#they've been alcoholics I'm in the MIDST of fucking around and finding out
vampiromano · 1 year
if I had a nickel for every time I've found an artist who I share fundamental beliefs and points of view with, as well as brands of neurosis, but who simply isn't at the same point in life as I am by virtue of having already started recovery from their fucked up-ness, therefore making me feel vaguely alienated from them because I'm not even close to needing or considering recovery yet, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice
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cyxnidx · 7 months
"Lady Dimitrescu?!" - part 2 please
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Lady Dimitrescu ?! II
assuming we're still on the same topic of cod, sure~ hehe. same as last time, no warnings, just pure humor & fluff. (i ended up adding the name Jormungandr from god of war)
original request:
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characters: keegan, krueger, alejandro, horangi
part one is here. enjoy!!
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"knock, knock." Keegan states under his breath, opening the door to your office with a hand on his lower stomach. "injured man coming.." his eyes met yours, tempting a stop in his walking. his gaze trails down your body, taking in your height. "..through." you smile. "hey there. i would ask what's bothering you, but.." your eyes trail to where his hand was, red liquid staining his skin and clothes. "..i can already take a pretty good guess." Keegan paused for a moment before responding, eyes still wondering your height. "well, god damn ms. giantess. haven't seen you around."
"son of a bitch," Krueger mumbled through his teeth, setting himself on a table in your office that he assumed would be used for emergencies. he was surprised to see it vacant, though nonetheless began rummaging around for something to help his wound. in the midst of it, you seemingly appeared behind him. "i'm assuming you're the one named Krueger?" you ask gently, almost recognizing the man off sight. you stand over the man in front of you and notice small dots of red dripping from some place on his body. he jumps, looking over his shoulder expecting to see a smaller being than himself - only for his eyes to have to trail up your body to find yours. "never in my life had i thought i'd see Jormungandr.. until now." you smile at the reference, moving to get the medical alcohol to treat the obvious wound on his shoulder. "hello to you too, Kratos."
Alejandro made his way to your office, not for the fact that he had an injury but because he's been told of something like a folklore tale. apparently, the soldiers have been told that while in the infirmary, they've been met with a woman with a similar height to Lady Dimitrescu. why they would say this is beyond alejandro's understanding at first, because when he saw you, you were sitting all pretty at your desk - relaxing. you looked small enough. so what's with the constant comments about your height? though, he soon found out the next time he was sent to visit due to a gun shot wound on his left forearm. his gaze fixated on the wound, he doesn't seem to notice the overwhelming shadow looking over him. finally looking up, he gets lost in both your height and eyes trying to take it all in. "sir?" you ask, confused because of his gaze. "are you okay?"
"why hello, queen kong." horangi called, teasing you over your height when you entered the cafeteria for lunch. you look over your shoulder, eyes narrowing at the smaller man behind you. "hello, Kirby." you quip back, a devious smirk crossing your face when you sense an obvious change in energy when you make a reference to his smaller height. "..well fuck you too." he remarks under his breath, turning away from you sassily before walking away.
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