#they're very smart and mature and capable in a lot of things!
aurekiwi · 3 months
𝔢 𝔫 𝔥 𝔶 𝔭 𝔢 𝔫
𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐤𝐢𝐰𝐢 || 𝐩𝐭.𝟏 : 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐬.
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pls send requests to my inbox. feel free to explore my masterlist for other readings! all credits are towards aurekiwi & kiwi, the reader for this post.
𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐰𝐨𝐧 9oP, AoP, The Hierophant Ooh! Jungwon likes someone classy. The type of person you look at and think they got a great sense of fashion and/or style. Someone who is very obviously well-groomed and takes time to look good for themself and for others as well. He like someone who is successful in their work. He might find it attractive when someone is an expert of their work or they work hard for themselves and buy things for themselves. Someone independent, the luxurious type, even affluent. In terms of what I mean, I keep imagining the FL from It's Okay to Not Be Okay and the FL from Queen of Tears. I don't really know about their personality, but that luxurious vibe and their fashionable attire. He likes someone who would be able to support him in his career, provide him with advice and also provide him with or seek new opportunities for his work. He also seems to prefer someone who is a deep thinker and very spiritual mature. This is someone who is very grounded and would be able to provide him a lot of mental stability when he feels a bit stressed out or burn out from work. It also makes me think that he might prefer someone who is older than him or someone more mature than him whom he can look up to. 𝐇𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠 KnoS, 8oS, 9oW, 3oP Rx He likes someone smart and witty. Someone who is very ambitious and ready to chase after their goals and dreams. I see casual attire- comfy white/grey jacket, black leggings/pants, white crop top- and a messy hair bun with round glasses. Someone who is quiet and introverted, the type of person who usually minds their own business. Someone who doesn't go out to parties, a homebody who likes to spend their time doing things by themself (doesn't mean he wants someone who has no social life either, just to be clear). There is a lot of emphasis on his ideal type being someone who is very dedicated and ambitious. He likes someone who overcomes their negative moments by reflecting, knowing how to spend time by themself, and figuring out how they're going to make their vision become a reality to achieve success. He doesn't like someone who will immediately back away from a challenge. He wants someone who isn't scared of fighting for what they want and being extremely resilient. It feels like he doesn't really want someone who is too known or a celebrity? And I also get the impression that he wants someone who is around his age. 𝐉𝐚𝐲 3oW, Death, AoS Someone with a clear vision on their life. I sense him falling in love with someone who just really seems to have a positive outlook on life and is kind of like this kind, free-spirited person who is excited for what life has to offer? This is the type of person who accepts that life won't always be amazing for them, but rather than letting that fact discourage them, they'll focus on the positives of life and how many more happy moments will come to them in the future (different from escapism). "Eyes are so full of life," is such a huge emphasis here. Pretty, cute, sparkly eyes seem to be a huge attractive point for him. I think those types of eyes that are full of life seem to make him feel shy when they are looking at him. He likes confidence, too! He also likes someone who is also logical. He likes someone who is capable of making good/smart decisions for themselves. Someone mature with a level head that he can learn from! As I was reading, his ideal type strongly reminded me of the FL from Lovely Runner!
𝐉𝐚𝐤𝐞 AoP, Strength, QoC, 2oC Someone who has an established career and has some form of financial independence or is reaching that point! I guess the important point here is someone who does care about their career and is working hard towards reaching their goals and milestones. I don't really know Enhypen that much as a group much less the individual members, but I sense that Jake most likely presents himself as this witty and flirty guy? The truth is I see him being the type who puts that kind of front to others but honestly deeply desires lots of support. I think he might tend to worry about things a lot or he might just be the type of person who wants to have that romantic feeling/clarity of having someone with him even if the whole world might be against him. He likes someone who is a great source of energy for him and helps him see the good side of what he's experiencing. He really wants someone who is emotionally supportive, nurturing, and kind. He wants someone whom he can really deeply connect with, someone who is able to handle lots and lots of depth within a relationship and really be committed to him. Someone he can be vulnerable with and vice versa! 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐧 10oC, 8oC, The World, QoS, 4oW Wow... We got some big cards and big feelings in here! Sunghoon's ideal type is someone who is serious and sincere. He likes people who are truthful and stick to their ideals. He might like people who seem a bit cold or intimidating at first, but warm inside. Someone smart and witty, who knows what they're talking about. He is into people with whom he would be able to have long and committed relationships with. I think he faces some struggles regarding being abandoned or left behind, feeling unfulfilled and being disappointed. He doesn't want to feel that way again about anyone or anything. I'm guessing that he really wants someone who can offer him complete security and can really take the time to show him that they can be trusted. This reading feels more like a "what he's looking for" in someone rather than his ideal type, so I'm guessing that he doesn't really have an ideal type and instead looks for someone that makes him feel secure, loved, and happy. Someone professional, quiet, wise, and smart. Kind of gives me tsundere vibes? Someone that he feels he can be with in full confidence, trust, and faith. He's looking for a really really committed relationship. He might not really like the idea of one-night stands, friends with benefits, talking and flirting but no strings attached, etc. He gives me the impression of someone who is a bit particular(?) about things in his life, and he might be a bit more on the sensitive side.
𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐨𝐨 3oP, 10oW, The Hierophant Rx, KnoP Sunoo's energy is so cute haha. He is so bubbly and chatty when he feels like it. He said his ideal type is someone who is a very hard worker and is also a great team player. Someone who is friendly and easy to work with, doesn't have so much of a strong personality that he would feel intimidated or uncomfortable while being in their presence. Someone who is able to overcome challenges and continue working hard until the very end when their goals are met. I think he really respects people like that and strives to be like them. He likes people who have shaped their own beliefs, ideals, and perceptions of the world and aren't afraid to express that with others. He likes someone who isn't afraid to go against the status quo or the norm because he feels like that he isn't really good at doing that. Someone who won't back down just because others are backing down and telling this person to do so. Someone who is a bit of a planner and has some control over their life and what they aspire to do. I think the bottom line message Sunoo is trying to share is someone who is secure and mature and can set an example for others. The bottom of the deck was The Lovers, so I also would like to add that he values honesty and genuity. He wants to be on the same page as his lover and be able to communicate with them freely about how he is feeling. This would mean he likes someone who is kind, open-minded, and loving. Someone who takes time to appreciate him for who he is and isn't shy to express themself. Words of affirmation. 𝐍𝐢-𝐤𝐢 AoS, Strength, 9oW, 2oC The cool thing is that I think Ni-ki's ideal type is kinda similar to Jake's ideal type in some ways! Ni-ki likes someone who is a thinker. He likes people who are capable of asking questions and reflecting on past experiences, thoughts, and patterns, learning from them and constantly improving themselves. He finds that kind of depth of thought very special it seems. He likes someone who is logical and goal-oriented, also someone a bit creative who is able to come up with many different ideas for what they want to do and moving forward on them. Ni-ki really wants someone who can be a great supporter of his. I think he really values quality time, acts of service, and words of affirmation. There are lots of different experiences he had in the past might've made him feel like he was alone, and I think having someone who is patient with him to show him lots of the love and support he had always wanted will help him feel much more secure and confident about himself. He also really appreciates and respects someone who doesn't give up no matter what setbacks they face, and I think this kind of perspective comes from his own experiences. He knows how hard it can be to go for something despite facing so many challenges. I also think he likes the idea of having a soulmate or having a partner-in-crime, someone who is there for him no matter what and is able to communicate with him in very deep ways. I think he would really like it when, say, he was having a horrible day and he was really feeling like he wanted to eat/drink something or wanted to head somewhere, and his partner at the time unexpectedly shows up with his favorite food/drink and shares encouraging words with him or takes him somewhere. That caring and intuitive nature might be something he really likes about people. If there is someone around him who is like that, I think they'll unexpectedly catch his attention.
thank you for reading until the end! i'm not too familiar with the members, so it'll take me a bit of time to get used to working with them. they seem like great people! if you have any questions, please send it to my inbox.
