#they're very onesided
monty-glasses-roxy · 7 months
Freaking HAUNTED by the scenario of Cassie falling for the Mimic's act in the elevator and she comes back from it so, so, SO freaking scared but also so so SO freaking biased and spiteful and ANGRY she tries getting back at Gregory in the way that would hurt him even more than just 'paying in the same coin', by taking away from him exactly what he loves the most by trying to get Freddy destroyed. 💀 (definitely not a route I think Cassie would truly dive into but boy ain't it an interesting one none the less! 👀)
It also doubles as a way to free Roxy and the others from Freddy as well!! Two birds one stone!!
However... I've never heard the saying 'paying in the same coin' so I'm not entirely sure what it means, but I can take a pretty good guess. Not to be contrarian but what makes you think destroying Freddy wouldn't be doing the same thing Gregory did? He destroyed Roxy, Chica and Monty, and it was his voice telling him to deactivate Roxy for good to come and save him. After shutting her down, and her coming back to throw herself at Mimic for Cassie, Gregory tried to make it all for nothing by dropping her.
All of Roxy's damage falls on his shoulders, both before and after Cassie came into the picture. He didn't even care, did he? And neither did Freddy so really, this is the best vengeance she can hope for. She deals with the animatronic that Roxy keeps saying she'll kill if she ever sees him again, and hits Gregory where it really fucking hurts. Two revenge plans one stone!
And you're so right, Cassie would probably not go down that road... But ya know she might at least be a little tempted given Roxy's aggression over it. She keeps giving her ideas damn it she doesn't want them!!! Roxy can take them and do whatever she wants with them, Cassie doesn't wanna do it!!! And it works out cause Roxy doesn't have the fucking balls to go all the way with a murder plan anyway so no one gets hurt!!!
I guess that's a lose lose scenario ngl though...
This reminds me of a scenario I had the idea for a little bit ago when we were last talking about this stuff! (That got a bit long here so I'll add a read more for convenience)
The idea is that Vanessa, Gregory and Freddy return as quick as they can to try and save Cassie and instead find Roxy, once again guarding the door, Mini swarm in the shadows around them. She's obviously more damaged than before so it's a bit more difficult, but she's doing her best not to fall off the barriers she's stood on over the door and I've just had the idea of Minis holding onto her in the dark like training wheels. Aside from them, she's completely alone.
Vanessa talking is a shock to her and she's beyond happy to hear she's okay and most importantly, was freed. Surprisingly touched by her running to help her too... Just fucking snaps at Gregory and Freddy to shut the fuck up whenever they say anything cause she doesn't give a flying shit what they have to say. Vanessa hurries though, asking how she got away from that thing down there and tells her that Gregory's friend Cassie was down there too, what happened??
Yeah uh. Roxy says nothing for a while and Gregory gets impatient and tries to run at the door. The Minis grab him and the swarm just kinda take him away, literally up the fucking wall and take some pictures with an old Fazcam so Roxy can see it later lmao she's actually devastated she can't see this happening right now. Anyway, Roxy's like "what do you THINK happened?" and since she won't say anything else, they naturally, assume the fucking worst. She doesn't correct them or say another word. Just tells Freddy and Gregory that they've done enough fucking damage and to get out before she throws them out...
Oh yeah Gregory is fucking pissed. Why didn't she save her?! Why is Roxy out here when Cassie isn't?! What kind of useless animatronic is she that she couldn't save one kid?! What, is she only good at killing kids?! Is that it?! He's so fucking mad and Roxy just lets him rant and rave, the Minis stopping him for her every time he makes a run at the door until Freddy takes him away. He says he's disappointed in her, but that he's not surprised and that makes her seethe but she doesn't say anything until she hears Vanessa leaving. She stops her and when they're alone, she tells Vanessa the truth.
Cassie is in bad shape. Mimic is dead and they barely made it out, but her dad took her to hospital a little before they got here. Vanessa - who was in tears already - is so fucking relieved, but then asks why Roxy didn't say anything earlier. She tells her the truth as she knows it. That Cassie was here trying to save him. That Mimic lured her here as him, and at the end, Gregory said he couldn't risk being followed, and dropped the fucking lift with Cassie in it.
Now that doesn't make sense to Vanessa. She may not have been there for that last bit but they didn't rush all the way over here for nothing. Roxy can't exactly answer why he'd want to come back here, but she reminds her what he and Freddy did to all of them and points out that this would hardly have been out of the ordinary for him.
And so, you now have a situation where Vanessa doesn't know what to believe. She knows Roxy wouldn't lie about something like that and even if she did, she's a fucking awful liar. But she's clearly angry enough to let him think Cassie is dead and not give a shit... And she says it's to make sure he doesn't try it again so she's also asking Vanessa not to say a word. She can't do that! She can't just let a kid think his friend is dead because of him! ... But she's right in thinking this may not be completely out of the ordinary for him... But he wouldn't do that to someone he would run to the rescue of, right?? Gregory wouldn't do that, she knows him well enough to know that now!!
You see what's happened here? Now Vanessa is in the middle. If she doesn't say a word, Gregory will forever think Cassie got killed trying to save him. If she tells him and it turns out Roxy is right, then what if he tries again?
I feel she'd tell him, but no matter what, Roxy just straight up telling the truth to Vanessa, his current guardian, and not to him would cause so much pain. He could have been there screaming at her and she didn't say a fucking word because in her mind, this is nothing compared to what he's put all of them and Cassie through. And what happens if she does die in hospital?? What then?? She can't lie and say she's fine when she's not anyway!! She doesn't know shit!!
But ya get me with this? It's emotional revenge enacted at the end of Roxy's very long day in the pizzeria graveyard. Minimal effort required, with Vanessa unfortunately in the middle, but Vanessa is always welcome here. Roxy won't blame her for whatever she chooses to do, because at the end of the day, Roxy's done her job. Whether Gregory or Freddy believes it or not, she did her job.
She's really fucking glad she couldn't see his reaction though, she wouldn't have been able to keep her mouth shut if she had. Like most of the others, she can't bare to see a kid in genuine pain and she knows damn well how much her silence caused...
But yeah, you just got me thinking about that again. It's a spur of the moment thing for Roxy, inspired partly by the fact she's not good with words and doesn't really know how to approach this anyway. It's been a long day and her lack of words just turned into this and she's not even a little bit sorry. I think Cassie would appreciate the sentiment of keeping her safe from a second attempt on her life. And feel a bit bad that she takes some satisfaction in hearing how devastated Gregory was over it...
The picture of him being held from his ankles on the ceiling by the Minis is pretty good revenge too. They're proud of that one lmao
#pop rox answers#pop rox writes#because i just wrote out a wholeass scenario here it's close enough djjdjd#anyway poppet... is probably a little upset by this turn of events... for multiple reasons...#a lot of the minis are but they're loyal to roxy and they know enough to know that this has probably hurt her pretty bad too#she's not exactly famous for dealing with pain and grief in healthy and nondestructive ways#they may not agree with her actions but tehy know her well enough to know that this was probably the tamest option#given her history and the fact she hasn't had more than five minutes to process anything yet#and these three just showed up adding MORE to the stress of the day so yeah they don't really blame her#doggo is buried in spiders after this#oh and i forgot to mention!!!#once roxy and vanessa are alone vanessa gets her guts squeezed out through her nose in a hug#in all of my stuff like this the animatronics dont know what happened to vanessa#she's presumed missing#the minis have fucking searched for her body that's how little they all know#roxy plagued by the thought that gregory did the same to her as he did them and freddy let it happen...#expecting to find her stumbling around broken and bruised or just straight up dead...#not very fun!! i like to think they were sort of onesided friends so yeah not fun#anyway yeah uhh. hope you don't mind me adding a great big long scenario to your ask#revenge plans just had me thinking about that and had me thinking that could be a revenge thing too#and not just roxy being exhausted and trying to keep cassie safe from future attempts#telling vanessa is also an attempt to keep her safe too. she needs to know what happened so she can make her own decisions here#what she does is up to her but if she ever needs anywhere to hideout or anyone to keep her safe well#the plex is always open to her... even more so if she gets her fucking eyes back from freddy fuckface as well#listen. there's a good reason he's not surprised by the idea she didn't save cassie.#she knows why too and it pisses her off to no end the damage he's done over this#she would understand too if she didn't hate his fucking guts and thought about it for two seconds#anyway that's enough of that. gonna reread real quick and post okay bye#long post
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heatwa-ves · 6 months
listen to me boy wilsiri is only good if sirius is realising he has feelings for the first time since dorothy died and is going through the horrors and doing his best to be subtle (it's not working) and wilardo is just watching in amusement
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neolxzr · 4 months
student au ivantill would be such peak "fell first fell harder" do you get me. the whole main cast has all known each other since they were kids and ivan's been nurturing his onesided crush ever since they were like. very tiny.
mizisua are best friends but grow up to realize their feelings for one another in like late middle school/early high school idk theyre around 14-15 and till has his crush on mizi crushed but mizi is the sweetest angel ever and he cant be mad at her for it. he only knows sua through mizi really and cant be too good a judge of character but he knows mizi loves her and wants to be supportive but hes a little sad. he starts spending a bit less time with her to give mizisua their space but also cause hes trying to get over his feelings.
enter: ivan. ivan has sworn off confessing to till outright for years cause he knew he liked mizi and the two of them have always butted heads so he figured he had no real chance and settled for being his kind of friend who lightly bullies him sometimes for attention. he grows out of this mostly as they age but he still makes it a point to spend as much time as he can with him because he's down horrendously. post-mizisua confession is the first time till is the one to initiate spending time together, and ivan is absolutely thrilled. till learns that he actually doesnt mind being around him and they become closer than they ever had been before.
they stay in this stage of being closer-than-before friends for like. most of high school and then they become seniors and talks about moving away to go to different schools start and WHAM. oh moment realization hits till like a truck. he doesn't want ivan to leave. he likes him. oh god. this is horrible. this is the worst thing that ever could have happened. there's no way ivan feels the same. dramatic irony
he agonizes over this for a long while. he tells mizi who tells sua who both are naturally already aware that ivan has been horribly hopelessly in love with till for nearly the entirety of his life and they want to laugh at him. but they dont. they consider just telling him but they dont and mizi encourages him to tell ivan how he feels.
time is running out. they're receiving college acceptance letters. ivan is accepted into some crazy prestigious university thats all the way across the country. he tells everyone together. till is happy for him. he's crying. ivan is confused. he tells him he doesn't want him to leave. "i love you." he feels awful about it. it's a selfish request. he shouldn't have said anything.
ivan is speechless. till is stammering out an apology. ivan drops the letter and steps closer. he's kissing him. "i love you too. i always have."
the end and everyone clapped happily ever after etc. anyway do you get me
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fumifooms · 8 months
Hi hi! I'm sure you have loads of asks to get through. But if you may, we talk a lot about Chilchuck and Marcille (as we should 'cause they're great!), but since you've mentioned that Laios is your fave char, I would love to hear if you have any takes on Laios and Izutsumi's dynamic. I feel sometimes like she doesn't really like him...? It's funny but I also feel bad for him sometimes. ^^;;
You can’t ask me this and expect me to not drop everything else I’m doing. Little did you know they are my brotp. They are so special. Izutsumi gets along more with literally everyone in the party, but their relationship was so narratively important. They’re a really underrated and overlooked dynamic! I’ve had them as a topic at the back of my mind for a while, seeing someone else interested was all the push I needed gdbdg. This isn’t super long though, their issues with each other and lil arc is surprisingly brief and easy to summarize.
Laios & Izutsumi : what’s their deal with each other
For me one foundational train of thought for Izutsumi & Laios is, well. I read this awesome smart post deconstructing how Izutsumi’s beef with Laios is because she only just broke free and wants freedom without having someone ordering her around, and that’s sort of her whole character arc, isn’t it?
Isn’t Izutsumi’s picky eating a reflection of just that? In a life where she was a slave, she could at least control what she chose to eat and not eat. But then you might wonder, why did the narrative want her to grow out of that? Simply put, Izutsumi has a contrarian streak, one that is often extremely counterproductive. We saw that especially near the beginning, with how hard it was to make her work with them as a team. The issue is that now that she is free, she needs to not block out others by habit, to not lash out and refuse the healthy things in life, the people who want good for her. And that’s something that’s addressed in the succubus chapter as well as the fight against the ice golem, that she shouldn’t insist that she can do everything alone and fight against any team effort.
I love how onesided the Laios izutsumi dynamic is. He stays away from her generally, like doesn’t interact much, but he wants the cat pats… Which Izu made clear she did NOT want. And Chil is the only one in the party to not really see her as a cat for most of the story really, as shown in the relationship chart. He’s well meaning and wants the best for her, but he crowds her and doesn’t understand her at all. But he reallyyy wants to get along with her.
