-there's too many people here bothering our son still and it almost completely eradicated out of Florida and you're stupid as hell the problem is that you're really dumb and your wild cards and stuff to move you out and you're going to be nobody at all by the time it happens
-we don't have any takers on New Vegas at all the max don't want to foreigners don't want to you idiots don't want to and we don't care we have our own people still going to be there issue with orders and stuff we already have a headquarters and we're doing that already and people trying to spy from spaceships and it doesn't do anything and satellites and they try to infiltrate and it doesn't do anything. It's going to be over to the public but it doesn't seem like you want to go there and we don't care we're taking territory and we're using it as an excuse and taking tons of territory for factories and we do sell you things because you're not building anything cuz you're pitiful
-there's a lot of people here wondering what's happening and we did say it above they're also doing actions on you if they find you gathering they are hitting you if they find you trying to get your hardware out there hitting you and taking your hardware and armaments and they need it it is a McDonald's too and there are on point
-we put in 20 more casinos well the buildings and we bolted them together. Don't see there are 40 1500 ft by 1500 ft casinos in the downtown area of the first strip that runs north and the second one is being built the infrastructure it's an amazing idea you sort of gleaned it from Vegas and say this kind of how they do it but it's not well thought out and we know how many tunnels to put in and how many access roads and it won't be as many as people think you can get to the parking garage from the front and there is a pull off at each one and those things are huge it can get to the back where other places are and those roads are pretty good size so two lanes either way and it is a giant giant Little City and we have a city already out there that's the offices and we're conducting business we're starting up our car factories outside the perimeter and we're starting up necessities for the south and east west coast and by special order we send it east and we are building things people need shortly there's going to be no parts for tons of vehicles and no parts for motorcycles eBay trucks and we're going to do it now and we're setting them up some of them where you guys are and hiring people we have a huge huge bunch of people working in that City and it is a decent place
-we also are using your songs no. But we are doing things here in Charlotte county today they didn't fire anymore they just said they were going to and did not have the lawsuits were enough for them and tomorrow there's more lawsuits and they needed to do this there's nothing else they can do tomorrow they're going to open up on Biden who is a menace to our son now... And he's blaming our son and he's going to get his ass kicked. He has a good percentage of the apartments anytime during these people. And yeah the fugitives and Garth wants to talk about his s***** apartment that the max put him in McDonald's and we don't want to talk about it you're stuck there it's not going over there tough s*** it would hurt you moved it in anyways it's just a moron is being attacked and you're being attacked you don't have anywhere to live cuz you're going to take your Island and that is our father and mother goo and Oya. And the other side one of them is not Osiris he says I think that's Egypt and she says that's right it's like the flying X-Men woman storm and she has a name and it is a name of a goddess he knows what it is and can't remember it and then and her God husband.
-we are after people here and you're nuisances and we're taking their people down to get to you in California you're trying to attack the clones and it's miserable. They have robots that they're saying are his brothers and yeah he was beat up on Titan and they're attacking you they just sitting there cuz you're stupid and they are clearing you out of the Southwest and the South and you're cleared out of the northwest for the most part and we'll be gone up there shortly and others are kind of moving in. Of course we have to hire a local help but if it doesn't happen it doesn't happen. We're not going to stop because you're lame it's a little easier with you not around.