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fuuuuck man, i can't stop thinking about amy's character development.
like amy's always been smart, albeit ditzy, but she operates largely on rebelling against what her parents want from her. she does not want to be a living uterus to make heirs and money for her shitty folks. she parties and sleeps around and generally still acts like a sorority girl because she values freedom.
and it's funny bc her parents introduce her to kif, but kif is a new way to keep amy grounded. kif isn't a one night stand, he tries to call her back and wants to get to know her. he wants to impress her family, and neither of them care that it doesn't work because he was brave enough to try. in fact, they can probably both bond over feeling like they're unfairly tethered to people who don't see them as individuals. he loves her and wants to commit to her, and she's flattered and realizes she loves him right back beyond just dating.
and amy is... not good with emotional literacy. she says things to insult people on accident a lot, and she doesn't usually seem willing to get very personal with the crew. and when kif dies in BWABB, her mom literally tells her to get over it mere days later, and then she copes by sleeping with zapp seemingly just to bring kif back in some way. so i think this is something else she internalized from her upbringing.
so i think when kif gets pregnant, obviously she's not ready to adjust to a life of responsibility, especially given how being a mother has been held over her head as basically a command for most of her life. but she wants to be with kif, and she's willing to adapt for him. and then she gets 20 years to prepare, and given this episode, i believe she spent those 20 years talking this over with kif, working out their relationship, learning to get her mind in order and eventually be a responsible parent. they had some real hurdles (and bad writing) but i think eventually, she felt ready to commit, especially after she earned her phd. she's financially secure enough to do pretty much whatever she wants after all, and having a family with kif is what she wants next in life.
i think this all made the "biological mother" thing so much harder for her. because leela has her own traumas, but it seems like she's naturally maternal, whereas i feel like amy had to really work for it. and she's worried that simply being exhausted is enough to make her a bad mom, and takes that out on leela, even though leela is also exhausted and far from perfect. i feel like in amy's eyes, leela has always been very capable and mature, even if they don't always get along, and i can see her worrying that the kids would innately bond with leela and amy wouldn't be enough. and given she outright acknowledges how terrible her parents are in this episode, and they reject the babies for being visibly mutant-alien, i can see her worrying she's repeating the cycle, and even though she's loving them as much as she can, she's only ever known parents who were harsh and critical, and being so openly loving is something she had to learn. (leela had to learn this too, but amy is too self-critical to realize that.)
so when amy says she loves those kids "more than [she] realized [she] could ever love anything"... i really believe that. i don't think amy knew how capable she was of expressing true love. i don't think she realized that she could commit to someone and not just fulfill her parents' degrading wishes for her. this isn't about her parents, this is about her and kif and the future they made with their love.
and by god, she's gonna be a good mother, and it'll be hard, but in the end, she's doing it because it feels good.
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I think that a lot of the adult "immaturity" is result of being abused by the family structure and capitalism so growing up into some agency allowing certaint comforts. Then having to challenge some comfortable established belief, aspect, themself or lifestyle poses a struggle they aren't willing to engage in if at possible as it frequently seemingly has no reward outside of their current comfort.
I think when youths are liberated the concept of "immaturity" will be largely replace by a more accurate term because we have adults less "mature" than children because of the absurdity of it. It's like lazyness it's not a thing but a situation. Idk this a ramble now, but appreciated you broaching the topic of adult "immaturity'" publicly
1000% I agree & I don't like the terms I'm using, but they're what we've got. Someone else sent an ask about what "child traits" are for the same exact reason.
Also no it's okay ramble, that's all I do, watch this.
I think the way we discuss minors/kids/YA/maturity entirely needs to change tbh, but not in a child wife way, before someone says that.
They're robbed of a ton of autonomy, are raised to be workers, and then are thrust into adulthood with no teaching about the Real, actual world. They're treated like 2nd class citizens and are the only people I can think of who you can still legally assault. We belittle everything they do as less important and then wonder why everyone needs therapy as adults.
I was more critical thinker than my parents by 8 and more capable than both parents by 12. This isn't a flex because I was too smart. At all. My parents should have had more skill than I did. They were capable of it, I assure you. By their own circumstances they just weren't able to access it.
But this goes back to capitalism and broader mental health and family resources because they also weren't raised with Google and didn't have gentle parenting TikTok or free zoom classes to join. I don't think we even had healthcare growing up so it's not like they had access to a lot of methods to improve themselves outside traditional reading BUT both parents worked too and they were already too fucked up and in their ways to even be interested in a self help book lol so like?? Realistically and in reality that didn't happen. They were thrown out as teens as had to work to support Me very quickly. Then had 2 more.
Like you said; lifestyle and having no reward. They didn't seek out being better people cuz it doesn't pay the bills.
And I know that isn't entirely their fault, but they are Still responsible for how they handled the hand they were dealt. Me and my siblings deserved better regardless of their background ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But I can be compassionate and understanding too in that I know if they had the Actual opportunity to heal and resources to be good parents then at least at the very least they could have been.
And like I said, as a person who does try for my daughter I get it's hard and it is unfair that I can't catch a break, but that's the way it is. And yeah it is harder for me than it would be for a lot of other people and it's not especially easy to begin with. BUT I also don't work cuz I'm disabled so I have a lot of time to do it that others don't.
You're right. I don't know if immature is the best word to use for this but idk what is.
What's the word for state sanctioned generational trauma?
Cuz not providing more resources given the world is much more than just ableism or not caring enough about families. It's like they're creating people like this on purpose which is I think is more fucked up. But hey, who else would they hire for as cheap as prison labor if everyone was making good choices amirite? 🤧
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primal-con · 1 year
Mkay my brain is working a bit better today so thoughts on Mirage! Namely his inclusion in the movie instead of Jazz and his change in personality
Rise of the Beasts spoilers below the cut✌️
Now like a lot of folks, when I first saw the trailer I was insanely pumped because I thought Mirage was Jazz. I think we all kinda saw the silver Porsche and lost our minds, and of course, I'm still bummed that we didn't get Jazz because I love him dearly and miss him more than words can express. But! Having seen the movie and had time to chew it over, here're my thoughts on Mirage's character in RotB.
So a lot of initial thoughts regarding the choice to include Mirage, and a very different Mirage at that, rather than Jazz, were of course very valid. But I think ultimately while I would've loved for Jazz to have been there, I understand why they didn't go with him. Cause tbh if everything about the movie had been the same except they called Mirage Jazz, I wouldn't have been happy.
While yes, on the surface RotB Mirage seems really similar to G1 Jazz, they're actually really different in the ways that count. Jazz is bright, sociable, charismatic, and more in tune with Earth culture than most bots. RotB Mirage is also a lot of those things! But the key difference is that for Jazz, that personality is a facade. He's an incredibly grim, ruthless person who's seen a lot and is capable of a lot of terrible things, and he uses that trustworthy persona to mask that and make people more comfortable around him.
Mirage comes off as much more genuine in his naivete. He seems legitimately young, impulsive, and vying for adventure. He does things cause they sound fun, not because he thinks it's a smart idea in the long run. The sad things hiding underneath his bright personality don't come from brutal experience and calculated manipulation, they come from a genuine loneliness and desire to explore the world around him. In a lot of ways he plays a similar role to Bumblebee in most other TF media, the naive young optimist who wants to see the best in people and be a hero. Which narratively makes sense considering Bee was out of commission for most of the movie. He's not necessarily stupid, he's just not wise, and that comes from a lack of experience compared to his so-called "hardass" peers. He sees the other bots as boring and overly serious which contributes to his desire to keep Noah on the team. He wants Someone who he can relate to, someone who's a little closer to him personality-wise, and he doesn't feel like his older and more grim teammates can fill that role.
Which I think also contributes to his likability! Because like I said, Mirage is so genuine. He doesn't usually think things through so everything he says is so honest and unfiltered. I love Jazz because of his complexity and how compelling that facade is to his character, but I ended up loving Mirage because he doesn't feel the need for a mask at all.