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On the other hand, Izutsumi’s very existence and identity gave Laios an immense amount of hope that Falin could be brought back and still be herself and live well, even if she still had part of a dragon’s soul in her. I think that’s a lovely way to contrast the way that Izutsumi hates herself as a beastkin and her body, while Laios is like "Thank you, your existence as you are is the answer to all my worries" AND he super likes monster bodies and beastkins so it’s like. I think part of her hostility to him, besides feeling like he doesn’t understand her perspective and is maybe dismissive of what his party members want (which would remind her of Maizuru to some degree probably), is that he says all these good things about her being a beastkin, and it’s so jarring with her own version of herself that it raises her hackles and she reacts negatively, especially with how flippant and eager he is about it. But yes like, this is their first meeting!! Beyond his interest in her as a beastkin because of his monster hobby, Laios is just so very grateful for her and chooses to put his trust in her.
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That’s interesting too, how one of the first things she asks about upon meeting them is why the hell they would want to rescue Falin even if she were to stay as a chimera-beastkin and still have the dragon soul in her. It’s her asking "Who would want to stick with a beastkin?" thinking that there’s something fundamentally wrong with having two souls and it making you unlovable. And their differing views on monsters do make them clash
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But ultimately he chills out about her, which ironically enough shows in the way that they don’t interact much- He gives her space, and accepts that the beastkin may not like him. BUT at the end of the day they have an incredible bond of trust- Laios asks Izutsumi to kill him if something goes wrong with the Winged Lion. Not only is that sort of an intimate request and act, but that means that he leaves it up to Izutsumi’s judgement as well to know if it went wrong and when to act. He doesn’t only trust her skills but also her decision making, despite how tough they’ve been on each other in the past. He’s giving her the ultimate role, the go ahead to make or break their plan and be the difference between saving or destroying the world. And the last tidbit of info we get on their relationship in canon is when she hides behind him because she’s shy- Certified having befriended the cat moment. She trusts him and sees him as a safe person! And by saying that she’s shy, he’s showing that he did end up understanding her and how she is.
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No matter the rocky parts of their relationship, they still have a strong foundation to it and were great allies and road companions, one of the few persons that had each other’s back when it mattered the most, both for the world and for their personal arcs. And post-canon, well…
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He’s accepted that she needs space and whatnot, and meanwhile she’s accepted his interest in monsters and taken it in stride 😌 They end up having this familiarity with each other and even if there’s still a bunch of emotional distance imo and they never really got into the nitty gritty with each other not like her with Chilchuck or even Marcille, they see each other. They nod in greeting and respect each other from afar……. But also still tease and chat familiarly up close and if she offers him the opportunity for cuddles he will take it. You know, if it’s not her just falling onto him because she’s sleeping she has no respect.
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Siblings behavior… If you know my take on the general party dynamics, I love thinking of Laios & Izu’s dynamic as him being an older brother figure where they have a love-hate relationship. Siblings rivalry. I have a bunch of funny little doodles I’ve wanted to make with them for months, the prompts for which are in the screenshot put below. But yeah like you know, they’re protective of each other but in that very critical way as well, truly forged by being stuck with each other for a while and having to come to understand and accept how the other is. Strife with conflict, but ultimately sticking with each other through thick and thin… Siblings siblings SIBLINGS SIBLINGS SIBLINGS. Sigh I just want them to cuddle on a couch and she purrs while simultaneously being snide and mean to him, they are so… Izutsumi is the character ever
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Oh, which! While I’m here, I always recommend this fanfic about the two of them interacting and Laios treating her like a cat, it’s just fun and lighthearted. They’re suuuuch an underrated duo
If I find more Laios & Izu moments I think are worth sharing I’ll just add it onto this I think. We shouldn’t be too hard on him he was raised by dogs so cats are a whole other language to him but also, so wild to me that he never tried to engage with her on a cat level properly like where is the hissing at the catgirl and the cat taming moments, he sucks at socializing with cats smh smh.
I want to do an analysis of queerness in Dungeon Meshi with relationships and social norms and stuff and Izutsumi’s arc is gonna be central to that too. Her relationship with EVERYONE is SOOO GOOD AND IMPORTANT AND COMPELLING. But I guess this is where I leave it off for now, I hope I’m not forgetting any point I wanted to make hmmm
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 7 months
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I Cherish You, Halcyon Days: iv.
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“You’re gonna die, kid. In the worst way possible.”
tags: afab!reader (she/her), angst, slow burn
pairing: gojou x reader + onesided!getou x reader
summary: You’re 15 years old when you’re told you’re going to die. You’re 17 years old when you realize who your killer will be. And you’re 17 years old when you make peace with the fact you wouldn’t want it any other way.
index | previous chapter | next chapter
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You hum in pleasant surprise when the taste of green apples and mango hit your tongue. This really could have been hit or miss, you sip again. Still as good as the first sip. Just because you like experimenting with food and drink, it doesn't necessarily mean there will be a good payoff. Fruit teas from random shops are always either too sweet or just right for you, never something tolerable in between.
Thankfully, this place understood that the sugar is only supposed to enhance the drink, not drown it. You look over at the tall and lanky boy a few short steps away. Tea isn't Gojou's thing, hence why he is the only member of the group who hadn't ordered anything, but you think this one will be right up his alley. "You've gotta try this," you angle the cup slightly above your shoulder. "It's this green apple mango flavor they're promoting."
Without taking the cup from your hand, Gojou simply leans down to take a drink. "It's alright," Gojou shrugs before sipping again with vigor. "Needs more sugar."
You snort and lean away, bringing your beverage with you, "well if it's only alright, stop drinking it then."
"You know," Gojou sighs and you already know it's going to be some bullshit spewed out of his mouth coated in false philosophy and maturity. "Here in Japan we have a saying that food tastes better when you share it."
You roll your eyes but grin at the fact you called it, "well we just shared it and it still tastes exactly the same so," when Gojou attempts to take your cup, you turn immediately. "You better follow your best friend's example and get inside that tea house and order yourself a drink!"
Gojou slumps over your back with a whine, "what if yours tastes better than mine for some reason and they give me a bad one?"
You're giggling but no dice, "no!" You shove your straw back into your mouth and lean over your drink protectively. Get your own drink, you point at the tea shop once again with a mumble. "You have pretty privilege, there is no way they'll fuck yours up!"
"Stingy," Gojou clicks his tongue but he drags himself across the street where Suguru is standing in line anyway.
Crisis avoided.
"... What was that?" Utahime's eyes widen while her brow furrows.
It's a chilly April day in Moriya and the lot of you are enjoying the last bits of spring vacation. School holidays work differently when you go to a jujutsu school, you learned quickly. As far as the higher ups were concerned, vacation just meant more free time to send students on missions. Sure you're in a completely different part of Japan doing a lot more traveling than you'd ever do in your typical high school experience.
But in reality, this trip to a ryokan in Ibaraki Prefecture is nothing more than a glorified work trip with sightseeing sprinkled in. They could have at least sent us to a coastal town if they were sending us to Ibaraki. You shouldn't expect much from an institute that still does school on Saturday when the rest of the country stopped doing it in 2002. At the very least, the mission had been wrapped up and this final week of spring break before the new school year started, you get to enjoy yourself.
Next week, I become a second year student, you did it. You managed to survive your very first year at Jujutsu Tech. You'll miss having Fujioka-sensei as a teacher, she was kind and had lots of fun anecdotes. But you can't stew in awe and nostalgia with how Utahime is staring at you like you've lost your mind.
"What was what? It's green apple mango fruit tea," you cock your head before sliding your cup to the traditionally-clothed girl's side of the table. "Wanna try it too?"
Utahime promptly slides it back in disgust. "After he put his mouth on it? No thanks," you only shrug in return before sipping at the fruity goodness all over again. That's more for me then. Your nonchalance drives your upperclassman into mania. She looks at Shoko like she's the only other sane person at the table. 'What the heck is going on?!' her lips move silently. "Why am I the only one freaking out about this!?"
The brunette holds up a hand in the most laidback display of defensiveness you've ever seen, "they've been like that for a while now, everyone just got used to it." Shoko's words only make Utahime's more aghast.
Oh right.
You smack your lips together with a weak laugh, avoiding your friend's accusatory gaze.
Something shifted in the cosmos after December 8th, 2005 without your meaning to. You aren't exactly sure how long it took after your birthday for sharing food with Gojou to become habit, but it did.
Something is too sweet or too spicy? You swap plates.
You get an assorted bag of snacks and sweet treats from helping a random grandma cross the street? There isn't really a point of keeping any of the stuff you know Gojou will like.
But you never realized how ingrained into normalcy it became until one particular day you leaned over to eat a chip Gojou held in his fingers. "Does this taste kinda soapy to you or is it just me?" He asked, shaking the bag it came from. They were roasted cumin lamb skewer flavored chips imported from China.
"Yeah, I think it's just- wait, give me another one?" You chewed more slowly that time around, really feeling at the flavor. "No, I'm getting it too."
Suguru and Shoko made faces that looked exactly like the one Utahime is wearing right now. "[First]!"
"Look it isn't like we're friends or anything," you tell the soon to be fourth-year. "When there is food involved, the We Hate Gojou Alliance calls forth a truce," you explain seriously, folding your hands and resting your chin on them as if you are Ikari Gendo. "For how can we hate if we are not properly nourished?"
At the bullshit you spew, Utahime's expression shifts into one that is purely unamused as her brow furrows and she purses her lips. It takes a lot out of you to not laugh then and there. "And since when was that an addendum we agreed on?"
"It's one I made out of personal interest," you close your eyes, nodding at the memories. Food comes before any quarrel you have with an annoying classmate. If it came down to it, you'd become Gojou's best friend for a sandwich. "When food is involved, Gojou Satoru isn't that bad."
"You're full of it," Utahime fights the twitches of her lips trying to curl upward. "Very, very full of it." The upperclassman relents with a sigh a beat later, knowing her arguments are futile. "You're a traitor. I hope you know that you're a traitor to our cause, [First]," you bite your lip to prevent yourself from laughing again. You're failing the longer she goes on. Shoko is your mission partner, but you think it is arguably fair to say Utahime is who you're closest to besides her. When you transferred to Jujutsu Tech, it was Utahime who gave you a tour around the facility when the teachers were suddenly too busy. She was a kind and beautiful upperclassman who came with a lot less monetary baggage than Mei Mei. "First Getou and Shoko, now you," she sips her matcha with a pointed glare in the direction of the tea house windows. Whatever Gojou does, it makes Utahime's amused scowl turn into an annoyed glare.
"I was technically never part of any alliance to hate on Gojou, I'm only an affiliated acquaintance," Shoko laughs lightly, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. "Utahime-senpai, you just have to accept this as part of the new reality. [First] and Gojou have become friends," your mission partner rolls her eyes when you shoot her a pointed look. "Apologies, food-based acquaintances."
Satisfied with her correction, you nod.
It's then Suguru finally reappears, a beverage in hand. Gojou is still waiting by the window for his own order to finish. "What are you guys talking about now?"
"I was telling them about this convenience store by my old high school everyone went to to have mental breakdowns," it's always a pleasure when Suguru looks at you like you've grown a second head. Laughter slips from your lips as easily as breathing. "It's called Adachi's ー that's the owner ー but the joke was to call it Adachi 7-11 because it rips off the 7-11 color scheme. He's a sweet guy though," you quickly add before continuing your spontaneous tale of the incredible 7-11 knock off store.
You eloquently tell your friend that Adachi is the kind of grownup who understand kids have it rough. That it's unknown who it was from Tsubame High that started the tradition of finding aisle to just sit and cry and snack in, but eventually it just became the spot to have freak outs. If you stayed to eat while you freaked, you simply paid for what you ate or drank when you were ready to leave.
Respect someone else's crying space. If you couldn't avoid going into their aisle for something, just politely pretend they don't exist.
If you really needed a cry, Adachi's office is free for someone having a particular trying time.
And last but not least, Adachi's was a judgement free zone.
It was like having a bartender for teenagers. Except in this instance, the only services the bartender offered were snack food, cheap wagashi and a select variety of beverages.
"First, I promise people don't go there to cry as often it I made it sound. Second, I know it sounds weird but it actually was kinda cool," you chuckle as the cursed user shakes his head the longer you go on. "Exam week? We're all basically in there studying and freaking out while eating a bunch of snacks." It really built up a surprising amount of comradery among your classmates you make sure to tack on before taking a break to finish the rest of your tea. "Before you ask, if I'm gonna have a mental breakdown, I prefer having it in the privacy of my own room," or in front of a beluga whale, but that explanation will take forever and a half. "And that... is the story behind Adachi 7-11," you conclude dramatically.
Suguru shakes his head but his expression is playful, "I give you points for the improv, but I'm taking away points for how long your story was."
You click your tongue in mock annoyance, "everybody's a critic. I just wanted to cover all the bases in case you felt so intrigued you wanted to know more about your mysterious classmate."
"You don't have a mysterious bone in your body," Shoko chirps and when you lightly kick her ankle under the table, she kicks back. "Utahime-senpai just feels betrayed that [First] is getting along better with Gojou." At the reminder, Utahime squints in your direction again. 'And after all I've done for you. I should have gone to Kyoto Tech', Utahime sighs into her warm cup. "The We Hate Gojou Alliance is turning into the I Alone Hate Gojou Alliance."
This is when Gojou finally saunters over, drink in hand, "that's because I'm cool and charming."
