#they're so great I wanna hang out there and make soup
pileofsith · 1 year
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Nameless Part Nine - Alien Page 1/8
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palialaina · 10 months
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(This is gonna get diary-like because why not RP like a goofy goober? Also, I really do miss the ingame screengrabber they had in earlier versions.)
Jina gave me a journal today. That was sweet of her. I'm honestly pretty lucky that she was the first person I met in the world. It feels weird to write in what she and all the other Majiri call 'ancient Human' but...
I dunno, that's just confusing. Bright pink void to suddenly new life? I still can't wrap my head around it.
But I've been here for a while now, so I guess it's not as bad as it could have been. Wish I could remember where I was before this, but like...
So, I finished building my hallway earlier. It's... well, I need to get another couple blueprints for it because that really is a *short* hallway and not really condusive to what I was wanting it for. Good thing I have a big garden and lots of seed makers. Veggies might take a while to grow, but they're easier than trying to hunt or go gathering for my coin.
I do think I finally got my yard set up near-perfect. I want more garden plots, but I also want to expand my house and stop sleeping in the front room, so like. Choices. Maybe I'll go see Uncle B in a couple days and get another plot to make what I've currently got more even? Not sure.
The kitchen finally feels set up right. Turning between stations is easy, and I didn't almost throw the butter in the oven again! I think I'm getting the hang of this cooking thing. (Though Reth doesn't need to worry. I don't plan on putting him out of business.)
Jel seemed happy to see me today, and was thrilled with the crystal lake lotus I found for him. I worry about him some; when does he sleep, I swear? I mean, I don't really have an excuse for staying up as late as I do either, but Jel gets like... four hours of sleep per day? I don't remember much, but I swear that can't be healthy.
I feel like him and Reth should have an Insomniacs Club or something.
Oh, Reth told me about the whole Majiri Path thing, and man. I thought Eshe and Calari could be strict, but the whole society seems really rigid. I don't know how it worked when humans were around in great number (we're coming back in great number though, I do worry about that...) but I don't think it was as inflexible as "if you step off your Path, you're an untrustworthy person." like..
Ugh. I feel like if you realize something's not working for you, then you should be allowed to pick a different job. Lettuce soup aside, Reth is a really good cook! People should be *proud* of him for figuring out something he likes!
...I really do wanna know what Zeki's got on him though. He does day shift at the inn, and then works Zeki's night market? What the heck? I am amazed he hasn't faceplanted into one of his own soup pots.
Um... Hm. Oh, I made a new tent for the loom and the glass maker, though I think I might put that in storage again. Tish's faith in my ability to make lamps and things is a *bit* misplaced... The worm farm will be handier right now.
I also finally made Dad's iron axe recipe.
*Ashura's* iron axe recipe. (Man, I have almost called him dad to his face like... five times this week. He just feels like a dad, the way Barduu is Uncle B! But like... Uncle B found it hilarious and told me to keep it up. I feel like Ashura would just get sad...)
Anyways, I made an iron axe, and I can finally get down thos ebig trees on my property. Now I just need to convince Hodari I've earned the right to make an iron pickaxe and then those big stone can go away too!
....well, I need to go get more stone any iron, so maybe that's what I'll be able to manage tomorrow. I can pop by and say hi to Najuma on the way, maybe she'll let me know what's bugging her? I need to bring her something to say thanks for helping me get Chanye the stuff he needs for his telescope anyways.
Okay. Plan for tomorrow! Mine all the stone and iron I can find over in Bahari (and hunt that stupid snail. Why are stripeshell snails so damn hard to find????), bring Najuma a copper bar? and see about finishing my second hallway piece, getting a third, and then saving up for more rooms. And more garden plots.