I think generally the choice to change Mirage's personality from his G1 characterization was because the writers didn't want too many serious characters? At least that's how it felt watching the movie. I mean even Bumblebee comes off as older and more mature than Mirage. And Transformers is very fond of its goofy, unserious kid-appeal characters who are closest to the token humans. I'm cool with it mainly because big changes between generations are pretty common and this wouldn't be the first or even the wildest change of pace from one appearance to the next. As for why Mirage and not another character, who really knows. Probably the fact that he hasn't had much of an established personality in any of his rare TV appearances. And using a known name is usually easier than making a whole new character, just fan-attachment-wise.
Anyways, sum total thoughts: I liked him! And the movie's enjoyable if you don't go taking it too seriously, though that could be said about most things. It's also better with a friend! It's no ground-breaking cinema, it's an action franchise movie and exactly what you'd expect from one. But the characters have chemistry and personality and that's usually what matters to me. So yeah, all nitpicks aside it's a net positive from me!
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axe8472 · 1 year
I have thoughts in my brain about six of crows and they may or may not make sense. So. The thing is when people talk about how the crows couldn't possibly be 16-18 because they're overly mature and competent and have life experience etc etc. i get that BUT is that not the whole point? I mean the books really hammer it home that notions of childhood in their world are entirely different from ours, like to the point where i would even say it's a main theme and kinda the driving force behind all the events in the duology.
Kids are taken away from their parent at like 11 to train as soldiers. Kaz was all alone in Ketterdam at 9 years old and there doesn't seem to have been any functioning system of care for kids like him, nor mandatory schooling. In Fjerda, it seems like the closest thing to foster care is being taken on by the Druskelle. Inej started training as an acrobat pretty much as soon as she could walk and was playing starring roles in performances by the time she was 14 (and probably a fair bit younger). I don't remember Jesper's backstory perfectly but I think he was put to work in the jurda fields (a hazardous agricultural job) as a small child, then worked with guns in some way, then got sent to school in a different country when he was like 15. This isn't exclusive to the crows - it's mentioned a lot that there are many kids in situations similar to Kaz and Inej in the Barrel. Even Joost, despite seemingly being quite sheltered, is working full time night shifts as a guard when he's not even old enough to grow facial hair.
It seems that there's just much more of a vocational focus for kids/teenagers in the grishaverse. This makes a lot of sense because many elements of culture across the grishaverse countries come from the ~1800s when the attitude towards kids was that they weren't all that different from small, inexperienced adults, especially in working-class and rural settings where you just had to get on with things. Kerch especially took inspiration from victorian England, where kids as young as 9 could legally work up to 60 hours a week in dangerous conditions. So yeah that's kind of the whole point imo. It's especially interesting because I read the soc duology as a (potentially semi-unintentional?) criticism of capitalism. This is highlighted by the fact that Wylan, the only one of the crows from a rich background, is also the only one who had a childhood and got an education even vaguely comparable to what we would consider normal. So clearly the whole childhood innocence vs being put to work at like 4 thing is closely tied to class. (obviously Wylan did not have A Good Childhood but it seems from the books that the standard for merchers' kids is to give them a really good and varied education with 1-to-1 tutoring etc, which is very different from what all the other characters seem to have had as kids.)
And okay yeah they're unrealistically skillful and competent and just generally smart, but that would be the case even if they were adults. Like you kinda have to just take liberties with your characters of they'll never manage to do anything, especially in a world that's so hostile toward them. And it's actually kinda hard to even say how unrealistic their capabilities are because their experiences are so different from the experiences of real-life modern teenagers. Like kids are crazy adaptable and good at learning things, especially when they've had no other choice, and the crows actually mostly have quite a lot of experience and had time to develop their respective skills because they haven't spent 8+ hours a day in school for most of their lives. The same goes for the degree of adult-ness in their general behaviour - they're really quick thinkers and less likely to panic in a crisis than any teenager I've ever met. Again I'd say that's the whole point. The charaters are acting older than they have any right to because the experiences they've had have forced them to develop the capacity to do so.
Idk maybe i just read it differently to some people but yeah i think that cross-cultrually throughout the grishaverse children just have very very different experiences to kids in real life. It makes sense that they would then grow up to be very different from real-life teenagers, and obviously the crows are an extreme example of that but there is like. clear historical inspiration behind a lot of the crows' backstories and the general cultural backdrop of the duology. And the whole thing with the books is yeah they're doing all of this stuff and they're capable of these amazing things but actually they are literally children and they are doing all of it mostly for the sake of survival and taking back the things that they deserve from the world. And everything they've done for years and the people that they've become has all been for the sake of survival. And they're kids.
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astralfrontier · 5 months
I think I've figured out what I don't like about Star Trek Discovery. But to explain it, I have to talk about what I do like, and where I am - which is midway through Season 2.
First, Michael Burnham, herself, is a good character. She's confident, talented, driven, capable of making mistakes (and makes a very big one at the opening of the show), but also capable of taking big risks and coming out on top. She admits when she's wrong, but she's not afraid to tell other people when they are. For the most part, she's the sort of character we're told Starfleet wants to have as officers.
Second, she's surrounded by interesting oddballs. Stamets is a wonderful academic who isn't afraid to get his hands dirty, and he's got a loving and tender relationship which is a fucking rarity in Starfleet. Tilly is like a visitor from a more mature Lower Decks. And so on. It's really Michael's show, but she's got a good crew around her - some of whom can give her orders.
Third, the ship's concept is really neat. It's a combination flying science labs and black-ops project, like Half-Life's Black Mesa in space.
So I'm still watching the show, because I feel all this potential there, but I sometimes wrestle with it. And here's why.
Every plotline has to orbit Michael Burnham. Most recently, she takes a mentally tortured Vulcan to a planet for help and the point of being on that planet, seemingly, is to just tell her a story about what happened, then see some exposition. That trip could have just happened, she could look angsty while specialists do their work, and then there's a scene of truth if not reconciliation.
But this isn't an isolated case. Just over and over, the writing pushes her to the center of the action. She's got personal connections to every single thing that matters. Some hypothetical time traveler could apparently screw up the Federation for centuries just by messing with her timeline a tiny bit.
The times when this doesn't happen - like when it's Stamets, not her, in a time loop - are so delicious, because she's smart and clever and has this out of context problem thrown at her repeatedly, and she prevails. It's episodes like this that convince me Burnham is a good character independent of the spotlight the writers seem intent on locking onto her 24/7.
(This is also my problem with Voyager - some of the characters there are good, some are meh, a few are fantastic, but MY GOD the writing is like a vampire that just sucks the enjoyment out of watching it)
The show is having wild hate-sex with TOS-era canon. The show really, really wants to remind you that it's the immediate prequel to TOS. Like look, here's Captain Pike, here's Spock, there's the Enterprise, but we're also going to drop this multiversal mushroom network on you out of NOWHERE, we're going to a lot of stuff with Klingons, we're just doing all this wild shit.
I'm glad they're swinging for the fences though. The Sphere is probably the most impactful encounter they have in Season 2 in terms of its story impacts, and it's just such a wonderful TOS-era thing. There's this big weird object in space, there's literally nothing like it anywhere else, it's dangerous but not malicious, we're going to pit Federation ingenuity against the puzzle it represents, and we're going to have a good outcome if we're lucky.
The show sure likes to sleep on its ensemble. I love Saru and Stamets and Tilly, but I wish we'd heard more about that weird cyborg lady, Airiam, who's on the bridge before she's under it. They dropped TIG NOTARO on us as a sassy engineer, give her more love. Detmer clearly has a ton of emotion she's processing. I want to see her actress, Emily Coutts, in more stuff. It feels like they almost put in too many characters and then shone spotlight on the same few all the time, and then would pull others from their back pocket for moments of drama.
All of these things are why I'm looking forward to Season 3, where it seems the writers hit the reset button on a lot of this and are trying something new. I don't know if it'll be a better new, but it'll solve the problems Season 1-2 have given me. And I want to see what Strange New Worlds does.