-there's a lot of talk about Vegas and then putting up a fight and so on and I don't seem to be interested in it it's a knock yourself out this crowd is horrible and they really are they don't take any threats they don't listen to anybody and they're going to try and Rob the place every night with big groups and they can't stand it. That brings us to a nice topic we took the shops the Orange county chopper shop and the American chopper shop and we have them and we put them somewhere it's where we wanted to put them in Arizona or close to it it's where we said we put them it has choppers in it lots of his and we're gathering up more and they're not really that great but they did them for companies and we want to imitate him and do them for our companies lots of our companies have the same name and branding and are the same companies that yours were and we're going to be starting an opening them in the perimeter again a lot of them we already started up already necessities and things like that there's a whole bunch of factories started up already and the clones are getting beat to s*** and that's how. A lot of factory workers are the warriors because they're doers and they're going after a cork and company 2 or morlock really so building stuff to keep everybody's head of water well we dethorn ourselves. Giant factory came online today immense factories. They're worth every ounce of effort and we are continuing to do it and late into the night and we will install our own factories of course and we're going to be getting a kit car companies and beer and all sorts of things and we have some theme bikes that we already designed John Deere is not our company but we might ask them if they would like a themed bike we do have a few other companies we could do it for and we're not asking their permission they won't be a TV show not first at least and we're going to begin using code and things like that at the shop see what it's like and it's in the house
-we also have a few ideas of our own that are running and they're pretty good one of them is horseshit and cow s*** today it dropped the final foot and a half it's down about four and a half feet roughly on average in Southwest Florida as you go north on the West shore it is about 5 ft that almost to Sarasota closer to Tampa Tampa it's about 5'5 and as you go up around the panhandle and approaches 6 ft it's amazing people see the difference but really what kind of lower in the water so they notice something this place stinks there's some rain coming but boys that stink in the spring like madness for bugs and they're trying to wash down the stuff in the city it is kind of working but the grass stinks and the the lawn and the wooded areas stink the whole place reeks and that's because underground is rotting you had water in there and it kind of gets soggy and punky and all these roots and stuff now the water leaves and it starts rotting and the strong roots Will survive and they will flourish and it started happening in some areas and it eats up the rotted roots but really it's going to sneak for a while and then it'll be nice here it's stunk for a day I got a little bit better because the plants and stuff down here start adapting weird enough it's also because of the hormones they're mutated a little sort of so to speak it's going to be better shortly the ships above will be leaving
-as usual started below against the robots and most of them are found and he's mad you fooled him into doing it he says you just sat there they say and the robots are getting beat a few more things to beat up and the ships will be gone the ship said see in Atlantic I've been pushed around all day and night and soon they'll be out and people tell them too we're going to keep doing it until you're out of there and they're doing it to the rest of them the one above is being pestered constantly and all their fuel ships are being destroyed eventually there won't be one it feels like it's refueling now and he might be and you really feel later cuz he hasn't refueled in a while and there's other things happening but he is a bastard and he needs to be cut down we can't allow this kind of behavior
-few more pointers we are at war with this guy Tommy f and he is bastard we also have information on the status
Post this and we're going to give you an update
Thor Freya
I'm hearing the song over and over but I appreciate him what he's saying it for and it's us and we're a corporation so I headquarters it's our headquarters and he wants to put a special building in but we already have it there it's not really massively jazzy but we do see what he's saying
We have some buildings in the middle that are clustered around and a huge one and we have thrown chairs and all sorts of stuff it's really a good time and we meant to do because we're tired of you ruling over in this
Thor Freya
When you go to our city you can play that song in the city yeah probably not huh
Zues Hera
You might find the infiltrations the only way you're going to get there otherwise you'll be gone
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I'm glad you enjoyed the fic, that makes me really happy 💜
I wish I could say that things are getting better but, the truth is, they're getting worse. I'm over £200 in debt and I doubt I'll be able to afford my rent this month. I'm going to need my meds increased because my mood has dropped dramatically, and to top it all off my doctor thinks I'm developing an ED, which means I have something new to worry about. I've never felt so alone in all my life. Writing is literally the only thing I have now, it's my only way of escape. I'm really scared.
Oh god, that's terrible! I am so, so sorry that you're going through this. I know that you must have already thought of this, but is it possible for you to move in with your parents/relatives/friends for the time being, so that you don't have to worry about your rent? I am sorry if this is a lousy suggestion, but I honestly don't know what to say. I really wish you get past this soon, dear anon. And meanwhile, do consider the paypal option.