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diagonal-queen · 11 months
dia entirely forgot it was thungo thursday until mayoi reminded her and she dropped everything to watch the ep. here are all her thoughts, live-documented, in chronological order (apologies for this):
ranpo is so small next to minoura. he's so tiny and cute i just wanna cuddle him sm (and yes i am a little taller than him- height means nothing to me. we all know where the rest of his inches went YKNOW WHAT IM SAYIN YA FEEL ME)
'the police of this nation are idiots' yes minoura you're absolutely correct but consider this: the police of every nation on god's green earth are idiots
isn't it amazing how it was written in this magical reality-bending book that nobody would believe in the agency's innocence and in a couple minutes worth of running his mouth, ranpo just...undid it?? for like hundreds of police officers??? the sheer power of this man
god i forgot just how fucking fantastic this intro is. tbh this is probably my favourite intro of all of them. the colours and imagery and the chaos of it all MWAH (also kishow voice mm)
bones. was this panel too hard to animate properly?? did you read the fucking manga bones?? do you HATE US BONES??????
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i could listen to ranpo talk for HOURS. literally hours, in a language i don't even speak, about anything he wanted, for hours, and i wouldn't get bored. his voice just...*kicks feet and giggles*
i missed you tecchou <3 please keep cooking for fukuchi. you're doing great sweaty xx
some loser: 'when do you suppose a life ends?' even bigger loser: 'when it becomes unable to adapt to change' fukuchi on his celestia ludenberg arc ok
i wish people reacted to seeing my posts on their dash the same way that the united nations reacted when fukuchi appeared onstage
congressmen will excuse mass shootings of gay ppl and then have shirtless fukuchi posters hanging above their beds where they half-heartedly fuck their wives and go to sleep before the thought of helping her also cum even crosses their mind
wait. *pauses and zooms in*. WAIT. YOU'RE TEL
thinking about it, doesn't the decay of angels sound like a really cool name for an operatic metal band??
fukuchi really is like 'you havent changed at all, boy' ranpo is literally eight years older than me. if he's a boy i'm primordial soup
fukuchi also said that ranpo's title of 'excellent detective' is self claimed. the thousands of people whose lives ranpo's probably saved must all be like 'say sike rn'
ranpo trusting fukuchi solely because the president said he trusts him. crying screaming throwing up ranpo GIVE ME ONE CHANCE (that's right guys we're back to this again)
fukuchi thinks he's hot shit cus he can jump high?? well my ocs can also do that fukuchi. sucks to be basic huh
IT'S NOT RANPO'S FAULT HE WAS BORN LATER AND THUS MET FUKUZAWA LATER??????? FUCK OFF FUKUCHI (also i love the way they're sitting they're all so silly mwehehehe)
omg ranpo also commented on the 'boy' thing lmaooo he and i are so good for each other <3 if only he'd give me a chance... </3
i wonder what portion of atsushi's budget goes towards emergency ramune. also imagine someone caring enough about you that they always keep one of your favourite snacks on you in case you get hungry or something. that's so cute i can't <3333
imagine coming up with a complex plan, twelve or so years in the making, to end the world, all because u asked ur friend out like thirty years ago and he said no T-T
fukuchi: *tilts neck* *minecraft skelly noise*
oh atsushi. i know other people won't like me saying this but you're so hot and i want to do the sex with you <3333333
wow bones. you've outdone yourself. this has to be the best fisheye yet- maybe even beating lucy's fisheye for how terrifying it is. i'm genuinely speechless
omg atsushi's speech on how loneliness is his biggest fear and how much he cares about his loved ones (kinnie moment), and the one thing he needs, truly needs right now is someone to fight alongside him to save all that he has to lose and the world as he knows it, and then akutagawa appears? soulmates. i mean it's not even like this is a surprise to me as someone who read the manga but, like, it's different when i'm watching it. soulmates. soulmates soulmates soulmates
and that's a wrap for tonight's edition of dia's thungo thursdays!! be sure to tune in for next week and see them cry tears of hopelessness and despair!!
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raintouchedstars · 2 months
You know what?
I'm TIRED of how confident so many romances are. How easily they can just make out and start going on dates, and how everyone figures it out, and so on.
Where are the total IDIOTS that have NO idea how to flirt, and the IDIOTS that have no idea what's going on? Like, they've been married for three years and they still have no idea they're in a relationship. I want some of THAT! GIVE ME STUPID IN LOVE!