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Hello, Matchmaker! I hope your day is going well.
I can't use an emoji for this as you requested (laptop), so I hope you don't mind me introducing myself as Raven. I am a 29 year old female, she/her, romantically interested in men. I tend to find men who are smart, loyal, kind, mature and generally calm/level-headed the most attractive. Overly aggressive, arrogant, manipulative and smoking are deal-breakers for me.
As for myself, I am a calm, easy-going person who has a deep passion for singing, making art (including culinary), and spending time with my cats. I tend to think somewhat literally at times, and I can be fairly logical, clever and I can pick up patterns fairly easily. I am not very strong physically, but I like to think of myself as almost phoenix-like after enduring many years of neglect, abuse and multiple illnesses; I've risen from the ashes again and again.
My hopes for a romantic match are someone who is loyal and protective, understanding and patient, but not overly smothering. Due to my past experiences, I've been told I can come across as aloof or seemingly uninterested, but I think it's more that I'm guarded. Confrontations and serious arguments with a lot of yelling can cause panic attacks for me. Anger is a very rare emotion for me to express.
I hope this information is enough to work with, and not too overwhelming, and I thank you sincerely for your time and consideration.
Hiya Raven! ^^
No worries, no worries, with the emoji ^^ This works just fine
I thought about this for a while, but in the end I match you up on a blind date with...
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Morgen Faust
Morgen Faust is the younger twin brother of (the punk) Nacht Faust, and is not only a kind, protective to the point of self-sacrificing, capable young knight and a noble man. Though his family dabbled in the occult, Morgen was more a "traditional" gentleman, and differed from the rest of his family; the odd one out. So, he'd understand how it can feel, to be so alien to the rest of your family.
He is always trying to help those around him, and does so with a smile on his face, because he wants to bring joy and comfort to those around him. And he values the ties he has made greatly, whether they're formed by blood or by other means in life.
He also had to assume a lot of the noble responsibilities in life due to Nacht being a more of a punk, and a rebel, who didn't care about such formalities. Thus, Morgen had to grow early on, and became very mature for his age, and excelled in his studies.
In the eyes of the public, he was the pride and joy of the House of Faust.
But he is guarded about some things, since he does learn about the heritage of his family; their craft, which he needs to keep secret. Because he doesn't wish ill to those he cares about. So, he's in a state of being caught in between wanting to do good for those around you, while holding a secret about his family.
He's the apple that fell far from the tree, who's just trying to upkeep peace and happiness. He's genuinely a good-doer
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starsasunder · 3 months
plops gil on inanna's lap for baby
Name: Kirizal, affectionately referred to as Kiri.
Gender: Agender, feminine-leaning presentation. Will crossdress when it suits whatever agenda they have.
General appearance: Long, curling platinum hair with a golden undertone. They inherited their mother's nose and freckles, and their father's eyes. Unfortunately, since Inanna's cat features are the result of a curse, no cat ears for them. Standing at 4'9", they are only slightly shorter than their mother. They prefer neutral or pastel, earthy tones in their clothing, but often accessorize with gold - usually the jewelry their father gifts them.
Personality: As the golden child of Chaldea, Kiri has spent their childhood being doted on by the larger-than-life characters of humanity's history. Far removed from other children, their childhood playmates were Servants like Nursery Rhyme, Jack the Ripper, Asterios, and even the child form of their own father. They have the air of an old soul, mature beyond their years, and are a quiet and often lurking presence in Chaldea. They can slip into a room quiet as a mouse, and has overheard far more than their parents would like, but despite all of this, they are a good child - precocious, smart, and empathetic. They have long grown tired of being left behind when their parents go on missions, and longs to prove their own worth - sometimes making them brash and careless with their safety.
Special talents: Mastery over the Gate of Babylon (when their father's adult forms wouldn't teach them, they turned to Kou Gil). Mastery over the Issar family magecraft. Astromancy magic. An incredibly persuasive and charismatic personality - they can convince almost anyone save their parents to do what they want, whether it be by batting their eyelashes, playing the innocent child, or persuading them of their capability. They are a master manipulator. Only their kind-heartedness keeps them from genuinely abusing this.
Who they like better: they are close with both parents, but share a special bond with Inanna because she was their mother, tutor, and confidante growing up. They desperately want to hold their own beside their parents but aren't ready for combat yet (and Gil and Inanna wouldn't want them anywhere near a battlefield anyway). Inanna does tend to let them get away with more though, and often takes them with her into the training grounds when she can get away with it.
Who they take after more: Gil in their overall personality - their charisma, their bravery, their impatience. But Inanna in their empathy and their ability to read the hearts of others. Just... unlike Inanna, they will use that ability for self-serving purposes. Like bribing Merlin into giving them more cookies.
Personal headcanon: Inanna is very careful to hide their existence from the outside world, and even considers quitting their job at Chaldea during the lull between the final singularity and the Lostbelts to protect their unborn child. Human/servant children are a rarity (if they even exist) and after the experiments Chaldea pulled to get Mash, she doesn't trust any of them. Koyanskaya's destruction of Chaldea was honestly a little bit of a relief in that it eliminated most of the remaining original staff who might have entertained thoughts of experimenting on Kiri.
As for a headcanon directly about Kiri: in a lot of ways, they remind Gil of Enkidu, and learn new things scarily fast. Even as a baby, they would quietly watch the people around them, and picked up new things incredibly fast. They were talking in broken sentences before the age of one and walking months before they were expected to. They're extremely precocious and smart - sometimes too smart for their own good.
Face claim:
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illarian-rambling · 6 months
Wisteria - Does your OC have a skill they'd like to learn? What is stopping them?
Sepo and Izjik if that's ok
Well, I already gave one answer for Sepo here, but we can do another :)
One thing Sepo and Izjik have to learn together is parenting. I wouldn't say either of them are parental figures for Twenari, but rather much older siblings who had to step up. However, the end result is still the same. They have a 12 year old in their house (and also Djek, who is 19), and they have to learn what to do about it.
Izjik has it a little easier in this regard. Her enclave raises children communally, so she has some experience with kids. The difficult part is that Twenari isn't just any kid. She's got a lot of trauma, one of the most brilliant minds of her generation, and magic of incredible power. Where Izjik would normally relate to a kid by taking them camping or helping them with craft projects, she has to put in a little more effort learning about what Twenari enjoys. While Izjik can't read, she's asked around for programs for gifted young sorcerers and done her best to learn about the art of spellcraft so she can understand Twenari excited ramblings. She's also had to learn that the best method of comforting the girl is to let her stew for a bit, then talk to her. All in all, Izjik has been very successful in this and does a good job with her young friend. She tends to be the one Twenari talks to about social and emotional problems.
Sepo had some more difficulty adjusting to having a child around. He was raised in the Saryimastra Seat temple, so he was never around kids once he got older. At first, due to her serious nature and intelligence, Sepo tended to treat Twenari like an adult, trusting her to process things in a mature manner and putting her into danger that she could handle, but probably shouldn't have had to handle. Later on, he gets better at realizing that, no matter how smart and capable Twenari is, she's still a kid. He learns to open up to her, trusting her to open up to him in turn. By the end of book 1, he refers to her as his ward and out of all he Outcasts, Sepo is probably the best at really relating to Twenari. They're both introverts with a scholarly background and a deep understanding of magic. Like Izjik tends to guide Djek, given how much more similar those two are, Sepo is the one who Twenari looks to for advice regarding her future. He fills the role of her very scary older brother quite well by the end of the series.
Thanks for the ask, I love talking about my little found family :)
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ooops-i-arted · 2 years
If people aren't going to bother understanding what attachments actually are in Jedi culture or try understanding the Asian religions they are inspired by and instead dismiss it? Then they need to just refrain from writing Jedi at all instead of spreading more misinformation. Like how are fans going to even properly analyze and critique the Jedi Order if they don't even know WHAT they're actually critiquing and base their opinions off this fandom playing a long game of telephone? I'm getting really tired of seeing the same discourse of how Jedi discourages emotions like love or sever cultural ties or prevent cultural expression when that's not supported in the original six movies. Also, imagine being that dense to think Grogu's or Reva's trauma was caused by the Jedi order instead of the Empire that genocided their culture or the traffickers that sold Force sensitive people. Clown behavior.