"You know, if you have to say it, you're probably not as charming as you think you are," Suguru advises with a grin. Gojou promptly ignores it as if he never said anything at all.
"Sucks to be you, Utahime," Gojou sticks out his tongue at the songstress. "[First] and I are practically best friends. Right, [First]?"
The more you deny it, the less convincing you know you sound so you stop with a heavy breath. "Anyway," you pivot the conversation to something other than your food-based truce. "Does anyone know if there are going to be any new 1st years? Or is it gonna be a while before we start seeing some new faces?"
Suguru nods, "I heard from Fujioka-sensei that there are two first years coming enrolling," you perk up at this information. It's a small jujutsu world, so small you didn't even know if you'd be getting any underclassmen. Two 1st years coming in still just seem so small though. From what you've learned though, 2-3 students per grade is average and the school lucked out with your 1st year class having four kids. Suguru points a finger back and forth between you, "she didn't tell me much about them but they're recruits from non-sorcerer families, like us."
Sometimes, life decides to grant you little miracles. "Finally, we're growing in our ranks," you cheer, bumping your cup against Suguru's. "That's less clan politics to hear about!"
The closest you've ever gotten to clan politics in Japan were from anime and dramas and the occasional snippets you learned about the imperial family on the news. That changed when you became a sorcerer. It's a small jujutsu world, you learn things here and there whether you want to or not. Interesting as the stories can be, however, you're glad your family is normal. Everyone at your school from a sorcerer family makes clan politics sound annoying at best and harrowing at worst and that's just from the things you learned from Utahime, Shoko and Mei Mei.
Your other peers aren't so keen on sharing what goes on in their families.
Yamada isn't the friendliest of your upperclassmen.
As for Gojou ー the only one of your classmates from a family apparently worth mentioning ー he doesn't care about clan politics in the slightest and opts to ignore it.
Thus, the Big Three Families still are a mystery to you even with Gojou's close proximity to your person. Nor are there any students at your school that came from either the Zenin or Kamo Clans. There are a couple enrolled at the jujutsu school in Kyoto apparently but you haven't had a chance to meet them. You only had three summaries to go off of when it came to the big name families in jujutsu, all courtesy of Gojou back in May of last year since you couldn't participate in the Sister School Exchange Event in Kyoto.
(Apparently having two special-grade sorcerers for students gave Tokyo Tech the biggest advantage so only Gojou and Suguru got to go. Jerks. Utahime threw a big fit over it too, but at the very least Tokyo won last year.)
"Do you like having rights as a woman?"
"Um, yes?"
"Then you won't like the Zenin Clan.  You know Carnage from the Venom comics in the States?"
"Yeah, my mom reads those."
"That's the Kamo Clan."
"Okay, well what about your family? What's their deal?"
"They have me."
Vague, but clear enough descriptions to paint the necessary pictures ー the Amazing Sexists, the Bloods and the Jujutsu Jesus Havers Club.
Considering that this year the Sister School Exchange event will be taking place in Tokyo, you wonder if this will give you a chance to meet these fancy jujutsu folk. You tell your group as much, sighing in wonder. "It's a good thing you and Gojou won the exchange event, I wanna meet the kids from the other school." That was what you'd been most excited about before Fujioka-sensei dashed all your hopes and dreams. You wanted to see the differences in the campuses and what sort of crazy the teachers had going on. C'est la vie. "What were they like when you went there? Were the big clan kids more refined than Gojou over here?"
You barely dodge the definitely cold hand that was about to touch back of your neck in retaliation while Suguru chuckles out an explanation, "They have a couple folk from the Kamo Clan. They were... nice."
"You hesitated before you said nice," Shoko deadpans.
"They were polite," Suguru pivots his next selection of words in his attempt to remain neutral.
Gojou sticks out his tongue, unimpressed by his best friend's attempts to be cordial, "they were whatever. We didn't really talk to them."
"Boo, you're boring," you shake your head in heavy but mocking disappointment. "Should have just asked Utahime, she's seen them more." Your gazes turn to the oldest person at the table.
Utahime shoulders square off in satisfaction at being deferred to. "There are a couple of Kamo Clan kids at Kyoto Tech, one of them won't be coming because he'll be a fourth year student like me," her spirit drops for a moment and you offer a small smile of reassurance. Fourth year students don't get to participate in Sister School Exchange Event. Hence why she'd been so upset that she'd been unable to participate in it. There's not much you can do to comfort your friend, nor is there anything either of you can do about the past. At the very least, Utahime is nothing if not an optimist. She'll just kick ass in a different category. "As for the younger Kamo, Ririka, she's actually pretty nice when you talk to her but she can be a bit intimidating at times. She'll be a third-year student once school starts."
You make a noise of pleasant surprise, "Kamo Ririka, I'll keep an eye out for her." There's nothing better than a nice but intimidating woman, in your opinion.
"As for everyone else, they're all definitely a lot more tolerable than Gojou, it's not even a competition," Utahime glared at the sunglasses-wearing boy pointedly. He shrugged back without a care in the world, unperturbed as ever. "But while I was visiting home, my mother told me that Zenin Naoya is enrolling in Kyoto Tech so we'll be seeing him in a few months as a first year."
Whoever Zenin Naoya is, just mentioning him immediately makes Gojou groan in annoyance. "I was hoping that brat was gonna get homeschooled," he chews on his straw. You aren't sure how irritated he actually is but you do note how white brows curl in displeasure.
Gojou makes a face, "Zenin Naoya. I can't stand that guy."
You nudge him, lips curling into a light smirk, "I'm sure your fancy rich kid beef isn't that serious."
"No, Gojou actually isn't being hyperbolic this time," you glance over at Shoko. She and Utahime are sporting matching grimaces, brown eyes glancing at one another in understanding. "Zenins are bad but Zenin Naoya is the worst."
Well god damn. You share a look with Suguru who shrugs back, just as lost. That's the problem with not being born into the world of jujutsu, you're behind on all the history and beef going on behind the scenes. You have to learn little by little whether that be through being told or stumbling your way into procuring the knowledge on your own.
Zenin Naoya ー a member of the Amazing Sexists. You glance back at Gojou who has gone back to drinking away at his cup of tea. His partially obscured face doesn't make it any easier to read how he may be feeling underneath the surface.
Either way, you'll form your own opinion on this Naoya person when the sister schools converge in Tokyo.
Second year is definitely going to be something.
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index | previous chapter | next chapter
Fun fact for my fellow Americans and anyone else whose school holidays work differently, while here in the states, the end of summer vacation is when we go up a grade, students go up a grade at the end of spring break in Japan.
Summer vacation in Japan is about 30-40 days long depending on the prefecture from the end of July to the end of August. In Tokyo, I think it's from about July 21st to to August 24th. You come back and you're still in the same class. Winter break is from about December 26 to January 7th. And Spring break is about March 26th to April 5th. Like I said it can change prefecture to prefecture, but the mentioned dates are the standard for Tokyo give or take a few days or two depending on the ward.
Just wanted that knowledge to be shared, if you were curious as to why the reader is going up a grade after spring break. In Japan, the school year starts in April.
I really wanted to work on Reader's initial dynamic with her peers and her personal philosophies in these first few chapters before kicking off into the heavier stuff that comes in 2nd year. Considering how in canon, shit pretty much was smooth sailing for Gojou and co. during their 1st year until the 'Toji really beat the breaks out of 2 teenagers' mission, I wanted to reflect that in these initial chapters. Hopefully you guys have been enjoying it as much as I have. The Sister School Exchange Event is around the corner and those folks are coming to Tokyo, I wonder how that's gonna go >:3c (not that you can participate but there's plot, I assure you).
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chemical-underreaction · 11 months
dirk <3< reader dirk <3< reader dirk <3< reader PLEASE
sure thing!! <3 sorry if this wasn't exactly what you wanted, but i had a lot of fun writing this!!
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alright, let's be clear. dirk strider does *not* hate many things. he dislikes things, of course. he dislikes a lot of things.
but hate? hating things is too emotionally vulnerable for his tastes.
oh, but you?
he can make some exceptions for you.
you are a special, particular kind of pain in his ass.
there's two very different reasons why (i think) dirk would hate someone.
either they, as a person are in entirely direct conflict with him and get on his nerves in a major way - or, they're way too similar to him, and dirk does not like getting a mirror to his own behavior.
so more than likely, you'd fit into one of those two categories. i don't know you, though.
but regardless of what it is, you probably wouldn't have known for a while.
he didn't treat you.. differently? per say?
he was cold and cryptic and strange to everyone.
but with you, it seemed different. everyone told you it was just in your head. that dirk didn't have a problem with you, he was just like that.
but it was not.
dirk took so much pleasure in confusing you, getting one over on you. playing his little mind games.
granted, he is just kind of like that, but it's different. it was a lot more targeted, pointed - it wasn't purely in jest.
but, more importantly, it wasn't onesided.
you were not just a passive actor in this, oh no.
whatever you did, it was equally targeted to get on his nerves as much as possible.
there came a point where both of you, just for the sake of your fucked up little game, knew more about each other than even your mutual best friends did.
you'd torment each other with things, but you'd never bring anyone else into it or tell anyone things only the two of you knew. there was something of a code of honor. a trust fall system.
despite how much you disliked each other, you'd never actually do tangible harm to each other.
you just engaged in a prolonged battle of psychological warfare over your chat client.
eventually, it gets.. bizarrely flirtatious. not in a traditional way, no, but in a way that was still undeniably flirting.
you still hated him. he still hated you.
it continued regardless.
you two never.. officially got into a pitch relationship.
you're both human, after all. how would you know?
however, eventually, you were informed that your relationship with dirk sounded a whole hell of a lot like blackrom.
so, of course, you approach him about it.
neither of you know *enough* about quadrants to really call it.
but all the trolls have just been assuming it anyways, so you just shrug. by now, it's calling it what it is.
you and dirk have the mutual respect necessary for blackrom. and the mutual attraction.
needless to say, you have the "hate" aspect down.
alright, miscellaneous hc time.
he'll offer to teach you how to swordfight. he might only have done it so he could rock your shit, but he'll always patch you up after. and that little smile he gives when you first managed to get him back was pretty genuine.
just enjoys teaching you how to do his stuff in general. he'll tease you about sucking at it, but he'll actually be happy when you make progress. curse his tiny soft spot.
shows up in your house/wherever you live at random. also likes sneaking up on you whenever he sees you. the more you hate it, the more he'll do it.
he'll claim that you're more attracted to him than he is you - but that's a total lie. he's a little pathetic sometimes.
gets very flustered when you're better at him than something. anything. literally anything at all. why, exactly.. good luck getting that out of him.
actually gets genuinely upset if he goes too far with you in any way. it'll mess with him a lot, and he'll apologize profusely.
he cares about you, despite how annoying you are. despite how much he hates you, despite all of it. he cares about you a lot. and, in his own weird way, loves you.
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sillysapphillean · 1 month
Finally coming back to Runaways AU posting. If the original concept interests you but you don't like where i'm taking it, please consider what i said here.
(There's a lot so i included a cut here to not make it fill up your dash too much)
Quick disclaimer: queerplatonic jeaneil is very dear to me. I do not ship them romantically. Their dynamic in this AU is fairly complicated and codependent and the presence of strong emotions & physical affection doesn't mean their bond is romantic. I of course can't stop anyone from interpreting it whichever way they choose but i'd rather people don't insist that what i'm writing must be romantic because that's how they read it.
So. Neil & Jean + Elodie on the run together..
Neil of course is the one to teach Jean and Elodie english. He's an okay teacher, good enough that they get by and they improve fast enough. Neil however is simply not aware of a couple of accented words and anglicisms in his own vocabulary, so the moreau siblings have some random british words in their vocabulary
Physical affection is complicated for the boys. They both initially only know touch as something practical or to hurt. They are touch starved. But elodie is a child who gives and craves physical affection freely, so the boys gradually grow more used to giving and receiving affection through touch. Sleeping curled together becomes a necessity to keep warm wherever they're camping out but they eventually do it even when not necessary because it is comforting to have the other right there
After his mother got got, before joining up with jean, neil felt kinda directionless & defeated because without his mother there to push for it 15 year old neil doesn't really see the point of running forever if the only possible end is eventual death. Then he meets jean & elodie, starts bonding with them & keeping them safe becomes his entire world. Like a "i'll get caught and killed eventually but as long as i'm alive i can at least make sure they're okay & will be fine when i'm gone" mentality because he doesnt understand that jean is equally as fucked if the butcher finds them.
They bicker a LOT, getting into verbal fights over a lot of small things. They are constantly stressed with no outlet except eachother. Neil for a long time is also just not coping well with witnessing elodie receiving such genuine love and care because it makes something in him burn with ugly jealousy. Jean for a while absolutely despises having to rely on essentially a stranger for so much when his own english is way too lacking to get around by himself.
As much as he doesn't cope well at all with his own jealousy and yearning for being cared for, neil does also become fiercely protective of elodie pretty quickly. If she gets to have what he can't have then she needs to be able to keep that and not become like him. His "one of us has to make it" mantra we know from canon becomes entirely focused on her.