A: You know...under my clothes...I'm like totally naked.
B: Well, duh, that's how clothes work, dummy.
B: I got you soup.
A: I'm not sick.
B: It's your favorite soup.
A: But I'm not sick?
A: Wow, we've been hanging out a lot huh?
B: Yeah. It's like, you're my favorite person or something.
B: I got asked out.
A: Cool. Did you say yes?
B: I already like someone else.
A: Cool. You should ask them out.
B: Wanna go out?
A: No, it's raining.
B: Hey, this is a nice set up. Candles, rose petals, dinner.
A: I was trying to make things extra relaxing.
B: You did a great job! I feel more sleepy than hungry.
A: Yeah, maybe we should just go to bed.
B: But I didn't my toothpaste or my pajamas.
A: That's not a problem.
B: Go to bed without brushing my teeth? No way!
I want them to be STUPID! Like TOTALLY STUPID! To the point that no one believes that they will ever get together, but then find out, six months in that they've been dating all along and be like, "Oh. That's what we were doing?"
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littlepadika · 2 years
Hi!! I’m not sure if you’re still taking requests but I was wondering if you could write something a bit angsty with a little who’s having a really hard time getting into little space 🥺 They keep getting really frustrated and upset because they just wanna be little but their brain keeps forcing them to be big (brains are just mean like that sometimes 😡) I feel like daddy Frankie or papi Javi would be really good in this situation (but it could work for any of the daddies!). Once they figure out why their little is so upset, you can bet that they’d be pulling out all the stops to help their little get into little space and making sure they feel safe enough to stay there for a while.
P. S. Thank you so so much for sharing your writing! Your series and your blurbs have put so many smiles on my face this week!!! 💕
boo boo this has been me this week. I've been on the go and unable to sit and relax. I took this in the direction of just them trying to find out what's wrong causes you to become little because that's me to a T. Someone asks me what's wrong... immediate tears.
Warnings: DDLG, gn little reader
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"Are you almost done, sweet pea? I have dinner made." Frankie poked his head into the living room where you were typing away on a proposal.
"Yeah." You barely look away from the screen.
"It can wait if you need more time. But-"
"I need more than that so whatever let's just eat now." You rush through the explanation, slamming the laptop closed. Frankie frowned at this.
"Sweet pea-"
"I'm fine. Let's eat. It smells great." You try and summon a smile. He knows how close you are to breaking down so he doesn't press.
He brings out the grilled cheese and tomato soup. It was your ultimate comfort food and he knew you needed it. He sets his down then yours. You immediately tear up when you see he has cut your grilled cheese into a heart shape with a cookie cutter. You suppressed the part of you that got excited and soft at the gesture.
"Thanks." You squeeze his hand as he sits down. Don't cry. You've been ignoring him all day. The last thing Frankie needs to do is worry about you.
"Of course, sweet pea. You've been working so hard."
"Yeah. I'm sorry." You hang your head. Tonight was supposed to be a night out but you postponed because of this damn work thing.
"It's okay." He reassures you. "I know this project is important to you. I just wish it didn't stress you out so much." His expression softened with concern and you really felt the warmth of his love when he looked at you like that.
"It sucks."
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked tenderly and you inhaled sharply feeling your walls start to crumble
"It's just everyone on the team is- they're not helping me." You feel yourself getting worked up. "And so I've had to do all the work and no one cares. Like I could disappear and they-" you suck in a big breath, lip trembling.
"It's okay. Tell me." Frankie reaches out and strokes your hand. That's your undoing.
"I could disappear and they wouldn't even care, daddy!" You cried, unable to keep it together. Frankie felt his daddy instinct rear up when you called for him. He had a feeling this would happen. He was glad you weren't holding it in anymore.
"Shh sweet pea come here."
You climb out of your chair and run over to his side of the table, burying your face in his neck.
"I'm so tired, daddy!" You don't hold any anguish back.