A+ rant, I definitely sympathize. People really do overemphasize the no emotion things when like, it's VERY explicit it's about regulating your emotions. Right in ANH, Luke is missing his Death Star shots until he calms himself down and focuses. My personal favorite is Obi-Wan vs. Maul. Obi-Wan is consumed by grief and anger when Qui-Gon is killed, and almost gets himself killed - until he controls his emotions and is able to kill* Maul. We see him attending a funeral later where he (and other Jedi) are shown mourning Qui-Gon, so it's not like he can't have those feelings. He just isn't allowed to be ruled by those feelings, which, when you have superpowers it's a good thing you're not blindly ruled by emotion. Anakin goes apeshit because he's so ruled by his fear of losing Padme and look how many people die.
*Side note I feel like Maul living is stupid (he was cut in half!) and invalidates this incredibly important moment in Obi-Wan's character development and I will never acknowledge that Maul lived past TPM.
Lol when watching Kenobi, where Anakin is shown murdering children on-screen so explicitly they had to put a content warning (and personally as a teacher I even found it a little triggering/anxiety-inducing) my first thought was still "and Those Certain Fans will still blame the Jedi for this/defend Anakin." Sigh.
I usually just scroll past those discourse posts because well, they're just... irrelevant to me. Sure, I can see why people wanna critique them, because realistically the Jedi could have a lot of issues. But this isn't our world, this is a galaxy far, far away, and George Lucas approached it as mythology/fantasy more than anything. The good guys are good because they're good and are nice and help people. Narratively, that's really all there is to the Jedi. Some people like to go deeper than that, or flip the narrative. Me, it's enough. To each their own.
Plus Star Wars has a very unique approach to children being portrayed as being just as capable as adults. Does it work in the real world? No of course not! It's there because it's what makes Star Wars truly for all ages and enjoyable to all. 11-year-old me wrote fanfiction about my Very Mature 14-year-old Jedi OC being a Super Amazing Awesome Smart Jedi Commander in the Clone Wars because I was 11, 30+-year-old me obviously knows I was an idiot at that age and a 14-year-old kid has no business being in a war but 11-year-old me just enjoyed living vicariously through a story/media that didn't treat me like a dumb kid just for being young. I think adult fans kinda forget that aspect and get hung up in "omg the Jedi treat kids awful" when it's a story that supposed to appeal to kids, that's why you get young heroes and heroines. I loved it as a kid. I saw you got a laser sword and never had to get married, sign me the fuck up, and I've been a diehard Jedi fan ever since.
If someone doesn't like the Jedi, cool, us Jedi fans don't mind that... but please stop ganging up on us and telling us we're terrible. Just let us enjoy the Jedi in peace and we'll let you write your discourse posts in peace. Simple.
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silvermoon424 · 2 years
i'm baffled and miffed by the enormous amount of pearl clutching here, to say nothing of the REACHING and CONJECTURE. (Big ooof on their webdesign skills....)
*appending my earlier message: I find it very bizarre that whoever runs this site has clearly never watched any Di$ney animated movie. More generally, it's baffling how much things were censored in the 90's and early 2000's, as if children were being raised by screens and not parents. Because all her points imo are not something a child would have trouble with if they were parented attentively -sit down and discuss what they're watching, etc.. Japanese kids at the original time of airing grew up just fine watching this stuff; it only seems that western media think children are bloody stupid. (Don't even get me started on the pokemon hysteria at the turn of the millennium, or power rangers """violence"" in the 90's... it was as stupid & hysterical then as it is now.)
I used to go on that site sometimes when I was a burgeoning Sailor Moon fan in 2008-2009, eventually I found way better shit.
Also I only skimmed this page because I'm not fucking reading all of that but hoooooooly shit. Sailor Moon is not an adult series aimed at men, wtf?? It is and always has been a shoujo series aimed at girls. Of course that doesn't mean that people of all ages and genders can't enjoy it (in fact, I would say that Sailor Moon has a very broad appeal), but it's very solidly in the shoujo demographic.
Any anime/manga fan worth their salt knows that Japan has much more lax (and honestly, better a lot of the time) standards for children's media than a lot of Western media. Especially American media. Japanese children are trusted to be able to handle more mature and complex themes; this means that shoujo and shounen series often have appeal for adults as well.
Westerners (and again, especially Americans) don't give kids enough credit. Just because they're not as smart as adults doesn't mean they're idiots. My oldest niece is only 2 and I'm continually amazed at how bright and curious she is.
Also, off topic, but I started watching the show "Old Enough!" on Netflix, which is a Japanese show about small children going on their first errands for their parents. Stuff like going down to the corner store alone to buy a few groceries; that shit would not fly in the US, lmao (although I know Japan is a much safer country). But I bring it up because it shows that, generally, a lot of Japanese parents view their children as more capable than a lot of Western parents do.
It's definitely a cultural difference, and I'm not saying it's a good or bad thing. But I do wish that in general Westerners treated children with more respect, because kids really are smarter than we give them credit for.
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angelwheat · 3 years
I want to give the CoDZ matchup a try! I’m about average height, with brown hair and I look younger than I am (Which is a bit embarrassing, ex. people think I’m 16/17 when I’m turning 21 in a few months). (I’m so sorry if it’s too lengthy!!!😣)
I am intelligent, sweet and usually a very cheerful person. I can be charismatic and am a very welcoming, forgiving person when I’m out of my shell. I can be easily flustered from time to time. I can be mature when things are important, yet I also know how to lighten the mood with being silly. I tend to keep my sense of humor very light hearted. I’m a very eager learner as well, and I am always ready to listen to other’s thoughts, ideas and feelings.
I am always ready to help people and build them up when they’ve fallen. I am a determined fighter and I will never rest until I accomplish my goals. My soul burdens way too much. Even though I take care of others, I tend to “toughen up” and try to handle everything myself. Crying spells and asking for help is something I need to work on. I think it’s because I’ve never really had such gentle care before. But I will never hurt people over my feelings. Ever. If anything, I self-sacrifice a bit too much. I walk a path no other can take.
My interests would be learning new things (as long as I don’t have memory loss again), going on nice nature walks, crafting flower wreaths and dioramas, scrapbooking, reading, cooking/baking, and playing video games when I have the time (I can only play for a short time due to my neurology issues, about 1-3 hours). My reading taste usually leans towards non-fiction, classic literature and sometimes children’s for inspiration whenever I finally know what type of children’s book I’m going to publish someday! I also love to see all the flowers and wildlife on my nature walks when I need to calm down. I also collect CDs and Records. I enjoy Sinatra-style jazz, New Wave, and Heavy Metal. Lacuna Coil and The Birthday Massacre are my top favorite at the moment. But I am very open minded!
I match you with... (2.0) Edward Richtofen!
Edward was love-struck the moment he met you. Your appearance alone had him all flustered and nervous.
At first he doubted himself, believing that someone like you would never fall for someone like him. But if he finds out you return his feelings for him, Edward is over the moon; full of joy and smiling much more than he ever used to.
He might tease you from time-to-time about how you look a little younger than your age, calling you a baby in good fun. But just know, he will never let anyone else tease you about it.
Your intelligence and cheerful personality have him hooked. Quite often you surprise him by being so bubbly and happy, then suddenly being your smart self.
He knows you're mature, but seeing you be silly will never cease to put a smile on his face.
Edward treasures how you're always willing to help out another when they're upset. He's no stranger to doubting his every capability, but having you by his side relieves a lot of weight on his shoulders.
He does everything in favour. If you cheered him up when he was sad, he'll be sure to do the same. He's very gentle. So you'll recieve much tender loving care until you're feeling like yourself again.