They have pretended to be a couple a few times, simply because it is the easiest cover for why a teenager as clearly french as jean would be so close to some very clearly not french teenager
They kissed once or twice as like a "for the sake of the cover" thing, trying out if that works but unanimously decided it wouldn't. It just made neil feel queasy and uncomfortable and bisexual disaster jean is self aware enough to know that risking developing a hopeless onesided crush would be the worst in their situation
Little head kisses have kinda become a thing though. It's something jean did a lot to comfort elodie & once when neil was having a breakdown he did it to him while holding him and it helped so it just stuck
In millport their story is that jean & elodie's father had moved to the US with them for work and had been colleagues with neil's parents. When father moreau turned out to be abusive, neil's parents helped jean emancipate himself and gain custody of elodie, and helped them move away, letting neil go with them.
When they get to palmetto, most of the foxes do assume they're dating and the boys don't directly correct anyone out of worry it will raise too many eyebrows, so neil doesn't get to explain that he doesn't swing any direction until much later
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profound-bouquetbird · 5 months
hi!!! could I please request Reader x snotlout relationship headcanons? Possibly them being opposites on the surface but actually being similar in a way? Like they both feel things very strongly
This took me a little while longer to write, since I didn't really pay that much attention to snotlout throughout the three main movies that I watched 😔
But! I didn't want to leave your request unanswered and wrote it :)
Sorry if it isn't completely accurate. If you have any tips leave them in my inbox or send them through private messages :)
Some key words:
-D/n = Dragon's name
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Alright, let's start off with the basics. You probably met through a mutual friend
*cough* *cough* Astrid *cough*
And he at first didn't get your whole get up. I mean, you were vikings!
Whilst he acted (somewhat) reckless and seemed to shift to this supposed 'playboy' persona of some sort (although that persona really wasn't accurate..)
While you were on the calmer side, closed off and anly speaking to people when needed
He found it a tad bit annoying
I mean- you're vikings! You're supposed to be reckless! Yet you were- not?
Well, at least in his eyes you weren't
After a little while, you started to open up a bit more. Still not having that reckless and uncaring persona vikings had, but being the usual self just more... Outgoing? If you could call it that
But, Snotlout paid no mind. He was too busy looking our for his own image to care
I think the first time he noticed something about you that intrigued him was when you first made friends with the dragons
Snotlout trudged through the grass, an over exaggerated groan echoing through the island as he carried food for his dragon, Hookfang
While he walked, he couldn't help but overhear a seemingly onesided conversation, in which a familiar voice was involved
"We're gonna be the best, D/n!" A voice, which could only belong to Y/n, encouraged. Snotlout smirked as he walked towards the sound, peaking from the corner to spot the dragon rider scratching their dragons head
"We're gonna win this race! Promise." Y/n chuckled, patting their dragons head twice before mounting onto them
"That's quite a big promise there, Y/n. Are you sure you'll live up to it?" Snotlout butted in, mockingly smirking at them as he waited for their response
Y/n looked him up and down, smirking lightly themselves as they sighed
"Seeing how you and your dragon act together, I'd say I've got better chances." They sighed, pulling their dragons head upward lightly to send them into flight
Snotlout only glared as they flew away, but he couldn't help but feel something forming in his chest. Admiration? No, that can't be it...
Maybe respect?
From that point on, each time the two of you interacted, Snotlout gained more and more respect for you, which eventually turned into a crush
He was so obvious about it
Like he did with Ruffnut, he constantly flirted and did small favour's for you. Either getting the sheep for you to win the race or tightening up a know that you definitely didn't need his help with
And to your oblivious eyes, you just though it was playful teasing and friendly interactions. Oh... Poor you
You'd sometimes play into his flirting. Giving him a few fake compliments and teasing remarks back, which only worsened his crush
The more he hung out with you, the more he realized how many characteristics you two shared!
Yes, on the outside you acted completely opposite, like I had mentioned in the begging
But, you both had this urging courage that propelled you forward, you both needed praise and attention from the ones you loved. But, while snotlout was more outward in showing these emotions, constantly complaining that is; you'd more often than not just keep to yourself, giving the person small hints but never outwardly saying it
Okay, let's start with the actual relationship headcanons:
I think he'd be the type to show you off. Like: "hell yeah they're my partner! You wanna say something about it?????"
Love language is definitely 'words of affirmation'
My guy is in constant need of praise 😭
Doesn't mean he doesn't praise you tho. You're constantly receiving words of encouragement and praise; but he'll stop praising you as soon as you stop praising him (like that's ever going to happen)
Is really into pda but also not that into pda if that makes sense? Yes, he'll wrap an arm around your shoulders, kiss the top of your head, even peck your lips every once in a while. But there is no way in hell he'll actually make out with you in public! Nu-uh, that's for you and him only
I can't really think of anything else... So I'm gonna leave it here for now :)
Sorry for the huge delay on the posting! If you have any other requests please leave them in!
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kittydoremi · 5 months
Brutally honest opinion on Sonamy, Sonadow and Whispangle? :P
Sorry for the late reply ><
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Hoo boy... I have many thoughts... most not very good...
At best, I'm apathetic towards it. At worst, I'm actively annoyed and/or frusterated by it.
I think it's heavily overrated and isn't that good of a ship in general. The amount of bad portrayals of s0namy outweigh the good and/or okay ones imo, and the toxicity of the fandom surrounding it only adds to my dislike for it.
(I'm not saying everyone who likes s0namy is toxic. There are many people in the s0namy fandom that are chill. Unfortunately, there's a vocal part of the s0namy fandom that is very toxic and gatekeepy)
Alot of s0namy portrayals unfortunately fall into "Amy makes Sonic uncomfortable and/or is possessive, but it's seen as cute" which is a dynamic I really don't like. For example, Sonic X has arguably the most popular portrayal of the ship, but imo is one of if not the worst portrayals of the ship.
Then you have other extreme that the ship sometimes falls into, where I can best describe it as "they sure are standing next to eachother" (Frontiers) where there's just... nothing to it, besides "oh it's the main girl and main boy so you have to ship them, they're obviously meant for eachother!"
Another thing, it can be annoying sometimes how the fandom will exaggerate how much the ship is actually canon, saying things like "they're totally dating! they're a couple!" when in reality Sonic is single and will most likely continue to be. At most, it's teased because it's a popular ship, but it won't go further than that.
So the best way to describe how canon S0namy actually is:
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I like it! I think it's cute! I can't see it working out in canon, but I really like fanon sonadow and it's fun to write.
Also, even though prime sonadow is nothing like sonic or shadow would act in canon, I still think it's cute and it's the only thing I enjoyed about the show lol.
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This one kinda hurts... 😔
I used to really like Whispangle, I thought it was really cute. The mini series did a good job of showing their bond.
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But then the city arc happened...
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What the hell is this.
Why is Tangle reminding Whisper of her trauma so casually when she was shown to be considerate of her feelings before.
Why is Whisper being shown as in the wrong for being upset by this.
Why does Tangle get a 2 panel half assed apology while Whisper gets a THREE PAGE apology.
After this whole mess, it just left a bad taste in my mouth. I can't get behind this ship anymore because of how badly this was handled, and how flanderized it is now (it seems very onesided now, a lot of "Whisper angsting, Tangle comforting" over and over)
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sunday-good-enough · 25 days
hey guess what
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I'm calling this the 'roof au' because sunny. well. you can guess
-the premise of this au is that sunny, overwhelmed by mari, his parents, and his own expectations attempts suicide by jumping off the roof of his house, similar to the bad end
-he survives of course, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down and blind in one eye
-mari is, expectedly, DISTRAUGHT. She hates herself at first for not noticing and for pressuring him, but eventually channels it into making sure sunny never gets hurt Ever Again
-sunny, similar to the canonverse where he forced himself to forget about the incident, forgets that the accident was a suicide attempt. If you ask him, there was an accident that left him paralyzed and that's it
-hes really pissed because everyone, ESPECIALLY mari, seems to be treating him like hes about to die or smth
-since he doesnt remember the whole suicide thing, he thinks its because hes disabled and that makes him really, really annoyed
-with mari home from college for summer and more overprotective than ever, sunny feels almost suffocated
-the story starts when sunny overhears a conversation between aubrey and mari that suggests his accident may not have been an accident, leaving sunny confused
-he starts to realize that theres gaps in his memory and things that dont add up, so he tries to figure out through his friends and his own headspace what ACTUALLY happened
-headspace still exists, tho its more of a place for sunny to have fun adventures with his friends that he wouldnt be able to have in the real world
-in headspace, sunny can still walk, and instead of being confined to the picnic blanket, mari joins his party and is able to fight (though, like hero, her skills are less attack focused and theyre able to buff her friends stats, and theyre usually music focused), though basil still sits on the picnic blanket since he doesnt like to fight
-omori is a seperate entity from sunny, sort of like an imaginary friend. he protects basil at the picnic blanket (and sunny from the truth) sunny has had him as an imaginary friend since he was very little in this au, with omori often comforting him (even more so before his attempt, due to the stress he was under)
-its important to note that sunny is no longer suicidal, since he doesnt remember a reason to be. he woke up one day and completely forgot, so mari just went along with it, believing it was better for his mental health
-its equally important to note that like kel, basil does not think sunny attempted suicide. he believes that mari PUSHED him, and it was all her fault, so he refuses to talk to her
(edit cuz i forgot to add this) the ships in this fic are:
rosemari: very much an old married couple, more distant than they used to be because of mari spending so much time worrying about sunny
suntan: idiots in love. they both have a crush on the other but they're way too obvious to notice
cotton candy: 'just got into a relationship,' lots of awkward handholding and kisses. sunshine + sunshine protector. aubrey LOVES gushing about kim, mostly to Sunny cause Kel makes fun of her, Hero keeps telling her to be careful, and Mari's never home. Kim tried making a bracelet for Aubrey once and majorly fucked it up, but she kept it as a keychain
sunflower: onesided, Basil mistaking deep platonic love for a crush
thanks for reading! my rainy au is more of my main au and this one doesnt have a fic (yet) lol
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You always have good things to say in your essays, so I am curious what your overall thoughts are on the Sonic Movie 3 trailer?
Ah, well, thank you! I'm glad that you like what I have to say🥺❤️
So, I originally watched the trailer quickly before I had to go to work. I think at that time my general thoughts overall were basically:
Team Sonic!!🥺💖
Every new installment they surprise me with just how sad and wet Agent Stone's eyes can get in the presence of Robotnik
Pop pop?! Gerald?? He's alive??
Ough parallels between movie sonic and movie shadow
...What if Movie Shadow made a connection with Tails and Knuckles over their individual struggles in finding home despite their pasts?
Movie!Knuckles wants Movie!Shadow so bad it makes him look stupid. I love how excited he is to fight him. Like they just took Sonic's initial onesided fixation on fighting Shadow from SA2 and gave it to Knuckles and I'm not complaining
They should make Shadow and Tails implied friends like the Tailstubes did. For me 👉👈
Wooo fat movie Robotnik!
Ajsjsjjsq I love how he just ripped Stone's shirt off and kept it for himself
The juxtaposition between Sonic and Knuckles here is hilarious to me. Knuckles insulting Sonic when he sees Shadow, right in front of Sonic. Sonic trying to tell Knuckles they should be reasoning with Shadow and Knuckles is like "Nope can't hear you I need to fight him!"
I wonder just how much they're gonna tie in the Knuckles tv show. I kinda hope Wade and the flames of disaster make an appearance at least
I did, however, rewatch the trailer for this ask, so if you'd like to see some more in depth thoughts on the trailer, I've put them under the cut
"Sonic, you've finally found your family."
This line is interesting to me simply because Tom says it, but it only shows Knuckles and Tails onscreen.
Now, personally, I think this series is perfectly capable of presenting a version of "family" that doesn't 100% mean the nuclear family dynamics. In other words, especially since images of Maddie and Tom weren't put onscreen during Tom's line, I like to think that harkens back to the wish Tom and Maddie expressed for Sonic back in movie 2 to find his squad (his team of best friends and wingment to grow up with). In essence, I personally do not believe this line means "oh Knuckles and Tails are your siblings now", especially since it would contradict that sentiment in movie 2 and (while I don't think Knuckles finds them family in a nuclear family way either) would be weird paired up with Knuckles calling the Whipple family "home" in the Knuckles series.
So yes. Family because they're friends, wingmen, comrades who have each other's backs and work together, not because they're siblings unified under one particular household.
Woo! I see the flames of disaster!! Nice to see tidbits of things carrying over from the Knuckles series
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I am very interested in the shot of Tom uncovering the picture Sonic drew of himself and Long Claw.
I suspected back after movie 2 that we wouldn't be done talking about Long Claw. Of course this is true by default if they want to touch on the Echidna/Owl war stuff any more, which they have in every installment thus far, but I mostly mean in terms of how Sonic's past.
Personally, especially with Knuckles turning out to be the Iblis trigger after the Knuckles series, and those lines from Long Claw about Sonic potentially being hunted for his power (even though we yet have no evidence the Echidnas were hunting Sonic for any purpose), I still think there's a possibility of the movie universe touching more on Sonic and Long Claw for bigger reveals into the past (quite possibly into Sonic's origins??)