"Shh shhh." Frankie instantly shifted his legs so he could pull you onto his lap. "It's okay. It's all okay. Daddy's got you." He stroked your back.
"Daddy!" You hugged him tighter, breathing unevenly from your tears. "I-I haven't been working that hard. Everytime I- I twy I can't think of the right way to say. My stupid brain!"
"Writing is very hard-" He kissed your forehead.
"But i-i should be able to do it!" You tried to explain against his neck.
"Are you trying your best, sweet pea?" Frankie asks calmly.
"Yea." You grunt
"Then that's all you can ask for. And daddy is proud of you."
"But-" You try to protest.
"I know." Frankie's smile falls a little. "I know that doesn't change things but can that be enough for right now?"
You look up at him with big red rimmed eyes. "Yes." You nod. All the anxiety in you goes quiet. Daddy's love is all you need right now. He doesn't say anything more. He just lets you cry it out.
"Want some dinner, little pea?" He slides your helping over to his side.
You reach for it but he stops you.
"Let daddy."
You drop your hand, feeling your body relax.
"You're too little to do this yourself." He coos.
"Mhm. Need daddy." You let the warmth bloom inside of you and help you relax into being little.
His big fingers tore off a piece of the grilled cheese and dipped it in the soup. "Here comes the helicopter weeeee" He brought the bite closer until you ate it with a giggle. "Good, sweet pea."
"Yummy, daddy." You smile up at him eager for another bite. After the last bite you yawned and you pulled his fingers towards your mouth and sucked on them. There was a bit of cheese and butter flavor on them.
"There you go, little pea." Frankie chuckled. "Num num num tasty fingers." He lifted your small fingers up to his mouth and pretended to nibble. You laughed around his fingers, pulling yours back with a rueful smile. "What does my baby want to do now?"
You hesitated a big voice rearing up all of a sudden: Finish work! Must finish!
You looked up at him, a scared look in your eyes. "I have to do the work. It's due soon!"
"When?" Frankie asked, his voice very calm.
"I don't 'meber!" You panic, your brain was fuzzy and not focused.
"Here let daddy check." He reaches over and gets your laptop. He knew your password so he could log in and check your email. He sees all the emails you sent reminding the team to get their parts done. He thinks of writing them himself and making them do it but he knows you'd be mad at him for it. How dare they make his sweet pea suffer.
"You have two more days to do it."
"I don't know I- daddy!" You chew your fingers nervously, unable to read the gibberish on the screen. "I can't!"
"You can. I know you can." Frankie cuddled you and laid a kiss on your cheek. He watched the internal debate going on. He didn't want to force you to ignore work but he knew you'd probably not make much progress while distraught. That's when you look up at him
"What do I do daddy!"
"I think..." Frankie shut the computer slowly. "you should take a break. Tomorrow is a new day."
"I missed playing today." You pouted.
"I know." Frankie felt his heart ache. He saw that look in your eye today when you were burnt out and looking longingly at your toy box. All he wanted was to give you what you needed but he also respected your work ethic. Usually you know when to stop but you really fought through it this time. And this was the result... "We can play a bit before bed. What do you want to play?"
"Helicopter!" Your eyes brighten. So that's what you do even though it's getting dark, Frankie lets you fly your remote control helicopter all around the yard. You were getting good at it. It didn't get stuck in a tree like last time! After a bit you were leaning against daddy and rubbing your eyes. He tucked you in and read you a bedtime story. You even had a full bottle. He knew you'd be renewed in the morning.
"I'm so proud of you for taking care of yourself tonight, sweet pea." He told you as you were on the edges of sleep.
"Das wha u do daddy." You argue/mumble back.
"I guess I do but you took that first brave step and told daddy what you needed."
"mmm love you, daddy." you smile as you drift off to sleep.