Edward loves learning new things! You can both learn new things together, he would love to spend more time with you doing such thing.
He rarely gives himself a break from the things he does, but sometimes he sits with you while you indulge in one of your interests. Depending on what you're doing, Edward can't help but admire you, and he gets flustered and bashful if you catch him.
Take him on a nature walk with you, as he rarely ever gives himelf the chance to get outside among the wildlife. But once he's out, Edward will not want to go back home. He would like to savour his surroundings and being out with you for as long as possible.
Edward can read just about any book, he has no specific genre prference. He will gladly sit and read with you. When you tell him you'd like to publish a book of your own, he encourages you entirely.
While Edward isn't such a big fan of music, he pays no mind to what you like to listen to. But if you're listening to something slow, perhaps jazz-y, Edward might surprise you by taking your hand in his and swaying with you to the music. Such a sweet moment, but moments like those Edward treasures wholeheartedly.
(Sorry I couldn't write for every point of your request. The post would have been insanely long.)
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sylviareviar · 2 years
I've been watching PlayFrame's Kingdom Hearts Story Mode Playthrough...
Fellas, is it weird if Goofy is my favorite Kingdom Hearts character? Unironically, I mean? Like, sure, Goofy belongs to Disney, but like... the Trinity Trio is my favorite, first of all, and second of all, the way he and Donald are handled in terms of taking care of Sora as he grows from 12 to like... what, 16, 17 years old?
I read somewhere here on Tumblr that the Trinity Trio has three brain cells among them, and Goofy has two of them at all times. And just... that's so true, isn't it? And all I can think of when I see Goofy acting so serious and smart and actually taking everyone else seriously despite his silly voice and lanky design and silly little shield, is that... This is what Serious Goofy looks like. This is Goofy in a life-or-death situation. His personality doesn't change completely, that's besides the point. But he displays these amazing capabilities we never see in the silly animated Disney stuff he's officially featured in, and I think that's crazy and good. It makes me think Goofy isn't just his name, it's an affectionate nickname given by his friends because, out of the friend group, he's always the one carrying the backbone of their high spirits. He's the one who keeps a smile on his face, does silly things, and acts stupid, his own reputation be damned. Mickey stresses out a lot--I've seen it in lots of scattered animated clips online. Donald is constantly angry. Out of the three of them, Goofy is always the happiest. Sometimes, he may even fuck with his friends just to make a jab at how the things they're stressing about aren't actually that big of a deal--or if they are, that they're overthinking things and should just slow down.
I guess the two clips I think about the most when thinking about this feature of Goofy's personality is this one meme clip I found of Mickey arguing with Goofy about how "Nobody's here," and Goofy leads him around in this big convoluted circle of "Aren't we somebody? So then somebody is here! So then help us!" And Mickey would be like "No--WE'RE stuck! ALL THREE of us!" "Well, Mick, I hate to tell ya, but somebody told me that there's nobody here." Mickey went off on a string of confused noises and eventually gave up. Then there was the other one where Goofy had this like, infinite ring of keys, of which the joke was that he had a "key to the heart," therefore GASP KINGDOM HEARTS REFERENCE BY OFFICIAL DISNEY?????? Actually, in all honesty, I haven't seen THAT many clips of Donald, Mickey, and Goofy. But even so, I can't help feeling like this really is his personality.
Like somehow, if he was allowed to, Goofy would totally goof off and find ways to make his friends smile and laugh or even frustrate them if he could while they traveled to other worlds--from Donald's general demeanor towards him, at least in the beginning of Kingdom Hearts I, it's clear he's done that before already. But with Sora, not only is the kid impressionable, but if Goofy truly decided to live up to his name, the only "responsible" adult in the group would be Donald, and for all that Goofy loves Donald, everyone knows he has anger issues and isn't very mature at all. So he steps up. When they genuinely need to figure something out--which is most of the time, since the entire franchise plays off of vast abstracts that no one can keep track of anymore because at this point everything is a fever dream--Goofy offers what he genuinely knows, rather than fumbling with words for the sake of appearing stupid for the bit. (Granted, he still fumbles words sometimes, but it's also possible that with such an unusual mouth shape, he genuinely struggles with speaking sometimes, which is also valid of him.)
I never in my life thought I'd make an entire essay overanalyzing a literal cartoon character and how much I love him in comparison to like, the rest of Kingdom Hearts. Granted, the main reason I'm a KH fan is, to be frank, the crossover appeal. I'm a sucker for crossovers and I love Kingdom Hearts for it. Most of the original characters (besides Sora, Riku, Kairi, and because I'm biased, Axel) are okay, I guess... Like, they're not bad--in fact, they're great, and they're engaging and I can see the appeal, but... For me, the appeal of Kingdom Hearts is the crossovers. I love hearing King Mickey talk about objectively Dark things. Man might as well tell Sora, in his high-pitched Mickey Mouse voice, that "Ya gotta be prepared to kill if ya wanna survive, Sora," because that'd be the most cursed, funniest shit I'd ever heard. But unironically, the Trinity Trio is my absolute favorite and maybe I'm weird, but I'm totally a fan of the Cartoon Character Angst we get in this franchise.
So fellas, I ask again. Is it weird that Goofy, unironically, is my top-favorite character in Kingdom Hearts, with Sora and then Mickey as my second and third? (Donald as a close fourth--no hate on Donald, but you literally can't top Mickey Mouse saying "Fellas, did someone mention the Door To Darkness?")
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gokurakuji · 3 years
When you write about/around characters that are minors , how do you not find it weird? I get it it's needed at tjme for the plot but like why not age them up? Is not awkward to write minors wanting 18+ things? I have been trying to start writing recently and this is something that I find as a a blocker.
The most difficult thing about writing teens, in my opinion, is taking them seriously, and yes this can be a huge blocker. I'll address the 'mature' elements later on, but stick with me for a while with this.
It is very hard to write about them as an adult writer, but in a sense that you can't relate to them anymore. You forget that sixteen, seventeen y.o.'s, they're writing essays on theories by Antonio Gramsci or something, they're people capable of critical thinking and they can be really smart, they're not snotty kindergarteners anymore.
I always respect those writers and directors who could write teen dramas and make you relive that time of your life. (Skamーthe Norwegian one, and this Thai drama called Hormones were really well done. If you have time to check them out, it'd help spark some inspiration, I bet.)
I have this privilege of having been a teen, so I think I'm familiar with the experience enough to speak about it. See, what changes when you're already an adult and you've gone into college, graduated, maybe even got a job and worked, is that you start to understand that things worked out better than you thought, or that so many things that you thought was an be-all-end-all when you were younger, actually didn't matter at all.
For example, grades. The C that you got when you were in high school and made you cry because you thought you failed in life, they don't matter after you grew up. Nobody in your workplace would know about or care about your grades; if you got into Humanities or Social Sciences, especially, your GPA doesn't determine what job would get. Honestly, your interviewer would not give a fuck about your GPA. Your grades are not your worth, and so when you see teens worry about them or lose sleep because of stress, you tend to dismiss them. Like why are you so worked up about that, it doesn't matter.
Well, to them it mattered. Because at that point in their life, that's everything they know. And so when you write about this, you put less emphasis on it, and your characters can come out not very well-structured.
Relationships with friends and crushes and even boyfriends/girlfriends, all the stupid little lies you made to make them like you more, your rift with your 'best friend' that you would grow apart from anywayーnone of these will stay. Heck, you'll forget about them in college, even. Probably you'd remember them sometimes like eugh that was so embarrassing, but that's all they will be: embarrassing.
Right now, I'm writing a txt fic myself set in high school, and it's so hard to come up with scenes that would create conflict in the plot, because you underestimate the gravity of them now.
Okay, so I'm going into the 'mature' elements now. The ask made it seem like I wrote so much about teens, but I really didn't. There was ttw when Jungkook was 15, but it was from Namjoon's POV and it was meant to be anxiety-inducing and disturbing, and Gummy got a lot of flame for being 'underage', too, when Jungkook was 18-19 there. So yeah, I don't write about teens that much, actually.