But at baseline of course we will be getting parallels from Sonic's past to Shadow's. So I'd say that how much we touch on Long Claw and Sonic's past in this movie and the importance of it will remain to be seen.
"I know it's not easy, but you didn't change who you are in here." "Yeah. In my lungs." "Or your heart."
(The following is partially a joke) Tonhon Chonlatee reference making it's way into Sonic movie 3??
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Okay, so it seems to be that someone is still going to free Shadow on Prison Island? The visuals kind of suggest he just broke out, but that line from Commander Walters can also still suggest that someone breached the security (Ala SA2 Eggman) to facilitate the freeing of Shadow. In this case, I'm highly curious as to who will be doing it, and whether they will be present when Shadow exits the pod. Personally, after Movie 2 I hoped it would be Agent Stone, but we'll get our answer when the movie comes out.
WOW that shot of Shadow punching through the glass of his stasis pod is freaking EPIC. Definitely a fav scene of him in this trailer for me
TEAM SONIC MENTIONED! (Team Sonic is my favorite team, so movies 2 and 3 are wins from me in seeing team dynamics with them)
I am a shameless sontails shipper and lover of Tails so this shot is everything to me
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Okay, so earlier in the trailer we saw Team Sonic separately in places all over the world. Here I think at least one of these is to show them looking for someone like Shadow with intent to stop him (or to stop another threat at baseline). Also in the trailer we see a short clip of Sonic searching in a room with a flashlight.
My first thought on this is that during the course of the movie, Team Sonic's secondary objective (either self imposed or given by GUN) is to find out more about Shadow and his past. So this scene could be related to that.
My second thought is that this scene could also be Sonic taking a look for clues on the arc, though I'm not sold on this interpretation.
Third, at baseline, this is clearly a scene of searching for someone or something. No matter who it is though, I suspect the reason or room is related to either Ivo or Gerald in some form. Plus the fact that Sonic is searching most likely means he entered the scene with intent to search rather than spontaneously deciding this.
Finally, though I don't have many thoughts here. A figure can be seen in the background in the right of this clip. Since they are not also searching with a flash light, this could be a scene where we see Sonic caught in the act of what he's doing.
Commander Walters talks about how similar Sonic and Shadow's stories are during the clip of Sonic searching, Shadow in the pod while Maria stands outside of it, both pressing their palms to the glass.
While not necessarily a confirmation, this is why I believe that scene of Sonic searching is related to Shadow's past or possibly Gerald.
Also, unrelated, I really love that clip of Shadow smiling in the pod at Maria while they press their palms together over the glass. I'm completely normal about it (sarcasm)
"But where you found family and friends"
This line from Commander Walters is overlayed over shots of Tails (during "family") and Knuckles (during "friends"), a line which (like the earlier family line) I'm sure the loudest Sonic fans are making 1k note posts about.
Anyhow, I have two interpretations of the intent of this clip in the trailer, especially since it's another scene where they neglected to show Tom and Maddie in the mini montage
1. Where the scenes are cut is meant to associate Knuckles more strongly with "friends" and Tails more strongly with "family". In this case, "family" will be used in a found family/found home manner that does not denote in nuclear family with/siblings to. In any case, while Knuckles and Tails are both his friends and undoubtedly part of his squad, it remains that Knuckles and Tails do not have the same relationship to Sonic. Despite all being friends, we see at the beginning of the Knuckles series that Tails is comfortable living with Sonic and his textual adoptive parents, and that he doesn't have the same problems as Knuckles fitting in as Sonic's roommate. Likewise, based upon Movie 2's attachment to Sonic in particular and love of being considered Sonic's friend (with those moments in movie 2), combined with what we see at the beginning of the Knuckles series, it's clear to me that Tails' home is with Sonic and Sonic in specific. Tails is Sonic's friend who considers him his home, but while Knuckles is also his friend, he goes on a journey in the Knuckles series which was meant for him to find his own home (which he finds in the Whipple family). In other words, I'm saying that one interpretation of this clip is to denote the difference in strength of bond to and relationship Sonic has to members of his squad. Tails is his family, his best friend, and Sonic is part of Tails' home. Knuckles is his friend, squad member, ally, but he does not find home in Sonic.
2. The downfall of interpretation 1 is that it contradicts what I said about Sonic considering them both his family, his best friends, his squad earlier with the other family line. So interpretation 2 asserts that the whole friends and family line is meant to be applied to team Sonic. Again, especially with the absence of Tom and Maddie, I believe this is not in a nuclear family way, but as in "they are my friends, my squad, my family". As in, Sonic feels connected to these two and feels that they are family to him in the sense that they are important to him and a big part of his life. The family one chooses to stay connected to.
For the record, I'm also biased towards this interpretation of the family lines (not just because I don't personally like the alternative), but because every main character thus far has avoided ever labeling his relationship to Tails or Knuckles as inherently sibling like. Sonic movie 2 even had Maddie and Tom at the very end saying Sonic had found his squad and best friends for growing up, and the beginning of the Knuckles series has Sonic call the two his roommates, while Maddie treats the two more like other kids that live in the house than necessarily *her* kids. Then there's also the Knuckles series ending, where Knuckles calls the Whipple family his home, but the series purposely chooses not to make it clear what his role would be in a nuclear family dynamic, only that he's a part of it. All of that juxtaposed with the fact that Tom and Maddie were explicitly confirmed as Sonic's parents in movie 2 (and combined with the fact that it's not taboo in Eng Sonic media to consider Sonic and Tails as bros or media in general to confirm characters of the same sex as basically adoptive siblings to each other) tells me that those involved in these movies purposely choose to consider these characters family to each other in a way that doesn't conform to nuclear family dynamics and friends to each other as well. In other words, they have had every available opportunity (especially if Sega wanted it or approved it) to confirm this sort of relationship outright (and might I mention that Sonic being given explicit adoptive parents is more big in terms of the past mandates than someone like Tails being a bro (which has been let into eng media on occasion in the past)), and have not done so. They have not given any indication they will do so. And I feel that at this point after showing us good examples of canonically platonic relationships that are important without necessarily being sibling/nuclear family dynamics, it would be a waste to just go "yeah they're siblings" and call it a day, ripping the complexity out of it.
But that's just me.
Right after the clip I just mentioned, we see Team Sonic race each other, with Tom and Maddie starting the race.
Now I've already seen postings about how this shot is confirmation about how Tails and Knuckles are so siblings to Sonic.
Since I have my own post here, I just want to say that at very baseline I think that reasoning is incorrect. This is because the Knuckles series, again, explicitly confirmed Knuckles' home to be with the Whipple family, in contrast to how the beginning hammers in how he doesn't fit in with the Wachowski family or feel quite at home with them. They literally cannot be canonically siblings to each other if they haven't referred to each other this way and if one of the characters involved in the scene doesn't even consider this family in question his home. At best to me the association of this clip and the words about friends and family beforehand implies that Sonic considers these 4 all parts of his family in different ways (again, not necessarily with all 4 fitting into nuclear family dynamics). I don't endeavor to say Sonic sees Knuckles and Tails as siblings to him (in a situation where the feelings aren't exactly the same both ways) because, again, Sonic outright avoids considering them this way, and considers them his friends and roommates explicitly in the first episode of the Knuckles series.
Anyways anyways. I digress. The point of this clip.
At this time I'm thinking either this is a friendly race they've asked Tom and Maddie to intervene for (possible), or this is the start of the journey earlier when we see the trio at different places all over the world. In other words, it's possible they started their separate journeys around the world with a race, intending to beat each other to doing something with a friendly contest.
"Shadow found only pain, and loss"
I know how people have been talking about this set of clips, but at this time I do not believe the fire (aftermath of possible explosion) we see is the original event on the Arc resulting in Maria's death. Yeah, sure, the movie universe isn't 1 to 1 with canon, but I really do not feel like that scene is depicting the arc. This instead reads as a scene to me where Gerald and Shadow are going through a painful moment of loss in the present and being cornered by GUN for capture. It seems more like a scene that occurs partway through the movie as an event that happens rather than a flashback.
Take that with a grain of salt though. That's just my interpretation, and there's not a lot of proof to find to back up any particular one.
We've also heard rumors of time travel being involved, so it's also possible there's a plot bit involving saving Maria and reversing the hurt that way and it tragically failing? Don't know.
Also love the shot of Shadow looking at the cracked glass👌
S sorry just them again looking at each other and Sonic turning to Tails for guidance 🥺🥺💖
This entire mini clip means quite possibly a bit too much to me for a mere trailer but I love their dynamic
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I have talked about it before but damn. Knuckles "He is much more impressive than the hedgehog I fought previously"
We literally see a shot of Shadow revealing himself, and then Knuckles starts talking about how impressive he is.
I know there were a lot of jokes made in the last couple years that Sonic would see Shadow and instantly be enamored, but oh how the turntables! In the end, in this trailer at least, it's actually Knuckles who becomes instantly enamored. One look and he's calling him impressive. One look, and he's already ignoring any direction on Sonic's part to perhaps de-escalate the situation by talking to Shadow, because Knuckles wants to fight Shadow so badly it makes him look stupid.
The way the interaction is done reads to me that Knuckles wants to get a go at tussling with Shadow either more than the stakes of the plan at hand, or would want to despite reality. In other words, even if Shadow "switches sides" so to speak successfully here, Knuckles would still want to fight him for personal reasons.
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Of course right after this we get the subject of a billion jokes about how Shadow hates Tails so much in specific that he goes out of his way to beat him up.
Where is that meme image of the guy looking out the window holding his cigarette, just tired? (Rhetorical question)
I did not think it would be need to said but here.
If you watch the scene, Shadow kicking Tails is not presented as more important or targeted than anything else. First of all, it is within a sequence where we see him take down the members of Team Sonic one by one in a single blow. Second of all, Tails' is actually the least focused on in the trailer. Knuckles punching Shadow only for Shadow to (presumably) break his wrist is shown as a big thing (especially as a call back to the first big clash between Sonic and Knuckles that was advertised a lot for movie 2). Shadow going for Tails is something he literally cuts behind Sonic to do, which quickly segues into him grabbing Sonic and using his air shoes to boost them high into the air so he can slam Sonic down into the ground. Tails being kicked here is presented like something he had to do to get to Sonic, not him going out of his way to beat up Tails. Seriously. How can that even be true when Knuckles and Sonic get flashier and longer beat downs?
Anyways, all that aside, this scene is very neat. It's very clearly to set up the disparity in power between Team Sonic and Shadow the same way it did between Sonic and Knuckles in movie 2, with the framing this time presenting Shadow as a powerhouse unlike anything anyone has ever faced. In other words, combatting Shadow will be more of an ordeal than combatting Knuckles was.
The scene where Tails says "this is a bad idea" and Sonic goes "when has that ever stopped me".
It would be completely fine and dandy if this does turn out to be about the crew looking for Robotnik and deciding to join with him. Personally, I think this is one of those cases where a line from a movie is cut in the trailer to show that it's about something when it really has to do with something else.
Besides the fact that we just don't know when or how everyone will learn Robotnik is alive (since it's pretty well considered by the main characters that he died at the end of movie 2), I think with Tails outright opposing this and Sonic looking angry, this scene is referring to something potentially more risky and dangerous than joining forces with Ivo Robotnik. Depending on how epic the scene is, this could predate a major moment
But I'm excited to see the context regardless of what it turns out to be!
Sorry I know I said it earlier but WHOO fat Robotnik. Hollywood fatphobia aside, I'm honestly glad that Jim Carrey has been winning his battle of moving his character closer visually to Robotnik's canon design.
It's pretty clear by the "we" have visitors that Stone has been with Robotnik taking care of him at some point since the ending of Movie 2. I remember a lot of us assumed the battle in movie 2 did kill Robotnik but that Movie 3 would involve Stone bringing him back somehow. Either way, though I know this was technically dependent on whether Jim Carrey would return to this movie, I do feel vindicated for saying "Robotnik isn't gone for good since we didn't see a body and GUN didn't find one at the end of movie 2".
Agent Stone and his sad wet eyes
So to go into a lot of detail would require a proper essay post, so I'm going to try to make this section as short as possible.
Now, as far as I've gathered since movie 2, Stone's sad wet eyes appear in 1 of 3 instances.
1. When he misses Robonik so so dearly (as seen in the beginning of Movie 2)
2. When he is jealous and fears being replaced by someone else Robotnik chooses to hang out with and go on his missions for the evil plan with (as seen during the scenes where Robotnik has Knuckles with him in the Mean Bean in movie 2)
3. When Robotnik continues to change from the exact kind of slick, collected, confident, and fashionable guy we see in movie 1 in ways which Agent Stone would percieve as him "getting worse" (As seen in movie 2 where Stone sees Robotnik again for the first time, remarking that he looks different, and in the annoyance he gets in movie 2 when Robotnik leaves him out of his plans and continues to include Knuckles rather than consult or use him (Stone))
Now, clearly it is not option 1, given that he is fully aware of Robotnik's location and has clearly been watching over him.
I also do not believe it is number 2, for two reasons.