Daddies masterlist
Littlespace taglist: @lafresamilk @dobbyjen @mamacitapascal @prettypedros , @marstheplanet @takochansugoi  @oceanablue @iwishtobeastorm @dincryptypt, @bac-1, @spacenerdpascal, @cranberrypills @punkerthanpascal @breezythesimp  @djarinsimp @mylittlesenaar @bbybunbun @phnyx @xwalltoast oast @dreadwolfxoxo @xwalltoast @mswarriorbabe80 @bearcina @lokigirlszendaya @pedroslilbitch @star-wars-fan-2005  @din-jarhead @hillgoth @m4ngoj3lly @crabbae @im-a-mcsimp-for-mchotties @girlofchaos @joelsflannel @xoxabs88xox @nicolethered @sergeant-major-ghost @pretty-girl-likes-tea @alexxavicry @harriedandharassed
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fakeloveaskblog · 3 years
Greetings from the void, Remington Siest, I have been summoned in your stead—
Oh, it's you! We've already met! Right! Uh, Remus's nonbinary demon friend again, this time coming from the shadowy corners in your room that you never look to. My apologies for that little scare, it's my day job you see, and someone else did summon me to you; old habits die hard, yadda yadda. How have you been? How are you liking that Raccoon plushie I sent?
Now, as for what's been requested of me *sounds of paper shuffling* hmm, ok, yeah, that's easy! Remus adores you, can confirm! Both him and Janus love having you as a friend and while I cannot speak on Remus'd behalf on the matter I can say that Janus is absolutely smitten with you (on a romantic sense) beyond a shadow of a doubt! He doesn't and will never only want you for your body, or leave you if you were to reject any advances he may yet put forth, so you can rest easy on that issue!
Oh. *hears what Remy has to say to their summoner before the message sents* Oh my. *starts to panic* Seems things are worse than I thought. I have. No idea what to say that wouldn't make this any worse! Where's the person who cheers you up and sents you nice text messages when you need it?! Ah, guess if they're not here this falls to me until they do get here? Uh, darn the timer's running out, um.
Remy… you are amazing and a great person and your friends love you for you, and you alone, not just your body, you! (Remus is ace for crying out loud!) Other than the obvious… now, we don't have time to unpack all of that, but…! *quickly sents a link to a social media app on Remy's phone* So. *John Mulaney voice* Hey, do you want me to kill that guy for you? Because it sounds like he sucks and I would totally kill that guy for you!
(U!Virgil, emotional abuse)
Remy: "Oh girl I am loving the raccoon! I sewed him a lil like hoodie so now he like reminds me even more of my boyf. I have-"
They forced in a sharp breathe through their teeth while their whole body trembled from pain. The plushie was pressed close to their chest as they laid in bed. All the blinds were rolled down because any and all light would bring them a migraine right now.
"I haven't like....been doing too hot...I...It's like....a lot right now"
They took a few moments to really listen to your message. (How good that all demon messages came with an automatic playback function)
"...Jan does seem so sweet...and Rem makes me feel all warm...maybe you’re right" They buried their face into the soft fur of the plushie "I want Jan to like hold me like all the time. He's so soft"
(A part of them still felt doubt. Sweet guys had left them before. They tried to press the doubt deep deep down until they couldn’t hear it anymore)
"I really hope Jan like texts me about hanging out soon. Like shopping or eating at some resturant or like going out walking or whatever. I just wanna like talk to him. He seems like tots a good listener right? Would be like good to vent to I guess...I kinda want to...I trust him. I think....I shouldn’t vent....I shouldn’t”
The door opened. The small amount of light coming in made them whimper and hide down under the blanket. Virgil came in. He hunched down by the bed.
“You feeling any better?” 
“Bitch look at me. I’m dying more than a 70′s fashion trend!! Oh woe me!”
He kissed them on the nose before taking out a pill from one of the medicine bottles on their bedside table. Remy immediately tensed up.
If they took that pill then eventually the bottle would be empty and Virgil would have to pay for another and they wouldn’t have any way to make it up to him because they were useless and couldn’t work and could barely even be used properly and he would probably tell them himself how horrible of a burden they were and they were probably supposed to refuse or he would get mad and-
“You need it” He had a soft look in his eyes.
“I’m fine babe!” They spat out in panic.