You asked "is it not awkward to write about minors wanting 18+ things" and the answer is kinda, but also in a way that teens are so dramatic about it. Like, I knew friends who would time how long they made out with their bf/gf (the movie Angus, Thongs, and Perfect Snogging, lmao), the 'first base, second base' thing, thinking tampons would make you lose your virginity.
The tampon thing is also why teens should probably know about these stuff in a practical sense. They do want to explore their sexuality (not everyone, but I'm sure a great percentage of them think about sex, whether it's in the direction of wanting it or being extremely repulsed by itーboth are valid), and that's healthy. They're growing up, they have all this hormones going wild, and to shame them for it won't do anything but harm them, maybe even internalize that being sexual is bad, that something's wrong with you for thinking about it. That's not very good on your mental growth.
Sex ed can be shitty, I know, but I think it's good for them to overcome that internal shame and google about stuff like why don't I get hard when I made out with my girlfriend, why didn't I bleed/why do I keep bleeding during/after my first time, and in some very, very serious cases, is there any emergency contraception available?
Teens think, and do have sex. This is very uncomfortable to know as an adult, and if you don't want to write about it, it's fine, I didn't write about it in my sookai fic, either, even though both of them were aged up.
If you do want to write about teens and incorporate this stress about the gross thing called sex, maybe it's good to take yourself out of fandom for a while. Fic-writing fandom nowadays often punish writing about teens at all, when that's really not the case in mainstream media. American shows about high schoolers played by thirty-year-olds and making out all the time like adults who have Mastered Promiscuity are bad, it's misleading and also when the target audience is real teens, it might pressure them to rush stuff and again, harm them, too, when in fact it's normal to not have kissed or have a sexual relationship with anyone even well into your late 20s.
But there's good media, too! Like I said, there's Skam, and there's Hormones played by actual teens, and the movie Edge of Seventeen played by Hailee Steinfield is also very good. If you want to address minor-adult relationships and why they could be detrimental, the movie An Education starring Carey Mulligan was very perspective-changing for me who was an ostentatious teen who thought she was more mature than she really was. It explained why having a relationship with an adult is dangerous for teens.
Contrary to popular fandom discourse, mentioning sex in stories where teens are present is not a crime. Please know that the movie Juno, which is about teen pregnancy, was rated PG-13. It had an implication of a sex scene, but didn't show it, which validated the PG-13 rating.
If you're talking about writing sex explicitly with minors, I'm not going to shame you either, because fiction is fiction. Stephen King wrote a (very unnecessary imo, but it is a horror story) sex scene involving the preteen characters of It and it's a critically acclaimed piece of fiction. Writing about murders and enjoying horror/detective mystery stories about murders, does not make anyone who is healthy desire murder in their lives.
Please tag it, however. Use the E rating on ao3, tag the trigger warnings. If somebody missed that and harassed you, they're an asshole and that's their problem.
This has been a very long answer, but well, writing is my passion. It can be difficult at times, and it's not bad to get yourself out of fandom for a while and enjoy some good ol' mainstream stuff!
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dolliedarlin · 3 years
This has been on my mind ever since I read the backstory of y/n's quirk in the PA series. I have this headcanon I guess, where she graduated high school early {at 16} and finished college early too {at 20} she's now 22 {meaning the bakusquad is slightly older 24-25 I reckon}.. Her age is significant because of her bullying, I think the bullying didn't just stem from her quirk but her also being younger and SHORTER {4’11} they saw her as weak...this is why she didn't even dream of being a pro-hero. I know this is pretty random but I thought I’d share. Ohh, also when y/n was younger she got into UA but never went. {she got in on recommendations} Even now, y/n’s super smart and very capable of being a pro.
-pstttt....imagine the hugs y/n would get with her soulmates being sm taller than her so cute!-
Makes sense for the squad to know y/n's age but I imagine they almost forget because of how mature she is. Plus her age doesn't really effect the way they treats her........One day they may come across some of y/n's documents that reveal she got into UA the same year as the rest of the squad, but she was obviously younger than them. This may or may not fit into your writing since last chapter they showed slight interest in y/n's talents {hero stuff..}.
We know y/n is quite attractive so I'd only assume people flirty with her all the time and I think it makes the squad pretty uncomfortable even though she's not officially theirs yet. Like imagine another pro-hero seeing her at one of the events and openly being flirtatious with her around them...not good!
How are Dollie? Have you drank enough water today? If not here's your friendly reminder to do so :D! Also I must ask what got you interested in writing?
pheww so sorry that's sm!
{if you like this idea feel free to use it entirely <3}
~Sincerely the "P.A series fanatic anon!"
goodness...you won't believe-
i just love how the series is becoming everyone's it's so wholesome 🥺💕 i just imagine you dolls daydreaming about all these scenarios and it's so cute - you're all such cuties but you all better stop before things get dangerous okie?!
y/n is just too smart and talented, she knew she was better than what those bullies we're trying to bring her down for so she worked hard and look at where that got her? from that experience, she really got to understand the value of hard work and, although, that got her through a lot of hardships in life, she's fallen into a workaholic trap and it's up to the bakusquad to ease her out of it gradually and with all the love and patience in the world. they won't be perfect but it's the thought and their efforts that count most.
just to add onto your scenario there, the hugs: y/n won't feel very comfortable at first but over time, the more the consistently hug her, the more she begins to enjoy it but only from them lol XD as a result, whenever others would get flirty with her in front of the squad, she'd be really oblivious bc she isn't familiar with such cues, this makes whoever is flirting with her get touchy and the instant that happens, she turns cold and shuts them down right away. the squad figure out that they're the only ones that can get that close and touchy with her and it makes them so happy (and smug) you won't believe! it comes to a point where they actually begin to hold back laughter whenever they see y/n get hit on - they know she can handle herself so they just let her do what she does best XD
honestly, you dolls are a fountain of fantasies and i love it, i don't know why my requests are always closed but as soon as i get my life sorted and get the time for myself, i'll let you beautiful people work my imagination however much you lovelies want <3
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foxsstoriesarchive · 3 years
|| The Main Muses ||
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Name: Nox Hethaway Age: 25 (May 5th 1995) Immortal - Stopped aging at 21 Nickname: Nox Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight Height: 5ft'4 Race: Demon/Succubus Ethnicity: British Looks: Short, messy raven hair falling into her right eye, Nox had the unique gift of having intense violet eyes that seemed to slightly shift in colour like the shimmering of liquid gold. The raven female mainly wears black, with articles of purple to accent her look. Whether it's a waterfall black cardigan with a purple tank top underneath which tends to be her signature look, or perhaps a purple plaid shirt, it seems that she truly favours darker shades of the spectrum that make up her 'aesthetic'. She might be seen wearing little red accents, due to her little crush for the colour.A purple, four leaf clover necklace hangs from her neck at all times, quite the important keepsake that she made with her own hands, and she has one ear pierced with a silver four leaf clover. Has the looks of a 21 year old. Key Personality Characteristics: Relaxed, Flirty, Sassy, Fiery, Enigmatic, Intuitive, Curious, Clever, Mature, Observant, Playful, Neutral, Thoughtful, Good Natured, Sympathetic, Faithful. About: Nox hadn't had the easiest of youths, and due to that case, in her younger days she was seen as a rather lazy and sassy female whom tended to throw insults at people, as well as ignore much of the population around her. However after certain events when she was eighteen, the female grew up to be a lot more mature and understanding to the