1. The context clues imply Robotnik has likely only been around Stone all this time. There's no one already living in this space for Stone to be jealous of.
2. We see Stone and his bike blocking the path between Team Sonic and Robotnik, and it's Stone who brings Team Sonic inside to appeal to him. Since it's implied Stone chose to let them in and doesn't seem annoyed when he announces their presence, he does not have the sad wet eyes because he's jealous of their connection to Robotnik in any way.
So this leaves us with option 3: Robotnik is changing further in ways that are messing with Stone, and Stone sees it as Robotnik beginning to "fall from greatness" so to speak.
And I think this interpretation is actually pretty clear. We don't see evidence of a struggle on Stone, so it's unlikely he seriously fought Team Sonic. Rather, it seems to me that they told him they wanted to appeal to Robotnik to get him to help with protecting the world, and they convinced Stone to let them see Robotnik because Stone hopes their involvement (or such a mission) will get Robotnik out of whatever his current rut is (with the state of his hair and stache and the mess in the place he's staying in, it's pretty clear he's in a depressive rut). Stone is sad to see Robotnik this way and hopes Team Sonic can fix it.
We are not actually done with Stone's sad wet eyes though, as he still has them during the scene Robotnik retreats to the bathroom for an outfit change (yes, the scene where he rips off Stone's shirt). It's also worth noting here that Stone still sounds sad during this scene.
So, this is where I take the time to talk MORE about Agent Stone in relation to Ivo Robotnik (but again without going too in detail and doing too much outright essaying). This bit is connected to the previous part, but I wanted to give it its own section since this has to do with my prediction for the future.
My theory? Stone may be set up for an eventual Dr. Starline parallel.
Let me explain a bit.
So, if you don't know who Doctor Starline is, he origates in the IDW Sonic comic adaptation. He is a very intelligent (and fashionable) scientist who holds great admiration for Robotnik, and is obsessed with him. From the beginning he'd put Robotnik on a pedestal and had wanted not only to be like him, but to be vital to him. Starline wanted to be a great help Robotnik to take over the world, and essentially superimposed himself into the position of Robotnik's number 2 (a position comparable to Stone's in the Sonic Movies, Snively in SATAM and the Archie comics, and Grimer's in the Fleetway comics). Over the course of Starline's time together with Robotnik as his self imposed number two, the two start out fairly strong only to clash more and more often as Robotnik expects a lackey who only does what he says, and Starline expects a partner who will listen to his advice. Tensions grow, Starline becomes more disillusioned in the genius and superiority of his hero, and finally, Starline takes it upon himself to be insubordinate. Believing that Eggman's plans are short sighted and destined to fail, he takes it upon himself to "fix things" by going behind Robotnik's back and bringing in the Zeti as (assumed) pawns. It is after this act where Starline decides he needs to save his hero from himself that Eggman tosses him to the side and fires him.
Now, it's worth mentioning that Eggman so easily tosses him aside because there is one thing Starline does not have in common with the other examples of Eggman's number two in other media. This is that they have the advantage of time spent with Eggman, allowing him to become attached to them enough that even smaller acts of insubordination aren't enough for him to fire them completely.
But in any case, Robotnik didn't completely reject Starline after this. He was of the mind that he'd be willing to take Starline back if Starline begged at his feet and apologized. However, since Starline had too much pride, he did not do this. Rather, he begins to believe that Robotnik still is a grand genius, just that he's short sighted and can never take over the world with how he handles the threat of Sonic. So, Starline takes it upon himself to take over the world for Eggman (since he believes he himself is smart enough to do so without falling into Eggman's folly), and then dreams of doing such a good job that it's Eggman who begs to he at his side, since Starline is hung up on Eggman's rejection and wants him to choose him.
So, what does this have to do with Stone?
Well, I have no doubt that Stone was a smart man from the start given his position related to the US gov and that he's been able to perfectly Robotnik's assistant. But you can also take Eggman's word for it as well, courtesy of the prequill comic (which takes place between movies 1 and 2)
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It is also by this very comic that we know that Stone was the only man Robotnik trusted to enact his plans in his absense, and perhaps the only man he had ever shared the secrets of his manifesto.
And it's how we know that Stone undoubtedly undergoes major changes by movie 2 compared to movie 1. Not only does he have it in his mind that he is Robotnik's number 2, a man personally responsible for doing what Robotnik cannot with the mission of personally rebuilding Robotnik's glory, but this entire experience contains the purpose of molding Stone to be more like Robotnik himself.
Stone by movie 2 is more cunning and calculating in the way Robotnik is. He was given a personal mission to rebuild his master's former glory, and he throws his entire self into it. It is not a stretch to assume that Stone is saddened upon meeting Robotnik again in movie 2 because it did not match his expectations.
All in all, especially since he'd given Robotnik the tools for a makeover, I think from Stone's end he was expecting for Robotnik to return to him a man who has gone through an ordeal but maintains his style and greatness (essentially, looking like he did before), as a man of who would congratulate Stone on his work in his absense (praise him even), and take him at his side as they work together to enact Robotnik's world takeover plan.
But Stone's expectations are dashed as Robotnik arrives in a new fit, with a new stache, seemingly more mentally unstable than before (keep in mind, Robotnik's thing in movie 1 was that he was more intelligent and thought differently than everyone else, not that he was unstable. He was the kind of "genius who is written off as unstable but sees what no one else does", but since his involvement with Sonic HAS been seemingly less cool and collected and more unstable), and with a space echidna at his side. In the span of one meeting, Stone had the means to feel replaced and to feel as if Robotnik was falling short of his glory/falling from greatness as he's changed.
And then over the course of movie 2, though there are people who do Movie Ivo character study who'd agree that Robotnik does genuinely care about Stone, just is bad at showing it or doesn’t show it conventionally, it's pretty clear that Stone himself doesn't really see it. He doesn't feel valued. He doesn't even get to be used by Robotnik as he was in movie 1, actively on the road trip with him. Nope. Robotnik leaves him at the Mean Bean most of the movie.
And this is why Stone doesn't seem happy most of the movie. This is why it excites him so that Robotnik accepts him at the end of the movie and makes room for him as a vital helper.
What I assert, in essence, is that after the prequill comic, Stone can no longer just be okay in his role as he was before with little praise/acknowledgement, nor can he even he even take solace in the fact that Robotnik will always keep him around because he needs him.
So here's where the Starline parallel comes in. Now that Stone sees himself as a much more important figure in Robotnik's life, with a mission given to him by a version of Ivo who Stone could possibly see as "at his most sane" to make sure he succeeds and attains his former glory, I think he sees his number two role as less of a guaranteed thing and something he must fight to keep (this means stuff like putting himself out there at the end of movie 2 and begging to go with Robotnik, or taking it upon himself to find Robotnik after the battle and support him). And so, I suspect (especially with those shots we got in the trailer, Stone being sad at presenting Robotnik's current state, his potentially angrier faces as he's finally allowed to groom Robotnik and shave his hair, his continued sadness even as Robotnik has moved out of his rut) that we're going to see Robotnik to continue to take Stone's presence as his "sycophant" for granted, while Stone continues to become disillusioned with his idol and master.
But in the end, this is just my theory. I do not yet know how much of this will actually come to pass, but I hope it's food for thought for you all.
I predict Stone will continue to become so disillusioned with Robotnik due to seeing him as a man falling from greatness and due to lack of acknowledgement and appreciation, that Stone will eventually turn on Robotnik. But not to stop him or to become better than him. No. I predict, Starline style, Stone will take it upon himself to restore Eggman to his former glory, to eventually go behind Eggman's back and enact his own plans, to attempt to take over the world for Robotnik, and to accomplish it all in such an amazing display that Robotnik has to express that he wants him around and to acknowledge him as a partner and to praise him.
At least, that could be the plan/setup. It would remain to be seen how these two characters resolve this event (essentially, in which ways this diverges from the parallel and the two inevitably come back together again). After all, no matter what ends up happening between Stone and Robotnik, I think something will need to give and change eventually, and the two will need to make their feelings/wishes...more clear to each other
By the way, I too love the Stobotnik scenes in this trailer. We are eating good👌👌👌 However, it really is hard not to see that scene where Ivo rips Stone's shirt off as another moment where Stone doesn't feel appreciated. Ivo over here ripping off a man's shirt (gay. Sorry. The people are right when they asked if it was gay for him to just rip it off and then choose to wear it during the movie), and it's entirely possible the man in question thinks that this is proof that Robotnik doesn't think much of him in this state (even if Stone is clearly not going to keep him from doing what he wants here)
"When we're done, there won't be anything left"
Cool, so Shadow is actively planning on destroying the world here. Potentially to satisfy revenge.
Interesting. So the scene with the Chao mascots also looks like an ambush is happening, with Team Sonic specifically being targeted with missiles
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"What did you do?" "What I had to."
Movie Sonic has his classic extremely angry face here too, so Shadow must have done something major. It's either world ending, or it put the lives of his family and friends in HUGE jeopardy (or both).
AND FINALLY. Gerald reveal
I cannot express the surprise I felt here. This scene shows us that Gerald is here in the present, not just a man who died 50 years ago by execution. So, possible time travel shenanigans or not, the fact that he's involved in the present conflict (perhaps with Shadow personally) is highly interesting and I'm excited to see where this goes.
Also, based on the layout of the room here, it's potentially possible that either this is the same room Sonic is searching earlier in the trailer, or that Gerald had multiple lab like living spaces he was jumping between over the years to stay under the radar, and that Team Sonic and Team Robotnik ended up finding Gerald while looking into clues on Shadow
And...done. Whew. Wow. I had a lot of thoughts so uh. I hope my ask satisfied your curiosity, flashonetwo. I also hope for anyone that read this far that you enjoyed it at least a little bit, and that your mind is running with thoughts of your own.
I'm beyond excited for this movie, and I genuinely can't wait to see what happens next. So here's to seeing how much we get right in the future, and here's to enjoying what we get!😊❤️
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gayofthefae · 11 months
Just watched compilations of Mike and Will's scenes through the seasons and it was a pretty surface level watching experience where the vibe I got was just...these two are closer than the rest of them. Like...Mike and Will. It's Mike and Will. They're...different. And in season 3 Mike was trying not to be and neither of them liked that so they kinda just went back when things got hard because staying apart takes effort. And in season 4 the same thing happened. They can talk to each other about anything - we forget because we don't see them much in one on ones with the others and absence is harder notice but...they don't talk like this with the others. Like at all.
They were sweet and close. And then they started not having as much one on one time and missed it. Then they were on good terms again. Then they missed it again and we saw a lot more of that sweet one on one time. I expect season 5 to be more of that one on one season 2/4 vibe, as well as scenes like the movie "are you okay" softness scene of season 3 and others like that.
They're prone/drawn to each other and enjoy being together. They're eachothers go-tos and are open with each other and comfortable in a way that they aren't with any other members of the party. The suspicious part is the way Mike has twice now, but mostly in the beginning of season 4, strained to get away from that dynamic - but we even see the physical comfort shift back when things get stressful with El.
They love each other in a way that they don't have with the others. Plain and simple. That's what I got from that.
Also, Byler feels so onesided in seasons 2 and 4 which is so funny to because it isn't the same person as the "one side". But like fr Byler is so onesided in season 2 like obviously Will is very preoccupied but the vibe I got from that one and their dynamic in general is just:
Will is comfortable talking about his feelings with Mike more than the others; he just speaks his mind.
Mike wants to do everything in his power all the time to make Will feel better. (Like as an actor I like to analyze intentions and that is what I get from his scenes. There are multiple instances in which he looks like he's taking a second to come up with something to say to make him feel better, including "crazy together", "we won't let him", and "we will")
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bonefall · 11 months
who is a character that you love in BB (for better or for worse lol) that you haven’t talked much about yet?
These kinds of questions can be difficult because my brain will just forget completely the minute I'm asked. Who am I. What's warriors cat
BUT it's probably some of the little random background guys who have interesting stories I haven't gotten into yet. I've actually been thinking about WindClan a lot.
Galerunner is one of them. Galerunner and Smokehaze are now the kittens of Brushblaze and Whitetail-- both exes of Onestar. They're born near the start of AVoS, and are pretty young when their dad dies collapsing a tunnel to save a ton of Kin escapees.
Smokehaze dies like she does in-canon, to the Impostor, but Galerunner is going to be present to the modern arc. He's Heathertail's little half-brother, in an odd way. Whitetail wasn't involved in raising Heathertail, but openly offered to Onestar that she would if he wanted.
So Heathertail's relationship to Galerunner is closer than her relationship with their mother, bringing them ALL together, and it's just really sweet. She tells him a lot of stories of Brushblaze (who was a really good friend of hers!) and eventually becomes his mentor.
Gale's a cheeky bastard, too. Very smug, self-assured. He thinks he's a cool guy but he just looks like a goober.
There's also Gorsetail, the mother of Thistleheart and Sedgewhisker. She has a lot going on but I haven't figured her out entirely yet.
First of all, she's Crowfeather's childhood best friend. They had a massive falling out over some dumb shit neither one of them even remembers, and drifted apart as young adults. If they ever remembered what it was, they would feel bitter that THIS is why they stopped talking-- but before a certain point, would just blame each other for not making the first move to reconnect.