Virgil grabbed onto their jaw and forced their mouth open. The back of their head got pressed down into the mattress. It hurt. They knew he would just sigh back how Everything hurt to them if they said anything. They grabbed onto his wrist to try and force him away, they couldn’t. He wasn’t strong but they were very weak. 
He pressed the pill down into the back of their mouth. “Swallow” He kept their mouth open until they did as told. “Good. Was that really hard” He muttered sarcastically.
Their whole body was still so tense it ached “Please babe you just sounded like a laughably pathetic daddy dom”
Virgil fiddled with his hoodie strings like he always did when he got flustered “I Uh didnt’ mean to. Gross. Eh. Dinner’s almost ready by the way”
“Don’t burn the stove down” They teased.
“Shut up you smartass” 
“You wish”
“Idiot” He said jokingly before kissing them. He left to check so the stove hadn’t actually burned down.
Remy painstakingly turned to look at you. They pressed the plushie closer. The medicine started to make them drowzy. It did that sometimes.
“My boyfriend doesn’t suck...he’s sweet. so sweet” They mumbled out “Most days he’s so sweet. Like today. And on bad days he just like doesn’t lie. He just says the truth..he gets so anxious about me leaving him....isn’t that like kinda romantic...him being so desperate for me to not leave he just...he just says stuff...and yells...and.....and it’s sweet. He’s so sweet”
They kind of wished Virgil would always be either sweet or honest. It made them so stressed to never know how they had to act. At least their dad never made them stressed like that. He was always angry. That made it easy
Remy gripped onto the stuffie harder. They hated when their brain made connections between his boyfriend and-
“He loves me. He just like loves me so much. All that stuff that sounds bad it’s either ‘cause he’s trying to make me stay, like I would leave or someting, or- or ‘cause it’s true”
....But....But they’d thought the whole thing about how no one else would want them except for their body was true...but if Janus didn’t....then it wasn’t true....Remy couldn’t help but wonder if-
The door opened again. Virgil came in with 2 bowls of black bean soup. The silly wondering was quickly forced away from their thoughts. 
He sat down on the bed next to them and set the bowls onto the bed table they had for bedridden days. He gently put his hands on their back and neck to help them sit up. When they whimpered he kissed them.
“I’m not hungry” Remy muttered.
“Beanie you are”
They could eat on their own but they didn’t say no when he used the spoon to feed them. It made them feel pampered and it made him feel needed. Double win.
“Babe this tastes horrible. just saying as like a warning” They said after finishing half the bowl.
“Like you could do any better” He pressed a playful kiss to their forehead.
“Oh yeah definitely! I just put the ingredient in! And then the like water! and then it’s done! Easy!!”
“Woooow. Wish I’d thought of that”
They smiled “Yeah that’s why you’ve got dick for brain. Bitch”
He simply snapped his finger into their forehead in reply “Wanna watch a horror movie?”
Remy got bored by horror movies and Virgil easily got anxious by them even though he loved them so really he was if they wanted to make out and cuddle to avoid looking at the film.
“You akready know I want to”
They didn’t look which movie he picked. They’d already cuddled up to his side and pressed their head to his chest. He moved his arms around them so he could eat his soup while the movie started.
It was so nice. They could hear his heartbeat through his hoodie. He was so sweet. They were so horrible.
They didn’t deserve it. They didn’t deserve it. They didn’t deserve it.
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musashi · 3 years
are there any stories/facts about your job/coworkers you can comfortably share? maybe something cool they did/you did with them recently? anyone that stands out in particular among them, without getting too specific for. clear reasons?
what's cheeseburger up to atm? any notable stories or anything about him recently, or has he been just living his best life as usual?
which of the skyloft NPCs do you particularly like? for arguments sake, this is excluding the more story relevant ones, so no groose + his gang, no zelda obviously, etc.
as an opposite to that, talk about groose! i've always loved him as a character, and the bits you've said about him and his relationship with link and zelda is always great! also, any notable kin memories you have of groose? especially things that occured after he left skyloft, or even after the demise fight. what did he get up to after the credits rolled?