situations around her. Perhaps whatever has happened, allowed her to open up to everything around her more? Nox is the type of a person that allows curiosity to get the best of her, yet she can be a delightful person to talk to at times. Having studied photography in University, Nox has a fairly keen eye to detail, seeming to pay attention to those around her more than the usual Joe. She can show a strong interest in things that catch her eye or amuse her, and her favourite past-time is playing her guitar. If you're a good listener and fascinated with life, it is very likely that Nox will take quite the liking in you. Likes/Interests: Night, Purple, Violets, Cats, Moon, Stars, Sky, Sunsets, Fire, Fireplaces, Music, Guitar, Hot Chocolate, Philosophy, Cafes, Streets, Photography, Darkness, Crows, Ravens, Streets, Heights, Cinnamon, Napping. Weaknesses: Cold! Nox can get very ill when in prolonged contact with cold, and any sort of frozen things, whether ice, icecream, or something like snow can cause her to get a fatal fever that can be difficult for her to get better from. Demons are known for their higher body temperatures, so imagine what happens when one goes into a feverish state! Suitable/Preferred partners: Angels, Fallens, Fair Folk, Vampires, Demons, Shapeshifters. Pets: N/A. Aesthetic Blog: https://noxhethaway.tumblr.com/ Faceclaim: (c) Lord Kevins, Josefine Jonsson Bandclaim: The XX Voice claim: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCKWly00BHM
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Name: Charlavail Harelwood Age: 19 Appearance wise, 1,987-ish in reality. Nickname: Charlie, Charla, Char, Carla Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight Height: 5ft Race: Fallen Angel Ethnicity: British Looks: With her long, beautiful white hair and stormy grey eyes, Charlie can oftentimes be seen in a light blue shirt that's covered in stains of paint due to spending a lot of her time, well- Painting, alongside her white jeans. Sometimes a black cardigan can be covering the shirt, or perhaps she's wearing a hoodie with jeans when not in her usual, 'casual' painting clothes. One of her ears is pierced, and a silver feather earring tends to decorate it. Key Personality Characteristics: Stubborn, Violent, Sassy, Angry, Fierce, Firecracker, Bashful, Demolishing, Irritable, Sullen, Creative, Capable, Colourful, Blunt, Quirky with a sprinkle of sweetness. About: You'd think with age comes maturity, right? Wrong. Charlavail is a spitfire that can surprise most with her vivid personality. She used to be a lot more violent when she was younger, her stubborn streak really affecting how she treated those around her, however over a certain amount of time she began to learn to control her emotions at least to the point where things weren't always flying in the air whenever someone said something she didn't like. She's a pretty touchy girl when it comes to people mentioning her height, and it is rather likely that she will cuss you out if you're not careful, but it's kind of her charm, no? However don't let her fool you, she might be a fierce female but she has her own sweet side, if one gives her the chance to open up to them. Careful though, that's not an easy thing to achieve and it takes quite the mighty patience and steady hand to get to that point with her. It's worth it in the long run, though. Likes: Art, Paint,  Art Supplies, Studios, White Roses, Paint brushes, Feathers, Spring, Winter, Blue, White, Pink Milk, Pastel, Skies, Clouds, Stars, Forget-me-nots, Colours, Paris, Afternoons, Creativity, Dogs.    Suitable/Preferred partners: Angels, Fallens, Demons, Werewolves, Pets: A white cat called Halle. Aesthetic Blog: https://charlavailharelwood.tumblr.com/ Faceclaim: (c) Charlavail Effron Bandclaim: Phoenix Wolfgang Amadeus Voice claim: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qePo_r1KXhQ
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Name: 'Kassidy' Kassandrea Smith Age: 23 [Immortal] Nickname: Kass Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual Height: 5ft'5 Race: Fox Shapeshifter/Goddess Ethnicity: British Looks: A very skater-girl style, Kass loves plaid shirts of all sorts and shades. Her long, dark red hair often covers one of her eyes a little, which have a fantastic and vivid green-y yellow tone to them that makes her stand out from the average 'human'. She has somewhat fair skin, yet not too pale showing that she perhaps spends a bit of time outside. On her left arm one can see two golden bracelets, which have interesting rune-like patterns on them, yet with no possible obvious way of taking them off. Perhaps hidden clips? Key Personality Characteristics: Easy-going, Playful, Witty, Daredevil, Boyish, Wild, Dynamic, Flirtatious, Bold, Smart, Likeable, Humorous, Frivolous, Genuine, Warm, Understanding, Optimistic, Protective, Non-committal. About: Kassidy is the kind of easygoing but extremely flirtatious female whom struggles with commitments. It's not easy for her to truly 'fall' for someone, and is often seen hanging out with different people over the week. She's simply not the type to sleep alone due to 'reasons', which may refer to the nightmares she tends to get at night when alone. She can be seen as a bit of a player, however Kassidy has a good-natured personality and often means no harm. Many people seem to like and gravitate towards her, perhaps because she's a fairly genuine yet playful person. She had a bit of a difficult past per say, but if questioned upon it, she might end up explaining why she's the way she is. Perhaps she'll settle one day, or maybe she won't; that's up to the future to hold. Kass does live a very 'All or nothing, nothing can bother me' sort of a life, however whether she truly feels that way on the inside or not, is up to one to find out by getting to know her more and perhaps spending more time with her than the usual person she hangs out with. Get close to her, and you might make a strong connection that you won't regret, but be prepared for moments of heat as well as seriousness. Kassidy after all, can be a little unpredictable. Likes: Coffe, Coffee Art, Cafes, Steamy Windows, Desserts, Forests, Skateboards, Wildness, Plaid Shirts, Animals, Sex, Music, Indie, Laughter, Good Atmosphere, Hippie, Bohemian, Sleep, Pizza, Red.  Suitable/Preferred partners: Shapeshifters, Deities, Demons, Pets: Maine Coon cat called Nala. Aesthetic Blog: https://kassidysmith.tumblr.com/ Faceclaim: (c) Noukka Signe/ Amber Mccrackin / Littlemewhatever Bandclaim: Of Monsters And Men Voice claim: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-Zszn3yQqw
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Name: Harper Jane Bryant Age: 23 [Immortal] Nickname: Jay, Harp Gender: Female Sexuality: Demisexual Height: 5ft'4 Race: Witch Ethnicity: Irish Looks: Somewhat tanned skin hinting to spending plenty of time outdoors, Harper has lively auburn hair that matches wonderfully with her hazel eyes. Her style is fairly modest and she tends to stick to long sleeved shirts for one reason or another. As far as seen, she has no piercings and doesn't add too much to her clothing, preferring simple styles. She can however be seen wearing a Tree of Life pendant with a tiny pentacle in the middle of the trunk. Key Personality Characteristics: Calm-seeming from a distance, Delicate, Anxious, Weary, Hostile, Cautious, Nervous, Hard-to-Approach, Pacifistic, Selfless, Subtle, Timid, Dependant, Intelligent, Kind, Sweet, Humble, Peaceful. About: The epitome of gentleness, Harper is a very sweet kind of a girl who cares about flora and fauna incredibly so. She's not really a 'cute' or 'shy' type per say, however she struggles with anxiety enough that some people pin her to be so. As a witch, she feels very in sync with nature around her, however her magic comes at a cost. It causes intense waves of anxiety and depression within the female whenever she uses it, and due to it she takes medication, which in turn weakens the magic within her to something far more manageable. It doesn't help that the female had a rough past that involved abandonment issues in her past due to what she is, which causes communication to be incredibly hard with her unless one is willing to show her that she's safe and that they're trustworthy. She's truly one of the kindest person to be around though, and she has such a deep love for the world around her. She can be rather clingy towards Kassidy, whom she has known for a few years and had been looked after for the time, which the Goddess is rather fond of. Likes: Flora, Fauna, Herbs, Cooking, Kitchen, Gardens, Warmth, Sunshine, Tea, Quiet time, Books, Comfort, Notebooks, Windows, Seasons, Fairytales, Gentleness, Greenhouses, Trees, Crystals, Green, Outdoors.     Suitable/Preferred partners: Witches, Shapeshifters, Humans, Pets: Cats (?) Any temportary animals that she may find and take care of. Aesthetic Blog: https://harperjanebryant.tumblr.com/ Faceclaim: (c) Patrycja Dorynek Bandclaim: Said The Sky - Listen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbUK0XAbaow Voice claim: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0--uTxz9ojk
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