She fell head over heels for Beechfur on the Great Journey, but he was waaay better at hiding his forbidden love than his sister Swallowtail. He saw it more as a fun fling. When she got pregnant in Po3, he ghosted her immediately. Gorsetail held out hope he was just busy for months-- even naming one kit "Marsh Thistle" as a secret reference to RiverClan.
In terms of personality, I know she was vaguely fun-loving as a kid and probably still has that goofy streak if you can get her to relax. There's probably a bit of a bitterness inside her, and she's not satisfied with her life. She never got to have a happy mateship, she lost one kid, not really powerful or significant. I think she gets more adventurous the older she gets, looking to make some sort of change in her life.
Her and Crowfeather reconnect, once they're older and a bit more self-aware. Passing each other a heatherhoney lozenge like it's a smoke break and commiserating in how wrinkly they are now.
WindClan's full of some interesting dudes now in my effort to distribute more personality outside of ThunderClan. Stoneclaw and her traumatic muteness, Willowclaw the ferocious and her love of kibble, Cranberrysplash the ex-street urchin whose old name was Spaghetti Bolognaise. Leaftail and his onesided rivalry with Hallowflight of RiverClan.
Shame they neglected WindClan so badly and there's so few warriors there with established personalities, but hey. Opportunity for me to build cool stuff.
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onceonafullmoon · 1 year
Hi, could you please tell us a bit more about Tsundere/Yandere Fumus? I saw what you wrote about Tsundere/Yandere Fumus, and I was curious if you had thought of anything. I really like your writing and I hope I'm not bothering you. Sorry for any mistakes, English is not my first language.
Me when I get to talk about an awful man: 😈 (also these are leaning more towards yan then tsun, so sorry about that)
Yandere Fumus x GN! Reader HCs
Tw!! Violence/torture towards reader and other characters, manipulation (guilt tripping) and non-con mentions
Well, firstly, you’re fucked. But you already knew that, didn’t you?
You’d probably meet through being affiliated with someone else, like Satanick or Taffy, rather than meeting Fumus head on.
See, he’s a bit of the asshole curious type like that, always wanting to know what his toys are amusing themselves with.
When you think about it, it's kinda like a child who only wants to play with his peers toys, but more unhinged and fucked up
Either way, despite their wishes, he’ll either stumble across you or go out of his way to visit you.
You wouldn't think much when you do meet him, he's not outwardly threatening compared like others you might have met. In fact, with the way he seems to disregard your presence enirely, like he's above you, you'd probably just think of him as some typical asshole, the only unsettling thing about him bring those piercing violet eyes of his.
Its only when you turn to see your affilates reaction of utter horror and dread that you realize something is terribly wrong.
When he leaves, you try to pry into what they're so worried about, but whether through straight dismissal (Taffy) or dancing around the topic (Satanick) neither will answer you head on.
Anyways, with Fumus's growing interest in you, you can't really afford to worry about either of them, his visits growing more frequent and that same oppressive feeling growing greater as they do.
It won't be long until you find yourself in his domain, the stench of cleaning products permeating the air.
And is that blood you see in the corner?
Your first few visits will ineviably end in screaming and crying, blood splattered on almost every surface of his office, the same loving treatment Fumus gives all his toys.
You might try to reach out to find help during this time, only to be dismissed entirely by Satanick with a helpless grin or a rather unfortunate response of "it never hurts as much the first time" from Taffy.
You could also try to escape... but running from a God is pointless, which you'll find out through bruises, or if you're particularly unlucky, broken bones.
Meanwhile, Fumus is going through somewhat of a... crisis... on his part as well.
See he only meant to play with you out of curiosity... but now... maybe its your sweet crying face, or the withering glares you send his way... there's just something about you that he can't get out of his mind.
And at first he doesn't think about it, he'd always been a bit obsessive with his toys anyways
But then he sees you talking with one of his angels, a small smile on your face, and he can't help the surge of fury that courses through him.
Both because he hates the idea of you with anyone else and because he realizes what this jealousy means for him despite his self insistance of not wanting a "relationship".
Albeit this notion of a relationship is highly onesided.
That afternoon, he's very busy with his scissors, repeatedly plunging them in and out of the poor angel's body.
And that night, he finds himself busy helping himself to your body too, albeit in a different way, despite your protests and struggles
Distantly he wishes he could take a picture of you, looking ruined for him, until he realizes he could have this sight every night if he choosed so.
Luckily for everyone else, and unfortunately for you, at the discovery of his newfound "feelings", he spends more time tormenting you.
Albeit this time his methods are more... pleasureable than his previous ones, though you might find that worse than being tortured based on how you see it.
Its simple enough to keep you from leaving him consequently, even without him having to exert his power.
Just a simple, playful, remark about how lonely he'd be if you left, that he'd have to subsitute you with his precious little angels, and suddenly you're hesitating on carrying out that escape plan.
Not that it would have worked anyways mind you... perhaps next him he catches wind of a new plan he'll just invite you to watch him have fun with Taffy.
In all, attracting Fumus is the worst mistake you could have unknowingly commited, and now you have to deal with the torture of being damned to a god.
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hyerinrose · 1 year
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《Onesided! M Yandere X Yandere! GN Reader》
A/N : its been a while since i last wrote a long fic. Might be crusty but hope you like it! Also i gave reader's obsession name, darling based on an utau.
T/W : Obsessive behaviour, possessive behaviour, stalking, implied murder, implied harm done towards reader's darling, blood, threats (made towards reader's darling and yan)
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[Name] were perched ontop of a tree, dressed in all black outfit with a camera in hand. The absence of a street light causes them to blend into the night. They are what a text book definition of a stalker, in which they are.
Despite it being late at midnight, [Name] were not once exhausted and kept their eye trailed onto the figure across them. The person was sleeping soundly in their bed, blissfully unaware of a stalker watching them.
This obsession they have with Darling had been going on for a few month. They were the longest one so far out of the many obsession [Name] have. What is it the way the look, act or their personality? They don't know what gravitate them towards Darling so much.
Click. Clack. Click.
"That's another one for the collection of Darling sleeping, perfection as always" [Name] sighed lovingly while caressing the polaroid picture they just took.
"[Name] is that you?" Their head snapped so fast towards the sound of their name, it could give them whiplash.
Their previous alertness fades away and replaced with annoyance once they saw who it was. The male who called out to them grinned as he saw [Name].
"What do you want, Vance. I told you to piss off and leave me alone before didn't I?" The [H/C] coloured person scoffed and turned their attention back to Darling's slumbering form.
They're so perfect. I love them so much-
"Dude what the hell?!" They whispered yelled as Vance suddenly took a seat beside them on the tree. It sound less romantic considering the animosity [Name] had towards the other.
Vance shrugged them off and proceed to snuggled up beside them, causing [Name]'s fight or flight mode to be activated and pushes him off the tree. They really don't like to be touched.
"You're cruel as always, love" Vance laughed breathily, pain coursing through his body from the fall.
As he stared up at [Name] he was reminded of how he fell in love with them. The day he met the love of his life.
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"Oi, what are you doing there, huh?"
Vance were slacking off his class again, he rather had an earful lecture from his parents than rot in that class. He'd usually would laze around at the back of the school but today he saw someone following another in a rather suspicious way.
The person tensed up at Vance's voice. They stopped in their track and the ginger eventually caught up to them.
"Hey I asked you-"
Suddenly the [H/C]-nette pinned him onto the wall, catching him off guard. Then, he felt the sharp tip of a blade pointed at his neck, ready to slit his throat with a swift move.
The two were in an isolated area of the school, no one goes here unless they wanted to do shady business. Vance felt sweat rolled down his body from fear but along with that something else was brewing up.
"Never heard of a saying to not stick your nose in people's business?" They spoke with an icy tone, their [E/C] glinted menacingly.
"N-no.." he weakly muttered, his legs feels like jello with how much it shook.
"No? Well let this be a lesson for you.. that is if you're still alive after this" The person smiled, pressing the knife on his skin and drawing bits of blood.
Mustering up whatever foolish courage he had, he spoke.
"P-please spare me" Vance gasped in between his words, eyes glossy with unshed tears.
The [H/C]-nette hums, considering his words in their thoughts before finally releasing him. Vance fell on the floor immediately, his legs giving up.
"Very well then, I'll spare you this once since I don't want to get myself dirty, I have a meeting with my beloved later on. Under one condition, never speak of this to anyone" they tucked their knife back into their pocket, fixing themselves up.
Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the person faced him with the same murderous look. It sent shivers down his spine.
"Or I'll finish you off myself" with that they left him shaken on the ground, his heart thundering in his chest.
It was not out of fear, It was of excitement.
"I think.. I'm in love with them"
•┈••✦ 🖤✦••┈•🖤•┈••✦ 🖤 ✦••┈•
"Vance? I didn't kill you did I? I hope I did" [Name]'s voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
Picking himself up, he brushes the leaves off of him and proceed to climb the tree again as if he hadn't been pushed off the first time.
"Fucking hell.. you're still alive. I should've killed you before" They uttered out exhasperately, stunned to see the ginger beside them again.
"Told you ya can't get rid of me that easy, love" He said with a shit eating grin on his face.
[Name] sighed and focuses their attention on Darling again. They're not going to let this bastard stopped them from their nightly routine of observing Darling.
Darling, their darling and only theirs. Their sweet ol' Darling.
Those that dared to get close to [Name]'s beloved had been dealed accordingly. "I don't get what you see in them honestly. They're plain, average and boring. Undeservingly of your love and attention-" the grating voice of Vance reminded them of the company they have.
"One more word, Vance. I swear one more fucking word and I'll kill you for real this time"
There it was the side of them he had been trying to coax out. He meant those words though, every single one of them. Oh how Vance long to be the center of their attention, the root of their obsession.
Instead it was wasted on this thing. What did they do to captivate [Name] like they did him?! With each day his patience with them grows thinner as his desire to be theirs and make them his consumed his mind.
"I don't care. I don't care anymore! When will you look at me like you did with that bitch? I love you so much when they don't even know you existed, I'm willing to kill for you, die for you and yet you're still in love with them!" Vance yelled, his feelings for them bleeding out on the open.
"What do I need to do- to make you love me? Do I need to kill them for you to see how devoted I am to you?" At this point, Vance had jumped off the tree before [Name] had the chance to attack him. His blue irises were manic as a smile curled upon his lips.
I guess it's time for him to get rid of the one who's in his way of getting [Name]. He'll pay them a visit after school tomorrow when he knew that [Name] couldn't be there.
One way or another, he will make [Name] his.
"You will learn how to love me [Name]"
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 7 months
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I Cherish You, Halcyon Days: iii.
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“You’re gonna die, kid. In the worst way possible.”
tags: afab!reader (she/her), angst, slow burn
pairing: gojou x reader + onesided!getou x reader
summary: You’re 15 years old when you’re told you’re going to die. You’re 17 years old when you realize who your killer will be. And you’re 17 years old when you make peace with the fact you wouldn’t want it any other way.
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If you thought that on December 8th you would get a break from Gojou Satoru in your life, you were very much so wrong.
At this hour, there isn't even an opportunity to even try meeting up with your friends. They're all in school, one without the luxury of giving students the day off when a birthday or two comes around. You really do have to hope and pray for an opportunity to hang out to fall into your lap. It was one of your few promises to yourself when you entered the world of fighting against curses rather than passively living with them.
Even if you were living out an otaku's dream of fighting evil, you wouldn't forget the normalcy you were leaving behind.
It's just a lot easier said than done now that you're no longer in it ー not that you truly ever were as someone born to see curses.
At the very least, though, if things had been a bit different, you could have at least spent the hours leading up to your birthday with your actual friends instead of the class menace. I don't even know why he's here, you grumble as you skulk forward through the crowd. There are so many things Gojou could be doing besides being in your vicinity.
He could have gone to an arcade.
He could have stayed in his room playing video games. No, instead he's here with you smack dab in the middle of town because it would have been too boring on his own otherwise. Can't he be bored somewhere else? You again wallow over the fact your friends are in school at this present moment before deciding that is likely a good thing. Gojou does not need to meet your personal circle of friends.
"I'm bored," Gojou whines, lazily trailing behind you. "What's the point of doing this if we already know they're throwing us a party?"
My thoughts exactly, you huff. You pointedly ignore the fact that you've been completely fine with the arrangement prior to it being your turn. Birthday party set up is a different ordeal. There's usually plenty to keep you both separated from one another. "Take it up with, Fujioka-sensei and Yaga-sensei," you sigh, as you try to find something that can make time go faster. Your stomach growls and you bite your bottom lip in irritation. I shouldn't have skipped breakfast. But in their haste to boot you and Gojou out of the dorms, you forgot to grab something.
Gojou you could understand. But why you?
He's the one who shakes boxes of presents even if they're his.
You're as a mild-mannered as they come.
"Screw walking around, we might as well just find somewhere to eat," you look over your shoulder at the boy and he shrugs back, fine with the change of plans. "I'm pretty sure there's a Johnny's somewhere close by." Even a hole-in-the-wall restaurant will do.