fun stories about your loftwing? were there any traits you and him shared notably? or any that were more opposite?
what are some of your favorite things about your favorite iterations of zelda? what i mean by that is like... what do you like best about tetra/wind waker zelda? what about skyward zelda? botw zelda? they're similar but all unique people, so what endears you the most about each of them?
i know this is a lot, so don't feel like you have to answer in any specific time frame. take as long as is comfortable, and i hope this helps!! ~🍄
these are so many!!! thank you for being so generous!!!
are there any stories/facts about your job/coworkers you can comfortably share? maybe something cool they did/you did with them recently? anyone that stands out in particular among them, without getting too specific for. clear reasons?
most of the ppl i work w are. kinda rude to me all the time so i mostly just drown them out so i don’t go insane. but there is this one kid who is just, like, a ray of sunshine every time he walks into a room. and he works so hard and he cares about his work and i feel like he’s the only bitch who gets me. we vibe over zelda and will just get into debates about the lore on the clock and i look forward to seeing him a lot. 
what's cheeseburger up to atm? any notable stories or anything about him recently, or has he been just living his best life as usual?
he’s just doin he. he sleeps a lot. sometimes in boxes. sometimes under beds. sometimes directly on top of me.
a few weeks back i went to the ER for what i figured out was a kidney stone and while i was literally on my bed writhing in pain trying to hold out until my grandparents got there cheeseburger just like, jumped up on top of me and immediately starting pissing on me, as if to say haha, check this out. i can urinate better than you.
which of the skyloft NPCs do you particularly like? for arguments sake, this is excluding the more story relevant ones, so no groose + his gang, no zelda obviously, etc.
i love all of them so much oh no... everyone i love i love for kinnie reasons like i am tempted to say jakamar cause even though he’s kind of a sleazy dude he, as previously mentioned, smuggled me woodscraps to whittle fsdgjkfsgh
but parrow gives good hugs. and henya always has snacks hidden somewhere. and pumm will give you soup on the house sometimes if he can tell you’re in a rough mood. and and and........ i wuv skyloft. this is all kinnie bullshit actually.
as an opposite to that, talk about groose! i've always loved him as a character, and the bits you've said about him and his relationship with link and zelda is always great! also, any notable kin memories you have of groose? especially things that occured after he left skyloft, or even after the demise fight. what did he get up to after the credits rolled?
talked about him a lil bit in my last ask hehe
fun stories about your loftwing? were there any traits you and him shared notably? or any that were more opposite?
aepon & i were the kind of pair where we seemed really dissimilar on the surface but i think if anyone actually knew us they’d be able to discern pretty quickly that we were 100% twinning. like at face value i was a pretty calm and quiet person who was just, like. spacey and sleepy and vibing while things happened around me, and aepon was this absolute speed demon who had the biggest, loudest presence any time he entered a space. ppl in skyloft called him my red terror.
but the thing about my bird is that he was stubborn to a fault, and recklessly brave, and he just didn’t. stop. and he loved fiercely, the second i was awake in the morning i’d hear him circling overhead and shrieking his happy little shriek, he’d fill my head with all his thoughts of hanging out with me while i was trying to concentrate on work. all those things, we had in common, but i wouldn’t have been able to tell you that. someone like zelda probably would have. 
i think the best representation of it is at the beginning of everything when the tornado took zelda, the both of us just. dove right in. nothing else mattered, no conflict existed within either of us, i didn’t have to steer him in or send my intentions into our shared headspace, he just turned into an arrow flying straight into danger, and i went with him and we were one living being. like that’s our core. we are very opposite, until shit gets real, and then we are this beautiful unity tearing through the clouds. 
what are some of your favorite things about your favorite iterations of zelda? what i mean by that is like... what do you like best about tetra/wind waker zelda? what about skyward zelda? botw zelda? they're similar but all unique people, so what endears you the most about each of them?