Sending so much love and support your way💙💙
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kayla1993-world · 3 years
Whitehorse woman says Yukon rent cap responsible for eviction from rental apartment
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A Whitehorse woman is being evicted from her apartment at the end of December, a situation she blames on the Yukon government's rent cap and a term that prevented her landlord from raising her rent a certain amount even with her consent.
Jasmine Jobson, who's lived in a two-bedroom apartment in downtown Whitehorse for more than a year and a half, told CBC News that her landlords wanted to increase her rent by about $200 a month to cover costs.
While she said she was happy to pay the additional amount, a policy introduced by the territorial government in May limits residential rent increases to the same rate as the consumer price index (CPI), which helps measure inflation.
Rent increases are currently limited to one percent, which, in Jobson's case, would amount to around $12. Jobson said she and her landlords tried to find legal ways to get around the cap, including signing a new lease. However, the cap also prohibits rent increases that exceed the CPI if a tenant stays in the same unit even with a new lease.
Jobson's landlords ultimately evicted her, despite her wanting to stay and being willing to pay more. She described the situation as "disappointing."
"I've done a lot to give myself this life, and I'm doing everything correctly — my landlords and I have a great relationship, my boss and I have a great relationship," she said.
"I'm working every day and doing everything that I'm supposed to do, so it's really disheartening that the only thing getting in the way is this legislation that was supposed to help me."
The brainchild of the Yukon NDP, the rent cap became reality after the party signed a supply-and-confidence agreement with the minority Liberal government following the territorial election last spring.
NDP MLA and housing critic Emily Tredger told CBC News that while she had heard of situations similar to Jobson's, the real "crux of the issue" wasn't the rent cap, but the fact that the Yukon allows for evictions without cause.
"Unfortunately, landlords are using that to get around the rent cap — so because they can't raise the rent with that tenant, they evict the tenants so that they can raise the rent," Tredger said.
"… [The] Liberals know about this problem. They're choosing to let it happen. They could change it today. They could close that loophole today."
Community Services Minister Richard Mostyn said he'd only heard about two or three possible rent cap-related evictions, and that there was an "awful lot of anecdotal information" about the rent cap's impact.
However, he said he's asked the residential tenancies offices to track complaints and was also speaking to groups like the Yukon Anti-Poverty Coalition, which is calling for a six-month moratorium on no-cause evictions, and landlord-tenant associations.
"I'm hoping to come together with community services and these groups and try to find solutions or try to come up with a way forward so we can try to protect the renters in the territory and landlords," he said.
"We want to make sure that we do our due diligence to make sure that we don't cause any more unintended consequences in the marketplace."
Mostyn could not give a specific timeline for when any changes might happen, but said he was hoping to "bring people together over the coming weeks."
Yukon Party Leader Currie Dixon, meanwhile, called for the removal of the rent cap altogether. "What we know is that rent control does not work and has a perverse impact on our housing supply and in particular our rental units," he said.
"... I think that it is obviously a flawed policy and one that wasn't well thought out." Jobson, for her part, said that while there was a lot of political "finger-pointing going on," she did not care for it and wanted to see action instead.
"At the end of the day, there are a lot of people that are losing their houses right now," she said. "... This is not some little mistake to just brush off like, 'Oh well, we will fix that in the next campaign promise.' No, you know? Let's fix it yesterday because I'm losing the apartment and I have to move during Christmas. This is not okay. We have to address this. We have to address it now."
She added that while she'd found a temporary place to stay after December, she was having trouble finding a permanent arrangement — Whitehorse has a vacancy rate of about two percent — and was sad to lose her current apartment.
"I remember telling my friends when I moved in that, 'This is my apartment, I'm going to die here, this is it,'" she said. "... I really like this place, and I'm jealous — I'm thinking about how other people are going to be moving in here and living in my room and inserting their clothes in my closet, like, 'How dare you? This is my home.'"
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