"What about over there?" Gojou nods his chin far at the first building that catches his eye.
"There?" You raise an incredulous brow, resting your hands on your hips. It's no Johnny's, it seems a bit more cutesy than that with its quaint brick walls and frosted windows. The Christmas decorations leave little to be desired. "I don't want to deal with Santa in my ear the whole time."
Gojou points over to the establishment again and you trail after his finger until he stops at a bright, cherry-red sign, "but there's a discount."
Christmas Lovey-Dovey Special: Couple's Receive 50% Off!
You share a look for approximately three seconds before your hands are clasping one another with much enthusiasm as you practically skip to the restaurant in question. "You know, darling, you really do come up with the best ideas, sometimes," you beam, eyes practically sparkling. If there is one thing people love universally whether rich or poor, it's a damn discount. And if holding hands and acting lovey dovey with Gojou means getting half off on a random discount for breakfast, you'll fold faster than Mr. Darcy in Pride & Prejudice.
"Only sometimes?" Gojou croons and you're sure he's fluttering his eyelashes. "I'm pretty sure you mean all the time, cupcake."
Don't push it, your eyes narrow.
You get a shit-eating grin in return. "Table for two please," Gojou holds up two fingers with his free hand as you approach the doors, just as a hostess passes by. "We're just celebrating our birthdays!"
"He's December 7th," you point over to Gojou with a dreamy sigh.
"She's December 9th," Gojou nudges you lightly with a grin. "We're soulmates, it's pretty much a sign we were born for each other. Celebrating on the 8th is a happy medium, right, honey?"
"Satoru, please," your grip on his hand tightens in warning as you chuckle sheepishly. You're being too extra, dumbass. Gojou grins despite that, squeezing back just as hard but twice as obnoxious. "You're embarrassing me. She doesn't want to hear all of that sappy stuff. Don't indulge him, he's just in a good mood because we're partying with our friends later."
The hostess, bless her heart, takes Gojou's excessiveness in stride. She definitely doesn't get paid enough to deal with your antics. "What a sweet coincidence," she smiles politely. "Follow me right this way," she says before leading you to a table not too far away by a window. She's tired of dealing with couples, you hold back a look of pity. May her shift almost be over.
Within seconds of looking at the menu, you already know what you want to order. "I'm getting the drunken udon," you tell Gojou unnecessarily. "And the grapefruit juice. It's got grapefruit chunks in it."
Gojou doesn't even attempt to hide his disgust. When it came to fruit, grapefruit is the only he hates the most. You weren't fond of grapefruit when you were younger, but in the past 6 months you developed a taste for it when you realized it was the one drink in the dorm fridge Gojou doesn't touch. It's not that bad once you get used to. "Right, I forgot you and Utahime hate sweets," Gojou clicks his tongue, unimpressed. "You have boring taste buds. At least look at the special menu before getting something this place serves all the time." He points at a sickeningly pink strawberry soda too large for one person and two heart-shaped straws. "We should get this one instead. And the waffles."
"I like sweets, I just don't wanna taste the diabetes when I consume it," you argue back. You even love strawberries. You just know that the amount of sugar in that drink is likely enough to put a caveman in a coma. There's sweet and then there's the unnatural abominations that Gojou eats on a regular. What's scarier is that his justification is that it helps fuel his brain power or something dumb like that. You're pretty sure he ripped the idea straight out of a manga and is hoping no one notices. "You drink most of it then if we get it. Talk shit about my udon all you want, I'm still ordering it."
"We're getting it," Gojou replies promptly, no room left for argument. Whatever, there's grapefruit juice back in the dorms.
I'm grabbing a water just in case then.
The water is a godsend five minutes later when you are able to confirm that the Lovers' Strawberry Cloud does, in fact, have enough sugar to put a caveman in a coma. One sip and you regretted all of your life choices that led you to this very moment. "You finish it," you mutter after gulping half of your icy water down.
He's so happy about it, you're sure this was planned from the start.
Thankfully, your food arrives not too long afterward. The only real hiccup about the customer service is the waiter giving you the wrong plates. "Here you go," his lips curled upwards gently as he placed Gojou's waffles by your hands. It's only when he tries to give your udon to Gojou that the birthday boy in question stopped the motion with a lazy hand.
"The waffles are mine, actually," Gojou deadpans, passing your plate in your direction with one hand. With a clumsy sputter, the issue is resolved in seconds and your respective meals are placed in front of the right person.
You grimace, holding back a gag of frustration when Gojou wastes no time is shoving his food down his throat. Ravenously as he eats, somehow his cheeks stay clear of sticky mess coating them. Of course, Gojou even eats pretty. You're a hater, but you can give credit where credit is due. Gojou Satoru is, objectively speaking, very pretty. To be honest, all of your classmates are hot. It's almost unfunny how there isn't one average person in their ranks, yourself included of course. Gojou is just the only classmate that's this annoying about it. It's such an insult that someone with such a shitty attitude is this pretty. Where's Utahime to rant and groan with when you need her?
When your stomach growls again, you shake your head. Eat first, hate later.
You relish the taste with an enthusiastic moan. Drunken udon is the absolute best.
"Give me a bite?"
You blink once,
"No," you look at the white-haired sorcerer like he's grown a second head. "Gojou, drunken udon has chili in it." And yet in spite of your explanation, the prodigal son of the Gojou Clan still leans over enthusiastically, mouth wide open expectantly. "Yeah, I'm not letting you eat this," you snort before taking another bite of your meal. The texture of the noodles and the bell paper, the blend of the chili and garlic. It really is heaven in every bite.
"Some girlfriend you are, you don't even care that I'm starving," apparently the lovey dovey waffle platter on the table means nothing to him. There's a pause and he must have glanced down at his plate because a moment later he added, "this means nothing."
You roll your eyes, "hey genius, a true girlfriend that cares about you won't let you eat something she knows you don't like."
"But [First]," he groans.
"Why do you even want this this, you can't even handle curry that's barely above mild!"
"You're making it look good!"
"Because it is," you reply like it's obvious. For anyone who likes spice, drunken udon is delicious. "Gojou, no," you barely stifle your snickers as you remember the day you were reminded that Gojou and spice weren't compatible in the slightest. All it took was one bite into a hot cheetoh he stole from a box of snacks your parents mailed to you for a small taste of home to send him into a coughing fit so bad you almost felt bad for the guy. "You can't handle the hot cheetohs my parents send. I really don't know what to tell you other than you are not built like that, please stop."
"First of all, I don't know what you're talking about," you shake your head with a sigh as the argument continues. How someone could be this persistent to eat something their stomach can't handle, you don't know. "And second, since then I've become a man." That was literally two weeks ago.
You shrug with a sigh, "if you really want it then." You did your part in warning him, the rest is on Gojou. With a whispered 'yes!' that was far too smug, Gojou opened his mouth expectantly once more and you finally relented in feeding him.
One second.
Two seconds-
That's all it takes before Gojou's face contorts in pain and displeasure.
"Geez, how you can eat this kind of stuff, you can't even taste it over the spice!" Wordlessly, you set down your chopsticks to pass over a napkin and watch as he spits the noodley mush into it. The amusement from watching Gojou fan his tongue and lips like they're on fire is indescribable. "Why would you let me eat this?!" If you were worried about sharing the much-too-sugary couple's drink beforehand, you don't anymore as your classmate makes quick work of ingesting it.
"You said your tastebuds had gotten stronger since the last time."
"And you trusted me?!" Gojou's sunglasses slide down the bridge of his nose to show wide blue eyes in disbelief.
"I didn't," there are a few giggles from the table to your right and you have to purse your lips together to stop yourself from joining them. Your 'boyfriend' just looks at you in utter disbelief and betrayal, rambling on and on about his woes. "Oh stop being a baby, you spat it out so you'll be fine now. Here," you reach over to grab his fork, lifting a piece of whipped cream covered waffle with a thin slice of strawberry to boot. "Heal with the power of sugar." Grumbling all the while, your boyfriend of the hour clamped his mouth down on the goods. "Better?"
When you get another mumble but no complaints, you decide that's a 'yes' and go back to your own food. "Just try not to overdo it with the sweets. We still have cake and ice cream later." You love whipped cream on waffles as much as the next person, but the amount on Gojou's plate is unholy.
"This is better than the hellfire you call food anyway," your eyes roll but your mood is surprisingly at a high. Not even Gojou and his dramatics can spoil a meal, it seems. You also can't deny that knowing he won't be touching your udon the rest of your time there also lifts your spirits. "This is the perfect amount of sweet. The perfect amount of anything," your eyes dart between the whipped cream and your classmate, deadpan disbelief all over your face. "I'm serious. The strawberries aren't sweet so it all works out." When the disbelief doesn't leave your face, Gojou points his fork in your direction. "Try it."
Reluctant, you lean over to take a tentative bite. Oh.
You blink and make a noise of pleasant surprise. The tartness of the strawberries really balanced out the sweetness of the whipped cream. "Not bad," you lick the leftover whipped cream on your lips as Gojou continues gorging himself. From the corner of your eye, you see the people a table away giggling and whispering at your exchange.
You must be selling the couple's bit quite well.
"People in this country really make a big deal of indirect kisses," you say quietly enough for the two of you, returning to your own spicy goodness. "I didn't even know what they were when I moved here. I shared food and drinks like this all the time back home." Cousins, friends and other neighborhood kids that dance across your memories over the seasons from soda to ice cream to fruit. That came to a crashing halt when, during an after school heist at a burger joint, you nearly died drinking lychee soda and angled the straw for your friend Hide to try. Then everyone kept on making jokes about us being a thing and it started getting too awkward to hang around each other because he thought I had a crush on him. Food sharing politics were different from country to country, what a twist. "I guess that's a piece of culture shock no one ever really tells you about when you move to a new country."
Gojou shrugs at your nonchalant observations, "it's not a big deal for me. I just eat what I want."
"That's because you're a food thief."
Another shrug, a lack of denial. Details, details. A comfortable silence falls over the two of you as you continue eating.
This isn't so bad actually, you look out the window, watching as passersby make their own ways to their destinations. Living out their lives while you're some random extra eating drunken udon in a window.
To them, you're not [Full Name], you're just a random face they won't remember if they'll even see you in the first place. It's feelings like that fills you melancholy and fascination. No curses, no sorcerers and no Jujutsu Jesus. You wonder briefly if Gojou ever has such thoughts. To one part of the world he's the one who changed its very balance. To another part, he's just some guy. Just some random guy who happens to have a penchant for wearing sunglasses indoors. If it ever looms over his mind, you can't tell nor are you close enough you think he'd tell you. Maybe he tells Suguru or something. You see a flash of white and red in your peripheral vision and when you look, there's another mouthful of waffle in your face. This is such a weird combination of food, yet you take another bite anyway. You raise a few noodles of your own and mumble over a mouthful, "want another bite of mine?"
"Yeah no, I'm good," the white-haired sorcerer replies without missing any beats and you snicker. You wonder how much time will pass before he decides to test his luck with spice all over again. You have no doubt it won't take long.
A temporary truce between Gojou and the We Hate Gojou Alliance and on your birthday of all days. Well, almost your birthday. The small day set between you both to encapsulate both. Apparently, when his obnoxious levels and extreme lack of respect is dialed down to a 2, Gojou is a lot more tolerable than usual. Talk about a birthday surprise.
The rest of your lunch is eaten in relative silence but it isn't uncomfortable, you decide as you stuff yourself with a mixture of savory and sweet. Gojou tops off the last of the waffles with a satisfied with stretch of his arms before you split the bill. Good gods, I love a discount, you sigh in satisfaction as you finally make your way to leave. "We should probably start heading back to the school right?" It shouldn't take that long to set up a party. There's only one cake. "We probably have a few hours until they're done with the cake and setting up decorations."
"Might as well walk off all the calories so there's room for later," he shrugs and he's about to put his hands in his pocket before opting to grab your hand. "Let's go pet Hachiko or something."
Off to Shibuya you go then.
The grand finale of your pretending to be a couple is nothing special. You simply walk out the door, matching smiles on your faces as you pass by the staff.
When you finally exit the building, you shudder at the cold autumn wind that hit your face. Your hand tightens around Gojou's, clutching for warmth instinctively. Of course his hands are permanently warm. "What are you, a furnace?" Gojou grins smugly when you lift your intertwined hands, scrutinizing his with a squint somewhere between envy and curiosity. He has nice hands, you note. They're soft, but not so unbelievably soft you would think he was some civilian. His palms are a touch coarse, but nothing uncomfortable to hold, with no scars or blemishes to be seen. Must be the perk of utilizing Limitless at his leisure. "Why do you get to be blessed with warm hands?"
"Maybe the universe just likes me more," he replies with ease.
Considering his future is the one that's boring and yours is the one marked with death, that must truly be the case.
"Must be."
Happy Birthday to us.
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If you're wondering what you got for your birthday: Shoko and Utahime both tipped in to get you a Yamashita Tatsuro CD. Mei Mei just tossed over a gift card and called it a day. Suguru thoughtfully got you a book next in the line of a series you're fond of. And Gojou? Well, you got to be in his presence and it was actually tolerable. Congratulations?
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