#they're super messy i've never drawn him before
writingsofwesteros · 1 month
I realise that we don't touch enough on Aegon and Aemond's dynamic in social media au enough, we know that they get intimate with their sisters together, but what about our fav targtower brothers just the two of them? Here are some hcs I came up with:
Aegon's been bi since he was a teenager, and rather shameless about it in true Aegon fashion. He's hooked up with guys sometimes, before he and his siblings had fully established what I like to call their 'poly occasionally open relationship'. He's a bottom with guys, though he's topped before, something about being with a guy brings out his subby side.
Aemond thought he was straight, but Aegon was actually how he realised he might be attracted to men too. It took him a bit longer to come to terms with, since- well, it's Aemond, let's be real. It was the first time they four of them were together, and he watched Aegon standing there, his skin flushed, his hair messy, with his cock hard- and he felt that coiling sensation in his stomach, as his eye was drawn to his hard length. A part of him got the urge to touch, but he held back. Nora noticed, though, and told Aegon.
One weekend Helaena and Nora went with Alicent to see family in Oldtown, and Aegon and Aemond were home alone. Aemond thought Aegon would just go out all weekend and he'd have the house to himself, but surprisingly he stayed at home, and they spent time together. Aegon always thought his brother was handsome, but he never acted on it because he figured Aemond was straight, until Nora told him what she observed.
They watched TV together, ordered pizza, and talked to Helly and Nora on FaceTime. When it was time for bed, Aegon came to Aemond's room. "Can I sleep here? My AC's broken." He asked. Aemond grunted, saying, "Use a guest room." He was, of course, nervous that he'd get hard if Aegon laid in bed with him. "Come on, Aems, you know those rooms are dusty because no one stays in them." Aemond relented and Aegon got into bed with him
They laid there together, neither of them falling asleep, not knowing they were both thinking the same thing. Aemond shifted to try and hide his erection, but Aegon wasn't so subtle, and intentionally turned so that his chest was pressed into Aemond's back. Aemond felt Aegon's hard cock pressing into the curve of his ass, and his breath hitched. "Aegon," His voice rumbled, and only someone who knew him well could hear the slightest strain of his voice. Aegon took a chance, and slid his hand over Aemond's waist, to where he couldn't hide his hard-on anymore. "You're hard," Aegon murmured. Aemond nodded, and Aegon slid his hand under the waistband of Aemond's sweatpants and wrapped his hand around his brother's cock- it was long, where Aegon's with thick.
"I couldn't stop watching, when you were stretching Helly's pussy with this the other day," Aegon breathed, and Aemond groaned, as Aegon began to stroke him. "Fuck," Aemond swore under his breath, as Aegon touched his cock- it was different to how his sisters would do it, his hand was bigger, and rougher, his touch was just as greedy, and when Aegon whispered, "Let me taste it," Aemond turned, and Aegon shifted so that he could take it in his mouth.
Sorry if this one isn't super good I've rarely written guy on guy interactions like this before but if they're okay I'll do more <3
No you are amazing as ever and truly get their feelings across so naturally as well. Aegon has no shame at all, and we love that short King thank you ;)
Poor, sweet Aemond really...he can get so soft when someone gives him pleasure but he will soon be topping Aegon..once he's finished having fun.
Aegon gagging prettily and Aemond can't help but grab at his brother's locks as his hips rock
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ryuto12 · 1 year
RWBY Headcanon's Maybe Part Thirteen?
I'm still not sure what part it is, but here we go. Literacy headcanon's cause I've seen like five of those so here are my thoughts.
Also no hate for any of these, I have really messy handwriting and despite being forced to learn cursive in elementary have a lot of difficulty with it and it makes my writing almost unreadable.
All of RWBY can read but Ruby is dyslexic. Weiss writes in perfect cursive, Yang and Ruby's is average for kids their age, and Blake has that nine-year-old messy handwriting, but Blake is the only one to know sign language.
JP can read and write fine. NR? Not so much. Ren's handwriting is super messy, and Nora struggles with reading.
Oscar writes super fast so it looks messy, but if he slows down you'd think he was addressing a letter to a king.
CVY are all fine with reading and writing. Fox learned some brail while at Beacon so he'd figure out the correct restroom. Not a lot of learning in Vacuo tho, so he knows only the bare minimum.
Tai was taught to read and write at school, Raven taught herself as a kid, Summer faked her way through Beacon unable to write with minimal reading, and Qrow forced himself to learn after the Teams split so he could go on his own missions. They're all dyslexic.
Ivori is the only member of FNKI who can do cursive. Neon and Kobalt can't read or write but Ivori's a good teacher. Flynt is alright.
May learned to write in super neat cursive but spites her family with messy four-year-old handwriting. Fiona learned as a kid in the mines, but Joanna and Robyn had to get a crash course at the Academy.
Sun can't read or write, but SSN is helping him learn, which he thinks is entirely unessecary for his career choice, but he knows Blake loves to read so it's all for the pretty lady.
Neo can't drop the old habit of writing in beautiful cursive. Roman learned to read from Neo.
Emerald learned to read when she was little before she ended up on the streets and still loves to read. Despises cursive, can't do it.
Mercury was forced by his dad to be ambidextrous with his writing so he'd more "unpredictable", but he couldn't learn much with his dad smacking him over the head and calling him an idiot despite never actually teaching him the letters. To spite the bastard he has Em teach him in return for hand-to-hand lessons after their V6 argument.
Rhodes couldn't read so teaching Cinder was out of the question. Salem taught the young Cinder in a surprisingly quick and efficient way, with a kindness you shouldn't think an immortal witch conquering the world would be capable of.
Watts' cursive could replace the dictionary definition of neat.
Tyrian can't read, but if you ask him how to spell something he pops off with perfect spelling. Physically can't write with how many times he's broken his fingers.
Hazel the kinda guy to start his morning with a cup of warm coffee and a newspaper. Excellent reader, amazing cursive.
Salem has practiced her writing for thousands of years, it's beyond perfect. Knows so many languages, and secretly has been collecting literature for a few hundred years.
Adam didn't like reading, and quite honestly saw it as a waste of time. Couldn't read or write.
Ilia learned cause she wanted to connect better with Blake.
Ozma has the same collection hidden away somewhere, and just as elegant handwriting as Salem.
Goodwitch writes like she's sending a letter to her grandmother, with perfect grammar in the most amazing cursive.
Winter, the highly dyslexic child who didn't get diagnosed until she joined the military. Struggles with spelling, but was forced to seem perfect as a kid, a habit that stays with her even now. Only Penny knows the truth, and it dies with her.
Whitley can write in perfect cursive, he prefers the writing of elegantly turning every letter into a perfectly drawn dick to piss his dad off.
Penny can hypothetically write perfect cursive, but she gets really excited while writing and it ends up so messy. Re-written multiple times before being sent.
Alright this is enough for now, my wrists are starting to hurt. Carpal tunnel go brrrrrrrrr.
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catylotlzart · 7 years
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Oops these are all bad
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