oot!zelda’s determination to defy fate... the way she refuses, from the start, to give in to darkness even though she’s only a little girl. the way she sees my commoner ass just waltz up into her private garden after breaking into her house still dressed in my stupid forest clothes and shes like. oh fuck yeah, wanna help me overthrow the gerudo king? and we’re, can’t stress this enough, ten. she’s so confident like she never worries about being powerless or out of her element, she never for a second believes this isn’t something she can fight. and when everything goes to shit she just keeps fighting!!! and still has the time to remind me that i can keep fighting too!!! literally where did she get that personality i love her so much!!!!
tetra’s fucking... simmering fire. her perfect balance between action and thought. like you can tell she’s pissed off and wants to start throwing punches but she always has the self-control to assess if it’s the thing to do in the moment. I CAN’T DO THAT!!! i’m pissed off i want to swords!!!! that motherfucker over there is PROVOKING ME!!!!! and tetra has the same fire inside her but she’s always just, like, “shut the fuck up, link. put your sword away. we need to get the jump on him.” and im like, AHHHHHHH because she’s always right. literally always. i don’t know how she does this but i think about it constantly. i love her level head and her scheming heart and her choice to carve her own destiny. i like how she finds out she’s a legendary princess from an age long past with sacred blood and shes just like ‘that’s cool but actually i’m tetra and i like to cuss and steal.’ and just does that forever. it resonates with me especially because even though the gods acknowledged me as the hero of winds i, like, wasn’t a ‘true’ incarnation of the hero. it’s just what i decided to be with what i was given. she and i are two sides of that coin and there is something beautiful abt that i don’t have words for. in a lot of ways she was my inspiration.
skyward!zelda’s um. everything? everything. i am so in love with her. i am so in love... with her. i am finding it harder to describe her than everyone else here which is so silly because she’s easily the person i was closest with. she’s just, like, made of fire and love? of passion. everything she is stems from what she loves--she loves old legends, and cliche romance stories, and stargazing, and going on adventures. zelda romanticizes everything in her life, she’ll stop mid-sentence to make you look at the sky because it struck her as particularly beautiful today, meanwhile i’m just like. thats the sky i see it every day i live here. and she’s so brave, so fierce, so resilient--there’s literally nothing that could scare her, i’m certain she got to the surface and immediately started spitting curses at blins, if ghirahim had actually found her alone she would have tried to come at him clawing and spitting. i was always so chill because all my anger was Stored in The Zelda, she’d just fight half my battles for me before i could register they were battles. idk. zelda was such an optimist who took everything in stride and believed, no matter what, that she could make it her own and make it beautiful and find something to adore within it. i might have had a quieter disposition, but she was always better at dealing with change than me. it was calming. i love her so much.
botw!zelda’s passion and inquisitive heart, oh my god, oh my god. i’m going to fucking fight everyone in the kingdom who ever made her feel like she talks too much. god it enthralls me, the way she just talks and talks and talks and LETS ME LISTEN, she lets me just SIT THERE and BASK IN IT like some kind of COLD REPTILE ON A ROCK. i literally cannot comprehend how she can fit so much knowledge about so many different things in her brain, and the way she’s ALWAYS BEEN LIKE THAT, literally just getting together with her techie friends and building whole ass machines when she was like 6 years old. shes looking at me like ‘oh this child prodigy curse my shortcomings why cant i be pulling enchanted swords when IM 12′ and im like PRINCESS YOU’RE FUCKING COOLER THAN ME LIKE CONGRATS I TOUCH A SWORD SOMETIMES AND YOU COULD LITERALLY MAKE A ROBOT TO DO THAT FOR YOU oh my god the way she doesn’t see how incredible she is makes me go insane i feel insane just thinking about it she’s the coolest fucking person i’ve ever met she’s the coolest person in hyrule the kingdom is too good for her i want her to take apart hyrule castle brick by brick and just leave a note behind that says ‘im too cool for you’ and then she gets on my ancient magic motorcycle and rides off into the sunset to some paradise far away and if i’m LUCKY she takes me with her. i love zelda
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